sf)ilab’a QMwertiscmnets. V. B. Palheb, Aoeht, Thied ahd Cheshut Sts. STAUFFER & HARLEY, Suecetiort to 0 . Conrad , WATCH MAEEBS ANir JEWBLBBS, AMD mrOBTEM OF WAI LtIS.S, No. 96 North Second street, below Met, corner of Quarry street, PHILADELPHIA. . FOR sale an asaortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and Plain Watches; fine Gold Jewelry and Siver-Ware. Prices at the ‘Philadelphia Watch Jewelry Store.’ Gold Lever Watches, fulljeweled, 18 carat cases, and Gold Dial, $2B 00 & over. Silver Leyer Watches, full jeweled, 12 00 Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled, 9 00 Superior Quartier Watches, 7 00 Gold Pencils, |92 ■„ Fine Silver Spectacles, „ Gold Finger Rings, from 37j. to 80 00 Watch Glasses, plain 12J cents; patent, Ist els., unet, 26 cents. ' Other articles in pioportion. Repairing promptly attended to. All eoods warranted to be what they are sold lor. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, JACOB HARLEY. April 8,1851. „ . 11-Iy* Light, Light, Light, At No 221, North Second street above Vine, East side, PHILADELPHIA. Tfl E subscribers call the attention of their friends and the public in general, to their new and improved PINE OIL LAMPS; also, Fluid, Lard and Oii Lamps. 'Gas Fixtures of every description. Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brachets—for lamps or gas—Candelabras, Gurindoles, Boquet Holders, Vases, Parlor Lamps, Hall Lanterns, Mantle Base Lamps. A general assortment of Glasses and Bri tanic Lamps for domestic purposes. Gas Fitting done at Bliort notice. Lamp Glasses, Globes, paper and metalic Bhadeß, Lampwicks m large variety. Also Tin Cans of all sizes. . By personal attention to the manufacturing ot tlic above articles, enables them to sell at the very lowest market prices—all goods warranted. Best quality of Camphine, Pine and Burning Fluid, wholesale and retail. • r , TXT _„ HEIDRICK, HORNING 8t HINES, Manutaclurers. N. B—Store No. 22f, North 2d street, (burnt district,) Factory 86 Noble Btreet, near Fourty, oct 14 3 °~ 3m GEORGE FERREE S WHOLESALE AHD EETAIL CLOTHIY6 HOUSE, NO. 260 MARKET STREET, Four doors below Eighth Street, PHILADELPHIA. ONE of the best and most extensive establish?- ments of the kind in the City, embracing an immense assortment of all kinds of ready made Clothing, such aa • _ DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, &c., &c„ ill. of which will be sold at the lowest possible rates. ' He invites his friends from the interior to give him a call, feeling confident th*t they can be suited in the best possible manner. G. A. Haiotss CARPETS! MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT. THE undersigned having jußt completed their selection of FALL GOODS, comprising the most extensive assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c., to be found in Philadelphia, all of which will bo sold on the most reasonable and accommodating terms. Country Merchants and others may rely upon getting Buited with every dcgcription of goods appertaining to the business, and an examination -of our stock iB particularly requested. Goods bought to sell again at the loW«st wholesale city prices, a discount off. WINDOW SHADES. We have on hand about 2000 pair ot English, French and American Window Shades, from 50 cts., to $l5 per pair, unrivalled for beauty and cheapness. Call and see before buying elsewhere. Door Mats, Bindings, Druggett Stair Rods, &c., at the lowest prices. HALLOWELL & BANISTER, N. E. Corner 7th and Market sts., Phila’a. sep 9 ' 33*4m I!. FRANKLIN ROLL, SUCCESSOR TO HARDING & HOLL, Wholesale Commission Paper Warehouse, NO. 21 Minor Street, between oth and 6th and Chesnut and Market streets, Philadelphia, keeps constantly on hand a large and varied stock ot all kinds of PAPER, suited to publishers, merchants, manufacturers, schools, &c. The undersigned returns his most sincere thanks to his old friends for past favors,and hopes from his increased stock and exertions to merit a continuance of their custom. All orders lrom the country promptly attended to. He can accommodate publishers with any giv en size of printing paper at. the shortest notice. He would say to those desirous of a good and cheap article, uivc him a call and examine for yourselves. B. FRANKLIN HOLL, No. 21, Minor street, Philadelphia. tf-6 Chamber Furniture. WARWICK & CO., are constantly manufactur ing new and appropriate designs of Enamel led, Painted and COTTAGE FURNITURE , of warranted materials and workmanship. Suits of Chamber Furniture, consisting ofDressing Bu reau, Bedstead, Washstand, Toilet Table, and four cane seat Chairs, as low as $3O per suit, and up ward to $lOO, gotten up in the most superb style. Those who are about furnishing hotels or cottages, should call and see this style of furniture, which for cheapness, durability and elegance is far prefer able to the old heavy kityls of mahogany, &c. Orders will be promptly attended to and carefully packed. WARWICK & CO., Warcrooms, No. 4 and 6, south 7th street, between Chcsnut and Market sts., Philadelphia, sept 2 . 32 ~ 3m Hoyt’s Heave Powders. THIS preparation is now being offered to the public as a guar enteed Cure for the HEAVES in Horses, and as the only known med icine in the World having,being used )L. OjL* in the private Veterinary practice of the proprietor for the last 37 years ; and he has never known it to fail in a single instance of pro ducing a lasting cure, and leaving the horse in good spirits for work. The utter incompctency of the horse for labor, when troubled with this common disease, Bhould induce every one having such to apply immediately for this remedy. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Which will be sent “with full directions, 5> to any part of the United States. All letters or commu nications to be addressed, post paid, to I. P. HOYJ, Rear of No. 10, South Fifth St., Philadelphia. Wholesale Agent for the United Stales. N. B'. —Agents wanted throughout the country, to whom a liberal discount will be given; and their names placed in the advertisements. Address as above. [oct 7—37—6 m The Housewife’s Help and Husband’s Joy ! Tlie German Washing Fluid DOES away entirely with that laborious task of l rubbing the clothes upon the washboard. It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious to the finest fabric or the Jlesh. The proprietors wish every one to give it a fair trial, and if it doeg not prove to bo as recommended, the money, in every such case, will be refunded. Full directions ac company each bottle. Retail price 12fc cents per bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings , and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing them, than the cost of six bottles —besides removing stains of fruit, &c., it there be any, and the time and labor saved. Prepared*bnly by I. P. lIOYT & CO., Philadelphia. JOHN J. HANNA, Lancaster, ‘Agent for Lancaster county. All 1 orders received by him wholesale or retai will be promptly attended to. [aug 19-30-4 m Central Iron Railing Manufactory No. 521, Arch Street, below Broad, PHIL’A. WHITE & DEVENEY, RESPECTFULLY call the attention ofthe public generally of Lancast-r and elsewhere, to their nandsome Designs and Patterns of RAILING for Cemeteries, Public Squares, Balconies, Verandahs, Gardens, &c., Btc.; Ornamental Tables, Chairs, Settees, Stands of every description and style, con stantly kept on hand. .Persons who may want any of the above articles, will please give us a call, as every attention will be given to-accommodate them at short notice, and their work they will warrant to bd equal to any in the city or elsewhere, and their prices as low. [may 27 - |9 ' 6m • KNIGHT & CRIST, Commission Merchants, No. 54,, NoKTII WuiBTES, PIULABEI.PHII. DEALERS in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, have constantly on hand an assortment of Dried and Pickled Fish, &c., viz: Mackerel, 1 Codfish, Salmon, j Beef, Pork, Shad, I Lard, Herrings, J Hams, M. & J. M. HOWE, WHOLESALE DEALERS, jVo. 111, N. Third Strut, 3d door below Race, PHILADELPHIA. on nnn CORtt BROOMS, 800 doz: Painted JiU.UUU Buckets, SOO nests Cedar Tubs, 600 Cedar Churns, 400 boxeß Clothes Pins, 800 nests Willow Basketß. Also, every description of Bristle Brushes, Mats, Eastern, Cedar, Wood, and Willow Ware at ths loweßt manufacturers’ cash prices N. B.- Orders promptly filled august] 26 |pl)ilair’a The undersigned have entered;into Co-partnership undo- the Firm aid to select models for speed, with comfort for passengers. They will sail punctually on the days advertised, taking ad vantage ot the steam tow-boats on-the Delaware... I Persons wishing to engage passage for their friends j from Liverpool can obtain certificates, which will : bo good for eight months. i Passage to Liverpool in the;Cabin, - $7O tt « Forward Cabin, 20 << “ Steerage, - 12 Passage from Liverpool in the Cabin, - 100 << Forward Cabin, 25 << “ Steerage, - 20 Those who wish to remit money, can be accom-> modated with drafts for £\ sterling and upward, payable at sight, without discount. Apply to GEORGE-McHENRY 6c CO., 37 Walnut Street/ Philadelphia. And to • 1 JAMES McHENFcY, may G-15-ly] 5 Temple Place, Liverpool. Cheap and Good Watclieg. SZEPP, No. 79 North Second Street, . 3 doors above Arch, is daily receiving wJV WATCHES AND JEWELRY S&IdS of every description, which will be sold cheaper than ever. Gold Levers, 18 carat cases, $3O to $lOO Silver Levers, . 16;,“ 35 Silver Lenine, 10 “ 15 Quartier, 6 “ 10 Gold Pencils, 1,50 “ 10 Watches repaired at this establishment. {Cr Don’t forget the number —79 North 2d street, 3 doors above Arch, lower side. SAMUEL ZEPP. 11-ly* Apri |B, 1851 PAPER HAIVGIWG. REMOVAL. HOWELL St BROTHERS, No. 142 Chesnut street, above Gth, Philadelphia,- Manufacturers and importers of paper HANGINGS, have removed to their new building, No. 142 Chesnut street, above Sixth, op posite the Theatre, where they are prepared to ex hibit the most extensive stock of Paper Hangings in the United States, including every variety from the lowest priced articles to the finest gold and velvet decorations, all of which they wili Bell at the lowest rates. [june 3-19-6 m For Lancaster , Harrisburg , Carlisle , Phila., fyc. THE undersigned, having made arrangements with the Eagle Line for special accommoda tions, are prepared to forward to and from Phila delphia, daily, Parcels, Packages, Single Cases ot Goods, &c. Articles for Columbia, York, Carlisle, and Chambersburg, will be Awarded from Lan caster and Harrisburg by the regular conveyances. Persons residing in the interior towns, which are oIT the main routes, can obtain packages from Philadelphia, by directing them to the care of some one in any of the above named places. Packages for the Eastern, Western and Southern Cities, will be forwarded from the Philadelphia Office with great despatch and moderate terms. The undersigned will give particular attention to filling orders forwarded to them by mail, postage paid. When they are for Goods to bo sent Express, no commission will be charged. OFFICES. —Philadelphia, Adams & Co., No. 80 Chesnut Street; Lancaster, J. G. Thackara, North Queen Street; Harrisburg, G. Bebngeb, Market Street. THE subscriber haß taken the Ware- igjggfra house on the corner of LEMON and jffigisf WATER STREETS, (lately occupiedZSSS by Joseph Shirk,) where he is prepared to receive and transport all descriptions ot Produce and Mer chandize to and from Philadelphia and the various points on the Railroad. He has, m addition, an extensive sideling on the point of land lying west of Mulberry street and running along the Harrisburg turnpike to near its intersection with the Railroad, and has expressly arranged the .same for receiving and transporting LIVE STOCK, PIG METAL, BLOOMS, &c. Dried Beef, Butter, Eggs, Seeds, Spices, &c. . KNIGHT, JRIST. I Sides, | Shoulders I Cheese, Rice, OLIVER G. ALFRED C He hopes to merit and receive a liberal share 01 patronage by a careful attention to all that may be entrusted to him. General Commission business will attended to at the customary rates. ■ ELI OVERDEER. Lancaster, April 29, 1851. , 14-6 m Cross? Circassian Oil. " THIS Oil is composed of vegetable properties, it is therefore perfectly harmless and is cer tain in its efficacy in eradicating all DANDRUFF from the head ; it likewise gives the hair a beau tiful glossy appearance, and causing it to flow in luxuriant CURLS. Prepared and sold only by J. Cross, at his Hair Cutting and SHAVING SALOON, Centre Square, (next to Baumgardners Store,) Lancaster P.a.— Where testimonials of the good qualities of this oil can be seen. [oct 14 tf*S9 TO carry on the WM, BAILY & SON, iff m\ Importers and-Dealers in (3 Hi ENGLISH, FRENCH it SWISS WATCHES, /§ SI JEWELRY, BILVEU-WARE, FLATED- (I Ml WARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES, \1 ml Are constantly receiving the latest styles \% Bf of the above Goods, which are offered at \% ml wholesale or retail, at \U 11 No. 216 Market Street, above Sixth, near \ H ■ l Decatur Street, Philadelphia. ./■ ESTABLISHED IN leiS. Warranted to l* what they or* ADAMS & Co.’S EXPRESS E. S. SANFORD, ) Proprietors S. M. SHOEMAKER,} i>BOPEIETOEB 1 Philadelphia. 43-ly Nov. 20, ’49 New Transportation Line. The Cheap Hardware Store, Eart King Street, opposite lessenkop’s Hotel REUBEN S. ROHKER, late Sprecher &Rohrer, returns his thanks for the many past favors bestowed upon the late firm, and woold inform them that he will continue .the baBinesB ,, at the old stand, and solicits their further favors. He would call their attention to a well selected stock of FOREIGN & DOHETIC HARDWARE, such as Locks, Latcheß, Butt Hinges, Files, Sawa, Screws, Bolts and a general assortment of Building Materials. CARPENTER PLANES, Chisels, Hatchets, Broad Axes, Drawing Knives, Braces and Bitts; Egley’s Superior Domestic Augers, and all kinds of Carpenter Tools. Iron and Steel. Hammered and Rolled Iron of all sizes, Shear, Blister, Sheet and Cast Steel, Slit, Hoop and Sheet Iron, of all kinds. _ AvgrremLa VESIgSy Bellows, Screw Plates, Rasps and every description of Blacksmith Tools. .• CUTLERY. Superior Pocket Knives from the Waterville Man ufacturing Company. Also, English Pen Knives, Fine. Ivory Knives and Forks, Buck, Bone and Cocoa handle Knives.and Forks; Razors, Scissors, &c., &c BRITTANIA WARE. Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, either in whole setts or single piece. Britannia-Candlesticks, Tumblers, Plates, &c. SADDLERY. —Bitts, Buckles, Hames, Webbing, Hog Skins, Traces, Saddle Trees, Whip Stalks, Tacks, Thread, &c. Broad and Narrow Lace, Oil Cloth, Curtain Frames, Brass and Silver Hub-bands. GLASS, OILS, AND PAINTS, Varnishes, Turpentine, Japan, White Lead, Paints, .'Brushes, &c. CEDAR WARE. Tubs, Buckets, Coolers, Cfiurns, Stands, Butter Firkins, Water Cans and Kegs, Wash Bask ets, Market Baskets, Half Bushel 1 and Peck Mea sures ; Clover, Timothy, Herd and Orchard Grass SEEDS. & ' j, STOVES. £3 The celebrated Victory Cook Stove ; also the Hathaway Stove; WoodandCoal Stoves, PATENT CULTIVATOR, The attention of Farmers is called to the Patent Cultivator, and also Minnick’s Ploughs. SCYTHES AND SNATHS. A new article Grain Scythes, very superior also, Waldron’s, Winsted’s, Darling’s, Dunti & Taylor’s,. Robey & Sawyer’s, and Morris’ Grain and Grass Scytheß. GRAIN CRADLES. —Good & Brenser’s make of Grain Cradle. HAY RAKES.—Rakes of different kinds, Whet Stones, &c., and a large assortment of Fanning utensils, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. [june 4-18-tf RGMOVAIi. TO HIS OLD STAND AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. GEORGE F. ROTE, Fashionable Chair and Cabinet Maker, Respectfully informs his friends and the people ofLan- wWWIWawKa .caster co.generally, that he carries . ""Mb* on the maufacture of CHAIRS of every description, and SETTEES , at his stand in South Queen st.,the Mechanics’ Institute, and opposite the Fountain Inn Hotel, kept by Wm. Wright, where he will be happy to meet his numerous friends and customers from the city and county, and where good bargains can always be had. He also continues to manufacture Cabinet Furn iture of every kind, such as Bureaus', Tables, Desks and Cradles. Call and examine his stock ofChairß and Furniture. IGrThe UNDERTAKING BUSINESS promptly attended to. [april 29-13-tf PARENTS, who wish to obtain first-rate DAGUERREOTYPE MINIA TURES of their children ; CHILDREN, who wish to obtain first-rate Da guerreotype Likenesses oftheir BROTHERS, who wish to obtain the best Da guerreotype Likeneses of their SISTERS, who wish to obtain the most life-like Daguerreotypes oftheir Brother ; Friends and relatives, who wish Likenesses of each other; and ALL THE “REST OF MANKIND!” who wish BETTER Pictures than they can obtain at any other place in this City, are invited to call at * JOHNSTON’S Daguerrean Rooms,in Kkamph’s Building ; entrance, N. Queen st., Ist door above Orange. 2-tf Encourge your own Mechanics'. VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. YENITIAN BLINDS of the most beautiful pat tern and finish, arc.manufactured at the estab lishment of the undersigned, whose shop can be found immediately in the rear of Vankanan’s (form erly Schofield’s) hotel. The blinds are made of wood of the smoothest and most durable quality, and at short order and moderate prices.. The subscriber having had con- i siderable experience in the manufacture of Venitian Blinds', the people of this city and county can de pend upon having any work they may order, exe cuted with despatch and in a workmanlike manner. A variety of handsome blinds are on hand lor the inspection of the public. Old blinds repaired and trimmed, to look equal to new. GEORGE FLICK, april 15 12 Lancaster marble Yard. THE subscribers take pleasure ininforming their friends and the public, that they have taken the Marble Yard formerly conducted by Daniel Fagan, deceased, in North Queen St., in the city of Lan caster, one. door north of Spangler & Brother’s Book Store, where they are prepared to execute all orders in their line, in the neatest and most expe ditious manner, and on the most liberal terms. They .respectfully invite those desirous of purch asing.MAßßLE WORK, to call and examine their present Btock ol finished work, which, in point of fineness of finish, quality of marble, and chaßteness of design, will compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the city. They are prepared at all times to furnish TOMBS, MONUMENTS, GR A V,E STONES, HAf&BlLili MAMTILH®, DOOR and WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, and in tact, every thing in their line, at the shortest notice. — They employ none other than first-rate hands, and are consequently enabled to furnish all kinds of ORNAMENTAL WORK in real city style. The public are invited to call at their WARE ROOMS, and examine for themselves. LEONARD & BAER. tf-26 r july 23 Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Company, Trenton, IS. J. UNIMPAIRED CAPITAL $208,991,58. Chartered hy the Legislature of N. J,, Feb. 5, 1847. Directors: James Hoy, Jr., Joseph C. Potts, Presd’t. Benjamin Fish, G. A. Perdicaris, V. P. John A. Weart, . Eli Morris, S.cc’y. Jonathan Fish, Treasurer. Premiums reduced 25 per cent. 1. Guarantee capital invested in bonds, mortgages, and stocks, $150,000. 2. A reduction in the. rates of premiums of 25 per cent., payable annually, semi-annually or quar terly, as may be desired. 3. The insured participate in the profits. 4. Insurance may be effected by any married woman upon the life of her husband, for her sole use and benefit, free from any claims of the repre sentatives of her husband or any of his creditors. 5. No personal liability of the members beyond 'the amount of their annual premiums of insurance. 6. Creditors may insure the lives of their debtors, or debtors themselves may insure for the protection of their creditors. 7. Clergymen and other persons, whose depen dance is upon a salary, will find this an excellent way to secure their families from want in cases of death. 8. References can be obtained as to the character of the Company and its Managers, by calling on the undersigned, who are Agents for the City of Lan caster and its vicinity, and who will also give all other necessary information as to rates of insurance, &c> LANDIS & BLACK, Attorneys at Law, 5-ly Lancaster, Feb. 25,155 L NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY. PHILIP DEICHLER respectfully notifies his old customers and tbe public generally, that he has removed to the room lately occupied by William Sayres & Son, in Kramph’s building, N. Queen street, directly opposite the Post Office, where he constantly keeps «n hand and will manu facture to order , Boots and Shoes of every description, made in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials. He .would particularly invite attention to a fine article ot Cloth, Leather and .Morocco CONGRESS BOOTS; also, to a general assortment of CHILDREN’S GAITERS of various sizes and colors —all of which he will sell aB cheap as any other establishment in the city. He desires the Ladicß and Gentlemen of Lancas ter city and county to give him a call, and judge for themselves. He has no doubt of his ability to render general satisfaction. z $3" REP AIRING of all kinds neatly done at the shortest notice. [april 28-IS-tf PINKERTON & SLAYMAKER’S NEW AND CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, In the building formerly occupied as the Post Office, between Vankanan** and Shdber's Hotels , NORTH QUEEN ST. . THE subscribers having taken the above property,« would call the attention of Dealers and Con sumers to their entire newand well selected assort ment of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, which they are now opening, consisting in pari of Building Materials, Locks, Latches, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Nails, Glass, &c., • PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. A well selected ajjd general assortment of Car penters’ Tools, Planes, Chisels, Braces and Bitts, Augers,- Edge Tools of all descriptions, Saws of all descriptions. MAHOGANY VENEERS & MOULDING. Housekeepers will find in our stock a complete assortment of Pots, Kettles, Pans, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Shovel, and Tongs, Coffee Mills, Waiters, and Looking Glasses. A general assortment- of CEDAR WARE. • Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Stands, bushel, half bushel, peck and half peck measures. Jt. STOVES. £g| Cook, Coal, Oven-Top and Nine Plate. * We would call the attention of Farmers to*our stock of Ploughs, Shovels, Forks, Chains, Grain Cradles, Scythes, Rakes, Water Cans, &c. SADDLERS & COACHMAKERS will find an extensive assortment of goods suited to their trade, to which we invite their particular attention. Hoop and Sheet Iron, Rock Powder and Safety Fuse, together with every article kept in a Hard ware store, all ol which they offer at wholesale or retail on very reasonable terras. They hope by strict attention to business and in their endeavors to please customers, to receive a .share of public patronage. Old Castings and Flaxseed taken in exchange for goods. WM. C. PINKERTON, HENRY E. SLAYMAKER. (Formerly in the'employ of GeO. M. Steinman.; Lancaster, April 15, ,1851. * 12-ly GOOD THINGS! THE subscribed takes this method of informing his friends nnd the public in general, that Jie still continues the CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT BUSINESS, at the OLD STAND , No. 6, East King street, where he will be pleased to accommodate all who,may favor him with their custom. Having employed a workman of decided superiority from Europe, he is prepared to furnish all articles in his line, in the most splendid and Fruit Cakes orna roentea in the most superior manner with Temples, Altars of Hymen, Flower Baskets, Boquets, &c., &c., suitable for wedding, evening or dinnerpar ties, &c. Cakes. —His assortment is the most varied and extensive of any in the city. They can be had fresh every day. Confectionaries, of many new and ap proved kinds, wholesale and retail. Ice Creams.— Having made various alte rations and imprpyements in his Saloons, they will be found, if not ne plus ultra,” at least as neat, commodious, and well ventilated as any in this city. As to the creams which he shall furnish, he challenges competition in the quality, variety and richness of flavor, as he intends, during the season, to intro duce several new kinds heretofore only manufac tured in the larger cities. Water Ices, a delicacy never before offered in this place. Tn. introducing, for the first time, to the Lancaster public, this truly delicious article, the subscriber feels assured that it requires but to be known to render it one of the most popular luxuries of the Eeason. At his establishment it will be made by a person who, from experience arid practice, is a perfect master of his business, and therefore the public may rely upon being sdpplied with a superior article. Lancaster, May 6. LOOK HERE. GREAT ATTRACTION AT GEIDNER S HAT AND CAP STORE, IV. TV. Corner Centre Square , Lancaster , Pa. THE subscriber is .iruly thankful to his friends for past favors, and hereby informs his old cus- ! tomers and thb public in general that he has just i received from the city of Philadelphia, a large and carefully selected assortment of fashionable HATS AND CAPS, ‘ suitable for the season—which, together with those of his own manufacture, makes his-stock equal, if not superior, to any thing in this city. It consists in part of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin, Silk, Nutria, Hungarian, California and Slouch Hats, and his stock of CAPS embraces every kind and. quality now in the Philadelphia market, all of which will be sold lower than the lowest. STRAW GOODS. Just received a choice and splendid assortment of fashionable SUMMER HATS, such as Palm Leal, Pedal, China Pearl, Canada Braid and Leg horn, toge.her with all the new styles of Summer Hats for Children. Hats of any quality and style made to order, with neatness and despatch—-and afterwards ironed free of charge. $3"At his establishment it is always considered a pleasure to show goods. s 03" Call at the Cheap Hat and Cap Store, N. W. corner of Centre Square, near Baumgardner’s and take a look at our assortment. Admittance free. - JAMES GEIDNER. Lancaster, April 22. ;• 13 Opposed to all Monopolies. HE subscribers have placed on the State Roadj an entire new line of passenger Cars, called “OUR LINE.” These Cars have no superior in point of style, comfort and convenience. They have all the mod ern improvements, and are No. 1 in every senso of the word. This Line leaves NO. 272, MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, ; ‘ every day at UJ o’clock, x A. M. (except the Sab bath) for Lancaster, Columbia, York and Harrisburg, and on its return leaves Herr’s hotel, Columbia, at 12; Lancaster at 12|, and Dowhingtown at 2 o’clock, P. M., and arrives at Philadelphia at 4 o’clock, in time to take the eastern line at 5 o’clock for New York. The cars are attached to the Way Train, and run in the rear, which gives them a decided pre ference over any other cars in case of a collision or a run off, which under the best of management will sometimes occur. Our passengers and cars must, from their position in the train, be compara tively free from danger. The subscribers are aware- of the monstrous monopoly against which they have to contend, but they are determined to encounter it, and relying upon the encouragement of all who are opposed to monopolies and in favor of lqw rates of fare, they will run this line at the following rates, viz': THREE CENTS PER MILE, no more nor no less, under .any circumstances. These are the lowest rates at which passengers can be carried over the road under the present rates of. toll charged by the State, which are two cents per mile on each passenger, and $4,92 on each car. . In order that our friends may not mistake “OUR LINE,” we give the color of the cars, which iB true blue, and ask the patronage of a generous public to sustain us in our undertaking. DAVID MILLER & CO. • 14-tf Strasburg Foundry and Machine Shop. THE undersigned take this method of informing their friends and the public of Lancaster county, that they have just erected a new; FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, ; in the borough of Strasburg, where they are pre pared to attend to all Icind of work in their line, and respectfully solicit the support of the public. They take pleasure in calling,, attention to the manufacturing of STEAM ENGINES, SHAFTING; GEARINGS, MILL AND SAW MILL WORKS, CAR WHEELS AND-AXLES, Threshing Machine's and Corn Sheilers made and repaired. Machines tor turning Broom and Fork Handles, &c. Slide and Hand Lathes for turning Wood and Iron. Stoves of every pattern manufac tured und for sale. Cellar Grates of various pat terns, Iron Railings for yards. Cemeteries, Jtc. Smithing of all kinds will also be attended to. Casting of every description done at this Foondry, at the shortest notice. , ’• They have secured the services of skilful and experienced workmen, and feel warranted in saying, that all work which may be entrusted to their hands will be executed with neatness and despatch. price paid for old castings. DIFFENBACH & HIESTAND. ; Strasburg, Aug. 19. 30-6 m Fire! Fire! Flrlej IN this age of indention, of progress and wonder, When the North and the South have ceased to ■‘T knock under'; ! When thdusands have gone to great fair, And every nation has bestowed its own [share; When the fashions are changing, and the Ladies now wear' ; Pantaloons a la Turk to make people stare —• What a pleasure it is to turn round, from those To examine the style of Ready Made Clothes , Which YOUNG & O’ROtIRK display in their Store, An assortment so good they ne’er had before; COATS of all kinds, blue*, black, brown and green ; VESTS, too, the finest that ever'were seen; PANTS in the piece if you like ready made, * And‘warranted for yearsjnever to fade. * All to bo found for large‘and for smalj, At the Cheap Clothing Store named fcrWALNUT 'HALL 1 There are Scarfs of all colors, Suspenders and Stocks, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and all kinds of Socks; French Cloth and Cassimere, from white down to it black, And suited for either a Frock Coat or Sack ; Marseilles Vestings and Cashmeres of every kind, Fancy Silk, too, and Satin you always can find ; * ;Cashmeretts and Tweeds, French Drillings, as well Cravats of Lawn, Gingham, or Silk for a swell ! 'Linens of all kinds of color or hue, jßlack, white and brown, or even blue ; Trimmings to match very costly and good, There is everything there to makeiup a “blood !” [When you read this notice, remember to call [At the Cheap Clothing Sf ore named Walnut Hall. |T\Vo marble lions are over the way [Guarding the Store all nigbt’and all day; And if the place you are wishing to know, Its on North Queen, with the Bee Hive above And Vankanan’s below. . 1 & O’Rourk return their kindest thanks to their patrons and the citizens of Lancaster city and county in general, for the liberal patronage [they have hitherto bestowed upon them, and hope to merit, by persevcrence and diligence, a contin uation of their custom. YOUNG & O’ROURK, North Queen street, between Vankanan’s Hotel and the Bee Hive store. , [june 2.4-22-tf Saddlery and CoachTvare. THE subscribers have just received a general assortment of Saddlery and Coachware, em bracing the'latest styles of < ISLAIBESIESfi J&©TO®ra . Conestoga Foundry for Rent. Foundry of the subscriber, at GRAEFF’S J_ LANDING, on the Conestoga, near the city of Lancaster, and now in the occupancy of Mr. C. Kieffer, will be for rent from the Ist day of April next. There is a water power of about 16 feet, which might readily be increased to 18 feet—ren dering it suitable for almost any business requiring such power. The large Brick Ware House adjoining the Foun dry will be rented with it. The Conestoga being navigable that distance and above it, Iron and Coal can be delivered without any trouble, at the very door. . For terms, enquire of C. Nauman, (Innkeeper) Residing on the premises, or of the subscriber, in Manor township. MATTHIAS GRAEFF. may 6 J 5l 15-tf By : Sii James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. THE great discovery contained in this little work procured Sir James his Baronetcy. It is really its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. It prescribes, a Certain and Positive Cure for the Heaves , which any person can prepare. The rem edy is better and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powder, and ib perfectly safe, as any can know who .tries it.' Horse owners know that many a valuable" horse losses half his priceby this prevalent disease. The remedy prescribed in this work will cure him and increase his market value, besides relieving the poor beast of a horrible complaint, similar to the Asthma in a man. The public can depend on this work: it is no catchpenny humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James are all cheap and can be had at any store. To' prevent imposition? the work will be sent in sealed envelopes. English price, four shillings and three pence sterling.— American price, $1 per copy. Persons ordering Sir James’ work are expected to confine his in-- struction to their own animals; It will be sent to none others. Address, post paid, JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse American Agent for Sir James Lyndonton’s 1 Horse Owner’s Secret, 1 New York Post Office. The Secret is sent by mail at letter august 19 i SO-fim* Fresh Pequea Lime GAN be had at the Hardware Store, in North Queen Street, in large and email quantities, at any time-end delivered in any part of the city. GEORGE D. SPRECHER. 17-8 HORSES MADE .SOUND BY THE Horse Owner’s Secret, Being a new and certain remedy for the speedy CURE; OF HEAVES, inarch 18 Sew Yorklmporteraßnil*>M>M«j . JfREEMAST,HQBgES, jfcj QO, 68 Liberty Street', between Eraufoay and Nauau Street, near tie Poet Office, Ifeia Tori. WE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Eu rope, ocrFali and Winter aaaortment of Rich Fashionable Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods. Wo respectfullyrinvite -all Cuh Purchasers thoroughly to'examine our stock and prices, and, as interest governs t we -feel' Confident our Goods and Prices will induce them to select from our .es tablishment. Peculiar attention is devoted ta Millinery Goods, and many of the articles are man ufactured expressly, to our order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Paris .Ribbons, tor Hat,Cap, Neck,and Belt. Satin and Taffeta! Ribbons, of all widths and Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American & Prench Artificial Flowers. Puffings and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, large assortment. Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Undersleeves and Cuffs. < Fine Embroidered Reviere and Hemstitch Cam brie Handkerchiefs. Crapes, Lisses, Tarletons, Illusion and Cap Laces. Valencicnes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread Laces. Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves and Mitts. Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn and JackonetMuslins. .English, French, American and Italian STRAW GOODS. j . [sep 2-32-6 m Tbe Greatest Triumph Yet. AT the great State Agricultural Fair of New York, held at Rochester, Sept. 16 t0i9,1851, Bamborough’s! Grain Fan received the highest hon ors—being a splendidly engraved diploma, signed by J. Delafield, Pres’t, and B.P. Johnson, Sec’y of the State Society, and a volume of the Transac tions of the New York State Agricultural Society, signed by the same .officers. This was the greatest Fair ever held in the United States, there being about eighty-thousand people present, and the dis play of Agricultural implements exceeding all pre vious exhibitions —among which Bamborough’s Fan sto’od pie-emihent, as was unanimously admitted by the thousands who examined it. This was a glorious triumph for Jno. Bamborough of. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, over the best imple ments of New York. - » These Fans are still manufactured by the sub scriber, in Lancaster city, Pa., and forwarded to any part of the country. £y-Rights for sale in different States. JOHN BAMBOROUGH, Patentee, oct 7 37-2m* HALDV’B Sew Marble Yard. LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason; respectfully informs the public that he has just ft received from the city of Philadelphia a superb stock of pure AMERICAN' WHITE MARBLE, together with a beautiful assortment of SPLENDID ITALIAN MARBLE, , and that he is nowiprepared to execute in the firtt style, MONUMENTS , TOMBS , AND GRAVE STONES of every variety and price, Mantels,Door and Window Sills,! Steps, and in fact every thing pertaining to the marble business. [lis facilities for tarnishing articles in his line are unsurpassed by any 1 other establishment in the city, while he assures all who may favor him with tneir patronage, that his 1 work shall be executed in the very best style, and on the most reasonable terms. LETTER CUTTING IN ENGLISH AND GER MAN done at the shortest notice, and in the most modern and elegant styles. / He respectfully : invites the public to call and examine his? work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim to public patronage upon its merits. , His establishment is in East Chesnut street, di rectly in the rear ofLechler’sHotel, and nextdoor to Moderwell’s old ware house, near the railroad. He has also opened a ware'room in North Queen street, nearly opposite the'Bee Hive Dec. 3, 1850 ISew'Boot and shoe Store. TAMES Vv. QUINN respectfully informs his J friends and the public in general, that he lias taken the old stand ot Adam S. Keller, in North Queen street, where he is prepared to manufacture fine French Fancy Boots, do. plain ing Shoes, Monroes, Congress Boots,_ Gaiters. Also all kinds of heavy work, ■■ suitable for country as well,as city cus- i tom. All who want a neat‘ fit and an easy Boot would do well to give him a call. Ladles’ Brandi. To the Ladies he would say that all who want an extra fine Satin Gaiter, Italian Cloth do. Fran- Iff cais do fancy colored, VV hite Kid Slippers, kH French do. Shoetees, Jenny Linds, Jefferson ■ Ties, Buskins, Kid Gaiters, Morocco Boots, and all the various styles, and as he intends to Belt as cheap as any other establishment in the city, he respectfully , solicits their patronage, assuring all who may patronise him, that no efforts will be Bpared to give general satisfaction both in quality .and in price. Custom work made at the shortest notice. Children’s work of every description on hand. Mending promptly attended to. ■ JAMES W. QUINN, between Shober’s and Vankanan’s hotel. #3“ He would further state, that he haß secured the services, of Mr. M. J. Weaver, formerly Fore man in the employ of Adam S. Keller. DR. Celebrated Botanic Syrup, WARRANTED A PURE VEGETABLE QOMPOUND. Is a certain, safe bnd effectual remedy for remo ving all diseases arising from an impure condi tion of°the blood, or from an injudicious use ol mercury, &c. Itlstands unrivalled for the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil. Disease of the bone, tu mors, stubborn ulcers, ulcers of the throat, neck, nose and legs, white swelling, disease of the spine, kidney complaints, chronic rheumatism, pustular eruptions on the face, arms and body, erysipelas, dropsical affections, mercurealand syphilitic effec tions, sick head ache, dizziness, all constitutional disorders, and all diseases arising from early indis cretions, &c., &c. This medicine has a specific and most salutary action upon the liver and spleen and will in tr short time if persevered in cure the most obstinate case of liver complaint. Dispepsia or in digestion, in nine cases out of ten is caused by an unhealthy condition of the liver &c.j this being the cause, it is evident that by the use of the Botanic Syrup, the digestive organs must again, resume their healthy functions, and renewed health, vigor and strength will inevitably follow. Many persons are diseased for the want of their blood hemgpurified. Thousands of persons are de stroying their constitutions by neglecting to apply a proper remedy; to all such the Botanic Syrup will be of intrinsic value as a certain and effectual means of restoring them to their usual health and vigor Valuable respectable cirtificates of cures could be adduced and inserted here if the inventor of this invaluable medicine deemed it expedient to do so. He does not consider it prudent, nor is he willing to make a public show and use of respectable names of individuals who have been thoroughly cured of their complaints, as a means to enhance the sale of the medicine, but would respectfully request all persons afflicted with any of the above diseases, to give the Botanic Syrup a fair trial and they will soon find to their greatest pleasure, that what has been here inserted in regard to the value of the medicine is true. Persons using the syrup will find it agreeable', pleasant and harmless. It will not in any event injure the constitution, but otherwise assist nature in restoring, giving an en tire healthy change to the system by completely driving out those impurities which is the chiet cause of disease; It is put up in pint bottles, price 50 cents per bottle, or 6. bottles fcfr $2,50. Full directions ac companies each bottle. Prepared and sold by K DR. JACOB LONG, At the Family? Medicine Store, opposite the Na tional House, Lancaster. [may 20-tf-17 Cure of Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bron chits, and all Throat and Lung Complaints. I have published a brief work on Consumption, which contains an invaluable recipe for the cure of these .prevalent diseases, even in their worst stages, when friends and physicians have given up all hopes. Theihints on diet, dress, exercise, &c., &c., are very,valuable. The LUNG BALSAM pre scribed in this fyork cures without the expensive aid of physicians or injurious use of patent medi cines. In adopting this system of cure the patient ‘knows what he is using —knows that he is not.short ening his days by the use of anodynes or mercurials, which may seem to relieve but never cure. He knows when using this Life-saving Balsam, that ho is taking mild, pleasant, efficacious remedies, such as Nature prescribes for the ills her children suffer. The ingredients composing the Lung Balsam sre obtainable, (cheaply too,) wherever consumption exists, proving that every ill has its antidote. Con semption patients may rely on this recipe—(all Lung complaints are removed by its use)—l would not attach my name to it, had I doubt of its efficacy. The directions for preparing and using the Balsam are perfectly plain. I prefer selling the Recipe to making the Balsam, as it enables people to snake thetr own medicine at a trifling cost. I will impart the secret of making the Balaam, and the Family Right to use it, for $J ; but in' no case will I sell it for speculative purposes. PROOF OF ITS GOODNESS. Jackson, Mich., March 21, 1851. Dr. S. Touset —Sir: You wished me to let you know what effect your preparation of Medicine Tor Consumption and other diseases ‘had in my family. After the first ten days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs., relieved hercough, changed her countenance, and all appearances were better. My family would not be willing to do without it. It is a medicine much needed in Jackson —there is many cases sim ilar 10 my wife’s.. The Rev. Mr. Blanchard will write you for a receipe. Respectfully yours, 3 0. F. POOL. Address, post paid (enclosing $l,) Doctors. TOUSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York.- The work goes by mail under seal* [tug JB-30-6m GKEJiT SClSmmia DISCOVERIES, FE FER AN Dt AGUE COMPLETELY; CUBED lS TORBEDAYfi BY ;DR. J. W. cooper’s vegetable compound . FEVER AND’ AGUE, PILLS. THESE Pills arc composed entirely of Vegeta ble Substances, > nd in ninety-nint.' cases oalOl every hnndred, will perform a perfect and. perma nent cure in three days, No instance .nag,,ever been known, where more than six days have been required to perform a complete cure, even in tho very worst cases, and on 1 lie strongest constitu tions. We would" earnestly say to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease, to get one box and try them, and in all cases, two boxes ore warranted to cure, if taken according to the di rections, or tho money returned- ALSO, IW Y . VEGETABLE ANTI-DYSPEPSIA BITTERS. This medicine is a certain cure for Dyspepsia in tts very worst forms. Thousands of cases have been completely cured by it wiihm tho last year, which have been entirely despaired of by the reg ular family physicians. We do not recommend it to cure everything—we recommend it to ,cure Dyspepsia, andtpe diseases originating from it, and that it will cure in almost every case, and it is recommended for nothing else. In many instances, even the worst of cases have been completely cured in two and three months, but it depends somewhat upon the constitution of the patient. Wo would say to all who are afflict.ed with Dys pepsia, give ibis medicine n fair trial, and if it fails to do good, your money will be returned. ALSO, MY VEGETABLE WORM POWDERS. < This is the most wonderful Worm Destroyer, ever known, and at ihe same time, so pleasant to lake, that- almost every child will he fond of it r and many instances havo been known of children crying for more after once taking it. This medicine is in the form ol a powder, the only medicine ever used in that form, and it ope rtaes upon a principle entirely different from any other medicine ever administered by any other .physician. It is the only medicine which has no Worm seed Oil or Turpentine* combined with it, which is believed by all other physicians, to be tho only two things which will destroy wot ms, and these two things combined, together with castor oil, are the active principles of nil other worm medicines, which every person who has ever tasted or smelled, knows to bo the most nauseous of all , nauseous medicines, and on account of which, there : is generally something added to destroy / this nau seous taste, and in order to do this, ir is some thing stronger than the medicine' itself, and. therefore it must necessarily destroy 60tno of its medicinal properties. These powders arc simple and so harmless, that a child may eat a whole box at once, and it will not be hurt, while at the same time the principle upon which it acts being different from anything else ever used, it will destroy all kinds of Worms wiih a certapity never equalled. It will not only destroy the scat worms, or Ascari des,nnd long, round worms, or Teres, but is-tho most effectual medicine for the destruction of the Tape Worm cverknown. Ten doses have brought as many as FIVE Tape Worms from one person. It your children have any symptoms of worms , try these Powders, and in nino cases out of ten, you will never use any other These are also warranted. Theso medicines are all separate, and one for each disease, and each for only ono disease. They are..not recommended, as many other medicines are, to cure somo fifteen or twenty diseases, and all of different natures, but they are each to cure but one disease,and that they wifl do iir ninety nine cases out of every hundred, and where they have a fair trial and fail in all cases, the money will be returned, . Also,my VEGETABLE ANTI-DYSPEPSIA PILLS, a certain cure for Indigestion, Debility, Sickness or Burning in tho Stomach. Pain in the Side and Stomach, Costivencss, Sensation of Weight in the Stomach after eating, Difficulty of Breathing, Restlessness, Want of Appetite. Pal pitation of the Heart, and all other Diseases which arise from Indigestion. RICHARD' WILLIAMS, Columbia, Lan.co. J. GILBERT & CO.; No. 177, North 3d st, Phila. DR. SHOENFELD & LONG, Lancaster. Opposite the National House, North Queen St. Hep. 9, 1851. 33-ly [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by J. S. Hocgiito.v, M. D.,in the Clerk’s Office of ihe District Court for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania.] Great Cure for Dyspepsia! ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER DR. J. S. HOUGHTON’S PEPSIN! The True Digestive Fluid or Gastric Juice! PREPARED frotn Rennet, or the fourth Stom uch of i he Ox, alter directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Hough ton, M. D-, Philadelphia, Pa. 'Hits is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, and Debility, curing after Nature’s own method, by Nature’s own Agent., the Gastric Juice. Hall a teaspoonlul of Pepsin, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Pepsin i 9 the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of ihe Gastric Juice—the solvent of the food, the purifying, preserving and 6timulatiug agent of the stomach and intestines. It is extracted from the digestive, stomach of the Ox, thus form ing an Artificial Digestive Fluid,precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its chemical powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substitute lor it. By the aid of this preparation, the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dyspepsia are removed, just as they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonders lor dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Con sumption, supposed to be on i he verge of the grave. The scientific evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron Liebig in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: “An artifieiaCDigestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juic£, may bo readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stom ach of the calf,- in which vurious articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and ' digested, just the same manner as they would he in the human stomach.’’ Dr. Pereira', in his famous treatise on “ Food and • Diet,” published by Fowler Sr Wells, New York, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on the “ Physiology of Digestion,” observes that “a dim inution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia;’* and he states 'that “a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding everything eiso to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained from the stomach of living animals, which -proved com pUtehj success/till.” - r Dr-- Graham, author of the famous works on : “Vegetable Diet,” says : “ It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macc raied in water, impart to the fluid the property of c dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in nowise different from the natural digestive process”. AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON’S PEPSIN has produced the most marvellous effects, in curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervons Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement; but authenticated certificates have been given of more than Two Hundred Remarkable Cures, in-Pnila delphia, New York and Boston alone. These were neatly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and’wonderful, but permanent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly useful (or tendency to Billious disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mer cury and other drugs upon the Digestive Organs, after a long sipkm ss. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemprance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may bo, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the un pleasant symptoms; and it only needs to bo repeated short for a time to make these good effects perma nent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the. Stomach, distress after eatiog, low, cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Spirits, Des pondency. Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to Insanity, Suicide. &c. . Dr HO UGHTON’S PEPSIN is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicines, throughout the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form—and in prescription vtals for the use of Physicians. ■Private Circulars for ibe use of Physicians} maybe obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the authorities upon which the claim tfflhia new remedy are based. As it is not a secreiremedy no objection can be raised ogainst its use by Phy sicians in respectable regular practice. Price Oke Dollar per bottle. WrOBSERVE THISI-Every bottle of the genuine PEPSIN bears ihe written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON. M, D., sole proprietor, Phil-, .adelphta, Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark secured* Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines- For gale in Lancaster by ■ DR. JACOB LONG Sr CO., sep 16-34-ly] Opposite National House. Franklin Sliavlng Saloon. removal. S WILLIAMS respectfully, informs his mends .and old customers, that he has removed his SHAVING SALOON from Centre Square to West King Street, in the room formerly occupied by M Reah, between Ha irer’s store and Cooper’s Red Lion Hotel, where he will be pleased to see all those who have here tofore patronized him. He still continues the SHAMPOONING bus iness. Those who wish to enjoy this luxury should call at his shop, as he is confident of giving satis faction* [tug 13 WMf-23