V-rM R-vsvjTSra ' . T . I. J. J1 tf T w.j illl it "( KT '"'ITPWMSrTf" Wlj," i:J-f J.''',V'A.!MteV -t Sn WAvVr -vv: iVr-tttfr ' "? sl FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, Uift). i xr ' ifr'vj T ' 9 rt L.?y-i .'ii!',""T-T,'' '" TfiK LANCASTER DAILY INTELtlGEKOER. - . V '4 i ' JK- ?" s?t Jl hi I P: T trfr 3 Iff J"r- iWfi -SJ1 sw JsS ri te, K&Ww si S Sttl jrntUt0ncev i .4MDCKW J. BTKINMAN, V ' CHARLW38TKINMANFOLTI, Bdlter ( t ' BOBKRT CLARK Publisher. T t)AJLT ISTKLLiaKNCER.-Published vary dj la the yew, but Sunday. Served y fMTteni In UtU city nl surrounding town at ten cenU a week. Byraallflvedol Byraallflvedel tart year In adv acee 1 80 cents a month. lVKKKLY INTELUOKNCKIt-One dollar and Bfty raits year, In advance. tfOTICE TO BDBSCIUBEBS-Remtt by check or postefflce order, and when neither of these can be procured tend lu a registered letter, etered at the Poatefflce, m eecend class mail vtter. . ADDse, TMS IKTELUOEttCEK, Lancaster, I'm LAKOAgTEK, PA., Aug. 1, 1890. Our flag Banished Frem llehrlnt: Scn The situation In our Belirlng w?a M?al fishery is net at nil calculated te make the American eagle scream with pride. It seems that a score of owners of HritlMi scaling schooners calmly chartered a small American steamship te go tip te Slminlgaii Island, In the North raclflu, and there receive from the llritiih bal ers whatever seal nklns they may have taken, The captain of this wsmiI, which bears the npproprlate name of " The Mischief," reports en his return te Itrltlsh Columbia, that he took nearly thirteen thousand Hkiim from nineteen vessels flying the British ting, and that he spoke live ethers, also under the British flag, with two thous and mere skins. Ne schooners under our flag were seen, and this American rtnln derfnrps Hint, net mm American .Tv...!. iinlirmtmp vl11 'nlifliwi Ift Ttsilirliirr bon ....I...... .....lnH il. 1.l.tl. i rn. UII1C9H llllMUl 1111- J1JUI1 IUI luf fear of seizure by our revenue cutters. The British vessels when relieved of their cargoes steamed merrily oft" agnlu to wards Behrlng sea te resume their ex termination of the senls in splle of the proclamation of the president of the United Slates. This state of things would be ridiculous If It were net humiliating. Our revenue vchscIh nre practically pelicclng the sea for the benefit of the Canadian seal pirates, and the latter heem te feel perfectly uafe. Can It be that the administration has suffered lt selftO' be brew-beaten by the presence of British war vessels en that coast, and has issued instructions for the len ient treatment of ships under the Brit ish flag while enforcing the proclama tion against ships Hying the stars and Btrlpes I Although nothing is said us te the lecalily where these llftecu thousand skins were taken, It may be admitted as probable, that they were all secured In the North Pucllle ocean, where our gov ernment has never claimed the right te protect the seals, and where the sealing licet usually begins the work of slaugh ter, killing about. live animals for every hlde taken. But this part of the season is very short, and the 1 roves of seals must be followed North into Behrlng's sea or the work abandoned. The cap tain and crew of the Mischief declare that the whole fleet were sailing for Un Un peohibited waters when last seen, and that Canadian seal merchants en lieard the Mischief, told them te go ahead and rear nothing. It is known that some thirty ships - under the British flag have boldly sailed for waters where our revenue cutter Bush Is attppesed te be cruising te enforce President Harrison's proclam ation. We may seen learn Just what instructions have been given te that vessel. If we liave rights we should assert and fearlessly maintain them. If we have nene we should net harrass our own commerce with worthless procla mations. It high time that this wobbling ud ud inlnlstmtlen gave some Miiall evidence of backbone in its foreign policy. It has patched up the Samoan (juestleu in such clumsy, muke-sliift fashion that late dispatches tell of disorders there and urge the necessity of the formation of n proper government. It lias timidly recognized Brazil as a republic mid joined Kuglaud In bullying peer little Portugal. It has shouted loud and valueless protestations of fraternity te Bpiiiiish. America aud new mav show fer-0-1'1 t',tr''ntien. that beasts u S " fllonreu doctrine cannot even upheld its own tiigntty in ttie luce of a few British war ships. Fer the presence of a strong British fleet is the only point of ilillViN ence between the Behrlng's sea situa tion new and lu 1880, when our cruisers seized the seal pirates no matter what flag they flew. High Taxes and the Tanner. There is no mere lirmly settled prin ciple of our orgnnle law than that part or the revenue necessary te defray the auuual expenses of the federal govern ment shall be collected by duties upon foreign imports. It has been thus collected ever since the constitution of the United States went into operation. The power thus te collect it stands at the very head and front of rlchts deleifiiti.l byhe people of the several state io"tie 2JM government. lu urtlwle'l, sec. 8 frS. constitution ihn Article whiMi lava-1 vjiiujii.i JA'Kisiaiure mm the potion which treats of its general power k we find In the verv tirsl nnnmninii lOUl,f (I ril f'(,rrl..uj 1,1, .,11 !,,... .. iftiS Te 1,,y ani1 cn,,cct tuxes. dHtiM, ln sffMe noeiohts aud excises, te iiav the ilel.t ..n.t $i ""I'revldc for the common defence, and & . p. V-'ueral welfare of the United Ptntes : Amencajt al duties, IuiKMt8, and excises shall "h.L:u "m'erm tiirougi.eut the United H-fli sues. 647,000 n,i8 constitution went iute oneriitieu fBU.OI theflrbtWedllfwdllV 111 Afnrnl. lTCn fef Irelaij f,.. ,, ,, ..f' .'.".' iu-p lip V "-""""" "nuniiuus, a tarill :, !-'&', iutredueed by Jnmcs Mudiseu. of ' Viri-Itila. vn nneciul in. rn.. r.. this first tarltr bill, the average duties were Axed at 7J per cent.-the jirescut average duties of mere than 47 per cent, being nearly beven times us great. We And in the debutes of Ceugrew of 1750 that the frauien of the constitution the founders of the republic held this tariff bill te be a highly protective meiu meiu ure. We flud further that many op posed it en this grednd, and that in sveral cases, the duties, thought net tee high, by Jumes Madisen, a Southern man, were grrutly reduced at the earn est solicitation of the representatives of New England. Te-day, after the pro posal of the Democratic party te reduce the average tarltr duties frain mere vthau 47 per cent, te -12 er cent leaving it at nearly six times that of the first tariff' it is ict bv the oppenauts of reform by the cry of ' free trade." Truly, the modern Be publican, like Artemus Ward's kanjji kanjji kanjji roe is " au amoesslu cum." Tlie men who followed Washington through seven long and weary years of most uucquul war, who faced the British in muUy , weary campaign, spending thus the best years of their life these men, when they came te frame i tarill" te protect from BritisU cmhikjIHIuu industries which were really in their Infancy, thought a bill which gave our manufacturers au average advantage of 7 iter cent., was a highly protective measure. And yet, after nearly one hundred years of pro tection, when the Democratic party would have given these rather ancient infants 42 per cent, advantage, it is branded as a friend of " free trade," en gaged in n conspiracy te destroy the In futit altogether in the interest of the British. And new artcr the ltcpubllcan party has gained possession of jmwer partly by this false cry of alarm, and by the solemn premise that It would revise and reduce the tariff in the Interests or all classes, and especially In that of the farmer, we And it net only Increasing the already high rate or taxation which falls largely upon him, but doing se by a bill which its great leader declares will net open le our farmers a " new market for a single barrel of perk or bushel of wheat." And this bill which has passed the Heuse, the parly leaders are endeavoring te force through a re ticlaut Kcnate by the use of the parly ash. Kepnbllcnn Hypocrisy. All the colored churches of Chester, Pa., combined yesterday te held a pic nic at Augustine Pier, where arrange ments had liecti made te land them by the managers of the steamer Hlehard Stockton. Several hundred people bearded the beat, but after they had proceeded seme distance down the river the captain Informed tlicrn that he had received n letter Irem Simeon Lord, the proprietor of Augustine Pier, who said the place was private property and that the colored excursionists would net be crmltted te land. The steamer ran down te Bay Head, but upon the advice of the committee, none or the excursion ists went ashore. They were brought back teChcsterlu theenlug, and new propose te bring au action for $10,(100 damages against the owners of the beat. If this hud occurred in any of the Southern stales, what u flue text It would have made for the Hepublicuu, organs upon race prejudice and the per secution or the peer negre simply be cause he persists In voting the Bupubll can ticket. When will the readers of these organs learn that human nature is the same In Democratic Mississippi as In Itepubllcau Pennsylvania, and that Willie Cai outrages in Ohie, Indiana and Illinois indicate the existence of brutal ruffians in theNerlh Justus truly as such outrages in the Seuth Indicate their exlstence in that section? Vet masked men can take helpless white women from their homes at midnight, tie them up by the thumbs In the weeds, bind them and lash them Inte insensi bility, and If all this is perpetrated in a itepubllcau county lu the North, these organs are dumb. It'll if u negre Is lynched for some iiame.uHselluusciu the Seuth, they are never tired of parading and wailing ever the se-called "Demo cratic outrage." Te each and every one of Ihese docs the stem rebuke apply uttered by Him who spake as never man spake : " Theu hypocrite, flrst east out the lieam out of thine own eye ; and then shalt thou see clearly le cost out the mete out of thy brother's eye." "I)ei:S4 the DoinecriiUu or Kopiiblleim p.tily etl'ur lilui (the f'urnier) the Kreutnriul- vunUKusT The fermer deprives him of any possible revenue from his Hecks of shoep, mid oll'ers him nothing tint the cry thnt the " tnrlir is n tax," a delusion Unit the I'srnieis have ulwpys resented, mid will (lontlniie te resent. On the ether hand, the Republican party hits prepared a tarill hill in which Ills Inlerusts are specially cared for." Se says the riillmlelphlu Inquirer. Yet Mr. lUalne has Just declared lu the most couclse and eniphiitlu lauguiige that this same tariff bill will net kIve the American farmer a market for one stuglu additional bairul of perk vor bushel of ,'rnln, and that under the tariff ns it stands, his markets are constantly narrow ing. Surely the eminent secretary Is a lio lie publlcan authority of mere weight than the odlter of Senater tjimy'e erpin. Ah te the silly pretense of kIvIiij; the farmer n revenue from his sheep, Is Its niter absur dity net shown by the faut that the num ber of shoep east of the Hooky mountains has been decreasing every year under the alleged fosterliu; intliicuce of ihe taillfr Let the fanner study this question net In party organs, but In the light or fuels, and he will seen learn whether the Domeeiallu party, which would lodtiee his taxation, does net etl'ur him greater advantages than the Hepubllcuii party, which gives him no new markets, while adding enormously te his already he.ivy burden of taxation. Gi:eiuu: Ticii.neu C'uiuis discusses in able papers, in the New Yerk Hun, the un constitutionality of the Led go ferce bill. He shows very eleaily that the proposed measure does nothing which Congress is authorized te de, aud that It does a great many things which Congress has no authority whatever te de. He proves con clusively, by an uuuuswenible historical argument, suppeited by the autheiity of Alexander Hamilton, that the light of Congress te alter, amend or roeulate elec tions can only be exercised when a state for any reason Is without representation, or has neglected te mulce utiUeuu election lawH. jVhd UIn,iviA cluiuied that such a condition exists te-day In any state lu the Union. Mr. Curtis shows also that It is unconstitutional In creating a uuuiber of olfcnses already provided for lu state laws, se that an offender could be placed twice In Jeupaidy by two distinct govern ments for one and the sainu act. This is net only contrary te the express prevision of the constitution, but te the spit it of our criminal jurisprudence, and is, in itself, a strong objection te the bill. Mr. Curtis shows that the bill from be ginning te cud is au illegal imd purely partisan measure which could nut be un forced If passed, and which is destined te involve Its authors and promoters in in evitable political ruin. Wi: reprint from the Philadelphia Tunc a scathing arraignment of the present Con gress for Us failure te pass wei thy bills, and inaVe ueceinary appropriations while wasting the people's niouey ut the rate eHi million u iniuiite in pension bills, and threatening thu country with the most dangerous and reckless legislation. We hae often called attention le the neglect of clear duties and usurpation of unconstitu tional jiewers by the Itepubllcau majority, but Its course under the leadership of Heed is violent and stubborn, unscrupulous and sullen, threatening net only the present welfare or all sections, but the very credit et the govefnniont, (lie power or the ballet aud the security of our Institutions. JiiilUd Without ItoilttteiiH Coremoii.v. Jiibtlce Ilipley held un Juniiest en Thurs day ou tbe body of Jermniah Mlller, who shot his wife und ihun killed himself in Ills cabin en the North mountain near MechanicsburK. Mary A. .Mlller, the victim of her husband's joaleusv, theuirli Btitl'erliiB from a probably mortal wound, was the llrtt witness examiucd. ISlie told ofthe quarrel und the .sheeting and also said that after her husband hud shot her he said te thu children I " 1 liave killed veur mom aud new pan will blew' his head oil." " I worked hard rerlilm and could net de enough for him, " bald the dvlng woman. Martha. Iho 17 year-old duucliter, described the sulclde of her father and heiv he called all the children te him mid told thorn he wan sorry he fought with theiu. 'rhejury rendered n verdict of deatli by nulclde, Hud llie UwiU iituu wan then leadeil ou a wiigen and taken te MU Zion church yard, where he was burled without any funeral ceremony. Net one of the children followed their father te the grave. When (squire 111 ploy asked if uny man wished te nay a word, ene ei the moun taineer grave digger said, with a ter rible oath, that ir there i. a keg or beer in It he would preach his sermon Only a stone'a threw from thngravoef Jeremiah Miller Is the grave or Jehn Kissel, who en June2, 185(1, was reuuy muniereu uy jerciniairs lainer. who, whllstlncarcended In the Carlisle Jail for his erime, hanged himself. The grand father also hnuged hlmseir In the mountain about that time, aud when found his body was literally tern te piece by the buz zards. Just before the body of Jerctnlnh Miller wan removed for burial his wounded wife heard men saying that they would pilch him Inte a sink hele In the mountain whero herses are thrown. In a foeble volce she said -. " Oh, no : I have a eortlficate In Mount .Ien ; get It and take him te the graveyard." KNOWINO JIOItSKS. Cases Whero The Tfohle Unite Shows Ills lutelllfrence. Kron;ilie JJonten Herald. In the business portions of our city there are a geed many horses belonging te firms or te private Individuals which stand " en call," as it were, oftentimes for hours, In front of their owners' place of business. These herses come te be well known lu their neighborhoods, and Hcquaintance with thorn shows In them habits and Idiosyncrasies which are most interesting. One of the equlncs with an Individuality all his own is a gray herse belonging le a firm In Wintlirep Square. He stands In front of his owner's store ap parently pondering upon the tins and (Towns of life, the hat trade and Iho weather, and occasionally he starts off for an Independent tour round me square, aueruiug intiuii amusement, sometimes consternation, le the people who are unacquainted with his ways or doing things, sjheuld It occur te him that lie Is thirsty or that te take a drink would be a diversion te the monet eny of his afternoon he walks evor te Iho drinking fount iln In the square, politely awaits his turn, quenches his thirst, turns around and marches back, like lle-1'eep's sheep, se that his owner, having left hliu facing lu ene direction, Is qulte apt te find him facing In anether. The old gray herse Is au Independent character, they will tell you lu Wlnlhrep Square. lu the next store, still In Otis street, Is a linn wlie.se head resides In the suburbs, and who frequently drives back and forth te and from his rcsldonce, lcavlughts horse at the deer with a weiglit attached te the stiup. The " doctor," as he Is called, fre quently grows Impatient, casts longing leeks around, and sometimes whinnies for his master. 'Die otlier day, having waited overleug, as he undoubtedly thought, doc tor reached down, picked up the strap, and with the weight dangling from his mouth set oil' In u brisk and Independent fashion for home, leaving hi muster te fellow en feel or In horse car, as If. having waited long enough, hew oilier people get home was no concern of his. Down in Congress Square there stands an old gray tow herse of an observing mind and engaging manners who likes te make acquaintance with passers by. It has been the habit of a gentleman who comes in town o'ery morning le buy an apple at a fruit stand and treat the old fel low, whose somewhat luonteuous life ap peals le him. The old tow herse has grown te expect his apple, aud he new watches regularly for his friend. Upen Iho few occasions when the apple bus bceu forgotten, or Intentionally emitted, the herse has followed the man or has stepped upon the sidewalk in Iren! of him and stepped his passage, as If te say : "Yeu can not pass until yeu've paid your tell. " One afternoon, net long since, u man who has a strong resoniblaure le the tow horse's friend was passing through Congress street, when, te his astonishment, he felt hlinselfgrahhed by the coat sleeve. Turn ing around his surprise was still greater when hu found it was a herse who held lilui prisoner. The tow boy who has uharue of the herse came te the rescue and cleared matters up by explaining that the two men looked se much alike that he, as well as the horse, was deceived. The fond ness of horses for apples and liking for a bit of kindly iittontlen may he further Illus trated by the story of u herse in (St. Jehns who would never stand still until his owner botheughl himself te bribe the herse te de se by occasionally giving him an apple through his hours of we.iry waiting. This experiment proved a coniplcte success. The runaway was a runaway no longer. Could he have spoken, no doubt it would have been In the words of Solemon of old : "Oh, comfort me with apples." At all eventH, like a famous animal of anether species, he "waited patiently about " till the apples did appear. A great many herses are fed ou the sti eels from "eatb.igs" drawn upoverthelr noses and wabbling about in a manner which must make it vory,uneenifoitablo te eat one's dinner lu Unit way. A bright hoi se down In "I'le alley" the ether day had nearly leached the bottom of his hag. Il wuhbed awfully, but the eats were sweet aud he was hungry. In front of him steed a wagon and the wagon had a wheel. Happy thought! He walked up te the wheel, rested his canvas bucket ou the top of it and finished his dinner te the last eat in a conifertablo, leisurely fashion and with a twinkle in his oye. lVthat was net a triumph of mint' oer matter, what Is? SHAKING HANDS. The Latest Evolution or un Ancient Custom. Frem the Londen Spectator. We are niore given te shaking hands than ether nations. Whero the French man or the German would content him self with a comiiiehonslve bow that in cludes u whole company of people In one courteous sucep, the luitlishinau, espec ially if heist country Intnl. will patiently una porno veringly shake hands with overy ene who Is iiri'Ment, Perhaps it is owing te a fuullug that nu iiiuiucessury use of the practlce Is nrevlurial that we may trace a visible decllue in it at the present day. Hut It is dllllciilt te say te w hut cause is attiibiitable thu irutMil- oxtrnerdiuary form which it lakes among certain people w lien they de practise It form which is osiipeiully prevalent among tlioe people whosenmbitloult is te bHknew,as"sinait." Wlieu two niembers of tills class, or of the far moie immoreus clasb that iniitatus them, meet each ether, tlmy go tlueugli a cere mony which ceitainly hears n faint resem blance te that of shaking hands, but it Is in all real essentials absolutely ditleiuut. The lady lifts her riljetv as high as u tight sleove will permit her, and dangles u lilt le hand befoie her face, carefully keening the wrist as stiff aud as high as possible, while she ullewH the lingers te dioep clown. The man font lives te lift his elbow u little higher, mid, by a dexteieus turn of the wilsl, touches her lingers- that is all, The leasen assigned for this is curieuH. It is said that ladies who aie bidden te court, and whose prlvllege It istoexchaugn gieetlngs with loyal personages, llud It difllcult te combine a couitesy with a shake of a guidens hand without raising their own hands te the lovel et their faces. Ilonce their tee fiequcnt communications witli illustiieiiH pcople have corruited their geed manners; they ncrjtitie a habit, and ure se forgetful ns te Intioduce it into their ordinary llfeand their relations with inoie ordinary people. Hut thev for get the courtesy, whlle tliey lorget te re re meiulier te lower their hands. Anether leaseu that has been suggested for this greeting, as It Is practised liy the best so ciety, is that they have boriewcd it from the ceaehmaii. With ills reins In ene hand aud his whip In the ether, thu enlv ap proach te a salutation that a coachman can make isbyunharp upward lunvement of the elbow and whip hand. Indeed, this explanation Is very plausible, for lliere Is a kind of natural nihility between the manners of the stable and these of the very smart people. Hew ancient a custom 1h the shaking of hands no ene cm say. The giving and clasping of right hands had its origin most probably lu a wish te show Unit the right hand was unarmed und that no danger need be npprehended from its owner. There Is evidence te show that the clasping of hands was an ancient Hindoe tisage in legal transactions, as It was also among the Remans in such matters as a marrlage contract. Asamodeof salutation, it cer tainly existed among the latter j for we liave Heraco's description of a bore. Arreplamie iiiami,; "Quid ugN, dulcK.lme reruui?" The modern Idea or the science or pollto pellto pollte uoss Is a science that will save time. Ne ene would wish te bring back Iho stately ebeisances, the sweeping courtesies, and the hollow compliments of last century. Hut at least they were a i troll v comedy while thev lasted wheieasthis last Jashieil efhand-shakiUB i u gretesque futcvi shook err a anweOit ter bum. Henry Mather Aria In Ills Cefllln and Enjeya HUnsclf. Crape waa hung at the deer of Jehn Brown's house, In Eranaten, Ills., en Monday last, te announce the death of Henry Mather. During his sickness the only nourishment that Mather could take was whisky and water. He reiieatcdly begged for undiluted whisky, but It was relused. After the doctor pronounced him dead he was laid out in the back parlor. At 3 o'clock in the morning an unusual noise was heard down stairs, and when Mr. Brown reached the parlor, he waa dutn dutn feunded te see Mather sitting up with n bottle of whisky in his hand and a cigar In his mouth. "If you had given me this before I would have been liener long age," said Mather, taking a drink from the bottle. Mather Is en a fair way le recover. A Jky KUIfct With a Hat 11 a. Twe weeks age Joel Williams, 17 years of age, and Cera Yeung sat side by slde at serviees in Antlech church, Atlanta, Oa. The girl begun prodding the boy with a filn, which he finally took from her and hrew upon the fleer. Then slie took from her hat a hat pin live inches long, and with all her force dreve II Inte Williams' right slde, Just above thehip. The pin sank Inte ths llesh until only the head could be seen, The boy sprang from his seat with a yell. The pin had penetrated the body Us full length, but with its removal the pain ceased and both Williams and the girl re mained at the church until the congrega tion was dismissed. The boy went home, slckoued and lingered until Wednesday night, when death catue. The pin had penetrated Ids kidneys. Injured Ily .lumpluir Frem u Window. Annle Gray, of Lewell, Mass., woke and round a man in her room en Wednesday night and Jumped from the window, twenty-flve feet from the ground. She broke n leg and suffered concussion of the spine. She was taken te St. Jehn's hos pital, and Is in a critical condition. She knows who the Intruder was, but will net tell his name He at tern pled no indignities, but becoming conscious that someone Was In the room she put out her hand and fell his legs as he was crawling under the bed. Then she sprang from the bed and through the open window. It is Btatcd that the man escaped from Iho premlses in the same manner that he had gained access te the room, from a neighboring shed. Van Heutkn's Cocea The original, most soluble. A Toilet J.uxury. HOZODONT Is n luxury ns well as a necrs slty. Placed whero It should always he upon the toilet, It adorn It, and cratltlcs the taitte and sriif cm. It sends out u ilellcleui perfume, nndglveti pltunure and health te Its users. Cannes Astonishment. "Completely prostrated for lay with Inill Inill KCatleu and mlleux fever. The efleets of two bottles of Jlunlnek Illoetl Itinera natenlshed me ; visible ImprnvcmcL rlirht oft." Air. Neah llalex, Klmlra.N. Y. 8ell hi Uincasti r by W. T. llech, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. 1" Seth," The word " news " Is derived from the Initial letters nr the four points of the cemiwu.8 North, East, Wetttand Heutli. Te all point of the reuiuin let the soed news re thai for dernnued liver, nerveim headache, cestlvcneMi, liiip'ire liloed, nausea, aud many ether disturb. inci-s or the KVKteiii that maku men mourn, there Is a remedy. Thousand leMIfy that Dr. l'lerce's I'lFUMiiil Purgative Pellets euro these troubles. Hnmll hut potent ; one a dose. K.S.tn-j Don't hank, hawk, hlew, spit und dlsqust every hedy with your oftenslve breath, but ue Dr. Huge h Catarrh Remedy and end It. 50 cents bydniKglsU. W,Th4w IloteetfvaH und I'rlvute OfllcerM Usually weir their bndces of authority con cealed under their clothing, but Dr. Themux' Oil cars Its badKCS In the form of printed labels attached le each and every bottle, se thalall may knew lis mission. It Is Riven full und complete authority tearrcst all aches and pains aud does Its duty every time. Held In Lancas ter by W. T. Uech 1.17 and 13" North Queen treat. rriS FINGER NA1LH C IS FINGER NA1LH CAMEOFr. Fer a vear I was alUlcted with n hnrrlbln case of bleed poison, and upwards of llc mouths of that time I was unable te de work of any kind. My linger nails came oil and my hair dropped out, leaving my head as clean and smooth lis If It had been shaved. Icen' suited Did best local physicians, and spent hun dreds nfdellars for medicines of dlllerent kinds, but without receiving the (.lightest benefit. I w as advised llimlly te visit Het Hprlngs. This I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat iiienl I was receiving there, commenced hiking Hnlft's Heelllc (H. H. H ) The eflect that B. H. H. had en me was truly wonderful. I commenced te receer after hiking Ihn llrst bottle, aud by thutlmulhad taken twelve, bottles I was en tirely cured cured by Hwift's Hneclfle (8. H. H.) when the woriii-reuewneii net Hprnuis laid failed wl u rnnn Shreveport, La." FOUR YEAIW ON CRUTCHES. Fer flftecuj ears I was mulcted with rheuma tism, four years of which 1 whs compelled te go ou crutches. Words tire inadequate le express tliesuirerlngsl euduicd during that time. Dur ing these lirteen years or exlstence (It was net living), I tried eery known remedy without recclwug any lienelu. 1 finally began en Hwift's Hpeclfic(S. S. S.), which from the llrst gaveme lellef. aud te-day I am enjoying the besl of health, and am a well man. 1 candidly be lieve Hints. 8. S. Is the best bleed purifier en the market te-day. J. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, 5le. Tientlse en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed free. HWI FT HPKCI PIC CO., () UlHllU 'J ll. "TTAN HOUTEN'H COCOA. THE FOREMOST COCOA OP EUROPE. THE COMING ONE OF AMERICA. PUJIK. hOLUllLK. ...cjirai: lllch. Digest Iblu. Stiinulntiiig. Nour ishing. Having a peculitirly delicious llnver a foetl anil drluk combined at n half cent it cuif an&jltfer Cijn-imt, Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." en-VAN HOl'TKN'.S COCOA ("once tried nlwujs used ") was luvenled and patented and is made lu Helland. It Is acknowledged by the mast eminent doctors and analysts that by the Special Trviitiiiant VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA has undergone, the solubility of the flesh-forming constituents is Increased llfty per cent., whlle the whole of the fibres aresertencd and rendered mere palatable and digestible. ' Lor Ler gest sale hi th world." Aik for VAN HOU TEN'S and take ue ether. (IT) TINCO CHEWING TOBACCO. VINCO KXTJiA FIXE) CHEWING TOBACCO. This Standard Brand or Plug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the best chew and the largest piece for the money lu the market. Puic-eIim tag en tach lump. Its extensive sale for many years has eslabllthed Its reputation. There Is nothing bettei. Try II. Fer sale by dealers and grocers, 1890. uprll.J9Uod-euiA13tw rmf.AtiBi.rBiA, Friday, August I.HK). Closed Saturdays at i P..M. Sets you thinking harder than ever of thin things, don't it? Yeu won't find lighter stuffs in Clothing anywhere. Take Men's Coats. Frem Seer suckers, at 8sc, te White and Fancy Flannel at $5, or, per haps coolest of all, India Pon gee, at $4.50. Full suits, just as breezy. Fer boys tee. If the young ster's fit is in the end of lines at $5, you can save $3.50, $4 and $5 en a suit. Light color and weight as well as price. Near Thirteenth and Market streets corner. The stuffs for romp and roughing-trip wear run from 8c Flannelette te 75c Silk Cheviot. The soft, cool-warm, unshrink ing Ceylens are 20, 25, 37, 50 and 60c Styles and quan tities, unmatched within your reach if anywhere. Delicfhtful assortment of French Printed Flannels, 60c Norf hcast of centre. The $7, $8 and $12 Baby Carriages seem te have left competition out of sight. Mar vels for the money. Basement, nertheant of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. ttioccllaitreua. A 'J OUR OFFICE YOU CAN UKT ANY .XX amount or LANCAHTKK CHEMICAL COMPANY bAWW KNlUUliEK. M UHIC CATALOGUE WITH NEW EDl- 11011 aim price list sent upon application, AT KEINHOLDH, Opposite P. R. H. Depot. 11EAUTIKUL LAWN. HOWEVER j. small It mav be, Is nereal luxury, LAN- , a .ui'lj'if firiiir it A r'..n wv COMPANY LAWN KNRICMER. TplUSMAN'H. NEW DRESS SCARFS. MARIETTA PRESERVING KETTLES, AT 11EINHOLD-8. IN KIVE.TEN, TWENTY-FIVE ANDFIKTY Pound Packages. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICHER. Beld everywhere. ptlQARMAKEIW WANTED. CIGARMAKERS WANTED. JyfJl-aid OULINGER1IR03.ACO. A CARD WE MAKE "THE NATIONAL Safety Firth Wheel lu three sizes (Cox A Andersen's Patent.) Forerierttiirnlng.strciieth and durability are matchless. They also make a neat finish. Trylhcra; Every wheel Is guar anteed. NATIONAL MANUFACTUING CO., JyKWwd aj te 3(1 Hhcrinan St., Lancaster, Pa. FIRE I1RICKS, FIRE CLAY, AT LOW llguits, go te JOHN REST, ail East Fulleu street. iu7-tfd TNJECTOR8, HUE 1UTTLK OIAwT, IIAN- JL cock inspiraters aud Electors, Eberman no (felloe VAaHAr )Anlni.ll.. T........,.... .....v. ivu., V..UV...- ..in.n.1..,, m.ri American Injectors, all In stock ai juiin iicaiH, .via IT'S, ; m7-tld Kust, uiien street. CARRY IN STOCK REST CHARCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren, llurden's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, Steel, Sheet Iren 3-16 te Ne. ID, ut JOHN REST'S. MJ East Fulton street. m7-tfd GENCY FOR CALLAHAN A CO'S CK biiTklt lead ami packing ment te take the place of lied Lead. In It makes lle times the nuuntltvnr red lead aud Is far superior In making steam Joints, packing man nud hand hole plates en boilers. Ac, Ac, Price UO cents per pound, BEST'S, au East Fulton street. at jeiin ru7-tra en i".rMri kkct K ''ii'. prom m 0J)JJJ Inch te (I inch diameter, for sale at a low figure, and the only house In the city with a plpe cutting machine, cutting up te men diameter, at JOHN UEST'S,.'U3EaKt Ful- ten street. niT-tfd 17IOR HOLTS, LAO SCREWS, SET SCREWS, Square and Hexagon Nuts, these goods lu stock, at JOHN BEST'S, 333 East Fulton street. IU7-lfd rpANKBFOR WATER, OILS, ACID OR OAS X of any sbape or capacity, at fair prices, go te JOHN BEST. SU East Fulteu street. m7-tfd IF IN WANT OF BRASH OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Bib Cocks, Lever Cocks, Swing Joints, call and get Ihem, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEST, Kin Kast Fulteu street. m7-tfd TOR PRATT A CADY ASBESTOS DISC Ij Valves, Jenkins Vahes.Brass Cilobe Valves, Brass Unto Valves, Iren Bedy Glebe Valves, LeverSafcty Valves, Pep (safety Valves, Air Valves, Radiator Vuhes, Pratt's Swinging Cheek Valves, Brass Check Valves, Foel Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN BEST'S, 33.1 Ens Fulton Street, m7-tfd TTIOR ULLEYH, SHAFTING, COLLARS, MJ nangers, uiamp iiexes, coupling te JOHN BEST. SU East Fulton street. iiexes, v;euiimgs, eic, go m7-iia IOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OR LOW Pressure, water uamres. Gaui:e rocks. VCM1 (Msl Wheels or Wetirbled. Olnss Tulien. Whlslles, Syphens for Steam Gauges, Cylinder uuers I'taui, v aier uauge veiumns, ursKS ler Steam Gauges, call en JOHN BEST, 33.1 East Fulteu street. m7-tfd 17'OROAST IRON PIPE FlTriNGS, BOTH plain and rcduclng, up tell-Inch diameter, M!leii!:'.e, Fltllugi, Flanges, Flange Unions, Manifolds, Amerinin Unions, Tube Supports, Hangers, Fleer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BESTS, 3.13 East Fulleu street. m7-tfd ITrlUTE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY I., i..,- ..r in ....... j.. the pound. 10c ev er. Be, All ire it, .v. , ., mi. ui iu iui,ii ur ixis delivered te any part of the city Free. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne, Fulteu street. ra East m7-td CI OLD BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZING X for steam work, at JOHN BEST'S, 15I.1 h-asi Fulton street. m7-tld STEAM it EAT IS THE COMING HEAT FOR dwellings, churches, Mlioel houses, etc., though successfully used ene hundred years ege. When veu contemplate a change call en JOHN BI-sT, who will glve you a satUf.ictery Jeb, at a fair price. m7-tld A GREAT IMPROVEMENT lO OLD OR COMPANY LAWN ENRICHER. T7IOR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TABUiTaR. Vertical, Portable, Cj Under, Marine, of any slre or power, of Iho U'st material and workmanship, go te JOHN BEsT.&ti Kust Ful Ful eou street. m7-tfd FOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN glncs, from i! te 80 horse-power, and Verti cal Engines from 2 tow horse-power, you will rlndthem at JOHN REST'S, 333 East Fulton street. "17IOR BOILER 1 U11E BRUSHES. STILLSON Ju l'MH) Wrenches.PliHiand Meukey Wrenches cemblueU, riles. Oil Cans, etc go te JOHN iE-i , .vi.1 risi r uiien sireei uu-lia 1 DUMPS, BOILERS, MINING, CENTRIFU gal and Steitm Pumps, el any capacity, at JOHN BEST'S. SKI liist Fulton street, m7-ifd BAD! TOIf, OF ANY MAKE OH DE slgii.eiiu Ihi iiiinlshedatreaseuabletlgures. by J011.MU-,M'. UUlJut Fulton street, m7-tfj FOR CASTINGS, IRON OR BRASS, LIGHT or heavy, at short notice, go te JOHN BEST. 333 East Fulteu street. m7-ird SF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS 1MRTABLE Engine and Beiler, en wheels, cheap, us the lowing prices shew: tl herse-isiwer, $175; Ij herse-jKiwer, J-VJ5 ; 10 herse-jniwer, f575; 15 horse herse tKiwer, f75; 20 horee-pewtr, 11,175, call at JOHN lllHTS. 333 East Fulton street. in7-tfd PARTICUlR ATTENTION I'AID TO Medel Making, Patterns, Drawings and nine Prints, at prices reasonable, at JOHN BKSTS. S3J East Fulteu street. m7-tfd TJACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS ntltinn kjii W'liien und Wick Packing, Hemp'Packlug, A MTMl til ,1,1,1 lll-ilmil Mi. 1'ulrllltf A LhA., If.i.u lydruullc Packlng.Afcbestlepc, 'k Paeklmr. llemn Packlmr. An. Iiestes Mill Beard. Asbestos Cement. AsUiiim Sheathing, ISuin P.ic!:!ng,Gum Ring for Water Gauges, Plumbago lacklui;, Iteml's Patent As bcMni, Lined Secllnnal Piiw Cever, at JOHN BEVrS, ail East Fulleu street, iu7-tfd C1AW. Mll.lX. BARE J1II.1X. COB MILLS, ij Uuther Rellers, Tan PitckeriTTrlple llersu ripie norm hincry. at reuur.. .Mining una .Mining .Much JOHN ilEftl-S, Sa Easl Fulleu street. !U7-Ud k A LACE or FAHHION. ASTRIOH'S Palace of Fash, 115 ft 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, RA. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. AUGUST 1 & 2, OF- LIST OF FIFTY CENT ARTICLES. Night Gowns, with yoke of fine tucks and lace or embroid ery "inserting, only 50c Skirts, excellent muslin, with wide Hamburg edging ruffle, 50c Corset Cevers, fine Cambric, with 2 rows of fine Hamburg edging or Torchon lace, only 50c. Drawers, fine muslin, fine tucks and wide Hamburg em broidery ruffle. Chemise, with elegant wide yoke of Hamburg edging and inserting, 50c. Let 3, at 75 cents apiece. Chemise, Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Cevers, Drawers, &c. Nene of the above worth less than $1, and many of them $1.25 apiece. Come for them quick ! -- - orietitinti -TEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Hager & Brether. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Striking Reductions -IN- Geed Quality Flannel Shirt, 75e; reduced from $1.00. English Flannel bhlrlut (1.00 ; reduced from 11.25. English Flannel Shirts at 11.00 ; reduced from S.'.tO. Best Scotch, Flannel and Fine Caslnnere Shirts, i.0J ; reduced from J2.50. All Silk, bilk Welt and Silk StilpeShlrt re duced te cast. Bargains In Demet and Cheviot Shirts at 2.V. Extra Value Cheviot Shirts, Neckband and Yeke, at 50c. Men's Fine Percale Shirts, three cellars and one pair of cuffs, fresh desirable goods, 75c s reduced from 1 1.20. Special Bargain In Geed Quality Jean Drawers, 2V:. Values lu Gauzeand Balh ','san Underwear, 25c and 37,c. Choice Stiles lu Summer Neckwear, 37J-Jc; reduced from Me. Beautiful Stjles in Fine Neckwear, 75c ; re duced from 81.00, Special Value lu Fancy Plipie l-ln-Ilauds, Washnblc, t ferfiOc ; easily worth double. Bargains In Rese at sc, 10c and 12JJO n pair. Bargains lu Belts at tic ; worth 10c. 2MU9.31 West King St., LANCASTER. PA. ffnttiutvy. DR. NATHORST, DENTIST. 2J CENTRE SQUARE. Filling Teeth and PainleMi Extraction Siic clultles. New Hefs made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything iH-rtalrilng le Dentistry will receive prompt atientlnn.nl very Moderate. Terms. Remember thai Dr. Nalherstls the ONLY Dentist In this comity who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den tistry, en advantage that is obvious. marS-lydAw T710KTHE REST HOT AIR FURNACE IN ! thu market, go te JOHN BEST, S3.! Easl Fulton street. in7-lfd A'r THOSTER'S CORNER SALOON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will lie terved every-mernlng from OteltOO. Itupp rt's? C. lebratcd Beer drawn from tha keg. aprJO-tfJ TTENRY WOH-, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East King street, having a fUll line of Furniture of every description nl liie lowest prices. Alse UnderUiklng promptly at. tended le. ("nit und examine our goods. Iiish Underwear Het Weather Comforts. nine, att-uan U. WOLK. 133 East KlugBlreeL 99 . e 1'KH EVERY RVENIMO Fer Bargains, OO TO Ne. 14 West King St ETerytbiDgSoIdAtandBclef AH WE ARE POSITIVKLY GOING d OP BU8INKHS. ma5-3md ITIHK PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, REDUCTIONS IN PRICE TO CLOSE OUT 12 Battstlsts reduced te 8c. French Salines Reduced te 19c. American Salines reduced le 8c, 50c French Chall la reduced te 7c 11.00 Colored Silks reduced te 60c 75c Colored Silks reduced te 35c One Let White Dress Robes reduced fren te ll.oe. At less than One-thlrd their ValueJ Big Let of Flue Colored Embroideries I man one-nan ine regular price. M-Wc have hunted out Remnants In partments and have marked them at Hi Prices. St( s 25 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. mar20-lydlt NJ EW YORK STORE. HOT WEATHER BARGAI1 -AT THE- BLACK SILK DHAPERY NE1 18 Inches Wide, Large Pelka Spot Redil uuc. a yara. BLACK SILK DHAPERY NE1 Russian Mesh, (8 Inches Wide, Excellent) iij , iteaiiceu te tee a yara. FINEST SILK DRAPERY NE Reduced from (1 te Z 50, from 1 2 60 te til J2 te II 50, from Jl 75 te II 25. Twcntl Pieces, li Inch. EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGi Reduced le 25e a ard; former price, A FINE FRENCH SATINE Makes a handsome aud most useful dresa are cleslnc out our whole stock of Hie la designs at lve a ard ; funnel prlce,l .i.h' uiiu )j;c. NEW OUTING CLOTHS Reduced from 12Jc te 10c and 8c a ya Best Value tube lrid In MEN'S BTH OUTING SHIRTS at 25c,37;icand60c MEN'S JERSEY SHIRTS, Seft, Elastic and Durable, Reduced fren 50e eai li. WATT &SHAI 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING STJ $cul itetici'B. TTISTATE OF CA1HARINE KINO. Jli of Lancaster city. Lancaster count ceased, The undersigned auditor, appelu distribute tue balance remaining in me i of Solemon Klngand Gee. P. King, eie of the will of said deceased, te und among legally entitled te the same, will sltfe purpose en Wednesday, August l.i, INK) o'clock a. in.. In the l.lbrarv IKmhii of the Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where nl sous luteristcd in s.iiu (iisrruMiiiiMi tuaya jylWtdF chas. it. ki.im;, Ainu SV.ttevncu. TT UTUER H. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-L W. Second Fleer Esbleinan La North DiiknMtreet, nlldlng. ftx-lyd IIT-ANTED- V An energetic young man Is wanl take charge of a Grecerv store lu this cllvl geed busTness stand at a desirable lecall een lu u responsible party. A small an of capital Is required. Fer further itarllciiliirs rail ut PENN'A KMPLOi MENT IIUREAB Ne. l'."Houth DukeStrl THE IIULUTT CARRIAGE U'dlllCH lll!l. Allt. Ml). 'ANTED-lletweeti Ainrusl 1 atldSci lier 1. Iwentv I2tu Carriage Makers, cetisll .,r Itmlviniilinni iSirrlnireslllltlls and Fllllit Painters and Trimmers; none but these! imn ruiuiiies mill want steady work iinniv. dnnd lienses can be obtained all rents : convenient le factory. Au excclleil IHirtuully will be given apprentices te inn!,,. In ttie dlllerent dtnartments. can get einplejineiit lu trimming departil Ciputilyef works, 3,(M) uhleles perear. tyij-; 1 RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. QEAYS SPE0IFI0 MEDI0U The On eat English Remedy. An ui Iiil cure for Seminal Weakness. Snermaten IuiHitencynnd all Diseases that fellow as queuce of Self-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, ersal Lnssltude.I'aln In the Hack, llliuni Vision, Premature Old Age, aud many i diseases that lead te Insanity or Censumi and a Prematura G rave. - Fer particulars lu our pamphlet, w we uesire ie senu iree uy man 10 every one. - The Secltte Medicine is sold by nil i gists ai t ier pacaag9ersix pacaagesieri will be sent free by mall en receipt of money, uy addressing llinuimi .UI.U11 .j.i'., Butlalu, N.l On account of counterfeits, vre havuudel wiii'miiv irnnimutieil liieienew vvriipier: ineeiiiy retiiiine. Held In l-aucusler, Pu uy W.T. JIeCll. uar3-ly4 fS- P.0.1YIRM 11 m People I'ilSII NEW MK STO mkm&s - . . - t Ait t- zS$&iAuiism-,'k. rT'r-V.-i