Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, June 13, 1848, Image 3

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    The Allentown SulTerer*.
A meeting for the relief of .the sufferers by the
Allentown Fire is advertised to be held in the
Court House in this city, This Evening. We trust
this initiatory step for holding, collections in this
City and County may lead to'a successful effort in
behalf of sufferers. The hearts of this commu
nity have ever been attuned to responsive agreement
with the calls of Benevolence, and will not wc arc
sure, prove -fold and unconcerned in this instance.
The extent of the calamity, and the pressing neces
sities of the sufferers, may be realised to some ex
tent from.-the. following Statement-
Appeal to the Public.
Fellow Citizens: —A dire calamity has befallen
us; one which no human prudence could foresee,
nor humaa power and energy avert. A fire, origi
nating in an obscure corner of our town, driven
onvirard by a strong and steady gale of wind, haa.
swppt through the centre of our prosperous and
bekutiful place, and left it a mass of blackened
walls and smouldering ruins. From the height of
prosperity, have all within its range been suddenly
prostrated to comparative want and wretchedness
—the labor of many years, in three short hours
completely destroyed, while many, vervmany, have
been stript of every thing except their trust in God,
and their strong reliance on the benevolence of
their less unfortunate fellow citizens at home and
From the best estimates that have been made,
we ascertain the actual loss to be an amount equal
to one fonrtli of thp assessed value of all the real
and personal property in our town, which contains
nearly, four thousand inhabitants. To replace this
we do not even hope—to restore the sufferers to
the position which they occupied before this calam
ity, we deem impracticable; but we do hope by the'
aid of those who-can ‘‘’feel for other's woes'’ to
lift from the ruins amidst which thev help
less and almost hopeless, many of those who ha ve
lost their all, and enable them to begin the world
again with renewed confidence in God and their
fellow man. To our fellow citizens we appeal for
that assistance you can so easily afford, which
will relieve so much suffering here, which our grate
ful hearts will never forget, and which Heaven will
not fail to reward. I
Permit us to suggest to you to request the editors
to accompany any notice they may lake of the fire,
with this circular, and adopt such other measures
as in your opinion will enable your fellow citizens
most easily to remit to the proper officers oi our
finance committee whatever they may feel disposed
to contribute in aid of the sufferers.
-= ft. E. WRIGHT,
C. S. BUSH, :
Committee on Address.
From the Pittsburg Post.
, The Pennsylvania Volunteer*.
The Building Committee cf the National Wash
ington Monument have extended an invitation to
the Military of the several States of the Union to
be present at the seat of Government on the 4th of
July next, to take part in the ceremony of laying
the corner stone of the Monument about to be
erected there in honor of Washington. Thi* invi
tation has been made to the Military of Pennsyl
vania, through the Adjutant General, who, being
away from home when the invitation reached him,
and being thus unprepared to e.xtend to the several
brigades, regiments and companies, a particular and
formal invitation, as lie was anxious to.* do, avails
himself of the use of our columns to make known
to the whole Military of the State the wishes of
the Committee. It is to be hoped that all editors
throughout the State will copy this letter of Gen.
Bowman, or at least call, the attention of their
readers to it, at the earliest moment practicable:
- The Military of Pennsylvania, have been earnest
ly, and respectfully invited to unite with the mili
tary and citizens of Washington, in laying the
corner-stone of the National Monument, on the Ith
of July next; and i have been requested to com
municate the fact to the Volunteers, which I do
through the medium of the press as the most cer
tain means of reaching nil.
The Committee are very desirous that at least
all the old thirteen States be represented by as full
a body of military as may be practicable to join
in paying this lasting tribute to the memory of
Washington, and it is to be hoped, that Pennsylva
nia will be well and handsomely represented in this
patriotic manifestation of regard lor the memory
of the beloved “ Father of his Country."
Companies that can make it convenient to accept
of the invitation thus given by the Committee of
Arrangement, will please report to J. H. Bradley.
Esq., at Washington, on or before the *2.3th day of
June next, who will give any information that
may be required touching the subject.
, ‘ Very Respectfully.
Adjutant General, P. M.
To the Military of Pennsylvania.
Gen. Cass at Home.
The following from the Detroit Free Press shows
how the nomination of Gen. C'ass was received by
his friends and neighbors, who have known him
long and well:
. Yesterday was a great time of congratulation
among the democrats of our city. Every one you passing through the streets, carried the ex
pressions of his feelings in his countenance —a ra
diant joy that sprung from the heart. At the cor
ners of the streets, and on the walks, could be seen
knots of persons eagerly listening and mingling their
expressions of pride and joy at the result of the
deliberations of the convention. The hearty, warm
grasp of the hand was but an indication of the
spontaneous warm feeling of the joy and gratifica
tion within.
It is a high and deserved compliment to the per
sonal qualities and character of Gen. Cass, that
here, at home, his nomination for the presidency is
most cordially responded to, not the entire
democratic party, but that it meets with the ap
probation of several of the most respectable mem
bers of the other party, who announce their deter
mination to support hint, as they believe him to be
honest, capable and devoted to the best interests of
the country. We can mention the names of dozens
of our oldest citizens, usually voting with the whigs,
but never wanting office, who have known Gen.
Cass intimately and personally for nearly a score of
years, who have already declared that they will
vote for him, their attachments to his personal
character, and gratitude for his public services out
weighing their objections to his political principles.
Let the little, unfledged whigglings of the hour
who flutter around the Advertiser, and contribute
their filth to its columns, continue their villification
and abuse of Gen. Cass, and this class of personal
supporters of him from the whig party will be vast
ly increased.
Beautiful Extract.
The Boston Mercantile Journal selects the follow
ing from the Foreign Review for April, 1539, as one
of the finest passages in the whole range of English
literature. The subject treated of is the benefit of
“When Tamerlane had finished building his
pyramids of seventy thousand human skulls, and
was seen standing at the gat® of Damascus, glitter
ing with steel, withfhis battle axe on his shoulder,
till fierce-hosts filed to new victories and carnage,
that pale on-looker might have fancied that nature
was in her death throes—for havoc and despair had
taken possession of the earth, and the sun of man
hood seemed setting in seas of blood. Yet it might
be on that very gala day of Tamerlane, a little boy
was playing nine-pins in the streets of Mentz,
whose history was more important to them than
twenty Tamerlanes! The Tartar Khan, with his
shaggy demons of the wilderness, passed away like
the whirlwind, to be forgotten forever and the
German artisan has wrought a benefit, which is yet
immeasurably expanding itself, and will continue
to expand through all countries and all time.
"What are the conquests and expeditions of the
whole corporations of captains from Walter Penni
mm to Napoleon Bonaparte, compared with the
types of Johannes Faust.”
I A Compliment. —Mrs. Adams, the widow of
, the illustrious John Quincy, has presented Dr. Nes,
. the member of Congress from the York District in
this State,'with a ring containing some hair of the
• deceased., This is a merited compliment, as Dr.
I Nes was unceasing in his attentions to Mr. Adams,
in his last illness.
Taylor Whigs ! Look out, in a few days, for
squalls from Ohio!
Cam, Butler, and Pointer !
In pusuance of tho resolutions jadopted by the
Democratic County Committee, at the meeting held
on tho sth of April last, the Democracy of Lancas
ter county are requested to'assemble in
On Wednesday, June 14th, at 11
At the Court House in the City o
join in the general and enthusiastic
response with which the Democrat
the nominations made by the Natioji
of LEWIS CASS for President anti
BUTLER for Vice President.
And also to join in the general and united re
sponse and approval which have been so decidedly
expressed by the Democracy of the Commonwealth
to the nomination of ISRAEL PAINTER, of West
moreland county, for Canal Coran issioner, by the
Democratic State Convention of tlic 4th of March
last. *
It is hoped that there will be afi
the Democracy of Lancaster county, to give expres
sions of their hearty approval of th« j nominations of
and pledge their cordial and unite*
WM; M.
Chairman Dem. <
Lancaster, .Tune 6, 1543.
In Philadelpliia, on the Bth instant, by the Rev.
Thompson. George S.-M s Clellai d, of Leacock
township, to Susanna, daughter of Henry Kinser,
Esq., oQParadiso twp., both of Lai caster countv.
. In New Holland, on the Bth inst by the Rev. J.
C. Barnitz, Christopher Lowrey, to Leah Fellow
bauin, of East Earl township. i
On.the Sth inst. by the Rev. J. C.(Baker, Edward
Metis, to Mary Ann Lewis, both of ij>afe Harbour.
On the same day, by the same, Moses C. Kberlv,
of Cumberland county, to Klizabeth- Brenneman, of
On the lltli inst., by the same, Levi llinear, of
Strasburg, to-Anna Martin, of East Lampeter.
On the same day, by the same, Frederick Brim
rner, to Christian Peish, both of this city.
In Karl twp., on the 29th May, ull., Man\ wife
oi Samuel Showalter, and daughter of Henrv, and
Nancy Musser, in her 27th year.
tfLojitmcmal IrUcorh.
FLOUR & MEAL—Flour;—Transactions ot the
week embrace about GOOO bbls. fair and good Penn,
and Western brands chiefly at $5,50 per bbl., in
cluding several lots taken at $5,37* and. 5,44-, and
fresh ground Brandywine at $5,75, the closing
sales were at $5,50 for standard brands. Sales for
home use were made at $5,75a6 for extra and fan
cy brands. Rye Flour has been in limited request
at $3,62j-. Corn Meal—Holders have put up prices
since last week, and sales are 1500 bbls. Penn'a.
at $2,25; 2000 bbls. since brought $2,31; ; 300
bbls. Brandywine sold on private terms, and 60
puncheons at $l2 each.
('RAlN—Wheat.—About 12,000 bushels mostly
Penn'a. have been taken at prices ranging from 117
alls cents, for good reds 119a121 cents for mixed
lots, and 125a12G for pure white. Rye—Transac
tions have been confined to a few small lots of
Penn'a., at 70a71 cents. Corn has advanced and
Penn'a. yellow, part from store, at 50a53e. weight,
mostly at 50a51 cents. Oats are very dull and sev
eral sales of Southern were made at 32a33 cents
per bushel.
IRON. —Operations in this staple are light) with
out-any change in price, some 500 tons have been
disposed of, $23 for Anthracite No. 3, $26 for No.
1, and $3O for charcoal forge, all oh time. Scotch
Pig is worth $25a2G in lots ; American Bars s6oa
70; Blooms, first quality, $75.
SPlRlTS.—Whiskey has been steady, with small
sales at 22 cts. for bbls. and 21 cts. for hluls.
review run the week ending june in,
I'LOl.R —Howard St. Flour.—The current rale
for Howard Street Flour has been! $5,62;. We
note sains of 3000 bids., all at $5,62, There were
settlements lor receipts from cars yesterday at $5,
30. City .Mills Flour—The price of this description
has settled down to 85,75 per bbl. Susquehanna
Flour—Sales throughout the week have been made
ut $5,62]. Rye Flour—Sales of Ist at $3,75,mud
of 2d at $3,50 pcrbbl. Corn Meal—We note sales
of 500 bbls. fresh ground Balt, make yesterday at
$2,50. Sales of various parcels of Penn’a. bbls. at
$2,121, $2,183, $2,25, and $2,37i.
GRAlN—Wheat.—Yesterday a sale of very in
ferior Penn’a red was made at 105 cents ; a parcel
of fair good Mediterranean at 1 IS cents ; to-day a
parcel of 3000 bushels good Penn’a. red at 112 cts,
and 1000 bushels good Perin’a. white at 128 cents.
Corn—On Wednesday the sales of white were at
45a46 cents, and of yellow at4Sa49 cents. To-day
we note sales of white at 45 cents, and of yellow
at 45a49 cents—all Maryland. Rye—Sales of ,Md.
at 73 cents. Oats—We quote Md. and Virginia at
32a33 cents. A sale of 900 bus. Penn’a. at 35 cts.
IRON. —We note sales of 300 tons No. 2 Anthrax
cite Iron on private terms.
WHISKEY.—The-market has been quiet through
out the week, with moderate sales of bbls. at 22c.
and of hhds. at 21 cents
Allentown Five.
AMEETJNG of the Citizens of Lancaster will
be held at the Court-House, on TUESDAY
EVENING, June 13th, at the fringing pf the bell,
to respond to the appeal made by the suffering in
habitants of Allentown, many of whom have lost
tneir ALL by the dreadful conflagration that has
recently visited that Town. It is hoped that the
Benevolence of the Citizens of Lancaster, never
withheld on such occasions, will again be freely
and liberally exercised. MANY CITIZENS.
Lancaster, June 13, IS4S.
Lecture on Botany.
~\/l" R* H ARLAND COULTAS, teacher of Botany,
JItJL residing with with Mrs. McLenegan, corner
of Prince and Orange streets, a graduate of Better
sea Colleage, England, and recently arrived in this
country, returns his grateful acknowledgements to
the ladies, gentlemen and physicians of this city
whom he at present enumerates as pupils, and also
to all who by kind words have encouraged his ef
forts to form a class in Botany in this city. Mr. C.
wishes to announce that he shall re-deliver the lec
ture given by him a few weeks ago in the Mechan
ics’ Hall, on this science, as publicly requested in
the large room of Kramph’s Building, next Friday
evening, June 16.
Admittance Free. Doors to be open at half past
7, Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock.
June 13—It.
To Those in Arrears!
HAVING notified all delinquent subscribers and
patrons of the Intelligencer of the amount of
their liabilities, I earnestly hope they .will make
immediate payment.
June 13, ’4B-20.] FRANKLIN G. MAY.
Books of all Kinds.
JGISJI &: CO. are constantly receiving from the
• various publishers throughout the country,
the various Standard and Miscellaneous publica
tions of the day'. They also keep always on hand
a large assortment of
Works on Medicine and the collateral Sciences.
Theological Books, Bibles and Prayer Books.
School and Classical Books.
. Blank and Mercantile Books of all kinds.
, Miscellaneous Literature—including
Historical ; Biographical, Scientific and Juvenile
Blank Books made and ruled to order.
Country merchants, schools and public libraries
furnished at a liberal discount.
New Books received this day—
The Trader’s Bride* by C. Augustus Murrav,
author of the Prairie Bird, complete. ‘ 26cts.
The Hen Pecked Husband, a novel, by the author
of “ History of a Flirt,” complete. 25cts.
The Mammoth Double Sheet Pictorial Brother
Jonathan, for the 4th of July is now ready for dis
tribution. Price 12£ cts. a single copy, with alibe
ral discount to those who sell again.
Counterfeit Delectors, for June, latest date. 12.
The Little Wife, a Record of Matrimonial Life.
25 cents. •
Love in a Cottage, by T. S. Arthur, his last. 25.
Life of General Zachary Taylor. 1 vol. 12mo.
with numerous spirited engravings.
Also, General Taylor and his Staff, with illus
Gen. Seott and his Staff, with illustrations.
Ihe Pheasant and his Landlord, by the Baroness
■mner l so’]pnl ßla i ted Howitt > in two parts,
paper oO cents, 1 vol. cloth 75 cts , 1
R „r‘l OUS , P eremo “ i « ‘ana Customs, or
the. Forms of Worship practiced liy the several
25 cents " ' V ° rld ’ No ’ h illustrated.
D’Aubigne’s Reformation, illustrated edition
No. 6 of the Public and Private Hist™ of the
Popes of Rome, with a large assortment of Medi
cal, Theological and Miscellaneous Books, for sale
ou the most reasonable terms, by
J. GISH & CO.,
Booksellers North Queen street Lancaster.
June 13 2 20
Conestoga Foundry.
O/Wfl/W BTOVES on hand, comprising the best
assortment ever kept in Pennsylvania.
The following list includes a part of the mo t pop
ular kind:—
Hathaway's Improved Cook Stoves.
Buck's Superior Cook do.
The very celebrated “ Victory"do. flgj
The “ Paragon ” Cook do.
Also, a new Cooking Stove, called the “Fanner.”
Application has been made by the proprietor for
Letters Patent for this stove, which he lias desig
nated “THE FARMER,” in view’ of i& complete
adaption to the wants and uses of this class of the
community. It has been constructed with great
care, upon the most scientific and approved princi
ples, and bids fair to become the most celebrated
Cooking Stove in the country.
In addition to the above, the subscriber has an
assortment of other COOKING STOVES adapted to
the use of coal or wood, such as the “Complete
Cook,” the “ Parlour Cook,” &c., &c., with all
sizes of NINE PLATE WOOD STOVES, and a
large variety of Coal Stoves for parlours, dining
rooms and offices.
o’clock A. M.,
of Lancaster, to
; approbation of
icy has greeted
Inal Convention
{K7"The proprietor of the Conestoga Foundry has:
purchased the right for manufacturing and selling
the Hathaway and Buck’s Patent Cook Stove for
Lancaster county.
11 attendance of
The castings at this foundry are made of the best
No. 1 Codorus and Conowingo Iron, long celebra
ted for strength.
{t7*All kinds of CASTINGS made to order.
Stoves will be sold and orders for castings,
received either at the Foundry or at the store of the
subscriber in East King Street, a few doors Jrom
the Court House in the city of Lancaster.
13,’48-20-tf.J C. KIEFFER.
support to the
CJo. Committee.
Most Extraordinary Work!
i ICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A. M. Mauriceau.
Sixth Edition. ISmo., pp. 200. Price $l.
{C7“25,000 Copies sold in three months !
\ ears of suffering, of physical and mental anguish
in many an Affectionate wife, and pecuniary diffi
culties to the husband, might have been sparetl bv
a timely possession of this work.
It is intended especially for the married, or those
contemplating marriage, as it discloses important
secrets whichl should be known to them particu
larly. r
Truly, knowledge is power, ft is health, happi
ness, affluence.
The revelations contained in its pages have
proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable
letters received by the author will attest.
Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother,
the one either budding into woamauhood, or the
one in the decline of years in whom nature contem
plates an important change, can discover the cause,
and the most efficient remedies, and
most certain mode of cure, in every complaint
to which her sex is subject.
Copies will be sent by Mail free of Postage to the
Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail
within three months, with perfect safety and cer-
Onthe receipt of one dollar, the “Married Wo
man's Private Medical Companion" will be sent
(mailed freeJ to any part of the United States. All
letters must be post-paid (except those containing
a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Maurice,
Box 1224, New \ ork city. Publishing office, 129
Liberty St., New York.
The “Married woman’s Private Medical Com
panion” is sold by booksellers throughout the Uni
ted States.
June 13, 1848.
co-partnership, heretofore existing between
JL James Montgomery and Chas. Johnson, trading
under the firm of Montgomery & Johnson, Fawning
Mill Manufacturers, in the city of Lancaster, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indeb
ted to the late firm are requested to call on either of
the undersigned for settlement.
The public arc respectfully informed, that the
business will be carried on by James Montgomery
at the old established stand, in West Chesnut st ,
between the Museum.and Whitehill and Stribling’s
Foundry, and by Charles Johnson at the shop form
erly occupied by John Bamborough in East Walnut
street, between North Queen and Duke streets, at
either of which places Fanning Mills of superior
finish can bo had. All work warranted. \
We return our thanks to the public loathe very
extensive patrongc we have received and respect
fully solicit a continuance of their favors.'
Lancaster, Juno 13, 184 S. 20-4 t
Miscellaneous llooks.
A LSO, Medical, Law, Theological, Classical,
JSX. nnd School Books, in large quantities at the
Cheap Book Store of Jl'DI) & MURRAY, oppo
site the Post Office, N. Queen Street, Lancaster.
The Pulyinicrian Greek Testament and Lexicon
32 mo. at $1 50.
Doddridge’s Rise and Progress of Religon in the
soul, lSino. 2SB pages, at 37; cents.
Select Letters of Cicero, (Latin,) with English
Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary, Bvo. 1028 pp.
The Widow Directed—To tfie Widow’s God, by
the Rev. John Angell James, 1 vol. 18ino. 37j cts.
Cicero de Oficiis. Accepunt note Anglica*.
Jacob’s Latin Reader, First Part, with vocabulary
and English notes, for the use of Schools and 'Acad
emies. ; Edited by George Bancroft.
Agricultural Botany.’— An Enumeration and Des
cription of useful Plants and Weeds, which merit
the notice, or requre the attention of American
Agriculturists, by William Darlington M. D.
Rural Economy —in its relations with Chemistry,
Physics, and Meteorology—or Chemistry applied to
Agriculture—by J. B. Boussingnalt. *l2mo. 506.
At $ 1 25.
Blank Books in quantities, of all kinds.
It should be remembered that our prices arc
much below the regular prices. Five Dollars will
buy as manv Books in our Store as could formerly
be had for Ten.
June 13, ISSB.
Estate of Joseph Stoufler, an ha
bitual drunkard.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the county of
WHEREAS, John Martin and Jacob Stoufler,
Committee of Joseph Stouffer, of Earl town
ship, (an habitual drunkard,) did on the Ist day of
May 1848, file in the office of the Prothon-otary of
the said Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said Estate, that the said Court have ap
pointed the 21st day of August, 1848, for the confir
mation thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest: J. H. KURTZ, Proth’v.
Prothonotary’s office, )
Lancaster, June 16. 1848.) * 4t-20
Estate oi Jonas Raub, deceased.
LETTERS of administration on the estate of
Jonas Raub, of West Lampeter township,
Lancaster county, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment, and those
having claims against the same, will present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement to
Strasburg township.
West Lampeter.
June 13, 184 S. o()-*6t
r pHE proprietor of this well known and long
A established hotel, with its extensive stabling,
offers by private sale, for cash, the entire furniture
and fixtures, and unexpired term of a lease of five
years, from September last, of this hotel and re
fectory, doing at present a full business, and the
location one of the best in the city, well known to
the travelling community,- at present in good order,
having undergone many improvements, and kept
by the present proprietor for the last seven years.
The only cause for selling is the present occupant
going into other business. Inquire on the pre
June 13, 1848.
SEALED Proposals for building a bridge across
Octorora creek, (west branch) at or near Janies
King’s, between Colerain and Little Britain town
ships, will be received at the commissioner’s office
at Lancaster, until 2 o’clock P. M., on Monday,
the third day of July next.
The plan and specifications can be seen at said
office at any time previous to the letting.
■f unG 13>_ ? 4S-20-td. Commissioners.
Steamboat Excursions.
rpHE new and fast Steam Packet “COLEMAN ”
J_ Captain Barnard, will make her regular trips
on the Conestoga Navigation, between Lancaster
and Safe Harbor, on and after Monday, 29th May
(until further notice) as follows : Ji
On Mondays, Wednesdays , and Fridays
Will leave Hess’ Lock, Safe Harbor, at 6 o’clock
(morning,) and 4& o’clock (afternoon.)
Returning, will leave Graeff’s Lading, Lancas
ter, at 11 o’clock (morning.)
- On Tuesdays , Thursdays , and Saturdays
Will leave Grqaff’s Landing, Lancaster, at 6 o’-
clock and 4£ o’clock (afternoon.)
Returning, will leave Hess’ Lock, Safe Harbor,
at 11 o’clock (morning.) . ’
Fare to Safe Harbor, centa<
Intermediate places, 25 “
Children —half price.
Parcels, and light freight, taken, at fair rates.
83“ For TICKETS, apply to the Captain on board,
or to G. CALDER, Agent,
June 6, ’4B-2t-19.j Centre Square, Lancaster.
Store, 135, 137 North Second Street, Phila
delphia. [June 13, ’4B-20-ly.
Western Hotel.
To Contractors.
List of letters™
at Laucaater, June 1,
Persons calling lor lotters
raining in tbo Post-Office
t 1849.
* will please say they are
Miller Mrs Catharino
McElrgy Mrs;Ellen
Moyers Miss Ajjn
Megrehan Jno
{Mayors Win
iMullcn James
Mifflin Henry J
Maash Jno
McDerraont Mrs Bridget
Milchsack Mrs Charlotte
McLean James
Mourer Jacob
McDowell Jatncs
Morton J S
Mackey Jno W
Maurer Henrv
Ard Jacob
Angcliue Edward
Buyers J M - j
Bambauer Lorenz
Breneman Jno II
Broucli Peter
Butler Bernard
Brubaker Miss Elizabeth
Bronons Jno C
Bushong Mr
Buckley Benjamin
Brubaker Jacob
Bullcry Samuel
Brooks Mrs Jane
Crawfort Bartley J
Conner Mrs Lydia
Clark Jno • ‘ !
Clark Uriah |
Clark "Jno C j
Carter Jethro • !
Christ J M )
Carpenter Miss Klizabethl
Conlan Patrick j
Conestoga Division Sons!
of Temperance 6 '■
Cooper Henry 1
N’eumerer Mrs Wetive
' Rosiun
jNeiinerer Christian
(Neff Jacob K
iNaughtan Miss Elizabeth
lOerter F J
[Owen Dr Edward
[Porter AJiss Matilda
;Pusey Jno
{Pennock Charles E
-Paxson Ehvood H
[Potts Francis B
;Pennypacker Mr
Diehl Henry
Dickenson Jno
Dermont Miss Susan
Deyer Abner
i “
■Renvuell Mrs Isabella
Reinhold C F
! Regan Dr 2
!Rigbay Miss Georgiana
Roop Miss Elizabeth
Reed Robert
Rodman Charles
Rice George
Eicholtz Capt
Engle Jno
Early Martin
Ellis Jno
Furgensmier Gotleip
Flora Miss Martha L 2
Fry Teresa
Foote Isaac and others
Forrer Henry
Fritz Gean
Ferguson Miss Matilda
Smith Jno
Shaffer Miss Elizabeth.
Slaterly Jno
[Summers Miss. Martha
Slemmons Obediah
.Siscoo Jno W
Sehauer Henry
Siley Jno Adam
Sheflhoss Martin
Summy Aaron H
)Smith Dinah
{Sommer Lorentz
Stellwagen Ernest
Schock Abraham
Shoaff Martin
Stauffer J.
Seitz Jacob
iStall Israel
(iamber David
Graham Miss Rebecca
German Christian
Hopkins Win
Hoastetter J S
Hamer Jno
Hoover Christ
Herr Benjamin' S
Hagen David
Hedrich Joseph
Huber Samuel
Hamilton James
Haiti George
Haeufler Charles
Holier Jacob R
Haas F:
Hoffman Conrad
Hoehn Jno
Hoffman Christ
Haines & Hensil
Taylor Joseph C
.Thomas Miss C
'Thomas Jno
ITein Joseph
j Wilson Jane
Wells* George
Worrell Samuel
Wolf S
Wade Andrew
(Wharton Charles & Co
fWofiindin Thomas
IWeidman Isaac
Williams Miss Mary Ann
Weinl-and Reuben
Williams Chas W
Wright R W
Wineau Peter
Winner Jacob
Jenesy D S
Kerr Win
Kiefer Jean Nicholas
Kendig George
Kerrin Mrs Catharine
Krallman Fred
Kleinhen Christ
Low Jno F
Landis Jacob
Lane A W
Ladenberger Philip
Longstreth Joseph
Meyers Abraham
Miller Samuel
McKillips Charles
Young L R E
jYaglee Adam
Wordy George
j Zimmerman Theodore
Jupe G, IS4B.
Great Revolution
Who arc to be benefited by this remarkable change?
LET them call at the Bee Hive Store, North
Queen street, and see ; here they can buy as
much for $l.O0 —as they a short time ago would
have to pay $2.00 for. This then isa radical change
for the express benefit of the people. Let them
call early and sec the
of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening : for
Revolutions now-a-days arc remarkable for their
Splendid Lawns, fast colors, 12j cts,
3H inch Muslins, heavy and line, for 6; cts,
Mus de J.nines
A good article of Plain Modes and Bile, only 12{ cts,
A good article, Highly Camelenn.
Mourning Dress Goods :
Ladies can bo suppliod with every article for
Good plain Blk. Chintzes, only 12j cts.
Good “ Lawns, 12.',, 18 and 25 cts.
Mazatlann, Bercges and Silk Tissues.
Ladies Gloves:
Lisle thread, Silk and Kid 5 Misses Gloves in variety
At the Bee Hive,
Just opened, 4 eases of splendid French, Scotch
and English Dress Ginghams, New patterns and
very cheap—at THE BLK HIVE, North Queen st.
Ladies Summer Dresses.
• The greatest variety of the most splendid styles
just received, among the newest styles are
Mazatlans, .... Magnificent.
Zephrines, . . . . Beautiful.
Zephr Tissues, .... Lovely.
Pompadours, .... Fascinating.
&c. &c., perfectly exhaustless, at the
BEE HIVE, North Queen street,
Bonnet Ribbons:
Just opening, the newest styles for Spring and Sum
mer, the greatest variety ever'seen in Lancaster. —
Great care has been taken in the selection of styles
and colors, at the BEE HIVE.
French N. W. Lace Capes.
“ “ “ Collars.
“ “ “ Edging and Inserting.
Embroidered Swiss Muslins, for Dresses.
At the BEE HIVE, Nortli Queen st.
April, 4, 1848. tf-10
No. HO.
CIAN it be said that all believe without calling
) and proving to their own satisfaction that goods
arc selling at the lowest prices atNo.Bo ; therefore
we specially invite our town and country friends to
call and secure bargains in the purchase of
Spring anil Summer Dry Goods.
Ginghams, 12J cents; Delaines, 12] cents; Cali
coes, 3,4, 5,6, and 8 cents per yard, choice pat
terns, splendid light colored satin striped Alpaca
Lustre, Linen Lustre dress goods, extra large sized
colored Delaine Shawls, very fine and cheap. Also,
Bedticking; 6j- cents; bleached and unbleached
Muslin, a yard wide, 5,6 ; 7, and 8 cents; Cones
toga Muslin, 8j cents by the piece; Cloths, Cassi
meres, Vestings, &c. Summer Goods, for men’s
and boy’s wear, from’B to 12$ cents, with a gene
ral assortment of dry goods, equally as cheap.
Please call and see, under the Museum, 2 squares
from the Court House, North Queen street, where
you will be amply rewarded for your trouble in the
w’av of cheap goods. Also, I
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mola’sses, Spices, &c. Salt,
Fish, Oil, Tar, &c. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Al
monds, Filberts, &c. French Travelling and Mar
keting Baskets, basket carriages and chairs in great
variety, &c.
100,000 Spanish, Half Spanish and Common Se
gars, Snuff, Snuff Boxes, Pipes, Fine Cut and Cut
and-Dry Tobacco, &c.
30 boxes Lottiers, Greaners, Congress, Honey
Dew, and other brands plug and cavendish Tobac
co, in large or small quantities, at Philadelphia
200 half and quarter barrels No. 1,2, and 3
Mackerel, of the most choice selections, which we
are bound to sell lower than can be had in the City
of Lancaster.
ftCf Please don’t forget the place, under the M u
seum, No. 80, two squares from the Court House.
March 4,184 S. 3m-10.
New Goods! New Goods!
JUST RECEIVED and now opening at the New
York Store, in North Queen street, a full and
splendid assortmentof Spring Goods, among which
may be found the following, viz:
Floor and Table Oil Cloths,
10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Counterpanes, Embossed Table
and Toilet Covers, Bleached and Unbleached Shirt
ings from 3-4 to 12-4 wide, from 4 cents per yard
upwards, .8-4 to 12-4 Linen Shirtings, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4
aud 12-4 Damask Table Cloths, Cotton and Linen,
Doyles and Napkins, Ginghams, Checks, Ticking,
Crash, and Diapers, Calicoes fast colors, from4cts.
per yard upwards, Ginghams good colors, 12 cts.,
for dresses, Lawns, and M. D. Laines, worth 25 for
12£ cts., New Style Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings,
Dress Goods in full assortment, besides all other
goods usually kept in the Dry Goods Fancy and
Queensware Line, which we are offering atreduced
prices. [March £7,1848.] GRIEL & GILBERT.
Estate of Ann Smith, late of Lancaster city, dec'd.
LETTERS of Administration on the above estate
having been granted to the subscriber, residing
in the city of Lancaster, all persons having lawful
demands against the estate of the said Ann Smith,
are hereby requested to present them without delay,
duly authenticated. And all persons knowing them
selves to be indebted, are requested- to make imme
diate payment to SMITH,
June 6, 1848-6t-19* Administrator. *
LongetiecUer & Co.,
HAVE received a large lot of very cheap LIN
Shirting Linens at 25 and 37} cents.
12-4 Linen Sheetinga, very low.
1 9-4 << << <«
| Damask Table Linens, 50, C2j and 75 cts.
; Table Napkins, very cheap.
' Diaper Toweling, best quality,
j f Fine Huckaback Toweling.
Bird Eye Diaper, for children’s.aprons.
] Cambric Handkerchiefs from 12} to $4.
May 9, 1848. tf-15.
New Spring Goods.
LONGENECKER & CO., invite the attention of
-buyers to their new and splendid assortment
| of SPRING GOODS which have been selected with
: great care.
! Elegant Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls,
j from $l5 to $75
j Blk. Gro de Rhines, 3-4 and 5-4 wide.
I Elegant. Printed BEREGES,-new pattern,
j Pink, Blue Mode and Black Beroges.
j Mode colored Pink, Blue and Black Mous De
Lain, Lace Worked. Capes, Collars and
. Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Plain and
■ Revere Borders, Kid and Silk Gloves,
A splendid assortment of GINGHAMS, new pat
We are daily receiving new goods, so that pur
chasers will alwavs find a fresh stock at our store.
May 9, 1548.’ tf-15.
IVew Millinery Establishment,
Between the Hotel of Mr. Cooper, (Red Lion.J and
the Store of C. Hager <s• Son , West King st.
MRS. CATHARINE KELLER, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Lancaster city and county,
that she has just returned from Philadelphia, and
has opened at the above named place, a splendid
assortment of millinery goods, consisting in part o
the following articles, viz;
Together with all other articles usually kept in a
millinery store.
Mrs. K. hopes by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage
April 18, 1848
New and Fashionable Millinery.
MRS. KURTZ begs leave to
to her friends that on Tuesday nextshelijjijsp
will be prepared to open her spring assort
ment of MILLINERY, all of which will be of the
newest and most fashionable styles, and will be dis
posed of at reasonable rates. She will also be
prepared to alter, whiten, press, and krimp straw
hats and bonnets, in a superior manner and at the
shortest*notice, at her old established shop in North
Queen street, nearly opposite Hotel.
Lahcqster, April IS, 1848., 12-3 m
Ornamental Marble^Works.
EAST King street, next door to John N. Lane’s
store. Charles M. Howell, Marble Mason,
respectfully informs the citizens of Lancaster and
the public in general, that he carries on the MAR
BLE BUSINESS, in all its various branches, and
invites all to call on him, as he is satisfied that he
can sell cheaper than any other establishment in the
city of state.
He invites the public to call and examine his
stock of finished Mantels, Monuments, Tombs,
j Grave Stones, and also his collection of designs for
; Monuments, Tombs, &c., before purchasing else
: where. - * jan lt>
; The Industrious Bee still gathers
In Store.
i rpHE largest and most splendid stock of DRY
j GOODS ever offered in the city of Lancaster,
: in now being opened at the Bee Hive, North Queen
Street, wholesale and retail.
This stock lias just been received direct from
i Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and comprises
some of tire rarest bargains of the day, for Fall and
Winter sales—Shawls, Silks, Merinoes, Ribbons,
Gloves, Hosiery, &c. sept 21 ’47-21
Philadelphia Daguerreotype
3d story, Rooms 2.3-27.—Dagucr
reotype Portraits of all sizes, either singly or
in family groups, colored or without colors, are ta
ken every day in any weather. Copies of Daguer
reotypes, Oil Pointings, Statuary, Sec., may also be
procured. Ludios and Gentlemen arc requested to
examine specimens.
April IS, 1848.
Alderman's Office,
SOUTH Queen street, nearly opposite the “Me
chanics’ Institute,” where Depositions, Seriv
ening, Conveyancing, and. Draughts of -Surveys,
and Models with their Specifications for Letters Pa
tent, are correctly executed -with despatch, by
April IS, 1848. Gtn-12
BonnctK and Hats.
MISS MAYER will be prepared on on
day, the 3d of April, and throuphoiitflfefca
the entire season, to attend to all busincH&Hs<2&
belonging Id,MILLINERY, and is prepared
to alter, whiten, press, and trim Straw Hats and
Bonnets, in a superior manner and short notice, at
the residence of her mother, in Prince street.
April 4-tf-10.
Carpetings! Carpetings:
JUST opening, a large and splendid assortment,
consisting in part, of the following Goods, viz :
Imperial 3-Ply superfine, fine,and common Ingrains,
Venetian, and Rag Carpetings, from 12£ cents per
yard upwards—at the New York Store.
March 14 > 1848-7. GRIEL &. GILBERT.
China, Glass & Queens-ware.
JUST rejeived, a full assortment of China, Glass
and Queens-ware, to which we respectfully in
vite the attention of purchasers.
March' 14, 184 S-7. NevyYork Store.
To Shoe Makers,
rpHE st bscriber has a first-rate workman from
I Philadc Iphia, who makes and repairs all kinds
of Shoe Makers Tools, which will be done at the
lowest prices, and warranted to work well,
dec 22-47 * H. C. LOCHER.
Servants’ Friend.
No. SO.
ANOTHER supply of Servants' Friend (the best
Stove Blacking in the country) just received
March 14-St-7.j
Dr. M. M. Moore, Dentist.
STILL continues to perform all operations on the
TEETH upon terms to suit the times. Offiee
North Queen street, opposite Kauffman's Hotel,
ap 1 9
Scythes, Sneads, Cradles, Rakes,
Now is the time for Cheap Harvesting .tools, at
A. W. RUSSEL’S Hardware Store, North Queen
Street, Lancaster. [June 6, '48.-4t-19.
IRISH LINENSL —100 pieces just received direct
from Boston, they are a great bargain, and well
worthy the examination of every housekeeper.
Tickings, Flannels, Crash, Table Diaper, for sale
at remarkably low prices at the BEE HIVE,
Sept. 21, 1847.—34 North Queen st.
THE LADIES are particularly invited to call
early and examine those beautiful and rich
BONNET RIBBONS, all new, fall styles, now
opening at the BEE HIVE, N. Queen st.
sep 21 33
11 /J A PIECES Paper Hangings, of various
J-~rt/ styles, received and for sale low, at
the New York Store.
March 14. IS4S-7. ORIEL & GILBERT.
ANOTHER large supply of choice Dry Goods
for fail and winter. At the Bee Hive, North
Queen st. CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO.
oct. 19 38
Just received, a fresh supply of the above, for
sale by the barrel at manufacturers prices, by
Feb. 29, 1848-o-ly] No. 69 Market st., Phila.
executed at the Intelligencer Office, rear of the
Market House, Lancaster, Penna.
Feb. 29,1847. o-tf
SHAWLS. —A large assortment of long and
squarge French Shawls for sale at reduced
prices. C. HAGER & SON.
GEORGE W. M’ELROY, Attorney at Law, of
fers his professional services to the public
Office in Centre Square, in the room formerly occu
pied by Willliam Carpenter, Esq., next door to the
Mayor’s office. [dec 1-M
P DONNELLY, Attorney at Law: Office in
• South Queen Street, in the room formerly
occupied by J. R. Montgomery, Esq. [jan 4 ’4B-49
VtTILLIAM W. BROWN, Attorney at Law,
YY tenders his professional services to the public.
Office in West King street, a few doors west of the
Lamb Tavern and next door to Col. D. W. Patter
-80n» [nov 2-43
\\T ASHINGTON BAKER, Attorney at Law,
\Y offers his professional services to the public.
Office in Centre Square, next door to Thos. Baum
gardner & Co.’s Store. * [nov 30-41-6 m
JUNIUS B. KAUFFMAN, Attorney at Law,
. offers his professional services to the public.—
Office, in Longenecker’s building, Centre Spuare,
next door to Kendig’s Hotel.
April 13, 1847. 11
WILLIAM F. BRYAN, Attorney at Law, of
fice opposite Sprecher’s Hotel, East King st.
Lancaster. [dec 8-45-tf
West King st., Lancaster.
Estate of John 1 Evans, a lunatic.
THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common ?lea« of Lancaster County,
to adjust and distribute among the creditors of said
John Evans, of the Borough of Columbia, the bal
ance of his estate remai n ‘ D B in the hands of his
Committee, Evan Greeny 'hereby notifies the said
creditors, that he will attend by adjournment, for
the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday, the
27th day of June next* at d o'clock P. M.» at the
public house of Lewis Sprechdr, in East King St.,
May 30,’48..-4t-18.] ; Auditor.
Estate of John Steele Morrison.
In the Court of Common Pleas for th'o County of
WHEREAS, John ,C. Walton and Philip W.
Housekeeper, Assignees of said John Steele
Morrison, did on the 16th day of May, 1848, file in
the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court,
their account ot the said CBtate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the 19th day of June, 184 S, for the confirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest: J. H. KURTZ, Proth'yl
Prothonotary*s Office, ) !
Lancaster, May 23, 1848.)
Estate of Elizabeth T. Conyngham.
In the District Court for the city and couuty, of
WHEREAS, Adam H. Witmer, Trustee of
Elizabeth Y. Conyngham of the city of Lan
caster,did on the 15th day of May, IS4S, file in the
office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his
Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the 19th day of June; 184 S, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest: : -.T. H. KURTZ, Prolh’y
Proth-vs office, )
Lan. May 23, 1848. J
Estate of Jacob Erb and Wife.
Ia ihe Court of Common Pleas for the Countv of
WHEREAS, Alexander Galt and George Wit
wer, Assignees of Jacob Erb and Wife, of
Earl township, did on the 22d day of May, 184 S,
file in the - Office of the Prothonotary of the said
Court, their Account of the said Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted the 24th day of June, 1848, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, J. H. KURTZ, Proth’y.
Prothy’s. Office, Lan. May 23, 1848. 17-4 t.
Estate of Rudy Herr, and Nancy,
his wife.
In the Courtiof Common Pleas for the Countv fo
*VTTHEREAS, George Bvrod, Assignee of said
TT Rudy Herr of Mountjoy township, did, on
the 15th day of May, 1848, file in the Office of the
Prothonotary of the said Court, his account of the
said Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin
ted the 19th day oPJune, 1848, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, J. H. KURTZ, Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office, Lan. May 23, 18,48. 17-4 t.
Estate of Christian Kurtz, a lu
In the District Court for the city and county of
WHEREAS, John Myers, Committee'of Chris
tian Kurtz, a lunatic, did-on the 17th day of
May, 1848, file in the office of the Prothonotary of
the said Court, his Account of the said Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the 24th day. of June, 1848, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest: J. H. KURTZ, Proth’y.
Proth’ys office, )
Lan. Mae 23, 1848. J 4t-17
Executor’s Notice,
Estate of Hugh McCullough, late of Drumore twp .,
Lancaster county, deceased.
THE undersigned having been appointed by the
last Will and-'TbDstnment of said deceased, the
Executor of all persons having claims or
demands against the same arc requested to present
them without delay for payment—and thosojtnowing
themselves to he indebted are desired to make im
mediate settlement.
May 23—17-Gt'*:] • Executor,
Estate of Francis McGuigan, sen., late of the city
of Lancaster, deceased.
LETTERS of administration having been granted
to the subscriber, residing in the township of
East Lampeter, in said county, all'pcrsons having
lawful demands aguinst the (‘state of said Francis
McGuignn, sen , are hereby requested to present
them without delay, duly authenticated. And all
persons knowing themselves to he indebted, arc re
quested to make immediate payment to
__ May 23 17-6t*J Administrator.
Estate of John Forry, dec’d.
THE undersigned, auditor appointed by the
Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, to settle
and adjust and distribute among those entitled to
the remaining assets of the estate of John Forry,
late of the borough of Columbia, deceased, in the
hands of Abraham Zook, his administrator de bonis
non , hereby notifies all persons interested, that he
will attend for, with, the duties of* his
appointment at the public house of John Michael
in North Queen street, Lancaster, on* Saturday the
10 th day of June next, at 2 o’clock, P. M.
May 2, 1848. 14
Columbia Bank and Bridge Com-
iM ay 18, 1848.
THE Directors of the Columbia Bank and Bridge
Company* desirous of affording to pcrsons’who
are disposed to deposit money for deflate periods,
at a moderate rate of interest, have determined to
allow interest for the same at the following rates,
For all-deposits to remain 12mo. 4 per ct. per ann
do do do 8 do 3 do do
do do do 3 do 2 do do
The sums so deposited to be payable without in
terest at any intermediate time, at the option of’the
depositor. The interest to cease at the end of the
period for which the deposit was made, unless the
same be renewed for a farther period.
-SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier. _
May 30, 1848. 18-3 m."
Another Arrival.
THE subscribers would call the attention of the
public generally to the splendid assortment of
summer goods, just opening, of the latest styles and
patterns of Bareges, Lawns, Tissues, and every
other kind' of dress goods for Ladies wear. Also,
goods for men’s wear of every description, together
with every kind of foreign and domestic Dry Goods,
which will be sold very low. An assortment .of
carpeting for £ale cheap.
Thankful for past favors we ask a continuance of
your calls..
Opposite Jno. Bear's Printing Office.
’ 17-6 t
White Swan Hotel,
MRS. MARY FISHBAUGH would most respect
fully inform the public that she lias taken the
house formerly occupied by her brother, Samuel
McKinney, and more recently by John Barr. The
house has been thoroughly repaired ; this, with all
experience of fourteen years connection with it,
and being prepared with every comfortable accom
modation necessary, together with a determination
to leave no exertion undone, she hopes to merit
and receive a continuation of the patronage here
tofore so liberally bestowed upon the house.
Marietta, May 9, 1848. 2m-15.
Machine Shop and Blaeksmith Shop for Bent.
At Paradise Mills , Lancaster County.
THE Machine* Shop- embraces a sufficiency of
water power for any mechanical purposes, and
the situation of it in a rich and fertile country —
would warrant that of a Threshing Machine manu
factory in preference to any other. Persons wish
ing to enter the above business would do well to
call and see the location.? Possession given about
the Ist ot July. SAMUEL KENEAGY.
May 9, 1848. tf-15.
Longenecker & Co.,
HAVE just received a large assortment of
GINGHAMS, plain and plaid which they wilt
sell very low. Also, LINEN LUSTRES, Lawnsl
&c. Black BEREGE SHAWLS, rich colored ligh,
Fabrics, do. Superior black and Blue Black Sum
mer BOMBAZINES. [May 9, ’48.-tf-15.
Coachmakers Wanted.
SIX Journeymen Coachmakers, to be employed
exclusively on wood-work, are. wanted at the
establishment of the subscriber, in the village of
Schoeneck, Lancaster county.
Mya 23. 17-3 t
600,000 Feet of Lumber,
JUST received at John S. Gable’s Saw Mill,
(formerly E.Coleman’s,andlate Miller&Gable’s)
on the Conestogo. Orders to be left under the Mu
seum .or at the Saw Mill. All building timber will
be sawe'd at the shortest notice. Also, boards and
shingles for sale. JOHN S. GABLE.
Lancaster, May 30. 18-3 m
Good’s Grain Cradles.
50 Good’s best Grain Cradles} with warranted
scythes, cheaper than ever, by
June 6, ’4B-4t-19.] A. W. RUSSEL.
The United: State’s Clothing store.
Si 8" 0 f‘ 1 '° "t'iped cotit, by REUBEN ERBEN, No.
30. North Queen street, corner of Orange, one
square from the Court House, East side, l.aiicnM
ter. Pa. i ’
THIS mammoth establishment, now contains by
tar the largest ami chcapcstassortiiientof men’s
ana boys’, wo I made clothing in the city of tancas
.l ‘“"L"'" 1 not be undersold byany
other, rho stock includes every description oi
clothing worn at the present day. The most fash
ionable, as well as the most plain, so that ail tastes
may bo suited. The subscriber being a practical
and experienced tailor, gives his entire personal
attention to the business, and has qvory garment
made under his immediate inspection by the best
workmen in the .State, and'as he buys; all his goods
in the Eastern cities for cash, can confidently re
commend the inhabitants of Lancaster city and
county, one and all, to call at tho
and convince themselves that it is iho right place
to buy cheap and well-made clothing.*
A large variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings,
&c. of the very finest as well as common qualities,
always on hand and made up to order in good
styles at a very small advance on wholesale prices.
The latest London and Paris Fashiohs always re
ceived, and CUSTOMER WORK made according
to the latest patterns and in the'highest style of the
art by the very best workmen. j
A fine assortment of shirts, siiamsj collars, cra
vats, stocks, and Stiffner’s gloves, handkerchiefs,
suspenders, hosiery, and all kinds of? Flannel and
knit under shirts and drawers. Also, umbrellas,
cheap. j
Thankful for past favors ! respectfully solicit a
continuance of public patronage, and feel confident
that all purchasers will find it to theirjadvantage to
deal with me as I am.determined to avoid nil hum
bug and misrepresentation, and sell goods for what
they really are. REUBEN ERBEN, Tailor,
Stated Clothing Store, Sign of the Striped
Coat,No. 35 North Queen street, confer of Orange,
one square from the Court House, Fast side, Lan
caster, Pa. ; | sep 28-35
Tvutli and Common Sense
is miglity and wiil prevail.
Over all the Humbuggenj in the Hor/rfj however bom
t • bastic and noisy it may appear.
M‘ T. FORD, being desirous of returning l bis
• sincere and hearty thanks to the citizens of
Lancaster city and county, for the kind manner in
which they have come forward and Welcomed him
—being an entire stranger among them—and for
the unprecedented patronage he has’ received at
their hands, adopts this medium of expressing his
gratitude for their favors. ' He wishes it-distinetly
.understood that he does not -attempt: to thrust it
down the necks of the public, that his is the only
Clothing Store in the world, nor has he gotquito as
magnificent a front to his establishment as some
persons pretend to have; but one thing is certain,
and it has been unanimously decided by the entire
population of Lancaster, that he has just received
the most magnificent and extensive
Assortment of Goods,
suitable for the present and coming season, ever be
fore exhibited in this county, to describe which is
almost an impossibility. The. only wiv to form an
accurate idea of the extent, variety and splendor,
will be to callanclexaminc them. And Test assured,
gentlemen, of receiving the most polite attention,
whether you intend purchasing at theitime or not.
iM.T. FORD offers §lOOO reward to any
in Lancaster city of cemnty, who caii produce as*’
large a variety, and as cheap a stock of well made
Clothing and piece goods as he has now ready for
sale. |
Remember M. T. Ford’s Emporium of Taste
and Fashion, sign of the Locomotiye, Opposite
Scholfield’s Hotel, North Quten Street, Lancaster
city April 18, 1848.
By George Spurrier, North Queen Street, next door
to Bear's Printing Office, and nearly opposite to
Michael's Hotel. \
GEORGE SPURRIER would return) hjs sincere
thanks to his friends and the public for past
favors, and hopes, by strict attention {o business,
and a determination to sell nothing but>hat is well
made .and ofgodd materials, to merit a Continuance
of public patronage. i
1 have just returned from Philadelphia with an
entire new stock of goods, selected withjgrent care,
and consisting in part of j
Superfine French Cloth ,
Do, F ' “
'rcnch Doe Skin Cnssimcres ,
Fine French Summer Cnsshneres,
Ami a splendid assormcnt of Fancy Sat?i\ Vestings,
wliicli l will be happy to make up, for those who
prefer being menmired, in the best and ipost fa-dj.
lonabio manner. ]
I have also on hand n large assortmentjof
of my own manufacture, which I will wnrhinttn he
well made and of good material, and which'l can
sell at the very lowest cash prices. H
Customer’s work jnade to order in the most
fashionable manner and by tho best workmen.
Don’t forget the place, nign qfthe big bants,
North Queen Street, nearly opposite Michael’s hotel.
Merchant jailor.
E. M. hambright7| V
WOULD . rnapectfully inform his friJmis am)
the public, that he has removed tojthe well
known stand, in West King Street, (lately occtt
pied by B. Lichly,) between Hager’s store and
Cooper’s hotel, and opposite Steinman fc Son’:i.
llis stock of If
April 4-3m-10.]
Cloths, Cassimcres, dud Vesting!
is very large, and selected with great care l .
The latest London, Paris, and New Y<>rk fash
ions always received; and all orders in [his line
of business executed with despatch and in the
highest style of the art by the very best workmen.
Thankful for past favors, he would respectfully so
licit a continuance of public feeling
.confident that all persons favoring him wil he on
tirely satisfied with his work.
E 4 M. H. will sell his large slock ofßeaqy-mado
Clothing at cost. Now is the time for bargains, as
he is determined to relinquish tlie Clothing busi
ness, and give his undivided attention to is>e Mer
chant Tailoring. Call and examine lor yourselves.
May 2, 1848. <Sin-14
Dr. Franklin’s Opinion of Fuck.
THE astonishing success of JOS. GORkIELY
in the CLOTHING BUSINESS, excites the
surprise of some and the envy and jealousy of
others His unparalleled success some attribute
to one cause, and some to another. And some,
more envious than the rest, attribute it to.aniy cause
that best suits their purposes, no matterhowjunjust,
or how foul the misrepresentations. Again, there
is another class more easily satisfied, and .content
themselves by saying—“ Well, it is all luck-j-better
to be born lucky than rich. Born finder h lucky
planet,” &c, “ Pshaw says Dr. Franklin, Of luck,
all the luck I know of is in proper management.”
Precisely so, Dr., and just the operating cause in
the extensive business done at the great LANCAS
TER HALL OF FASHIONS. The only secret in
this large business, and the only reason that it is
large, is because he is careful in the selection of
good materials, and has all his goods well made—-
and then the fit of his garments cannot be surpassed;
and are sold at prices that defy competition. This
is the cause of his astonishing success at the great
St., Lancaster; next to J. Gish'& Co.’s Book Store
and the National House. [May 9, ’48,-tf-15.
GEO. SPURRIER would respectfully inform his
friends, customers, and the public in general,
that he has removed his Clothing Store from his old
stand next door to the Post. Office, to- one dor r
south of John Bear’s Printing Office, and nearly
opposite J. Michael’s Hotel, at the sign, of the Bio
Pants, where all would do weH to call that want
Customer’s work attended to at the shortest
notice, and made in a workmanlike manner. Don’t
forget the place, sign of the Big Pants,
dec 7 ’47-45-tf] GEO. SPURRIER.
Reinhardt’s Patent glass Pad Dou-
ble and Single Lever Truss,
For the support and cure of Rupture , or Hernia.
THIS TRUSS has the superiority of any hereto
fore in use, Ist, on account of its durability
arid cleanliness, the rupture pad being of glass, (in
any shape or form,) the adjustments of the springs
to suit the action of the body, and calculated to be
fitted to either side. The rupture pad has a double
motion; Ist, by revolving on its own axis; 2d, by
the lever to which it is attached, and where said
lever is connected to the main spring. The supe
riority which this Truss has over others is obvious
in this, that it is most effectual in retaining the
parts in their proper making due pres-,
sure it is always clean; its shape or form is du
rable, which in stuffed pads is nof the case, as they
become saturated with the fluids from the body.
The Umbilical truss is unsurpassed, being so
adapted as to remain perfectly secure where apj
Physicians and others are invited to call and.ex
amine this instrument. Numerous certificates
can be shown, from some of the most eminent of
the medical profession, recommending the instru
ment. For sale at ff JOHN F. LONG’S
Drug and Medical Store, No. 8, N. Queen st.
May 23, 1848. - 6t-17
Sign Painting.
JOHN L. KEFFER has commenced the above
business, in A. N. Brenneman’s Buildings, Cen
tre Square, Lancaster, and will do the best be can,
by strict attention to business and moderate charges,
to satisfy all who may be pleased to favor him with
their custom, [May 2,1848, —15. ;