Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, May 13, 1851, Image 3

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    .THE JMARJtETS,..,.^
.(Corrected Wt*klr fcrthe Inteni*enca.] c
.' Laneaater Markets* -
HOUSEKEEPERS 9 market. •
Lancaster, May 10.
Batter —Sold at 18a20cts. a pound.
Chickens —Sold at 25a37} cents a pair, and
plenty. “
Eggs —Sold at 10 cents .per doz.'
Lara —7a6 cents per pound.
Apples—-Good onesbrigg I2fr cts. per half peck.
Potatoes—-Sell at Balocts. per half peck.
Oats—ln quantities of 3 bushels, at sl,loat,l6i.
Corn—in the ears, 66 cents per bushel. ~
Flour—Superfine, $4,00; extra, 4,25 per bbl.
95 per bushel. Red 85 cts.
Corn—Old 47, new 50 cents per bushel..
Oats—34 cents per bushel. '
Rye—6s cents per .bu'hel.
Clover Seed—s3,so per bushel.
Whiskey—22 cents.per gallon in hhds; in bbls.
23 cents.
Philadelphia Markets,
r ' Philadelphia, May 10.
FloUr is quiet. Small sales of common'standard
brands, wore made at $4,37ia1,50 ; choice_do.
$4,621. Extra $5,00. Corn meal $3,00. .Jlye
Flour $3,50.
Grain is in demand. Sales of red Wheat at
$1,00a1,02\ white do. $1,04a108. Com,-yellow
62 and 64 cents. Oats 44a46 cents.' Rye isscarce
and wanted at £0 cents.
Whiskey 23 and 24 cents per gallon.
Cattle Market. —The offerings of Beef Cat
tle for ilic week were about 1400 houd; Beeves
are selling from $7,25 to 8,75 per 100 lbs. Hogs,
about 500 in mnrket, and selling at $6,25a6,50 per
100 IBs. Cows are worth from $lB to 38. Sheep
and Lambs, as quoted in our last.
Baltimore Markets.
Baltimore, May 10.
Flour.— Sales of 400 bbls. Howard street Flour
at $4,37i&4,44.
J Wheat, red at 97a$ I,oo—white 1,00a1,.05
„fn this city, on Wednesday, the 7th inst. by Al.
Carpenter, Esq.,-Mayor, Mr. John Hughes,of Mon
fourcomity, to Miss Elizabeth P. Wright,of Berks,
county, Pa.
On Tuesday, the 29th ulf., at Harrisburg, by the
Rev. Mr. Voglebauch; Mr. John H. Bushoug, to
Miss Elizabeth Rupp, both of Lancaster county.
On the 4th inst., by the Rev.f J. C. Baker, Mr.
Henry.H. Hambrighf, of this city, to Miss’ Ann
Sellers, of Elizabethtown.
In East Nottingham, on the 23d nit., Mr. Aaron
Brogan, to Miss Sarah Hess, of Lancaster county.
In Columbia, on Monday, the 28th ultimo, of in
flammation of the lungSj Mrs. Mary E., wife of Mr.
Henry Breneman, in the 3Slh year of her age.
In the death of this amiable and benevolent wo
man, a large circle of friends and acquaintances join
the regret of those relatives of the deceased who
mourn her sudden and untimely dissolution. Ol
her it can with.truth be said,
<( None knew her but to love her—
None named her but to praise.”
A professing Christian for a long period of years,
she has ever exemplified ' a Christian’s faith, by an
active benevolence, a Christian charity, and an ex
ample of piety. She has left a void in that com
munity of which she was so bright'an omaraenti
which time alone can fill; and long will her many
social 'virtues be remembered by those emulous of
her good qualities of heart .and mind. But none
will feel more sensibly her loss, as none could ap
preciate more fully her worth, than the disconsolate
husband and the i afflicted orphan children of this
loving wife and truly Christian mother.
Sleep ’mid the fragrance of thy virtuous deeds,
And may thy spirit breathe thy heart’s perfume;
Memory is active, while'our bosom bleeds,
And wc would fain rest with thee in the tomb !
Sleep, Mother, Mary, ’mong thy kindred race, -
Thy loved ones,linger round thy resting place ! W.
In Strasburg, on Tuesday last; Mrs: Mary Rhem,
aged 33 years.
In Columbia, on the 3d inst., after a few hours
illness, John-McMahon, Esq., in the 40th year of
his age. ,
The deceased had been long and favorably known
as an enterprising contractor in the construction of
some of the most important public works in the
country. By exemplary conduct, kind and obliging
disposition, and gentlemanly manners toward his
fellow man, he won for himself the esteem of the
community in which he resided; and secured the
partiality of many true friends, to whom the mel
ancholy intelligence of his death will bring sadness
and regret. May’he rest in peace. * * *
Tyndale & Dlitcliell, .
No. 219 Chestnut Street , Philadelphia.
FAMILIES supplied with DINNER , TEA and
TOILET Sets and Glessware.
Small Profits and Large Sales
A large variety of China, Glass, Ironstone, Stone
and Liverpool Wares.
Cash system —Only one price.
Ice Creams and Water Ices,
AT KEFFER’S Saloons,,, every evening this
third time this season, [may 13-16
i ' O. U. A. M.
A 'Grand Parado, with Regalia, of the Order of
•United American Mechanics, will take plice
in the City of Lancaster, on Wednesday, May 21st
inst. . Tho lino of procession will form in North
Duke street, at 11 o'clock precisely, under the di
rections of M. J. Weaver, Chief Marshal.
After marching through the principal streets of
the City, a public meeting will be held, when the
principles and objects of the Order will be explain
ed, by James H. Curry, of Peekskill, Now York,
0. of Philadelphia, and other able
speakers. By order of Com. of Aarrangement.
may 13 ■ 2t*l6
National House Building, North Queen Street,
INVITE the attention of Ladies to their fashion
able and very cheap, assortment of
of all kinds and qualities, including lined and
' Real beautiful Chene Silk, Plain and Figured and
Changeable Silk, Plain and Fringed Turc Satin
Parasols, all selling rapidly at
National House Building, North Queen st., Lan’r.
may 13 ; 15
Rich Itlautilla Silks!
HAVE' just opened a great variety of handsome
Silks, suitable for Mantillas.
Rich Changeable Silks, Black, Watered and
Glossy Black Silk and Turc Satins- for Dresses*
Mantillas, and Scarfs, cheap.
Black Silk Laces and Fringes, Lace Veils, Emb.
Cambric Hdkfs., Capes, Spencers, Collars, &c., fitc.
National Ilouse Building, North Queen street.
may 13 ' 16
From Barnum’s
THE great French Moving Dioramic view of the
Emperor Napoleon’s funeral, representing his
removal from St._Helena to France, his reception at
Paris, and tho grand Military display in honor of
the restoration of the remains of the Emperor to
France and Frenchmen, will open for exhibition at
the Mechanics’lnstitute, for six* evenings, com
mencing Thursday, May 15th next, also on Friday
and Saturday afternoons, May 16th and 17th, for
the accommodation of Schools. ,&c.
This magnificent was gotten up by the
first artist in France expressly for Mr. Barnum’s
Museum in New York, at an expense of six thous
and dollars. It is not a painting, but a combination
of mechanical and artistical skill. ‘
Doors open at 7 o’clock; to commence at 8
o’clock. Admission 25 cents.
A popular Band of music will be in attendance.
may 13-16 J G. W. NICHOLS.
House, Store rooms and Offices for
Anew Three Story Brick House with large
back building, at the corner of North |ji|j|
Queen and James Streets—a moat eligible stand for
a Grocery, Flour and Feed Store, the Harrisburg
Reading, Litiz and Manheim roads concentrating
on this spot.
One of the six Store Rooms in Kramph’s 1 Row,
Orange Street.
Two Offices on the second story of the same
building. 1
A large room on the third story of Kramph’s
Corner, Nortn Queen and Orange Streets.
Enquire at Kramph’s Clothing Store. •
ma y» tf-i6
THE Stockholders of the- Lancaster, Elizabeth
town and Middletown Turnpike Road Compa
!!/. are requested to meet at the house of John
th< > c ‘ t )' or Lancaster, on THURSDAY,
tho 22d day of May nett, at 2 o’clock, P. M. for
i I “2““,°'““Pyng or relosing the amend
-16 laSt of this Com
monwealth t 0 ' be [““.rporating said Company.
’ v in MUHLENBERG, President.
raa y l3 3t-i6
THE subscriber is constantly receiving large
supplies ofHardware,. Cutlery, Saddlery, &c.,-
&c., direct from the manufacturers of-the United
State? and of Europe—hence the savipg'of one flr
two profits, enables him to offer inducements equal
to the best bouses in Pbiladefphia or NewJTork^
Persons commencing Housekeep-’
in? will find: a full assortment ofe Very thing
in the Hardware line, embracing CE D A*R
WARE, which bemhnafaetures ofsuperior
quality and sells at unprecedented low rates.
Carpenters and Builders, Win find a
foil assortment ofthe mostapprdved
.the Hardware line; embracing Glass, Paint,
&c., and at prices that must endure a contin
uance of their patronage.
Cabinet Mahers, Will find a full assort
ment of goods in their line, including all kinds
of. Hardware, Bed Pins, Mahogany Veneers,
Moulding, Fret Work, Roseta, &c., &c.
Coach Mahers.— The subscriber - is fully
prepared to meet their wants with a stock of
Hardware, embracing j finished Bolts, 'Mai,
Castings, Springs, Axles; Bands, Spokes, Shafts
and Fellows, Hydes, Patent Leather, Laces,&c.
Saddlers, Will find that his assortment and
prices furnish advantages that cannot fail to
ensure a continuance of their patronage.
Smiths and Machinists, Will find no
difficulty in selecting such sizes oflron, Steel,
Anvils, Vises, Bellows, Serew Plates, Files,
&0., his stock being very large and terms ac
commodating. ' •
Farmers, will find"a complete assortment in
•. the Hardware line, embracing Chains, Ploughs,
. Grain Cradles, Forks, Scythes, Clover and
Timothy Seed; Bags, &c., kc. ,, and prices shall
bo such as will insure a continuance of their,
very liberal patronage. I
Merchants, May rest assured that any ar
ticles in the Hardware line required by them
will be furnished at prices that will make it
tlieir interest to give him the preference over
the Philadelphia and New York markets.
SIOVCN. —The most extensive variety and ol
approved kinds, aj manufacturers* prices.
NailN and Iron;— The subscriber has the
agency of the Duncannon Works for the sale
of their Nails and Iron, nnd is at all times pre
pared to receive orders and furnish them the
factory prices. He has also a full assortment
of Colcmanville Nails. •
Guns and Pistols, Rock and Gun Powder,
'Safety Fues by the piece or barrel; Lead Pipe,
Wire Speller, Zinc, Tin, &c., on the most
favorable terms.
Clover, Timothy and Flax Seed
WANTED, for which the highest price will be .
given in cash.
may 13-IG-3m] West King at., Lancaster.
An Ordinance,
Relative to the Election , of the Collector of Water
Taxes and other purposes.
EE it ordained and enacted by the citizens of
Lancaster, in Select and Common Councils
assembled, That the election of the Collector of
•the Water Taxes, shall be held this year, and an
nually hereafter, on the first Tuesday in the month
of May.
Sec. it. And be it further ordained and enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That the salary of the
Mayorof the city, shall be six hundred dollars per
annum, payable quarterly—the said sum to be in
full compensation lor all the duties performed by
him as Mayor and as Chairman of the Water Com
mittee; that one half the said salary, viz: three
hundred dollars shall be paid out of the funds
belonging to the Wlter Department; and that this
section shall be considered'as in force from the
eleventh day of February last.
Sec. hi. And be it further ordained, That the
time allowed for the collection of the water rent
duplicate and tor the return of delinquents on the du
plicate, shall be extended from the first day of May
to the first day of July : Provided that this section
shall'not be construed so as to grant any additional the collector for the present year, or to
impair or alter his liability or that of his sureties.
Ordained and enacted into a law at the city of
Lancaster, the 6th day of May, A. D. 1851.
President of Common Council.
Attest: James L. Reynolds,
Clerk of Common Council.
President of Select Council.
Attest: James C. Carpenter,
Clerk of Select Council.
.may 14 / 16-tf
No. 36. IVew Books. No. 36.
EDMON DANTE, by Dumas, 50 cts.
Life of Yankee Hill, , 50
Wild Sports of the West, 50
Frank Fairlegh," 50
Mother in Law, 371
Bankers Wife, 25
Nell Gwyne, . 50
5 Indiana, by George Sand, 50
Consuelo, do do, 50
The Countess of Rudolstadt, by Sand, 50
Wife’s Sister, 25
Widow Rugby’s Husband, 50
Golden Sands of Mexico, 50
Oregon and California, 50
Bertie, a Humorous, *6O
Yankee Stories, 50
Harper for May, 25
International for May, 25
German Without a Master,. 25
French do do, 25
Latin do do,' 25
Italihn do do, 25
-Spanish do do, 26
‘ Genevieve, by Dumaß, 50
Commissioner, by James, 50
Phelps’ Travellers Guide,. * 75
Mitchell’s New Travellers Guide, $l,OO
The'celebrated Pen Makers, ] ,75
Just received an assortment of Bagley’s celebra
ted Gold Pehs. Also, a large assortment of Port
Monnaies, at the Cheap Book Store of,
No. 36, North Queen street, Lancaster.
may 13 16 _
THE subscriber takes this method of informing
his friends and the public in general, that he
still continues the
at the STAND, No. 6, East King street, where
he will be pleased to accommodate all who may
favor Him with their custom. Having employed a
workman of decided superiority from Europe, he
is prepared to furnish all articles in his line, in the
most splendid style—Pound and Fruit Cakes orna
mented in the most superior manner with Templet,
Altars of Hymen, Flower Baskets, Boquels, &c\,
&c., suitable for wedding, evening or dinner par
ties, &c. 0
Cukes.—His assortment is the most varied
and extensive of any in the city. -They can be had
fresli every day.
Confectionaries, of many new and ap
proved kinds, wholesale and retail.
ICC Creams. —Having made various alte
rations and improvements in his Saloons, they will
be found, if* not “ ne plus ultra,” at least as neat,
commodious, and well ventilated as any in this city.
As to the creams which he shall furnish, hc-challenges
competition in the quality, variety and richness of
flavor, as he intends, during the season, to intro
duce several new*kinds heretofore only manufac
tured in the larger cities.
Water Iceft, a delicacy never before offered
in this place. In introducing, for the first time, to
the Lancaster public, this truly delicious article,
the subscriber feels assured that it requires but to
be known to render it one of the most popular
luxuries of the season. At his establishment it will
be made by a person who, from experience and
practice, is a perfect master of his business, and
therefore the public may rely upon being supplied
with a superior article.
Lancaster, May 6
Conestoga Foundry for Rent.
THE Foundry of the subscriber, at GRAEFF’S
LANDING, on. the Conestoga, near the city of
Lancaster, and now in the occupancy of Mr. C.
Kieffer, will rent from the Ist day of April
next. There is a water powfiY of about 16 feet,
whiclPmight readily be increased to 18 feet—ren
dering it suitable for almost any business requiring
such power.
The large Brick Ware House adjoining the Foun
dry will be rented with ft.
The Conestoga being navigable that distance and
above it, Iron and Coal can be delivered without
any trouble, at the very door. • i
For terms, enquire of C. Nauman, (Innkeeper)
residing on the premises, or of the subscriber, in
Manor township.- MATTHIAS GRAEFF. .
may 6 >5l . ; Js_ t f
in ? ites the attention of the La
dies of tins city and county, to thedaree and
varied assortment of . ! °
which she has just received from Philadel
phia% They consist of the latest and mosllieauti
ful patterns, and can be had at prices
as any other Millinery establishment in Lancaster.
The attention of the Ladies is also'invited to her
splendid assortment of RIBBONS of every style
and color j and also to her Bonnet Caps, Artifi
cials, &c.
Millinery Rooms—North Queen Street, nearly
opposite Wentz’s Bee Hive Store; .
A ®h are of public patronage is respectfully
sollclted - [May 6-2m-15
To My Creditors.
T A ?5 notice that I have applied to the Judges
o f the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster
uounty for the benefit of the several Acts of Assem
bly for the relief of insolvent debtors, and that the
said Judges have appointed Monday the 16 th day of
June, 1851, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the Court House 7
in the city of Lancaster, for the hearing of mo and" i
my creditors, when and where they mav attend if
they think proper. BENJAMIN M. BAIR
may 6-16-31] - Lower Leacock Township.
'. , -.M f 3 13 A,? jT : , lIIOR,
pTOyM a^dre'commodious, buiiihjig, in East.
King street; !wp dobr& eAst bf ilie'Fafpierss Bank,
and directly opposite Hotel,, irelipiscifully
informs his friends/kiSl the pnblic geherally, that
he has just from the .city. yrith, a laige and.
splendidassortmentof - "
ofiie fetes* fashidh qiillUyf Hi* stock
hasbeen selected byhTmselfwlt&great care, and
embraces the finest'- :7 - r- • ’ ‘ ' ..’ 'r/
French and English Cloths, Cassimeres, &tf r
which he ia prepared to convert into suits ot fash
ionably make’ and perfect fit, upon the shortest
noticefV His selection of
is extensive, consisting of all styles and patterns,
suited to the season.
Those purchasing goods at his establishment, or
furnishing their own materials, can have them made
up in the most fashionable, comfortable and durable
manner. Mr. G. is prepared to accommodate all
who may wish to be supplied with Spring and Sum
mer suits, by caliingAt his estabiishmenrin a man
ner that shall give entire satisfaction to them as to
the quality of his inaterial, make of dress, and
liberality of terms. To those of his friends who
have heretofore so liberally patronized him, he takes
this occasion to return his sincere thanks and invites
them s.o call at his hew stand and examine the ex
tensive assortment which he has just received,
may 6 15-3 m
Philadelphia and Liverpool Line
of Packets.
mo sail from Philadelphia on the
J_ 15th, and from Liverpool on the
of each month.
11 mi.ll mi mail jy om pa,-/a. y rom ii ver .pool.
Ship Shenandoah, (April loth June Ist
Capt. W. P. Gardiner. JAug. 15th Oct. Ist
( Dec. 15th Feb. Ist
S’p Westmoreland, (new) (May 16th July Ist
Capt. A. Decan. < Sept. 15th Nov. Ist
(Jan. loth March Ist
Ship Shackajuaxon, (new) (June loth Aug. Ist
Capt. W. H. West. 1 Oct. 15th Dec. Ist
( Feb. loth April Ist
Ship Mary Pleasants, : (July 15th Sep. Ist
Capt. U. R. Dccan. <Nov. loth Jan. Ist
(March 15th May Ist
The a*bove first-class ships arc built of the best
materials, and commanded by experienced navi
gators. Due regard has been paid to select models
for speed, with comfort for passengers. They will
sail punctually on the days advertised, taking ad
vantage ot the steam tow-boats on the Delaware.
Persons wishing to engage passage for theirjrjends
fconi Liverpool can obtain certificates, which will
be good for twelve months.
Passage to Liverpool in - . $BO
■ tt . Forward Cabin, 20
“ “ Steerage, - 12
Passage from Liverpool in the Cabin; - 100.
“ (f Forward Cabin, 25
(e “ Steerage,- - 20
Those who wish to remit money, can be accom
modated with'drafts for £1 sterling and upward,
payable at sight, without discount. Apply to
37 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
And lo ’ -JAMES McHENRY,
may 6-15-1 y] 5 Temple Place^Liverpool.
Special Sale of Elegant Light
ON Wcdncsday«morning the 14th v
of May next, at 10J o’clock
the Chinese Museum, corner Ninth and George sts.
Philadelphia, will be sold to the highest bidder
An assortment of over FIFTY light Carriages
and Buggys, most of which have never been used
and are to be sold to pay advances and storage.
from a distance arc informed that
the sale will not be postponed on account of the
Open on the day previous for examination.
may 6 5 15-2 t
.. Magazines for May.
NEW NOVELS, &c.—Godey, Graham and Sar
fain’s for May 25 cents each.
The Commissioner, by G. P. R. James, 50 cts.
Rebels and Tories —a novel, 50 cents.
The Mysteries of the People, 25 cents.
Leonard Normandale, 25 centß.
The Convict, vol. 2, 25 cents.
Greatest Plague of Life, 50 cents.
Rose Douglass, 50 cents.
The Bards of the Bible, 50 cents.
Lever’s Great Novjels, 50 cent each. '
Bertie —a novel, 50 cents.
The city Merchant, fO cents.
Oregon and California, 50 cents.
Golden Sands of Mexico, 50 cents. ,
Yankee Stories, by Judge Haliburton 50’cenls.
Richard of York, 50 cent 9.
The Initials—equal to Jane Eyre, 50 cents.
Anne Grey—a Novel, 50 cents.
. Fortnnes of F: FJepper, Esq , 25 cents.
Lewis Arundle, by the author of Frank Fairleigh,
25 cents.
N. B..—All books received as soon as publiseed,
The above can be had at the cheap Book Store of
No. 36, North Queen St., Lancaster.
May 6, 1851. tf-15
In the Court of Common Fleas of
Lancaster County.
IN the matter of the Petition') Petition presented
of the members of William | by Geo. M.
Penn Fire Company of the Bo- and the
rough ofMarietta foraCharter | Courtdirectas fol
of Incorporation. J lows, to wit:
And now, May Ist, 1851, the Court having pe
rused’and examined the said petition, and its objects,
articles and conditions therein set forth and con
tained appearing lawful and injurious to the com
munity, the Court direct said writing, or petition,
to be filed in the Prothonotary’s Office, and also
direct, n'otico to be inserted in ono ncwspapeß
printed in the county of Lancaster, for at least 3
weeks, setting forth uhat an application has been
made to said Court to*grant a Charter of Incorpora
tion, and if sufficient reason to the contrary be not
shown, the same will be granted at the August
Term of the Common Pleas now following.
Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’y.
Prothonotary’s Office, )
Lancaster, May 1, 1851. J . may 6-15-3 t
Baltimore, May 1, 1851.4
meeting of Stockholders will be held at the
office of this Company on MONDAY, the 12th inst.,
between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock, to elect
Officers and Managers of the said Company.
' The transfer of books will be closed on the sth
inst., and will remain closed until after the election.
By order, TH. iM. ABBOTT,
may G*ls-2t] Teasurer.
WHEREAS, the order of Court directing one
week of Jury Trials, commencing on the Ist
Monday ,of June next, has been rescinded, Notice
is Hereby given to the Jurors who have been sum
moned for said first Monday, that they need not
attend. Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’y.
■prothonotary’s Office,)
Lancaster, May 6, 1851. j
Iron Foundry & Machine Shop,
West Ch*snut Street, between N. Queen and Prince
TITHE subscriber announces to the public that he
X has lately purchased the above extensive Es
tablishment, where he is now prepared to do work
of every description in his line, such as
Shafting, Gearing , Mill and Saw Mill Work , Slides,
Hand loathes, Car Wheels, andAexls £ Castings
• of all descriptions , done at the Foundry at
the shortest notice.
Ilis assortment of patterns are not surpassed by
any establishment in the State, he is therefore
enabled to do work at the shortest notice and at
reduced prices.
STOVES of every description manufactured and
for sale wholesale and retail.
IRON RAILING for Yards, Cemetrics, &c.—
Cast or Wrought iron, made and put up with neal
ness and dispatch.
work warranted.
The machine Shop will be under the control and
management of J. & D. FellemDaum, experienced
machinists. C. KIEFFER, Proprietor.
May 6, v 1851. Js_tf
PERSONS holding the notes of the Tide Water
Canal Company, will find ready sale for them
at Philadelphia prices, in any amount from one
dollaruip, at the office of
may 6-15] ° Opposite Farmers’ Bank.
Lancaster County Bank*
May 5, 1851.
rpiJE Directors of this Institution have this day
I decTared a dividend of 5 per cent, for the last
six months, on the capital slock paid in, payable on
may 6-15-3t] Cashier.
Farmers 9 Bank ; of Lancaster*
May 5, 1851.
THE Directors have this day declared a dividend
of 5 per cent, out of the profits of the last six
months, payable to the stockholders or their legal
representatives on demand.
G. CLARKSON, Cashier,
may 6 15-3 t
/ Lancaster Bank*
/ Mays, 'lB5l.
TrIHE Directors have this day declared a dividend
J_, of 4 per cent, out of the profits of the past six
months, payable to stockholders on demand.
B. C. BACHMAN, Cashier.
may 6 15-3 t
Seidletz Powders*
FRESH prepared Seidletz Powders. For sale al
Medicinal, Drug and Chemical Store, No. 13, East
King street. [april 1-10
NOW ’xecei?iDg-.*at; the. 'fcheap Book* Store of
Queen street, Lancaster, at very low prices:^'
' Memoirs of Wm. Wirt, by John P. Kennedy, M.
C-—in 2 yols 8 witfi a 'portrait—a work of great
interest and valued ' -; . :
Hungary and Transylvania, with remark* on their'
condition, Social,' Political and Economical, by
JohnPaget,E*q.'''^ : --.‘ •
- Manners, Custom*, Antiquities and National Pe
‘cdltaritie? of Scotland, by James Logan, 1 vol. Bro.
- Book of Knowledge, embracing Mechanic*, Arth
and Manoiadurea, Curious Customs, &c., 1 vol.
“Dr. Johnson; hia religious life and his death,
1 vol. • .
'Jeremy Taylor’s Complete Works—Bro. 1 vol.
Chalmer’s Sermons—Bvo.2vols;
•“ Select Works —Bvo. 4 vols.
Advice to Voung Christians.
Gospel Promises. -
Butler’s Complete Works—l vol. 8?o.
Chalmers on Romans. ' '
Davis’Sermons—Srqls. .
Foster’s Essays.
Haldame od Romans —1 vol.
Hervey’s Meditations.
Horde’s.lntroduction —1 vol.. A most valuable
work for every student of the Bible.
Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises— -2 vols.
• M’Cheyne’s Works-4-2 vols. Svo. >
Theological Sketch-Book—2 vols.
.. Tyng’s Lectures on-the Law and Gospel
“ ’Christ is All. -
“ Israel of God.
With a great variety of other valuable Works on
Theology, History, Biography, Law, Mechanic,
Poetry, School Books, &c., &c. Stationery, both
Staple and Fancy—very cheap. [May 6-tf
Valuable Land for Sale.
IN pursuances an order of the Orphans’ Court
of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, the under
signed will offer at public sale, on the premises, on
Monday the 2d day of June next, at 11 o’clock A.
M., the following real estate, viz:—A tract of land
situated in Hamilton township, bounded by lands of
Jacob Albert, John Wilson’s heirs, A. Brechbill
aud-others, containing
and allowance. The improvements are a commo
dious two-story DWELLING HOUSE, part
of Brick and part of Logs, a Log Barn andfjwffl
other out buildings. There are fine mca-JiUJaIL
dows on Back Creek which runs through said farm.
There is a sufficient quantity of good timber on the
DCrThe terms will be made known on the day Of
By order of the Court: Trustees.
J. W. Fletcher, Clerk,
may 6 -1 I^-41
Estate of Christian Habeckcr.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. of Lan.
WHEREAS, George Carpenter, Cpmmitte of
Christian Habecker, did on the 22d day of
April, 1851, file in the office of the Prothonolary
of the said Court his account of the Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted the second day of June, 1851, for the confirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed. «Attest,
HENRY STOEK, Prothonolary.
Proth’ys office, May 6, 1851. 15-4 t
Estate ot Fred’k Koehler & Wife.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. of Lan.
WHEREAS, Gabriel Bear, Assignee of Frede
rick Koehler and Wife, did on the 22d day
oi April, 1851, file in the office of theProthonotary
of the said Court, his account of the said estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said court has appointed
the second day of June, 1851, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest,
HENRY STOEK, Prothoriotary.
Proth’ys office, May 6, 1851. 15-4 t
To Carriage Manufacturers.
THE subscriber being desirous to* close this
branch of his business, offers for sale, at a
VERY LOW PRICE, and on the
dating terras j his large and convenient -
in the town of Massillon, Ohio. 2
promises consist of a large, new
two stories high, and 34 feet by 82, a large Wood
Shop, Blacksmith Shop and Lumber Shed.
The buildingß are all ne?/, and arc located in the
centre of the town, and are well* adapted to the
business for which they were erected.
Massillon |is justly called the Wheat city , and
does a larger business than any other town of equal
population (3300) in Ohio.
To a mechanic desirous of establishing himself
where he can do a first-rate business, and at a point
where he cin extend it, to as large an amount as
lie may wish, this is a desirable location.
The Ohio 1 Canal passes through the town from
North to South, and the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad from East to West; thus affording easy
access to the place, and every convenience, for the
reception of|materials and shipment of work..
For further particulars enquire by letter (post-paid)
or personally, of M. D. WELLMAN,
may 6 15-3 t
Election Notice.
TO the members ofths Northern Mutual Insurance
Company of Lancaster County :
An election will be held on Monday the 19 th day
of May , between the hours of 10 o’clock, A. M-,
and 4 blplock, P. M. of said day, being the third
.Monday in May, 1851, at the public house of Samuel
Fry, in.the village of New Ephrata, Lancaster co.,
for the purpose of olecting three Directors and one
Auditor, aw required - by the Act of Incorporation
and By-Laws of said Company.
Also, further notice to delinquent members,of said
A supplement of the 10th section of the. Act of
Incorporation of paid company provides that all
members who have neglected or refused to pay
their respective portions of fire Tax assessed on
their Premium Notes to the Secretary or authorized
Collectors, beforo the first day of May, 1851, tho
insurance of such delinquents to bo mirked can
celled, and be null and void ; and the amount due
on their Premium Notes will be collected as provi
ded in said Act of Incorporation.
By order of the Board of Directors.
j. ABRAHAM BEAR, Pres’t.
Levi S. Hacher, Sec’y.
may 6 ; 15-2 t
Opposed to ail monopolies!
THE subscribers placed on theS.tate Road,
an entire new line of passenger Cars, called
1 "OUR LIN Ev’
These Cars have no superior in point of style,
comfort andiconvenience. They have all the mod
ern improvements, and are No. 1 in every sense of
the word, 'this Line leaves
every day at; Hi o’clock, A. M. (except the Sab
bath) for Lancaster, Columbia, York and Harrisburg,
and on its return leaves Herr’s hotel, Columbia, at
12; Lancaster at 12$, and Downingtown at 2 o’clock,
P. M., and arrives at Philadelphia at 4 o’clock, in
time to take-lhe eastern line at 5 o’clock ! for New
York/ j - '
The cars -arc attached to the Way Train,'and
run in the rear, which gives them a decided pre
ference over any other-cars in case.of a collision
or a run ofiVwhich under the best of management
will sometimes occur. Our passengers and cars
must, from their position in the train, be compara
tively free frpm danger.
The subscribers are aware of the monstrous
monopoly against which they have to contend, but
they are determined to encounter it, and relying
upon the encouragement ol all who are opposed to
monopolies and in favor of low rates of fare, they
will run thisiline at the following rates, viz :
no more nor no less, under any circumstancns.
These are the lowest rates at which passengers can
be carried over the road under the present rates of
toll charged by the State, which are two cents per
mile on each passenger, and $4,92 on each car.
In order that our friends may not mistake “OUR
LINE,” we 1 give the color of the cars, which is
true nLUEj and ask the patronage, of a generous
public to sustain us in our undertaking.
april 29
Estate of John Dougherty, dec’d.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans’ Court of the County of Lancaster, to
distribute the balance in' the hands of John S.
Dougherty, [one of the administrators of John
Dougherty, late of the city of Lancaster in the
county of Lancaster, deceased, to and among the
parlies entitled to the same, hereby gives notice
that he will attend for the purpose of hia> appoint
ment at his office in South Queen street, Lancaster
city, on Monday the 9th day of June next, at 2
o’clock in the afternoon,
Estate of Jacob J. Demuth.
In the Court of Common Pleas for-the co. ofLan.
TTTHEREAS, Lawrence" J. Demuth, Committee
T.V over the person and estate of Jacob J. De
muth, did on the 23d day of April, 1851, file in the
his Office of the Prothonolary of the said Court,
account of the said estate: •
Notice is hereby given to all -persons interested
in the said estate that the said Court have appointed
the second day of June, 1851, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest,
HENRY STOEK,. Prothonotary.
Proth’ys office, Lan. May 6, 1851. 15-4 t
Estate of George Brighton.
.In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. ofLan.
WHEREAS, Jacob Reist, Assignee of George
Brighton, did on the 21st day of April, 1851,
file in the office of the Prothonotary of.tho said
Court, his account of the said Estate;
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, thdt the said Court have appoin
ted the second day of June, 1851, for the confirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest,
HENRY STOEK, Prothonotary.
Proth’ys office, Lan. May 6,1851. 15-4 t
4 FREE' exhibition: “
b-X'l PROGRAMME NO.'2? ‘ :
/"\yR second grand:exhibition of hew,arid bean~
U iifol Spring and Snminet Goods is ndw being
belddaily attheold stand, No- 6 East KingstrteV
»-3d door from the comet. *:
consisting in part of neat Plaid and Striped: Indian
Summer m rery large and splendid assortment
of entire , new style rich Cbene; Bernes- and Or
gandies. . plain Mack, pink, bine and brown Bero
gearich, white and'colored ground Bcrege de
Lains; Paris painted Jaconets and Lawns; s large
assortment of mourning Berege de Lains and Lawns.
Plain, dotted, striped ani plaid Swiss .-Muslins,
India, Moll, Nansook, and Jaconet Muslins in great
variety, and very cheap.
- White embossed Crape Shawls, high colored, plain,
bine; green and cherry berege Shawls, a splendid
lot of 10-4 Chameleon, silk Grenedine Shawls, all
very desirable.-
1 case black arid white mourning Lawns, only 8
cents per yard, worth 18}.
l ease superior Ginghams, at 12} cents.
J case black and white Calicoes, only fij cents.
1 case Linen Ginghams, only 6} per yard ; usual
pried 12}. i
The Ladies are particularly requested to call and
examine our entire new stock of Parasols, which
embrace some magnificent styles, Chene, Ac., very
A very large assortment of Bajous Kid Gloves, plain,
embroidered, silk andnett Gloves and Mit's. The
most complete assortment of Hosiery ever opened
in ths city of Lancaster, which embraces every size
and color of Misses and childrens Stockings & Socks.
Every article adapted to gentlemen’s wear, such
as superior French, English and American black
and fancy colored Cloths, new style summer Cassi
meres and Vestings, plain and striped linen Drill
ings, Merino Cassimeres, Cashmerctts, Tweeds,
Ac.; a very large assortment of Summer pants
stufTof all kinds, and at all prices.
Mattings, Oil Cloths and Carpeting.
4,.5, and 5-4’White and Checked Matting.
4,5, 6 and 8-4 Floor Oil Cloths and Rugs.
3 Ply Ingrain Venetian and Rag Carpetings, in
great variety, verymieap.
100 assorted styles Oil Window Shades.
{£rCounlry produce taken in exchange for goods.
The subscribers return their sincere thanks to
the public for the very liberal encouragement they
have received since they have been in business,
and hope by strict attention and a desire to oblige
all, witlu, plenty of cheap goods, to receive a con
tinuance of the public patronage.
april 29 14
Fashionable Chair and Cabinet Maker,
Respectfully informs his
friends and the people of Lan
casterco.generally, that hecarries 1
on the maufacture’of CHAIRS of every description,
and SETTEES ■, at his stand in South Queen st., the
Mechanics’ Institute, and opposite the Fountain
Inn Hotel, kept by Wm. Wright, where he will be
happy to meet his numerous friends and customers
from. the city and county, and where good bargains 4
can always be had.
He also continues to manufacture Cabinet Furn
iture of every kind, such as Bureaus, Tables, Desks
and Cradles. Call 'and examine his stock of Chairs
and Furniture.
attended to. [april 29-13-tf
THE subscriber in forms his. friends and the public
generally, that he continues at the old stand,
leased that well-known Hotel, (form
erly Shertz’s) next door to John N. Lane’s Store,
where he will be happy to respond to the call of
all his old customers, and as many new ones as
possible, feeling confident that he will be able to
render general satisfaction in every respect.
His TABLE will always be liberally supplied with
the best substantial and delicacies the markets
afford—and his BAR kept constantly furnished with
the best quality of Wines and Liquors.
> His STABLING is large and commodious, and
well fitted up for Drovers and others.
- BOARDERS taken by the week, month or year.
s3rCharges will be moderate.
Lancaster, April 29, 1851. 14-tf
New Transportation Line.
THE subscriber has taken the Ware
house on the corner of LEMON and
WATER STREETS, (lately •
by Joseph Shirk,) where he is prepared to receive'
and transport all descriptions of Produce and Mer
chandize to and from Philadelphia and the various’
points on the Railroad.
He'has, in addition, an extensive sideling on-thc
point of land lying west of Mulberry street and
running along the Harrisburg turnpike to near its
intersection with the Railroad, and has expressly
arranged the same for receiving and transporting
He hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
patronage by a careful attention to ail business that
may be entrusted to him. .
Genera! Commission business will attended to at
the customary rates. ELI OVERDEER.
Lancaster, April 29, 1851. 14-6 m
Black Teas at Reduced^Prices.
ELWOOD SHANNON, Proprietor of the Chesnut
street Tea Warehouse, offers at the very lowest
wholesale a large stock of fresh imported'
of the now crop. Country storekeepers will find
it greatly to their advantage to make purchases of
the subscriber, who deals almost exclusively in
Teas, and can at all times offer an excellent asort
mbnt. Terms positively Cash ; the small advance
on importers prices, admits of neither creditor risk.
63 Chesnut street, Philadelphia,
april 29 14-3 t
Cheap New Hat Store.
THE neatness and elegance of FRANTZ’S Hats
is a very common, subject of conversation'
among our citizens and strangers. All orders given
them may be relied upon will be promptly, punc
tually and faithfully attended to, while their exten-!
sive stock affords an opportunity to those who
prefer buying ready made. Try a FRANTZ HAT.
No. 336, Market Street, below Tenth, Phil’a.
Extra Fine Beaver, $3 60
do Mole Skin, 326
No. 1 Silk, 3 00
“ 2 do * 260
“ 3 4 do iS 1 60
Fur, ' 1 25 !
CAPS IS] to $1 00, assorted. Also a great as-j
sortment of STRAW HATS. [april 29-14-6 m
Lumber and Coal Yard;
WE, the subscribers, would respectfully infornf"
our friends and the public in general, that
we have taken the Lumber and Coal Yard, formerly
occupied by Walton & Browns, at Peach Bottom,
■where we intend keeping a general assortment of :
constantly on hand, and hope, by strict attention \
to business, to gain a reasonable share of public:
patronage. ALSO,
can have bills sawed to order, at the shortest notice,
by giving us a call. GARRETT & RIPPLE.
' All letters addressed to Rock P. 0., Lancaster
Co., will be promptly attended to.
april 15 12-3 m
A Reward
Of a Plug of Tobacco—but no expenses Paid !
EAN away from the subscriber, in Mechanics
. burg, Lancaster county, on the 23d inst., a
bound boy named William Rose. Said boy is
about 16 years of age, and had .on when he left a
blue monkey jacket, lead colored cassimere pants,
plaid woollen vest and glazed cap.
All persons are forbid harboKng him upon any
April 29, 1861. 3t-14
Estate of Jacob Swalir.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. of Lan’r.
\Y7 HEREAS, Jacob Seichrist, Trustee of Jacob
YV Swalir, did on the 15th day of April, 1851,
file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said
court, his account of the said estate :
Notice is hreby given to all persons interested in
the Bfiid estate, that the said Court have appointed
the second day of June, 1861, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest. *
HENRY STOEK, Prothonotary.
Proth ? s Office, Lan. April 29. 14-4 t
ftoiizer’s Sole Leather.
Q/YOO POUNDS Rouzer’s Sole Leather.
Ov/vjr\_J 3000 pounds Fall’s celebrated Sole
.2000 pounds Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather*.
Also a very fine article ofFinished Upper Leather.
Calf Skins, Kips, &c., &c. For sale low at the
Leather Store of the subscriber, sign of the Golden
LAST , a few doors west of Steinman’s Hardware
Store. M. H. LOCHER.
april 29 14
Notice, to Tax Collectors.
AN abatement of five per cent, will be made
on all State Tax paid into the Teasury previous
to the 20th of July. The County Tax to be collec
ted and paid over at the same time. .All taxes must
come to the Treasurer by the hands of the Collectors.
MILLER FRAIM, Treasurer Lan. eo.
april 22 13-4 t
Just Received.
POUNDS American Shoe Thread.
1000 do White’s celebrated Shoe Nails.
For sale lower than can be bought elsewhere, at
the sign of.the Golden Last, a few doors west of
Steinman’s Hardware Store. - M. H. LOCHER.
apiil 29 14
In tMe formerly occupied ak-tke Pott Office, .
,; betv^een^Vaniarian’sandSkober’s.Hotels, , -
I-!" * T-'
r l iMEfabscribem having taken the abovepropfirty,
" JL; foflild call.the attention of Dealers and
tinmen to their entire new And weU selected assort
ment t>f'
which they are new .opening, consisting in part of
BuildingMaterials', Locks. Latches, Hinges, Screws* ■
Bolts, Nails,''Glass, Ac., •'•-'•■••••■
A well aelected-and general assortment of Car
penters’ Tools, . Plaii'esj Chisels, Braces and Bitts,
Augers, Edge Tools of all , descriptions, Saws of
all descriptions. ... „ .
Housekeepers will find in , our stock a,complete
assortment of Pots, Kettles, Pans, Knives and
Forks, Spoons, Ladles', Shovel and Tongs, Coffee
Mills, Waiters, arid Looking Glasses. A general
assortment of CEDAR WARE. Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Stands, bushel, half bushel, peck and half
peck measured.
Cook, Coal, Oven-Top and Nine Plate.
We-would call the attention of Farmers to our
slock of Ploughs, Shovels,, Chains, Grain
Cradles, Scythes, Rakes, Water Cans, Ac.
will find an extensive assortment of goods suited
to their trade, to ’-which we invite their particular
Hoojrand Sheet Don, Rock Powder and Safety
Fuse, together with every article kept in a Hard
ware store, all of which they offer at wholesale or
retail on very reasonable terms. They hope by
strict attention to business and in their endeavors
to please customers, to receive a share of public
patronage. '
Old Castings and Flaxseed taken in exchange for
goods. WM. C. PINKERTON,
(Formerly in the employ of Geo. M. Steinman.)
Lancaster, April 15, 1851. 12-1 y
Mature and Art,
In all their various combinations cannot possibly be
more attractive, than
IS at the present time. For there a more exten
sive assortment, and a greater variety of
and Bovs’ Clstuino now offered, than perhaps
was ever known belore in the City or County.
Also French, English and American Cloths, Cas
imers and Vestings of every texture, pattern and
color; Satinets, Cashmarets, Merinos, Angolas,
Tweeds, Linens, Cottonades, Handkerchiefs, Cra
vats, Shanis, Collars, Suspenders, Umbrellas and
ilosiery, In almost endless variety.
The large amount of sales, and the increasing
demands upon this establishment, have enabled the
proprietor to offer greater inducements to purcha
sers, than on any former occasion, bringing every
article within the abilities of the laboring man and
the Mechanic, as well as the Farmer and the pro
fessional man. Confident of giving satisfclion, and
that his future efforts will be appreciated and suit
ably rewarded, F. J. KRAMPH embraces the
present as a proper opportunity of returning his
sincere thanks to his friends and a generous public
for past patronage.
come to Kramph’s Oak Hall
And buy a suit of clothes, "
You’ll surely find none in all
The city qb cheap as those.
Upon his shelves and counter
In such inviting piles,
Or. else made up to-order
In any size or styles;
Then don’t forget Oak Hall,
The place you all know well
In North Queen street, then call
Right opposite Siiobee’s Hotel.
Lancaster, April 22.- 3m-13
WE respectfully inform our friends of the city
and county, and all others, that we have just
received a good assortment of
suitable for the present season. We deem it un
necessary to name the price of a few leading ar
ticles, but we are preparod to sell any article in
our-line at the lowest prices. We cordially invite
all to call and examine our stock.
Wc also invite attention to our well selected stock
of Groceries, Ac.
Basket Carriages, Cradles, Chairs, Ac., together
with a large assortment of Market, Travelling, and
other kinds of Baskets.
and Tar always on hand.
N. B.—We avoid to weary your patience by call
ing attention to a great display of articles, promises,
Ac., but merely add—Money that is really saved
in the making of purchases, is much better than all
we read of. Therefore, please call and secure
bargains, as our stock consists of nearly all the
articles usually kept in the Dry Goods and Grocery
line. No. 80, NORTH QUEEN STREET, two
squares from the Court House, in the Museum
april 22 ' 13-tf
New Confectionary & Fruit Store.
THE subscriber haß jußt opened an establishment
in North Queen street, next door to Sprecher’s
Hardware Store, where he will’at all times be
pared to serve customers with
such as CANDIES, Gum Drops, Nuego, &c., &c
including Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds,
English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts; Pound
Cake, Sponge Cake, Tea Cake, &c., &c.
of the most-approved flavor, of every kind, will bo
serve'd up at his Saloons, (which are the beat fitted
up in the city —being the ne plus ultra,) at all times
—or furnished to fancies or parties at the most
reasonable rates.
The best .Havana and Principe Segars, of the
choicest brands and finest flavor, kept constantly
on hand.
Country Merchants and Pedlars are invited to
call and examine his assortment' of Confectionary,
as he is prepared to furnish any quantity to order,
at the shortest notice.
J)0“ Recollect the place—about half a square
north of the Court House, in North Queen-street
and next door to Sprecher’a Hardwaro Store.
Lancaster, April 22, 1851. 13«6m
Latent Arrival or Fresh
ler’s new and cheap store in East King street,
opposite the Farmers’ Bank, where he’ is just open
ing a large and well selected stock of
to which he' invites the attention of his numerous
friends, and the citizens of Lancaster and its vicinity
in general, as he is determined to sell as cheap as
any, and the quality of his goods cannot be surpas
sed, as he has made such arrangements with the
‘merchants of the city, so that he is constantly re
ceiving Fresh Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee,
Tea, Molasses, Cheese,Mackerel and Salt; also
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Dates; Figs, fitc.
To the Gents.
ONE lot and just received of this beautiful ma
. terial for Summer Dress —all shades,
Black Doe Skin, fancy colors for Spring.
White and Fancy Marsailes, Black Satin, fitc.
Linen Pant Stuffs, every variety from 6‘ up to
75 cents per yard.
French, English, German and American fabric,
ail shades and prices.
Black Italian and Fancy Silk Cravats, Madran,
Gingham and Lawn Cravats; Suspenders, Gloves,
Hosiery and all kinds of gentlemens furnishing goods.
Golden Eagle, Corner East King and Centre Square*
From 12J cents up to $1,50 per yard. Venitian,
Ingrain and Domestic Floor and Table Oil Cloths,
3-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, fitc. Call and examine.
Go]den Eagle, cor. East King aud Centre Square.
! april 22 \ 13
Encourage your own Mechanics.
YENITIAN BLINDS of the most beautiful pat
tern and finish, are manufactured at the estab
lishment of the undersigned, whose shop can be
found immediately in the rearofVankanan’s(lorm
erly Schofield’s) hotel. . "
The blinds are made of wood of the smoothest
and most durable quality, and at short order and
moderate prices. The subscriber having had con
siderable experience in the manufacture of Venitian
Blinds, the people of this city and county can de
pend upon having any work they may order, exe
cuted with despatch and in a workmanlike manner.
A variety of handsbme blinds are on hand for the
inspection of the public.
Old blinds repaired and trimmed, to look equal
april 15 12
Fresh Lime.
THE subscriber has constantly on hand Fresh
: Lime which hej offers in quantities to suit pur
march 25-9*3m] West King st., Lancaster.
• -■: ’ ,-j SuraaurTtjrDiiGc’* Office.
Pauksbubo, April 25,1851.
’i ijROPQgALS wflf bri 'redeiwtf at this office, uu-
JUi--I*l Jfie .21st- day. qf~Afay. en«m*gy ’until sun
down, forlbe grading j Masonry and. ballasting on
Ihedinproyeroent of the Columbia and Philadelphia
Ra? way at the folio wing points, vix: r ,vr
! -East end Big 1 Conestoga Bridge, 1 nf'earLancaster;
; • Curves at Christiana and NobleTille;
< do.''* east of Eagfle Statbon j : :
t'do. - west ofMorgan'Corrier; '
j B*deing at West Philadelphia.'
■ Profiles plans andspecificalionsf will ,be exhibited
a t the office of the Engineer; eraser of Oak and
Market Street, Philadelphia; 3 .days prrinous to the
Jetting; * A. L. ROUMFORT,
v ■' Superintendent Col. and Phila;'Railway.
: April 29 •"■•4144
-.Estate of Fanny Baily, (colored,) latettf Lancaster
i_i; city, deceased. '
T ETTERS testamentary oh the above deceased,
JLj having been issued to the undersigned Executor,
by the Register of Lancaster county; all'persons
having claims or demands will present them duly
for settlement, and those indebted
will make payment without'delay,'
: 'j WILLIAM MURRAY, Executor.
Lancaster, April 26,155 K 14-6 t
Estate of Catharine McMartrle,
LETTERS of administration on tho abovo estate
having been granted to the all
persons having claims or demands against said
deh’d, will present them duly authenticated for set
tlement, and those indebted will make payment
without delay. WILLIAM WHITE, Adm’r,
april 29-14-7tj Lancaster city.
Estate of Henry Redcay, late of
Brecknock twp., dec’d.
THE Auditor appointed to report upon the Ex
ceptions filod to the administration account of
John Redcay, Wm. Redcay and Abm. Trostle, Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of said Henry
Redcay, dec’d,andto distribute the balance re
maining in tho hands of tho said executors, accord
ing to the will of said testator, will meet all per
sons interested in said estate, on Thursday, the 1 ISth
day of May, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the public house
of Mrs, Reed,.in tho city of Lancaster.
| GEO. M. KLINE, Auditor. •
■ april 22 (Lancasterian copy.) 13*4
Estate of Johu Hudders.
LETTERS of administration on tho eslato, ot
John Hudders, late of Radsbury township, Lan
caster county, having been granted to the subscri
bers, by the Register of said county : All'persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make pay
ment immediately, and those having claims will
present ihem without delay properly authenticated
for settlement. JOHN WILEY,
East Nottingham twp., Chester co.
, Sadsbury twp., Lancaster county.
April 1, ISSI. .10-6l*
TO the Heirs and Legal representatives of Dr.
John Porter, late of the City of Philadelphia,
in the State of Pennsylvania, dec’d.
Take notice that i will hold an Inquisition to
divide, part or value the real estate of said deceased,
on Tuesday, May 27th, A. D. 1851, at 2 -o’clock P.
M., on the premises in Colerain township, Lancas
ter county,' when and where you may attend if you
think proper. JACOB HUBER, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, Lan. April 22’, 1851. st-13
TO the Heirs and. Legal. of Louisa
"Myers* late of the Borough of: Marietta, Lan
caster county, deceased.
Take notice that I will hold an.lnquisition to
divide, part or value the real estate of said deceased,
on Wednesday, the Ilth day of June, A. D. 1851,
at 10 o’clock P. M., at the public house of Johnson
& Fishbaugh, in the Borough of Marietta, when
and where you may attend if you thin) proper.
Sheriff’s Office, Lan. April 22, 1851. ' 6t-13
Franklin Shaving Saloon.
S WILLIAMS respectfully informs his friends
*and old customers, that he haß removod his
from Centre Square to West King Street, in the
room formerly occupied by M; Resh, between Ha
ger’s store and Cooper’s Red Lion Hotel, .where
ho will be pleased to see all those who have here
tofore patronized him.
D 5" He still continues the SHAMPOONING bus
iness. Those who wish to enjoy this luxury should
call at his shop, as ho is confident of giving satis
faction. [aug 13 ’6O-tf*29
N. W. Corner Centre Square , Lancaster, Pa.
THE subscriber is frilly.thankful to his friends
for past favors, and hereby informs his old cus
tomers and the public in general that he has just
received from tho city of Philadelphia, a large and
carefully selected assortment of fashionable
suitable for the season—which, together with those
of his own manufacture, makes his stock equal, if
not superior, to any thing in this city. It consists
in part of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin, Silk, Nutria,
Hungarian, California and Slouch flats, and his
stock of CAPS embraces every kind and quality
now in the Philadelphia market, all of which will
be sold lower than the lowest.
Just received a choice and splendid assortment
of fashionable SUMMER HATS, such as Palm
Leaf, Pedal, China Pearl, Canada Braid and Leg
horn, toge.her with all the new styles of Summer
Hats for Children.
Hats of any quality,and stylcinade to order, with
neatness and despatch—-and afterwards ironed free
of charge.
JCrAt his establishment it iB always considered
a pleasure to show goods. >
{0“Ca!I at the Cheap Hat and Cap Store., N. VV.
corner of Centre Square, near Baumgardner’s Store,
and take n look at our assortment. Admittance free.
Lancaster, April 22. t 3
More, Honey Left In the Bee Hive.
Spring-time of the year is coming,
And with it you can hear the Bees a-humming.
DRY GOODS—Better Bargains than ever can
now be had at the unrivalled place for Bar
gains, the Bee Hive Store, North Queen street,
where they are just opening invoices of splendid
DRESS GOODS, which will be sold at small profits.
Rich Boiled Glace, beautiful shades.
Figured and Plain Armures.
Figured and Plain Double Poult de Joics.
Foulards, Plaid and neat Figured, very cheap. .
Black Boiled very glossy from 50 cts. to 2,25.
A very beautiful article Silk Popline.
Fig’d & Plain Mourning do something, very new
BEE HIVE , North Queen street.
WHITE, Mull, Book, Swiss, Jaconet and Man
sook plain, embroidered and plaid for Dresses. —
Also, very fine white Goods, embroidered, &c., for
drapery, very cheap.
Embroidered and plain, very fine Linen Hand
kerchiefs, Kid Gloves of all color and shades, no.
6to 8. White Kid Gloves, the very best quality.
Lisle Thread, embroidered lops.
Plain,’Emb’d and open work Hosiery.
' Laces, needle work Inserting,Thread, Edging,
Embroidery Lace, Black £ilk; Lace for Mantillas
from 12! cents to $2 00 per yard.
CiIAS. E. WENTZ fit BRO.,(Boe Hive.)
Now then Ladies, is the time for great Bargains.
Just opened some beautiful colors, Pink, Blue,
Green, Lilac Brown, in fact almost every shade,
Fie’d Lawn warranted faßt colors, only 12} cents.
* Manchester ami English good style and colors,
only 12$ cents. „
Neat figured French Chintz for Childrens’Drefeses,
warranted fast colors.
Very pretty styles plain, figured Oil Chintz for
Dresses, now very fashionable.
Bee Hive Store.
april 8-11]
Estate of Mary McNeil, deceased.
LETTERS of administration on, the estate of*
Mary McNeil, late of Salisbury township,
Lancaster county, deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned administrators, residing in Para
dise and Earl townships. All persons indebted to
said estate are* requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement to
april 22-6t*-13] Adm’rs.
RAL SOCIETY will meet at the Mechanics 1
Institute, in South Queen street, Lancaster, on Mon
day the 19 th day of May, 1851, at 10o*clock,A.M.
of said day.
The members and others Iricndly to the cause
are invited to attend.
By order ot the Board of Managers.
D. W. PATTERSON, Secretary,
april 29 / 14
Campltine or Pine OH
OF the best quality is sold at Dr. Rawlins*
Medical Hall, North Qusen st., Lancaster, at
14 cents a quart.' [april 16*12-lv