Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, June 13, 1848, Image 4

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    : Philadelphia Advertisements,
T7B. Palsieb, agent, -Thibd and Cites nut Sts
Wood’s Steam Iron Railing man
.. &idge Road , above Buttonwood St., Philadelphia.
IRON RAILINGS for public and private buildings
and.public squares, of every form and pattern.
L Cemetery Railings, of classic and unique designs*
embracing upwards of one hundred different va
; Iron Chairs and Settees, for Gardens,-Halls and
Piazzas—new style*
Verandas and P-ilasters, for Cottages’made in
every style.
Superior Wrought Iron Gates, for Carriage en
; New style Balcony Brackets, &c.
i I fon Tables of various styles, embracing Louis
XIV, Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern patterns,
with white and gold Italian marble tops. These
have been introduced by the subscriber for
Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Saloons, &c. They
are beautiful articles of furniture for Hat Stores
and other establishments where it is desirable to
make a grand display.
• j He has recently constructed an elegant substan
tial Cast Iron Hitching Post, in form admirably
adapted to permanency of position,highly ornamen
ted, and representing a well executed head of that
noble animal, the horse. Such an article has long
been a desideratum, and is now offered to the good
taste of the public.
; Strangers visiting Philadelphia, arc respectfully
invited to call at his and examine his
different specimens of new and beautiful work.
[ ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor,
j. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood Street, Philada.
i ll® has recently published, at great expense,
an original work exhibiting the new designs and pat
terns which are executed at his establishment, em
bracing all the above articles, and t7»e various and
splendid patterns of Cemetery, Balcony, Step, and
other Railings which have been 'manufactured for
Laurel Hill and other celebrated Cemeteries, de
signed expressly tor his own establishment, ami
which may be sent to any part of the world to those
who desire to make a selection. Undoubted refer
ence will be. required to ensure a prompt return of
the work, after 'an opportunity for making the se
lection. R
; Philadelphia, April 18, 1848
Manufacturer and Importer of Perfumery, Soaps,
j Shaving Creams, <sc.,
Respectfully calls the attention of country
merchants ami the public in general, to his
extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, ami ar
ticles"for the toilet. To prove that his efforts have
liotjbeen unavailing of producing articles of a vorv
Superior quality, he would refer to the fact of hav
ing been awarded no less than nine Gd/d andSih-er
. Medals , by the institutes of Philadelphia, New York
and Boston, as a proof the superiority of his prepa
. lions over all others in his line.
I Amongst the various articles, he would particu
larly call attention to the following:
! Roussel’s unrivalled premium Shaving Cream,
the best and cheapest article for shaving.* 3
Roussel’s Liquid flair Dje, warranted to live in
stantaneously the hair of a beautiful’‘jet black or
brown, without injuring the skin.
! 'Roussel’s Eau Lustrale, Hair Restorative, for
cleansing, beautifying, and restoring the hair.
: Roussel's Odontine, for whitening the teeth ami
hardening the enamel, and imparting a plenshut
smell to the breath, it also prevents effectually
the'decay of the teeth.-
Roussel’s Depilatory Power, lor removing super
fluous Hair.
-*■ Roussel's Cirrassion Soaps f.\r beautifying the
.dqmploxion, and for removing tan, sun-burn, freck
les, pimples, kc. ’
Roussel's Ricinitie, a new and beautiful article
made of Castor Oil, for the growth and preservation
of the Hair. “
Roussel's Amandine, an infallible cure and pre
ventive for chapped hands, or soreness of the skin.
Roussel's Extracts Ibr the handkerchief, embrac
ing over 50 different kind's of Perfumes, Warranted
equal to the best of French Manufactures.
Cologne Waters, Hair Oils, Soaps -of all kinds.
Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Shavum
Cases, Work Boxes, Dressing Casesv&c., &a-.
f.i oexk rolsskl,
, No. Il l Chestnut Street, Phiiad
sign.of the Hear ami Cold .Medal.
N. B. Roussel's is the onlv Perfumery in Phila
delphia, to which either a gold or silxer medal
have been awarded —the highest premium ever
.awarded to any other perfumer beiim a Bmnyi*
Medal. ' R '
May 2, IS4S. dnC-M
M. A. Root's Gallery of Dagucrrco
NO. 140 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Now is
the time! Those who visit the ritv during
the Christmas and New Year's holidays should not
‘ fail to visit -the splendid Portrait Gallery of M. A.
, . Root, 140 Chestnut street.
: . There is no charge for this interesting amt beau
tiful exhibition, and the likenesses made by Mr.
Root’s newly improved Daguerreotype process arc
decidedly the most accurate ami life-like ever ta
. ken, having been awarded premiums in the prinei
pal cities, and in New York at the last exhibition
of the American Institute, the first medal for the
best Daguerreotypes, overall competition.
While the pictures are such rich ami perfect
gems of art, our prices are tire lowest possible with
- good materials. Visitors should not neglect the
opportunity of securing portraits of the host qual
ity—/or such only will not fade.
Prices §1 50, §2 00, §2 fit), $3 00. $4 00, ss’a u 0
$8 00, §lO 00, ami upwards to s.'H) OOi varying
with the size and style of the Irame’or east*. *
Unrivalled perfection.— V. S. Gazette,
f. The perihelion of art.— Boston Star.
The heat ill every point ol' view.— Pennsylvania
Very beautiful. —Boston live.
\ Best ever exhibited in this country.—A T . Y. Sun
The lightning has at last reached the Dagucrrco
! type. —North American.
Life-like am! inimitable.— N. V. Tribune
OPINIONS OK THE PRESS miffleiunl to till a
volume might be -given, hut all are invited to call
at tho Gallery and judge for themselves.
. M. A.; ROOT,
MO Chestnut st., lh 1 door below oth.
IMiilutk-iplifa Typo and Stereotype
rpilK Bubscril>Gr»nre prepared to furnish, at short
X notice, every article used in a Printing OUit o.
. and have reduced the Prices of Type upwards of
per cent. 'l’hey now charge for
Pica - - - - - 32 cts. Minion - - - f> 4 c i s>
-Small Pica - 34 tf “ Nonparie! - - (it; •• ’
Long Primer 36 Agate Mi <*
Bourgeois- - 40 “ pearl s 1 20
Brevier - - 46 “ Diamond --2 00
Determined to spare no expense in making their
establishment as complete as possddr, they are
getting up a uniform Series of the cel.-braird Srotr/i
Fades, which are unequalled for beautv and dura
bility, and which they feel assured will me.-t with
- general approbation. Several sixes are now ready.
• Having recently visited K.urnpe for the purpose
! of procuring every improvement in their line of
! business, they now otfer a greater variety of Fancy
Type, Borders, Ornaments, &r., &c.,' than an’v
other establishmeiiG.iti the United States; and their
; improved methods of casting, and of preparing
metal, enable them to furnish orders in a manner to
insure satisfaction.
Printing Presses *of every description, Printing
. Ink, Chases, Cases, Brass Rule, Furniture &c. at
the lowest rates. 5 ’’
Second-hand Presses, and Type which has been
used only in stereotyping, generally on hand.
Books, Pamphlets, Music, Medicine Directions,
Labels, Checks, Drafts, &c. correctly and elegantly
stereotyped as heretofore. * “ }
N. B. Specimen Books will he sent, to Printers
• wlio wish to make orders.
L. JOHNSON £: Co. >
Jan 11 No. 6 Little George streei
Candelabra* and Girandoles.
C,as Fixtures, Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps, Solar
' Lard La?nps.
M A J^ FACTITRED b - v M - B - D )' oU & Kent,No.
64 South Second street, Philadelphia—who
would invite the attention of those interested to
examine Dyott's Patent Improved Pine Oil Lamps.
Their construction is superior, their arrangement
more simple, and embrace improvements' possessed
by no other Lamps. The cost of burning will not
exceed one half the expense of any other light
whilst they produce a more brilliant and steady
.light than gas. Their construction is such that the
wick is supplied with Oil by a feeder, when it is
short; so that they can be burnt dry, and thus keen
tne Oil always pure and the lamp clean. Their
management is so easy that a child can take care of
them, i hey are perfectly safe, and free from anv
unpleasant odor The above Lamps, together Dyott's Newly Improved Solar Laid and OH
rn mII , ‘'stable form, anil suit-
Suit “^^t;,^ orio d’ h e
with shades, designed for reading, ami for even"
purpose where light is required, a h >„.\ i
varied assortment of Candelabra aiui
together with Gas Fixtures of every pattern st 1 ’
Rnd fmish ?J that are made by any other mani/factur’
ers. Havmg every facility for manufacturing’ we
are prepared to sell wholesale and retail, as che-io
as other dealers; and the articles are warranted
equal in appearance, and superior in construction
to any that can be procured elsewhere. Merchants
and those who deal in any ;of the above articles are
solicited to call and examine our stock and prices
before purchasing. t [Feb. 1, IS4S-6m*
Cabinet Furniture.
H Cabinet, Sofa-Chair, Sofa,- and
* Manufactory, No. MS, South 2d
street, Philadelphia.
The advertiser respectfully invites the attention
of the public to lus store of CABINET FUJiNI
TURE, comprising a variety of patterns of every
article known in the business, and of the htnst
style of finish, which he will sell at the lowest Cash
Every article sold at this establishment warranted
of the best materials and workmanship.
Philadelphia, Feb. 22. ~ 4 g m
Philadelphia China Store.
THE subscribers, proprietors of one of the oldest
and most extensive China Stores in tf»e United
States, have now on hand a very large supply of
Common Ware, Granite Ware, China Ware, and
Glass Ware,
embracing nil the varieties ever imported, which
they will sen in large or small quantities, wholesale
or retail, to suit the wants of the people, at prices
to defy competition.
The advantages to be derived from having a large
stock to select from, ought certainly to be apparent
to every one; only two need be mentioned :
Ist. I he variety to please the taste. ■
2d. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest
prices; for it is certainly evident to every thinking
mind, that the larger the business done, the small
er the profit required. It is so in. every branch of
trade. The manufucturer sells to the wholesale
package dealer;' the wholesale package dealer
sells to the jobber, and the jobber to the retail
country dealer ; so that the farmer or the consumer
of the article pays at least four profits !
Why pay so many profits when you can come
directly to head quarters ?
April «o, 1848-13] 219 Chesnut st., above 7th st.
Indian Queen Hotel,
No. 150 South Front Street, between Market and
Chestnut, Philadelphia.
fT’IfE subscribers, formerly of Lancaster, Penn’a,
1. have taken the long established stand known
as Indian, .Queen Hotel, situated in Fourth Street,
between Market and Chestnut Streets, in the city
ol Philadelphia. The house is airy and commo
dious, having both single and double rooms, and
has recently been fitted up and re-furnished in such
a manner as to add greatly to its comforts. Great
care-will be taken to have the TABLE supplied
with all the delicacies of the season, and the BAR
with the choicest Liquors anil Beverages.
Gentlemen visiting the city with their families
will find our accommodations of the most .satisfac
tory kind.
liv moderate charges and a strict personal atten
tion to business, tin; undersigned hope to merit a
j-hare id tin; patronage of their old Lancaster
friends, as well as the public ge.nerallv.
M:iv 2, IS4S.
Watches, &c.
¥"GIIN C. i* ARK, at ]!2 C’hesnut. street, 1
ff PliiJa., imports direct from the Maiiullic-jfcvA
hires ami offers great inducements to buyers ui
(hdd and Silver I.evcr . . . Watches.
(iold and Silver Lepine . . • . Watches.
Hold and Silver Anchor . . . Watches.
Double Cased Silver Verge . . Watches:
with 1 * to -1 oz. mses.
(■old Jewelry and Silver Goods in great variety:
Marble, Ebony and (iilt Mantel locks, Musical
Ko.ves, playing 2to 12 tunes also Watch-makers’
tools, Lunette, Patent and Plain English Glasses,
Fusee-, bains, Mam Springs, Gold, Steel and com
mon hands. Jewels, &c. Ac., with a general assort
ment of watch materials, diamond pointed Gold
Pens, and other goods in the line. Orders are so
licited with the assurance that every article will be
changed at the lowest cash price.
April IS, 1848. 4m-12
Silk Fring-es, Gimp* and Buttons,
OK all the leading culors, to match' dresses and
mantillas, of nurown manufacture, a first rate
assortment, ut the best quality, for sale at the low
ed cash puces, at
R ,1. liiTsslcr's Fringe mid Trimming Store,
; \a. .17, Chattml street, Philadelphia.
I.ioellicr wall a regular assortment of STEEL
I.OOUS Purse Silks, Fans, Hair Braids, Curls, ire.
Also, a large lot ol Domestic Cotton Fringes.
Kr Purchasers are invited to call. Titov will
“Hi ,t to li.eir interest to do so, as the goods will
be sold THEM'.
Phila., April 11, LvlS. r Sm-ll
To C'usli Buyers,
X J at No. so, North Third Street, 2d ei.ouh,
’PiriI.ADEUMn A. ,
■ rile siiljserdier is daily receiving a variety of
lancy and oilier ■ ■
From the Philadelphia and New York .'auctions,
end,racing such articles only as can lie Bought at
ess than ordinary market rates, thereby enabling
HIM to supply purchasers at less prices than can lie
Ini iil*lied elsewhere.
Dealers, who buy lor CASH, are assured that
bey will imd ;t to their interest to examine the
mods, which will consist of those which are pur
chased at lorced Auction Sales.
A. DEWALI), 80 North Third st.
Phila , April 1 1, 1848. 11-2 m.
Wholesale Boot and Shoe T Stoie.
VfO. :i> Smuli Third, above Chesnul street, Phil-
J-l adelphia. The subscriber lias established, and
emitmiies t<> do an exclusive cash business, amt
siiilernig no losses, he is enabled and determined
to sell HOOTS AND SHOES by the package or
dozen, at ouei prices than any other regular Shoe
house in tins eitv.
111! keeps constantly oil hand a good assortment
ol Mon-s, Women's mill CliiMrcii's .Shoes, of Hast
era and city mamiliieture.
Simill dealers supplied at tin, sumo prices ns
1 nroe ones. *
1 urcliascrs will please examine the market tlin
riniglilv. and they will 11ml there is no deception in
tins advertisement. THOMAS L. EVANS
' i:l S, " M|l ’ rll,rJ ’ ;ilmivc C'lmsnut street.
Philadelphia, March M, 18-18-7.
Clicap Watches, Silver Ware, ami
Jewelry. ixl
I /HI,I. Jewelled Hold Patent I,overs, S-IO
Hold l.epines, 830;' Silver Levers, S2O.
Hold Hoard, Vest ami Fob Chains, Hold ami Sißer
Pencils, finger Kings, ami Thimbles, Spectacles,
Ear Kings, Miniature Canes, Medallions, Fancy
Card Cases, Fans, «tc. Silver Table and Tea
Spoons. Ten Setts, Forks, Ladles, Hatter Knives
Cups, tie. Fine Plated Castors. Cake liaskets,Can
dlesticks, Hrilannia Ware, Waiters, DIACON’S
PATEN T LAMPS, &r.. Also. Hold Patent Lever
Watoncs, from ri-ll) to 8 lot). Watches ami Clocks
repaired. Superior Diamond Point Hold Pens at
*1 elk J. 4: W. L. WARD,
lIW, Cliesmit st., above 2d st., Philada
fell. S, ISIS. o.|y
T HNH EltlCll it SMITH, Wholesale Hrocers,
tf No. 22J Market street, north side, between
nth anil Hill streets, first door below lith. Having
leniuved Irom the old-stand. No. 12 Decatur street,
lo Hie spacious house, No. 223 Market street, they
tender their grateful acknowledgements to their
kind friends in tin- cityaml county of Lancaster, lor
Ihe vcry liberal patronage they have enjoyed.
Ihe new location aliording them many facilities
not previously possessed, enables them to oiler to
Merchants and dealers additional inducements to
give-them a call in their new place.
I heir stock is heavy and has been" selected with
great care, they are enabled to sell on the lowest
possible terms.
T<i all country iprn<lii(,e entrusted to them, they
will devote their attention and makespeedy returns
September 1, 1847. IS-ly
Hardware and Cutlery.
A". 69, Market Street, Phila.
The subscribers (.Her for sale fur cash or appro
\ed ciedit, one ol the largest and most extensive
assortments of
Cutlery ami Tools, to which they particularly’in
vite the attention of the Merchants of Lancaster
Purchasing their goods in very large quantities
direct from manufacturers, (thereby saving the com
mission,) which are selected from the choicest pat
terns ot the various makers, and constantly receiv
ing fresh additions, they feel confident that the
inducements they oiler in a’ very superior assort
ment, comprising all the new improvements, with
the lowness of price, will make it an object to pur
chasers to visit their establishment
Kct -- =»■ IS-Ri. fl-, v
Cheap Watches aud Jewelry.
AT tie? “ Philadelphia Watch and Jew- £2?
dry Store," ‘Hi North Second Street,
corner oi'Quarrv. ej?l7 k %x
(iold Lever Watches, lull jewelled, IS carat
$45 00
33 00
IS 00
Silver Lever Watches, lull jewelled,
Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels,
Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled finest
quality, - - - 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, . . jp QO
Imitation Quartier Watches, - 5 00
Gold Spectacles, - _ . - ' SOO
Fine Silver Spect.-jdes, - _ - 175
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, - 350
Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, . *2 QO
Gold Finger-rings 37} cents to SS; Watch Glass
es, plain, 12} cents; patent, IS?; Lunet 25. Oth
er articles in proportion. All goods warranted to
bn what they are sold for. O. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines
and Quarters lower than the above prices
September 6, 1547.
Venetian Blinds*.
TT CLARK, Venetian Blind Manufacturer, No.
-Li. 143, South 2d street, Philadelphia, hits con
stautly on hand a large assortment of
manufactured of the best materials, and by compe
ent workmen, which he will wholesale orVe
tan, at tin. lowest cash prices
Purchasers desirous „r a giod article, are invit
ed to call and evannne Orders .punctually attend
toT- [lhdndelplna,jreb. 22, 1848 Cm-4
Oavis & Chew, ~
CABINET WARE-ROOMS, No. 270, S. Seconds/
West'aide, Philadelphia. ’’
Household goods, cheap and of good qua i
ity—such as Beds, Bedsteads, Bureas, Chairs
Tables, Btc. Cash paid for Old Furniture or taken
in exchange for New. Old Furniture repaired
Feb. 1,1848-6 m
Rich carpetings, Oil cloths, Win
dow Shades, &c.
THE subscriber has just opened a large and rich
assortment of the newest and latest styles ol
Ingrain and Venetian Carpetings , which are now
offered, either wholesale or retail,, at the lowest
prices in the city. As the assortment is one of the
g®™** an Goods have just been received from
the Manufacturers, they will be sold at such prices
that they will defy all competition.
Rich & Splendid Tapestry Carpeting"
Si Brussels ££ Carpetings
CC C{ Imperial 3-Ply, Guaranteed
c< (( Extra super Ingrain to be as
“ «» i Twild and represented.
Vent. J
Also, a large assortment of Oil Cloths, Tufted
and Brussels Rugs, Piano and Table Covers, Mat
tings, Stair Rods, Bindings, &c. &c. Together with
a rich and extensive assortment of low priced Car
petings of all descriptions !
Country merchants and others in want of Hand
some and Cheap Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &c., are re
quested to examine these Goods, as they have all
been purchased within a month, at the lowest cash
rates. They are now offered to purchasers at such
prices as cannot fail to please.
No: 25 North Second Street, directly opposite Christ
Church, Philadelphia. [Feb. 1, IS4S-Gm*
l¥ew Iron and Steel Store.
THE subscribers, Importers and dealers in For
eign and American Iron, beg leave to call the
attention of purchasers of Iron and-Steel, to the
new assortment of Swede, Norwegian, Refined,
Cable and Common English Iron, which t)u;y now
have and are constantly receiving from Europe di
rect. Also, American Iron, consisting of Hoop,
Band, Scroll, &c. English, Russia, and American
Sheet Iron ; Small Round ami Square Iron, from
3-1 6th ami upwards Boiler ami Flue Iron, Horse
Shoe and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various sizes ; Lo
comotive, Tire and Railroad Iron; Angle lion,
Hall-ruuml Iron, <Sce. Spring ami Blistered Steel]
from best stamps of Swede Iron ; Last and Shear
Steel, &c., all of whieh they oli'er at the lowest
rates, for cash, or at six mouths Ibr approved re
ference, and to which they invite the attention u
purchasers, before replenishing their stocks.
Also, Fig and Bloom Iron received on commis
sion, on which advances will be nude.
EAR|»S & BRINK, s-
Iron and SteelJVlerehaiils,
117 North Water st., and OIL North Del. Avenue
Philadelphia, July 27, 1847. ~b-1y
Watches, Jewelry ft Silver Ware.
('I OLD LEVERS, 18 carat eases, full jewelled,
T $3;) to §5O; Gold Lepine, 18 carat cases, jew
elled, §25 to §3(l ; Silver Levers, full jewelled, §l7
to §3O Silver plain and Lepine, stitosl4: Gold
Pencils, §hoU to §4.
Together with a large assortment of Breast Pins,
Bracelets, linger Rings, Acc., of diamond, opal,
turquois, garnet, &c., at the lowest prices, and war
ranted to be equal to any sold in the city.
Also, a large stock of Silver Ware, Spoons, Forks,
Butter Knives, A;e. Tea Spoons as low as §4,2,0,
the silver warranted to be equal to half dollars.' ’
Britannia and Plated Ware, of the latest pattern
and finest quality, sold at a small advance on the
importing price.
Cooper,(London,)Tobias and Robinson Watches
always on hand.
Persons wishing to purchase any thing in the
above line, are requested to cnil,a/fer having look
ed elsewhere. S.M. HOPPER,
Feb. 1, 1848, No. titi Chesnul st., Phila.
Oliver Eyasis' Salamander, Fire &
Thief Proof Iron Chests,
WARRANTED equal to any other make, and
have never been injured by Fire or Burg
lars, in a single instance. He also keeps on hand
a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter
iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Trucks for Stores, Factories, See.
Druggists' Presses.
Eagle Glass Paper.
Portable Shower Baths, &c.
Packing Levers. "
Hoisting Machines.
Refrigerators and Water Filters.
b! South Second st., below Chestnut, Phila.
REk RIGERATORS for cooling and preserving
Meat, Butter, Milk, and all articles intended
lor Culinary purposes.
WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Evans’ celebrated
Water Filters, tor purifying water that is blackish
or muddy whether by rains, minerals,or otherwise,
can be had of all sizes and prices, at the Ware
rooms, No. til, South Second street, two doors be
low Chestnut, Philadelphia.
1347._ 35-ly
Fife Insurance.
PANY, Office No. Si Walnut Street. This
company is now ready to makelnsurances on Lives,
on the mutual system, without liability beyond the
amount of the premium.
All tlic prolits of the Company divided annually
among the insured. J
The paid quarterly, semi-annu-
Uy or annually, or one half of* the premium may he
paid in a note at 12 months.
Individuals insured in this Company, beco m
members of the corporation, and vote fur Trustee.-.
The Rates of Premium, with a full participation
in the profits, are as low as any other Institution in
the State or Country, and lower than any of the
English Companies, with only a portion of tlmlpro
fits. 1 i
Blank applications for Insurance, with full par
Uculars had at the office.
John W. Holt Nun, Secretary,
. .... Lancaster, Pa.
■lan. 4, 1848 (i, n -49
.Hiller & Cio.’M laXpi'ONS.
their own Cars and in charge of Messengers.
T s IHnv ninning daily between Philadelphia, Lun-
JL easier, Columbia, \V rights vil I it, York, Baltimore,
.. oulh tiutl West, and also from Philadelphia to
New Aorll, North ami East, for the forwarding by
mail trains ol valuables, parcels, bundles, |j„ht
boxes and the transacti any commissions cu
trusled to them at very renrunahle rater.
The Express leaves Philadelphia at midnight,
thus enabling persons sending by it to have their
orders tilled and received the fallowing morning.
A messenger always accompanies each car, who
will receive and deliver at all the ollices on the
The proprietors wish to make their line a general
public convenience ami pledge themselves nothing
shall remain undone which the public convenience
may reijuiro.
All goods must be marked by “ Miller A; Co -s
Express.•> CHAS. NAUMAN,
Agent tor Miller & Co.'s Express, Railroad OHice
Lancaster 89 Clicsnirt, corner of Third street!
I hiladpfpliia, Columbia, Wrightsville, York, and
Museum Building,JJaltiinoro. f«ov 9 ’47—U-tf
Spring: Fashion or Hats,
A 1 tin' groat central cheap HAT 4- CAP rv®,
STORE, Nn. 284 Market street, Suuth LM
side, above Eighth street, Philadelphia.
The subscriber takes this method to return liis
thanks to the people of the county of Lancaster for
the very liberal share of patronage which they have
extended towards him for the last few months and
would call their attention to the fact that he has
now introduced his Spring Fashion of Gentlemen's
Hats, which lor beauty, neatness and durability
cannot be excelled by any other establishment in’
this city. This stock comprises the Beaver, Nutria
Brush, Russia, Silk, and .Mole Skin Hats of -ill’
styles and tpialities, together with a very large as
sortment of Cloth, Velvet, Plush, Fur and (Hazed
Caps. Country merchants and others are respect
fully invited to examine the stock, which they will
find it to their advantage to do, before purchasing
as it is Ins determination, having adopted the sys
tem ol selling for cash only, to sell at the lowest
254 Market street, south side, above Kielitl,
Phila. March, H, ISJS-7.
Importers of Watches and Manu
facturers of Silver Ware.
GUILD Levers, lull jewelled, (13 jewels,) $-10;
[ Silver Patent Levers, - . . con!
Gold Guard Chains, - cTo!
Gold Pencils, - _ . _ \
Silver Tea Spoons, -
Silver Table Spoons, _ ftio!
Silver Desert Spoons, . *>s9-
«°!d Fob, Guard and Vest Chains of every stvlV
Lar R,„p Breast Pins, Kings, Miniature C.ases
Diamond Pointed Pens in Gold and Silver Cases
Diamond Finger Rings, Pins, Bracelets, &e Siivel
Cups, Tea Sets, Butter Knives, Ladles, Purse
Clasps, Brittania ware, Plated Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Candlesticks, &c , Time Pieces” Work Boxes
Laris, China Figures, Cologne Bottles, Riding
Whtps, with a great variety of Fancy Goods at the
lowest prices. J e
The highest price paid for Gold and Silver.
J. fit \V. L. W4.RD
Cheap Window Blinds.
J. B. WILLIAMS, Venetian Blind Manufacturer
No. 12, North 6th street, Philadelphia, ’
HAS now on hand,.the largest, and most fash
ionable assortment of narrow slat, and other
venitian Blinds, ol any other establishment in the
United States. Comprising entire iew style trim
mings, and colors, which will be sold at the lowest
and retail. Old Blinds Painted
and Ijimined to look equal to new.
ThfciUaens of Lancaster county and adjoining
districts are respectfully invited to call and examine
his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Feel
ing confident of pleasing and giving satisfaction to
all who may favor him with a call, he respectfully
solicits their attention. r .
No. 12, N. Cth st., Philadelphia.
April 4, 1848,
THIS Vermifuge is, without the least shadow of
doubt, the best, safest and most efficacious
remedy at present in fisc, for the immediate expul
sion ol every species of worms from the human
body. Years of experience hare proved its superi
ority over every other medicine.
An additional supply just received and for sale
•>y .1. F. HEINITS'H Sc SON.,
Wholesale agent for Lancaster couutv, East King
street, Lancaster, "
Retailers supplied in any quantity at wholesale
An individual named S. Fahnestock has repeat
edly asserted that the article which he calls *» Dr.
S. J<almestock's Vermifuge” is the same or equal
to tin* Vermifuge prepared by me.
I lie public.are assured that-this is a base false
hnody and.are hereby cautioned against confounding
the spurious article with mine. It is entirely dif
ferent in its composition, ami does not possess tin*
virtues ami powers of my preparation.
March I t, IS-IS—7—tin. 15. A. FAHNESTOCK.
Or. lloollaiitl'M
('I'.U'iniUTEI) (JtatMJN MEI>H 'INKS.
A RE without n rival lor the cure ol the folio
/L mg diseases : || taken according to direeimi
hey will cure any ease, no mallei who or I
else has failed.
For lho permanent cure 01. iv lieuntaiisin, Gout,
Gangrene, Aysicrin, and severe Nervous ulTre
lions, and are highly recommended lor the mire
■ 4 Dropsy, Humoral Asthma, and Neuralg.a.—
Patients using them, in iiiom eases experience
benefit sdou alter the first dose, tliev quiet the
nervous system whieh enables them to rest well
during the night. They nevpr fail to rflm-t a cure
when taken according to directions. No outward
application can permanently icinovo Rheumatic
Pams from the system ; LinmneiHs sometimes act.
as a pa lative lor a short period, but there is always
danger nV their use; they may .pause the pain n>
leave one place lor pcihaps a vital part, or r*|>e
where I he pain will be more acute
For the permanent cure of Liver Complaint.
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chronic Debili
ty,Chronic Asthma, Nervous Debility, Pulmona
ry Affections, [arising from the liver or stomach.]
Disease ol the Kidneys, and all diseases arisim
from a disordered stomach in both male and female]
such as female wearluiess, dizziness, fullness oj
blood to the head. 'They strengthen thn system
and remove all acidity of the stomach, and give n
tone and action, and assist digestion ; they can be
taken by the most delicate stomach, and tri everv
ease will entirely destroy costiveness, and renovate
the whole system, removing all impurities and
remnants ol previous diseases, and give a healthy
action to the whole frame.
PLAIN P ARE —Uneasiness and pain in the
right side, and soreness upon touch immediately
under the inferior ribs, inability to lie upon the left
side, or il at all able, a dragging sensation is pro
duced which seriously atfeerts respiration, causing
very olten a troublesome'cough ; together wiih
these symptoms we perceive a coaled tongue acidi
ty ol the stomach, deficiency of perspiration, and
sometimes a sympathetic pniti in the right shoulder,
with a great disposition to sleep, atul depressing ol
spirits, and sometimes sores in the mouth or throat
causing mucus to rise in the nostrils, Jaundice fre
quently accompanies it, and a Dropscy in the face;
these symptoms if permitted to continue will even
tually produce that most baneful disease Consump
tion ; in fact a majority ol such cases originate from
the irritating cause aboye mentioned; Cathartic
medicines inust in every instance be avoided in the
trcaiment'lhr it.
very various, those affecting the stomach alone are
Nausea, Heartburn, loss of appetite, sometimes an
excess ol appetite, sense of fullness or weight in
the stomach, sinking or fluttering in the pit of the
stomach, feted eructations or sour rising from the
stomach, &c. The sympathetic affections are ve
ry diversified. Dyspepsia devoid of a functional
nature is without danger, In,: if arising from a dis
ease of the stomach it is d.inm runs.
(It generally' accompanies Dyspepsia or Liver
Complaint] they will ~also cure; a lew doses
will remove all the unpleasant effects, such ns
fluttering at the heart, a choking"sensation when in
a lying post ti re; dots or webs be lore iho sight, fever
and dull pain in the head, constant imaginings of
evil, and great depression of spirits. Outward
signs —quick and strong pulse, pale and distressed
countcnuncc. &c. Any case of the above discuses
can be cured effectually by the use of the Bitters
as directed.
.SUDORII’JC, —An infullible remedy for
coughs or colds on the chest, spilling 0 f blood, In
fluenza, Whopping cough, Bronchitis, Humoral
Asthma, or any disease ol'the Lungs or Throat.
This is an invaluable lainily medicine, it soon re
lieves nny cough or hoarseness, and prevents ihr
croup by being early administered. No cough or
cold istoo light to puss neglected- Neglected colds
send thousands to the grave annually, am! cause
many to grow up with a deliento frame who would
have been strong and r..bust ii at firs; properly
SPIKENARD OINTMENT, for the effectual
cure ol Iho Piles, Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald head,
Ringworms, inflamed Eves or Eyelids. Barbers’
Itch, !• rested loot, old Sores, cither arising from
lever or impure blond, nnd will extract Fire from
Biirt.s upon application, or remove any cutaneous
eruptions from the skin. Persona troubled with
tender laces should use it alter shavinn, it will in a
lew momenta remove all soreness and stop the
bleeding ; it can always he relied upon, and is in
vnluubic in any lainily.
For the cure of pains or weakness in ilioHiver, back
or Cheat, it will entirely remove any m-ep smned
pain. These remedies have caused many to enjoy
t lie blessings of reinvigorau d health, nnd in a va
riety of desperate nnd abandoned cases a perfect
and radical cure. ‘1 lie numerous impositions upon
the public, and siatcmcnts of remarkable cures
never made, yet testified to by feigned names, o!
by persona wholly unacquainted with what they
have endorsed, renders u dtflieult, to do justice to
the public,in offering sufficient inducement io make
a trial of these invaluable medicines. They are
entirely vegetable, and free from all injurious in
gradients, and claim your patronage solely upon
their merits. Every family should have a pamph
let, they can be had ol the agent gratis. Principal
Depot nt the German Medical Store, No. 278,
Race street, [one door above Eighth] Philadelphia.
For sale in Lancaster by JOHN F. LONG, nnd
in Harrisburg by Daniel W. Gross. [Jan 11.1 y-*>o
Green’s Oxygenated Bitters
ASO\ ERLIGN remedy for Dyspepsia, in many
forms ; such as pain 'in the* stomach, Ileart
hurn, habitual Costiveness, Acid Stomach, Head
ache, loss of appetite; also. Piles, night sweats,
Incipient Consumption and Asthma, attended with
derangement of the stomach.
This medicine has been used by the Proprietor
seven years with wonderful success. None, to his
knowledge, troubled v.ith the above mentioned dis
eases, who have given it a lair (naJ have failed to
receive benefit ; while many have been tamed al
most from the borders of the gi :n e. The rortili
cates in our possession, and winch we prement to
the public, cannot be questioned :
Washington, D. C., June 10,1S-JU.
Having made use of the ‘-Oxygenated Bitters,"
prepared by J)r. Geo. B. Green, of Windsor, V!.,
and front knowledge obtained of their elficaey in
otlfer eases, we cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing that they will fully sustain the-re
commendation of the Proprietor. We hope that
this valuable remedy may be so generally diffused
through the country that it may be accessible to all
the atHicted.
Samuel Phelps, > U. S. Senators from
William Upham,s Vermont.
James i'. Simmons, U. S. Senator from R. I.
J., U. S. Senator and formerly
Governor of Kentucky.
L. H. Arnold, Member of Congress and for
merly Governor of Rhode Island.
Wm. WooDuniDCE, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Michigan.
M. L. Martin, Delegate in Congress from
Wisconsin Territory.
From Hon. H. D. Foster, Member of Congress from
Washington, D.C., June 10,1846.
Dear Sir:—l have been a Dyspeptic sufferer for
about ten years, and have resorted to various med
icines for relief without success, until 1 made use
of your “Oxygenated Bitters.” I have used about,
two bottles, and find myself restored to perfect
health. The forms in which the disease showed it
self, in my case, were, great acidity of the stomach,
loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe consti
pation of the bowels, and violent headache. Feel-,
ing desirous that a knowledge of your valuable;
remedy may reach others similarly afflicted, I take
great pleasure in recording my testimony to its cu
rative power; and would also remark, that while
on a visit at'home a short time since,l administered
a part of a bottle to a number of my afflicted friends
with great success. They arc desirous that you
should establish an agency at Pittsburg, or inform
them where the medicine can be obtained. With
an earnest desire for your prosperity and happiness
f subscribe myself truly your friend, 5
_ H. D. Foster.
Doct. Geo. B. Green, Windsor, Vt.
The genuine article for sale only at JOHN F.
LONG’S Drug 8t Chemical Store, No. 8, North
Queen street, Lancaster. [Feb, 8, 1848-3m-2
Dr. Townsend’s compound Extract
THIS Extract is put up in quart bottles—it is six
times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted supe
rior to any sold. It cures diseases without, vpmiting,
purging, sickening or debilitating the patient, ant
I s . P‘\ r^ cu l a jly adapted for a Spring and Summei
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsapa
rilla over all other remedies is, while it eradicates
disease, it invigorates the body. Consumption cured.
It cleanses and strengthens. Consumption can be
cured. , Bonchitis, consumption, liver complaint,
colds*,coughs, catarrh, asthma, spitting of blood,
soreness in the chest, hectic flush, night sweats,
difficult or profuse expectoration 'and pain in the
side, &c., have and can be cured.
Probably there never was a remedy that has been
so successful in desperate cases of consumption as
this; it cleanses and strengthens the system, and
appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, and the pa
tients gradually regain their usual health & strength.
Curious case of Consumption.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir:-—For the last three
years I have been afflicted with general debility and
nervous consumption of the last stage, and did not
exppet ever to gain my health at all. After going*
through a course of medicine under the care of the
most distinguished regular physicians and members
ol the Board of Health of New York and elsewhere
ami spending the most of my earnings in attempting
to regain my health, and after reading in some pa
per of your' Sarsaparilla, I resolved to try it. After
using six bottles I found it done me greatgood,and
called to see you at your office; -Vith your advice
I kept on, and 1 do most heartily thank you for
your advice. 1 persevered in taking the Sarsapa
rilla, anil have been able to attend to my usual la
biK-s fbf the last fbpr months, and I hope by the
blessings of God and your Sarsaparilla to continue
my health. It helped me beyond the expectations
of all that knew my case. Quimby.
Orange, Essex county, N. J. August 2, IS-17.
Mate of New Jersey , Essex courity, ss. —Charles
Quiinby, being fully sworn according to law, on
bis oath sailh, that the foregoing statement is true
according to the best of his knowledge ami belief.
Chas. Quiatnv.
Sworn ami subscribed to, before me, at Orange
2d Aug. IK-17. Cyhus Baujwin, .Justice-of Peace!
Spitting Blood.
K«*:ul tin* following and say that consumption is
incurable if yon can. Now York,. April 23, IS-17.
hr. Townsend : I verily believe that your Sarsa
parilla lias been the means, through Providence, of
saving my life. 1 have for several years had a bad
cough. It became worse and worse. At last I
raised large quantities oi blood, had night sweats,
ami was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did
not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsapa
rilla but a short lime, and there lias a wonderful
change been wrought m me. lam now able to
all over the city. 1 raise no 'blood, and my
cough has J ef\ me. You can well imagine that I
am ilianktul lor these results. \ our obedient ser
vanl, Wm. Russell, b’9 Catharine street.
Lost her Speech. Brooklyn, Sept. 13, IS-47.
L)r. Townsend—l take pleasure in saying for the
benefit ol whom it may concern, that my
daughter, two ythTrs and six months old,was afflict
ed with general debility and loss of speech. She
was given upas past recovery by our family physi
cian ; but fortunately I was recommended to try
vour Sarsaparilla. Before having used one bottle
she recovered her speech and was enabled to walk
alone, to the astonishment of all who were ac
quainted with the circumstance. She is now quite
w.-II and in much better health than she has.been
lor IS months past.
Joseph Taylor, 127 York st., Brooklyn.
Two Children Saved.
\ cry few families indeed—in tact we have not
heard or one—that used Dr. Townsend’s Sarsapa
parilla in time lost any children the past summer,
while . those that did not sickened and died. The
certificate we publish below is conclusive evidence
ot its value, and is another instance of its savins
the lives of children :
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I had two children
cured by your Sarsaparilla of summer complaint
and dysentery ; one was only 15 months old and the
other three years. They were much reduced, and
we expected they would die ; they were given' up
by-two respectable physicians. When the doctor
informed ns that wo must lose them, we resolved
to try your Sarsaparilla which we heard so much of
but had little confidence, there being so much stuff
advertised that is worthless; but we are very
thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the
Jives of both. 1 write this that others may bo indu
ced to use it. ours, John Wilson, jr.
Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, September 15, lb-17
James Cummings, Ksq., one of the Assistants in
the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell’s Island, is the gen.
lloman spoken of in the following letter: °
Blackwell’s Island, Sept. 1-4, IS4B.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir : I have suffered terri
bly for nine years with the rheumatism ; considera
ble of the time I could not cat, sleep, or work : I
bad the most distressing pains, and my limbs were
terribly swollen. 1 have used four bottles of your
Sarsaparilla and they have done me more than one
thousand dollars worth of good—l am so much
better—indeed 1 am entirely relieved. You are at
liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted.
Yours respectfuity, James Cummings.
Could not Walk.
1 Imt Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is the very best
remedy for female complaints there is no disputing:
thousands and thousands of weak and debilitated
females that were prostrated by those diseases to
which females are subject were soon in the enjoy
ment of robust health. N. Y. Sep. 23, 1547.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: My wife has for the J
last year been very sick, and in a greatly reduced
state of* health, being reduced by a variety of com
plaints such as females are .liable to; she got so
bail at length that she was entirely unable to walk,
and was as, helpless as a child; she commenced
using your Sarsaparilla, and she iinmediatelybegan
to regain her strength, her complaints left her, and
after taking several bottles she is restored. Being a
singular case 1 have thought it might do good to
publish it. She used a number of rehicdies that
done her no good previously. Yours respectfully,
John Mvi.lf.n, S 7 Norfolk street.
To the Ladies—Great Female Medicine,
Dr. I ownsoml's Sarsapnrilla is a sovereign and
speedy cure tor incipient consumption, and lor the
tenoral prostiiution of the system—no matter whe
hrr the result of inherent cause or causes, produ
c'd hv irregularity, illness or accident.
It will not be expected of us in cases of so deb
ate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures per
ormed, but we can assure the atHieted that hun-
Ireds of cases have been reported to us.
I)r. Townsend : My with being greatly distressed
'. v weakness and general debility, and suffering
ontimmlly by pain with other difficulties,and hnv
ng known cases where your .medicine has.eff'ected
real cures: ami also hearing it recommended for
itch eases as I have described, I obtained a bottle
• your Rxlract of Sarsaparilla and followed the
ireetions you gave me. in a short period it reino
ed hot- complaints, and restored her to health.—
Hciiiif grateful for the benefits she received, I tal;
pleasure in thus acknowledging it.and recommenci
: »g il to the public. M. U. Moore, corner t
Albany, Aug. 17, 1847. Grand and Lydius st
To Mothers and Married Ladies
This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly
prepared in reference to female complaints. No fe
male who has reason to believe she is approaching
that critical period, “the turn of life/' should ne- :
gleet to take it, as this is a certain preventive for
any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which
females are subject at this time of life. This period
may be delayed tor several years by taking this
medicine. It braces the whole system, renews
permanently the natural energies—by removing the
impurities o! the body—but so far stimulating the
system as to produce a subsequent relaxation,
which is the case of most medicines taken for fe
male weakness and disease.
Disease of the Heart , Rupture and Dropsy.
New York, July 22, 184(1.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: My wife has been af
flicted with a disease of the heart, and with a terri
ble rupture for over fifteen years, the greater part
of the time. She has been troubled with shortness
of breath, ami great fluttering of the heart, which
has been very distressing, and has frequently been
unable to leave her bed. The rupture was verv
large and severe. She tried almost every remedy
for such cases with but little benefit. When she
had taken but three bottles of your excellent medi
cine she was entirely relieved of the fickleness of
the heart, and the rupture has almost entirely dis
appeared. She has also had the dropsv, and was
very much swollen: We had no idea that she could
be beuefitted as she hail such a complication of dis
eases. But it has, as strange as it may appear, re
lieved her of the dropsy. 1 am aware that’this
statement is so strange as to appear almost like fic
tion, hut it is, nevertheless, sober realilv. Your
Sarsaparilla is certainly a valuable medicine, and
should beaised by every one that is .suffering as we
have been, if any disbelieve this account, they are
at liberty to call at my bouse and have occular de
monstration. Yours &c. Wu. Towser, 1 James st.
Bank Department, Albany MayTO, 1845.
Dr. Townsend—Sir: 1 have been afflicted for
several years with dyspepsia in its worst form, at
tended with sourness of stomach, loss of appetite,
extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to alf
kinds of food, and for weeks (what I could eat)' 1
have been unable to retain but a small portion on
my stomath. I tried the usual remedies, but they
had but little or no effect in removing the complaint.
I was induced, about two months since, to try your
Extract of Sarsaparilla, and I must say with little
confidence: but after using nearly two bottles, 1
found my appetite restored and the heartburn en
tirely removed ; and I would earnestly recommend
the use of it to those who have been afflicted as I
have been. Yours &c, W. W. Van Zandt.
N.B.—Purchase none but such as have wrappers
that hide the bottle completely and have the writ
ten signature of S. P. Townsend.
Principal Office, 12C Fulton-st., Sun Building, N.
Y.; Redding & Co. 8 State-st., Boston ; Dyott &
Sons, 132 North Sccond-st., Philadelphia; S. S.
Tlance, Druggist, Baltimore ; Durol & Co. Rich
mond ; P. P. Cohen, Charleston ; Newark, N. J.,
and by principal Druggists and Merchants general
ly throughoutlhe United States, West Indies and
the Canadas.
For sale wholesale and retail by
Druggists, North Queen street, Lancaster.
Feb. 15, 1848. ly-3
MEDICAL adv ertisements.
Bulletin \o. I.—Tlie Graefenberg
ttavivc k„ to , l ‘>P:iny
I—l T . j o been welcomed In every section of the
1 -l~t- Umt ed States with the most unparalelled'enthu
siasm. an their medicines having reached an enor-
In! ' y ' U h “«f»nvard issue Monthly
, ~ ’ V , ma y the more perfectly inform
the puWic.of the principles of the Americo-Graef
enberg System, and of the vast superiority of their
world Tn a "- v ,. othcr ,,«ver presented to the
r° r ! d - , Ea , c . h BulleUn wdl contain something of
the greatest importance to the .health of the com
munity; and all classes of. readers, the clergy
jurists statesmen and private individuals, should*
not fail of reading them, to say the least. One
tna alone of the medicines will convince the most
scepltical of their extraordinary efficacy.
Ig the present Bulletin we will only say that
tabl* Graef " enber S Medicines are purely Vege-
2. They have been tested in tens of thousands of
cases with perfect success.
3. Of the Vegetable Pills alone 30,000. boxes are
sold each and every week!
4. The demand is constantly increasing.
o. Ev ery of the Company or any
o. ,ts Agents is warranter; and if it does not
give satisfaction the money will be refunded
The Graefenberg Vegetable Pills possess almost
magical power in preventing and curing the ordinary
diseases which affect humanity, (especially bilious.)
t here are some-facts connected with their compos
rtton and use which the limits of the present notice
lorbid us to name. Suffice it to say, that thev are
the product of the most extensive and philosophic
research, aided by all the lights of modern science.
All other patent pilis are made from the recipes of
ess enlightened ages; these from the combined
wisdom of ancient and modern science. In fact
they are A PERFECT PILL ! worthy of ihc ace
and o! the country. •
to show to the public the most unquestionable evi
dence that these celebrated pills are every day
curing all disorders of the liver, stomach, bowels,
dyspepsia, jaundice, erysipelas, green sickness, and
all diseases to which females are subject, neuralgia,
rheumatism, headache, &c., all billions complaints,
&.c. Their wonderful efficacy .arises from their
jmwer to open the pores; to cleanse and strengthen
the stomach and bowels; to make the urine and
monthly discharge (low healthily; and to give tone
and vigor to the system. Price 25 cents a box.
No family should be without them. If they do
not give satisfaction the money will be promptly
refunded ; and every agent is hereby instructed to
that effect.
entirely vegetable —-warranted to make two
quarts of uncomparablo Bitters. Thevare skillfully
and elegantly prepared by this Company from a
number of the most purifying, iuvigorating and
healing Roots , Barks, Herbs and Vines , gathered in
the. wide domains of nature iq both hemispheres.
The use of these Bitters will prevent sickness at all
seasons, ami in every exposure. They will restore
strength and vigor of body, give clearness to the
most sallow complexion, and create keen appetite.
All persons who are afHicled with occasionnt ill
health, low spirits and loss of appetite should pro
cure them at once. Price 25 cents a package
This Pill is a great conqueror of Fever and
Ague, and Fever of all other tvpes and forms.
In addition to the princely Sarsaparilla, this pre
paration contains Goiacum, Mankrake, Burdock
Elder, Yellow Dock, Queens Delight, and three
other roots. It is taking the place of all other
SarsapariJlas, and should be tried by all who wish
to use anything of the kind. Price $l,OO a. bottle
which will make two quarts of the greatest possible
The other Medicines are the Graefenberg Eve
Lotion. The Children's Panacea, the Green Moun
tain Ointment, the Consumptives Balm, the Disen
tery Syrup.
{Cr It is intended that there shall be a Graefen
berg Depot in every neighborhood in the U. States,
at which the Company's Medinines maybe found
Rudolph & Williams, Columbia.
Jacob Stauffer, Richland.
J. B. Andrews, Marietta.
J. B. Hamilton, Bainbridge.
George Ross, Elizabethtown.
Spannan & Housekeeper, Drumore.
John P. Harlan, Little Britain.
J. P. Baker, Gap.
.R. M. Jones, Wrightstown.
A. K. 6c A. L. Witmer, Paradise.
C. R. Green, Strasburg.
Benjamin ilewey, Willow Street.
G. If. Clark, Buck Post Office.
N. H. Wells & Co.,Mechanics’ Grove.
Lewis P. Wilkinson, Fulton House.
Hains & McCullough, Pleasant Grove.
James Patten, Martin township.
Dr. J. W. Rawlins, Rawlinsville.
H. Coleman-, Martic Forge.
Amos Sourbeer & Co., Safe Harbor.
Henry Funk, Millcrstown.
J. Gish Co., Lancaster city.
David Brickner, Warwick.
Abraham Meyers, Rothsville.
Jacob Beerbower, West Earl township.
Diller & Mentzer, New Holland.
Weaver & Witmer, Earl.
Thomas Chutch, Churchtown.
dec U an
Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain in the side,
and breast, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Palpatation
ol the Heart, Whooping Cough, Hives, Nervous
Tremors, Liver Complaint, and Diseased Kid
neys, are radically cured, by Thompson’s Com
pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha.
ALTHOUGH the great fatality of Pulmonary
Diseases,,at this time shows that there are
particular cases that render still too applicable the
designation, approbia mcdicorum— the disgrace of
physicians- to this call of diseases; and that there
are stages in theirprogress, which having once been
readied, recovery is doubtful. Still no one should
despair. The writings of physicians, who hnvo
given to these affections particular attention, abound
with many recorded cases of recovery when the
patient had reached a seeming hopeless stage ol
the disease; and there is at this time, a remedy
prepared in Philadelphia which has met with the
most triumphant and cheering success in the most
(distillate forms of Throat and Pulmonary Diseases
—so as to have obtained the sanction and employ
ment in the practice oi* many physicians.
Allusion is had to Thompson’s Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha—the preparation of one,
who, having given to diseases of the Lungs and
their means of cure, the most careful and thorough
attention, presented to the public this great remedy.
The soothing and curative power of TAR lias
oßen been observed in severe coughs, and Con
sumption. But in the above preparation, beside
mine of our most valuable vegetable pectorals
there is conjoined with it the Wood Naptha j a med
icine but lately introduced,-but which has been
employed with most satisfactory results in England,
in Pulmonary Consumption, especially of a.Tuber
culous form.
» Read the following from Dr. Young, the eminent
oru^st * Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847.
Messrs. Angney & Dickson :—Gentlemen—Hav
ing recommended in my practice, and used in my
own family, Thomson’s Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Naptha, I have no hesitation in saying
that it is one of the best preparations of the kind in
use, and persons suffering from colds, coughs, af
fections of the throat, breast, &c., so prevalent at
this season of the year, cannot use any medicine
that will cure or prevent Consumption sooner than
Thomson's Compound Syrum of Tar and Wood
Naptha. . Wm. Young, M. D.
152 Spruce street.
Philadelphia; March 9, 1544.
I hereby certify that after* lingering four years
with pulmonary consumption and given up by four
physicians, who pronounced me incurable, the dis
ease was arrested and I was restored to health sole
ly by the use of Thomson’s Compound Svruo of
Tar and Wood Naptha.
, MAR"i HENRY, .48 Spruce street.
This invaluable medicine is prepared only at the
North East corner of Fifth and Spruce sts. Phila.
Bold also by J. F. LONG, Lancaster.
Dr. McPHERSON, Harrisburg.
And by respectable Druggists generally.
Price of large bottles $l.OO, or six for Five Dol
lars. Beware of imitation. [oct 19-38
The Great English Remedy.
r P HE ori, y original and genuine article for the
X cure of Heaves, other complaints of the respi
unriry apparatus, and derangement of the digestive
atoctions in the Horse, is Kirkbride's K.
TattersalTs Heave Powders. It is
warranted to be perfectly safe in all fell
cases, will not inconvenience the an- LT' Jvi
imal or injure him even if he has no*i3uL3*££ft
disease ; it is from four to eight times eheaper than
most ol the imitations which are being circulated
throughout the country, being put up in much larger
jackages, Bufficient to cure an ordinary case of
Heaves, and to "administer in a dozen cases of cold
catarrh, &c. ’
At this season, while the Horse is shedding his
coat, his vital energy is much reduced, and he is
extremely liable to colds, &c., many cases of inci
pient Heaves are contracted now, but are suppress
ed by pasture or warm weather, till-they break out
with full force in the fall. Thousands of Horses
can be saved from future unsoundness, if, when the
first symptoms of cold or wheezing is observed a
few doses of the Tattersall’s Heave Powders shou’ld
administered. They are warranted to wholly
eradicate recent Heaves at this season 1
The Heave Powders, given in small doses, will
be found most nseiul at this season. They stimu
late the skin to cast off the su"perflnous hair and
produce new ; .they loosen the hide, give a glossy
appearance to the coat, protect against disease;
t iey also, from their fine alterative and restorative
powers, purify the blood and renovate the system,
which horses require at this season as much as any
of the human race, who find a preparation of sar
saparilla useful to correct the vitiated state of the
fluids, incident to the change of weather, which
in the spring affects all animal a's well as vegetable
life. Persons who value their horses will never be
without a supply. For sale only by
GEO. A. MILLER, Druggist
March 28, 1848-U-9] West King st., LancasJer
Its Works Praise It!
rrti™wv,t\ an - d a " of InJlamed Sorts c “ r «*
rpOUSEY’SU mversal Ointment, is the most com-
A piete Burn Antidote ever known. It insuffitly
(and as if by magi'c) stops pains of the most desper
ate burns and scalds. For old sores, bruises, cuts
sprains, &c., on man or beast, it is the best appli
cation that can be made. Thousands have tried
and thousands praise it. It is the most perfect mas
ter of pain'ever discovered. All who use, recom
mend it. Every family should be provided with it.
N6ne can tell how soon some of the family will
need-it. * J
Observe each box of tHfe Genuine Ointment has
the name ot S. Tousey written on the outside label.
To imitate this is forgery.
Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who use
Horses, will find this Ointment the very best thing
they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, & c .
on their animals. Surely, every merciful man would
keep his animals as; free from pain as possible.—
iousey’s Universal Ointment is all that is reauired.
Try it.
Bites of Insects. For the sting or tnte of poison
ous Insects, Tousey’s Ointment is Unrivalled. Hun
dreds have tried it and found it good.
Pi/es Cured! For the Piles, Touscv’s Universal
Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be
applied. All who have tried it for the Piles recom
mend it.
Old Sores Cured. For old, oh st i,mte"sore s , (here
I s epual to Tousey’s Ointment. A person
1 ‘? d ’ “ tminher of years, n sore leg,
that ballled the skill oi the doctors. Touser's Oint
ment was recommended by one of the visiting phy
sicians, (who knew its great virtues,) and two bores
produced more benel.t than tl,e patient had receiv
ed trom any and all previous remedies. Let all
try it.
Burns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of
Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have
been cured by Tousey’s Universal Ointment. Ccr
tihcates enough can be had to fill tin: whole of this
Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testinio
tuals, in favor ot Tousey’s Ointment' for curing
bruises, have been offered the proprietors.- Hun
dreds in Syracuse will certify to its great merits in
relieving the pain of the most severe bruise.- All
persons should try it.
Srald Head Cured. Scores of cases of Scald
Head have been cured by Tousey’s Ointment. Try
it—it seldom fails. }
Salt Klieum Cured. Of all the remedies ever dis
covered tor this most disagreeable complaint, Tou
sey’s Universal Ointment is the most complete. It
was never known to fail.*?
Chapped Hands can be Cured . Tousey’s Univer
sal Ointment will always cure the worst cases ot
( happed Hands. Scores of persons will state this.
Sure Lips Cured. For the cure of Sore Lips
there was never any thing made equal to Tousey’s
Ointment. .It is sure to cure them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warranted not to con
tain any preparation of Mereurv. Price 25 cents
per box For further particulars concerning this
really valuable Ointment, the public are referred to
Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respectable Drug
gists and Merchants throughout the United States
Prepared by Elliott & Tousev, Druggists, Syra
cuse. For sale by * ’
J. CUSH & CO., Booksellers,
Nortli Queen st., Lancaster
Feb. 1, IS4S—ly-1
Clickeuer's Vegetable Pulsatil e
ARM the first atod only medicine ever discovered
that will positively cure Headache, Giddiness,
Piles, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice,**Pains
in the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the
Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Ft*-'
vers of all kinds, Female Complaints,Measles, Salt
Rheum, Ileart-Burn, Worms, Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping cough, Consumption,
. ’ Liver Complaint, Hrysipelas, Deafness, ftchings
ol the Skin, Colds, Nervous Complaints, and a va
riety ol other Diseases arising from impurities ot
It has been proved that nearly every disease to
which the human frame is subject, originates from
impurities ot the Blood or Derangements of the
Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, wo must
remove those obstructions or restore the Blood to
its natural, state. This fact is universally known ;
but people have such an aversion to medicine, that,
unless the case is urgent, they prefer the disease to
the cure, until an impaired Constitution or a fit ot
sickness rebukes them for the lolly of theirconduct.
Still they had some excuse, for heretofore, medicine in
almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting as it
was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is most ef
fectually removed ; for Clickner's Vegetable Purga
tive Pills , being completely enveloped with a covr-'
INU OF PURE wiute sugar, (which is distinct from
the kernel) have no taste ofmcdicini*, but are as easily
swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover they do not
nauseate or gripe in the slightest degree, which is
occasioned by the fact that they are compounded on
scientific principles and operate equally on all the
diseased parts of the system, instead of confining
themselves to, and racking any particular region,
(which is the great and admitted evil of every other’
known purgative.) Hence they Strike at the Root
of Disease, remove all impure humors from the
body, open the pores externally and internally,
promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate Flatu
lency, Headache, &c.—-separate all-foreign and ob
noxious' particles from the chyle, so that the blood,
of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly
secure a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs,
and Liver, and thereby restore Health even when all
other means have failed. The entire truth of the 1
above can be ascertained by the trial of a single
box; and their virtues are so positive and certain in
restoring Health, that the proprietor binds himself
to return the money paid for them in all cases where
they do not*give universal satisfaction.
{KrAII letters of inquiry or for advice must bo
addressed (post paid) to Dr. C. V. CLICKKNKR,
No. CG Vesey street, New York, or his authorized
agents throughout the country.
For sale in Lancaster, by J. GLSH & CO., Agts.
N. B. Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the in
ventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing, of
the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them
in June, 18-13. Purchasers should therolure always
ask for Clickener’s Sugar-Coated Pills, and take no
others or they will bo made the victims of a fraud.
February 1, 1848; j.|y
The World’N Illation!
r PHAT iho Pilua is disarmed of im terrors by
-L Dr. IJphnin’s Vegetable Electuary. The great
senaution which wus created among the Medicni
b acuity, und throughout the civilized'world, by the
announcement of Dr. Uphutn’s Electuary, lor tho
cure of Piles, (a diseaso thui resisted all former
medical treatment,)has*eti)ed down inioa thorough
confidence, that ii is a positive and speedy cure in
all cases of Piles,cither Bleeding or Blind, Exter
nal or Internal, and also for all Diseases of the
Stomach and Bowels,such as severe and habitual
costiveness. dyspepsia, liver complaint, lnfiamirm.
lion ol the spleen, kidneys, bladder,, bowels, and
spme; ulceration of the intestines; flow of blood
to the head, &,c. ; and for the relief of married
The Symptoms, Cause and Nature of ihe Piles,
together with its conjunciive diseases, will bo found
m (lie pamphlets, to be had of all agents and dea.-
ers gratis.
U.imed Stales Marshall’s Oftice, ?
New York, Dec. 6th, 1847. S
\ Messrs. Wyatt &. Ketcham
i Gentlemen Understanding that you are the
- general agents for the sale of Dr. Upham’s Vege-
L ! able *j lecl “ory. *°r the cure of Piles, I have deeded
’ 11 ni 7 duty 10 volunteer a recommendation in behalf
i ol that invaluable medicine. I have been afflicted
I lor many years with the Piles, and have tried va
rious remedies, but with no beneficial effects. In
. deed, I began to consider my case hopeless. But,
about the first of September last, I was prevailed
i upon by a friend to make a trial of the above named 1
• medicine; I took his advice, and rejoice to say
that I am not only relieved, but, as I believe, per
fectly cured. I most earnestly recommend itto all
' who may have the misfortune to be afflicted with
that annoying and dangerous diseases
Very respectfully, your ob*t servant,
.. New York, November 2, 1847.
Messrs. Wyult 4. Ketcham :
Gentlemen —1 am constrained to give .you a
statement of the benefit I derived from using Dr.
Upham s Electuary, in a case of Piles, by so doing,
I shail render a benefit to those who arc suffering'
lrom that troublesome disease. I was reduced for
several years by the'Piles so much that it was with -
great difficulty for ma to walk or attend to my
business. i also suffered from other diseases
which were extremely troublesome, and which I
am pleased to say two boxes ol the Electuary en
tirely removed ; and that my health is better now
than it has been for many years. It has done me
and my faintly since more good, and with les3 ex
pense, than all the physicians to whom I have ap
plied, or medicine that I have used.
I remain, still in .perfect health,
Yourobedienf servant,
280 Spring street, cor. Runwitk.
. r T „ New York, Nov. 15, 1847.
Messrs. Wyatt <$- Ketcham :
Gentlemen—-J consider it a duty which I not
only owe to you, but to my fellow beings, to speak
tn praise of Dr. Upham’s Electuary, a medicine
which I think lias saved my life, and restored mo
to full health. For several years I was afflicted
fytth Piles, together with Dyspepsia, and a general
disarrangement of the system. I employda differ
ent physicians, with no good result, and they at
iast told me they could do no more for me, and
said that I must die. I thus had given up all
of ever having iny health restored, until
called to mind the benefits that a nephew of
in Philadelphia, (Benjamin Percival.) had derfllu
in a severe case of chronic dysentery, by your
medicine, that I purchased a box, which, 10/ny
surprise, after taking a few doses, I received great*
relief, and thank God, by continuing its use, that I
am now restored to perfect health. c
m 142 Mercer Street.
Notice.—l ho genuine Upham’s- Electuary has
his written signature, thus Kr A. Upham, M D
1 tie hand is also done with a pen. Price $1 a box.'
bold, wholesale and retail by Wyatt & Ketch
a«, 121 Fulton Street. N. Y., and Druggis . the United Slates and Canada'
lor sale by only GEORGE A. MILLER, :
r Dr , u P, g J B1 ’ " eßt Kin S Street, Lancaster Pa,
J W« -49.1 y eow