- '- --- - -----z-- -- - -v-.- . ■ PMladelpWa Advertisements. V. B. PAIitEE, AgEKT, TBIBD ABB CHBBOT StS. Plano Porte Ware Rooms, NO. 171 CHESNOT STREET, PBIL>A. than Twxstt of the moat celebrated manu facturers of Boston, New Yoek, Prnt.ADEi.TinA, and elsewhere; and is constantly'receiving from them PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6, 6£,'6i, 6}, and 7 Octaves, which are wairanted equal to any manufactured either in this country or in Europe. s ' j Just received, also, a further supply of CHURCH and PARLOR ORGANS , of beautiful patterns, and fine tones. . - His Wabeboom is*' constantly with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and MELO DEONS, from the oldest and most extensive manu factories in the United States 5 among which is a new style of REED ORGAN, having Carhart’s patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamented. Turning and Repairing.~S\g. Salvador La Grassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufacturer and Or gan Bailder, will attend to all orders. B OSCAR C. B. CARTER. 31-6 m August 27, 1850. S. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southiporth Manufacturing Co’s WRITING PAPERS WAREHOUSE NO. 3 MINOR ST... PHIL’A. onn CASES of the above superior Papers now ZIjVJ in Store, and for sale to the the lowest market prices, consisting in P* r ® , ~ Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14,15 and 16 lbs ,blue “superfine Mediiun and Demi Writings, blue and 'jjxt'ra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, -blue and white, plain and ruled. . Extra super J,inen l?ote Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and a Posts, blue and'white. Extra super Congress Caps apd Letters, and ruled, blue and white. •' _ Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. •Superfine blue linen thin Letters 1 Extra super Bath-Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. ' Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. “ Lawyer’s”. Brief Papers.. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and . plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. •ALSO, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and ’ assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and diums, Cap Wrappers, Hardware Papers, &c. July 23, 1850. 26-6 m ‘ TO FARMERS AND MEN OF BUSINESS. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. THE SUBSCRIBER offers, at the lowest rates, in any quantity to Buit purchasers, - GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNERS’ OILS. Manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and Consumers, are invited to call. r • GEO. W. RIDGWAY, No. 37 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia, aug 13 I ’so i i 3m-29 To Housekeepers. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL AT THE Philadelphia Housekeeping Dry Goods Store, AND examine a large assortment of all kinds ot dry goods required in furnishing a house. We have the advantage or a long experience in this business, and giving our sole attention to it to the exclusion of dress and fancy goods, arc enabled to conduct it on principles that will ensure satislac tion to purchasers both as to price and quality. In our stock may be found all kinds of Linen Sheetings, Shirtings, and Pillow Basings, Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, of every variety—Quilts, all sizes and prices, from 75 cts. and upwards ; Blankets ditto, Dimities, Bureau Covers, Piano and Table Covers, Embroidered Lace, and Muslin Cur tains, Worsted and other damasks, Furniture Chint zes, Buff 'and Brown Window Shadings, Turkey Red Furnitures and Cashmerines ; Furniture Plush, Tickings, Woolen Floor Cloths, Linen ditto. STAIR OIL CLOTHS, (a new article,) Crash, Diaper, and Huckab Towelling, Summer Blanket ing, htc., &c., with a large slock of FLANNELS AND MUSLINS JNO. V. COWELL &" SON, S. W. Cor. Chesnut and 7th, Philadelphia, May 2» 17 - 6 m Cheap and Good Watclies, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE, whole-SUfj*. sale and retail, WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 carat cases, - §3O and over. Silver Lever Watches, do 16 do Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, 11 do Silver Quartier Watches, - * 85 to 10 Gold Pencils, - - ■ - 150 to §7 Fine Gold Rings, - cts. to $BO Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per set —Teas $5, . $lO, Table $l5. • Watch Glasses, best quality —Plain 12‘ cts., Patent 18} cts., Lunet 25 cts. Other articles in proportion. All Goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on ;hand, a full assortment of fine Gold Jewelry and Silver Ware. Also, an assort ment of M. J. Tobias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E. S. Yates 8: Co., John Harrison, G. tz R. Beesley, and other superior. Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated makers, the best manufacturers of Liver pool, to furnish at short notice any required style ot Watch-, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested. O. CONRAD, No. 96 North Second st., Importer of Watches. April 16, 1850. 12-ly Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. THE CHEAPEST IN PHILADELPHIA. CHARLES E. ELMES, thankful for past favors, would respectfully inform lS|i? his friends in the country that he has moved to the Southeast corner of Sixth and Market streets, under McNeille’s great and new clothing warerooms, and has constantly on hand anew and fresh supply of HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, of all kinds and prices, wholesale and retail, and promises all those who may favor him with a call to save them 25 per cent, in their purchases. PALM-LEAF, CHINA, PEARL, BRAID, Lcghojn, California, Mexican, Canada, Moleskin, Beaver and Brush Hats of all kinds and prices to > suit all purchasers, wholesale and retail. CHARLES E. ELMES, Southeast corner of Sixth and Market sts., Phila. June 11 20-llm . Hardware and Scales. TRUMAN & SHAAV, iVo 335 Market street, three doors below Ninth ,' PHILADELPHIA, Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NAILS, HARDWARE AND TOOLS. MERCHANTS, Builders, Housekeepers and I Mechanics, supplied at the lowest rates. — Agents for Shellbarger’s Patent Planes, warranted superior to any;othcr. Being also agents for ELICOTT & ABBOTT’S PLATFORM SCALES, they will fui-nish Hay, Coal, Barrow, Warehouse and Store Scales of warranted workmanship and correctness, at factory prices. Also Druggists and Store-keeperaXounter Scales, Steelyards, Spring Balances, Weights of all sizes, &c., &c Philadelphia, sept 3 Philadelphia and Liverpool Line of Packets. SHIPS. BURTHEN. MASTER Berlin, 700 tons, Alfred F. Smith, Shenandoah, 800 “ -James West, Mary Pleasants, SOO “ J. Q,. Bowne, Europe, 700 “ Henry F Miercken. The above ships will sail punctually,. on their ap pointed days, viz From Philadelphia, on the 10th of each month. From Liverpool on the Ist of each month. -it7*Taking steam on the Delaware. For passage, ■apply to P SAMUEL PLEASANTS, No. 37’ Walnut st., Philadelphia. 03“ Parties will find these superior first class Ships most desirable conveyances for bringing out their friends, the accommodations in second cabin and steerage being of the most airy and capacious description. JKrAiso Drafts for sale, payable in all parts of England, Ireland and Scotland, from one pound upwards. [Jan. 29, 1850.-l-ly Watches, Jewelry, & Silver Ware. /-lONSTANTLYreceiving the above \_y m every variety and style; also, a perior article of Double Plated Table and Teaspoons, Forks, Ladles, Castors, &c., &c., Wholesale and Retail, at 216 MARKET STREET, south side, above Sixth, near Decatur street, Phil adelphia. WILLIAM BAILY. May 28, 1850 18-ly The Cheap Hardware Store, East Ring Street, opposite Meuenko])’s Hotel, REUBEN S. .ROHKER,.Iate Sprechcr &Rohrer, retains bis thanks for the many past fators bestowed upon the late firm, and would inform them that be will continue the business at the old stand, and solicits their further favors." He would call 'their attention to a well selected stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, such as Locks, Latches, Butt Hinges, Files, ?aws, Screws, Bolts and a general assortment of Building Materials. CARPENTER PLANES, . Chisels, Hatchets, Broad Axeß, Drawing i'®s. Braces and Bills; Egley’s Superior Domestic Augers, and all kinds of Carpenter * o Iron and Steel- _ Hammered and Rolled Iron ° f '’“"’/sw Blister, Sheet and Cast Steely Slit, Hoop and Sheet Iron, of all^‘g^ nT |3 VHBIESj Bellows, Screw Plates, Rasps and every description of Blacksmith Tools. R. Y 0.,„»,; n -Po<-kettniTes from the Waterrille Man fe fStw Company. Also, English Pen Knives, ftc vcfrv Kmvei and Forks, Back, Bone and Cocoa handle Knives and Forks; Razors,Scissors, &c., &c BRITTANIA WARE. Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, cither in whole setts or single piece; Britannia Candlesticks, Tumblers, Plates, &c. SADDLERY. —Bitts, Buckles, Haines, Webbing, Hog Skins, Traces, Saddle Trees, Whip Stalks, Tacks, Thread, &c. Broad and Narrow Lace, Oil Cloth, Curtain Frames, Brass and Silver Hub-bands. GLASS, OILS, AND PAINTS, 'Varnishes, Turpentine, japan, White Lead, Paints, Brushes, Stc CEDAR WARE. Tubs, Buckets, Coolers, Churns, Stands, Butter Firkins, Water Cans and Kegs, Wash Bask ets, Market Baskets, Half Bushel and Peck Mea sures; Clover, Timothy, Herd and Orchard Grass SEEDS. jk STOVES. The celebrated Victory Cook Stove ; also, the' Hathaway Stove; Wood and Coal Stoves. PATENT CULTIVATOR. The attention of Farmers is called to the Patent Cultivator, and also Minnick’s Ploughs. SCYTHES AND SNATHS. A new article of Grain Scythes, very superior also, Waldron’s, Winsted’s, Darling’s, Dunn & Taylor’s, Robey & Sawyer’s, and Morris’ Grain and Grass Scythes. ' GRAIN CRADLES.—Good & Brenser’s make of Grain Cradle. HAY RAKES—Rakes of different kinds, Whet Stones, &c., and a large assortment of Farming utensils, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. f june 4-18 tf Plumbing. THE subscribe begs leave to inform her friends and the public, that she will continue the bus iness lately carried* on by her deceased son, John Getz, at his old stand immediately under Reed’s Hotel, in West King-street, where she will be pre pared as heretofore to furnish and lay IRON & LEAD PIPE, in the best manner, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Cast Iron Pipes-from 1} to 12 inches in diameter; Leaden Pipes from £ to 4 inches in diameter; and Wrought Iron for steam and hot. water circulation are furnished«in or out of the city. Hydrants, Bath Boilers, Hot and Cold Baths, Water Closets, Lift and Force Pumps and Hydraulic Rams fitted up in a workmanlike manner. REPAIRING promptly attended to, and every description of work in’the Plumbing line. SHEET LEAD of very superior quality, for sale at-' the lowest prices. On hand and for sale, 3000'FEET LEAD PIPE , best quality, (American manufacture,) assorted sizes, suitable for conveying water from springs &c., at the lowest case prices. ELEANOR GETZ, West King street, Lancaster. 12-tf Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. GM. ZAHM, comer of East . King street and 9 entte Square, would cull attention his fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Perfumery, Pocket Books, Spectacles, Thermometers, Spy Glasses, Mathematical Instru ments, Canes, Accordeons, &c. &c. All goods sold by him warranted what they are sold for. *• Repairing of all kinds attended to. Seals for Societies, Lodges, Corporations, &c., neatly engraved. Stensil Plates for marking barrels, boxes, &<:. cut. GIVE HIM A CALL. Lancaster, Feb. 19, 1850. 4-tf EXCHANGE HOTEL, East Kin? Ireet, Lancaster, Pa. WILLIAM J. STEELE takes this method of informing the public generally, that having purchased of Mr. Christian Shertz all the property connected with the (i EXCHANGE HOTEL,’* he has removed to the same, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. He confidently hopes, by strict attention to the wishes of those who may favor him with their patronage, td merit a liberal custom. HIS TABLE will always be liberally furnished with the best delicacies the, market affords. HIS BAR will constantly be supplied with W-ines and Liquors of the choicest brands. His STABLING is commodious and well fitted up. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Lancaster, June 11, 1850. 20-6 m REMQVAL. WM. E. HEINITSH respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has removed to his new store, in East King street, two doors east of the Lancaster County Bank, and directly opposite Shertz’s Exchange Hotel, where he has opened an assortment Of FANCY GOODS &c. BASKETS, Hosiery, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves —Thread, Bobbin and Cotton Edgings and Insertings, Laces; Fincy Perfumery and Soaps; Shell, Buffalo, Horn and Ivory Combs of every description ; Fine Hair, Cloth, Shaving, Teeth, Scrubbing and Dusting Brushes; all kinds of Buttons, Corn Brooms, and Whisks ; Alicantand Jute Mats; Fancy Stationery; Jewelry; a general assortment of Trimmings; Willow Coaches and Chairs; Bomboo Rocking Chairs for children, a nev/ and beautiful article. Ladies’ and gentlemens’ silk, linen, cotton and gingham Hdkfs. and Cravats ; G. E. Braces, Visiting and Playing Cards; Terra Cotta Card Baskets; Mantel Ornaments and numerous other articles in the variety line. IV £ W MUSIC. Orders received and attended to without delay. Musical Instruments, Guitar and Violin strings, Bridges, Screws, &c.,. &c. IJ aving made arrangements for the sale of Myer’s superior and celebrated premium PIANO FORTES, he will keep an assortment. Ladies can have an opportunity of trying music before purchasing. Thankful for past favors, he‘ respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. april 2 10 Dr. Myers’ Worm Tea IS one of the best, most effectual, and cheapest preparations ever compounded for the destruc tion of worms. It is entirely Vegetable, and when made according to the direction, is a pleasant, sale and speedy remedy. This Vermituge needs no puffing, as its reputa tion as one of the best and cheapest WORM MED ICINES now before the public is well established wherever it has become known. DR. MYERS’ WORM TEA is manufactured only by Dr. Rawlins, and is sold wholesale and retail at his Medical Hall, North Qjieen st., Lancas ter, and at his wholesale and retail Drug and Chem ical Store, Carlisle, Pa., and by Druggists and Store keepers generally. Satisfaction is guaranteed or the money refunded. N. B None genuine without the signature of the Proprietor. J. W. RAWLINS, april 16 12-ly Lancaster Emporium of Taste l CHARLES B. WILLIAMS, Professor of the Tonsorial Institute and Physiognomical HAIR CUTTER and extatic SHAVER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Lancaster, and strangers wh» may tarry here until their beards grow, that he still continues to carry on his business m NORTH QUEEN ST., OPPOSITE KAUFMAN’S HOTEL, where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial business in all its varied branches. He will shave you as clean as a City Broker, and cut your hair to suit the shape of your head and the cut of your phiz, well knowing that the whole ob ject and deflire is to improve the appearance of the outer man. From long experience he flatters him self that he can go through all the ramifications o! the-art, with so much skill, as to meet the entire approbation of all those who submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his Razor. Each gentleman.furnished with a clean towel. SHAMPOONING done in the most improved style anti Razors sharpened in the very best manner. Lancaster, Dec. 25, 1849. 48-tf eagle hotel. <§, Po INFORM the public, that they have recently fit ted up this old and well known stand in North Queen street, two doors south of the Railroad, in first rate style, and that they are now prepared to entertain travellers and others in the very best man ner. Their Bar will always be supplied with the choicest liquors, and their Table with the best that the market affords. They also beg- leave to state that they continue their LIVERY STABLE, where can at all timeabe had, a good and genteel Horse, Buggy, Barouche, Carnage, £?ulky,orOmriH bos, on the most reasonable terms. They assure all who may favor them with their custom, that no efforts will be spared to render satisfaction, may 7 16-tf Life Insurance. The United States life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company, of Philadelphia. CAPITAL S2SO,OOO—CaiHTSn Pnranui. Office No. 28 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. [CASH SYSTEM.] THE constant, unsolicited applications for Life Insurance, furnish the most abundant and grat ifying that the public mind is deeply- im pressed with the vast importance of this subject.*— The great object however of Insurance should be SAFETY, otherwise the whole motive of Insurance may be disappointed. Too much care cannot be practised in the selection of an Office, with which to effect the contract. The choice should be regu lated, not by present and constant large induce ments as this is certainly incompatible with futube benefits. The premiums on life are calculated for the fuutbe; if present and perspective benefits, therefore, are given, the result ultimately must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin.- The objects aimed at by this Company are stability and perpetuity. The rates of premium have been carefully prepared with reference to fluctuations. The Cash System of payments has also been adopt . ed—unpaid premium notes constitute no part of the assets of this company—and every contingency be ing fortified with an ample capital, SECURITY stamps the whole system j this feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends this compa ny to public favor. OFFICERS. —Directors: Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose W. Thompson, Benjamin W. Tingley, Jacob L. Florence, William M. Goodwin, Paul B. Goddard, Lawrence Johnson, George M’Henry, James Devereux, John L. Linton. President—Ste phen R. Crawford. Vice President —Ambrose W. Thompson. Secretary and Treasurer—Charles G. Imlay. Actuary—Manuel Eyre. Counsel and At torney —Thomas Balch. Medical Examiners—Paul B. Goddard, M. D., William Pepper, M. D. Explanatory pamphlets, blanks, application pa pers, and every information and facility will cheer fully be furnished by the undersigned, who has been duly appointed an Agent of this Company. HIRAM B. SWXRR, Market Square, Lanc’r. aug 13 ’5O-ly-29] Why will you Suffer. THOUSANDS of bottles of the American Com pound have been sold during the past year, and was never known to fail of curing, in a few days, the worst caseß of a certain delicate disease,. Seminal weakness and all .diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no Mercury or noxious ' drugs injurious to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex, or condition. It is also the best remedy known for Fluor Albus, or Whites, (female complaints) with which thousands suffer without the knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used in private practice of a physici an with unerring success, radically curing ninety nine of the hundred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain and full directions. CAUTION —Ask for the American'Com pound, and purchase only of the agent. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by GEO. A. MILLER, Lancaster. R. WILLIAMS, Columbia. [june 11, 20-ly. Crane’s Patent Soap, 1850. BARNARD & HESS having bought the right to manufacture and sell the above article in Lan caster City and County, beg leave to state that they have taken one of the New Stores in East Orange st., five doors east of N. Queen st., and are now ready to fill all orders that may be sent to their store, which orders will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to. The public are invited to give it a fair trial. N. B. —The genuine will be stamped “ Crane’s Patent, 1850, manufactured by Barnard & Hess, Lancaster, Pa.” —all others without this are coun terleits. All persons are cautioned against infringing on this patent, as they will be dealt with according to law. JOHN BARNARD, GEORGE E. HESS. s£rThe Soap may be frad at any of the Groceries in this city. [July 30-26-ly NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA Journeyman Hat Association, At the corner of Sixth and Chesnut Streets, Phil’a, CONTINUE to make and sell a Finer, Better and more durable Hat, for the money, than any other establishment in the United States. They also have a splendid assortment of Gents’ and Boys’ Cloth and Glazed CAPS 5 Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, &c., at equally low prices. Best Moleskin or Bea ver Hats, S 3 00; no second quality, no second price. [aug. 6 >5O-27-1y Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. SP. and Old Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, , celebrated alike for the cure of all diseases incident to, and arising from, an impure state'of the Blood, may always be had fresh and genuine from GEO. A. MILLER, Druggist, West King street. will be offered to those who buy by the quantity. [aug 27-31 THE GREATEST LUXURY EVER DISCOVERED ! IS to get your head shampooned by James Cross, a,t his Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooning Saloon, in Baumgardner’s new building, up stairs, south-west corner of Centre >quare. 03“ Wigs, Scalps, and Bamdeaus, made to order or repaired at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. JAMES CROSS, aug 6 -50 3m—2B John £. Jenkins’s Restaurateur. rpHE most safe, pleasant and \ J_ powerful vegetable medicine ver known. It freely, safely and eedily circulates the blood and lays inflammation, and thereby tees from mere numbness, &c., the rush of blood to the head, j heart disease, and to confirm palsy. Jt removes PAIN like agic—from Toothache, Burns, heumatism, &c., to Neuralgia, ramp, Cholic and Cholera.— yapepsia, Inflammation of the owels, Kidneys and Liver yields tmely to its influence. It re 'ves all Goitres, Tumors, Csn : and other warts. There is no ily follow the directions. An agent i*. _ .ng -ys of it, “It is all sold —doing wonders ; curing everything before it. Send me another box.” Bland, of Mt. Airy, says: “The ten bottles you left cured wherever they went, and these forty-two I can sell for Toothache ; send me a box.” 1 Thus boxes are called for with avidity through Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, wherever it is known, producing the'most happy results. The worst Spine disease was cured in Montgomery county. The vertebra projected more than half an inch. In one night the pain, soreness and most of the weakness was removed. Mrs. Drake is being cured of the worst palsy of ten vears standing, near New Brunswick, N. J. Agents :—J. GISH, North Queen street, Lancas ter; Rhorer, Strasburg; Geo. T. Cooper, Enter prise ; Brubaker, New Holland ; Abey, Intercourse; Rennells, Penmngtonville ; Crawford, Paradise. July 9, 1850. 24-6m-eow AFFLICTED READ!!! Philadelphia medical house, estab lished 15 years ago, by DR. KINKELIN, N. W. Corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine streets, Philadelphia. Fifteen years of extensive and uninterrupted practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. K. the most expert and successful practitioner far and near, in the treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers upon the body, throat, or legs, pains in the head or bones, mercu rial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, are all treated with success. He who places himself under the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Young Men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply im mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irritability and all nervous af fections, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver and every disease in any way connected with the disor der of the procreative functions cured, and full vigor restored READ’ YOUTH AND MANHOOD.—A VIGOROUS LIFE, OR A PREMATURE DEATH. KINKELIN ON SELF PRESERVATION. Only 25 cents. —This Book just published is filled with useful information, on the. infirmaties and diseases of the Generative Organs. It addres ses itself alike to Youth, Manhood and Old Age, and should be read by all. The valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering and save annually thousands of lives. Parents by reading it will learn how to prevenl the destruction of their children. *** A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a let ter, addressed to DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under en velope, per return of mail. Persons a distance may address Dr. K. by let ter, (post-paid) and be cured at home. * } Packages ofMedicinee, Directions, &c , forwarded by'sending a remittance, and put up secure trom Damage or Curiosity. Book-sellersj News Agents, Pedlers, Canvassers, and all other supplied with the above work at very low rates; [Feb. 26-6-1 y Camphine or Pine Oil OF the best‘quality is sold at Dr, Rawlins 3 Medical-Hall, North Queen st., Lancaster, al 14 cents a quart. [april 18-12-ly UVER COMPL UST, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, And all diseases ari sing from a disor dered Liver or Stom ach, mch as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-bnrn/Disgust for Pood, Fullness,, or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ~ ried or Difficult Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating ' Sensations when in a lying pos-‘ ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and dull pain • in the Head, Deficiency - of per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flashes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits, can be effectually cured by .DR- HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED german bitters, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. 120 Arch Street , PhUa.' Their power over me above diseases is not ex celled —if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exerci sing the m st searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Charles Robinson, Esq., Easton, Md., in a let ter to Dr. Jackson, January 9, 1850, said — “My wife and myself have received more bene fit from your medicine than any other we have ever taken for the Dyspepsia and Liver Disease .” The Tenth Legion, published at Woodstock, Va., January 10, 1850, said A GREAT MEDICINE.. We have uniformly retrained from recommend ing to the public any of the various Patent Medi cines of the day, unlessthoroughly convinced ol their value. Among those we consider worthy ot notice is the German Bitters, invented by Doctor Hoofland, and prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Phila delphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this meoicine have been tested, has fallen under our observation. During the lasi summer, a son of Mr. Abm. Crabill, of this coun ty, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Com plaint, and after itrying in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottleof the Bitters, and after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady, that he procured another bottle, and is re stored entirely to health. READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. From the JVeldon Herald, published ot Weldon, N. C-, January 24, 1850, which said— PATENT MEDICINES. It is very seldom that we make any allusion to Patent Medicines, either approving or otherwise. Unfortunately for the country, and for honest and conscientious inventors and venders ofthese 6med icines, theland is becoming flooded with quack preparations, that rire made alono for profit and are fit not even for the dogs. In this state of -things ii is hard to tell which are, and which are not worth having. If a person gets an indifferent med icine the first time he purchases, he is very apt to condemn the w'hole of them and buy no more, and inventors must only blame those of their number, [who ignorantly combine plain medicines together tor the purpose ol making money,] for the ill suc cess which attends .he efforts of the deserving. • We believe Dr. C. M. Jackson’s Hoofland’s German Bitters to be a most excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular in these days of Temperance; for they are altogether; Veg etable in their composition, without one drop of Alcoholic Spirits in them. This medicine is inno cent, bnt strengthening, in its effects, ana richly deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it becomes known, it will, no doubt, fully enjoy. Judge M. M. Noah said, in his Weekly Messen ger, January 6, 1850. Dr„ Hoofland's German Bitters. —Here is a preparation which the leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the j reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times-ihe late Dr. Christopher Wil helm Hoofland, professor to the University of Je na, private physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy J of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he ! was the inventor and endorser may be confidently j relied on. He specially recommended it in Liver | Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity | of the somach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of its effects from their own individual experience. Unde,* these cir cumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprie tor’s [Dr- C. M. Jackson’s] preparation, but in recommending the article to the afflicted- MORE EVIDENCE. The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette , the best family newspaper published in the United States. The editor says of DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS: It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speak ing of the nostrums of the day,’that arc noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after it has done its guilty race of mischief, but of a med icine long estab shed, universally prized, and which has met the approbation of the faculty itself. Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union the last three years, andthe strongest testimony in its favor , fs, that there is more of it used in the practice of tho regular Physic.ans of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific prep aration wi I meet with their quiet approval when , presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all billions dis~ eases —the effect is immediate. They can be ad ministered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which is necessary for ail medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of the genuine . They have the written signature of C. M. Jack son upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious . For sale Wholesale and Retail at the G ERM A N M E.D I C 1 NE STORE, No . 120 ARCH Street, one door below SIXTH, (late of 278 Race street ,) Philadelphia, and by rt spectable dealers generally throughout the country . Also for sale by JOHN F . LONG, Lancaster , Pa. [march 12, ’5O 7-ly. RECOMMENDATIONS. The Best Testimonials OF the efficacy of any medicine, are to be found in the improved health and appearance of those using it. Hundreds in this way witness the supe riority of Dr. WOOD’S Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher ry Bitters. Nevertheless we may adduce a few of the genuine, authentic written testimonials in its favor in possession o p the proprietor. Mr. Philip Wilcox, of the well known firm of Wilcox & Richmond, shipwrights, of New Bedford, was entirely cured of a confirmed cancer of the stomach, throat and mouth, with sore lips usually accompanying the disease, and his general health much improved by the use of only one bottle. Mr. Wilcox had suffered severely for a'number of years with this disease, and attributes his cure entirely to the use of the Bitters. Col. John Baylies, Deputy Sheriff of Bristol co., Mass., has voluntarily certified that he was cured by the Bitters, of Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache and Vertigo. Col. Gibbs, of Sandwich, testifies that several persons in that town, well known to him, have been benefited by the use of the Bitters, and in every case they have given the most perfect satis faction. J. R. Perkins, Esq., Attorney at Law* of New Bedford, was cured of an unpleasant eruption of the face, by the use of the Bitters. The proprietor or his agents are permitted to re fer to many persons of the first respectability in va} rious partß of the State, who have used this new and invaluable medicine with perfect success. OPINIONS OF DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIANS UPON THE MEDICAL VIRTUES OF SARSAPARILLA AND WILD CHERRY. Sarsaparilla has caused much speculation in the Medical World. We use it very extensively in practice, and with the happiest results, as an alter native, &c. It is very beneficial in many com plaints. Wild Cherry, when taken into the system, and continued for a length of time, in small doses, increases the tone of the stomach, and invigorates the whole system.—Wm. Beech, M. D., R. M. S. Wild Cherry is a most excellent article in Dys pepsia, if given with cartf and moderation. It is also effective in many forms of Dysentery, and combined with other articles , and especially Sarsa parilla, is excellent for the blood*—From the cele brated Dr. Eberle. It is for sale by G. A. MILLER, W est King street, who is sole. Agent for Lancaster county. [aug 13-3m-29 Small Profits and Cash Sales, TS the • motto at DR. RAWtINS* M edical Hall, X North Queen street, Lancaster, april 16 FARMERS AND OTHERS NOW IS TOUR TIME! HAIWES’ IMPROVED EIGHT DRAUGHT HORSE POWER. THE above cut represents the plan of my Horse Power, and the manner in which the Strap passe out over the Horse’s back. The Power is very simple in Us construction and is arranged to sui It is particularly adapted to the use of Threshing Machines. I will dispose of STATE OR COUPiTY RIGHTS for this valuable improvement which cannot be surpassed. I ain engaged in manufacturing the above Horse Power. Also, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines of various patterns, for 4, 6 or 8 Horses. All kinds of repairing done at the shortest noti and examine before purchasing elsewh in East KiDg Street, one and a half sq Espenshade’s (formerly Swope’s) Hotel, Lancaster, Lancaster, July 16, 1850 SAND’S SARSAPARILLA IN QUART BOTTLES, FOR THE REMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ.: . Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptio7is. Pimples , or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles , Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring T Vorm or Tetter , Scald Head , Enlarge ment and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago; and Diseases arising from ait inju dicious use of Mercury. Acitiles or Dropsy, Ex posure o-t Imprudence in Life; Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders, ($-c. THIS Medicine has acquired a very expended and established reputation wherever it has been used, based entirely on its own merits, which ns superior efficacy has alone sustained. '1 he un fortunate victim of hereditary disease, with swol len glands, contracted sinews, and bones half cari ous, has been restored to health and vigor** The I scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers loathsome to himself and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who had groaned hopeless ly for years under cutaneous and glandular disor ders, chronic rheumatism, and many other com plaints springing from a derangement of the secre | live organs and ihe eirculatfon, have been raised as I it were from the rack of disease, and now, with ! regenerated coKstitutions, gladly testily to the elfi- I cacy of this inestimable preparation. 1 “ TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION/’ The attention of the reader is called to the fol lowing astonishing cu.e, effected by the use ol Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Thi9 is to certify that I have a colored woman who has been afflicted for the last five years with Scrofula, and all the remedies I used had no effect tn arresting the progress ol the complaint ; on the contrary, she constantly grew worse ; and after expending between $7O and $BO svith physicians, besides using other popular remedies without suc cess, until the disease had eaten away the carti lage ot her nose, made its appearance on various parts of her body, and had finally commenced its ravages in the roof of her mouth. In thii dreadful situation, with the prospect of death staring her in ihe face, I stated her case to Dr. Disosway, the agent for Sands’ Sarsaparilla in Newburn, N. C-, bv whom I was advised to use that article; and to my surprise and that ol my neighbors, to whom her case was known, alter using four and a hall bottles she was restored to perfect health, and that in the space ol three weeks, and »va9 able to work in two weeks from the time she commenced using it. In witness to the truth of this statement, I have hereunto affixed my name, this 19ih day of Sept., ; 1847. JOSEPH McCOTTER, J. P.' Mouth of the Neuse River, Craven co., N. C. SORE THROAT. The following is an extract from a letter received from Mrs. Bevan, who has been afflicted several years with Scrofulous Uicefs, Dyspepsia, &c., and recently an affection of the throat and chest: Baileysburg, Vu-, Dec. 13,1845. Messrs. A. B. &, D. Sands: .Before I commen ced using your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings were almost past expression; my throat was completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful cough, and there were frequently weeks together, that I could not speak above a whisper; and besides, the inflammation from my throat extended to my head, so that my hearing was very much impaired. After taking the Sarsaparilla a short time, my health improved, and my throut is now well; lam as Iree Irom cough and lightness of the chest as ever I was, and can hear quite distinctly. My throat has been well about three months, the cure of which lias been effected entirely by the use of your Sarsapa rilla. Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN. The following testimonial to the value of the Sarsaparilla, is from the Rev. Luther. Wright, aged 76 years, Congregational iV/inisier, residing at Woburn. Woburn, Mass., March 30ih, 1846. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen —From what I have experienced, ond from the information I have re cently received from a number of persons of high respectability who have used your Sarsaparilla, 1 have not the least doubt but that it is a most valua* ble medicine, and that the numerous cerificates you have received of its efficacy are fully sustained by experience, and although its reputatian ana util ity are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble efforts to increase them, I want all who are afflicted by disease to become acquainted with , the efficacy and power of your valuable medicine. I am, gentlemen, greatfully and verv respectful ly yours, LUTHER WRIGHT. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B.&D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton St., New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Cana das. Price SI per Bottle ; six Bottles fur So. For 6ale bv GEO. A. MILLER, Lancaster, and FRED’K BROWN, Philadelphia. Lancaster, June 25, 22-3 m. Dr. Convers 5 Invigorating Cordial. THIS justly celebrated Cordial is now considerfip the only efficacious remedy, compounded from the materia medica, for those sad derangements of body and mind, caused by improper habits of youth. The following are some of the effects of the vio lation of the laws of mans’ physical and soc'al being;—Prostration, nervousness, dispepsia, pain in the head, and dimness of vision; weakness of back and lower extremities, premature decay of vital power. Weakness of memory and power for mental ap plication slight, dejection, aversion to society, tim idity and self-distrust. Young and middle aged men may here learn why they are declining in health; why they become pale, eye-sunken and. lusterless; why they are losing their youthful ap pearance and manly vigor. This Invigorating and Renovating 1 Cordial has restored scores of persons who have ignorantly injured themselves in youth. It contains no mercury, or deleterious drug to injure or expose, —no hindrance from business. N. B. —Compounds of sarsaparilla, dock, and pills, powders, and other nostrums, effect no cure in these cases of weakness, and prostration; nor is the fiction and nonsense in wonderful little books of any use to the patient. Sold by Dr. Convers at his office 55, 3d Avenue, between 10th and 11th sts., New York. Price $2 a bottle, or 3 bottles for $5. Explicit directions occompany each bottle. The Cordial forwarded to any part of the country by addressing as above, post paid. .... Married persons whose conjugal relation have not been blessed with offspring, and those about to marry, conscious of physical inability, should make immediate use of this Cordial. Such 1 persons may confidentially consult Dr. C onvers[and [ will receive such advice as their case requires. Letters post paid. For sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, ‘ Lancaster, Pa., i W. Jackson, 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, Pa., Dr. McPherson, 9 South 3d st.,' Harrisburg, Pa., and . J. G. Brown, Pottsville, Pa, Nov. 13, 1849“ Country Merchants A RE earnestly solicited to call at Dr. Rawlins A Medical Hall, North Queen street, Lancaster, and examine the quality and prices of .Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Qils, Essences, Perfumery, Fancy Slips, Patent Medicines, Sic., &c. april 16 ;ice and on the most reasonable terms. lere, for I will sell cheaper than ever. luares from the Court House, and a few doors above , Pa. S. B. HAINES. 25-4ra Dr. Cullen’s Indian Vegetable Panacea. ROWAND & WALTON invite attention to the following advertisement: DR. CULLEN EVER VICTORIOUS. As aproofof the continued success ofDR. CUL LEN’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA, we refer to a few of the many certificates in our pos session,-of cures performed by this great purifier./ Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of South Mul berry Ward, cured of Barber’s Itch. Mr. J. P. Reese’s child, No. 83, North Seventh st., cured of hereditary Tetter, which covered his 1 entire body. i . Mr. E. W. Maxwell, Grape Court, Market street, .above Eitghth, cured of Scrofula, had fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the time he commenced taking the Medicine. Miss Christiana Sands, West Spruce street, be tween Belch and Willow, streets, near the Schuylkill, cured of Scrofula; had suffered eight years; her head was so much affected that tea and coffee would pass out at her ear —this is a strong case. Capt. John R. Barclay, No. 400 Market street, cured of Scrofulous Sore Leg, of 25 standing. This case is well known to many of our best Phy sicians, who have frequently advised amputation. 1 Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., No. 5, Jefferson, west of Schuylkill Sixth street,, below Locust. This was, undoubtedly, one of the most severe cases of Scrofula ever cured, and is certified to by many of our best physicians and clergymen, and also by himself. Joseph Barbour, No. 1, Short court, east from Twelfth street, above Race, cured of Scrofulous Sore Throat, of eight years standing. Mr. J. H. Frick’s child. No. 731 Dock street, Philadelphia. Mr. Michael Duffy, 44 South Front street, (at P. Brady & Co’s) Philadelphia, cured of Tetter of twenty-five years. Mr. William Flemming, No. 210 Washington st., between Eighth and Ninth, Philadelphia, cured of Erysipelas of four years, which destroyed the flesh to the bone. William Barker cured of Scrofula. This case had been in the hospi'al many months, and dischar ged as incurable —he is now well, and way be seen daily at our office. Mr. David Kirgan, Muddy creek, Hamilton co., Ohio, enred of Scrofula. This was a very severe case, and Kirgan says that could money prevent, would not undergo the same affliction for .ten thous and dollars, and yet he was cured for a few dol lars, by Dr. Cullen’s Indian Vegetable Panacea, Mr. John V. Hazleton, ofMulica Hi11.,-New Jersey, cured of Tetter ol ten years’ standing with a few bottles of the Panaceo. Mr. John Brocken, ol Germantown, at the age of' 61 years, was cured of a violent Tetter' that had troubled him for 18 y-ears. '. Mrs. Eve- Siscoc, No. 52 South street, between Third and Fourth, from Schuylkill, cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suffering 12 years wjlh them. Mrs. S. is 62 years of age. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Foster, Second st., four doors above Washington street, was cured of Tetter on her leg, which had troubled her 14 years. Mr, Charles Otis, late of Parish street, now of Manyunk, .cured of Tetter, of 5 years* in. hands and feet. Mr. Mellon Grubb, Juniper street, near Spruce, cured of Scrofulous Ulcers on the shoulders, which had defied the doctors more than a year. Mr. Hiram Ridge, .Attleboro’., Bucks co\, Pa., cured of Salt Rheuni. This casfe had been pro nounced incurably by some 12 or 4 14 physicians of | the first standing—as a last resort had recourse to Cullen’s Panacea, and was cured completely in a , few months, after suffering 17 years—the disease had almost covered his entire person. Henry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cured of the worst of Scrofula ever seen in New Jersey, by 7$ bottles !. Thomas Wainwright, of Manayunk, cured of Scald Head ; the disease extended over the wJiole scalp until it was an entire mass ot corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Panacea cured him. We might add case after case, ! ad infinitum ; but we think it unnecessary; presuming the afflicted will want more evidence then we can give in an advertisement, we again ask them to send to our office and.get these, which you will learn the extraordinary sufferings of these per sons, as well ns the mode of cure. ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors, No. 21. North Sixth street, Philadelphia. . JOHN GISH,* )*, JAMES SMITH, S Lancaster ‘ R. WILLIAMS,. Columbia. april 9 *5O Mothers Lißead this Attentively. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative.^ FOR the speedy and permanent cure of Diarr hoea, Dysentery , Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Cholic , Summer Complaints, Flatulency , Pains in the Stomach , fyc., and for all"derangements of the stomach and bowels-from Teething. ■ fcyThe time has again arrived when disease of the stomach and bowels carries its thousands to a premature grave.- Is there no remedy to stay the frightful mortality that sweep over the land, nor to stay the march of death? We answer, YES—the Cordial will cure and prevent nine-tenths of all cases of diseases affecting these organs. More than five thousand cases of disease wereeured by it during th'e past year. Families leaving the city,' consulting the welfare of-their children and selves, will act wisely to take this article with themr In all cases of failure the money will cheerfully be returned, and to all those who are unable to pur chase it will be cheerlully bestowed. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY. Greenwood tivp., Juniata co., March 17, MS. Dear Doctor~Gratitude for the immediate and lasting relief, received from your valuable Cordial and Carminative, induces me to take the liberty of writing to you, that you may-know the value of a medicine which no family should be without. My friend, ybur agent, being in our neighborhood, cal led to see our family, and fortunately left a small bottle. I happened to have a severe attack of Dysentery from which I was not expected to recover; after every other medicine had failed to . afford re lief, your cordial was thought of, and wonderful to 1 say;,the third teaspoonful had the effect not only to relieve the most excrutiating pain but to leave my bowels in a regular state. I expect to be in Phila- I delphia shortly, when I shall call and thank you in person. Your obliged Friend, G. R. Fraley. • {Crßead also the voluntary testimony from a practising physician of Lancaster county. Neffsville, Lancaster co., Dec. 11th, 1846. Dr. Keeler: —Sometime last summer your agent left me your Infant Cordial and Carmina tive, urging me try it. It so happened that I had a case ; a child about six months old; whose stomach and. bowels were in a very disordered condition, caused by a deficiency of its mother’s milk. The child was a mere skeleton; there was much torm ma, tenesmus, and constant evacuations. I admin istered every medicine I could think of, with but a slight alleviation of the complaint. I thefk thought of giving your medicine a trial, commohcing with small doses, I soon however perceived the child could bear a full dose as recommended in direc tions ; before it had taken halt a bottle, the stomach and bowels had recovered their natural tone, every other bad symptom yielded and the child recovered very rapidly^ I have no hesitation in saying that your medicine I is the very best for the above complaints I have ad | ministered in a 21 year’s practice. Very respectfully, your friend, H. W. BOWMAN,,M. D. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale also by Geo. A. Miller, Lancaster; B. Williams, Columbia; J. R- Brubaker, If. Holland ; J Gvger &H. L. Frees, Strasburg ; R. Weidier, Barevflle; J. Frank & W. K. Martin, Hemptield Township; and by Druggists and Merchants in every town throughout the county and State. Where also mav be bad Dr. Keeler’s celebrated COUGH SYRUP, VERMIFUGE SYRUP, RHEU MATIC LOTION, LIVER & SANATIVE PILLS, remedies of unsurpassed efficacy and which any one whether rich or poor, in town or country should always have by them.' • {fcrAlso DR. KEELER’S PANACEA for purify ing the Blood and correcting all morbid humors of •the body. This remedy is the best known for chronic diseases of the chest, stomach, liver and skin—chronic Rheumatism aud for all Scrofulous, Syphilitic and constitution, disorders. Ladies of a weak and nervous constitutional suffering with sallowcomplexion, loss of appetite,and functional derangement will find a sovereign remedy in the Panacea. {CrSee pamphlets; Price $1 per bottle. july 2 - 23-tf 0 n ~4!,.!..!1 t 1 !.. !!! ; i ou I\l ) l 1 1;.,J, I . I 1 ....7..„...„. ~., ........„.... In all Christianized and civilized countries, has caused a larger proportion of deaths than any other-malady'that af flicts the human family j and. Until within a few yean, there has not been any eertam remedy to stop the devastation of the destroyer. But now— BRANT’S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Cures very many of the most ttxongly marked and developed cases of Pulmonary Consumption— cases of ulcerated and diseased LUNGS—* uch hopeless cases as were never before cured by any other medicine. So utterly hope- ' less were some of the afflicted persons, aa to have been pro* nounced by physician&nxid friepds to be actually dying Some, who had their burial-clothes made, have been cured, and yet live—others, who it was said would not live another day, are now as well and hearty as they ever were. ft possesses all the cleansing and purifying virtues nearly as powerful and active as the preparation which we call BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. This differs from that, because this possesses several 'odur Medications which are peculiarly adapted to, and are essential ly necessary, to cure Coughs and Consumptions, and all diseases of a oulmonary nature —such diseases as usually prove so fata, under ordinary treatment, when they attack the Breast, Throat, Lungs, and Ilenrt. This BALSAM heals and cures Ulcers in the Lungs, and else where internally, as certainly and easily as the Ptjiiyy inq Extract cures and heals ulcers externally. This- Bal sam cures nine cases of Cough and Consumption out of *e»», after all other remedies have failed to do good. Thousands of Consumptions and Cftrontc Coughs, abundantly prove its unfailing eficacy in such diseases, and its undoubted curative power, and soothing healing properties, in the following complaints and ' diseases, viz.: Spiuing of blood, Bleeding at the Lungs, Pain in the Breast and Side, Niglu-Siceata, Nervous Complaint*, PaU piuaion of the Heart. Cholera Infantum, Dysentery and Sum* mer Complaints in Children and Adults, Asthma, and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy that has been offered to the public has ever been half as certain end ejectual in correcting ALL the inci dental weaknesses and irregularities of the female a ex. as % DIuyTS PULMONARY BALSAM. It makes no differ ence whether the derangement be suppression, excess, or other incidental weakness —it regulates ALL, by strengthen ing the system, equalizing the circulation, and soothing end allmjmg NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. See our PamphitU fur proof CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! We state this cuTe to prove the povxr to save life, when •his B VI,SAM is used, even after the person is considered by uhysician nod friends to be in the last stages of disease —actually dying-and, in this case, so-far gone that the shroud lind burial-clothes were bought. For the particulars »>f this case, and the respectable and undoubted proof of all the circumstances and facta, we refer to our PAMrttLfc.lt> This cure was effected on Mrs. ZIBA DYKEMAN, of ton Spa , Saratoga Co., N. Y. We can prove, beyond a doubt, many others aimo.'f equally as hopeless, and innumerable cases of Coughs and Consumptions CURED , which were pro* nounced incurable by 'skilful physicians. LIVER COMPLAINT. See the cure of Dr. Hubbard, of Stamford, Ct., and others. Dyspepsia! Sire the cure of T. S. Wilcox, merchant, of Attica, Wyoming Co , N. Y., and many more, in our Pamphlets! Dysentery and Summer Complaint in Children and Adults are always aired. Weakly Children will become fleshy, healthy, and hearty, and grow rapidly, by the nae of this BALSAM.' - • e , , , No mother ne'ed ever mourn the death of-her child by Cholera Infantum, while teething it BRANTS PUL MO y All Y BALSAM be administered. It should be, tot iuc'j cases, given In larger than the ordinary doses. FUMFY! PURIFY! LIFE and HEALTH are in the BLOOD. Cleanse, Purify, and Regulate the. Circulation, and the whole body -will have health. U'he most wonderful of all remedies to produce such a result, is BRANT’S INDIAN PURIFYING , EXTRACT. Yes. the desired result and efficacy "will be produced by the use of a- smaller quantity of this Purifier than can he effected by the use ot a like quantity of any other, remedy in tlm world. (See our Pamphlets for proof.) Tins Purifier is wholly prepared from Vegetables, and cures the worstl mast obstinate, and long standing disease! of the blood, without puking, purging, sickening, or debili fating. It cleanses,. strengthens,'invigorates; makes new,' » healthy blood, and gives new vigor and new life to the whole system. • • BKANT'S PUKIFIEIt is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than any other remedy in the worid, because . » ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of it will effect a greater amount of cure than four dollars' worth of sarsaparilla, or tiny other remedy, no matter how large their bottles may be. The tm;>orfan< question for con*, sumers to determine."is, how much more curative effect wilt a dollar's worth of this Purifier produce, than a dollars worth of that -sarsapanlla or. other remedy. We might here say, that Brant's Medicines had cured, within the lust year, 100,000 Persons of Impure Blood Diseases, and. 25,000 Cases were considered Incurable as some other patent-medicine men are in the habit of say ing. 'lf we should say so, who would believe Hal This however, we do sny, and stand ready to prove-'by respectable witnesses, that Brant's Medicines have effected cures ot : more diseases on living human beings, the past year, than, any other remedy in existence did during the same timp. How much, will a Dollar’s worth CUR E P _ Twenty large, deep Ulcers were cured by using only ‘twelve ■ bottles of Brant's Purifier: . The following is the most wonderful and astonishing cure that was ever effected on a humdri being, by any medicine. . Horrid Scrofhla Cured. Mb. J. B. llaskin, of Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., certifies December 20th, 1840, that he had been afflicted with Scbq- FtiLA lour years, and the last year eonfined to his bed, with twentv large, deep, discharging ULCBBS-r-thnt his neck was eaten around from ear to ear—a hole was eaten through his Wind-pipe, so that he breathed through the bole—his ear was nearly destroyed—-the use of his arm was wholly destroyed—and an Ulcer under the arm, as large as a man’s hand, had - nearly eaten through into his Lungs—that he had used all-kinds of Sarsaparilla and other medicines, to no benefit, and that he was .not expected to ,live twenty-four hours when he commenced Beant’s Indian Purifying Extract— that nine bottles of the Purifying Extract healed aiid cured seventeen of the twenty Ulcers he had when he commenced using it, and that a few bottles more effected a perfect cure. Forfull particulars of this, and many other similar eyres, see our Pamphlets. ' v >? , - This Wonderful and Astonishing CUBE docs not stand alone as a monument of the great j of Brant's. Pukifikr,' for we conld give almost tinlim l.Uid evidence of other cures, well attested. If shls were j doubted. This cure is certified .to by j. Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. - By Doct. Thos. Williams, one of the most respectable physicians of Konio— by Messrs. Bissell As Leonard, wholesale and retail druggists— by Mr. G. R. Brown, pro prietor and keeper of the West Rome Hotel— and by eleven other witnesses. Brant’s Indian Purifier cures all impure diseases of the blood, viz.: Scald-Head t Salt-Rheum, Rheumatism, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face, Piles, Biles, Ulcers, Costiveness, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint. Pains in the Back, Side, and Limbs, Rush of'. Blood to the Head, etc- etc. ’’ “ INTERNAL ULCERS. This cure is a triumph over the skill oi the best physicians in the city of Philadelphia, and is positive proof that internal ulcers can be cured as easily as external, when Brant's Purifying Extract is used Afr. John Hepburn,' one of the most respectable gentlemen in Auburn, Cayuga Co., N. Y., informed us in Oct. 1847, that he had been af* dieted with three Fissures or Ulcers, so situated 1 inter nally as to allow of an examination, and thus furnish-post- - tive proof of the fact, and of their location. He said .that he had spent one year in Philadelphia, under advice of the beet physicians, and was obliged to return tc Auburn, without cure or help, when Dr. 7V M.-Hunt, druggist, of Aubnrn. advised him. to try-Bronff Purt/ytrt/f Extract, and the use of seven bottles of it effected a perfect cure. CHRONIC ERYSIPELAS AND ULCERS. ASTONISHfNO AMD HOST WONDERFUL CuHß. Capt. EtTCt KrCapp, of No. 37 Willow bL, Brooklyn, N. Y., one of the most respectable citizens in the city, was afflicted five years with Scrofulous Erysipelas of both legs, from the the feet, which inflamed and swelled to a prodigious size, and ulcerated. Large deep ulcers, apparently large enookh to run a finger in. came into them, which discharged dally an almost incredible quantity of a maturated substance. He had had the advice and attendance of several of the most skilful physicians, and had triifd many highly recom .mended medicines without effecting a cure, and was told by one or two of his physicians that the ulcers in his legs would run him off before long. Brant’s PURIFYING EXTRACT ha* cured these ulcerated and inflamed legs, so that now they are entirely healed op, and’ he enjoys good health. DYSPEPSIA—SOUS STOMACH CURED. Attica, Genesee Co., N. Y., Feb. 3,1848. M. T. WALLACE Sc CO.—Gentlemen; I received a ewe of Brant’s Medicines from you, and have been most, won derfully disappointed in the rapid sales made,and much more so in the general and particular satisfaction the medi cal effect the medicines had given to all those who have been fortunate enough totrythem. I was myself for Saore than a year, afflicted with a disease of the Stomach- X could not eat any fat or greasy substance without causing great pain sickness, and vomiting, and was continually afflicted with a Sour Stomach. When Brant’s Medicines came: I, as an experiment, tried one bottle, which to my utter disap pointment, eased and relieved the usual pain after eating. I therefore used the seeond bottle, which has completely cured the disease. lam now well and hearty, and can eat almost anything without being pained, or tbe stomach becoming soar. Please send me another supply by express, as soma who are taking it can not do without tt, they have expert enced so much benefit from its use. Yours, Respectfully, T. 8. WILCOX. Mr. Wilcox-is a respectable merchant of Attica. For sale by , WM. G. BAKER, Lancaster; J. R. Brubaker, Bird-in-Hand ; J. T. Anderson, Marietta; L. & E. Rogers, Churcbtown ; George Ross, Elizabethtown; Wm. W. Passmore, Chris tiana; Thos. A. Galt, Straßburg; R. Williams, Columbia; S. Ajchenberger, Bainbridge; Jacob Souffer, Mount Joy; Nathaniel Wolle, Litiz; S. Ensminger, Manheim ; O.P; Gross, Ephrata ; .John Wickle, Hinkletown; N. Klauser, Faimew ; J. G. & S. S. Robinson, Intercourse; B. Bower, Conestogo Centre ; S. P. Lindemuth, Safe Harbor; John Rawlins, Rawlinsville; S, Allison, Martick Forge; S. Risk & Brother, Buck;.F, McSparran Fairfield ; J. P. Harlan, Oak Hill, Jan. 22, iB6O. RASPS AND . FILES.—-Spencer’s celebrated horn Shoe Rasps. Also, Spencer’s, Swinburn’s and . Ashton & Jackson’s superior half round.and flat Bastard files for sale at REUBEN $. ROHRER’S Cheap Hardware Store. ]une 18-21] Timothy Seed. OnfJ.BUSH. PRIMEI TIMOTHY SEED, clear of all other seeds. Jest received and for sale at the cheap Hardware Store of . REUBEN'S. ROHRER, East. King street. aug 20-tf-3g] BLANKS neatly and expeditiouatyjaieetrted % this in the rear of the Market House* 52 I^-eow