Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 13, 1852, Image 4

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    Philadelphia Advertisements.
Sorengars to 0. Conrad,
No. 96 North Second street, below Rare, corner of
Quarry street; PHILADELPHIA.
FOR sale an assortment of Gold and Silver
Patent Lever, Lepine and Plain Watches; fine
Gold Jewelry and Siver-Ware.
Prices at the 'Philadelphia Watch ¢ Jewelry Store.'
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS
carat cases, and Gold Dial, $2B 00 & over.
Silver Leter IVntehes, fill jeweled, 12 00 6 ,
Silver Leptne Watches, jeweled, 900 "
Superior Quartier %Vetches, 7
Geld Pencils, 100 6 ,
Fine Silver Spectacles, I 50
Gold Finger Rings, from 371 to 80 00 "
Watch Glasses, plain 121 cents ; patent,lBl cts.;
:met, 25 cents
Other articles in proportion.
Repairing promptly attended to.
All goods warrante be what they are sold for.
April 8, 1851. 11-Iy.
Wholesale Commission Paper Warehouse,
N0.9.1'511.‘0rt STRECT, Commission ,
oth and 6th and
Chesnut and Market streets, Philadelphia,
keeps constantly un hand a large and varied stock
of al! kinds of
lulled to pub'ishers, merchants, manufacturers,
schools, Ic. The undersigned returns his moss
sincere thane c to his old friends for past favors, and
hopes from his increased stock and exertions to
merit a_continuance of their custom.
All orders Iron, the country promptly attended
to. He can accommodate ptiblishers with any giv
en size or printing paper at the shortest notice. He
would say to those desirous of a good and cheap
article, give him a call and examine for yourselves.
No. 21, Minor street, Philadelphia'.
March 4. tf-6
Dr. 11031's Beare Powders.
Tlll9 preparation is now being
offered to the public as a guar
enteed Cure for the HEAVES in
Horses, and as the only knpwn med
icine in the •‘ nrld having,being used
in the titivate Veterinary practice of
theproprtettir far the last 37 years; and he his
user known tt to fail in a single instance of pro.
clueing a lasting cute, and leaving the horse in.griod
spirito for work.• 'fire utter incritnpeiency of the
horse fur 1:111.11r, a inn trillltied Willi this common
dis• nut., should induce every one having such to
apply irllll, (timely for this remedy.
Which will l e sent "with lull directions," to any
part of the United States. All letters or commu
nications to be addressed, post paid, to
Rear of No. 10, South Fifth St., Philadelphia
tcy-Whnlesale Agent Ibr the United States...oG
N. 13.—Agents wanted throughout the couniry,
to whom a liberal discount will be given; and their
names placed in the advertisements. Address as
above. (net 7.37-Gm
WIRO szl! fia-
For Lancaster,iHarrishurg, Carlisle, Phila., h.c.
THE undersigned, having made arrangements
with the Eagle Line for special accommoda
tions,.are prepared 40 forward to and from Phila
delphia, daily, Parcels, Packages, Single Cases of
Goods, &c. Articles for Columbia, York, Carlisle,
and Chambersburg, will he forwarded from Lan.
taster and Harrisburg by the regular conveyances.
Persons residing in the interior towns, which are
off the main routes, can obtain package's from
Philadelphia, by directing them to the care of some
one in any al. the above named places. Packages
for the Eastern, Western and Southern Cities, will
be forwarded from the Philadelphia Office with
great despatch and moderate terms. •
The undersigned will give particular attention to
tilling orders forwarded to them by mail, postage
paid. When they are for Goods to be eer.4.b;
Es press, no commission will be charged.
OFFICES.--Philadelphia, ADAtas & Co., No: SO
Chesnut Street ; Lancaster, J. G. THACKARA.
North Queen Street; Harrisburg, G. BERNOER,
Market Street.
E. S. SANFURD, ,-,
Nov. 20, ,49
Cheap and Good Watches. .
ZEPP, No. 79 North Second Street,
Q. 3 door° above Arch, is dairy receiving
Df every description, which will be sold cheaper
than e•er.
Gold Levers, IS carat cases, $3O to $lOO
Silver Levers, 16 " 35
Silver Lepine, 10 " 15
Qua rtier, 6 " 10
Gold Pencils, 1,50 " 10
Waichss repaired at this establiiihment.
Kr Don't forget the number-79 North 2d street,
3 doors above Arch, lower aide.
• Apri IS, 1651. 11-Iy*
Ned• Music.---Just Published
lE£ & WALK F.R. NM' 162 Chesnut street: are
constantly publishing and reedy
ing, new and beautiful music from the
most distinguslied composers. , 1 r I i
The tbllowing list contains some cif their choicest
and most popular Songa, Waltzes, Polkas, &c.
Now, thou art Cone, a beautiful sung, words tit
Thomas J. Ihehl, music by , , ambridge.
?Ay New Englan i Dome; words- and music by
Mrs. L. Wade.
Grobe's Omnibus; by C. Grobe—a collection of
Duetts. . .
Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by,Jos.
Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, J.
All the Winds are Sleeping,by A. S. Wornsey.l
Gurdinn Angel by the author of" Love Not." 1
Household Words, written by Chas. Young, do.
The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music
by liorr.
LEE & WALKER have also constantly on hand,
superiOr Pianos, and a supply or Martin's Celebra
ted Guitars, ohich, together with a fine assortment
of musical Instruments and Merehandize in gener
al, comprise a stock net to be surpassed by that of
any other establishment in the country.
162 Chesnut street, Swain'S
Marsh 11.
Philadelphia and Liverpool Line
1. of Pa - ickels.
- Tr° sail from Philadelphia on the
p.. .-.. s. O ll , 15th, and train Liverpool on the
/AI i L
- • ,, , ....4.4i . f....., let, of ouch month.
From Phila. From Liverpool.
Ship SIIENANDRAII ' April 15th June Ist
rapt. W. P. Gardiner. Aug. 15th Oct. Ist
Dec. 15th Feb. Ist
S 2 p WESTMORELAND, (new) (May 15th July Ist
Copt. P. A. Decan. Sept. 15th Nov. Ist
Jan. 15th Uarch Ist
Ship SHAcRAntAxoN, (new) June 15th Aug. let
Capt. W, H. West. Oct. 15th Dec. lot
. Feb. 15th April Ist
Ship MARY PLEAOANTII, July 15th Sep. lst
CuPT" It.
* ?, N l o a . . r ' c 11 15 1 1. 5 h jn
th Sl a ay . le t
The above firs'-class ships are built of the beet
materials, and commanded by experienced navi
gators. Due regard has been paid to select models
!or speed, with comfort for passengers. They will
sail punctually on the days advo•tised, taking ad
vantage of the steam tow-boats on the Delaware.
Persons wishing to engage passage fbr their friends
from Liverpool can obtain certificates, which will
be good for eight months.
Passage to Liverpool in the Cabin, $7O
Forward Cabin, 20
Steerage, 12
Passage from Liverpool in the Cabin, - S 100
Forward Cabin, 25
Steerage, 20
Thodh who wish to remit money, can he accom
mod tad with drafts for . .C1 sterling and upward,
payable at eight, without dkcouni.. Apply to
37 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
mny 6-13-Iyl 5 Temple Place, Liverpool.
rretezted to le what they an
WM. BAILY & SON, ..'
innlale, and Dtalent in
EN/1..11. Fltr.Nl:lt /V /MINS I VAT:IIP.SI,
JIMEI.III,II.VPHAV Ala:. ri , rito-
V. 1.. A Sli VAN., AKTICLES,
Are lainstantly receiving the latest styles
of the als we Guiana, which at offeied at o
wholesale or ratio', at
Nu. 211/ Mark,. 51,H. :Lbove Sixth, near
Dectallr-S,,t, l'•lphm.
.E. , 11..1.1b1if.D . 1,34.
CrosS , Circassian Oil
IS Olris composed of vegetable propertio.
it is theref , re perfectly harmleaß and cer
tain in its efficacy in eradicating all. DANDRUFF
from the head-; it likewise gives the hair a BEAU
TIFUL otossv_appearance, and causing it to flow in
luxuriant CU9 LS.
. _
Prepared and hold only by J. Cams, at his Hair
Cutting and SHAVING SALOON, Centre Square,
(nest to Baumgardners Store,) Lancaster Pa.—
Where testimonials of the good qualities or this
oil can (so seen. (oct 14 tf•99
Cheap Stove Store.
No. 46 ' 9 Market Street,
ONE door above Thirteenth etreet, South side
Hae on hand large assortment of
Improved ICisterbo4, Band Box and many other
Stoves, too numerous to mention. Also, a lamb
assortment of Chamber, Parlor, Bar Room and Of
fice Stoves. Warm Air Furnaces put up and re
Bricks and Castings always on have. Jobbing
attended to. Superior COAL fOr sale.
oct 28 3m-40
Plainfield Classical Academy.
THIS Institution ihas been established
nearly Six Years, during which time is'
such additions and improvements have been II
made as to render ithane of the moat commodious
and convenient in the State.
The course of studies includes all that are re
quired for College, Counting House, Etc. Also the
- modern languages, ;and Vocal and Instrumental
In regard to healthfulness, it may be mentioned
that no case of serious sickness has occurred in
the Institution since it wail founded. Its moral
purity is attested by the factthat depraved associates,
scenes of vice, and resorts of dissipation, have no
existence in this locality.
It is the determination of the Proprietor that the
Institution shall susthin the reputation it has already
acquired for imparting thorough instruction, and
inculcating and, establishing virtuous principles in
the minds of yOuthelsubmitted to his charge.
TERMS, (per.seseion of five months) $5O.
For Catalogues, containing references and full
particulars, address'
R. K. BURNS, Principal and Proprietor,
rainfield P. 0 , Cum. Co., Pa.
october 10 374 f
New Boot and Shoe Store
TA hi ES W. QU NN respectfully informs his
...., friends and the public in general, that he has
, aken the old stand of Adam S. Keller, in North
Queen street, whei4 he is prepared to manufacture
fine Frehch Fancy Boots, do. plain Waik-
ing Shoes, i onroqs, Congress Boots,
Gaiters. Also al: kinds or heavy work,
suitable for countq as well as city cus•
torn. All who want a neat fit and an easy Boot
would do well to gibe him a call.
Ladles' Branch.
To the Ladies he would say that all who want an
extra fine Satin Gaiter, Italian Clothdo. Fran
sic do fanq colored, ~ bite Kid Slippers,
French do. Sltoetees, Jenny Linda, Jefferson
lice, Buskins. ? Kid Gaiters, Morocco Boots,
anti all the various kyles, and ae he intends to sell
as cheap as any other establishment in the city, he
respectfully solicit{ their patronage. assuring all
who may rtatroniq him, that no efforts will be
spared to give general satisfaction both in quality
and in price.
ofy Custom work,made at the shortest notice.
Children's work If every description on hand.
Mending promptly attended to.
between Shober's and Vankanan's hotel.
o:7' He would further state, that he has secured
the services of Mr.INI. J. Weaver, formerly Fore
man in the employ of Adam S. Keller.
June 17.
Horse Power,
- •
TOW being manufactured at the shop of the
111 undersigned in East King Street, Lancaster.
This cheap and simply constructed Horse Power
excels any others tov in use—and more easily
operated, and cannot be put out of gear.
It is a single conical Wheel Horse Power with
four Levers, to be operated by four or eight horses.
The bed frame is ,solid and firmly prdvente the
gearing from getting out of order, and no danger
of breakage.
The master wheel is cone shaped, having the
teeth or cogs on thd underside, and the lever loops
cost solid with the !wheel. The levers are firmly
set into boxes in the hub of the wheel, and secured
by rods extending to each lever, and regulate the
easy motion of the Master wheel, so that the power
of each-horse is regularly divided, and the wheel
i: prevented from jarring by the sudden starting or
the horse. The bed frame is composed of two
solid plank forming right angles by being. halved
together at their centres The bed plate is formed
of a solid iron casting, having a cone shape pivot
resting upon the centre of the bed frame and firmly
bolted through. The cone shaped pivot has a
shoulder upon which the master wheel revolves.
Journals or boxes pre firmly screwed to the bed
plate and secure the regular horizontal motion o
the main shaft.
• Farmers are invitFd to call and examine the Ma
chines, which are warranted to purchasers.
The undersigned having spent much- time and
trouble in perfecting this valuable invention, and
the machine having een fully tested, and applica
tion having been made in dar.l. - 1 lak to secure Let
ters Patent lur said 1 - Improved Horse Power: All
persons are hereby duly notified and cautioned not
to manuelcdure the! same for sale or use, as they
will assuredly be dealt with according to law.
Orders liw the above Machine will be directed to
the manulacturer id East King street, Lancaster
one and a half squares east of the Court House.
SAMUEL B. HAINF.S, Inventor.
- 3 - ‘IIE subscriberslbeg leave thus to acquaint their
1. friends and the Ipublic, that they've made such
arrangements with a house in the city 'ol Philadel
phia as will enable them to execute orders the
Rurchase and sale of
At the 804,1 of probers, with promptness and
fidelity and on as Ihvorable terms in every respect;
as can be done in Philadelphia. The faithful and
c o nfidential execution of all business entrusted to
them may be relied:: on.
Money safely invested,for individuals on Estates.
in Bonds and Mortgages, State and United States
securities, &c. &c. Personal attention will be given
to the proper transfer, &c., of
Stock, Loans,
and such general inipervision as will obtain for those
intrusting business to them the safest and most de
sirable securities.
Also, the collection of Notes, Checks, Bills, &c.,
on Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and the
towns &c. in this vicinity.
Also, persons desirous of buying or selling any
stock of the Lane aster Banks' ' Conestoga Steam
Mills, Gas or Turnpike Stocks by leaving the order
in our sands will meet with prompt attention.
N. W. corner of Eist King and Duke ste.Lancaeter.
Feb. 12, 1850. , , 3-ly
11[agh S. Gara
\ O t U o L t D h g e
a a s i
s t rt a m l 1 e the ntn tt e e , n v attention - of o p n ß o lN f
G hie G f o r 16• D n d s s
now opening at the old stand, comprising a general
assortment of
o' the newest patterns, such as Black and Colored
Silks, Bereges, Poplins, Berege de Laines, Linen
Lusires, Ginghams, Lawns, &c., all of which arc
worthy of attention, and what is most important,
will be sold ata bargain. We are also opening a
line assortment of goods suitable for
including the various shades and styles of Cashma
rets, Summer Cloths,. Tweeds, Cassimeres, Jeans,
Cottonadea, &c., Which will be found very. cheap.
Also just received a fresh supply of
which will be sold at reduced prices, including
Checks, Tickings,l Shirting and Sheeting Musline,
Linen and Embobsed Table Covers,Floor and
Table Oil Cloths, Carpet Chain, Prime eathers, &c.,
all of which, withlour large and varied stock of
we but 'desire an examination of, to satisfy the
closest buyers, that it will be to their interest to
call before buying elsewhere.
Remember the old stand (formerly D. Cockley'e)
in East King -street. HUGH GARA,
arm! 1-10-tfl I (Late Gara & Swope.)
New Marble Yard. ,
lEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully
informs the pbblic that he has just received
trom the city of Philadelphia a superb stock of pure
together with a bOautiful as s ortment of
and that he is novi prepared to execute in the first
STONES of ever)! variety and price,Xantels Door
and Window Steps, and in fact every thing
pertaining to the marble business.
.•. • .
!lie facilities fol. furnishing articles in his line are
unsurpassed by say other establishment in the-city,
while he assures all who may favor him With their
patronage, that hie work shall be executed in the
very beet style, and on the most reasonable terms.
MAN done at the shortest notice, and in the most
modern and elegant styles.
He respectfully invites the public to call and
examine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his
claim to public pfitronage upon its merits.
His establishMent is in East Chesnut street, di
rectly in the rearior-Lechler , s Hotel, and next door
to Moderwell's old! ware house, near the railroad.
He has also opened a ware room in North Queen
street, nearly opposite the Bee Hive.
Dec. 3, 18501 45-ly
Feathers! Feathers !I
JUST receivedland for sale a large lot of Prime -
Live Geese Feathers.
National Hodge Building, North Queen St.
oct. 28 ' 1 t- 40
At the Bee Hive Store
.. . ,
, ... , ..5........;:tk. c , '
' itrtZ:•••.-...."`" - •" - • ...f. ,
REF..." - ` -) .,.......----- , -.,,,A
...- --, ,', • .H . IvE„,,,
, -
WHO would not have a Bay State Shawl when
you can get one at Wentze Bee Hive Dry
Goods Store for just one-half the money that was
generally paid for them 7 Here you can have the
opportunity of making a selection from an assort
ment not hlways kept in a retail store.
An elegant shawl only $5, worth $B,OO.
7,. 1 10,00.
In fact the real genuine, solid, all wool, gay and
plain Long Shawls, 72 x 144, cheap. A very good
Shawl, only $l,OO. Plain mode and lead cloth
Square Shawls, Black twisted and knotted fringe
Square Shawls. Drab and bllck silk fringe Thihet
Shawl, only $4,0, worth $.6;00. Rob Roy, or the
celebrated basket Shawls, very heavy, 9-4 only
New designs l3rocha Long Shawls, centres col.
green, cherry, brown, drab, white, and blue, war
ranted all wool, only $ '7,50. Mournig Bay State
Long Shawls, 93,50 to i.ii12,0 1-1 , worth $25,00.
Brocha, 9.4, Square Shawls, all wool, only 84,00,
worth $B,OO. Plain, 9-4, solid cols. maroon, green,
blue, scarlet and brown Bay State Shawls, now
very fashionable, selling at a great bargain._
Bee Mire, Lancaster
The voice of the people must be heard, c onse
quently the excitement now going abroad about a
"New Court House" must be settled by the only
tree way of voting for the de.nolishing of the old
It has long been a settled fact by the majority of
the people, that at the Bee Hive Dry Goods Store
you can see the greate-t variety of handsome, and
the most fashianab:e style of goods, brought before
an enlightened public for examination. Here you
can at all times get the best bargains.
~ All wool, high cols. De Lames, 31,37, 50 cts
I,:ltich cols., Isri,le and small figures, 37, 50, 62 ;
E o 75 cents.
Plain De Lathes, mode and drab cols., 25, rte.
Mode, pink, the Try, red, scarlet, crim , on,
'E light blue, dark blue, green—all shades,
brown, ro.y,il purple, and hanusome shades
of aroon French Merinoes.
Mode, dark blue, crimson, lead, green, and bllt
Paramettas one and one-fourth yards wide, very
fine, only 62{ cts.
G6lli Nicdal, large figs. De Li . ines, only 25, w'th
.r " Si " 25
" " neat •' 181, 25,31;.
Hee Hive Store.
This assortment is very complete
Good styles, only 6..1, worth 121. Green and
yellow prints, only 8 cts, Black and white Calicoe,
only 6}-, worth 10 cents. Oraime and blue, on y
8 cts., worth 10. Unbleached cotton flannel, only
6*, 8, 10 cts. A few more i_iecea unbleached Mus
lin at 6t cm. Checks, Tickings, Flannels, &c., all
colors. BEE HIVE, N. Queen st.
Bajou's and Alexandre's (Cid Cloves, all colors
and sizes, from No. 6 to No. S. selling at only 75 e.
Extra fine, heavy work L. C. Handkerchiefs,
81 to S 5.
Extra doe, heavy plain L. C. Hdkfs. 12.1 c. to $2.
Fine, new style needlework Collars, for Ladies.
Ladies, white lamb's wool Hose, 37k , fio , 62ic.
black do.
" mixt do.
Suck Flannels, pink, grern, Fray mixt, blue mixt,
and light blue cols. only 25, 3., 37} cents.
11 ourning Dress Goods, Cohere, Ribbons, &c., of
every description.
nov 25 tf.441 Bee Hive, Lanceacter
The World's Fah* !
A S many of our citizens will not be able, on ac
count of business and other matters, to visit
London during the exhibition of the ‘borld's Inge
nuity. the proprietors of the
(successors to Jos. Gormley) have now on hand the
largest and cheapest stock of elegant Clothing
(New Spring Styles) ever offered to the public,
which they are determined t.i sell at extremely low
They are determined to maintain the confidence
of theirfriends, and have exerted all theirendeavors
to bring out a splendid stock of Clothing for this
season, and by their superior lacilities in the pur
chase of their cloths, the immense number of ex
cellent workmen employed, and the talent displayed
in the cutting department, they can offer elegant
cloth Dress and Frock Coats from S 5 to 512,00,
fine Satin. Vests 81,50 to 83, black and fancy Cassi
mere Pants S 2 to 85; light Summer Clothing in
endless variety, and at corresponding low. prix es.
Visit the extensive establishment of Rathfon and
Hensler and secure a savi lig or at least 30 percent.
on your purchases. Our nit is to please arid ac
commodate all ; and iii order to do this we manu
facture clothing at almost every price. :Selling for
cash only enables S c to offer clothing at a very
trifling advance. Our motto is
We are confident that an examination by you is
all that is neces.ary to confirm what site may say,
and secure your custom. Also a full assortment o.
piece goods on hand, which will he made to order
in the best manner at the rates as ready made, and
warranted to give satisfaction.
We have secured the services of Mr. JOSEPH H.
FERGUSON, long known to the public as an ex
perienced cutter. Mr. Ferguson has peen tor a
number of years in connection with some of the
most fashionable iterchanCl'ailoring establishments
in the Western Cities, and is hilly confident that
everything emanating Rom his hands will be done
intthe best style.
Rathron & Hensler avail themselves of this occa
sion to return their sincere thanks to their friends
for the very liberal patronage heretofore received,
and hope to merit a continuance of their fllvors.
Open your ears; Ibr which if you tvill stop
The vent of hearing, when loud rumor speaks !
strange—'tis very wonderful !
That Rumor once the truth should speak ;
Astonishing the multitude
To see her play so strange a freak—
Hut if in doubt you have indulged,
You'll bid your bosom doubt no more,
If you'll but take the time to call
At Rath fun & Hensler's Store.
The most fastidious there will find
Clothes suited to their taste and mind,
The best and cheapest ever made,
Of every fashion, every shade;
Just call and see, you'll find forsooth,
That Rumor sometimes speaks the truth.
'Tin rumored that RATHFON & HENSLER'S
HALL OF FASHION can produce the greatest va
riety, best made, and cheapest Clotning in the city
of Lancaster. That's the place, Gentlemen, that's
the place to get yOur money back. Call and see
them. IK:r Don't forget the place. The Lancaster
Hall of Fashion, North Queen street, next door to
the National House, and the third door South o.
Orange. [June 3-19
THE subscriber takes this method of informing
his friends and the public in general, that he
still continues the
at the OLD STAND, No. 6, East King street, where
he will be pleased to accommodate all who may
faior him with their custom. Nhving employed a
workman of decided superiority from Europe, he
is prepared to furnish all articles in his line, in the
most splendid style—Pound and Fruit Cakes orna
mented in the most superior manner with Temples,
Altars of Hymen, Flower Baskets, Boquets,
&c., suitable for wedding, evening or dinner par
ties, &c.
Cakes.—His assortment is the MOST varied
and extensive of any in the city. They can be had
fresh every day.
Confectionaries, of many new and ap
proved kinds, wholesale and retail.
.I[Cl3 Creams.—Having made various alte
rations and improvements in his Saloons, they will
be found, if not vi ne plus ultra,'' at least as neat,
commodious, and well ventilated as any in this city.
As to the creams which he shall furnish, he challenges
competition in the quality, variety and richness of
flavor, as he intends, during the season, to intro
duce several new kinds heretofore only manufac
tured in the larger cities.
'Water Ices, a delicacy never before offered
in this place. In introducing, for the first time, to
the Lancaster public, this truly delicious article,
the subscriber feels assured that it requires but to
be known to render it one of the most popular
luxuries of the season. At his establishment it will
be made by a person who, from experience and
practice, is a perfect master of his business, and
therefore the public may rely upon being supplied
with a superior article.
Lancaster, May 6
Encourage your own Mechanics
5 % .
VENITIAN WANDS 01 the niort beautiful pat
tern and finish, are manufactured at the estab
lishment of the undersigned, whose shop can be
found immediately in the rear of Vankanan's (form
erly Schofield's) hotel.
The blinds are made of wood of the smoothest
and most durable quality, and at short order and
moderate prices. The subscriber having had con
siderable experience in the manufacture of Venitian
Blinds, the people of this city and county can de
pend upon having any work they may order, exe
poledctbiloinnd of ther repaired
pa p ir u e b d l
cuted with despatch and in a workmanlike manner.
A variety of handsome blinds are on hand for the
;id trimmed, to look equal
to ,new. GEORGE FLICK.
april lb
SMITIEDIII.7ISOAINI OgligrAralarllLT.lsll.
IT HE subscriber has just received the most extensive assortment of STOVES to be found in this ruarke.t
1 His stock embraces edery one of the most approved patterns, not only from the maitothotore,, of this
neighborhood, butatso from those of Albany, Troy, New York, Providence, Philadelphia, &c.
His arrangements are such as to enable him to sell them wholesale ov;retail gat manufacturer's
prices. He has also made large additions to his- stock of
and offers inducements that will make it heinterest of purchasers to deal with him.
sep 23-35-3m] GEO. M. STEINMAN, West King street.
The Cheap Hardware Sthre,
East King Street, opposite Illessenkop's , ilotel.•
lIEU BEN S. RU: HER,. late Sprecher Ec Rohrer,
returns his thanks for the many past favors
bestowed upon the late firm, and would inform them
that he will continue the business at the old stand,
and solicits their further favors. He would call
their attention to a well selected stock of
such as Locks, Latches, Butt Hinges, File's, Saws,
Screws, Bolts and a general assortment of Building
Chisels, Hatchets, Broad Axes, Drawing Knives,
Bracer and Bills; Egley>s Superior Domestic
'Augers, and all kind, of Carpenter Toole.
Hammered and Rolled Iron of all sizes, Shear,
Blister, Sheet and Cast Steel, Slit, Hoop and Sheet
Iron, of all kinds.
..a.'i7 , 79 7 1t1Z ',STOY.ES,
Bellows, Screw Plates, Rasps and every description
of Blacksmith Tools.
Superior Pocket Knives from the Waterville Man
ufacturing Company. Also, English Pen Knives,
Fine Ivory Knives and Forks, Buck, -Bone and
Cocoa handle Knives and Forks; Razors, Scissors,
&c., &c.
Coffee* Pots, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, either in
whole setts or single piece. Britannia Candlesticks,
Tumblers, Plates, &c.
SADDLERY.—Bitts, Buckles, Dames, Webbing,
Hog Skins, Traces, Saddle Trees, Whip Stalks,
Tacks, Thread, &c. Broad and Narrow Lace, Oil
Cloth, Curtain. Frames. Brass and Silver Hub-bands.
Varnishes, Turpentine, Japan, White Lead, Paints,
Brushes, &c.
Tubs, Buckets, Coolers, Churns, Meat Stands,
Butter Firkins, Water Cans and Kegs, Wash Bask
ets, Market Baskets, Half Bushel and Peck Mea
sures; Clover, Timothy, Herd and Orchard Grass
The celebrated Victory Cook Stove; also,
the Hathaway Stove ; 'Wood and Coal Stoves.
The attention of Farmers is called to the Patent
Cultivator, and also Minnick's Ploughs.
A new article of Grain Scythes, very superior
also, Waldron's, Winsted's, Darling's, Dunn 3".
Taylor's, Robey & Sawyer's, rand Morrie' Grain
and Grass Scythes.
GRAIN CRADLES.—Goad & Brensere make
of Grain Cradle.
HAY RAKER,—Rakes of different kinds, Whet
Stones, &c., and a large assortment of Farming
utensils, all of which will be sold at the lowest
prices. f jime 4-IS tf
rr HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
of Lancaster city and county, that he is now
receiving one of the finest collections of P
wood and coal Cooking Stoves, &c., ever brought
to this market. His collection comprises the finest
patterns and styles of the celebrated manufactories
of New York, Philadelphia. Troy, Albany, Provi
dence, Bze., and he is confident ihat out . of so large
an assortment no one can fail of being pleased.
He would also state that he is the sole ag ent of
Lancaster county, tor two of the most CelebrSted
Cooking Stoves now in use. These stoves burn
either wood or coal, and he is particularly desirous
of calling attention to ilien t .
His stock of Glass, Oils, Paints, ED rdware, Sad
dlery, Cutlery, Iron and Steel, is of the most ex
tensive character, to which is being added daily
fresh supplies. An extensive lot of Mahogany and
Walnut Veneers just received,
He is also agent thr the celebrated . Ohio Fire
Proof Paints.
He flatters hilbself that with his present large
stock and facilities, he is enabled to make it largely
to the advantage of all persons dealing in hie line.
Please call and examine for yourselves,,rit the
sign of the " Big Lock," North Queen Street, be
tween Hostetter's and Danner's hotels.
oct I S-tf G. D. SPRECHER.
New York Importers and Jobbers
5s Liberty Street, between Broadway and Nassau
Street, near the Post Office, New York.
WE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Eu
rope, our Fall and Winter assortment or Rich
Fashionable Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods.
We respectfully invite all Cash Purchasers
thoroughly to examine our stock and prices, and,
as interest governs, we feel confident our Goods
and Prices will induce them to select from our es
tablishment. Peculiar attention is devoted to
Millinery Goode, and many of the articles are man
ufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be
surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness.
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck, arld
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and
Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for
Feathers, American & French Artificial Flowers.
Puffinga and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, large assortment:
Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Undersleeves and .l
Fine Embroidered Reviere and Hemstitch Cam
brit Handkerchiefs.
Crapes, Lieges Tarletons,lilusirniand Cap Laces.
Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle
Thread Laces.
Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino
Gloves and Mitts.
Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn
and JackonetMuellna. ,
English, French, Anierican and Italian STRAW l
GOODS. jeep 2-32-6 m i
PHILIP DEICHLER respectfully notifies 'his
o.d customers and the public generally, that
he has removed to the room lately occupied by
William Sayre') & Son, in Rramph 2 s building, N.
Queen street, directly opposite the Post Office,
where he constantly keeps on hand and will Manu
facture to order
. .
Boots and Shoea of every description,
made in the moat fashionable styles, and of the
best materials.
He would particularly invite attention to a fine
article of Cloth, Leather and Morocco
also, to a general assortment of CHILDREN'S
GAITERS of various sizes and colors—all of which
he will sell as cheap as any other establishment in
the city.
He desires the Ladies and Gentlemen, of Ladcas
ter city and county to give -him a call,.and judge
for themselves. He has no doubt of his ability to
render general satisfaction.
it:TREPAIRING of all kinds neatly done at the
shortest notice. [april 23-13-If
Saddlery and Coachware.
THE subscribers have just received a general
assortment of Saddlery and Coachware, em
bracing the latest styles of
Saddle and Gig Trees, Stirrups, Girth Webb, 'Hog
and Buck Skins '
Deer Hair, &c. ALSO,
Spokes, Felloes,
Bent Shafts, Malleable Castings,
Moss, Coach Laces,Hub Bands, Patent' Leather,
Enamelled Oil Top H ides, Head and Curtain Lining,
Carriage and Fire Bolts,ltc., &c., all of which aro
offered at Philadelphia. prices at the new and cheap
Hardware Store, North Queen street, between
Shober's and Van Kanan's hotels.
may 20 17
JUST RECEIVED—A superior lot of FRESH
FRUIT, consisting of ORANOES, RAISINS, Fros,
Soft Shell Almonds, &c., &c. KEFFER'S
Confectionary and Fruit Store, No. 6, E. King at.
nee 26 44
Iron and Steel.
For the Cure of CoUsumption.
N • —.
. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
Tickling in the Throat, ,Spitting Blood, Difficult
Breathing, Bronchitis, Incipient, Confirmed, and
Tubercular Consumption. In three bottles. Each
one particularly adapted to each foe of three
stages of Consutnpton. To the afflicted the ap
pearance in three bottles of NettalPs Syriacum is
a new era in Medicine, from its novelty and direct
• i
opposition to the old, absurd and inconsistent one
bottle system ; while its:succens, prepared in this
manner, (each bottle containing i a different prepara
tion,) in curing the different - stages which charac
terize Consumption, has established the welcome
truth of the curability of, every ',stage of pulmonary
;K7 - Physicians approve of it because it is based
upon correct Physiological and Pathological prim
The Public approve of it, because it is coin
men sense, and because they know from sad ex
perience, that one preparation will not cure the
three stages of Consumption.
The suffering, disappointed, and discouraged
invalid approves of it, because its principles hold
out a reasonable hope, and when Ire uses l'si l uttall's
Syriacum, his hopes are .realized.
If he is in the first stage of Consumption and
uses the first bottle, his expectoration, difficult and
painful, becomes free and easy, his cough soon
gets well, the soreness, tickling in his throat, in
flammation, pain in his breast, side, head, back,
joints, and limbs are removed.
If he is in the second stage and uses the second
bottle, his fever leaves him, his disturbed slum
tiers became sweet and refreshing, his night,cveats
vanish, his expectoration, copious and bloody,
assumes a healthy appearance, and at length dis
appears, his bowels become regular, his appetite
vetuins, the flush in his cheek disappears, the
burning heat in the palms of his hands and soles.
of his feet, are felt no longer, his cough now ceases,
he recovers and is well.
If he is in the third tstage4 and uses the third
bottle, his Diarrhceit grAduall ceases, his weak
bowels become strongf his cough and other bad
symptoms disappear, (and if the patient is a female,
her monthly periods return,)•his feeble digestion
becomes ctrung'and vigorous, his stomach recovers
ins power and tone, and creates new, rich, and
nourishing blood, his strength returns, his wasted
body is clothed with flesh, hinlife is saved, and he
Is restored to health.
Each bottle of Nuttall's Syriacum has the syMp
toms of the stage far which it is intended printed
in front of the wrapper, whereby every invalid
knowing his own symptoms,pan judge for himself
which bottle he requires, consequently no mistake
van occur in selecting the proper medicine.
KTSee Pamphlets in 'possession of the Editor of
thig paper. containing Dr. Nuttallts Pathology of
Consumption—Lecture on thq Structure.and uses
of the Human Lungs, and certificates of cures.
Prepared only by Dr..lh'm. Nuttall, inventor and
proprieto.. Price $l,OO per bottle.
Dr. Wm. Lindop, Fotteraß Buildings, No. 26
South sth- street, Philadelphia,
Agent fur the Proprietor, and sold in Lancaster
by C. A. HEINITSH and .TORN F. LONG, Drug
gists. [nov 25-44-1 y •
Celebrated Botanic Syrup,
yo a certain, safe and effectual' remedy for remo ,
ving all diseases arising from an impure condi
tion of the blood, or from an injudicious use of
mercury, &c. It stands unrivalled for the cure of
SctiiivuLA or Kings Evil. Disease of the bone, tu
mors, stubborn ulcers„ ulcers of the throat, neck,.
nose and legs, white. swellin6 disease of the spine,
kidney complaints, chronic rheumatism, pustular
eruptions on the face, arms end body, erysipelas,
dropsical affections, mercureal and syphilitic effec
tions, sick bend ache, dizziness, all constitutional
disorders. and all diseases arising from early indis
cretions, &c., &c. This - medicine • has a• specific
and most salutary action upon the liver and spleen
and will in a short time ifperseyeimd in cure the most
obstinate case of livqr complaint. Dispepsia or in
digestion, it, nine caeca out of ten is caused by an
unhealthy condition of the liver &c.; this being the
cause, it is evident that by the use of the Botanic
Syrup, the digestive organs must again res•one
their healthy functions, and renewed health, vigor
and strength will inevitably follow.
Many persons are diseased ;tor the want of their
blood being purified. Thousands of persons, are de
Atioying their constitutions by neglecting to apply
I . a proper remedy; to all:such. the Botanic Syrup will
be of intrinsic value as a certain and effectual means
of restoring them to their nodal health and rigor
Valuable respectable elrtificates of cures could be
adduced and inserted here if the inventor of this
invaluable medicine deemed it expedient to do so.
lie doe's not consider it prudent, nor is he willing
to make n public show and' use of respectable
names of individuals who hitve been thoroughly
I cured of their complaints, or n means to enhance
the sale of the medicine, hilt would respectfully
request all persons afflicted with any of the above
diseases, to give the Botanic !Syrup a fair trial and
they will soon find to their greatest pleasure, that
- what has been here inserted in regard, to the value
of;the medicine is true. Persons using the syrup
will find it agreeable, 'pleasant and harmless. It
will not in any event injure the constitution, but will
otherwise assist nature in restoring, giving an en
tire healthy change to the system by completely
1 driving out those impurities , which is the chief
i cause of disease.
It is put up in pint bottles, price 56 cents per
bottle, or 6 bottles for $2,50. Full directions se
; companies each bottle. Prepared and sold by
At the Family Medicine Store, opposite the Na
tional House, Lancaster. tinny 20-tf-17
Cure of Consumption,
_ _
Ihave published a brief work on Consumption,
which contains an invaluable recipe for the cure
of these prevalent diseases, even in their worst
stages, when friends and physicians have given up
all hopes. The hints ou diet, dress, exercise, &c.,
S:d., are very valuable.: TheLUNG BALSAM pre
scribed in this 'work ctiena without the expensive
nid of physicians or injtirious use of patent medi
cines. In adopting this system of cure the patient
knows what he is using knows that he is not short
ening his days by the usti of anodynes or mercurials,
which may seem to relieve .but never cure. He
knows when using this Life-saving Balsam, that he
is taking mild, pleasant,efficacious remedies, Such
as Nature prescribes Foy the ills her children suffer.
The ingredients composing :the Lung Balsam are, (cheaply too,) wherever consumpton
exists, proving that every ill has its antidote. Con
semption patients may rely, on this recipe—fall
Lung complaints are removed by its use)---I would
,not attach my name to it, had,l doubt of its efficacy.
The directions for preparing and using the Balsam
are perfectly plain. I prefer selling the Recipe to
making the Balsam..aait enables peitple to make
their own medicine at a.trifling cost. I will impart
the secret of making the . , Balsam, and the Family
Right to use it, for $1 ;, : but in no case will I sell it
for speculative purposes: .
JAcKsox,Mich., NI arch 21, 1651
Dn. S. Toosty—Sir: You wished me to let you
know what effect your pieparation of ,Niedicine for
Consumption and other diseases had in my family.
Alter the first ten days'rey 'wile gained in weight 3
lbs., relieved her cough;changed her countenance,
and all appearancesyvere better. My family would
not be willing to do without it. It is a medicine
much needed in JacksonHthere is many cases sim
ilar io my wife's. The Rey. Mr. Blanchard will
write you for a rtneipe: I Respectfully yours,
• 0.
Address, post pa id nclosing $l,) Doctor S.
TOUSEY, 106 Nassas street, New York. The
.work goes by mail under seat. rang 19-30-6 m
Building Lots for. Sale.
MNl' a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church of the City
of Lancaster, will be cola at private sale, the proud
in the rear of the Church building, (formerly occu
pied as a burying grountl,) and facing on Walnut
street, which can be divided into six handsome
building lots—to he alloid separately or together,
as may best Suit purchasers.• Possession given im
Apply to BENJAMIN F. SIIENK, President of the
Board of Trustees.
Lancaster, oct 7 I tf-37
StoveMt Stoves!
rp HE subscriber has jest received a large assort
went of 'Stoves of the latest patterns, includ
ing the celebrated - Liberty Air-tight Cook, flat
top complete and otheri. Also a splendid 'assort
ment of ParlotStoves, coal aid wood, Salamander,
&c., &c., all of which are sold at the lowest prices.
oat 28-401 ' Sign of the. Anvil.
THE best and strongest certified medicine in the
world for the cure of Dyspepsia in all its forms
—such as headache, heartburn, habitual costive
ness, acidity of the stomach, loss of appetite,
asthma, piles, incipient consumption, debility aris
ing from protracted fevers, fever and ague, expo
sure to heat or cold, old age—and diseases arising
from . imperfect dig estion, or a deranged condition
of the stomach , it is also an excellent remedy,
and not surpassed by any medicine in use, for
females suffering front uterine or nervous derange
Among the numerous and highly respeciaiile err
tifieates, we refer to the following
Prof. A. A. Hayes, M. D., State Assayer.
Fitzhenry Homer, Esq., Boston.
James C. Dunn, Esq., City Treasurer, Boston.
Hon. Myron Lawrence, Ex-PrestPt Mass. Senate.
Hon. L. H. Arnold, formerly Governor Rhiftie
Island, now Member of Congress.
lion William 'Woodbridge, formerly Governor of
Michigan, now U. S. Senator. '
Hon. J. T. Morehead, formerly Governor ol
Kentucky, now U. S. Senator.
Hon. J. F. Simmons U. S. Senator from Rhode
Hon. Samuel S. Phelps, U. S. Senator from Vt.
Hon. William Upham,
Hon. Solomon Foote, Member of Congress from
Vermont. • ;
Hon. H. D. Foster, Member of Congress from Pa.
Hon. M. L. Martin, Delegate in Congress from
Wisconsin Territory: •
Gen. A C. Dodge, Delegate in Congress from lowa.
R. P. Stowe, Esq., Cle•k in the House of Repro .
C. C. Throwbridge, Esq.,. Detroit, Michigan
Geo.W. Jones, Esq., Surveyor General, Dub ~ue,
Joseph Hoxie, Esq., No. 76 Wall et., New Yowl.
Many other individuals of the highest respect:,
bility, can be referred to, who will confirm all that
has been said in flavor of this invaluable medicine.
13R. GEO. B. GREEN, Proprietor,
Windsor, Vermont.
REED, BATES & AUSTIN, Wholesale Drug
gists, No. 26 Merchants' Row, Boston, General
Price $1 per bottle; six bottles lbr-12.
CAUTION—Each bottle of the Genuine Oxyg..
noted Bitters, will have tho outside wrapper printed
in English, French and Spanish, with the signatwe
of GEO. B. GREEN, Proprietor, upon THREE SIDES,
and in addition, a finely engraved label upon the
top of the bottle, with the signature of REED, BATES
& AUSTIN, who are the sole General Agents, and to
whom all orders must he addressed.
North Queen street, Lancaster
For Sale by
may 20
Fi ESE Pills are composed entirely of Vegeta
911bte Substances, t ird in ninety-nine cases ourol
every hundred, will perform a perfect and perma
sent cure in three days. No instance nas ever
been known, where more than six days have been
requited to perform a complete cure, even in the
very worst cases, and on the strongest constitrt
tions. We would earnestly soy to all who are
atiletid with this distressing disease, to get one
box and try them, and in all cases, two boxes nre
warmnied to cure, if taken according to the di
rections, or the looney returned. ALSO, MY
This medicine is a certain cure for Dyspepsia
in us very worst forms. Thousands of asses have
been completely cured by it within the last year,
which base been ei.diely despaired of by the reg.
ular lamily physicians. We do not recommend
TO cure everything—we recommend it to cure
Dyspepsia, and the diseases originating from
and that it will cure in almost every case, and it is
recommended fur nothing else. In many instance,,
even the worst of eases have been completely
cured in two mid three months, but it depends
somewhat upon the constitution of the patient.
We would say to all who are afflicted with Dye.
pepsin, give Ode medicine a fair trial, and if it fads
to do rood. your money still he returned. ALSO,
'rids is the most wonderful Vt'orm Deatroyer
ever know n, and at the same time, so pleasant to
take, that almost every child will be fond of it,
and tunny instances have been known at children
crying, tar more alter once taking it.
'I his medicine is in the term of n powder, the
only medicine ever used in that form, and it ope
rises upon n principle entirely different front ally
other medicine ever administered by any ode r
physician. It is the only medicine which has no
Worm Sfi•d Ott or Turpentine combined with it,
which is believed by all other physicians, to be tl•.a
only two things which will destroy tvoi me, and
tins.; Iwo things combined, together whin castor
oil, are the active principles of all other worm
medicines, which every person who bee ever tasted
or smelled, knows to be the most nauseous of all
nauseous medicines, and on account of which, there
is generally something added to destroy this natl.
seous tante, anti in ordc'r to do this, it is wont:-
thing stronger than the medicine itself, and
therefore it must necessarily destroy some of its
medicinal properties. 'These powders are simple
and), harmless, that a child may eat a whole box
at once, and it will not be hurt, while at the sumo
time the principle upon which it acts being differem
from anything else ever used, it will destroy al
kinds of Worms with a certainty never equalled.
It will not only destroy the seat worms, or Ascari
dee, and lung, round worms, or Totes, but is the
mast effectual medicine fur the 'destruction nt the
Tape Worm ever known. 'remt doses have brought
as many no FIVE Tape Worms from one permit
• your children have any symptoms of worms,
try these Powders, and in nine cattee out of ten,
you will never use any other Those are also
'These medicines are all separate, and one for
each disease, and each for only ono disease. They
are not recommended, ns many other medicines
are, to cure some fifteen or twenty diseases, and
all of different natures, Mt they are each to cure
but one disease, and that they will do in !finely
nine cases our of every hundred, and where they
have a fair trial and fail in all cases, th e money w,h
be returned,
PILLS, a certain cure For Indigestion, Debility,
Sickness or Burning in the Stomach. Pain in the
Side and Stomach, Costiveness, Sensation ,01
Weight 'in the Stomach after eating, Difficulty of
Breathing, Restlessness, Want of Appetite. Pal
pitation of the Heart, and all other Diseases whiel,
arise from Indigestion.
Lan. co.
J. GILBERT & CO., No. 177, North 3d et, Phila
DR. SHOENFELD & LONG, Lancaster.
•OppOsite the National House, North Queen St.
tie p. 9, 1851. • 31-1 v
Neutral Ink.
lHE'eubscribers having purchased the right For
the manufacture, and sale of FAHNESTOCIOS
are now prepared to supply the article in any quan
tities, large or small, to Merchants, Business Men
and others.
This Ink, which has already acquired a celebrity
wherever it has been used, is entirely free from any
substance which corrodes the pen—is of a beautiful
jet color, and admirably adapted for Day Books,
Ledgers, Recbrd Books, and every other species of
writing which require durability.
Their establishment is in kalit. Orange street, a
few doors east of Kmmph , s Building.
A Valuable Farm for Sale,
OIITUATED immediately on the new Turnpike
Roadfrom Millwood to Winchester, Clarke
county, Va., containing 249 ACRES, seventy-five
or eighty acres of excellent timber, with two sides
of the Tract under anew and complete stone fence.
There are one or two never-failing springs of good
water,a small butcomfortable DWEL
tti •A . LING HOUSE of four rooms, Kitchen,
II" , smoke house, servants' house, poultry
' , house, corn house, stables &c. Per.
sons'vvlshing to view the Land, will be shown it by
Mr. Dicks, who resides on the premises.
Ternis made known by application to the sub
scriber, 'five miles Northeast of Berryville,Clarke
co., Va. '';‘ JAMES W. LAUE.
sep 2 32-tf
Slrulder Braces.
AREMEDtsIor habitual stooping, round and
crooked shoulders, weak back and cheat, and
preserve an erect knd graceful position, indispen
sable to health and beauty. They are adapted to
benefit men, women 'and children of all ages, oc
cupation and conditions. For sale at
Drug and Chemical Stare, No. 13, East Kiug
Lancaster, Sep. 9. . 98
- - _
W. Corner Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa.
THE subscriber in truly thankful to bis friends
for past favors, and heretby informs his old cus
tomers and the public in general that he has just
received from the city of Philadelphia, a large and
carefully selected assortment of fashionable
suitable for the season—which, together with those
of his own manufacture, makes his stock equal, if
not superior, to any thing in this city. It consists
in part of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin, Silk, Nutria,
Hungarian, California and Slouch Hats, and his
stock of CAPS embraces every kind and quality
now in the Philadelphia market, all of which will
be sold lower than the lowest.
Hats of any quality and style made to order, with
neatness and despatch—and afterwards ironed fire
of charge. .
pr At his establishment it is always considered
a pleasure to show goods.
ccr Call at the Cheap Hat and Cap Store, N. W.
corner of Centre Square, near Baumgardner's Store,
and take a look at our assortment. Admittance free.
Lancaster, April 22. . 13
ASTROLOGY.—The celebrated Dr. C. W. Ro-
HACK, Professor of Astrology, Astronomy,
Phrenology and Geornancv, combined with Conju
ration, from Sweden, office No. 6, White stree t
New York.
505,000 having been won by my numerous friends
on the late Presidential Election, should convince
those skeptical persons who talk of failure, that no
such word as fail is or has been known by the emi
nent and distinguished Astrologer, C. \V. EOBACK,
who, during his experience of over a quarter of a
century, during which time he has given advice,
and employed the wonderful powers which he only
"Is the possessor of in this country, having been born
with this wonderful,` most powerful science. Who
can doubt that we are not unuer the influence of
destiny, and Governed by the reciprocal influence
of the celestial, terrestrial, and the astronomical
systems, whose mutual relation to each other oncta,
disturb, and will it not destroy the unison of action?
Do you doubt predestination? then why not every
man gain the celebrity of General Taylor, Daniel
Webster, or a Henry Clay? and yet there are some
who are foolish enough to doubt that a man may be
born with the power to see into future events. such
should not condemn till they have called to see the
seventh son of the seventh son, whose advantages
from travelling have given him more experience
than all the other astrologers, male or female, in
the United Sates.
How can it be possible that the destiny of man
should be governed by the mere shuffling of a pack
of eards/ and yet there are thousands who allow
themselves, with open mouths, to swallow the
greasy words of some old woman, whose true skill
consists in filling them with wonders that are more
for the digestion of others, who credulous, yet more
scientific. It is such that bring discredit on a pro
fession that loss been acknowledged to be a science
of the iruhest order, from time immemorial; and it
is the only profession that has holy authority to sus
tain it. The high respect which General Taylor
and' the following gentlemen had for Astrology is,
shown by his letter for his nativity, of the 10th of
February, 1846, to the subscriber, in which he pre
dieted all his victories, and nulled the places of the
late war with Mexico; he also predicted that ho
would be elected President of the United States,
and also foretold that he would not live but a short
time Mier Isis election, which prediction has been
filled to the very letter.
In addition to his power to foresee future events,
he has the power to give such information as will
etlectually redeem such as are given to the free use
of the bottle. He is also capable of curing diseases
heretofore considered incurable in this country by
the ordinary medicines, and wishes all to give him
a rail who have been given up by their physicians
and wish to be cured lie will warrant a cure in
all cases, and will make no charge, except for the
conjurations he shall make use of in his office. He
is often asked what a nativity is: he answers, ac
; cording to Geomancv, one of the seven points in
the science of Astrology, that it is tt. Horoscope of
the future events of a persons's life, carefully cal
culated and transcribed on paper, containing an
, account of all the-lucky arid unlucky days in the
months and years of the person's life for whom it is
• cast; by which means thousands in this country and
I elsewhere have been prevented from misfortunes
that had been hidden in the womb of futurity, by
referring to their Nativity befbre entering on any
1 speculation of business or pleasure. It should be
in.the hands of every one as their Almanac of life.
A Nativity of an individual can only forwarn the
possessor of troubles that are in future for him; those
who are involved in present difficulties• of any kind
must wait on the subscriber in person or by letter,
who is pref ared to exert his influence for their im
mediate benefit. He is ready to use his influence
to foretell the result of lawsuits and all undertak
ings in which there is a risk involved; lie also makes
use of his power for the restoration ofstolen or lost
property, which he has used for the advantage of
thousands in this city and elsewhere.
' icr He can he consulted with at his Office, or by
letter, if prepaid, and he is prepared to make use
of his power on any of the following topics; Mai
nesse of all descriptions, travelling by land or sea;
courtships; advice given for their successful accom
plishment ; speculating in stocks, merchandise, or
real estate; the recovering of legacies sn dispute;
the purchasing of tickets, and the safety of ships at
sea. He also has had the honor of receiving a cer
tificate from the Hon. C. John Bernadotte, formerly
King of Sweden, which it will give him great pleas
ure in showing to those who favor him with a call;
he also offers his services, respecting Health,
Wealth, and Marriage, Love Affairs, Journtys,
Lawsuits, difficulty in Business, Fraud, Sickness
and Death, Past, Present, and Future Events, and
all the concerns of life, and invites all to call who
are afflicted, corporally or mentally.
'forms, Ladies 50 cts. Gentleman $l. Nativi
ties calculated and read in full; according to the
oracles of masculine signs; Ladies, $1; Gentlemen,
Nativities calculated according to Geomancy, for
Ladies $:11, in lull $3; for Gentlemen $3, in full $5.
Persons at a distance, can have their Nativities
draws, by sending the date ol the day of their birth.
All letters containing the above fee, will receive
immediate attention, and Nativities will be sent to
any part of the U. States, written on durable paper.
CO' Be particular to mention the Post-office,
county and State.
Office, No. 0, White Street, New York. Office
hours, from 9 A. M. till 10 P.
established for sixteen years, by D. Krfirc
N. W. Corner of Third and Union streets, between
Spruce and Pine streets, Philadelphia.
Sixteen years of extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this city, have rendered Dr. K. the
most expert and successful practitioner far and near,
in the treatment of all diseases of a private nature.
Persons afflicted with ulcers upon the body, throat
or legs, pains in the head or bones, mercurial
rheumatism, strictures, gravel, and disensesarising
from youthful excesses, or impurities of the blood,
whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, are
all treated with success—and he who places himself
under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in
his honor ae a gentleman, and confidently rely upon
his skill as a physician.
Young Men who have injured thetnselves by a
certain practice indulged in, (a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or of school,) the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body; should apply at
once. Weakness.and constitutional debility, loss
of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general
prostration, irritability and all nervous nffectiontk,
indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, and every
disease in any way connected with the disorder of
the procreative functions cured, and vigor restored,
ONLY 25 CEIPTV—This book recently published
is filled with useful information on the infirmaties
and diseases of the generative organs. It addresses
itself alike to Youth, Manhood and Old Age, and
should be read by all. The valuable advice and'
impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of
misery and suffering and save thousands of lives. •
Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent
the destruction at their children.
A remit'n.nce of 25 cents, enclosed in a letter and
addressed to DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner of 3d
and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine streets,
Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under envelope,
per return of mail. •
Persons at a distance may address Dr. K., by
letter, post paid, and be cured at home.
Packages of Medicines, Directions, &c., will be
forwarded by sending a remittance, and put up
secure from damage or curiosity.
11. GIBBS & Co
Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers,
and all others, supplied with the book at very low
rates. [July 15-23. ly.
DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queensware &c.
general assortment of the above named. Goode,
also Market. and Travelling Baskets, Basket Car
riages, ac., all of which we purpose selling at a
small advance above cash prices. Friends in the
city and county are respectfully invited to call.
Cheaper than ever.
FISH, TAR & SALT, can also be had at No. 80,
North Queen street, two squares from the Court
House, in the Museum Building.
. _
TOB PRINTING neatly and expCdiciously ex
cutedd at this office.
•- : , !•• • •:''1."-"IcuLATE
•••• • PAPER.,
C. W. ItOI3ACK, Astrologer.