•;Ofid FePows' DePot. AND • G EN TLEMIS.N.?6. FURNISHING STORE, Odd Fellows' Hall, Noith Skth Street, belind Race, I=2! LODGES and Encampments'furnished with Re galia, Books, Jewels, .Emblems, &c., on the most 'reasonable terms, and 'at short notice.. A general assortment of Shirts, Drawers; Stocks, Handkerchiefs; Gloves, Collars, &c., constantly on hand, tor sale cheap, Wholesale and Retail. Wm. CURTIS. ly-3 February 13, >49 Valuable Historical Works Published by Harper & Brothers, New York, and for sale by JUDD & MURRAY, opposite the Post Office, North Queen Street, Lancaster, at much below the regular prices. MACAULEY'S History of England, from the time of James 11. Bvo. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico; portraits, maps, &c., 3 vols. Bvo., muslin, very cheap $5 50. Prescott's Conquest Of Peru, portraits, maps, &c: 2 vole.,muslin, .$3 50: P P i ctorial History of England, being a history of the People as well as the kingdom down to the Reign of George 111. Profusely illustrated by many hundred engravings, 4 vols. Svo., sheep extra, only $l3 50. Gibbons' History of Rome, new edition, with notes, by Rev. H. H. Milan and M. Guizot, maps and engravings, 4 vols, 8Vo.; sheep extra, $4 50. -Hallam's Constitutional History of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George H. Bvo., Muslin, $200; Sheep extra, $225. Thirlwall's History of Greece, 2 vols., Bvo., sheep extra. Abbott's History, of. Mary, Queen of Scots, with an illuminated title page and numerous engravings, l2mo. Muslin, 60 cts. Abbott's History of Charles I. of England, with an illuminated title page and numerous engravings, l2mo. Muslin 60 cts. Abbott's History 'or Alexander the Great, with an illuminated title page and numerous engravings, 12mo. Muslin 60 cts. Taylor's Detector for February, just received February 6 Commissioners' & Treasurer's ACCOUNT, Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Lancaster Count y,. from the Rd day of January, 1848 to the Ist day of January, 1849. JOHN P. SHRODER, Esq., Treasurer of Lan caster County, in account with said County • RECEIPTS: The said John- F. Shroder, Treasurer of Lancas ter County, agreeably to the Auditors' Report, .dated the 17th day of January, A. D. 1848, receiv ed of Joseph Howett, late Treasurer of said coun• ty, the full balance appearing in said Report, then remaining in the hands of said late Treasurer, amounting for county purposes to $10,058 10 For school purposes, 957 '45 To cash received by him as follows : Of Jacob' Weaver, Clerk of Mayor's • Court, in case of :Com. vs. G. W. Smith, $9 00 Do. Com. vs. R. Einstein, 9 00 Do. Conrad &tuber, 18 00 Of David Hartman, sheriff, fine aid jury funds, Philip Brubacher, excess of tax receiv ed, since settlement f0r4846, Carpenter M'Cleery, clerk 'ees, William Weily, on bridge at Shank's, mill, 108 50 Chrn. Good, supervisor of twp., on same bridge, IUS 50 Lan'r Co Bank, a loan, nett, 2953 00 Ditto do 2668 00 Sundry persons in Chester county for bridge at Stederille King & Alexander, for bridge across Odorant. creek John Myers, Esq., of Salisbury twp., for stray sheep sold, "John F. Hummer, Esq., of Penn twp. for cow and calf sold Carpenter M'Cleery, clerk, for money refunded to him, of Lydi Hinsen, which, by mistake, had. been twice paid Ald. John Snader, for protium swear ing• 0 211 Ald. Jos. S. Boyd, • do 1 34 John Landis, for fines Richard Waters, for an old stove Proceeds of the sale of John Baird's laid, taxes for the year '4l, '42, '46, '47 and '4B Per tentage on account of State taxes, advanced on the State tax out of the county fund, July 24,1848. Ain't of taxes settled 75,780 47 Of this was actually corted 55,899 12 The State Treasurer abated in the whole Of this was abated to col'rs 2,941 98 The County Treasury is entitled to the balance of the abatement [NoTE.—On the above *75,789 47 were only paid $72,000, the bal ance was .abated.] Excess of taxes received for 1847. Of East Cocalico township 5..; G 45 East Donegal 6 15 Ephrata 2 02 Earl 26 78 Elizabeth 7 41 Fulton 2 40 Lancaster r Leacock tipper Leacock Little Britain Penn Rapho Sadsbury Warwick Excess of taxes in 1848. Of Brecknock township 2 02 Caernarvon 13 19 East Cocalico 6 42 West Cocalico 9 50 Colerain 5 92 East Donegal 14 56 East Lampeter 10 40 West Lampeter 10 00 Amount of outstanding Taxes per last year's Auditor's Report, For 1844 19 86 1845 96' 88 1846 1006 69 1847 10,528 35 Taxes levied for 1848 45,219 64 Court bills and certificates which have not been drawn per statement of last year's auditors lTnpaid .to January, 1844 101 74 1845 15 25 1846 15 99 1847 14 36 1848 23 33 1849 37 99 Commissioners' orders unpaid for 7847 No. 44 and 129 do. for 1848, No. 20 204 EXPENDITURES Assessor's Pay. Geo. I. Biughman $37 00 Anthony Good Wm. Witman Brecknock Cearnarvon Cocalico East Samuel Stoek Cocalico West Samuel Eberly Colerain Wm. Galbraith Columbia Bor. Wm. Brown Conestoga Abraham Charles Conoy , Hiram H. Brown Donegal East Henry Grabill Donegal West Henry C. Ober Drumore J. A. McPherson Ephrata David 'Kemper Earl Isaac Brubaker Earl West John Sheatrer 30 00 Elizabeth John Bomberger 30 00 Fulton • Jeremiah Kirk 34 00 Hempfield East Wm. Parker 40 00 Hempfield West Isaac Heineman 34 00 Lampeter East John Smith 29 50 Lampeter .West Philip Geist 28 62i Lancaster Jacob Frantz 15 00 Lancaster City Michael Bundle 250 00 Leacock Henry Lechler 40 00• Leacock Upper Geo. Mearig 30 00 Little Britain John Wright 35 00 Manheim Jonathan Sprecher 28 00 Martic James Simpson 35 00 Manor Jacob F; Frey 65 00 Mount Joy David Coble 42 00 Paradise Rudolph Hunsecker 25 00 Penn . . John F. Hummer Esq 27 00 Rapho _ John Breneman 35 00 Salisbury, Henry Hess 44 00 itiadiblikr .Jacob K; Smoker 36 00 Strasburg i George W.iker . 39 00 Strasburg - Bor. Jesse. Roffman. 30 00 Warwick George Gayer 40 00 Erecting Bridge". Joseph Russell, in full for Bridge at White Rock " $ 116 00 Samuel Rean - isnyder, in full for bridge across ( )milk°, at Bowman's Israel W. Graff, in full for bridge across Conestoga at his Manufactory 1000 00 Robert Russell, in full for bridge across Octorora creek on the Noble road Joseph Shertz, for hauling stone to Hinkletown bridge . 3 50 Charles Melhom, for repairing bridge at Hetr's saw mill 119 7.7 J. &J. Herr, for lumber for do 144 88 Charles Melhorn, for work and materi als for bridge at Safe Harbor 208 64 Court of Quarter Saslow. Win. Mat'dot, Esq., Att'y Gen. fees * 110 50 I. E. Heister, Esq., do. do. 139 00 C. M'Cleery, Clerk do. 289 00 Jurors pay 1417 01 Witnesses 1084 48 Justices and Constable cost Crier and TipStaves Geo. W., Khne, Ksq., Att'y Gen. fees $ 45 00 W. L. Campbell, Esq., do. do. •• l 8 00 .lacab Weaver, Esq., Clerk do. 68 09 Jurors pay 363 00 Witnesses do. 171 85 Alderman and Constablii pay 142 34 Bench fees Crier and Tipstaves .lururs pay Crier and Tipstares Jurors pay Crier and Tip4aves Court House. M. Zahm, for Oil, Candles, Kindling wood, Cleaning Court House and sundries b 30 ' - z3: ) , Edward Eshbrenner, sawing, spliting and carrying in wood and coal 7 751 M. Zahm, for care and keeping Court House 1 yeai 31 671 P. J. McCollum, repairing blinds 12 00 George Albright, repairing Windows 1 626 Daniel Soliday, for glazing George Drumm, for load of chips Wm. Ihling, Aove and pipe Coroner. Jacob Weitzel, Esq., late Coroner, - John Wright, Esq., Coroner and _ Justice Kidd, holding inquests on 25 cases of persona found dead in Lan caster County 5377 26,. Commissioner ' s Office. P. G. Eberman, one year salary as Clerk to Commissioners, from Oct. 1847 to Oct. 1848 500 00 Ditto on account 95 00 Henry G. Long, Esq., 1 year salary as solicitor 175 00 John Landis, Esq., services as Cunt- • missioner, mileage and expenses to Harrisburg • 251 24 John Witmer, Esq., do. and expenses to Harrisburg 276 14 Thomas Patterson, do. • " " 211 8G John J. Gish, for Township and Conn- x,921 00 ty offices John Yarns, Esq., late Commissioner, error in his bill 2 60 S:anitiel White, for books and binding 33 50 H. M. Rawlins, for Map of Penn'vania 5 00 John Trivetts, Ream writing paper 3 50 Ralph Gilmore, for cleaning Office and Stairs, &c. 3 95 John Kreider, load chips 1 I`. - 2, E. C. Darlington, for 100 copies As sessment books . 130 00 A. Mallon, 3 quires paperoo • John Rowe, for door spring 75 Cundable's Puy in Criminal G. Hughes, services in criminal cases lii 37A W. Bernard, for arresting Thompson 3 87i 7. Brintnall, services in criminal cases 7 29 William Chambers, for arresting Win. Beckert, in Ohio Clarkson Je!Yerics, costs in case of 3,789 47 Com'th vs. Newman E. H. Doan, costa Confth vs. Aubey et al Hugh Montgomery, for bringing I Dennis to Jail Eire/ions. Election officers for City election in February, 1848 Ditto do. for Township eler- tion in March Return Judges, for general election in October Return Judges, for holding Presiden tial election ii. November G. T. Zahm, services as clerk to Sena torial: Return Judges Zahm, crier, attending to same Assessors pay Constables pay Assessors for assessing ten days Lefure election 4 19 I 1 7e I 43 4 42 4 42 7 09 Chas. Henffler, 16 cords hickory wood - - and one small do. $ 132 50 Geo. Leaman, 13 cords hickory wood 61 75 Thomas Baumgardner, 29 tons coal 116 00 David Hartman, Esq., Sheriff, Maintenance of Prisoners 'Key fees Soap, Oil, Candles, iSre. Clothing Sundries Conveying convicts to E. Peni'tiary Summoning Jurors Suits in Mayors and Quarter See - 56,871 42 sions Courts Shoe mending Filling Jury wheel Arresting fugitive from Justice Dr. Eli Parry, in la' for salary as Phy sician J. & F. Sener, bill for boards Godfried Zaham, for brushes 7 93 M. &D. E hrism an, for carpenter work 21 16 John F. Remly, for such work 18 74 $76,228 38/, Lancaster Co. Bank, loan and Int. $ 3015 00 Do. interest on loan 17 00 E. C. Darlington, pub. an'l acc'ts, Sheriffs proclamations, notices and blanks F G. May, pub. proclamations and notice to collectors John H. Piersol, for Adj. courts J. B. Garber, pub. ann'l :wets, Shff's proclamations, notices, &c. E. W. Hutter, pub. ann't accts, Shff's proclamation, notices, &c. M. D. Holbrook, do. ' do. John Bear, ann'l accts, blanks, notices and stationery J. M. Ensminger, an'l accts. Jacob Myers, do. notice and pro clamations 39 00 30 00 62 00 30 00 33 00 40 00 50 00 • Postage. Mary Dickson, for postage Public Offices • • Steinman & Sou bill for cylinder fear stove 1 98). Thomilson & McFalls, for curb stone 2 20 Wm. Duchruan, for record and index books Samuel W. Tyson, glazing John Dreppert, for repairing press L. P. Blackston, index books for Reg- ister's office6o 00 • John Gemperling, for repairing spout 2 50 . George L. Doersh, record book, Or phan's Courf and pamphlet laws 16 00 Win. Duchman, Esq., record book 115 00 Jacob Foltz, for making taw indexes $1,572 12i $2,872 00 Repairing Bridges $3,526 20 953 17 Di,trret Court 970 Sr, 503 '2O $1327 85 COnililo7l Plea: 790 "6 171 75 $962 U 1 $1693 81 Outstanding taxes 1844 19 86 do. do. 1847 351 72 do. do. 1848 . 11464 78 Treasurer's commissions 607 11 I 53258 86 School fund 957 25 , $3lO 25 $ 1504 S 9 157 744 200 00 514 50 131 544 221 50 276- 00 138 0:;-1 12 13 15 00 15 01) 156 25 5 19j $3395 fA Loans and interest Sun 00 $494 92 for wills, intestate and administra tors accounts,tbi'register's office Geo. L. Doersh, docket book for roads Q. Sessions office Do. Road docket and blank book for Recorder's office C. Kieffer, stove and pipe,for Record er's office, and castings for Court House WM. Murphy, for mortgage and index books for Recorder's office Eastern Penitentiary For support of convicts for 1847 Poor. Godfried Zahm, Esq., Treasurer of Poor & House of Employment, for support of poor for 1847 Road Damages. Oliver Furnace, road damages in Lit- tle Britain township . 170 00 David H. Keech, do do 85 00 Henry Keene, do Bart . 75 00 H. Breneman, do " 30 00 Philip Geist, do W. Lampeter 12 00 Abm. Hess, do .g 93 00 Abm. Leaman, do 87 00 Daniel Musser, do " 43 00 Francis Herr. do ' " 92 75 Martin Herr, do 34 12, George Meek, do " 6 00 Jos. B. Nissley, do E. Donegal 64 16 Jas. P. Wilson, do Coleraine 25 00 Frd'k McLenegan, do 35 00 Isaac Kauffman, do W. Hempfield 26 0:3 Jacob Smith, Henry Landis, do Manheim 43 59 Jacob S. Hershey, do E. Hempfield 24 64 Benj. Stauffer, do 38 25 Benj. Landis, do • " 16 78 Wm. Walker, do W. Hemphfield 5 00 Henry Albright, do Samuel Rigler .• Jno. Hoget:dobler, do " 25 00 John Kame, " Jacob Mathiot, do '4O 00 liatience May, do " 70 00 Martin B, Piper, do Mahheim, 29 76 3liscellaneoto R. F. Rauch, copying militia fines $ 5 00 John S. tremble, tax refunded Mayoe and Constables cost in s aerant cases '72 00 R. F. Rauch, copying transcripts for _ . spring elections 19 00 Geo. Wiker, distributing assessments 15 00 P G Eberman, distributing tally papers 15 00 Tobias Miller, horse hire and services 75 C. M'Cleery, for recording township officers Francis Keenan, for auditing dockets Lancaster City, 1 year water rent Joseph Howett, Esq., late Treasurer, return of retailers and sundries P. G. Eberman, for altering valuations of assessments as directed by the revenue board Joshua Robinson, post mort'm exam'n Dr. W. A. Skelly, do. John Hatz, horse hire J. B. Newman, for ground rent Drs. Elder, Smith, and Richards, post mortem examination Dr. J. A.Ehler, do. 2 caset Dr. C. 0. Richards, do. 1 case John Hatz, horse hire Dr. B. Rohrer. post mort. examination John Livingston, for tax refunded Dr. A. S. Bear, post mort. examination Jacob Fultz, serving subpoena out of co. John F. Shroder, Esq., Treasurer, for an abatement on $7OOO advanced by him for State tax H. D. Diffenbach,reward and expenses for arresting horse thief Jacob Foltz, serving submeena Samuel Rupley, do. M. Carpenter, Esq., Mayor and Con stable costs in vagrant cases 73 25 John Eberman, for 14 ballot boxes for Mount Joy district 3 50 L. Frey, cleaning cellar public offices 1 00 Wm. Pennel,,copying transcripts 8 00 - Livingston, do. 6 00 John Eberman, 12 ballot boxes for Lancaster twp. 3 00 John Hatz, horse hire 1 50 Jacob Foltz. serving subpmna 5 36 Walter G. Evans, Esq., costs in case of Comth. vs. Pollock 3 44 Jacob Foltz, bringing G. Rhea from York to Lancaster jail 25 09 J. Eberman, care & witurg town clock 16 00 Eli Sundie, costs in conveying G. Rhea to jail in York 4 75 Doctor J. S. Clarkson, post mortem examination 20 00 Thaddeus Stevens, for professional services 10 00 .C. M'Cleery, Esq., tabular statement to Secretary of State 10 00 Dr. H. Carpenter, post mortem exam ination and costs of suit 69 09 James Johnson, on account of taking assessment of E. Donegal twp. 15 00 Joseph Real, for shovelling snow off pavement at public offices 37!, Michael Bundel, copying assessments and transcripts for elections 27 00 Martin Brunner, do. do. dO. 44 00 Elias Rohrer, distributing circulars to collectors arid assessors, &c. 27 00 $l5lB 18 Payment of Court order for A ud'rs pay 85 12 " P. G. Eberman, for state ment fur Auditors ' 25 'OO Constable return.' _ . Road viewers orders. 571 57 Orders for 1847 and paid in 1848 20 35 Exonerations and Commission orders 3495 27 Two old orders - _ Vagrants 9 90 Court bills of former years 187 88 Bills paid in 1848 of former years 18 37 Balance in Treasurer's hands 19192 41 Commissionere. Attest—P. G. EBERMAN, Clerk. [Jan. 31-4 GODFRIED ZAHM, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment of Lancaster county, in account with said county To Balance in the hands of Treasu rer, per Report of Auditors, for the year 1847, Slls 03 Cash received for maintenance, &c. 949 04 Do. " from County Trea'surer 10,500 00 Amount of orders allowed by the Board of Directors, and which have not been called for; No. 488, 563, 612, 663, 688, 693, 713, 788, 795, 800, 830, 839, 858, 866, 867, 874, 877, 901, 904, 906, 914, 922, 924, 925; 826, 930, 932, 933, 935, 936, 937, 942, 943, 945, 946, 947, 949, 955, 969, 972, 973, 977, 978, 98'2, Credit. By cash, paid orders tram No. 1 to 9 —from Jan'y 1, 1848, to Jan'y 1849 Orders granted in 1847, and paid in 128 00 ! 1848 44 70 Balance in hands of said Treasurer 553 95 AUDITORS' REPORT WE, the undersigned Auditors of the County of Lancaster, Do REPORT, that we have carefully ex amined the accounts of John F. Slaroder, Esq., Treasurer of said county, and we found, agreeably to the foregoing statement, a balance in his hands on the second day of January, A. D., 1849, of Nineteen Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-. two Dollars, and forty-one cents for ,County pur poses, and Seven Hundred and Seven Dollars and forty-one cents for School purposes. We have also examined the accounts of God fried Zahm, Esq., late Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment of Lancaster county, and found a balance in his hands on the first day of January, A. D., 1849, of Five Hundred and Fifty three Dollars and ninety-five cents. We also re port that the said Godfried Zahm hath this clay" produced and exhibited unto us a receipt of Will iam Gorrecht, Esq:, the present Treasurer, for the said balance, whereby his said account became finally closed. Witness our hands this nineteenth day of Jan uary, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. CARISTIAN H. RAUCH, DAVID STONE, Jan 31-4] ANDREW MEHAFFEY $459 73 $977 24 $10,500 00 51216 58.6 175 00 10 00 10 00 2 50 5 44 30 00 30 00 10 00 1 50 20 00 17 53 10 00 14 28 JOHN LANDES, JOHN WITMER, HENRY MUSSELMAN $H,646 07 11,047 12 1 1 ,if 6 07 ndra sinib*Nim Polftadtls-. Nit. LAUGHLIN,.hart opned.fhisinew Extra . Sunbeam Daguerreotype Gallery, at 376 litarket Street, south side, first.door above Eleveith Street, friver Roviand at . . Walton's Ding Store,) Philadelphia, .where be will be happy to see his Old . patrons, and all others. Who reel desirous of having a life-like portrait of themselves or relatiyet taken by his new Extra' Sunbeam , process;_ visit his gallery and see his beautiful and artistical speci mens taken and put op in the latest 'improvement of the art—faithful likenesses, delineating every feature and expressions of nature in almost life it self. This new process may be well entitled art's best gift to man—a blessing to the human family. The gallery is of easy access—being on the second floor, baying to ascend only one easy flight of stairs, ano located in one of the most business sections of Market Street, immediately adjacent to the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Depot. From his long experience and close observations in the artists of his profession, he flatters, himself that he will be enabled to please every one who may visit hint with their patronage. Remember, it matters not as to the color of the dress or drapery, or whether the day be clear or cloudy, the Extra Sun-Beam process is alwayS Cer tain, and the pictures taken by it are warranted to be proof against water, air or dampness . of any kind, and will stand far ages without fading in the least—a truthfulness rarely if ever to be found in the old process. H. H. LAUGHLIN, No. 276 Market Street. February 13, nl9 ly-3 For Rent. AValuable GRIST and SAW MILL, situated on the West Branch of the Octarara Creek; in Bart township, Lancaster county, late the prop erty of Eli Kerns, deceased. This ,Hill has lately undergone a most thorough repair, has three run of stones, and is otherwise calculated for doing an extensive business. The water power is not ex celled by any in the county. Any person desirous of .obtaining further information is requested to call on the undersigned residing on the property. Term's moderate. HORATIO S. KERNS. *3t-3 February 13 Six. Cents Reward. RA.NAWAY from the subscriber, in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, on the night of the 7th instant, an indentured apprentice to the Shoemaking business, named HENRY SCHAUER. Said Schauer is between 18 and 19 years of age, about fire feet high, stoutly built, brownish hair. Any person apprehending and bringing back said boy shall receive the above reward. All persons are hereby forbid from trusting him on my account. CHRISTIAN RIDDLE. `3t.3 February 13 DENTISTRY. PR. J. WAYLAN would respectfully inform the citizens of Lancaster, and others, that he has moved his Office, and now occupies Rooms oppo site Scholfield's Hotel, North Queen Street,—and as numbers in this city and elsewhere, can testify to his skill and faithfulness in the various operations of Dental Surgery, it is only necessary here to ley, that he will spare im efforts to render entire satis faction as heretofore. For the information of those who are yet stran gers to his manner of operating, he would take this occasion to remark, that the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery awarded to him the FIRST PRE MIUM, a Mounted Rosewood Box of Dental Instru ments, as a testimonial of his superior skill in the various operations pertaining to the profession of Dentistry. February 6, , 49 11-.2 For Rent THE subscriber oilers fair rent, two line Brick Shops, in Vogansville, Earl township, Lancas ter county. The one of these Shops is well calcu lated tbr a Saddler, the other for a Shoemak r— this is considered one of the best situations in Earl township, there being no other shop in the place. Single men of sober habits can call on the subscri ber, residing in said village. Boarding can be had very low. February 6, '49 T GISH 8: -BROTHER, corner of North Queen tfi and Orange streets, have just received the largest and .best assortment of VALENTINES ever seen in this city. Storekeepers and others wishing to buy to sell again, would do well to call call) , and get their supply, as there will be a great business done in that line this year. The designs are chaste .and elegant, and at all prices, with envelopes to suit. Persons at a distance may remit any amount , of money by mail, and we will send them the value in Comic 'or Sentimental Valentines, Valentine Writers or Envelopes, as they may specify. Persons wishing to send Valentines to a - distance, would do well to come and buy soon, as they will be there in time. Better early than late. J. GISH & BRO., at the Cheap Book and Stationary Store, corner North Queen and Orange sts, Jan 23-tf-52] Lancaster Estate of Mary Musser. In the Court of Common Pleas for the Co. of Lanc'r. WHtrEultstEeeAoSf, MaryChr isti m an us lV se l r uss ( e li r d o te n sta ti T e en 2 tu s r ti v i day of January, 1849, file in the office of the PrU -thonotary of the said Court, his supplementary ac count of the said estate; Notice is hereby given to all . persons interested in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint ed the 19th day of March, 1849, for the confirma tion therefore, unless exceptions be filed. ATTEST: . HENRY STOEK , Proth • y.. Prothonotary , s Office, Lancaster, January 30,'495 4t-1 Notice. ITIHE firm or Hutton & McSparran is this day j_ dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in debted to said firm are requested to make payment on or before the lot day or April next, to John McSparran, Fairfield, tvliti is duly authorised to settle the business or said firm. JOSEPH P. HUTTON, JOHN McSPARRAN. January 30,'49. The Subscriber takes this opportunity to inform the public that he has opened Store at LibeAy Square—(stand lately occupied by Robert H. Long) —thankful.for the patronage extended to him when doing business at Fairfield, as one of the above firm, and hopes by being accommodating and strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage January 30, '49 Sheldrakes Alleghany House, No. 250 Market Street, above Eight, South Side, PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and splendid Hotel has been furnish ed with entire nevrfurniture. The Bar-Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Parlors and Sitting-Rooms are entirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to the arrival and departure of cars. The Portico extending the whole front of the house, affords a cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every attention of the managers to make it the best Hotel for Merchants and Business Men, during their stay in the City.. The terms will be one dollar per day. On the arrival of the Cars front the West, a Porter will be in attendance to convey baggage, &c. to the Hotel, which is adjoin ing the depot. Phila., February 6,'49 Gin-2 Geiger and Lehner, n ESPECTFULLY announce to the public, that n i they have entered into a Co-partnership and intend to'carry on the FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, situate near the Railroad, at the city of Lancaster, formerly conducted: by Pennell & Lehner. They will commence business on or about the Ist of April next. ELISHA GEIGER, JOHN LEHNER. • February 6, '49 tf-2 Planten's Capsules of Cod Liver 011 Compound. A LSO, PUKE COD LIVER OIL. Just receiv ed and for sale, at, JOHN F. LONG'S Drug & Chemical Store, No. 8, North Queen st. Febr. 6. 1849 4t.2 prof. Barryls Tricopherous or Medicated Compound. S ackffowledged by thousands, who use it daily, -1 to be the onto remedy to prevent Baldness , and to restore hair that nas fallen off or become - thin, to prevent gray hair; to, prevent and remove every appearance of Scurf and.Dandraff, and to keep the hair in the most kealthy, soft and glossy state, yet free from all oily and greasy appearances. For sale by WM. G. BARER, Druggist, Centre Square. Dec. 26, 1846. tf-48 LANDIS BLACK, ATTORNIES A T LAW: "Office—Three doors below the Lancaster Bank, South Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn's.. 1:0 - All kinds of Scrivening, such as writing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, &c., will be attended to with correctness and despatch. January 16,.1849 51 Estate of Hugh Curley, decld. ETTERS testamentary having been granted to ljthe undersigned, Executor of Hugh Curley, late of Earl township, Lancaster county, deceased—all persons having claims are requested to present them, and those indebted to make payment, to the sub scriber, residing in Leacock township. JOHN CURLEY, Executor. 1-6t* SHAWLS.—A large assortment of long and squarge French Shawls for sale at reduced price,. C. HAGER & SON. Days of ApPPe. -• To the 21siable.inhabitanti.e .Litsicester County. PIRSUANT AO the provisions of_the law of the ' Commonivisalth, the undersigned Commission ers-of Lancaster county, hereby give notice to the Wale inhabit:int' within the respectlie townships of the said county, that the place of appeal from the aria' iiiinents for 1849, will beat theCommissiOnees _ Office, in. the ci days, to Wit: for Bart, Brecknock; Cmrnarvon Cocalico East, Cocalico West, Colerain, Columbia, Conestogn, Conoy, Donegal East, Donegal West, Drumore, Ephrata, Earl, • Earl West, Elizabeth, Fulton, Hempfield East, Hempfield West, Lancaster, Leacock, Leacock Upper, Little Britain, Manheini, Martic, Manor, Mountjoy, Paradise, Penn, Rapho, Salisbury, •Sadsbury, Strasburg, . Strasburg horn., Warwick, City, Attest: P. G. EBERMAN, Clerk January 30,'49 TIE DELAWARE MIFF AL SAFETY INSURANCE Co. MAKE INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGES BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, AND OTHER PROPERTY ON THE HOST REASONABLE CONDITIONS. WM. MARTIN, President. RICHARD NEWBOLD, Secretary. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Agent. North Queen Street, Lancaster January 23, 1849 3m-51 THE undersigned auditor, duly appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of John Clark, administrator of Zachariah Moore, late of East Donegal township, deceased, to and among the creditors of the said intestate according to the rule established by law : hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend for the pur pose of his appointment at the public house of Christian Shertz, in the city of Lancaster, on Sat urday, the 24th day of February next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. R. R. BRYAN, Auditor. • January 30, '49 td-1 MORTARS. --Glass, Brass, Iron and Wedge wood Mortdrs, assorted sizes, for sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggist, East King Street. January 30, '49 Estate of Valentine Cramer, dec. AToTicE is hereby given that letters testamen -11 tary have been granted to the undersigned on the estate or Valentine Cramer; late of Manic township, Lancaster county, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are, there fore, requested to present them, duly authenticatgd —and those knowing themselves indebted, are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. DAVID LAIRD, Exerutor. 6t-1 JOHN OGA N. 4t-2 January 30, '49 THE SAW MILL and TAVERN HOUSE of the undersigned at Lock No. 3, on the Conestoga, in Lancaster township, (formerly Mellinger's) from the lot of April next. The above is one of • the oldest and best business stands in Lancaster county, and is a very desirable location. For further par tictilars enquire of either of the undersigned. January 30, 49 A .3 % , " us E i r c e a l l n o i Le t d r u t e i , r a s s t o tcok the e M n u e s , i v c an d d spacious store in Swaim's Building, No. 162 T? Chesnut Street, hclow Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, where they invite the attendance and patronage of the public. LEE & WALKER having purchased the, entire stock of Leo. Willig, (who has declined business,) are now prepared to execute all orders in their line. The assortment of Music and Musical Instruments, is as extensive as that of any'other establishment in the country. PIANO FORTES, from various well known and approved manufactories, now in store, and will be constantly offered for sale. iKi Country dealers supplied on very reasona ble terms. Phila., Februar y 6,:49 Collodion or Solution of Gun Cotton. rp HIS new preparatien possesses remarkable ad hesive properties and is well adapted and high ly recommended for surgical purposes. _ For sale at JOHN F. LONG'S Drug & Chemical Store, No. S, North Queen st. Eebr. G, 1947. 4t-2 WIIF.REAS, Letters Testamentary to the es tate of Margaret Crawford, and to the estate of Mary Crawford, both late of Salisbury township, in the county of Lancaster, deceased, have been granted to the Subscriber, all persons indebted to either of the said estates, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having clainis against the saineOvill present them duly authenti cated for settlement, to JOHN REYNOLDS, Executor. Lancaster City. February 6 6t-2 HE Store Room recently occupied by D. R. & T C. A. Ehler, in the National House Building, North Queen Street, with Cellar and Wareroom. The stand is one of the most desirable in the city. • Apply to JOHN EHL ER. January Id • 3t-51 COLOGNE WATER.—Genuine Farina's Cologne Water--imported and for sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggist, East King Street. Junnary 30, '49 Im- DR. JOHN M'CALLA, Graduate of the Balti more College of Dental Surgery, begs leave to inform the citizens of Lancaster and the public generally, that he will continue to practise his pro fession, at the old stand, directly over Messrs. Sprecher & Rohrer's Hardware Store, sth door from the Court House, East King Street. He deems it sufficient to say that he practises the whole of the Dental Art, and is cogstantly prepared to supply artificial teeth under every variety of cir cumstances, and upon any known approved princi ple, from a single tooth to an entire set. February fi, , 49 l y-2 IDOWLBY & BRENNER have removed their P HARDWARE STORE to No. 41 MARKET STREET, eleven doors East of Second, where will be found a large assortment of English and Domestic Goods. They are receiving a fresh assortreent of goods to which the attention of dealers is particularly re quested. January 30, '49 tf-1 liE Partnership heretofore existing between T Drs. Waylan & McCalla, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 29th of January last. All persons having claims against the firm, and those indebted to it, are requested to call on Alderman J. F. Reigart, who is hereby authorized to settle the same. J. WAYLAN, J. McCALLA. February 6, '49 3t-2 "FFERS-•his professional services to the public, `J Office in Centre Square, next door to Thomas Baumgardner & Co.'s Store. Nov 21 tf-43 Bengal Indigo. A Prime lot just received and for sale at J. F. LONG'S Drug and Chemical Store , No. 8 North Queen Street. January 30, '49 tf-1 WINDSOR SOAP.—Low's Brown Windsor Soap, a superior article for the Toilet and Nursery. Imported and for sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, East King Street. January 31), '49 Itn-1 JOB HUNTING neatly and expediciously ale sated at this office. of Lancaster, on the following e townships of Monday, March sth, 1849 Tuesday, March 6th, 1849 Wednesday, March 7th, 1849 Thursday, March Bth, 1849 Fricrav, March 9th, 1849 JOHN LANDES, JOHN WITMER, HENRY MUSSELMAN, Commigaioners Auditor's Notice. For Rent. JACOB BAIJSMAN, WM. B. FORDNEY. 4t-1 Lee Si, Walker 3 SUCCESSORS TO GEORGE WILLIG, Notice. Store Room to Let. DENTISTRY. Removal. Dissolution. WASHINGTON BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .-:',;_'-...: 1 4 - - , .:, - _ , _ , :: :. ' -'l _ •,L,. EAST KING STREET, FOUR DOORS' WEST OF THE FARMERS' BANK. Canal, Water Power and Stone QUARRIES FOR LEASE. pROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned for leasing, for a period of, five years from the 15th day of March next, the old Maryland Stisque hanna Canal, in Cecil county, together with the Saw Mill, Lands, Stone Quarries, and all the other property of the 'Company appertaining thereto. The Canal has its outlet locks at Port Deposite, and has extensive ponds for the accommodation of rafts. There is a Farm of 60 acres of good lend, and a comfortable House connected with 0.1: Persons disposed to offer for this lease are re- quested to address the undersigned, post-paid, be fore the 15th day. of February,lB49. They are re quested so to frame their proposals as to secure to the Company a stipulated net rent,clear of all char ges for repairs, taxes, superintendence or any other matter. Proposals will be received for the lease of the whole property, or for the Stone Quarries and the rest of the property separately. Satisfactory security for the fulfilment of the contract will be required. WM. BOSE, Gov. Md. Sue. Canal Co. Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1848. tflf.l (Baltimore American, $2,00.): Farm for Sale. MHE subscriber offers for sale his FAR 111 in Chanceford township, York county, Peun'a, three miles trom McCall's Ferry, on the York and Peachbottom road, containing 51 ACRES.. The improvements are a good rIIR FRAME HOUSE, and Frame Barn, a neVer-failing well of water at the house, with a pump init; an Apple Orchard of fißy trees of choice fruit. The principal part under good fence, about one half being limed, and II acres of good timber land,. the improvements all being made within the'last three years. Any person wishing to view the property can do so by calling on the subscriber, at Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, or Hugh Ross, Esq., residing near the property. This property can be had very reasonable. JAMES 11. WILE , - Sale Harbor, Lancaster co., Pa. •N. B.—lf not sold by the Ifith day of March, tliC above property will be rented January 30,'49 Estate of Jas. H. Slaymaker, dec. LETTERS of Administration upon the Estate of James H. Slaymaker, late of Paradise town ship, Lancaster &fumy, deceased, have been grant ed to the,undersigned Administrators. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, anLI those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement to the undersigned. THOS. S. M'ILVAINE, Salisbury township, JANE E. SLAYMAKER, Adin'rs. Paradise township. Jan 9 • 6t-50 Estate of David B. Eberley. In the Court of Common Pleas for the Co. of Liner. T~EREAS, Peter Martin, Esq., Assignee of David B. Eberley, did on the 13th day yf January, 1849, file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin ted the 19th day of March, 1949, for the confir mation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, HENRY STOEK, Proth'y Prothonotary's Office, Lancaster, January 23.495 Removal. NE if 13,1_1?BER STAND. li{-ARLES B. WILLIAMS respectfully infiirms k J the citizens of Lancaster, and strangers who may tarry here until their beards grow, that lie has opened a Shaving • and Hair Cutting Saloon, in North Queen Street, opposite Kauffman's Tavern, where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial Busi ness, in its varied branches. lie will shave you as clean as a City Broker, and cut your hair to suit the cut your head and the cut Of your Blitz. Then the whole object and desire is, to improve the appearance of the human race. Front long experiente he flatters himself that he can go thin' all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as to meet , The entire approbation of those who submit their Chins to the keen ordeal of his Razor. January 16 Estate of Daniel Kane, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed by the last will and testa ment of Daniel Kane, late of West Earl township, Lancaster county, deceased, Executor of said Es tate. All persons having demands against the same are, therefore,requested to present them, duly authenticated, for payment, and those know ing themselves to be indebted are requested to discharge their liabilities. _ MARK CONNELL, Executor. January 16 .6t-51 To Let. ON and after the Ist day of April nest, the fol lowing-named rooms in "Miller's Building," adjoining the Farmers' Bank, in East King Street, viz: The entire 4th Story, now used as a Society Hall with ante-chamber and small room connected. The entire 3d Story, which will be converted into a spacious Hall, 34 by 22 feet, with ante-rooms. Said Hall will be handsomely furnished and fitted up for society purposes—to be let each night of the week except Monday and Friday. ALso, a large and elegant room, now occupied by Alderman W. G. Evans, on the 2d Story, suitable for an office or for business. The above rooms will be let on reasonable terms For fbrther particulars apply to GEO. W. REICHENBACH, GEO. S. BALL, MICHAEL ROYER, Trustees of Conestoga Council. • *3t-5I January 16 Estate of Christian Cramer, dec. NOTICE, is hereby given, that letters testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned, Executot of Cramer, late of Manic town ship, Lancaster county,' deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are, therefore, requested to present them, duly authenticated= and those knowing themselves indebted, are re quested to make immediate payment, to ADAM CRAMER, Executor. nt-52 January 23 500 Tons Plaster. 10OR Sale at Graeff's Landing on the Conestoga, 500 Tons of Soft Windsor Plaster. Also, SOO Sacks Ground Alum and Fine Salt, in lots to ac commodate purchasers. Enquire of . . GEORGE CALDER, At the Office of the Conestoga Navigation Company, Centre Square, Lancaster. St- I January , 30, '49 Gum Shellac. 600j3driagnhdt for rraste at G um Shellac, just received JOHN F. LONG'S Drug and Chemical Store, North Queen Street. tr-I January 30, >49 CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Successor to J. F. Heinitish & Son, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGIST, EAST. KING STREET, LANCASTER,. Januhry 16, 1849. 3m-91 JTUNIHS B. KAUFFMAN, 'Attorney at Law, offers his professional services to the public.— Office in Longenecker's building, Centre Spuare, next door to Kendig's Hotel. April 13, 1847. 11 crEORGE W. M'ELROY, Attorney at Law, of fers his professional services to- the public.— 0 ce in Centre.Squire, in the room formerly occu pied by William Carpenter, Esq., next door to the Mayor's office. . [des 1-14 To Horse Owners. po:cwwixtfawrairta:a;a.4 , wo4 rp HE only original and-genuine article for the -L cure of flames, other complaints , of the respi mtory apparatus and derangement of the digestive functions in the horse is " KIRKBRIDE'S TATTERSALL'S HEAVE POWDERS. It is warranted to be perfectly safe in all cases, will not inconvenience the animal or injure him even if he has no dis'ease; it is from four to eight times cheaper than most of the imitations which are being circulated throughout the country, being put up in larger packages, sufficient to cure any . ordinary .case of Heaves, and to administer in a dozen cases of cold, catarrh, &c. At this season, while the horse is shedding his coat his vital energy is much reduced, and he is extremely liable to colds,&c., many cases of innip ient Heaves are contractd now, but are suppressed by pasture or warm weather, till they break out in full force in the fall. Thousands of horses can be saved froni future unsoundness, if when the first symptons of cold or wheezing is observed, a few doses of the TattersaWs Heave Powders should be. administered. They are warranted to wholly eradicate recent heaves at this season. Great Spring Purifier.—The Heave Powders given in small doses, will be found most useful at this season. They stimulate, the skin to cast off the superfluous hair and produce new; they loosen the hide, give a glossy appearance to the coat, pro.. tect against disease; they also form their fine alterative and restorative powers, purify the blood and renovate the whole system, which horses re quire at this season as much as any of the human race; who findra preparation of Sarsaparilla useful to correct a vitiated state of the fluids, incident to the change of weather, which in the spring affect all animal as well as vegetable life. INCREASING EVIDENCE.—Scarcely a day passes but we receive marks of approbation from our agents, and others who have used or. sold the remedy. The following from our agent at Burlington, Vt., was received this morning: " Mr. Frannagan of Middlebury, says he pur chased a package of you last tall, and- gave to a valuable young horse that had the heaves, and it cured him entirely ; he is now perfectly sound. He hes just bought a few more packages for other horses." A. C. SPEAR, Burlington, Vt. This was received yesterday morning: "Messrs. A. H. Gough 4- Co.—! have by chance procured one package of your Tattersall's Heave Powders, and have tried them on a horse of my own. I think it has entirely cured my horse to all appearances. Almost every man here thinks heaves cannot be cured, and to satisfy the people that they can, I will purchase six packages for $5, which is enclosed. Please send, &c., to EDWARD JONES, Clyde Glass Works, Clyde, N. Y In addition to the above and twenty other certifi cates which we have published, more than a hun dred smilar ones caliThe adduced, but is impossible to publish them all. The successfuLand immense use of this popular Horse Remedy has rendered advertising unnecessary to establish it as the most useful and saleable horse medicine extant. CAUTION.---As is to be expected of every valua ble and popular remedy, numerous parasitical imi tations have sprung up, all of which expect to find support and sale from the popularity of this medi cine. This has been the case more particularly in the mid Ile and western parts of this State, but per sons are cautioned against all "HEAVE CURES," "HEAVE COMPOUNDS," &c., and to purchase no remedy but Kirkbride•s Tattersall , s Heave Powders, which is the article that is performing these won derful cures, and each package is signed A. H. GOUGH & CO. Price sl' per package—six for $5. Ample direc tions on each, and a pamphlet containing a''. useful treatise in the diseases accompanies 'each. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by A. H. Cocoa Az Co., 249 Fulton Street, N.l ) . irr Country dealers and 'others sending orderi, with good city reference, can be supplied at the usual discount. For sale in Lancaster by the sole agent, GEO. A. MILLER, Druggist, West King Street, eow6m-1 January 30, '49 For Sale in Rawlinsville, AT ARTIC township, Lancaster county, Penn'a, 12 miles from the city of Lancaster, a ra.. TWO-STORY HOUSE, 20 by 20 feet; built a few years past of oak logs, recently weather boarded, and in good order, and on the best business stand in the Village, with 2 Acres of Land, or more' if required. When the bridge now contemplated and purposed to be loca ted at M'Call's Ferry, 41 miles from Rawlinsville, shall be erected, the Village will become more a place of business than at present. G. S. SAVERY. • 4t-52 January 23 E. C. FRAIDI & Co. Opposite the Museum. ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the 1 - IL, public that they have just received direct from importers, a large addition to their stock of French, German and English Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &c., &c., comprising many different articles. Confident from the good quality and the low price of their articles, - they will give perfect satisfaction. Among thei& goods will he found the following: Cologne Water, Lavender Water, Florida Water, Bay Rum. Extracts for the Handkerchief. Do for Flavoring. Cosmetics. Preparations for the Hair. Do do Teeth. Toilet and Shaving Soaps. Ladies , Caps and Head Dresses, Trimmings. Fancy and Staple Articles in every variety. January 23 , 3m-52 Astonishing Inducements. MO Persons commencing housekeeping and all j others in want ofAhe'following articles. COPPER KETTLES, of the very best quality, at the reduced price or 213 ctu. per pound, and a little less if desired. STOVES of every variety at prices to suit the TIN-WARE lower than ever FEATHERS of the best quality The subscriber has purchased the right of Jas. Stevens, of Maryland, for Lancaster county, for using and snaking his c9oking utensils for Boiling and Steaming, which the subscriber will attach to his Cooking Stoves, giVing them a decided advan tage over all others. Call and judge for yourselves and if you can't make a day's wages don't - buy. 9;:r Old Iron, Copper and Pewter taken in at the highest prices. C. KIEFFER, East King st., Lancaster, opposite Sprecher & Rohrer's Hardware Store,. Dec. 26, IS9B. 3m-98 $lOOO PREMIUM LABOR SAVING STOVE BLACKING. FOR producing an immediate brilliant jet black polish on Stoves, &c. But one trial is requi site to prove that it is the most beautiful' and easy polishing lustre, that has ever been offered to the American public—the world challenged to produce a better article. Another supply of this celebra ted Blacking just received and for sale wholesale and retail by WM. G. BAKER, Druggist, Centre Square. tf-48 Dec. 26, 1848 For Sale. AN excellent two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE, with a large garden, frame barn, and about 3 Acres of first quality limestone land attached, situated in Manheito township, near the Rail Road, about It miles from the city of Lanueter. The property is in good condition—in a pleasant location, and snitab,e for public business or private residence, and will be sold on accommodating terms if early application be made to the, under signed JAMES C. CARPENTER, Lancaster city New supply of Boots & Shoes MIL Gum Shoes, &c. i • HE subscriber has just received a new T supply of Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, &c.,1 his stand, in North Queen Street, two doors above the Post Office, to which he invites the attention of his patrons and the public in general. He has a supply of Gum Shoes of every descrip tion, consisting of Buskins, Sandals, and .plain, with double soles, and also a common article. Nov 9 '47-41) ADAM S. KELLER. FROSTED LlMBS.—Heinitah'a Chillblain Oint ment—an effectual remedy for frosted hands and feet. Prepared and sold by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, East King Street. Jan 9-6-50) pASTILES DE PARIS.—For the cure ofCcmghs, Colds, Bronchitis, and other Affections of the Throat, Breast, &c. Imported and for sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggist — Jan 9 East King Street. MATHEMATICAL DISTRUMENTS.—A sup ply of Mathematical Instrunieks in Fish Skin and Morocco Cases. For sale by CHARLES A. HHINITSH, 9-tf.so East Ring Street. Jau 9-tf-50 TER L. HAYES,. ATTORNEY-AT LAW: Wet—South Prince Street, half a square from the Lancaster Saving's Institution. January 9,'49 • 50 ALEXA. Satinets. JUST RECEIVED Lnd now opening an exten sive assortment of Satinets, comprii,g every price and color of moat desirable aty!es, at the New York Store GRIEL & GILBERT.