& journal. E. W. HUTTER, EDITOR FOR PRESIDENT. LEWIS CASS, OF MICHIGAN FOR VICE PRESIDENT WM. 0. BUTLER, OK KKNTITKV. UeiiftiMilic lilitlorul Ticket. Sknat!o,i. Rbvrf.sf.ntatj vr. Electors, Dist, 1, Henry L. Benner, 13. John f. King, •2. Horn R. Kneass, 14. John Wf.idman, 3. Isaac Siiunk, 15. Robert .I. Fisher, 4. A. L. Roumfurt, • 16. Frederick Smith, 5. Jacob S. Vost, 17. John Crf.swell. 6*#Ruhert E. Wright, IS. Chari.es A. Black 7. W.m. W. Downing, 19. Of.o. \V. Bowman, 8. Henry llaldf.man, 20. John U. Shannon, 9. Pf.ter Kline, 21. Geo. P. Hamilton. 10. B. S. Schoonover, 22. William H. Davis, 11. Wm. Swetland, ! 23. Timothy Ives, 12. Jonah Brewster, 24. Jas. G. Campbell FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, ISR’L. PAINTER, Lancaster, 3lay 30, 3S4S. IX7* Wo are indebted to the Hon. Lewis Cass. of the Senate, ami Messrs. Rronvn and Bnnniinn. of the of Representative.;. for Conurei-iomi! RV’A variety of editorial and .-elected matter intended for to-davs's paper. has hern innivoidahh crowded ont bv iHc proceedings ol tii** Kiltmime •Convention, ResigiiuHon of ftpnera! -s oi lien, ('.is; Jo-m the Senate will be ei'-atlv ieuietteil by tlie 1 •ein-.t,racy Happilv it is only fm a tran-ler to ihe W hi?** i fo.i-- Our Fla's is Uiere! In obedience to the decision of the National ( Gfe. vention. held at Baltimore —the reeniariy con' ted tribunal ioi the adjustment and ionciliat ion oTall thp honest diiliuences in the Oenu.vraik' rank;- —wo to-day fly from oni the nan:<- c Gen. LEWIS CASS t'»r the- th>t and ol General .WILLIAM (j.. BUTLER ».»r the the £rifr o!' the American peoph desired the selection of our own iiinsfnom B 1 ( !1- i ANAN. both on account of tib exalted eharactei as a Patriot ami Statesman. and as an act 01' it - to sure and steadfast Pennsylvania—we yet bow to the verdict of the assembled Drmoefacv of the na- tion with ahtcritv and cheerlidne the will of' the rnapritv. and cordial acquiescent: in the regular nomination-: ot ouu parly, we have ever regarded as the \ <-j v hfe-hlo-.d of its sueves ■without which it would. full an easy prey r. the Federal enemy If.our wishes have miscarried m lrspeet to oiu firs! choice fur the Presidency, v. r have br-.-u ifs- unibrUumte in respect to out it-omi choice—: u r. next to Mr.El i iia.nan tln-re r-. no name in the wide extent of the land, under v.inch wc would du batik mure cordially than tlmt of lien. LKV. P- the wortliv non ol st gallant rev ult;I i:i the brave soldier in the uai' »>!' Imj of :\\ ostcrii civilization—the enlightened and aid' Governor---tin 1 and distinguisher! Djpl< Wold, tin* true Patriot. the lra;le> lionet lor sum -ss with any other. nia. Fnrgetiing the Pest, and looking only to the Future, her .stern and unyielding ! Vmocvae.v will rally witli united and resolute determination mound •the nomination 1 - made at I'alliniore. and will canv them fivfWard to one n| the most brilliant vieloue llntt l.ni 1 * e\ ei 1 adorned the politie.il aunal - oil lie Key- rsjiiM'l no " aid nlid emiiluil hum IVuicw l\aiii-i Her electoral Vote* are a wle and muc eoiitrihut-ioli to the-elect am nt C.\ :>s and 111 "tl .1 .!\ ill -Jl I,lllll*l To I !)i>- gloriole. IT-lill. \V c have good and su(lielent anthoi it v for staling. our neighbor Uhl numher ot .'i.iuni! If any other - .Mate .a enmity can heat 11 1 is. we shall lie glad to he.n Com lle-m. Gen. ISuiler a Bariiliurjic'S’.'' During the List war with Fugland. Gen. Bi'td.ji performed one ol ,lhfi noblest deeds of herm-m on record. In one ot the severest battles y, iih the British and Indians on the Xorth "Western tmutier a large number of the savages had touud tlu-ii wa; into a limn, from which they poured a deadly lire upon the American troops. The American t om nia nder said - that Hen a must he hum!, and in quired -who would volunteer to perUum iT- peril ous task. " After a long pause, the vuulhtul Butler gallantly stepped forward, and. providing him-eh .with a torch, proceeded to the Barn amid a shower y»f bullets from the rides ol the Indian-- and soon fired it.so completely as to envelope k in.lhime?. and returned unharmed to the American lines, when every spectator considered his death inevitable! Tlfe firing of that Barn deprived t-lte enemy of his strongest position, and soon gave the victory to the Americans. Gen. Butiei' is, therefore, the right sort of a Barnburner—he burns the Barns occupied by his country's enemies—and he is in every other respect a man Worthy ol the admiration and con fidence of-his countryman! He and his great asso ciate oh the Democratic ticket, are bound to be elec ted by an" overwhelming vote ! Pen nsylvaxj a Rail Road.—The Company which has this great work in charge appear to be pushing it with considerable energy. The contracts are all progressing as rapidly as is consistent with - economy, and the road will be put in action as far as Lewistown during the ensuing winter. The line to Huntingdon will be ready lor the rails early next summer. Tlie light work between Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg will be contracted for in time lo be completed as soon as the points now being com menced are ready. This arrangement lor the work has been made in order to bring capital expended into activity with as,little loss of interest as possible. It is expected that the road will be ready to Hun tingdon iu the summer following the- present, and to the Portage by the opening of navigation the spring. Pithy isn Sensible.—A Georgian in N. York, writing to the Macon Journal, on tlie subject of Federal prospects, concludes as iollows: 1 would say something about the prospects of Gen. Scott, but fearing Marcy lias already said too much, 1 will take the liberty of being silent.' Ax Accession. —The Hon John W. Crockett, formerly Representative in Congress from Tenn essee, has been associated editor of the N. Orleans National. • * letter from Andrew Jackson to | Lewis Cass. Not the least gratifying feature in the nomina tions made at Baltimore is the fact that both Cass and Butler enjoyed in an unbounded degree the confidence and esteem of ANDREW JACKSON, andlihat their election to the Presidency will per petuate in the National'governrnent the principles and policy of that illustrious Patriot. In lbfll, President Jackson appointed (Jon. Cass .Secretary of War, from which he was only relieved in I N'T, by tbe mission toJfruiice. Here In* gained iiiip'U hbijble laurels by bis emux' on the quintuple treaty, and by bi* celebrated pamphlet on the Hiifltt oj SniriJi, Sm deeply were ilex; important sendees imjiresM'd no the mind of the Hero of New ( hdrau-. thal| he did not forget them in his retirement—but so late as the month 'of .1 illy, 1S l.'i. lie addressed the ifollowiiii* h'Uer to (fen. Cass, in acknowledge ment of bis noble and patriotic course. The letter i-. characteristic of the old Hero—frank.'generous, and warm-hearted, even to enthusiasm. Huzza, then, lor (Jen. Lewis. Cass, tbe bosom-friend and associate of Andrew Jackson! • ' ( My Dear Sir: — l have the pleasure to acknow ledge your verv Iriendlv letter of the 25th of May last. It reached iiie in due course of mail ; hat .such were my debility and afflictions, that I have been prevented from replying to it until now ; and even now it i.s with great difficulty that I write. In return fo’’v our kind expressions in regard to mvi.ell. 1 have to remark, that I shall over recollect, mv dear General, with great satisfaction. the relations, both private- and oiiicinl, which subsisted between ns,. during the greater part of mv-administration. iiavuig full confidence in your abilities and repub lican pr.nc.pics, I invited you to mv Cabinet, and I can never forget with whaf discretion and talents you met those great and delicate questions which were brought before vou whilst’ you presided ou-r the; Department of War, which entitled you to mv thajiks, and will be ever .recollected with the most bvcily feelings of friendship by me. But what has endeared you to.everv e:ui was the noble stand which vou took as our minister at Paris, against the 'quintuple treatv, and which, by \ our talents, energy, and fearless respon sibility, defeated its ratification bv French—a treatv intended bv Great Britain to change onr international •law,--, make hm mistre. s of the seas aiid destroy the national iudepcmh nee, not onlv oi’onrcounlrv, but of' ail Knrojm, mid enable her to become the tvrant on every or-enii. Dad Great Britain obtained the •am tion'of ! ranee it) this treniv, i\ith flu Intr ,/A iirdffjul I rally, of' U'tn./iiiiL'tor —:;o disreputribb- to our nah'nnn! honor ami injurious to our nali-uial ty. l lni n, indeed rw emi "lit have hung our harps upon the willow.-., and resigned dur national inde pendence to Great Britain. But, I repeat, to vonr talents, energy, ami tearless responsibility, we are indebted for too shield thrown over us from the im pend mil danger wincli the ratification of the quintuple (••oatv by France would have brought upon us.— For this act. the thanks of every true American.am! the applause of every true republican are yours: and for ihir. noble act 1 tender win mv thanks. I admired t)r>. course of Dr. Linn in the Senate, in urging his Oregon buT; and 1 hope his energy will carry it into a law at the next session of Con gress. They will speak to England a language which she will understand—that we \vill not-.uhtnii to be negotiated out t-f our territorial rights hereafter. Receive assurances m mv friendship ami esteem. ANDREW JACKSON. To tin? Ifon Lewis Raiilicatioia Meetings, s-'cnnd o!me in 1 A' !.>!■:<' and f-nl'hactic meeting of the Young ici.uici: of this city \va- lur’d f.H I'riduy i veiling ln*:t : at their Head Quarters in !\l :[[<•:■building.'. The nominations of Cass and M.'i. . i)< ni 'critlir Ij i'tf.i u \\r;-r warmly responded to. were- 11'unio by lion. Benjamin* Cii-OirN'EYs and t. i-l. Ri-ah i- it \ v i:ii. and a series r.j' appiopiKiie 1, Va- m to Ihc d'.Vt* 11 1nir tie m i:i wiv i-loqiiPHt manner iroin the step- of dm hi.a'c, Tlii' crowd leu 'PyU-r's Hotel, ul»*-t>- (b-l'i t a-r. it -luppiu; til. u k,» had also (' > come lurw an! am! add re- - bi< -lie- pwlirej in flisiprossive Tact. l: will in>t he !<'iin>:f■ 11 nl'i.-r the battle-; on ih, ii ulid ’.'til of M.iV. IS-! 7.; and lollowmg the cal) ture.n MuuhTcv. that till* Federal Press ehtiiue nearly all ".ir Ge:u-i\:U of the regular arm\. a paper talked of the war n> having hern -made a war ol victory, hy "Whig- Generals." Time at last lells the liiith.oud we find how wide of the oerats. that eonipr' c -es the be-l blood of the old army: Woith. Twiggs. ,les>up. Kearney. Harney. General Worth, and others have become denmcßiG >inee 11n' wav broke mi! ! We dehy the fuel: Imi il -1., u hatdoes it prove' Tlnil the Federal op’ Tin 1 C5lBBlB of IS Hi. A eui |V.-.puudt!|il n| |he Wiifihiugliill I in “>t give nC tne T.u ilf ael of I S I ; 1 ron i-'aeltti :es. 1 'moiln-.s. I k-l ||t ii\\ ii*s’i ullmg mil! \ nnallllup Great Wesiem, do ' do -1 new rnat k .M'kee Hams' fur. Vt-nanco Bullion i'nni.u-e do Old Tiber tv do CnniThejv k ( i'ui.n. President Tew .Myers- Keating Co. J'.arber Sr Packer Cobct 6- C i>. Felzor &. M an no e 1 .yon L. Co. Kik furnace Breinenvjn ic Co. Hello ic Cr. ic Lauglm Fleck Co. Black Fro: fiver i. Co. C'anoe turn am: Spear T Co. Gilinoi e & In. Painter L Co. Reed Powers Fecblr-s 6: (Jo. Wealth of tine U nion. The aium.il Report of the- Commissioner of =hes much valuable information. The estimated population of the United States is 2u.- 7.70,000. and the aggreirat*- of personal real pro perty is estimated at Sx’aO-ÜbuOjOuO. New Vork is the richest State, her property being 51.112.000.- i.nit.i; Pennsylvania next, $5.70,000.0Q 0, then Ohio S 7 0 uX'O i.'Od then Virginia, SSOd.OOU.OOi •. The remainder of the States rank as follows: Patents tumid Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Massachusetts, 3.4(5,000,000 Georgia. 320,000,000 North Carolina, 306,000,000 Illinois, ’ ' 394,000,000 Alabama, 276,000,000 Mississippi, 256,000,000 South Carolina, . 243,000,000 Missouri, ' 240,000,000 Maine, 1 240,000,000 Maryland, Louisiana, New Jersey, Michigan, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Texas, lowa, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Delaware, Florida, : District of Columbia Oregon, 017" A Soldier's Retreat is proposed in Congress. American soldiers must be Very j disabled before they can consent to a retreat in any form. Hermitage, July, 1543. i.iiiiicatiou nj'.vtini: was held in Wa-h- numerous! v attended. and several of' v-n-neral Cats.- v\ho addre.twil iui [hi* present, iuid<*r n-itoia fr, lur Mr. Huii’io ii<'j Ur. A. S. and Eliza Ann Bare, of Upper Lc.io.'fk t>'.wiiLlnp. aged 1 year, Tmo. and 5 davs, l pun this lovely lair. And hli* was all one boundless acr-r.e of jov. unrnixrd with cave; So da: hsulile cloud of sorrow \ 1 pun h<*r lot did lower. She thought not of a morrow sail for bliss made up each hour. till! keen was death's sharp weapon. When first, with torture strong, 1* lore the rhikls voting frame, where health Had bce'u a guest so long; Ami weary, weary & were the weeks With dove-like meekness, till her soul ay #‘vrniiiii last Sfj|)tna Ai!!_nisl:i (irosli. wil'd nl' {'u|. A. P. (• t< j 1 1 ami ila iiifliU'i- nl' ('lirm'liau H. Ham-li. Ksn Tncalay wri k, Kiw.alirlli I'nnlucv. will- u 1 (hi l Inn Ttl.i s, 1 1 1« llih i n . til lii'i |‘tl ht'i '•> tc*i i 1 1 • ■ 111*'*i I’l.im- Nil, I’ 11, M., Ciiinlinu cniinh l‘a,, .1 min*h llniiiit'!, iiuhil HI \ri, !> uni, aml J-J da \’n i£oinmcvcinl Ucfovb. I’l 11 LA UELPIIIA MARKET ur:vjhw nm rnr. wk.kk r.Nni.m, juv FLUI K AND MKAL.— Kt'tcMi , ght and . other kind -of dress "nod.*. for Ladies wear. Also, the demand continues on a restricted scale. Sales goods tor men’s wear of every doscriptiniijtoyether lor the week loot up about G.OOO bbls. part lor ship- with every kind of foreign and domestic Dry Goods, ineut, at 50,75af),87.; for standard ami good Penna. ; which will he sold very luw. An assortment of and Western brands; sts for Brandywine, and an carpeting for sale cheap. e>ctra I -rand ground for the Brazilian market, on pn- Thankful for past favor, we ask a continuance of vale term« ; including. New Orleans at and . your rail extra ami fancy brands at 5Ga6,.00 per bbl GRAlN'.—Sales of IS,OOU bushels of Wheat have been made at 130 a 133 cents for interior ami prime Ilia . v Penna. red, and 132a137 cents tor white, closing . ’ 7 -- heavy at our lowest rates. Rye—i’oine sales have ’ VI Elite Swim Hotel, been made at 75a< / cents. Lorn—Some 25.000 ; formerly daru’s, trout street, marietta, im. bushels have been taken, mostly yellow, at 49ia50 1 "\TRS. MARY FISHBAUGH would mostrespect centa tor Penna. and Southern, and -IS cents tor ! it 1 fully inform the public that she has takei\ the white, flats Hut little doing. 1 house formerly occupied bv her brother, Samuel SPlRlTS.—Whiskey scarce. lihda. sold at 21J : McKinney, snd more recently by John Barr. The cents, and 450 hbls. at 22 cents per gallon. ! house has been thoroughly repaired ; this, with an ; experience 6f fourteen years connectiog with it, and being prepared with every comfortable accom ; mediation necessary, together with a determination to leave no exertion undone, she hopes to merit l-’LObR —Howard Street Flour.—On last Satur- | an( l receive a continuation of the patronage herc dav 700 bbls. were sold at $5,65ja0,62i, and on 1 to^orc so liberally bestowed upon the house. Monday 400 bbls. at 85,50. This morning about i Marietta, May 1), 1848. 2m-15. 500 hbls. were taken at 55,50, and we quote ac- i ; 1 cordiingiv. City Mills Flour.—Yesterday morning \ MftClUllC SilOj) 311(1 Blacksmith SIIOD for RCllt. t A er f "' er f c two f lc . s at a small Action less than I At Paradise Mills, Lancaster County. Sb, but afterwards the sales were extensive at 86, ! a* v e ., . _ T and this morning there was a sale at 86. Rye Flour. nP iiL Machine Shop embraces a sulhciency of —Sales of Ist at 53,75. Corn VI eal.—Sales of |3- water power for any mechanical purposes, and Penna. bbls. at $2,25. Baltimore bbls. are held at I ie situation of it in a rich and fertile country — 82,50. j would warrant that of a Threshing Machine manu- BALTIMORE MARKET REVIEW TOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY O' GRAlN—Wheat.—Sales of rood to prime Md in preference to any other. Persons wish reds were made at 128a130 cents 0 n Tuesday I ln ° t 0 Cllter the above busincss would do well t 0 sale.- of 2000 bushels Peima. red were made at 133 : c t aJl and see the locallon * „ Possession given about cent?. On Wednesday the sales of good to prime I Ilc 1 - tol „ SAMUEL KENKAGY. Md. reds were made at 125a132 cents. Yesterday j May 9, 1848. tl-16. and to.day the sales of Md. red, fair to prime, were ■ - at!2oal2B cents, and we quote accordingly. Corn. 1 —Sales on Monday at 40a42 cents for white, and at ■ 4da47 cents for yellow. To-day we quote white at j 39a41 cents, and yellow at 42a44 cents. Rye. A I sale of 400 bushels Penna. at 75 cents. Oats j Sales at 32a55 cents; on Monday at 30a33 cents. WHISKEY. —Bbls. at 22 cents, and hhd3. at 21 i cents. Columbia Bank and Bridge Com- May 18, 1848. M'HH Directors of tlie'Cohuiibiu Bank and Bridge X Company, desirous or affording to persons who are disposed to deposit money tor definte periods, at a moderate rate of interest, have determined to allow interest for the same at the following rates viz: ; 1 198,000,000 168,000,000 166,000,000 148,000,000 For all deposits to remain 12mn. 4 per ct. per ann. do do do Bdo 3 ' do do df* do -do 3do 2 do do The i;iras so deposited to be pavable without in terest at any intermediate time, at’the option of the depositor. The interest to cease at the end of the period for which the deposit wa3 made, unless the same be renewed for a farther period. «AML T EL SHOCH, Cashier. IR-3m. 132.000,000 120.000,000 .120,000,000 60,000,000 56.000,000 52,000,000 62,000,000 3C,000,000 32,000,000 May 3U, 1848 30,000,000 18,000,000 6,000,000 6003000 Feet of Lumber, JUST received at John S. Gable’s Saw Mill (formerly E. Coleman’s, and late Miller & Gable’s') on thq. Conestogo. Orders to be left under the Mu seum or at the Saw Mill.. All building timber will be sawed at the shortest notice. Also, boards and shingles for sale. JOHN S. GABLE. '' Lancaster, May 30. 18-3 m pear, E~q., Peter DEATHS. BooKs, Books! THE British Female Poets, chronologically ar ranged, with biographical and critical notices, and copious selections from their writings, by Geo. \V. Botlitmo. a beautiful demy, Svo. The Peasant and his Landlord-, i>v the Baroness Knoring, translated by Mary Howitt, in two parts, paper 50 cents, 1 vol. cloth 75 cents. Burder’s Religious Ceremonies land Customs, or, the forms of worship practised by the several na tions of the known world, No. 1, illustrated,. 25c. Just out, Pride, the first bo6k of that great serial now writing by M. Sue, entitled the “ Seven Capi tal Sins.” Price 50 cents. The seven hooks will he published in succession, ami in the following order—l. Pride (out); 2,. Envy'" (preparing): 3, Avarice; 4, Luxury; 0, Idleness j ft, Gliutonv ; 7, Passion. IVAubigne’u Reformation, illustrated edition. No. Oof the public and Private Hinton- of die Pope** of Rome, with a colored plate, 25 cc-utM. The Knights of Muulami, complete hv Dumas, 5(1 eoHt.-i, Tim Little Wile. Record of Mutt linonial Life, !>v Mrs. Grey, 25 cents. All of Mrs. Grey’s novels lot salethcrc at 25 ets, each. Lamartine’s History of the Girondists, complete in three volumes, vol. 3, completing the history of the Girondists, or personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution. Also. The Three days in Paris in LS4B. .Charles Chesterfield, by Mrs. Trollope, illustra oh • Mysteries of the Criminal Record, a romance of both hemispheres, by the author of Torn Stapleton. Sir Tliomas Broughton, a new novel, bv James. Also, the Reformed Highwayman, a Sequel to Esther DeMcdinu, or the Crimes of London, by G. W. Reynolds, part 1. ' The Life and Adventures of Joseph T. Hare, the Bold Robber and Highwayman. All new Hooks received as soon as published, and for sale at publisher's lowest |>rices. by J. GISII & CO., North Queen street, Lancaster. . It—lS .May 30, IS4S, "VVTIIAT has caused this great commotion our 7* country through.—lt is Sherman's Medicated Lozenges, the lame of which has spread froinMaine to Georgia, and from the Atlantic to the Rocky M ountains-—all over the land wherever a mother has a noisy and troublesome child Dr. ShermanV Worm Destroyer is enquired after and resorted to— the trouble is removed, the child becomes endurable, anti whenever a child is suffering from worms when it gets a taste of the Lozenge, and feels the relief it produces it begins to cry for more. The very worms themselves kick up adust about them when ever Sherman’s Cough Lozenges are known, no medicine is so earnestly sought after, because it costs but little money and gives great relief even in. the most inveterate cases. Rev. Mr. De Forrest. Rev. Mr. Eastmond, Rev. Mr. Streeter, and a host of persons of the first respectability have given in their testimony -concerning them, and they say there, is no medicine like them, and the Camphor Lozenges are equally surprising, who ever heard of the most severe cases of headache being cured in a few. minutes. Yet sucli is the fact when Sherman’s Camphor Lozenges are used. Palpitations also are quieted, nervous diseases and depressions of spirits removed, and affections of the bowels permanently cured, and Rheumatism, Pain and weakness in the back, chest, side, legs, arms, and various parts of the body is cured by Sherman’s Poor Man’s Plaster which is not only a friend to the poor but also to the rich, and as it is only 12£ cents is within the reach of all. For sale by J. GISII & GO., North Queen street, Lancaster. May.3o 18 Estate of JoSm Evans, a lunatic. r T T HE undersigned auditor, appointed by the 1 Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, to adjust,and distribute among the creditors of said John Evans, of the Borough of Columbia, the bal ance of his estate remaining in the hands of his Committee, Evan Green, 'hereby notifies the said creditors, that he will attend by adjournment, for the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday', the 27th day of June next, at 2 o’clock'P. W., at the public house of Lewis Sprecher, in East King St., Lancaster. ISRAEL CARPENTER, May 30, 5 48.-4t-18.] Auditor. Valuable Books, Just received at JUDD AlVn|iu’ I’oul! i|p Soit’M, Hi'iiulmil nt n[it'll ( itml I’lititl Hlk. ami lllu* l Hilt. SlIkM i lllk, ili'lHlnii silk liir Vishnu, c . AT TIIK IlKl'i HIVK. North M, Al.sn now oi'KNINd : Tin' Nt'wt'hl No lom /* I HA SU/.S .1 ,\l) l‘ \lt A SOI.tiTTKH } t tu.-r tillVn'il. As. K. \V k'.NTZ .V Him. •> April IS, 1 Hlk Another Arrival. fpHK Milisnilifi-.i would rill I the attention of the 1. putilir generally lo the .-plemlid assortment of •mimiipr goods, juat opening, of the latest stylo- and patterns of Bareges, Lawns, Tissues, and every ROTHARMKL & BKATES, Opposite Jno. Bear’a Printing OtTice. 17-Gt , Agricultural Botany, BEING an enumeration and description of use ful plants and weeds, which merit the notice or require the attention of American Agriculturists. This work should be in the hands of every intel ligent fanner, particularly ot the young and enter prising, who seek to elevate their noble profession to its just rank among human pursuits. For sale in Lancaster by May 23—17] ! Dividend. Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, > .May 2, 18-18. \ npHE Directors of this Institution have this day 8 declared a dividend of three per cent, out of the profiis of the ; last six months, payable on and after the 12th in3t. • ! SAMUEL SHOCK, Cashier. Columbia, Maj 16, 184 S. 3t-16. Longenecker & Co., HAVE just Received a large assortment of plain and plaid which they wilt sell very low. Also, LINEN LUSTRES, Lawnsl &r. Black BEREGE SHAWLS, rich colored ligh, Fabrics, do. Superior black and Blue Black Sum mer BOMBAZINES. [May 9, ’4S.-tf-15. Coaclmiakers Wanted. Journeymen Coachmakers, to be employed k 5 exclusively on|-wood-work, are wanted at the establishment of the’subscriber, in the village of Schoeneck, Lancaster county. JESSE REINHOLD. 17-3 t Great Revolution I IN THE PRICES OF DRY GOODS. j Who are to be, benefitted by this remarkable change ? THE PEOPLE! WHY? LET them call at the Bee Hive Store, North Queen street, and see; here they can buy as much for $l.O0 —as they a short time ago would have to pay $2.00 for. This then !s a radical change for the express benefit of the people. Let them call early and see the LARGE LOTS— of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening : for Revolutions now-a-davs are remarkable for their BREVITY. Splendid Lawns, fast color*, 12J els. • 38 inch Muslins-, heavy atul line, for t>± eta. A good article of Plain Mode* and Blk.only 12i ctn. A good article, Highly Cameloon. Af»urniu/r Dress Goods : I.ndic'i ,ean he supplied with e\erv article lor mourning. Good plain Blk. Chintzes, only 12J eta. Good Lawns, * 12i, 18 and 25 cm. Mazatlans, Bereges and Silk Tissues. Ladies Gloves: Lisle thread, Sill; and Kid ; Misses Gloves in variety At the Bee Hive, Just opened, 4 cased of splendid French, Scotch and English Dress Ginghams, New patterns and very cheap—at THE BEE HIVE, North Queen st. Ladies Summer Dresses. The greatest variety of the most splendid styles just received, among the newest styles are Mazatians, Zephrines, Zephr Tissues Pompadours, . . . . &c. &<•., perfectly exhaustless, at the Just opening, the newest styles for Spring and Sum - mer, the greatest variety ever seen in Lancaster. — Great has been taken in the selection of styles and colors, at the B.EE HIVE. French N. W. Lace Capes. t: iC ‘‘ Collars. “ “ Edging and Inserting. Embroidered Swiss Muslins, for Dresses. At the BEE HIVE, North Queen st. April, 4, ISIS. ' tf-10 IVo. HO. 1000 REWARD!!! C| AN it be said that all believe without calling > and proving to their own satisfaction that goods arc selling at the lowest prices at No. 80 ; therefore we specially invite our town and country friends to call and secure bargains in the purchase of . Spring and Summer Dry Goods. Ginghams, cents; Delaines, 12* cents; Cali coes, 3, *l, 5,6, and 8 cents per yard, choice pat terns, splendid light colored satin striped Alpaca Lustre, Linen Lustre dress goods, extra large sized colored Delaine Shawls, very fine and cheap. Also, Bedticking, Cl- cents; bleached and unbleached Muslin, a yard wide, 5, C, 7, and 8 cents; Cones toga Muslin, 8t cents by the piece: Cloths, Cassi mercs, Vestings, &c. Summer Goods, for men's and- boy’s wear, from 3 to cents, with a gene ral assortment of dry goods, equally as cheap. Please call and see, under the Museum, 2 squares from the Court House, North Queen street, where you will be amply rewarded for vour trouble in the way of cheap goods. Also, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, &C- Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, &c. Salt, Fish, Oil, Tar, &c. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Al monds, Filberts, See. French Travelling and Mar keting Baskets, basket carriages and chairs in great variety, &c. 100,000 Spanish, Half Spanish and Common Su gars,’Snuff, Snuff Boxes, Pipes, Fine Cut and Cut and-Dry Tobacco, &£. 30 boxes Lottiers, Greaners, Congress, Honey Dew, and other brands plug and cavendish Tobac co, in large or small quantities, at Philadelphia prices. 200 half and quarter barrels No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, of the most choice selections, which we are bound to sell Ipwer than can be had in the City of Lancaster. Please don’t forget the place, under the mu seum, No. SO, two: >jquare3 from the Court Hon^e. PINKERTON & SMELTZ. 3m-10. March 4, 18-18. Reinhardts Patent glass Pad Dou ble and Single Truss, For the support and cure of Rupture, or Hernia. THIS TRUSS has the of any hereto fore in use, Ist, on account of its durability and cleanliness, the rupture pad being of glass, iin any shape or form,) the adjustments of the springs to suit the action of the body, and calculated to be fitted to either side. The rupture pad has a double motion; Ist, by revolving on its own axis; 2d. bv the Inver to which it is attached, and where said lever is connected to the main spring. The supe riority which this Truss ha 9 over others is obvious in this, that it is most effectual in retaining the [jails in Lij.-ir proper place, auu making nut* plea sure ; it is always clean ; its shape or form is du rable, which in stuffed pads is nut the case, as they become saturated vuth the lluid-i from the body. The L'miiilical Truss is unsurpassed, being so adapted as Jo migam pei tcctly secure where ap plied. Phvsieians and oilier:; arc invited m cal] and ex amine this instrument. Xnineioni certiticatcs can be shown, from some of the most eminent of the medical profession, recommending the instru ment. Tor sale at JOHN F. LONG’S Drug and Medical Store, No. S. X. Queen st. May 23, IS-IS. 6t-17 Rlew Goods! lU*w Goods! JI'ST RFC'F.IVEU and now opening at the New York Store, in North Queen street, a full ami splendid assortment ofSpring Goods, among which mav lu> found the following. >j 7 : ; (\iupr: 77 \as. nn 1 vG /•: rs. Floor nut! Table Oil Mollis. 10-1, ll“ 4 and 12*4 ConutermineM, Kinbnsped Table ami Tulle! Cnvera, Uleacheit and I'liMeni'licd Shut* Iny-i fYnm !l-l In 12-1 wide, from I cents per yard iipwanK M-J to 12-1 l-,iuen Sliii’inig-i, fi*4, s-|, KM ami 12-1 Unmask Table chitlin, I'oitnn mnl l.inen, Uovloii ami Napkin-M Ulnghama, Flmoku, Ticking, Crash, mui Diapers, Calicoes Hi hi euluis, from 4riii, per yard upwards, Ginghams good culms, 12 et:;., for dir-hSeH, l.awmi, andM D. Laines, worth 25 fur 12- da., New Style Fancy Casaimeree and Vestings, Dress Goods in full assortment, beside:, all other goods usually kept lit the Dry Goods Fancy and Queensware Line, which w e are offering at reduced prices. [March 27,1*48,1 GRILL fii_l_aLßFllT. THF. Collectors of the following townships and districts arc requested to call at the Commis sioners’ office, at Lancaster, and get their duplicates fur Militia Fines, for the year 1547, and collect the same before the Ist of Auguit next, and make set tlement of the same, 011 or before that time. Collector of Bart Township, “ •’* Carnarvon, East Cocalico, •• “ Columbia Borough, *• Ephrata, “• “ Elizabeth, “ Earl West, “ 4i Hempfield East, ‘‘ Washington borough, part Manor. li Strasburg borough. THOS. PATTERSON, JOHN LANDES, JOHN WIT.MER, Com’rs’office, Lan- > Comr’s. caster, May 9, IS4S. y Wholesale Clothing Ware-house. ls2i Market street, (between 4th and sth,) Xx| Philadelphia. The subscriber respectfully so licits the attention of Country vl erchants and Dealers generally to an examination of a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING , which for extent, variety and workmanship, he flat ters himself will give universal satisfaction, while his reduced sale of prices presents to purchasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the United States. Phila. Feb. 29, 184S-3m-5. JACOB REED. H CLARK, Cabinet, Sofa-Chair , Sofa, and # Bedstead Manufactory, No. 143, South 2d street, Philadelphia. The advertiser respectfully invites the attention of the public to his store of CABINET FURNI TURE, comprising a variety of patterns of every article known in the business, and of the latest style of finish, which he will sell atthe lowest Cash prices. Every article sold at this establishment warranted of the best materials and workmanship. Philadelphia, Feb. 22. 4.6 s J. GISH i; CO,, North Queen street. H CLARK, Venetian Blind Manufacturer, No g 143, South 2d street, Philadelphia,lias con atantly on hand a large assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS, manufactured of the best materials, and by compe tent workmen, which he will sell, wholesale or re tail, at the lowest cash prices. , Purchasers, desirous of a good article, are invit ed to call and examine. Orders punctually attend-, ed to. [Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1848 —6m-4 JOHN L. KEFFER has commenced the above business, in A. N. Brenneman’s Buildings, Cen tre Square, Lancaster, and will do the best he can, by strict attention to business and moderate charges, to satisfy all who may be pleased to favor him with their custom. [May 2, 1848. —15. CABINET WARE-ROOMS, A r o.27G, S. Stcondst., West side, Philadelphia. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, cheap and of good qual ity—3UCh as Beds, Bedsteads, Bureas,Chairs, Tables,*&c. Cash paid for Old Furniture or taken in exchange for New. Old Furniture repaired. - Feb. 1,1848-6 m Mtis de Laines CH AS. K. WENTZ & BRO. Ginghams Magnificent. Beautiful. Lovely. Fascinating. North Queen street BKE HIVE CHAS. E. WEXT7. & BRO. Bonnet Ribbons: Rmbroideries SEGARS, TOBACCO, Bcc Notice to Collectors. Cabinet Furniture. Venetian Blinds. Sign Painting. Davis & Chew, LEGAL NOTICES. Estate of John ste elector rison. In the Court of Common Pleas for “the County of Lancaster. YYTIJ EREAS, .John C, Walton and Philip W.. W Housekeeper, Assignees of said J.ohn Steele Morrison, did on the 16th day of May, 1848, file in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, their account ot the said estate f Notice is hereby given to all persons iuterested in the said estate,that the said Court have appoint ed the 10th day of June, 1848, for the confirma tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest: J. H. KURTZ, ProtiPv. Prothonotary** Office, ) Lancaster, May 23, IS-IS. J 17-4 t Estate of Elizabeth Y.Coiiyiigrham. In tin* Diiitrict Court lor the citv and couulv of Lancantcr. WHEREAS, Adam 11. Winner, Trustee of Elisabeth Y. Conyngham of the citv of Lan caster,did on the loth da’y of-Moy, 184$,Tile in tho office of the Prothonotary of the aa'td Court, his Account of the said Estate; Notice is hereby given to all persons iuterested in the said estate, that the said Court havo appoint ed the 18th day ofJuuc, IS4S, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions he filed. Attest: Proth’ys office, ) Lan. May 23,1848. $ Estate of Jacob Erb and Wife. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. YTTHEREAS, Alexander Galt and George Wit- V V wer, Assignees of Jacob Er.b and Wifi*, of Earl township, did on the 22d day of May, 1848, file in the Office oP’the Prothonotary of the said Court, their Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appoin ted the 24th day of June, 1848, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, J. li. KURTZ, ProtlUv. Prothy’s. Office, Lan. May 23, IS4S. 17-it. Estate of Rudy Herr, and Nancy, ills wife. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County fo ! YTTHEREAS, George Bvrod, Assignee of said H Rudy Herr of Mountjoy township, did, on the 15th day of Mhy, IS4B, file in the Office of the ] Prothonotary of the said Court, his account of-the 1 said Estate; No. SO. Notice is hereby given to all-persons interested in the said Estate,.that the said Court havo appoin ted the 19th day ol June, 1848, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, i J. H. KURTZ, Proth’v. Prothy’s Office, Lan. May 23, IS4S. 17-4 t. Estate of Christian Kurtz, a lu natic. In the District Court for the city and county of Lancaster. \ HERE A S, John Myers, Committee ofChris- V t tian Kurtz, a lunatic, did on the 17th dav of May, IS4B, file in the office of'thc Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint ed the 24th day of June, IS4S, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be Hied Attest: J. H. KURTZ, Proth’v Proth’ys office, ) Lan. Mac 23, IS4S. 5 Executor's Notice, j Estate of Hugh M'Culldugh , late of’Drumore twp., Lancaster county , deceased. r PHE undersigned having been appointed by the jL last Will and Testament of said deceased’, the Executor of his estate, all persons having claims or demands.against the same are requested to present them withoutdelay for payment —and those knowing ; themselves to be indebted are desired to make im mediate settlement. SANDERS M’CULLOUGH, May 23 —IT-Gt*] Executor. Estate of Francis McGuigan, sen., late of the city of Lancaster , deceased. LETTERS of administration ha ving been granted to the subscriber, residing in the township of East Lampeter, in said county, all persons having lawful demands against the estate of said Francis McGu'gan, sen , are hereby requested to present them without delay,'.duly authenticated. And all persons knowing themselves to be indebted, are rc quested to make immediate payment to FRANCIS McGUIGAN, Jr., Administrator. May 23 17-6U} Estate of Jacob Heise. In the Court of Common Plena for the county of Lancaster. Adam Wolf, Assignee of said T T Jacob Heise, of tlie city of Lancaster, did on the sth day of May, IS4-S, file in the office of the Prothonotnry of said Court, his account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested. ed the IJth day of June, 1848, for the conlirma tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Ati'f.st, .T. H. KURTZ, Protlfy Pi ollioiiotnrv’s Ofllro, ) Lancaster, Muv .Ifj, IS4S.J Eslafe of Christian Shirk In the Court <>f Couwion Pleas j'o7' the county of ' Lancaster. -VfTHF.REAS, Philip Fisher anil William Hugee, T T Assignees of said Christian Shirk, of Done gal township, did on the sth day of May 1848, file in the office of the Prothonotarv of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby f»ivi*n to ;tll persons interested in Ihe said Kstato, thatAtlio said Court have? ap pointed tiie lifth dav nl’.Tune IH4H, for tlm confir mation thorrof, uiilpsh exceptions be filed. Art r.sr: J. H. Kt’UT7 M Protlrv I't iitlionot.u v *n oilier, ) Lam a-urr. ,M:iv Hi, IMS.} Notice. Mtiiwt' 7W/i^r/ ( v linriit IN of llm provinitnm of Hu* not of m» nnjmi'inion, undid' heller* pntont i>i«oil 10 ilm Snli-it'i’ilii-it. of die Siook of ihf» viuunr Turnj>tkn Itoml ( tiio|ifi iiv, by the Uovoruor r*f' llto Common wealth, a meeting of the SiHtarrlbnrfi To llio said Mock, will Ijo lu>Ul at tin* public house of Abrhlinm I'ouwh, in tin' village of Millcratuwu, on Tuesday, tin 1 b'lh day of Jmitt next, at 2 o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of oipanimiig the said Company, ami of electing at the same iimo and .place, by hnllni, one President, one Treasurer, and Six Managers for the current year * Also at the same time and place will he submitted the* question of the propriety of extending the said road from Abm. Peters’ public house to the Lake Mill. May 16, 18-18, Dissolution of Partnership. f pi-IE co-partnership heretofore existing between i_ the subscribers, under the firm of Miller Sc Cable, is this day dissolved" by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm will come for ward, before the first day of July next, and settle their accounts with either of the subscribers, living in town, and all having claims will present them within said time. jyray 18, 1848. Estate of John Forry, dec’ll. r i”'HE undersigned, auditor appointed by the 1 Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, to settle and adjust and distribute among those entitled to the remaining assets of the estate of John Forry, late of the borough of Columbia, deceased, in the hands oi' Abraham Zook, his administrator de bonis non, hereby notifies all persons interested, that he will attend for, and proceed with, the duties of his appointment at the public house of John Cichael in North Queen street, Lancaster, on Saturday tiie 10th day of June nexl,at2 o’clock, P. \). ISRAEL. CARPENTER, Auditor. May 2, 1848. 14 Estate of‘Wm. D. Stauffer , late of Lancaster city , deceased. LETTERS of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, re siding near the- Gap, in Salisbury township, Lan caster county, all persons having claims or demands against said estate will present the same duly au thenticated for settlement, and those knowing them selves to be indebted will please make immediate pimnent. GEO. I). M’ILVAINE, Adm’r. SARAH STAUFFER, Adm’rx. April 25, IS4S. Gt-13 Estate of Win. W. Pennell, dec’d. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Wm. W. Pennell, late of Lancaster city, de ceased, having been granted to die subscribers^ — all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it, will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, to GEORGE QUIGLEY, Paradise township. JAMES B. LANE, Lancaster city. Match 17,1 843-tf-Sl Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS for building a BRIDGE across the Conestoga, at or near Israel Groff’s vi anufactory, will be received at the Commission er’s Office at Lancaster, until 2 o’clock, P. M., on Monday the 29th of May, inst. The plan and specifications can be seen at the said office, at any time previous to the letting. THOS. PATTERSON, JOHN LANDES, JOHN WITMER, Commissioners. 16-tf Lancaster, May 16, 1848. J. H. KURTZ, Proth’v ‘'Lancaster. Notice. ABRAHAM PETERS, CHRISTIAN LINTNER, JACOB SHENK, BARTON B. MARTIN, JOHN LINTNER, Subscribers. JOHN MILLER, JOHN S. GABLE. 3t-16 Notice. CLOTHING. Dr. Franklin’s Opinion of Luck. THE astonishing success of JOS. GORMELY, in the CLOTHING BUSINESS, excites the surprise ot some and the envy and jealousy of others His unparalleled success some attribute to one cause, and some to another. more envious than the rest,'attribute it to any cause that beat suits their purposes, no matter how unjust, or how; foul the misrepresentations. Again, there is another class more easily satisfied, and content themselves by saving—“ Well, it is nil luck—better to be born lucky than rich. Born under a lucky planet,” &c, “ Pshaw says Dr. Franklin, of luck, nil the lurk I know of is in proper 'management.” Precisely so. Dr., am! just thu operatingeauso in the extrusive bmdness done at the great LANCAS TER HALI. OK FASHIONS. Tim only secret in this largo.businenN, ami the only reason that it is largo, is because ho in careful irr thu selection of good materials, ami Ims all his goods well mirdo— and then the fit ol his garinfirts cannot be surpassed; and are sold at prices that defy competition. This is tho cause of ijis 'astonishing success at the great LANCASTER HALL OF FASHIONS, N. Queen St . Lancaster; next to J. Gish & Co.’s Book Store and the National House. [May 9, MB,-tf-l£>. E. M. lUMBRIGIIT, MERCHANT TMLOR. "VVTOULD respectfully inform his friends and T T the public, that he has removed to the well known stand, in West King Street, (lately occu pied by B. Lfchty.) between Hager’s store and Coopor's-diotel, and .opposite Steinman & Son’s. His stock of Cloths, Tflssimeres,.- and Vestiugs, is very large, and selected Vith great care. The latest London, Paris, and New York fash ions always received; and.?all orders in his liiie of business executed with' despatch and in the highest style of the art by the very beat workmen. Thankful for past favors, he would respectfully so licit a continuance of public patronage, feeling confident that all persons favoring him will be en tirely satisfied with'his work. SF.LRING OFF AT COST! E. M. H. will sell his large stock of Ready-made Clothing at cost. Now is the time for bargains, as he is determined to relinquish the Clothing busi ness, and give his undivided attention to the Mer chant Tailoring. Call and examine for yourselves. May J, IS4S. ' 6m-14 Trutb ami Common Sense is migMy and will prevail, Over all the Ihonbuggcnj in the World however hom hastii' and noisy it may appear. ~]\/T T. FORD, being desirous, of returning, his I\L. sincere and hearty thanks to the citizens of Lancaster city and couniy, for the kind manner .in which they have come forward and welcomed him —being an entire stranger among them—and for the unprecedented patronage he hafe received at their hands, adopts this medium of expressing his gratitude for their favors. He wishes it distinctly understood that lie docs not attempt to thrust it down the necks of the public, that his is the only Clothing Store in the world, nor has he gotquitc as magnificent a front to his establishment as some persons pretend to have; but one thing is certain, and it has been unanimously decided by the entire population of Lancaster, that he has just received the most magnificent and extensive Assortment of Goods, suitable Tor thg present and coming season, ever be fore exhibited in this county, - to describe which is almost an impossibility. The only way to form an accurate idea of the extent, variety and splendor* will be to call and examine them. And rest assured, gentlemen, of receiving the* most polite attention, whether you intend purchasing at the time or not. VI. T. FORD offers §lOOO reward, to any person in Lancaster city or countv, who can produce as large a variety, and as cheap a stock of well made Clothing and piece goods as he has now ready for sale. 03“ Remember M . T. Ford’s Emporium of Taste and Fashion, sign of .the Locomotive* Opposite SchoJfield’s Hotel, North Queeii Street, Lancaster c;ty. April 18, 1848. AHElii€A.\' ttOTIIIjKe STORE. SIGN OF THE RIG PANTS By George Sptirrier , North Queen Street, next door to Bear's Printing Office , and nearly opposite to Michael's Hotel. GEORGE SPURRIER would return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by strict attention to business, and a determination to sell nothingbut what is well made and of good materials, to merit a continuance of public patronage. 1 have just returned from Philadelphia with an enure new stock of goods, selected with great care, and consisting in part of Superfine French Cloth , Do. French Doe Skin Cassimeres, Fine French Summer Cassimeros , And a splendid assorment of Fancy Satin Vestings, ...MM, I ~011 k*. U„r,r -C__ . prefer being measured, in the best and most fash ionable manner. I have :i]so mi hand a large assortment of R LA DV-MA D K C LOTH ING, of mv own manufacture, which I will warrant to bn well made and of [food material, and which I can sell all the very lowest cash prices. Customer's work made ro order in the moat fashionable manner and bv the best workmen. {£r Don’t forget tin; place, sign of the big pants, North Quec -'i- ei, nearly opposite Michael’s hotel. 'GEO. SPURRIER, Merchant Tailor. April 4 3 1 *.- iO.] The IT > Staled Clothing Store. Sign of the " ipetl coat, by REUBEN F.RBEN,No. 35 North Qtiucn afreet, corner of Orange, ono square from ihb Court House, East side, Lancas tm-jPa. riMflS miuiimnfh establishment, now contains by J fitr the largest and rhoupi’iitnmioHtiicntof hien’w mill hoys' weli'mtule clothing in the city of Lamms* l»«r. .iii*l will positively not he undersold by any oilier, The stock inefudmi every description oi clothing worn in the present day. The moat flish lounhTe, no well to/ the most plain, no that all tnalna tony be suited. The nnlu.crihov being a practical ami experienced tailor, given hut entire personal attention to the bm.uitad, and has every garment nuido under bin immediate inspection by the best woiktnen in the Stair, and an he buys all his goods in tho l.a itorn cities for cash, can confidently re commend the inhabitants of Lancaster city and county, one and all, to cal! at the SIGN OF THE STRIPED CQAT, and convince themselves that it is the right place to buy cheap and well-made clothing. A large variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, &c. of the very finest as well as common qualities, always on hand and made up to order in good stvles at a very small advance on wholesale prices. The latest London and Paris Fashions, always re ceived, and CUSTOMER WORK made according to the latest patterns and in the highest, style of the art bv the very best workmen. A fine assortment of shirts, shams, collars, cra vats, stocks, and StifTner’s gloves, handkerchiefs, suspenders, hosiery, and all kinds of Flannel and knit under shirts and drawers. Also, umbrellas, cheap. Thankful for past favors X respectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage,- and feel confident that all purchasers will find it to tKeir advantage to rleal with me as 1 am determined to avoid all hum bug and misrepresentation, and sell goods for what thev really are. REUBEN ERBEN, Tailor, United States Clothing Store, Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 35 North Queen street, corner of Orange, one square from the Court House, East side, Lan caster, Pa. sep 28-35 Removal. G< EO. SPURRIER would respectfully inform hie r friends, customers, and the public in general, that he has removed his Clothing Store from his old stand next door to the Post Office, to one door south of John Bear’s Printing Office, and nearly opposite J. Michael’s Hotel, at the sign of the Bio Pants, where all would do weH to call that want to buy CHEAP AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING. {Kr Customer’s work attended to at the shortest notice, and made in a workmanlike manner. Don’t forget the place, sign of the Big Pants. dec 7 ’47-45-tf] / GEO. SPURRIER. Cheap Window Blinds. J. B. WILLIAMS, Venetian Blind Manufacturer, No. 12, North 6th street, Philadelphia, HAS now on hand, the largest, and most fash ionable assortment of narrow slat, and other Venitian Blinds, of any other establishment in the United States. Comprising entire new style, trim mings, and colors,, which will be sold at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Old Blinds Painted and Trimmed to look equal to new. The citizens of Lancaster county and adjoining districts are respcctfully.invited to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Feel ing confident of pleasing and giving satisfaction to all who mav favor him with a call, he respectfully solicits their attention. benjamin j. williams, No. 12, N. 6th st., Philadelphia. 3m-10 . April 4, 1848. Blew sind Secondhand Furniture Warerooms. THE undersigned beg leave to invite the public in general to examine their large and well se lected assortment of Cabinet Furniture of all des criptions, including Sofas, Dressing and planvßu reaus, Wardrobes, Pier, Card and Dining Tables, Bookcases and Secretary's, Chairs of all sorts, French and German Looking Glasses, Silver , and Plated Ware, and Office Furniture in general use. — Persons who are about purchasing furniture, will find it to their advantage to give ns a call, as we are determined to sell good ware for reasonable prices. .COHEN' Sc LOBE, 115, South Second street, 3 doors below Dock at, and opposite the old Custom House, Philadelphia, Penn. s [Feb. 1, lB4s-3m