Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, October 22, 1850, Image 3

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Railroad, Canal, and River
ON Wednesday, the 20 th day of November next,
1850, at 2 o’clock P. M., the subscribers will
sell at public sale, at the public bouse of S. G. Mil
ler, late Rigler’s, in the Borough of Marietta, the
following VALUABLE LOTS, situated in that part
of said Borough laid out by Jacob Grosh, Esq?, em
bracing the property occupied as a Lumber Yard,
for upwards of thirty years, formerly by Peter Ba
ker & Co., and latterly by Peter Baker.
No. 1, being the northern part, or that portion
lying between the Front street Railroad and the
Pennsylvania Canal, of the following Six adjoining
Lots, viz: Nos. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, with the
following improvements thereon, viz : a very con
venient and well-finished two story Weatherboard
ed Frame * n >,
with a Kitchen attached, a Counting House,'
Carriage House, spacious Stabling, and otner neces
sary out-houses, all in good repair, and & well of
excellent water, with a pump therein, immediately
in front of tbe house.
, No. 2, being the southern part, or that portion
lying between the Pennsylvania Canal and the river
Susquehanna, of the above Six Lots, Nos. 29, 30,
31, 32, 33 and 34. No. 29 being bounded on the
west by The whole extent of the river
shore on these Lots is wharfed, rendenng this
Ground very valuable for Drawing and Piling
Lumber , and Depositing other Articles of Trade.
No. 3, being Lot No. 64, situated immediately
opposite to the north of Mr. P. Baker’s Counting
House, (erected on Lot No. 29,) extending from the
Railroad to the new Columbia Turnpike and bound
ed by Bank street on the west.
No. 4, being Lot No. 55, at present in the tenure
of. Mr. P. Baker, situated on the eastenreomer of
the same square with Lot No. 64, and like it ex
tending from the Railroad, to the Columbia Turn
pike, and bounded on the east by a fifteen A. alley.
No. 5, being Lot No. 160, situated on the north
side of and fronting the Lancaster Turnpike, it be •
ing the fourth Lot west of Bank street, whereon, is
erected a convenient, well built, one story
ftt present occupied by Mr. Jacob Mellinger.
Np. 6,-being Lot No. 139, situate on the north
side and fronting the Lancaster Turnpike, at pres
ent in the tenure of Mr. A. Leader.
. 90“ To*persons. wishing to engage in the For
warding and Commission Business, Nos. 1, 3 and
4 offer peculiar advantages for erecting extensive
Warehouses, having the facilities either of the Ca
nal or Railroad, or the Railroad .and the Turnpike,
with an extensive front on Bank street, or a fifteen
feet alley to accommodate the trade from the coun
try by Wagons. The tow path of the Canal chan- '
ges at Bank street, rendering it necessary to keep
that bridge across the Canal at all times passable,
whereby the convenient communication . with the
River will not’likely be intercepted. ! •
The above Lots are the property either of Sam
uel Grosh, deceased, or of Mathias Tshudy, or of
both, in common, and will be sold by
Executors of Samuel Grbsh, dec'd.
Agent for Mathias Tshtidy.
N."B.—lf desired, One Thousand Dollars of the
purchase money of Nos. 1 and 2, can remain stan
ding, if satisfactorily secured, at six per cent, inter
est, payable semi-annually, until the decease of a
certain legatee of Samuel Groshf, dec’d
Marietta, Oct. 22 *5O
Orphans* Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court
of Lancaster county, will be exposed to public
sale, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of November,
1850, at 2 o’clock, P. M., at the public house ol
Abraham Greenawalt, in the Borough of Elisabeth
town, all that certain piece ofland, situate in West
.Donegal township, late the estate ol George Red
■jrcker, deceased, containing
neat measure, adjoining lands of Samuel Redsecker,
H. G. Andrews, and K. & C. B. Grubb—bavins a
thereon erected. —ALSO, —
A tract of WOODLAND, in Mount Joy township,
containing 4 acres and 127 perces, neat
adjoining lands of Barbara & David Mosser Mary
Beam, David Sherer, and Joseph Hopper ’
—ALSO, —
TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in that part of the
Borough of Elizabethtown laid out'by Geo Wcaland
numbered in the plan thereof, 10—each fronting on
the Lancaster Turnpike GO feet, and extending back
to .Centre Alley, 19S feet. °
The one undivided fourth part of Racoon Island,
in the Susqtiehana river, in Conoy township, con
taining about One Hundred and Fifty-Six'Perches.
TERMS. The purchase money to be paid yn
the Ist day of April, 1851, when the title will be
executed and possession given.
Due attendance will be given at the sale by
„ Executors of Geo. Redsecker, dec’d.
Elizabethtown, Oct. 22. 39-4 t
Venison Hams.
JUST received a choice lot of VENISON HAMS
at VANKANAN’S family Grocery,
oct 22 39-2 t
Books, Books, Books.
WE have just opened from the Trade Sales of
New York and Philadelphia, a most complete
assortment of valuable Books, amongst which will
bo found the following:
Colton’s Deck and Port.
Three Years in California.
Miss Cobper’s Rural Hours.
Davis’ Logic of Mathematics.
Cumming’s Five Years in the Interior of Africa.
. Echoes of the Universe, by Rev. H. Christines,
spencer’s Works, complete, 5 vols.
Headley’s Miscellanies.
Cyclopedia ot English Literature.
Sparks’ Life and Writings of Washington, 12 vols
Sparks’ American Biography, 15 vols.
• • Ripley’s History of the itfexican War.
Bancroft’s History of the : United States, 3 vols
Hildreth’s do do do 3 vols.
Forster’s Statesmen of England.
Prescott’s Conquest of Mexico.
(t i( Peru.
“ Ferdinand and Isabella.
“ Miscellanies, all in Library style.
Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 7 vols.
Complete works of Hannah More, 7 vols.
Hume’s. History of England, 6 vols.
Macaulay’s do do 2 vols.
Milinan’s Gibbon’s Rome, 6 vols. ' '
_ -do do Harper’s edition, 4 vols.
Burke’s works, 3 vols., library style.
Strickland’s Queens of England, 6 vols. octavo, i
Bryant’s Letters of a Traveller. ’
Eldorado, or adventures in the path of Empire, j
by Bayard Taylor. S
Bolingbroke’s Works, 4 vols. !
History of Ireland. j
Tytier’s Universal History, 2 vols.
Miss Pardoe’s Louis XIV, 2 vols. ' j
Colman’s European Letters. I
Brand’s Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences. j
Ure’s Dictionary of Names, &c. j
Farmers’ Encyclopedia.
Religious Encyclopedia. I
All of the above valuable works we are prepared
to sell at the lowest rates. SPANGLER’S !
oct 22-39] _ Late Gish’s. )
Neutral Ink.
THE subscribers having purchased the right for
the manufacture and sale of FAHNESTOCK’S
NEUTRAL and indelible ink,
are now prepared to supply the article in any quan
tities, large or small, to Merchants, Business Men,
and others.
This Ink, which has already acquired a celebrity
wherever it has been used, is entirely free from any
substance which corrodes the pen—is of a beautiful
jet color, and admirably adapted for Day Books,
Ledgers, Record Books, and every other species of
writing which require durability.
Their establishment is in East Orange street a
few doors east of JCramph’s Building. t *
* V : nJ - H. GIBBS & CO.
+ Editorsol newspapers throughoutthe United
States copying the above three times, will receive
the amount in ink or cash.
Lancaster, Oct. 22, 1850
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.
A NTHON’S Classical Dictionary.
Cobb’s Lexicon.
Anthon’s Dictionary of Roman Antiquities.
Donnegan’s Greek Lexicon.
. Scott and Liddell’s Greek Lexicon.
Todd’s, Johnson’s and. Walker’s Dictionary.
Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary.
Leverett’s Latin Lexicon.
Domusgan’s Greek and English Lexicon.
Dunglfson’s Medical Dictionary.
Cooper’s Surgical do.
Flemmings and Tibbins’ French and English
Nugent’s French Dictionary.
■ Bolles’ Phonographic English Dictionary.
Oswald’s Etymological Dictionary, &c., &c.
• Kitto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, 2 vols.
Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols.
• Brande’s Encyclopedia of Sciences, Literature
and Art.
Ure’s Dictionary of Arts, M anufactures & Mines.
Farmers Encyclopedia. Family Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia ol Religious Knowledge.
Chambers’ Information for the People, 2 vota
Kountz’s English and German Dictionary.
Webster’s Dictionary, revised, with numerous
additions, just published.
: Walker’s Dictionary. Crabb’s English Synonymes
Brooke’s Universal Gazetter.
Darby’s do. do., new edition.
. Baldwin’s Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer
The above with a great variety of other works of
a like character may be had very cheap at
. Opposite the Post Office, North Queen st. Lan’r
■ ■*•*** . 30-2 t •'
Valuable Rail Road Property at
Private Sale.
THE subscribers offer at private sale, their val
uable and well known Rail Road property, sit
uate in the village of Concord, on the Columbia
and'Philadelphia Rail Road, GO miles west of Phil
adelphia, and 20 miles east of Lancaster, consisting
of a Lot of 2$ ACRES OF LAND, with the im
provements thereon erected, viz:
CAR HOUSE, 44 by 84 feet, with tin roof. Two
crossings and sidings, and every convenience for
carrying on an extensive business. For locality
and facilities it cannot be surpassed by any on the
dine of Railway.
A commodious Two Story FRA MEJbA.
DWELLING HOUSE, with five rooms and IgjiUß
Kitchen on the first floor, and four
on the second, with a never-failing well of pure
water; Cistern, Meat and Milk House, Barn and
other out-buildings.
ALSO, a Two Story Double FRAME HOUSE,
suitable for two families. Also, a Lumber, Wood,
and Coal Yard, all being in good order. This is a
rare opportunity for capitalists or business men.
Persons wishing to purchase or desiring further
information, will please call pn J. L. Lightner,
residing on the property.
39 ti
Taluable Dictionaries.
WE have just received a large assortment of
valuable Dictionaries to which we invite
public attention. Amonst them will be found
Webster's Great Unabridged Dictionary of the
English Language, the best publication, in va
rious bindings.
Webster’s abridged, a most valuable work for
Walker’s Large Dictionary for Schools.
Worcester’s Comprehensive Dictionary.
Cobb’s Walker’s Dictionary.
.Adler’s celebrated German Dictionary.
Ochle6chlager,s do. do. ;
Weber’s do. do.
Together with all the standard English, German
and French Dictionaries.
SPANGLER’S, [late Gish’s.)
oct- 22 so
F Roussel’s Atfiadine,
OR the -’cure ana prevention of the chapped
Hands. An additional supply just received and
for sale at CHAS. A. HEINTTSH’S,
Drug and Chemical Store, No. 13 East Kiwr at.
oct 39-lm
Estate of Jacob Miller.
In the Court of • Common Pleas for the co. of'r
WHEREAS, Daniel Miller and Henry Stouffer,
Executors of John Miller, dec’d, who was
Trustee of Jacob Miller, did on the twelfth day of
October, ISSO, file in the office of the Prolhonotary
of the said court, their‘account of the said Estate :
Notice is hereby given -to all persons interested
in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted.the eighteenth day of November, 1850, for the
confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’v.
Frothy’s Office, Lan. Oct. 22. - 39-td ’
Estate of Joseph Peoples and William Peoples and
Maria his Wife.
In the. Court of Common Pleas for the co. of Lan'r.
WHEREAS, Ebenezer Dickey, Assignee of
Joseph Peoples and William Peoples and
Maria hia Wife, did on the tenth day of October,
1850, file in the the Prothonotary ot the
said Court, his account of the said Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in ihe said Estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted the eighteenth day of November, 1850, for the
confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’v.
-•Prothy’s Office, Lan. Oct. 22.
Piano-Forte Ware-Room*
TJ ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of
_LV Lancaster and vicinity, that he has opened for
sale at No. 5, Kramph’s Arcade Buildings, East
Orange Street, a large superiur assortment of
Six, Six and one fourth, Six and three fourths and
selected from his large and various Stock, at his
Store, 1?I Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, and made j
by some of the most distinguished manufacturers !
in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, of the very
best material, of EXQUISITE TONE 4- FINISH
and warranted equal to any in this country or Eu
rope. They will be sold at the manufacturers’
lowest Cash Prices and warranted.
ALSO, an assortment of Serapliines, Melodeons,
Parlor Organs, &c., from the most celebrated man
ufactories. Being the Agent for more thatrtwenty
factories in the United States, he is able to furnish
Instruments on better temrs than any one else in
the country.
Mr. Carter has the satisfaction to announce that
he has engaged the services of the distinguished
Italian Manufacturer and Tuner, Mr. La Grassa,
and any instruments that may require repairing and
tuning, will be executed by him n the most superior
The Warerooin will continue open until the Ist
of November. Ladies and Gentlemen are most
respectfully invited to cal! and examine the above.
Lancaster, Oct. 15, 1850. * 38-3 t
Lancaster County Mutual Insur
ance Company.
TpHE Members of the Lancaster County Mutual
JL Insurance Company are hereby notified that,
In compliance with the 10th Section of the Act of
Incorporation of said Company, the Board of Direc
tors have this day declared that one and a half per
cent, be paid on each and every note deposited
with the Company for Policies issued prior to the
22nd day of May-last passed, on or before the 1 rth
day of November next ensuing, to meet the loss
sustained .by Jgfenjamin GrafT, in the burning of a
dwelling, in Enterprise, insured by him at $llOO,OO,
and also to meet the payment of $250,00 borrowed
to remunerate for losses sustained prior to said date.
The Members of the Company are furthernotified
that the authorized Agents of the Company,to wit:
Joseph Konigmacher, Ephrata; Jacobs. Witmer,
Manheim ; Robert D. Carson, Cashier of Lancaster
County Bank, Lancaster; John Stauffer,Petersburg;
James Buyers, Lampeter; F. A. Zitzman, Litiz ;
Dr. Esaias Kinzer, Leacock; Joseph McClure,
Bart; W. D. Slaymaker, Mt. Joy; together with
the Members of the Board, are authorized to re- !
ceive and receipt for said assessment; said receipt 1
may be in the following words endorsed on the 1
Policy of Insurance held by said Member. I
Oct. 1850—Assessment No. 4 paid. j
A B ■ Agent, I
which will be r sufficient acquittance for the same. !
In no case will the Agent he authorized to receive !
the aforesaid assessment without the Policy being !
exhibited and endorsed as aforesaid, and in the
event of a Policy being lost or mislaid, the Insured
can obtain, upon applicaton to the Secretary, the |
number of the Policy and amount of the deposit i
note. 1
The following extract from the Bye-Laws of the
Company, it is hoped, will induce a prompt com
pliance with the foregoing notice :
“ That Members ot this Company neglecting or
omiting to pav their assessments within thirty days
alter the publication of notice of the same will
incur the expense of not exeeeding 10 cents per
mile circular from the office of the Company paya
ble to a Collector duly authorized to collect the
Secretary and Treasurer.
Office Lan. Co Mu. Insurance)
Company, October 8, 1860. j oct 15-3S-3t
First and True Love.
A true Love Story, by George Sand, author of “In
diana“ Consuelo,” “The Countess of Ru
‘ cohtadt ,” etc., etc.
f B. PETERSON, No. 98 Cheanut street, Phil
_L • adeJphi, publishes this day the above work.
It is one of the most charming and interesting works
ever published. It is embellished with eleven fine
large engravings, illustrative of different scenes in
the work, as well as a large portrait of the two
heroines of the work, and a beautifully illustrated
cover. It has met with an immense sale in Parts,,
having already passed through several editions'.in
the space of three months. It will have a very
large sale, and it is a work no one will be disap
pointed with. It is said by critics who have perused
“» 10 be “the best work" ol the day. It is published
complete in one large octavo volume of 228 pages
and printed on the finest white paper. Price FIFTY
CENTS a copy.
IKrSingle copies of the work will be sent to any
one on receipt of remittances, addressed to the
publisher. Published and for sale by
No* 98 Cheanut st., Philadelphia.
Fo whom all orders must be addressed, post paid.
DO"Editors of Newspapers giving the above one
or more insertions, (including this notice,) andsend
ll}S*c°py ot their paper marked, to the Publisher,
shad have a complete copy of the work-sent them
by return of mail, [ oc t 15-38
AN election for thirteen Directors of the Farm
ers Bank of Lancaster will be held at the
naming house, on MONDAY, the 18th of Novem
beh next, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3PM
G. CLARKSON, Cashier.
38-3 t
Ut ix Turnpike Election.
THE annual election for one President, Beven
Managers, and one Treasurer, of the above
company, will be held at John Michael’s Hotel,
Lancaster, on MONDAY the 4th of November next.
J.. 8, TSHUDY, Secretary.
38-Er ;
- Bounty Land.
THE Congress of the United States having at its
late session passed a law granting Bounty Land
to all “Officers, Ron-commissioned Officers,
musicians or privates,” t oho performed military
service in any of the Indian I cars since the year 1790 j
—in the war of 1812 with Great - Britain ; and
all Commissioned Officers who were engaged in
the late war with Mexico: according to the period
for which they served. The undersigned offers
his services in preparing the necessary papers to
procure from the government patents for the same,
at a fair and mqderate rate; and respectfully re
quests all persons interested to call upon him at his
office in North Queen Street, opposite Kaufman’s
Hotel, when and where further particulars may be
made known.
The first sectiou of the Act refered to grants
Bounty Lands to the following persons, and no
others , viz:
(t Eack of the surviving , or the widow or minor
children qf deceased commissioned and non-commis
sioned officers, musicians, or privates, whether of
regulars, volunteers, rangers, or militia, who per
formed military service in any regiment, company ,
or detachment in the service of the United States, in
any of the wars above mentioned.? 3
The necessary blanks will be kept by me that
they may be filled up, executed and forwarded to
the proper office in Washington, to secure prompt
and speedy action thereon, and arrangements have
been made at that city, to secure the same from uir
necessary delay in passing said office.
The first Section of the said law provides the fol
lowing amount Of lands according to the terms of
“Those who engaged to serve 12 months , or during
the war, and actually served nine months,'Shall re
ceive one hundred and sixty acres s and those who
engaged to serve six months, and actually served four
months, shall receive eighty acres; and those who
engaged to serve for any, or an indefinite period,
and actually served one month, shall receive forty
acres. Provided,
Patents will be is„ued to the claimants alone, and
in their name, and no transfer previous to the issue
of the same will be considered legal or valid.
All further inquiries will answered by calling
on me. GEO*. B.* HAMILTON
Lancaster, oct 15
Fire! Fire! Fire l
THE Directors of the Farmers Mutual Insurance
Company, forlhe purpose of compensating the
damage sustained by Philip Keener, of Mount Jov
township, in the burning of his dwelling house ; of
Henry B. Graybill, of Manor township, in the burn
ing of his Barn ; of Samuel Hershey, of Lancaster
township, in the burning of his Wash House ; and
of Henry Reitzel, of West Donegal township, in
the burning of part ol the gearing ol his Mill j have
levied a tax.of seventy-five-cents on each thousand
dollars valuation of the property insured. The
Members of said company are therefore requested
to pay their respective quotas within thirty days
from this date otherwise ten per cent, will be added,
to pay the expense of collection.
Duplicates will be lelt at Mr. Reuben S. Rohrer’s
Hardware store, East King street, Lancaster; at
the Hardware store of Samuel Dyer k Son, Mount
Joy ; and with John Rohrer, Treasurer of the said
Company, residing near Lampeter Square— at either
of which places the tax may be paid.
Bv order of the Board of Directors.
JOHN STROHM, Secretary.
Estate oj I) JIN lEL S. ROYER, an habitual
In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. ot Lan.
WHEREAS, John Royer and Martin Bollinger,
(rommittee of Daniel S. Royer, an habitual
drunkard, did on the seventh day of October, 1860,
tile in the office of the Prothonotary of the said
Court, their Account of the said Estate : «
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted the 3d Monday of November, 1850, for the con
firmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed
Attest, HENRY STORK, Proth’v.
Froth’s Office, Lan. Oct. 15, 1850. 38-4t*
Willow Street Turnpike.—notice.
AN Election for’Officers for the ensuing year
of the Willow Street Turnpike Road Company
will Ire held on MONDAY,the 4th of November next,
between the hours of 2 and 4 o’clock in the after
noon, at the public house of Frederick Cooper, in
the city of Lancaster.
W. CARPENTER, Secretary.
The Stockholders of the Willow Street Turnpike
Road Company are requested to meet at the public
house of Frederick Cooper, on Monday, tho 4th of
November next, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, to
take into consideration the propriety of making
said road or not. A general attendance is requested,
oct 15-38-td] MANY STOCKHOLDERS.
THE subscriber, thankful for the liberal encour
agement he has received already, respectlully
informs his friends and the public generally, that
he has just received from the city a very full sup
ply of the
which, together with those of his
gotten up expressly for this market, complete an
assortment which cannot be excelled, for beauty,
durability, and cheapness, by any other establish
ment in Lancaster.
HATS of all qualities and styles made to order
on the shortest notice—also Slouch Hats of differ
ent colors.
His assortment of CAPS is complete, equal to
any thing of the kind west of Philadelphia.
HATSLought at my establishment always ironed
and brushed free of charge.
{CT Mind the place—North West Corner of Cen
tre Square, two doors west of Baumgardner’s store,
and adjoining Langley’s Shoe Store.
oct S-tf-37] JAMES GEIDNER.
Mew London Academy,
THE Winter Session of2l weeks will commence
on the first Monday , (the 4th) of November next.
Boarding, &c., with Tuition in all the branches
of a thorough English and Classical education, with
German, French and Spanish, $65. Twenty dol
lars required in advance. No extras.
For Catalogues and particulars apply to
WM. F. WYERS, A. M.,
oct F-st-37] Principal,
Estate of John Gibble.
LETTERS of Administration on the estate of
John Gibble, late of Elizabeth township, dec’d,
having been issued to the subscriber residing in said
township : All persons indebted to said estate, are
requested to make payment immediately, and those
having claims will present them without delay prop
erly authenticated for settkiment.
oct 8-*7t-37J Administrator.
Mow is the time lor Bargains!
EM. HAMBRIGHT respectfully informs the
• public, that he has just returned from Phila
delphia, with the best‘selected stock of
ever offered in Lancaster. This stock having been
selected by a competent judge of FASHIONABLE
GOODS, as well as a first-rate judge of their quali
ty, he flatters himself able to meet the wants of his
customers in the most satisfactory manner, and as
sures all who may fltvor him with a call, that no
efforts will be spared to promote their interest.
He is still to be found at his old Stand in West
King street, in the room formerly occupied by G.
Meeser, as a Looking Glass Store, and one dour
east of C. Hager and Son’s Dry Goods Store..
oct S ’5O » tf-37
Blair Hall.
THE Winter Session ol this School will com
mence on the first Monday of November next.
Whole expense for Tuition, Boarding, Stc., $65
per session. Apply, post paid, to Principal, Coch
rauville, Chester county, Pa.
Refer to J W. Cottrill, Columbia ; Maj. J. Sterr •
ett, Mount Joy ; John F. Steinman and Georjje S
Bryan, Lancaster. 6
oct 8 3t _ S7
POWDER AND FOES.—2OO Kona assorted Rock
Powder. Also, patent safely Fues for sale at
the cheap Hardwnrd Store, East King street,
july 23-26 j REUBEN R. ROHRER.
Genuine White Cod Liver Oil.
THIS oil is extracted from the fresh Livers of the
Cod Fish.
Is is highly recommended by the faculty, in
Rheumatism, Affections of the Lungs, in Scrofulous
and Neuralgic diseases, &e. Just received and for
Drug Store, East King street.
Aug. 13 29-lm
For the Sick.
HECKER’S FARINA, Bermuda*" Arrow Root,
Tahivea, Sago, Bethlehem Oat Meal, Gelatine,
Spices, &c. For sale at
Drug and Chemical Store, East King st.
aug 27 31
Philadelphia Dry Goods.
ceived their supply of Autumn and Winter
Goods, to which they invite attention.
Alpacas, Persians, Bombazines and Lustres f
Silk and Crape Shawls; plain colored and
Worsted Damasks, Moreens, Rattinets and Baizes;
English Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, Sackings,-Linen
Damasks, Sheetings, Diapersand Napkins j Hosiery,
Gloves, Cravats and Handkerchiefs* Best makes
of Irish Linen Sheetings; English and French
Cloths, Caßsimeres and Vestings; Domestic Cotton
and Woolen Goods in variety; Shoemakers Goods
in Listings, Galloons, &c. • .
32 S. Second St.., Philadelphia.
oct * 5 ' 38-3 m ’
FONDERSMITH & HERR, successors to Hos
tetler & Beates, have just received another
supply of New and Beautiful
We feel confident in offering our stock of Goods to
our customers and the public that a better or more
complete assortment-of goods cannot be found in
the city of Lancaster, the entire 6tock having been
purchased within the last year, and the large ad
ditions which have latelybeen made to itof new-and
fashionable dresa goods enables us to offer great in
ducements to purchasers.
OUR STOCK of New Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati
nets and Vestings embrace all colors and qualities,
at exceedingly low prices. Gentlemen’s new style
This department of odr establishment is complete
and we defy competition in DRESS SILKS. From
the fact that we have no old styles unsaleable silks
on hand to eat up the profits on the new, but on
the contrary, our entire stock of Dress'Goods and
particularly our silks have all been purchased with
in the last four weeks, consequently we have the
latest and most fashionable styles, that the Eastern
Markets afford and at prices that will give entire
Our assortment of French Merinos, Thibet
Cloths and Lustres embraces a beautiful range of
colors, viz :—Fine Black, Magasine Blue Mode,
Blossom Pink, Cherry Scarlet, Green, Olive Brown,
and Blue at very low prices.
Also, Lupins super Black Bombazines, Black Silk
and Mohair Lustres, Mourning Lustres at prices
from 18$ cts. to $1,25 per yard.
A splendid assortment of plain and figured Cash
meres and De Lains. A magnificent lot of high
colors, all wool, Mous de Lains for ladies and chil
dren’s Dresses. . Blso, the cheapest high colored
De Lains at 12i cents in the city. -
New styles Silk Ch&melion, Silk and Worsted
Poplinos for. Ladies Dresses, as rich as silk—very
Opera Flannels for Ladies Sacks.
These celebrated and justly acknowledged supe
rior goods in the latest colorings and most improved
styles, together with a large lot of entire new style
French Long Shawls with beautiful centres and
maginficent borders. Also, Broche Long Shawls
at reduced prices.
A lull supply all colors at prices from 16 to 75
cents per yard. ‘ Warranted all wool.
Consisting in part of Conestoga Steam Mills Mus
lins—very good 4-4 bleached and unbleached Mus
lins at 6± eents, worth 10 cents. 5,6, and 10f
Sheetings, Tickings, Checks, Ginghams, Chambreys,
Cotton Flannels, Lindsays and Table Diapers,—
Also a splendid assortment of Calicoes from 4 to
12fr cents per yard.
We invite particular attention to our CARPET
ROOM to which we have added some beautiful
new style patterns, the first in the city. Also, a large
assortment of Cotton and Rag Carpeting, Floor a'nd
Oil Cloth, Rugs, &c., wliicd will be sold at a very
small advance.
Our Queensware Room. —With this branch of
our business the public are well acquainted, and
we need only add, that it fully sustains its former
reputation. A full supply on hand.
2000 Pounds, Prime Live Geese Feathers of a
very superior quality. Just received 2000 Pounds
Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain of all colors.
Prime Rio and Java Coffee, superior InVfjeriel
Young Hyson and Black Teas—Spices of all kinds.
Lovering’s Syrup Molasses. Also, prime New Or
loans Molasses in barrels. Groceries supplied by
the quantity at city prices.
We most respectlully invite a libera] share of
the public patronage, feeling confident that we can
give entire satisfaction.
(Late of the'Bee Hive.)
Lancaster, Oct. 1, 1850. 46-tf
THADDEUS HENRY, Fashionable Hairdresser,
invites the attention of the public to bis new
and splendid shaving saloon, to which he has re
moved, on the corner of North Queen and Centre
Square, over Hubley’a Grocery Store, where his
friends and customers will be attended to in the
best style of the art Tonsorial.
He feels thankful for past patronage, and hopes
by faithful attention to businoss to merit a contin
uance of public favor. [oct 1-36
Flection notice.
A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Man
heim, Petersburg and Lancaster Plank Road
Company, will be held at the public house of D. B.
HoBtetter, in the borough of Manheim, on Monday,
the 4th day of November next, between the hours
of 1 and 6, P; M., to elect a President, Treasurer
and five Managers for said serve for
the ensuing year. HIRAM B. SWARR,
oct 15-38-4t]. Secretary.
Election Notice.
Lancaster Bank,)
October 14, 1850.)
AN Election for thirteen Directors to serve the
ensuing year will be held at the Banking House
on Monday, the 18th day of November next, be
tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.
Oct. Is*st
NOTICE is hereby given to Ann Kinzie, a
daughter of Daniel Kinzie, late of the town
ship of Radnor, in the county of Delaware and
State of Pennsylvania, deceased, or to her legal
representatives and to all other persons interested
in the estate of said deceased, that the undersigned,
appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Delaware co.,
Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of Edward Sifer and Jesse Gerger, two of
the executors of said Daniel Kinzie, deceased, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at the house
of Isaac West, in the borough of West Chester,
Chester county, Pa., on the fifteenth day of Novem
ber next, at 1 o’clock, P. M.
model Store.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform the ladies
of Lancaster city and county, that he has re
cently fitted up a store in Orange street, in the new
building lately erected by Mr. Kramph, where he
will at all times have on hand a large and fashion
able assortment of
made of the very best materials, and in the latest
styles, and under bis immediate superintendence,
by the most experienced workmen. Ilis stock em
gT~Si Ladies fine Kid and Morocco Slippers,
Itffflft] do. Leather and Morocco Walking Shoes,
I /c do. Bl'k and Colored Gaiters , variety of
f / patterns ,
1/ Misses and Children’s Gaiters , Shoes and
j Slippers , of every description.
Having an abundant supply of the finest and best
materials, selected with great care, he feels confi
dent that he will be able to give satisfaction to all
who favor him with their custom.
Orders punctually attended, and work made and
repaired at the shortest notice.
OCrA voung lady attends to the sales in the
store. # JAMES COREV.
aug C *5O ' ly-23
Lancaster Tobacco & Segar Store,
THE subscriber respectfully informs his Iriends
.and customers that he has just returned from
Philadelphia with the largest stock of Tobacco that
haß ever been offered in Lancaster, comprising the
different brandß fancy one pound lump, large and
small Congress, tine spun and large plug, Thomas’
Unique, Extra Eldorado, and superior Extra Oro
noko, which he is prepared to sell lower than any
other house in Lancaster. He invites country
storekeepers to his large and varied stock of Tobac
co, as well as to his splendid assortment of
of the choicest brands and of the finest flavor, he
also keeps constantly on hand the largest stock of
in Lancaster, which he will sell lower than any
other house in the city. The best segars in Lan
caster can be had here; he warrants them equal to
any manufactured in the state.
N. B. Also, imported Turkish Smoking Tobacco,
warranted genuine. JOHN KUIiNS.
sep 17 34-3 m
Town lot at Public Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court
of Lancaster county, the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale, at the public house of Frauds
FJury,m the Borough of Marietta, on SATURDAY,
October 26th, 1850, the following desirable Real
Estate of John Price, late of Marietta, deceased,
viz : All that certain LOT ORPIECE OF GROUND,
situate in that part of Marietta laid out by John
Pedan and others, and bounded by United States
street on the south, Decatur street on the west, a
14 feet alley on the north, and lot No. 260 on the
east, and numbered, in the plan of said town, num
ber two-hundred and fifty-nine.
Sale to commence at 3 o’clock in the afternoon
of said day, when attendance will be given and
terms of sale made known by
Administrator with the will annexed.
Xowe 3 s Honey Soap.
LOWERS Honey Soap, a superior article for the
Toilet and Bath. - For sale at
East King street.
eep 10-33]
iAxtvca&cr _ County , *9.
• The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
to the Sheriff of said County ,
Whebeas, Sarah Bauman, lately
in our Court of Common Pleas for
the county of Lancaster, in the term of August, in
the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and fifty, by the. judgment of the same Court, re*
covered against Samuel Zerfass, Executor of Mary
auman, deceased, late of Lancaster county, as
well as a certain debt of seven hundred and sixty
six dollars and ninety-four cents, lawlul money of
Pennsylvania, as seven dollars and fifty-three
cents, which :to the same Plaintiff in our same
Court were adjudged for her damages, which she
sustained by occasion of. the detention of that
debt, whereof the said defendant is convict as ap
pear to us on record; and now, on the behalf of
the said Sarah Bauman,'we have understood in
our same Court, that, although judgment thereof
is given, execution, nevertheless, for the debt and
damages aforesaid, still remains to be made to her
—wherefore, the said Sarah Bauman besought us
to grant her a proper remedy in this behalf; and
because we are willing that what is just should be
done, WE COMMAND YOU, that, by good and,
lawful men of your bailiwick/ you give notice to
the said Sam’l Zerfass, Executor of Mary Bauman,
dec’d, and P. Bauman, Dan’l Bauman, Sam*l Bau
man, Henry Bauman and Adam Bauman, heirs
and devisees of said Mary Bauman, deceased, that
they be and appear before our Judges at Lancas
ter, at our said Court of Common Pleas for the
county of J.ancaster, there to be held oh the third
Monday of November next: to show if any thing
for themselves they know or can say, why the said
judgment should not be revived against them, and
why the said devisees should not become part?
defendants ihereto, and why the said Plaintiff
ought not to have her execution against them for
the debt and damages aforesaid, according to the
force, form and effect of the recovery aforesaid, if
she shall think fit; and further to do and receive
what our said Court shall then and there consider
in this behalf. And have you then and there the
names of those by whom you shall so cause them
to have notice, and this writ.
Witness, the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Presi
dent of our said Court, at Lancaster, the 24th day
of September, in the year of our Lord, one thou
sand eight hundred and fifty.
J. BOWMAN, for Prothonotary.
Lancaster, Oct. 8, 1850. 4t-39
Lancaster County,
At an Orphans’ Court held at Lancas
ter, for the County of Lancaster, on
Site 7ih day of October, 1850.
PSc 0n the petition of Martin Bentz and
£C* George Bentz, sureties of Rudolph
Bentz, to which they were duly af
hrmed, setting forth, that on the 16th April, 1850,
they became bail of the said Rudolph Bentz, upon
obtaining Letters of Administration upon the estate
of Samuel Wentz, late of Elizabeth township, in
the county of Lancaster, and that in pursuance of
the authority vested in him, he proceeded to make
sale of the goods and chattels of the deceased
part of the proceeds whereof has been collected by
the said Rudolph Bentz, and part of the said pro
ceeds is still out-standing—that the said Rudolph
Bentz has since absconded and left the county, and
left no person known to your petitioners to take
charge of the estate of said dec’d—that in conse
quence of said absconding and abandoning the
estate of the dec’d, the property under his charge
may be wasted or materially injured, and petition
ers damnified, and therefore asking relief. Where
upon the Court award a Citation to the said Ru
dolph Bentz, to appear in the said Orphans’ Court,
on the 3d'?Monday in November next, at 10 o’clock
A. M., to shew cause, if any he has, why he should
not give other and further security, or give counter
security to the petitioners, or why the Letters of
Administration granted to him should not be vaca
ted, and such other relief granted to them as the
Court is authorized by the Commonwealth to grant.
The Court also appoint Peter Martin, Esq. Com
missioner, to take depositions of witnesses, at his
office, in Elizabeth twp., Lancaster county, on the
14/A day of November next , between the hours of 9
o’clock A. M. and 5 P. M. of said day—said depo
sitions to be read in evidence on the hearing of the
above stated Citation. By the Court.
Family medicines.
rpfJE subscribers have taken the Agency for the
X sale of the well known POPULAR MEDI
CINES, lately kept by J. Gish, directly opposite
the National House, and nearly opposite Spangler’s
Book Store, North Queen street, Lancaster, at whicli
place they will continue the business.
They will constantly receive and keep on hand
a fresh supply of all the popular Family Medicines
known to the public, and will be able to furnish
Druggists and Country Stores at the Manufacturers
They have just received and for sale, a fresh
supply of Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s celebrated
Sarsaparilla, Dr. Bull’s and Bristol’s do. The
Griefenberg Medicines, Bugle’s do., Louden & Co.
do., Dr. Uichnrdson’B Sherry Wine Bitters, Dr.
Hutchinson’s Bitters, Dr. Wm. Wright’s Vegetable
Pills, Brown’s Pure Ess. Jamaica Ginger, White’s
do., Dr. Trask’s Magnetic Ointment, Dr. Davis’s
Depurative, all of which they will warrant pure and
genuine. DR. JACOB LONG & CO.
Lancaster, Oct. 1,
City Hat and Cap Store.
THE subscriber thankful for past favors would
respectfully inform his numerous friends and
customers that he is now ready to offer the fall
r*style of Hats got up under his own
inspection, expressly for retail. He
himself that from long experience in the business
hts hats cannot be surpassed, both in style, beauty
of finish and color. * J
Hats-of all qualities and shapes always on hand
and made to order at the shortest notice.
Also, on extensive assortment of Slouch Hats of
all colors, as well as the most complete assortment
ol Caps ever offered to the public, of shapes and
qualities too numerous to mention. Please call and
see for yourselves. Hats bought at Amer’s store
always brushed and ironed free of charge
North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., the largest
Hat and Cap store in the city, opposite the Post
JOHN AMER, Proprietor.
'• 36*3 m
THE cheapest and most extensive assortment of
STOY ES yet offered to the public, can be found
at me Hardware store of the subscriber, and A
at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction
—being greatly reduced in price and as lowlQß
as any house in Philadelphia or elsewhere. His
assortment consists of all the best kinds of
for wood or coal, among which may be tound the
most celebrated patterns. Dealers and others are
invited to give him a call.
oct l-3b-4t] West King street.
rmPß S f „ ( J^ ath . an Ho “ r . <tec’d.
I of Administration on the Estate of
JLJ Jonathan Hoar, late of. Salisbury township
Lancaster county, disc’d, having been granted to
the undersigned: All persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having demands against the same will
present them properly authenticated for settlement
to the undersigned Administrators, without delay.
JAMES HOAR, residing in Salisbury twp.
JAMES BRISON, residing in Drumore twp.,
sept-1 <-*6t-34] Administrators.
Estate of Hugli Fitzpatrick, (Far
mer) deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate ol Hugh
Fitzpatrick, (Farmer,) late of the city of Lan
caster, dec’d, having been granted to Richard M»-
Grann, residing in Manheim township : All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same will present them, properly authenticated
tor settlement, to the undersigned.
Estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick.
\ LL persons having claims or demands against
the estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick, late of the
city ot Lancaster, innkeeper, dec’d, are requested
,to make known the same duly authenticated, with
out delay, and those indebted to make payment, on
or before the Ist day of November next, to
Residing in the city of Lancaster, Executrix of
Hugli Fitzpatrick. [sep 17-34-7 t
Plainfield Classical Academy.
THE Ninth Session will commence on Monday,
the 14tii or November. In consequence of
increasing patronage a large and commodious Brick
Building has been erected, rendering this one of
the most comfortable and convenient institutions
in the State. The healthfulness of the country and
the absence of vicious associates, will recommend
this as a desirable location for the moral, mental
and physical improvement of youth.
The course of instruction comprises all the
branches requisite for the Collegian, Merchant,&c.
Terms—(Per Session of Five Months,) $50,00.
For Catalogues containing full information ad
dress U. h. BURNS, Principal & Proprietor,
Plainfield P. 0., Cum. Co.-Sa.
mackerel, : 7_ ~~ :
Constantly on hand and
?mK mS ' V “Ry.
f J. PALMER & Co.,
HAMS AND SIDES,, I Market, Street Wharf,
LARD AND CHEESEJ£«ip 10,33.3 m
lor Clerk of Orphans’ Court.
*ew Dry Goods,
Just received and now opening, at the store of
A North Qraiar Strict,
of desirable goods for
will Kp seasons, and *s usual,
“"J wdl be sold cheap! cheap « ! cheap !I! Now
on hand, a superior lot of , “
Also, superfine Bey Stete, long and square Silk
Thibet and Woolen Shawls, at all dices’ Oor
stock of Fine Shawls is very complete; and will be
aold at small profits; new style figured and chan
geable Silks, Chameleon Tore Satins; super all
wool de Laines and Cashmeres, of all the desirable
colors. Lupin’s French Merinoqp! super Black
Blue, Green, Lead, Cherry,. Crimson and Pink
French Merinoes.
Rich Figured and Embossed Bonnet, and Neck
Ribbons, Beltings, &c.
12} ct. De Laines! good styles, the best goods
ever offered at that pnee; iich new style Figured
? e 41 18f, 25 and 37} eta.; also a case of
double width Alpacas, handsome colors, at 12} ctsi
n C & r ® aleBt bargains ever offered in Lancaster.
~G ob leached and unbleached Muslins at 6}, 8,
10 and 6-4 and 10-4 Sheetings, Tickings,
Fast colored Calicoes at 4,6, 8 and 10 cents—
a \l T y £‘3£ lnt aßsor tment.
,° 0 , L : N Y -^ r,s ! ! —Always on hand .V full
stock of all qualities of Woolen Yarn, from 621 to
1,00 per lb. *
Now is the time for a Hne choice and good bar
gams, at the cheap store of 6
National House Building,
North Queen street.
oct S-37J
Chasi JU. Erben & Brother,
HAVE just received a fine assortment of supe
rior FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of various widths,
which wiJi be sold very low j also a large lot of
Woolen Ingrain, Cotton Ingrain, Striped Venitian
and Stair Carpetings.
Fine Cloth Table Covers ! Just opened an
assortment of Cloth, Linen, Cotton and Baize
Table Covers.
Blankets ! Blankets! '—Super Heavy Blankets,
at reduced price's ; also, a fresh and complete as
sortment of Coach Trimmings, Shoemakers’ Trim
mings, &c.
We are daily receiving additions s*o our stock,
and arc always, ready to give .Bargains !
National House Building,
North Queen street.
oct 8-37]
For the Cure of
THE annals of medical science, affording as they
do ample proof of the power and value of me
dicinal agents, have furnished no examples to com
pare with the salutory effects produced by “Aver’s
Cherry Pectoral.”
' The remarkable cures ol diseases ol the lungs
which have been realized by its use, attested as
they are by many prominent professors and physi
cians in this and foreign lands, should encourage
the afflicted tffpersevere with the strong assurance
that the use of the Cherry Pectoral will relieve and
ultimately cure them.
We present to the public unsolicited testimonials
Irom some of the first men in our oountry, upon
whose judgment and experience implicit confidence
may be placed.
Dr. Perkins , President VermontJtfedical College
one of the most learned and intelligent physicians
in the country, considers it a ‘‘composition of rare
excellence for the-cure of that formidable disease,
, Norwich, April 2G, 1846.
j Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dear Sir:—Agreeable to the
request of youragent, we will cheerfully state what
we have known of the effects of your Cherry
Pectoral and they have been astonishing indeed.
Mrs. Betsey Streeter had been afflicted #ith a se
; vere and relentless cough, which reduced her very
j low » 60 low that little hope could be entertained of
I her recovery. Numerous remedies had been tried
I «>tbout effect, before the Cherry Pectoral. An<!
■ that last cured her. George Watkinson, Esq., had
to our knowledged been“afflicted with Asthma, for
eleven years and grown yearly mrse, until the Cher
ry Pectoral has now removed (he disease and he is
as free from any of its symptoms as we are. The
Rev. Mark Dane had been so severely attacked
with the Bronchitis, as to disable him from his
duties, and nothing had afforded him relief until I
(Mr. Thorning,) carried him a bottle of your Pec
toral which cured him at once, and he now officia
tes as usual in his place.
These are three of the cases in which we have
known it successful but never io fail. We have
great'pleasure in certifying to the facts ; and nre
respected sir, your humble servants,
Rev. David Thorning,
Hon. Jdsefh Battes.
Among the distinguished authorities who have
given their names to recommend Cherry Pectoral
as the best remedy that is known for the Affections
or the Lungs are * The London Lancet,’ '’Canadian
Journal of Medical Science,’ ‘ Boston Medical and
Surgical Journal,’ ‘Charleston (S. C.) Medical Re
view,’ < New Jersey Medical Reporter,’ Prof. Web
ster, Harvard College ; Prof. Bartlett, Transylvania
University of Medicine ; President Perkins, Ver
mont Medical College; Dr. Valentine Mott, New
York City; Parker Cldaveland, Bowdoin College-
Prof. Butterfield, Wi'loughby College, Ohio ; P?of!
Braithwaite, : Leeds (Eng.; Media* School; Sir
Richard Kane, Queen’s College, Ireland; Prof.
Rosenbaum, Leipsic.
The public have but to know the virtues and as
tonishing success of the ‘CHERRY PECTORAL,’
in curing diseases of the Lungs, when they will
feel secure from these dangers, whenever this rem
edy can be obtained.
Prepared by J. C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell,Mass
Sold b y JOHN F. LONG,
T , „ J- W. RAWLINS,
July 16-20-4ro] ______ Lancaster.
IB's - OKnaasffiiL&si heeififieei^
I DESIRE to call the attention of the public to
my extensive stock of STOVES, suited to the
wants of the people of this county. Having'made
valuable additions to my former large stock, I am
now prepared to offer a great variety of the very
best patterns and styles in the market, at the lowest
prices. Give me an early call.
iKTAH Castings made of the best Iron in the
country, and warrdntbd for one year.
My stock consists in part of the following-
New Improved Parlor Cooking Stoves,
New Air-tight for burning Coal, a
Celebrated Victory, Complete Cook
Hathaway’s Cook, Ten Plate do,
Buck’s do Benedict’s Coal Burner,
Paragon do Radiators.
Coal Stoves of various other patterns, together
assortment of Nine-plate WOOD
biOVRS, for sale, wholesale and retail, at the
° tore ° r C. ICIEFFER,
East King ttreet, Lancaster.
36-6 m
Eanc’r C«r. Bank Election Notice.
AFT election for Fourteen Directors of this Insti
tution will be held at the public house of David
Espenshade, in East King st., in the city of Lancas
ter, on Saturday , the 2d day of November next , be
tween the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3 P. M.
oct 8-td-37J ROB’T D. CARSON, Cashier.
JUST RECEIVED —1000 lbs. best quality RED
SOLE LEATHER and for sale at the lowest*
prices, at the Leather, Morocco and Shoe Finding
Store, sign of the “Last,” 2nd door West of
Steinman’s Hardware store, by
augl3 29-tf
do. Camphor.
Husband’s Magnesia
Bley’s do.
Bull’s Sarsaparilla
Townsend’s do,
Just received and for sale at
Drug Store, East King street.
sep 10-33]
• Has just received
100 Sides Slaughter Sole Leather.
100 “ Shoe Skirting.
200 “ Finished Upper.
30 i( Calf Skins.
100 Slaughter Kips, to which the attention of
shoe makers is invited, at his old stand, sign of the
Last, West King st., Lancaster* [sep 17-34
Adam’s Curved Horse Hair Flesh Brushes.
For sale at A. HEINITSH’S
sep 10-33] Prog Store, East King street.
To Paper manufacturers.
Benjamin miles, manayunk, pa.
Manufactures to order all kinds’of
Paper Ml Plates and Barn,
at the shortest notice, and warranted. All orders
by mail orotherwise will be punctually attended to.
Manayunk, Pa., Sept. 17. 1860. 34-1 m
To ShoemaKer*.
JUST received 100 beat Jersey daughter KIPS,
for sale low at'the sign of the Last, West
King street. , ' * M. H. LOCHER. -
augl3 . 29-tf !-
Valuable Real Estate at Public
TV'S? * Deed of Trust from George
Di,r ‘ ci y subscriber, will be offered at
Public Sale, upon the premises, on SATURDAY
the 9Mi da, of November next, the Real Estamtf
P».«£!dT L . UIy ’ "‘“‘•''hug o( a Plantation of
Patented Land, situate in Oxford township, Adams
county, containing r
adjoining lands of Samnel Lilly, Joseph J. Smith
Henry Eiehelberger, and others, and bounded also
by Little Conowago creek. The improvements are
a large Two-story double Brick DWELLING***
HOUSE, with a large two-story Back-Building
f ARNS > one's Bank Barn, stone
fonndauon and frame above, with threshing floor, a
a Doub)f 0 v Bhed £ nd corn cr ‘h attached—the other,
intended I™!°° Barn > wilh a threshing floor, and
a wen of wate," Tely grain: Stone Smoke-house;
J wTrk ear tl ! e door ’ *l3° a Stone Spring-
THRIVING o“cHdRD n Th P e r re g '' . arid a y °U-VG
. „ log; ° n " 3t ° ry
with a Stable attached The nlT™- j
h-eide .1,„ r xoe place la well watered
~„ ‘ de d ’° Ll ‘ Ue Conowago passing along it,
ithere is a run of water passing through it g and
water in nearly every field. There is abo’ut fiO
Acres of excellent timber, and a sufficiency of good
Meadow. The road from Oxford to LitUesforo
passes the buildings. The property is situate with
in } of a mile from the mill of the subscriber.
At the same time and place, will he offered a
variety of PERSONAL PROPERTY, such as, one
large Threshing Machine (four horse power,) one
English Cutting Box, Sleigh and Harness, Eight dav
Brass Clock, &c„ &c. -
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock in-the aflernoon
of said day. Attendance given and terms made
known by JOSEPH LILLY, Assignee,
act S 37-5 t
Orphans’ Court Sale.
IN pursurtice of an order of the-Orphans’ Court
ol Dauphin county, will be exposed to public
sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 2 6th of
October, 1850, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the following
esc-ibed real estate, situate in Conawago twp.,
anpfiin county, late the property of George Red
seeker, Jr., deceased, viz : •
A plantation or tract of land containing
adjoining lands of Joseph Hoffer, John Brill, Ab’m
and George Redsecker and others—about 90 ncres
of which is c eared, under good fence, and well
cultivated, and the residue is covered with excel
lent .timber. The improvements are a
a Bank Barn, (lower part stone,) a IH«lW»
small Orchard, and a well with a «9s3SSHi
pump in it near the door. There ia also running
water in nearly every field. b
The property is a desirable one in many respects,
the title is good, and a deed will be executed and
possession given on the Ist of April next.
Due attendance will be given, and terms made
known on the day o( aale by
Executors of Geo. Redsecker, Jr. dec’d.
Elisabethtown, Oct. 8. 3t-37
THE subscribers about to decline Farming, offer
for sale upon very moderate terms their adjoin
ing Farms, on which they reside, situated in New
London township, Chester county, Pa., about ono
mile west of Kimbleville, three miles and a half
from New London Cross Roads, and seven miles
from Newark, Delaware,.containing about
of highly improved Limestone land, divided into
convenient fieJda under gnod fencing, and with
running water in all but one of them / Also an
ample proportion of wood and good substantial
buildings, conveniently and handsomely situated
and surrounded by a variety of Fruit and Ornamen
tal Trees and Shrubbery. There is a dailv mail
and communication by Stage and Railroad, via’.
Newark, Del. with Wilmington, Philadelphia, Bal
timore, Washington, &c. The neighborhood poss
esses all the advantages of remarkable healthful
ncss, excellent society, good schools, stores, mills
and places of Woiship, of various denominations.
For particulars apply on the premises at Paxson’s
Store, at Kimbleville, or to F. Paxson, at No. 92
Market street, Philadelphia
oct 8-4t-37]
Valuable Real Estate, at Public
ON WEDNESDAY, the 23d of October, ISOO,
will be sold, on the premises, in Upper Lea
cock towuship, Lancaster county, about one mile
north of "Enterprise and Penn’a Railroad, half a
mile from Stouffer’s mill,
containing 85 Acres and 140 Perches, of first-rute
Limestone Land, (formerly belonging to Abraham
Gibbons,) adjoining lands of Abraham Gibbons, Jr.,
David Landis, Jacob Resh, Jonas Buckwalter, and
others. This property is in a high state of cultiva
tion,; under good fence, well watered by Mill creek
passing through the premises, and has been heavily
limed within the last four years. The im- « a
provements consist of a large two-story
Frame Barn, with Wagon House and Corn (..rib at
tached, Carriage House, Smoke House, and other
necessary out-buildings. About Ten Acres is
thickly covered with Thriving Timber. There is
on the farm a Young Orchard of well selected Fruit
Trees ; and a Lime Kiln with a Quarry of excellent
Limestone close by. There is also a Tenant Mouse,
with Stable, &c., belonging to this property.
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., on said
day, when attendance will be given and terms of
sale made known. JOB WINDLE
°ct 15 3S _ 2l *
Public Sale.
ON Saturday, the 23d day of November , ISSO,
will be sold by public vendue, on the premises,
the following described Real. Estate of David Jen
kins, dec’d, to wit:
A certain Plantation called “Pinegrove,” situate
on the Downingtown & Harrisburg Turnpike road,
one mile west of Waynesburg, neiir Wells’ tavern,
in Honeybrook twp., Chester county, containing
139 Acres and 98 Perches,
adjoining lands of Jacob Edwards, Peter Suplee
James McCamant arid others. The imprpve-ra®
ments thereon are a new two story STONE HillS
DWELLING HOUSE, new Bank Barn, wag- '
on shed and other buildings, a well of excellen
water, with a pump therein, and an Orchard. '
This property is handsomely situated in d rich
and pleasant neighborhood ; is under good fences
with Chesnut rails; has recently been heavily
limed ; a stream of water flows through the middle
of the.premises, and is well adapted for trrazinc
purposes. '
Also, at the same time will T>e sold a tract of
10 Acres and 135 Perches of first-rate Chesnut
Sprout Land, situate on the South side of the
Welsh mountain, in said township, about halt a
mile from the above, adjoining lands of Pete.r Em
ery, James McCamant and others.
Possession and a good title given on the Ist day
of April next.
Persons wishing to view the premises will please
call on James McCamant, residing near the Bamc,
or on the undersigned, residing in Churchtown.
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock.
Terms made known by
Attorney in fact for the heirs of said dec’d
oct 15 __ ts-38
Tavern Stand For Sale.
ON Monday the 28 th day of October, Inst., will
mat S ° P ubhc vendue > on premises,
Well Known and Established Tavern,
situate “in North Qneen st., in the city of Lancaster,
halt aaquare from the Court House, (sign of the
Black Horse.)
The property consists of a Half lot of Gboi/nd,
with a three story STONE HOUSE, a larges-®
two story brick back building, Ice House, ex-jinE
tensive Stabling; and all necessary building#
thereon, and every convenience for a public house,
all in good repair.
This property is situated in tho best and most
business part ol the city, is one of the Oldest Tav
ern Stands, and has at present as good a run of
custom as any public house in the city.-
Mrs. Catharine Kauffman being desirous to retire
from public business, is the reason of its being of
fered for sale.
Persons wishing to keep a public house in tho
city of Lancaster, should not miss the opportunity
of getting one of the Best Stands, j
Any information respecting the premises, desired
before the day of sale, will be given by Mrs. Kauff
man, residing thereon. » v
s3Tlf desired, a greater part of the purchase
money may remain in the premises for several
Sale will begin at C o’clock in the evening of
said day, when terms will be. made known,
oct 8-3t-37] • HENRY ERB.
Stoves I Stoves! Stoves!
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he has already supplied himself with a
large and varied assortment of Stoves, of every
variety and adapted to all the different uses, to
which he is constantly making new additions.
He has just added to his assortment, the new
Vernon, 4 Holed, Flat Top, Celebrated Cook Stoves.
This Stove stands at the top of the list, and we defy
& better Stove to be produced. This Strive possesses
a larger oven than any other Stove, is capable of
baking from 4 to 6 loaves of bread atonce, for
which I have the exclusive agency in this county.
Also, the celebrated Ben Franklin Air Tight
Parlor Coal Stove—a beautiful article.
The public may rest assured that no effort 'shall
be saved to make his Stove depot the great resort
during the comiDg Stove season. •’ - .
Don’t forget the place, just between the National
House and Mrs. Kauffman’s Black Horse Hotel,
North Queen st. GEO. D. SPRECHER,
. sep 10-83«tf) . Hardware Dealer.