3nteUigencei*&j E. W. HOTTER,3 LancagteryDe \; v, SV *■ ; With the present number, the }' Stnt& fy.Journal will be owned £nd the undersigned. In early life we were bredao! - profession of a journalist, and discovering hggy • to it, we have cho^en^S^ . city ns our permanent location, and! invoice i *he support of the; Lancaster reading public., that our lot is cast in a pleasant .phicej v a population exceeding in numbers ,■ that, of L the entire state of Delaware, and not fer > ; behind thßi of Rhode Island—with a vast territory, fertile as the'bjtnks ofthe Nile, and abounding in every/ element of plenty anil contentment —the county of ; Lancaster constitutes almost a common* wealth Within itself A solitary cloud darkens, the horizon! Here Federalism rejoices' in its largest majorities. But even this serves only to widen our held of action, and to- increase the necessity fori active and energetic exertion. It was the bo; the ancient Spartans that they attacked theS without waiting to count their - numbe; here there is a Spartan minority 5.000, who, undismayed by. sej without a selfish stimulant, gaiger in valiant battle for ph an occasion ■principles. 'present, a custom, .which quity, we think, to form part ol ion law,” demands a - frank avowal of .the-principles by which we intehd that- our edi torial career shall be governed. We design, then, with whatever ability we may to advocate and defend thr broad and com prehensive principles of Democracy, as handed dotyn by the revered fathers of otir political system. A* principles which constitute the u Ciocxi Old Cause,” and which, have made our najion the greatest on the face of the globe. They |ead to the recognition of Tun Ptosis as the foun tain of all political power, and tho ” greatest good . of the greatest number'’ hs ihe (legitimate nim ol wcll-adtpitustered government, Whatever measure tends, therefore, to confer privileges on the few, which are not possessed in common by the many, ave deem un infraction of olir boasted system of " Equality of Rights, and to thut extent a diminution of the stock of popular Freedom. Against all such heresies we intend sternly to set opr face. Wo are J the avowed foe.of class-legislation Jri all its Protean shapes and guises. ■ Under our State Governments grants of incorpo ration are the chosen instrumentality to which monopolists resort furtherance of their schemes of covetousness and~ambition. These; give, to inter ested classes a control over the currency, often over 'the price of food and raiment, and eventuate as effectually in the subjectiou and spoliation of-tlie masses as Kingcraft itself. Not unfrequently, as in f the melancholy, history of th£; United States Bank, vthey-lead .to the corruption of legislation, and the demoralization of all the avenues of public authority. How immeasurably wiser that immunities so de structive of the general welfare were never granted, and that men were left’free, to the state of property' which results to each from his own industry and » that of his fathers. The doctrines of.the Democratic party on this , subject are those of common honesty and common , - sense. It believes, that whatever objects are within the compass of individual enterprise men be left free to accomplish in their own way, without the intermeddling of Government; and that, when association is necessary, the substance of the individual partners shall stand pledged for the liabilities incurred in the works prosecution. Accountability is ; a law of Heaven, and should also prevail upon, the Earth. We. opine it would tax political casuistry to its utmost to stammer out a ' decent plausibility why it should not apply to cor - porators. • .. j Whilst advocating these doctrines, we shall never cease to render merited homage to that virtuous and inflexible statesman, Francis Shunk, who has dared and done so much for their establishment in our State Government.' In the same spirit we shall sternly oppose that twin agent of oppression, which craft and cunning have "sought to engraft on the policy of the general - government, and whose real character they cover with the flattering pbfase of a “protective tariff” Among all the dexterous devices by which men in modem times -have contrived to impoverish and subjugate the masses* none has proved more efiec . tive, because none is so insidious. The monarchs of the ObTWojld, when they made the earnings of their fellows inure to themselves, reached th’e end by means of edicts, to which belonged at least the .merit of bold and undisguised rapacity. But we > live in an age of fashion and improvement, when J"' she ; old modes of oppression would; be voted com rl .mon-place and vulgar. There be no royal mas •; ters now, who, like King John of England, extort - -.wealth by-tearing the teeth from the mouths of its possessors, but there be refined tariff-mongers; who ; levy invisible and indirect contributions on the people, all the while roundly affirming that it is a ; process intended for the people’s own-special bene- Thanks tor|he sublime art of printing, and the spirit of free inquiry and free discussion, the light ■ of a saving experience and an ever extending pub* lie intelligence, the day' has forever passed away, what contradictions aiid paradoxes passed current /or sound philosophy and truth. It is difficult to £i-; persuade r men now, that the more they are taxed for an article, the cheaper the price of it—or that fe. the higher the rates.of duty imposed op foreign ■ importations, the more-abundant the source of rev r;. -enue ; tO/the governments The tariff of 1840 has yy/*dissipatedjto thefour- winds the entire legion of fallacies,Vith which our opponents were wont to < fill the public mind. It has proved the “ounce of i example”; that has outweighed whole tons of false i precept. ,'Not prophets nor politicians, not preach £'y./iefs nor statesmen uor sooth-sayers, not nor lugubrious lamentations of the - tariffocracy, have sufficed'to defeat the slupendous truth, established by the crowding results of the " past year, that the producing interests, foremost .'j, among which stands AoßictrLTcßK, 1 flourish best, j when the laws are free from the taint of monopoly, Sad when Equality, not Privilege, is the pervading principle. . , If the tariff policy lof James K. Polk thus conv mends itself to ourapproval, how much more his £ w admirable war policy. An unpardonable derilec sp tiop of duty we would deem it,sf we foiled to de • vote a large portion of our columns to this subject.- v: When we review tide series of wanton insult, ag gression, and depredation, committed by Mexico against the government and of the United States,.for;a number of years,’our wpider is, not sword is the arbiter now, but that it slept r ..- in its scabbard so long. No nation on earth can , point to'a similar patient and long : suffering forbearance. - Forever will it stand em blazoned oft the, page,of. history, itself its .only par allel. Possessing-the power to indict violence, the ' United States for years preferred to sttffcr violence. ;■ Strong enough, at any-moment, to crush the jfoe in his feebleness,'we jiaye contradicted all the received maxims of fnankmd, by permitting, our. .strength r , amUps-feebleness to seiye as a pretext for en r* " durance of the most humiliating accumulation of Wrong, If the generosity of nations has heretofore been considered .a non-entity; itseMStonce ' isi .uhde . - hiably prOyeh now. The brow of 'U foieincled; by jnany laurels. 1 ut am,mg. *Uin all * none aprears ; «> it*gvo,;L'u;i > this humanity .been Vu t ■ seern to have sat -a ; andj.' as th* prelude to her ; Ijfrjl&ig-td Ifave- made .her toad. Besotted by ig-. sport of xmlitary advenrurcrs : j rajud strides towards the baniu of j C «/' • V SpSpiS is 1 hero&rtsubkantialgood? . Whensuffieientlyscoorg-- edby\yar,it.»wybe, thatshewillbe broaght/uh ising raee of people, who wffl. re we her irce atidHer manufactures, work her mines,', jicate and civilize .her people, ther f Providence sometimes seems;slow. and. m- it is not the less perfect , and in-' jin working out its ends.' - ' . conclude ; this salutation; without the positgfe pre-commital of our paper to the establish ed We jjaard inherence loßegcxab. Nominations, whetjjjp general or local, as not less yital to Jlem ocratg; ascendency, than is the air we ; inhale Ito die preservation of animal existence. -To these nsa- therefore, we consecrate; in ■ advance, our J un [tialifed allegiance.' ' Whilst in alf controversies about mere men, which are. often unavoidable, we shall claim the right .of exercising- our own prefer ences; it will be our study-so to-respect opin ions of others, that we may extend a cordial sup port to their favorite, in .case'the tribunal,, which: is to decide for us all, shall award in their fevor.. We invoke from and among the jDemocracy that fra ternity, without which the charms ofpolitics are few arid its hopes feeble. This is surely not the time to turn our weapons on ourselves. lore than forces, and fever ready to en- It will be our aim/also. as much as possible, to make the Intelligencer a welcome Family Papeti —to fill its columtjs with articles of general inter est and information;?both original and selected, —so that each reader may find something suited to liis taste.; Congress is nciw in session, and soon the Slate Legislature will lie, whose proceedings we intend carefully to chronicle.. Huying said thus much—more than we intend ed ut the outset—\vc now luuneh our vessel ou the waters, With the Lunrtister 'County Demoeracy it remains to say, whether its gulls shall lie tilled by prosperous breezes, j laxeasTsn, Dee, 138, IM7 We. -have chosen for our motto a sentiment nt* tered by James Buchanan in his masterly speech'to the great State Convention held in this city, in Aug., 18*10.; ‘-That country,he said, "is the most pros- : perous, where Labor commands the greatest Re ward/’ The circumstances which elicited this admirable sentiment were remarkable. John Davis; of Mas- ‘ sachusetts, once 'the. able; editor of a semi-British press in the regionpf the Hartford Convention, and its supporter and apologist, Had, in the Senate of the United States, wilfully altered a speech of Mr. Buchanan, reversing the sense of the author, and ibiputing to him. opinions diametrically opposite. : to those he had advanced. S To this day the Democracy contemplates with just pride the overwhelming rebuke thereupon ad ministered to Mr. Davis, in the presence of the Senate, by Mr. Buchanan himself, and it will be a long time before the public will forget the con clusive and determined manner in wliich’ he ex posed, the dishonest trick to the reprobation of the Senate and the country. It was, whilst noticing this subject, in his speech in this city, that Mr. Buchanan gave utterance to the sentiment above quoted, with which his whole life has been in practical accordance. The remi niscence is one to wliich his friends refer with interest, as exemplifying embittered partizanship on the. one hand, and the eloquent indignation of a patriotic and high-toned Statesman on the other. When Thomas Jbffehsox, witfr a sagacity and statesmanship far in advance of liis contemporaries, urged the purchase of Louisiana from France, the project was assailed by his enemies with unexam pled bitterness. The artillery of the press was levelled against him, and congressional declaimers made the capitol ring with "denunciation. Josiah Qcikct, of Massachusetts, an able law yer, but violent politician, in his speech against the purchase, said: - “ If this bill passes, the bonds of this Union are virtually dissolved—the states, which compose it, will be free from their moral obligations, and as it will be the right of ail, so it will be the duty of some* to prepare definitely for a separation—ami cably! if they can —violently, if they must.” The democratic party, in sustaining Jefferson. were accused of to" the very ends of the earth-in search of new settlements with which to satiate their territorial voraciousness. New Or leans was represented as a den of pollution, inhab ited by an Anglo-Hispano-Gallo-American race, with a confusion of tongues worse than prevailed at Babel, who could never, from their diversity of language and nativity, become assimilated to ouri selves. These were the declarations of the more-territory” pajiy-qf that day. But how hi tions and mal the from lan over-heated imagination. The Union, which* was so soon to tumble to pieces, has sur vived, not a star erased, but some new and brilliant ones added to the constellation. The abused city of New Orleans has proved the most important commercial point on the continent, even to the merchant-princes of Boston. In our struggle with Mexico, what should we have done without her? She lias been, and is, the great depot for all oiir implements and means of war. Louisiana herself has sent as many chivalric spirits to the battle field as any other state in the Union, and it has passed into a proverb, that in the national congress she is invariably represented by men distinguished lor their brilliant intellectual endowments. We need but refer to her Senator.of last year, Mr. Soule, who, although .by birth a. Frenchman, displayed the most profound knowledge of and de votion to our republican institutions,- and whose eloquence Tarried him at a jingle bound to the side of 'Bextox, Calhoun, arid Webster. Why, even now, some of our opponents are endeavoring to yet - further immortalize Louisiana by elevating one of her citizens to the Presidency of the , United States! i This is the Louisiana, be it remembered, which the Federalists in Jefferson's tinqe strove to keep out of the American Union! Who thanks them We intend shortly to issue proposals for the pub lication of a; Democratic German paper in this city. For a period' of nine yeats, we conducted • a German paper "ni our native county, Lehigh, and we-shall be proud, if our efforts are properly sec onded, jto supply this long acknowledged want here. Qur .opponents have in Volksfreund of Mr; Bear an influential and able organ, and, we trust the democrats will appreciate the importance of also supporting adjournal published, in the ad mired language of the Fatherland. Newspaper Chaxoe.— The JPoftwtffe Emporium and the Democratic Preu, hitherto separate papeis, have been united, under the conduct of oiir excellent friend, Hoil StrakoeN. Palmer, who is fully able to impiit interest and usefulness to the paper. We wish the Judge pecuniary and political succes&: h JD* We have; no disposition to condemn, the lantern, erected on die dome of the capitol at Washington, but we do express it. as our opinion, rr ,,. _ , f . _ . that there shouU be a standing committee appointed j.-, . • . , . . •••■,. ■ ... • „ by both houses of Congress on humbugs.- tCTAs the enlarged size and new dress of the contains a call for a- Democratic meeting of all __ ... . ;... . .-v v?? Intelligencer have subjected us to a heavy outlay. friendly +o of Tame* 'BuakaW fc : - Ovlepate®. Johx has been "hcser ; ■J»i .<* ;■ hci,A« hand in ! th , to U bei.< at the C 0,.:. -tome, i„ I ! " **!*«* Bhir “<> ** o{ - l h. erf- • BloomUrs. on Saturitv tb« •*! da, .ammr, | C ' :o (Ob u.iir-.*Tiit''V j’oe t*rr_:i ?♦ ;j!i r ,; vr is aigf.cd t>v i! OMitiber oi -iiritihar mines d«i friend* wiil d» ! ■*; a m we'recojmia some oi the cld-st j I> ' KV **~ Cob^jmjoskm.—A.H.Brote,r jq. , prorrm.am. IVmoerats or Ae - Stir of Ac i I,B,l ‘f* aPP O Commissioner from ; the Northampton Judicial Ihetricr. and John Vnssn —- ix a . Esq., from the Bedford . Pistrict. Both gentle being h oaii: | men are peculiar:v well qnaiiftfdforthe responsible I duties ofjhepost. i •• I!. f.Tvis nus L^e; h. : -Ticitor iiw».-Alabama. bj.the imoiis Ou’MHirrytir Vot*' -o« Loii; tjiuiu':ur» r»J'; •> • i T . giiifuijie.. J. . ♦ IRSP? R. AV. HUTTF.H, Our Motto, A Scrap from History. as it resulted? Despite these predilp- Louisiana was admitted into ” Orleans inclusive. • The catalogue 3 by the' prophet Quiwct lob-goblins that ever sprang German Paper. thoo.i&inkrAj there,*hall benofe ■m rif&WH m occSdcgftineet Jot. ; tpeiry-makihg.. lEartunatq.for. qs,’ tl^f?fß^yugged : reHeved' by these mcrif&f as long-indulged frfftriraa»y to make rpom for those keep people from -degenerating kind of;'selfish individuality, that voften inhumanheesjthetn imper- V ; ■ -i’v $ i-1 J t , j-,2 .That'the Holidays are nowhere observed with a souiAEarf K?re, where dllpen/ ses corhucdprap we .affirm. : the circling gobletJof egg T nogg, temperately Stained, of' with the brown and/tender turkey amiduct—what .with the fresh and the taits, the cheese, die Apples mid tfie . with th,e gathering around the biazirig fire, the tel ling of stories, new and old, the : merryffance, and> .finally the sjveet melody bffemalesbng, to modulate theuproaribusriess and remind the Animat Spirits of the presence of . the Graces—-whatwith all these is not vouchsafed to this favored people? . ’ And then, wheii, as if to croviTi it ail, is added the Qther social custom of Kcic Tear's Gifts —when there is pressed iuto the delicate and trembling and plighted hand, the: elegantly bound Annual, with its tales, its poetry, and its engravings—-then, surely, the cup’of happiness is full.* *' y Reailer! It is our hoart-felt wish that from one or other of these springs of enjoyment, if not from all, you may derive the means of spending a happy, thrice Hamt ftVjv Year! “ It inunt and shall be preserved.”— Jackson Upon'whut basis dues uur National Independence rest, as regards the recognition of Foreign Powers ? Upon the basis of the Union. Tn what capacity did France acknowledge our Independence, after we liud crossed the mires and swampy the moun tains and precipices, of successful revolution ? lu t[ic capacity of the United Slates, Tn what capacity did Great Britain accede .:jp it, and relinquish her lofty, pretensions } In ih.ef capacity of the United- State*. In what character have all the other Pow ers of the earth received us; into the category of. nations, sent their ministers hither, recognized our own, and concluded treaties of friendship and com merce ? In the character of the United States. Are we, in short, known in any other character to any nation on the face of the-globe? It is the flag of the Union , not of any one •of the States, great or small, that commands the respect and admiration of distant nations, so much so, that, like the soft melody of . music, its glorious insignia has been known to soothe even the savage breast.” Let the misguided zealots, who delight to peril this' priceless inheritance, ponder on these things! In theory our Independence, by some stTange pos sibility, might Survive the Union—but in ifts rela-' tions to Foreign Powers its strength and glory would be forever gone. In this respect alone, if there were no other, the • safety and perpetuity of the Union are - worth so much more than all the Provisos and Devices ever conceived, as to set the power of numbers at defiance and mock the des criptive energies of language. George W. Barton, Esq. We hear the speech of this eminent. Orator, at the Philadelphia war-meeting, extolled by all who heard it as one of the most thrilling and effective specimens of eloquence which this great question has elicited. It was replete with all* the sound logic, dazzling and original metaphor, and wither ing invective, which so pre-eminently distinguish all the efforts of this intellectual and truly gifted speaker. With some, slight modification of action, which we consider, marked by rather over-much “ manual violence'*—the result, perhaps, of a tem perament naturally excitable and enthusiastic— Mr. Barton would deserve to be classed among the most powerful popular declaimers in the Unit ed States. As it is, we doubt whether in all the elements of oratory he has an equal, certainly not a superior. In the national assembly, where we hope one day to see him, he would soon reach a summit on which no man has stood since the days of RAXDOX.PR. of Roanoke. Mr. Barton is, a native of this city, and has here many ardent admirers, who are justly proud of his rising greatness. A Patriotic Clergyman. The following extract from the despatch of Maj. Gen. Pillow, describing the battles near the city of Mexico, proves that the race of “fighting par sons" is not extinct. The conduct of the gallant Chaplain here alluded to, is in happy contrast with that pursued by the clergy of New England, who seem to have converted their pulpits into political rostrums, from which to fulminate Anathemas against the supporters of the war. "We! rejoice that there are no such unpatriotic examples among the clergy of Pennsylvania: {: I will be pardoned, I trust, by the General-in- Chief for travelling beyond the legitimate bounds of a report to notice becomingly the patriotic conduct of the pious Chaplain of Colonel Clark’s Brigade. Whilst the battle raged furiously, my column had great difficulty in crossing a deep ditch without damaging their ammunition. The worthy Chaplain, besides encouraging the passing soldiers to their work, actively set the example of filling the' excava tions, so as to enable the troops to pres? onward to the assault. Death of Senator Fairfield. We regret to be called upon to announce, says the Pennsylvanian of yesterday, the sudden death of this excellent man, one of the members of the TL S. Senate from the State of Maine, and beyond all doubt one of the most valuable of that grave* |jody. He died, after having undergone a surgical operation intended to relieve ‘ the pain consequent upon a diseased limb. The correspondent of the New York Herald says he was as well as usual on Friday morning, and it is known that he reported the bill to the Senate to authorize the appointment of Assistant Pursers in the Navy, on the day before he died! He was an upright and able man, mid had long been a favorite of the Democracy of Maine, of which State he was formerly Governor. ID* The Democratic Herald, published at Butler, in this State, heretofore favorable to Gjeneral Cass, has taken ground in favor of James Buchanan for the next; Presidency, in accordance, as it declares, with the expressed wishes of the Democrats of But ler ejaunty, as manifested at the late meeting. State Temperance Convention* , The Central Committee of the State Temperance have called a Convention at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the 19th of January. It will no doubt be..large, respectable and impressive; as all previousiones of that Society have been. Allegheny Countt.— I The Pittsburg, con tains a call for a meeting of the friends of Mr. Buchanan, tp be holderiiin that city, this evening, which is signed by morethanFnTEEN Hundred of the Democratic citizens of that county. TL'-ftleClvVl . y . { t ... V■ tll . tkovui dvc The Union* aSBsSSiL--_jfe-'^- ?einembdr, if he T p|^eB^KtjE^ix can hardly owwdyes'form tiraale of thie of wort we are able td per-. * form, until-tried by actual experiments The man who in these; piping time* of rumors of. [ware” eannotjtpaie that edbagh tofcreid the new* h V.< •„. >' -.'». *' -v i 2 * «■-« •» • -“ ■-- ■■■ *■' "■■*■ papers,-must he an anomaly, indeed. ; jrblack fiag csypturtdfroon the guerrillas, oa which are inscribed >the ominoirt words*: “No Quia* ters.”" It has been a long tinted we believe, since the Mexican soldiers have reeeiVedany quarters ■from their own government.* ' ' . - GAXBLfc,Esq., oFLycoming county, in a* letter, totbe Jersey Shore Republican,~dec\iiiea being;a candidate for Canal Commissioner.' . SfabW; the 'Bod, &e—A writer oh school disci*,, pline says“ Without a liberal use of. therod, it. isampossible to make boys emart.” : . . ID* ;:Tell me,*’ said an American statesman to a~ “the means which your King; has of the truth,'and I will tell you the character of his government/’ ;■ ■ *• ( - 'I AT* It is a most lucky feature of federal predic tions, that they are never realized. What a “ ru ined” 'country welhotfM have ! !. “ Talk to me, indeed ’‘—said Esquire Purr, with both-his cheeks distended to the size of tolerably fair apple-dumplings—“ talk to me indeed, about total depravity, the degeneracy of the agej\nd all rich like nonsense—don't I know that Mrs. Purr blesses; me with a small puff as regularly ds the i issue of the Christmas Annuals, and is'nt it'a fact as true.as any in natur', that the last one is always the humlsomWt und best, and don't this prnvethat the world is gettin* better instead o’ worsef?'*— And the old Esquire sank back in his arm-chair, content in the'invincibility of his logic, ID* Mr. Cut said, in his Lexington speech that the annexation of Texas was the “primary cause of the war.” Well, suppose it was. The resolu tions annexing Texas were reported to the Home of Representatives by Milton Brown, q Clay jWhig —and Mr. Clay himself said that “person ally” he had ‘‘no objections.” IP" A beggar on horseback, witli a dollar in his pocket, is as happy as a king in a barouche with a thousand. ' ITT Gen; Quitman has written a letter from Mexico, in which he says: “I speak to you boldly, as we spoke when the Texas question arose. -1 say, hold on to this coun try. It is its destiny—it is ours—we are com pelled to this policy—we cannot avoid it.” i mrln the prosecution of the war with Mexico) our government has strictly followed the advice given by Polonius in the play: {t ■ Beware Of entrance to a quarrel} but, being in, Bear it that the opposer may beware of thee.” to be answered.— Who killed Cock Robin? Who slew Tecumseh? Who shot at Captain Payne? Who married Mrs. Conner? Where is Doctor Brady? Will salt-petre explode ? Who threw the last brickbat? “Ruin.”— The only ruinous effects of the tariff of 184 G, which have come to our notice, are the shattered frame and broken constitution of its au thor, Robert J. Walker. If his Herculean la bors have injured nobody else, they have at least nearly destroyed himself. [D“ Government, confined to its legitimate functions, may be compared- to a strong wall erected around a fruitful garden* which contributes nothing to vegetation within, but is a shield and protection against depredation from without Rumor,— c< ■ -Rumor is a pipe, Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures, And of so easy and so plain a stop,- That the rude monster, with uncounted-heads, The still, discordant, wavering multitude, Can play upon it.” Keep* it before the People! —That when Congress first placed men and money at the (lispo of the President to prosecute the war with Mexico, both parties accompanied it with a declaration that it existed “by the ad of Mexico." Now, who be gan the war?” When is a man deunk.?— The precise point of indulgence at which a devotee of Bacchus may be pronounced positively “drunk,” was thus defined by an old law of Massachusetts:—“When a I man stag gers in his gait , and speweth in the streets , he shall, thenceforward and forever be considered drunk.” Dr. Wainright, a physician in Crosby street, New York, was bitten by a rattlesnake :on Thurs day night, and died five boura'eiterweirda. He had just received the snake as a present from a friend. We would much prefer to have a present such as this absent. \ Monroe Countt. —The delegates to the 4th of March Convention, are to be cliosen on the. 10th of January. The Stroudsburg' Democrat says, that public sentiment in the county is* unanimous for James Buchanan. Hon. Jesse Sharpe, for twenty years one of the Associate Judges of Chester couhty, has resigned. ID* Samuel Holman, of Harrisburg, is recom mended in the Harrisburg Union for the post of Canal Commissioner. ID* When ;Gen. Almontb, the Mexican minis ter, was yet in Washington, it was a notorious fact that the National Intelligencer knew as much about Mexican affairs as he did himself ID*The N. O. Picayune says:—The olive branch has been thrust into the faces of the Mexicans so often that all the leaves are shaken off Governor of Texas. —Wood is said to be the Governor elect of .Tpxas. ;Jhet' returns as far as received, stand: .Wood, 4,338; MUlef, 4,144. Capital Toast.— The following toast was pre sented on the Bth of January, 1827, to a celebration of that day held in Washington city, by James . K. Polk, then a member of Congress from Tennessee. It is worthy of re-publication at this time, when fanatics and demagogues are coolly calculating the value of the American Union: “ By the Hon. Mr. Polk, of Tennessee*— The Union of the States—The reprobation, of an -indig nant country awaits all those who attempt to dis-' tract it, by exciting sectional jealousies between the north and the south, the east and the west,' be tween the slave-holding and the; non-slave-holding States.?*' TOLERATION. il Deal meekly, with the hopes that guide. The lowliest brother straying frotn'thy side; If right, they bid thee tremble for thine own; If wrong, the verdict is to God alone,” ■£. vc> i r ..h'. r-f’-ijk' a* sneh tfSTded don ofw ' ■■■•’■:.■■ a large meeting ofthe Democratic citizens of Te n>ng?;co4rity assembled » &e Churt Housein the tospn of Jtankluii'on/Tueadsjr evening.Norember 23, for the purpose'of expressing .their sentiments 'r*'the^ S nestiont)ffhe'next'l , resid(i .. *' _ The meeting vi-aa ably and eloquently idfesed by Messrs. J. S. ATCaihost, W. W. Saxw, M. B r j. Ptoto ad Hon. Abhold Plujiib. : ■ ■ :-■■■■•■.-j - On motion, Dr: W. E. BtSHop; Wxbbeh, Ebwjlhb Swee jtt. CoI. W; tt. Xiiiß*BToV, J. J. Bixeoax, and W *c. T, A'ei 11, wen* chosen a com mittee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, who reported, among others, the fol lowing, which were unanimously adopted: _ Whebeas, the time is approaching when the Democracy of this Union, will be again called upon to select a standard-bearer in the next Presidential contest: And, Whereas, the' recent glorious vie; tones of the Democratic:party: render it:but right and proper that we, in common with, our fellow citiaens, should in this manner manifest our pride in knowing that our belpred and highly cherished principles yet . stand pre-eminent in the hearts of the people and that the good old “ Keystone** yet ranks among, the “ battfe-ships” of the Democ *®cj> ,? n ® t° e *P reB0 > a degree, our gratitude to our fellow laborers in one common cause j,'Bending the glad tidings to our friends throughout the Union; Therefore, / Resolved, That we have undirainished confidence in the administration of James K. Poll 4 and that the fearless course pursued.by him is asure guar-* arautee, thatunder his administration the rights of our citizens shall not be Invaded without redress. R«o/v«f, That in James Buchanan the Democ racy of and of the Union, have a mart' around whom all can rally, undivided and zealously as our nezt Preside,ntial candidate, < ’■ \R«iolvtd t That as tho. Keystone of the Federal Arch—only second in the Union in population, but second to none in point of intelligence and re sources—has nevor yet hod the honor of filling the ! Presidential Chair, with one of her sons, we ask it now, not as a favor, but as a right, to present the name of a standard-bearer, to lead the united forces of the. Democratic party to battle and victory. ; Resolved) That the recent Democratic victories in this and other’ States give evidenoe that “our march is onward,” and that our principles, in the nezt contest are destined to certain triumph. Resolved, That “ Old Frank Shunk” needs from us no praise. The State Convention issued him, and a majority of eighteen thousand freemen en dorsed the issue. 4 Resolved) That John Evans, Wm. H. M’Quaid, W. W. Shaw, S. Small, and J. Adams, be appointed Senatorial Conferees to meet those from Crawford, to nominate a Senatorial delegate to the 4th of March Convention. Resolved) That our Conferees be severally re quested, to instruct our delegates to vote for the Hon. James Buchanan, in instructing our delegates to the National Convention. Warren Couxtt.—A meeting.of the Demo crats of Warren county, was held in the town of Warren, on the Gth inst E. W. Chase, Esq., was selected as President; Comfort Hamlin and Wm. Liggins, Vice Presidents; W. S. Ronet, Secry. J. D. James, Esq., submitted the following reso lutions, which after some remarks by Jas. Curtis* Esq., were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That in James Buchanan We hail a sound Democrat, and an able Statesman J and that if Pennsylvania is to be favored with the next Democratic Presidential candidate, the “Favorite Son” should be the man. Resolved, That this meeting has undiminished confidence in our Representative in Congress, Hon. James Thompson. Union Cocntt.— The regular Democratic county-meeting, held in New Berlin, on the 14th instant, unanimously instructed in favor of James Buchanan for the Presidency, subject to the. deci sion of the National Convention. Butler Countt.— A correspondent of the Pennsylvanian writes, under date of Butler, De cember 16, 1847: “We had a. large, enthusiastic, and glorious Democratic meeting to-night, at which there were a number of good speeches. Alfred Gilmore and James M’Glaughlin, Esqs., were appointed delegates to the 4th of March Conven tion., Both, as you are aware, are the avowed friends of J ames Buchanan for the Presidency. “The delegates in question were instructed to support the Hon. Wx. Beatty, of Butler coupty, as the Democratic for Canal' Com missioner.” Greece County—A correspondent of the Penn sylvanian, writing from Waynesburg, informs the editors that die Democratic Convention which as sembled in that place bn the 21st instant, elected their delegate to the 4th of March Convention with twiantmoutfingtructions ih favor of James Buchan a it for the next Presidency. Clarion County. —A Democratic county meet ing was held in the town of Clarion on the evening of the 7th instant, Col. David B. Long in the Chair. The meeting jwas ably-addressed by John S. Rhey, Esq., of Armstrong, and a series of patriotic reso lutions ' offered by W. .X' Alexander, adopted. Among the number are the following.: Resolved, That as Pennsylvanians, we view with pride the'feterling worth and commanding talents of the favorite son of the. Keystone State—that his public ar<#s in the Cabinet, as well as out ofit, are such as to'calL forth the warm approbation of the whole pehple. of, the” Union. . Resolved, .That the result of the late election in Pennsylvania is a'merited compliment to the talents, integrity, and correct deportment of Gov. Shunk, and, that we look forward to hi? future official acts without prejudice or distrust. Destiny of the Union. The foUowing is a highly! eloquent passage from able report, being the concluding paragraph: - “ A liberal commercial policy is essential to the fulfilment of this great destiny of New York and of the Union; but, above and beyond all, the Union itself, the free : trade Union, its and on ward progress in area,.wealth and population, are necessary to the ’ accomplishment of these grand Upon thispoint, sectional fanatics, few in number at horde, and despots abroad concurring with them may hope or menace; but the Ameri can Union is si moral and physical, k political and. commercial necessity, and never'can or will be dis solved. As well might we attempt; to decompose the great element of nature which holds together the planets, suns, and systems of. the universe, as hope to sever the links of mighty lakes and rivers, of ever-extending telegraphs, railroads and canals of free trade, of intercourse, of interest, o/ love and affection,! of the glories of the past, the present and } the future, which must forever bind together- the American Union. Indeed, when we look upon the American revolution, the framing of ourconstitu tiopythe addition of Louisana, Florida, Texas and Oregon—our ever-extending area, products and pop ulation—our- triumphs in war and peace—we must be blind So the past, and close our eyes upon the frilfiliihg realities, of Bie future, if we cannot peri ceive and gratefully acknowledge that a higher than any earthly power still guards and directs our des tiny, impels us onWard, and has . selected our great and happy country as a modehand iiltimate centre ofattractionjfor all the nationsof'the world” ./ We are deeply pained to record the sudden and unexpected death of one of our aged and most' estimable citizens, by an feident which -bag de prived an amiable and esteeined family ofrits cEer ished head Mr. Gram, .possessed of wonderful'gbod' health, sppdS end a! .constitution which led his friendsto and hapriy life, was suddenly cut ofT and -iheirhopes; biased, by an accident v.bich deprived him of life and east glc jm over th: c whole communii} On Friday morn: si* he slipped on the ice :n his yard, the tali- -.liriocauus his .shoulder, from the eficctsroi which he died on Siturday. His funeral takes place at 2 o'clock rr i.iy. —Berks Co. Pr. x, Otr. 21.. Hori. Saxuel H nr. * 7-jdge of the. Supreme Court"of'litassach-.sev; iicd- at his residence in Boston, on the 24:r, u-s: V'," ? WWMtfte-tfllßWai^ mjfjMguiߣ^iece&tlyj ****”«£ ■’ ■. - v ■£& in Sshich vfejk* cUita m bajagircted-: licmike ,:io> ptopsgßte is -HUnj StUMWrUM iangioatibn. will>llow them to infest- -?.V ifßy w»y oC-exuaple. Two or mor?:of the t>ykei&lent « v »pj^tmenV r wdiKOTereti gomg into the white-boose, on bngioesa, BP matte* ’•tint; One of :the « reguisr correspondents** of s distant newspaper, with meansof infotmation-not by any'ofluß Has witnesaed .thfe.strange and-mysterious’ movement. -: A news monger by profeswpn, he la in duty bound toreport jtitpl%ell.ee tp hj» : emplojer..,What can it meapT.lt thesecre tariea would- nqt be with'th,e President, mor the . President .with the Secretaries. • • And it is'an im portant something,.too, of .they would' have made the 'object; of their- meeting ' public, s- Ordinary matters require; po secresy. Only extraordinary dbings need tqbe veiled. At this point the puzzled news-gatherer escapes from the "dilemma by guess • idg at the meaning of it, and" the 'result' ib that a whole community are practically “ First of Aprils ’ long before theappointed time.- ' Another base in point- . James Knox Walker, .Esq.,.theamiable and populaj pnyateAecretary of the President, is despatched l -to* the House,' with' a message, Executive approval’ . of “ act anict, entitled an act, providing for clearance'of obstructions from Tombigbee river /” The executive missive is caya lierly laid onthe table. , One-bjfthe clever gentle men hr the reporter*! gallery discerns’it onthb speaker's table, and without, even so much&s heat ing it read,’forthwith'construes it into a fitrious dia tribe against Mexico, and a demand for raeft and money, enough to make one’s hair stand on end, .like the quillsof the (Vetted porcupine,,, Here, then you have somb sort of index to the way In which the great rumor-fketory in this city works. Not,by any means, would Ibe understood, ns asserting that all the letter-writers and reporters pursue this system. On the contrary, they com prise, as a class,* a vory .great-amount .of* talent and respectability. But that sovne of : tlioir number do. bocaslonally draw upon tholr Imaginations for their facts, Is too plain; to admit of much doubt. I According to my unsophisticated way of thi.nkjng, there are always Realities sufficient in this curious city, to make up a clever-sized letter. To these 1 intend to confine'myself. Congress is once more “in fullblast.” From good old Pennsylvania there are many strange faces, mijny that ought hof to be seen here, and would not, but for accidental causes. It is a strange sight, de pend upon it, see; a Whig here from.the Colum bia and Luzerne District—another from the Mont gomery district—another, from Crawford—-another from Lehigh^—another from Northumberland—and so forth. I pannot but flatter myself, however, that when these accidental M. C’s shall properly con sider that Pennsylvania this year reversed the verdict of the previous year, they will art like honest men, and support the Tariff of 1846 and the War. But, as Mr. RiTCHiE says, nous verrons. j In the organization ,of the House, -the whigß hav e displayed their accustomed insincerity. Forgetting their .'constant-clamor against proscription, they have removed nearly every one of the kithful and efficient officers' of the last Congress..- As it is. a well known fact, however, that the public ments here contain hordes of uncompromising ene mies ofMr. Polk, it would not be very .difficult to find room for the ; displaced ones of Congress. \ Gen. Cass, from the Committee on Military Af fairs, has reported a bill to raise, for a limited an additional number of troops, and has given, no tice that he will call it up as soon as printed. No Senator, by the way, has given the administration a more cordial support, than Gen. C. Between Mr. Buchanan and himself, I am happy to learn, the entente cordiale exists to a gratifying degree. Mr. Holmes of South Carolina has introduced a resolution to call bn the States for a return to the General Government of the proportions of the sur plus revenue received by them a few years since ! It would probably puzzle some of the accepting States to refund, should the proposition be adopted. : Senator John P. Hale, the leader of the allied Federal and Abolition forces in New Hampshire, has already thrown the anti-slavery fire-brand into the discussions of that body. His efforts are sec onded in the-House by Giddings of Ohio. Heaven only knows the extremes to which the infatuation of these mis-guided fanatics may lead. Mr. pALHouN .has intimated a wish to speak shortly; on his “no territory ” resolutions.* The course of this, pure and.able, but often erratic states man, from the very commencement of the wax, has ezeitedno little regret and disappointment. ‘ Taking the lead-in the annexation of Texas, as. the premier of Mr. Tyxer, it was certainly, not an unreasonable expectation that he would be the, very last to flinch .fromthe consequences. The. chivalric Sduthron has done so, nevertheless, - and is now cheek by jowl with Daniel Webster proving the adage that ‘‘misery makes' strange bed-fellows.” His resolutions areas follows. ■Resolved, Thai' to conquer. Mexico and toehold it, either as a province* t*r to incorporate it into our Union,'would be inconsistent with the avowed ob jects for-.which* the war has been prosecuted—a' de parture from! the settled’policy of the Government, in conflict with its character and genius, /and in the end,, subversive of our free and popular institutions. ResoZt>sd,-..That no line/ of : pdlicy in the further prosecution of the war should be adopted which may lead to consequences so disastrous. Senator BaobV of Alabama has returned and ta ken his Seat. It is.slated that he stands committed, by a re,cent ,letter, to the annexation of the whole of Mexico. ; . Considerable interest is manifested as to who is to be the fortunate recipient of the Chargeship to Naples, the most desirable post of. that grade in the gift of the government. You will remember that it was held by Col. William H. Polk, broth er of the President, who came hpme last summer,- married, an heiress in New York, resigned his.dip lomatic appointment, /accepted a commission as Major ofDragoons, and repaired in hot liaste to the battle-fields of Merico. The two most prominent applicants, I understand, are C01...R0w an of. Ken tucky and Robert Tyler, Esq,, of Philadelphia^ Senator Copqum* of Georgia has gone home,in tending shortly, to resign, oh account of important private affairs. JJis will be truly a national doss.— As a statesman, politician,- fnendand Christian, he is universally and deservedly beloved. Health and prosperity attend him! ; To Ex-Speaker Davis of Indiana, rumor . assigns the vacantmiuion to China—a capital selection.! After New Year, it is stated, the restaurant Con ducted in the basement of the capitol by that re nowned caterer, John Foy, is to be abated. Many an aching heart . will thisoccasion, . and many a Congressional month will water for the excellent solids and liquids whichjwere wont to be served to -the “ Subterraneaha”'by poor FoyK This first beginning, says a friend at my elbow, of aboli tionin: the District ofColumbia.v J The cbmpliments of* the'season to you! ; ; CONRAD WEISER* For the Lancaster Intelligencer. « Patent Definttipns* * Cross-Examination.—rA, branch of legal inquiry, so called from the fact that, those, who conduct it invariably Jose their . - Teeth.—X hard ivory substance,-worn in the 1 month, and used byj boys and dogs as implements ; Renown.—'The'raoeripopular noun in the English language, to gun-which, men ate-content to fight, and h}eed, and.die. ; Henoe then phrase Blood , ■ and nouns.” '*<>k ? .-V -- ; ’ : ; Water .-*»lJ#ed'in .the olden times as. a beverage, Wt~ latterly uses -as b ttbrtg,- sc'-f&lJingj.extintruis-iing firci, ai:d no.’unjfnrvica. Jargon !— lr.'xp*?cablc sounds rt-cndcd.by a houac-wife, oh o;3 ,- : - ■ . The Lebanon )., ■ :^v: The • Hegliter. 7 -.i ' The^om6cratiC'(V cq<) ;/ Gettyßhjurg.CompUer,.Aa«a« *o., Pal - Pa. • .. Pa. TheKeyiiQnej New J3fer]in>Pa. 'TKe! •'' AugostaTteinocrat, Virginia* Sheaaw|E6alijSentinel,Virginia. Virginia!Valley Star*. • Smrit ofDemcrcracy,'Virginia. : . TmjjQfgariic TSiegfaph, Miss. -Bowsing Green Argus, Kyi : Columbla.d2nquiteri Berwick, Pa. -. , Spijrit of Jefferson, Virginia! • • } *7 ■ Monroe! Democrat, Stroudsburg,. Pa, CeDtre.jßerjchterj Aajpnsburgy-Pa.jXGerniftn,) .« 7 CamdehPhcehuti J. 71 • * ! Woodstock, Virginia Sentinel.; ? Pittobnrch Courier^-(German.)''• ; : TiogaEagle,Tiaga,Pa*. *-7. 7-' • 1. .* •, - Wiuchejrter yirpnianj Va. I : . *■■■ Wilfcesbarre Wffichter, Luzerne eo.^(Gennan.) * York, Democratic Presaj York, Pa. < : - 7 f , The!Lancasterlhtelligehcer. , t '-j '. ron QEOBGE 7C.. DALLAS, j. ;• ■. r ; V . The Bedford Gazette..' •••? ' ;Camden} (N. J.) Democrat. i" : Shippensburg.Vallev Spirit. , , ] *:■ . The jWest Cheßtdr Jeffersonian. ;j* . Carlisle Volunteer.-: . ’ - , w - • ■-{ • ,>; •■:>••■• The Ho lidaysbdrg'Standard. V i ■ v. . : FOR ! JAMBS K. POLK. The Wist Chesty (Pa.) .Republican.: 'VOR MARTrS VAK B.URKK.| j < The Wi kesbaira Parmer. ; .■ I TJio Bloomßb\irgj(C(Humbi[i co M ) D»>mocrat. LottertoOregou. In,March Inst thje fi&t Jcmtoriul upivointment Avas made for Oregon—-that of John M. Shitklt, ‘ Esq, ai Deputy IJost-maitter at Astoriu, Before Mr, SK::vhtT‘n .departure lioni Wnfchinjjton, he re ceived jfroih Swrotury. HmwarAX im official letter, .which, 1 we find nciw. for the fl/st tinjo published among jtha . accompanying [ the Fresi- . dent’s passage.. The subject is in ifeclfone of such absorbing moment to every mind interested. in the extending of the. republic, that it would . seem to direct attention to the letter.. After such! an eloquent and to some cxtent prophetic appeal in behalf of our distant countrymen—-not' so distant, though, that they may not become in a very few years oiir .. near neighbors—it is to be hoped thav Congress will spare eriough ;of its time,/ at thi? session, to! provide for them a territorial government: • ' • '- • r•• . • • ! ;' Department or State, / j , Washington City, March 29, 1847. Sir : On the eve; of your .departure ! for Oregon the President has .instructed me to communicate to you his views in regard to that territory, so that you may-make 1 them known to • its. inhabitants. ,He . deems you! a suitable agent for .this purpose, as you are now an officer of the .United States, having been . commissioped deputy postmaster at Astoria. The President deeply regrets, that Congress did not at their late session, enact a law estatnishing a territorial 1 government;in Oregon. A bill for this purpose passed, the llouise. of Representatives oft the 16th of January last, by a vote of 133 to 36. It failed in Spnate, not, as I am firmly convinced, from any want-of disposition bn the part of the. majority to providej a government for that interesting portion of the republic; but because other urgent and im portant business connected with the Mexican'war did not allow the necessary time, before the dose of their short session,to discuss and perfect its Retails. For this reason alone it was laid upon the table on the day Congress finally adjourned. It is the| intention of the President, in his mes sage to. Congress in .December next, to reiterate;thei recommendations in regard to Oregon contained in his last annual message. No doubt is entertainej that Congress will,.atan early period aftrirtheir meeting, create a territorial government Tor Oregon; extend ov£r it par laws relating to trade end inter course with the Indian tribes; establish custom, houses;, and make liberal grants of land to those bold and patriotic pioneers who, amidst great pri vations and dangers, have established, their settle ments upon.the soil. ’• ! ■ An earnest of this is afforded by the recent act carrying into effect the recommendations of the Pre sident, so| far as regardsthe extensionof our post, office laws and the grant of mail facilities to our fellow citizens in Oregon. .They; will appear, from a certified copy, now furnished to vou, of part of the first section, and of the second, sixth and sev enth section of the act approved 3d march, 1847, “to establish certain post routes,- and.Jbr other purposes.}’ I am. authorized by the Postmaster General to assure you; r that all the provisions con? tained in these sections will be carried into effect with as little delay as possible. * • Thus you will perceive that the means have al : ready been provided for the conveyance of public information . correspondence, amongst ■oiir citizens in Oregon themselves, and between them and [the cifrzens of our States and territories east of the-RockyMountains. ; Besides!, the late Congress, at their jfirst session, by the aetjof 19th May, 1846, provided! for raising a regiment of mounted riflemen for the! express pur pose of affording a secure passage in tervening | Indian Territory to emigrants on their way to Oregon, and for the establishment of mili tary postsj along the route for their protection. Tho .people of Oregon may rest assured that the , government arid people of the United' States will never abandon them or prove unmindful of their welfare. (We have given a. sufficient pledge of this determination by the zeal and firmness: with which, throughout a quarter of a century, our just right to that territory ’was steadfastly maintained' against ‘the.claims of Great Britain, until at last the. ques tion was finally adjusted between the two powers; by the treaty of June, 1846 V 'That treaty has. se cured to ds the whole territory on the continent . south of the parallel of 49 deg., and this we shaUl never abandon. . ;. ' ‘ We feelj the deepest interest in the prosperity of the people of Oregon. Their brethren ion this side of the Rocky Mountains regard them with affection and with Hope. We'cari perceive, in ithe nbt tant future, one or more glorious states! of thiscon-. federacy springing into-existence/on- the shores iHlr. the Northern Pacific—spites composed of ourVOwn kindred—of a people speaking our own language,, governed by institutions similar to those whmh> se cure our own happiness, and sings of religion, liberty and law, over ;that ya§t region.- Their commerce and intercourse vti&the' other States of the Union will confer mutnaLbene- . fits on all parties concerned, and will bijjfe themlo us, and tisjfo them, iif'bonds of reciprocal interest ' and affection more durable than .adamant,' ? Science ' has discovered, and enterprise is now iast establish' - ing means jof intercommunication so -rapid that at no distant day a : journey from New York io Oregon - will be accomplisbed in. less time thati [: ' employed jn travelling from that city toNdw Or? leans, and-important news will be communicated by" telegraph-!with the velocity of lightriing.Thelr foreign commerce with the west coast ofAmerica* with Asia arid the isles of the 'Pacific, wiU sati uri der the protection of oiir common flag,’ apd cannot fail to beaij back wealth in abundance to tour shores, < . In the meaji. time, we shall watch |oveiy their , growth ,wfrhparental care. >.• I The President will;direct otfr Vessels;:of wrttto' visit their ports and harbors as often as. practicable^, r and to afford than all . the protection which they . may require; and!*Congress, I doubt not, wiU' at ‘r the next session provide for them a eminent suited to their.wishes and their wants*. - Yours, very respectfully, '- . .V V I JAMES BUCHANAN, BecV of Sta te* V To John M. Shivery, Esq.* - }!:.• Appointed. Deputy Postmaster, at Astoria, - j T Oregon Territory, Bold F obbsbt.— An, extensivejfrobbery was perpetrated yesterday afternoon, in our city. Win. Darlington' Esq, President of the West Chester Bank, whil! conversing with a lady in a railroad car, at'the iepot, corner of Broad street, hear Ba<*, about two o’clock, was robbed of a, - smallvaiise, which contained the handsome sum of fifty one thousand d iliars, in notes on the West Chester Bank. He-placed he valise under die seat upon, which he. was sitting when he entered die-car, for safekeep ing, from when ce it was stolen by some daring Sfl. lain. It wis the work, of a single moment -.-Mr.’ D. had the money from the Pennsylvania bat bile hour, previous -to the robbery, and at the time wi a on his way to the West Chester Bank. ■ SnspicioiM as fallen upon two persons who were sftenlnrkklg about the depot somefifteenminnfes eparture of the cars, and who were, no e of this moury being in, the. possession No arrest? have been made.—-PenAryl -24. ■ j ! . - before the <1 doiibt, a'.vai of M:. D. eaiiiaa. Dec, iose. cup yli* poverty was dashed, bed whilciia? ojic afcirt was washed/ -• ppeared, and holding it to vi<*w, . ; p was« J d pgpiu, ’tvyiil wash in two.**; * ctiM Bays; l . <4< -ien wash it, pray, good. . cousin--* '- * \ And wash ijt, if you c*nj into « dozen !»>*•} • A< Bays, -w Lay saug m The dame a Said, “ If 5 t “.indeed! J