r v" wr ptvies HHHHHJBjBHHBHH rn.TTJiPi, ' rrrrpTT'F""'-r r'f rs ' :' CPBypMl am iiMltna CeaMat. DHCkMrMMM.' v, . . rMnaHMt,Mi no one bmupekmi II mm , M time .ter aera ptignm MtMWtMwbiit telling nstt me Md ew of the member. v J you hen In the old days T" asked r, ronerable In experience tuid ripe me einer memiwr wiu uenus v'3linyett hmre ltred.ln vain. I reckon vtm,iateiw Jehn RltehleT .Ten uian-i -MOT Frank Cunningham, because, he la '-- in lilm ha li dead tfaese many ItReble and Cunningham and two Mntlier ironies were, treat flsbera. I It government iuer was their resort, :ttte name or me ann ww me ueur M Uwt baited meir hooks, cast mom Mm 'beaded waters, hunic their legs the pier, and until nothing, but just utA. enlv occasionally. -OM morning, as the old crowd took Its jMaMen tne pier, oenn micnie sua : - v7 The man who catches the fewest fish ':"pys the breakfast for the party. f'Thc beya agreed te this, Frank Cnn amkanm coming into the com pact "sew e-;-iWkA ntlunlantlv. Vaiire Frank wastieta I M Ifcfcft I A a a , H HTkuavui Inns alllMllw. and then It Craa, broken by Frank Cunningham, who .aaeuiea -iwa- i nai niuu u Ijluilul (Wn nen.1, ThOV tvnran't 111UC1I lV;"IitJ uj? WW falMM - 1 tVbUBrerthan minnows, but that made no e-'Wcainerence. aeiuiiisj um uv ; " i','.i i, tint ilmn l'rniiv niinnlfiirliain grasped the air with his shout of triumph Litnlm mtuhln hail nnn iwireli bv his slue. Ft:.Whll Frank Cunningham was baiting Ills rt'hoek, Htlchln put his perch back en his v hook, cast it Inte the water, and alter tug- ,VA King at the line n moment, he Jorked the ;L- Lmniinli lntn llinnlr. took it otfthehook. KSt mnA tlinutml 'Twe ninl - That meant X he had as many as Cunnlneham. Then he W Itnnt Iris eve en Cunningham until Ciin. IfeVkad turned bis back. Kclf.lnfc the same & perch again and, putting It en his hook, he r Ov caat li into ine ibke ninmi imtiuu m um ; line and again he threw the gllstcnliiK r beautr into the air. roleased it anil sheuted 4 'three!' andija sinker bobbed Just a trllle. llltelile -a iisinrniLcnpu nisiiorciiie u is hook, miie'iii ?5wj line into the water and waited. Iliroe ! 5, minutes naased. and again the peer llitle fi -perch va" snatched back from the wnters, n't rang out, clear and triumphant, Four! ' v$r "Net te worry you with tee long a flsh rtVf etery at this season or llie year, rer we nre t tien, Bltchle had kept thlHupiintiUie hud 9$ counted It eleven times. Foer Cunning PJSb bam never raised morn than his two. tqf '"'"But he paid for the breakfast like a t-t.V man, anu, uiiiiu yuu, ii. nius m, nmuii mm, jf that a breakfast for snob a party us that 't coat. Rltohlecouldoalalbruakriistlilin- : -C AAlfat tlinMlniA inn.ttmMinii.tu'iiafil'lll' l'S ami Frank Cuntitucham was tnlkltiir about I'M bis peer supreNS as u ilsherinan, Buying OL. 4I.b1 I.m nAi.lil niti.lt rnmM mi laml llind lin S'oeuld en water-whlch Raying we all mi mi mi K'swderstoed Jehn Rltchle told lilm that there ', (j,iwen poorer nsnorraeu man lie, anu i rnnii iaaldT he didn't knew about that. Then ; 'i-.Jehn told blm that be had counted one WAr perch eleven tlmes. But CunnltiKhatn -t nVAr wAni nnt en inn nnr acrnin-Ln iinii." ivr . " Vi m i '1 'S? "Wife Murder nnd Suicide. l ' Tn a little leg cabin en the Cumberland county aide of the North mountain, eight .nuies nenneaai m xiiecunnicnuurK, iivihi VJeremian Miner, nis wire anu nine cmici 'fittm. the eldest 17 vears of ace. the vouncest I 'two-months' old Infant. Mrs. Miller is and her husband vers jealous. On eadav Airs. Miller was In the village of ;uamn um with some imcii pine, nmt en t-ber return a tlorce e,uarrel raged. Her JhMband en Wednesday reuuwed the vi He picked up a double-barrellod mu7zle leading gun and at a distance of only a few 'discharged a heavy lead of buckshot Inte .tfca left ureast of his wlfe, who at the lime ,. waa .nursing her infant. Miller rushed 'from the cabin te the front fonce, which he "Jamaed acatnst. and pointed the muule of the 'gun te bis stomach, liy the uld of a -twlclie sent the remaining lead of shot vlnte his stomach and died iustantlv. fe;X,yl tragedy was wltnessed by the nine k- ' SHuraren. xueugu me siioeiihk orcurreii kj at 9 o'clock no one appeared until neon FlffhlB. I7n,lnrtjflrnr KtMllfrnr. fTniiMiililrt v';lBarna. and Dr. Heckert fennd that . i-atrs. junior was raiauy wounaeu. i no laul litnn li.tfinnt linrtinn Vrtrvcrnm! rnntitn. fcJttleft. whllsthls wife has been the lnnlnstiiv p.tvtPf.the.Xiuilly mid a woman whom the ,neiguuer8iiay uasan uniartusueu roputu reputu . Men. Przh , Xlie Spiritual Conferenoe. K.''P The spiritual conference te coiiveno ou mje ceuege campus, nere,uu me evuiuiig 01 Ausnat titb, will boeponed withndisuourse g MTbe Ideal Minister or the Qespel, or the y Student, the 1'reacher and the Foster. each ..,.' in tueuue proportion. ioiiewing la ttie , JTJrogramine for the subseriuent meutlnga: g cA paper en "The Inleriiiodlate State in tf Sjlt Relation te Salvation," by ltev. Dr. J. 4 .AS. .fcllldl. XIIV X&1S1UIIU yilll Ul IIIU . Kew Testament Scriptures," by itev. Dr. t . a. u. jvina, " j.uu liuiut'iiuu ui 1110 v,nri- ,'itoleglcal Prlncliileeu the Doctrines of fled, ffofMan,audef Grace," by He v. Dr. Win. ktptupp." "The Kerormatlen In the Light fe- vef the Nineteenth Century," by Hev. Dr. U 'H. Bust. "TbeltounleuorChrlstondoiii." p'y Hev. S. N. Callender. "On What V$f3rreund Can the Hofermoil Church Mail, lyeniiuue Jts uiuiui 10 Hoim Heim iate Exlstonee?" bv Hev. Dr. If. V. 'flBeper. "The New Hlrth," by Hev. C. 8. LJ.ra4AM.imf lll'il.Mh Wi.vl f.t. Ilin 1 ll... rv.M.u. VfUU.M HIHR IUI IMH 4.4II,, J-What should it be and hew can it be so se ired." bv Kev. D. B. Ladv. Illble studv v Epbeslans, at 8:30 o'clock In the inoru ineru 5 leg, conducted by Hev. Dr. William C. '. Schatfer. KvrnlliL-ilnvntifiliH at 4 o'elnck. -Vat Which seme brother will deliver nn nd- ..UArjL T.fttit. vnnr thnt-A wnm nrnHitut 119 Vnlnisters of tiie Hofermod church. , l-jf The KtulTSeId Fer Feed In .Turney. t? Rttn I), rp rmiiriluulniini- Win lr t'Kewten, of New Jersoy, has IhsiiihI vBis annuat reiorieii loeu products or me ;mu. no says mat out 01 -z,wi nam plea of various kinds of feed pur chased in stores and markets in the , atate 1,078 were found te be adulterated. Bologna fcausagn was the most mtsceptl kble of adulteration. Twelve sauiDles. irehased In stores In Jersey City, wure inaiouave neon neiicti in u coloring a pound. This gave thein a brown color. y had afterwurd been coated with a ymipeuiul nrstiellac, resin, oil and - ue report warns tnu poejilo net lit chejp jellies. Met of thein Fdrwtarcli, vater, acetic acid, cur- averlng, extr.ict gloceso nnd bad ; mailer. TtetlS The Itusbluif,' CiiHti. s-An prepert'nl," A- ' Dennelly te-day deel- ,-;, tUC UObl "'"" " u,",v," """ "levjiuuny fS Europe aEalnst '-,0 t-even Hussluns, noted ;Wn,.nn"Te,",",u,J'tB,l "" -"lenuay. no -!$ P,w-bat a prima facia case has been f1 ,"v"h, and they are given the option of .,wi' tUe costs or going te Jail. They BfeT" alentfisult their uttiirnnv Imrore (lmv Bi.t . : ----- -. .. j tH7,uuu aioncluslen what action they will A pause of Kfef Irclut. . il90Xfir bei "V "tnuay rurty. S f - Hrty " twenty couples, under the R-aaaaersuip 01 jeuu -Mcuewell and Miss -4NsIe Brown, last evening surprised Sam. J5SFV wnyder, at bis reslUcnce, 183 Concord Kly. Mr. smyucr was probeutod with a JfWOdseme guitar, the occasion being his jKh birtuuay. Dancing was the erder or the evening. Trewltz's full erchebtra fur- ulshed the intixlu. Vf & Wesley Steiger nnd Henry Brown, of .Qoncstega township, had a fall out en f, Wednesday. Stclger prosecuted Brown i vfer assault and battery at Alderman Barr's. jwewn gave ball unci ontered a charge of aurety of the peace, against Steiger before ttw same magistrate m Vbllig the New lteutc. M .ffiJ11 new aT route en Se-.'.tU Queen street tgeuier ine tirst time te-day. Car i2Se,tue rtrst trip, arriving at Fcnn uare al 11 o'clock. That part of the M en rieutu llukc and Kast vine fill be abandoned. rM ...i, xruui um rj it Aicaill. ' fMerge Francis Tram uas wade arrauge- UMUl mwlf 1. Itiu T.j.iima T tlnv tn m.I. . nut te beat the record for a trln around i world. He will leave Toceina. AuirtiHt , m tbe steamship China, and calculates Mt b nan makefile circuit of the elebe In Hgrevn days. -rAn.TJKK r jatak'ji imck caer. TerHhle salrerinc Amemr (1m Peer tn Conwpqnence. rul Schraumiu, n merchant of Teklo, Jamil, arrived In Chicago en Wciinesday. In regard te the fallure of last yeflr'e'rlce emp in Japan he Mid, In an Interview! " In conaeqnencei of tJ-.e fallure starva tion is reported in all '.he Untn cities of Japan, and as the miltiber of deaths for want of feed In Teklo alone were net enough, there bad been for some time prier te in v departure, July fl, an average of 10 exhaustiens a day, se. severe were the suf ferings. ' In (he big cities inen fell In the streets from oxhausileti, and se often that the hIkIiI became a very common one. Of courne, this sad situation exists nolely among the peer j the rich, tbeie that nin be com fortable in the midst of such want, uct along as well as ever. Hut while this mis ery is due directly le the iallurn of the rlce crop, the situation la greatly ag gravated by the speculators. These Individuals liave brought UP all the rice, and the prloe la 100 pe" cent, greater than it waa ene year age. And still, not withstanding the high price and the Im mense profit, the spectators rofitse te sell, hoping Ter n fallure of the present crop, when the price will advance much hlgher. Se severe was the nlttiatlen Heme weeks before I left that the government, through brokers, purchased 80,000 tens or rlce abroad, from China and India. Hut very foolishly nnd short slghtedly the govern ment ordered that the rlce be sold at auc tion. "This was just what the speculators wanted, for they outbid the peer and locked up the precious grain In thelr store houses. Are the speculators forclgnersT Indeed net. The natives would kill them if they were. As It is, rter, threatening Iholiveief the speculators If they refuse tq sell the rice, are dally pasted up In the ex than lies. The shertage was due te the destructive typhoons which last year swept overllio island, ine prcseni crop is in geed condition, but should thore be a re currence of the typhoon the crop will also be destroyed, and then Ged help them. " t'eiiilnlne, lint Ment. Frem the HL JjOuIh Republic. After your soup and llsli you begin te talk with your neighbor. She Is an American married te a French man, nnd she tells you this (unny llltln story anent a famous Utile beauty who had beeti betrothed te her liusb.ind bofero she ever met lilui. Said she: "I was a little uuder the weather, and se when she called I had te ask her te come le my boudoir. On my wrilltig-desk steed a picture of my hus band ene he had given me when I first met lilm, anil which was framed very gorgeously in silver. Alter nn mui iiiikeu about horself a llitle while, she went ever te this picture, gave It tlie most loving leek, and wid: 'Ah, he had that taken for me.' Angry T Of ceurse 1 was angry, but my u.illve wit didn't desert me. 1 welted for u few min utes alter saying 'Did he?' And then I i cached out unit get n llitle case from the table Just beside me, opened It and showed her the picture inside. It was the heads of my husband and myself taken togethorou our wedding trip, and thou I announced : ' He had that taken for me.' 1 don't think she will bore me again." Yeu couldn't help but laugh, It was such an Intensely wemaniy tiling in no. Wodueftdiiy'u Unit tinmen, The championship gamesofbase ball yes terday resulted as follewm National League I'hlladelphlaO, Chicago 8: Brooklyn 15, Cleveland 5: New Yerk li, Pittsburg fij Bosten It, Cincinnati 0. Flayers' League Philadelphia ll, Biillale S; Bosten I, Cleveland - : Brooklyn", Chi cago r ; Nuw Yerk 10, Pittsburg 1! ; New Yerk 12. Pittsburg". American Association Teledo 7, Ath letic t); St. I.euInO, Syracuse I ; Columbus 12, Brooklyn Oj nocltOHler-I'OiilsvlIle (ost (est (ost peued mill.) Atlautle Association Wilmington li, Hartferd 2 ; New Haven 0, Washington'.') j Newark 3, Hairlsburg 1. The Lobatiens woreshut out by the Yerk MenarcliN en Wednesday. The Lebaiionshave been admitted te the Atlantic Association, taking the place of Worcester. The (squadron ol'Kelutloii ut Heme. The squadron or evolution steamed into New Yerk harbor en Wednesday, and came te anchor In the North Itlver chan nel. The band of the flagship, the Chi cago, played Yankee Deedle, as Unco trim looking cruisers steamed up the harbor. The crews wcie In geed health, but glad te get home. The rccoptleu of the squad ron In Brazil is described as a tre mendous alfalr. " The sister ropub repub ropub lle business," said ene or the Chicago's elllccrs'was done up brown.' They met us In the outer harbor, and they uever slepped welcoming us until In solbdefense we were obliged te set sail. United States Hags Hew from every public building and many private buildings. Kvorybedy had volumes totelLabeut the 'sister republic.' The cadets of the Brar.llllan naval acad emy presented le Admiral Walker n heavy geld medal, struck te comiiiuinurtile the visit of the squadron." Mroet Car Troubles. A herse cur en the Dulte street llue Jumped the track at ICast King street this meruli.g, through a neglect te adjust the switch. It was put back en the hack with very little trouble. Soen nuerwiirds olcc elcc olcc trle car Ne. 10 was bieught fieni the car stables te accommodate the throng going te the picnic. It Jumped the track, mid went Inte the ditch made for the belgiau blocks. Alter an limir'M delay It was put buck en the track. An hour afterwards the trelley en ene of the cars gave out, and that necessitated another delay. WillltH $.1,000 DuiiinuCM, At the last term of the quiitter sessions court Daulel llerst, of Stoveus, was tried mid acquitted of n charge of stealing a quantity of tobacco. The suit against lilm was entered by Thus. S. and Hebert 11. McKee and tlie testimony ell'ered railed te connect Mr. Hurt,t with tlie Ihelt. Tliieugh Brown ,t Hensal, Hurst te-day eutered u suit against the the McKees for (5,000 damages In the court of common pleas. The ntllduvlt sets feith that the McKces had Heist nrrested without just reason te bolievethat he had at nny time taken leal tobacco from their cellar. Stele a Nu m be r of Jtlngs. Annie Zell, who has llgured In numer ous petty scrapes, leR Ijineatter for I.eb.i I.eb.i ueu seme days age. Bofero she went she appropilated a number rings belonging te Mary Steiger te her own use. Annle was located In Lolianeu te-day by thoelilefof jmllce or that town and arrested. Coilstnble l'rlce went te Lebanon for her and will bring her te Lancaster te night. Slopped tbe Ittiiiiiwuy Mrs. Hoever, or Landlsvllle, was driv ing along College avenue about eight o'clock this morning wheu her horse frightened at ti passing bleyclu nnd started te run. Bofero the frightened aniinal had goue far or did any damage he was stepped by Geergo Schlott. An Attiiehiuuut Fer il,IOO, Uriah Kckert lssuwl an attachment to day against Jacob McCord, of ll.irt town ship, nud inade the ltciullng I'ire lusur lusur ance ceuijiauy garulshee. McCord ewes $1,100 te Kckert and the insurance com pany ewes McCeid that amount. As Mu Mu eoid is unable te pay the debt due Kckert this attachment was issued. ' - - A Curious Bird. Jehn Snyder, or Hetel Lancaster, ro re ro ceUod te-day a curious bird from Fred erick, Md. It is an owl that Ljis a face like a monkey, nnd screeches llke one, tee. . m i Te Sheet Fer Medal. The North Eud Rltte club have arranged for a tournament te be held at their range, near Kphrata, en August 28. Geld and silver medals will be contested for by clubs of the county. Te Furnish Steam II vat, B. U. Hershey, of Manhelm, has been awarded the contract te place steam heat ing apparatus in the school buildings of Manhelm. Went ou Duty. Henry G. Keller, the newly appointed policeman ler the Eighth ward, te succeed Frank Kautz, roslgned, went en duty this morning. larMt amlta'sTreuMe; " Israel Smith, cbargadv with drnnsan and disorderly xinduet and Inde cent exposure, appeared liefdrej Al derman Dcen this afternoon. Ha waa held en 'warrants In the hand of Constable Warfcl, for larceny and felonious entry near Intercourse Whlle , the bearing was In progress Henry Smith, a brother of Israel, called Constable Fyle outside the efllce, liegan abusing him and struck hi in. Fyle V necked lilm down and immediately brought suit for druuken and disorderly conduct against him. The alderman com mitted Henry for flve days. ' MndoAnether Complaint. Jehn Stell prolerrod iinether com plaint this nftorneoit against S. J. Martin, his partner. He charges lilm with appropriating te his own use a horse, buggy nnd harness belonging te the Arm, Martin gave lull for a hearing bo be bo fer6 Alderman ITnlbaeli. An Alleged Thlet. Fer some tlmolaceb PenU has becn an noyed by petty thefls from his brlckyanb in tbe northern end of the city. The sus pected persons were watched, and last evening Qoergo Irvln, ene of the em em peoyes, was arrested by OtTlcer Nehr. The complaints sets forth the' theft of kiln plates and two stoves. Irvln was com mitted lern hearlng by Alderman Dollet. Wanted In fork, Samuel Mcilugh was arresled to-dey by Constable C. C. Frail, cil Stewardstewn, Yerk county, near Martlcvllle. Mcilugh la charged with false pretence by 11. M. fllbbs. He was taken te Yerk for a hear ing. , ' Ixist Ills Hat. Dayld Moeuey, of Orangeand Mulberry streets, mourns the less of a $3 hat. He left it en his deer step when he retired last night. Te-day when he looked for It, hn learned that hoiiie ene had appropriated It te his own use. 0 Appointed Collector. WAHiliNfireN, July III. The President has iiiKilnted Clyde K. Hawkins, .Hill district, t j be collector at West Point, Fa. THiC HOTS WHO WOltKTHF. iii.ui:." (I. A. It. nl Bosten. Heading Itnlli-eiul'n Speclul Ia)W nutCHle the Xiitlfluiil Fucnmpment. The National Kiicainptncnt of the UranU Army of the Itcpebllc will meet at lloKten, Mass., August 10th te lOtli. Owing, te tlie locu tion rhescil and the exceptional Vaellltles for reaching It, It Is expected that this occasion will witness the greatest gathering of veterans ever seen since the memorable review In Wash ington at the cloxe et the ltebelllen. With Its iiecutteincd cnterprle and liberality, thol'hlla thel'hlla ilelphla At Heading railroad has arranged te sell HHH'lal round Irlp tickets le llonten by various routes at sucli low rales as will place a trip le the "Huh" within the reach of everybody. These tickets will he geed going August 8lh te lilli Inclusive, nud for the return trip until and Including AiigtistHHh. Te accommodate any who may wlli le remain longer tlie tickets may be extended, without addltlenul charge, until HeptcmbcrilUth, by complying with cer tain forauilltles which ticket agents will ex plain te purchasers. The Heading railroad eflVrs a great variety of routes te IIonIeii, par ticulars of which, ns well as rates and all neces sary Information, will be fully mid courteously furnished at any ticket agency en tlieltvudtng system. JyiMWtd A Vuiu Last nud Only Chnuee-Ciiteh Oil ir You'll Het Lett -TI me Nearly Up The lime of closing the " Ureal Iloteu Flre BaleofCletlilug " Is drawing te an cud, and te nils- ItNaehaneoef a lifetime. The exciting scenes nl 21 Centre Bcpiare still continue. The entire city is wild ever It. Hut ttis Is net sur prtilng, w lieu you consider that uetlilng like It has ever been sren III laiuensler. It Is net often that line talter-niadn clothing can lie secured at 10 cents nn the dollar and Mill necruccur again, ltvineinber we are compelled te mil by order of the Insurance companies, coil or wilue net considered. Clothing atnimtal , our pi Ice bofero wu close. Tn give you an Idea of what we lire doing we Mill have uirire tS cent niea's working pants; mre 1M cent belter men's pants ; meru II. IS line cusslmer pants worth I I.W, and inore ll.Viiall-woel dress pants, worth 11.50, and still mere K.IW men's suits, all te match, really north again ns much, and meie file) choice of pUlds or stripes, elegant for business wear, and still Jil.l'J line worsted drew suits, i-umwayil or sacks, iniut rer f 10, and still mere HUH tlne black Prince Albert dress suits, cost te manufacture f IK. mm mere W cent cent ehlldieu's suits, Miiith, 2,M; still inerel.:y plalteil children's sults.'werth fr'1.50, and thousands of oilier nulerful bargains be fore. Don't mlm your last nud only cluince. Car fares paid te out-or-town Infers. "Great llosteu 1 ire Hale or tlellilug," 21 Centre Kpiaic, Iinrasler, l'a. Loek Air the big nil signs. gus. jyJl-tfi A Lawyer Convinced. l'nii.AUKi.eiiM, July 18, Imhj. 7 the Stockholder! of the Vntled States timing'. Ihih iiml Jluilillnij (i.; As your rcpreejitatlveI attended wlllihoven wllliheven teeu ethers, the annual meeting of the stock holders of the United Htntes Hu lugs, Lean it HulldlngCe., held at HI. Paul, Minn., June 12, I81U. The elllcers of the company gave us a cordial uelceme upon our arilval, and nssiired us that ecry raelllty would begUcn ciry eoiiiiultlce te luvcstlgate every detail of the business or accounts. In order te luaka the most search ing and thorough liiM-stlg.itlen, dlvldul Inte four cemiiilltees. One en heetirltles ; one ou tieasurer's account; one ou books and ac count at the liuiuu elllcc, unci one cm I lie per sonnel standing of bnlh the elllcers of our en u company and these connected with usas treas urer and trustee. I Mas appointed a member of the committee te examine the leans, securi ties, abstracts unci such ether details as might be of Interest te j ou as stockholders. The lo le sult of tlioexauilmittnii of our committee coin cided with the Judgment of, the ethers " that Ilia accounts Mere all correct-, nil moneys ac counted for; tlie affairs carried en In n hul-ness-IIke manner, and the men connected theie wlth such In whom the neighbors and Ilia pub lic hud unlimited commence. We found thn Oerminla Hank, our treasurer, and the Minne sota Lean .1 Trust Ce., our trustee, te be among the most reliable or the Northwestern financial Institutions. As se much or the sleck or the company Is held In the s'ates or Pennsylvania mid New Jersey, tlie delegate suggested that Hie stock holders lliercase tlie beard of directors te seven, and elect thereto ene from each or said slates te llll these places, which was unauliueuxly as sented in, and Gee. W. Hancock, or Philadel phia, president or the Citizens Trust, Tu In demnity A Surety Ce , and 1. Homers Hlsley, of Caiiidrn, N. J., treasurer or the West Jersey TltleA Guaiiiiily Ce., were duly elected. This will gle the Kastcru stock holders mi oppertu. nlty teuscertalu al all times the condition of tlie company, nnd I tlilnk Mtll strengthen It greatly. At llic suggestion or tue hnstcru dliecters, F.lllah linker, of l'hlladelplita, has been placed In clmrge of the hooks ami clerical force of the efllce. Ills familiarity with building associa tions, he think, will add greatly tutbcslm. pllclty In keeping tlieaceoiiuUertho company. This examination convinces moor tlie geed Handing orthe company ; the reliability erits etllcers nud lliogeod business risk of the Invest men t, unci I bclleve llie stock will matiiie In the tlme designated (seven jears.l Very Itcepcclmily, jy31-ltd ISAAC D. OCU.M. itlrtVVirtiH'O. iKiiusii Tageaiit.-Oii Wcdnreday. July SO, lMV, at the jiarsenage or dram Kvan. Le. Iheniii rhurcli. by the, Itev. V. IIIMii IIhiiiu, Jlr. Henry F, Wlebusli ami Miss Anna 11. Tuc garl, all or the city or Uincaster. JU'ittltr.. "AMliKiuiiT.-.luly 5i. IfWriiilhlsclly, Lcih" M Ife erHamnel Hanibrlgtit, In her lUnd year. The relatives nnd frleuds or the family me respectfully Invlteil te attend the fuiieml, from her husband's residence, Ne. Til F.ast O ran go street, en Friday allcmoeu nt 2 o'clock. Inter, uienltu Imeniler cemetery, Twkku. At New Pre Idenci-, en July 30, ls-O. Jehn Tnced, In his Ulth year. The relatives and rrleuds or the rainlly are re speetmily Invited te attend tlie funeral, from his late residence, en Haturday ut 10 o'clock a.m., and sen Ices and Interment ut the Men Men Men notille Church ut New Providence at II o'clock. 2td ki1 ?.veY'7A.t Kvansvllle. Ind.. en July 2vi. : la"le, MeKu,J'.. '" i' Wth j car of li?.' The relutlvcs and rrleuds or the Tamlly re re jlectfally Invited te uttcud Hie mnernl from hl father-in-law's i cldence, Jacob Klehl, Ne KIKikl New street, en Friday ineniliig at S u clock. Mass at Ht. Mary's church ut 8:3il. In. tcriucut at Ht, Clary's ceuietcrr, k . -Mr " aM"'i I i"i i ' Mr stack Market. KAsTbaKaTr,Jnlyl-Osttle-ttecelpU.217s ahipmrtiU, 711 ! market slaw; prime, naea 4 40: fair te soed, W MMC4 1 common, W-, l)iilKcewjidtnjr,ias4)( nine e-ni cattle ah!prdt4Nc.arlr. " " Hega Hmelpu, IK0 1 MllpmenU. IViO: market active: medium nnn selerted, II 101 IA : common te best Yorkers, IS K4 05 1 111!", $3W) C$4 un;, Irani shipped tn New Yerk. Klieep Rec4lM,t''.0i0: hliiinens. 000: market dulltprftnejru'WU 24 fHlrlfOed,l 4 T.'i ; rtsnmen, W 0QrA(:'yfnHli(V lambs, I&V52J1 snrlnr lambs II 00m5 75. UHicA(ie,Jul)00-itcel'U,,JIi-. hlrmenle, 4.(100; lower) Inxsvcs, W lu enj !", II W3I fOlsterkmi and rwlt 19 26981; cows, bull and mixed, It 4003SO; Tesu calilr, I LMH ai 1 Western ruiiiicrs, i liU IW. , WB-lfccelptii. lanne; hlpmeiiu,l(8 mat kct lower I mixed, 1.161444 8MC"vy, S3UX3.SK); lljlit, UttVKO; sklp,tivaei3'.6 Mlicep-llccelrtUi, 10.0UO: slllttlictlt. 2000 1 mar mar ketlewcrj natlves.il mQYtei Weytern. IIM IfiO; Texana,tsi WIS0: Umbt, (4 7SO500. UvrrAUe, Juiy8a-Sitile-itecii,ts, vSjOhead ; none frculi en sale ; dull, Irregular. hiipeii nnri ljimli itMinu. aine beail; 3.000 en sale; market dull and .lower. Mhecp choice le extra, MU09& a; tnedinm loaeod, Sal; in 40; fair tt am ee: common vi in (rtillM lAmnb gwsl te choice. WOOO 40j fair te geed, II 00$ g&V.inistlumlefalr.lia.VfMO'l. , , . Itoga ltecrlpu,u;; lJensnle: market firm ; selected medium weights and selected heavy ends, 14 10.4 15 : Keed Ui choice heavy, 14 0Va4 10; selected Yerk welghU, II IS 04 SO; mixed pigs and light 'Yerker;. Witt &IO!ll!(hlplg,t.U034 00: roughs, 13 0033 lb; pigs, II fO. StoeK MarlceW. Uuowtleus by Reed, McUrann A Ce., bankers NKW YOKK LIST. 11 A. Kyttt Atchison. Top.,HanUlFe... tVi 43 Canada Facluc - - C (.. C A I.hi. ....M......H. ...... ...... ...Ml 8 l. M. 42Ji Colerado CVsel. ...........-. Central l'aclfle-i..l.-.......t. Canada Heuthcrn .. .... Chl.HU U A Phg Den. A HleU. - ISsl. 1,. A W Krlflii H(aiMMmmlHIHH Krle 2udJ . Jer O.....M K. AT Leu. A NM. L Hhere ........ Mlch.Oen 4 I $6 & 1K 2J 85J4 W,i 86 Missouri I'nclflc.. TA I Heck. Valley 30. soy. ajJ ati? HI". is. i-. " N. P. Prff. . 81i 81 N. West.. N. Y. 0 107Ji New England tV,l Kiixt Tennessee... ... Omaha Oregon Transcontinental... Wii Ontario A W. ly, l'acine Mall Klchinend Terminal 22U HU l'a nl .. s,rj Texas Pacific............ .S:... 'X'i Union Pacific Ql Wabash Cem Wabash I'rcf.. rr. 20 Western U , West Hhere Henda. , 1'KII.AUII.I'llIA LIST. Leb. Val A 111 . '8& 107'i 4S. 47 Mil 41 21 V, Til JO l 12i 20 m It. H. Y. A l'hlla,..., Fa. H. it Heading I.eli. Nav Hestenv. Pass P.AK N. Cent, Ml C2 Peeples ress- Hdg 4's OU.... -. SS! s.i'.i; ss. Ixical Hteclf nnd llenils. Hepertcd by J. 11, 1eng. ' Far Last value, sale, ijuirasterClty, 10-20 year 4's or 1SSI. let) 102 " " lO-IM year 4-s of ISM. leu 101 " " l.MUear4Veri81H).. 100 l'K " HchoelCsdiuilKiei. 100 102 " " 4'sduelNU 100 101 " " 4'sduelliO......... 1U) 101 Columbia Borough 4's due HOI.......... 100 103 Mai.hclm bemneh 4J4 lean 100 102 MlSCKI.I.AMtOUH STOCKS. Oiiarryvllle It. H GO 1 .MIllersvlllnHtreclCar.. M.. &0 OH Impure Printing Company 60 Ki Gaslight and Fuel Company. 2r 10 Htevcns Heuse (llends)A 100 W Columbia Gas Company. 25 23 Columbia Water Company 10 11 Husquehaniia Iren Company 100 2UV2.1 Marietta Hellew-ware 100 210.10 Htevcns llouse 60 1.05 MlllcrsvlllcNormalHcheol 2Ti Is Nei lliern Market 60 75 Hastcni Market 60 68 Gas Company llenils (5 ikt ct. 1000).. 100 Ml Ounrry vllle It. It. 7's 100 107.20 lUadlugA SeliimblaH. lt.&s....i...'100. lus.2 Ecllsen Light Company 60 67.60 Western Market ." 50 47 Heutheni Market 60 :v LaucHsicrCllyHtreel Hallway Ce.,.. 60 45 West Eud Htreel Hallway 60 00 Helvetia leather Ce., 60 00 Watch Factory 6-s 100 101 Line Cheui. Ce 100 1.15 TUIINPIKE STOCKS Uilieaster A FrullvlUu 60 40.60 luucutcr ALHItx ' 7,75 Laneinter A Wllllam.stewn 25 100 lainenstcrA Maner 60 110 Lancaster A Manhelm. 25 :r7 25 l-uucuster.fc Marietta. , 25 20 IjincuslcrA New Helland IK J SO lllg Hpilng A Heaver Valley.. 25 4.75 Bridgeport and Horseshoe PIJS 21 Jelnuililn A Chestnut Illll 20 27 Columbia A Washington.........., 20 20 Coucstega A lllg Hprlng.,.... 25 IS Marietta A Mount Jey. 25 25 banc. .Ml. Jey A ICIIrabetlitewu . HO 00 uiui-iister AHnMpiehamia..'. tiOO 200 Uiiicister A New Dam llle 25 II Columbia A Marietta 25 20 Maytown A Kluabcthtewu ., 25 (ri Ijiiucuslcr A Kulirata. 'JO 40 Ijincnster A WlllewHIreet. 21 45.75 HlnisburgA Millport.... . . 25 20 Marietta A May town 25 V0 HANK STOCKS. First National Hank . 110 205.25 Farmers' National Han It. 50 120 Fulton National Hank.... 100 200 laiuensler County National Hank... 50 us.25 Nei lliern National Hank t 100 125 Peeples' National limit 100 l:u Keystone National Hank, .Manhelm 100 11:1 Columbia National Hank 100 115 Christiana National Hank 11X1 125 Conehtega National Hank 10U KM ICpliniln National Hank IUI 175 Flisl National lUnk, Columbia.. Us) 145 First National Hank, Hlraslmrg 100 141 First National Hank. Marietta 100 200.25 Fltxl National Hank, MLJey 100 107 Lltltz National Hank ltu 110 Meuntvllle National Hank 1IU 100 Manhelm National Hank 100 1.10.75 Union National Hank, Mount Jey ,. 60 61 New Helland National Hank. lltl 175 (lap National Hank 100 117 Oiiarryvllle National Hank 100 Ml Ellzabctlitewn National Han. . 100 125 Central National Hank. Columbia... PX) 112 ilem S.vlvtialVlltlVuta. e HEAl'-PUHE HYF. W1UHKI1, IIIiACK- bciry, Ginger ami ivimunci llrnnuics. HOHHUH'H I.IQUOK HTOHE, Ne. 22 Centre Kqnare, lAHKIAUEB, AS. OKO. S. NOUIIECK'S Deerscrr Carriage Works, Cemer of Duke and Vine Htrei. All the Latest btylcs or FINK VKHICLKH new ou hand. Great liargalnslu Ncwaudbec Ncwaudbec eud'Hand Weik. Fer sale at u very low price : A secend-liaiid M Cull Wagen ; a second-hand I'lueteu ; a sec ond hand LlghlTrettlng Uuggy; a second-hand JymrKscat Carriage; two second-hand Market Magnus; three ktceuiMiaud Tep Haggles ; one ('mine HiK'kaway. Call and gel bargains at Gee. H. Norbeck's IKiersetu Carriage Works, corner or Duke and VlneHlreels. iU-lycl.H Q I if MEDIA f?'-Lt.t Academy ; girls. Circulars free. U'A.) boys. MILITARY llioeke Hall; JyJ02md I Jl' 111.11' HAl.U-TO-MOHHGW (FIUI)AY), ut ti o'clock n. in., at Ne. OH Houth ijueen sireet.erau Elegant Ash Itedroein Hulte, Ccn Ccn tre Table. Mattress, Wire Hed-Hprlng, Chairs, Tables and many things uel named. It JOEL L. HAINES, Auctioneer. 171VF.Il HAY A CHEAP DAY AT HEINIIOLDH. wu AT IS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO create a Beautiful Lum n or llenew an Old une. huH HAKLEQUlNFltUITT PUIIE JAMAICA bPIRITS. 20 KlKlNO. II. E. HLAYMAKEH, Agt. DO YOU WANT WORK? GOTO LANCAS TER EMPLOYMENT UUREAU, Ne. Gl North Ditke street. (SCHOOL TAX, IS00 THE HUPLICATF. IH IO new lu Iho hands of the Treasurer. Three )er cenl. oil If paid lMrore August 1, Otllce hours from 0 a. in. till I p.m. W. e. M A Its 1 1 A LL, Treasm er. Je5lauldIt Ne. 12 Centre Square. riSROUTA KHAN K. ELAinrasHiam nl-Ud J llgures, gote JOHN HlisT, sii East Fulton stritt. m7-trd "IHISMAN'a. ""new dress scarfs. -llGAHMAIiEIW WAITED. CIGARMAKERS WANTED. JySKUd- OULINQER 11U03. A CO. -liriLI) CAT GLEN IS ALWAYS OPEN ? ler Ml J)20-3silced torlslters. Fer nartleuUrs. address e ., . ..m... i. ........... ........... XU11(. UAXVIVSit.l.,,.lir,M. 1 71011 RENT-COAL AND LUMHEU YARD J at Lcudiui) I'Jsre. Apply te WILLMM leaman, Jj'Jtf.tfdS ' Uamau Place. lw'aiaitHtmtHtr Jt! lAibrleaters. Olmm m .Cmm t Kmrlnm. yna ran ir them l,-OflJ SMrnSBM 'virBHAVisTHBrJwrr AflsrjitriiBKT or VV 1'ines and cigar Helden. rrenek Brter FlpeslnCwtee.AOceawh. All the line BraMa of Bmeklng Tobaeeei. f L IMUtUTiraaOABBTORB, alB-tMR 1I4K lKlMtr 4. t i- ANOTHKR LOTOr QUEKN8WARK FROM Auctleu, AT HEIKHOLD-S. BAl.TIMOllE MUTUAL AID HUC'IETY. Itequtre several competent aaA trast trast wertlir men of sentlcmknly appeiranea te act as colffcters. Alse two men as assl. snots, W.J. UARNRTT. JeS-tfd 1 M East King HL, Lancaster, Fa. BEST 0c HAVANA KILLER CIOAR IN Ibe city, at BILLY WAITZ'H, Nes. 6 A 1(B North Queen 8L deccVBmdM.Tu.ThA TirANTEtl-HOMHES TO PASTURE. K. ft Address. . . -. ' Bpr29-tfd W.W.OROSB,Ieffsv)lle,Pa. TJENHIONH. B0UHTY. WfJllEAB. PENSIONS Fer all Soldiers and Soldiers' Idews by ap plying te M. V. Kilburn, AUTHORIZED ATfORNEY, Ne.at)JN. Water St. References (Ikh. IL A. HAXBlitanT, Hen IJ. W, rATTgllSOM. Wounded at Ferry villc, Ky., October 8, 1802. REMOVALS OF DESERTION. jriU-lwdR DIBCHAR0E8. REIOART'H OLD RRANDY. Ne family should be without a bettle at this season or ine year. z k. kink bi. 20 E. KINO ST., U. K. S. " JurielJ-Tu.ThAS B EST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CIOAKS tbe City, at HII.L.Y WAITZ'H, con. e a juu ierui uuecu au dccMmdM.Tu.ThJ4 rTUIE COLORED CAMPMEETINO TenHMKLU IN JOSEPH DETWEILER'S WOODS, Near Mount. toy, begins en August 2d, te con tinue ten days. Excursion rates will bs given from all points en nil railroads. The rare from this city 67 cents. Fine singers and eloquent preachers will belli attendance. Jy303td TTIULTON FARMERS' CLUB AND FULTON JJ ORANUK AHMEMIILY FOR lsOO. rropo rrepo rrope sltlons le be submitted te the committee for (he exclusive prlvllege or supplying loodandrc leodandrc loedandrc rreshlnr (non-alcoholic) drinks, lee cream. cases, iruiiA, nuis aim coiiieciiensaunngiue two days' Assembly at Black Ilarren Springs, Fulton township. In the early part et Septem ber, 1KJ0, will be received and Information given en or bofero August 4th, proxime. JAMES BLACK', 323 North Duke St., lAiicaster, l'a. JULY 28, 1800. ty2Mtd J. H. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO8 :i. Evening Shades, in Nun's Veilings, worth 25c, at I2c a yard. 100 pieces of 10 and i2c Ginghams at 8c a yard. Parasols All our $2 te $5 at $1 each. 25 dozen ei Men's Percale Shirts (with cellars and cuffs), at 25c each, worth 50c. 50 dozen of Men's and Ladies' regular made Balbriggan Hese, at I2c apair. Fans! Fans! Fans! 1,000 Fancy Colored Fans at 2c each, worth 5c. Plain Goods, for Plain People, in large variety, at low prices. 500 White Bed Spreads at extraordinary low prices. Black Henriettas and Black Cashmeres at Special Bargain prices. Ladies' and Men's Summer Underwear at Lew Prices te close out. Special Bargains in our China Department. Cor, Prince & W. King Sts., LANCASTKK. FA. e HEAP RUSSET JJliOliS. They Must Ge! Having bought tee many Men's Russet Shoes ami Oxfords I have decided te sell them eir AT AND BELOW COST RATHEUTHANCARRYSO.MEOVER UNTIL NEXT SEASON. Men's ll.Ue Russet Itnls Marked Down le 11.25 " i!.IO ' " " " 1.01 ,1 nM .1 .. . Mfy " a 00 " " " " 2.60 " 6.00 " " " " S.00 Heys' l.W " " " " 1.35 Men's 10RusctOxrerds " " 1.85 " (LTOSealSkln" " " 5.00 Men's 11.25 Tep Bele Wigwams, S's, 9's and 10's, .Marked Ilewn te $1.00. A Full Display Can Be Seen in East Window AS MAHKJiD 1)0 W'y. CeninihMe and Quality with tho.oiutcr the.oiutcr tho.eiutcr tlfccd as being marked down elsewhere. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, N03.3 A 6 EAST KINU STREET, LANCASTER, FA. "Store Closed Every Evening aid o'clock Es.cclMenday aud Saturday. Great Bargain Sale ! J. B. Martin d Ce., ym aicrtlMmMi. N KXT DOOM TOTHK COURT HOUBK. !- THESE COMING ARE CLEARINQ'UP TIMES. Yeu will find many reduction In Warm Weather Stuffs and Odds, and In every deparU VOU Can bUV Atfl tlnrvnlh ICmh. I.. ... ,....( lr.! nt..tit . ll ttl v..At. . ... WM.V .A. V.M.M I...M IUU. A Mid-Summer. Bargain Jest, In li 100 dozen chiefs, with Fast Celer Borders, at three cents just double. FRHNESTOCK'S 3fe and 37 East Kinj? Jlctu SlttuecttBcmettt. rpiN TOP JELLY GLASSES AT STsj PER IXiien, AT RElNHOLD'a TJ1 HISMAN'S. OXFORDSASHES. XJOR RENT-NO. 118K EAST KINO STREET, 3 room formerly e"cupled by Jehn A. Ceyle. my8-Tu,ThAStra ALLAN A. UERR. BILLY WAIT. HAS THE REST TWO FOR 6c and 6c Cigars tn the State," at ju. a at no huhiii uubt.fi ai. dec5-6mdt.Tu,Th H RECEIVED OIRKOT FROM NAPA VAI, ley Wine Ce., California, superior 7.lnf;in del Claret, Untailel and Frnntlgnan Wines. The last named Wine Is very delicate aud a de licious Ladles' Wine. SI EAST KINd STREET. CITY, H. K. SLAYMAKER, AgL DO YOU WANTHEI.PT GOTO LANCAS TER EMPIA1YMENT UUREAU, Ne. 01 North Duke street. T710R RENT-ONEOFFIOE ROOM, SECOND J2 fleer. Ne. 2!) Centre Bnnare. Apply nt M. 11 AIIERUUSH'S HARNESS STURE. J)-29-tld . T OUR OKEIUE YOU CAN GET ANY L nmeunt of LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICH ER. M U8I0 CATALOGUE WITH NEW EDI. tlen and price list sent upon application, AT REINHOLDS, Opposite P. It. It. Depot. AREAUTIKUL LAWN. HOWEVER small It mav be, Is a great luxury. LAN CASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICHER. T4,f ARIETTA PRESERVING KETTLES, .iVL AT REINHOLDS. IN FIVE, TEN.T WENT Y-F1VE AND FIFTY Pound Packages. LAWN ENRICHBR. Beld everywhere. CHERRY HRANDY-SLAYMAKERS Su perior Cherry llrandy rer Diarrheea and Hummer Complaint. 2ft EAST KINO ST., II. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt. "PENSIONS. PENSIONS The New Pension Illll Just passed entitles all Soldiers, Widows, Miner Children ami Depen dent Parents te a pension. I will attend te nil applications placed In my hands promptly. I have hail Tour years' experience In the pension oillce at Washington, D. C. SILAS W. SHIRK, JcZtKJtndRI 10 North Duke St., Lnucaster, Pa. Ty iENNERCIIOR SUMMER THEATRE. Week Commencing MONDAY, JULY21. Millikcn & Cerlrss Opera Ce,, In the Favorite Opera, " Chimes of Normandy," Willi Miss Nettle Deceurscy a'-Scrpelctte." WAdmlssIen. 10 cents. CHRIS llURGER, Proprietor and Manager. Week Commencing Monday, August 1, " ER. M1NIE." mjavOmd TJALACE OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S Pake of Fashion, 116 & 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER. PA. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST i & 2, Great Sale -OF- LIST OF FIFTY CENT ARTICLES. Night Gowns, with yoke of fine tucks and lace or embroid ery inserting, only 50c. Skirts, excellent muslin, with wide Hamburg edging ruffle, 50c Corset Cevers, fine Cambric, with 2 rows of fine Hamburg edging or Torchon lace, only 50c Drawers, fine muslin, fine tucks and wide Hamburg em broidery ruffle. Chemise, with elegant wide yoke of Hamburg edging and inserting, 50c Let 3, at 75 cents apiece. Chemise, Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Cevers, Drawers, &c. Nene of the above yerth less than $1, and many of them $1.25 apiece. Come for them quick ! lislm Underwear ! AUGUST DAY! .tuvu. , .. .. ... JJ JVl.t I Ladles' and Children's Hemstitched Uaa each, or two for rive cents. They are J St., Lancaster, Pa. Ww 3tvcvHmemcitt. BASsF,4Li:x5rs,T5gTVADLE AN1 29 EAST KINO STREI THEY CAN ALL COPY RUT VeNB Equal Uilr Walts' Hnvm.i ifiiur t "' --.. 5ffi L m N0T WEEN 4 uv.VuiU.,,lll,,U "VTEW UOODS. LOW PRICES ANDACJ JL.-S mere iioem makes shopping , ennui AT RE1MIOLI rplIE ONLY ClUAH STORE WHERE JL. can purchase Imported and Kev Ulgars,undIi.K.Gmvetpv'8HiipcrlerCaven4 DEMUTII'S CI uai; hter: 1 lUlCastKlngSt alS-1 Telephone. TRISMAN'S. BLACK SUSPENDERS. milE SEAMLESS CDOKINO WAR! I ftntir iliirntiLi ntiH nL.... m uv.uMj,(uuiuiuuillUll-UIi, AT REINIIOLD CARD WE MAKE "Till'. NATmr) Surely I Illll Wheel In threef.lzcs(C lersen'R Patent.) Korsliertturnliig.strej durabllllv urn mntrlilcKa. 1 in.v ului n Anil nud a neat finish. Try them, Every wheel Is el anteed. NATIONAL MANUFACTUINQC4 jyij-iwu ai 10 ou Hiicrmnn St., l.:uicaster lONTREI.I. AOOCIIIIANK'H lllllll.TM , Vj lieltast Ginger Ale. The very liestOI Ale IliiDertPd te ttie U. H. iS EAST KI.NO HITIEET, CITY 11. JV. .Tl..l JMA1-. I'.ll. At TUDUES HAVE LONU SINCE DEC1PJ tj inai limy tvauz's cigar Is the lies'. In I nutie. i'orsaieul . , ,NOS. & A 103 NORTH QUEEN f ucceliuui,!! 11,111,13 "UR CIOARH. GOLDEN I.IOVANtl J Qucrlila, are clear Havana niler 5 cigars, hanil'iuaile. In hnYcn nf "V m nml in , . , DI'.MUTH'S CIQAR STORK iunniii8iicu r,7u. lUKasiKlugbtre rpilE NEW SEAMLESS STEEL COOKil a Hiirc m ncuer man graiiiteauu hair the nrlce. AT ltEINHOLD'l I JMJUO-lllIUS, KUK i,lTTLK OIAlMT, 114 Reller r ruder, Peuberthy Iii'iK-eter, Amerll Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN IIEST'S.I itsi. r iiit..iiiMii.'eL. m7ll OARRY IN STOCK REST CIIARCeJ HiiinmcmtlUr Iren. Deuble Refined IrJ "UI'Clll P IIIU'I- 11UII, lllVUIN, llOl 111111 II Heller Iren, Wed, Sheet iron ;M0 te Ne. Ill JOHNllLsrs.ui;! tiist Fulton street. in7-tl A OENCY FOR CALLAHAN A CO'S f tiirttit In f Irn t lin nlnnn nf ttaii f mrl ttllllrlt liidlrna film Miiin-i tins niunillli' nf I lfs.'lil mill Id ft iP LMivrlftr tn ttitilrlur eLhiii'i t-sl J hand hole, plates en belll An., Ac, l'rlce a) eeiits per pound, nt JOJ umi r., ., ritti v iiiiiiiiHin'ui. ill,ll 3" d( tJJ9JKJJ Inch te (J Inch diameter, I Miiealn Imvllguic, and the only house III 1 city wiin aplpecuttlns inaclilue, culling uil U Inch illaineler.nl. tOHN UEST'M,:Kii:nst1 ion street. mi-tl 37IOR HOLTS, LAll SCREWS, SKTSCHEV ? Snuareinid Hoxiejen NutA. lhoei?onils sleck, at JOHN RESTS. tlEl EuhI Eulton stril m7-lfl mANKSFOR WATER. OILS. ACID OR tiJ JL nfnnv shaie or i-apaclty, nt fair prices, lujuti iii'i.ii.i., iisir uiieusireci. in7"l TF IN WANT OK I1RAKS OR IIUJN HTJ I Cocks, Ashestft Packetl Cocks, Pet aud 11 .ijck, iiuur ieuki, mvniif jeinis, can una a them, or send your order by mall, teJOll lir.ST, XO EastFullen street. inT-tel IOR PRATT' .t (3ADY ASllliSTOS Dli 1 Vrill'u li.lllrlllu 'nl. u. lien. a I 1I..I... r..l. I lines C:tte Valves, Iren Rudy Olebe Valvl lver Safety Valves, Pep Safety Valves, A Valves, Radiator Vule, Pratt's SwlDgl Cheek Valves. Ilrnsi Check VaHet.Foet Valvl Angle Valves, call at JOHN UUaT'S, .1X1 Eil riuioiieiieci. in,uii ITIOR I'ULLEYS, HIIAITING, COLLAIU ? Hangers, Claiuii lie.xes. Couplings, etc., I lujcjiii, ikiv,i,., ii.iv,, r ii nun Hirccu m-i T710R STEAM OAt'GIl, HIGH OR LOl i' 1'reHsiire, v ti I c r Gauges, Gauge Ceck Weed Wheels or Weighted. Glass Tub Whittles, SwiIieim for Kle.im Gauges, Cyllndl Olln. J Dlnll. l'.it..K.l n . ...In... 1.1 ,-.w.t.a .1 i.. .b. - ....... ...tiv, i,iiiti;u ..v.,,1,11111., .uvuh , Steam Ganges.call en .IOIIN REST, XU Ea Fultenslrcet. ui7-tfd IJ'ORCAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, UlT nlaln and reduclnir. tin le(llnch dfmne Malleable Killings, Manges, Pl.itije Union Manifolds, Aineile.iii Unions. Tube Support iiangerx, ricHirniKi i euuig riaics, goiejuii REST'S. Sit Kill If'illimstMi't. m7-ird m-w-rll ITU .."wii.v AirL.n,. ,.ii,,ii..t u W ....... V.W. .w.. ....t-..., v.. . Mj. u tlie peiiuil, lUe; III lets of 10 pounds eter.Dc. All gtssls delivered leniiv part of th city Free. Call en JOHN REST, Ne. 33.1 Eai A' UllUII ntu-vi. IllCtAA riOLtf RRONZE. LIOUIDH AND SIZINd X for steam erlc,nt JOHN REST'S, SM EaJ Fulton street m7-tfd I C1TEAM it EAT lSTHECOMINtl HEATKOB (j direlllngs elitnvli,s, n-hoel houses, ctel iiiuugn Miccedniuy nscu uuu iiinicireu years age. When you contemplate u tliange call ei JOHN 1HSST, who will give you a satlsfaeter juu, iilh i.nr jirici'. m.-iiu A GREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD Oil NeivLnwiisbynslngLANCASTERCHEMl lU.lllCU.Ml'AM klWil C..-V1UL llh.K. 171011 llOILERM, HORIZONTAL. TAUULARl JTJ Vertical, Portable, C Under, Murine, el any slze or power, of the best material nml workmanship, go e JOHN REST, i'M East Full ion siiccu ui,-iia ITIOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY ENl ; glues, from 'J leN) horse-power nud Vertl c.u r.ugines ireni aiew iinrMpiiuir, you wui Unci I hum ut JOHN HESPS, ill I-ifct Fulton TTIORROILERIUIIE RUUSIIEs, STILLSOt I'ipe Wreuelies.PlnoauilMe.il.. r Wreuclie eernblncd, File. Oil Can-, etc, go te JOHN! nii r.ixi-i i-ist Pinion sireci. iiiiiu 1 lUMPS. IIOILERS. MINING t'KNTRIFU- L cal nnd Steam Pumps nt any cipaelty, utl JOHN REST'S. .tCU'.iat Fulluu sln-eU in7-tfd I TT- ADIATOIH. OF ANY MAKE IIU.HeI LV sign, can lie furnished ulroaseiuhle figures, ty JOHN HEnT.XU Ijist Fulton street. Im7-lfcll "TTIOll CASTINGS, I RON OR RRAKS, LIGHtI l.' or ueiivy, in sunn nonce, go id junni 11 EsT. !;13 llisl FulUiii street, ni7-tfd XF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAW PORTABLE Engine and Heller, ou wheels, cheap, ns the billowing prices shen-; H horse-peHer, $175; 8 lierse-pcmer. tva ; 10 horse-iower, Se75; 15 horse herso horso pewer, ts73; 'J) horse-power, 1 1,175, call at JOHN iH-ii .-,.u r-nsi i-uiuinsireeu iiw-uu PARTICULAR ATI'ENTION PAID 'IO Medel Making, Patterns, Driwlngs mid lllue Prints, at priced retiMinulilc, nl JOHN RESTS. XXi Kjist Fulton tns't. iu7-tld TRACKINGS, AS FOLWIWS; IMRIGO, FOR 1 Steauinnd IIjdiaiilloP.icklug.AsbestReiie, Woven ami Wick Packing, lleinp Packing, As bestos Mill Hen.t. Asbe.bw Cement, Asbestos .Suciithluc.Guiii Pac!:!ng,Giiin Rings for Water Gaugis, Plumb.ige Packing, ItemV Patent As. bestm, Lluisl MTtlenal I'll Ceicr, nl JOHN REsrs.XilKiHl FulleustreeU m7-lfd rTlHESTliAMlTR " "LADY GAY" Will Icave Hie whaif fui Rm-k Springs Park every day except sunda, ut 10, 10:10 (Water Werksl. 11:W a. L';-J0, 1:10 (Water Werks.l J.i0,3.-"JO, 1-00 i Water Works; 5.0, 6:10, 7.-00, 7:10. iWJ mid WD p. in. i Water Works.) Sunday ecrlerty iuluuuulttr 1 p. in. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, lOu, Including arvs te Park, uud Springs. At At IracUeus nt Park. Dancing ravlllen, Swings, llaniniecks, Sheeting GalK-ry, Rentlug, Fish. Ing.ctc. iiiriiexcan seeuren.iii ny railing in u. jt, Aiiitersnn's Cen fit tbinery. Last King street, ei en the proprietor, J, li, Peeples, SI West King or mr street j)s-iint tf&atd. ..JJ . . V9m.jwnair i.r'w,cr.v - v -