l I ■ 1 ___ )g^ :r rer4*e'*ogrs T ’SocS323Saa*73BS | tta^j| ( , ; Philadelphia Advertisements. rb y - B - PALMEa ’ A ° EHT ’ *?*>■*” CHEg GoSj^TiS^ Hats, Caps anil-Bnff-aid Robes. Of :Materid. for THE CHEAPEST m :«a’Pom»Me;g^w > „tff» > and Bilk X Bnada % CT fcni. , CHARLES E. ELMES, thankfiil for gEJ SONNETSi Panama,. P£in Leaf, and every va- . . ■-!--= ———- reiroectfuHyinform -U rietyol Straw gArS.and. „ SIZE lira. Urn. lira. lira. SEinthe country that he haa , V JlBT&IClM FLOWERS, * |— 4 ; ™nv.> 0* o* WAT^CAPS and BUFFALO KOBES, 'To tfieladiea and Milliners generally,hp would 9x12 6. 5l 5* 6 »K««attSrSSSsi £ •? i I \ Beaver and Brash Hats of aU kinds and prices to patronage. They wilV b P “ 10 7 7 i ,71 7» -• ■aas'cSma. = " Southeast corner of Sixth and Market sts., Phila. and promptness. t— : -a. -^■■■-- ■— ■ ■. ——»■ '■■— ■ P. : S Just'received a fine supply of BUFFALO AHAIWR & CO* 9 B EXPRESS . 11x14 6icts 6}cts 7 cts 7jcts ROBES, selling low. ■ • -if •' «* wa ' \ 11x15 6} 7* 7* 7f ■fe-» ■ “ :is v s i, B. FR ASK. 1.1 AT HOLL, - “ ! 11x18 8 8i 8} 9 . successor to ' i 12x16 8 81 8} 9 '■ 12x17 8i 8} 9 9i ; 12xlfc 81 9 9} 91 i 12x20 9 91 9» • 10 ! 12x24 12 121 12.1 13 HARDING & HOLD, Wholesale Commission Paper Warehouse, NO. 21 Mi.nob Steeet, between Sth and 6th and Chesnut and Market streets, Philadelphia, keeps constantly on hand's large~and varied stock ot all kinds of _ PAPER, suited ito publishers, merchants, manufacturers, schools* &c. The undersigned returns his most sincere thanks to his old friends for past favors, and hopes I from his increased stock and exertions to merit a coutinuance of their custom. All orders Irom the country promptly attended to. He can accommodate publishers with_any giv en size of printing paper at the shortest notice. He would! say to those desirous of a good and cheap article, give him a for yourselves. No 21, Minor street, Philadelphia. - tf-6 "March 4. Kew HouscFurnislilng Dry Goods at Low Prices. SHEPPARD & VAN HARLINGEN, , 274 Chesnut st., above Tenth b t. , PHILADELPHIA. RESPECTFULLY call.the attention of Families and Buyers to their eitenßive and perlectly fresh stock of first class Linen and House Furnish ing Goods, consisting in part of Best make Housewife .Shirting Linens. , Do Barnsly and- Irish Sheetings. Do Pillow Case Linens. Do Damask Table Cloths. Do Damask Table Linens. ■! Do Damask Napkins, Doylies and Towels. Do Towelings of all descriptions. . Do Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes. Do Blankets, English and American. Do French Table and Piano Covers. . Do Furniture Chintzes and Dimities. Do Em’d Muslin Curtains. Do Worsted Damasks and Moreens. Our stock is made up entirely of Staple Goods, and being principally of our own importation, and bought for cash, we offer to buyers, either whole sale or retail, very great inducements. N B —Always on hand-of bestquality, a general assortment of Cambric Handkerchiefs, Jiconet, Book, Mull, Swiss and Cambric Muslins j also Shirting, Sheeting and PilJow Case Muslins, Tick ings, j Furniture Checks, &c.,&c., at wholesale prices. [marchU-7-6ra New Music.—Just Published. I>EE & WALKER, No. 162 Chesnut street, are la constantly publishing and ing, new and beautiful music from theElttlllffipiMß most distingushed composers. U “ “U » The following list contains some-of their choicest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, &c. Now, thou art Gone, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by Hambridge. My New England Home; words and music by Mrs. L. Wade. e Grobe’s Omnibus ;by C. .Grobe —a collection ol Duetts. .. T Sounds from" Home, piano and violin, by Jos. Gung’l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, J. Ling. All the Winds are Sleeping, by A. S. Wornsey. Gurdian Angel, by the author of “ Love Not.’* Household Words, written by Chas. Young, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by Horr. LEE & WALKER have also constantly on hand-, superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin’s Celebra ted Guitars, which, together with a fine assortment of Musical Instruments and Merchandize in gener al; comprise a stock njot to be surpassed by that of any other establishment in the country. |. LEE & WALKER, . 162 Chesnut street, Swain’s Building. March 11. GEORGE FERREE'S WHOLESALE AND DETAIL CLOTHING HOUSE, NO. 260 MARKET STREET, Four, doors below Eighth Street 3 PHILADELPHIA. ONE of the best and most extensive establish i meats of the kind in the City, embracing an immense assortment of all kinds of ready made Clothing, such as DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVE£ COATS, ! CLOAKS, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest possible rates. He invites his friends from the interior to give him |a call, feeling confident that they can be suited in the best possible manner. G; A. Haines ! STAUFFER & IHULKV. Successors to 0. Conrad, WATCH MAKERS AND JEWELERS, I AND IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, No. ;96 North Second street, below Race, corner of \ ! Quarry street, PHILADELPHIA. • j FOR sale an assortment of Gold and Silver ! Ipatent Lever, Plain Watches; fine | Gold Jewelry and Siver-Warc. Prices at the ‘Philadelphia Watch Sf Jewelry Store.’ Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cases, and Gold Dial, $2B 00 & over. Silver Lever Watches, full jeweled, 12 00 “ Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled, 900 “ Superior Quartier Watches, 700 “ Gold Pencils, 1 ** Fine Silver Spectacles, 159 “ Gold Finger Rings, from 37£to SO 00 “ Watch Glasses, plain 12£ cents ; patent, IBi bts.; lunet, 25 cents. Other articles in pjoportion. Repairing promptly attended to. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. ’ ISA'AC K. STAUFFER, JACOB HARLEY. April 8, 1851. U-ly* Cheap Blinds and. Shades. I . B. J.. WILLIAMS, NO. 12 NORTH SIXTH ST., TDOORS ABOVE , [ . MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIi. ( Premium Venitian Blind Manufacturer, ■ and Window shade dealer, ASKS the attention of purchasers to his large stock, comprising ! 1000 PAIR OF BLINDS, ofjnew styles and colors, Wide and Narrow Slats, with fancy and plain trimmings. | 2000 PARIS SHADES, ofllatest styles and patterns, Wholesale and Retail, at ,the lowest cash prices. Merchants will find it to their interest to call. Blinds Painted and Trimmed to look equal to new. april 8 1 l-3m Cheap and Good Watches. SZEPP, No. 79 North Second Street, # 3 doors above Arch, is daily receiving WATCHES AND JEWELRY/ of every description, which will be sold cheaper than ever. Gold Levers, 18 carat cases, $3O to $lOO Silver Levers, 16 • “ 35 Silver Lepine, 10 “ 15 I Quartier, 6 “ 10 j Gold Pencils, 1,50 “ 10 {Watches repaired at this establishment. |s3rDon’t forget the number;—79 North 2d street, 3 'doors above Arch, lower side, j SAMUEL ZEPP. | April 8, 1851. . 11-ly* Blind Manufactory. A. THOMPSON, ¥ENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, . Having fitted up a New Establishment, at No. 15 South'Eighth street, between Market and Chesnut, Philaaelphia, where he will keep always on hand or make to order, wide and narrow slat j WINDOW BLINDS; : of the most fashionable kind, of the best materials and . workmanship, and at the shortest • notice and lowest cash prices; also, the most fashionable pat terns of WINDOW SHADES & REED BLINDS, all of which will bo disposed of on the lowest terms. The public generally are respectfully invi tee to give him a call, as every attention will be gheiito accommodate them in the best manner. ’ a Thompson; No. 15, South Eighth, street, Philadelphia. Nov. 19, 1850. 43-ly BAYSTATE! STEAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTORY. piHARLES WILKINS & Co. beg leave to inform the citizens of Lancaster, Pa., and the public 'generally, that they are still engaged in manufactur ing Sash, Doors, and Blinds, in the best manner and at the shortest notice, by steam, at prices far below those manufactured by hand, and with much greater similarityy All orders will be thankfully received, and punctually attended to. Samples of work can be seen\t No. 21 Minor Street Philadel phia. • * 10,000 lights' of assorted sash for sale at'the low est cash prices, f CHARLES WILKINS & CO. [may 21-ly, No. 83 Race St., Philadelphia. For Lancaster , Harrisburg, Carlisle, Phila., sc. THE undersigned, having made arrangements with the Eagle Line for special accommoda ftions, are prepared to forward to and from Phila delphia, daily, Parcels, Packages, Single Cases o! Goods, &c. Articles for Columbia, York, Carlisle, and Chambersbnrg, will be forwarded from Lan caster and Harrisburg by the regular conveyances. Persons residing in the interior towns, which are off the main routes, can obtain packages from Philadelphia, by directing them to the care of Borne, one in any of the above named places. Packages for the Eastern, Western and Southern Cities, will be forwarded from the Philadelphia Office with ■ great deipatch and moderate terms. The undersigned will give particular attention to filling orders forwarded to them by mail, postage paid. When they are for Goods to he sent by Express, no commission will be charged. OFFlCES.—Philadelphia, Adams & Co., No. 80 Chesnut Street; Lancaster, J. G. Thackara, •North Queen^ Street; Harrisburg, G. Bebnoeb, Street? ~ • i E. S. SANFORD, » p HOPMET0 * M S. M. SHOEMAKER, J FEOPRIEToas Philadelphia. 43-ly Nov. 20, >49 Dyeing and Scouring. PHILIP HUDSON, Fancy Dyer, No. 95 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, respectfully informs the citizens of Lancaster and the public generally, that all kinds of Silks, Crapes, Merinoes, &c., are dyed in the most fashionable and permanent colors. Ladies’ Cashmere and Crape Shawls changed and dressed equal to new. Silk dresses watered in superior style. Gentlemen’s apparel scoured and dyed in the best manner. Sun Shddes, Parasols and Parasolettes colored.any shade; and in fact DYING in all its various branches done at short notice and on the lowest terms, [march 4-3m-8 MACKEREL, ~] D ,^ ODFISH ' | ’ Constantly on hand and ~ S ’ lJ* GO., ■ f H A o M u«s! IDES ’ f “PmLASnTr’ LARD & CHEESE, J - . Hr. N. B. Ceidy’s PRIVATE MEDICAL OFFICES, No. 15, Crown street , above Race street > PHIL’Ay WHERE Ladies or Gentlemen under all circum stances may receive Medical advice, attention or treatment, assured of the strictest Professional Honor and Secrecy. Letters addressed as above fenclosing fee) will be promptly attended to. Dr. Leidy is a regular Physician, with fifteen ex perience; graduate of the University of Pennsylva nia, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, &c. References:. 'Dr. N. Chapman; Dr. Robert Ware; Dr. J. Jackson ; Dr. W.Gibson; Dr. J. R. Coxe; Dr. W. E. Horner; Dr. T. F. Betton, Rev. W. N. Delanay; R. Adrain, L. L. D.; J. Biddle, Esq., and numerous others might be referred to. dec 31 ‘ 49 City Hat and Cap Store. jpHN AMER, PROPRIETOR. thankful for past favors, would respectfully inform his numerous friends and ’ customers, that he is how ready to offer the SPRING STYLE OF HATS, got up under his own inspection, expressly for Retail. He flatters himself that from- long ex perience in the business, his Hats cannot be sur passed, both in regard to style, beauty of finish, and color. Hats-of all qualities and shapes always on hand or njade to order at the shortest notice. Also, an extensive assortment.of SLOUCH HATS & FANCY CAPS, A of all colors, shapes and sizes—the most com- plete variety.ever offered to the people of Lancas ter county. Also, a constant supply of STRAW GOODS, latest styles-, kept on hand. {ftrPlease call and see for yourself. Hats bought at AMER’S Store, always brushed and ironed free of charge.. The largest and hand somest assortment of Hats and Caps in this city, can be found at the City Hat and .Cap Store, opposite Shober’s Eagle Hotel, and next door to Murray’s book store. JOHN AMER. Lancaster, April 8. _ • 11-3 m PARENTS, who wish to obtain first-rate DAGUERREOTYPE MINIA TURES of their children ; CHILDREN, who wish to obtain first-rate Da guerreotype Likenesses of their [nov 12-42-ly BROTHERS, who wish to obtain the best Da guerreotype Likeneses of their SISTERS, who wish to obtain the most life-like Daguerreotypes of their ERIENDS AND RELATIVES, who wish Likenesses'of each other; and in short, ALL THE “REST OF MANKIND!” who wish BETTER Pictures than they can obtain at any other place in this City, .are invited to call at JOHNSTON’S Daguerrean Rooms,in Kramph’s Building ; entrance, N. Queen at., lat door above Orange. 2-tf AS many of our citizens will not be able, on ac count of business and other matters, to visit London during the exhibition of the world’s inge nuity, the proprietors of the great LANCASTER HALL OF FASHION, MESSRS. WM. HENSLER ’5O-ly-29j, Market Square,-Lapc’r. Trenton Mutual Xlfe Insurance Company, Trenton, N. J • UNIMPAIRED'CAPITAL $208,991,58. Chartered by the Legislature of N. J., Feb. 6, 1847. Directors: Jameb Hot, Jr., Joseph C. Potts, Presd’t. Penjamin Pish, G. A. Peedicabis, V. P. John A. Weaht. Eli MoebiS, Sec’y. Jonathan Fish, Treasurer. Premium reduced 25 per cent: 1. Guarantee capital invested in bondsjmortgages, and stocks, $150,000. 2. A reduction in the rales of premiums of 25 per cent., payable annually, semi-annually or quar terly, as may be desired. 3. The insured participate in the profits. 4. Insurance may be effected by any married woman upon the life of her husband, for her sole use and benefit, free from any claims of the repre sentatives of her husband or any of his creditors. 5. No personal liability of the members beyond the amount of their annual premiums of insurance. 6. Creditors may insure the lives of their debtors, or debtors themselves may insure forthe protection of their creditors. 7. Clergymen and other persons, whose depen dance is upon a salary, will find this an excellent way to secure their families from want in cases of death. 8. References can be obtained as to the character oi the Company and its Managers, by calling on the undersigned, who are Agents for the City of Lan caster and its vicinity, and who will also give all other necessary information as to rates of insurance, & c . LANDIS & BLACK, Attorneys at Law. 5-ly Lancaster, Feb. 25, 1851, The Cheap Hardware Store, East King Street, opposite Messenkop’s Hotel. REUBEN S. ROHRER,Iate Sprecher &Rohrer, returns his thanks for the many past favors bestoyved upon the late firm, and would inform them that he will continue the business at the old stand, and solicits their further favors. He would call their attention to a well selected stock of FOREIGN & DOMETIC HARDWARE, such as Locks, Latches, Butt Hinges, Files, Saws, Screws, Bolts and a general assortment of Building Materials. CARPENTER PLANES, . Chisels, Hatchets, Broad Axes, Drawing Knives, Braces and Bittsj Egley’s Superior. Domestic Augers, and all kindfc of Carpenter Toole. Iron and Steel. Hammered and Rolled Iron of all sizes, Shear, Blister, Sheet and Cast Steel, Slit, Hoop and Sheet Iron, of all kinds. <• AESVUSaS ABIE) r ,\. Bellows, Screw Plates, Rasps and every description of Blacksmith Tools. CUTLERY. „ „ Superior Pocket Knives from the Waterville Man ufacturing Company. : Also, English Pen Knives, Fine Ivory Knives and Forks, Buck, Bone and Cocoa handle Knives and Forksj Razors, Scissors, &c., &c. Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, either in whole setts or single piece. Britannia Candlesticks, Tumblers, Plateß, &c. ' SADDLERY. —Bitts, Buckles, Hames, Webbing, Hog Skins, Traces, Saddle Trees, Whip Stalks, Tacks, Thread, &c. Broad and Narrow Lace, Oil Cloth, Curtain Frames, Brass and •Silver Hub-bands. GLASS, OILS, ANp PAINTS,- Varnisheß, Turpentine, Japan, White Lead,Paints, Brushes &c, s Tubs, Buckets, Coolers, Churnß, IVJeat Stands, Butter Firkins, Water Can's and Kegs, Wash Bask ets, Market Baskets, Half Bushel and Peck Mea sures ; Clover, Timothy, Herd and Orchard Grass SEEDS. a STOVES. £Zji The celebrated Victory Cook Stove ; also : the Hathaway Stove; Wood and Coal Stoves. PATENT CULTIVATOR. The attention of Farmers 18-called to the Patenl Cultivator, and also Minnick’s Ploughs. SCYTHES AND SNATHS. A new article of Grain Scythes, very superior also, Waldron’s, Winsted’s, Darling’s, Dunn &. Taylor’s, Robey & Sawyer’s; and Morris’ Grain and Grass Scythes. GRAIN CRADLES. —Good & Brenser’s make of Grain Cradle. HAY RAKES Rakes of different kinds, Whet Stones, &c., and a large assortment of Farming utensils, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. [june 4-IS-tf Lancaster Marble Yard. THE subscribers take pleasure in informing their .; friends and the public, thht they have taken the' Marble Yard formerly conducted by Daniel Fagan, deceased, in North Queen St., in the city of Lan-, caster, one door north of Spangler & Brother’s Book Store, where they are prepared to execute all ; orders in their line, in the neatest and most expe-l ditious manner, and on the most liberal terms. They respectfully invite those desirbuß of purch asing MARBLE WORK, to call and.examine their present stock of finished-.work, which* in point of! fineness of finish, quality of marble, and chasteness; of design, jwill compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the city. They are prepared at all times to furnish TOMBS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, MAH3BL® MAinXJBS, DOOR and WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, and in met, every thing, in their line, at the shortest They employ none other than first-rate hands, and are consequently enabled to furnish all kinds of ORNAMENTAL WORK in real city style. . ■ ' The public are invited to call at their WARE ROOMS, and examine for themselves. ! LEONARD & BAER. : july 23 tf-26 , J 3m-3 NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF LANCASTER CITY PHILIP DEICHLER respectfully notifies his old customers and the public generally, that he has removed to the room lately occupiea by William Sayres & Son, in Kramph’s building, N, Queen street, directly opposite the Post Office, where he constantly keeps on hand and will manur facture to order . 1 Boots and Shoes of every description, j* made in the most fashionable styles, and of the best-materials. " He would particularly invite attention to a fine article oi Cloth, Leather and Morocco CONGRESS BOOTS; also, to a general assortment- of CHILDREN’S GAITERS of various sizes and colors —all of which he will sell as cheap as any other establishment in the city. ' He desires the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lancas ter city and county to give him a call, and judge i for themselves. He has no doubt of his ability to render general satisfaction* of all kinds neatly done at the shortest notice. • [april 23-13-tf Life Insurance for Cat tie, &e. ' ’ The American Live Stock Insurance ■ Company. Stockholders Individually Liable. INSURES Horses, Males, prize Bulls, Sheep,' Cattle, &c., water, accidents and disease. Also, upon stock driven to Eastern Mar kets or transported South. JOHN H. FRICK, Gen. Ag’t Phila. References—Wood, Abbott & Co.,Truitt, Broth er & Co., Coates & Brown, Philadelphia. The subscriber having been apppointed agent (or Lancaster county, is prepared to effect Insurances. J. ZIMMERMAN, Agent, : North Queen street, Lancrster Pa.! ; JOHN G. SCOVERNS, ' ‘ Vetirinary Surgeon, Examiner. ly-6 Tinman’s Machines. THE subscriber has the sole agency for: the sale of Stow & Co’s. Tinman’s Machines,'and offers ttinm for sale at the manufacturers prices. _ them for sale (jjjORGE M. STEINMAN,”' march 26-9-3m] West King at., Lancaster then R. Crawiord BRITTANIA WARE. CEDAR JVARE. AND COUNTY. vi-v. T7j - ...g^■-T"" . * !-!»> Valuable Farm or limestone Land 1 j.£s j'-hl?®r;;Sitfe. . TT\HE snbscribßr offer* for-aale a Ffcnd °rJbpHik 1~ Limestone Land* containing two dred and iriinfe apres, ; sitaated in^Tnscaroraiiiliilt Juniata oounty»abont4 miles from the Canal: antt Central Ra&oad. ;One hundredand sixty acres .of the cleared and nrider a high state of cultivation,-the residue is well timbered. This land is remarkable for its fertility, and has a stream o water running its centre. Th®., improve ments are alarge three story Bnck Dwelling House, Brick and Stone t Spring Houses, with fine springs of limestone water, agood Tenant House, a large new Bank Bara,] 88 by 46 feet, Wagon Shed. with doable Corn Cribs and all other necessary ont-bnild inga. There are also on the premises two large bearing Orchard* of a general assortment of trait trees; the best in the county. VALUABLE-MILL PROPERTY AND FARM F FOR SALE. - ; IStt ; The subscriber also offers for sale his Mill jjjg property Bitnated on Licking Creek, a never failing stream ofj water; in Milford township, Ju nidta county, one mile from Patterson, the depot of the great Central Railroad. There is a large four story Stone Merchant Mill, 40 by 60 feet, with four run of burrs, three merchant bolts 20 feet long, two custom bolts, elevators, and smut ;machine. It is fitted up throughout with spur and bevelled gearing, two water wheels ten feet wide, all new ® n ~ in complete running order, with ahead and fall* of wa ter of fourteen feet. The miil is capable of running sixty [barrels of flour per day, besides all the custom work. There is also a Saw Mill attached, other improvements are a-fine new Brick Dwelling House, main building 28 by 30 feet with a wing 30 feet, with a running fountain in the kitchen; also a Stone Wash and Spring house convenient to thd door, with a running fountain, together with a wood house, all inclosed by a yard, containing various kinds of choice fruit trees. There is a Mill House with a running fountain, a Bank Barn, and all other necessary out-buildidgs. There is a young Orchard of grafted fruit trees. This property is situated on one hundred and five acres of good land, about sixty, acres of which are cleared with a large por tion under post and rail fence, the balance is well timbered. This property is situated in the fertile grain grow ing valley of the Tuscarora, and being upon a never failing stream, offers rare inducements to persons wishing to engage in the milling business, and its contiguity with the Canal and Pennsylvania Rail road enabling them to transport flour to Philadel phia and Baltimore,'at 50 and 37i cents, per barrel. Those wishing, mill property are invited, before purchasing elsewhere, to examine this. They can do so by cal ling upon the subscriber in Mifflintown. t-ALSO, About four gpod land, adjoining the mill property, mostly cleared and under good post Rnifi and rail fence. The improvements are a fine leiH large substantial. Stone Dwelling House, with a pump of excellent limestone water near the door, a Cooper Shop,:a good Stable and all other neces sary out-buildings. There is also a large variety of fruit trees on the premises. MALSO, another tract of land containing a three acres, having thereon erected a two story Dwelling House, Frame Stable, with a fine spring of water, and a lot of choice fruit trees. — This tract is also adjoining the mill property. The above properties will be sold together or separately to suit purchasers, and can be seen by calling upon the subscriber, or David Kepner in Mifflintown. JOHN S. MILLER. Mifflintown, April 10. tlst Sep-12 Valuable Farm for Sale. THE subscribers, executors of the estate of Benjamin Kepner, deceased, late of Milford tovynship, Juniata county, offer for sale a valuable farm situate in-said township, about fourmiles from Mifflintown, containing one hundred and sixty-five acres of first-rate limestone land ; one hundred and twenty acres of which are cleared and the balance is well timbered. The Farm is one of the best in Tuscarora Valley, is in a high state of cultivation, and' has a first rate water power upon it. The improvements, are a good Fratpe JJggJL Dwelling House, a large new Bank Barn 46 JsWffl by 88 feet, Wagon Shed, with Corn CribsilLUiik attached, Stone Spring House, and all other neces sary out-buildings, with running Fountains of Lime stone water at the House and in the barn yard. There is also on the premises a fine young Or chard of grafted fruit trees of all kinds. ' JOHN S. MILLER,) ~ DAVID KEPNER, J Executore ' Mifflintown, April 15. 12-t Ist Sep 50 Farms for Sale. THE undersigned has for sale FIFTY IMPRO VED FARMS, rating in quantity from 50 v to 700 Acres, distant from two to fourteen miles from Baltimore ; a portion of these Farms are first rate ;rich bottom, LIMESTONE LAND, good improve ments, with wood, water, and advantage to make them very desirable to persons who wish to settle in the neighborhood of Baltimore. ■ ALSO, several large and IMPROVED FARMS in the State of Virginia, for less than ten dollars per acre. For further information apply to ' D. B. FERGUSON, ;S. W. Corner of North and Fayette streets,«nea the Post Office, Baltimore, Md. [mar 25-9-3 m Lancaster Writing and Book- Keeping Academy. MESSRS. MOULTON & REIGART,-Teachers of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship, Pen Drawing, Book-Keeping, Flourishing, &c., respect fully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lancaster, that they, have taken a room in KRAMPH’S AR CADE, East Orange few doors from North Queen, where they are permanently established, and are prepared to give a; free exhibition of their entire selection, consisting of more than one hun dred splendid specimens of Plain and Ornamental Penmansliip, considered by competent judges to be the greatest and best variety ever exhibited in this city. All persons desirous of improving in this useful and elegant accomplishment, are respectfully invited to calf and examine for themselves. * Gentlemen who wish to acquire an easy and con cise method of DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, can in a short tinte acquire a knowledge applicable, to business, from the smallest Farmer or Mechanic to the largest wholesale’* or shipping house in the United States. Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to acquire an easy and graceful hand writing, which for elegance, rapidity and facility of acquirement, stands unrivalled, can now avail themselves of an opportunity. TERMS, in Writing, for one month, stationery included, $2,50 German Text, Old English and Ornamental Writing, each, Pen Drawing, and Single Entry Book-Keep ing, each, 5,00 Double Entry Book-Keeping, 10,00 Flourishing, 6,00 {Crßoom open from 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M. [march 4-6-tf IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS OF threshing machines. THE subscriber respectfully informs the manu facturers of THRESHING and other Machines requiring horse power, that he has a TRIPLE, REACTING, INTERNAL GEARED * HORSB POWER, which, in point of strength, durability, lightness of draught, &c., is unsurpassed and unequalled by any other now in use; The entire weight of the power and frame Work that bolds it, is only 600 lbs., and being made entirely of -Iron, and the journals of Cast Steel, it is sufficiently strong for eight horses, when necessary. The subscriber confidently asserts that no power of equafstrength and durability can be furnished at as low rates as this, and most res pectfully invites the attention of Farmers and Threshing Machine makers to it. The powers can be had wholesale or retail, at the Foundry and Machine Shop of I. W. Groff, at Eden, three miles from Lancaster, or of the sub scriber, at Wright’s Hotel, S. Queen st., Lancaster. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. SAMUEL PELTON, Jr. nov 12 42-tf IVotv Is tlie time for Bargains! “|S M. HAMBRIGHT respectfully informs the public, that he has just returned from Phila delphia, with the best selected stock of "UNCUT CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, AND RICH SATIN AND SILK VESTINGS, ever offered in Lancaster. This stock having been selected bv a competent judge of FASHIONABLE GOODS, as well 'as a first-rate judge of their quali ty, he flatters himself able, to meet the wants of his customers, in the most satisfactory manner, and as sures all who may faVor him with a call, that no efforts will be spared to promote their interest." He is still to! be found at his old stand in West King street, in the room formerly occupied by G. Meeser, as h Looking Glass Store, and one door east ofC. Hager and Son’s Dry Goods Store, oct 8 ’5O . ! tf-37 EAGLE HOTEL. \ JJ. & INFORM the public, that they have recently fit ted up this old and well known stand in North Queen street, two doors south of the Railroad, in first rate style, and that they are now prepared to entertain travellers and others in the very best man? ner. --Their Bar will always be supplied with the choicest liquors, and their Table with the best that the market affords. They also beg leave to state that they continue their LIVERY STABLE, where can at all times be had, a good and genteel Horse, Buggy, Barouche, Carriage, Sulky, or Omni? bus, on the moat reasonable terms. They assure all who may favor them with their custom, that no efforts will be spared to render satisfaction, may 7 . 15~tf Just Received, - rnn POUNDS American Shoe Thread, a su- OLHJ perior article, which will be sold wholesale or retail at Philadelphia prices, at the sign of the Golden Last, a few doors weatof Steinman s Hard ware Store. M. H. LOCHER. michlß B ‘ tf If EW BURDWARG STORE. ! ! GEOBGE D. SPRECHER, fi/iteltf (tie firm’ qf Gprecher 4r : R6kTcrjJ HAVING purchased the Store stand, and the entire stock of HARDWARE, GLABB> &c., from A. W- RusseU*ih North Queen street* respect fuUy:ihforins the patrons of the old concern and his friends that he is deterihiaed to devote his whole time and attention'to the purchasing and selling off his goods so aB to make’it particularly the interest of the public to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.' ’ • His stock' embraces a large and general assort ment of HARDWARE* consisting of Coofc, Coal aud Nine-Plate Stoves, of the most modern patterns and best metals. IRON—-A genera] assortment of Bar, Hoop, Sheet, Slit and Round Iron. •STEEL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All kinds of building materials, such as Nails of every kind, Locks, Latches, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Glass, Paint*, Oils, Varnishes, &c. An extensive assortment of Planeß, S&wb, Chisels, Braces and Bits, and Rules. -i i TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Articles consisting of Kettles, Pots, Pans, Griddles, Coffee- -Mills, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Shovels and Tongs, Candlesticks, Lamps, Looking Glasses, &c., &c. Also; a large assortment of . ■ CEDAR 'WARE, viißrewing and Wash Tubs of all sixes, Churns, Buckets,: Bushels, Half Bushels, Pecks and Half Pecks, Stands of all sizes, Turned Bowls, Pails, Butter Prints, Boxes, &c , &c. MAHOGANY BOARDS AND VENEERS. Also Railroad and other Shovels, Spads, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Rakes, &c., together with every other article kept in a Hardware Store; all of which will be disposed of wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms. He hopes by strict attention to business, and • a determination to please his cus tomers, to repeive a share of public patronage. B£rold Castings and Flaxseed will be taken in exchange for goods GEORGE D. SPRECHER. r 8-3 m march 18 ONPiAPEB^ ASTROLOGY.— The celebrated Dr. C. W. Ro back, Professor of Astrology, Astronomy, Phrenology and Gcomancy, combined with Conju ration, from Sweden offico No 71 Locust Street. $£5,000 having been won by my numerous friends on the late Presidential Election, should convince those skeptical persons who talk of/ai/ur*, that no such word as fail is or has been known by the emi nent and distinguished Astrologer, C. W. ROBACK, who, during his experience of over a .quarter of a century, during which time he has given advice, and employed the wonderful powers which he only is the possessor of in this country, having been born with this wonderful, most powerful science. Who can doubt that we are not under the influence of destiny, and governed by the reciprocal influence of the celestial, terrestrial, and tho astronomical systems, whose mutual relation to each other once disturb, and will it not destroy the unison of action? Do you doubt predestination? then why not every man gain the celebrity of General Taylor, Daniel Webster, or a Henry Clay? and yet there are some , who are foolish enqugh to doubt that a man may be born with the power to see into future events, buch should not condemn till they have called to see the seventh son of the seventh son, whose advantages from travelling have given him more experience than all the other astrologers, male or female, in the United Sates. How can it be possible that "the destiny of man should be governed by the mere shuffling of a pack of cards? and yet there are thousands who allow themselves, with open mouths, to swallow the greasy words of some old woman, whose true skill consists in Ailing them with wonders that are more for'the digestion of others, who credulous, yet more scientific. It is such that bring discredit on a pro fession that has been acknowledged to be a science of the highest order, from time immemorial; and it is the only profession that has holy authority to sus tain it. The high respect which General Taylor and the following gentlemen had for Astrology, is shown by his letter for his nativity, of the 10th ol February, 1846, to the subscriber, in which he pre dicted all his victories, and named the places of the late war With Mexico; he also predicted that he would be elected President of the United States, and also foretold that he would notlive but a short time after his election, which prediction has been filled to the very letter. In addition to his power to foresee.future events, he has the power to give such information as will effectually redeem such as are given to the free use of the bottle. He is also capable of curing diseases heretofore considered incurable in this country by the ordinary medicines, and wishes all to give him a call who have been given up by their physicians and wish to be cured. He will warrant a cure in all cases, and will make no charge, except for the conjurations he shall make use of in his office. He is often asked what a nativity is: he answers, ac cording to Geomancy, one of the seven points in the science of Astrology, that it is a Horoscope of the future events of a persona’s life, carefully cal culated and transcribed on paper, containing an account of all the lucky and unlucky days in the months aud years of the person’s life for whom it is cast; by which means thousands in'thiscountryand elsewhere have been prevented from misfortunes that had been hidden, in the womb of futurity, by referring to their Nativity before'entering on any speculation of business or pleasure. It should be in the hands of every one as their Almanac of life. A Nativity of an individual can only forwarn the possessor of troubles that are in future for him; those who are involved in present difficulties of any kind must wait on the subscriber in person or by letter, who is prefared to exert his influence for their im mediate benefit. He is ready to ude his influence to foretell the result of lawsuits, and all undertak ings in which there is a risk involved; he also makes use of his power for the restoration of stolen or lost property, which he has used for the advantage of thousands in this city and elsewhere. {tr He can be consulted with at his Office, or by letter, if prepaid, and he is prepared to make use of his power on any of the following topics; bnsi nesss of all descriptions, travelling jby land or sea; courtships; advice given for their successful accom plishment; speculating in Btocks, merchandise, or real estate; the recovering of legacies in dispute; the purchasing of tickets, and the safety of ships at sea. He also has had the honor ofreceiving a cer tificate from the Hon. C. John Bernadotte, formerly' King of Sweden, which it will give him great pleas ure in showing to those who favor him with a call,*; he also- offers his services, respecting Health, Wealth, and Marriage, Love Affairs, Journtys, Lawsuits, - difficulty in Business, Fraud, Sickness and Death, Past, Present, and Future Events, and all the coucerns of life, and invites all to call who are afflicted, corporally or mentally. Terms; Ladies 60 cts. Gentleman $l. Nativi ties calculated and read in full j according-to the oracles of masculine signs; Ladies, $1; Gentlemen, $1,50. | Nativities calculated according to Geomancy, for Ladies $2, in full $3; for Gentlemen $3, in full $5. Persons at a distance, can. have their Nativities drawn, by sending the date of the day of their birth. All letters containing the above fee, will receive immediate attention, and Nativities will be sent to any part of the U. States, written on durable paper. JKrße particular to mention the Post-office, county and State.. \ o ‘-Office, No. 71 Locust street, betweeirEighth and Ninth, and Walnut and Spruce streets, opposite the Musical Fund Hall. Office hours, from 9A. M. till 10 P. C. W. ROBACK, Astrologer. ‘ • Feb. 18. ly*-4 Lancaster Emporium of Taste! CHARLES B. WILLIAMS, Professor of the Tonsorial Institute and Physiognomical HAIR CUTTER and extatic SHAVER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Lancaster, and strangers wh< may tarry here until their beards grow, that he still continues to carry onhis business in NORTH QUEEN ST., OPPOSITE KAUFMAN’S HOTEL, where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial business in ail its varied branches. He will shave you as clean as a City Broker, ana cut your hair to suit the shape of your head and tho cut of your phiz, well knowing that the whole ob ject,and desire is to improve the appearance of the outer man. From long experience he flatters him self that he can go through all the ramifications of the art, with so much skill, as to meet the entire approbation of all those who submit their chins tc the keen ordeal of his Razor, Each gentleman furnished with a clean towel. SHAMPOONING done in the most improved style, and Razors sharpened in the > ery best manner. Lancaster, Dec. 26, 1849. 48-tf A CARD. THE subscribers beg leave thus to acquaint their friends and,the public, that they’ve made such arrangements with a house in the city of Philadel phia, as will enable them to execute orders for the purchase and sale of | SANK STOCK, RAIL ROAD STOCK, STATE AND UNITED STATES LOANS, &c. &c., At the Board of Brokers, with promptness and fidelity and on as favorable terms in every respect, as can be done in Philadelphia. | The faithful and confidential execution of all business entrusted to them may be relied on. I Money safely invested for individuals on Estates, in Bonds and Mortgages, State and United States securities, &c. &c. Personal attention will be given to the proper transfer, &c., of j Stock* Loans, and such general supervision as will obtain for those intrusting business to them the safest and most de sirable securities. . 1 . Also, the collection of Notes, Checks, Buis, sec., on Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and the towns &c. in this vicinity. Also, persons desirous of buying or selling any stock of the Lancaster Banks, Conestoga Steam Mills, Gas or Turnpike Stocks by leaving .the order in our Hands will meet vfith P^o™P^• a . t « e , n JJ£? > , JOHN F. SHRODER, GEORGE K. REED, N. W. corner of Kelt King and Dakeit«.l.anc»«ter. Feb. IS, 1800. s " 1 ' Price Reduced! .Ty VAUGHN’S ... UTHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Largo Bottle* _Only One Dollar. Th. Proprietor of the Grc.i American Rcmedr "Vino**’, LrrnosTßirric Mutch." induced bj U. orfent .olicilation, or hi« Acwita. thronshont tW United State* and Canada, hat now Reduced the Pric* < •f hia popular and well known article; tnd from this date, henceforth, he will pat up but one «ue only,— kk quirt bottles:—the retdil.price will be t ONE DOLLAR. The public mar rest anured that the character of the Hedt eine, its strength, and cure tire propertiw will rumam unchanged, and the same earn will be'bertowed ia pi*, paring it as heretofore. ' As .this medicine, under its reduced price, win be purchased by those who have not hitherto made themselves acquainted with its virtues, the proprietor would ber to intimate that his article is not to be clawed with the vast amount of "Remedies of the dayit claims for itself a treater healing favor, »* ell diseases, Uia a any otXer preparation novs before tie KtTr {d< and has sustained itself for eight years by its superior medical virtues, and, until this reduction, Commanded double the price of any other article in this line. Notice PiETicunxmr, this article acts with great heal* mg power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and nlftlher organa, epon tb. proper action or which lift' and nealth depend. This medicine Las a justly high repute as a remedy foe Dropsy and Gravel, and all diseases of that nature. It may be relied upoi whea the Intelligent physician has abandoned his patient,—and for these distressing diseases, more especially Dromy, the proprf. •tor would earnestly and honestly recommend iL At its present price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will prove the article to be the Cheapest Medicine is the World! * tSF Plea* uk for pamphlets—the agents rive them away \ they contain over sixteen pares of receipts, (in addition to full medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and which will save many doll an per year to practical housekeepers. These receipts are introduced to make the book of rreat vain*, aside from its character as an advertisinr medium for the medicine,'the testimony in favor of whieh, in ths form of letters from all parts of the country, may be relied opon. By* " Vaurbn’t Vegetable Litnontriptic Mixture”—the Great American Remedy, now for sale in quart bottles at $1 each, small bottles at 50 eta each. No small bottles will be Issued after the present stock is disposed of. Principal Office, BufTalo, N. Y., 207 Main Stmt, G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON fc CO., 127 Maiden Lane, New'York Gity. N. B.—All >letten (excepting from arents and dealsn wita whom he transacts business) must be post paid, orao ahsntai will be riven to them. j CHAS. A. HEINITSH, Lancaster. Jacob Stouffer, Mount Joy. George. Ross, Elizabethtown. Samuel Hashenberger, Bainbridgo. J. J. Libhart, Marietta. William A. Leader, Columbia. James F. Smith, Wrightsville. Carter, Lewis & Co., New Texas, Jacob Beper, Middletown October 1860 READ 1 READ' Outrage, Fraud and Imposition! t THE PUBLIC HAVE BEEN DECEIVED, BY PILLS colled bynames nearly similar Jo Dr- Leidy’s Sarsaparilla Blood Pills; beworo ol all such ihat are manufactured to be sold on the reputation of of Dr. Leidy’s only genuine, original and first Sarsaparilla Blood Pills ever made or in troduced, and the only Pills known to contain Sar-. suparilla. BE NOT PERSUADED that other Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are the same as Dr- Lei dy’s; for there are many worthless Pills peddled and hawked about the country that ore bought and sold at any prices, manufactured by impostors, who do not advertise, them, but through the trick in calling them by names nearly similar to Dr. Lei dy’s, expect to sell them through Dr. Leidy’s ad vertisements, and thus deceivo and impose upon the public. EXAMINE THE BOXES, and let it be remembered that Dr. Leidy’s Sarsa parilla Blood Pills are put up in oval wood boxes, entirely surrounded with labels, engraved by a bank note engraver of Philadelphia. Remember, the top or lid of thebox has upon it an engraved portrait or likeness of Dr. N.-. 8. Leidy, with ornamental work; the bottom hoa upon it his signaiure surrounded with medallion work ; around the sides a yellow label with medallion and other work upon it; the most expensive labels, a difficult to countered, in the United States. 500,000 BOXES have been sold annually for the last five years. YOUNG & OLD, MALE & FEMALE,' can always take them with equal safety, wilhotr fear. IF PILLS BE NECESSARY for purging and cleansing the Stomach and Bowels, and purifying the Blood and fluids of the body, take no others—for no other pills produce those com* bined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in them. EAT, DRINK AND LIVE AS USUAL, and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking them, without fear of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine certificates can be produced of their efficacy than of any others, and TEN DOLLARS •’will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more good than Two Boxes of any others. Y MEANS OF THE JJ POCKET E6CULAPIUS Every one his own Phy ian! Twenty-seventh cai rn, with upwards of a hun jd engravings, showing ivate diseases in every ipe and forpi, and malfor itions of the generative item, c *Y WM. YOUNG, M. D- The time has now arrived, tnat persons suffering from , weed no-more become the victim or quackery } as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood’s early de cline, with observations on mamage-besides many other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. . »-Any person sending tweutt-vivz cE(rra en closed in a fetter, will receive one copy of this book, hv mail or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address ‘‘DR. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphia.” Post-paid.. ta-VR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his different publications, at his Office, 152 SPRUCE street, everyday between 9 and 3 o’clock, (Sunday excepted.) June 4, 1850. 01. H. liOcher, (SUCCESSOR TO B. C. LOCHXK,) WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in LEATH ER, MOROCCO and BHEEPSKINB, SBOE FINDINGS and SHOEMAKERS’ TOOLS. A general assortment of the above articles con stantly on hand.. , AH orden promptly attended to. ' AT THE SIGN OF THE LAST, 2nd door Wait of Steinmaa>« Store. ~~ asg IM9U] M. H. LOCHRR~ 40-ly-eow ; ly-26