-- -----"- ■ —-•*- IMeetiho of the Bab and Judges.-—-A Uloetihg oVthe Judges anil membere of the ral courts of this county, was held on thelfith.jfeLp forthe puipose of testifying their deep aense qftbe., Joaa sustained by the profession and the naLiotu at large in:the jecent death of the Hon., chancellor Kent, late of New York, and to adopt resolutions suitable to the occasion. The Hon. Ellis Lewis was called to the Chair, assisted by the following gentlemen as Vice Presidents: Hon. A. L. Hayes, - Redbrder Wielxam Jenkins, Hon. Em’l Sciiafff.b, and Henry .G. Lono, E*q. Secretaries t Keah Frazer,Thomas E. Franklin; and D. W. Patter son, Esqr’s. v* j, lilon. Elus Lewis pronounced ! a brief bu t glow ing eulogy oh Chancellor Kent; referring lit elo ■ quent tertns to his many virtues,as a jurist, ieititen, and Christian. We regret that our room Is so pre occupied - as to exclude his truly Impressive tribute from our columns Ih? the present. He was followed In a train of appropriate comment byCol. Reaii ■Frazer* who moved the appointment ot a commit too to report suitable resolutions, The Chair appointed! R. Frazeii, ThomasJS. Franklin, A. H. Smith, N. Lioiitner, I). C. Ehiii.eman, Wm. y -TiiioT nnd .T. B. Ahwakiv. Esquires, who re ported tho following, which; were unanimously adopted: . 1 Resolved, That tho intelligence of tho. Uhaih of Chancellor Kent has been received: by the Bench and Bar of the county of Lancaster, with unfeigned regret, Temperance and purity securred Inin length of days—industry impelled him to the per formance orgreat and important labors—integrity : and true religion gained him' the undivided confi dence of the public —whilst patience and kindness won the affection of all who had intercourse with - him.' He was an ornament of the Common Law— a Bhihmg light in the Chancery jurisdiction of the country, and the dllustnous example of a presiding officer, inexorably jußt and impartial, in the admin istration,of Law and Equity. . " ‘ Resolved, That we are consoled with the reflec tion that his'fame will be enduring, and that .the impress of his great mind, displayed in his decisions ■ and commentaries on the law, will into the distant future,' illuminate the pathway of the stu dent, the lawyer and the judge, by its deep learning, incorruptible integrity, and profound wisdom. Resolved, That as a -jurist, with Marshall, Tilgh man, Washington and Story, Chancellor Kent lias placed the Jurisprudence of the American Union in ' an elevated position, and standing on the same platform with thoae distinguished compeers Coke. Hale, Mansfield and Biackstone, his name will he transmitted to posterity, as a distinguished bene factor ofthecause of right and justice. Resolved, That these proceedings bn enrolled on the records’ of the Courts of Lancaster county, and that the remarks or the speakers, together with the proceedings, he published in the different papers of the city. Resolved, That we offer our condolence to the family of the deceased, and that the Hon. Ellis. Lewis, Hon. A. L. Hayes, Hon. Win. Jenkins, Hon. E. Schaeffer, H. G.' Long, T. E. Franklin, D. W. Patterson, Reali Frazer, A. Herr Smith, N. Lightner, Di G. Eshleinan; William Mathiot, J. B. Amwake, J, L. Reynolds: W I earnnhell , .i. 7,'. Horn?, ;r; F. Bryan, W..'Dickey, P. Donnelly, \V . Baker, George W. Klind, James Black and W. W. ' Brown, Esquires, be a tp communicate • these’procecdings to the family of Judge Kent. Post Offices in Lancaster County. —Fijom the Birnmial Register, otherwise called the Blue Bopk,” for 1847, we compile a list of the post of fices in the county of Lancaster, names of post masters, and. the amount of net-proceedp and com pensation of each office for the year ending June 30, 1847 : Post Offices. Post Masters. Net pro. Compen. Adamatown, John Echtemach, $33,80 $28,5.6 Andrew’s BridgeW. G. Chandler, 32,-33 29,02 Bainbridge, J. B. Hamilton, 70,17 03,08 Bareville, Reuben Weidler, 33,07 29,52 Bart, Hannah Quigg,. 65,77 48,07 Beartown, George Rigg, 17,89 15,10 Blue Ball,* ' * -Henry Yundt, 48,37 i 40,26 Bbwmansville, Samuel Bowman, 14,75 12,41 Brickerville, • Jacob Miller, 29,64 25,40 Buck, ,r E. S. Bailey, 48,66 .31,61 Cains, Robert Smith, 54,54 38,75 Chesnut Level, Ph. Housekeeper," 62,79 55,97 Churchtown, E.-D. White, 98,58 89,33 Cocalico} ; Benj. Flickinger, 8,18 6,96 Colerain, J. U. Hendrickson, 18,40 15,57 Columbia, G. G. Claiborne, =1194,65 596,72 Conestoga, Adam Kendig, 31,69 27,57 Coopersville, John Cain, 22,10 20,21 Durlach, 1 Harrison Elser, 29,15 25,68 "Earl, • \ Martin E. Stouffer, 30,57 26,95 E. Hempfield, A. Holtzworth, 48,55 41,77 . Elizabethtown, Sara. Redsecker., 172,13 140,10 Eftterprize, J. K. Cooper, 90,81 70,19 Ephrata, - John Gross, 104,51 93,88 Falmouth, Abr. Collins, 9,64 7,91 Gap, James B. Baker, 210,38 137,26 Goshen, S. E. Fairlamb, 52,62 47,78 Greene, FlemingM’sparrow,4s,94 32,50 Hat, . Esaias Ringer, 14,59 13,30 Hempfield, William Myers, 22,88 20,15 Hinkletown, John Wickell, 45,88 43,54 Intercourse, John Reed, 51,76 45,77 Kinzers, Henry Kinzer, 83,78 78,96 Kirk’s Mills, LevjKirk, 31,57 27,97 Lampeter, ' David H. Herr, 22,76 20,45 , Lancaster city, Mary Dickson, 3348,17 1305,37 Landisville, John C. Landis, 34,40 29,89*, Leacock, Jacob Holl, 80,58 62J?9 Litiz, F. A.Zitsman, 218,99 130,08 Manheim, Henry Shaffner, 96,45 76,87 Manor, Geo. W. Gibbs, 79,51 63,59 Marietta, J. J. Libhart, 340,42 195,07 Martickville, -Henry Stock,' 29,30 25,51 MastersonviUe, S. J. Mastersori, 16,67 14,91 Maytown, Peter Albright, 63,09 59,16‘ Mechanics’Gro. N. W. Wells, ' 13,18 11,36 Millersville, Henry Funk, 38,85 32,59 Mount Hope, A. B. Grubb, 12,00 10,03 Mount Joy, .Tames Laird, 251,63 198,39 Neffsville, - Jac,. Minnick, 19,51 17,20 New Holland, Hamilton Ayrds, 123,99 • 88,25. .. New Providence J. -R. R,ohfer,' 34,66 31,52 Oak .Hill* Jno. 5 Hamilton, 55,61 45,01, •Oregon, J. F. Young, 15,89 .13,95 Paradise, A. L. Witmer, « 213,30 158,58 Pequea, A. S. Henderson, 55,23 46,72 Pleasant Grove, J. B. Haines, 29,04 25,46 Rawlinsville, John Rawlins, 24,45- 20,91 Reamstown, Andrew Ream, 64,16 55,90 Reinholdsville, J. K. Schiarer, 9;98 8,52 Safe Harbor, John Herr, 39j20 33,37 Schoeneck, James Kerling, 16,39 .14,88 Smithville, John C. Smith, 9,84 8,18 Strasburgh, Christ. Menard, . 179,30 130,60 Willow Street, John Eberly, 11,71 10,40 • “Annadale.” —This is the name of the delight ful residence of our friend, Col. S. C. Sjtambaugh, so favorably known in the social and political cir cles, here and at Washington. We have rarely stood on a spot which nature and art have combined 'to render so truly one. of delight. ’lt is situated on the Litii turnpike, within a mile of this city, in ,a healthy and' salubrious region, where all that can and delight meets the enraptured eye.— ln the summer season,, when the birds carol in the boughs, and nature rejoices in the revival of her works, we can 1 easily imagine what an Elysium is here. The hospitality of.the Colonel has, passed into a proverb, but nowhere “are the generous •; impulses of his heart displayed so bountifully as in his own hospitable mansion. May prosperity ever * pursue his path. «r We cordially reciprocate the courtesy of the gentlemanly editor of the Union 4* 'Tribune. With all opr brethren of the press we desire .to cultivate relations of amity and good fellowship. If we - must have political differences, let them not, at least, turn into bitterness the springs of social ex istence. We shall use every possible effort to prove that journalism does not necessarily lead \to the X Subversion of our kindlier arid better faculties, and .. that political antagonism and personal agreement , are far from incompatible. Curiosities-— . For the Lancaster Museum.— The piece Of red chalk, with which Napoleon crossed the Alps. j ' 1 A shingle from the roqf of the mouth of Alexan der the Great—-also, one of the strings attached -to the cap x>f his knee—also, a rafter- taken from the bridge of his nose—also, a thread of the silk which composed the lash of his left eye—also, the core of the Apple of his eye—and, last but not least, a but ton cut from the coat of his stomach. V New. Year’s Eve.—The New Year is to be welcomed, in at the Mechanics’ Institute, by a gay party qi young ofTerpsichorean exercises: The managers of the Ball have assured us that it will be Well-attended j and dfeere will be nn Inch! of (i tail iadves-*’ on the ‘ot :as!on. Mr* F\ Proven will ss fic, r- nmrer. A ■2-c? n.jinb.er otjhi- pupils wiH ue preserroa the &cczx>ent. — Mr.“ Wither, :< re. yeciable fanner,•: in B::nho to|K about six miles .'-‘.-■h C-i] jj'ii.'D. h?d ?iis left vm eaugl.t in a thiaeli ing machine •o u Wednesday by which the arm wa* rq aiuch i'ijurt'-: lift to retire inhjmtation At the elbow-joint. abate to wiepfthprax^ justice ta4heir ,feeJ|sisß, Bdtf *££**PJ®**-. UieirigratefuT many members of this other congregations; to %hP% they are indebted.for a number of use&Laud !Talu-,i able donations. -* „ ' • *■ L" '-.AWi.Yr-rriJ'V : The proceeds-Of. the Fair have- exceeded thfetr most sanguine expectations. More .than enough haß been realized to purchase a handsome -library* and they feel justified in saying that this l(trge ad* ditiorito the pecuniary resources ofthe &ho6l, will add materially- to;its. usefulness. - By t>rdif, tf. thi Cmmitttei. ■ WILLIAM BROOKS, 1 Chairman, i: Bakuei. N. Lioiitkeh, Secretary. ■ Kiiu,Ea, Two dbbrs aboye the *,Boat Offle*?, has On hand a large fitippfy of ladiei ihoea, slippers, Ac, We obsorvu that his whuinys eoiilnlH sotpe very neut spedihens of his manulbcture. Am litis is the NNison for ‘.'tripping on the light ftntastir toe," the liulies would he acting wisely,!© rail at h(s es tablishment, before making their sdeetions.. | * 05* The valuable country-neat of Mr. Jamen Cameroh near this cjty, was sold -tojii Saturday a week, to Robert B, Cassatt, of Pittsburg, tor 6.10,353—equal $lO2 per acre,; Interestingfrom Mexico. : We are indebted to the* kindness <)f a friend for the subjoined extracts of a letter recently received from Lt. Henry A. Hambricht, together with that nfficer’s official report of the part taken bv himself and men in the several actions near the city of Mexico, more especially in the memorable assault .upon Chapultepec. , - ; Lieut. H. is a native of this city, a son ofGeneral- Fredebick Hahbbiciit. He started from Harris burg for Mexico last December, as Ist Sergeant in the-‘‘Cameron Guards,’’ but has since been, pro moted to a Ist Lieutenancy, owing to-the illness of Capt. Quail, and the death of Lieut.' Stubceow, son of Senator Sturgeon. Company H is the one" raised at Uniontown, Fayette. county, and com manded up to the time of his election to'the colo-’ nelcy of the regiment, by the lamented William 11. Roberts. - “ You have learned- before this of the- deaths of IWm. Glatz, Shaw, and George Winauer, who died while in garrison at Puebla. I cannot say that I ever felt so sorry in my life as I did. for these poor fellows. Glatz and Shaw'were buried while I was in the company with military honors, and had bv far the most respectable-funerals I have seen since I have been in the service; George Winauer died on ,tUQ,Rth.,of.r Augusts the.- ds.v jrnaxcbed from 'Vuetila. He was left in the care of.several mem bers who were unable to march. . “ To the friends of my deceased comrades please give my assurance, that every attention that could have been bestowed upon them at home, was paid them during their illness* and that all of them re ceived decent and respectable interment. “ Tell the friends of the few survivors who are here from old Lancaster, that they are well, have done their duty, and intend doing so to the end of the War!*’ REPORT OF LIEUT. HAMBRIGHT. . Head-Quarters, 2d Regt. Pa. Vol’s, ) Citadel, City ofMexico; Sept. 14, 1847. j To Lieut. Col. John IV. Geary, Comm’g 2d Regi ment, Pa. Volunteers. Sir : In reporting to you a detail of the move ments and part taken by my command in the battles ofthe 11th; 12th, and I3th inat., in all of which the Company was actively engaged, I give yod tho : facts as minutely and correctly to the best of my recollection as they occurred. * „ On the 11th inst., the Company took position in line and marched to the Camp near Tacubaya, where it arrived about 12 o’clock, same night. We again resumed our inarch early on the morn ing of the 12th inst., to the scene of action, and , took position in the trenches on the right of our battery, to prevent a charge from the enemy’s cav- ■ airy and a body of troops that were in position in that, direction, where we remained under a heavy fire of grape and cannister from the Castle, and of mus ketry from the skirmishers on our right, until 6 o’clock, same evening, when we were relieved by a portion of the New York Regiment. Whilst iii this position Sergeant Cummings was slightly wounded in the shoulder. After remaining in quarters a short time, I re ceived orders to march my command to assist in erecting a battery, designed to operate on the ene my’s fortifications, in which we were engaged until the morning ofthe 13th, when we again returned to quarters just as the line was forming to com mence the storm, in which we took our position • and moved on until within reach of the enemy’s shot, when we filed left in the direction of, their works, through a swamp in which were a number • of ditches and trenches, filled with water to the depth of three or four feet, which were crossed with great difficulty, and exposing us for a length of time to a most galling fire from the Castle and the cross-fire of their troops on our right flank, but gained-cover under the walls, about one hundred yards distant from their batteries, with but the'.loss of one man, Samuel Morgan, who fell at the com mencement of the charge. After rallying and forming the company, we flanked around under cover of the walis to the left, and charged up the height, having ladders to carry which • somewhat retarded the quickness of our movements, and exposed «us'to a raking fire from the batteries, and musketry, but succeeded in scal ing the walls without further loss. After all their works at the Castle of Chapultepec were in our possession, :I was again ordered to re sume my post, and marched my command to the storming and taking of_the enemies batteries on the road leading to the cityj and at the Garita, in whieh Josiah Winders was killed, ami Wm. Mendenhall _ and Henrv Rist wounded. My command now took position under cover, being exposed to a destructive fire from the Citadel, which we could return, and maintain our position until further orders. - After the firiug ceased, we were again detailed tor labor, and were engaged in building the battery and placing cannon until the morning of the 14th when the Citadel was surrendered. Before closing this statement', I would be doing great injustice to my command i if their gallant and active services were not brought to your notice, especially themon-commissioned officers, to whom in a great measure is due tKe credit of keeping the files closed and in assisting and urging on those who were overcome by fatigue in the several charges. I would also beg leave to report that the absence of several of my; command on the evening of the 13th and-the morning of the 14th, was owing to their being detailed to assist in- removinglthe wounded ; they immediately joined their command after being relieved. ’ 1 There were but four of the company who were not engaged in these actions, they having been left in the hospital at San Angelo on the 11th inst., sick and unable to march. I have given you thus a cor rect statement of the operations and active part taken by in the battles ! of the 11th, 12th'and 13tn, and respectfully report the same for your consideration. H. A. HAMSRIGHT, Lieutenant Commanding Company H. To Lieu tenant Col. John W. Geary, Commanding 2nd Regiment Pa. Volunteers. To the list of killed and wounded of my com mand, I have added that of Company G. the one I was first attached to, and to which belong the per sons from Lancaster. ; LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED. Killed. —Josiah Winders, company H., Samuel Morgan, do., Wm. Bolton company G. Wounded.— Serg’t Cummings, company H. Pri vates, H. Rist, do., Wm. Mendenhall, do.j James Cosgrove* company G. Patrick Ward, do., Corporal J. Moyer,' do., Private Joseph Palmer, do.! Capt. E. C. Williams, company G., was slightly wounded in the shoulder in the. charge made on Chapiiltepec. A Solemn Xrutb. John Taylor, of Caroline county,! (Va.) a soldier of the Revolution, a farmer," in his agricultural es says, speaks as follows to the formers and mechanics of the United States.: j„. “We got jid of tythes, and we now clasp Bank and Protective Duties to oiir bosoms; Ten per cent upon labor was paid; to .'forming a body of men which extended !aud cultivated good morals, as sbmri compensation.' ,fpr forming also, legal faction, guided by the spirit, .of encroachment upon ’ the rights and property.of." the majority. Forty per centum is now paid 'on our labor to a legal faction ginded by the same spirit," and pretending to no religion, to no morality, to no patriotism, except to the religion*' morality, and patriotism of making itselfdaily richer, which, it says will enrich the nation, just as the self same .bettor, has'enriched'lbighi-nd ■* THU U/gat oi‘. by protecting duties, bankers u:if! cunts - r rft, for 'rorr. hem* serened with the • ly.he ciai...'. 1 y the old kicrurlhy uiii h: the. easy; |of ihe ine.'h-.mv . approplriate tlu* whiri j thvir hbor • '.• beyond a bare subaisum^?. s though in the y ’he formers, it hus not only | gotten - ; .ut tour time fo ihiu'h c-f'iheirs as was extorted by-the o,. t >re?Sjvt-, a:>' fraudulent' J,Tv»h* system.’ 7 oney market* in--Diibi:- ' irsald to he !..••••• it join tue Sons of ;Te:,.: -ran-'o.—- [extracts.] eiliill On tHe same by 3w® ner, of ! narfo'n. " ' J T- a *" %-■> .. '-:t ; k on the f 7th inst., bythe. Bame*Mr,CbaiJeavHu-- ber, ofthw-city, to Miiii Charlotte'Gregcr» of York, j : On the 21«tio*L, same,>Mr.‘ John Lea* ; raan/of i ofWest -/. ;-_•'■•>'• v ' On Ae by Martia ftcnf) to Mlss ofd({aaburg-.tf>> | ■ On the umediy, by the«m«« Mr.JMlth Stute* ly to .Mint Mury KeUo, both :of.WBiwlck. In Salisbury twp.,.« ,* . . '■ pDEATIIS. OiMhn Iflfh inst., uf Kphrstu/Onl, Rlolmrd IL' —-y«r of his agi?<.. ■ Oh thfl 17th inst., in th« borough of RtnUburgi Mary Louisa, youngest daughter of David and Mar tha Herr* aged 1 year. l l -motilhs, and 97 days.' At Philadelphia,'on the 20th Inst., Mrs. Catha-; rine, wife of Gen. David Miller,, formerly, of this city, aged 40 years. v ; On the 20th'.ins’t., Win. Andrew Jerwhe Kuhns, son of WiUiam and Catharine Kuhns, aged 2.months and 20 days, ./ ‘ * On Tuesday, the . I,4th iust„ at his residence in Manor township, Dr. John-Witmer,, nn old. and much esteemed citisen, aged 62 yeare; 7 months; and 2 days. ; •„ '.' . *-*. "-•/••• * *•:• Onihe 15th inst./Mrs.Catharine McDonnel,wife of Mr- Jacob McDonbel,* of thi««ity”, in the 28th year ,of her age^,. . . , . /r Ccmttnttrictl Record PHILADELPHIA MARKET - Review fob the week ending Dec. 24. \ FLOUR .AND MEAL. —Sales of flour for ship ment are to the extent of 2500 bbls. fair brands, at $6,37J a $6,50, closing firmly. Sales for city use. also to a fair extent at $6,50a $6,75 for good and "extra', and $7-a7,25 for /anry family brands. Rye Flour has.declined to $4,75, with sales ofsoo bbls. at that price, ; Corn Meal.—r About 3000 bbls. have been taken at $3,25 a s3,37l,’leaving the market nearly bare.' ; • ,l GRAlN.—Receipts have fallen off, and the prices. of aIL kinds have an upward tendency. -Wheat is held above the views ! of buyers, and sales only reach about , bushels at 137 a 140 c for fair and good reds, and 145 a 146 c for white and prime Genessee. Rye.—Sales are about 2500. bushels;- chiefly North Rivet-, at 90 cts. Corn is wanted—) sales embrace IO,OPO J)ushels at 58a61 cts. for good t.sina o 7 as9clfor VMtfe'. —in demand and several sales of Southern were made at 40 a.42c per bushel. // FISH. —Sales of Mackerel at $9 a's7, and $5 for. the three numbers. Dry Cod sell in lots at $3,75 a $5 the'loo:lbs. SPIRITS.-!—There is only the regular city demand for Brandy and Gin, and prices of both continue steady. N.-E. Rum is in limited demand at 33a34 ; cents. Whiskey has declined, and bbls.' have been 1 sold in large lots at 26a25 cents. : COAL.—Receipts have fallen off and the demand is chiefly confined to the home trade; previous prices are fully maintained, say $3,85 as 4 for white and $4,25 red ash Coal, and. by retail sales are making at $‘4,75a $5 the ton. BALTIMORE MARKETS, REVIEW FOB THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 24. .FLOUR. —Howard Street Flour. —The market for Howard St. Flour has not been animated since the publication of our last review. 600 bbls. were sold at $6,183, being a slight decline; also a sale of 100 bbls. at $6,25. On Monday holders .were.firm at- 56,25, with some limited transactions.! On Tues day several parcels were sold at $6,25, and 100 bbls. brought’ $6,3H. On Wednesday 200 bbls. were sold at $6,31, and on Thursday one or two limited lots were taken at the same figures. Hold ers are asking $6,37£, without finding buyers.. CITY MILLS FLOUR.—-At the beginning of the week about 3000 bbls. .were taken for export at the uniform rate of $6,371*. 'On Tuesday and Wednes day there were further sales of 1500 bbls. at $6,37*, and one parcel of 500 bbls. extra at $6,50. To-day holders generally are asking $6,50. RYE FLOUR.—The supplies this week have ex ceeded the demand, arid prices have declined.— Sales of first have been made at $5,371, and to-day it is offered at $5,25. CORN MEAL.—Sales of Penna. bbls. at $3,375; and a parcel of 300 bbls. Baltimore yellow at $3,50. We quote Baltimore yellow to-day at $3,50 per bbl. WHEAT.—The sales of good to prime reds have been madejat 132 a 137 cts. Yesterday there were sales at 133a138 cents, and one parcel of strictly prime red qt 140 cts. Sales of white wheat range from 140 to 150 cents. CORN.—New white were at 57a5S cents, and of hew yellow at 60a62 cts. On Wednesday, sales of white at 60a6l cents, and of yellow at 64a65 cents. To-day the sales of white are at 61a62 cents, and of yellow at 64a65 cents, and we quote accordingly. RYE. —We quote Md. at 90 cents. OATS.—We quote Md. at 35a40 cents, and Vir ginia at 40a43 cents. * .CATTLE.—At the scales on Monday 950 head were offered, and 556 were purchased by butchers ; 38 were left over, and 356 were driven to Philadel phia. Prices ranged from $2a3,50. Notice. THOSE persons indebted to the subscriber for subscription to the “Intelligencer & Journal,” and for advertising and jobbing, will please make immediate; payment. I can be found at the old stand, in Market Square. Dec 28, 1847-tf. FRANKLIN G. MAY. LOST. THE Subscriber lost a bundle, containing goods, such as razors, suspenders, tapes, needles, &c., on the morning of December the 25th. The bundle was left in a tavern in this city. The subscriber will be pleased if any person, knowing anyihing respecting it, will give such information at this of fice. JOSEPH LOWEY. 48-lt. Bear Mountain Railroad Company. THE Stockholders of the Bear Mountain Rail Road-'Company are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of said Company will be held at the office of said Company, No. 68 Market street, Haifl-isburg, on MONDAY, the 17th of January, 1848, at which time and place, an Election will be held for Seven Directors of said company for the ensuing year, and such other business transacted as may be deemed proper. By order of the Board of Directors. BENJAMIN PARKE, Secretary. Harrisburg, Dec. 28, 1847. IN THE MATTER of the intended application of James H. Slaymaker, to the Court of Quar ter Sessions, at the January term, 1848, for license to continue keeping a public house at the White Horse, in the village of Williarastown, Paradise township—it being an old stand. We, the undersigned citizens of the township of Paradise, where the said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify that the said inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the'public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are well ac quainted with' the said James H. Slaymaker, and that he is of good repute for honesty and-temper ance, and is well provided with house room-and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Wm. Hamilton, Hugh Aikin, James -Walker, George Slaymaker, A. H. Slaymaker, Henry Eckert, F. G. Gaitinegan, John .M. Slaymaker, Thos. Mc- Sorley, Benj. Brackbill, Jacob Pheneger, N. Slay maker. ; . dec 28-48 Estate of John 'Townsend,deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen jtary on the estate of John Townsend, lafe of the township of Sadsbury, in the county of Xan caster, dec’d., have been granted by the Register to the .subscribers,-one of which resides in the county of Chester, the other in the county of Lan caster. All persons having claims or demands, against the estate of the said deceased are.request ed to make known the same to them without delay, and those indebted ;io make payment to either of the suhscrSbersi ‘ JOSHUA B, LINTON, Of Londonderry _twp., Chester co, ■ AMOS TOWNSEND, dec 28-6t*i 'Of Sadabury twp., Lancaster co. Public Sale*. ON, Wednesday, the 16th davpf February.!B4B, will he sold at public vendue, by thesubscri ber, on the'premises> about half a milenoith of the Tillage of about .the same distance south of the Old Road, iieafLeacock Meeting! House, in T.eaooel( i following s.'ttteicy to v/it x . | FO^JL.o'tAFT "•t.'t, 14 CuLl'Sr-7 , ~ V.va, ;mu 3 ruimV-r uf’ young j v.aUif., 21 I'laiHa;...;: ’A agons, i-'tuighs. Harrows, 2 Stftia ay l id. r .‘-i! i ?nf. of'\V.>iVi 1 Roller,, and ore •*-*?.» me.Thr t ; •- >h Horse i nnra, ?ni a num b*r of ulher « • =iis;; auo oof* eigbt-dav ■ nearlv new, ;.jul vat ricty cf;ariicles no; t* ../mention*-;!. . '.. Sale I fi ••'?<....ir 1 u ; .-Vic ; .the forenoon of r, -'l Vi f " urct- and te r -js. i-ade knovm&v , . ■ AVJILI.-W Tv’CASKEY. **<• in-tfr-SC - Xf -- StMk m tft RjifDqMaratffld, Ji(p*mr3ii,' ftmainuig unel»ime' * - ' : . EUidSetlf.Deiikuilir-c..-,,---.' . ~ ' B,Qt)' - Rolatidißiyiir, . - ,B,lo> Jftfob Reist - , - .. .. . 27,00 JacobEshlenian,, . .... 110,70. 'Wifflam Montgomery,- ... ... ..... ... .8-14. Henry* Refititily ■< ’,■■■ >• ft?®,' JohnF.Btolnman, . . . 0,41 . Clement Bi Grubb, •.- r " ‘* . ‘ , ‘ ,18,80 ’ John Witmer, . . 6,40. .Frederick S. Baker, i. SA.IO , Dr. John Miller 9,411 I.ANCABTEH CITV, Hfi„ : , , . .PertuintUy appeared bclbre me, the eubieribor, an ■ 'Alderman ’ fbr -asid City, 1 Chrfitlan Baehbtan, Cubler of. the taneieter: Bank, who, being duly affirmed aoaordlug . to law, doth declare and eay, that tint above la a true etatemnn! of the Depoiltea and unclaimed Dividend* stated to the beat of hia knowledge itnd belief, ' , « ' CHRISTIAN BACHMAN, Cashier, Affirmed and aubacrlbed Dee, 17,1847,) before Wur.iAM Prick. I tancaater ddo 28, 1847. • | 4MB Pubiic Sale or Valuable Real : : t, •« ■ Eatate. THE subscribers, for themselves, nnd as Agents for the other heirs of George Kamsburg. late of Frederick county, decea’sed/wiil sell :it public sale, on .the'premises,* on Thursday th? 20.0, day of, Jan u~ ary, 1848, that V ALU VHI,F,-4'AU.M , sittrate on the ‘SouthSide of.'tlie Catociin Mounlair,, about 2‘: miles South of Jefferson,-and adjoining the lands, of Peter Thomas, Philip Hawken, Mrs. Blessing and others; and about 2; miles from -the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road; This Valuable Farm contains -;405 ACRES OF LAND; more or less, of which about-550 are in a high state of cultivation,-and :the balance heavily set .with * timber, consisting, of "Chestnut, White Oak, Black Oak, Hicfery and Locust. • Aboulfifteen .Acres are .in of the very besCqtuflily. The improvements consist of a .large two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ' |*| with a back building, 2 Quarter-Houses, Meat House, Blacksmith shop, 2 Log Barns, (one part; Switzer)-with Shedding, Corn House and' Wagon Shed, and all.oth’br necessary nut buildings. -There is a never failing spring of pure water in the imme diate vicinity of" the housed iThis farm is divided into ten fields'of convenient size, besides the Mea dow, each inclosed with good fencing, a great part of which'is of post and railing, with springs Ofrun- Ining water in every field.—Also a very fine orchard of choice fruit, numbering about two hundred trees, 'selected'-with great care, all in full bearmg-when in season. This:property will be sold entire, or may be divided so as to suit purchasers. Terms to be paid iri cash on the day oC sale, and the bal ance in two equal annual payftients, with interest from, the day of sale,- to be secared by the notes of the purchaser'or. : purchasers,- with good 2 and suffi cient security; when the whole of the purchase money is paid, ahd not before, the heirs 6f the de ceased will execute a good; and ;sufficient deed, clear and discharged from all incumbrance. > Any person wishing to view this property will receive any information which may be.desired,, by calling on Jacob Ranisburg, residing on-the prem ises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. JOHN FEASTER, Sr., WILLIAM LAKIN. dec. 28-ts. v Annuals—Albums—Gil t Books. THE custom which prevails ,in this country of presenting to our friends Holiday , and Birth day Gifts, is certainly a very .pleasing one.': And .nothing, it appears to us, is so suitable for this pur pose, as an elegant and useful Book, which, by means of its choice sentiments, has the possessed by any other gift—of sweetly reminding one of the friend who gave it. We therefore ad vise all to repair to .the CHEAP, BOOK- STORE of Judd & Murray, opposite the Post. Office, North Queen Street, Lancaster, where may be found a tempting variety of editions of the Poets. Books of Piety and Devotion, Bibles,. Hymn and Prayer Books, of all sizes, prices and binding, suited to old, young, grave and gay; and cheaper than they have ever been sold in this mar ket. A few of them are: . The Charm—folio—the most splendid annual ever published in this country. Gem of the Seasoq, 20 plates. . Mirror of Life,’ 11 plates. Scenes iji the Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. Leaflets of Memory. : Amaranth. Scenes in the Life of our Savior. Friendship's Offering. Christian Keep sake. .Poetry of Flowers, and Flowers of Poetry.* Garland. Jewel. Moss Rose.l Hyacinth. Ladies Scrap Book. Offering of Beauty. The Diadem— quarto. Boudoir Annual—quarto.' Floral Offering —quarto. All Sear’s beautiful Books—much under the agent’s prices. The Poets of Eng land, illustrated/ The Poets and Poetry of Ameri ca, illustrated. The. Task,’ beautifully illustrated. Cowper and Thompson Turkey—Gilt—Plates.— Book of the Poets —Scarlet—-Gilt. Hervey’s Medi tations —fine edition-opiates. Pilgrim’s Progress— fine edition—plates. • Also, an extensive assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS, at very low prices, and of the v choicest character. We invite all to .call. P. S. Detector for December, just re; ceived. [dec. 14-46-3 t Coucstoga Steam Mills The semi-annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Conestoga Steam-Mills, will be held at the public house ot Peter Reed, in the city of Lancas ter, on Monday, the 3d day of January. A D 1848, at 2 o'clock P M. E. C; REIGART, Chairman. i Lancaster Tea Agency, For the sale Of the Superior Teas of Jenkins <§• Com pany, Tea Dealers ,, Philadelphia. THE Subscriber has taken the Agency for the sale iof those excellent T E A S—has received and will be'.kept supplied with a full assortment of Greens and*. Blacks of the various kinds and quali ties;' and which it is confidently believed will, on trial,, speedily take the preference in this commu nity over all other Teas.- They are in neat packa ges of i, i, and lib. each, labelled with their name, the kind of Tea and price, with a metallic as well' as a paper envelope for preservation of the quality, having full weight of Tea in each. One of the Partners of the Concern ( who selects the Teas,) learned this difficult business of the Chi nese themselves, having resided among them many years at Canton, engaged in the Toa trade. Poss essing this extraordinary advantage, the ability of the House.is unquestionable, and may be .relied upon for furnishing, not only safe, but also, the most delicious Teas , and at the lowest possible prices. At this period, when the public taste' is undergo ing a change from Green to: Black Teas , it may be interesting to know that the* Cfcincse universally drink Black Teas, considering the Green fit-only for foreigners. MRS. MARY HULL. Variety. Store North Queen St., South of the Rail Road. Lancaster, Oct. 26 r 1847. Ornamental marble WprUs. EASI* King street, next door to John N. Lane’s stored Charles M. Ifowell, Marble Mason, respectfully-informs 'the citizens of Lancaster aftd f the public in general, .that he carries on the MAIL-.: BLE BUSINESS, in all its various branches, and. invites all to call on him, as he is satisfied -that he can sell cheaper than any other establishment in the city or state. • ' He invites the public to call and examine his stock of finished Mantels, Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, and also his-collection of designs for Monuments, Tombs, &c., before purchasing else where. , • - -jan.l6 Sprecber & Robrer*s Cheap Hard ware Store. HARDWARE,' Glass,-Pafrits, Oils, and Varnishes at; that long established stand, East Xing st., Lancaster, formerly occupied by Howett& Krieder, a few doors east of the Court House* next door to . Drag Store of James Smith, and opposite'Geo. Messenkop’s Hotel, winch they have’ recently taken .and where'they will carry, bn the business. They most respectfully; beg leave to invite the . attentiohof their.friends and acquaintances to their stock of* Hardware, which-they have just opened and will sell at-the moat reasonable prices, Includ ing every variety of lron and Steel, Latches,.Locks, 3plts, Hinges; Screws, and’ all kinds of building materials/every description of Files, Blacksmith’s Bellows,- -Saddlery, best warranted Edge Tools, Planes, and Veheers. .Also a complete assortment of CEDAR WARE, ; such- as tubs, ; buckets, butter chums;' together With every-article in their; line; They wiU xeep. constantly on hand every. vafiety 6f- Coal • anid ;r :Wood"'Stoves; also a'highly approved COOKINGASTOYE. 1 - The attention of young beginners- is particularly ’ fallpff.to/theirftilj and. complete assortment of . ‘A'-''"' 1 F ■ ’ ' 'i- . : - r Determined.' to, fiparyna paina to aCcomnjodate patc'iaaors, and by steady to they expect to merit a con’- ' nance cf the patronage tlios Tar V-e&nwed ->n K GEORG . TK KHIKCHRR, I RRUBF S. ROHRER.* | Old Metal ait<’ i’iaxseedj • • en in exchange >*.r : goods'. ■ ' jan • CIMT ! V !CI'S. 50 solid ■ s Pittsburg vice^ t rnakp .veighing from 40 to 100 Jpv j >at received :m-l fw air at factory .-price: sjv' L ' srfl.'tifAlAN & SON. —A large . afl;C* mfent of tong ju.a a'qufl'rge preach fihhvti-- ’.sr sale at reduced •_ HAGER & bOW 'a!l^ric^wfiiTbr£^&iafc •'-B^^jjrtritfe^tffett?a - wear, which be will iow»t ralea.Clotha, '‘ :: 7 Havingjfikf ■ l^itUr' delphl&TSpting^mhd paredtoaqe£d,i;o warranted, to >e done Jh.tbe aadwith ;/• V ;:; 'j-M\J^r^y- The Vnlted OMUflr llarft Slnn'af dig itrlpad eoatjby-RRUSiSN RRBKN, Ha. as North QttMn (Mali 'coriiaraf Orantt, ana aquaraftom tha Court Haute, Rail'tide, Lanoat* tPi«. -r . ■ l - 1 V' £;\*'" IS mammoth eiUbl|ihment,now eontalni by r the lar" - and ohf-■'eituiortmentofmen’t iof th# largoit ehiftpflituioi. ana boya’i wall made clothing la the aityofLaaeu* ter; and twill positively sot bauedanold by any other. Tho stoefc includei every daieripttan of clothing'wow at the present day/ The Mott (bah-' tenable, u well u thomoit plain, 10 that all taetee ■may be initod. The ddbieriber balng, 1. praotlcal and experienced tailor, givaa hie ; entire penonai attention' to the bueineee, and bae every garment mM under' hie immediate impaction by thebpit ■ wdPme.n in the State; and as he buy* all hU good* in the Eastern cities fbrcash, edit cbnAdontly re* commend 4he inhabitant* '■•of Lancaster city and county, one and all, to call at the ’ - I • SIGN. OP, THE BTRIPED-FLAG, | and convince themselves.that it U the right place to buy cheap and well-made clothing*; .* ! A large" - variety of cloths, casaimeres,,vestings,.. &c. of the very finest as well as common qualities, always on hand and made up to. order in-good' styles at a.very small advance on wholesale prices. The latest London and . Paris Fashions-always re ceived,. and CUSTOMER WORK i made according to the latest patterns and in the highest style of the art .I>y the very best workmen. A- fine assortment of- shirts, shams, collars,.era-. vats, stocks/ and ; Stiffness gloves', handkerchiefs, .suspenders; hosiery, and all kind* of Flannel and kntt''under *ehirt3i and drawers. Also, umbrellas, cheap; - •. _ \ ■; Thankful • for past favors I respectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage, and feel confident that all purchasers will find it to their advantage to deal with me as I determined to avoid all hum bug and: misrepVesfentation, and seil goods for what they really are.'' '* REUBENTSRBEN, Tailor, United States Clothing Storej Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 35 North Queen street, corner of Orange, one'square from Court House,! East side, Lan caster, Pa.' • v. . aep2Br3s- « Fall ari«i; Winter Clot Mag, At the sign of the Big Pants, North sQueen street, between Scholfiild’s 'Hotel and ■; the -Podt Office. C< EO. SPURRIER, thankful to the public for (" ‘past favors, tiegg leave to inform them, that, he is. still selling- tha.beai-Tnade-and .cheapest clotb 'ing'offered for sale? in this city. ‘ ; j He would call .particular attentiouto a.lot .of su perior Black ClotfrCloaks, the handsomest eVer of fered for sale in this city. Also, a lot of superior Black Cloth Sack £nd Over-Coats, lined and,wadded all through, and made by the best [workman in the ' ci{ y- : r ■ i , His stock of ready made clothing is very . large and well selected) consisting in, part of Black; Cloth Dress and IFrock: Coats ; Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants; Black and Fancy Satin Vests; Sattinet Pants of kinds and at- all prices; a great variety of Oyer-Coats from 2 to 20 dollars. He has always op hand a fine assortmentbf linen breasted shirts, shams, collars, cravats, suspbnders, gloves,, and all kinds of knit and flahnel under shirts and dra^ rers '» His assortment of Cloths, Casßimeres and Vest ings is large,; which he will make toimeasure in the most fashionable manner, and at the lowest cash prices. , -4 Customers’ work made at the shortest notice, and in a workman-like manner, by the best handji.i»^ J »" r city. Dont forget thejjhww»r «?Tifcrriheßig Pants between SctiorifefiPs' Hotel and th£ Post Office, oct 12-37 GEORGE SPURRIER, Tailor. - Fall Fashions, D SHULTZ, Hatter, No.*l9i North Queen st., , would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has just received from New Yorkand Philadelphia the latest Fall and Winter Fashions, and will be pleased to furnish his customers and all’ otliers with them at ttie shortest notice. As all his Hats are manufactured under his immediate super-: intendence, he feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot be surpassed by any establishment in. this .or any other city in the Union. His stock consists of Beaver; Nutria, Brush, Russia, Cassimere, Moleskin, Silk, &c. &c. which He will dispose of at the lowest prices. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. CAPS, CAPS! His assortment of Caps is one_of the most extensive in the city and he is adding to it daily. .Customers may jest assured that they will .be stated, as he has carefully selected his stock from the largest assort ments in New York and Philadelphia. .Don’t for get the stand, directly- opposite Michael’s Hotel, North Queen street. - ! Country Merchants visiting Lancaster, dealing in Hats or Caps, can be supplied, at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen-, such as they may want. He also informs his numerous friends and custo mers that he still continues to conduct the Hatting business in all branches as heretofore, at his OLD STAND IN NEW HOLLAND, to which .place all orders for the ’delivery of Hats are requested to be forwarded sep 4-14-ly New Goods. ! THE subscribers are opening a full assortment of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which will be offered at .the lowest market prices. ALSO—-Lovering’s Syrup Molasses in hhas. and bbls. Lovering’s Crushed and Pulverised Sugars. Low priced Brown Sugars. Rio, Java, and Lagu ayra Coffee. Fresh New England 'Hops'.' Bed Feathers, fcc. &c. C. HAGER s SON. sep 21 34 Stelnman & Son ARE regularly receiving from the manufacturers in the United States and in Europe, plies of Hardware, Cutlery , and Saddlery,-and are manufacturing a superior article of Cedar Ware. Merchantsj persons commencing! house-keeping, builders, manufacturers, the public generally, are invited to examine their stock, their prices shall be equal to the lowest Philadelphia ates. . j [Jan 19-51 ' 1847. No, SO. 100 bbls. (i and $ barrels) New l\(ackere], receiv ed and now*selling off at the.lowest, prices at No. SO, North Queen street, 2 squares! from, the Court House, and immediately under the Museum, by [sep 7-32-3m] PINKERTON & SMELTZ.j , Daniel Fagfinj Marble Sfasoiu OLD stand, North Queen street, west side, be tween the railroad and post office. - Ornamen tal and-Plain Mantels, Monuments, Toinbs, fee. executed to order at the lowest prices. Lettering done in English dr German. [nov 2-40 Planes. JUST received a full supply jof planes, .consisting of E. W. Carpenter’s and Factory planes; and for sale at reduced prices by jan 26-52 , STEiNMAN ; :& SON.' , -f. To Shoe Wak^rs. THE] subscriber has a first-rate workmah from Philadelphia, who makes and frepairs all. kinds of Shoe-Makers which'will, be done At the lowest prices, and warranted to work well. ' dec , . . Hi 0. LOCHER. A * large supply of choice Dry Goode. ,'"J\ for Falf and Winter. At the Bee Hive, North Queen st. • , « CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO. OCt 19 . r ' ; ■ T' , : . 38 TfUS LADIES are particularly invited' to" call early .and examine those beautiful and rich' BONNET RIBBONS, all new, fall styles,'/now opening at the BEE HIVE, N. Queenst. sep 21 . 33 / GRIND STONES. Just*received a foll supply and for sale low by \ STEINMAN fit 80IL QTOVES.- ;The moat approved patterns of coal, O wood, and cooking stoves on hand, and ibr sale at reduced : prices by > STEINMAN &■ SON. jan"26 " , : • 52 -V i°|LOTHS! CLOTHS! Black; bine black; brown; XJ green, and-; everyi other from the best Erench. and English, manufactures; now opening and for. sale at reduced prices at the N. Y. Store. • octlfMß GILBERT, i . 'TYTILLIAM W,; BROWN, 7 Attorney at Law' V T i tenders his professional services {to the piablic. - /OfficAin West King street, a few doors westoftbe Lamb Tavern; and next door to Col. D. W. Ratter : "on. • ; : p [n ov 2-43 • "V 5 rA-SKINGTON BAKF.R, Attorney at Law, TT oiler* hr? professional to the public. Office in-Centre Square, next door to Thos. Baum gardner & Co.’s. Ntere. [jjo.v 30-41-6 m f \ EORGF YV ’!*ELROY, Attorney at Law, of- VX firs his p: \ 'nat services to' the public.*— Office in Centre in use room: formr.rly occu pied by Wm. Cn.> ;.icr, Esq4'..u.ext door m (hr Mayor’s ufire. rdr.p 14 •o?it« SpTecherVg Eaat Xing-st. 1 {dec 8-45-if ; £#4V +i / conaJp-hW easetbamost remaHubfe we- lUVO’e’fflSw* nesaodorhaardofi '•■: * /•>?;- '•■* -■ <4---. --? - lII* andtArHble »ojßate BU jiffl^wr^wtlrtroS^jS^iulfarod&dne* upper Ilp.tnd.lowef lid ofih«tight by* hfKeea dMtrojW) hlafcs*wuly, eaten up. j»w fconecufiediwiy. And yet wo ca&®t no daicripUonof hliCMir V ;jj m Mr.B.inforaiuVthotin January!ait» thtiAolo Inttriorefhia fflotuh/ai weUMm&t 6f lulMkh. waa afluaaofdMoand^ainftilulceM.;' ! {SIk Oath* 14th oftfuatrVtait, hecdmmehced IngDr- Ciilton’fllndlan vegetable Panacea, wwHVIR checked the dltoaaofiD o ftw, doy«r ohd from> that; time the eiire haajirogreuedr without IniarmlMion. New'flesh haij «upplTcd. the place of deep ulcers, and hlsgenbral heaith is restored. , : Wo arb iMiirod that in . the . treatment of Mr. Brooks' c»m/bo mercurial*,ointment* or caustic, applications hay* been, uiedr-ln ihet, the Panacea alone hMWTOughtthliWondrrMchange. Charles L.Rowaud,Mead Crawford co.- Pa. ' J, W, Jones, M. D. South SePtod Bt. Phila. C. W. Appleton, M. P.:4d South St. do, Timothy .co, Missouri, ; ' William Steelin'g, ; M. D. Camden New Jersey,- ■- J. H. Potter, manufacturer, of Mineral Teeth* 109 South Ninth St r Phila'. - •■/!' L.A.Wollenweber,Editor Phila. Democrat, 227 North 3d: St. ido. : " --- 'j; ' l "‘ •' Georg« W. Met 2, Biiiflh Makfef,‘3l7 Market St, do, A; 0. Gillette,; pastor of Eleventh Baptist Church • .V;./.*..... John Bell/ErieSt (North Amencan,qffice).do, - Jolrn-W. Abhinead, 68 South Sixth St. do. : T. S. Wagner* ll5. Chestnut St. do.' Peter SkenjSipith, Editor Natrve Eagle^"3o. Joeh Boiline,Glass Manufacturer, WiUiamstown New Jersey.:,.?;-•«-••-.•■? Lr. B.jColes,\M/-i).‘Boston Mass. :-?. 1 RussqJ Canfield, Physiologist Phila. - Thomas P. S.:Roby, M* D. Harrisburg Pa, Peter WrightJ 258 Market St* Phila.. William Uriel PasforSf. Paul’s M, E. ChurcH Cath erine St.ldo.?:. John Chambers, Pastor lstlnd.Ch, Broad St. do. -/ T. Publisher of Pledge A Standard do. F. P. Sellers, Ed. Olive Branch,' Doylestownßucks co. Pa. '• - i - - . Rev/E. Kincaid, of the Bwonah Misßion, ..The above named gentlemen,, (constituting, hut a small portion of those who havtf visited Mr., Brooks at our office inPhiladelphia,and who havecertified to the same facta,) are r well known, and ttfoirhigh standing in society precludes the possibiltty>dffheir’ lending their names to carry outanimposition.' / - Apd-berAwg-eay/ without fear: of cafitradictlon/ that we have.not found k case of Bcroftfifofifl&C-fi diseases for which we recommend i jha P which the medicine has not speedily arrested. , y JAMES SMlTHjiraggisfcf.i. jt East King street.. .. H.C.FONDERSMITK&CO.;' l : Family Medicine Depot, North Queen St. aug.‘l7, 1847. ; - '•> . =- 29. ' . All qfikefollowing articles, which have obtained un bounded popularity are sold by JAMES SBdtTJI, thr only Agent for the genuine articles in-the city of Lancaster , and coimty of Lancaster. ■. < BEHXMBER THIS.AND, ONLY QF HEU...- AN unequalled, remedy, and an Almanac for 1848 gratis. Ist—For colds and feverish feeling*, and preventing fevers.- 2d—For Asthma, Liver Complaint, and Bißoas Affections. 3d—For DLar hcea, Indigestion, and Loss of Appetite. 4th—For Costiveness in females and sth—For-St © affections, - —The gicafpoifils are, it ia.not bad.to take, never gives'.pain, and never leaves, one costive ! ! ; all these things, it is warranted and all who do:not find it sd may return the bottle and'get their money. 1 This medicine is LONGLEY’S GREAT WEST ERN INMAN PANACEA. Fuller description in an Almanac for. 1848, gratis. . % Balm of Columbia Hair Tonic.—To the bald and grey—lf you wish a rich luxuriant' head of ■ hair, free from dandruff and scUrf, do. not'fail, td procure the genuine Balm .of-Columbia. In cases! of baldness it will more than exceed your er'pecta tions. .Many whd have lost their hair for 20 yearn have bad it reatored to its .original perfection by the use of this balm. Age, state or condition al*. pears to be no obstacle whatever; it also causey. the fluid to flow with,which the delicate hair tube is filled,’by which means- thousands (whose hair were Jfrey as the Asiatic eagle) have had their hair restored to its natural color, by the. use of thia-in valuable remedy. .In aIL cases of fever it will be found the most pleasant wash, that can be used, A few'applications only ore necessary to keep-the hair from falling out..; It' strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart a rich glossy appearance, and as a -perfume for the toilet it is unequalled; itkolds three times as much as other miscalled hair restor atives'and is more effectual.-. The genuine toana factured only by Comstock & Co., 21 Courtiahd street, New York. Connel's Magical Tain Extractor. is now conceded by medical men .that -C.onnel’s Magical Pain Extracts, manufactured by Comstock & Co., 21 Courtlaqd; street, N. Y., ia the greatest wonder of the 19th century. Its effects are truly miracu lous. All pains are removed from burns,' scalds, &c., and all external sores, in a few minutes after its application, healing the same on the most deli cate skin, leaving no scar. It is equally beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, such ashore Nipples and Eyes; Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling and Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Chillblaina, Erysipelas, Piles, Tic DolpreauV&c. We might add as proof to all we say, the names of many em»' wliu use" It“UT tfcelf practice,'atid' hundreds ofclergy who praise it to-their people.— Kind parents keep it conßtantly on hand, in cases of .accident by fire life may be lost without it, but - by its use all burns are.subject to its control, unless the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember and ask for Connel’s'Magical Pain manufac tured by Comstock &Xp.,N,Y.,and take no other. DAVID SHULTZ. Deafnees Cure&~Dr. M’Nair’s Acouitic Oil. — Those deaf from old age and from infancy often receive their hearing in a most miraculous manner, by the use of this oil. Mt has the, effect to restore the tension and bring into the natural-action of the parts so as to restore the heating when lost or im paired. This will be done in all cases, of recent deafness,'and* many'of long .AH "deaf persons should use this oil. : Comstock & Co., 21 Courtland street are the wholesalers. Price. $1 per flask; . - - '*•' TUee, Sores, genuine Hay’s Linament, is an article Store justly celebrated as a cure for the above, thananyor all others. Its cures-are almost uummerabje, and it is only necessary_to let those who. know the .articles and used it great success, that itis to be bad true and genuine of Comstock & Co. 21 Courtland at. N-Y.' solepro prietors. . Dr. Spohn's. Sick Head Ache Remedy.—Why will you Suffer . with that distressing complaint.when a remedy is at hand that will not fkil tb cure you t This remedy will effectually destroy any attack of headache, eitherneryouji or hilious. It has cured: cases of .20 years* sfandihgr' Mothers y Discovery—All expect ing to become mothers and anxious to avoid'the Pains; Distress tthd* Dangers of child-bearing, are earnestly entreated; to calm their fears, allay their and'soothe their way by the use of this moat extraordinary vegetable production.— Those: who will candidly, observe'its virtues, must approve of it it their hearts; every kind and affec tionate husband will feel it.his most solemn dntyto alleviate the distress. His wife is exposed to by a safe and'certain.'method, which is the use of this mother’s relief. Further particulars in pamphlets' intended for the female-eye* are to be had gratis where this humane cordial is to be found. The Mother’s Relief is prepared, and only, by the now sole proprietors, Comstock St Co. 21 Courtland st.. New York. ; _ ; .. ./ Tor Vermifuge will eradi cate and cure cbikmmand adulta.wbo.have wonnß. Caution—Beware oF all unless the name ia spelled “Kolmstock,** the old Dutch name of the inventor* Price 25 cts. perbottle. -IteanhotinjuretHe child should there be no wbrmsi but it will do it good. - . To -the,Halt and Lane/ CsbttQclU. Nerve and Bone Tiniment and Indian Vegetahlef|llixir, is,the. most effectualeure -fbr~ R&wiTmqtiam, contracted cords, or : muscles, and is warranted to cure any case of Rheumatism or Gout. . . <> . • All the above articles are sold by ■' - ‘ < J< ' JAMES 'SMITH.: ' Only Agentrfhr the.genuine articles in the 1 city ‘ 6f : haric*aiev f emd o{ Lancaster* J&senifeY this and buy oalft of aim. ■ •" {nor 9-6m-4t Y Tiios. WfATUeo; S. Evans, DenUs^, HAVING removed from the office lately ocuaY pied by Thoa. W. Evans, in Kramph’a build ing, (tne partnership-. existing between Van Patten Ss Evans, laying been dmhlved,) to the corner of North Q'ieea and Grange sueeta*.£over Merger's Shoe Store,) entrance ,on Orange si;, reapeitfullY offer livsir pw>fesrioual inhabitant** of the -city and county o‘f Lancaster - JfcrTho».;\V; EjSS.; during .■ would jeqontmenu'hta patients to 4 bir* bwr;.er 'Sfc.,, S. Rvtns. . Ifei ■tit BALL. i flm.jrate tul! ld,Ye*Ltobooi~ . Utblnuiu.v B«»Y kßraPtlS^ruto) of every hue. fcJAMlifncferand ®*w* Bß(w«E. he has, he a perfuci>«ariger. eotning. among, theni, received at their :hande, which speakajfar louder thaii wurdi ot il.e complete aaiisfaaiiqn ihe Itu af foldednllwh6h'a»Bf4*otcd Itiro tyithticnlli end in tendingjslill further.foitnem their patronage, he hat* tnade- eliehgem'eme; vrjilr aiveral. of -the largeet o -houses both ill Philadelphia and New York ro for ward him the choicest styles of goods'every day as they come'out, attd from facilities which lie alone posseiisesi'hiiwilPlie eTiabled to furnish them to his - cirsto'mcrs atdensirKTper eem.-less than the Phila delphia] New Yorkior Baltimore prices; ; Having had 12 years experience in the most ex tensive and fashionable esiiiblishnirntsin Philadel phia lie 'is fully "preparetfiio give the most- com-. piete salisfactfon td alf wlfo may favor 'hint with a call In evidOiiceiof this'tact, he takes grest plea- - sure iirtrefetfisc td the host of new custontere'he is receiving everyday, most of. whom came teeom-.-t mended by a previous .patron. .'■■•To attempt to lean meralej or .describe! the goods and their various styles would b'e impossible ; the nnly ; way to iorm any adequatoidea will be to call andejxflniine inpui» . and. rest issuredisf receiving the most polite nt- Icnlion, whether yciu intend to-purchase at the time ar noti Customer' work oitctidediio iit , the most fashionible style, : fiU and workmanship warranted under all circumstances. - : ■ We would recommend qur readers to call and 'exaniin t M. T. Ford's stock, as Irani personal in speciion-wo.fee| iwarrentcd in saying it is the most m the city. M. 'lk J Foari-.VddaldttirfWhcßßMrtflCtn' general only, net*and superior'patent t >‘V_ i eight.yeaTs old could Idarii it-v For further panic-, ulars read the following certificates from.ihe prihv . .Tailor.* in the he is'just in- , traducingn.-at the North- ?. : To UteiTuilar* of the United SWea.—William , R. Action, the original inventor ;of the Tailor’s Transfer, lor which he has secured; a paient. apd the superior merits of which, over all other sys tems known to the trade, have been .acknowledged : by-tailors of the ureaiest eminence s the Northern and Kdstern. cities, expects the principal "towns ind cities of*xhe .Sbutji. dun.jig. the winrer and spring, and will.be jiappy to i afford to the; irade a 1 opportunity of resting, bydpiual tririlj ihe merits of his superior system of measuring Ipr.and .cutting garments. It is unnecessary-for him. to say ino'e m commendation of this ,li must stand or fall upon i*e own merits. But ho. fakeT tjhe ltberty-of subjoining a .few out of the - many commendations thut_have appeared, unsoli. cued, it) i.He various public'prints in; those parts.of. the country where Jiis system is extensively: used. I - From the Baltimore Clipper. •-*; : V\ r o mve beeft shown by. several j>C tha brat tab ors of aurcity ) ofi entirely new and .original iji strume it for. ascertaining a correct)measuremcM of the human.frame, which they,, and oli who have . examined it, pronounce ra be the {verij lerl and most reliable one ever yef made known.. It is the ■sole invention WHflttM.' Ri Action, of Vir. lt'is called • the'Transfer System,” or i he ‘‘ Tailor's Truisfer,”-and vv6 think it is.dcs- - limed to be transferred io the use h.f the grea er portion of the master tailors in. the United Stines.. \V e are glad to hail this as another unmistakable Asridcnce of iiicreashifir- spirit of.inyen jioft ana improvement in the South.! : I Frtitn the Richmond Enquirer. ■ Mr.) Wm. U. Acton,c>f Botetourt county,* has,._ inv-eiaed a “Tranrfer |or “Taylor’s V Tra.«>fii£?j:, ,> for .the correct measurement of the hu- v niiun uotiy.. U is a. very ingenious application of rnntheffi»usai- principles, and fromi its- simplicity oni received the' sanction of the muster Mwlorein this city and Baltimore. The following from .the f ‘ irodu” in ve Ujen selected for ; pttWicottoh f ■' i \- : PimßsauiU*;, Vvn e 2, 1846. JbdLon —Dear Sir—l have giycnyuyrTfSns me«a fair trial, and it gLvesjme pieoiufe £o ill triertia to any. other r, that- fitsave ever used,, anil I have used r , all thai »ar.egow in use. : | Respeeifui.% WM. R.j WILKINS., . the Undefsig’ned, subscribers to \Vm. R; . [j’s Transfer System, ijoUeve it to bo the vstem now-exinnt. 1 ROANE & HANLCW. | 14th s!.. opposite Ex. hotel, Richmond. I rfcMh-J-Dear ■ Sir—l have 'thoroughly ex d your -Transfer System 'of measurement, el it my duty as weU as to any. »r acuraey admeasurement -anti jrasfcfring ' . me to jihe cl-ilu ii is the-beat . that l havl : f > let with, and therefore most heartily t.to the trade,; . Yours, with respect, / " * N. D; McCOMA^.. ' ' ' ' York Avenue, 166/45?^ Hf ; ' ; n V iB4C. / Mr. AVm, -R. Aition-Qi&sl have examined yoor system Pruning, a'nd must say-that-, I think it one of in use. I have always been op. posed to t|iu -different new systems fh'ai aro continv. ually coding out, but from a careful,cxamtnaiion.of. jtouni; I have been induced to lake ii. apd I would' Jimhermorc recommend it to the trade. : WM- J. SMITH. ' Wvfu U. Acton,, Egg —Sir—l have carfuily ex -* amined your “ Transfer System-'.of measurement and find it. better adapted/in my opinion, lo pet it perfect and correct measurement' of the human .flame {than any other system that Ifas come'under .my observation., and as a more ‘unequivocal -:evi-. dencejof the: above, Ido hereby gladly subscribe u Uifhekvork. (Signed,) Yours. &c.. . ; 1 ' . .. - . , JAMES JOi9.ES,- ~ *Vi 1 | Draper & Tailor, No. 28 South si. •;' .^Baltimore,'March 3J, TB4l>. i ; . ' ; IVik. R. Acton, £*?.-r-Sir—l hare"examrned ’ " most thoroughly, your new. of measure-- mem, {and believe ii lo be the most perfect plan for ■ getting a correct measurement ofany thing 1 have ever piel with,,rag, also.rthe. transferring of the < ---I measurement la the cloth, ! therefore beg to sub- V"4 scribe Ito the .vyhole. * Respemfufly. &c.. * '*"6 r k (Signed;} '. : ROBERT HALL, V Apr|l 6,181 fr. No 12, South Gayst-, Balt. •- This is to certify that Wm.' R. Ac- ton’s j l * Transfer System” of pieasuremem lobe V ihe most corrective have ever seen. and therefore cheerfbliy subscribe'to'ihe same. : • [(Signed.) ' WELLS & KEAD V Balt. Apr. 7, *4C.' i ./Corner Liberty Balt, sts-; '■ Wip. R. Acton, E*g.—\ feel it^o/be no more I than my duty to yourself and the trade, to oddrny voice to the high and flattering testimonials of my • brother'tradesmen of uiir city, as to the-merits of your ijeirhysfem/ the ■ , vTailor*f'l , rai No..s,jSouthst.,Ba!i. •; ■ Jtfjr- IV/n. R» Acton— De ar Sir- We have . given your *’ Transf;r Systeui’* a full examinaiioti and we feei'bourid to. say,. that ftir accuracy of measurement, an ' J No.'S? Balt. nov 2 ■> . i -- • - ■i *" V. fer Syi so y tin sy stem ne orly and lei that f< ; -f' ■ Dr. 3f. M.Mooro, berfu Tll.t, eflirnitirwatv pftfetlD alhoperabpiKrS upuii *«nnr» suit Ihtf time?. 0. North Queen street, ' fpi-Si KaV-niiuiFs Hoteh op L .... i V . - : i ! " A t'INBOW' GLASS. ’ ratio boses-.lerJoy l> >«»>-■.» Yf assorted tn in'? by.o to d 3 oy .i jti, in band, and foraale ii minafactiireri .prtoiS.r!fe,rjr;f \ | jan l^sir- 3 ' • )* \ fit ant3 Jur sale at * I 000*6 1 ‘ wgdgaJ»tai.o;-