Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, May 16, 1848, Image 3

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Progressof the French Republic—The Flections Pass
, cd off Quietly—The lUpubliennz in a Large A/a
joriUj—Morc Fighting in Denmark —Schlestrig
Taken by the Prussians at the Point of the Bayonet,
Political affairs on the continent generally con
tinue of an exciting character, and oj the highest
interest to Americans. In .commercial matters,
there appears to. be a general, though gradual im
provement, not withstanding the feverish state ol
affairs -throughout-Europe and the political agitation
in all parts of Great Britain and Ireland.
The French elections had taken place, and all
passed off! as fur as heard from, peaeeiully. I lie
moderate republican candidates were in the ascend
ant in every arrundi.-semeiit ol Puns. Ihc Euro
pean Time?, from which \w copy most of om news,
complains ol Iraud at the elections, but tin* value
of its testimonv on this head may be judged of by
the following extract:
-The same description fit Iraud in voting which
is so common an abuse in those cities ol tin* Fnitcd
States where universal sutfrage is established, has
been already' signalised in Paris.
- Universal suffrage" is what excites the. ire ol
the English Journal. Its remarks about the mem
bers ol the French Government, and .their meas
ures. must he received with caution., and with many
grains of allowance lor prejudice.
M. Lamartine and the moderate party head the
Yi<\. '*
Reform meetings were taking place in all part.-.
i»l' England and in Scotland. The Chartist* re
commence their sittings in Matioujl Assembly on
the ‘2 lth of Alav.
The Attorney General fur Ireland ha« abandoned
the two' indictments auainst .Mr. Mitchell in one
form to renew: tliem in another. The Repeal agi
tations were still going on. and mania! law is
talked of in some of the cities.
The grand popular fete to inauguratehhe French
Republic is to take' place on the Ith day of May.
which, from the picparations. would eclipse the
demonstration of the goth of April, in which '.lOn.
ni'iO persons joined.
• 'The Sicilian House of Commons, lias issued a
decree declaring the King ol Naples Ferdinand
Bourbon and his dynasty, forever fallen liom the
tlirone of Sicily, and that Sicily Foal! govern her-el!
coustitutionallv. and’eaii to the throne an Itahan
prince as soon as she shall have reformed hers-a/uo.
Advices received from Stettin, in Liverpool-on
the morning of the -?<>th lilt., are dated -Mth ol
April. They 'state'that-letters had reached that
porl from Copenhagen, announcing that the Daru.-h
cruisers had commenced capturing German \esscis.
It is'said that the Fioia. Cant. Witte,-* ot Stettin,
mid two other Priu-sian vessels,' as well a? some
Meckh'nbnrgiaii, and lour Hanoverian vessels, had
been seized by the Danes. An embargo has been
laid on all German vessels in Danish ports.
In Prussia, public attention is absorbed in the
Schleswig Hub-ten •‘War. and the approaching elec-
Tunis were nol expected to pass oil peaceably.
hi Vienna tranquility prevailed.
i'iic Oieap Ccnli a! Bookstore. sew and Fasliiouabii! Miilinei-j
Xeu- Publications at Reduced Prices. . _ Lodi, s Gloves: .'\ TRS. KCRTZ begs leave to announce*^
JCISII ii CO., have, just received from the Liall . due;,,!. Silk and Kid ; Misses Gloves i» variety. ' Jl_ to Iter friends that on Tuesday nestehef^J
• semi-annual Book Sales, a large assortment ( } ie f {l , e will he prepared her spring assort
of books in all departments of literature including ' . fHAS. E. WENTZ & BRCL j ment of MILLINERY, all of which will be of the
Medical, Classical, I biological, .Miscellaneous and newest and most fashionable stvles, and will bedis-
Sehool Books, which they will sell at greatly re- ,ini'turns. . posed of at reasonable rates. She will also he
duced prices. Jon «»m4, -I cases of splend.d Wench, Scotch , [ )re C lrcd aUer< whiten prc „ and knmp Btraw
.New Novel by James Sir Theodore .Brought...!; and Engli.h Dross (..nphams New patterns and ; J ia ,y and l>onllets , m a 3u „ e ri or man „er and at the
or, Laurel Water. Hv G. P. It James. Forming very cheap—at IHE BLE HI\E, Norm Queen st. ; shonest noti ,. c at her n)d established shop in North
No. 11l of Harpers' Library ol Select Novels., Ladies hummer Diesses. . Queen street, nearly-opposite Scholf,rids Hotel.
Price.2s cents. . f 1 he gteatest variety ol the most splendid styles . Lancaster, April 1R,1543. / 12-3 m
The Reformed Highwayman, a sequel to Esther i ju3t received, among the newest styles are .. . - - . ..
de Medina. ByC. W. M.’Reynolds. Vol. 1, price | Mazathns, ! Magnificent. ; Omameilt&l Garble WOl’kS.
25 cents. . | Zcpbrines, . • • . . . Beautiful. I King street, next door to John N. Lane’s
.The Studentsof Salamanca, a thrilliiitr tale otthe ; Zephr 1 issues, • ; Lovely. ■ j slore< Charles M. Howell, Marble Mason, \\ ar in Spam. Price 26 cents. . . . - . . [ Fascinating. j respectfully informs the citizens of Lancaster and
The Mysteries and Miseiieu ol New \cnk, pait ; a.c. kc.,, at the i t^e p U blic in general, that he carries on the MAR
•I, 26 cents. BLE HIV E, North Q«een street, ! BLE BUSINESS, in all its various branches, and
j lie Boys’ Spring Book ; paper 37i, moth cm cl.:. -i HaS. K. \\ ENTZ BRO. . j nv j les a jj j 0 ca i| 0 n him, as he is satisfied that lie
I- reiich Revolution in IS4S. 1 Ids day published Borvnet Ribbons: ‘ can sell cheaper than any other establishment in the
I'iie T hree Days ol February, 184 S, with sketclies : j U3I opening, the newest stvles tor Spring and Sum- ' city or state.
ot Lamartine, Guizot, kc. By Percy B. St. John, : m cr, tlie greatest variety ever sc-en in Lancaster. — ; fie invites the public to call and examine his
an eye witness of the whole Revolution. ‘ Emboli- : Great care has been taken in the selection of styles ! stock of finished Mantels, Monuments, Tombs,
hdied with a beautilul portrait ol Lamartine. Paper ; aTK } colors, at the BEE H'IVE. ' Grave Stones, and also his collection of designs for
oOcenis. : Embi'oideries: Monuments, Tombs, &c,, before purchasing eHe-
A Discourse on the Life, Character, and Public ; French \y Lace Capes. where.* jan 10
Services of Janies Kent, late Chancellor of the ! a .. <t Collars. ; i \ ;
State of New York, by John Duer, with a portrait ' Edging and Inserting. XllG Ǥn<llSStriOMS 23ec Still gathers
—price 26 cents. ‘ ; Embioidered Swiss Muslins, for Dresses. 11l StOS O.
The French Revolution of IS4S ; its Causes, Ac- ; At the BEE HIVE, North Queen st. largest anu most splendid 3tock of DRY
tors, Events and Influences—By G. G. Foster and j April, 4, 1848. * if-10 ,JLGO OD S ever offered in the city of Lancaster,
Thomas Dunn English. In 1 vol. S vn. on fine . is now being r , penc a at the Bee Hive , North Queen
thick paper, illustrated with eleven engraving?, by r* T 0« 1000 XO.‘Bo. Street, wholesale and tetail.
Hinkley, troin designs by Darly, Gavarni, Gilbert, ¥2. X 'W iRD , M 1 This stock has just been received direct from
and others, together with the music and wordN, ; “ - ' . ' Boston, New Yoik and Philadelphia, and comprises
I English and French) of “ .Wounr pour la patne." ; /"lA> u be aaid that all believe vi!t..out calling some ofth< rares , bargains of the dav, for Fall and
Price 50 cents in paper, or 7o cents, cloth. , Vy and proving to their own satisfaction that goods winter aa i e3 _sha\vls, Silks, Merinoes, Ribbons,
Newton’s Principia,.translated by, vtotte. The : are selling at the lowest puces at.No.SU tnere.ore Q| oveg Hosiery &c. sept 21 ’47-21
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by , W( ' specially invite our town and country friends to , ]
Sir Isaac Newton, translated into English bv Motte, call and secure bargains in the purchase of
just published and for sale at the Cheap Book Sore. : Surilla Util SunlDlfl' Dl'V GOOdS.
J.tiISHiCLU, r “ * rtf
North Queen Street, Lancaster. Gingham?, 12i ccntsq Delaines, 12* cents; Cali-
It-IG. coes i 4, o, G, and 8 cents per yard, choice pat
, terns, splendid light colored striped Alpaca
It seems to Le the upini«.n of all, that a laigt* . .. - .... . ... _ _ — j TltC YOlUlg American's .Library, , Lustre, Linen Lustre dress goods, extra large sized
majority of the new Congress is favorable to peace • * - ” a DELPHI V \URKFT ’ ! Embossed Cloth , and Gilt Edges, Containing 664 ‘ colored Delaine Shawls, very fine and cheap. Also, !
A correspondent says, that during the last inv ; nin,viJLLim.i .u..iuu,i. , , EnKravings 'comprised in 12 volumes, at 25 cents ! Bediicking. Cf cents; bleached and unbleached i
days from 16 to ‘6O American soldiers, who had : ai.viEw fuk tiif. wlek ending may 13. j per volume ’ ' 1 Muslin, a. vard wide, 6,6, 7, and 8 cents; Cones- i
deserted, had arrived at Queretaro, and immediately ; FLOUR AND MEAL.—There has been rather j . Ar; , ; f toga Mualin, S\ cent? by the piece.: Cloths, Cassi- »
enli=ted in'the Mevican arm T ’ : more enauirv tor Flour this week, ana the market j V v .i tt# n r Amp • ’ • : meres, \estniffs, See. Summer Goods, for men's
- teie Brazos.—B V tfce arrival of the swam- ! « thf c!o«c; if any thing, is a little firmer, with a; A ; neri ‘ a . ‘*’ I and boy's wen,, from Sto 12! reuta with a gene- ■
... . . .i,„ n.,.1, ~ir -i lerv li'fnt i.tocu and nnuruallv ."mail recemt?: ; . - ial assortment ul ill» goods, ouuall} <is cticap. i
ahip Fashton horn .j” ! tinnsn..ti,-,i, 3 of the are to the eneul of about j J**®,** Am f r ‘ ca - Please cal! and roe, under the Museum, 2 squares
P.iiayua, fuims.ies th. in tel i . • 40()0 . _ 1 , I . n „ pi .n v ,' oi . shipment.'at SS.SU lor ■ n l »■ A '• • ' the Couu House. North Queen street, where ,
state ol allairs 111 L.en,Till 1 ru-(.£ curaiil.un. | „ni„.. lJ ,,ci, J Wcsiei r,.' t. 5,55 ;:is.‘i4. foe Peunsvl, a- ■ - in - I von will be amplv rewarded fur your trouble in the
About the ol Marco, a Mexican lieutenant, i ni |hr and choj ,,>. o |„,-,. .qq.c:,, looks o. Famous ku,.: a..d Queens. I Wav of cheap eoods. A1.,0,
h traon’hil thM n i ' of .S„< i o. Costumes and Customs ! GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, iC- |
and, .upon Ins nloimotion that Gfneidi l rivu Ji.tU . Ryr- H..ur 13 scarce and wanted. 80u urls. sold u, t uj . Foi . c . ; countrie" 1 Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, kr. Salt,
designs upon that post. Gen, Price piocec.b-d lo ns . small lots ;u $4,87». tiu iiiding some clioice pm- ; }{no j. v; por(9 ! Fiuh, Oil, Tar, icc. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Al
relief. The rumor proving laLe. lie ileu-miined to | C eU at 6*4 per bri. Corn Meal has advanced. Scenes in America. • mmids. Filberts, &c. Frencli Travelling and Mar- ;
advance upon Santa Cruz, where the government ; some 3000 brU. I'enna. have been taken mostly at • ’ * ’ , ketiag Bask.-t?, basket camagos and chairs in groat
trains, with from 1.600 .to C.ouo troops, wen* ! 52.26,. some Ims .it s2,Sli. lim-d and MiSLELLANMH .s UjOlv''. i variety, &r.
tcalioned. After u fniille.-s p.iriw. of tight Jnvi. , *lcli wred. and a small tale at A 2.17!. winch is now 1“• Daiigluei s O'. 11 Book. ' SF.GAIiS. TflBACn), k.-.
he assaulted and took llie town, umler TriiuV etun. ! t "‘’ uen, ,-.:l aal.iug price. .../"0 '" 1 '!) val’qv'’,''l'.r ‘"l'.', . i li'io.fil',o S,,nnisli, Half Spam.l, anil Coml,ir„i de
mand, which. hating fortified the place, made a i ('.RAIN—I lij rcccipls of mini hinds runumio ( .ilit : l,i,' fer h'-unilv ue’ ' ' “ l ' ' ’’ i gam, bunlV. Siiulfßovrs. Pipe.. Fine Cut »»4 l ul-
SaUant resWliUlce. FollHeen pieces „fi nrtillerv and Might, anel- wheal in freely taken ul adtanced rate*. ; SnturWl HiMnrv UU Di nes • ; and-Dry Tobacco, ixe.
7,,-rx *Ue i , ..I* it A bunt 1 D.uuu bn-hols sold in small lots ml 3 lal-lu .., B , * , t , i ’ ’ 30 boxes Lot tiers,'. Groan era. C ongress. Honev
two thousand stands ot small u:m* \m-m- i.ipimn.i. . . Shakespeare, 1 vol. :>0 tme ateel ulan-:. ,tn , • , , , , , 13 Un ’
.... ~. t) • . « * i • . I'cnls. and 1-12 cents Ur good and prime reds, the ~ Dew, and other brands plug and cavendish lubac
()n the lSth. Gen. Pru-e proc.-cti.-d v. du m* pi i*o- . . , ... , •. Tl Bnnvan s Comp ee \\ orks, J voG. svu. ’ , niou.mmm-,
..... . . • i • . , • i n i -.i : latlrr iu arrive, at 142a\4b cents tor while. Kve —■ ~, • . »- ,* ‘., T 1 co, in large or -mall quautiticf,, at iMuladelptua
ners to l hilmahun. lent mg Lieu:. 10l Kuo !y... wHu ; ;jo|| at 7 ;, 117u ,„r l . r ,„ r . "•'••••• » I-;'« prit .e». "
orders to lollow as soon us pr.icliealde. r.i'HV »l ; a „ d 77a7s c „„, r „ r p enna . Cun, has lifei, in ' „ ~"M ««!■»*» »••. xOt) half and iplarler bairel. No. 1,2, and 3
tile oiheers were paroled. Ihe U> ? * ul tm- Mcxi- goull demand—some 16,000 bushels, mostly South- ' - otll , ' 1S V l °" sheep n.llml, ; Mackerel, of the most choice relections, which we
‘‘tins is 1 ; >0 killed and as manv wounded : uni loss ; { . r u yellow, sold at 60c61cents, wciitlu. Oats are { . O , 11 u ‘ moioc.i o tuc ' s, gi. «‘ • : , iro g*»iiiicl to sell lower than can lie had m the ( iiv
is f. killed uud UII vvumided—two of ihe Litter me ' li , l ||'. tending downwards : 111,(Mil) bushels sold '•«?'>"’* * lth * 'al,.able and extensive i Lancas ,„.
i i , fa -'n . t ■>- : . Ltilleclion ot Books on all suhiects in;iv he found < ~, , . .. ... , ,» „ \i„
since dead. <•! 2i)ii.7P cents, ami cents tor good and tair , , ... .. i tr>-P ease dmi t lorget the idace, under the Mu
. . i i f i • | . ~ i i to . n :i t the Cheap Book Store ol JLDI) kMI RRA\ , 1 b
Amongst the passenger* bv ihe hasuum i< .1. L. : Southern, and -\'2 cents lor Penna. rw tUi \ ,j . , Ct • srniu. No. su, two squares .trmii tlie (. onrt House
Collins, bearer of despatehe-S from Gens. \\ 00l and . IRON.—The market is wjthout niucli change, Mavld, ]S4B. * I’l N k F.RTt )N &SM ELI Z.
Price to Washington.— H W/mg/mi L ntn>i. land sales to tin* exfont of 2600 tons have been —•- ■ March-1. Ik4k. >•
— made, consisting mostly-of Anthracite Forge, Nos. SldSO. “ ‘ ‘
Tall Oaks :- and 3. \Vc quote No. 1 527. Charcoal- 527a30, ] n Court „f Common Picas for the cmmt\ of ’
,t • i , .i i • i„. t : Scotch Pig 520a27, ami prihte Blooms 576, with i .mmmo'
Aboiil eighty year* ago tana- lived m Lnglaiu! sma j] s . L i es - ‘ ,
it man whose mime was George Guelph, better , ~ A\7"HKREAB, Adam Wolf, Assignee of said-!
known in history as George the Third. King ol * , 11 ‘ !s 111 '^; L ,7 S ( ' f ‘ Tlts ; T T Jacob Heisc. of the city of Lam-aster, did ;
Great Brilain. He w .is a tolerable kind of man m )\ ,“ j:k ,7Vi ’ * S °‘‘ f ° rxt ‘' nt nt *" l :llul {,n lht! r,,h d T v ° r hie in tlie office .of :
point of abilities—not. in fact, a bad meaning per- ” ‘ the Prothonotary-of said Court, his account of tlie
son. He would have made a better farmer, grocer \ , . .... , r , n " l v 1 - stal -’, . . .. .
. , .. -j-- ir HALI IMORE MARKE I\ Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
I,r _ iat e ' l,uU1 ’ iail , in - ‘.. . . . ... ‘nr vtfw rou TTir wi-fv rvniNr -\t»v I‘t ‘ H t * | e said estate, that the said Court have appoint-
But he was horn m the ■' d.viiie rights ol km-, “ j , ed the 12th day of June. 184 b. for the,-ma'
He was a descendant ot H dlium. the conqueror ot J- LG It—Howard_strcet Hour —At tlie closing li(m thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Kiighuul—William. Duke of Nonmmdv. a ba.-tard o: our last review so. (»>,• was the highest price that ’ Attest I If KURTZ Pmth'v
son—his mother being a t urner's daughter iu Nor- j><’ -ddamed. On Saturday there was an im- ProthonotarVs Office. ) *
’ -I.Wd her cion,is to the fiimrs . ‘d .. t'" Lancaster, May 16, 1548.{
Exertions, were in progress to reinforce the army
in Lomhardv. but the various distant Province* m
• Austria \w-ierdl in a stale of considerable excite
' Latent trom }le%iio!
Afi'/ihri' Battle FvU"h!—(lrneral PnVt JV.'s/mus—
S> ifittC-Ci'i'Z —_\o Qiii’rr/:i ill
}jrt~ iJeso'litui i>l . Litmrun .S'WVit’ra.
By nnin Xcw C>rlr , sini. \vc luuc date;-
iVuin that city. to the -Mb, ami Mobile to tbe f»!h in«t.
The Ptrnyiuic ot the -ith furnishes us with th<- Jol
lowing important information. worn the Mexican
capital, mud also from (Jenetal Price v command.
Phom Mr.xtco and \ £ua Cul £. — 8v the schoon*
f r Heroine, arrived last night (’he f:d) irom era
Cruz, we learn that no quorum had assembled at tins'mty
Queretaro; 10 deputies and -l senators still being
requiied to enable the Congress to proceed to bus
The trial of the omcers and men accused oi the
late murder and attempt at burglary is still sroint
“.’•'Vt'-'n- . ~1 ’ ’. *• ; I l’ .„i’ Tucsdiu :uul Wednesday sales of 1.000 bbls. wore : -
ul \\ ilham a lather, outside tUr ban.-ol Uie chuich. , • T , • . ... . _
Williutit the First was riWc man. I rnstcd ! -/’’r "an . It! l 7' ' LsSit ‘ e ° f thrisjiau Sl»,rfe
the chatmel with his retainers, an,l on the held ol ; ljf s 00( , bbls. " f M **
a-,isttngs deleated the‘ humji. killed Harold, their ,„■[• burro!.- 'l'o-rlav 5G.25 is demanded with firm- „_ tl -„., 50 ' ........ „
king, and took possussloiiTSl' Eiltrlaiid. ' j „,. ss . Sns.nueiianna Flour—Sale, arc m.ikin- hv \1/ HERLAS, Philip l-tahci-and William Hngee,
There is a little town railed Kew. in Surrey. ! the drav load at So.SftaG. live Flour—Small H Assignees of said Christian Shirk, of Done.
England. and George the Third, alter lie had been snlea of Ist at $4. Corn Mcai.—Sales of Ralt. P 1 township did on the oth day ol May IS4B, Me in
hut a lew years onthe throne, bethought lie would mat# bbls. at Sj,-25. I * c ”«■« «' , tllc P~tl.oui.tary ol the.said (*>urt, Ins
dike to build a palace in this town ol Kew. Par- f.RAI x-U heat.-The sales ol good to prime XoUce is hcr( , bv „ ivcll M perw „. Interested
hament had been liberal to him m salary, and he : rods. Md.. and \ a., have ranged lrom 13N to 143 a ni t j H . sn'u\ Estate, that the said Court have ap
eould hardly ask an additional sppropriation lor ; 1-14 cents. Wc quote whites, not fit fur family n „; nt{ .,i the fifth dav of Time Is.tS fur tin- 1 -,nitir.
the purpose of building a palaee. lie suggested 1 «o«r at 140.145 cents. Cone-Sales of white 01, ■ h«To' n thereof!tuJLl eicrptio,.!. i,e Bled
the thing to his Prime Minister, who told him the jV , ‘>l :U ,' 13;14 "’ c ™ ts > :lnii ol s'Olmv at 50 cents. Attest: ' .1. It. Kt’RTZ. l’rotli’v
'matter might be done by a stamp tax. and a doty , "'"te o„ We c ]„esday at 43.44 cents, and . ProtlionotarVs office, )
laid on tea of two pence tier pound in his colonies ! '".'w ‘ ?‘ US - , “ oU> .“ ,c * oi Lancaster, May 10, 1548.(
e . • * 1,; ‘,l. . 1 ,1 , ,-1 a htte at 42alu cents, and ul yellow at 4/ cents,
of America. Ihe.e duties the toady thought . , ld quot( , accm-tliugrlv. Itve.—Worth about 75c. IVolice to Contractors,
would more than be enougn o, build a hundred ! ,l ;:tl ._We q.uttc Md.'at 33n35 cents, and Virginia SEALED PROPOSALS for building a ISRIDGF
II p eS 'e ,„ 1P fli’mm:; 1 . TTZ It I U “ bOU ! 37j3S - : 8 across the Conesmga, mor Groff
ai ’.Hell .a 1 ‘ 1 ' ' ,l uu uia ; IRON'.—For all low grades this market is much lianufactory, will be received at the Coinmission
fcct. Jhe colonies refused to be thus taxed, unless ■ >u . pre4H!(l . Some Charcoal brands No. 2 have been ! er's Office lit Lancaster, until 2 o’clock, P. ,\i.. on
they were allowed to .•send members to tne bod} - sold as low as $23 per ton, and the range for this -Monday the 29th of May-, inat.
that passed the law,‘for the purpose ot defending j kind may be set down at $2-1a27, G months. Bnl- The plan and specifications can be seen at the
themselves. .■ -more Forge Pig maintains its price, and is in good said office, ut any time previous to the letting.
Revolution followed—seven years of bloody war j demand at 830. G months, at which rate sales have THOS. PATTERSON,
was the consequence ; but the colonies came out i been made. JOHN LANDES,
free. In their efforts they were aided by France.. WHISKEY.—Prices have been pretty stoauv •' JOHN WITMER,
This wav cost the English government some one ; throughout the week, with sales of bbls. at 23a23j • Commissioners.
hundred and fifty millions pounds sterling, or six ] r ents, and of hhds. at 22u22i cents, and wc quote , Lancaster, May 16,_1545. \G-x\
hundred millions of dollars—a pretty good price j l^lc 6amc ralps to-d*\ v - Dividend.
lor the palaee ol George the Third at Kew. j “ Columbia Bank and Bridof. Company, )
. When the French officers leturned to their native [ DiSSOIIStIOSS 05 PartliCJ’ShSp. o, 184 S. j
land, they began to feel a love of republicanism r pIIE co-partnership heretofore exicting between ! fVMIE Directors of this Institution have tins dav
themselves, and they planted the seed in their native J_ the subscribers, under the firm of Miller £: I _i_ declared a dividend of three per cent, out of
land. A few years alter, a revolution broke out in Gable, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. : the profiis of the last six months, payable on and
France. They all took part in it; but through the All persons indebted to the firm will come for-; after the 12th inst.
wildness of the people, the republic which they had ward, before the first day of July next, and settle ! . SAMUEL SHOCII, Cashier.
famed ended in tire military—yet, so far as victories their accounts with either of the subscribers, living ; Columbia, May 16, IS4B. 3t-lC
went, glorious—despotism of Napoleon. |To drive ir J. a | Kavmg claims will present them j Machiue Shop RUli Blacksmith SllOp for Rfllt.
liim from the throne cost England about six hun- ’ ' ' JOHN MILLER At Paradise Mills, Lancaster County.
dred millions pounds sterling. This was paying JOHN S. GA-BLE. i rDHE Machine Shop-embraces a sufficiency of
P a ace e '‘' May 13, 1848. 3t-lG ; 4 water power forany mechanical purposes, and
Within a tew brief weeks a monarch 01 one of : ; the situation of it in a 'rich and fertile connin'-
the most powcrlu! nations ot Europe has been ; Lectltl C. ; v ,. ou)d warrant that of a Threshin E Machine ma'uu
driven lrom his throne like a vagabond. Hall the j TjrENIIY S. LASAR, will deliver a second Lee- ' factory in preference to any other. Persona wish
world is in agitation, and republics are the^ general j XX ture, on THIS EVENING, (Tuesday, May j ing to'enter the above business would do well to
cry of the people. EOt for the palace at Kew, our 16.) at 7j o’clock, at the Mechanics’ Institute''. ‘ call and sec the location. Possession given about
own country miglit at this day have been part of ’ His tiubject will be on that occasion: “ Signs of ■. the Ist ot July. SAMUEL KEXEAGY. '
The British empire, France a monarchy still, and j the Times with reference to the Rc-Au-akening if May 9, IS4B. tf-10.
England out of debt, comparatively* speaking, i the Jars." [Lancaster, May Hi lfi-lt Corner Ktnvno I nvii»» ”
1 ' I T HE corner .one of ,H« Eli,™ Be« Church,
some j-Avs ago— : Manor Turnpike Road Company. L w » £
The monarch leant a printer’s frown— TN pursuance of the provisions of the act of in- . p ropriate exercises, on Sunday the 28tli dav of
A brickbat s range ; . X corporation, and of Letters patent iesed to the j llv instant. The public is 'respectfully invited to
(live mem preference to n crown, ; Subscribers of the Stock of the Manor Turnpike ; attend at said time and place.
Five shillings change.” i Road Company, by the Governor of the Common- JOHN STAMM
A'. V. Times. , wealth, a meeting, of the Subscribers to the said ISAAC WINTERS M D
; — i stock, will be held at the public house of Abraham JOHNWI KEL ** 5
Rxvtile Curiositt.—*We have in our office a ! Peters, in the village of Millerstown, on Tuesday, . JOHN WINTERS M D
specimen o! what is termed a “ Texan Frog," but the 6th day of June next, at 2 o’clock, P. M., for. * * Building Commiuc
as this reptile, if a native of Texas, must have the purpose of organising the caid Company, and May D, ISIS. ' ' it-i r )
emigrated, being taken in, and forwarded from 0J electing at the same time and place, by ballot. -
Mexico, he must be considered a citizen of that one President, one Treasurer, and Sis Managers > euetiaii Blinds.
Republic, and we shall therefore call him*a “Mex- e * dl *’. , , „ TT CLARK, Venetian Blind Manufacturer,No.
lean Frog” This creature is really a curiosity. , h e arrest, , e' E "■‘ ll ?- e 143, South 2d street, Philadelphia,has con
this city, and has not, since that time, partakim of ‘ ABRAHAM- PFTFRk maiutfscturcd of the best material., and by compe
any u2d of food or iiejuid, existing itL the Cha- S*, S?/
■ me eOn V OD ft! r ' l l■* 1 A f i Wllh - ,S for e , d f y i A , C D 0 4x?F K * ! Purchasers, desirous of a good article, are innt
-01 0, / 0r m e cun ° us ' antl Tiie ed to call and examine. Orderspunctuallvattend
notification of “ Hands oft will not be as rieces- « LINTNER, ed to. [Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1848—Gm-4
iary, perhaps in this instance, as in tome other May IG, IS4S. Subscribers. 1 —; —:
cases where we have taken pains to gratily the
' tight only, with a request not to touch —the Mex
can Frog” has horns.—Charleston Courier.
On the 4th inst., by the Rev.Wni. Urie, William
Johnson to Catharine Stvcr, both ofDrumore town-
On the same day, by the.same, John S)umk,of
Drumorc township, to Ann Maria Neall, ul'Stras
burg townshij).
(Jn the sapie day, by the name. Henry Kckman
to Ann Iloker. both of Lancaster.
On the 28th ult.. by the Rev. .1. J. Striue. Renja
min Kshlunan to Catharine Harnish, both of Con
estoga township.
By the Ramo, Bouldcu Miller toCatharme Ycarer,
both of Last Lampeter township.
On the .1 llh i»M., hy the Rev. John C. Baker.
Mr. Cyrus Blair, of Last Lampeter, to Mis» Ann
Rebecca Rowel, of tins city.
Auotlirr Hevolutiouary Veteran Gone.
Him —At his rcsidenctin Llizabcthtown, Lancas
ter county. Mr. Pf.ter Sjieaffer, aged 97 years, 3
months and $ days. He was buried Wednesday,
May 10th, with military honors. The Jackson In
fantry of Mavtown. Capt. Roath —the Swarata In
fantry of .Middletown. Capt. Raywald —and the
Elizabethtown Band participated. A procession
composed of an immense concourse of citizens and
friends was'formed, which marched through the
several streets of the borough to the Lutheran
! Ccmeterv, where the interment took place. Co!.
| A. Hreenawalt-served as Chief-. Marshal, A. Wade
| Samuel Harmony as Assistant Marshals. Ihe
funeral ceremonies excited the liveliest, interest.
; and were in the liicrhest degree solemn and i:n
.Mr. Shealier was born February 2, 1751, in what
was then Philadelphia.county, now included in
Montgomery. From thence his father removed to
what is now'Mahontongo, Schuylkill.county, where
lie was massacred bv the Conestoga Indians. The
si.-ter of the deceased, about 1756, was take n cap-
tive bv the savages. Peter, the son, came to the
then wild and solitary village of Liizabethtown,
about 17GS, where lie has ever resided. He
sort ed three tours of duty during the Revolutionary
war, under Washington, and participated in the
battle i»f Brandvwine. He died, lamented ami
respected, by all who knew him. Peaceto his ashes.'
YesterJav morning, very suddenly, at her resi
dence in Leacock twp., Mrs. Catharine Wei'dlkr',
wife of Dr. Isaac C. Wcldlcr* in the 42d year of her
ago. The funeral will take place on • to-morrow
(Wednesdays morning at 9 o'clock.
On .Saturday, the 13th instant, at intercourse, of
croup, Ambrose W., infant son of Leonard and Ann
ICli/a Snyder, aged two years, six months, and iU-
•• Thou wert so like a form of light,
That Heaven benignly call'd thee lienee,
Lie yet the world could breath* one blight
O’er thy nweet innocence:
And thou that brighter heme to bless,
A:t pass'd with all thy loveliness !” *
tie. the Ist instant, at his residence in Myerslov. n.
Lebanon county, Jacob Stambaugh, aged 80 years,
5 months and 2d Ja\>
tin the (J:h lu-t., Ann Smith, wile of AntMd
Smith, of tin:', rlt;
On the same »l.iv, Maiv wife oi John Funk, of
Cm the 12th ms* , Ceou-e Winnower, ol thi-acitv
aged 79 veai-: and 2 dav..
Tcmmicrcml Hcfovb
J ANOTHER large supply of choice Dry Goods
for fall and winter. At the Bee Hive, North
South Queen street, '6 door* below Lancaster j Queen st. CHAS. E. WENTZ Sc BRO.
j Bank. [Feb. 1,1848—6 m. 1 | |oet. 19 38
Medical Books.
opposite the Post Office, North Queen Street, Lan
caster, from the great trade sales in New York and
Philadelphia, and which they are able to sell at 1
pi ices lower than they have eyer been offered in
this market.
Carpenter's Physiology, new ed.. full of plates. ;
Liston &: Mutter’s Surgery,
ChurchilPs Midwifery, “
Taylor on Poison, just published—a capital hook.
Sir Astlev Cooper on the Breast, Imperial Svo.
Many splendid plates—‘very cheap. 5
Sir Asticy Cooper on Hernia—plates.
Chapman on Fevers.
Whitehead on Abortions— out.
Hope on the Heart.
FraiPs Medical Jurisprudence.
Margaret Davidson's Memoirs and Poems, only
35 cents.
Treasury of Sports, only 75 cents.
Small Books on Great Subjects, 3 vols., on!;.
sl,l2»,just half price.'
YotiaU on the Pig, with plates, 50 cents.
The Dog and Sportsman, plates, only 36 cents.
Encyclopedia ol Geography, Sheep gilt, 3 vols.,
at $l.
The Complete Cook and Confectioner, hound.
75 cents.
The Complete Gardner and Florist, hound, only
31 cents.
Piccioia, cheap.
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England, 11 vols.
in 5, bound in rich scarlet cloth, only 87.50.
Hewitt's Hall and Hamlet, 25 cents, just half
Cooper's Naval History, 2 vols. in 1. complete,
with all the plates, $1,50.
Holthouse's Law Dictionary, a new work. SI,G2.
Rogers Physiology, 2 vols. Kvo., 500 wood ruts,
cheap, s 1.70.
V illwright’s Guide. 82,50.
The Magazines for May received.
Our assortment is very large, including Cap,
Demi, and Medium Blank Books. Every variety u.
smaller Blanks, Pass and Memorandum hooks, izr.
These articles we engage to sell at the very low
est prices.
iCr A full supply of Faucv Stationery on hand.
May IG, ISIS. ' '
May 16, IS4S.
j £
S £ “
2 <
v. U K
s ■?
H 5
- z
c. J u
iireut Revolution
Who are to he bei\ej\ttod by this remarkable changep
LET them call at the Bee Hive Store , North
Queen street, am) see; here they can buy as
much for sl.oo—as they a short time .ago would
have to pay §2.00 for. .This thenisa radical change
for the express benefit ol the people. Let them
call Ritrlv ami see the
of cheap am! 'beautiful Goods just opening : for
Revolutions ’nou-a-davs arc remarkable for their
Splendid Lawns, fast colors, 12! (: ts.
3S inch Muhlins. heavy and fine, for 0’ rts.
Mas tit Laines:
A good article of Plain Modes and Blk. only 12'. cts,
j A good article, Highly Caincleon.
Mourning Dress Goods
; Ladies can be supplied with every article for
Good plain Blk. Chintzes, only 121 cts.
Good “ Lawns. 12’, IS and 25 cts.
Maz:it!air-\ Bereges and Silk Tissues.
rfUIK undersigned ConnnissiomTs of i!i*‘ Lancar.-
| t»*r ami Marietta Turnpike Road Company
lierehv give .notice that the Hooks for the subscrip
tion to tiie capital stock ol‘ said Company, will be
opened on Thursday, the thnii May next, in tin; oilv
ot Lancaster, at the Public House ot Frederick
Cooper—at Jacob ivreider's, (formerly Camber's,)
on the Marietta turnpike, ami at .Mrs. Mary Fish
bach's, in Marietta, between the hours of lu'A. M.
and 4 o'clock I’. M. of said day.
Mav 2, IS IS. td-14
New Goods! Xew Goods!
JUST RECEIVED and now opening at the New
York Store, in North Queen street, a full and
splendid assortment of Spring Goods, 3ntong which
mav be found the following, viz :
Floor and Table Oil Cloths,
10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Counterpanes, Embossed Table
and Toilet Covers, Bleached and Unbleached Shirt
ings from 3-4 to 12-4 wide, from 4 cents per yard
upwards, S-4 to 12-4 Linen Shirtings, 0-4, 8-4, 10-4
and 12-4 Damask Table Cloths, Cotton and Linen,
Doyles and Napkins* Ginghams, Checks, Ticking,
Crash, and Diapers, Calicoes fiat colors, from4cts.
per vard upwards, Ginghams good colors, 12 cts.,
for dresses. Lawns, andAl D. Lames, worth 25 for
12t cts., New Style Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings,
Dress Goods in full assortment, besides all other
goods usually kept in the Dry Goods Fancy and
Queensware Line., which we are offering at reduced
prices. (March 27,1545.1 GRIEL & GILBERT.
Rot Ice to Collectors,
nnHF. Collectors of the following townships and
i. districts are requested to call at the Commis
sioners’ office, at Lancaster, and get their duplicates
for .Militia Fines, for the year 1347, and collect the
same before the Ist of August next, and make set
tlement of the same, op or before that time.
Collector of Bart Township,
*• “ Carnarvon,
• • “ East Cocalico, *
*» “ Columbia Borough,
• • Ephrata,
• * . “ Elizabeth,
*• Earl West,
»♦ “ Hempfield East,
•« Washington borough,
part Manor.
• • “ Strasbiirg borough.
ComTs’ office, Lan- ) Comr’s.
' caster, May 9, IS4B. J
White Swan Hotel,
MRS. MARY FISHBAUGH would moatrespect
fully inform the public that she baa taken the
house formerlv occupied bv her brother, Samuel
McKinnev, and more recently by John Barr. The
house has been thoroughly repaired ; this, with an
experience of fourteen years connection with if,
and beiug prepared with every comfortable accom
modation necessary, together with a determination
to leave no exertion undone, she hopes to merit
and receive a continuation of the patronage here
tofore so liberally bestowed upon the house.
Marietta, May 9, 1848. 2m-15.
SHAWLS. —A large assortment of long and
squarge French Shawls for sale at reduced
prices. C. HAGER & SON.
HAVE received a largo lot of verv cheap LIN
Shirting Linens at 2o and 37. J cents.
12-4 Linen Sheetings, very low.
'S. ~"
9-4 “ “ •*
Damask Table Linens, 50, 62} and 75 ct-.
Table Napkins, very cheap;
Diaper Toweling, best quality.
Fine Huckaback Toweling.
Bird Eye Diaper, for children’s aprons.
Cambric Handkerchiefs from 12i .to $l.
- Ma - V 9 ’ IS4Sl S4S - tf-15,
New Spring (ioods.
> «
5£ ?■
ir* ~
"2 =
m i 55 c»
LONGENECKER& CO., invite the attention of
buvers to their new and splendid assortment
of SPRING GOODS which have been selected with
great care.
Elegant Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls,
from $l5 tu §75
Blk. Gro de Rhine*, 3-4 and 5-4 wide.
Elegant Printed BEREGES, new pattern.
Pink, Blue. Mode and Black Bereges.
Mode colored Pink, Blue and Black Moms De
Lain, Lace Worked Capes, Collars and
Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Plain and
Revere Borders, Kid and Silk Glove*.
'£ 2* S
C '• ii -2 u
A splendid assortment of GINGHAMS, new pat
We are daily receiving new goods, so that'pur
chasers will ahvavs find a fresh stock at our store.
May 9,. IX4K.‘ tf-15.
New >lillinery Establishment
Between the Hotel of Mr. Cooper , (Red Lion.J and
the Store of C. Hager Sou, IF<?.\7 King st
MRS. CATHARINE KELLER, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Lancaster city and county,
that she has just returned from Philadelphia, and
Ins opened at the above named place, a splendid
assortment of miliinerv good*, consisting in part ol
the following .articles, viz:
Together with all other articles usually kept in a
miliinerv store.
Mrs. K. hopes by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage
April IS, 18*1$
To the ILegstees, assd all others in
j lerested under the will cj Wait.
Philadelphia Daguerreotype Sh'hilon dec a.
Establishment, . T ! !- E . andc ",'S ned > “PP A,,d " ors < . k > ll i e
_ 8 Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, c - to ie-
EXCHANItF., 3cl story, Rooms •. Dagtier- . t t i lP f aclSr a nd a l.«o to report an account in dis
reotvpe Portraits of all sizes, either'singly or j ribul;on for U|C purpose of’enabling th* Court to
in family groups, colored or without colors, are ta- , m;i j. c a decree distributing the fund to ihe persons
ken every day -in any weather. Copies of Daguer- , c . ri .j t i ei j,:' will meet at the Public House of John
reotypes, Oil Pa ntings, Statuary, &C-, may also he 1 j,jj cbae j j n lb e citv of Lancaster, on Thursday,
procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to ; Uy o 5 ’ al 2 o’clock P. Mto attend to the duties
examine specimens. 1 of the:', appointment. 11. </• LONG,
' ISIBM3-U. Auditurs.
! By George Spurrier , North Queen Street , next door
\ to Bear's Printing Office, and nearly opposite to
Michael's Hotel. S
G\ FORGE SPURRIER would returning sincere
C thinks to his friends and the public for pa3l
i favors, and hopes, bv strict, attention tjo business,
! ami a determination to sell nothingbutiyhai is well
XotSCC'* made and of good materials, to merit a continuance & Brother l Pi'™ w.i-t' ! ° f f have julriewmed from PluUdelpL with an „
„.. IJ !.’ T - r ' ( ms*vn q-i * | entire nc-w stock of goods, selected witfi great care,
B \ onne it Jonn Una"?!. j -4t>, No. oj. , ... ° &
n 1 } and consisting in part ot
THE undersigned. appo.nted by t.*e . ;- iuper ji ne French Cloth, \
tout? oi L ommon Picas oi Lancaster count*. , French Doe Skirl Cassimeres
; . to report the tarts and judgments in the above case, Pine French Summer Cassimeres,
!tOlBl*r*A anil Hals. to enable the Court to make distribution : horcbv ,\ni\ a splendid acsormenl of Fancy Sa< n
Mi'-t? Mtvpn "1 •' «•-. • non fief! all persons in t ere; ted that lie will ?. t lyml which I will ho happy to make up,, foi those who
*\* ; . u *. . 0 P lP i ) ' 11 *• UM - JUvF 7 ] ' for the purpose o! ins appointment. un\\ ednesuay. > p re f er beum meaeurWd, in the best and most fash
d.-l>; the aJ m Apnl and ucxl . „ a ~v!„ck, P. M.. „ , Lablc manner,
tlie entire reason, to attend to all business „ , „>i- r .v r,■\i;,-.ftnid hi \orih Queen : r i i , . . .»
htdonpinp to MILLINERY, and is prepared ■ anc't-r \FI (’aRPENTER 1 1 ta ” “ lso 0,1 hand a ,a '8 e ass0 »“ e “ 01
to alter, whilc-n, press, and trim Straw Hap, ami Auditor.. . READY-MADE CLOTHINq,
Bonnets, in a superior manner and short notice, at ; 1 .. . ( d my own manufacture, wiucli I will warrant to be
the resilience of her mother, in Prince street, i \OtlCl*. u 'ell made and of good material, and jvjiich I can
a nt-il 4-rf-tD , r . .. sell at the verv lowest cash prices.
• ' F.staic oj Urn. *b J taui-er, Lite oj L.inca<.t'i aty, Customer’s work made to order ii: the most
IVCW Goods. deceased. fauhicnabU- manner and bv tlie bsst workmen.
rpHE subscribers are opening a full assortment o’ T OTTERS of administration on the above estate :jCr Don't forget the place, sign of the MO PARTS,
■ 1 Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, : ii ha«»e been granted to the endersigneo re- Xortn Queenhtreet, nearly opposite Wfttael’. hotel.
I which will be ort'ered at the lowest maiket prices. ' aiding near the Gap, in .a is inn loup., op, an-. GE J. SPL RR lER,
1 - ALSO—Loveriug's Svrup Molasses in bhds. and i caster county, all persons having e aims or demands ; , V pnl h-.lm-lu.: Merchapt Tailor.
1,1,1, 1 ...inn's ('rushed and Pulve-isod Viiears against said estate will present the same duly an- v
Low' pried Brown Sugars. R,o. .Tavi, and Lagu- • thenUcatcd for, and those knowing them- ' TllC I'ultCd SSate-S Clotllldg Store,
ayra Go,Tee. Fresh New England lied \ cf the atnped coat,by REUBEN No.
Fcaihcrs, Sir. kc. . lIAGER bu.\. I . - \R-YH KTAUFFFR ' .Norih Queen street, corner of Orange, one
«ep’2l 34 \pni '-0 IH4S ‘ ? Gt-13 *| square from the Court House, East side., Lancas
' , Car P e * l “ SS! •' VosaM,' deceased. - 'T'HIS mammoth establishment, now jeontams by
lUS I opening, a large and apieiiiinl assnrirneni, _ , _ r ; g tir tue largest and cheapest assortmentoi men's
O consisling in part, of the following Good?, %iz : fi" nl Aarmrn at ration o,i the -smte t bovs’ welf made clothing .in the city of Lancais-
Itnperia) 3-Plv snpertine, fine,and common Ingrain?, JLi dames \ ogan, late 01 tow nslnp Oi \ »••=- j ter , ant j will positively not be by any
Venetian, anti Rag Carpetings, from 12J cents per 1 E; ir lt Lancaster county, uec d., naung )een S ian -‘ . o C| iCr . T:ie stock include*' every description' oi
yard upwards —at the New York Store. eu to the subscriber, residing ui Barer ;l.e, L ppei . C r o .i,;i;cr v. orn, at the present day. The most fasb-
I ’ March M, IS4S-7. (iUIEL &: GILBERT. 1 Eeucock all person'; having claur.'s agam-.t ■ j c , Da t,i c r a 3 well as the most piain. so that ail taste* .
i said Estate are requested to present them duly i be Xhe PU bscriber being a practical
China, Glass & Queens-ware, . authenticated lor settlement, and all persons in- » and experienced tailor, gives his entire personal •
TEST received, a full assortment of China, Glass ' I,(?bicd 10 said Ei,ato are t 0 n" \ attention to the business, and has garment
l) and Queens-ware, to which we respectfully in- . to ADAM . • BARE, .1. U. mad(? undcr his immediate inspection by the best
\ iio the attention of purchasers. " --rpn! K., i_-io. J workmen in the Mate,, and ,as he buys aUhis goods
URIELS: GILBERT, '«'«r Wm W P.niU'll' dfe’il in ,; ‘= Eastern citie, for cash, can conEdently re-
New York Store. °* V nS *. W- rei,,,CJS t .“ tt - a ’,! commend, the inhabitants of Lancaster. city and
T ETTEUS oi administration on the c-siate c! i CQun i Vi one anti all, to call at the i
To Shoe MaUers*. • JLI Wm. w. Fennell, late of Lancaster city, de- , ' SI( - X of . THE STRIPED COAT,
rrVIIE St.barriber has a first-rate workman liom erased, haying heoil [trlnteu to su wen lets, . j convince- themselves that it ia the 'fight place
TpinladVlphia wl,: ..takes and repairs all kinds »« :to b«v cheap and well-made clothing. |
of Shoe Makefs Tools, which will be done at the , ' na! £ ‘ d ,: d . nreVnnr them dulv au -hentic?ted ' A lar ? e variety of cloths,.cassimeres, vestinga,
loiyest pn.ea, and warranted to work well. ~ " r r 'OTirV G T ' T ri vv' ’ c - °‘ r verv -^ nest as afl common qualities,
dec 22-47 ii. C. LOCHER. ' f,l ‘ sculcm * M ’ l 0 5 "ownin’ ' on made up to order in good ,
T ANipc; p't ,vp '• stvles at a very sfftall advance on wholesale prices,
‘ ' ’ * r . The latest London and Paris Fashionsfahvays re-
Lancaster ci... • cjvnd, snd CUSTOMER WORK mad^according
; T ~ ■' I I •to the latest patterns and in the highest dtvle of the
©£ 16»C C.'OIEi72-OR verv best workmen. i
A T a Cour; of Common Pleas fjr the county of ‘ A fine assortment of shirts, shams, collars, cra
j\_ Lancaster, held o:i the 29tlrday of April, *4B, : vats, stocks, and Stiffner’s gloves, handkerchiefs,
betore F.llis Lewis, Esq., Pres.dent Judge, and Ja- : ?uapenders, hosiery, and all kinds of Flannel and
cob Grosh and Emanuel Shaeffer., Esqrs. his Asso- knit under shirts and drawers. Also, umbrellas,
ciaics. named and duly appointed' the following t cheap. \
Citizen?, redding withm the city of Lancaster, : Thankful for past favors I respectfully solicit a
Directors of the Common Schools of the city ot’ ( continuance of public patronage, and feetj confident
Lancaster, for the Ilrst section of thejecond school ; tltat all purchasers will find it to their advantage to.
district, ibr the ensuing year from life date hereof, deal with as lam determined to SLvoici all hum
*o uit: Dr. John L. Alice, Rev. John C. Baker, ; hug ar.i misrepresentation, goods for what
Rev. George F. Bahr.son, Dr. Samuel Humes, Rev. thev rer.lly are. REUBEN' Tailor,
Samuel Bowman, Rev. N. Keyes, C. KiefTer, F.cq.. ; United States Clothing Store, Sign of thje Striped
Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg, Rev. V.'m. Mooney, Rev. . Coat,No. 35 North Queen street,.corner of Orange,
Wm. Uric, James Whiteinll and R.ev. Bernard lone square from the Court House; East aide, Lan-
Keenau. ; caster. Pa. sep 2S-35
April IS, IS-1S
OOUTH Queen street, nearly opposite the “ Ale-
chanics ? Institute, *’ where Depositions, Scriv
ening, Conveyancing, and Draughts of Survey*
and Models ivith their Specifications for Letters Pa
tent, are corrediv executed with despatch, b.y
April IS, IS-IS.
March 14, IS4S-7.
ANOTHER supplv of Servants’ Friend (the best
Stove Blacking m the country) just received
March U-St-7-1
Or. 11. 11. Mooa e, Dentil,
STILL continues to perform all operations on the
TEETH upon terms to suit the times. Offieo
North Queen street, opposite Kaufiinan’s Hotel,
ap 1 9
IRISH LINENS. —100 pieces just received direct
from Boston, thov are a great bargain, and well
worthv the examination of every housekeeper.
Tickings, Flannels, Crash, Table Diaper, for sale
at remarkablv low prices at the BEE HIVE,
Sept. 21-, 1547. —34 North Queen st.
rpHE LADIES arc particularly invited to tail
I early and examine those beautiful and neb
JiuNNET RIBBONS, all new, fall styles, now
opening at the BEE Hl\ E, N. Queen at.
sep -Jl 33
1 T A Q PIECES Paper Hangings, of various
.1 styles, received and for sale low, at
the New York- Store
March 14. 184 S-7,
Just received, a fresh supply of the above, tor
saih by the barrel at manufacturers prices, by
Feb. 29, 1848-5-ly] No. 69 Market at., Phila.
executed at the Intelligencer Office, rear of the
Market House, Lancaster, Penna.
Feb. 29, 184?/. . 5-tf
GEORGE W. M’ELROY, Attorney at Law, of
fers his professional services to the public.—
Omce in Centre Square, in the room formerly occu
pied by Willliam Carpenter, Esq., next door to the
Mayor’s office. [dec 1-14
P DONNELLY, Attorney at Law: Office in
# South Queen Street, m the room formerly
occupied by J. R. Montgomery, Esq. [jan 4 J 4S-4y
WILLIAM W. BROWN, Attorney at Law,
tenders his professional services to the public.
Office in West King street, a few doors west of the
Lamb Tavern and next door to Col. D. W. Patter*
son. ; [nov 2-43
WASHINGTON BAKER, Attorney at Law,
offers his professional services to the public.
Office in Centre Square, next door to Thos. Baum
gardner Sr Co.’s Store. ' [nov 30-41-6 in
JUNIUS B. KAUFFMAN, Attorney at Law,
offers his professional services to the public.—
Office in Longenecker’s building, Centre Spuare,
next door to Kendig’s Hotel. <
April 13, 1847. 11
Lancaster Savings* Institution, )
May 4,134 b. J„
Trustees of this Institution have this day
declared a dividend of 7$ per cent on The cap
ital stoch paid in, payable on demand.
Longeneckcr & Co.,
W. i: F. I.AXi;E:n'HEIM.
AUleriifism’s Office,
.Servants’ Friend.
West King at., Lancaste:
May 9, 1848.
Estate of Christian llarr
In the District Court-for the City and County 0/
riMifc account of Benjamin V Shenk,.who elected
J to .take, and to whom was adjudged bv the
District Court for said city and county ol Lancaster,
on the Sixth *lav of December, A. D. 1817, under
certain proceedings in parittion to September Term
1547, No. j of said court, a certain tract oi wood
- land, situate iu Bart township and county aforesaid,
containing foriv-fuiir acres, strict ineasutc. _ihe
same being held for the use of all the parties in
said proceedings in partition mentioned, being
children and heirs at law of Christian Barr, late of
Bart township and .couniv aforesaid, deceased, did
on the 24th day of April, IS4S, fde in the office of
ihe Prothonotarv of the said court, hi-s account of
"the said Estate.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in tlie said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the.Oth day of dune next. IS4$, for the confirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions he filed.
Attest: •. J. If. KURTZ, Proth'v
Prothonotarv's Office; >
tan., Alay'i, IS4S. {
Estate of John Fort y, dec’d.
npHK undersigned, auditor appointed by the
JL Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, to settle
and adjust and distribute among those entitled to
the remaining assets of the estate of. J.ohn torry,
lat.* of the borough of Columbia, deceased, in the
hands of Abraham Zook, his administrator de bonis
non , herebv notifies all persons interested, that he
will attend' fur, and proceed with, the duties of his
appointment at the public house of John Michael
in North Queen street, Lancaster, on] Saturday the
10th dav of June next, at 2 o’clock, P. M.
May 2, 184$. * H
Estate of Richard Ragle, Jr
in the District Court for the city and county of
“VTTHEREAS, Moore Connell, John Vogau, and
\\ Isaac Vogan, Trustees of Richard Nagle, jt\,
under the late will and testament of his father Rich
ard Nagle, sr.,laie of Eart twp., dec'd., did on the
21st day of April, 1848, file in the office of the Pro
thonotary of the said Court, their Account of the
said Estate :
Notice U herebv given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the sth day of June, IS4B, for the confirmation
thereof, unlesa exceptions he filed
Attest: * J. H. KURTZ, Proth’v
Prolh’vs office, )
Lan. April 25, 1848. )
Estate of John Bowman.
In the District Court- for the city and county of
"TTTHEREAS, Jacob Neff, jr., Assignee of said
\\ John Bowman, did on fbe 20th day of April,
IS4B, file in the office of the Prothonotarv of the
said Court, his-Account of the said Estate:
Notice is herebv given to all persons interested
in the said estate, that the said Court have appoint
ed the sth day of June, 1843, for the confirmation
thereof, unless exceptions be filed
Attest: J'. H. KL RTZ, Proth’y
Proth’ys office, )
Lan. April 25, 1548. J
Estate of osvid Johns. !
In the District Court for the City and Co. of'r. |
"VTTHEREAS, Samuel. Johns, surviving Trustee s
' V (under the Will of Abm. Johns, dec’d.) of j
the estate of David Johns, did, on the 22d day of i
April, IS4B, file m the office of the Prothonotary of |
the said Court, his account of the said Estate: j
Notice is hereby given to all persona interested j
in the said Estate", that the said Court have appoin- :
ted the sth day of June, 1848, for the confirmation t
th r reof, unless exceptions be filed. ;
Attest, J. H. KURTZ, Prnth'y. |
Protiiy’s Office, Lan. April 25. 1848.
March r.\l 848-11-8;
The above to be published in sii the papers in ; l
the ci'.v, and charged t:o the City School I-und. * KCKnOvai. j
By order of the Court, > , SPURRIER would respectfully inform his
J. H. Kt'RTZ, Proth’y. ) : friends, cuatomers, and the public in) general,
3i-15. 1 that he has removed his Clothing Store froita hia old
j stand next door to the Post Office, to one door
EHvidCUdj . south of John Bear’9 Printing Office, add nearly B-nk, ) ; opposite J. Michael’s Hotel, at the sign of the Bio
•,av 1, 1843. \ 1 Pants, where all would do well to call that want
'IHI_ D:rcciOij oi J) n “ 1 , '[..l.f OCT Customer’s work attended to at the] shortest
a a aiv:i*imd ot .-it} ceii bon eac sla e v > no;ice an j made in a workmanlike manner. Don’t”
payable on demand. ( nRIbl. LA- i HA,V ; f the j 51gn ofthe Bi p ant 9. =
May 2, IMb. . 14 " 3t ! dec 7 ’47-45-tf] GEO. SPURRIER.
May 9, 1343,
Dividend. ; 5
Lsncaster County Bank, ) ' SlitiS, bilks! j
May 1,1848. $ ; TUST RECEIVED, i
rpuE Directors of thisßankhave tins day declared i tl 3 * j
1 a Dividend of 4 per cent for .he last G months, H.ghly ohameleon J
on the Capital Stockpaid .in payable on demand. Brocbe . Poult dc Sole., j’
■* „ „,, E ° B^T D - L.-UtbU.,, La hr. , E6auUful Btri ed> Figured and Plaid Blk. and Blue
Maylo4S. ot-14 . i bjo, silks: 4-4 Bik. Brillian Silk for Visiles, I, II
Dividend 1 AT THE BEE HIVE > Korth Queen 31 -
_ ,_ ' , ! ALSO—NOW OPENING: . 1
Farmers Bank or L.lnca.ter, ( , The Neweat Styles | *
A DIVIDEND of one dollar and fifty cents on j t jje } ar g assortment ever offered. I
-each Share of the Stock ofthia Bank, has been | CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO.
aeclared this day, payable on demand — being three ‘ April 18, I*B4 j 12
per cent for the last sis months. j j '
g. Clarkson, cashier, j Great Bargains.
DR. & C. A. EULER, have just opened at
• iheir cheap cash DryjJoods store, in tire
TGHN L K.EFFER haa commenced the above j National House building, North ueen s, reel,a
J m A N Brennemanis Building,, Cen- V) cnd.d of
tre Square, Lancaster, and will do the best he can, 1. ClotllS OJ all colors.
bv strict attention to business and moderate charges, ■ jj/acrc un( l Fancy Cassimeres.
to satisß- all who may be pleased to favor him with ‘ , .
their custom. [May 2, 1848.—15. CaSSllieltS. ...
— : Vestings of eoery description.
. —ALSO—
HAC E just received a large assortment ot
GINGHAMS, plain and plaid which they wilt Plaid, ol every descrip ton Cashmeres, Mamu,
sell very low-. Also, LINEN LUSTRES, Lawnsl, de Laincs, Alpachas, blmwls. h lannels. Tickings
. Blac , k BEREGE SHAWLS, rich colored Rgb, examine their
mer r B C OMB 0 r “ ™ I -t’dt" stock J,hey are determmed to sell at a small ad
* “ : vancc tor cash*
May 9, ISIS:
laOUgenecKer & Co.,
WILLIAM F. BRYAN, Attorney at Law, of
fice opposite Sprecher'a Hotel, East King at.
j Lancaster. PP . [dec S-45-ti
Dr. FranlilinN Opinion of Luck.
THE astonishing success of JOS. GORMELY,
in the CLOTHING BUSINESS, excites the
surprise of some and the envy and jealousy of
others Uis unparalleled success some, attribute
to one cause, and some to another. And some,
more envious than the rest, attribute ii to any cause
that best suits their matter-how unjust,
or how foul the misrepresentations. 'Again, there
iB aHMhcr class more easily satisfied, ami content
themselves by saying—‘-Well, it is all luck.—better
to bo born lucky-than rich. Born under a lucky
planet,”-fee, “ Pshaw «avs Dr. Franklin, of luck,
all the luck I know of h in proper management.”
Precisely so, Dr., and justtfce operating cause in
the extensive business done at the great LANCAS
TER HALL OF The only secret in
this large business, and th«j only reason that it is
large, is because lie is careful in the selection of
good materials, and has all his gooda-well made—
and then the fit ot his garments cannot be surpassed;
and are sold at prices that defy competition. This
is the cause of his astonishing success at the great
St, Lancaster; next to J. Gish & Co.’s Book Store
and the National House. [May 9, ’AS.-tMd.
“VTTOULD respectfully inform his friends and
tV the public, that he has removed to the well
known stand, in West King Street, (lately occu
pied by B. Lichtv.) between Hager’s store and
Cooper's hotel, and opposite Steinman & Son’s.
His stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres. and Vestings,
i 3 verv large, and selected with great care.
The latest London, Paris, r and New York fash
ions always received; and all orders in his line
of business executed with despatch and in the
iiighest -style of the art by the very best workmen.
Thankful for past favors, he would .respectfully so
licit a continuance of public patronage, feeling
confident that all persona favoring him will be en
tirely satisfied with his work.
E. M. H. will sell his large stock of Ready-made
Clothing at cost. Now is the time for bargains, as
he is determined to relinquish the Clothing busi
ness, and give his undivided attention toi the Mer
chant Tailoring. Call and examine for vbursclves.
May 2, IS4SI . - *| 6m-14
Truth and Common Sense
Is mighty and will prevail,
Over all the Humbuggenj in the World, however bom
bastic and noisy it may appear \
MT. FORD, being desirous of refturning bis
» sincere and hearty thanks to the bitizens of
Lancaster city and county, for the kind manner in
which they have come forward and welcomed him
—being an entire stranger among" them —and for
the unprecedented patronage he has received at
their hands, adopts this medium of expressing hi 3
gratitude for their favors. He wishes it distinctly
understood that he does not attempt to thrust it
down the necks ,of the public, that his is j_the only
Clothing Store in the world, nor has he g.otquite as
magnificent a front to his establishment as some
persons pretend to have; but one things 9 certain, :
ar.d it has been unanimously decided byjthe entire
population of Lancaster, that lie has just received
the moat magnificent and extensive j
Assortment of Goods}
i suitable for the present seasop,.ever be
! fore exhibited in this county, to which ia
1 almost an impossibility. The only way [to form an
1 accurate idea of the extent, variety and splendor,
; will be to call ami examine them. And re(stassured,
' gentlemen, of receiving the mo9t attention,
whether you intend purchasing at the tijjne or not.
- . T. FORD offers $lOOO reward to jjny person
1 in Lancaster city or county, who can produce as
j large a variety, and as cheap a 3tock oflwell mads
1 Clothing -and piece goods as he has novfc ready for
! sale. I
$3“ Remember M. T. Ford’s Emporium of Taste
and Fashion, sign of the Locomotive* Opposite
Hotel. North Queen Street , Lancaster
city April IS 1848.
c.aandus ehler