j V. B. i«sp>C»fegPT Sn. PUBASE xoTXCSL Xf EW YQR.K;' CANTON. TEA, .COJIPAfijf .-^ !JM '.PhUailelpUiai Stores,’B9 Chestnut Street,:neit |tn the como!-or3d sMW<i'-33J Market st.; Bd-door belov? 9tli, iiortli side... Chwce Teas, Wholesalejand Retail- AV e are cqnstantly.Teceiving fresh-and! im ported Green aad Black.Te*s, embracing the best .selections this eide of China. . Oar abundant re* sources, great experience,, and. exclusive, attention |to the Tea Trade,:give usipeculiar faciUties j, coni sequently, we are resolvedao.sell Teasjrorer, more fragrant and perfect, for. the respective pribeß, than any other establishment. , ' ' ; I Our principle of doing business has, in tile course of six years, secured a connection throughout the United States, and wherever our Teas arc sold they receive high commendation, j give them a trial. . | The manner in which our Teas are packed (the - next .to the Tea is a heavy superior tin oil,) offers great inducements to dealers ana families, as . they are so thoroughly secured from light and air, .tliat their quality will remain unimpaired ;• and are in packages of a'quarter pound and upwards, leach containing full weight independent of the wrapper, i Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Articles^Books, &c; kc. as well ds those who have heretofore sold loose teas, express themselves highly pleased; not only on account of the superior quality of the Teas, which are subjected to a rigid test in order that ' each package may be confidently warranted, but also at onr manner of packing, which enables them to make up thelFassortment without the necessity of purchasing], one or more chests pf each kind, as a small assortment may be packediiii one chest and thus obviate the complaints of their customers, that their teas have lost their strength and flavor by the length of time on hand; and exposure to light and t air. • • ! Remember the Nos. are 337 Market street, and R 9 Chestnut street, where our Teas are received weekly "and sold on the same termsas in New York. July 7. ; ; * 23 M. A. Root's Gallery of'Dagmerreo tjp€B. " ! fjVJO. HO Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Now is |i_% the time! Those who visit the city during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays should not itliil to visit the splendid Portrait Gallery of M. A. Root, 140 Chestnut street. j There is no charge for this interesting and beau tiful exhibition,'and the likenesses made by Mr. Root's newly improved Daguerreotype process are decidedly the most accurate and life-like ever ta ken, haying been awarded premiums in the princi pal cities, and in New York at the last exhibition of the American Institute, the first medal for the best Daguerreotypes, over all competition. While the pictures are such rich and perfect gems of art, our'prices are the lowest possible with good materials. Visitors should not neglect the opportunity of securing portraits of the best qual ity —-for such only will not fade. i; Prices $.l 50, $2 00, $2 50,’: $3 00, $4 00, $5 00 $8 00, $lO 00, and upwards to $50:00, varying with the size and style of the frame or case. | Unrivalled perfection.— U. S. Gazette. The perfection of art. —Boston Star. Th<rbest in every point of' view*. —Pennsylvania Inquirer. \ Very beautiful. —Boston Bee. Best ever exhibited in this country.— N. Y. Sun. The lightning has at last reached the Daguerreo type. —North American. Life-like and inimitable.— N. Y. Tribune. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS sufficient to fill a volume might be given, but all arc invited to call at the Gallery and judge for themselves. M. A. ROOT, 140 Chestnut sL, 3d door below sth'. ' Health made easy for the People, OR Physical Training, to make their Lives in this World- Long and Happy, by the author of “ Education: As it is, Ought to be, and Might be,” First American Edition, with Additions : Being an elementary and interesting treatise on Self-Knowedge. Containing short and entertain ing articles bn Food Heart Glands Strength . Mating Stomach Nerves Recreations Digestion Liver Brains Old Age iilooii < Lungs Mind ' Man Secretions Arters Senses Woman Head Veins Health Disease . - ' fte., &c., &c. Together with the. Great Secret—Success in Life h«»w attained—How to do good—Causes and Ef of Krro^-rHabits —Passions—Woman describ ;*. ed —Man described —Man's F.rrors—Rich aipPPoor 1 : —Sexes—Virtue and Vice—Youfhful Error*—Wo* nnn how made delicate—Woman's Virtues, Ambi tion, &c.,.&c, ■The -wholt*designed for the noblfspurpose of im proving and extending education amongst the peo ple, imparting valuable knowledge on the Physio logy, of the human frame, and the laws which gov ern mental and bodily health, &c. Ac. • SKf'Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a loiter, shall receive one copy by-mail, or five copies for $l. Address, postage paid, * G. B. ZIEBER & C’d, Philadelphia. , May 25, 1847. 17-ly Moore & ttisdon. Merchant Tailors 70. South Third Street, nearly opposite the Kxchage, Philadelphia. (B. F.'. Moore, late *»f the firm ofßobb, W'inebrener & Co.) Respect full) announce to their friends and the public that they are constantly prepared to make'to order, of the finest and best materials, and at moderate pri .every article of Fashionable Clothing, consti liiHing a trentlemaifs Wardrobe, for which their complete stock of choice and carefully selected r cloths, cassiineres, vestings, &c., of the latest and most desirable patterns, are particularly designed. Their own practical knowledge of the business and a personal attention to every garment, enables Timm to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and new custiDmers they respectfully tender an invita tion to give them a call. Having been for years" connected with some of the best and most fashionable establishments in this , country, employing none but first-rate workmen, _jiml being in the constant receipt of the latest fashions, and best styles of goods, they are fully j prepared to accommodate customers in the best maimer.; [Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 1847. 31-fim C harles Stokes, Globe Hall of Fashion. 296 Market Street, Philadelphia. Clothing X —a necessary and useful article, it well be f comes every one who.’bftys it, before purchasing, jo look and see where It can be bought the cheap est. lam satisfied', (and reader you will be) if you Javnr me with a call and look over my stock of {foods, yon will not only bttv but tell your friends where chtyip clothing can be had and they will do the same. If you come to the Globe Hall of .Fashion, and do not find goods twenty per cent cheaper than any store in the city, 1 think you will say that -Genera! Taylor never whipped ttie Meai ■ cans! 1 think he never done anything else. ■ A full stock of Clothing suited' for the coun r\ trade, which the merchants and others are par cularlv invited to examine. . * . .. CHARLES STOKES. I'ilobe Hall of Fashion, 296 Market 3 doors be low 1 Ninth. iPhila. aug. 31, 1847 Adams & Co’s Package Express. A '< KNKRAL AGENCY, Forwarding and Com \JJT mission House, Philadelphia, Lancaster and Harrisburg. The undersigned having made ar rangements with the "Eagle Line for special accom modations, are prepared to forward to and from Philadelphia, daily, parcels, packages, single cases hf goods, &r. &c. Articles for Columbia. York, Carlisle and Chambcrsburg, will be forwarded from Lancaster and Harrisburg by the regular convey ances. Persons residing in the interior towns, which are off the main routes, can obtain packages from Phil adelphia by directing them to the care of some one iii any of the above named places. Packages for the Eastern, Western and -Southern cities, will be forwarded from the Philadelphia Office with great despatch, and at moderate charges. I* The undersigned will give particular attention to filling orders forwarded to them by mail postage paid. When they are for goods to be returned by Express, no commission will be charged. N. B. Adams Sc Co., are alone responsible for the loss or injury of any article, or property <sf any description entrusted to their care. Lancaster Office, at G. Hill’s Book Store, near the Railroad, North Queen Street. Harrisburg Office, at D. Robinson’s Book Store, ■Market Street. SANFORD & SHOEMAKER, SO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Octobers, 1847. . if - 35 Miller Express. In their own and in charge of Messengers. IS now running daily between Philadelphia, Lan caster, Columbia, Wrightsville, York, Baltimore, South and West, and also from Philadelphia to NVwjYork, North and East, for the forwarding* by mail J trains of valuables, parcels, bundles, light boxes and the '.transaction. of any commissions en trusted to thhm at very reasonable rates « The Express' leaves Philadelphia. at midnight, thus enabling persons sending by it to have their orders tilled and received the following morningi X messenger always accompanies each car, who will receive and deliver at all the’offices on the -way.r ' ■ J : The proprietors wish to make their line a general publih convenience and pledge themselves nothing shall remain undone which the public convenience may require. All! goods must be marked by « Miller k Co.’s Express.” ' ; CHAS. NAUMAN, Agent for Miller k Co.’s Express, Railroad Office, .Lancaster, 89 Cheanut, corner of Third street, Philadelphia, Columbia, Wrightaville, York, and Museum Building, Baltimore. [n.ov 9 ’47-41-tf ISAAC BARTON, HOLESALE GROCER, Wine and Liquor Store, 135, 137 North Second Street, Phila. '.;h 9, 1847. 6-lr Mari S'&nei?' saw#, . between flihstrbetß, fir*t door belo«r. 6th. Ravi|i& x£inovedfroii£tlie:okL stand, No £>43 Decatnr streit, toJhe Mttketntrbet,’ they tender l their■i^ntefili;iacktfaw!edgetaeßlft' , todtheir kind friends in Itfae.dtyaiMl.bwPtpoHianranter, for; the very liberal patronage itbejo live enjoy ed.- : “ | The hew location:affordingL&titan 3nan.y facilities: not previously possessed, enaUesAhem r to :offer to ; -and dealers 1 additional inducements to j give them a call-in their new place. -- I Their ataefeje taayy>afid has beoi .'selected with, great care, they.are enabled tq sqll on the lowest possible terms. .i. _ : i.i_ To all copntry produce entrusted to them, they; will devote fnetr attention and make speedy returns.; September 1,. 1847. . - fv . 18 ‘ Cheap Watches and j AT the “ Philadelphia Watch and dewr. #SSL. i elry Store,” 96 North Second corner of Quarry. • i : ..'tt&USs Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 carat cases, - • »-.-•/ i. -' $45 00;. Silver Lever Watches,* full jewelled-,; .. 33.00 .Silver Lexer. Watches, seven jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepine Watches, finest . quality,' - ' - - - . . 14,00' • Superior Quartier - ' 10 00}- Imitation Quartier Watches, . ,"..5 00. ’ Gold Spectacle's, - ' - - - ‘. 8.00 Fine Silver Spectacles, " - ' - 1 751 Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, - 3 50j Ladies Gold Pencils, .2 001 Gold Finger-rings 37} cente to $8; Watch Glass-- es, plain, 12} cents j patent,lB}; Lunet 515. Oth er articles in proportion. All goods- warranted to; be what they are sold for. O. CONRAD; , j On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines and Quartiers lower than the above prices. September 6, 1847. 10-ly Every man his own Gas '■ Mahttfdcfarer. 1:; | R. S. R. 4TIIKEWS, j WARM AIR FURNACE and. Cooking. Range Manufacturer, No. 82^ 'North' Sixth streef, Philadelphia.; Having purchased from the’ Amen-, can Assignees of the Patent Domestic Gas Appar atus, the rights for the States of Pennsylvania, Del aware and, Maryland, informs his friends and the public, that he is now ready tof furnish them with Stoves fitted- up for the purpose, by which every person can manufacture his own Gas with but trifl ing expenses over the outlay. . The construction: of this apparatus is such that iti may be attached 4 to. Stoves already in use ; alsoj to ‘Cooking Ranges,. Furnaces, Steam Boilers, or tin any situation where fire or light is required. hotels, churches, and public or private buildings, remote from any gas works,.this apparatus 'will be found a cheap and economical method of lighting, as well as heating their apartments, without any extra ex pense for fuel. ‘ Persons wishing to see the apparatus in opera tion, can do so by calling at his manufactory.— Rights to manufacture in either of the above States, will be sold on accommodating terms. Having been appointed Agent by the American Assignees for the manufacture of this Apparatus, and also for the sale of other States in the Union for Rights, any orders addressed to him will re ceive immediate attention. < He respectfully solicits attention to his very su perior and complete assortment of Warm Air Fur naces, Cooking Ranges and Bath Boilers. He keeps constantly on hand nine different sizes of Ranges, all of which will be seen at any time at his store, and warranted to perform well; together with every variety ofFurnaces and Boilers. Also, a select variety of Vault and Hearth Grates, _Gas Ovens, &c. In assortment, quality and price, he feels confi dent that he can please those who may call, and therefore invites an examination of his stock. September 28, 1847. 35-6 m Hover’s First Premium Writing Ink. THE following testimony from distinguished In stitutions speaks for Itself. University or Philadelphia, May 11, 184.7. $ Having tried, for some time the Black Ink, man ufactured by Mr. Joseph F.. Hover, we have found it well suited for manuscript, by its running freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its shade we arc also well pleased with. W> E. HORNER, M. L>., Dean oi the Faculty and Professor of Anatomy; John Ludlow, Provost. Samuel B. Wylie, Vice Provost. Henry Reed, Sec’y of the Faculty of Arts. Roswell Parke, Professor of Natural Phil osophy and Chemistry. W. W. Gerhard, Lecturer in the Medical Department. Pennsylvania Medical College , Philadelphia. We fully concur in the above. Samuel George Morton, M. D., Dead of the Faculty. Central High School, Philadelphia. A. D. Bache, Principal. A. H. McMurtrie, M. D., Prof, of Ana. A merican Fire Insurance Company , Philadelphia. Frederick Fraley, Secretary, Custom House , Philadelphia. J. D. George, Deputy Naval Officer. Hover's Adamantine Cement, a superior article , fVarranted. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the manufactory, No. 87, North Third Street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. November 23, 1847. 43 Oliver Evans 9 Salamander, Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests, l WARRANTED equal to any other make, and have never been injured by Fire or Burg lars, in a single instance. He aIBO keeps on hand a full supply of Common Cheats, made of lighter iron, at lower prices. Letter Copying Presses and Books. Trucks for Stores, Factories, &c. Druggists’ Presses. Eagle Glass Paper. Portable Shower Baths, &c.- ' Packing Levers. Hoisting Machines. Refrigerators and Water Filters. OLIVER EVANS, 61 Sputh Second st., below Chestnut, Phila. REFRIGERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat, Butter, Milk, and all articles intended for Culinary purposes. WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Evans’- celebrated Water Filters, for purifying water-that is blackish or muddy whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise,: can be had of all Bizes and prices, at the Ware rooms, No. 61, South Second street, two doors be low Chestnut, Philadelphia. • Sept. 2S, 1847. 35-lv To Housekeepers. rpHE subscribers invite purchasers of all or any' JL kinds of DRY GOODS required in houaekeep- 1 ing, to call and examine their stock which is con fined exclusively- to those articles, comprising in f part all kinds of Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Quilts,: Blankets, Damask Table Cloths and. Napkins, Tow-: elings, Tickings, Table and Piano Covers, Furniture,; Dimities and Chintzes, embroidered and low priced Curtain Muslins, Worsted Damask and Moreens, Domestic Muslins, &c., &c., together with a large; stork of all kinds of Flannels, and the best styles of Irish Linen, which they import direct from the most celebrated bleachers. By excluding Dress Goods from their business, they are relieved from; the necessity of asking high prices# the commence-, inent of the season to compensate for losses conse-: quent upon changes of fashion as the season advances, and will sell at the lowest possible grade of profits as the surest means of extending their business. JOHN V. COWELL k SON, Corner Cheanut and Seventh Streets, Philadelphian nov 9 ’47 6m ff Secure tbe Shadow ere the Sub- stance Fade." €OLLINS’ Celebrated Sky-Light Daguerreotypes.’ Two Silver Medals awarded at the Fair of the •Franklin and American Institutes, for the best and: most artistical specimens of Daguerreotype Portraits.: The recent improvement made by the subscribers, and which is peculiar to their establishment alone,' viz: an upper light, has received the highest re commendations from the Press, and also written testimonials from the first artists in the country, as to its great superiority over the usual side light. The peculiar advantage of this light is that the natural expression of the eve can be obtained now more perfectly than heretofore. Citizens and strangers are respectfully invited, whether desiring portraits or not, to visit our spa cious galleries, probably the largest and most ex tensive in the United States, and examine for them-: selves the astonishing improvements made by the subscribers in this wonderful art. T. P. k D. C. COLLINS, . Proprietors of the City Daguerrian No. lOOChesnut Street, 2 doors above Third, southi side. [sept 28 ’47-35-6m lewlron and Steel Store. THE subscribers, Importers and dealers in For- American Iron, beg leave to call the: attention of purchasers of Iron and Steel, to' the new assortment of Swede, Norwegian, Refined, Cable and Common English Iron, which they now have and are constantly receiving from Europe di-! » 6C *j -^l bo j American'lron, consisting of Hoop, Band, Scroll, &c. English, Russia, and American: Sheet Iron ; Small Round arid Square Iron, from! 3rloth and upwards Boiler and Flue Iron, Horse.: Shoe and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various sizes : Lo-i comotive. Tire and Railroad Iron; Angle Iron,: Half-ruund Iron, &c. Spring and Blistered Steel, from best stamps of Swede Iron ; Cast and Shear Steel, kc.y all of which they offer' at the lowest rates, for cash, or at six months for approved re ference, and to which they invite the attention of purchasers* before replenishing their stocks. Also, Pig and BloomTron received on commis siop, on which advances Will be,made. * , EARPS & BRINK j ; Iron and SteeLMerchanta, 117 North Wate* st.-, and 66, North Del. Avenue Philadelphia, r Juiy 27, 1847. 26. l v Mutual Safety Co« 5 Pliila. : unlimited. ! jhi institution js \_y now on thc Mntual Insurance principle, co'mbiired_ with a, Joint Stock’Capital. ■ • Fireriaks on nterchaitdise, 'buildings; kn*d l othfei property,-for a limited term or on‘ J |lie most fivortbleHenas.'; Xossei wilf 1 be, liberally and prdmptTy :: ' liC v./'’ l *’ ;Vl ' ‘ T " Bythe.Act of Incorporation-the stock is pledged fdi- the payment of any looses which- the' may sustain, and as an additional I, Wcaijfr to the assured, the act requires that tlreproOts of the b'u suiess shaU be 1 funded and remain With the corpor ation as* Warrantee and protection to the assured ;againstlossl' Tlie ; assured' are protected from loss without any individual liability or responsibility for tne' loss of the corporation. g 1 Directors:' Joseph H. Ed/ A. Soude% John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, Samuel Edwards,'Henry Lawrence, Edward D&r -lington,'lsaac R. Davisj William Folwell, John S. Newlin, ,Dr. R. M. Hueton, James C.Hand, Theo philus Paulding, H. Jones Brooks, John. Garret, Hugh Craig* (GeorgeSerriel, Davis B. .Stacy, Chas. Kelley, Hay, Br.S.-Thomas, John Sellers, ir.;<Speacer Mclllvain. •••• . .WILLIAM MARTXNi.Pres’tf. Richard S. Newboid, Sec’v. - ■' J. ZIMMERMAN, Agent, : North Queen .-street, near the Railroad.-; May 11, 1Q47. -la- I’ulillc Sale oir VaUiable Rcal ;■'/ TV Estate. '.l'-;" FTIHE subscribers, for. themselves, anti as. Agents | for, the other heifaof George Rarosburg,lateof Frederick deceased, will sell at,public sale, on the premises; op,Thursday the 20th.dfty of Janu ary, 1848, that VALUABLE FARM, situate on the South side, of the Catootin Mountain, about 2fmiles South.of Jefferson, susd/adjoining the lands of Peter Thomas, Phillp>Hawken, Mrs. Blessing and others, and about 2l.miles from the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road. This Valuable Farm contains 405 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, of which about 250 are in a: high state of cultivation, and the balance heavily set with timber,'. consisting of Chestnut, White Oak, Black Oak, Hickory ana Locust; About fifteen Acres are in Meadow' Land, of the very best quality. The improvements consist of a large two story. BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, E® with a back building, 2 Quarter Houses, Meat JCaß.' House, Blacksmith shop, 2 Log Barns, (one part Switzer) with Shedding, Corn House arid Wagon Shed, and all other necessary out buildings. Therie is a never failing spring of pure water in the imme diate vicinity of the house. This farm is divided into ten fields of convenient size, besides the Mea dow, each inclosed with good fencing, a great part of which is of post and railing, with springs of run ning water in every a very fine orchard of choice fruit, numbering about two hundred trees, selected with great care, all in full boaring when in season. This property will be sold' entire, or may be divided so as to suit purchasers. . Terms of Sale. —One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, and the bal ance in two equal annual payments, with interest from the day of sale, to be secured by the notes of the purchaser or purchasers, with good and suffi cient security; when the whole of the purchase money is paid, and not before, the heirs of the de ceased will execute a good and sufficient deed, clear and discharged from all incumbrance. . Any person wishing to view this property will receive any information which may be desired, by calling on Jacob Ramsburg, residing on the prem ises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. < JOHN FEASTER, Sr., dec. 28-ts. . WILLIAM LAKIN. Valuable Farm and mills‘at public sale. THE Subscriber will sell, at public sate, on the Bih day of January, 1848, at l o'clock, P. M., the following described; property, viz: A Farm situate in Fulton township, Lancaster county, about ten miles from Port Deposito, where there is gene* rally a go><d market for produce and a daily com* munica'ion by water and rail-way to the city of Baltimore. The farm adjoins lands of John B. Brown, Abner Wood and others, containing 120 ACRES, more or les*. The improvements are o i w o story brick DWELLING HOUSE, With a well and pump therein, at the BBlll® door, and a spring of good water short distance from the house; a frame Barnr3i by 50, feet with stone cellar; n Lime Kiln, and a Grist and MERCHANT MILE, 3l by 40 feet, three stories high, with a shed at tached 18 feet wide and 40 feet long ; two stories used as n fulling mill. Thn mill contains one pair French Burrs, and one pair Country .Stones, with necessary machinery, ?ll newly built within the last t 2 years. Also, a commodious miller’s house near the Clover M It, 30 by HO f, rt, three stories high. Tlih mill was newly built in 18H. Also, a Log House near the mill, for the miller. The übove Mills are substantially built—each being frame'with stone ccllering. The Grist .Mill is propelled by an over-shot wheel, 16 feet full and 4 leet head—the Clover Mil), oversho',.2l feet foil and 3 feet head—the strpam a good and durable one —and both do a good, business. The above farm has about 90 a res of arable land; tire remain der limber land —there is an Apple Orchard'll choice fruit trees on the premises : the farm is divided into convenient fields, with a running stream or water on each field, and the land is in a good state of cultivation, having been limed, and well fenced with ehesnut rails. This property is ituate in a healthy and intelligent neighborhood— onvenient to Churches and School®, mechanics ol arious kinds, and is wor h the attention of the man I business. Any person wishing lo view this roperty can have it shown to him by either of the subscribers, residing on the premises. There are two public roads running through tho estate, East and Wes', North and South, forinds a cross at the grist mill. JOSEPH PEOPEES. WILLIAM PEOPLES, dec 14 46 PRIVATE SALE Of Three first rale Plantations in Manor \ Township. Determined to move to the state or mi nois, I will sell at Private Sale, at my res idence one mile west ul Millerstown, in Manor township, Lancaster county, THREE PLANTA TIONS, to wit: No. I.—Consisting of a Trucl‘uf Land, contain ing 140 ACRES, ' strict measure, bounded on the east by the Little Conestoga'Creek, on the north by No. 2, on tbe west by a public road, and on tbe south by No. 3. The improvements on No. I, are a two story Stone Dwelling Blouse, 50 by 30 feet, well finished and roofed with slate: a stone swieser Barn 140 feet long, also roofed wilh slate, xnd has a large arched cellar underneath ; a wagon shed and corn cribs ; spring house orer a never failing spring of water, with fine facilities for a distillery, in a well built still house, a smith shop, with other convenient out-buildings ; a pump io a never-failing well near the house, an {)uch nil) of every kind of choice fruit trees, a well wat ered meadow, and about R acres of fine timber and, besides different Locust groves over the tract, sO far advanced as to enable the cutting of 300 posts yearly without injury to the groves. There is also a good Tenant House and elahlo cn No. 1, No. 2, consisting of a tract of lan I containing 61 ACRES <* U 3 PERCHES , strict measure, adjoining No. l,on the south, the •Little Conestoga on the ea9t, land of Jacob Bren ner on the north, and a public road on the west. The improvements on this trtet are a two-story stone DWELLING HOUSE, 4 rooms below and 4 above, with an arched and another cellar ; 8 stone.swis9er Barn, about 70 feet long, with a shingle roof: a spring house over a never-failing spring of water, with a dwelling above the spring house. Of this tract there are about 6 acres of fine limber, and a fine meadow : nod has the ajyantage of a road through Jacob Brenner’s land to the Blue Rock road, which is a very short distance from it. l . And No. 3, consisting of a TRACT OF LAND , containing 88£ acres, strict measure, bounded on the north by No. 1, on the east by the Little Con estoga creek, on the south by land of John Lint ;ner, (miller,j and on the we*t by a public road.-r- Orthiu tract about 35 acres are woodland of the be*t kind, and on it are two never-failing springs . of water, and on No. 3 is a fine situation for build ings and for farming purposes. The land throughout is of first-rate limestone soil, the most of it on the sun side, and the whole in the best state of cultivation. There are two mills near the premises, one j of a mile east, and the other £ of a mile sonth. wiehing lo view Ihe premises will please apply to the subscriber who will show the same and exhibit a draft thereof. Possession and indisputable titles will bo given on the ,Ist of April next. i t. A B/i AHAM HJ3R R. dec 14 i , an Tin'cm Stand For Rent. ffUIE subscriber offers for rent*. the large iw I story, tavern house, at present occupied by Henry H- Lichfv, sign of the treaty of- Ghent, sn ooted in West King street, in the city of Lancas ter, about one square from the Court House and next door to the subscribers store. The house Is well calculated for a tavern, and has been occupied as such for the last sixteen, years, the stabling is extensive with sufficient yard room,and a garden and plenty of good spring water with other conve niences attached, and it well calculated to do an extensive business. : Possession given on the first datfof April next. •* DANIEL HARMAN. 1 dee 14 4$ I ■ —• ON AVedrt 1848, ..will he Bold, at pubUo by suWdr?- het,' eo.the -premises, about IUTf ■‘•n>ile north of me Village of Concord, and about the 'wtone’- dbtiOce aputh.of the Old; Road,! near- Leacock Meeting House, in Leacock township. Lancaster couiitv, the wing article* toAvitii::' - - -ntj -V vihi.-- V» JSOU& DRAFT HORSES' and FOURCOLTST7 hpad of'Steere, 2 Cows, and a nnihber of -young cattle, 2 Plantation Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows, 2 1 Roller,', and one 4-Horse Threshing Machine, ! Gorn -Shelter, WindmUls^GramCradle*^ 1 am Mowing Scythes l ,-a lot of Horse a-hfcuL ber of other fanning alsau one- eight-day Clock, nearly new, attd'-a '• great variety of articles aot herementidned. .?> Sale to commence at 10 o’clockin the ftTrenbon’ of said day. Attendance andjterms made 4 knownb‘y * . WILLIAM M’CASfcEY. ■ dec 28-te-38 .... | Trustee**'Haile. BY virtue of adecree,of county Court, sitting as a Court'd!* Eqwttyj the subscriber, as 'Trustee, will sell at . public Aucjtbn n qa .itie. premises, about 2 mtes EdsJ oFFfqHefickf pwn,or» Saturday the 15th day ol January iliarVA.L:, UA&LE FARM, known a*‘a part of the.trpqi of lair'd called The, Richland*,’’ and burned by ihc late (Station Hammond,con iai nip g 401 ACRES,3 roods,’ perches of first-tate Ciuld&ioh'c Lind This Farm « situated about 2 miles East of Frede ricktoifn.' and adjoins the lands of Messrs. Joseph Schell. John Noonan, CharlesS.UarumonH, Robt. Y. Stokes ancHhhefs : : Thl?jmprovfeiiien!9 consist ol a TWO/ST.ORY LOU. HUIJSE; With Kifdhl en attached, n large.afad Substantial -Swum'Ban* with stabling.and graiuery attached,-wagon.: shed, corn bouse. 1 blacksiritli shop, house for a reliant, or for servants; a fine ORCHARDofgood FRUIT,- and about 10 or 12 Acres of Wood'Land heavily limbered. There is a fine stream of watericallcd Addison's Branch, passing titrougli ihhj Farm, near the buildings, and a never -failing spring of "Ood water, a short distance frum . the hoose. litis Farm bordersonJhp River.Monocacy, butiliesdo high as not to be injured much by ii» ririivgt ilia divided into convenient fields witii g jod fencing ; it is in a good slate of cultivation and. its point ol productiveness is not .surpassed by any Farm (ol us size.) in Frederick county . and situated in a good healthy neighborhood. This Farm is now rented at $l2OO per annum. ’ This land will be sold clear of the widow's dow er, and possession given ou the lsi of April. iB4B, except the right oi the tenants (of.secure the crop of Gtain growing on ‘said land. . This Farm .will ne sold entire or divided into three Farms as fol lows to.witAbout 200 ACRES with the build ings, and other Farms of lOO.acret each; it is so located as to be susceptible of the above divis ions. which will be. jDade,,ami.plaifl of the same shown on the day oif sale. . * . Persons desirous of viewing ihe : property, ivilf please call on Mr. B. J-. Sriouffer| ( residing on the same, or the subscriber, resididg in Ffedericktown, who willshow the property and give “any informa tion necessary. - ■ Terms of sale, as prescribed the decree, are: One-third of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, or the ratification thereof, at the elec tion of purchaser; the residue in two equal annual payments from the diy of sale, the purchaser or or purchasers givine his. her or their notes for the payment of the same, with security to be opproved by the Trustee, and hearing interest from the day of sale, .and upon payment of of the pur chase money, and upon the ratification of sate and not before, the 'Trustee shall by a good and suffi cient deed, executed and acknowledged according to law, convey to the purchascror purchaser, and his, herior their heirs, the property purchased by hitn,her or them, free clear and discharged from all incumbrance of the widows dower, and from all claims and demands of the petitioners or defend ants, or those claiming by, from', through or -udder them, or any of them. j DCr Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. ■ GEORGE SMITH, Trustee, dec 21 i 47-3 i • Republican Citizen. Valuable Farm und iilUlT at Public Sale. rpHE subscriber will sell, at public sale, on the X Bth day of January. 1848, at 1 .o'clock, P. M„ the following described property, viz: A Farm situate in Fulton township, Lancaster county, about ten miles from Port Deposite, where there is gene rally aj good market for produce,land a daily com munication by water and rail-way Jo the city of Bal timore. The farm adjoins lands of John B. Brown, Abner Wood and others, containing ,120 ACRES, more or less. The. improvements are a two story brick DWELLING HOUSE, with a well andjjf® pump therein at the dnor, and a spring of good water a short distance from the house; a frame Ilarn, 34 by 50 feet, with stone cellar; a Lime Kiln, aml Y a Grist and MERCHANT MILL, 31 by4o feet, three stories high, with a shediattached 18 feet wide and 40 feet long; two stories used as a fulling mill. The mill contains one pair French Burrs, and one pair Country Stones, witnnecessarvmachinery, all newly built within the last 12 years. Also, a commodious miller’s house near ithe Clover Mill, 30 by 30 feet, three stories hijfh;- This mill was newly built in 1841. Also, a Log House near the mill, for the miller. The above Mills are substantially built—each being frame with stone cellering. The Grist Mill is propelled by an over-shot wheel, 16 feet fall and 4 teet head—the Clover Mill, overshot, 21 Feet fall and 3 feet head—the stream is a good and durable one—and both do good business. : The above farm has about 90 acres of arable land; the remainder timber land—there is an Apple orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises; the farm is divided into convenient fields, with a running stream of water on each field, and the land is in' a good state of cultivation, having been limed, and well fenced with chesnut tads. This property is situate in a healthy and intelligent neighborhood-convenient to churches and Schools, mechanics of various kinds, and is worth the attention of the man of business. Any person wishing to view this property can have it shown to him\by either of the subscribers, residing on the premises. There are two public roads running through the estate, East and West, North and South, forming a cross at the grist mill. * JOSEPH PEOPLES'. WILLIAM PEOPLES. dec 14-46 Lancaster, Elizabethtown & Mid dletown Turnpike Co. ■ December 17th. 1847- IN pursuance of an Act of Assembly passed March bill. 1547, notice, i£ hereby •>ivci> ihui the following dividends on stock hare remainine unclaimed for three years. STocKiiotOEns <!<■««»«! Meeker & Denman, I 83,60 John Shenk, sen., I 83:60 John Maybin, 1 ItjOO Ann Horst, 9;0t) Jacob Shoemaker, 1 63.50 Norihum’ld. Jacob Peterson, I 46,50 Phil’a. Surah 'Poland, I 24,00 John Spayd, 2 38,[00 George Krenier. 4 56,00 Archubuld McAllister, 1 14,00 George P. Shober, 1 11,00 Middletown. Jacob Hershey, 7»50 Donegal. 1 homes Caldwell, 1 5,50 Lancaster city. ?s. Belore the subscriber, an Alderman of the city of Lancaster, personally appeared J. M. Long, Treasurer of the Lancaster, Elizabethtown and .Middletown Turnpike Company, and, on his sol emn affirmation, did declare and say, that the above mentioned are all the di/idends required by the above mentioned Act to be published to the best oi liis knowledge and belief. Affirmed and subscribed hefofe me, M. Carpenter, Alderman. J. M. LONG, 'Treasurer, dec 21 47 NOTICE, 4 LL persons having claims or demands against the estate of Haniiah McGaigan, late of the city of Lancaster, dec’d, are notified to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to make payment on or before the Ist day of April next, to TIMOTHY DALY,- Executor of Hannah MeGuigan, dec’d, residing in East Lampeter twp., near Ferree’s old Tavern. nov 23 71 pd. 43 JVO TMV JB. J%J OTICE is hereby given, that letters of Ad-* r ministration upon the estate of. Zacbarieh Moore, dec’d, have been taken out by the under signed, residing in East Donegal township, Lan castei comity ; and all persons having ejaims upon the estate of said deceased, -re requested to make known the same without delay. JOHN CLARK, Administrator. j 7t pd-42 Estate of John Townsend] deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the estate of John Townsend, late of the township of Sadsburv, in thei-county of Lan caster, dec’d., have been granted :by the Register to the subscribers, one of which resides in the county of Chester, the other in the county of Lan caster. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased are request ed to make known the same to them without delay, and those indebted to make payment to either of the subscribers. „ • JOSHUA B. CINTON, *. Of Londonderry twp. r Chester co. AMOS TOWNSEND, dec 2s-6t* Of Sadsbury. twp., Lancaster co. Dear Mountain Railroad Company. TIIHE Stockholders of the Bear Mountain Rail X Rood Company are hereby notified . that the Annual Meeting, of said Company will be held at the office of said- Company, No. w Market street, 1 Harrisburg, on MONDAY, the 17th of January, 1848, at which time and place, anjElection will be held for Seven Directors of said company for the ensuing year, and such other businesstransacted as may be deemed proper* • By order: of the Board of Directors;. BENJAMIN PARKE, Secretary . Harrisburg, Dec. 28, 1847. si' s*.¥¥ JifW.tW>;JlB4B, for liceyse r a ;,put>]tc.BpuBe.al' (he;Wlite «<?*«*» Pajcadiae stxnd. ~, , J( ~ / >,,,., i of the towndhjp .of ■fjf the sad tavern is ft* • trayeUerprarid; Uaat we,^rp,w?U: ac+ iJjp s?ud, Jame*.;lL. Slayraaket, and *bk* ne is pf good .repute. foil .bpnest j as<Ltemper» ancp, is. wcU for the, accommodation, of strangers arid ." T- , • • i. • • i Hamilton v Aikin, Jamesr Walk<*; George Slajrmaker, A- H. Slaymaker„Hpjtfy Eckert; F.,G.Gaiimegan,‘ John Ml Slaymaker, Thos. Me dley, Benj. BrackblU, Jacob .Pheneger, JS. Stay "**«*•, ....... ' dec,2Br4B. -T.UE.M A 1 TER ol ihq iiitcijded application ot ,retee.,R 4 Nic,for lice twe.to' coiuirme 'keeping a puuuc npp.se. in,New Holland. Earl township.- \\/ SLthe.undfcisisrned,cirizcripof FHid Earltwp.; :■ being.personQWy>qcquaih'ed\\|ih PirrEif' Rank, 1 (lie above uamcm-ptHWohcVi and also bavin** a knowledgiroftbe lioose lb^ : uhirh’#!{e p v±yed v ilo hereby certify, iharsu/ h hotise isiiccrs sary io accommodate ’the priblir, arid entertain ' strangers ,pr travellers; iJiat he itvn.porson of;good repute fpr, lftmesty and temperame, arid: ilm Ik>*ls well provided tvitn.bp.iifp room and Btßbliiti* 3iidti!l the conveniences necessary lor the lodging ami ac commodation ,of and travellers. . We. leayetp, recommend iiiui'fora license agreeably to thiapcliiiou. .. - , ■ J°hn Winters■ Joseph Junes IViu M SiutMi Chns'iaii Musselmari bolumuti DiHqudctlrr Philip Brubaker John Slyer Isaac Uol! Isaac Spreiher Amos Dil'cr Siition Nagle George Brubaker., dec *2l ;i 47 - IN. i'IIKJM ATTBK.'bf the intended application u Jacob AfßßiGNfi'tor intense to continue keeping a public house, iq Carnarvon tovvuslijp. WE ihe underrigned,citizens oflhe township pf Carnarvon, where the said inti or tavern is proposed to be h.epi,<fr certify, ihat, the said inn or lavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entermin.strangers and travellers,.and tbot ue are well acquainted with the said JacoblAlbrigiit. and ihat-he is of good repute for honesty midtem perance: und is Weil provided with housemiom and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. M Bickhatn H B Jacobs E D White.Jas Evans Edward Davies Evan Rogers Jacob Jimeson B F Bunn Chr Robinsoai Gyrus H Jacobs Lot Rogers Wm Wiiman Wallace Fr Gillespie.: dec 21 . 4.7 IN THE MATTER of.the intended qpplica’ion of SAMUEL H,ULL», for license to continue keeping a public'house.in the township of VVest 1 Enil, Lancaster county. WE the undersigned citizens of the township oi West Earl, where said inn or tavern re proposed io be kept, do certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that ivc are well acquainted with the said Samuel Hull, and that he is of good repine for honesty and temper ance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. George Kafroth Henry Grelile David Good Frs. H Carpenter George Curutiier* John K Reed David W.»ll John ShesfTer Peter Cofroth Christian Wenger George Reed Sumuel Reemsnyder Abm Kachel 'l'ristini Connell. dec 21 47*31 IN THE MATTER of the intended application of David Snavbly, for license to continue keep* irig a public house in the township 1 hrMarlick Lancastes county —ti being an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of the township of. Mariick, where the said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify, flint tho said inn or tavern is necessary to nccommo-Jute the public and entertain si angers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said David Snavety, and that he is of good repute for honesty and temper once,.and is well provided wilh house room and con vnnicnces for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Daniel fl Shank Abraham Miller Hiram Watson Richard Jones Christian Brenneman James W Walker George W Smithson James i\ly«r» Do*id Laird James Benson '1 homo» J Nell George Mar lin Moriin Huber. dec 21 47-3tq Bulletin ]Vo. I.—The Graefenberg Company HAVING been welcomed in every section of the United States with the most unparalelled enthu siasm : and their medicines having reached an enor mous circulation, will henceforward, issue Monthly Bulletins; that they may the more perfectly inform the public of the .principles of the Americo-Graef jicnberg System, and of the vast superiority of their s “medicines over any other ever presented to the world. Each Bulletin will contain something of the greatest importance to the health of the com munity; and all classes of readers, the clergy, jurists, statesmen and private individuals, should not fail of reading them, to say the least. One trial alone of the medicines will convince the most sceptical of their extraordinary efficacy. In the present Bulletin we will only say that 1. The Graefenberg Medicines are* purely Vege table. 2. They have been tested iti tens of thousands of cases with perfect success. 3. Of the Vegetable Pills alone 30,000 boxes are sold each and every week ! 4. The demand is constantly increasing. 5. Every article purchased 0f the Company or any of its Agents is warranted ; and if it docs not give satisfaction the money will be refunded. The Graefenberg Vegetable Pills possess almost magical power in preventing and curing the ordinary diseases which affect humanity, (especially bilious.) There are some facta connected with their compos ition arid use which the limits of the present notice forbid us to name. Suffice it to sav, that they are the product of the most extensive and philosophic research, aided by all the lights of modern science. All other patent pilis ar.c made from the recipes of less enlightened ages;" these from the combined wisdom of ancient and modem science. In fact they are A PERFECT PILL ! worthy of the age and of the country. * ° THE GHAEFENRERG COMPANY is prepared to show to the public the moat unquestionable evi dence that these celebrated pills are every dav curing all disorders of the liver, stomach, bowels, dyspepsia, jaundice, erysipelas, green sickness, and* all diseases to which females are subject, neuralgia, rheumatism, headache, &c., all billious complaints, Ac. Their wonderful efficacy arises from their power to open the pores j to cleanse and,strengthen the stomach arid ' bowels ; to make the urine and monthly discharge flow healthily; and to give tone and vigor to the system. Price 25 cents a box. No family should be without them.; If they do not give satisfaction the money will be promptly refunded; and every agent is hereby instructed to that effect. , THE GRAEFENBERG HEALTH BITTERS ; entirely vegetable —warranted to make two quarts of imcomparable Bitters. They are skillfully and elegantly prepared by this Company from a number of tHe most purifying, invigorating ,and‘ healing Roots, Barks, Herbs and Vines , gathered in the wide domains of nature in both hemispheres. The use of these Bitters will prevent sickness at all seasons, and in every exposure. They will restore strength and vigor of body, give clearness to the most sallow complexion, and create keen appetite. All persons who are afflicted with occasional ill health, low Spirits and loss of appOtite should pro cure them at on<?e. Price 25. cents a package. THE GRAEFENBERG tEVER & AGUE PILLS. This Pill is a great conqueror of Fever and Ague, and Fever of all other types and forme. THF. GRAEFENBERG SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND. This is now the standard Sarsaparilla Preparation of the day; far surpassing all others before the public. In addition to the princely Sarsaparilla, this pre paration contains Guiacum, Mankrake, Burdock, Elder, Yellow Dock, Queen’s Delight, and three other roots. It is taking the place of all other Sarsaparillas, and should be tried by all who wish to use anything of the kind. Price $l,OO a bottle, which wiil make two quarts of the greatest possible strength. The other ftledicines are the Graefenberg Eye Lotion. The Children’s Panacea, the Green Moun tain Ointment, the Consumptives Balm, the Disen te’ry Syrup. ' .{Crlt is intended that there shall be a Graefen .berg Depot in every neighborhood in the United States, at which the Company's Medininesmay be found'. 'Rudolph 8l Williams, Columbia. Jacob Stauffer, Richland. _J. B. Andrews, Marietta. J. B. Hamilton, Bainbridge. George Roas, Elizabethtown. Spannan Be, Housekeeper, Drumnre. John P. Harlan, Little Britain. J. P. Baker, Gap^ R. M. Jones, Wrightstowu. A. K. Be A. L. Witmer, Paradise. C. R. Green, Strasburg. Benjamin Bewey, Willow. Street. G. H. Clark, Ruck Post Office. N. if. Wells & Co., Mechanics' Grove. Lewis P. Wilkinson, Fulton House. I fains & McCullough, Pleasant Grove. James Patten, Mattie township. Dr. J. W. Rawlins, Rawlinsvilie. 11. Coleman, Martic Forge. Amos Sourbeer & Co., Safe Harbor. Henry Funk, Milleratown. J. Gish & Co., Lancaster city. David Brickner, Warwick, Abraham hieyersj Rothßville.^ Jacob Beerbower, West Earl tovuiship. . . Diller Sc Mentzer, New Holland. Weaver.& Witmer. Earl. Thomas Chutch, Cpurchtown. dec 14 46 . FAINTS AND OlLS.—Just received a heavy stock 9 and for sale at Philadelphia prices by jan 26—31] STEJNMAN Sc SON. ’< > Br. Colton?* Mias TOgctaklM •2r ? pguMifcea*?^' T>ERSONS affi^cted'with o: Sctt)fula , , Kmgs , • Evil, -Jv.i GaiicCr, Erysipelas,Old : Stones, Uicefay MerourialDiseaMlr; -amirig from imfuariUesiofthe the-foUowmg tastimommV,Jlu pirorif of the wbn’dertu) oftbe'&WTeßaked inedlcinea. i: * ■?*** - But lwt a simple statement bfthe 1 facts might fell of convincing those who are dsily hnposed hpbri'bj certificate* kvhich owe ewstrinCC tofertile imaginatlonpof their writerfjalivmgwrtriessiri'the persbn'of Mr.’Brooks (whose ease i&r'mentidh'ed low,)may be seen at our office, NQMj St-v NOW York; where he conseatod tore main for fer the satisfection ofthbae who ’ require’obciUar •’ . .v ; READ/' READS J- READS! ’ ' oßdersigned,*having’ visited Mr. Isaac 1 Brooks; Jr., at tbe office of Messrs; Row-arid & Wahon t 376'Market St;,' consider his case the-moat remarkable one we have ever- wit nessed or heard of. His disease was 'tcmble iAust-haVc been his twelve years' conflict the destroyer. His palate, the entire roof of his mouth, nbse; upper lip, and lower lid ofUie-right eyidihate dbßtroYed, hiB ftec nearly eaten up, and part the jaw bone carried away. ’And yet vre can no dcscriptioirof'his caßef ' •• •• • " • \ • : Mr. B; informs us that in l January last, thc ; whole interior of dris-mouth; as ■ weU : as most of hi#Tace, v Avas a- mass of deep and- painfal ulcers. ’On the 14th- Of January-last; he commenced tak ing Dr. €u!leri*s lndiauVegetablc-Panacea,which checked-the • disease in ! ri : few- days, trorii' tliat time the cure has'progressed-'without intertiission. 'New flesh-has supplied- tile placc-of' deep ulcers,' and his general health is restored: : < Wc are assured* that ; in the treatment of Mr. Brooks’ case, no mercurials, ointments or caustic applications have been used —iu fact, the Panaceti alone has wrought this wonderful change. Charles L. Rowand,'Meadville Crawtord co. Pa-. J. W. Jones, M. D. South Sccond St. Philti. C. W.-Applcton; M. D. 46'South St. ' do. Timothy Caldwell, Marion-co. Missouri. William Steeling, M. D. Camden New Jersey. / J.'Hi- Potter, manufecturer of Mineral Teeth, 109. South Ninth St. Phila. J L. A. Wollcnwebcv, Editdr T 'Phila. ‘Democrat,/227 dox. .... _ George W. Metz, Brush Maker, 317 Market jSt. do. A. D. Gillette,-Pastor of-Eleventh 'Baptist/Church St, do, . ' ' / John Bell,. Eric St. (North Amcrican office) do. John W. Ashmead, 68 South Sixth St. do. T. S. Wagner, Lithographer, 115 Chestaiit St. do. Peter Sken Smith; Editor-Native Eagle, do. Joel Boiline, Glass Manufacturer,/williamstown New Jersey. /. L. B. Coles, Mi'D. Boston Mass. /• Russel Canfield, Physiologist Phila/ Thomas P. S. Roby, M. D. Harrisburg Pa. Peter, Wright, 258 Market St.Thila. William Urie, Pastor St. Paul’s M. E. Church Cath erine St. do. J John Chambers, Pastor ls/lnd Ch, Broad St. do. T. L. Sanders, Publisher of Pledge & Standard do. F. P. Sellers, Ed. Olive Branch, Doylestown Bucks co. Pa, ... Rev. E. Kincaid, of the Bwunah Mission. The above named gentlemen, (constituting but a small portion of those who have visited Mr. Brooks at our office in Philadelphia, and who have certified to the same facts,} are well known, arid their high standing in society precludes the possibility of their lending their names to carry out an imposition. And here we say, without fear of contradiction, that we have not found a case of Scrofula or other diseases for which we recommend the Panacea, which the medicine has not speedily arreßted. JAMES SMITH, Druggist, East King street. H. C. FONDERSMITH & CO., Family Medicine Depot, North Queen St. _aug. n L 1847. 29. All of the following articles, which, have obtained un bounded popularity are sold by JAMES SMITH , the only Agent for the genuine articles in the city of Lancaster, and county <f Lancaster. REMEMBER THIS AMO BUY ONLY OF HIM. AN unequalled remedy, and an Almanac for 1848 gratis. UG—For colds and feverish feelings, and preventing fevers. 2d—For Asthma, Liver Complaint, and Bilious Affections. 3d—For Diar hma, Indigestion, and Loss of Appetite. 4th—For Costiveness in females and males. sth—For Sto mach affectipns, Dyspepsia and Pile*. , The groati points are, it is not bad to thke, never gives pain, and never leaves one costive>j ! For all these things it is warranted unequalled, and all who do not find it so may return the bottle and get their money. This medicine is LONGLEY’S GREAT WEST- , ERN INDIAN PANACEA. Fuller description in nn Almanac for 1848, gratis. Balm of Columbia Hair Tonic. —To the bald and grey—lf you wish a rich luxuriant head of hair, free from dandruff and scurf, do not fail to procure the genuine Balm of Columbia. In cases of baldness it will more than exceed your expecta tions. Many who have lost their hair’for 20 years have had it restored to its original perfection bv the use of this balm. Age,-state or condition ap pears to be no obstacle whatever} it also causes the fluid to flow with which the . delicate hair tube is filled, by which means thousands (whose hair were grey as the Asiatic eagle) have had their hair restored to its natural color by the use of this in valuable remedy. Iu all cases of fever it will be found the most pleasant wash that can be used. A few applications only are necessary to keep the hair from falling out. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart a rich glossy appearance, arid as a perfume for the toilet it is unequalled ; it holds three times as much as other miscalled hair restor atives and is more effectual. The genuine manu factured only by Comstock & Co., 21 Courtland street, New York, Connel-s Magical Pain Extractor. —lt is now conceded by medical men that Connel’s Magical Pain Extractor, manufactured by Comstock & Co., 21 Courtland street, N. Y., is the greatest wonder of thcT9th century. Its effects are truly miracu lous. All pains arc removed from burns, scalds, &c., and alt external sores, in a few minutes after its application, healing the same on the most deli cate skin, leaving no scar. It is equally beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nipples and Eyes; Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling and Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Chillblains, Erysipelas, Piles, Tic Doloreau, &c. We might add as nroqf to.all we.say, the jjaiues of many om. inent'physicians'who use jt in their practice , and hundreds of clergy, who praise it to their people.— j Kind parents keep it constantly oirJnvnd, in cases of accident by fire life may be loaf without it, but by its use all burns are subjeat to its control, unless the vitals'flie destroyed. Caution—Remember and ask for Connel’s Magical Pain Extractor, manufac tured by-Comstock & Ca., N. Y., and take no other. Deafness Cured — Dr. M'Nair's Acoustic Oil. — Those deaf from old *age and from infancy often receive their hearing in a most miraculous manner, by the use of this oil. It has the effect to restore the tension and bring into the natural action of the parts so as to restore the hearing when lost or im paired. This will be done in all cases of recent deafness', and many of long standing.' All deaf persons should use this oil. Comstock & Co., 21 .Cburtland street are the wholesalers. Price $1 per flask. Biles, Sores,.fc.—J The genuine Hay’s Linament, is an article more justly celebrated as acuYeforthe above, than any or all others. Its cures are almost innumerable, and it is only necessary to let those who know the articles and used it with such great success, that it is to be had true and genuine of Comstock & Co. 21 Courtland st. N. Y. sole pro prietors. Dr. Spohn's Sick Head Ache Remedy, —Why will you suffer with that distressing complaint when a remedy is at hand that will not fhil to cure you 1 — This remedy will effectually destroy any attack of headache, either nervous or bilious. It has cured cases of 20 years’ standing. Mothers ’ Relief. —Indian Discovery—All expect ing to become mothers and anxious to avoid the Pains, Distress and Dangers of child-bearing, are earnestly entreated to calm their fears, allay their nervousness, and, soothe their, way.by the use of this most extraordinary vegetable production. Those who will candidly observe its virtues, must approve of it it their hearts; every kind and affec tionate husband will feel it his most solemn duty to alleviate the distress his wife-is exposed to by a safe and certain method, which is the use of this mother’s relief. Further particulars in pamphlets 1 intended for the female eye, are to be had gratis where this humane cordial is to be found. The Mother’s Relief is prepared, and only, by*the now' sole proprietors, Comstock & Co. 2l Courtland st.. New York. / For Worms. —Kolmstock’s Vermifuge will eradi cate and cure children and adults who have worms. Caution—Beware of-all unless the name is spelled “ Kolmstockj” the old Dutch name of the inventor. Price 25 eta. per bottle. It cannot injure the child should there be no worms, but itwill do it good. To the Halt and Lame, Comstock’s Nerve and Bone Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir lathe most effectual core for Rheumatism, contracted cords, or muscles, and is warranted to cure any case of Rheumatism or Gout. All the above articles are sold by 1 JAMES SMITH. Only Agdnt for the genuine articles in the city of Lancaster, and county of Lancaster. Remembh this aruLtuymhf -of-kimr -^——— Dr. Roby’s Brazilian iHstftr Curlintr Liquid* ; . WHAT thousands of chemists have long been experimenting upon, butwithout success, has, at length been accomplished by Dr. Roby, of Phil adelphia. To prepare an article in liquid form, free from oil, or greasy pr,sticky substances, Which will curl the hair without changing its color and weakening the bulbs, has Jong .been the study of our most celebrated: chemists. This useful art is alone combined in Dr. Roby’s Brazilian Hair Curl ing Liquid, which ensures to every body “ tbe flowing ringlet and the witching curl.” Prepared only by : Storks b Co., sole proprietors, ,21 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. • Sold by ZAHM It JACKSON, aug 17 ’47-29*1y] North Queen St., Lancaster. : »*>WK*tt.«rrfe»As I I lias Pd WER tu all external sWca,scro fulous humor*, skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge theft puirid mauer*, qnd (then heal them-'- o * ;; ' { i - •■j-.t-V.sA j: 1.-Ai is rightly term^l'AlP-h^ng/rorthereissriafce lya<l«asu.ex»ernatoir'-tWerital;>hniit^J|fuat benrifr. Uiave used it forihedrisf fimreeri'-yeara for riktl}*eases qf ihtttliesi; consumption and tittr, dtfttgeT;and respoiiBibilriy; and * VfW V e ‘ ore Hfqven and.marf, that I riot .in: one single case) has it failed to benefit when the paliem was wi;hin the reach of mortal.mean*. U i • !«T t'have had physictatvs/lebrned jt) the.proCesaion- I'bave had'miniaiers ol the Gospel. Judgea of the benebr; Aldehnen.Lnwyer*, gentlemen 6fthVHigh esi erudition, and multitudes, of the poor use It iii eyriry variety of way, and there Jus been but one voice—cue universal voice—saying “ McAllister, your OinjmenP.is good/- CONSUMPTION —It can hardly be credited tha*,nsalyc can have any effect.uponithe.ilungs, seated .as they are within the aysteiri.' ; Btij ifiplaced upon the chest,it penetrates'to the liinsa, separates the poisonous panicles that are consuming them, and expels tliem from the system, ft is curing P cr *°*** *>.(Consumptioncontinually. 1 * i j A CHE —t'hc'saHrc has'euredipch*ohß‘of headache of 12 year's standings arid • who 'l/ad it regular every, week so that vomitingJofibn iodK* placq. • j '-t Deafiiesaand E;tr Ache.arc helped with likd sucU cess.' ■ ; KfIBU.MAT ISM -It removes almost immediate* ly (lie inflninaiion. and swelling wlien 'llie pain, ceases. <Read_ the d'reclions on .he bo* ) . - C - .7 M E r—l Conaumplioh-.- LivcrjcpmpfainV, pain in lljfcliost or side.-jailing off tif-.iie bair.ino or .lie oilier accompanies cold'ioti. ('l'lii., riibnncnt' is* i lsc i/tieTcuicdy,) Ii is a sure sign of disease Id have triihl lect. . i_:. * ■ Old Sores, Erysipelas, Sulirheuin, Liver complami. Sore Eyes. Quincy, Throat nrfuidntiis, broken or sure Breaßi, Files, all Chest such as Asthma, Oppressions. Pa«ner- Alao, Sore Lips. Chapped .ttauds. Cum ueous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases and jof-Jbe Spine, there is no Medicine now known as Rood SCALD HEAD—Wc have : cured 'ca<ps that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability ol 15 or 20-doctors.; One man told us be had •spent $5OO on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the ointment cured mtui. BALDNESS,-It will restore ihe liair soouer •han any <*t!ier thing. BURNS—It is the best thing in the world, for Bums. (Read the directions around the box.) WORMS—It will drive every vestige of them away. (Read the directions around the box ): There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth a: once.so sure and aosni'e in the expulsion of worms. ■ <& CORNS—Occasional use of the ointment will ulwaj-s keep corns from growing. People, need never be troubled with them if ihev will use it. PILES— riioufonds are yenrlv cured bv this , ointment. JAMES McALLI&TER & Co., 's\ Sole proprietors of the aboye medicine. CAU fION—No Ointment will be genuine unlessriie names of James iMcAllister, or. Jauiea McAllister & Co., arc written w'nh a pen upon ev»ry lable. . j Read tlie Communication, Received from an old, respected and .well known citizen of Philadelphia, and then judge f .r yourself. Philadelphia, lOtli month 13ih, 1846. To T. B. Peterson,'No. 91 Chetmni street— Having been requested tri give mv opinion on the meriisuf McA LUSTER'S SALVE, Ijnin wilting to enumerate some of the benefits which j conceived I have experience in the use of the article. In the spring of 1843, I had auuttnck'uf Erysip* «las in my tace which became very poinfiil, apd ex ended into one of tny ey» s. being attended, with f< ver. my distress wu9 great, 1 begun to be fearful ol loeing niy'-eyc. A short time previous to ik e, a pamphlet was thrown.into my house, entitled InveinMble.Pers* piratinu," setting forth tho virtues of Ale A Mister's Salve. • . . Although not much a believer in w-hai is termed" quack mediciuo, l purchased a box and made an npplicoii nto my tneo. Tu tny surprisu the pain soon abated, and in a weeks time J was entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it was the strive, under Providence that cured me. From that time to the present I Imve used the article as occasion required, ond iu every case where 1 have used it, I have found a decided benefit. At one time, on going tobed.Rl night, my throat was so sore that I swallowed with difficulty, but.by nn applicn:ton of the salve 1 was relieved before morning. I have uscJ it in cases of burns, bruises, sprains and flesh cuts, all with the happiest t'fi'ecrs, and one case ol poisoning by a wild vine in ihe woods, lias hren dried up and cured by a few applications. From my own experience, 1 would strongly re c immc.nd it to all, as a cheap, convenient iamily medicine. It requires no preparation other than to rub it on the ufflicted part. I have become-k> partial tu it, that 1 exptet to keep it constantly in my family. I hough not unibiiious to appear in print, yer I cannot. refu*'e to have this communication made public ii judged best lo‘serve the-cause,of fiuniani ty• Respectfully thine, ' WM. ADA-'MS* No. 26, Old York Road. hereby certify, that I have used McAllister's ointment for a pain in my side, which gave me im mediate relief. I have also used it in my fumily for croup and found it the best remedy I ever tried’-- Any person wishing to know the facts will cheer fully be iiiformed by calling on inein Washington, Pa. Having experienced its happy effects I can recommend it to the public as an excellent medi rine. j. T. PORT. fcr PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX «C 0 The following gentlemen are agents for the ciiy and county.of Lancaster: J F Hcinnsti & Son, - } J Gish &, Co., C City of Lancaster. John F Long. 3 A E Roberts & Co., New Holland. George,Ross, Elizabethtown. Samuel Enpmingcr. iVlanheim Abraham C Hull. Strasburg. Samuel P Sterrct, Mouinjoy. J T Anderson Marietta. Rudojph Williams, Columbine march 2 Hedeuberg’s Patent Air-Tight Parlor Coal Stove* Anew, beaiuifut, convenient, and fuel-saving Parlor Goal Stove is now fur the firs* time introduced tQ the public. The proprietors f<cl confident. that upon an ex. animation of those in operation, they will be pro* nounced to lie the best* most useful and economical stoves yet invented. . With a comparatively small quantity of fuel, this stove will radiate a greater quantity of heat, (not dry or parched, as is soncrally tbe case in the ordinary coal stoves ) than any other stove now in use. CURTIFJCA T.ES I Jiave had one of Hedenberg's air-tight coal' : stoves in use since the middle of last Octobcr—am emirely satisfied with it—and believe it to ; be cope- 1 rio/ to any description of stove hitherto introduced. : It requires much less coni than a common radiator stove of the same size—produces rio annoying radiant heat—and with ordinary care there ca;> be neither dirt on the carpet nor dust on the furniture. There is no difficulty in managing it, or in keeping* up the fire over fight, at email cost of fuel, byk properly closing the checks. I have kept up thei fire in min? continuously fur a period ol five weeks. Before purchasing the one I have, I carefully examined a large variety of specimens from other - inventors and makers, exhibited at the. Fair of tbe . American Institute, in New York, and selected it as being, from its construction, most likely to prove . a superior article. A protracted trial of it*, in.aciua! use, haS"convinced me thut I did not mis-estjmale. its merit's; and I am fully persuaded that, as -re girds convenience, cleanliness, and economy-com bined, it will not easily be superseded. Samcel Wagner. We have in operation in our couniingrrtiohr ride of “ Hcdenherg’s patent air-tight coal .strive*,**' which, by actual and constant use, for more than two months, we give the decided preference to &ny stove with which we are acquainted. The stipe* rioniy of this stove over every other kind with' which we have any knowledge, i« that it dispense* '' a pleasant and healthy heat throughout the room • equally—consumes very little coal—is easily kept in-order —and there is an entire t absence ol dust. We have some knowledge of almost every kind of' sieve heretofore introduced to the public, but con fidently give this the preference. York, Feb; 10,1847- . P. A. & S. Small. I hereby certify that I have used “ HedenbergV' patent air-tight coal'stove.\* for two months paff,. and that I am bet ter satisfied with it than any other coat stove 1 ever used. I heat (too large rooms by it, a parlor and the chamber above, and heal them both at the same lime, and with jess consumption of fuel than is used in the ordinary coal stove to warm a single foorn. The heat is pleasanter than that of the former kinds of coal stoves, and is ’ sufficient from a small fire to warm the largest apartment. D- FI. Emerson. •York, January, 1847. I have this winter used one of “ fledenberg’s patent air-tight coal stoves,*' with much satisfac tion, warming with it, comfortably, two rooms, (one above the other;) without consuming more.fuel than was* before required to warm one of those ruggis.. In the convenience with -which it vis managed, arid the cleanliness of it, it exceeds every other cbal stove I have yet use'd ; and the hqat of it is more equal and agreeable, possessing: lew of that unpleasant dryness which is generally experienced from stone coal fires. The excellent of this, stove lias induced me to order another one ihe.kind, to be used in the place of another coal Stove which before had been considered a very good one, York, February 4, 1847. ,F<>r the purpose of ihie etove ; :|p, ihft citizens of La'nccutet' county, one has, beenputi)p v at Mr. Christian Kiefier’a.ln East King street, and. another at the office bf the “ Intelligencer & Jour nal,” where the public ore invited to, call, and examine them in operation. ’ „ ’ADAM WORLEY Sl Co. , YorV, octfSb ' 39' John Evans.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers