SINGELAIL 131SEASE OF TILE EYE.—A case occurred last week at the Glasgow Eye In firmary. A girl, of sixteen years of age, leaving applied on account of loss of sight of her left eye, the cause was ascertained to be the presence of a living worm hydatid (the cysticerats of scientific naturalists) in the eye, close before the pupil, which it completely obstructed. The species,of animal consists of a round bag about the size of a small pea, froM which on one side springs ifs body, which is a filament, consisting of numerous rings, and ca pable of being elongated and retracted at the crea ture's will. The body ends in the neck and head, and the lat ter is supplied with four lateral suckers. All this was plain to the naked eye in this instance, but ap peared still more so when the animal was viewed through a microscope. As the existence of such a creature in the interior of the eyenot only prevents vision, but ultimately destroys the whole textures of the organ, it was resolved to remove it by ope ration. This was successfully effected. on Saturday last. The patient behaved with perfect steadiness and found her vision immediately restored. The *mid continued to live for more than half an hour after being extracted. As only four similar cases are on record, the worm excited much curi osity. and was examined by numerous visiters, both lay and medical.—Glusgew (Canada) Chrunitlr. V" When they accused Mr. Greely in Congress of editing his paper in his seat, he rather had 'ern by replying that members of Congress who are lawyers, could practice day after day in the Supreme Court, drawing their pay from government at the same time, and, not a word was ever heard against it !--Boston Post. Fr TOWNSEND HAIN Es, Es'q., of Chester county,, bas been re-appointed by tovernor Johnston to the office of Secretary of State. AN INCORPORATION OF LAIII Cs.—A bill itas passed the New Jersey Legislature, incorporating the Newark Orphans' Asylum Association, which is composed entirely of ladies. By a provision of the charter, their husbands are exempt from lia bility for any results of their management. ORLATIONS.—The American Peace Society have received a donation of $lOO, from the native Chris tian Church at Hawaii. Sandwich Islands, to ad vance the cause of peace. It is but a few short years since those who contributed this money for the service of peace, were fierce' savages. who de lighted in- war, carnage, cruelty, and to a certain extent cannibalism. To Let. THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY. 'N. 0 and after the Ist day of April next, the fol lowing named rooms in "Millers Building," rfuHE only original and genuine article for the adjoining the Farmers' Bank, in East King Street, i cure of Heaves, other complaints;ol the re lii- v i a: ratory apparatus and derangement of 'the digestive The entire 4th Story, now used as a Society Hall, functions in the horse is ' With ante-chamber and small room connected. KIRK BRIDE'S TATTERSALL'S HEAVE The entire 3d Story, which will be concerted POWDERS. ' - into a spacious Hall, 34 by 22 feet, with ante-rooms. It is warranted to be perfectly safe in all cases, , s a i d H a ll will be handsomely furnished and fitted .will not inconvenience the animal or injure him up ibr society purposes—to be let each night of the even if he has no disease; it is from four to eight week except Monday and Friday. ALSO, a large times cheaper than roost of the imitations winch : alid elegant room, now occupied by Alderman W. are being circulated throughout the country, being ; G. E va ns, on the 2d Story, suitable for an office or put up in larger packages, sufficient to cure any f or b„,;„„ s , ordinary case of Heaves, and to administer in a : The above rooms will be Jet on reasonable term dozen cases of cold, catarrh, &c. . u i tar further particulars apply to At this season, while the horse is shedding Iris GEO. W. REICHENBACH, coat his vital energy is much reduced, and he is . GEO. S. BALL, extremely liable to colds, &c., many cases of incip- MICHAEL ROVER, lent Heaves are contracted now, but are suppressed 1 Trustees of Conestoga Coutr4l. by pasture or warm weather, till they break 'out , January 16 .3t-51 in full force in the fall. Thousands of horses can' be saved from future unsoundness; if when ,the ; first symptous of cold or wheezing, is observed, a , few doses of the Tattersall , s Heave Powders should I be administered. They are warranted to wilfully eradicate recent hteavessrt this season. Great Spring Purifier.—The Heave Powders given in. small closes, will be found most useful at , this season. They stimulate the skin to east off the 'superfluous hair and produce new: they loosen the hide, give a glossy appearance to the coat, pro- : CHANCE FOR AuTuons.—A prize of slct against disease; the also form their fine Sii i i S s y alterative and restorative p owers, purify the .blood offered by the Scientific -dmerican for the best essay',' and renovate the whole system, which horses re of not more than twenty pages, on the Patent Laws quirethis as much as an •of the hinnin at season 3 , race, who find a preparation of Sarsaparilla useful of the United States and their improvement. it is to correct a vitiated state of the fluids, incident to t o be devoid of polities. the change of weather, which in the spring affect all animal as well : as vegetable life. INCREASING EVIDENCE.—day Scarcely in' . day - Joining the Shakers, in New Hampshire, de - passes but we receive marks of approbation from prices a Mall of his property. according to a law f our agents. and others who have used or sold the passed by the Legislature, which adjourned last remedy. ; The tbllowing, from our agent at Burlington, Vt., week. i was received this morning: " Mr. Flannagan of Middlebury, says he pur chased a package of you last tall, and gave 'to a valuable young horse that had the heaves, and it; cured him entirely : he is now perfectly sound; He On the 9th ult., by the Rev. L. 11. Hoff heins, lies just bought a . few more packages for other Philip Fisher to Elizabeth Redsecker, all of Eliza- horses.„ A. C. SPEAR, Burlington, V t bethtown. . This was received yesterday morning " ' ; WANT OF FRESft Ain.—Hon. Horace Mann, al luding to ill ventilated school-rooms, remarks as follows: "To put children on short allowance of fresh air, is as foolish as it would have been for Noah, during the dcluge,to put his family on a short allowance of water. Since God has poured out an atmosphere fifty miles deep. it is enough to make a miser weep. to see our children stinted in breathing.- a—pA schoolmaster in Vermont lately recom mended to his pupils a very fine edition of Combr on the head. ExEceTtoN DEFEunEn.—Henry short, a colored man, was: to have been hanged at Buffalo, Y. , last Friday for murder ; but was respired by the Governor until March .16th. The Butler Herald endorses the nomination made by a correspondent of the Pittsburg Post, of the Hon. WILLIAM BEATTY, or Butler. for Canal Commissioner MARRIAGES On the .9th inst., Joseph Foltz, of Marietta, to “Messrs. A. H. Guiegh Lave by chance Eliza Gillman, of Maytown. , procured one package of your Tattersall's Heave Powders, and have tried them on a horse of my -On the 25th inst., Denjainin H. Lehman, of tenon, 'to Leah Seids, recently of York county. own. I think it has entirely cured my horse to all appearances. Almost every man here thinks heaves : cannot lie cured, and to satisfy the people that they can, I will purchase six packages li,r $5, which is enclosed. Please send, &c., to In this city, on the 24th inst., Thomas Rogers, in EDWARD JONES, toe 60th year of his age. Clyde Glass Works, Clyde, N. On the 25th inst., John Leonard, sr., aged Sq In addition:to the above and twenty , other certih years, 10 months and 20 days. : rates which we have published, snore than a:hun ' Bred smilar ones can he adduced, but is impossible On the 26th : inst., John Fritz, aged 76 years and to publish them all. The successful and immense 26 days. use of this popular Horse Remedy has rendered ' advertising unnecessary to establish it as the most • useful and saleable horse medicine extant. Estate of Hugh Curley, deed. ('ACTI:IC/N.—As is to be expected of every valua r SETTERS testamentary having been granted to ble and popular remedy, numerous parasitical ind- Lithe undersigned, Executor of IlughSurley. late tations have sprung up, all of which expect to find of Earl township, Lancaster county, deceased—all support and sale from the popularity of this medi persons having claims are requested - to present them, tine. This has been the case more particularly in and those indebted to make payment, to the sub- the mid lie and western parts of this State, but per scriber, residing in Leacock township. sons are cautioned against all " JOHN CURLEY, Executor. COMPOUNDS,” &C., arid to purchase no 1-60 , remedy lint Kirkbride's 'Tattersall's Heave Powders, which is the article that is performing these won derful cures, and each package is signed . A. H. GOUGH & CO. ' Price $1 per package—six for $5. Ample three tions'on each, and a pamphlet containing a useful treatise in the diseases accompanies each. Prepared - and sold wholesale and retail by A. H. notion & Co., 249 Fulton Street, N. Y. ;)r- Country dealers and others sending orders, with good city reference, can lie supplied at the usual discount. For sale in Lancaster by the sole agent, : GEO. A. MILLER, Druggist, West King Street. DE4THIS General Toni Thumb! THIS distinguished e Man in M mature, weighing only 15 pounds, 17 years or age, 28 inches high! who has received with the highest marks of royal favor by Queen Victoria, and all the prin cipal crowned heads of Europe, and who has per formed before 6,000,000 persons during the past six years, will hold Two Levees each day. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRI DAY, SATURDAY, February 6th, 7th, Bth, . • 9th and 10th, at the Mecha;lics' Institute LANCASTER Or- Positively for 5 days only. Hours of Exhibition.—Afternoon, frons 2,1 to ; Evening, from 7 to SI o'clock. Doors open at half an hour in advance. The little General will appear in all Isis perfor mances, including songs, dances, Grecian statues, &c. He will also appear in the Scotch costume, and elegant court dress, worn before her majesty Queen Victoria, the King and Queen of the French, Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, and all the principal crowned heads and nobility of Europe. Ile is per fectly symmetrical in all his proportions, intelligent and graceful beyond belief, and smaller than - any infant that ever walked alone. His magnificent presents and jewels received from the crowned heads and nobility of Europe, will be exhibited. The I%llmA-11:RE EQUIPAGE, Presented by Queen Victoria, consisting of the smallest horses in the world, chariot attended by elfin coachman and footman in livery, will promen ade the streets at the close of the levee. Ladies, families, and children are respectfully advised to attend the Day Levees, as they are usu ally less crowded than those of the evening. Admission 25 cents; children 10 years of age, half price. January 30, '49 Popular Lectures. TR. BAZLEY will lecture on this and the fol lowing evenl, at the Mechanics' Institute, on Great Britain an relaud :—Subject this evening: The Middle Classes--;Progress of Civilization and Education—The Catholic and Protestant established Churches. To commence at half-past 7 o'clock. Admittance, 121 cents. . [Jan. 30,-1-It. • Vialentlite.s: 'Valentines: - Days of-APPeal. , (SHE CHEAP BOOK STORE of Judd FL Murray To the Taxable Inhabitants of Lancaster County. 1 opposite the Post. Office, North Queen street,DURSUANT to the provisions of the law of the Lancaster nontains a large, varied and splendid as:- Commonwealth, the undersigned Commission sortment Of VALENTINES, of allprices and styles: ers of Lancaster county, hereby give notice to the excluding those only of a vicious and vulgar aharL taxable inhabitants within the respective townships acter. They have been particular in the selection of the said county, that the place of appeal from the of this stock, and assure the public that in their assessments for 1849, will be at the Commissioner's Valentines the purest and tenderest affections and Office, in the city of Lancaster, on the tbllowing sentiments are expressed in suitable language ; days, to wit: for the townships of while the designs are chaste and expressive. r Bart, The Fourteenth of February, Love's great Gala Brecknock, day is near. 'Now is your time to repair to VAL= Caernarvon, ENTINE'S, HEAD QUARTERS and secure a Vat- Cocalico East, entine that shall express to the ONE you love the Cocalico West, tender and. exciting emotions that animate your Colerain, bosom. Be in time, our supply is large, but rapidly Columbia, diminishing. Conestoga, We will supply Merchants at a distance at Whole- Conoy, sale prices. All persons who remit money to us ' Donegal East, may depend on having their orders promptly exe- Donegal West, cuted. Drumore, Valentino Writers, and Envelopes of every des- Ephrata, cription. pan. 30-1-2 t Earl, Earl West, Farm for Sale. Elizabeth, THE subscriber offers for sale his F. 4 Hin Fulton, Chanceford township, York county, Peon'a, Hempfield East. three miles from McCall's Ferry, on the York' and Hemptield West Peachbottom road, containing ill ACRES. The -Lancaster, improvements are a good nV , T ' Leicoel; , FRAME HOVSE, zal Leacock Upper, and Frame Barn, a never-failing well of water at Little Britain, the house, with a pump in it; an Apple Orchard of .M3nheini, fifty trees of choice fruit. The principal part under Martic, good fence, about one half being limed, and 11 Manor, acres of g ood timber land, the improvements all Mountjoy, being made within the last three years. Paradise, Any person wishing to view the property can do Penn, so by calling on the subscriber, at Safe Harbor, Ranh°, Lancaster county, or Hugh Ross, Esq., residing Salisbury. near the property. This property can be had very Salsbury, reasonable. . Strasburg, Strasburg horn Warwick City JAMES H. WILEY, Safe Harbor, Lancaster co., Pa. N. 11.—If not sold by the 15th day of March, the above property will Le rented January .30,. • 49 Public Sale /AN Saturday, February 10th, 1849, will be ex- V./posed to public sale; at the house of in West Earl' township, BED AM) BEDSTEAD, a set of STONE MASON TOOLS, and a quantity of Wearing Apparel, being the personal property of the late Daniel Kane, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be-made known and due attendance given by MARK CONNELL, Executor. 1-to Estate of Mary Musser In the Court of Common Pleas for the Co. of LanCr. AVM:RI:AS, Christian Musser, testamentary trustee of Mary Musser,' did on the day of January, 1849, file, in the office of the Pro thonotary of the said Court, his supplementary ac count oi'the said estate; otice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint ed the 19th day - of March, 1849, lbr the contirina lion therefore, unless exceptions be fi led. _ . ATTEsT : HENRY STONE, Proth'y Prothonotary , s Office, Lancaster, January 30,'49 4 To Horse Owners January 30, '49 Estate of Valentine Cramer, ales. oncE is hereby given that letters testamen \ tarp have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Valentine Cramer, late of Martic township, Lancaster county, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are; there fore, requested to present them, duly authenticated —and those knowing themselves iunebted, are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. DAVID LAIRD, Executor. January 30. ,19 F9r Rent. 11111 E SAW MlLL'and TAVERN HOUSE of the undersigned at Lock No. 3, on the Conestoga, in Lancaster township, (formerly Mellinger's) from the Ist of April next. The above is one of the oldest and best business stands in LancaStercounty, and is a very desirable location. For further par ticulars enquire of either of the undersigndd. JACOB BAUSMAN, W3I. B. FORDNEY. 4t-1 January 30, '49 Removal. BOWLBY & BRENNER have removed their HARDWARE STORE to No. 41 MARKET STREET, eleven doors East of Second, where will be Sound a large assortment of English and Domestic Goods. They •are receiving a fresh assortment of goods to which the attention of dealers is particularly re quested. January 30, >49 tf-1 Notice. THE firm of Hutton 8. Map:luau is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in debted to said firm are requested to make payment OR or before the 'lst day of April next, to John McSparran, Fairfield, whos is duly authorised to settle the business of said firm. JOSEPH P. HUTTON, JOHN MeSPARHAN. January 30,'49. The Subscriber takes this opportunity to inform the public that he has opened Store at Liberty Square—(stand lately occupied by Robert H. Long) —thankful for the patronage extended to'him when doing business at Fairfield, as one of the above firm, and hopes by being accommodating and strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage January 30, '49 J OB PRINTING DONE AT THE OFFICE OF THE "LANCASTER INTELLIGENCER. Attest P. G. EIIERMAN, Clerk. January 30,'49 1 M Cl „ l . l o .r nd t,,`:„lasa's' o ß r r t a e . , s i s, ,,iz l e ro , n ro a r n Wedge sale Lv CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggist, East King Street. January 30, '49 1 T i OR Sale at Graeff's Landing on the Conestoga, 1. 500 loos of Soft Windsor Plaster. Also, 800 Sacks Ground Alum and Fine Salt, in lots to ac commodate purchasers. Enquire of GEORGE CALDER, At the Office of the Conestoga Navigation Company, Centre Square, Lancaster. January 30,'49 G Shellac. • 600 L. Bright Orange Gum Shellac, just received and tor sale at JOHN F. LONG'S Drug and Chemical Store, North Queen Street. January 30, '49 Estate of Christian Cramer. dec. N - roTicE is hereby given, that letters testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned, Executor or Christian Cramer, late of Martic town ship, Lancaster county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are, therefore, requested to present them, duly authenticated— and those knowing themselves indebted, are re quested to make immediate payment, to ADAM CRAMER, Executor. Januars 23 *7t-52 THE subscriber offers for rent a CABINET f;',l MAKER SHOP and DWELLING HOUSEZE with Stabling, Garden and Hydrant of water at the door, situated in the village of Chesnut Level, Urnmore township. Also, a SADDLER SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE, with Stabling, Garden and Hydrant at the door, with other necessary conve niences. This is considered one of the best situa _ Choice Liquors. nails for either Cabin - 1 Maker or Saddler in the • . country. Possession given on the first day of A pril rilHomAs H. JACOBS, Si Dock Street, Phila- • next. 'None need apply unless well recommended. delphia, (successor to Gowen, JacobS & Cu.) For terms, &r., apply to the subscriber residing in addition to the superior old Wines and Liquors ! thereon of the uld firm, has added to the stock some of the choicest Madeiras, Sherries, and Ports, that have • been imported for many years, together with the finest old Cogniac, Jlsßnnd Gln, Irish and Scotch malt Whiskey, 4-r. January 23, '49 In the Court of Common Pleas for the Co. of Laner Lancaster County Mutual Insu- AXTHER . EAS, Peter Mar tin, Esq., Assignee of 1 ranee Company. v Dav i d B. .brley, did on the 15th day or January, 1849, tile in the office of the Prothonotary /11HE following persons Were duly elected three- of the said Court, his account of the said Estate 1 tors of the Lancaster County Mutual Insurance Notice is hereby given to all persons interested Company for the present year, to wit: Dr. - Samuel i in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin- DutTield, Nathaniel E. Slaymaker, David Grafi, A. ted the 19th day of March, 1849, for the, confir- E: Witmer, Thos. S. Wood, Thos. S. Mcilraine, oration thereof, unless exceptions be tiled. Joseph 13. Baker, Henry F. Slaymaker, and Chris : , A ttest, HENRY STOKE, Proth'y two Umble. - ; Prothonotary's Office, .i At a meeting of the Board on the lsth inst., Dr. Lancaster, January 23,'49 Samuel Duffield was unanimously re-elected Presi- ; dint, and 11. F. Slaymaker, Secretary and Treasurer ATEW BOOKS, of the Board for the present year. Dr. Samuel Duffieitl, Thos. S: Mellvaine and H. i OST PUBLISHED and for sale at the CHEAP F. Slaymaker, were appointed the Executive Cum- J BOOK STORE of JUDD & mitlee; and William Noble, JosephKonigmacher, i the Post Office, North Queen Street, L AY, opposite ancaster,Pa. 's Histo Jacob S. Witmer, Dr.F.saias Rinser, Jos. McClure, ; Macauley Win. D. Slaymaker and James Buyers, were duly i fished by ha rpers. of England. This day pub thers. The first volume received. constituted Agents to receive applications and make History qf Alexander the Great, by Jacob Abbott. Surveys for Insurance. One beautiffil volume, Sm. Engravings. Fine January 23, '49 3 t _so Paper. 60 cts. - ! History of Charles the First, by Jacob Abbott. Uniffirm with the above. Same price. _. . .. ... . .. The IVusien n( the Revolution. Two line, well I Irll E undersigned auditor, duly appointed by the 1. Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, to din- printed volumes. 12mo. 16 Steel Portraits. tribute the balance remaining in the hand; of John I Mrs. Eliot. Clark, administrator of Zechariah Moore, late of Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A new trans- East Donegal township, deceased, to and among lation, arranged for Family Reading, with Explana , the creditors of the said Intestate according to the I tory Notes by E. W. Lane, Esq. Illustrated with rule established by law hereby gives notice to all six hundred exquisite Engravings. Noe: complete persons interested that he will attend for the pm- in two elegant volumes. Speaking of this edition, pose of his appointment at the public house of says a bibliographical Writer: " We hail this splen- Christian Shertz, in the city of Lancaster, on Sat- did work as the richest gift in literary fiction that Imlay, the, 24th day of February next, at 2 o'clock has ever appeared. It is worthy of particular re in the afternoon. mark, that this edition by Lane, which is original, R. R. BRYAN, Auditor. and especially designed for family reading, pus td-1 nooses great advantages over its predecessors in this important respect." Central Book Store. Cowper's Poetical Works—lllustrated. With a 'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND —A Biographical and Critical Introduction by Thomas AliVslYil supply - just received and fir sale a t the Dale. One of the most delightfhl of poets, as he Cheap Book Store of J. GISH & BRO., N. Queen i was one of the most afibetionate and just-hearted of men. His feelings of social beauty and enjoyment and Orange streets, Lancaster. Mr. Macauleys's Great Work—the History are not surpassed, perhaps not equalled, h'y any England, from the accession of James 11. By T. poet in the language; his sense of natural imagery Babington Macauley. Volume the first, w i t h an unerringly true; his feeling of domestic comfort on Portrait of the Author. The second vol. , gave him a wonderful power of domestic pathos.— will by issued in about two weeks. Mrs. S. C. HALL. 2 vols. Sri,. A book which will be highly popular as long as With 'navy other Choice Works at very low the English language lasts. His style is terse and Priues• brilliant, and his general views of a far seeing and January 16 impartial character. It is, indeed, delightful read ing, but it stands in no need of the praise—the great praise—ire are bound to bestow upon it.—London Literary Gazette. The work will be found to come up fully to the high standard of literary excellence which has been prophecied of it. The Critic. The Whig Almanac for 1849, containing a vast amount of Historical, Political, and Statistical mat ter—price 121 cents. Godey's Lady's Book for Feb. Sartain's Union Magazine for Feb. Graham's Magazine for Feb. . The National Magazine for Feb. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain; a Fanq for Christmas Time. By Charles Dickens— price-61 cents. Ellen Pickering's New Novel.—The Poor Cousin prier 25 cents. The London Lancet for January, $5 per annum. Our Cousins in Ohio, by Mary howitt. All of Lippard's Works are for sale here. All the Magazines, Newspapers and Cheap Books pub lished, for sale here at the lowest rates, as soon as published. Kate Clarendon or the Necromancy in the Wil derness, a tale of the Little Miami, by Emerson Bennett, 25 cents. The Nature and Treatment of Cholera, including a sketch of the disease, and the causes which pro duce it, 25 cents. The Priest of the Black Cross, a Tale of the Sea, 25 cents. 'Secrets of Mount Echo, or Mother's Mysteries, an American Romance, by Jesse Conrad, 25 cents. Mike Fonk, a Legend of the Ohio, 25 cents. J. GISH & BRO. tf-52 January 30,'49 cow6m-1 THE Store Room recently occupied by D. R. & C. A. Ehler, in the National House Building, North Queen Street, with Cellar and Wareroom. The stand is one of the Most:_desirable in the city. Apply to . _ JOSEPH P. HUTTON Monday, March sth, IS4 } Tuesday, March Gth, 1849 i '.W;;,inefitlay, Niarrh 7th, li-19 1 ' . Marrh Sth , 1549 'Fritlay. March 9th. I R 49 JOHN LANDES, JOHN WITMER, HENRY MUSSELMAN. Commissioners 500 Tons Plastez Auditor's Notice Store Room to Let. January 16 COLOGNE WATER.—Genuine Farina's Cologne Water—imported and for sale by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggist, East King Street. January 30,49 lm-1 WINDSOR SOAP.—Low's Brown Windsor Soap, a superior article for the Toilet and Nursery. Imported and for sale by • • CHARLES A. HEINITSH, -. .East King Street.. January 30, P 49 'alentine-Head Quarters. JGISH & BROTHER, corner of North Queen . and Orange streets, have just received the largest and best assortment of VALENTINES ever seen in this city. Storekeepers and others wishing to-sell again, would do well to call early and get their supply, as there' will he a great business done in that line this year. The designs are chaste and , elegant, - all prices, with envelopes to suit.- Persons at a distance may remit any amount of money by mail, and we will send them the value in Comic or Sentimental Valentines, Valentine Writers or Envelopes, as they may specify. Persons wishing to send Valentines to a distance, would do well to come and bay soon, as they will be there in time. Better early than late. J. GISH & BRO., .at the Cheap Book and Stationary Store, . corner North Queen and Orange sts, Jan 2341:52] Lancaster. DR. WILEY'S CELEBRATED .COUGH CANDY, S positively a certain and speedy cure for Coughs, I Colds, Hoarseness, Irritations of the Throat, Croup, rhooping Cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, Diffi cult Expectoration—in .fine, all diseases likely to terminate in confirmed Consumption. 0:7- To Every Man, Woman and Child, Dr. Viley's Cough Candy has been long and favorably known as an invaluable remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all diseases arising from these complaints. It has received the first testimonials of the public I press throughout the Union, and is recommended and used by Physicians, Clergymen, Lawyers, Far inert, Merchants, &c. of the highest respectability. It differs from all other Cough Candy, being very pleasant to take, and not containing any thing that could possibly injure the patient. Every thmily throughout the country should always have a pack age on hand. Those who have used it are never without it. Give it a fair, judicious trial—we ask no more. Dr. Wiley's celebrated Cough' Candy, has ob tained such an extraordinary popularity ' that seve ral would be Cough Candy inventors have been tempted tp counterfeit it; so before you purchase, see that the name of Geonot W. CHILDS & CO. is written on the wrapper. None other Will do you. any gobd, to say nothing of the harm they may produce. Kr Price per package (the Candy is always done up in package's) of two sticks, 12} cts., five sticks, 25 cts., twelve sticks, 50 cts., thirty sticks, Si. For sale by GEORGE A. MILLER, Druggist, West King Street, Lancaster, Pa., who is the Sole Agent for Lancaster count•. 5 A reasonable discount will be allowed to those who buy to sell January 16 E. C. FRAIRI & Co. - Opposite the Museum. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public that they have just received direct from importers, a large addition to their stock of French, German and English Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &c., &c., comprising many different articles. Confident from the good. quality and the low price of their articles, they will give perfect satisfaction. Among their goods will be found the following: Cologne Water, Lavender Water, G , Florida Water, Bay Rum. • - Rstracts for the Handkerchief. ' Do for Flavoring. • Cosmetics. Preparations for the Hair. Do do Teeth. Toilet and Shavinm ' Soaps. Ladies' Caps and Head DresseS, Trimmings. Fancy and Staple Articles in every variety. January 23 3.m-52 Capital Punishment Fr HE following works on this subject are •for I sale at the Cheap Book Store of JUDD & MURRAY, opposite the Post Office, Lauer, Pa. Thoughts on the Death Penalty, by Charles C. Burleigh. Address of the lion. Charles Mason, before the lowa Anti-Capital Punishment Society. An Essay on Capital Punishment, by (his A. Skinner. A Sermon or the Dangerous classes in Socimy, bv Theodore Parker. Argument or Edward Living. toti, against Capi tal Punishment. With a great variety of other ne•w s Jan 22 January 23 Estate of David B. Ebel%ley. CHIARLES B. WILLIAMS respectfully informs the citizens of Lancaster, and strangers who may tarry here until their beards grow, that he has opened a Shaving and Hair Cutting Saloon, in North Queen Street, opposite Kauffman's Tavern, where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial Busi ness, in its varied branches. He will shave you as clean as a City Broker, and cut your hair to suit the cut of your head and the cut of your Phiz. Then the whole object and desire is, to improve the appearance of the human race. From long experience he flatters himself that he can go thro' all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as to meet the entire approbation of those who submit their Chins to the keen ordeal of his Razor January 16 TILE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE Co. MAKE INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGES BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, AND OTHER PROPERTY ON THE MOST REASONABLE. CONDITIONS. WM. MARTIN, President. RICHARD NEWBOLD, Secretary. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Agent. North Queen Street, Lancaster. January 23, 1849 3m-51 In the Court of Common Pleas for the Co. of Loner. WHEREAS, Edwin N. Lightner, P. E. Light ner and Thos. S. M'llvaine, Administrators of Nathaniel F. Lightner, deceased, who was one of the Committee of Jacob Hess, an habitual drunk ard, of Strasburg township, and also the account. of Benjamin Groff, the survivor of the Committee of said Jacob Hess, did on the 6th day of January, 1849, tile in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, their Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have ap pointed the 19tIrday of March, 1849, for the codfir mation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. ATTEST: HENRY STOEK, Proth'y Prothonotary's Office, Lancaster, January 16,,49 JOHN EHLER, 3t-61 Bengal Indigo. A Prime lot just received and for sale at J. F. LONG'S January 30,'49 . For Rent P. W. HOUSEKEEPER. *3l-52 Removal. SKI" BARBER Estate of Jacob Hess. Drug and Chemieal Store, No. 8 North Queen Street. tf-1 IRON FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP, AM OTHER CITY PROPERTY AP PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3d, 1849, • By virtue oran alias order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, at the public house of - Christian Shertz, in `the city of Lancaster, the undivided half part of the followingt described valuable real estate, to wit: That well-known establishment now occupied by Boon &Hammy, situated on East Chesnut Street and the Railroad, in the city of Lancaster, com prising a Foundry, Patteni Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Brick Office, and the piece or parcel of ground thereto belonging. With the Foundry there is a Hydrant, and every thing requisite to that branch of the works. Five Lathes, one Boring Mill, one Upright Drill, Vices, Grindstone, one eight-horse Engine, and all the Drills, Taps, Wrenches and Dies necessary in this division of the establishment. There are besides Blacksmith Tools, Boilermaker Tools, and a large and convenient shop for build ing boilers in. •9:r A list of the Tools can be seen by calling on the undersigned. The Shops are situated immediately on the Col umbia and Philadelphia Railroad, so that every convenience is afforded for hauling _Coal, Iron, Luntber, or anything that may be required about the works. This establishment is so well known through the State, that it is scarcely necessary to give a more minute description of the several advantages con nected with it. ALSO: A one-story frame DWELLING HOUSE, Situate on the North side ofthesnut Street, in said city, containing in front on said street, about :24 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth 40 feet, more or less, attached to and adjoining the bore. ALSO: A one-story FRAME DWELLING - HOUSE, Situate on the North side of Chesidit Street, in said city, containing in front on said Chesnut Street about 27 feet 10 inches, and extending in depth 40 feet, more or less, attached to and adjoining the above, and on the East bounded by property of John Eberman. • . . The above property haying been owned in equal parts by William W. Pennell, deceased, in his life time, and by „John Lehner, the half part now offer ed for sale is that owned by said Pennell's Estate. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock P. M., when the terms will be made known and due attendance given by - GEORGE QUIGLEY , JAMES B. LANE, Administrators or Wm. W. Pennell. January 1l is-51 s N •.! Reinhardt's Patent Glass Pad Lever Truss. THESE TRUSSES have a superiority over any heretofore in use on account of their durability and cleanliness. The Rupture Pad, which is con structed of Glass, has a double motion: Ist, by revolving on its own axis, and 2d, by the Lever, by which it is attached to the .main spring. In this way it is so adjusted as to suit the motion of the body, and is always clean and durable, which in the ordinary stuffed pads is not the case. The manifest superiority these Trusses have over others, is, that they are . more effectual in retaining the parts in their proper place and making an equal pressure. They can he adjusted to mitt either side. The Umbilical Truss is unsurpassed, being so adapted as to remain perfectly .secure when applied. These Instruments are for, sale of different sizes, at JOHN F. LONG'S Drug and Chemical Store, No. S North Queen St. January 16 St-5t Election. bASTILES DE PARIS.—For the cure of Coughs, . AT, oTIcE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election il_ Colds, Bronchitis, and other Affections of the il will be held at the Court .House, in the city Throat, Breast, &c. Imported and for sale by of Lancaster, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February CHARLES A. HEINITSH, Druggisi • next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the fbre- Jan 9 11-50] . East King Street. noon, and 9 in the afternoon, to elect one,. Judge and two Inspectors for the East Ward, and one ATATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS.—A sup- Judge and two iikspectors for the West Ward, to ITT ply of Mathematical Instruments in Fish Skin conduct the general and other elections of the cur- and Morocco Cases. For sale by rent year. The officers of the last general election CHARLES A. HEINITSII, are requested to conduct the above election. I Jan 9-tf-50 East King Street. At the same time and place, will be elected by . the citizens of Lancaster, one Assessor and two 'lc e w and Fashionable Millinery. Assistant Assessors to serve for the ensuing year. Aff RS. KURT begs leave to announce to ho. JH ON MYER, High Constable. I . _ friends that on to-morrow, Wednesday, sh e 3t-51 will be prepared to open her winter assortment : of MILLINERY, all of which will be of the ---- Canal, Water Power and Stone newest and most thshionable styles, and will be disposed of at reasonable rates. She will also QT - ARRIF.S FOR LEAST.... lie prepared to alter, whiten and press, and trim DROPOSA LS will be received by the undersigned Straw Hats and Bonnets in a superior manner and 1 for leasing, Bir a period of five years from the at short notice, at her old established shop in North 15th day of .March next, the old Maryland Susyue- i Queen Street, nearly opposite Scholfield's Hotel. haunt( Canal, in Cecil county, together with the Oct 31 3m-40 Saw NI ill, Lands, Stone Quarries, and all the other • property of the Company appertaining thereto. Prof. Barry's Tricopherous or The Canal has its outlet locks at Port Deposite, and Medicated Compound. has extensive ponds for the accommodation of rafts. S acknowledged by thousands, who use it daily, T I here is a Farm of 60 acres of good lend, 2 to be the on/o remedy to prevent Baldness, and m and a comfortable House connected with it. to restore hair that nas Wien off or become thin, to Persons disposed to offer for this lease are re prevent gray hair; to prevent and remove every quested to address the undersigned, post-paid, be appearance of Scurf and Dandruff, and to keep the fore the pith day of February, i 849. They are re hair in the most healthy, soft and glossy state, yet quested so to frame their proposals as to secure to free from all oily and greasy appearances. For the Company a stipulated net rent,clear of all char- sale by With. G. BAKER, Druggist, .ges for repairs, taxes, superintendence or any otherCentre Square. matter. Proposals will be received for the lease of tf-4S the whole property, or for the Stone Quarries and the rest of the property separately. Satisfactory security tier the fulfilment of the contract will be required. WM. BOSE, Gov. Md. Sus. Canal Co. Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1648. tf-51 (Baltimore American, k0.,000 January 16 EAST KING STREET, FOUR DOORS WEST OF THE FARMERS' BANK Estate of Daniel Kane, deceased. OTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed by the last will and testa ment of Daniel Kane, late of \Vest Earl township, Lancaster county, deceased, Executor of said Es tate. All persons having demands against the same are, therefore, requested to present them, duly authenticated, for payment, and those know ing themselves to be indebted are requested to discharge their liabilities. • MARK CONNELL, Executor. '6t-5l January 16 ARCHER'S PATENT SOLAR LARD LAMP : Patented June 18, 1842.—Manufactured by ARCHER & WARNER, No. 119 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. V,- Also, Chandeliers, Giran doles, Candelabras &c., and every description of Gas natures. January IG, '49 Iy-51 CHARLES A. HEHTITSH, Successor to J. F. Heinitish & Son, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGIST, EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. January 16, 1849. 3m-51 JUNIUS B. KAUFFMAN, Attorney at Law, offers his professional services to the public.— Mice in Longenecker's building, Centre Spuare, next door to Kendig's Hotel. April 13, 1847. 11 GEORGE W.:NIT-W.OY, Attorney at Law, of fers his professional services to the public.— Office in Centre Square, in the room formerly-occu pied by \Valli= Carpenter, Esq., next door to the Mayor's office. [dee 1-14 WASHINGTON BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFERS his professional services to the public, Office in Centre Square,. neat door to Thomas Baumgardner & Co ,s Store. Nov 21 • New European Garden .Seeds. • Growth of 1848. TRUE English Early York, Large York, Noble's Superior Early Dwarf, Drumhead, Imperial Ox-heart, Bremen Brown, Hanover Brown and Savoy Cabbages. French Spring Carrot, Prussian Imperial Dwarf, German Loup, and Cedo Nolli Peas, the earliest of the Pea tribe, together with a full assortment of other Garden Seeds. For sale by CHARLES A. HELNITSH, East King Street. Jan 9 I ut-50 Estate of Jas. H. Sla3 - atalter, dec. LETTERS of Administration upon the Estate of James H. Slaymaker, late of Paradise town ship, Lancaster county, deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned Administrators. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, anti those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement to the undersigned. THOS. S. M'ILVAINE, Salisbury township, JANE E. SLAYMAKER, Adm , rs Paradise township. 6t-50 Clothing! Clothing IN READING, PENN'A ALIST of desirable Ready Made Garments:— Super Drab Beaver Tilbury Sack Coats. Super Brown Over Sack Coats. Super Black Register Sack. Black and Brown Business Sack Coats. French Dress Over Sack Coats. French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats. ;.- 1 and Full Circle Cloth Cloaks. ilack French Cassimere Pants. Super Plain and Fancy Cassimere Pants. - A large assortment of 'Vests, Shirts and Drawers. Any of the above goods may be seen at the large Clothing Store, No. 62, East Penh Street, between Sixth and Seventh, Reading, where every attention will be given to please customers. Cut this ad vertisement out, and keep it till - you want Clothing, and it will pay you for the trouble. Also, a-large assortment of BOYS' CLOTHING, such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Re., which will be sold unusually low.' JAMES .TAMESON. St-47 Reading, Dec. 19 New supply of Boots & Shoes ! e l l - Gum Shoes, &c. THE subscriber has just received a new supply of Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, &c., at his stand, in North Queen Street, two doors above the Post Office, to which he invites the attention of his patrons and the public in general. He has - a supply of Gum Shoes of every descrip tion, consisting of Buskins, Sandals, and plain, with double soles, and also a common article. Nov 9 247-41] ADAM S. KELLER. Astonishing Inducements MO Persons commencing housekeeping and all others in want of the following articles. COPPER KETTLES, of the very best, quality, at the reduced price of 26 cts. per pound, ,and a little less if desired. STOVES of every variety at prices to snit the • - times. • TIN-WARE lower than ever. FEATHERS of the best quality. . ; The subscriber has purchased the right of Jas. Stevens, of Maryland, for Lancaster county, for using and making his cooking utensils for Boiling and Steaming, which the subscriber will attach to his Cooking Stoves, giving them a decided advan tage over all others. Call and judge for yourseJv - es and if you can't make a day's wages don't buy. • Old Iron, Copper and Pewter taken in at the highest prices. C. KIEFFER, East King st., Lancaster, opposite Sprecher 8. o Rohrer's Hardware Store Dec. 26, 1848 FROSTED Chillblain Oint ment— a n effectual remedy for frosted bands and feet. Prepared and sold by CHARLES A. HEINITSH, East King Street. Jan 9—tf-501 Dec. 26, 1848 $lOOO PREMIUM !! LABOR SAVING STOVE BLACKING. I'lR prodnthi an immediate brilliant jet black polish on Sto g ves, &c. me But one trial is requi site to prove that it is the most heautithl and easy polishing. lustre, that has ever been offered to the American public—the world challenged to produce a better article. Another supply of this celebra ted Blacking just received and for sale wholesale and retail by \VM. G. BAKER, Druggist, Centre Square. tb-48 Dec. 184 S For Sate. AN excellent two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE, with a large garden, frame barn, and about 3 Acres of first quality limestone land attached, situated in Manheim township, near the Rail Road, ahout 11 miles from the city of Lanaster. The property is in good condition—in a pleasant: location, and suitab,e for public business or private residence, and will be sold on accommodating terms if early application be made to the under signed. JAMES C. CARPENTER, Lancaster city. Dec 19 , 47 L ANDIS & BLACK, ATTORNIES AT .L. 4 TV Office—Three doors below the Lancaster Bank, South Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn's.. n- All kinds of Scrivening, such as writing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, &c., will be attended to with correctness and despatch. January 16, 1899 51 Real Estate at Public Sale. ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1849, At the Buck Tavern, in Drumore township, Lancaster county, will be offered at public stile, a Valuable Tract of Land, containing 77 ACRES and 140 PERCHES, more or less, adjoining lands of George T. Clark, Esq., and others, beautifully situated on the State road, leading from Philadelphia to M'Call's Ferry on the Susquehanna river, 7 miles east of the latter place and near the Buck Tavern. The improvements are a two-story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, 35 by 25 feet, with two rooms and a large and commodious kitchen on the first floor, and three rooms on the second floor, plastered throughout and weather-boarded; a good cellar underneath and a porch in front, a LOG BARN, Pig Sty, new Smoke House, Oven House, Milk House, with a never-failing spring of water, not surpassed i:n the country. The west branch of the Conov:ingo passes through this tract; and also, a water right through an adjoining tract which will make a. head and fall of 20 feet. An excellent Peach Orchard, of over 100 trees, and other fruit on the same--also, sufficient timber for said farm. This property has lately been greatly improved by liming. Over 2000 bushels have been put on within five years. A perpetual insurance on the buildings has been effected with the Southern Mutual be Com pany—the policy for which will be transferred to the purchaser. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of sale, will please call on the subscriber. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when terms will made known and due attendance given by January 23 For Sale In Rawlinsville, MARTIC township, Lancaster county, Penn , a, 12 miles from the city of Lancaster, a ra TWO'-STORY HOUSE, 20 by 20 feet; built a few years past of oak. logs, recently weather boarded, and in good order, and on the best business stand in the Village, with 2 Acres of Land, or more if required. ‘Vh.en the bridge now contemplated and purposed to Ipe loca ted at M'Call's Ferry, 41 miles from Rawlin.syille, shall be erected, the Village will become more a place of business than at present. G. S. SAVER 1. !It-52 January 23 -11 LEXANDER L. H,AYES, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Bice—South Prince Street, half a Square from the Lancaster Saving's Institution. January 9,'49.• - 50 OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OLD DR. TOWNSEND is now abont7o years of age, and has long been known as the author and discoverer of the Genuine Original Townsend Sarsaparilla. Being poor, he was compelled to limit Its manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached the ears ofmany, never theless, as those persons who had been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, prOclaimed its excellence and wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years ago, that lie had, by his skill, science and experience, devised an article which would,he ofincalculable advantage to man kind when the means would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, when its i nestimable virtues would be known and appreciated. This. time has come„ the means are supplied ; this Grand and Unequalled Preparation is manusfactured on the lar gest scale, and is called for th oughout the length and breadth 9f the land, esp cially as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it improves with - age, and never changes, but for the better; because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the ' old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla Root, is well known to medical men contains many medical properties and some properties which are inert or ' useless, and others which if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that they entirely evap orate and are lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific progress, known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, Whieh- fly off in vapor, or as an exhalation, under,heat, are the very essential medical properties of the root, which give to it all - its value. Any person can boil or stew the root till theyget a dark colored liquid, which is more from the-col.' oring matter in the root than from anything else ;- , they can then strain this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour molasses, and then call it" Sar saparilla Extract . or Syrup." But such not the article known as the GENUINE OLD.DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted or rejected; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and conceatra tett' form; and thus it id rendered incapable of los ing any of its, valuable and healing properties. Pre pared in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side in its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula, Piles, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Eruptions; Pimples; Blotches, and all • affections arising front IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvelous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stom ach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and hands; cold chills and hot flashes over the body. It has not its equal in Colds and Coughs; and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspi ration, relaxing strictures of the lungs, throat, and every other part.. Rut in nothing is its excellence more Manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of ' FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of Fleur Allies or Whites, Falling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppres sed, or Painful Menses, Irregularity of the mens trual periods, and the like; and it is effectual in curing all the fbrins of Kidney Disease. By removing obstructions, and regulating the general system, it irives tone and strength to the whole body, and tries cures all forms of Nervous Diseases and Debility, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other maladies, as Spinal Irrita tion, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance, Swooning, Ep ileptic Fits, Convulsions, &c. It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach, and gives good diges-. tion, relieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, - allays inflammation, purifies the skin, equalizes the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth equally over all parts of the body, and the ileums, life perspiration ; relaxes all strictures and tight ness, removes all obstructions, and invigora.tes_tlw entire nervous systeie. Is not this then the medi cine you pre-eminently need 1 But can any of these things be said of S. P. 'Tama • seed's inferior article? This young man's loped is not to he • COMPARED WITH THE OLIPDR , S, - because of one Grand Fact, that the one is incapa ble of Deterioration, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other does ; souring, fermenting, and blowing the bottles containing it into fragments; the sour, acid liquid exploding, and damaging other goods ! Must not this horrible compound be pois onous to the system 7 What! 'put acid into a sys tem already diseased with acid? What causes Dvspepsia but acid t Do we not all know that sours in our stomachs, what mischief it produces? flatulence, heart-burn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentary, colic, and corruption of the blood 7 What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body 7 What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external 7 It is nothing Under heaven but an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less. ' What, tfauses Rheumatism but a sour or acid fluid, which insinu ates itself betweetithe joints and elsewhere, irrita ting and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it acts 7 So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which affect human nature. Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and infi nitely worse to use this Souring, Fermenting, Acid Compound of S. P. Townsend, and yet he would fain have it understood that Old- Dr. Jacob Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsapa rilla, is an imitation of his inferior preparation. Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article 'which would bear the least resemblance to S. P. Townsend's article; and which should bring down upon the old Dr. such a mountain load.of complaint and criminations from Agents who hive sold, and purchasers who have used S. P. Townsend's Fer menting- Compound. We wish it understood because it is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every particular having not one single thing in common. As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional man, what gu'arantee can the public have that they are receiving a genu ine scientific medicine, containing all the virtues of the articles used in preparing it, and which are incapable of changes-which might render them the AGENTS of Disease instead of health. But what else should be expected from one who knows nothing comparatively of medicine or dis ease! It requires a person of somerexperience to cook and serve up even a common decent meet. How much more important is it that thh persons who manufacture medicines designed for . Weak Stomachs and Enfeebled Systems should know well thcamedical properties of plants, the best manner ofseauring and concentrating their healing virtues also an extensive system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases ! • ' It is horrible to think and to know how cruelly the afflicted are imposed upon by presumptuous men for the sake of money ! Fortunes made - out of the agonies of the sick ! and no equivalent rendered he despairing sufferers ! For sale by J. GISH & BRO., Agents. Jan 9 49 - Why will you Suffer I THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES of the AMERICAN COMPOUND have been sold during the past year, and was never known to fail of curing, in a few days, the worst cases of a certain delicate dis ease, Seminal weaknesi - and, all . diseases of the . Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this Plea sant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires no restric tions in diet or business—contains ,no Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is adapt ed to every age, sex, or condition: It is also the best" remedy known for Flour Albus or Whites, (female c omplaints) with which thousands suffer, without the knowledge of a remedy. This celebra ted remedy has long been used in the private prac tice of a physican with unerring success, radically curing ninety-nine of the 'hundred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain and full-direc tions. Kr CAUTION—Ask for the APIERICAN, CON POUND, and purchase only. of the Agent. Price $ per bottle. It. Witxrams, agent for Columbia. I Jan.,2 - HENRY RUSH WILLIAM F. BRYAN, Attorney at Law, of fice opposite SpreclieVa Hotel, Eaat King. Lancaster. • [dee 8-46-tf