Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, December 28, 1847, Image 4

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    ' - J ", 4S
' SrocKahtSSa^l;
. • \\i.v
Meeker &
Johrr Sbenk, *en.>. v- *.... . w ._ r ,
Jolm ; £ *. ■£ r***3s3?
A»n.Hor*t)„ -.
' 1 -4w*'wa
;-f' : .2 *' ‘3Bfiob'-X<
GeoraKremer* , 4 - • 56,00
ArcUabatd McAllister, I * r 4,00
George P. Shober, J 14,00 Middletown,
Jacob Herabcy, 7,50 Douecal.
i Honias Guldwali. | s^o
Lancaaferlcjy. sa.
Belove tfre subscriber, m AitLmian of iho city
<>f Lancaster, • >penreti J. jM. Long,
Treasurer of the. Elvaheibtosvn a fid
Middleioun Turnpike Company, und, airhis coi
efi>n affirmation, du- declare und say r thadtHe above
raeniiOTied ure all ••:•? dividends roquirio by the
above mentioned Act to be perished tcA.iid b-sat of
his Knowledge ana belief. -
Affirmed sod subscribed befofe mt,
■- hJ. CA£?s\r£R, Alderman?: •
J. M. LONG, Treasurers*
dec 21 47
K-. Ji.
Merchant. tailor,
would moat fce.»eci!i. , »Jy
iform his friends end the pub
that be hao received - ; ai - hi*
>/n for a number of 'yesr*
cupied by Gollcib Halbach,
•ce<>*d» "• shne r store, in
forth ■Quei’ri street, übxidrv-r
t the Examiner 6c IJc/ahioffi-
large assor roentot'
o; every v *rie , y, cc! and made in the latest '.ad
whiter sty I*? -:.
He would uiio *of“riD hL friends ;-.?id the puhi*r
that he n-'.y.r hiirt’c jlaraUention 'Vor>.i
• ndjis prepared Whiake to; art«ctes ir i.-i*
iiue, ijithe iaiegt.amTfriQSl fash, *. ■l
,on the moat reasonable terms. i .
to on (be shortest notice. He pledges bimself to
give satisfaction to all who may wish garments
enovated anti scoured. He desires to present his
acknowledgements for past favors and -solicits a
ontinuance of the public fevo».
sept 311847
TRY—Large and Small Editions.
i'or sale tit the Cheap Book Store of J. GISH <£
CO. , North Queen street, Lancaster. S
THE Mirror of: Life— An The
literary contents by eminent Americanaulhors,
with eleven illustrations, engraved. from designs
made Tor the Book by American artists. Edited
by Mrs. L. C.Tuthill. ' -
, Scenes In the Uvea Pro
phets, with eight illustrations from Scrip
lurjriScenes. engrjtfjj on slee |.
ihe IQ4B, consisting of seven ex
descripjiaffi^ enia^e B rou P ß * letter press-
Odd Fellows OfFeringJor 1848, edited by
Jos L Ridgeley and l2 fine
engravings. - . „
The'Offering of Beauty for 1848, H finely color
ed engravings, beautifully bound.
Leaflets of-Memory for 1848, five colored illns
trAVwis and 8 mezzotint engravings.
Phe Amaranth, a token of remembrance for
1848,.5ix engravings. - ' ■ ■ ■*. I
-Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, beautifully illus
trated. V
. Friendship’s Ofiejong for 1848, nine engravings.
The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual
for 1848, nine mezzotint engravings.
The Opal; a pure gilt for the -Holidays, edited by
‘MrsSarah S Hale; 9.engravings.
The Rose, or Affection's Gilt for 1848, sis plates.,
V- The Forget Me Not for 1848 eight plates.
zotinj, engravings. *
‘ '%hp. Moss. Rose for 1843 eioht illustrations.
Top Charm,, a, series of beautifully colored
-tip V ...., U, eoi.tww
gr.oupes—folio, richly bound*
Also, a large assortment of School, Juvenile and
Micellaneousßooka, wltichwill be sold cheap by
Booksellers, North Queen at., Lancaster.
! Great Bargains.
DR. & C. A. EHLER., have just opened at
• their cheap caak Dry Goods store, in the
National House building, North Queen 'street,a
splendid assortment of '
V lot Its of alt colors,
Black and Fancy CaSsimeres,
- . Bassinette.
i Vestings of every deserlfitlon.
Plaids ef every deaerUMiae. eaalimeree, Meualiit
da Laieee. Aluaeliasi Bhawlai flannels. Tieklnp
amfehaoks, tlaaiary atjd Uleyea, fee, «ea
The nubile are mvned la eall and esamtoe iheir
sleek ee fhey ere determined la sell el a small ad=
vanes liar eaali. «... i
Timm Ntmri Ibr Amf.
HMIB nubseriher blTpfs for rein the large,iwe
1 iiwx, tavern home, ni preieni nseimiitl by
Haniy, B'iHwitfj etgn of the ireoir nf ulieni, me
win In will Kin* iireei,m,iha shy if hinini*
ter. nboqi ono equere from the Court Itoqio and
iisxi door to lhn aupiorlbori ilore, Tito liouic li
wolf ooloiiluiod far o lavorn, and lias beon.aoonplocl
ai suoli for lha Inn ilnloon yoars, ilia nabllnii l«
aiimnlvo will) iiißlalam yard room, and ■ gnrdon
and |ilamy. of Rood spring water wlili oilier uonve,
nloncae annulled, and le well calonlniod 10 do nn
aaionilvo- bnilnaia. Poaioiilnn given on ilio dm
day of April next, DANIEL lIAiIMAN.
dee 14 __ 48 *-
£>adictf Fair.
LADIES nttaohed |o the Lutheran Sun-
J doy School, will hold a fair for (he tale of fanoy
and uiefuf arlicle»,lntlu3 _upper room of the Sun
day School Building, coaimeliclng on Monday eve
ning, the 20th.Inal., at- 7, o'clook, end continue until
Wednesday evening,,"Those having contiibutiona
nil) please send them to the residence of the Rev,
. % Baker, or to the room on the days of sale.
; dec 7 48
REJtIOV.IL,. ’ ■
SPURRIER, would respectfullyinfiitaa
y v hisfriends, customers, and the public iagen
v ‘ eral, that he has removed his Opting store from
■£>bis old stand next door; to. thp Post Office, to one
'door south of J.ij.o Beary printing office, and nearly
i i,. Michael's Hotel, at the sign of the
all would dff well to call that want to buy
Customer's work attended to at the shortest-not
lice, and made in a workmanlike manner. Dont
- forget the place, sign of the Big Pants. -
dec 7 45-tf
140 Vfcsnutt street, PHILADELPHIA.
fHOSE who visittthe city during the Christmas
and New-Year’s Holidays should not fail to
■yjsit the. iplpndid Porlrait’O.allery of M. A. Root,
li4o ; <sfiqsDaf Street. ' i'Y
There iano charge for this inlorealing and beau
*4fqlj exhibition, and-the likenesses made by Mr.
Hool’anewly improved Dagiierreotypel-iprocess are
decidedly the most accurate »ud life-like ever token,
■ having been ptqrded juerßliunac in,
tft New York, at the last exhibition of.
> th* tipjirtt rualal for theliest.
itaguerreotypea, over, all coiiitietlhon. j
While the pictnres are such rith and perfect
-genta ufart, oujr prices aro the lowest possible with ,
gocxf materials.- Visitors should not neglect the
opportunUjt. ofsoewing portrait* of the tot qnality
—for miHonhi-wiH-not Jatk.
: f?ri(&aiy '6q;|2JOOt S!S {sq>sB 00„$4,00, $5 00,
- sBoo,', slh.oojSao'(l upwards to $5O 00, varying
i with tfiosios and style of the frame or case.
- Wnw<!a)ledrP*ttac,ibn.^ — V.S. Gazette.
- ‘ ifltWsaKk“ ol tb.-pßoitotfStar. ■
'jhe tot'inevery
.. Inquire?' ~ V‘rc •
Very beautiful. —Boston Zd-r.
■ ■ Best everexhibited in this country.— iV Y.Suu.
Tha lightning has ot las! reoched th» its, l-rrt . ■
,7... LifSdikeletid rhimitaßle.— lf. Y. Tribune.
Jp. -qPSNiQNS O|'„THE PRESS ouffieieni to ail
toloaoe nitSht he givenkbut all are inv- • o oaf
jkh kt thß f3atlery art- judge for themselves,
P&sv. 'iVT - -V-_ A.’HOOT, ..
HO CbCsilul r lreet, ,dd door.'beidw: sth. '
Pr'. 47.
SiiMtififiTf ’ Bfliirfr rraftf ,: i.'.Lrf,-r-
§g4od«rHrerjra)* til},
jejtf txp'mivs -lfeji'fajfa&jpbj&A
fuse. ". ' JOIJK CAMPBELL, .;;
Weigbmsj!et. if.
filoite. Hall of Jt'tinh ion. g '
f-'wa'raTNG- 3 necessary nml useful article, ii
;Vv/ becomes every .one wbo buys it| before,
to look am] >©a where it can besought
p. ,1 am satisfied, (and re&dciyyou
fa7dr me with a call and look ovpr-my siock
£j|good?, you viM riot only huy yourself feat tell
friends where cheap clothing can be bod. Wnd
they will do the time* to ihe Gfibs
riait of Fashion, 3nu do not find goods twenty ;p<-r
cent cheaper'than any store :n the city, J think
you will say that Taylor never whipped
T fthink he neve: deno 01:5 T iL{
else. - '
JTT •• lull stock of Clothing suited -or the coun
try tu.'o, whicn t!r* ' oiiio?v:&e par
ticularly invited k . >. f ,
J ‘2S6 Market 3 doors !>r-
l Globe Hall cf l
lew .Ninth.
Pbil’a, Auw-ust 2T !*4
1 Cooking Stores,
! 7 ‘‘ -5 2’ IMi I RdVE k E -N T.
■ SU'.umr'Ve paten! uts Hi-hi Coukini: Staves, for
\ . burning W<jr:dor Cou! equally well.
1 s tovi» ns yet, flpnds unrivalffd by any
lioihv-r UocVhig Stove In America and vvlll do
more with ;.vas.-fueJ Ibro).any Stove now in use
takes up.—-is a handsome piece of torn*
. iture—will warm the largest, kitchen*—and with
the summer dress attached will make no more heat
than a charcoal furnahee* It is only,necessary to
see one in use and lhe mlnd isat once made up in
its favor, ft has been .sufficiently tested to warrant
its commendation. ‘ It ’ never fads w gfve perfect
a3tUfaciion t 7 both in economy of-fuel, and; its. well
regulated cooking qualities. Once introduced, il.
.will remain a permanent.; fixture in every man’s
family and entirely does away the necessity of
changing every year* - 1
I'he great sate of thissiove, end the numerous
certificates we bave ih itafavnr,.if we had nothing
rise to prove it, fully establishes the above facts in
its favor. /.!
The subsciiber having the. eiclusivc agency? for.
selling the above stove in this
jSU-Y .Cfc^r- i foe~aUenlion of all wanling a hist rate
Cooking Stove; to this celebrated stove.
. j ABM. W. RUSSEL. i .
Hardware deajer,. North Queen st. Lancaster,
between Kauffman and Good’s Hotels.
** Just rcceiveif and for sale as above* d-beautiful
j dining room alcove, with a large .oven for coal,"a
: first rate article .to-do.the cooking of a small family.
Also the N. York air. tight parlor stove. ..
_ Also the N. York premium and kitchen compan
ion cook-stoves. Various, sizes, and prices very
cheap, Victory.cook stoves, wood andcoal of all
sizes at.reduced prices. A. W. RUSSEL, i
North Queen st. Lancaster.
33 3m ! '
Clialr Hfsuncr
Paper liangcr oud j^joler.
! .Corner of South Queen arid Vine SfreeUr :
V|lhe undersigned respectfully informs his friends
JL and the public that he has now on hand, and
is constantly manufacturing to order; Chairs of all
kinds and descriptions, from the highest to the
lowest price. They have been generally admired—
are elegantly finished, and are of ihe most durable
' House'painting in all its varieties executed by
the undersigned. His prices will be found ex
tremely moderate.
All orders for Paper Hnaging will be promptly
KiOngenccker 4* to, •
Ct ALL lha attention of the public t» their large
/ and splendid aesailment of DRY
The mercantile relatlena in which they eland
enable (hem la eompete with any in ihelr business,
l't> the lew price ef their gnede, (wjiieh are suite*
led with great bare and taste,) is united Ihe great*
I Ml variety in styles at all thut is new and desirable.
'1 heir eteek ef j '
Maple anti I'nnrfj JOvy Umnln
la the largest in ihe illy. There la a ureal range
fer tile indulgence efthafeneyt and it is with
pleasure they ean assert there ere lew uf these wlm
have fevered them with it eall that have lift uniat*
uov IS
Mew Wim more,
No i 8S Ghttml Minot, Philmltlpkia,
lAMBS BAIUBA lalp'nf the Arm flf Gowtn,
•I Jacobs, A Pu„ respectfully announces, lint
hp he* fitted up Ibo more. No, SB Chosnut «trpol,
» lew doors Mow Thlrd etraut, and one door abuvo
Congress Hall Hotel, North aide, a" a Wlno Htnro,
where tie will keep a wall ■elealiiiiaiiiak ufitlie
moil approved varletlea nf WINRH, BRANOIEH,
800TOH ALE, and the flnait brands of ohtilce
CIGARS, dec.
Private gentloman, hotel-keepers, and othera, in
tha oounnry era invited to call and examine] fils
apt 14 1847
Cheap Cash Clothing Store.
J. OOKHILEY, Merchant Tailor,
11 ESPECTFULDYinfarmaihe citizens of the
Ll> city, and county ofLancasler—hi* customers
and the customers of Simon J. Young, that he ihas
token the stand so long occupied S. J. Young, two
doors, south of Orange Su and neat' door- to J.
Gish tic Co’s Book Slore. where he has the larges'
assortment of .ready made clothingever offered in
the city of Lancaster.' This slock consists of cloaks,
Hangup, Sacks, Dress and. Frock, Walking arid
Riding coats, Roundabouts for boys of all sizes
’and descriptions. ' .\ ' T
J. G. returns his thanks far .the many favors and
.hopes that his frieDthTftnd the, customers of 3. J.
Yoong and the pab)fc in will conlinuo, io
fevor him with their calls. - X: ' *
novl6 . •*-" ' : -42
50 by SO feet, well finished and roofed with glste:
a alone ewitger Barn 140 feet long, alao roofed with
_ slate, and hae a. large arched cellar underneath; a
TO- THE'SICK AND AFFLICTED. wa 6 0n “ beil and corn cribs; apring house over a
vo, ’ never-failing spring of water, with fine facilities
.. c ~ , (or a distillery, in a’ weHWiltstill house, a smith
constslenly sa at shop, with otherconvenientout-buildings; a pumr.
Dr. Swajne’s Compound Syrup of in a F ’never-failing well near ltd hous™ so One,,-
W .Id Cherry ha. been ex.ene.vely used AM> of kind if choice fruit W, a well
‘" he Un,,a ? Sta,e " for mora lhan . ,en ered meadow, and about 8 acre. of. fine timber
hat tt invar,ably cures a recen cough, and that and , b o«idc«different.Locust proves overt he tract,
thousands of individuals gradually stnkmg under , of , r advanced., lo enable tbe culting of 300
the insidious attack of Death’s fell emissary-Pu/- , without injury- to the grove./ There
PW. Commptmr- have been restored to £ a|so , Tenant and slible Oh No. l.\
healih., end friends by its use, and are No . of a tract of land containing
now living wjtnessess of the wonderful curative ' ■ . •■' ■
power of this remedy. 61 ACRES d 113 . PERCHES ,
Swayne’s Wilil Cherry now hath found thee strict measure, adjoining No. 1, on tho south, tbe‘
’Mid.disease's dark (ling gloom, | Little Conestoga on the east, land uf.Jacob Bren-
Peace and pleasure now surround thee, ner on the north, and a public road on the west.—
Leading gently from ihe tomb. | The improvements on .this.'.trtct are a two-story
Farmer’s mew Machine Shop, From the Sorinefield Kxnrese a,one DWELLING HOUSE,
A tbu menu facture of these machines m the boded. Among the latter we are pleased to learn .nrffi-hnns'-^Of'.hi? 1
rough oPNorristown, inv.te the attention Of Farm.j none stand a belter test than Dr. Swayne’s Com- “£“*? „ * ™. fit.
eu to the articles they-offer. >| rvnnnil SvrnD of Wild Cherrv Th*> afflicted in . out ” acres of fine limber, and a nne meadow :
Their horse powers are Wheeler’s patent rail ........ ihU vicinity are beginning to use it and to then “"d has the aJvantage of p jpad through Jacob
road tread power, for one or Iwobotsee. Threshers RUSSELL JARVIS respectfully informs the joy they find in ils use their hopes based upon its Brenner s land to the Blue Hock road, which is a
overshot, with eepsratoi;; Both are in general use people or Lancaster, that he will deliver four let- yecoramendationa • more than realized: The afflic- ,e 7 T„ .2“.“:'
iri New York and-New Jersey, and; reference .Can lures a; the hall d ihe Mechanics: Institute, on .»_ na i deSbair “ While there l is life there Am-Ho. 3,
be had'of over three hundred gentleman who have Tuesa^W, edoeaday, Thursday. Sod; Friday, ever- - »>«« ,« life, there TRACT OF LAND,
them in this and Ihe adjoining counties of Bucks " ,n g? of December 21,22,23 and-24, wtT olilock; ;.r \ ;r ... containing 881 acres, alnct measnre,/bowided, on
—— andßerks P- M > ogainat the eatensmn 'of slavery Ho new From the Crawford Democrat, Meadville. . the north by No: 1, on the east by thel.inte Con-
Farmers, Meclianlcs and Others : in the business enables them B |ar^. a “"*1 I errnories, showiog thej. /We Can; recommeml/Dr/ Bwayue’s ,Compound efeek/ori tfe'soath tiy iahil-of! Jhhn Lin!/
- *•«* till* War’ !
.TUST received at the.cbeap Hard ware store of the have confidence in, su'd as they warrant all to give of Congress over it, uSd Ihl OThleqimnphs of ijelr- R"fTlssratit; cures forcoughs, colds,or anydtseaee Of this tract about 35. acres are of.the
subscribers, in East King street, near. the.Co.ur satisfaction or they mayj-e returned, further, no/ mining:, it to extend, xr,withtp ills. “! a FR*?-' bes»:kin3,tin!l*-iJp Jt;are twonever-failing springs,
Haase, v iice here, would be superifaqUs, - .' . proper limit?. ;He is noi aa treais is faigbl;Tprized by. all who have Qfwaler, and 6hL.~Nq.-3js a fine situation for boild.-:
50 doz» Darling und Morris’-Cradle and Grass Enqumei' at Ihe shop *or bv leiter cheerfully ihe subject wubdut refereocel ;io poHticaf.jjart ws, eifiir given it a trial, ; V< ‘: ifnga and. for Tar,mijog. purposes. ~ '
Scythes—warranted.gootL - •.>;V:: \.h and macbiiftsTorwarded as ordered to wiliodl denanciauon, and, desire*io indie Pamphtetecan be-o^ai^edsettSngfoith.; The ; land of firal-rate KmeeUme
1 AUo.afine lot of Scytho Snaade-'and-Whet- part of tho '‘Vv:’--''- - - Admission ia each leciore 25 « errey ; .pf .teßUmboy;ihat wil|eonvfnce: l&e-mqai «pil,iheinint o£*t on the sun srde/and fhe whble
stones/’/ - . commission will be can <-Doors open a, 6 j, Lecture .ocommeuceM , jkeplipawfjhe virhie. There are two
! A large lot of' rahes, .of' alt kinds/ . ... given/Are wanted ineibboflHe following counties ' : • -'—^; —— r:. —• . -/,■ >.. '-'Qnipopnd Sy ra ppr }’H 4 ' - 8?| milUiiear the premises, ..*>oo*-of a ißilaeul, and.
Hey and <fclGiiiidstoneg. Chesleri Laiicaster/ Doupbin, and Berks. Farmer - IViiU Alltf Bftfldflv • , n , n ®»AT?J-^!?^ a^ r or chase the medicine;and? ihe other of a mile soutb. ,
They have also.onhand, a good assortment <.f Waht]ng jniichineBT6rruse^^p(rrsonalst.hw-wil >nHEsuhscriharinfornwiwlTihnSe that nta Rinds . ... / p f«bnswisiiihg to»iew thq premiaes will please
! * '••'•SPHRCiIER it - - mg; he. also Soil cpts of ever, * ; ,—, - . ABRAIT." ‘-i
1 Wifi - -r-JIUT RFUEIVED * the iowe-.t prices '■ Forest, it J. P. LONGS I dv. 14 f : - «i
J-3 mo JJU7. sheep Skirts for pads. ! - ™- .. l»rug.ndnb.-„Iv>i 1 v>i -(tore. No. 8. No-L Queen si..,-
\ • 6«R ft: test «i«r, . WINDOW GLASS: ;.. ' t The
i. ■; . ! l«ko BOXES, Jersey GlnsS, assorted sizes from j SMry
i.OIMON i; YOCNC has removed- to-tliA Z& rib |r 400 lbs. Green £r.d;half bieacbm! thread Wur-j by 9to by 3G inch on hand, and for sale s! i‘g UST receded, a heavy sun k of>ftddl«iv of a fi , Mondcy.iihQ 3d day of January. A~V t -1^48,-.
l?aet coiner of .Prince-and Cbesnut -fdtbfts, • r;inie»J ; which wili be-void low forca'sli. : ; ntshnfaciares prices by . all .iinds, end for at Pbilsdclphittprices by j a ,3 a’ciocJc T
’ nearlyfopposiia Wlwiehiirs -Four,dry. H i 1 H.U. IOniJE • j . i , ST*E(KM-AN & SON. j *' * STEINMAN &SON* v j - ; E ft. RRIGATtT, Chairman.
ntix !»• 41? | umrch 2S | ■ ' j'■i in 19 ; j ! 52' *j Det 21 [ , i 47-21 -
Bait' €tirli,ns hiquitl
W HAT, thousands of chemists have. long-,
been experimenting upon, buiwilbout suc
: cess, has. at'lehg been accomplished by Dr, Rohy,
oi Philadelphia. To prepare unurticie in, liquid
forni, free from oil or greasing or Sticky substances;
which will curl the hair-without changing its color
and treakning the bulbs; hae'long been-ihe'sibily
of our most celebrated chemists; This.usefoli arr
is alone combined in Dr. Roby’s Brazilian Bair
Curling Liquid, which ensures to every body “ the
Sowing ringlet and the witching ctifl.”
Prepared only by STORB’S GO., rsoie pro
ictora.Sil North Sixth street, Philadelphia. H
Sold by ; ZAHM 4 JACKSON, j
.. NorttlQueen street, Lancaster,
august 17 1847 _ 29-ly !
paii*biniiw(»ih>;|wUv:ln3V- i/ ' .:■••-• -
‘ . iZGttSfUlt’PTlOftl CikED X' ; ' :
c* . .
' By Ssraaparrilla !?:■£■.
-'Tfce feHowio? ‘3* frotß* gentleman of jeipeeta-
Me atartdihg.'ltr "whe'wai effectually
enrol oTtHatdreadfpl diaeaae Consumption.-bya
. ~ ’ / ,^Jirrra6ai ) .ADg. 29lii JB47i' -
|: This i» lo certify lhat r waa 'ast eiokiog undcr
I bjmfiwaaaLCamuptimvftht:XuAgi.m\iilvrit
recommended to tr j ShcphwTs Sarsaparilla,
which, did, and am under 'thl;
strongest corialetisn lh«t"it weed my life. lam
now rapidtyTdcorering; ami a short: -be'restored to perfect health, under no,
cooaidsretioa would r be without the medicine.
N 0.23,.23, HiU street.
How many therfc are 'suffering jrom Bronchiii
or consumption in the thrual, and continuing: to.
suffer from year, while a "remedy of the
highest character is af hand. Shepherd’s Sarsa
parilla will afford almosl instantaneous 1 relief, and
ulirmately-a permanent cure: ioi all cases Of this
kind. The following is one of a thousand cases
of thisdiseaao alone.cured by the use of Shepherd’s
i . Baltimore, August 3Uth, 1847.
i hereby certify that I was confined to my tied
for several months, with CAronic Bronchitis, and
could not get- relief until I tried, at the recom
mendation of my physician, Shepherd’s Sarsopa
rilla. Three bottles of which hive cured me so.
completely that I now enjoy as good; health os at
any previous lime, I was. also afflicted with a loath-,
some and disagreeable eruption, covering the whole
body, and which also yielded to the same remedy.
Mauoaret Tatlor,
' No, 46 William street.
Remarkable.cure jof 'a Scrofulous condition of
the system, resulting in White Swelling. -
Baltimore, August 30lh, 1847.
1 was afflicted for seven years with a disease
known as white swelling, and which resulted' ul
timately in necrosis or dead hope, and which seve
ral pieces were extracted-' I had the advice of the
ablest physicians of our city, but all, were unable
to render me any service, until finally my last phy.
sician fortunately recommended the use of Sheph
erdVSarsaparitla, I. procured three bottles. From
tfie'time T first commenced taking lhe inedii-Vnc
which was in March, last, there was a’ perceptable
improvement in the appearanco of the disease,
and in one month more the sore was entirely
healed. No symptoms of it whatever are now left.
The effect that this medicine had on roy system
by purifying the blood, and thereby curing lh e
disease is truly astunisning. give this freely, an
cheerfully to the public, that they may, be similar
ly benefite d when afflicted in a like manner.
Mart Pierce,
No. 365 Light street.
Shepherd’s Vermifuge.
It is acknowledged, by physicians, and- all who
have used iti that for: destroying Worms without
injury to health, Shepherd's Vermifuge
is unequalled by any-preparalion of the kind.
Read the following certificatee.
" AprH29lhi 1847.
After having used,] Without ‘•imusul ft Vermifug
which was held in higb.estimalion, f was induced
to try Shapherd’a. 'i!a my daughter, who is eight
years old, I gave four.doses, and which had the
effect of expelling a large number of worm 9. I can
recommend it as a good article.
St. Thomas, April 27th, 1847.
I administered Shepherd’s Vermifuge to a girl
5 years old—jt operated without producing any
sickness—expelled a large quantify of worms, and
answered fully my highest expectations. I have
sold it to many and have always heard a good re
port from it. B. Foul.
Baltimore, Fed. 32, 1847.
\Mr. J. C. Shepherd—. Dear Sirt Be pleased to
acco|it my unfeigned thanks fur the specimen of
you have dune me the favor t#
send, 1 tiaveuaeduln seventeen eeaea, and in not
a single instance failed to preduaed the de
aired eltt)bi==Bß the eaiiirary, Its eperatleftg have
been attended with the iHtttt fklleHng guesses, =
But It needed nat a trial ta satisiy -me uf Ita effl,
eaey in deslraying warms, far when fwasJnfaimsd
by the praprietursef iseumpansnl parts, I felt as
sored that ta use it weuld nat bs empyrisisra, her
would it In the least, aid ur enesurge that direful
the ef the human femlly=paelteiy,
The ingredients have truly been aeleeled with
ears and the disagreeable necessity ef fullewlng up
the Vermifuge by aetlve esthertles has been iveldel
by the Judieleu# admixture nf sueh remedies 11
are best ealeulaled to nremeie the aellen ef the
bewelsi By promulgating a knowledge ef its vlr>
tuai thitiugnoui the Ml, 1 hive net the lean
doubt but thst mothers will regsril tha distribution
of sa valusblo a msdloltto as tha benefactor of their
otr.prlng, With saulimutta of friendship,
I am yours, truly,
W, H, DiiTaKir,. A. M., M. D.
O’ Dr, W, 11, Barlaall la a member of one of tha
most reapuoiahla families in tha stila—was a pupil
of the renowned Surgeon Professor N, H. Smith
—grodunted with the highest honors tubs Univer
sity of Maryland, and at this time enjoys e practise
second to none In extent In the city of the seme
Mr. David Meuck’e daughter, of New Berlin
Union county, Pa,, hed been subject to fits for four
years, which woe entirely cured by three bottles of
Shepherd’s Vermifuge.;
Mr. J. M.Taylor,of MifHinburg, Unioncotmty,
Pa., cured his son, Who had been sick one year,
with ono bottle of Shepherd’s Vermifuge;
; Mre. Wikens.of Baltimore, cured her daughter,
who hud been given up by all—cured by Shepherd's
Vermifuge, and thousands are daily saved to their
parents by the timely use of this excellent medi
cine, Price 2b cente per bottle.
The following highly -lespecfable merchants,
have been appointed-agents for tbe sale of Sbephr
Aid’s Sarsaparillaand Vermifuge.' Also, the Ger
man Fever and Ague Pills which never fail to drive
:the disease from the system; ‘ 1 -
JNO. W. HUBtiEY, Lancaster city.
JOHN GYGER, Strasbnrg.
S. K. UIFFENBACH, Marietta.
J. B. HAMILTON, Bainbridge. -
CADTrorf.—lfehiember' Shepherd’s Vermifuge,
when you purchuseyaß there ere eucii s large num
ber of., preparations (o'expel worms, all ctaimingto
be good, it is necessary to be-caiefal that no spu
rious article be purchased instead -of the genuine;
oct 19 - 38
jurist»;>'*le«i>fn''«fispMvtliit^yiAa , [s,iifioqtd
•:>ri«l tfc» ifidsf
'seepitral pf tKeir exlraordmaiy effia^^ri -- ’■
I.thepresemßdlletip «en|wyrnp'itit :
1. -The. GrafenbrogMedicinespreT o
4hfe " £ : :
3. They have been- tfited in terra opthountnds
of eases with psrfeet sucoM. : '» •
3. Of the VegelaMe ‘Pills 'alone -30,tf00 boxea
are sotd each Snd every week 1 ’
4. dent arid ia constantly increasing.
5. Every article purchaaed of'.the Ur
an; of jla Agetita ia warrartks ; arvl if it does
not givesAtiafaclion tl,e money will berefonded.
regeluble: PJUt
.almoit migical. power In - preventing and
caring wbiclfafFectj humanity,
(especially bilious.), There re some full connec
led wUh lbeirfoiDpotttioß BDil fhe limits
oftbepreseot.noiice forbid ui ta nsmf. Suffice
it to say, that they are the product of the mosuex*
tensive nnd philosophic research* aided by all the
lights of modern .science. All , s other pa)<j>t pills
are made from the recipes-of less elightened ages;
these from the combined wisdom Of'fthciehi'tnd
hr odern science. Io fact they sire A PERFECT
PILL ! worthy ol the age and if ike country.
The: eraefenberg Company
is prepared to show to the public the most unques
tionable evidence that these celebrated * pills are
every day curing alt of the liver,bjbroach,
Bowels, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,-Erysipelas, Green
Sickness, and alt diseases, to whicbTemites are
subject, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Headache, dec.,
all Bilious UoraplainU, dec. Their wonderful efli
cary arises from their powerto'open the.pores ; to
cleanse and strengthen the stomach and bowels.;
to mike the urine and monthly discharge flow
healthily ; and to give tene and vigor to the sys.
tem. Price 25 cents a box.
No family should be without, them.' If they do
not give satisfaction - the money wIU be' promply
refunded ; and'every agent is hereby instructed to
that eflect.
The Graefenberg Health;Bitter*;
to make two quails of incomparable Bili'ers.~
'They are skillfullyand elegantly prepared by ibis
Company from a number, of. the most purifying,
invigorating and healing Roots, Barks, Herbs, and
Vines , gathered in the wide domains of nature in
both hemispheres. The use of these Bitters will
prevent sickness at all seasons, and in every ex
posure. They will iestore strength and vigor of
"boiry; 1
and.create keen appetite. All persons, Who are
afflicted with occasional ill health, lo.v spirits and
loss of appetite should procure them at once.—
Price 25 cents a package. The
Graefenberg Fever <$- Ague Pills.
This PiU is the great conqueror of Fever and
Ague, and Fever of a!) other'ypcs and forms.
Tlie Graefenberg Sarsaparilla
This is now the standard Sarsaparilla Prepara*
lion of the day ; far surpassing all tolhers before
the public.
In additjon to the’ princrly Sarsaparilla, this pre.
paralion contains Guiacurn, Mankrake, Burdock,
Elder, Yellow Dock, Queen's Delight, and jtbree
other roots. Tl is taking the place, of all other
Sarsapaiiltas, and should be tried by all who: wish
to use anything of the kind. Price $l,OO a bottle,
which will make two quarts of the greatest possi
ble strength.
The other Medicines are the Graefenberg Eye
Lotion The. Children's Panacea, The- Green
Mountain Ointment, The Consumptives Balm,
The Disentery Syrup.
(o[lt is intended that there shall be a Graefen
berg Depot in every neighborhood in the United
Stales, at which the Company's Medicines may be
Rudolph & Williams, Columbia.
1 Jacob Stou[Tor, Richland.
J B Andrews, Marietta.
' J B Hamilton, Bainbridge. .
George Ross, Elizabethtown.
Spannan & Housekeeper, Drumore.
John P Harlan, Little Britain,
1 P Baker, Gap.
R M Jones, Wrlghlatown.
A lt rV A L Wiimet, Paradise.
0 It Oteen, Sltaabuta.
Benjamin Bewey, willow Street,
0 H tilafk, Uttelt Poet Office.
N H Welle & Us, Mechanics' Steve,
Lewie P Wilkinson, Pullen House,
Heme & MeUeltah, Pleasant Steve,
jamei Patten, Mattie township,
Sr J W llawllni, Riwliuivllle,
. H Selemari, Mattie Petee,
Amai ioutbeer. ft Be,, Befe Hathnt,
HentyPunk, Milleritewn,
J Slit) fe 80, Lanmler illy,
David Bileknef, Werwlek,
Aktaham Meyiiiillolhivllle,
Jaeub neerhower, Weiißatl Inwnship,
Billet ft Meniaet, New Tfullandr
Weaver ft Winner, Bails "
Thnmee Bhurelt, OeHrelitown, '
dec 14
The Trial of Christ,
Title grand ami Impoilug EXHIBITION nf
STATUA tiY, rmmeimrigthe trial of mr
SAVIOUR if,ran Poutlue Pilule, lu a
group nf 83 figurte the elte of Ufr,
epleaamll armed In appropriate
Mk, LANDIB takes pleasure In announcing
la the public, ihal this beautiful group has
had his wholo (mention, logatberwilh that of mere I
of the moat talented artiele for aomo months past;
and he flattera himself that for cprrcctnees of ex*
preeaion combined with truthful;accuracyj It will
far excel any thing of the kind ever exhibited here.
This splendid-group is the production of a cele
brated artist, and is intended to represent that
moment in the Trial of our . Saviour, when Caisp
haa Bays to him, “ I adjure thee by the'livjng God
that thou tell us whether thou be Christ the son of
God.”. Jesus answers, “Thou hast said: never
theless I say unto you, hereafter shall ye jaee the
aon of. iiion aitling on the right hand, of power,
and coming in the clouds of Heaven.”
This was equivalent totalling himself (lie son of
God, which .of .course, was copsideied by the High
Priest as blasphemy; and‘he immediately-raised
his hands in effected horror and says, ‘‘He hath
spoken blasphemy: what further have we need of
witnesses'! Behold now ye have heard, itia blaa
phetny.” * “ *
The scene illustrates the appearance of [the Ttb
rnan Court, tinder Ponliue Pilate, and tihifi Jewish
Court, under Caiaphas, the High,Priest; and the
group incoatume, and decotalions of the times are
in strict accordance with ancient history. r
TheTriaJ scene will be exhibited in connection
with the Museum ; and nolwithatanding the great
expense attending the getting up, this grand epee*
taclc, theadmillance as usual.wili bebut SS cente.
N. B. Schools in a body admiUed it a lowrate.
Open every day and evening- EsmphleW describ
ing the Trial can be had at the Museum for 6$ cts
may 18 16*ly
. fnHfaoiioMrjV.Office, ~ ' .-* -..- J ;V‘
~-- -: 'XufciaitCT; ffrw.iS. Xsfi,-„; j -r .-434 c-' 1 ,,
11jj'pTIGEi»"'btiMKrpno;uiu :
( Uie- ona'jb' otZichinih
iiten. 00l by'tbV under
'*’ff®*d» ,w*idiog-i6'E«st- Dooegat townibip,
the e«laie oF*aid"<lecea®ed, Je'Tequeateil'to tasked
kJrc>WDibe Am© without dcliy. ' •, :
• • ’ •:5 " ’ .OUfiKi Adniini(i(«(or. .
nor 23" - , '- , ' ■'7t'pAA£ ■
Etlals of HENRY- yvi'fMEßiialr-af Par
. aditi Townthip. ’ - „ .
■\T QTJC-Eiabereb'y *j»en indebted'
. -LN *0 said ralale. that ifthetcreapecure 10
cnudtc late dot diachargid on orbefiya tbe: 13ih
,daj 01 December intW they wjU, on- tbatVday be'
placed io the proper hand* faeMtleelioo bydue
coane of lan. ■
susan h: witmbb,:
Para3i«e, ilec I 4 !
- A LL persona haaint: clalrna or demands ogainat
XX theealate ofHaonabMcGaigab, late of the
city of Lancaster, dec’d, are-notified to 'make known
the same without delay, and those indebted to make!
payment oh or before the Ist day of April next, to
. ...... TIMOTHY DALY,
Exechrorof Hannah Me.Guiganfdec’d, residing in
East Lampeter-twp., near'-Ferree**-old Tavern,
nos 83 7t pd-43 ;
Lancaster Count; mutual in
surance Company.
'I'HE Meraebers of the liancaater County Mutual
L Insurance Company are Hereby notified that
an election will be held it the office of the.'com- 7
pany, at Salisbury, on the second Tueeda? of JanV
uary next, (the lllh t ) for nine Directors, to con
duct the affairs. of the company for the ensuing
r •- \ Secretary.
46.8 t .
i2inscsaas> ®a
41* Election will be held on Monday, the 3d
day of January next, at the house oL Sophia
Pyle, Mt. Joy, the hours of 11 6 and 12
o’clock, lor a President, ten Managers, a : Treasurer,
and Secretary, of the Lancaster, Elizalietown and
M iddletown Tnrnpika Rbat- -r .
ji M. LONG, Treasurer -
| . L A 46 . .
°r Physical Training, to make their Line* in
tftis. World Long and Happy, by the'Au
thor 'of xi Education : As Jt Is ,
' Ought To Be, and Might Be,"
First American Edition,
' toilh Additions :
Theingan elementary and interesting: Iretise on
IDSelf Knowledge, Containing short and enter
taining articles on,- •!
Food Heart : Glands Strength
Katiog Stomach- Nerves Recreations
Digestion Liver * Brains Old Age
Blood Lungs t Mind Man
Secretions Arters
Head Viens
Senses, Woman
Health Disease,
&c &c &c.
Together with the Great Secret-Success in
Life how attained—How to do._£octL-rCaujes and
Effects of Brrorf-Hatms—Passions—Woman, de*
scribed—Man-described—Man’s Errors—Rich and
Poor—Sexes—Yirtne and Vice—Youthful Errors—
Woman how made delicate—Woman’s Virtues,
Ambition, &c. &c.
The whole designed for the noble putpose of im
proving and extending education amongst the people
imparting valuable knowledge on the physiology of
the human frame, aud the laws which govern men-.
ta| and bodily health, &c &c.
GjPAny person sending 25 cents enclosed in
a letter shall receive one copy by mail, or five copies
fori I* Address, postage paid,
G. B. ZIKBi&R& CQj Philadelphia.
T X 17-ly
Every Man his own Gas Manufacturer.
..Warm etiir Furnace A*
Cooking Range Manufacturer,
No, 88 North Stetk Street, PittKA OKf.PtttA.
[HAVING purchased hum the Atneilcatt Asslg*
APPARATUS, the rights far (he Stales ef Penn
gyluattla, Dataware and Maryland, Infcinti hie
friends end the publie, that he Is new ready te
furnish (hem with Biases filled up ter the purpeai,
by whieli every penes ean manuteelure Els ewn
Gaawiih bhllrlfling expense ever (hy outlay. The
eensirueilen of this apparatus Is sueh ihai it may
be atlaehed is ilssea already In use i alie is Gsek>
ing Rangei, Purnaeei, Bieam Rollers, er in any
situation where Are er llgln Is required, ?e man*
uteelnrlei, hotels, ehurehei, and publie er private
building;, leinoie from anyigai works, this nppa
raiui w;ll be feund a cheap and eemiemleel meined
of lighting *e weet, as inuTixoihelr oparlmenii,
wlihoui my a tiro expcnie ter fuel,
Perrons wlihlng lo aea ilto Apparolus In opera
ilon.oin do to by celling at hie minufectory,—
Rights to manufacture In either of tho above Blelee,
will be eoltl an eccammctliilng terms.
Having boon appointed Agent by tho American
Aealgneia, for the manufacture of Ihla Apptrelui,
and olio for th; aalo of uthor Blelee In the Union
ter Rights, any orders addrened to him will te>
celve immediate attention,
He respeolfu|lv to hie very iu*
aurlor and complete eaortment of Warm Air Furn*
acee, Cooking llongee end Baib-Boilers. Ho keepa
constantly on hand nine different aliea of Ranges,
all of which may be lean at any timed his store,
and warranted to perform wall; together with every
variety of furnaoea and Boilers,
Also, a Belect variety of Vault and Hearth
Grates, Gas Ovens, dec,
In assortment, quality and price, be feels confi*
dent that he can please those who may call, and
therefore invitee an examination of, hie stock,
sept 28 184" !35-6m
YcStqifis Miramg*.,.Tfce msfrovamenis consist
bf *?SmST&W&PO& HDiJSEiwirblfircn.
wagon. shed,
l ccyp tiUckretth »bofs.jK>osg for«,tenaßK'pr
i for eefyan fsfs V 6 n’e 0R C H Alt D of
andabbotlOoriSAcres bf'Wbotf- LamT-fiisivity’
iirabersd.v There is a fine streanCof water called
Addisoo’sßranch, passing ihrougtihis Farnni, near
jhb buildings; and a never failing spring ofgoud
; water Ja short distancefrom ithe" house.' * This
Eariß bordera QnJhe Rivcr. Monaeacy, but lies so
high as : noi to be injure<hhiaclL b'v its.rising, .it is
divided-mio convenieni fields with fencing;
-it is in a goed atate- bf culrivationtratf in- poKit of
productiveness ia ndt -surpassed by anjr Farm (o|
tissue*) inFrederick county, and situatedina’gpoct
healthy neighborhood. ..This Farm ianow rented
at $l2OO per annum.: ' <
This fand will be Sold clear oFlhe widow’sdow
er, andpossession, given on the-Ist of -April, jB4B,
®*cept the. right <»rthe tenants to, secure the crop
'of Grain growing on said land.. : This Farm .wiil
: fte so.d entire or divided inio.three .Farms asTol*.
! lowsto wit tr-Ahout 200 ACRES with the build
ingSt.and,twooiherFarmsof 100acreaeach; it is
so located as to be. susceptible Olihe above dtvis
i ions,-which will be made and plats orihet' same
i shownon theday of sale. • 7 :
Persons desirous of viewing the properly, will
1 please call on Mr; B* J. Snouffer, residing on the
iMirie, or the subscriber, resididg in Fredencktown,
; who will show-the property and give any informa
tion necessary. ~ 7..
i Terms of sale, as prescribed by the decree, are:
; pne*third of the purchase money to be paid on the
day of sale, or the ratification thereof, at the elec
tion of purchaser; the'residue in two equal annua!
payments front the'day.-of sale, the purchaser or'
Or purchasers givinglhis, her or their notes for the
payment of ;he same, be approved
bv the Trustee, and bearing interest from the day
of sale, and upon payment of the wholeof the pur
chase money; apd upon the ratification -of sale and
not before, r the Trustee shalj by. a good and suffi
cient deed, executed.and; acknowledged according
lo law,’corivey to the' purchaser or purchasers, and
hjs, her or their heirs, the. property purchased by
him,her or them, free clear und discharged from all
incumbrance ofthe widows dower, and from ail
claims and demands of the petitioners or defend
ants, or those claiming by, from, through or under
them, or any of ..them..
i Er Sale 10 copimence at 12 o’clock, noon.
Republican Citizen
Valuable Farm and Mills at public
sale; ■
THE Subscriber will sell, at public sole,, on ihe
Btb day af January, 1848, at l o’clock, P. M„
the following described property, viz: A Farm
situate in FuHon township, Lancaster, county,about
ten-miles from Port Deposite, where there is gene*'
rally a good market for produce and a 'drily com i
municauon by' water amLyail-way lo the city al
;Tftirrfarflr adjoinsHaWa. oT.'Jbliir'B r
Brown, Abner VVood and. other?, containing 120
ACRES, more .or les*. -The improvements-are 0
two story brick DWELLING
Wiih a well jsrfd pump therein, at the
door, and a spring of. good 1 water
short distance from the house; a frame Barn, 34 by
50,/feet with stone cellar; a Lime Kiln, and a
Grist and MERCHANT MIL,L.'>
31 by 40 feel, three stories high, with a shed at
tached 18’feet wide and 40 feel long; two stories
used as a falling mill. The'mill contains one pair
French Burrs, and one pair Country Stones, with
necessary machinery, all newly truth within the
last 12 years. Also, a commodious miller's hou?e
near the Clover Mill, 30 by 30 feel, three stories
high. This mill was newly 1841. Also,
a Log House near the mill, for' ihe miller.
_ .The-«bove Mills are substantially built—each
fieing frame with stone cellering. Thei Grist Milt
is propelled by an over-shot wheel, 16 feet fall and
4 feet head—the Clover MiH, overshot, 21 feel'fall
and 3 feet head-*the stream a good and durable
one—and both do a good business. The above
farm has about 90 acres of arable land; the
der limber land—there is an Apple Orchard o!
choice'fruit trees on the premises: the farm is
divided into. Convenient fields, with a running
stream of water on each field, and the land is in
a good state of, cultivation, having been limed, and
well fenced with chesnut rails. This property is
ituate in a healthy and intelligent neighborhood—
onvenient to Churches and Schools, mechanics ol
arioua kinds,and is worth the attention of the man
t business. Any person wishing to view this
roperiy can have it shown id him by either of the
subscribers, residing ori the premises.
There are two public.; roads running through tho
estate, East and West. North and South, formds
a cross dl the grist mill.
h- Pop Sale."
ON WEBNSBBAY, the BSth day of Beeetn.
her, in the evening, at the house ef Biven
Happle, will beeffered at public sale, that valuable
Tavern Heuee and Let,
aityate an the earner ef North Qneen and Bheenut
si Kill, hounded un the north by the Pennsylvania
llaiiread, containing twenty-nlne feet sn North
GJueen, and one ItuadVed ind seven foot three
Inches, mere or less, on Bheinut street, end oeeu<
pled by Boren Hopple. A perfectible and posses;
slon given on the Ist ef April nest.
The were Aetna, ear Aerrse, end ml yard, west
of the levern nettle, are offered el private sale,
Of Thru frit ran PlanlaUani in Manor
" 'i\iu>nihip, I
Determined m move to the state orim
noil, I will nil it Private Hill, gt my roil•
Ulenci oni mile, win ul Mllleraiown, In Mannr
township, Lancaster county, THREE PLANTA
TIONS, to win 1
No. I.—Consisting of i Tracl'of Lind, contain-
Ini 140 ACHES,
•irlol measuro, bounded on the cut by the Little
Coneitoga Creek, on the north by No. 3, on the
weit by a public rood, and on the south by No. 3,
The Improvements on No. I, are.a’two a|ory'
Slone Dwelling;
fS|i i li
licet»6:tb con rini^fc&eprog/*
- tiamwjaehiuoner.endialao hattng--
hoijjse forriwhich'ffie'liisjDfe w
ji acdSmmodaie the public, andementin
b»se aperabn of-good
;put£fpr'ftoneaiy and iemperphce.pttd thiVba is
. elbjirovicled wii hho useroonr an d stnbUpgaQd all.
the conveniences neeessaryfor iho lodging andac
comnrodation of strangers and travellers. We,
therefore, beg leave 10 recommend him for slioense
agreeably to ;thia petition. ■ ’ • / ' ■ \": ;;
John - Winters Joseph Jones Wm M Smith
Christian Alußselman Solotnontliffenderfer "Vlfllip'
Brubaker John Slyer Isaac 801 l Isasc'Sprecher .
Amos Diller- Simon Nagle George Brubaker. .
. dec 2l ■ '■ ; «■ \f
IN THK-MATTER of the intended application o
Jacob Albbight, ior, license to continue keeping
a public bouse, in -Carnarvon township.. •'
11/ E. the undersigned, citizens of the township
Y-V, ~of Carnarvon, where the said inn or: tavern
is proposed^©-fee-kept, do cerr*/y, il}nt lhe >aTd inn
or .tavern Is'necessary to accommodate the public
and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are weU acquainted wiih the'said Jacob lAlbhioht,
and thirtie is ofgood;repute
perance. and is well provided with house-room, and
conveniences, for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers.. ' . :
M Bickham H B Jacobs E D Whi’e| Jas_Efans
Edward Davies Evan Rogers Jacob Jimeson B F
Bunn Chrißobinson Cyrus H Jacobs Lot Rogers
Wm Witniiah C Truraen Wallace Fr Gillespie.
. dec 2t 47
IN THE MATTER.of the intended application
of SAMUEL HULL, fur license-'to continue
keeping a public house in the township of West
Eari, Lancaster county.
YXJ E*'the 'undersigned citizens ofthe township
VVof West Earl, wfceresaid innor tavern is'
proposed to / be kept, do certify, (bar the said inn or.
tavern is necessary to accotmhod&tcTthc* public and*
enfertain strangers and travellers, and ihat wb-are
well acquainted with the said Samuel Hull, and
ithat he is otVgo&d, repine for honesty and
ance, and k well provided with house room anjf
conveniences for the accommodation of sirangers.
and traveller.. . - •;!'
GeorgeKafroih Henry Grelilel David Good Ftti
H Carpenter George Coruthers .John K Reed
David Wo(f\fohn Sheafler Peter. Cafroth Christian
Wenger George Reed Samuel Reemsnyder Abm
Rachel Tristini Connell
dec 21
IN THE MATTER of the intended application
of David Snately, for.license to .coHUuue'krcp*
ing .a.public house in the township of Mar tick,
Lan.castes count y— it .being* ah old stajid:.
. TT7,E, the-.underaigned, citizens of the township
‘ VV of Martick, where the. said inn dr tavern ia
proposed lo be kept, docertify, ihat thc said inn or
tavern is necessary. to nccommodate ihe public and
ientertain st.anaersand travellers, and that.we are
well acquaioied with the said David Suavely, and
that.beds of good rt-pnie'for honesty and temper
ance', and is well provided with house room and con*
veniences for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers. . f
Daniel,H; Shank Ahraham Miller Hirotn Wotson
Richard 'Jones Christian Brennensnn James W
Walker George \V Smithson Janus Myers David
.liaird James Benson Thomas j Neil George Mar*
tin Martio HuberJ
Besnre you are Right, then "
go Ahead. 1
THIS is an .excellent-mono and should always
•be before us—in all conditions of lifer-under
all circumstances it is useful —but how much more
so to those who; are in search of GRAT. BAR
GAINS in the shupe of beautiful DRY GOODS,
let them first-.find out where the ~ BEE HIVE’*
ia located—let them satisfy themselves; that they
actually are in the Bee Hive Store, theh.and only
then can they go ahead and buy, lor they 'will- be
sure to get 'cheap and goad goods-
The spirit of the age is in Keepfng 'vitK the above
plain truths. Energy and Tiuth can alone satisfy
the wants of the people of this enlightened oge.
We are receiving daily NEW GOODS for ihb
.HOLIDAYS; every Father, .Mother,. Sister,
Brother and all those who have .neither, should ai
least call—if only to please an idle curiosity, and
see the beautiful goods at the (live,. North
Queen street, 10 doors north of the Posj Office.
IN THE MATTER of the intended ap»
plication of Michael McGranri, for li
cense to keep a public house in the city
of Lancaster—it being an old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the North
Ward, of the city of Lancaster, Where the
said inn or tavern iB proposed to be kept, Dq
Certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain stran
gers and travellers, and that we are: well ac
quainted with the said Michael McGhANii; and
that he is of goad repute for honesty and temr..
perance, and is well provided with house room
and conveniences for the accommodation: of
etraitseie nm) titivelleis.
P RelteeiPhilip Baley Sin'! Van Kamja
J W Hubley George Wilson ohia B Went*
Jacob Merges I) Beyer Jmt Wiitlinger Oweeg
Hepple B&vli fteeie Bm'l Sheber. 1 deaMt
IN I'll E MATTJSB eNb§ intemleil apptieaiien
af Ibskahb Mabk, far license 16 eemlnus
huplng a puWio, house, ai bit present stand,
eianaf @tm, Washiiigtsni in itie liareugh af
me undersigned elllieni af (he heWet
\V Ward af Hie bareugh af Washington, where
saitl Inn ur tavern Is pinpiised la be kent, flo e«p.
lify i that the laid inn ar tavern ii necessary la ee« ■
eoinmndaie the nubile eml entertain uringeri mil
iravelleri, and iliil we ere well aequatnfedwlth
the eeld fleitHAnn MA»»,#nd ihel.lie l» ef gimd
reptile far honesty end lemnerenee, end le 1 well
pravlded with bailee room end convenience! for the
neoommodeilon of iirengere end (reveller*,
Samuel Blierleer John A Brush De*ld Baylor
George Bhumen Uilisrd Oehr Joseph Mplieiiejen
OhrUilen Meyer Jnmos Dougulgh Andrew Wolf
John Cover John Fey DenloTFlehol. |
Jeo 14 . 46*pd |
IN THE MATTER nf the Intended application
of DANIET* LHFEVRE, for license to keep a
publio house In the townehlp of Pkredite, I,in*
caster county—lt being an old Hind, j !?'
WE, the underilgneJ cllitene ofi thei town!of
Paiedlie, lionceeler county.wbere et|d Inn
nr tavern le propoied to be kept, do certify thsitho
■aid inn or levern if ner.eMiry. lo accoramodalejthe
public end enrenein etrangeie and Irovelleie, end
that we are welt acquainted wbb the eaid Dehiel.
Befevre, and that he is of good repute fur honesty
ond temperance, jmd is we!l provided with houee l
room and conveniences for the accommodation of
strangers and travellers. " .?£’■■■
Michael Musselman John Lingerfield Daniel f.
Esbenahade Johri' H Sherte C H SherU Joseph' 1 II
Lefevre Benjamin Brackbill John K Herr'David
. Edwards Samiief Esbenahade Samuel Keneagy
Christian Keneagy'
dec 14
IN THE MATTER of the-intended application of
Johk Adam Shxurbb'baa9d, for.license to keep
tavern in the Wert-Ward, it being an old
■land. • -.*i'
WE, the undersigned . citizens of the North*
west Ward, in, the city of Lancqstpr, where
B ?jSJ nn or ,av erh is proposecUo be kept, Do Cer
tyU* that the said inn-or tavern is necessary*'
commodate the public and.entertain strangers andl -
travellers, aftd that we ar® well acquainted With the l ■
said Johji Adam.Sbeurehbrand;.and thai tfe Is of
goodreputefurhonesty andtemperance/snd ia well
provided With hotißeroom end conveniencles for, the
accommodation. •
Charles Sbaefler Frederick Peuseh
.Uaoisl Milfer Edtvatd x Kaulz John Slaof&f J
William P Miller-. Jacob James H Perry —'
Wendel MgrtzaU George Miller Gilbert R. Huijy
GeogejCjeflcr. dec 14 X 46« pd
Rich Terberri Shawls, j
JUST opened sQ of the moßt superb LTerkdrr
Shawls, .direct from New York, at various,
prices# at least-50 per. cent lower .than the saindC
qoamy and styles has ever been aold in this city. V
At the V BEE HIVE, -
i\o doors Norik of the past Office N. Queen sf? •
oct 19 - 28
• The ory Is still they corned -
T US r-received 60pieces of those splendid French'' * *
*f EnglisfaPlaidsao muchworn for ’
Fait ondWintef Oressea* At thc.Bee Hive,-Norib
Queen street.’ ' 1 ",
oct is \ ;■'. . ; ar
3Prc«»«l» WertMOCs. ' • ‘ •
T USTopened fill the desirable shade* of ihhaa ■>■■■
J Bplcndid T.iIYBE l' CLOTHSbq muchinde ■
niond ni prerenl for cloaks and dresses—warranted :
'frfim'r*>w:elebraled factdjjr of Liiwtn:
! * " -JNotih 'dieepdiiSei-.;;
, .;w. ..38 ~ .....
=>. - :
t Cjfr HACKS' Pill MB 1110 COFFEE.
JLO*-/.10 bs£s Old Oijv** Java /jp. j
25 i>Lls Cpvermg’s Cr- . : a and Piv/erisefl
23 do Si H--Sagajr.
hlids. Pi-rid Kieo d?
da Lov6,:r-a’*-S:»-vv
d.> Stitfiir Prf'.'
* biV.h of N . F. He.; •
' TUa above ,r uel. '-■>
47-3tq [
- ; 47-tf
3yn**v aJolasae&: i*
in store arl foriitle br
47-Sf ;