Valuable City Pkoperty AT PUBLIC SALE. ONh 29th day of November, A. D., 18 ersigned assignees of Robert Moiler will sell by'public vendue, at thel puh ohn Michael, in North Queen street, 1 ancaster, the following Real Estate, No. 1. A eirTHREE-STORY BRICK ! DWELLING HOUSE, and 2 lots of ground belimging thereto, situated on the West side . • WI of North Queen suet, between the Railroad and Wdlnut street: The one of said Lots, on which the buildings aro erected, contains in front on said North Queen street, thirty-two feet 5 in. and in depth westward, about 52 feetto No. 2: The other of Said Lots is situated near the rear of above the described Lot, cont aining in front on an alley 46 ft. 8 i 4. and in depth 51 ft. 4 in. adjoing N 0.3 ground of ino. Echternach!, Sebastian Eosick, and No. 3. upLhe said Dwelling House has been lately built the most modern plan and improvements, heatedhy Furnaces in the cellar with water and Gas introduced. ' No. 2. A TWO-STORY BRICK WARE HOUSE, 56 ft. by 124 feet, and Lot of ground sit uated on the North side of the Columbia and Phil adelphia Railroad, containng 77 feet 8 in. or: the Alley running north from the Railrod between Norrh Queen and Prince 'street, and extending Eabtward of that width about 200 feet with an alley of 111 feet S in. width communicating with North Queen street, with 2 railroad tracks one inside and on l outside of said Warehouse, extending the w ole length thereof. Also a TRIANGULAR LOT OF GROUND, situated on the West side of said alley—opposite said Warehouse lot and extending to the said Rail road. This is the best located and most conveni ently arranged Warehouse in the city . of Lancaster, and has been doing an extensive business. No. 3. Consists of a One STORY BRICK DWEL LING HOUSE and Lot of Ground situate on the Vhst side of North Queen street, containg in front on said North Queen street 30 R. 1 in., and in depth 47 feet 6 irinhen narrowing to the width of 19 feet 2 in. and extending of that width 79 feet 4 in. adjoining numbers I and 2, and ground of Se bastian Essick. - • • ‘is; . o. 4. A ONE STORY BRICK DWELLING DOUSE and Lot of Ground, situated on the West side of North. Queen street, containing in front on said street 23 ft. SI in., and in depth westward 53 felt adjoining No. I on the North, No, 2 on the West, and ground of Peter Ecrrer on the South. No. 5. A lot of GROUND situated on the East side of said public alley, containing on said alley in Ifront 51 ft. 4 in. and in depth 76 feet 4 in., ad joining No, 2 on the South, property of John Ech ternacht on the North, and part of No. 1 on the East. - No. 6. Situated on the West side of said alley immediately opposite the last described lot, con taining 51 ft. 4 in. on said alley, and extending westward to the railroad. Vhe above described properties, aro desirably • situated for any business, and will be sold separate ly as above described, or all together, as desired. Any person delirious of viewing the premises, vvijl please call on Robert Moderwell, residing on N 4. 1, or on F. J. Kramph residing at the North ea[ corner of North Queen and Orange streets. :Possession of and an indisputable title will be gien fur the said premises, in tne Ist day of A7ril next. iiale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. on said when due attendance will be given and terms sale made known by JOHN HOSTETTER, JACOB • BAUSMAN, F. J. KRAMPH, Assignees of Robert Moderwelf and Wife. Oct Is-12 ALSO, about 21 Ltne, and 4 Box Cars, all in xcellent order, liereofore used at the above ,arehouse, will be sold by public vendue;on Dec. ,!tat the Warehouse,) at 2 o'clock, F. 21. Valuable Real Estate at PUBLIC SALE. MLLE undersigned Executor of the Estate of Philip Hittz, late df Drumore twp., Lancaster county, deceased, by authority of a special act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania to him di rected, will expose at public sale, on Saturday, th'e 13th day qf November next, at the public house ofd Francis Groff, at Chestrait Level, Drumore twp., Lancaster co., the following Real Estate, late the property el said Philip Hittz, deed, viz: A Tract of Land-in said twp., containing 110 Acres and 53 Perches, mere or less, of which about 10 Acres are good Timber and Sprout Land. (In said Tract are erected a two-story .; ”. , shone. dwelling house with kitchen attach- q l- 1' eil, and a well of excellent water with a pump therein, and a new hank barn, with a wagon shed add corn crib attached, hog pen, bake oven, with ogee house over the same. There is also thereon an ((retard of choice fruit trees in full bearing;con• biking of about 75 apple trees—pears; gages, cher ries, &c., and a line stream of running water pas r3s through the lower end of the property. This property is beautifully situated on the pub li .road leading from Chesnut Level to M'Calls ~. Ferry, l; miles from the former place, also the rdad leading from Rawlinsville to Peach Bottom tiles along the western line affording easy access Irnm the road to all the fields. It is under good fence, the greater portion thereof being locust post .1 lonne. It is in a high state of cultivation, having been limed well within the last four years, and is convenient to mills, stores, houses of public wor ship and schools. Any person wishing to view the property I: , efore II e day of sale may call on Joseph Hackert, who r,sides onthe same. LStoe to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when d e attendance will be given and terms of sale will bO made known by the undersigned, Executor of the estate of said Philip Ilittz deed: oct. 19 4t-39] BENJAMIN HUBER. Two Valuable Farms for Sale, TILE subscriber offers at private sale the follow ing described Real Estate: No. I—Situated in North Middleton township, 151 miles east of Carlisle, about one mile north of the Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike road, contain nig 225 acres, more or less, about limestone, and the residue black slate and Meadow land, all clear ed and in a high state of cultivation, except 50 acres well covered with heavy Timber. The build ings are a very fine TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, and a good Frame Barn, partly new, With Corn cribs, Wagon sheds, fine Spring house, and a never failing spring of water near the door Of the house, also a good orchard of choice fruit, Price $5O per acre. jNo. 2—ls situated one and a half miles north of arlisle, on the read leading from Sterrett's Gap to Carlisle containing one hundred and sixty five acres Of first rate Slate land well limed, except 35 acres which are well covered with Timber. The i nprovements are a two STORY FRAME HOUSE, and a large Frame Barn, all the necessary out Buildings are in good condition; also a large orch ard of very choice FRUIT; the farm is well sup• Plied with water for stock in all all the fields.— Also two wells of water near the house that never fail. Price 335 par acre. Persons wishing to pur dhase or to examine the property please call do the subscriber residing in Carlisle. Myreason for selling the above mentioned Farms is, because they do not join any of my other prop erty. rlPossession will be given on the lit of April if ,nanired, Payments will be made to suitthe per dhaßeri. • A RM STRONG NOBLE. a irr 24 t -31 Real Esate at Public Sale. AS thy Assignee of William Wallis, I will ex pose to sale by public outcry, on the premi ties, on Wednesday, the 17th of November, 1852, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, a valuable Farm, Situate in Bolt:doe township, Perry county, adjoin -ing lands of Michael Wenner, heirs of Henry Grubb, deed-, and others, and the Sus9oehanna River, containing about 101 ACRES, of which about 75 acres are cleared, having thereon erected tt commodious .and comMrtable two story ll STONE HOUSE, mansion house, tenant house store house, a large double stone and frame tank Lant, with many out-buildinga. This tract lies within one mile of the borough of iverpool, in a good neighborhood, convenient to cliools, churches and mills. The Perna. Canal nd•Public Road pass directly through the proper , affording easy access to the best of markets.— About 50 acres of this land are riverbottom..'there 's an excellent orchard, with a new cider-press. Any information relative to title, which is indis putable, will be given by application to the subscri ber, residing at Mt. Patrick, Perry county, Post Office, Liverpool. TermiPfavorable to purchasers, and made known on day of sale. GEORGE BLATTENBERGER, Assignee. sept 23 ts•37l Public Sale. • ON Friday, November sth, 1852, will be sold by public vendue on the premises, the follow ing Real Estate, viz: TWO ACRES of land in Marticville, Martic township, adjoining the public road from Martin forgo to Lancaster, lands 01 Abraham linker, sr., Daniel Gond and others. The improve ments thereon are a two story brick Store House, a two story frame DWELLING ,q l , HOUSE, Tailor Shop and necessary nut-buildings. Also two and three fourth acres of land, adjoin ing lands or Martin Miller, Siemens WElhenny, A. Huber and the road from Benj. Hess , Mill to Marticville, with a two story brick house and other improvements thereon erected. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., on said may, when terms will be made known by •1 JONAS lIARNISIT, HUGH MEHAFFY, • Oct.] Assigneea of 11. &A. Huber Deer Hair. 100 POUNDS OF DEER HAIR for sale at the Leather and Morocco Store,directly oppo site Cooper's Red Lion Hotel, West King street. M. 11. LOCHER. 2.7-tf July 27, 1552 Valuable City Property at Public Sale. TN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, will be rigid by`public ven dee, on Sal urday, the 27th day of November next, at 6 o'clock, P. M., at. the publid house of Jacob Saner in North Queenist., in the City, f Lancaster, all that certain half lot: of ground situated on the East side of North Queen street in said City, con taining in front on said street 32 feet 2,1 inches, and extending in depth 245 feet to a fOurteen feet alley, adjoining property of Dr.; John Waylan on the north, and of Catharine Shindel on the south. The improvements are a large two-story BRICK Amok DWELLING HOUSE, two-story back build-JIMII ing, wood shed, cistern, stable and other anprove manta. The lot contains a choice variety of fruit trees, late the estate of Michael Hambright. This valuable property is situated in the-heart of the business portion of the City, between the Court House and Railroad, and affords an apportunity for investment rarely offered. The ground rent upon this lot has been extinguished.. 1. Persons desirous of viewing the premises may do so at any time before the day of sale. Terms—The purchase monet to be paid on the Ist day of Aprjl next when a Deed will be executed and possession given. By the Court, - D. MAY, Clerk 0. C. Due attendance will be given' on the day of sale GEORGE HAMBRIGHT, Adm'rs of Michael Hambright, deed. tr-40. Cumberland County Farm FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale, on reason able terms, a valuable Farm, situate in Dickin son township, Cumberland county, between the Walnut Bottom and Forge Roads, about 7 miles south-west of Carlisle, containing 190 ACRES of first quality Limestone Land, 160 acres of which are cleared, in it high State of cultivation, and the balance covered with excellent Timber.— The improvements are a LOG D WELLING HOUSE, anew Bank Barn and the other out-buildings. Two wells of never-failing 111 water are convenient to the house and barn, nud there is also a large Apple Orchard on the prem ises. The Farm lays near Moore's Grist Mill, is convenient to Churches and School Houses, and is one of the most desirable tracts of land in the county. to view the, tersons.wishing i. P , call on the undersigned, residing on the State Road, 11 miles east of Nowville, or with Martin Barnhart, who resides on the premises. sept NATHAN WOODS. S Valuable Proport,y For Sale, mHE large and commodious HOUSE for-S1 merly occupied by the subscriber in South Queen street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall.— There is an extensive range of back buildings, gas and water are introduced; and there is, in ad dition, two wells of excellenOvater on the premi ses :nd the privilege of a third on the line of this and the adjoining property. The property would be suitable . for a public house,lor a boarding house, or the buildings in the rear might be converted in to a number of small dwelling houses, which, on account of the premises being near the Conestoga Steam Mills could be readily rented to advantage. ELLIS LE W IS. tf-16 Lan. May 11 Building Lots for Sale. BY a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopl Church of the City of Lancaster, will be sold at private sale, the groud in the rear of the Church building, (formerly occu pica as a burying ground,) and facing on Walnut street, which can• be divided into six handsome building lots—to be sold separately or together, as may best suit purchasers. Possession given im mediately. Apply to BENJAMIN F. SHENK, President of the Board of Trustees. Lancaster; Oct 7 1 t f-37 ESTATE of JOHN KUGLE,. deceased —The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of the County of Lancaster, to distribute the balance in the hands of JMnes Mehafrey, Ad ministrator of John Kugle, late of the Borough or Marietta, deceased, to and among the parties entitled to the same, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in . the distribution of, said balance, that he wi 1 attend to' he performance of his duties as Auditor, at the public house of John Michael, in East King Street, in the City of Lan caster, on Thursday, the 11 th Icor November neat, at 2 o'clock P. M. JAMES L. REYNOLDS. Oct 26 3t-40 ETTERS of Administrati6n upon the Estate ji of Arthur Mallon, lato ofl the City of Lancas ter, deed., having been granted to the undersign ed, he hereby zequests all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, and those har ing claims upon it to present them duly authentica ted for settlement to WILLIAM D. DEMUT FL residing in North Queen 'street, Lancaster. oct 61-40 Estate of Robert Drlpps: Illhe undersigned Auditors appointed to distribute . 1 the balance in the hands of Thomas Ferguson, Christopher Graham and Robert Evans, Adminis trators of the estate of Robert .Dripps, late of Col main Township, to and among'those entitled there to by law, will meet for the purpose of their ap, pointment at the public house of Henry Rear, in the city of Lancaster, on Thursday the Ilth day of November next, at 2 o 7 clock,l P. H., when and where all parties interested in said distribution are notified to attend. • . . WM. MATHIOT, WM. CARPENTER, oct. 19. 4t 93] ROBERT MONTGOMERY ISTATE of CHRISTIAN GARBER, deed.— i In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster—Whereas Ferdinand Garber, Trus tee of Christian Garber, (now deceased,) din on 'he 18th day of October, 1852; file in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his account of the said Estate: Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate, !that ,the said Court have appointed the 22nd claylof November, 1552, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. i ) JNO. K. REED, Proth'y. Proth , re Office, Lan, Oct. 2.6 Estate of Dr. Saing. flumes, deed. LL persons indebted to the above estate, are Ae hereby desired to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated, for settement, to • H ENRY ICARP ENT Eli, oct 12 6t-38) Executor. L,STATE of REUBEN S. ROFIRER.—Noice is. hereb) given to all interested in the esate of Reuben S. Rohrer, of the city of Lancaster, that the said It S Rohrer and wife have this day, by deed of Voluntary Assignment, transferred all his estate to the undersigned, for the benefit of his creditors. All persons being indebted to the aid estate will please make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for payment to the undersigned. JESSE LANDIS. Oct 6 Estate 01 Thomas Griffin, J4ETTERS of Administration on the estate of Thomas Griffin deed, late of the Borough of Washington, Lancaster county, having been issued to the subscriber residing in said Borough—he here by gives notice to all persons findebted to said es tate to make payment immediately, and those hav ing claims or demands wind present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. Sept 28 6t-36 A i . BITNER,:Admr Estate of Elizabeth Rhea. Late - of Sadsbury twp., Lancaster County, single woman, deed:—All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said deed are re quested to make known the same duly authentica ted without delay, and those indebted to make pay ment on or before the Ist. of December next to JACOB BOWER, Residing in the Borough of Strasburg, Adme, of Elizabeth Rhea deed. Lout 16.7t-.39 Plalpfleld Classical Academy. - Liouß miles Went of Carlisle. The Thirteenth Session commences on ninday,, 1852. This Institution ban been in successful opera tion 7 yearn, during which such additions and im provements have been made on to render it one of the roost commodious and convenient in the State. In regard to healthfulness it may be mentioned that no case of serious sickness has occurred--in the Institution since it wile founded. Its morbi purity is attested by the fact that depraved associa tions, scenes ot vice, and resorts for dissipation have no existence in the neighborhood. The course of instruction cOmprises the branches required by the merchant, prOfessional man or col legian. Also modern languages, vocal and instru mental music, &c. It is the determination of the Proprietor that the Institution shall sustain the reputation it has al ready acquired for imparting thorough instrtiotion, and inculcating and establishing virtuous principles in the minds of the youth submitted to his charge. Terms (per session of five 'months) $60,60, For catalogues containing references, he., nil• dress, j R. K. BURNIt. Principal and Proprietor, Plainfield P. 0., Cum , berland en., Pa. • Assisted by W. A. SNIVELY, A. 8., and Wm. Ross, Esq. sept 26, 1362 26-tf Shoe Lastings. TUST opened a fresh supply of Black and Colo- LP red Lastings, Black Italian Clothe, Col. Gal leons, Silk Laces, &c.. whidli will be sold low at the Leather and Finding Stdre; a few doors west of Steinman>s Hardware Store, West King street. M. H. LOCHER. 27 if July 27, 1852 Kossuth Hats. _ . eTHE largest assortment of all shapes and qualities can be had at AMP:WS City Hat and Cap Store, NORTH QUEEN Brherr, in Krampli , s Building, nextdoor to MurraPa Book Store. Please call and seeohyt ho sells lor l Caali. [May I I Philadelphia Advertisements. - V. B. PALMER, ANENT, TIDED AND CHESNUT STS D. S. CRIS TIANI, AugUGGIIST OKENOST, IMPORTER AND . MANUFACTURER OF PERFUMERY., DRUGGISTS' AND PERFUMERS' ARTICLES ; DRUGS AND CHEMICALS; PERFUMERY AND FANCY • • SOAPS; FINE ESSENTIAL OILS, Aro. 70 North Secon d St, opposite the 111 t. Vern% House, PHILADELPHIA.- CRISTIANPS ITALIAN COLORNERUS.— This new and extraordinary Liquid Dye is used on either. Yellow, Red or Gray Hair or Whis kers with the most happy results, remaining per manently brown or black, and preserving the natu ral appearance so desirable yet difficult to obtain from any Dye previously discovered. Prepared only by R. S. CRISTIANI, Sole Inventor and Proprietor, Manufacturer of Cristiani 9 s Italian Medicated Soap, " Beautifying Wash, " Eau Lustrale Hair Restorative " Unrivalled Shaving Creams and Soaps, " Italian. Cosmetic, for the Skin, " Indelible Inks, Original Inventions, with and without preparation, tic., &c. A complete and select assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chamicals, Fine Essential Oils, and every variety of Perfumery, Toilet Articles, &c. sept 7 6m-13 New&Cheap Looking-Class Depot. CHAS. S. SWAIN, No. 225 N. Second St. above Vine. E. side, Phila. Tir A S fo r sale and always on hand a splendid as sortment of Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frame Looking Glasses, suitable for Mantels, Piers, &c. Mahogany Framed Glasses for Sitting Rooms, and Chambers. Also Ornamental and Gilt Frames fox Portraits. Old Frames re-gilt, equal to new.— French and German Looking Glass Plates put in frame. Sept 14. 3m-34 PHILADELPHIA DRY GOODS TOWNSEND iIiARPLESS 4- SONS, 32 SOUTH SECOND Street, have received a full assort ment of Anyone+ 4- WINTER Goods, of their im pOrtation of careful selection, which they are daily receiving. All the new and desirable styles of Dress Goode; Merinos and various Woollen Goods for Cloaks; Mousselines, Alpacas and fancy dress Goods; Silks of every description, Velvets and Satins; Shawls of woollen, silk, broche and cashmere; Blankets, Quilts, Linens, and Furnishing Goods; Sheetinga, diapers, shirting, and table linens; American cottons 4- woollens, prints 4- Flannels; Cloths,.. ssimeres 4- Veetinge of the best styles; Shoe Lastings, worsted damask, and sattinetts; Hosiery, cravats, handkfs and gloves; Goods for Friends in complete variety. sept 28 3m-36 roperty will please Baskets, Baskets and Toys I AT P. SIMPSON'S CHEAP BASKET FACTORY AND.VARIETY STORE of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC BAS KETS, Coaches, Cradles and Chairs, Tubs, Buck ets, Washboards, Brooms, Brushes, Hand-Scrubs, Mats, Sieves, Table Cuttlery, Rocking-Horses, Velocipedes, Combs, Fishing Tackles, &c. Also, just received a large assortment of Toys, Dolls, Doll Heads, ,&c., &c., at the lowest prices, Wholesale and Retail, at No. 239 North 2nd St., below Callowhill et., east side, Burnt District, Philadelphia. Sept IS-31n-34 GiUM-nriOrM 3230E3E1MU Walters Ar, Starkhouse, No. 25 North 91 - h..'t., opposite the Merchant's Hotel PHILADELPHIA, ARE now prepared with a full, handsome and Cheap Stock of Men's, Boys' and Chidren , s PLUSH and GLAZED CAPS, Men's, Wo men's, Misses' and Children's Metallic and I M other kinds of INDIA RUBBER SHOES; White and Colored Silk, Satin and Straw Bonnets; Artificial Flowers and Feathers, all of which they will sell very low for Cash. Call and see for your selves; no charge for looking. • sept 14 _ . m-34 Cantharidal Collodion, or Blistering Tissue. r preparation is recommended as an excel lent substitute for the Blistering Ointment, and as being . more convenient of application. It can also be applied to Surfaces, however irregular, where the common blister would •be almost im practicable. For sale at CHARLES A. lIEINITSH'S Medicinal, Drug and Chemical Store, No. 13, sept 7-33 East King Street, Lancaster. THESE Superior Scales were invented by THOMAS ELLICOTT about 25 years ago ; they have been in constant use, and now, alter various improvements, are offered by the subscribers, and warranted correct and unsurpassed for accuracy and durability; after a fair trial, if not approved, they can be turned. Scales fur tail Roads, Canals, Hay, Cattle, Coal, Stores, and for weighing all kinds of Mer chandise, manufactured at the old established stand, Ninth street, near Coates st., Philad , a. ABB01"1 . & Successsors. to Ellicott & Abbott. • Agents: Truman & Shaw, 333 Market st., Philada. Frank Pott, Pottsville. [aug 31-3 m. 32 Cane .Seat Chair Manufactory. No. 131 North Sixth Street, above Race Street. MANUFACTURES, and has constantly on Land; an elegant and fashionable stock ofe < AKE SEAT, RUSH SEAT, and WINDSOR CHAIRS, ARnt CntAms, large and small ROCKING Cumns,,SET TEES, CANE LOUNGES, STORE STOOLS, SHIP STOOLS, &C. To Housekeepers, Hotel, Hall and Steamboat Proprietors and Dealers in Chairs and Furniture, this establishment offers the greatest inducements to purchase. Having extensive facilities for manufacturing, we can sell the same assortment ten per cent cheaper than heretofore, and by having all work made under our own supervision we can guarantee a superior article. Cane Seat Chairs of the best finish and material, from $16,1 to $4O per dozen. "Small Profits and Quick Sales." N. F. WOOD, Chair Factory, NO, 131 North 6th street, opposite sept 7-3m-33] Franklin Square, Philada. ATO. 355, Race Street, 3 doors above 70th street, lv PIIILADELPII rA informs the public, that Black with Gum or Single Teeth of his own manufacture, inserted on a new and 'd hii~, improved plan of atmostphcric pres- " sure or springs. Moveable Seat Dental Chrirs.— Dentists about to purchase operating chairs, should examine Asars Patent Moveable Seat Dental Chair. In this new invention, the seat moves up wards and downward, at the will of the operator. so that he performs his manipulations, without distur bing the patient. Unlike moveable seats raised by a central screw ' or rollers and girth, this being sup ported at the four corners, not only remains firm, but cannot get out of our order, and will last during the life time of the operator. For particulars, call or address, postpaid, A. MERRITT ASAY, Practical Dentist, 355 Race street, above 10th dec 24 ly-48 Cheap China, Glass, &c. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Cntstiarr ST., PHILADELPHIA, Offer to the citizens of Lancaster and its vicinity the choice of their beau tiful and immense stock, in any quantity and of all qualities, of DINNER, TEA & TOILET SETS, PLATES, DISHES, PITCHERS, &c., FnENCH On Ezroustz CHINA, OR 1110:VSTONE WARE. RS also GLASS WARE, CUT AND MOULDER',' in great variety, at the very lowest rates. Hotels, Boarding and Private Houses supplied with the best articles at very cheap prices, npril 20, 1852 \WM. .13A , ILY & I:EOIJen, THENCE • Swiss JEWELRY. SILTISSAFIAR.T, WAT PLATED. Wag. &SD FANCY ARTICLES. Are constantly receiving the latest Styles of the above Goods, which are aerial at - wholesale or retail, at No. Mg Market Street, obese Sixth, near Donator Street, Philadelpida. * qt. ESTABLISH= ID WA. sevEmsnfild to NI what thy st• " • Mry 18, 1852 Cheap Watches and Jewelry, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philada. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18.. - carat cages, $2600 ratt Silver do. full jeweled, 12 00 r ilF Lepine, jewels, $lO,OO do. do. 111/. 9,00 Vilperinr HArirliers, 7,00 Imitation :111. 5,00 Gold flpflfdltdr.l, 7,00 Fine Silver du, 1,50 Gold llratelela, 3,00 Ladies , Gold Peneile, 1,00 Silver 'Fes spoutia, PO, 5,00 Gold Pens, will, Pencil and Gllver Gelder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings ; 1171 Prints In ; Watch Glass, plain,l2 };rents ; Palen: 1141 : l.unnt, 25; other articles in proportion. All Gouda warranted to be what they are suld STAIIFFFS 11/10/1 1 V 14111;1'..,,t le 11 rootiol. On hand, Borne Gold and Hihe, Level. nisl Le pines, still lower than the alsivo ~•e, aug 24 I=l THE PHILADELPHIA Platform Scales. WOOD'S A MERRITT ASAY, SURGEON DENTIST. Adam Wm. Raprs PATENTED SCIENTIFIC NICHE GOLD PENS, Embracing all the properties con! ainedinfinest quill pen, in addition to whickthe durability of the Metals are combined and fully associated and developed. 1852. • 1 1 " mad following highly respectable Testimonials Recommendations are Submitted to the ?utak :-.-- . • . , "Having tried ADAM' Win. Rapp , s PATENT SCIENTIFIC NICHE GOLD PEN, the undersigned take great pleasure in recommending it - to the pub lic as the greatest improvement M Metallic Pens that has met our attention. His Excellency, Wm.-Bigler, Gov. State of Penn , a: His Excellency, E. Louis Lowe, do Maryland. Prof. J. S. Hart, Prin. of Central High School ,Phila. Right Rev. Bishop A. Potter, Philadelphia. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, do Rev. W. B. Edwards, Washington city. • , Rev C K Nelson Annapolis, Md. Rev John Street,Phila. Rev D W Bartine, Phila. Rev De Witt,Harrisburg. Rev G H Coit,'Harrisburg. Rev Chas A Hay, do Rev John F IVlesick, do W jtawle, Esq,,Phila. Judge Booth, Delaware. Hon Jos It Chadler, do Richard Vaux, Esq., do Clark Hare, Esq., do Wtn. Neal, do Isaiah Hacker, do Geo W WallOston, do Ald'n Geo W Ash, do Wm S Price, : do James M. Cassady, Esq., Camden, New Jersey. Thos W Mulford, do do do A Browning, do do do W N Jeffries, do do do Duff Green,Esq.,Wash , n W H Miller, Esq., Wash'n . F Howard, M D do .I . Radcliff, do do Richard Smith,Esq. do Wm P Elliot do do Editors National Intelligencer, Washington city. Editors Maryland State Cap tol Gazette. , Editors Washington Republic. Editors Philadelphia Public Ledger. ~ To the Public. The subscriber having purchased the property known as the Moyamensing Banking house, South East corner of 2d and Chesnut streets, for his fu ture business Establishment, intends keeping a large and complete assortment of every variety of texture and size of ADAM WM. RAPP'S LATELY PATENTED SCIENTIFIC NICHE GOLD PENS , Gold and Silver PENCILS and PEN HOLDERS, of every variety, Wholesale and Retail. In addi lion thereto, I have on hand Rapp , s last edition of SCIENTIFIC PENMANSHIP and PEN-MAKING, in various bindings. JAMES BARBER, General Sale Agent for Adam Wm. Rapp'e Patent ed Scientific Niche Gold Penn, S E corner Second and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia. May 4. 1°52. Iv-15 Family Bread Bakery. No. 459 MarketStreel , below 13th, No r th side, PHILADELPHIA THE subscriber' would respectfully inform the citizens of Lancaster and' - the public gen erally,. that he has constantly on - hand FRESH BREAD, every day, morning and noon. Dutch Cakes and Rusks fresh every day. All who are in want of good Bread will do well to give me a call, as they will be. accommodated at the shortest no tice with a good and superior article. C. D. CASSADY, Oct 12-3m-38 459 Market et., north side. 500 Agents Wanted. $lOOO A YEAR. WANTED in every County of'the United V, States, activo and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the beat Books pub tatted in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $lOO, such inducements will be offered as to make front $3 to $lO a day profit. tar The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command largo sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) DANIELS & GETZ, Successors to W. A. Leary & Co., No. 13d North Second Street, Philadelphia. ( Sept 14 34 6m Dr. Long -1 s Botanic Syrup Warrented a Pure Vegetable Oompound. gS a certain, safe and effectual remedy for remo ving all diseases arising from an impure condi tion of the blood, or from an injudicious use of mercury, &c. It stands unrivalled for the cure. of SCROFULA or Kings Evil. Disease of the bone, tu mors, stubborn ulcers, ulcers of the throat, neck, nose and legs, white swelling, disease of the spine, kidney complaints, chronic rheumatism, — pustula_ eruptions on the thee, arms and body, erysipelas, dropsical affections mercureal and syphilitic effec tions, sick head ache; dizziness, all constitutional disorders, and all diseases arising from early indis cretions, &c., &c. This medicine . has a specific and most salutary action upon the lii)er 'and spleen 1 and will in a short time if persevered in cure the most obstinate case of liver complaint. 1) spepsia or in digestion, is nine crises out of ten is caused by an unhealthy condition attic liver Sze.i.lliis being the cause, it is evident that by the use f the Botanic Syrup,. the digestive organs must [again resume their healthy functions, and renewed health, vigor and strength will inevitably follow. , Many persons are d'seased for the want of the blood being purifird. Thousands offpersons are de stroying their constitutions by neglecting to apply a proper remedy; to all such the Botanic Syrup will be of intrinsic saline as a certain and effectual means of restoring them to their usual health and vigor Valuable re6pectabfo cirtificates of cures could be adduced and inserted here if the inventor of this invaluable medicine deemed it expedient to do so. Ile does not consider it prudent, not is lie willing to make a public show and use 'pf respectable names of individuals who have been thoroughly cured of their complaints, as a means to enhance the sale of the medicine, but would respectfully request all persons afflicted with any of the above diseases, to give the Botanic Syrup fair trial ml they will soon find to their greatest pleasure, tat what has been here inserted in regard to the v ~ue of the medicine is true. Persons uSing the syrup will find it agreeable, pleasant an harmless. harmless. It will not in any event injure the consti ution, but will otherwise assist nature in restoring/ giving an en tire healthy cli:inge to the =system by completely driving out those impurities which is the chief 'cause of disease. , int bottles, price 50 cents per It is put up in pint bottles, pri. cents pt. bottle, or 6 bottles for $2,50. Full directions ac. companies each bottle. Prepared and sold by LONG & SCHOENFELD, Mo. 1, Krampli , s Arcade, N. E. corner of North Queen and Orange sts., one door east of Kramph , s Clothing Store, Lancaster. [may 20-tf-17 The Campaign Opened.- THE PREPARATION COMPLETE ANOTHER RALLY - LIALL is here, and all will prepare' themselves r accordingly, in the way of Choice and New Fall and WINTER DRY GOODS. The depot for ,a complete preparation beyond a doubt, THE GOLDEN EAGLE STORE, Corner E. King and Centre Square. We have just received another addition and,New Fall Goods—the choice of a careful selection. AIOUS DE LAINES, MOUS DE LAINES Thos. floyles and Sons celebrated manufacture super. Gold Medal De Laines, Beautiful Do Laincs fur 12k cts.—cheap at 185 cts, Splendid do 1S .-.. do' 26 Magnificent do 24 do - 375 All Wool De Laines, new designs, beutiful cols. Lupin's celebrated French Fabric. Solid, blue, pink, buff, tan, white green, all wool De Leine's. Our variety of Dress Goods is lull and complete SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. Rich Brocade, novel styles, fall colors; plain Glace, all shades, beautiful Queen's Grey; Tore Satins, brocade armure, &c.; black boiled Italian glossy Silks,; to 6-4 wide. Pilerinoes, Merinoes,Alpaca-1 Caesimeres, &c.— Lupin's unrivalled French Merinoes cols., modes, maroons, blues, pinks, greens, beautitul black, &c. CALICOES, CALICOES, CALICOES.—CaseS fall style and cols. Merrimac, Conestoga, American, Fall River Calicoes, at wholesale prices. Good dark fast cols. for 6k and 8 cts. We have received an 'other caso of those "Good Green Calicoes" so much in demand; selling for 8 eta. ipej• yard. LANNELO, FLANNELS, FLANNELS:—Red, yellow, nd white woolen and cotton Flannels. Ano plus altra all wool Flannel for 25 cts. SACKINGS, SACKING FLANNELS, SACKIN GS.—Tille article, so much in demand by the Ladies, we of. fer in every shade of the French Sack Flannels. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. As the cold weathci draws upon, us, we certain ly will not forget this important article of Ladies comfort. London Long and Squaro Shawls, Rob Roy do. Brocha do.. Bay State do., Palm Leaf do., Thibe Silk Fringe, Mode and Black, Plain and Embroi dared. Every inducement we offer to all, in point of at tention and price of our goods, to render a visit to our establishment " pleasant as well as profitable to the purchaser." As the season advances we shall continue to receive, direct from New York and Philadelphia, almost daily additions to our al ready attractive Stock of Dry Goode. THOMAS J. WENTZ & CO; CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. We have in store a lull assortment, at prices to meet all competition, in this branch. Kentucky Jeans, Woolen Plaids for children's wear, Merino, Cassimeres, Checks; Tweeds, Skirt ing Stripes, for gentlemen's wear. i Also, a full as sortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. THOS. J. WENTZ & CO. Golden Eagle, corner E. King and Centre Square sept 28 1 3G-ti' CHESNUT ST. HOUSE, SAMUEL MILLER, NO. 121 CHESNUT St., Betwee l n 3d & 4th 80. P lIIVA DELP BOARDING $l,OO rER DAY. fmay 14, Isso-Iy-16 C. B. Rogers, SEED AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, No. 29 Market Street, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURER or the most approved Agricultural Implements. Castings made to ardor. Oct 26-Iy-40 'The only true Portrait Of Wash ington. • • , JUST PUBLISHED, T. B. WELCH'S MAGNIF- I ICENT PORTRAIT. OF WASHINGTON. En#42F,sa (bP Permission) from Stuares only ori yincdportrnit, in the Athenium,ydston. BlS'sliperbpic!ore, eograved under the super ,intettlericee of TITORIAS Sotty, Esq., the emi nent and highly:gifted artist, is, the only correct likeness of Washington ever published. It has . been characterised as thetrettest, work of art ever produced in this country. As to . its fidelity, we refer to the letters.of the 'adopted son of Washing • ton, GEORGE WASHIEGTO,i PARE COME, who says, "it is a faithful representation of the celebrated original," and to CHIEF JUSTICE TAFEY of the Su preme Court of the united States, who says," As a work or art its excellence and beauty must strike every one who sees it: and it is no leas happy in its likeness to the Father of his country. It was my good fortune to have seen hint in the days ol my 'boyhood, and hie whole appearance is yet strongly impressed on my memory. The portrait you have issued appears to me to be an exact likeness, rep resenting perfectly the expression as well as the form and features of the face." And says Senator Cass, it is a life-like representation of the great original. _President Frm.stoar. says, "the work ap pears to me to have been admirably , executed and eminently worthy of the patronage of the public." Says 51anctrarr the eminent portrait painter, and the pupil of Stuart, " your print torny mind is more remarkable than any other I have seen, for pre senting the whole individualty of the original por trait, together with the noble and dignified repose of air and manner, which all who ever saw him considered a marked characteristic of the illus- . . trioUs man it commemorates." For the great merits of this picture we would re fer every lover of Washington to . the portrait itself, to be seen at the office of this paper, and to the letters of the following Artists, Statesmen, Jurists and Scholars accompanying it. ARTlSTS.—Marchant and Elliott, of New York; Neagle, Rothermel, and Lambdin, of Philadelphia; Chester Harding, of Boston; Charles Fraser, of Charleston, S. C.; and to the adopted son of Wash ington; Hon. Geo. W. P. Curtis, himself an artist. STATESMEN.—His Excellency Millard Fillmore, Major Gen. Winfield Soott, Hon. Geo. M. Dallas, Hon. William R. King, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Linn Boyd, Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. William A. Graham, Hon. John P. Kennedy, [lon. R. C. Win throp, LL. D. JURISTS.—Hon. Roger B. Taney, Hon. John Doer, Hon. John McLean, Hon. Rufus Choate. SCHOLARS.—CharIes Folsom, Esq., the well known Librarian of the Boston Atheneum, who says, as I would rather own it than any painted copy I have ever seen;" E. P. Whipple, Richard 11 ildreth, Hon. Edw. Everett,LL. D., Jared Sparks, LL. D., William 11. Prescott. LL. D., Washington Irving, Ralph W. Emerson, Esq., Prof. T. C. Up ham, J. T. Headley, Fitz Green Halleck, H. W. Longfellow, Wm. Gilmore Simms; and from EU ROPE, Lord Talfourd, T. B. Macauley, Sir Archi bald Alison, Lord Mayor of London, &c. &c. The Press, throughout the entire Union, have with one voice proclaimed the merits of this superb engra ving. To enable all to possess this valuable treasure, it is sold at the low price of $5 per copy. Published by GEORGE W. CHILDS, N. W. corner of Fifth and Arch streets, Philada. D. D. EBERLY, sole agent for the States of Eas tern Pelpsylvania and Delaware. This portrait can only be obtained from Mr. By- ERLY, or from his duly authorized agents. Arrangements have ben made with the Post Of fice Department, by which copies of the portrait can be sent to any point, per mail, in perfect order. .1* - Persons by remitting Five Dollars to D. D. Byerly, Philadelphia, will have a copy of the por trait sent to them free of Postage. Magnificent gilt frames, got up expressly for these portraits, furnished at the low price of $5,00 each. JUST ISSUED, A Magnificent Portrait of GFNERAL JACKSON, Engraved by T. 13. Welch, Esq., after the original portrait painted by T. Sully, Esq. This portrait will be a match for the Washington) and is in every respect as well got up. Price $5,00 per copy. AddrcsS,as above. oct 12Gm-3S •, 41. lIARRIS UPHOLSTERER, Corner : of Oth and Mat Sts. Northwest side, Philadelphia. ThESPECTFULLY 'Monne the citizens of Lan caster and elsewhere, that he has on•hand or makes to order any description bf plain and' orna mental Cabinet Ware, such as Mahogany, Walnut, Rosewood &c. Also, new designs for Receiving, Serving, Arm and Camp Chairs, Ottomans, Divans, Fire Screens, Foot Stools, for embroidery, Patch work, and Fancy Coverings, &c. Repairing and Varnishing promptly attended to. A call is soli cited, as I will sell at.the very lowest city prices, and the work shall be warranted to be made oldie best materials. [may 116m-I6 James Barbtes WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK AND TIME PIECE ESTABLISHMENT, South East corner of &road and Chesnut sts., Philati a. NATHERE may be found a large and splendid as sortment of the best modern Improved Eight Day and Th irty Hour Brass 'and Alarm Clocks, and Time Picens o suitable'for Churches, Halls, Hotels, Steamboats; Railroad Cars, Parlors, (Slices, Bed Rooms, Kitchens, &c., which will be sold in lots to suit Purchasers, rom one to One. Thousand, at the lowest cash prices. N. 11.—Clocks of all kinds Repaired and Warrant ed. Clock Trimmings of every description con stantly for sale. [May 4, 1852-Iy-15 Encobrage your own Mechanics! VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. YENITIAN BLINDS of the most beautiful pat tern and finish, are manufactured at the estab lishment of the undersigned, whose shop can be found immediately in the rear of Vankanan , s (form erly Schofield's) hotel. • The blinds are made of wood of the smoothes ‘ t and most durable quality, and at short order and moderate prices. The subscriber having had con siderable experience in the manufacture of Venitian Blinds, the people of this city and county can de pend upon having any work they may order, exe cuted with despatch and in'a workmanlike manner. A variety of handsome blinds arc on hand for the inspection of the public. Old blinds repaired and trimmed, to look equal to new. GEORGE FLICK. april 15 12 New. and Cheap Hardware Store IrThe subscriber has just received a full assort ment of foreign end domestic llardware, di rect from the manufactury; such as Cutlery, Sad dlery, oils, varnishes, paints, which enables him to offer inducements equal to any house in the Persons commencing Housekeeping will find the best assortment in the city in their line, such as Knives and Forks, Table and Tca-spoons, Candle sticks. Snuffers, Shovel s and Tongs, Waiters. Look ing Glasses, Tubs, Churns, Buckets, Baskets, Brit tania Ware, such as Coffee and Tea Pots, Cream Jugs, Pitchers, together with all other neces sary articles. COOK STOVJS of the latest and most improved patterns of every description, and, having also,.the solo agency oi two most celebrated Cook Stoves now in use ; these Stove burp coal or wood, and we would call the attention of those who want a good stove to them. BUILDERS: Raving just received a new style of Locke and Latches, and also, a full assortment of Hinges, Bolts, Nails, Oils, Varnishes, Paints, and Glass. CARPENTERS AND CABINETMAKERS. Having just Opened a full assortment of Planes, Hand Saws, Chisels, Saw Setts, Spire Bitts, Gouges, Hatchets, Adzes, Spirit Lines, Braces, &c., and also a full supply of Alahogony'Veneer, Mouldings, Till Locks, Glass Knobs, Glue, Bed Pins, Polish ing Varnish, Oils, Br.c. COACHMAKERS will find a good amount of Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Hub Bands, Lacers Fringe, Moss, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Carriage Bolts, Leathers, &c. Sole Agent for Utica's Extra Coach Body Var nishes. SADDLERS can find a full amount of Hcmes, Harness Mount ings, Gig Trees, Hog Skins, Stirrups, Ornamental Bridal Bitts, and Kepner's make Saddle Ttrees. FARMERS I would call your attention to a new Corn Culti vator, and also a full assortment of Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Scythes, Grain Cradles, Ploughs, Ste.,.to gether with other Farming Implements. MERCHANTS will find a full assortment of foreign and domestic Hardware, direct from the manufactory, which en ables him to offer at the lowest cash prices. A large and extensive amount of Duncannon and Colomanville Nails, direct from the works at the Manufacturer's prices. IRON AND STEEL. Having a full assortment of Bar, Hoop, Oval and Sheet Iron,and also a full assortment of Duncan non Iron, irect from the Works, which I can sell on good terms as any other house in the city. Having constantly on hand Fresh Pequea Lime, Rock Powder, Safety Fuse, Lead Pipe, Iron Pumps, Zinc, Lustre, Tar,'Sags, &c. Also, Agent for Prouty & Barrett's celebrated Plough. 'Phis Ploug;i took the premium at the Wdrld's Fair. Timothy, Clover and Flax Seed taken' in, for which cash will be paid, at the sign of the 800 LocK, North Queen street. feb 24-tf-5,1 GEORGE D. SPRECHER. Stoves, Stoves ALARGE variety of Wood, Coal, and Cook Stoves, at the Hardware Store of RUSSEL & GEIGER, East King st.,,Vormerly Rohrcr's.) 3m-35 Timothy Seed. 50 a B b U o . , S .e HELS TIMOTHY SEED ep lc2orl.3Bat-13e5as AIARRIAGE,- 1111'PINESS AND COMPETENCE. WHY Is IT? That we behold many - feinalm, scarce in the meridian of life broken in health and spirits with n complicaticat of diseases and aihnelll3. 4lepriviite them of the power for the emoyment of life et an age when „physical health, buoyancy of mum and happy,serenity of oiled, arising from a condition oflutalth. should he predommant. Manyofthe cmusar of her,sufferings at fird—perhapa fears' bef o re, perhaps storing girlhood, or the first gars of ummaie— were to their origin so light as topes nanouced, and o f emuse neglected. - AFTER YEARS When too fate to be benefttied by our knowledge, we look bark A nd moots, ind tenet the full eousequeneee of our ignorance. What would we not often giro to Peasass, in n o life. the knowledge wa obtain in after years And Id= ave and nights o? ist. we might' not have been oared , if the knowledg wen timely possessed. lt is ItIELABCIIOLY AND STARTLING To behold the sickness and suffering endured bi.totot.. i 9 w_ifi for many years, from causes simple and controllable, maul remedied—or better still.—not incurred, i revert WIVE AND DIOTEIER - . . Possessed the information contained in &little swim°, (with in the reach of all) which would spare to herself YEARS OF >IIISERY 0 ' And to lief husband tl - M constant toil and anxiety of mind, necessarily derolring upon him from sickness of the wife, without spring him the . opportunity of acquiring that cow petence which his exertions ens entitled, and the possession of which would secure the happiness of himself, wife, and children. . • SECURE THE MEANS OF HAPPINESS By becoming in time possessed of the knowledge, the want of which has caused the sickness rty of thousands In view of such consequerc., no Irate or mother is sacs sable if she neglect to availl herself of that knowledge in respect to herself, which would spare her much suffering, be c on means. of happiness and prosperity to her husbmd, and confer upon her children that blessing above all pricehealthy bodies with healthy minds. That knowledge as contained iu a little work added THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. DI. MAIIRICEAU, esorneeon O► DI1L•11E1 o► 11'011/.11. One Ihrndreda Edition. Mao., pp. 050 . Price, 50 ctn. jos rise PAPER, EXTRA. BINDING. $1 00.) Fiat published 111 lila, end it is not SIIRPRIZANG OR WONDERFUL, Considering that EVERY FEMALE, WHETHER MARRIED OR NOT, can here aeguire a fall knowledge of the nature, character and causes of her complaint", with the various symptoms, and that nearly - - HALF A MILLION OOPIES should have beer, sold. It is impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a stature strictly intended for the married,nr those contemplating marriages, but no female desirous of enjoying health, and that beeuty, consequent upon health, which ism mold stave to her atoll happiness, and that of her husband, but either has or will obtain it, as has or will every husband who hes the love and affection of his wits at heart, or that or Lis owu pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS OP ONE 'HUNDRED THOU- SAND COPIES Have been SENT BY MAIL tvithiu the letit fete months. tal3ase and Shameful Fraud!! CAUTION TO BOOKSELLERS. VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT • A SPURIOUS EDITION Flagrant and barefaced, has bean eurreptalottali imam!, with the same form and alas, exactly the saws TITLE Pao[, ad exactly the same TYPOGRAPHICAL ARRANGEALEINT, But !mother name substituted for Dr. A. M. Maorlon,. and " 80/12011" for "New York,^ and the words. Enrage according to Act Of CalleTele, the year Hey 111/ JOSEPH TROW, In the 'Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York, ODEITT.I3ID. The contents, the subject matter, and reading are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, Printed on poor, brownish, dirty paper, with, a %vier 50050 It can be known also from the miserable and illegible wood cuts scattered throughout its pages TAB WPYrighl • 41,10, =tens WM If there are y In s the trade so lost to shame and common honesty as to b an e willng parties - IN DEFRAUDING TIMM CUSTOMERS, No less than the legal owner of the property in copyright, they will be prosecuted, and steps will be taken to lops.. diem to the public. A copy will be sent to each bookseller or Arm, (with thr terms upon which they will he furnished.) upon receipt te biz or their business card at address. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEFRAUDED! 'Boy no book unless Dr. A. M. Manricess, 129 Liberty et, is on the tide page, and the entry in Clerk'. Ocoee on the b,ack of the title page corresponds es herein, and bey only of respectable and honorable dealers, or scud by mail, and ad dress to Dr. A. M. hlduriceau. • • Full title page, with contents, together With a fa. , Man treating of important subjects to every married female, will be sent, free of charge, to any•one enclosures letter stamp in a prepaid letter, addressed as herein. nr On receipt of Fifty Cents, (or One Dollar for lhe fine Edition extra bindlng,) "THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL ‘COMPANION" Is sent (molted fees) to any 'part of tine United States. All letters most be post-paid. and addressed to DR. A. M. lIAURICEAV, Box 1224, New York City. PublishlngDftice,No,l2oLlberV Street, New York. For sale by—Rl:inch & Crap, Haraisburg ; J Swertz,Bloomsburg ; J.S. Worth, Lebanon; C. W. Do Wirt, Milford ; J. W. Ensminger, Manheim; H. W: Smith, Huntington; 'S. McDonald, Uniontown; J. M. Baum, New Berlin; 11. A. Lantz, Reading; L. T. Morse, Crancsville, N. Y.; R. P. Crocker, Brownsville ; Wents & Stark, Carbondale.; Eldred & 'Wright, Williamsport; S. Tuck, Willi:esbarrc ; Geo. W. Earle, Waynesboro , ; R. Crosky, Mercer; S. Leader, Hanover; S. W.„ Taylor, Utica; R. P. Cummings,Somerset; T. B.Petefson—Philadelphia —Penn. [June 8, '52-20 IrThe Book is for sale at W. H. SPANGLER ' S Book Store, iii this city. Pearl Powder. THE object of this Cosmetic is to harmonize and soften the character of the complexion:. Being an article entirely different from and much superior to ordinary powder; it requires a small quantity in its application, and yet so identifies itself with the natural appeatance as to be imperceptible to the ni cest observer. To those Indies particularly who are subject to flushes of the face or neck, to such as are exposed to habitual or occasional agitations, whether nervous or otherwise, the Pearl Powder affords harmless, effectual and most welcome relief; it is also very cool and refreshing in warm weatner. TOILET POWDER The Toilet and the Nursery bear equal testimony to the value of this article; in both it is justly es. teemed indispensable. To cool the surface of the skin—to conceal the effect of agitation—to allay chafing and irritation, are its functions. The pro prietor directs his attention to secure purity and sweetness in the selection of the ingredients as well as neatness and exactness in its preparations. Prepared and sold at CHARLES A. HEINITSIPS Medieinal,Drug &Chemical Store,No. 13,E. King st. and for sale at W . E. HEINITSH,S Variety Store, No. 18, East King street. Mrs. S. lIUBLEY, Mrs. HULL, Misses SHRODER & HUNTER, Drs. EBY &PENNEBAKER. Mount Joy, JACOB STAUFFER, do June 20, 1852 Franklin Shaving ninon. REMOVAL. SWILLIAMS respectfully informs his friends ~and old customers, that he has removed his SHAVING SALOON from Centre Square to West King Street, in the room formerly occupied by M. Resh, between Ha gees store and Cooper's Red Lion Hotel, where he will be pleased to see all those who have here tofore patroniied him. f4r- He still continues the SHAMPOONING bus iness. Those who wish to enjoy this luxury shoul.. call at his shop, as ho is confident of giving esti faction. fan 13 0-049,5 lIALDY'S New Marb.e Yard T EIVIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully L informs the public thatg he has just received from the city of Philadelphia a superb stock of pure AMERICAN WHITE MARBLE, together with a beautiful assortment of SPLENDID ITALIAN MARBLE, and that he is now prepared to execute in the first style, MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND GRAVE STONES of -every variety and price, Mantels, Door and Window Sills, Steps, and in fact every thing pertaining to the marble business. His facilities for furnishing articleS in hisdine are unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while he assures-all who may favor him with their patronage, that his work shall be executed in the very best style, and on the most reasonable tel LETTER CUTTING IN ENGLISH AND GER MAN done at the shortest notice, and in the most modern and elegant styles. , lie respectfully invites the public to call and examine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim to public patronage upon its merits. His establishment is in East Chesnut street, di rectly in the rear of Lechler's Hotel, and next door to ModerwelPs old ware house, near the railroad. He has also opened a ware room in North Queen street, nearly opposite the Bet Hive. • Dec. 3. 1850. 45 ly SHELDRAIiVS Maa CEVITIMiTZ MOW MO • No. 260 Market Street, above Bth, Philadelphia. UNDkr , the new arrangement the cars which arrive from Pittsburg, Harrisburg, &c., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill bth and Market. In order to accommodate the public we will always have our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please rido down' and all who wish. to patronize a House with a Good Table, Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. TEAMS,IONE . .DOLLAR PER DAY. Aug 17 6133.-80 • Entered according to Act of Congress, the year 1851, by J. S. HOT. GIITON, M.D., in the clerk's Office of the District Conrt for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania. - -Another Scientific wonder! GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA.! Da- J. E.• HOLIM VON'S r .- . ..... 7 7 7 ,sg .. 4 .z ..... ar :- s - ::- , ~;. li , . . - -'.' - -..„ , . : . ~. _ .. • ' • , , I 1 :411' .2.. .7:f- - :-.:-.7. , • The True Digestive Fluid or Gastric Juice .1 PREPARED front Rennet, or the fourth Stom ach of the Ox, after directions 01 BARON L1E1111.1: the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. lloimbj ton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent,!be Gastric Juice. Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, oat of the stomach. PErsts is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice—the solvent of the food, the purifying, preserving and stimulating agent of the stomach and intestines. It is extracted from the digestive stomach of the Ox, thus frritt ing an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in itseltemical powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substitute for it By the aid of this preparation, the pains and evils of Indigestion tend Dyspepsia are restored, just as they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Con sumption, supposed to be on the verg,c of the grave 'rim scientific evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron Liebig in his celebrated work on Anima Chemistry, says: ''An artificial Digestive analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stom ach of the calf, in which various articles ol food, • as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on " Food and Diet," published by Fowler & Wells, New York, page 3.5, states the same great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on the " Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a dim inution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all•prevailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states that "a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding everything else to hot, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained from the stomach of living annuals, which proemd com pletely successfull." Dr. Graham, author Of the famous works on "Vegetable Diet," says ' 6 It is a remarkable fact in phgsiology, that the stomachs of animals, mace rated in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving vs. roux articles of loud, and of effect itt a. kind of artljicial digestion of Mein in mouise diffrfeent moo the natural digestive process." AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has produced the most marvellous eirects,in curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption. It is impossible to give the details of'cases in the limits of this advertisement ; but authenticated certificates. have been given of more than 'lwo Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Phila delphia, New York and Boston alone. These were neatly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but pernianeet. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Bilhous disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effecis of Quinine, Mer• cury and other drugs upon the Digestive Organs, after a burg sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with imeinprattee. ULD ST 0 NIA CH CIXPLA IN There is no form of Ohl Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to each and remote at once. No matter how had they may lie, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the un pleasant symptoms; and it only needs is be repeated short for a time to make these good effects pei ma ncrit• Purity of Blood and Vigor in lfi,dy follow at once. ft is particularly timielleot in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramit:3, iiilrelleSS 11l the pit of The Stomach, distress alter rating, low, cold stale of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Splits, li, pontleney, Emaciation, ‘Vealincss, tendenity to Insanity, Suicide. &e. Dr.IIOLIG.II . TON'N P EDSIN is sold by nearly all the dealers in foie drugs and Popular Medicines, throughout the United Slates. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid lorm—and in prescription vials lor the use of Physicians. PRIVATE lore LA I:s for the Ilse of Physicians, may he obtained of Dr. Ifougliont or 1,16 Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the authorities upon which the claim id this new remedy are based. As it is hot a secret remedy no objection can be raised against its use by Phy sicians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price Our DOLLAR, per bettic• frr OBSERVE. 'l'll IS !—Every bottle of the genuine PEPSIN bears the written signature of J. S. fIoDGIITON, M. D., sole proprietor, Phil ndelplua, Pa. Copy-right roulTrade Mark secured. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. For sale in Lancaster by LONG & SCHOENFF:LD, No. 1, Kratuph's Arcade, N. E.cor. North Qpren and Orange sts , one door cast of Krampli's Clo thing Store, Lancaster. sep A CARD TUE subscribers big leave tiros to acquaint their J. friends and the public, that they've made such arrangements with a house in the city of Philadel phia, as will enable them to execute orders for the purchase and sale of BANK STOCK, RAIL ROAD STOCK, STATE AND UNITED STATES LOANS, &c. &c., At the Board of Brokers, with promptness and fidelity and on as favorable terms in every respect, as can be done in Philadelphia. The faithful and confidential execution of all business entrusted to them may be relied on. Money safely invested for individuals on Estates, in Bonds and Mortgages, State and United States securities, &c. &c. Personal attention will be given to the proper transfer, of Stock, Loans, &c., and such general supervision as will obtain for those intrusting business to them the safest and most de sirable securities. Also the collection of Notes, Checks, Bills, &c., on Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and the towns &c. in this vicinity. Also, persons desirous of buying or selling any stock of the Lancaster Banks Conestoga Steam Mills, Gas or Turnpike Stocks by leaving the order in our sands will meet with prompt attention. JOHN F. SHRODER, GEORGE , K. REED, One door from the corner of North Queen and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Feb. 12, 1850. 3-1 y Miller's Celebrated Preparations GIVE them a trial, and you will be convinced of their astonishing properties to cure all dis eases for which they arc recommended in their circulars or receipt books which will be furnished gratis by Agents. MILLER>S AMERICAN LINIMENT for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Rheumatism, Spine Affection, Pains in the side and back, sore ness and pains in the breast and chest, stiffness of the fonts and limbs, swellings, sore throat, pains in the stomach and bowels, nervous thead-ache, cramps, frostedfeet, 4-c., is unequaled by any prep aration now known to the public. MILLER'S EMBROCATION FOR HORSES should be in the possession of all who own, or have the care of Horses. It sells more rapidly and gives greater satisfaction, as an external remedy than any preparation now in use for the cure of all those diseases and accidents of that noble animal the Horse. LINSEY'S MAGIC PILE OINTMENT never fails to cure that most distressing malady the:Piles. MILLER'S CATHARTIC PILLS invariably has become the favorite with every one, and inev ery family, that give• them a trial. They arc not recommended for the cure of all diseases, but for those only named in the circulars. They are used in thousands of families and approved of by HOMO of the most eminent Physicains in this country. MILLER'S REFINED HAIR OlL—Ladies and gentlemen wishing a fine soft, glossy, luxuriant suit of hair, should use this beautiful article. The above articles are fully described, and di rections for 1180 4.c., in circulars to be had of the Agents. FOR SALE. BY Charles A. Ileinitsh, No. 13, E. K. street, Lan Dr. Rawlins, Opposite Sener's Franklin Hotel. N. Queen street. Drs. Ellmaker 4- Richards, W. King street. John Smoker, Williamstown, Lancaster county Kenengy 4- Brother,Strasburg. J. Hughes 4 , Co., 'enningtonville, Chester co J. Gilmor, Cochranville. Barnard 4- Williams; Now London sept 21 THOMAS C. SMITH, • (LATE OF LANCASTER, PA.) Proprietor of Franklin Hotel. No. ra South street, BALTIMORE—in the imme diate neighborhood of all the Railroad Depols and Steamboat Landings, June 8, 1352 French Boot Lajas. gn PAIR FRENCH BOOT LASTS of the latest ok/style, just received from Philadelphia. Shoe makers are invited to call and see them at the Sign of the Golden Last, West King street . July 27, 1852 H. M. LOCHER.. 27-te