Piano-Forte Ware-Rooms, OSCAR C. B. CARTER, From PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Lancaster and vicinity, that he has opened for sale at No. 5, Kramph’s Arcade Buildings, East Orange Street, a large and superior assortment of Six, Six ancT one fourth, Six and three fourths and Seven OCTATE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, selected from his large and various Stock at his Store, 171 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, and made by some of the most distinguished manufacturers in. Boston, New York and Philadelphia, of the very best.material, of EXQTJISITK TONE fy FINISH, and warranted equal to any in this country or Eu rope. They will be sold at the manufacturers’ lowest Cash Prices and warranted. ALSO, an assortment of Seraphines, Melodeons, Parlor Organs, &c., from the most celebrated man ufactories. Being the Agent for more than twenty factories in the United States, he is able to furnish Instruments on better temrs than any one else in the country. i • Carter has the satisfaction to announce that he has engaged the services of the distinguished Italian. Manufacturer and Tuner, Mr. La Grassa and any instruments that may require repairing and tuning, will be executed by him n the most superior manner. r arerooin w iH continue open until the Ist of November. Ladies and Gentlemen are most respectfully invited to call and examine the above. Lancaster, Oct. 15, 1850. 3S-3t Valuable Real Estate at Public * Sale. ON WEDNESDAY, the ? 23d of October, 1850, will be Bold, on the in Upper Lea cock township, Lancaster county, about one mile north of Enterprise and Pcnn’a Railroad, half a mile from StoufFer’s mill, A VALUABLE FARM containing 8# Acres anfd 140 Perches, of first-rate Limestone Land, (formerly belonging to Abraham Gibbons,) adjoining lands of Abraham Gibbons, Jr., David Landis, Jucob Kesh, Jonas Puckwnlter, and cithern. Tlii« property is in 11 high state o/'cultiva lion, umler good Icnco, well wiitered by Vi ill creek nassing through tho premises, and lias been hoavily limed within the last tour years. Tho im- » i provements consist ol' a large two-story fSSI STONE DWELLING HOUSE, L.rne lii'llil Frame iinrn, with Wagon House and Corn Crib at tached, Carriage House, Smoko House, and other necessary out-buildings. About Ten Acres is thickly covered with Thriving Timber. There is , “ n 1,10 to™ a Young.Orchhrd of well selected Fruit I rees ; and a Lime Kiln with a Quarry of excellent ■ Limestone close by. There is also a Tenant House, with Stable, ktc., belonging to this property’. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance'will be given and terms of sale made known. JOB WIND'LE. • - oct 15 ■ 38-2 t» Lancaster County Mutual Insur ance Company. rpHE Members of the Lancaster County Mutual 'il Insurance Company are hereby notified that, in compliance with the 10th Section of the Act of Incorporation of said Company, the Board of Direc tors have this day declared that one and a half per cent, be paid on each and every note, deposited with the Company for Policies issued prior to the 22nd day of May last passed, on or before the 1-th day of November next ensuing, to meet the loss sustained .by Benjamin Graff, in the burning of a dwelling, in Enterprise, insured by him at $ 111)0,00 and also to meet the payment of $150,00 borrowed’ to remunerat'M’or losses sustained prior to said date. The Members of the Company are furthernotified that the authorized Agents of the Con»panv,to wit: Joseph Koniginacher, Ephrata; Jacob S.' YVitmer, Manneim ; Robert D. Carson, Cashier of Lancaster County Bank, Lancastor; John Stauffer, Petersburg- James Buyers, Lampeter; F. A. Zitzman, Litiz : Dr. Esaias Kinzer, Leacock; Joseph McClure, Bart; W. D. Slay-maker, Mt. Joy; together with the Members of the Board, are authorized to re ceive and receipt for said assessment; said receipt may be in the following words endorsed on the Policy of Insurance held by said Member. Oct. 1850—Assessment No. 4 paid. II j Agent, which will be a sufficient acquittance for the same In no case will the Agent be authorized to receive the aforesaid assessment without the Policy being exhibited and endorsed as aforesaid, and in the event of a Policy being lost or mislaid, the Insured can obtain, uptfn applicafon to the Secretary, the number of the Policy and amount of the deposit note. r The following extract from the Bye-Laws of the Company, it is hoped, will induce a prompt com pliance with the foregoing notice : That Members of this Company neglecting or omiting to pay their assessments within thirty davs after the publication of notice of the same will incur the expense of not exceeding 10 cents per mile circular from the office of the Company paya ble to a Collector duly authorized to collect the same.’ 3 HENRY F. SLAYMAKER, . _ v ' Secretary and Treasurer. Office Lan. Co Mu. Insurance) Company, October 8, 1860. J oct 10-38-3 t Public Sale. OK Saturday, the 23d day of November , ISSO, will be sold by public vendue, on the premises, trie following described Real Estate of David Jen kins, dec’d, to wit: A certain Plantation called “Pinegrove,” situate on the Downingtown & Harrisburg Turnpike road, one mile west of Waynesburg, near Wells’ tavern, m Honeybrook twp., Chester county, containing 139 Acres and 9S Perches, adjoining lands of Jacob Edwards, Peter Suplee James .VJcCamant and others. The improve ments thereon are a new two storv STONeHIIm DWELLING HOUSE, new Bank Barn, wag- 1 ”™ 1 on shed and other buildings, a well of excellent water r -with a pump therein, and an Orchard. This property' is handsomely situated in a rich and-pleasant neighborhood} is under good fences with Chesnut rails; has recently been heavily hrned ; a stream of water flows through the middle ot the premises, and is well adapted for grazing purposes. b Also, at the same time wiU be sold a tract of 10 Acres and 135 Perches of first-rate Chesnut bprout Land, Bituate on the South side of the Welsh mountain, in said township, about hall a mile from the übove, adjoining lands of Pete.* Em- \ ery, James McCarnant and others, I Possession end a good title given on the Ist day of April next. ' 1 Persons wishing to view the promises will please caU on James McCarnant, residing near the same, or on the undersigned, residing in Churchtown. bale to commence at 1 o’clock. Terms made known by ... . „ JAMES McCAA, Attorney m fact lor the heirs of said dec’d, oct 15 ts-38. . Plilladelphla Dry Goods. Townsend sharpless & sons have re ceived their supply of Autumn end Winter lioods, to which they invite attention. Alpacas, Persians, Bombazines and Lustres; Woolen, Silk and Crape Shawls; plain colored and RICH FANCY jAND J3LACK SILKS ; Worsted Damasks, Moreens, Rattinets and Baizes; English Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, Sackings, Linen Damasks, Sheetings, Diapers and Napkins ; Hosiery, Gloves, Cravats and Handkerchiefs. Best makes rLin r Llnen Sheetln g s ; English and French C ? S3l “ ere f and Vestings; Domestic Cotton and Woolen Goods m variety; Shoemakers Goods in Lastnigs, Galloons, &c. 32 S. Second St., Philadelphia. 3S-3ra Notice. A n election for thirteen Directors of the Farm ers> Bank of Lancaster will be held at the oanaing house, on MONDAY, the ISth of Novem her next, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P M G. CLARKSON, Cashier." ' 3S-3t Utlz Turnpike Election. tpHEinnml election for one President, seven J Managers i„d one Treasurer, of the above company, "ill be held at John Michael’s Hotel, Lancaster, on MONDAY the 4th of November neat! J- B. TSHUDY, Secretary. 38-tt First and True Gove, A true Love Story, by George Sand , author of “In diana,” “ Consuelo “TAe Coiinfess 0 / .Ru colstadte/c., e*c. TB. PETERSON, No. 98 Chesnut street, Phil • adelphi, publishes this day the above work. It is one ot the most charming and interesting works ever published. It is embellished with eleven fine large engravings, illustrative of.difFerent scenes in the work, as well as a large portrait of the two Heroines of the work, and a beautifully illustrated cover. It has met with an immense sale in Paris,' Having already passed through several editions in , space oi three months. It will have a very Dom'tp'n e - t nd i* is 1 work no one "’>ll be disap ft to bt *!i h V V Issald critics who have perused comullte J 01 theda - v - 11 is Published complete.in one large octavo volume of 228 Danes CENTS a'COM*' fi “ eBt Wh ‘ te paper - Price PIFXY ’ on!Tn Si r« e ei C Dt Pi „ e r 8 ° f the work wi “ be any *• ‘be „„ T - B - PETERSON, To whom all Ds”Editors of Newspaper^g?vi„rthe,PK°Stpald or more insertions, (including this notice ) an°d sencT mg a copy ot their paper marked, to the p u bli s her' c Committee of Daniel S. Royer, an habitual drunkard, did on the seventh day of October,,! 850, file in the office of the Prothonotary of thd said Court, their Account of the said Estate : ' Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin ted the 3d Monday of November, 1850, for the con firmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’y. *. Proth’s Office, Lan. Oct. 15, 1850. 3S-4t Willow Street Turnpike.—Notice. AN Election for Officers for the ensuing year of the Willow Street Turnpike Road Company wjII be held on MONDAY,the 4th of November next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o’Clock in the after noon, at the public house of Frederick Cooper, in the city of Lancaster. W. CARPENTER, Secretary. The Stockholders ot the Willow Street Turnpike Road Company are requested to meet at the public house of Frederick Cooper, on Monday, the 4th of November next, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, to take into consideration the propriety of making said road or not. A general attendance is requested oct 15-38-td] MANY STOCKHOLDERS. CENTRE &.QOARE.HAT STORE. THE subscriber, thankful for the liberal encour agement he has received al’eady, respectlully informa his friends and the public generally, that he has just received irom the city a very full sun ply of the r m FALL FASHIONS OF /-j, HATS AND CAPS,- *1 which, together with those of his own manufacture, gotten up expressly for this market, complete an assortment which cannot be excelled, for beauty, durability, and cheapness, by any other establish ment in Lancaster. hats of ail qualities and styles made to order on the shortest notice—also Slouch Hats of differ ent colors. His assortment of CAPS is complete, equal to any thing of the kind west of Philadelphia. HATS bought at my establishment always ironed and brushed free of charge. Mind the place—North West Corner of Cen tre Square, two doors west of Baumgardner’s store, and adjoining Langley’s Shoe Store, oct 8-tf-37j JAMES GEIDNER. New London Academy, NEW LONDON, CHESTER CO., PENNA. T HE .i Vi fi te » r „ S r oir quali ty, he flatters himself able to meet the wants of his customers in the most satisfactory manner and as sures all who may favor him with a call,’that no efforts will be spared to promote their interest. He is still to be found at his old stand in West King street, in the room formerly occupied bv G “r> r Js“„ a Lookin ff Glass Store > *nd one door east ot C. Hager and Son’s Dry Goods Store oct 8 ’5O Blair Hall ririi* et riGET. THE Winter Session of this School will com menc on e first Monday of %November next. wnole expense for Tuition, Boarding, &c, 5 65 per session. Apply, post paid, to Princinal Coch ranville, Chester county, p a . pal ’ Coch . ALFRED HAMILTON, Princinal Refer to J. W. CottrilJ, Columbia; M, “t ett, Mount Joy ; John F. Steinman and George S Bryan, Lancaster. ® oct 8 POWDER AND FUES.-200 Kege assorted Rock Powder. Also, patent safety Fues for sale at tne cheap Hardward Store, East Kina street. July 23-26] REUBEN. R. ROHRER. The Ctolden Eagle Store, Corner of Centre Square and East King Street, OFFERS every attraction to persons in want of CHOICiE AND HANDSOYIE FALL GOODS. I heir Shawl Department will folly repay an exami nation. The Bay State Lone and Square Shawls. Brocha do do Soper Cashmere and Thibet Mode Black and Fancy Colors—Silk and Wool Fringe, are included m full variety. , Their Silk Department has become the depot for Ladies in search of a handsome and cheap Silk Dress—for here is offered BROCHA, „ CHAMELEON, RICH GLOSSY, sc. y Id great variety. ALSO— Rich, Glossy Wide, Black Silks for Dresses and Mantillas. Lupin’s Celebrated French Merinoes. • f BLUE, £ PINK, . © J SCARLET, o maroon, © L GARNET, &c., Is an additional attraction. Lupin’s Mous tfe Laine, all wool, mode Black and beautiful style, fancy colors. GLOVES! GLOVES !—Gents and Ladies Kid Gloves, a full assortment. BLANKETS BLANKETS ! —A full assortment —all sizes and prices. oct l-tf-36] THOS. J. WENTZ & CO. Home Education for a Select Number of Young .. Ladies. Aston Ridge Seminary, near Plill’a Rev. B. S. Huntington, A. M.', Principal and Chaplain. ***“ Besides faithfully literary and religious in struction from well qualified preceptors, the pupils will enjoy the inestimable advantages of a retired, refined, and affectionate home in one of the most beautiful positions in the State. The subscriber is gratified to learn that the number of admissions is to be restricted, that the school will partak e essen tially of the character of a private family.” —Bishop Potter. *** “ I am strongly impressed with a conviction that tljcre is perhaps not a single institution of the kind in America, where sound evangelical instruc tions, and a healthful religious influence are brought to bear more directly upon the forming character of the pupils.— Rev. 0. W. Rldgely, General Agent of the American Tract Society. For Circular* address the Principal. Aston (Villatro Green P. 0 ,) Del. Co., Pa e sop 10 Judd & Murray AHU now receiving large accessions of new and valuablo Books. Colton’* Now Book—three year* in California. Grimes’ Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence. Annual of Scientific Discovery—a Year Book of Facts in Science nnd Art, for 1850. The Pillars of Hercules—or Travels in Spain & Morocco, in two vols., by David Urquhart, Esq. Echoes of the Universe, from the World of Mat ter and the World oHSpirit,by Rev. H. Christmas. Unity of the Human Races, by Dr. Smyth. Railroad Economy in Europe and America. The History of the Confessional, by Bishop Hop kins. r Irving’s Conquest of Granada, new edition. Dana’s System of Mineralogy, complete. MoreJl’s History of Modern Philosophy. Morfitt’s Chemistry applied io Soap & Candles. Sprague’s History of the Florida War. The Mercy Seat, by Dr. Spring. LAW BOOKS. ■ Some of the most valuable standard authors just received ; which will be sold low for Cash. SCHOOL BOOKS. A very extensive supply of all kinds, very cheap. °ct 8 ' 2t-37 model Store. LADIES’ FASHIONABLE SHOE AND GAITER MANUFA CTO RY. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the ladies of Lancaster city and county, that he has re cently fitted up a store in Orange street, in the new building lately erected by Mr. Kramph, where he will at all times have on hand a large and fashion able assortment of LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN’S SHOES, made of the very best materials, and in the latest styles, and under Mb immediate superintendence, by :he most experienced workmen. His stock em braces H —gf Ladies fine Kid and Morocco Slippers, do. Leather and Morocco Walking Shoes, I /fl do. Bl'k and Colored Gaiters, variety of f / patterns, L/ Misses and Children's Gaiters, Shoes and W Slippers, of every description. Having an abundant supply of ihe finest and best materials, selected with great care, he feels confi dent that he will be able to give satisfaction to all who favor him with their custom. Orders punctually attended, and work made and repaired at the shortest notice. KT A young lady attends to the sales in the ? store - JAMES COREY, aug 6 ’5O ly-28 Lancaster Tobacco & Segar Store, NORTH QUEEN ST., ADJOINING SPANG LER’S BOOK STORE, AND THREE DOORS SOUTH OF ORANGE ST. THE subscriber respectfully informs his Iriends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest stock of Tobacco that has ever been offered in Lancaster, comprising the different brands fancy one pound lump, large and small Congress, fine spun and large plug, Thomas’ Unique, Extra Eldorado, and superior Extra Oro noko, which he is prepared to sell lower than any other house in Lancaster. He invites country storekeepers to his large and varied stock of Tobac co, as well as to his splendid assortment of SUPERIOR HAVANA & PRINCIPE SEGARS, of the choicest brands and of the finest flavor, he also keeps constantly on hand the largest stock of DOMESTIC SEGARS in Lancaster, which he will sell lower than any other house in the city. The best segars in Lan caster can be had here ; he warrants them equal to any manufactured in the state. N. a. Also, imported Turkish Smoking Tobacco, warranted genuine. JOHN KUHNS. Be P 17 34-3 m Town Lot at Public Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will ex pose to public sale, at the public house of Francis Flury.in the Borough of Marietta, on SATURDAY, October 26th, 1850, the following desirable Real Estate of John Price, late of Marietta, deceased, viz : All that certain LOT ORPIECE OF GROUND, situate in that part of Marietta laid out by John Pedan and others, and bounded by United States street on the south, Decatur street on the west, a 14 feet alley on the north, and lot No. 260 on the oast, and numbered, in the plan of said town, num ber two-hundred and fifty-nine. Sale to commence at 3 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, when attendance will bo given and terms of sale made known by JOHN M. WALLER, Administrator with the will annexed, 36-4t* Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership between Dr. Burrowes and Dr. Keneagy on the Bth day of April, 1850, has, by mutual consent, been dissolved on the 9th dav of September, 1850. All persons indebted to the firm will please make payment to Dr. Keneagy, and all those having claims against the firm, within that period, will present the same to him for settlement. FRANCIS BURROWES, SAMUEL KENEAGY. oct l-3t-36] New Books! New Books •' JUDD & MURRAY are now receiving from the Trade Sales much the largest, most varied and valuable assortment ever brought to this market. Their spacious rooms twice as capacious as form erly are filled to overflowing. We are able to furnish School Teachers, Commit tees and others at very low prices. Call and see. .Particulars here obtained oct 1 Genuine White Cod Liver oil. THIS oil is extracted from the fresh Livers of the Cod Fish. Is is highly recommended by the faculty, in Rheumatism, Affections of the Lungs, in Scrofulous and Neuralgic diseases, &c. Just received and for Bale a t CHAS. A. HEINITSH’S Drug Store, East King street. 29-lm lowe’s Honey Soap. LOWE’S Honey Soap, a superior article for the Toilet and Bath. For sale at CHARLES A. HEINITSH’S, East King street. sep 10-33] For tbe Sick. HECKER’S FARINA, Bermuda. Arrow Root, Tahivea,Sago, Bethlehem Oat Meal, Gelatine, Spices, &c. For sale at CHARLES A. HEINITSH’S Drug and Chemical Store, East King st. aug 27 3i Gold Pens! Gold Pens! A LARGE and well assorted lot of Spencer’s, Kendall’s and Dixson’s celebrated Gold Pens. Also a full supply of the renowned Bagiev Pen. just received. The above Pens are all warranted, (or no sale,) and can be had wholesale and retail at SPANGLER’S Book Store, (late Gish’s.) Eanc’r Co. Bank election Notice. AN election for Fourteen Directors of this Insti tution will beheld at the public bouse of David Espenshade, in East King st., in the city of Lancas ter, on Saturday, the 2d day of November next , be tween the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3PM • oct B*l4-37] ROB’T D. CARSON, Cashier. WE STUDY TO PLEASE AT THE FARMERS’ FAVORITE STORF EAST KING STREET. FONDERSMITH & HERR, successors to Hos tetter & Beates, have just received another supply of New and Beautiful DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. We feel confident in offering our stock of Goods to our customers and the public that a better or more complete assortment of goods cannot be found in the city of Lancaster, the entire stock having been purchased within the last year, and the large ad, ditions which have lately been made to it of new and fashionable dress goods enables us to offer great in ducernents to purchasers. OUR STOCK ot New Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati nets and Vestings embrace all colors and qualities, at exceedingly low prices. Gentlemen’s new style cravats. J LADIES DRESS GOODS. This department of our establishment is complete and we defy competition in DRESS SILKS. From the fact that we have no old styles unsaleable silks on hand to eat up the profits on the new, but on the contrary, our entire stock of Dress Goods and particularly our silks have all been purchased with in the last four weeks, consequently we have the an “ 2? 08 . 1 fashionable styles, that the Eastern Markets afford and at prices that will give entire satisfaction. Our assortment of French Merinos, Thibet LJotns and Lustres embraces a beautiful range of colors, viz : —Fine Black, Magasine Rlue Mode, Blossom Pink, Cherry Scarlet, Green, Olive Brown, and Blue at very low prices. Also, Lupins super Black Bombazines, Black Silk and Mohair Lustres, Mourning Lustres at prices from 18} cts. to $1,25 per yard. A splendid assortment of plain and figured Cash meres and De Lains. A magnificent Jot of high colors, all wool, Mous de Lains for ladies and chil dren’s Dresses. Blso, the cheapest high colored De Lains at 12} cents in the city. New styles Silk Chamelion, Silk and Worsted Poplinos for Ladies Dresses, as rich as silk—very cheap. J Opera Flannels for Ladies Sacks. , SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS I BAY STATE SHAWLS! These celebrated and justly acknowledged supe. nor goods in the latest colorings and most improved styles, together with a large lot of entire now style French Long Shawls with beautiful centres and magnificent borders. Also, Brocho Long Shawls at reduced prices. FLANNELS! FLANNELS! A lull supply of all colors at pricoi from 10 to 76 corns per yard. Warranted all wool. DOMESTIC GOODS! Consisting in part of Conostoga Stiam Mills Mus jns —vory good 4-4 blenched and unbleached Mus lins at Of cents, worth 10 corns. 6,0, and 10’ Sheetings, Tickings,Chocks, Ginghams, Chnmbrov., Cotton llannols, Lindsays and Table Diapers,—- Also a splendid assortment of Calicoes from 4 to 121 cents per yard. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. We invite particular attention to our CARPET ROOM to we have added some beautiful new style patterns, the first in the city. Also, a large assortment of Cotton and Rag Carpeting, Floor and Oil Cloth, Rugs, &c., whied will be sold at a verv small advance. 1 Our Quee.vsware Room.— With this branch of our business the public are well acquainted, and we need only add, that it fully sustains its former reputanon. A full supply on hand. 2000 Pounds, Prime Live Geese Feathers of a very superior quality. Just received 2000 Pounds Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain of all colors GROCERIES Prime Rio and Java Coffee, superior Imperiel Young Hyson and Black Teas—Spices of all kinds. Lovering’s Syrup Molasses. Also, prime New Or ioans Molasses in barrels. Groceries supplied bv the quantity at city prices. 1 We most respectfully invito a liberal share of the public patronage, feeling confident that we can give entire satisfaction. H. C. FONDERSMITH, (Late of the Bee Hive.) JOHN HERR. Lancaster, Oct. 1, ISSO. 46-tf valuable T quarry Property For Sale. HE subscribers, Assignees of Thomas Johnson and wife, will seli on WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of October next, at the public house ofFrancis Groff, in Drumoro township, Lancaster county, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the one undivided half part of Three Acres and one hundred and forty-eight per ches of first-rate Limestone Land, in Martic Town ship, on which is a Lime Quarry and three Lime Kilns, all in excellent order, adjoining lands of David Keeports, Daniel Good and others. Also a two story frame * DWELLING HOUSE AND BARN. Around the premises there is a superior post and rail tence, with other improvements. Any person wishing to view the property will call upon Mr. Hess, adjoining the Quarry property. Terms of sale made known and attendance given on day of sale by P. W. HOUSEKEEPER, JOHN McSPARREN, Assignees. ALSO, at the same time and place will be sold the remaining undivided half part of the above tract of land containing three Acres and 148 per ches of land as above described. Terms made known on day of sale by JOHN McSPARREN oct 1 36-ts E. Boston, TonsoriaJ Professor and Knight of the RAZOR and SCISSORS, HAS removed his establishment to the basement under W. J. Steele’s Hotel, in Ea&: King st., where he will at all times be found ready and wil ling to make smooth the visage and dress the hair in a style to please the most fastidious. His old Customers and the public generally are respectfully invited to give him a call. Lancaster, Oct. 1. t f_36 REMO V AE. HAIR DRESSING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOON- ING SALOON. THADDEUS HENRY, Fashionable Hairdresser, invites the attention of the public to his new and splendid shaving saloon, to which he has re moved, on the corner of North -Queen and Centre Square,.over Hubley’s Grocery Store, where his friends and customers will be attended to in the best style of the art TonsoriaJ. He feels thankful for past patronage, and hopes by faithful attention to business to merit a contin uance of public favor. [oct 1-3 G MACKEREL/ ■> SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand and HERRINCS, I for sale by l J. PALMER & Co., HAMS AND SIDES, | Market Street Wharf, SHOULDERS, PHILADELPHIA. LARD AND CHEESE,J [sep 10-33 3m Estate of Jonathan Hoar, dec’d. | ETTERS of Administration on tho Estate of -LJ Jonathan Hoar, late of Salisbury township, Lancaster county, dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned: All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against the Bame will present them properly authenticated for settlement to undersigned Administrators, without delay. JAMES HOAR, residing in Salisbury twp., JAMES BRISON, residing in Drumore twp., sept 17-*6t-34] Administrators. Estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick, (Far t mer) deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick, (Farmer,) late of the city of Lan caster, dec’d, having been granted to Richard M’- Grann, residing in Manheim township : All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement,-to the undersigned. RICHARD M’GRANN. 6t-35 Estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick. ALL persons having claims or demands against the estate of Hugh Fitzpatrick, late of the city of Lancaster, innkeeper, dec’d, are requested to make known the same duly authenticated, with out delay, and those indebted to make payment, on or before the Ist day of November next, to MARGARET FITZPATRICK, Residing in the city of Lancaster, Executrix of Hugh Fitzpatrick. [ B ep 17-34-7 t Plainfield Classical Academy. (FOUR MILES WEST OF CARLISLE.) THE Ninth Session will commence on Monday, the 14th of November. In consequence of increasing; patronage a large and commodious Brick Building has been erected,’ rendering this one of the most comfortable and convenient institutions in the State. The healthfulness of the country and the absence of vicious associates, will recommend this as a desirable location for the moral, mental and physical improvement of youth. The course of instruction comprises all the branches requisite for the Collegian, Merchant,&c. Terms—(Per Session of Five Months,) $50,00. For Catalogues containing full information ad dress R. K. BURNS, Principal & Proprietor, Plainfield P. 0., Cum. Co. Pa. j 36-tf | The Largest, Cheapest, and Best ASSORTMENT of Books and Stationery, ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, will be found at SPANGLER’S, [late Gish’s.] THIS WAY FOR BLANK BOOKS. We would inform those who desire BLANK POORS, that we have just received from one of the most extensive manufacturers in New York City, a full and complete assortment of Blank Books, com posing in part DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DOCK eta, Memorandum Books, Receipt Books, Quarto Accounts, Pass Books oi every variety, all of which will be sold at Jower prices than at any other house in the city. Call and examine. SPANGLER & BRO., (late Gish’s. »ept 24-35] Lancaster County 9 ss, • The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of said County, Wheheas, Sarah Bauman, lately in our Court of Common Pleas for Lancaster, tn the term of August, in our one thousand eight hundred an fifty, by the judgment of the same Court, re covered against Samuel Zerfass, Executor cf Mary auman, deceased, late .of Lancaster county, as - e , iia!l certain debt of seven hundred and sixty six dollars and ninety-four cents, lawful money of Pennsylvama as seven dollars and fifty-three Cn, ’ ” hlch the same Plaintifif in our same „!l h J geJ f ° r her d ‘> ma g‘*- wl »ich she sustained by occasion of the detemion of that debt, whereof the said defendant is convict as an pear to us on record; and now, on the behalf of the said Sarah Bauman, we have understood in our same although judgment thereof is given, execution, nevertheless, for the debt and damages aforesaid, still remains to be made to her —wherefore, the said Sarah Bauman besought us to grant her a proper remedy in this behalf; and because we are willing that what is just should be done, WE COMMAND YOU, that, by .good and lawful men of your bailiwick, you give notice to the said Sam’l Zerfass, Executor of Mary Bauman, dec d, and P. Bauman, D&n’l Bauman, Sam 1 ! Bau man, Henry Bauman and Adam Bauman, heirs and devUees of said Mary Bauman, deceased, that they be and appear before our Judges at Lancas ter, at our said Court of Common Pleas for the county of Lancaster, there to be held on the third Monday of November next .• to show if any thing for themselves they know or can say, why the said judgment should not be revived against them, and why the said devisees should not become party defendants thereto, and why the said Plaintiff ought not to have her execution against them for the debt and damages aforesaid, according to the force, form and effect of the recovery aforesaid, if she shall think fit; and further to do and tt receive what our said Court shall then and there consider in this behalf. And have you then and there the names of those by whom you shall so cause them to have notice, and this writ. Witness, the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Presi dent of our said Court, at Lancaster, the 24th day of September, in the year of our Lord, ono thou* sand eight hundred and fifty. J. BOWMAN, for Prothonolary. Oct. S, 1850. 4t-H9 THE GREAT SECRET DISCOVERED" TIIE BLESSING- OF THE AGE. THE undorgignod, Botanic Physiciup, tukes the liberty to speak a few words to the afflicted, and particularly to those who are laboring under Chronic Disoases, such as Cancers, Polypus, Scrof ula or Kings Evil, White Swelling, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tumors and Lumps, Wens Running Sores, Sore Legs of every description! Mercurial Diseases, Piles, Fistula, Rickets, Womb Diseases of every description, and that dreadful disease Syphilis. These diseases, and those of a like nature, have been cured, and are still daily cured, to the great surprise of others,'simply wi’h HERB MEDICINES, collected from the garden of Nature. He invites all, who have not yet called oh him and experi enced his great skill, on liberal terms, to come, as he will be able to give general satisfaction. He will enter into a positive agreement with patients, (which is his general rule,) that if he does not per form a cure, no charge will be made. But, remem ber, his terms and agreements will be strictly ad hered to. His wonderful success i 9 too well known to the public for the last three years, to need any puffing; all he asks is, to give it a fair trial, therefore he only gives the annexed, hoping that it will satisfy all those persons who have not made a trial of his treatment. The great secret of his success is, that he uses nothing that will injure the weakest constitu tion, for instead of Forcing Nature, he will give such Medicines as will assist her in throwing off disease. Those who ar.e unable to call personally, will be visited, if required, at any distance. All letters postpaid, and directed to the undersigned, Wrights ville Post-Office, York Co., Pa., will be answered by retuen of mail. CHARLES L. KELLING, M. D. 3mo-36 Family Medicines. TIYHE subscribers have taken the Agency for the JL t sale of the weR known POPULAR MEDI CINES, lately kept by J. Gish, 'directly opposite the National House, and nearly opposite Spangler’s Book Store, North Queen street, Lancaster, at which place they will continue the business. They will constantly receive and keep on hand a fresh supply of alf the popular Family Medicines known to the public, and will be able to furnish Druggists and Country Stores at the Manufacturers prices. They have just received and for sale, a fresh supply of Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s celebrated Sarsaparilla, Dr. Bull’s and Bristol’s do. The GraTenberg Medicines, Baglc’s do., Louden & Co. do., Dr. Richardson’s Sherry Wine Bitters, Dr. Hutchinson’s Bitters, Dr. Wni. W right’s Vegetable Pills, Brown’s Pure Ess. Jamaica Ginger, White’s do., Dr. Trask’s Magnetic Ointment, Dr. Davis’s Depurative, all of which they will warrant pure and genuine. DR. JACOB LONG & CO. Lancaster, Oct. 1. 36-4 t City Hat and Cap Store. JOHN AMER, PROPRIETOR. THE' subscriber thanktul for past favors would respectfully inform his numerous friends and. customers that he is now ready to offer the fall I~SI style of Hats got up under his own in-£nfe expressly for retail. He himself that from long experience in the business his hats cannot be surpassed, both in style, beauty of finish and color. J Hats of all qualities and shapes always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice. Also, an extensive assortment of Slouch Hats of all colors, as well as the most complete assortment of Caps ever offered to the public, of shapes and qualities too numerous to mention. Please call and sec for yourselves. Hats bought at Amer’s store always brushed and ironed free of charge. North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. , the largest Hat and Cap store in the city, opposite the Post office ' JOHN AMER, Proprietor. ° Ctl * _ .. 36-3 m Estate oj .1 F. BEECHER and ELIZABETH, his wife, of West Donegal Ttcp. In the Court of Common Please for the co, qf Lan*r. WHEREAS, Jacob RedHeckor, Assignee of Jacob b'. Beecher and wife, did on the 18th day of September, 1850, lilo in the Oflice nf.Pro thonotary of the said Court, his account of the said estate. Notice is hereby given. to all persons interested in the said Estato, that the said Court have appoint ed the 18th day of November, 1850, for the confir mation thereof, unless exceptions be filed Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth’y. _ Prothonotary’s Office, Lan. Oct. 1. 36-4 t STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! THE cheapest and most extensive assortment of STOVES yet offered to the public, can be found at the Hardware store of the subscriber, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction —being greatly reduced in price and as low4jfl as any house in Philadelphia or elsewhere. His assortment consists of all the best kinds of COOKING * PARLOR NINE PLATE STOVES for wood or coal, among which may be found the most celebrated patterns. Dealers and others are invited to give him a call. GEORGE M. STETNMAN, West Kin; oct 1-36-41] CONESTOGA STOVE STORE ®'2’ QEn&ll&ffiL&jKr fflnSlFinSElj, EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. IDESIRK to call the attention of the public to my extensive stock of STOVES, suited to the wants of the people of this county. Having made valuable additions to my former large sto-k I am now prepared to offer a great variety of the very best patterns and styles in the market, at the lowest prices. Give me an early call. Castings made of the best Iron in the country, and warranted for one year. OLD METAL TAKEN JN EXCHANGE. My stock consists in part of the following:— New Improved Parlor Cooking Stoves, New Air-tight for burning Coal, Celebrated Victory, Complete Cook, Hathaway’s Cook, Ten Plate do, Buck’s do Benedict’s Coal Burner, Paragon do Radiators. Coal Stoves of various other patterns, together with a general assortment of Nine-plate WOOD STOVES, for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Store of , C. KIEFFER, East King ttreet, Lancaster. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has already supplied himself with a large apd varied assortment of Stoves, of every variety an d adapted to all the different uses, to W m u e constan tly making new additions. ‘^p d t 0 his assortment, the new Vernon, 4 Holed, Flat Top, Celebrated Cook Stores, i his Move stands at the top of the list, and we defy a better Move to be produced. This Stove possesses a larger oven than any other Stove, is capable of baking from 4 to 6 loaves of bread at once, for which I have the exclusive agency in this county. Also, the celebrated Ben Franklin Air Tight Parlor Coal Stove—.a beautiful article. The public may rest assured that no effort shall be saved to make his Stove depot the great resort during the coming Stove season. Don’t forget the place, just between the National House and Mrs, Kanffman’s Black Horse Hotel, North Queen st. GEO. D. SPEECH ER, aep 10-83-tf] Hardware Dealer, „ w ’f avern Stand For Safe (/be °f Oetobir , inst., will that ’ publrc vendue, on the premises, Well Known and Established Tavern, situate m North Queen at ; n 9 half a square from the Coirt H C,ty ° f Lancaster, Black Borsc.) L t House > (sign of the The property consists ofa Haev.r with a three story STONE HOUSE ° . Ghops P» two story brick back building, Ice House*2l*Pi' tens,re Stabling, and all necessary building™ C ° nVeni “ Ce f ° r “ P°»>ic S ho„se, This property is situated in the best and most business part of the city, is one of the Oldest Tav ern Stands, and has at present as good a run of custom as any public house In the city. Mrs. Catharine Kauffman being desirous to retire from public business, is the reason of its being of fered for sale. * .t^ er ?°? S wishin e t 0 kee P a public house in the cuy oi Lancaster, should not miss the opDortunitv °F getting one of the Best Stands. h( jf” y mformation respectingthe premises, desired mao WA day 61le > will fie given by Mrs. Kauff man, residing thereon. mo^Tv If m. e „ Sired ’ a E . reater P a rt of the purchase ' remain in the premises for several aa haLT™ 8 ° f oct 8-31-37] HENRY ERB. New Dry Goods, dust received and s™opening, at the store of CHARLES M. ERBEN & BRO , „ , North Qoee.v Street, ’ A,h r g n nt a T,°fe ent of desirable goods for .-P- all ?, nd Winter seasons, and .s usuaT they will be sold cheap I cheap ! J cheap , ' i Now on hand, a superior lot of BROCHA LONG SHAWLS ThT., SUP n rr, ,".r *? ay Stale > lon S “d Silk Thibet and Woolen Shawls, at all prices. Our soW k n of Fl n° Shawls iB ver y complete^ and will be .ell- cTj P r „°. fits : , new »'yle figured and chan geable Silks, Chameleon Turc Satins; super all wool do Lames and Cashmeres, of all the desirable colors. Lupin’s Fronch Merinoes! super Black, SihSo.,!"' ’ Cl,crry ’ Crimson and Pink NEW STYLE RIBBONS 11 Rifibon F , , , B BoUi„ a g"? S£ f mbo>, J o>mthan La PP ; Henry Others’ E q ; l Wldo ' v Ki "g, Henry Denlinger and oootaining 140 Acres and 84 Perches. The P 'sTONp'nwe? 6 s " bstllltW two story E® STONE DWELLING HOUSE, if new°°a 3" »“ m p gT K i\v:ro^i s r r t "’ad7l-° b -M-= the house; and an orchard of bearing appkiVces 1 also a number of other fruit trees, .Lh mPeach; Pear, &c., on the premises. Also, a Frame Tenant House, Stable and well of water with a pump there in near the tenant house, on the western part of the farm. The land is of the best quality of limestone soil, in a good state of cultivation and under tol erably good fences. This property will be sold together as a whole, or in two or more parts, as follows: r All tie buildings except the Tenant House and Stable thereto belonging, and 76 Acres and 49 Perches of Land, lying north of the centre of said Railroad. This tract is all cleared land. The Tenant House, Stable, &c., and 1 Acre and 8 Perches of land. This lot will be suld separately or together with the said tract of .76 Acres and 49 Parches of Land; both together contain 77 acres perches. ~iah ati p “ r J t ol the said farm ty‘ n S snath of the said railroad} containing 63 Acres and 27 Perches. Ih "„“ lh ,°' e arG no buildings—a small portion thereof being Woodland-. ■ J,”;, A TRACT of WOODLAND, on tho “ h Mountains,,,, Earl township, in said county, m ," ,nUc * « uuth Oen' Kurtz’S Dur Oooroo 1? ’ Ml "; luutl "f John °?7, 8 ll ?°P “ ,ul others, containing 10 acres and 14 porches. It is pretty well timbered, rael C w“l { C ' l '° l "!' Ut ’ 1,1 l " cut for mils. J’llis NoT A ‘‘ wl, r, lc lw<> equal flirts. towns'll!,,'*'! 1 i” Woo ‘ lll V ,ll >"'hu'le in Sndshury Hw ““I- ‘° U "7’ “, l,oul "ijie souili of Irwin s Mill, adjoining lands of Henry'iluchwalter and others, containing ahoat S arms. This lot is also protty well timbered witli Chiisnut, Rock Oak. «c., Homo ol tho Choamit lit to cut for rails * Persons wishing to view tho premises, previous to tho sale, will please call on Hiram Lcfovro, re. siding with deceased's widow on No. I, who will show it | on Reuben FelJenbaum, residing near No. 2, who will show it ; and on Win. Nolt, resid ing near Irwin’s Mill, who will show No. 3 Possession and good titles will be given’on tho first day of April, 1851. Drafts of the aforesaid tracts and divisions of Land will be exhibited at the sale. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P/M., on said day, when attendance will he given and term's of sale made known by oct 8-2t-37] OF REAL ESTATE. ON Saturday, the 2 d of November next, 1850, will be offered at public vendue, at the public house ol Henry Kennngy, in the borouglrof Stras burg, in the Co. of Lancaster, a tract of lirst-rato LIMESTONE LAND, 1 mile east ol the borough of Strasburg, on the road leading from Strasburg to West Chester, and nine miles 1 east of the city of Lancaster, adjoining lands ol John Eshlcman, Henry Mussleman and others containing FIFTY-FIVE ACRES. The improvements are a good two and a half story Frame Weather Boarded DWELLINGTIQUSE, MiM a large Swisser Barn, Wood u _ l»«l«Ba Spring House, Carriage House, Corn Cribs, Hon Stable, and other out-buildings. A well of good water with a pump therein near the door.. Also, a spring of excellent water near the house. The wa ter (rom said springs runs through the ham yard, and along the ends ol several of the fields, afford ing an opportunity lor 'cattle to get water without any trouble. Also, a good bearing ORCHARD of choice fruit. iRAL. The land is all cleared, divided into convenient helds, in a high state of cultivation and under good fence, a greater part having bean limed within the last two years. There is no waste land on this property except half an acre where tile West Ches ter road passes through. This property is situated in a good and thickly settled section of the county, convenient to Mills, Stores, Mechanics’ Shops, Schools and Churches. Possession and a good title will be given on the first day of April, 1 851. Persons wishing to view the premises previous to sale,, will please call on the subscriber residing thereon. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock P. M. ol said day when attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by FRANKLIN CLARK, net 8 4t-37 Valuable Real Estate at Public Sale. P ursuanco. of a Deed of Trust from George" W. Lilly to the subscriber, will be offered at Public Sale, upon the premises, on SATURDAY the 9th day of November next, the Real Estate of said George W. Lilly, consisting of a Plantation of Patented Land, situate in Oxford township, Adams county, containing 183 ACRES, MORE OR LESS adjoining lands' of Samuel Lilly, Joseph J. Smith Henry Eichelberger, and others, and bounded also by Little Conowago'creek. The improvements are a large Two-story double Brick DWELLING HOUSE , with alarge two-story Back-Building JjS TWO LARGE BARpfS, one n Bank Barn, stone * tonndatfon and frame above, with threshing floor a new wagon shed and corn crib attached—the other a Double Frame Barn, with a threshing floor, and’ intended exclusively forgrnin ; Stone Smoke-house: a well of water near the door, also a Stone Spring house, with an excellent Rpring: and a YOI7 vY; THRIVING ORCHARD. TherH is also a one-story I.OG THIVAIVT 1101/812, ’ with a Stable attached. Tho place is well watered boKidn the Little Conowngo passing along it, there is a run of water passing through it, and water m nearly every field. There is about CO Acres of excellent timber, and n sufficiency of good Meadow. The road from Oxford to Litllcstown passes the buildings. The property is situate with in i of a mile from tho mil! of the subscriber. —ALSO,— At the same lime and place, will be ofFored, a variety of PERSONAL PROPERTY , such as, one large Threshing Machine (four horso power,) ono English Cutting-Box, Sleigh and Harness, Eight day Brass Clock, &c., &c. 3 Sale to commence at 1 o’clock in the afternoon of Baid day. Attendance given and terms made known by JOSEPH LILLY, Assignee. oct H 27-ot IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court ofDauphin county, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, otp Saturday ,. the 26/A of October, 1800, at I o’clock, P. M., the following desc-ibed real estate, situate in Conawago twp., auphin county, late the property of George Red seeker, Jr., deceased, viz: A plantation or tract of land containing X 33 ACRES AND 150 PERCHES, adjoining lands of Joseph Hoffer, John Brill, Ab’m and George Redsecker and others—about 90 acres of which is cleared, under good fence, and well cultivated, and the-residue is covered with excel lent timber. The improvements are a WEATHER BOARDED JLuwl DWELLING HOUSE a Bank Barn, (lower part stone,) a small Orchard, and a well with a pump in it near the-door. There is also running water in nearly every field. • The property is a desirable one'in many respects the title is good, and a deed will be executed and’ possession given on,the Ist of April next. Due attendance will be given, and terms made known on the day of sale by ISAAC REDSECKER, SAMUEL REDSECKER, E* ecutors of Geo. Redsecker, Jr. dee’d. Elisabethtown, Oct. 8. 3t-37 M. H. LOCHER. 29-tf AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers about to decline Farming, offer for sale upon very moderate terms their adjoin ing Farms, on which they reside, situated in New London township, Chester county, Pa., about one mile west of Kimbleville, three miles and a half from New London Cross Roads, and seven miles from Newark, Delaware, containing about 122 ACRES EACH, ' of highly improved Limestone land, divided into convenient fields under good fencing, and with running water in all but one of them.' Also an ample proportion ot wood and good substantial buildings, conveniently and handsomely situated and surrounded by a variety of Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees and Shrubbery. There is a dailv mail, and communication by Stage and Railroad, via. Newark, Del. with Wilmington, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, &c. The neighborhood poss esses all the advantages of remarkable healthful ness, excellent society,'good schools, stores, mills and places/of Woiship, of various denominations. | For particulars apply on the premises at Parson’s Store, at Kimbleville, or to F. Paxson, at No. 92 Market street, Philadelphia. oct S-4t-37J ADAM TC. WITMER, a ~ Administrator of said dec’d, PUBLIC SALE Orphans’ Court Sale. VALUABLE FARMS CHAS. PAXSON, LEWIS PAXSON.