Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 04, 1848, Image 1

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    • cl t!. ■*.
or -the
TTTITH tiie present number. the Lanraater Intel--
VV , ligenctr Journal owned and conduct
cd by the undersigned. : Tn ; early life wo.werebred To
the-profession of a journalist, and discovering here
an Opportunity to return to it, \vn have chosen this
ancient city as our permanent location, and; invoke
the support of the Lancaster reading public, . ; |
Wo feel, too, that our lot is cast in ,a pleasant i
. plate.' : With a population exceeding ; in numbers, i
that of the entire, state of Delaware, and not-far I
behind that of Rhode Island—with a vast territdrt; j
fertile as.the hanks of the Nile, and abounding hi !
ev ? r y element of plenty and contentment—the' J
county of Lancaster constitutes almost a common
wealth within itself ATsolitary' cloud darkens the
horizon. :Here Federalism rejoices in its largest,
.majorities. But even this serves only to widen our
field of action, and to increase the necessity for
active amf energetic exertion. It was the boast of
the ancient'Spartans -that, they attacked their foes
„• without waiting to count their numbers. Are!
. here there is a Spartan minority of more than
5,000, .who, undismayed by superior forces, and
without a selfish stimulant, are ever ready to en
gage in:valiant .battle for their principles.'
On an occasion like the present, a custom, which
isl>f sufficient antiquity, we think, to form part oi
the k *common law.” demands a frank .avowal of
the principles by which we intend that our edi
torial'career shall be governed.
We design, then, with whatever ability We may
possess, to advocate and defend the broad and com
prehensive principle* of Democracy, as- handed
down by the revered fathers of our political system.
These are the principles which" constitute the
“ Gpod iOld Cause,” and which have made our
x -nation the greatest on the face of the globe. They
lead to the recognition of Tux People as the foun
tain of all political power, and the •• greatest good
of, the greatest number” as the. legitimate aim ol
well-administered government. Whatever measure
twidß therefore, to confer privileges ort the few.
which are not possessed In common by the many.,
we deem an infraction of our jboasted system of
Equality of Rights, and to that extent a-diminution
of the stock of popular Freedom. Against all such
heresies we intend sternly to set our face. We are
the avowed foe of class-legislation, in_.aU its Protean
shapes and -guises. ? '
Under our State Governments grants of incorpo
ration arc the chosen instrumentality to which
monopolists resort in furtherance of their, schemes
of covetousness and ambition. These give to inter
ested classes a control over the currency, often over
the price, of fodd and raimentj and eventuate as
effectually in the subjection and spoliation of the:
masses as Kingcraft itself. Notunfrequently, as in
the melancholy history of the United States Bank,
they lead to the corruption of legislation, hud the
of all the avenues of public authority.
How immeasurably-wiser that immunities so de
structive of the general welfare were never granted,
and that men were left free to the -state of property
jwhich results to each from his own industry and
that of his fathers. .
: The doctrines of the 'Democratic party on this
subject are those of common honesty and common
sense. It believes, that whatever objects' arc
within the compass of individual enterprise men
shcfldd be left free to accomplish in t.heir own way.
without the; intermeddling! of Government; and
that, when association is necessary, (lie substance
of the individual partners shall stand pledged lor
L the liabilities incurred in the work’s prosecution.
Accotintability is a law of-Heaven, andi should also
prevail, upon the'Earth. We opine it would taX
political ‘casuistry to its utmost to stammer out a
decent plausibility why it should not apply to cor
Whilst advocating these doctrines, we shall never
cease to render merited homage to that virtuous
, and inflexible statesman. Francis K. Siiiwk. who
jias dared and ..done so muctifor llieir rstiihlishmeu:
in our State Government.
In the name spirit we shall sternly oppose that
twin agent of oppression, which cratt and cunning
have nought to engraft on the policy of the general
government, and whose real character they cover
.with the flattering phrusn of a "protective tariff''
Among all the dexterous devices by which men in
modern times have contrived to impoverish’ and
subjugate the masses, none has proved more eileo
live, because none is ho insidious. The monarch*
of the Old World, when they inode the earning* of
their iWlows inure to themselves, readied the end
by moan* of edicts, to which belonged at least the
merit of bold and undisguised rapacity. Rut we
live in an age of fashion and improvement, when
the old modes of oppression would be voted com*
mon-pIuRG and vulgar. There be no royal mas*
ters now, who. like King John* of Kngland, extort
wealth by tearing the teeth frbm the mouths of its
possessors, but there be refined turift-mongers. who
levy, invisible and indirect contributions on the
people, all the while roundly affirming that it is a
process intended for the people's own special bene
fit and advantage ! \
- . Thanks to the sublime art of printing, and the
spirit of free inquiry and-free discussion, the light
of a saving experience and an ever extending pub
lic intelligence, the day has forever passed away,
when contradictions apd paradoxes passed current
for sound philosophy, and truth. It is difficult to
persuade men now. that the more they are taxed \
for an, article,.the cheaper the price of it—or that ;
the higher the rates of duty imposed on foreign !
importations, the more abundant the source of rev- I
enue to the government. The tariff of 18445. has |
jlissipated to the four winds the entire legion of !
fallacies, with which our opponents were wont to ;
fill the public mind. .It has proved the -ounce of ;
example * ! that has outweighed whole tons of false I
. precept. Not-prophets nor politicians, not preach- ;
ers nor laymen, not. statesmen «Sor \
the maledictions nor lugubrious lamentations/oPthc !
tariffocracy, have sufficed to defeat the stupendous j
truth, established by the crowning results/ of the
past year, that the producing interests, foremost |
among whifh-stands Aobicvlture, flourish best. !
when the laws are free from the taint of monopoly, I
and when Equality, not JVivilege, is the pervading :
principle. 1
. If the tariff policy of James K. Polk thus com
' mends itself to our approval, how much more his
admirable'war policy.. An unpardonable! derilec
tion of duty we wouldideem it, if we failed to de
vote a large portion of our columns to this subject.
When we review, the series of wanton insult, ag
gression, and. depredation, committed by Mexico
against the government and people of the United
• States, fora number of years, t onr wonder is, not
” thattbe sword Is the arbiter now. but that it slept
in its'Scabbard so long. No nation on earth can
point ,to a similar example of patient and long
suffering forbearance. Forever will it stand em
blazoned on the page of history, itself” its only par
allel." Possessing the power to inflict violence, the
United States for.years preferred to suffer violence, j
Strong enough, at any moment, to crush the foe in j
bis feebleness, we have contradicted all the received |
maxims of mankind, by permitting our strength- [
and his feebleness to serve as a pretext for the err- •
durance of the most humiliating accumulation of j
Wrong.- Ifthe geneivsity of nations has heretofore |
been considered a non-entity, its existence is unde- !
niably proven now. The brow of the republic is ;
encircled by many laurels, but among them all j
none appears so lovely as its moderation. i
But sadly has this humanity been thrown away '
i The divinities' seem to have sat in conspiracy !
• against. Mexico, and, as the prelude to her dei '
truction, to have made her mad. Besotted by ig- '
norance, and the mere sport of military adventurers i
she is making rapid strides towards the banks of '
the Rubicon; and with very little progress in folly '
and madness, she \yillbe undoneJ Fast sinking by
rife weight of her own decadence, unless she speed
‘ ily retraces.her.step3, Mexico will deserve
ter fate than, to be blotted -from the catalogue of
nations.. Impossible, as it is to contemplate her,
yithout mourning over ber- degradation, may we
.■ not believe that, looking beyond the narrow circle
' of the present, the chastening rod ig upon her fur
gc *l l’* '
. iVI I'V oJ:. it /X i
r v f'he peq>-U:;ii ik' •!'
T: j rii-f oi peupii, will
f and her mimiilLii [urc>. rv«.r!
Jf.‘ dicatc civili/e her i;,
- t - Jr *i’Vifvkitnce sometini’-' !
. IprvjnfJtsiblK if i* ticjt lh»- !- -i. ,
'■ V\* in working out its e:uK
, p y :.rmot conclude Ihi< '■, wr
J.- yri-commital of cur papex mthee.
ed usages arid aulhorities of lheDeujooratie party.
We to REeuidlfo Nominations,
whether'general ojr local, as not ices vital to-'Defo
ocratic ascendency, than is the air we inhale to the
preservation ,of . animal existence., :; To these usa
ges, therefore, we cpusecfale. ip advance,, pur ufo
qualifiiid airegiahce. A\foiist in all controversies
inehJ which are often unavoidable. we
shall claim'lhip , nght v bf eketcu»rrig“rrdT 6wri’prefhr
ences. it wiU be our stttdy 'so ; to respect the opin
ions of other?, that we. may extend a -cordiiil sup
port to M£f>,fovoritc,.in case tlfo tribunal, which is
to decide.for us a//, shaLl .award in their-/ayor. We
invoke from and’ among foe Democracy fofo l’rq-,
ternity, 1 withoiit which" tlie’ charms of politics are'
few* and its. hopes feeble. This is surely hot the
timeto turh oar weapons bn ourselves. 1m
It will be our-aim, also, as much as possible, to
make the Ititelfigenccr a welcome Familt Paper
—to till its columns with articles of general inter
est and information, both original and selected, —fib.
that each reader may find something suited to* his
taste. Congress is now m session, and soon the
State Legislature will be, whose proceeding* we
intend carefully to chronicle.
Having said thus much—more than .we intend
ed at the outset —we now launch our vessel on the
waters.' 'With the Lancaster County Democracy
it remains to say. whether its sails shall be filled
by prosperous breezes.
Lancaster, Dec. 58. 1847.
MERCHANT TAILOR; would most respect
fully inform his friends and the public that he
has received at his room, for a„number of years oc
cupied by Gotleib Halbach, deceased, as a shoe
store, in North Queen street, next door to the Ex!-
aminer & Herald office, a large assortment of ready
made CLOTHING, of every variety, cut and made
in the latestfall and winter styles. , • • i;
He would also inform his friends and \the public
that he pays particular attention to customer work,
and is prepared to make to order all articles in hiis
line, in the latest and most fashionable style, and
on the most reasonable terms. j
Scouring and Renovating attended to on the
shortest notice. He pledge's himself to give satis
faction to all who may wish garments renovated
and scoured. He desires to present his acknowl
edgements for past favors and solicits a continuance
of the public favor. j
September 21, 1847.
Fail Fashions.
D SHULTZ, Hatter, No. 19* North Queen sfj,
t would respectfully inform his friends and the
public that he has just received from NewYorkand
Philadelphia the latest Fall and Winter Fashions,
and wilKbe pleased to furnish his customers'and all
others with them at the shortest notice. As all his
Hats are manufactured under his immediate super
intendence, he feels warranted in saying, that for
durability and finish they cannot be surpassed by
any establishment in this or anv other citv in the
Union. His stock consists of Beaver, Nutria,
Brush, Russia, Cassimere, Moleskin, Silk, fee. &c.
which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. Call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
His assortment of Caps is one of the most extensive
inUlie city and he is adding to it daily. Customers,
tnav rest assured that they will be suited, as he has
carefully selected hi* stock from the largest assort
ments in New York and Philadelphia. Don't for
get the stand, directly opposite Michael’s Hotel,
North Queen street.
Country .Merchants visiting Lancaster, dealing in
Hats or Caps, can be supplied at wholesale prices,
from one to a dozen, such as they may want.
He also informs his numerous friends and custo
mers that he still continues to conduct the Hatting
business in all branches as heretofore, at his
to which place all orders for the delivery Of Hats
are requested to be forwarded,
sep 4-14-Jy DAVID SHULTZ.
Fall and IV inter Clothing,
At the sign of the Dig Pants, North Queen street,
between Seholfield’s Hotel and the Post Office.
(1 KO. SPURRIER, thankful; to 'the public for
X past favors, begs leave to inform them, that
he is still selling the best made and cheapest cloth
ing offered Tor sale in this city,
He would cull particular attention to a lot of su
perior Black Cloth Cloaks, the handsomest ever of
fered-for/ah* in this city. Also, a lot of superior
Black Cloth Sack and Over-Coats, lined and wadded
nil through, and made by the best workman in the
eitv. !
His stock of ready made clothing is verv large
and well selected,' consisting in part ot ( Block
Cloth iOres* and Frock Coats;; Black and Fancy
Cassiniere Pants; Black and Fancy Satin Vests;
Sattinet Pants of all kind,* and at all prices;'a
great variety of Over-Coats from 2 to 20 dollars.
He hns always on hand u fine assortment of linen
breamed shirts, sham*', collars.cravats,suspenders,
gloves, and all kind* of knit and flannel under
shirts and drawer*.
llis assortment of Cloths, Caaslmeres and Vest
ings is large, which he will inuke to measure in the
moat fashionable maimer, a.nd at the lowest cash
prices. r ‘ . ‘ l ;
Customers’ work made at the shortest notice, and
in a workman-like manner, by the beat hands in this
city. Pont forget, sign of the Big Panin
between Srholfieldv Hbterand the Post Office,
oct 12-37 f. GEORGE SPURRIER, Tailor.
TheLnited States’ Clothing Store.
Sign of the striped coat,by REUBEN
35 Norlli Queen street, corner of Orange, oiie
square from the Court House, East’side; Lan'cas-
• ter, Pa. * ' • -
FIIHIS inamlnoth establishment’, now contains by
| far the largest and cheapeatassortmentof men-’s
and boys’ well made clothing in the city of Lancas
ter, and will positively not fre quderooTd by any
other. The istock includes every description of
clothing worn at the present day., The most fash
ionable, as well as the mo9t plain, so that all tastes
may be suited. The subscriber being a practical
and experienced tailor, gives his entire personal
attention to the business, and has*every garment
made under his immediate inspection by_the best
workmen; in the State, and as he buys all his goods
in the Eastern cities for cash, can confidently re
commend the inhabitants of Lancaster city and
countv, one and all, to the
and convince themselves that it is thje right place
to buv cheap and well-made clothing.
A large variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings,
&c. of the very finest as well as common qualities,
always on hand and made up to order in good
styles at a very small advance on wholesale prices;
Thu latest London and Paris Fashions always re
ceived, and CUSTOMER WORK made according
to the latest patterns and in the highest style of the
art by the very best workmen.
A fine assortment of shirts, shams, collars,, cra
vats, stocks, and Stiffner’s gloves, handkerchiefs,
suspenders, hosiery, and all kinds of Flannel and
knit under shirts and drawers. Also, umbrellas,
cheap. ' . K .
Thankful for ;past favors I respectfully solicit: a
continuance of public patronage, and feel cbhfideht
that all purchasers will find it to their advantage to
deal, with me as lam avoid all hath- ■
bug and misrepresentation, and sell goods for what
they really are. REUBEN" ERBEN,Tailor*.
United States Clothing Store, Sign of the. Striped
Coat,No. 35 North Queen street, corner of Orange,
one square from the Court House, East side, Lan
caster, Pa. Sep 28-35
Removal of tlie Cheap Cash ;
J... GORMLEY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully
# informs the citizens of the city and county bf
Lancaster —his customers and the' customers 1 'of
Simon J. Young, that he has taken the stand so
long qccupfed by S. J. Young, two doors south'.of
Orange Street, and next door to J. Gish & Co.'s
Book Stored where he has the largest assortment of
readymade clothing ever, offered in .the city of
i Lancaster. This stock consists of Cloaks, Bangup,
. Sack, Dress, Frock, Walking and Riding Coats,"
j Roundabouts for boys of all sizes and descriptions.
I J-G. returns thinks for the ninny favors afrd
| hopes that his friends add the customers of S. J.
Young and the public in general will continue |to
favor him with their calls. [nov 16--42
‘i-iqd: jULftRiEA would rc«poctfu!ly int't£uv ! w-#«
. VtfT friend*. cas-toir. •-, and the pvulic-n generM,
that lie has r.-moved hia Store from his oU !
stand next dour to the r 'osi .Office, to one drior !
: -oiuh of John Bcii-'ji IVur Office, and nearly !
i*pp«*-„:'e J. V ■ !.:r.*;l'i* Hotel, u' th» : sign of ihc Bic
Panw. where 2:1 wel: to call that
I DO" Customer’s '.v»;rk .'.Pended . the shorter:
■ notice, u'-.d made in a workmanlike manner. Don’t
! foiget thr {dricv-. of the Big Pant 9.
dec 7 *47 ‘5 if= GEO. SPURRIER. •
1 iiV\v :in»l i>«
Who wauls to buy a first rale suit
Coal, rautalnons, aiwt Veil to boot—' .
For a few dollar* I—lTei Hhn call
At F. J. Kr iHyh's New ClMililnß Hail i
Where'Wintpr Uloililng—ready made —
(The bp4l.atideh*aj«it nf-fh'eTrarie)
Is krpl for sale, and may be lupighl
A* prices fur hpiati yMir'thrmglii. ‘ • ’ ■
C‘oats, ( Inalj* uud Vesisof evijry.hue. .
And Panlaldons-and Bitnifni'S iho.
(>‘'.£Very>liu«le, sluiueuiid ••
Are here displayed before your eyis :
. : llfra-Qiay.the coon.fiMliiions find'
A paitern suited in his mind.
Then liable at once,and make a cull
. On F.J Kbampii’s. at QI.D OtK iIALL.
F J. KRA'.MPfr, north-east corner of Nojib
'• ‘Queetv'and Orange streets, and‘nearly oppo^
site.foerPosi Office, Lancaster, has-now oh hand
the largest assortment of Fail and. Wiaierj.Ready
Vtrid<*‘Clb hing that has ever t een olTereil in thi
city ;i Cloaks, Ban°up3. '-Sacks,' Frock and Dress
Cont.i, Pants and of every dcecriptinn, to
gether «Ttli a good- assortment of Bops' Clot/ihie
■Mis stock- of uii-eut Goods, sucb'as CLOTHS.
dtc.q &.C., &c., is large a:<d selected with greut
care, so that all who like to have their clothing
made to order, can he accommodated in a very
short time a d in the fiesi manner, as he ha 9 fifty
of the best hands employed. Hie assortment ol
Shirts of all kinds, Drawers, Shams. Suspenders.
S'ockjngs, &.c. (fee., is as usual, very good. He
return's his thank 9 for pasi favors and hopes that
his friends and foe pubhc in general will continue
to favor bim calls, as his motto still
continues to be “quick sale's and small pr.ifits.”
oet 26 i 39-
Fashionable Fall and Winter
Call at the New Clothing Establishment, West King
street, between Cooper &fLichty’s and C. Hager’s
store, opposite to Steimnan & Son’s Hardware
B LIGHTY, Merchantman or, has always on
• hand a stock of made clothing, of the
cheapest and best to be had in the city. .He would
call attention to the following articles, and feels
assured will be able to gjwfr'general satisfaction to
all who will favor him with their custom. His stock
consists in part as follows:
Dress and Frock Coats, Cassimere Pants, Neck
and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Vests of all kinds,
Drawers, Suspenders, &c, together with every arti
cle of clothing for gentlemen’s and boys’ wear,
which he will sell at the very lowest rates. Cloths,
Cassimeres, and Vestings always on hand.
Having just received the New York and Phila
delphia Spring and Summer Fashions, he is pre
pared to attend to customer’s work, which'will be
warranted to be done in the best manner and with
punctuality. oct 26—39.
Great Bargains—The Cheapest fl&
Hat Store in the City!
SIGN of the Golden Hat.-j—Fall Fashions andß e
moval. Jacob Hess, corner .of East King and
Duke Streets, opposite the Farmers’ Bank, would
most respectfully notify his friends ami the public
generally, that lie has removed his shop from North
Queen street to the above stand ; and' very cordially
invites all of his old customers, and as manv new
ones as. would wish to-fiae*? a dollar in the purchase
of a hat, to give him a call, as be can sell tUom a
handsome and durable article at least one dollar
lower than can be purchased at many other shops.
He is also prepared to fill all orders for HATS and
CAPS, of the best quality and latest styles, prompt
ly and on terms as accommodating as can he ob
tained at any other stand.' He would allfto sav his
Fall and Winter Fashions are now ready, and
invite all to call, examine and judge for themselves.
He keeps constantly on hand, and manufactures
to order, all sizes of Cassimere, Brush, Russia,
Nutria, Silk and Napped Hats, .together with an
assortment of plain and cheap hats, which he will
sell on moderate terms* Also, a general assort
ment of Men's and Boy’s CAPS, very cheap.
He returns his thanks for tlie patronage hereto
fore bestowed upon him, andJtriists that those wish
ing fashionable and durable Hats and Caps will
consult their own interest by giving bim a call:
but don't forget the place—corner of East King
and Duke streets, or you'll miss, a bargian that
you’ll not forget in a hurry! Remember, right op
possite the Farmers’ Bank, sign of the Golden Hat.
apr 13’47-lhtf] JACOB HESS.
Spreelier & Kohrer’N Cheap Hard-
ware Store.
TT ARDWARK, Glass, Paints,Oils,and Varnitdiei
Xl at that long established stand, East King st>,
Lancaster, formerly occupied by Howett & Krieder,
a few duors oast of the Court llouho, next door to
the Drug Store of James!Smith, and opposite (ico,
Messenkop's Hotel, which thoy have recently taken
and where they will carry on the business.
. They most respectfully beg leave to invito the
attention of their friends and acquaintances to their
stock of Hardware, which they have iust opened
and will sell at tiie most reasonable prices, includ
ing every variety of Iron and Steel, I.atcheß, Locks,
Bolts, Hinges, Screws, and all kinds of building
materials, every description of Files, Blacksmith’s
Bellows, Saddlery,.best warranted Edge Tools,
Planes, and Veneers. Also a complete assortment
of CEDAR WARE, such as tubs, buckets, butter
churns, together with every article in their line.
They will keep constantly on hand .every variety ;of
Coal and Wood Stoves; also a frigidv approved
COOKING; STOVE. • * ' • ’
The attention of young beginners is particularly
called to their full and complete assortment of
household utensils, '
Determined - to spare do pains to accommodate
purchasers, and by adherence to business,
they expect to merit ,a continuance of the liberal
patronage thus far bestowed upon< them. • • ,
Old Metal and Fldksepd taken, in exchange for
goods. janl3-50
Great Bargains.
DR. fc*-C. A. EHL'ER, have just opened ai
• Their cheap cash Dry Goods siore, in the
National Hoose building, North Quern street,a
splendid assortment of
Cloths of all colors.
Black and Fancy Cassimeres.
Vestings of every description.
Plaids of every description, Cashmeres, Moualin
de Raines, Alpachns. Shnwls, Flannels, 'ricking?
and Checks, Hosiery and Gloves, See. Sec.
The public are invited io:callaud examine their
stock as they are determined to sell at a small ad
vance for cash.
Be nnie you are Right, (lien’
so Ahead.
THIS jsan excellent motto and should always
be before us-in all conditions of life—umlet i
all circumstances it is useful—but how mtich more !
so to those who arc in search of GRAT BAR >
GAINS in the shape of beautiful DRYGOODS !
Id them first find out where the '‘.BEE HIVE'!
is,located —let th'eth satisfy themselves that thiy
actually are in the Bee Hive Siore, ihen, and only
then can ih'ey ; go'ahead and buy, ior they will be
sure io get cheap and good gvodi.
The spirit of the;age is in keeping with the above
PLAIN truths. Energy and Tiuih can alone satisfy
the wants of the. people ol this enlightened age. ■
We are receiving daily NEW GOODS for. the
HOLIDAYS; every Father, Mother, Sister,
Brother and all those who have neither should at
least call—if-otily to please an idle curiosity, and
see the beautiful goods'm the Bee Tlivr,’North'
Qdccn street, 10 doors north of tlie : Pbsi Office *
.CIIAS.. E.UVENTZ & ;bro‘
dec 21 ,j , A7-tf
AOt/ 10 bags Old Gov’i Java do.
25 bids Crushed and Pulverised Sugar.
23 do S. H. Sugar. . >
hbda Porto "Rico !do. '
do Syrup Molasses -
do Sugar HdoselMolapses.
biles of N-: E. Hops. :
Tbe above articles ure in suite and for sale by
i 47-3 r
dec 21 •• u j
■ -K ' '
i»p. C. Shiirafe, Hsiaespsthfe
. *. „„, • -I’h'jsicUiis.
j \1- FICE in N’or-o Qc-ecu. '.r-'j't.ii. F. J, Kramph's
V J ’•oMj'u;;, uj> -itu;;-*, , Pa.. '.omlr-rs hi;*
'•.rot'<’e=:;-jK'! service to thr ciUzem; hi' ,
.Mlf! 1.1';': Vl'.Vo j .••!::■ ''llv, falKi iswre <.J.-ir;r|a!lv l.<
i\r*-1-!|V' TiijJ- ---(r.- V 1):6-'-?r-i y/ 'uV,:\
respectful!} !!.u;nn> Ui*):.. :.ul iir , r. lirsf...; t u <- (jre
.ill kind:', oi Arute iUiJ Chranic DiVd-:,*. %••;»!*. k .are iu
their an Lure curable, in .. r>orft‘.-- easy. .-.i’d n> ;w
manner The n'i'diesne i> '.thninintmed unt-mal!..
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Select Ipoetrn.
Oh, if there is one law above the reßi
Written in Wisdom—if there is a word
That I would trace as with a pien of fire
Upon the unsullied temper of a child —
If there is anything that keeps the mind
Open to angel visits, and repels
Theministry of ill —'tis human love !
God has made nothing worthy of contempt.
The smallest pebble in the well of truth
Has its peculiar meaning, and will stand
When man’s best monuments wear fast away.
The law of Heaven is love and though its name
Has been usurped by passion, and profan’d
To its unholy uses through all time,
Still, the eternal principal is pure
And in these deep affections that we feel
Omnipotent within us, can we-see,
The lavish measure in which lpve is giv’n.
And in the yearning tenderness of a child,
For every bird that sings itehoad ;
And every creature feeding on the hills
And every tree and flower, and running brook,
We see how everything was made to love.
And how they err, who in a world liko this,
Find anything to hate but human pride.
I really take it very kind.
This visit, Mrs. Skinner!
I have not seen you such an age- 1 —
(The wretch has come to dinner!)
.Your daughters, too, what'loves of girlw,
What heads for painter’s easels !
Come here and kiss the infant, de:ir* —
(And give it p'rhaps the mensels!)
Your charming hoys I sec are home
From Reverend Mr. Russel’s;
’Twas very kind to bring them both—
(WJuit boots lor my new'brussela !)
What! little Clara left at Home !
Well now I call that shabby
I should have loved to kiss her bo —
(A flabby dabby baby !)
And Mr. S., 1 hope he's well,
Ah! though lie lives so handy,
He never now drops in to sup—
(The better for our brandy !)
Cnme, take a seat—l long to hear
About Matilda's marriage;
You’re come, of course, to spend the day
(Thank Heav’n I hear the carriage !)
What! must you got—next time I hope
You’ll give me longer measure;
Nay—l shall see you down the stairs—
(With most uncommon pleasure!)
(rood bye ! good bye ! rembmher ull,
Next time you'll take your dinners!
(Now David, mind, I'm not at homo
In future to the Skinners I)
Firmness op Character— . There is no trait
in the human character so potential for weal or
woe, as firmness of purpose. It is wonderful to
see what a miracle a resolute and unyielding spirit
will achieve. Before ij^.irresjs^le,-fnprgy the
most formidable obhucW DCcoine as cobweb bar
riers in its-path. Difficulties,' the terror of which
causes the pampered sons of luxury to shrink "back
with dismay, provoke from the man of lofty deter
mination only a smile. The whole history pf our
race—all nature, indeed—teems with examples to
show what wonders may be accomplished by reso
lute perseverance and patient toil.
It is related of Tamerlane, the celebrated war
rior, the terror of whose arms spread through all
the Eastern nations,"andwhom victory attended at
almost every step, that he once learned from an
insect a lesson of perseverance which had a strik
ing effect on his future character and success.
When closely pursued by his enemies—as a cotem
porary tells the anecdote—he took refuge in some
old ruins, where left:to his solitary mu&ings, he
espied an ant tugging and striving to carry away
a single grain of corn. His unavailing efforts were
repeated sixty-nine times, and at each several time,
so soon as he reached a certain point of projection,
•he fell bark, with his burden, unable to surmount it.
But the seventieth time he bore away his spoil irj
triumph, and left the w'ondering hero re-apimated
and exulting in the hope of future victory.
£2 How pregriant the lesson this incident conveys ?
How many thousand instances there are in which
inglorious defeat ends the career of the timid and
desponding, when the same tenacity of purpose,
the same unflinching perseverance, would cpnvn it
•with triumphant success. :
Resolution is almost omnipotent. 1 Sheridan was
at first timid, and obliged to.sit down in the midst
of a speech. Convinced of, and 1 mortified at, the
cause of his .failure, he said one day to a friend:
It is in me, and shall come out.” Prom that
moment he rose, and shone, and triumphed in a
consummate eloquence. • Here Was true and moral
courage. Anil it was well observed by a heathen
moralist, that it is not because things are difficult
that we dare not undertake them. Be then bold .in
spirit. Indulge no doubts, for doubts are traitors.
In the practical pursuit of our; high aim. b-t hs
never lose sight of it in the. slightest instance ; for
it is more by a disregard of a piail. things, than by.
open and'flagrant offences, that men come short, of
excellence; There is always a right and a wrong;
and if you ever do not idke the'
wrong. Observe thismttiley experience
will be to you a means of advancement.
, Thoughts.— There is .something
.touchingly beautiful in words when rightly pm u>-
gether. They leave an impression that can never
be effaced. ! We have read again and again, till' it
is as familiar to us as the face oifa friend, the fol
lowing splendid thought, and yefevery time we see
it, His. fresh and beautiful as ever.. :i The author we
know, nor, but he deserved IS oe,' immortal izci 1 for
this morc.eau alone :r-- !
. t “.How beautiful falls ■ ;
From human lips that blessed word Fo&oivr.;
Forgiveness —’tia-the attribute of God-
The.sound which openeth heaven: renews again
On earth lost Edeu-s lbded bloofo j and flings
Hope’s halcyon lialoe’er 'tke-wairte of life.
Thrice happy he whose heart has been so schooled
tn the meek leasonagf humanity, '
’That he can utterance,; it imparts
Celestial erandeur to the human-soul.
And man ari angel.i *
Thirtm.* Yxah h Work for; a B;bi.p..— ln the
Vi jf K’Ti.*. fb - wages of a laboring -mu were I-
. .«•»!> a day, while 1 ihe.jrno of a Bird" ui
i;i- same perio 1 was SISO. A m .hion laborer
in those days iisist toil on iriiidstrioady lor 13 iony
years, if he would possess amp\ ... ihe word o:
Ood! Now the earnings of hat;'j. e. , wilt pay 'l,r
r.y*t.ol a beautifully prirled' copy oi ; die sat mi
What u ronuast! What .ip LI ; ton
w; fVi? DOV.’Sf of , iifi pK*st!-
I " Human Rights—Au Eloquent
Passage. ' : ‘
I have thus endeavored to make history illustrate
my proposition.foy vi’atching the appearance of this
principle at' different periods, and studying its char
acter and-gauging its strength. ‘ But the present'
np. jess .than the past, throws in its testimony ; and
even now this . strange, unconquerable principle, is
moving, on, dragging the life and energy' of the
world after it Oh, it is fearful' to behold its
strength, and the upheavings it has obcasioned!
Ever since the time of Christ, man has striven
more or less resolutely to get an acknowledgment
of his rights, either in religious or political matters,
or in both. Despots have made use of old rever
ence—superstitious fears—^trickery,
bayonet and the scaffold—to silence his claims and
overcome his' arguments. : Force has done much,
for though ;
u Truth crushed to earth will rise.again,”
it.often requires "the eternal years of God;’ and
men have succeeded in burying it fathoms deep.—
But the one of which I have been speaking, has
had two wild resurrections; one in England, when
Cromwell shouted over its grave, and-one in France,
when the infuriated populace called it in shrieks
forth from its burial of ages. Gh! how man has
struggled to be free—free to eat the bread his own
hand has sown—free to breathe his thou'ghts over
the lyre, or utter them through the pages of his
country’s literature—free to lay the taxes he. him
self pays—free to worship God according to the
dictates of his own conscience. See England con
vulsed, her House of Commons in tears,foul the
torch of civil •war*blazing over the land, and all for
a principle —the principle of personal freedom. Be
hold this country, pouring out, its blood like water
—see it clothed in mourning^—her children march
ing barefoot over the frozen ground, leaving their
bloody testimonials on every foot of it they tra
versed ; nay, marching by hundreds naked into
battle, and all for this one principle!
See France Tent assunder, her streets flowing
blood, and the loud beat of the alarm drum and the
steady peal of the tocsin, and the heavy roll of the
tumbrils, going to and from the scaffold—the only
music of Paris for years—and millions of men sac
rificed; and yet this principle, in some form or
other, lying at the bottom of it all. Deceived as
the fierce actors'in this tragedy may have been, and
diverted, though the thought, for. a while, might
have been to personal safety or personal aggrandize
ment, yet the spell-words by which the storm was
directed were u freedom, equal rights." Look at
Europe, while the great Napoleon drama was per
forming—there is something more than the unrol
ling of banners and the pomp and majesty of arms.
Great deeds are wrought, and glory is the guiding
star to thousands, yet that long and fearful struggle,
notwithstanding bloody accompaniments and waste
of treasure, and loss of life, and suffering, simply
an effort to stop the progress of this one principle.
Here all the diplomacy’ and hypocrisy of Europe
are reduced to a single element—the world in amis
against equal rutkfo. France ;1 threw down the
head of a king as the guage of battle," and the con
flict was set. Cromwell’s army shouting through
the fight, and French patriots storming over en
trenchments uith republican songs in their mouths,
may be fanatical or deluded men, and cheated at
last by ambitious chieftains, bill ihe thing they
sought was no delusion.
What u terror it is able to inspire when such a
vast expenditure of life and money is made to check
its advancement. Behold the Czar of Russia, the
Emperor of Germany, the King of Prussia, and even
Pitt of England, combined together, calling on the
wisdom of the statesman and summoning to their
aid uunillion of men to crush a single principle.
Our Country’* Destiny.
When President Polk, in his message of last
year, asserted that we ought not to tolerate any
farther, interference. on the part of European gov
ernments, .in the uilhirs of. the American continent,
the opposition ridiculed the idea os preposterous in
the ext rente. 11 was stoutly contended that we ought
to remain quiet, unci let the jealous government of
the old world establish their aristocratic institution*
all around un. And not only was the position of
President Polk declared to be un untenable one,
but we were gravely told that we had not the power
to prevent such Sfyroftean interference, however
strongly w« might desire to do no, and that therefore
we had-better say nothing about it. Since thut
time, the illustrious achievements of the American
arms have demonstrated thut we ure more abun*
duntly able to cope with powerful unities, thun we
were in our successful wars with Great Britain,.
The strength of the nation has' not been fully
tested by the present war with Mexico, successful as
it has been. A powerful opposition has been un*
ceasingly waged against this war in our very midst.
The political death-warrant of those engaged in
this opposition is already signed, and ' they will
never be able to embarrass the uetion of the* gov
ernment in future contests with foreign nations.
The martial spirit of the people is now aroused,
ami in the distant future we look for triumphs as
splendid, and still more important in their conse
quences, than those which have immortalized our
troops in Mexico.
It is the sure destiny of our nation to occupy
this whole continent, sooner or later. Our popular
institutions, the indomitable energy of our people,
and the progress of events, all point to this grand
result. Whoever shall undertake to stop the ear
of America, will find themselves, crushed beneath
its wheels.
In a notchy C. B. Brown of Volney's view of
the United' States, published in 1804, the following
remark is made in reference to the acquistion of
Louisiana. ‘ ; This circumstance has aided the im
agination in its excursions into futurity, and instead
of anticipating the extension of this empire, merely
to the sea oh the South, and to the great river on
ttee North, we may be sure, that, in no long time,
if will stretch East and West from sea to seg, and
from the North Pole to the Isthmus of .Panama.” —
Boston Times.
Life's Pendulum. —At 1 every swing of the pen
dulum a spirit goes into eternity. The measure of
our life is a hand-breath: it is a tale that is told;
it 3, rapidity is like the Wift shuttle or the flying ar
row ; it is brief as the fading flower, or the dazz
ling meteor; it is a bubble;it is a breath. At
every swibg of the pendulum; a -spirit• goes into
eternity. Between the rising and setting sun 4J2.CMJO
souls are summoned before their Creator. Death
is very busy, night and day, at all seasons, in all
climes. True, as -well as beautiful, are those lines
of Mrs. Hemans—
■ Leaves have their time to fall, •••
And flowers to wither atthenor.tb wind’s breath.
And stars to set—but all.
Thou hast all season# for thine own, 0 death !
lie is supplied with a lioundless variety of darts
'and arrows,-with wHirh-'hfe aed<Mnp!isKes KiVwoYk:’
Could all the. forms to which death comes to man ,
be written together, what a long and tearful cata.-,
logue would it.make. Think of the innumerable
number of diseases, all at the command - of death.
And as though these were not sufficient, see how
man is exposed to fatal accidents on every hand,,
and at every moment. It . was a saying of Flavel,
that “the smallest pore in the body is a door large
enough to let in death." “The leanest gnat in the
air." says the same writer, “may choke'one, as it
did Adrian, or the Pope of Rome. A little hair in
milk may*as t it : . did n ppflnselloctiti
Rome. A little skin of a raisen may stop one’s
breath, as it did the lyric poet, Anacreon.’’ A lit
tle ognailon a linger recently proved the avenue of
death to a physician of this city, who was in the :
vigor of life and health. Even the food we cat to
nourish us, and the air we breathe, may introduce
death into our systems. And though everything
else should fail to harm us, we might fall beneath
oiir own hands .should Cod permit a cloud toipa&s '
bver our reason. 0, how insecure is life! hownear
is fUath! Vfhatbo*'-n sa-.d ot the mariner in
, respect tohU ship. that 1 ho always sails' Witt:*,
• .inch*'- of death," may be .said of the sou! in
i •:*: : 1 ••l»<.M]y It* th*> <hip splits,'then the
, ia,
if ouj earthen vessel break? ihe soul
:* forever into the >horflt\ss-ocean of ete.r
i.,tV;’cre uo.r not' and deaden
ed, '■ mould read a warning 1 in every sear leaf. r»t*d
hear an mimon* .m in ewry wind dhui - . a.=.
Tveti fil» *ti. *iiutnre'> sweet restorer.' 1 - ••••.. uid bn a
nightly monitor of ’ an emblem
ot tiioiiality. - - C.-'l' ~ <
A Small Man’s Misfortune*.,: ,
There ynp considerable alarm in tho.paUce office
yesterday morning,.amongst ,foe .officers, when the
Kecordercalled for;' ( BiH Rffibs.” For some time
the eulprit could not be found; but at ‘ fast the cbl
lar.of.ahugebianket coat was Turned down, t aml
an individual with a foce as full of : wrinkles:aaa
frost-bitten crab-apple, answered vyith the, timidity
peculiar to small men in large’ crowds, u that’s n:e.”
Mr. Ribbs’ coat was very' green, and as shaggy as
foe hide of- a Shetland pony—he was baretoOtcd,
hatless, and, evidently had devils and.
red monkeys before nis eyes.' ' .
“ Ribbs,” said the Recorder, “ you were found ro
ving about last night.”
‘Did you speak to me, sir!” inquired Ribbs;
with a convulsive start.
"Yes, I did speak to you. : You were found
roaming the streets last night—-have you no place
of residence?” ‘ -
“No, sir,” answered Ribbs in a” piaflo tone,“l
ain’t got no home—residence —do nathhv’ ri'm
a' wictim.' siT.” " . .
“A Victim of what? Gf love, malice or misfor
tune?” ‘' is. ■■
‘•Of ’email, sir. I wos bom-in misfortin, cra
dled in malice, and 111 die in foe workhouse. .1
wos stunted when I was young, sir—when • I wos
a bloomin’ child I wasn’t bigger than a baby'—and
now that I’m a man, I ain’t the size of a ordinary
twelve-year-old boy. It’s a judgment Pm a pay
ing’ for the wanity of my parents, sir—theirsina is
wished on me* sir, and I’m warped!”
“ You’re warped—what do you mean ?”
“ I'm shrunk up to a ’natomy—the fat’s all. fried
out of me—everything in this World is too big for
me, and I feel like nothin’ nowhere. My pappy
wos a six-iooCsix-incher, and my mammy weighed
most two hundred; but when I wos born, sir, then
the truth came home to ’em, and they felt that in
me they wos punished for braggin’ on their bigness.
You could have put mein a quart mug, I wos so
littler. I wos weighed in a pair of ’potecary’s
scales, and when my mother heered as how I was
so many ounces in weight, she hated me from that
minute, and refused to nuss me!”
“ Refused to nurse you! That was very: inhu
Inhuman—it was cruelty, sir.' They rented me
out to a lean woman, as was blessed with twins, to
be nussed; but it wos no use. My mouth, was so
small that they had. to feed me through a quill,
which accounts for my litterary turn of mind.
They never give- me the' milk, but the bonnyclabber
of human kindness, and my infant sensibilities was
soured, and I was throwtf into the world, all warp
ed and curdled up,‘to big to do nothin' and to little
to get a liven.’ At thirteen year old a charitable
gentleman hired me to be showed as a dwarf—but
the doctor* looked at my teeth, and said I wasn't
old enough for that business, so my purtector drop r
ped me as if I wos a werry small hotpertater, and
I had to shift for myself again. I then engaged at
a theatur to do the ‘ InfimtFernomenum ’ parts, but
a littler performer than me come- along, and I was
;again laid on the shelf. Then I took to sellin'. pen
ny papers; but the Chatham street b'hoys ruled mo
out, ’cause they said it was onproper for a man ,to
take the bread out of the mouths of the rising
generation. A gentleman with the/dyspepsia took
a likin' to me, and advised me ro diet myself on
Graham bread and Croton water, and I did diet
myself till I thought I should die at it. It wore
me down so thin that I hadn't no shadder—l felt
myself slowly goin’ into a gallopin’ consumption,
but wos so week that you couldn't hear me cough.
I wos goin’ off fast, when an artist, who had an in
terest in sassapurilla and patent pills, got me to set
for the picter of a man who had had the agur suid
fever for seven years an nine month's. 7t Was* a
capital portrait, and helped to sell many a hogs
head of surrupand bushels of pills. I thought the
artist would have fattened me to sfct for the pictur
of the man as -wos made as good as new by the
medicine—but there I wos agin cruelly disappoint
ted! The ungrateful painter hired a gentleman
fresh from Germany, as wos imported to tend a.
lard-oil fnot'ry in Cmcinnatter, to sot figur
of the indiwiduai as wos rescued from tin? jaws ul‘
death by usin' three bottles of Burrup und pills
night and tnorning for five weeks in succession!”
“But have you no other profession by which you
'can get a living
“ 1 told your honor thut I won suckled through u
quill, which gave me u litterary turn, Well, 1
took to rojwrtiii 1 umull item* for a Sunday paper—*
I won reckoned greut on writin’ about broken logs,
and babies' ns was found in negur boxes and wells
—but one day my -ambition got roused, und I at
temted to report a‘horrid murder.’ It wos too
heavy for me, sir—my feelings w,os pu lire, und I
dished the awful up in bcauterful style. But, yer
honor, would you 'bleevo it—the editur said I wos
drunk—that no sich murder took place—thut I wos
a Liiyputiun humbug, and hadn’t the a
right to draw water from the littera
tore. He was jealous of my genius, sir, and he
kicked me down stairs. Since that ewentful mo
ment 1 fkm t- remember 7i6thlrt’ In perticklor—
there's somethin’ wrong here, in my brain, sir, and
I want to die. In the other world there aint no gi
ant cherubs nor dwarf angels—there people's all
of one size, and Ml be happy!”
Here the sympathy of the Recorder became so
apparent, that .two stout police officers spread their
coat tails, by way of a curtain, before poor. Billy
Ribbs, and drawing a white handkerchief across
hia visual organs, the magistrate slowly withdrew.
—A y . O. Delta.. . .
The “ Poetry op Motion !”—The Boston Chro
no/ype publishes an unique letter purporting to be
from a young person to another, ini which the
“ poetry of motion,” as dancing is denominated now
adays, is naively described. ' We give a curious,
“Last night we went to- see the Ballet at the
Howard Athenseura- I don't think you can guess
\yh'4 a ballet is, Ma, Impure you couldn’t: It is
dancing by"a danseuse. And I am sure she must
have been used tdit I thought it very odd that a
lady should cut such a figure as she did sometimes,
and ,in fact pretty often.
“But uncle told me.l was wrong in supposing
her a lady. She was a fairy or some semi-angelic
being, and her dancing was the u poetry of motion.”
Well, I confess, if that is the poetry of motion. I
do not like the rhyme. I could very easy get-into
the motion of the angelic tune of the danseuse. if it
were not for said; —-what shall I call it ?—rhyipe.
l Ma, do angels ever "raise' one leg half way to.
their heads whcai they walk? Do angels ever kick
up? 1 knowlyhat you will say. You will‘slap
your hand on my mouth, and say.‘Hush, you
“Well, dear Ma, you would be right. But, to
tell you the truth, the dancing Was prettiest I
ever did see, except the-A-ttie*tfiymd.* si f wish they
had left that out. If’poetry'bf
motion, let me have it in blank verse. . But the
Boston people differ from me- at leasf those who
were there, did, for -they clapped nothing but tjie
‘•Why, the most beautiful stepping, and bound
ing, and when she glided along, almost
touching the floor they never applauded at alj.l
But - when she undertook to kick the chamber
circle and could fit, then what a thumping of canes!
Ma.T conclude that : the good taste is trot all in
* Boston, after all.”
Historical Incident.— The Rev. John Marsh,
in an address before the Green count}' Temperance
society, introduced the-fdlldwinigirfea'satit historical
A beautiful story has been told of a little W
who was placed’at the door of the hall in Philadel
phip, to-give notice to the old bellman in tteirteeple
When the Declaration of
been signed. The ojd man longwaited at his post;
saying “they will never dpit” f \yhen he heard a
shout below. He pazed'on the pavement,and there
stood the litde. boy clappihg nis tifiy hands and
shouting “lingering!”. .Grasping the'ifbn tohgiie
of the bell, backwards and forwards heihurled it a
hundred time?, 1 ppcclaiming ' liherty to the ! ;f rid,
aiid-the inhabitants tbsreo!. ' Thai sound c<ns.-.-d
the A*U.i:tic, pierced the dungeons of-Europe, the
workshops of England. the. vassal fields of Fnuiee.-
That-soundsp«Hc to the slave, hade him look from
his toil, and know; himself a man. Y*s, aud the
| voice of Ihai fmle : hoy lifting on lip-toe
i and shnnfing Ting;” ho.- come to us and let us riifi*
! the fiend« doom, aid proclaim• liberty Ttfonr tend
1 aiiu tbc woi Id. \Ye vriii shout r,. '.^y.philkhthi -^
I p:.ii rverv patriot, every fattier .'everymother Mvrv
era lor. and every preacher, ring: and we wifi sound
liv.tofyush-ihc world, we will:be it*?*'*
-v.ii.b :-n\ it:.. .. .('}
. ■■■>
Thoughts Of Montesqnlen.
Extrctt&d dh&irixnslatedfrom his manuscripts.
" Mere chit chalt, and carrying a frivolous j thing
frpni Dnevhouae to another? is called knowledge of
the world f and we be fearful of losing this
science, if .we applied ourselves to others. -
I have a great taste for the ancients :—tips an
tiqility enchants'mb'; and I am • always ready to
exclaim with Pliny— lt isat Jithens v'here you Unrn
to resjKd the Gods.’ j
An. acquaintance of mine said, I have .had a
foolish thing enough‘done—it is my own portrait.”
" Study is with mb the sovereign remedy for all
the disgusts of life; and I have never felt chagrin ,
which an. hour of: reading did not dissipate, j
I have found no people so despised in the j whole ;
course of my life, as those who kept bad company.
I am equally content with the company of fools'
and men. of sense, and there are few men so tedious:
as not very often to entertain me. There is noth
ihg’ihbreamusing'thana'ridiculous man.
NotKmg- is’ ; more'amusing than to see a silly
story-teller give-a circumstantial history with
out quarter, i I am riot; attentive to the history, but
to his manner of telling it . ;
I had rather' applaud most people than hear
them. : •
1 easily pirdon, because I cannot hate.
appears to me painful.. When any one wishes to
be reconciled with : me, I feel my vanity flattered,
and cease to regard as an enemy, a man who does
me the kindness’to have a good opinion of aiie. .
Origin of Genius.— Columbus was the son of a
weaver and a weaver himself. / =
Rabelais, son of an apothecary.
Claude Loraine Was. bred by a pastry coo’.:.
Moliere. son of a tapestry maker.
Ceryantes was a common soldier. 1
Homer was a beggar.
Hesiod was . the son of a small farmer. .
Demosthenes, son of a cutler.
Terrence was a slave.
Richardson was a printer.
Oliver Cromwell the son of a-brewer.
Howard an apprentice to a grocer.
Franklin, a journeyman priuter; son ofja tallow
chandler and soap boiler. . ’
Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Worcester, son of a linnen
Daniel Defoe, was a nosier, and the. son ofa y
Whitfield,son of an innkeeper at Gloucester
Sir Cloudsley Shovel, rear admiral of Ragland,
was an apprentice to a shoemaker, and afterwards
a cabin boy. :
Bishop Prideanx worked on the kitchen at Fxe
ter College, (Dxford.
Cardinal Wolsey, son of a butcher.
Ferguson tvas a shepherd.
Dean Tucker was the son of a small farmer in
Cardiganshire, 'and performed his journeys to Ox
ford on foott ■
Edmund Hally was*the son of a. soap boiler at
Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich, was the son ofa
farmer ut Ashley de la Zouch.
Lucian was the son of a statuary.
Virgil, son of a porter.
• Horace, of a shop keeper.
Shakespeare, ofa wool stapler.
Milton, of a money scrivener.
Pope, the son ofa merchant.
Robert Bums was a ploughman in Ayrshire.
Laughter.—-Of the uses and benefits of man's
risible faculty in human life we should speak
largely, if we had the power to express them. The
amount of enjoyment that it causes, is only to be
described by.those that can paint the blessings of
sunshine, or the value of repose. In how many
situations does it not smooth the intercourse of
life? When we are thrown among strangers, when ,
we encounter our fellows without the j means of
sympathizing with them, a stroke of merriment is
the “touch of nature, that mukea the whole world
akin." Laughter is u source of prodigious•niorul
power; it is u weapon that cun inflict'pain und
torture, und lurgely influence the actions of men.
It keeps vanity, affectation and singularity in check
and cun sometimes exterminate dignities and übol
ishi-tlieir worship. When opinions have been dis
proved to the satisfuetinn of all men thut can judge
of truth, their lust hold of ihe huniun mind is gen
erally dissolved in floods of ridicule. But us the
musters oi this weapon urc not ulwuys qualified or
cureful to discriminate the false from the true, the
best things have often to endure the ordeal of being
laughed'Ur. It was at one time suid that ridicule is
a test of truth; which can only mean, that wliat
cannot be dethroned from the respect and worship
of men by derision, and alliance with degrading
ideas, is at least well established, and has probably
some truth on its side. But the opinions tnat deiy
ridicule in one age.ofien sink under it irv another.—
Ufa/wimigfrr Review. '
. Aoeop Animals^—A boar rarely exceeds twenty
years; a dog lives twenty,; a fox lourteen. or six
teen; lions arc long lived. Pompey lived to the
age of seventy years; a squirrel seven or eight
years; rabbits seven. '• Elephants havebeen known
to live to the great age of Jour hundred years.—
•’W hen Alexander the Great had conquered l’orus,
the King of India, he took a great elephant, who
had fought valiantly for the king, and named him
Ajax, dedicated him to the sun, and let'him go with
this incription, “ Alexander, the son of Jupiter, hath
dedicated Ajax to the sun.” This elephant was
found with this inscription three hundred and fifty
years afterwards. Pigs have been known ,to live
to the ageof thirty years—the rhinoceros to: twenty.
: A horse has been known to live tothe age of sixty
two, but averages from twenty to thirty. Camels
sometimes live to the age of,one hundred.. Stags
are alsolong lived—sheep seldom exceed the ago of
ten. Cows live about fifteen years. Cuvier** con
siders it probable that whales sometimes live one
hundred years. Pelicans arc long lived. A' tor
toise has been known to live one hundred and
seven years.
.Mode,or hurting Lawyers in olden time.—
,A gentleman, in the country who had just buried
a rich relation, who was an attorney, was com
plaining’to Foote: who was on a visit; to him, of
-the very great expenses of a country' funeral.—
“Why," says Foote, *^ bury attorneys; here ?”
“ Yes, to. be . we ,else ?'!. “Oh! we
never do that "in London.” “ No!” said the other,
much surprised.‘“"how do you manage?” “ Why,
when the patient happens" to did, we lay him out
in.a/room over night by himself lock the door,
open the sash,.and in the morning he's entirely off!*’
• Indeed!” said the other in-amazement; “what
becomes of Him ?” “Why, that we cannot exactly,
tell, not being acquainted with .‘Mperoatirtgf Causes'.
Allithat f*re know of the matter is, that there’*-?*
strong smell.of bransiqne U.the room the next rriom
in S- , ’ , ;
Jec b‘ ispßinx—>A'mason spedkiiigiof the diffi»-
cultiqs of.inaking.a cellar rather deeper than it is
usual to have them, was answered by the owner of
the property, that he could have it as deep as he
pleased, for Ac eneiied all thc twy through.
This remark 3 is oh a par with that the Frehch
man, who builti'ta-four-story h’dnse adjoining''his
Dutch neighbor's - two-story house. 1 'Being on the
roofs of their respective houses one day, the one on
the,lo\v house - cries out to'tKe otheE—“ WhaLJor
you puild 1- so high' 1 tare?” - 'To : which the FrJicli
man replied,—“ Dd-grmiiid cei verai sheap vptiere.”
Baedritoash.—lA r e copy the following from the
Wesleyan I ‘''Beautiful;’is the dying !of the sup,
when the last so>ig of birds fades into' fhe Ltpoi -
silence; when the.islands:of !the cloud arelbhthed ‘‘
iri.light, the first star uof night springs-up over k*’ , \. ; ' j .
B27TA yoipig anil-veiy preUy lady, ridingin the r
.Cpncofd car 3, was observed, to have| a* piece of
on her; lip^ u When cars had.
gorged frorn One of ffiq bridge-:, into
the-light, iti f w:i» dl‘:covereu to disappv-.ired ;
hat they ingtantljr deiecte.:! clinging to the lip.of .
•a young maivwl.o s''toh tot? seal\V»th her!: They
both looked v- innocent if tficv.J‘ han’t done •
nothiTi.’ i - '• \ '‘ r( ;
a Species of Hapeivess. —X pc; - -liivriN' •
•i.:; fieri V efji Cu»i ; says u 'thc shells f;-oir: -aur - -r
-i£ioLdxf>. bursting ip eyejy*i;iection,ecattexcd death /
and destructioinvithin ' the cft}vand ;itr3 J fair to -
presume t-iaj-'thb rouml shof'frhxn
in eiptallu happy rj}’yt". .
W. 3 |
;lii/7 ;
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