1 t-i.1, ii v" . ! E is Bfc. w fl A- BULLET PROOF DOG. t , mKR nun nm nn kit fllttl'l rxr. 14 Appltea Cruile Petroleum unit L.' At Ca...l tl- MA !j ' JlBllPt lu m Hand. 1 ' Colombia. Au. 1. A deg owned by gWcf miMT, a lad of nbetit sixteen years of M attracting mucn attention aueuv en account of his retnarkabln vitality. s deg Is an intelligent, full blooded shep L and a few davsaae some peraen niacin itargat of the animal. The deg was almost tad wlta bullets anil a YOterinary but l Mid the deg should be killed. The r determined te save his pet, ana by tete treatment Is enabled te exhibit his t with four bnllet holes in him. One of i ballets named through the deg's head, Habeddlng Itself Jn the oppeslto aide of the Nf tee near the eye. The boy saved the deg ' keeping the threat clear or woea ana - ".. ..., - ..1 'Pkn I application ui cniiiD a-nuiunn ..v Is a remarkable one and can hardly i believed, but It is a fact. Jnn. V. Heward has returned from the leamp of the Larks at Fredericksburg, and tenerts the club having a geed lime. 1 J Mrs. Klla Welser and danghter, of Har- riaburff. and Mr. JelTcnen Olvcn mid fain- Zi mt.i.i .t. -r .! ijiy ei I'lHSUurjr, aru gecm rai. miu LMrs.W.U.Barr.' p.v? A tennis tea will be given this evening i ten the grounds or me uui-uoer ciuu, en r?r!hznut street. Pfc Dr. ninkle has roturned from a visit te rfMlnnequaSprlngs. i-SA-Mra. 8. 8. Detwller, Herace Dolwllernnu Pllagh North, jr., lea this morning for ilSerlng Lake. Jf.J. Sfrr Geerge Rovvewas before Squire Evans ithla morning en the ehargoef drunkonness ivVand disorderly conduct prcferred by his Ffjfather. A commitment was made out ler 'th, five el a vs. but alTerwniils the matter was I3 Wilful. hS TIui ninnml nf nrtmn "Vlliwltnf Rhnrlvnr F-'was held this nftcnioen at 2 o'clock from Jf St. Jehn's Luthernn church. HW The following uumber of cars were 'handled during July ut the east nnd west gk yards of the 1. H. It. at Columbia. i yards V , Enstwnnl.... westward , Trains, limited. ....... 1,011 47,2 Til Uflll Empty Total. 47(1 47.77J .'W.f.Tll 11, MB i.'.i M,n aa.ew msnin tTiAitnmnitl (a rati liinmcikA Atad IblI A This J month of 2,373 cars, and and lucronse ever r'fcT.,1.. lean nfa7m,.,'ir. . ;n HUMMER LEISURE. MDr. B. P. V. Urban went te Ocean V. Greve te-day for a brief vacation. j$ Miss Harriet Mary Itese and brether, j ; .SFrea c home, nre spending me summer t', vacation at Mt llope, the guests of Jacob ,0baub. vA Walter Kiefler. of the liiaMine.v. wilt . f attend the annual reunion of the KlefTer : rauy u iiiu aiie x urn, r ranuuii ceuniy, B g-ea next Wednesday and Thursday. K, fr. Wni. JU Gill, a veteran dlsulple of Isaac "g, Walten, went te Jtalu i-riar IbkI evening, $?le will return te-morrow night with a big ' " airing of fish. &8 Miss Amy l!cbternacht, of Orovllle, nnd , iiBrceuRin. iMisa r.ua uirviu, win loave lo le . .morrow en a driving trip through Luncns- .ter and Chester countles, visiting their l tftrirtnA nnit r1iitlvn. Thnv ivlll rnttirn , Rafter an absence of several woeks. k Mis Mabel llartmyer left te-day for '.? Parmersvllle and McliuiilcsbMrir. 'i..P.'H. Qoediuan, with his wife and son, f V.S-UMJ Uft UIIU.MIIIWVUI AVIIil, .,1. - tUoedmau, wlie lias been living in the U' Seuth for aeveral ycarx, will '.ake charge of Jtaa'Chattanoeea JVms en Monday. P ,& Mlas Maggie Shoedol, of Philadelphia. Is f"s;:ihe guest of her uncle, Mr. Pred. Hart- f-'il Bayer, ei tve urnuge sireei. V ' MIkm Afnrv Xfnfrrvnr Ih iMiniltm. lien Kjreaka vacation attldway, this county. K$,i ..The plcnie of St. .Stephens' Lutheian ,'fctiurcli, at Tell's llaln en Thursday, wai 5K'Jir5n rf tlin Inrirnut nf llin unnun nu ua11 as Mrz: v..:r" "".r:.r .,.,' ..:, ;.:.": lt-imie u iuv muBb vujujuuiu evur iiuiu ii y IIIO "i ffl.... -!.- .1 1. a-r. ...,i jifr ii'' wur jiuiu, uuiigiuvr ui win, Jiaii7t tXi -lF llin Xfrirami KAiicin lu chaihIIiu Im 5t. ;' vat-utlen with friends in 1'hlladeliihla. and gffi writes that sue Is having a Jelly lime. Ej-wav .. ... - ;. i-rei. uee. 1-. Alu and lamllv left this morning for Kininlltsburg. i. uissiunrioieviu, tiauguiorei ur, win. feS M. Xnvln. who hllH lirnll llin trllnat nr Air Kyj-j. Kremer,at Carlisle, arrived homeonThiirs- t. day morning, and departed lu the evenlug or a luenui's stay among the TlieiiHiitid ' &, Tulea fef ' Hugh North, of Columbia, is a? Spring srafr ,-.... ...a,. ..,...,.. w 4wviHuyuiwujyuil' tma tliurillllg lOl tf'jinir xerje. T. : Miss Mame Snvder and Miss Chmntiiir. p?4.1aln are spending a few days In Whltferd, .wuesier county, i"a. Ninety of the noer chlldren of New fe Yerk pussed through Lancaster en the B? Fast Line this ancrnoen bound for Hun V ever. They are sent out by H19 Tribune yfr Fresh Air association. They stay for two HC wfeus. un tiie bcaihore exnrcss te-dav two rarleada returned te New Yerk. .11 a 1 rub Golillierir and lmr ilnni'lilnr lJ Jnliln lufV llilu tii.it., f. um..rl ,...n -in W.......V .U.. ...n .MU...... .U P,Ul! lU . weeKH Willi lrieuus 111 linlllmore. Jehn Hest and family loave to-itierrcw for Wild Cat, In eenipany with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn C. Chanipleii of Philadelphia. Mrs. Delesx Lvert. who has been vlslllne her mether, Mrs. Dollet, left 011 Thursday evening for hqr home In CIe eland, O. The Pirst lleferiutd Sunday school Ih fat picnicking ut Itecky Springs te-dav. bK'ICi- Qeea Kheman will go te Xlm unit weeJaMrfid iKn Ills return will lu!t bjijcdferd. Lewer Kud Notes. Im the Oxford Press. "r. T'T..thnr niMit, irn nf 1..M. iltl.l.. K,prepe.ia resident of Xancaster county, died W the uie rcsldoiH'e or lier son Speucer, ut 48?lEuroinInStew. e Julyiid. The decc.ibcd TSr nir.nurei,8ut le Gxieni uml ever the Peach fe Ameriy'H burying-gretind, Tuesday. She r?T " absei.es Wasen sold at private sale, en the U" lU7 ene " farln '" Utll Urltalnand Pulton fcV- xnps, 10 jeun . Wilsen. misuBa .ugeue uaKer, or Ueluraiti, Lancaster K?of IrclV, has been engaged te tcich In the ivss .'; antral nigu scliejl, Plilladeiphia. '," remove te a Heuse in suburban dladelphU, and take the work in Sen. tabor. Mr.ll.iker Isui'i-.ulnntn r i.iinru &.- - vllle formal hclioel and u teacher of expo--!. riencn. Allen Moere, u l'hlliulnlnliifin .ii.i .,...1 n J....... -. ... v.,, Z. " -'. " """ """ j-r ueuit ei iuu ruauiuncu 01 aames I'axsen, u Pfjf relative whom he wa lsitliig in Little nrvTji. itrirain ft ivwiitri,,i., 1....1 1 liritalu, en Wednesday last, uud wus ouneu 011 uui loiiewiug day ut the cem etery lu the neighborhood of his death nnd where he was born. His death resulted from an Internal hemorrhage. Mr. Moere was a geed business man nnd an agroenble uiupaiilmi, and he enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. lie was many years age enaacred in tlJ0 pottery business nt IKennett Square, in partnership with the ate Edwin Ureilus. The Kc-btilt of ItHeiiic. A young man named K ready was racing with anethcr team, ou the Harrisburg pike, near LandlKsviile, en Thursday evening. He did net notice that he was clese te an einbankmeiit, and his team slipped overto the summer read below. The buggy was npset and K ready threw 11 out. He was slightly lirutsed nnd the buggy badly wrecked. VU , iave 5,000 Ball. '1, 1UOJ.J5. and ltebert 11. MM,' nr ui. tVi vans, surslnst wlmm uuli wa i.Kn....i.. ,. "r Daniel Herst ler damages for false arrest, AT? TW ""V "" rlURV morning in the sum of : -. r" "' -"i" "'"mi i (U9tugusi lenii of j7 "mi pieiu ueun, en tue reurth VlMtwday pf that mouth, 'a ' 5 fire wcrrr hall. The Cunote en the Tep or the Bulldlns llsmnaTd. An alarm of lire, struck from box 12 at Centre Square, caused great excitement shortly alter 3 o'clock this afternoon. The lire was In the cupola nf the rlty hall, and Immonse volumes of smeke ascending from the cupola I ml lest ed that a serious confla gration might cn'uie. Prompt action of vol vel vol uutners, headed by Mayer Clark, pro pre pro ventod a spread of the flame. Buckets of water wero carried and thrown en the burning weed work and seen the flames were extinguished. The less Is slight. The mayor and Ills volunteers were drenched with water.but they did net mind that inconvenience In their excite ment. The lire was caused by lightning follow ing the wire te the cupola and setting lire te the weed work. The department re sponded promptly te the alarm, but their services wero net needed. The working of the exchange will net lie Intorferod with te any extent. Win. Borgerwas slightly injnred alllie fire. He was about entering the cupola when .Superintendent Matchem broke the glass en the west slde of the cupola, and ploces of the glass struck Bergcr en the head 11 ml face, The wounds bled pro fusely, but are net sorleus. Charles K Leng dressed the weuudf. Ile Acted Suspiciously. A well drossed mini acted in a very sus picious manner en Kast James strect, en Thursday night, about 11 o'clock. He tried Hevcral gntes, but net being able te eflbct entrance he next turned his atten tion te the front deer of HarryjB. Cochran. He then threw his weight against the deer, but It did net yield, and he next tried te open the front windows. By tills time he saw a gonlleman en a perch, a few feet distant watching his actions, nnd he beat a hasty retreat. Your Last nnd "Only Chnnce-Cntch Ou ei- You'll Get Loft-Tlme Nearly Up The time of rliMlng the" Great H0M011 Klre Pale of Clothing" W drawing t an end, mid te mlts It Is a chance at a liretlinn, The cxcltlns Keriics at S4 Centre Hqiiarn Kill) continue. The entire city Is wild our II. Hut this la net sur prUIni;, when you ceimldur that nothing llke It has ever been seen In Lancaster. It Is net often that flne tallor-made rlelhlui; can he secured aHOeenU en the dollar and will never occur iiciilu. Itciiieinber wa nre compelled le sell by order of the Insurance ceinpanlas, coUer alne net considered. Clothing almost at jour prlce before we close. TokIve you an Idea of what we nre doing we still hntu mere m cent men's working wnl ; mre IW cent belter man's punts; mera II. If line cnsslmer pants werlhtUiO, and mere ll.lttall-woel drcsi pants, werlhtLOU, and still mom tJ.PS men's suits, nil te match, really worth strain ns much, and mera tl.tH chelca of plaids or ntrles, elegant ler business wear, nnd still tS.ID fine worsted dress suits, rutuwajs or sacks, made ler $10, and still mere fWf line blsck I'rlnre Albert dress suits, rwl te manufacture fit). Htlll mere DH cent cunt Utlldren's suits, worth KM; still inorelI.SU plaited children's suits, worth M.W, nnd thnusnncts of ether wonderful Imruulns be fore. Don't miss your last nnd only chance. Car fares paid te out-of-town biijcrs. " Great llosteu Klre Hale of Clethlne,"2IUcntreHquare, Ijinnaslcr, l'n. Lisik for the I'll.' red ulcus. jyai-tfd The Opinion of it Morehnut. Al.TOONA, r"A., July 10, 18K). 7 thf titeckhnlilert 11 the United Slatn Haxlnpi, lKin anil Jluililtnu th..' As u rcpreseuUitlxe of lilulr county nnd vicinity, would say: That I nttended the annual meeting of said association In the city of Ht. Paul ou June 12, 1800, The Kaslern stockholders were repre sented by about twenty delegates nt the meet ing. Previous te II, heneer, the delegates held a meeting 11 net formed themselves Inte four committees, vis: 1st, en home elllcu;2d, tier mania bauk, treasurer of association ; .Id, Min nesota Lean uud Trust Ce., trustee, and till, en shmdlng of the officers of the company. Your representative was 11 meuihur of the second named committee. We found the bank te be ene of the most re. llatileln the city of HU Paul, and the accounts of the association kept In the bank te bn In llrst-cless shape. The balance of the subcemmlttes found everything te be satisfactory t them. At the request of the Kasteru delegates, two of their number, Mr.Uee. W. Hancock, of Phila delphia, president of the Citizens' Trust, Tn Indemnity and Hiirety Ce., mid Mr. I). Homers lllsley, of Camden, N. J., treasurer of the West Jersey Title am! Guaranty Ce., both of whom atomcuef experience lu business nihil re, wcre elected director nf the association nt thean nual meeting. These additions te the beard or directors, 1 feel, will gratiry the stockholders of theKast. Thu beard of directors hne selected 11 KCntlo KCntle mnn, In the person of Mr. Klljnh linker, 11 man of experience in the iiiauaKcmcnl nnd book keeping et building iiNMrlatieus, and placed llhn lu control of the books at the homeolltre. In conclusion, nllew inu te say that I bcllue the stockholders hne eery reason te he grati fied with the utlalrs of the company, and that thu returns will bens, large as thu nsseclntlnn represent, If the same wlse nnd econemlcnl ceurse Is ceutlnued b) the officers. Very resectfully, Signed. I).O.M(CULI.OU(lll. auMtd Pcittlte. Twki'H, At New l're Idenec, en July 00, ISW, Jehn Tweed, In his Mtlh year. The rclutles uud friends of the family nre re spectfully invited te attend thu funeral, from his late residence, 011 (Saturday nt 10 o'clock n. m., nnd services and Interment ut the Men Men uenlta Church ut New Piovldence ut 11 o'clock. '- 2td lilavltcta. SteOK .MurKntH. Quotations by Heed, MeUrami A Ce., bankers Lancaster, I'e. NEW 1DKK LIST. 11 A.M. 12 M. 3 1'. M. Atchison. Ten., HanUiKe... 4.t'i tJJjJ tVt Cuunda l'acluc ac. C.AI Colerado Ceal Central l'ucinc Canada Heuthcru Cbt. St. L Pbg . urn. a me u. Del. L W Krle..... Krle 2uds Jer O K.AT.m... Leu. A N.. I.. Hliere Mich. Ceu Missouri 1'ncinc. Heck. Valley 2ii. r...., I'lUlined. " eif ; S5'( tW hC Tiii N. I". Pref. N. West 1UW N.Y.O ' ui'j tv'i lllJJ IIF'C IsAi si; 25 Js New Kngland . KastTeuuessee Omaha ...... Oregeu Trunieeutlueutal.. Ontario A W Pacttle Mall.. Itlohmeud Terminal . HU l'uul Texas l'ucinc... Uuleu 1'aclOc Wabash Cem... Wabash I'reL. . Western U West Hliere llends.. J-HII.ADELriUA LIST. Ih. Vnl 11. N. Y. A 1'lilla 1. JL Jt Heading , Leh. Nav. Hestenv. Puu.... '. A E N. Cent, Peeples Pass.. KdgVs . Oil.... . )! i!3 mi di 21'. 1 ba"" 22 22 7-18 -!li lMilladclphlu I'roduce Alurkut. I'lULADELflllA, Aug. l.-Noou-Fleur firm: Penu'e suiwrs, 22 75: extra. 2h5)J2J l,IIllK?.-wi,,83 re"cr. ll 60; patent: Wheat imletj Ne. 2 lied new. Ojlie : Ne.2 l'e. de, HSe ; Ne. 1 l'enn'a lied. SI 00. ' tern steady; Ne. 2, new, 5Jtifj&3c; old, 63 Oats quiet; Ne. 2 White I.'l3c.; Ne. 2 llfws'ie't" ! W,ter W"'"Mi Hl'rlug, Haled ha'y dull ; 110 00313 00 as te qunllty - timothy 10 00C4I3O0 for cheice: mixed, n&Ofi! U en ; baled rye slrnw, new, 111 0ai5 U). UutU'll quiet; l'euu'n creamery extra 17e ; l'enn'a firsts extra, 1 t&lec; Jobbing, 22 Kggsttrm; l'enn'a BrsU, liyllVc ; held lets I'ilic, us te quality. Cheese linn; part bkiui3,53Gc; full skims 1B2C. I'ctroleum sUady : refilled lu bbls., 17 0. 1'otatees quiet; 1031V) per basket ler new, .i . Ioenl Meclc and Tlends. Ileperted by J. B. Leng. I'ar Jast . .. .. alue. sale. 1 Aucastcr City, 10-20 year 4's or 1M1. 100 103 " " 10-30 year 4's of 1S65. 100 101 " " 15-SO year 4' of IBiW. lue 0f, " 8choeH'sduol8sl3........ loe 102 " 'sdueiKiij....... loe iai ,, , , , " ,' Jue UUI ...... 10U 1W Columbia HoreuslM'sduol'jOl.... lue lut Mauheliu Borough i'A lean 1110 103 MtsenXAMBOUS STOCKS. auarryTllle It. It ........... an HlervlllnHtrrtCr................... 00 liiqulrol'rlritlnsCempny.. .......... M GnsllKht snd Fuel Company............ It Hlcvcns Heuse (Benils).... ....... 109 Columbia OMCerntsMiy .... .-....-. 0 Columbia Water Company 10 Husquehanna Iren Company 100 jtsrletta Hellew-ware....... -.. 100 HteTMM Heuse ..... .- ..... SO MlllersTlllnNormslHeheol... . K Northern MsrkeU........... ..-.......-... M Eastern Market - .. M Gas Cemmny llends (S per ct. IHOD). Ien qtisrryville It. 11. 7's - 100 Heading A Telumbln It. 1U6'...... 100 1 s ' w ve Zi II aiaie 1.09 m im 107.30 11H.2R MM 17 HH 4.1 00 00 101 1.15 Kdlsen 1. blsht Company... Ml western 1 iimrsei .. no GO Hetithern Market. lAiicAJtter City Htreet llallwey Ce. West Knd Buret lcallwy. Helvetia lien titer Ce............. ......... Watch Factory S's -.. Lane. Chem. Ce. - TOmtPlKS STOCK uincajdrr A Kruttvllle- M M 60 100 100 fiO Ijmeaster I.ttlts 31 Iincaster A Wllllamstewn..- -.. 2i lincaster A Maner 60 Lancaster A Manhelm V (janenster A Marietta. 1 3a Irtncester A New Helland. 100 Ills Hnrlna A Ilenver Vnllev.- 25 67,7.1 100 10 U7 2.', 80 1.75 HrTdgeperi nnd Horsesben. , ........4 1K 21 ener a lila leluinbla A Chestnut Hill 30 Columbia A Washington..- w coneslegs A Hlg nprinc.... Marietta A Mount Jey, IS im, lnnnJiUr A Humnehnnns. ...... ........ 309 800 ijinceAter A New Danville....... Zft' 11 Columbia A Marietta - t 2U MaylownAKIIuibelhlewn !n ui lAUcastcr AEphrata 3H 40 lncester A Willow Hlrect-.... ,. V 45.78 Htrasburg A Millport -. . 25 20 Marietta A May town .. 25 60 BANK STOCKS. Kirs I National Ilank... -....- Farmers' National Bank.. Fulton National Hank , Lnneasler I'minLv National Hunk. 100 205.25 130 200 , loe Ui 118.25 Northern National Uank - 100 lVeples' National llsnk 100 1ZI l.'D 11.1 111 135 im 175 HI 141 200.25 167 110 100 119.75 51 175 117 III 125 112 neysumertaiienai jianx, inaiiiieiin iuu Columbia National llunk..... 100 Christiana National Uank ........... 100 Couestegn National linnk..... .......... 1U0 Kphratn National Hunk-.. loe First National Hank, Columbia 100 First National Hank, Htrasburg Kl First National Hank, MarletU -. 100 First National Hank, ML Jey. ...... 100 I, Itllx National Hank 100 Mountvllle Natlennl Hank...... 100 Manhelm National Hank 100 Union National llnnk, Mount Jey ... Ml New Helland National llnnk. I(U Oup Nntlennl Hank 100 ouarryvllle Natlennl llnnk. ....... im KlltabeUitewn National tiin... im l!enlral National Hank. Columbia ... 100 jtlciu bucrttBcmcttl. c IlKAP-l'tJIlK KYF. WHIHKIFJI, HI.ACK- berry, lunger and Kummel lirandles. KOltHEIlH LIQUUlt HTOHK, Ne. 23 Centre Hquare, isttf MCD1A (PA.) MIL1TAKY ilirJbV.Vs Academy ; bejs. Hroeko Hull ; girls. Circulars free. Jy,NV2niil 1' 7 VLIIY HAY A CHKAP HAY li AT llEINHOLD'H. E O YOU WANT WOllK T fit) TO l.ANCAH TKIt KMPI.OYMKNT HUltllAU. Ne.td rth Duke street. IIANDTUIITLK HOUP I.UNOIf. Ml Ijinrjuler county Turtles THIH KVKN KVKN frem 8 te 10 o'clock, nt JOK. KAUTH HhTTAlIllANT, It Above Pcnn'n It. It. Depot. A HICKOH ' T" First Chop ! The Cleanest, Purest and Hest Mcrnp for Chew ing or timeltlnr. augl-tfd mitOUTAHHANK. flameTshirts. nl-lyd "IHAHLKHHIAMM. One Days' Sale! BOSTON STORE, 35-37 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. On this dav wc will sell eoeds at such Lew 1 rices as you have Lever seen them sold in Lan- Ctter belere. Stere open morning until 6 o'clock in the 10 o'clock at night en this day only. Charles Stamm, 3537 Bosten Stere. ITWllItHNT-NO.llSlUHrKlNfJHrHKl.'T. room formerly e-cupU-d by Jehn A. ln le. lii)S.Tu,Th.VHlfa ALLAN A. HKItil. B" U;,'YT?I.F' ,,AH TttKUETTWOTOK Oe nnd 5e Cigars In the Htate.nt .... NO.S.5AiaiNOKTHUEENST. decMmdM.Tu.'lhH ".. TJECKIVKD IjIltKCT FIU1M NAI'A VaC ?oSf.aUvery.lelli,e.,8i,,AS 2 EAhT KINO HrilKKT, CITY H.K.HLAYMAl6:it.Agt. '-aKABTJUNOriTOECT. North pen Street Wli pn.M yrm &fvitaffment. ITHAT JH TWRITTY-KIVE CKNTH TO create a Beautiful Lawn or Rehew nn Old One, . J ." Au.-igu ..', r 1 u -psHIflMAN'8. BLACK SUSPENDERS. "IT1S AHK UKADUAM.Y WOKKINU TT, order out of chaos. We nre scgd out of sems lets of Heels and Reds, but we have unearthed a let of Iteds and Keels that were lest sight of In the hurry nnd hustle of making alterations. These we offer at spcelul unrgnin prices, iicmemiier we are Headquar ter lis- Fishing Tackle. VHAlLKVll KAJITKNTJ PHARMACY, . (Opposite Eastern Market). Choice Turkish Hath Hpenges and fine Cha mois ut Bargain Prices. M,W,FAw G HEAT HAHOA1NH. ,artEAT BAIIOAINH IN Russet Shoes FOIl HOYH. lob l.et of about I.OOO pah Hey's Hei Id leather llussct Mhees at DOc a lr ; worth 12 00. Hires 11 te 5. Heys' Tun Celer Canvss Hhecs, 00c per pair. Men's and Hey's Heavy Iliibbcr Hele Oxford, 50e per pair. Lndlcs' DongelaTlp Oxford, flOc. Indies' Heuse Hllppcrs, 4c Jeb Let of Heavy Helnr Tip Bhees, slzesOte 12,112c, MIimV Heavy Butten Hhecs, 75c. Lets of ether goods at Itcduccd I'rlces. Jehn Hiemenz, NO. 67 NOVTH QUEEN HT. feblfl-tMF H1 KHII A UIIOTHEH. "Economy Is Wealth "la n popular saying, but It would be economy of n ralse kind le miss me great Pantaleon and Thin Clothing Sale New going en nt our store. Yeu san sae dol lars by It. Men's 1'ants were W.09 ; new $5.(1). Men's runts were S500 ; new SI en. Men's I'ants wcre 11.50 ; new H.50. Men's I'ants wcre Jl.00; newU.IXI. Men's I'nnU were ri.60 ; new J2.75. Men's Hints were 11 00 ; new 12.21. Men's lnnts were 82.50 ; new K 00. Men's 1'ants were 2 00; nnwtliO. Men's I'ants were flJ0 ; new 11.12. And se through the entire line of Men's, Beys' nnd Children's Mixes. IN THIN CLOTHING. Coots, Coats and Vests and Vests In all makes, shsiies, colors and qualities. Men's Htersueker nnd Flnnnel Cenls nnd ests, 75e ; down from (1. Men's Flue Mehulr Coats and Vests, 12, down from K.75 J nnd 12.50, down from H.50. And se thrniiRh our entire line or Clothing and Furnishings you Hill find grint reduc tions. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST CLOTIIIEltK, FUHNlMHEItH AND MERCHANT TA1LORM IN LANCASTER. CORNER OF N. Queen St. & Centre Square. ATARI IN BROS. That Is the way prices are running nil through the In the In store. Bujers knew their terest of Interest and that is the lea- the Buyer seu or our nctlu Mld-fjum- nier Business. Wltheery- body turning ecr In their minds hew te keep comfortably cool, wu hae this te suggest: Much comfort Is te be round In Ihu Breezy Sum mi r Clothing ue are shetting nl (5.00, or as little ns 50c will de much te keep ou cool. Bey's Coel Outfits ate here ns well as Men's. Hey's Flannel Blouses nnd Waists, Coats and Vests, Hlngle Coats and Thin Knits. There Is fl te i te lie af(ten a suit of our showing ofBej 's Bulls at 12, W, tl and J5. These nre the ends or active lines, but there Is a IU for any slice boy lu some of the si Us. Don't miss it sight. The studs In the stere that are attracting se much attention as anything ,ve ever saw are our I.' Men's Flannel Bhlrts and fte nnd 112 Men's HuRs. Eeryoue north a third mere. Hee the following Special Values. Windser Scarfs. .V. "Light HIlkTeck Ties, 10c. llabriggan Hese, white and fast colors, 13c. Flannel Hhlrts, 25c. Men's Working Pauls, neat stripes, 07c. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. LANCABTUR, l'A. T RKIMT'M. ARE YOU OOINO '10 THF ODD FELLOWS' PICNIC ? SEE WHAT WE Ol'i'ER Y0l The Finest Llttle l'lcnle llnmsjeu etcr saw nt IO'c. They arc fiesh out of the smoke. Ne bags or covers, nnd run lu Height fromstes lbs Very clean. Justthe thlngteu mint. Boneless Ham nt 12)c u th. It lias no equal. Held by the lHiund or piece. Hummer llolegun ut IHs it lb. Is the cheapest and best tiling tit the incut line you can take te n picnic. Extra Flne Pried llecf, no covers, but the plain meat, right out or thu smoke, nt 12!c. Mweet 1'lcklcs (Midgets), ery flne. (.'ohms, IMcklns, Chew Chew, Caulllleucr, Mixed Blcklei.iTilpc, etc. Luncheon llecr lu ene and two pound cans; cry line. Finest English nnd Ltiuburgcr Checse in the city. Orangu Cider, Fruit Hyrups and ether Huinincr Drinks. Itcmt Beei, n drive at 12au bottle. Four tM Fresh Hulled Crackers ter 23e. Fine l'laln, Killed and Sueet Cmckers, In tin cans. Hst li.itmeal and Graham Wurers Boneless, oil, Mustard nnd Smoked sardines, Buttled Olstcrs. Dev lied Ham and l'etted Mints. Other Goods. Condensed Milk, nice, fresh, 15ca can. Starch Enamel, 5c n )nck. Masen Crnekvrs iwe are sgenU), S Iks for 2ec. Four-pound p.tck of Oeld Dust, or Washing Bender, Sw. Chase Atdm iKirn's Coflee no equal he are their agents. Lien Brand Coellce, Justin ! Irj It, New F:vai. orated Apricots, timst of the season. Wheat lei, Oatmeal, Rolled U.its and Wheat Oerni. Fix pared CcH-eamil, enl lun lb. '1 he Best HlacK Ten lu the world for 25c. Concentrated trull Juties, ler Haverlng Cifam, Cusiard, Cakes. Sauws Ji llles. etc. Itockweod's cIich-e late, ahead or Halter's; try it. Mackerel. Fns.li. Kilted nud housed .Mixed hnlees The srnseii Is here for them. Drep lu and see our Imiueiise sleck of everything. We can't tell you all In print. Yeu imfst see. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLEHALK AND RETAIL OUOCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND 1RII'CE HT8. Directly Opposite J. H. Martin A Cu,'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. irLoek fur M Ills ' across Die pave-mcui Te Save or Net te Save HIRSH d BROTHER, Hn gverMtmMt TireHAVK TltK BWt AftHORTMWrr OK J T ivm urn Llgur J Pipes in Case. 59c. each, and Cigar h.yu ders. Frenc Briar the fine Brands Of Hmeklac Tnbamsi. UUHIlimillUAIlSTORK, 114 Bast Klacttrast. alMMR 11AY t-OUrwr;,t!NinHTHKH-ION. nrvsiene nusinessceiiece. rail term .-Ainu iiruu, nrM. I, WIU1 lete ceursa of Instruction In all business iranehis, Including typewrltlngandsfa :irculnrs fn-e. W. U. MOONKIl, 1'rln., shorthand. 18 North Queen street, lAneester, P al-lmdlt ANOTHER IXJTOFQOEENHWARE FltOM Auctleu, . AT HEINHOLD t . TfllUHMANH. NEW WINDSOR TIES, FOItBOYBANDMEN, NO. 12 WFT KINO HT. O ciga UR CtfJAIW, GOLDEN LION AND MIA Uuerldn. in clear llsvans aii s n. gars, hand-mndn. In Imxcs of 25. 60 and 100. - . .. UKMUTH'B CIGAR HTOHK, Established 1770. Hi East King Htreit ftis-tfdn qiHK NEW SEAMLESS STEEL COOKING ,-!,, Ware Is belUr than granite and sells for half the price, AT ilElNHOLDS, WANTED-HOHHES TO I'ASTORU. Address, aprSMrd W. W. O ROSH, NctTsvllle, Pa. pmiSMAN's. oxferlTsashes. TTvO YOU WANT HELP? GOTO LANCAS- Jk-r ,,"'" r-wriAJ rails nt UUKKAU, Ne, 1,71 XII i Duke street. IOR RENT-ONE OFFICE HOOM.HCCOND jl: inur, nt,. Ajicnirnnmiare. Appivnt M. HAHERBUHH't aiiAiuMiusa i STORE. Jj-at-lld N- EW GOODS, LOW rillCEH AND A COOL niere itoein miiKes snnpiung pleasant, AT REINHOLD'H. rfIHE ONLV CIGAR STORE WHERE YOU J. can purchase Imported nnd Key West Clgars,nndB,F.Ornvepy'sHupcrlnr Cavendish. DEMUTlf'H CIGAR STORE, , , , lit East King Street, Tclcphetic. alS-trdH TENBIONS. PENSIONS The New Pension BUI Just passed entitles nil nuiuirrs, vtiuews, Aiiner cuiiuren and Depen dent Parents te u iwnsien. 1 will attend te nil applications placed In my hands promptly. I have had four years' experience In the pension etllce ut Washington, D. C. Je2S-3mail) 19 North Duke St., Lancaster,' Pn. rpiIE SEAMLESS COOKING WARE IS X strong, durublc nnd cheap, AT HEINHOLD H. IM-.KNNfcHCHOBBUM'MER THEATRE. Week Commencing MONDAY, JULY 2S. Millikrn a Cerirss Opera Ce., In the Favorite Opera, " Chimes of Normandy," AVlth Miss Nettie Decourseyn"8erpeletto." r Admission, 10 cents. CHRIS BURGER, , , Proprietor nnd Manager. ..JT.'U .Commencing Monday, August 4, " Ell MINIE." my2(Klmd TMlORTANT I If you will Inke the treuble te call en us, we think vie can Interest you in our line of Beets and Shoes. Our stock Is complete nnd we c.xeiclsegrent euro In the selection or our goods. All of us being Practical In seme branch or the Shoe Business, we feci ubie le give you points en shoes that will be or value te you. Established In 18J5,und the business contin ued from that tlme te this, should gtve us that experlence net possessed by some ethers In the business. wu.r .".!eck embraces all desirable grades JUL1!? 'no Dress Shoes, ranging In prlce from II IX) te V 00, ami J ji dies' from II 10 te 15 00. Call uud ou will net be deceived, . wm. hTgast, WA F NO. 121 NORTH QUEEN BT. T710R YOUR INTEREST. A Fine Light Far Stiff Hat Fer 75c. Fermer price, 11.6a Ne old stock, but New Goods. Greatest Bargains In STRAW HATS ever offered. TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS Very Lew. StaufFer & Ce., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. p. NSIONS. BOUNTY. INCREASE. PENSIONS Fer all Soldiers nnd Soldiers' Willows by up. pijing in M. V. Kilburn, AUTHORIZED ATTORNEY, Ne. MJi N. Water St. References Gen. II. D. W. Pattkilsev. A. HAMI1I1K1IIT, Hen Wounded ut IVrrj V Ule, Ky., October j 1W2, NEW DISCHAKOES. REMOVALS OF DESERTION. :y2.t-lv.dlt T HE Bl'EAMER "LADY GAY" Will lemve the wharf for Recky Springs Park every day except Sunday, at 10. 10.10 (Wnter Works), 11:10 a. in., 12.20,1:10 (Waterworks,) 2.10,3.20, 100 (Water Works) 5-00, 5:10, 7.00, 7:10, 8.20 and 0.-00 p. m. (Watei Works.) Sunday ever forty minutes utter 1 p. in. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, 10c, Including access te Park, and Springs. At tractions ut Park. Dancing l'avlllen, Swings, Hammocks, Sheeting Gallery, Beating, Fish ing, etc Parlies can scenic dates bv calling at It. II. Andersen's Confectionery, East King street, or en the proprietor, J. 11. Peeples, 21 West King street Jv-JMuut rMPORTANT NOTICE. Frem new until further notice CLARKE will give an ny free a package or Diamond Slarch te all w he call. This starch requires no cooking or blueing. -Makes Cellars and Culls leek like new. Call nud get a sample pat knee nnd see the GREATLSr BARGAINS YOU EVER STRUCK. The best goods ou cv r luught. JAR GUMS Se PER DOZEN. Best Smoked Herring, 10c iht dew. le.nl Light Breems, 10c each. Hire's or Raw r's Heet Beer, He per bottle. II lts A vena feri je. U fts HicKike's Crackers for 25c. Ottwf Farina for 2V. 5 lbs Geed Crackers for 25c. packages Corn starch for 25c. Epn's nud Baker's Cocea, iht pack, 20c, A geed 50a Mixed Tea for Sic. A gecsl Ground Coltee for l.V. 4 lbs Cakes French Olelne Se,tp rer 15c. Hell, Henrietta, Octagon, Acme and Hurt old's Snaps all at te a cake. Arbuckle's Arlesa Cnllee, 25c. Leen certee. Mecha, Java and Rie, 25c. Pickle, Spice and Pickling Vinegar at lowest prices. Hum, Dried Beeraud Bologna nt Iktrgaln prices, AT Samuel Clarke, Agt., Tca.Ceilce and Grocery Stere, 12 A It Seuth Queen St. Near Centre Square, Lancaster, l'a. i-Telepheneund Free Delivery. TllfU.IIS. SEASONABLE GOODS ! Hams, Di led Beer, Bologna. Petted Meats, viz., Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Bened Chicken uud Turke w.$'V Impeirted ami ilemestlcsarttrues, Fresh Canned salmon and Lebster. Soused and Fresh Mackerel In Cnus, Cress A Blackvt ell's Pickles and Sauces, TemntnCatsup, l- Flavoring Extracts. Piiddlnc An Excellent Dessert. ,. t-tirnstnrch, .Macaroni nud Vermicelli. Mheatlel I.xctllcut for the Hrcakfnst Table, soaps Starches, etc. NO. 17 KAST KINO STltEiri", LANCAbTKR. PA, Stew glgeyttcmwt ptAKUIAUEH,A. GEO. 8.' KOnilECK'8 Docrsem Carriage Works. .. OmsKS nf Oaks and Vine Htreeu. All the Latest Styles of FINE VF.HICL1M new en hand. Orent Bargains In New and Wec-etjd-Hand Werk. . rerslet very low prices A second-hand ssccnll Wagen i a second-hand lliicten : a second-hand LlthtTreUIng Buggy; n second-hand J nmpent Carriage; two second-hand Market Wagons i Miree second-hand Tep Hncgles : Coupe Heckawny. Call nnd gel bargains at H.Norbeck's Doerseni Osrrlsge Works, ct ene Gee. ami Wfirfcra mrtirr of Duke and Vina Street. dH-ljilAwll rpiN TOP JELLY GLASSES AT 25c PER jl veizcn, ATRKINHOLDH, rpiIE COLORED CAMPMEETINa te iik ntxe tic JOSEPH DETWItLER'S WOODS, Near Mount .toy, begins en August 2d, te con tinue ten days. Excursion rates will be given from all points en nil railroads. The fare from thlsclty STcents. Fine singers and eloquent preachers will be In attendance. Jy.XKltd J. H, MARTIN A CO. J, B. MARTIN & GO.'S feat Bargain Sale! Evening Shades, in Nun's Veilings, worth 25c, at i2jc a yard. 100 pieces of 10 and i2jc Ginghams at 8c a yard. Parasols All our $2 te $5 at$i each. 25 dozen of Men's Percale Shirts (with cellars and cuffs), at 25c each, worth 50c. 50 dozen of Men's and Ladies' regular made Balbriggan Hese, at I2jc apair. Fans ! Fans ! Fans ! 1,000 Fancy Colored Fans at 2c each, worth 5c. Plain Goods, for Plain People, in large variety, at low prices. 500 White Bed Spreads at extraordinary low, prices. Black Henriettas and Black Cashmeres at Special Bargain prices. Ladies' and Men's Summer Underwear at Lew Prices te close out. Special Bargains in our China Department. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. Prince &W. King Sts., LANCASTER, l'A. "MITER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLB. .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te 11 bilious btale nf the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after Eating, Pain In the Side, .tc. While their most emarkable success has been shown In curing sick: Headache, jet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing nnd preventing this uuneylng com plaint, while they nlse correct nil disordered ihostemnch, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they euly cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suiter from this distressing complaint; tint fortunately their goodness does net end here, nud theso who nncu try them will find these llttle pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after nil sick head ACHE Is the bane of se many lives that here is where we innke our great beast. Our pills cure it while ethers de net.' CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nre very small uml very easy te take. One or two pills inakenelese. lhey ure strictly vc-gctnblennd de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle no tion please all who use them, l.i vials at 25 cts; flv e ler f 1. Sold every where or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price nugl2-lydeed Mc CLANK'S LIVER PILLS. THE GENUINE DR. C. -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! FOR' SICK HEADACHE Mr, and Mrs. Williams, N i 27RSeventhstreet N.Y., testify that they hav both been stiller tug with liver complaint for about live years during which Hum they have spent n lnrga nmounter money nnd tried iuanyremedles,but liuiopmpesc. 1 Inally, hearing or the genuine Dr. ('. Mcwtue'N Liver Pills, lire paled by Flem ing Bres., Pittsburg, l'n., they purchased mur boxes, which they took according te the direc tions lucompnielug each box, nnd new pro pre pro neuneei themselves pcrfuelly ctucd of that dis tressing disease. This Is te ccrlirythal I liavebeensubjectnt times tesevcru headache; sometimes thu pain would be se severe I could rest neither day or night. Hearing of Iho genuine. Dr. l". McIaiie's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa., I sent nnd get a box, of which I took two pills en going te bed, rer two nights. They relieved me entirely, seme tlme hns new elapsed nnd I hax e had no mere trouble from sick headache. M. JOHNSTON, IIS I,ew is street, N. Y. This Is te certify that 1 have had the liver complaint for six years, and I never could get any medlclue te help me until I commenced using the genuine Dr. C. McLanc's Liver Pills, preiurecl by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa. I can new say te the public, thut they huv e com pletely cured me; uud I de hereby recommend Iheni te all iierseus nlllieted with n diseased liver. Try them. Thej will cure. MARlA EVANS, Ne. ill Lewlsstrcet.N. Y. Insist iihiii having the genuine Dr. V. Me- IjimVu l.i r Pillu itr.mir.) 1,.. I'l,.,..!... 11...., Pittsburg, P.i. Prlec2)centsnbex. Held by nil drirrirlstM. (3) HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. 2s In use :l ve ears. '1 he only successful remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL UT.Ak. Nfchs, und Prostration, from Over-We.k or ether causes, tl per vial, or fi vials und lurga vial powder for te. Sold nv Diiugeists, or sent prepaid en re celpl or price HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO.. 1U8 Fulton St., N. Y. Fer sale by Gee. V. Hull, Vest King street, Ijincaster, l'n. uuc27-Th,SAw DRUNKENNESS. LIQUOR HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. Ml. HAINES' GOLDEN SIUXIFIC. It can be given lu a cup or ceffeepr tea, er In articles or feed, without the knowledge ofthe lmtlent, ir necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will clttct ft permanent nnd speedy cure, whether the patient Is a niodtrntedrtukerer an ulcohelle wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly nnd with such certnluty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is nwnre, his complete reformation is effected. page t"ek r imrtlcitlars rre-e, CHAS.A.LOUHER. Druggist, Ne. 0 East Klug St., Lancaster, Ph. ect2J)Od-TThAa Mn &fcrttMmettt trriLI.IAMMON rOrttKK. HAH BROUGHT A Mighty Gathering of Biyen AROUND THB WRECKAGE OF PORMEI VALUB8, AND MAS PLACED FINEST QUALITY GOOD WITHIN Everybody's Reach. BKRGKINS -IN- CHILDltEN'S SUITS AND LADIK; WltAPS AND JACKETS 1 1 t 5 50 Dark Bulls cut te tUti. t H.rtJ Dark Suits cut te fO.UO. I0(ie Dark Suits cut te Kl.tn. t 8 00 Dark Suits cut te 15.00. t (l.OU Dark Suits cut te M.00. (5 (JO K lit Suits cut te (3.MI. XiraKlltSulUcultefliO. f-i.-V) Kilt Suits cut te t2..rO tl IX) Kilt Hulls cut te B.00. tl () Kilt Suits cut tn M.0O. t2 SO Kilt Suits cut te J I. " 5. tlt..'i0 Embroidered Wraps cut tot!2. til Black VorsledJacketscultetl2. tl3 Black Worsted Jackets cut te til. t 9.00 Light Cleth Jackets cut te 15. tlOM Light I -leth Jackets cut te te. t DM Light Cleth Jackets cut te 15. t SM Light Cleth Jackets cut te ti. 110 Embroidered Silk Capes cut te M. tit Silk Lace Mantles cut te til. MEN'S TIIIN' SUMMER CLOTHI1 BARGAINS I Thin Summer Coats, 50c, 05c, 76c, $5e and 111 Seersucker Coats aud Vests, 11, 1.2Ti, 11.00, ill nnd r.'. I juennir co us nnu vests, ts, 13.60, tl, H.50,l Japan and Chlnn Mlk Coats and Vests, ta and I r niiey I'luunei cesiis ana v ests, IJ.au, tt, ft CU, 9U, UllUfl, Pnpllu inislers, 75c and tl. Linen Dusters tl.25nnri 11..YI. Mehail Dusters, tl.50.t-t2.2!) nnd t2.50. Bevs' Cisltsnnd Vests. SI le 11-50 Ten per cent. Discount from the abeve flgui iiu,,ru un tin f.nit-n t,i aiiiii cfimus. RARQAINS IN NOTIONS, UNDEJ WEAK AND DRY GOODS! SsilIndervTear cut te 17c. 35e Underwear cut le 25c. 75cSllk Vests cut In.Vhv He and IGu Child's Ribbed Vests cut te 10c.l uiuiev uuiierwear. loc, or three rer 25c I Children's Gaiue Vests, Small Sizes, 10c. 1 25c Ijiillcs' Hese, Heet Pattern, cut te 17c. I 4c iiuies juacK nose cut te Mc. 18c Ladles' Llsle'l hrcud Glov cs ent te 12c, 25c Ladles' Lisle Thread Gloves cut te 17c. fXH; Silk Tulleln Glov cs cut te 38c. UtcSatlnes cut teSe. 12Xe Dress Ginghams cut te 10c. 20c Weel Chnllls cut te 15c. 25c Weel Clmllls. :a inches, cut te 15c. JrfKbtrlpe Mens De 1-uiiic, 30 inches wide, d te ,10c. 1 25c Plnld Challls, .V) Inches wide, cut te 20cJ iuu etiiigiiams cu( te nc. Se Ginghams cut te 7c. 7cGlugliauis cut lefijjc. Wash Beiges, tc. Lawns, 2c. DARGAINS IN l-URMSHING GOOti .'tlSllKlmlrtsciil tefU.50. tt Whliu pi.neiShlrls cut tot-1.50. W White Pin gee Shirts cut te 15.50. 17 Black Peiu Shlru cut te 5 50. tJOOFIaunil.shlits cut teti.50. . tl.2,") Flannel shirts cut te J2.00. MOO Flam el Shirts cut tet.UK tl.OOFIiiiiuel shirts cut te f 1.50. tl.50 Flannel shirts cut te 11.00. 50c HI IK lekweurcut te 25c, 25c German l.lui u Cellars cut te 13c Silk Neckwear, 10c. Fine Silk Finished Suspenders, 25c. RAROAINS IN HATS, CAPS AN 1JAHY CARRIAGES. Everything In Straw Hats Included In t Cut I'rlces. If you be eiulck and leek sharp, there ait a.(Kiiia ... btiijumij, Me make It luterestlus by talilnir ten l cent, etrthe inarked price of all Straw Geea mm i ariiseis, I Baby Carriages at Cost Prices, and some le! iniincesi, roiueecepiiouni nargainsuimn) K50. A few odd sizes In Traveling Bags at less th half thcli eilgliial prices. I jip Spreads, Fly Nets und Carriage Harm. at very r,ew figures. BARGAINS IN REFRIGERATORS AN GARDEN HOSE. S15.m Refrigerators cut te tI2.25. f MM Relrlgeiiaters cut tu s 10.75. 811.75 Retrlueralers cut le 1 8 25. Three-eunrter Inch three-ply, fully guarri I ecu, at inu louewiug prices K?r ie.it: liVHesncul te8c. 12c Wire Wound Hese cut te 10c. lde Wlre Wound Hese cut te lie. ISO Hese cut te 15c. A larse assortment of Leng and Short Hand nuuveis, rergs, itaxesaua nose ite-marked Cost Prices. 1IARGAIXS IN HOOTd AND SHOE 1 150 Opera Tee Turneel cut te H.00. tl.sOSiiunru'lee Welts cut ter 1.50. teM Denguln Waukentihast Til piKt cut tot 91 re ejper.i iiw i iirucu, i nine i.nn iii;.ivj J.1.50 Richmond Toe 1'urned cut te Ji50. f-I DougelaSiiunre'leiecultoF-gO. TIM Ojiern Toe Tips cut te li f2.50 Misses' Kid Spring Heel cut le 11.50. 1189 Patent leiillierviiinraciil teflia. fl.75 Child's spring Heel cut lel'0. fl Mliees' Kid Opere Slippers ditto 75c. tl.25 ladles' Donselabllpir cut te 75c. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA.. Great Drep in Pried CDT-m SALE Williamson & Festei NO. 818 MARKET BT., UAHIUBUURG. Pi ' ' V?'K '. . " "t .' ,Uf - LLAZmA2-J&- v&drflli.W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers