®he I'ftncastcr VOL. LII LANCASTER INTELLIGENCES & JOURNAL. PCULISHEP EVERT TOESUAT MORXING, by GEO. SANDERSON. terms cnmrIUPTIOS-—Two Dollars per annum, pajaWe in advance} two £ Wtni -five if nor P aiJ with ' ,n *'* mon,hs ; »ni two fifty, if not paid iTitbin tbe year. N<> subscription discontinued until all arrearajei aie ~jiJ unless a| the option of tbe Editor, j ADVERTISEMENTS— Accompanied by tbe CASH, not exceeding one rtuare will be insertedthree limes foronedollar, and twenty-five-ccm for each additional insertion. Thoseof a greater length «» proportion. OR PRINTING.—Such as Hand Bills. Pasting Rills, Pamphlets, Rlanks Übe!., kc , &e , execu'ed with accuracy aM at the, short e.tnnlica^^ Sffng—l Think; of Thee. [The following poetfo gem; from Graham for ho vember, in evidently from the polished pen of Prentice of the LouisvilleJournnl:] I think of thee when eve’s last blush, Falls mournfully on heart anil eye ; Of the.’ when morn’s first glorious gush In gold and crimson o'er the sky; My tlioughts arc thine ’mid toil and strife, ’Thine from toil and peril free- ~ A t hine— forever thine—my life Is but a living thought of thee. I think of thee ’mid spring’s swe»*t flowers And in the summer’s brighter glow, Of thee in autumn’s purple bowers, And glo my winter’s waste of snow ; Mv tlioughts are thine when joys depart, ' And thine when all life’s sorrows flee— Av thine —forever thine —my heart ‘ls but a throbbing thought of thee. the UVCOa\SOEABLE. How rapid is the progress of oblivion, with re spect to those no more! How many a -quadrille shall we see this winter, exclusively made up from the ranks of inconsolable widows. Widows of this order exist only in the literature of the tomb stone In the world, and' after a certain period, there is but one sort of yvidotvs inconsolable—those who refuse to be comforted,; because they can t get married again! , One of our most distinguished Sculptors was summoned; a short time since to the housed a young lady, connected -by birth with a family o the highest grade in the aristocracy of wealth, and jiniteifin marriage to the heir of a title illustrious in the military annals of thn.Empire. The union, formed under the happiest auspices, had been, alas! of short duration. Death, unpity, ing death, had ruptured it. by prematurely carrying off the young husband. The ; sculptor was sum moned by the widow. He traversed apartments silent and deserted, un til he was introduced into; a bed-room, and found himself in the presence of a lady, young and beam. tiful, but habited in the deepest mourning, anil with a face lurrowed with tears.; “ You are aware," said she with a painful effort and a voice half choired by sobs, ‘Toil are aware of-the blow-which I have received !" The nrtiifiiotvecl with'an air of respectful con dolence. \ cJI “ Sir," conianpvu the widow, “ I am anxious to have a'funegj/mnnumeiit erected, in honor of the husband whom I have lost." The artist bowed again. 1. 1 wish that the mouniirncnt should, be superb, worthy of the man whose loss I weep, proportion ed to the unending ’grief into which his loss has plunged me. I care not what'it costs. lam rich, and will willingly sacrifice-all my fortune to do honor to the memory of an adored husband. I must have a temple—with columns —in marble, — and in the middle—on a pedestll—his statue." “twill do my best to tulfit your wishes Mad am.” replied the artist; “ but I bail not the honor ot acquaintance with the deceased, and a likeness of him is indispensable for the execution of my work. Without doubt you have his portrait’" The widow raised her arm, and pointed despair ingly to a - splendid likeness painted by Amaury Duval. ■' ‘•A most admirable picture’’ observed the ar tist “and the painter's name is sufficient guarantee for its striking resemblance to the original." “Those are his very features, sir; it is himself. •It wants but life. Ah’l would that I could restore it to him at the cost of all my blood.” “ I will have' this portrait carried to my studio, madam, and I promise you the marble shall repro duce it exactly.” ■ The widow, at these words, sprung up, and at a sing e hound throwing herself towards the .picture, with arms stretched out as though to defend it exclaimed, “Take away this portrait! carry off my only consolation \ my sole remaining comfort 1 never 1 never!’’ . “But Madjim, you will only be deprived of it for *a short tLme( and— “ Not dn hour! not a minute ! could I exist witn out his beloved image.- Look you, sir, I have had it placed here, in my own room', that my *yes may be fastened upon it, without ceasing, and through my tears. His portrait shallmever leave this spot, not one siugle instant, and in contemplating that will I pass the remainder of a miserable and sor rowful existence.'! “ 1 that case Madam, you will be compelled to permit me to take a copy of it. But do not be uneasy I shall not have occasion to trouble your solitude for any length of time; one sketch, one sitting will suffice.” ,The widow agreed to this arrangement; she oqly insisted that the artist should come back the fol lowing day. She wanted him to set to work on the instant, so great was her longing to see the. mausoleum erected. The sculptor, however re marked that he had another work to finish, first. This difficulty she sougnt to overcome by means of money. i “ Impossible!!' replied the artist, “ I have given my word 5 but dq not distress yourself; I will ap ply to it so. diligently, that'the monument shall be finished in as short'a time as any other sculptor would require, who would apply himselt to it forthwith.” “You see my distress”.said the widow; - l .you can make allowance for my impatience: Be speedy then, and above all, be lavish of magnifi cence. Spare not. expense, and let me have a mas- ter piece.” Several letters echoed these injunctions, during the few days immediately following the interview. At the expiration of three months the artist called again. He found the widow still in weeds, but a little less palid, and a little more coquetishly dressed in her mounting garb.; Madam,” said he, u I am entirely at your-ser- vice.”. “ Ah ! at last; this is fortunate,” replied the -wid ow, with a gracious smile, i “ I hav,e made my designs, but I still want one sitting for the likeness. Willjyou permit me to go into your bed-room?” |i “ Into my bed room ? For .what?" '• To look at the portrait again.” . . ‘•Oh! yes; have the goodness to walk in the 'drawing room; you will find it there ndw.”’ “Ah!” • ' “ Yds, it hangs better here jjit is better lighted in the drawing room than in my own - room.” “ Would you like, Madam, to look at the design for the. monument?” - “ With pleasure: Oh! what a size ? What pro fusion of decoration! Why,it is a palace, sir,this tomb!*’ i “Did you not tell me, Madam, that nothing was too magnificent ? I havchot considered the ex pense ; and by the way, here; is a memorandum of • what the monument will cost'you.” “ Oh, Heavens!” exclaimed the widow, after having cast an eye over the total adding up.— “ Why, this is enormous!” j “ You begged me to spare no expense.” “ Yes, no doqbt 5 I desire to do things properly, but not exactlyl to make a fool of myself.” j“ This, at present, you see,| is only a design, and there is time yet to cut down!” Well, then, suppose we leave out the temple, and the columns, and all the architectural part, and content ourselves with the statue? It seems to me that \Vould be very appropriate ?” ■ “ Certainly it would.” \ ■. “ So let it be then, just thelstatue alone.” . Shortly alter this second visit, the sculptor fell desperately ill. He.was compelled to give up work; l?ut on returning trom a tour in Italy, pre scribed by his physician, presented himself once more before the widow, who was then iri the tenth month pf her mourning. He found this time, a few roses. among the cy press, and some smiling colois played over half shaded grounds. . . The artist "brought with him a little model of the statue, tjone in plaster, and offering in minia ture the idea of what his work was to be. ; “What do you think of the likeness?'’ he in quired of the widow. “ It seems to me a little flattered, my uusband was all.very'well, no doubt, but you are making him an Apoll ?” . ' “ Really? well, then, I can correct my work by the portrait.” “ Don’t.take the little more or a little less like, what does it matter?” “ Excuse me, but I am particular about like nesses.” “ If you absolutely must-——'” “ It is in the drawing room yonder, is it not 1 — I'll go in there.”' ‘• It is not there any longer,” replied the widow, ringing the bell. “ Baptiste,” said she, to the servant who came in, f; „bring down the portrait of your master.” . “The portrait that you sent up into the garret last week, Madam ?” u Yes.' 5 At this moment the door opened, and a young man of distinguished air entered; his manners were ea»} r and familiar; he kissed the fair widow’s hand v and tenderly inquired {after her health. '* Who in the world • is this good man in plas ter V asked he, pointing with bis finger to the stat ue, whichtthe artist had- ftbced upon the mantel piece. r ' “It is a model of a statue for my husband's to 'mb.” “ You are having; a statue of him made? The devil! Its very-majestic!” “ Do you think so?' 1 “ It is only great men who are lhu3 cut out of marble, and at full length; it seems to me, too, that the deceased was an ordinary personage/’ “ In fact, his bust would be sufficient.” “Just as you please. Madam,” said the sculptor. “ Well, let it 'be a bust, then—that’s - determin- edP ■ Two months later, the artist, carrying home the bust, encountered on the stairs a merry party. The widow giving her hand to the elegant dandy, who had caused the statue of the deceased to be cut down, was on her way to the Mayor's office, where she was about to take the second oath of con jugal fidelity. If the bust had not been completed, it would wil lingly have been dispensed with. When, sometime later, the artist called for his rrfoney, there was an outcry about the price, and it required little less than a threat of legpl proceedings before the wid ow, .consoled and remarried, concluded by resigniug herself to pay for the funeral homage, reduced as it was, to the memory ofi her departed husband , - Despair of Disappointed Love. A SAD SCENE In|a TELEGHAFII OFFICE, The Cleveland (o.);Plain Dealer furnishes the following nocount cjf a .pitiable scene which oc curred a few days ago in the telegraph office of that city : V t 1 1 r J A case ot melancholy interest, to one of the parties at least, occurred here the other day, which we will relate for the public good. A young lady (we Jorbear names' although known) arrived here from the State of New York, on her way into the southern part of the State, whither she was going to consummate a marriage contract entered tnto some ten years since. Her intended was a young man who had been born and reared near her fath er’s residence, but who in all things did not suit the.* 4 old folks,’’arid consequently the latter oppo sed the match. The result was, the young rnan Ileft the country, but has kept up a most intimate corrkepondence with the lady ever since, until last summer he informed her by letter that as she could not be married at home she had better meet him at , iiv this State,-in the month of August, and be married. To this she hut it was found inconvertient^fbfTrer - to~!eave~home at that time, ahd she did not arrrive on her mission of love until a few days since. She stopped.at one of our best hotels, preparatory to her voyage South. ! She appeared cheerful, was exceedingly well dressed, sported a gold watit most convenient; one takes -a tray, another the ironing table, a- third the oven, and there 1s one that gets into the cradle. She is notn|t all disturbed by the tossing of the little fel , low Tun whose premises she is intruding. Neither she or any of her 1 feathered sisters cackle when they leave their nest. They .don’t seem to think that anything worth making an ado about has come to pass; The rooster, it is true, picks up a little, and, perhaps, feels a feather taller. But this is the vanity of his sex. There are a great many who crow over what others have done.” . Hon. James Pollack is appointed by Governor Johnston, to fill the vacancy in the Eighth Judicial 1 District occasioned by the death of Judge Anthony. “THAT COUNTRY IS THE .MOST PROSPEROUS, WHERE LABOR COMMANDS THE GREATEST REWARD.”— Buchanan. CITY OF LANCASTER, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1851, Wise Admosition Well Expressed.— ln the biography of Fisher Ames, written by the late Professor Kirkland, the following just and beautiful sentiment occurs 11 When vice approaches the youthful mind, in the seductive form of a bejoved companion, the ordeal becomes threatening and dangerous in the extrem?,'/ Few possess the prudence and uiyield| trig firmness requisite to pass it in safety. Those who have beer, accurately observant to the depen dence of one part of life on another, will readily concur with us, that Ames’future character derived much of its lustre, and his fortunes much of their elevation, from the untaiqted purity and irreproach 'ableness of bis> youth. Masculine virtue is as nc cessarv-to real eminence, as a powerful intellect. Heithat is deficient in either, will never, unless from the influence of fortuitous circumstances, be able to place and maintain himself at the head of society. He may raise and flourish lor a time, but his fall is as certain as his descent to the grave.—- He who holds parley with vice and dishonor, is sure to become their slave and victim. That heart is more than half corrupted that does not burn with indignation at the attempt to corrupt it. “An Unexpected Termination of an Elope >JEsT —A lew days ago, a young married man eloped from the neighborhood of Manchester, Eng land, with a female relative, intending to proceed to America in one of the packet ships. Ihe passage# were taken, and every arrangement made. Untor tunately for the schemes of the laithless husband, an intimation of the circumstances was sent to the wife, who sold her goods and came ov§r to Liter pool immediately. Having communicated her story to the captain ol the vessel in which her hus band was about to sail, she was allowed to go on board just at the time of sailing. The young woman who had run away with the husband, was sent on shore, and when the husband retired to his berth, he found, in place of his paramour, his lawful wife Death of Judge Anthony.— We note to-day the death of Judge Antonny of this Judicial Dis trict. >He left a life of usefulness and honor in the fullnesi of ripe mind and manhood, after enjoying for years the confidence and respect of all around him. Rising from humble life by his own energy and industry, he attained honorable stations, by honorab!e*means, and discharged the highest du ties of a citizen, a neighbor, a legislator and a judge with integrity and credit. He was at one time a member of Congress, then a judge of the Nicholson Court, and finally a Presi dent Judge of the Common Pleas. His illness was, we are told, a disease of the heart. He lingered for some months, and suffered much; but is now in his rest to be only jndged in the great high court of the Eternal.—Star of the North. New Dry Goods, Just received, and now opening, at the store of CHARLES M. ERBEN & BRO., North Queen Street, AN elegant assortment of desirable goods for the Fall and Winter seasons, and =-s usual, they will be sold cheap! cheap ! ! cheap ! ! ! Now oh hand, a superior lot of BROCHA LONG SHAWLS. Also, superfine Bay Slate, long and square, Silk Thibet and Woolen Shawls, at all prices. Our stock of Fine Shawls is very complete, and will be sold at small profits; new style figured and chan geable Silks, Chameleon Turc Satins ; super ail wool de Laines and Cashmeres, gf all the desirable colors. Lupin’s French Merinoes! super Black, Blue, Green, Lead, Cherry, Crimson and Pink French Merinoes. NEW STYLE RIBBONS!! Rich Figured and Embossed Bonnet and Neck Ribbons, Beltings, &c. \2'i ct. De Laines! good styles, the best goods ever offered at that price; rich new style Figured De Laines, at 18}, 25 and 37} cts.; also a case of double width Alpacas, handsome colors, at 12} cts. thg.greatest bargains ever offered jn Lancaster. Good bleached and unbleached Muslins at 6s, 8, 10 and 12i cts.; 6-4 and 10-4 Sheetings, Tickings, Flannels, &c. Fast colored Calicoes at 4,6, 8 and 10 cents — a very large and elegant assortment. WOOLEN YARNS ! ! —Always on hand a full stock of all qualities of Woolen Yarn, from 62J to 1,50 per lb. Now is the time for a fine choice and good bar gains, at the cheap store of CHAS. M. ERBEN & BRO., National House Building, North Queen street. oct S-37] lIALDI’S New Marble Yard. L* ' KWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectrully informs the public -that he has just received (rum the city of Philadelphia a superb stock of pure AMERICAN WHITE MARBLE, together with a beautiful assortment of SPLENDID ITALIAN MARBLE, and that he is now prepared to execute in the first style, MONUMENTS, TOMBS , AND GRAVE STONES ol'every variety and price, Mantels. Door jind Window Sills, Steps, and in fact e-vory thing pertainirig to the marble business. ... 11is facilities for furnishing articles in his line are unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that his work shall be executed in the very be'St style, and on the most reasonable terms. LETTER CUTTING IN ENGLISH AND GER MAN done at the shortest notice, and in the most modern and elegant styles. He respectfully invites the public tp call and examine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim to.public patronage upon its merits. His establishment is in East Chesnut street, di rectly in the rear of Lechler’s Hotel, and next door to Moderwell’s old ware house, near the railroad. He has also opened a ware room in North Queen street, nearly opposite the Bee Hive Dec. 3, 1850 M. 11. lioclier, (SUCCESSOR TO H. C. LOCIIEBj) WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in LEATH ER, MOROCCO and SHEEP SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS and SHOEMAKERS ’ TOOLS, A general assortment of the above articles con stantly on hand. All orders promptly attended to. AT THE SIGN OF THE LAST, 2nd door West of Steinman’s Store, aug 13-29If] M. H. LOCHER. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA Journeyman Hat Association, At the corner of Sixth and Chesnut Streets, PhiVa , CONTINUE to make and sell a Finer, Better and more durable Hat, for the money, than any other establishment in the United States. They also have a splendid assortment of Gents’ and Boys’ Cloth and Glazed CAPS; Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, &c., at equally low prices. Best Moleskin or Bea ver Hats, $3 00 ; no second quality, no second price. [aug. 6’50-2?-ly ARE most respectfully invited to call at DR. RAWLINS’ MEDICAL HALL, N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Dr. R. would be pleased to show them his extensive assortment of PFRFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES. &c. such as, Extracts, Aromatic Vinegar, Eau Lustral, Beef Marrow, Bear’s Grease, Philocome Stick Pomatum, Bear’s Oil, Cologne, MecassarOil, Toilet Powder, Ox Marrow, Sand Soap, Velvet Chalk, Lily White, Puffs, Lachets, Court Plaster, Indelible Ink, Brown Windsor, Floating, Omnibus, Palm, Almond, Radway.’s Chinese Medicated, Lavender, Shell, Eagle, Oval, Ribbed, Washington, Circassian, -and Transparent Soapß. Barry’sTricopherous Teaberry Tooth wash, Rose Tooth Powder, Boerhaave’s Odon talgic. Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &c., &lc. prices are so low they will astonish you. may l-l 16 Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. G ; M. ZAHM, corner of East • King street and Centre Square, would call attention his fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Perfumery, Pocket Books, Spectacles, Thermometers, Spy Glasses, Mathematical Instru ments, Canes, Accordeons, &c. &c. All goods Bold by him warranted what they are sold for. Repairing of all kinds attended to. Seals for Societies, Lodges, Corporations, &c., neatly engraved. Stensil Plates for marking barrels, boxes, &c. cut: GIVE HIM.‘A CALL. Lancaster, Feb. 19, 1850. 4-tf PORT MON'AIES and POCKET BOOKS, a very large and beautiful assortment, lor sale at SP ANGLER’S, late Gish’*. The ladies : A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ERESftI GROCERIES HAVE just been received and are now opening in East King St., in the city of Lancaster, at JACOB BUEHLER'S NEW STORE, opposite the Farmers’ Bank—so long and favorably known as : PEIPERS GROCERY STORE t where the citizens of Lancaster and vicinity are' invited to call, as every thing of the best in the Grocery trade, at the most reasonable prices, will al ways be kept at this old and well known Grocery, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Cheese, Mackerel, sperm and common Oil, and all the various articles that will be required by families for baking, during the holidays: The subscriber has also laid in a fine assortment of GLASS AND Q UELNS WA RE , .* to which the attention of his friends in the city and country is respectfully invited. Don’t forget the place—Peiper’s old stand, oppo site the Farmers’ Bank, Lancaster. JACOB BUEHLER, 45-ly dec 3 ’5O Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has already supplied himself with a large and varied assortment of Stoves, ’of every variety and adapted to all the different uses, to which he is constantly making new additions. He has just added to his assortment, the new Vernon, 4 Holed, Flat Top,Celebrated Cook Stoves. This Stove stands at the top of the list, and we defy a better Stove to be produced. This Stove possesses a larger oven than any other Stove, is capable of baking from 4‘fo 6 loaves of bread at once, for which I have the exclusive agency in this county. Also, the celebrated Ben Franklin Air Tight Parlor Coal Stove—a beautiful article. The public may rest assured that no effort shall be saved to make his Stove depot the great resort during the coming Stove season. J .. Don*t forget the place, justbetween the National House and Mrs. Kauffman’s Black Horse Hotel, North Queen st. GEO. D.’SPRECHER, sep 10-83-tf] Hardware Dealer. New Firm! New Goods!-New, Prices! GARA & S WOPE-, WH O succeed David Cockley in business at the old stand, in East King St., nearly opposite D. Espenshade’s Hotel, offer to their friends and the public generally, a large, splendid and well se lected assortment of £ALL AND WINTER GOODS, at unprecedented low prices. Their stock embra ces Dry Goods of every description ; Cloths, Cassi mcres, Satinetts,; Silks, D.e Lains, Cashmeres; — Shawls of all descriptions. French and English Merinoes; Alpacas, Calicoes, Checks, Tickings, &c., all of which need but an examination to in-, duce those in want to buy. Having resolved to do business upon the principle that the “‘nimble six pence is better than the slow shilling,” we are pre-i pared to sell Goods as cheap as the cheapest, and no I mistake. Our stock of GROC ERIES and QU ENSW* ARE we offer at corresponding low prices.- -! Remember the Old Stand, in East King St., don’t forget to giv i us a call. • HUGH S. GARA, LEVI SWOPE. Important' to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters and Wheel Wrights. THE subscriber has received an agency for tile sale of OTIS’ PATENT MORTISING MA CHINES in Lancaster co’y, and he is now ready: to dispose of them at the lowest price. It is only necessary to say that they need but be seen in op 1 eration for their utility to be acknowledged.- ; WHEEL HUBS or BEVIL MORTISING can be done on this Machine, although simple in its con struction. One of these machines can be seen in operation at his shop. The subscriber has constantly on hand a large supply of MAHOGANY VENEERS and the cele brated NEW iORK VARNISH, all of which he will sell at New York prices. -: To his customers, by calling on him, he will show the newly discovered mode of filling the grain of Wood without rubbing with Pumice stone according to the old plan —a discovery of great value to the Cabinet Maker. ' JOHN CARR, Cabinet Maker, . East King street, a few doors above Kppcnshadc’S Hotel. Lancaster, Jan. 8, 1850. 50-tf Stoves! Stoves! subscriber would respectfully inforn? bis X friends and the public generally, that he has just received a large assortment ot STOVES of every description, including the latest pattern tor Coal or Wood. , ' COOKING STOVES. The Keystdne State, The Celebrated Victory, “ Farmer's Complete, “ Hathaway Patent,' “ Flat Top Complete, l< Complete Cook, Oven Top, Cast or Sheet Iron PARLOR STOVES,, Etna Cast Radiator, Sheet Iron Radiator, Etna [Air Tight Coal Burners, the Ben Franklin Air i tight, a beautiful Parlor Stove. Also Coal and Wood Stoves of every description. Call at the Cheap Hardware Store of REUBEN, S. ROHRER, sept 24-tf-35) East King street. Lancaster Muff Depot, NATIONAL HOUSE BUILDING. NORTH QUEEN STREET. CHAS. M. ERBEN & have just opened a large and elegant lot of FUItS, which they will sell at remarkably low prices. MUFFS! BOAS! VICTORINES! Ermine Trimmings, Victorines and Cuffs. A com plete assortmerft of Ladies and Children’s Mufls and Victorines of every description of F-ur—6uch as LYNX, FITCH, ‘ SILVER MARTEN, SABLE, CONEY, *r. j Children’s Muffs at 50,75,-874 and $l. Give us a call and secure a bargain in lime. CHAS. M. ERBEN & BRO., nov 26-44-tf3' North Queen street. IVeutral Ink. Premium Awarded by the N. Y. Institute; TOHE subscribers having purchased the right for I the manufacture and sale of FAHNESTOCK’S NEUTRAL AND INDELIBLE INK, are now prepared to supply the article in any quan tities. large or small, to Merchants, Business Men, and others. , : This Ink, which has already acquired a celebrity wliereveT it has been used, is entirely free from any substance which corrodes the pen — ; is of a beautiful jet color, and admirably adapted for Day Books, Ledgers, Record Books, and every other species of writing which require durability. Their establishment is in East Orange street, a few doors east of Kramph’s Building. H. GIBBS & CO. ; IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS OF THRESHING MACHINES. THE subscriber respectfully informs the manu facturers of THRESHING and other Machines requiring horsepower, that he has a TRIPLE, REACTING, INTERNAL GEARED -HORSE POWER, which, in pointpf strength, durability, lightness of draught, &c., is unsurpassed and unequalled by riny other now in use. The entire weight of the power and frame work, that holds it, is only 600 lbs., and being made entirely of Iron, and the journals of Cast Steel, it is Bufficiently strong for eight horses, when necessary! The subscriber confidently asserts that no power of equal strength and durability can be furnished at as low rates as this, and most res pectfully invites the attention of Farmers and Threshing Machine makers to it. j The powefrs can be had wholesale or the Foundry and Machine Shop of I. W. Groff, at 'Eden, three miles from Lancaster, or of the sub scriber, at Wright’s Hotel, S. Queen st., Lancaster. fer All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. SAMUEL PELTON, .Tr. nov 12 42-tf MH. LOCHER, _ . # ' Has just received 100 Sides Slaughter Sole Leather. _ ■ 100 ** Shoe Skirting. 200 u Finished Upper. 30 ct Calf Skins. 100 to which the attention .of shoo makers ia/fnvited, at his old stand, sign of the Last, Weat-dCmg st., Lancaster. (sep 17-34 RE MO VAT. ] HAIR DRESSING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOON- ING SALOON. : ; THADDEUS HENRY, Fashionable Hairdresser, invites the attention of the public to his new and splendid shaving saloon, to which he has ro moved, on the corner of North Queen and Centr Square, over Hubley’s Grocery Store, where friends and customers will be attended to in the best style of the art Tonsorial. ,1 He feels thankful for past patronage,! and hopes by faithful attention to business to merit a contin ence of public favor. [o'ct 1-38 CENTRE SQUARE. HAT STORE. rriHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal encour- I agement he has t received respectfully informs his friends and the public, generally, that he has just received from the city a very full sup ply of the " . « FALL FASHIONS OF HATS AND CAPS, which, together with those of his own manufacture, gotten up expressly for this market, ;Complete an assortment which cannot be excelled, for beauty, durability, and cheapness, by any other establish ment in Lancaster. x HATS of all qualities and styles made to order on the shortest notice—also Slouch Hats of differ ent colors. His assortment of CAPS is complete, equal to any thing of the kind west of Philadelphia. HATS bought at my establishment always ironed and brushed free of charge. ICTMind the place—North West Corner of Cen tre Square, two doors west of Baumgardner’s store, and adjoining Langley’s Shoe Store. oct S-tf-37] JAMES GEIDNER. r NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY. PHILIP DEICHLER respectfully notifies his old customers and the public gcuerally, that he has removed to the room lately occupied, by William Sayres & Son, in Kraraph’s building, N. Queen street, directly opposite the Post Office, where, he constantly keeps on hand and will manu facture to order * , ' Boots and Shoes of every description, made in the moat fashionable styles, and of the best materials. He would particularly invite attention to a fine article of Cloth, Leather and Morocco CONGRESS BOOTS; also, to a general assortment of CHILDREN'S GAITERS of various sizes and colors—all of which he will sell as cheap as any other establishment in the city. He desires the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lancas ter cily and county to give him a call, and judge for themselves. He has no doubt of his ability to render general satisfaction. JKrREPAIRING of all kinds neatly done at the shortest notice. [april 23-l^tf The Cheap Hardware Store, East King Street, opposite Messenkop’s Hotel. REUBEN S. ROHRER,Iate Sprecher&Rohrer, returns his thanks for . the many past favors bestowed upon thelate firm, and would inform them that he will continue the business at the old stand, and solicits their further favors. He would call their attention to a well selected stock of FOREIGN & DOMETIC HARDWARE, such as Locks, Latches, Butt Hinges, Files, Saws, Screws, Bolts and a general assortment of Building Materials. CARPENTER PLANES, Chisels, Hatchets, Broad Axes, Drawing Knives, Braces and Bitts; Egley’s Superior Domestic Augers, and all kind* of Carpenter Tools. Iron and Steel. Hammered and Rolled Iron of all sizes, Shear, Blister, Sheet and Cast Steel, Slit, Hoop and Sheet Iron, of all kinds. aesid busies, Bellows, Screw Plates, Rasps and every description of Blacksmith Tools. CUTLERY. _ Superior Pocket Knives from the W aterville Man ufacturing Company. Also, English Ten' Knives, Fine Ivory Knives and Forks, Buck, Bone and Cocoa handle Knives and Forks; Razors, Scissors, &c., &c. BRITTANIA WARE. Coffee Pots, Tea Pot 9, Sugar Bowls, either in whole setts or single piece. Britannia Candlesticks, Tumblers, Plates, &c. SADDLERY. —Bitts, Buckles, HamGs, Webbing, Hog Skins, Traces, Saddle Trees - , Whip Stalks, Tacks, Thread, &c. Broad and Narrow’ Lace, Oil Cloth, Curtain Frames, Brass and Silver Hub-bands. GLASS, OILS, AND PAINTS, Varnishes, Turpentine, Japan, White Lead, Paints, Brushes, See. CEDAR WARE. Tubs, Buckets, Coolers, Churns, Meat Stands, Butter Firkins, Water Cans and Kegs, Wash Bask ets, Market Baskets, Half Bushel and Peck Mea sures; Clover, Timothy, Herd and Orchaijd Grass SEEDS. * STOVES. The celebrated Victory Cook Stove ; aIBO, Hathaway Stove; Wood and Coal Stoves. PATENT CULTIVATOR. The attention of Farmers is called to the Patent Cultivator, and also Minnick’s Ploughs. SCYTHES AND SNATHS. A new article of Grain Scythes, very superior also, Waldron’s; Winsted’s, Darling’s, Dunn & Taylor's, Robey & Sawyer’s, and Morris’ Grain and Grass Scythes. GRAIN CRADLES.—Good & Brenser’s niako of Grain Cradle. lIAY RAKES Rakes of different kinds, Whet Stones, &c., and a large assortment of Farming utensils, all of which will be sold'at the lowest prices. [june4-lS.tf ' iVow is the time lor Bargains I j EM. HAMBRIGHT respectfully informs the | # public, that he has just returned from Pliila- j delphia, with the best selected stock of j UNCUT CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, AND RICH SATIN- AND SILK VESTINGS, ever offered in Lancaster. This stock havingrbeen selected by a competent judge ot FASHIONABLE GOODS, as well as a first-rate judge of their quali ty, he flatters himself able to meet the wants of his customers in the most satisfactory manner, and as sures all who may favor him with a call, that no efforts will be spared to promote their interest. He is still to be found at his old stand in West King street, in the room formerly occupied by G. Meeser, as a Looking Glass Store, and one door east of C. Hager and Son’s Dry Goods Store, oct S ’5O tf-37 CONESTOGA STOVE STORE ! EJT ISZEZFZTm, \ east: king street, Lancaster, i I DESIRE to call the attention of the public to i my extensive stock of STOVES, suited to the 1 wants oC the people of this county. Having made valuable additions to my former large stock, I am now prepared to offer a great variety of the very best patterns and styles in the market, at the lowest prices. &ive me an early call. ft3~A!lj Castings made'of tlie best Iron’in'the country, find warranted for one year. OLD JMETAL TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. . My stock consists in part of the following:— New?.lmproved Parlor Cooking Stoves, New Air-tight for burning Coal, Celebrated Victory, Complete Cook, Hathaway’s Cook, Ten Plate do^ Buck’s I do Benedict’s Coal Burner, Paragon] do Radiators. Coal Stoves of various other patterns, together with a general assortment of Nine-plate WOOD STOVEfe, for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Store of C. KIEFFER, East King ttreet, Lancaster. 36-6 m General Agency and Intelligence Office. j GEORGE B. HAMILTON continues at the old place, on the second flodr of 'the house next door south of the ExamirUr and Hn'ald office, in North Queen street, where fie offers his services to his friends'and the public in procuring money on loan and lending outmoney on interest; the purchase and sale of jstocks of all kinds; houses rented, and ten- 1 ants fuj-nished; in the purchase and sale of real and personal property; and also in giving infor mation jto Managers, Clerks, Mechanics and Labo rers, or any other situations; ol all. such a regular Register will be kept by him. He hopes by close attention to business to meet j with encouragement in his undertaking, and assure I the public, that all matters of any nature whatever, entrusted to him, will be strictly confidential Jijly 16, 1850. EAGLE HOTEL. I 0= la IE E© E p INFORM the public, that.they have recently fit ted up this old and well known stand in North Queent street, two doors south of the Railroad, in first rate st)le, and that they are now prepared to entertain travellers and others in the very best man' ner. Their Bar will always be supplied with the choicest liquors, and their Table with the best that the market affords. They also beg leave to state that they continue their , » LIVERY STABLE. where can at all times be had, a good and genteel Horse, Buggy, Barouche, Carriage, Sulky,orOmni bus, on the most reasonable terms. They assure all who may &vor them with their custom, that no efforts will be spared to render satisfaction. 1 may 7 ls-tf Encourage Home Industry, THE undersigned, thankful for past fav° rs , respectfully calls attention to his very large and HOME MANUFACTURED .assortment ot Ladies’, Gentlemens’,Misses’, and Boys’ Boots, Shoes, Slippehs, &c., confidential all who favor him with their patronage will not only be suited in their all times and at the.shortest notice —but that they will save, in the end, at least five per cent. His experience in the business is such as to ena able him to furnish a FIRST RATE BOOT at a price equally as low as that exacted for the com mon Eastern “slop” work, an article too often palmed uponth’e unwary for home manufactured goods. Persons from, the country, therefore, as well as those residing in the city, would do well, by calling on the subscriber, if they want a good,serviceable article. He may be found at hia old*eta»d, N. Queen St., near Orange, two doora above the old Post Office. ADAM S. KELLER )y-46 Dec. 10, 1850. Still far' ahead of all Competitors I The richest stock of Goods in Lancaster! MT. FORD, proprietor of the great Tower • Hall Clothing Store, desirous of returning his sincere thanks to the immense number of per sons he has secured within the past two years, avails himself of this opportunity to do so, and at the same time extends a hearty invitation to his friends in particular and the public in general, to call and examine the SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, he has just received from New York and Philadel phia. The immense amount sold from day to day is the best evidence of their superior quality and cheapness, while the happy looks of his customers as they leave his establishment'with theirwell filled parcels of clothiqg, speak more plainly than words, their satisfaction. It is a fixed principle of his, to receive no money for which he cannot give a full equivalent, and render the most perfect satisfaction. H.e takes pleasure in referring to the fact of his having been engaged for ten years as foreman in the largest and most celebrated Clothing-house in Philadelphia, and is well known through Lancaster county for his superiority as a cutter, and his un approachable style in getting up splendidly made and fitting Clothing, he trusts that those in want of good garments, cut and made expressly as the purchaser desires it, will give him a call. As to the prices of his goods, he will only state that he is prepared to sell at least than any other house in Lancaster. fc?*Don't forget the location, directly opposite Vankanan's hotel, in North Queen St., Lancaster. He also takes pleasure in stating, that he has secured the services of J. C FOX, long and favor ably known to the public, as an experienced sales man, and a clever fellow. Mr. Fox presents his compliments to his old friends, and respectfully in vites them to come and see him at Ford’s Tower Hall Clothing Store. nov 19 43-tf TO THE LADIES OF LANCASTER AND JAMES W. QUINN respectfully informs his friends and the -public,.that he has purchased the entire Stock, Fixtures, &c. of the Model .Shoe Store, recently fitted up by James V. Corey, riec"d. in East Orange Street, Lancaster, where lie is pre pared to accommodate on the most reasonable tcrmß, all who may favor him with a rail. His %&ff\ stock consists of every imaginable va )''B ricty of Misses, and Cliil dren’s shoes, And as his attention is given exclusively to this branch of business,, he flatters himself that his establishment may confidently, assert a claim to public patronage. His manufactured articles consist of French worked Uppers, Jenny Linds, Shoetees, Walking Shoes, Canadian Ties, Slippers, Ties, Hoots, ike. for Ladies, Misses and Children. 1 Ladies Metallic Gum Slippers, Roots St Buskins. MA TERIAL ON HAND . French-worked Uppers, Patent French Calf, Fran cais slate-colored, white, Tampico, morocco, French dressed, black, Italian cloth, English black kid, Curasso-brush' and dressed, bronze Italian cloth, b)u£ jnorocco, S>>uth American kids, black English Lasting, fancy colored morocco, green, red, and bronze, do., leather and boot do., stonc colered lasting, red, do., second mourning do., light colored do , French lastings, Francais blue and green, do. Gentlemens Worked Slippers made to order. He would also state, that the Lady who-assisted Mr. Corey will daily be in attendance for the pur pose of taking the measure for customer work and attending sales. fcT He respectfully solicits pat ronage, assuring all who may patronize him, that no effort will be spared to give general satisfaction. Mending promptly attended to. JAMES W. QUINN. No. 3, Kramph’s Arcade, E. Orange si. Dec. 17, 1850. ly-47 Wo. SO.] BARGAINS. [Wo. SO. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, &C. CLOTHS,. CASSIMERES, SATTIXETS, VEST -INGS, See.. See. CHECKS, TICKINGS, , MUSLINS, COTT. 4- WOOL , . FLANNELS, 1 BLANKETS , ifOSJEAY, GLOEES, 4-c. 4 r. SHAWLS of various styles and qualities, cheap, with a variety of other seasonable Dry Goods cheaper than ever. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, See. Tea, Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, Spices, Chocolate, Cheese, Olive Oil, Sperm and Common Oil; Buck ets, Matts, Brushes; Castile and Varigate Soap, country do.; fine pearl Starch, &c. Basket Carriages, Cradles and Chairs; with a gen eral assortment of market and travelling baskets. TOBACCO AND SKGARS—CUT AND DRY, &c., wholesale and retail; SALT , TAR , FISH AND MACKEREL. Received 100 bbls., i and }- bbls. of host selected No. 1,2, And 3 Mass. Mackerel. Please call at No. 80, North Queen street in the Museum Building, vyhere : you may buy goods cheap er than any you read of. • TINKERTON '& SMELTZ. 39- tf Medal, Pine Oil,'Campbine and Fluid OF acknowledged'superiority and purity, man ufactured and for sale at the lowest wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old established stand 'of the late Benjamin T. Davis, CAUDKN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by mail or otherwise are ; solicited, and pionipt attention given. The voice of the public for fifteen years, and the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. Alcohol , Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin, and Spirits of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and Re tail, at the lowest prices October 59 ARE earnestly solicited to call at Dr. Rawlins’ Medical Hall, North Qtffcen street, Lancaster, and examine the quality and prices of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Oilsj Essences, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Patent Medicines, &c., &c •npril 16 Extract of American 01, FOR the cure of Burns, Scalds, Bruises, wounds, Sofe Throat, Ring Worm, Scald Head, &c. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. RAWLINS’ Med ical Hall, North Queen stTrcet. may 14 GEO. B. HAMILTON. 25-tf Roussel’s Amadlne, FOR the cure ana pr&vention of the chapped Hands. An additional supply just received and ■or sale at • ■ CHAS. A. UJHNITSH’S, Druu and Chemical Store, No. 13 East King st. oct 22 > 39 -' m Tbe Componnd Purgative Pills, PREPARED by Dr. RAWLINS, and sold whole sale and retail at his Medical Hall, North Queen st., Lancaster, and at his Wholesale and Retail Drug and Chemical store, Carlisle, Pa., and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally, are composed entirely of Vegetable Extracts and Powders, and are.warranted to be easy, sate and effectual Pur .gative for ordinary use. DCrln all cases where they fail to give satifasc tion the money will be returned. ' april 16 TOWER lIALL AGAIN TRIUMPHANT! THIRTY PER CENT. LOWER Model Shoe Store. VICINITY MERINOES, ALPACAS , CASHMERES, DELAINES , CAJJCOES , GINGHAMS, LINENS , ECONOMY IS WEALTH. LIGHT! LIGHT!! LIGHT!!! Country Merchants PROFESSIONAIj CARDS. ■‘flow Beautiful!” “ilow Life-Like!" “kow DELICATE AND FINE!” SUCH are a few of the expressions of the acoret. ol visitors who daily throng to . - JOHNSTON'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, to procure one of his elegant Likenesses—which, for beauty of shading, depth of tone, and elegance of finish, arc unequalled by any pictures ever taken in Lancaster, and unsurpassed by those taken by the best a-tists in the larger cities.’ Groups of any number of persons neatly arranged and taken bn one plate. Miniatures set in Lockets, Breast Pins, Rings, &c., no matter how small. A beautiful assortment of Rosewood Frames and Papier Macho Book Cases, constantly on hand.— Satisfaction in every instance, and pictures warran ted not to fade. Johnston's Daguerreotype Rooms, arb in Kramph’s Building, corner of North Queen Orange streets. July 23 ‘ . 26 ~ tf Dr. John ItlcC'alla, DENTIST, NO. S, EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. Raltisiore, Feb, IS, 1849. JOHN* ICcCALLA, D. D.S.,atten ded two full courses of Lectures, and graduated with high honors in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and from - his untiring energy, close application and study of * ihc' branches taught in said Institution, together with exhibitions of skill in the practice of his pro fession, we feel no hesitation in recommending him as worthy of public confidence and patronage. C. A. Harris, M. D., D.- D. S., Professor of Principles and Practice.in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. . . C. O.. Cone, D. D. S., Prof, of Operative and Mechanical-Dentistry,'Balt College Dental Surgery. • board of examiners:... E. Parmley, M. D., New York: E. B. Gardette, M, D., Philadelphia. - S. P. Hullilien, M. D., v\ heeling, Va. K. Townsend, D. D. S., Philadelphia. • E. Maynard, M. D., Washington, D. C. Lancaster, Nov. 12. 42-tt JACOB L. GROSS. Attorney at Law, Office, Centre Square , EPHRATA — opposite Gross' Hotel, WHERE he will attend to the practice of his profession in all its various branchrp. Also Surveying—and all kinds of Conveyancing, writing Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, stating Adminis trators and Executors’ Accounts, &c., with accu racy and despatch. [April 23, ’5O-13-ly Dentistry. MESSRS. REID & CARMAN, Dentists, re spectfully inform their friends and citizens of ihe city and county /W|sslMag - of Lancaster, that they have removed their office to No. S, North Queen street, over J. F. Long’s. Drug Store, where they can be found at all times prepared to perform all operations upon the teeth. Artificial teeth from one to a full set in serted on the most improved principle. Pivot teeth inserted, cleansing, filing and extracting performed with care, and all operations pertaining to the don* tal art, executed in the most skilful manner, and an the most moderate terms. April 9 ’5O-lv-lO] REID & CARMAN. REMOVAL. ' JOHN M. AMWF.G, Attorney at Law, HAS removed his office to the South West Corner of Centre Square, next door to G. H. Bombcrger, and two doors west of the Lancaster Bank. [July 30-26-tf M»jßEi«aj' r ®?3H:aes r 3r i « Opposite Vtinktinan'e (formerly Schofields') Hotel , \ortll Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. I heartily recommend to the people of Lancaster* all others to whom this may come, Dr. Waylan, Grndutc of the Baltimore College ofDcntal Surgery* as a gentleman eminently qualified to practice his profession in a skillful and scientific manner* and of moral character thatentitlcs him to all confidence. I do also certify, that Dr. Waylan did obtain, as the award of aCommittee, consisting pf Dr. Parmly of New York, Dr. Roper of Philadelphia, and Dr. Noyes of Baltimore, a Case of Instruments, offered by the College as a prize for the greatest proficiency in the study and art of Dentistry a 3 taught in the Institution. I do also certify that Dr. Waylan has operated upon my mouth in a highly satisfactory manner. Titos. K; Bond, Jr., A. M., M. D. Professor of Special Pathology and Therapeutics in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Lancaster,‘Dec. 11, ? 49, WILLIAM S; AMWEG, Alt or li e y a t Law, OFFERS his professional services tdithe public. He also attends to the collection of Pensions, and the prosecution of all manner of claims against the general government, llis residence in the city of Washington for several years, the experience derived from the duties of the office, which he had filled duringthat time, and the mode in which claims of this sort are most speedily adjusted, give the most ample assurance that business placed in his hands will be attended to in such manner'"as can not fail to afford satisfaction. Office in South Queen street, second housQ, Lancaster Ban! Nov. 20, 1849. .Dr. M. M. Moore & Soil, DENTISTS, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public generally, that they still continue to practise Dentistry in all its various branches. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted - upon Pivot, Plate or Atmospheric Pressure, from a single tooth to a i full set; carious ami decayed teeth rendered sound and healthy by filling, and teeth extracted with one-half the pain generally experi enced. Charges in all oases modecate. Office in North Queen street, half a square from the Court House, and adjoining Col. George Mayer’s Hardware Store, and nearly opposite Kauffman’s Hotel. [april 30 ’oO-tf-^4 { GEO. W. McELROY, * ATTORNEY. AT LAW, HAS removed his office next door to the Intel ligencer Office-, Market Square, in the room with Hjram B. Swabb, Esq Lancaster, April 2, 1860. Geo. W. Hunter, ATTORNEY JIT LAW. OFFICE —North Duke street, one door above Widmver-.H Cabinet Warerooms, in the office recently occupied by John F. Shrodcr, Esq. , All kinds ofConveyancing, writing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, Stc., will bo attended to .vilji correctness! and despatch. April 12, ’oO SURGEON BIS BEIWTriISTr? OFFICE —In Kramph's. Building, NORTHEAST CORNER OF Orange and North Queen Streets, .LANCASTER, PA, Lancaster, July 3, 1849. LAMJIS & BLACK, ATTOJINIES AT LA W: . Office —Three doors below the Lancaster Bank, South Queen Street, Lancaster, I’enn’a. All kinds of Scrivening, such as writing Will*# Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, &c., will be attended to with correctness and despatch. t January 16, 18*19 ■> ( CIIESNUT ST. HOUSE, SAMUEL MILLER, NO. 121 CHESNVT Sl n Between 3$ & 4tA its., P RIL ADELP 111 A. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. | [may 14, |lBso-ly-16 GIFT BOOKS and ANNUALS, the largest vari ety, and in the most superb'binding, for sale cheap at SPANGLER’S, late Gish’s,- * NO. 1.