57TO-T;r'-s!- iTt A rtV-J' WiT"iWYi tSDAY.MtiliY. 31, 1890. rMnmmiPm if.- "V iff- -L li, IS., 9-jTif- W "edf '.MH Si til- --. ) f" mitt Jtttelltgetw NMUtir I. WEIIOI Alf, '.v OKAKURBTEmMAN FOLIC, Mllen. OSHtT CLARK raDUUMT. K T DAILY IWTELLIOESCKR.-iublUnea i Tfy day in the year, bntS.Uuday. Served 1 br ewrlert 'In this rlty and xarreaudlnc town at ten cent a week. Byrnannveaoi Byrnannveaei b a year la ad Twice : 50 cent a month. V WMSKLX IHTELLIGENCER-One dollar and if-v, . My cents a rear, in advance. ..taenci TO BUBSCRIBERS-Rctnlt by check VN. ar MMlefllra order, and where neither of Jya; ikataMB be nreenred send In a reflitered thtarM at the Pottefflce. an lecend clan mall ' Jt.- .. U ' "" -. i.'-H . ADDXKI, TBS MTfel.ljlUfinVM, Lancaster, la. & LAK0A8TEK.PA.. Jnly31, 1890. tss Oar Laid question. i-e -he rniiia is tee crevvtu ei ewn-iumg vl 41.1a Anflntrtr flint fillnetlntia flf IllO $- tU.9 WUMWJ M.V .""'-' - Imest vital importance often nwtiniF 'gigantic proportions before tliey nre fully perceived even ny tne advance 'gard among tliinkcre. Among the Sl-'mauv examnles of this truth, nene Is gmore striking thnu the hind question. 'J)e our Intelligent runners, especially thee who vote the Kepiiuiicati iickei 1 1 vnr Aftr vrnr. knew wlint tills rillCS- & tien menus? De they understand Its IfTeaarlDK upon their vocation and upon l&J It a fuliim" Tin ilmv Irnniv wlipm in II X IpSVthe responsibility aiul wliein te blame V SB? We fear net. co Ieug aim se persistent p has been their struggle in the meshes of the net formed by the hnrd conditions 3jaurreutuling (hem high prices ferull " ;ltiey purcnase, low prices ier an mcj S&. Mil, and heavy taxes upon all thelr poi- session tnat they nave- nau no time tjl .ah ILa .1ii.1i. nf ..nl. .-.I..I.I tr.ti3 'lur IUC BlUUJ ui niiuu HIHBHUIIOi "'v- iXbUSj IUGU) uireuj lOMLtl nv.uw " e - ... a..... unniiii rni'inia. ..nmn .ii s its nliitses. for sucn a review may net preve valueless even te the political student, te iiegitt Willi incts which arc most familiar, nil newspaper renders have seen the statement which lias been recently appearing In diflcrent forms that the population of tunny of our country districts here in highly favored 6-gj Xancaster county has 1ecn decreasing psr that the census shows that It is less te- EX!, ai. 4ltan llwnft l.in vanrci mm Have ft - URJ ...U .V ., .. ..... ,,,.. ..- e.t our larmers iukcu iiieniseives whv tills is true ? Ut0hs they demandud an e.x- ;''.; Tilfinatleu from the nelltlclans for whom Zift1 4Vtv jftt, nt'nnt vimr nvwl it'lin nf-nllllui f."i"'Vi-t.,M,cl,lnp tlrul ,f nil flin ItitTeklH lf .' J " W IU Vt . B VH. ... " ..."... VaKrlculture and the protection of the m farmer? aJ ' But this fa by no means a local i)he- iajfe. nomenen. Farms liave been deserted f!$l by owners and tenants for mere than u tr .Mili It. T.u ltirvlnii.I In TVftlw Vfiflr UCVAUV ! A1VCT AU(.(41I lit HUH A1'.. cast aud throughout all or tne siiuaie states. "tX.Wuv should this le under u Kystem ei gt protection which the politician, when EtFpeaklng te the farmer, declares was ln- . Btiiuicu ier ins especial ixiiieut, iuni tiJalt . - . ..-. when addressing the laborer, Hwuara was S? invented Belely f S;when the hat Is for his? Why Is It that i tifieuutfl rtiiiml fnr inni. r. - " . ... SiV-palgn cxieiisci, the largest centrlbu- vtleus ceme from the manufacturer, te i,S4i ,wnem no eiaoernto argumeuts nre ever S'f addressed ? rcrhnns it Is becuuse the fj'.ntan who " makes millions every year i3ajwnen tiines are geed " needs no ether xfV. l-a.lllilnnf :;j Again, large farms all ever the laud 'fi are increasing in number while small iV fkrma ak rclfirlVLlv ili.nrpfiHliiLr. Tin ?$f leAf. fiuVT1a'iilinii.'B ilifil In llie rliieiiilf. I. W """"" ... .. ...w .v.-...w .. Cween 1ST0 uud 188(1, farms under UK) f acres iucrcascd in number only 10 icr &eent.; farms of mere than 100 and under , ' 600 acres Increased 1M0 per cent.: of ever k$g 600 and less than 1,000 acres, 000 jew P61 ccui.; while these or ever a kY?i J,wu iiL-iv.i JUUIUU.HCU iu iiuuiuer "-tinl. lea tliim KINI ru.r kkii! 'I'iilu a Carries with it the necessary cenclu- feli'Blen that the number of tenants and ! farm laborers nre Increasing out of all proportion te the increase of small laud Bjff&te owners. And the justice or this cenclu- ?J$t anM VL'litnli wlimva Hint Ien vitnmftimniiu. C.W, .....v.. w..., v .... ......wu.. Jv-j luuriu ui uur iniiuein uvic uireutiy n."ii ST?"lAnlii. An if linlirnt nurntlnrv fiirm lmwln biz- rinv uvnruu'liant r.itlnn 111 .t.liti unllint &5r i i ,"'" " , " , " ' '"", i "" " , srfsy ii iuc iiiijireveu mrui inuus ei me wheiu sa country were put uiidcr the sheriff's rJSJv hammer te-day they would uet fell for stai xwi-iuiru ei lueir viiiiiu iweniy-uve S- vvears age. Hair a century age, farm m&f mortgages were rare In this country. Mas. wniie te-day the unniertgaueiV-,'1";'",' i, ?- the except "r iti-w?": tfi8 estimated that the "Western farm mortgage business nlene lins already reached the vast sum of $150,000,000 an- 'iKijually. The capitalists or New Kug- . ;K-lnd held mertirnccs en 3,'U ner cent, or i'her farms. The New Yerk state aircut 1. reports that 30 per cent, et her farius are Uiungageu tin u uveiuguui euj jn-i ij;ui. i 1 .... .. , i c2 ..n . ..i.-n ''f their estimated value. Andse it ls itirougheut the cntire,tiary. ue ltepueu.esrrparty while In eon- m lugeucrai geverunient, lestereii fstlll Jestcrs by every law it has en- - )ea the subject or the pub '"lide, the growth of monopoly iirlhifilluin ft linu liii i I wliatvwl iiuivoiteuii v HMD riiHiiuivu is of our vnsl public domain way corporations, or allowed ute the hands of great capital- Hud speculators. It has net lvded that " America shull be Mis"iu this trim aud only "l. . ..i x...i i ii Ti iWlll r-uu I'"! ulu ,,us " Gleria 61 acres te become the private M$ property of rapacious foreign landlords, the Mobility of England and continental Europe, who have no Interest Iu America except te draw from the pockets of their American tenants millions of dollars in rent every year. Twenty-nine .alien " ataentee landlords " already own U0, 647,000 acres iu this country an ex- ;' & $K pause of territory us large us the whele (? or Ircluud. Aud they possess mere ife power here than in tyrant-ridden Ire- .ilann. rnr lr tlin TrUh fenriiil fnll ttifn rrears nud can prove that his rent is 'rH N- t.l.,1. . ...!. .l 1.1... -.. II..... . .1 r j,,,UKiiiK i" an win iuiii it mir living, i lie W Jaudlerd cannot eject him, but the laud te'Sceurts will lower his rent and grant him S? term of yearn iu which te nay that : which has accrued. Uut in free America S'A frtiii iitiwfiti Iiiflfllnrfl iifit. fililv rniiinvd Hi the tciiaut and his family from the fiT 'premises, but under ills i reu clad agree- v ltiAtil ubM tmnil lila fnrtilf ill ctinl Sf and tools and sells them te satisfy the t.-JK. ..1. ..d ..u IIUIl,!. I n...lly.wl C?A..II.. 1 fe. 'J nuwiuiij rrviui tun -tt, done te hundreds of his tenants injlll- r tints J When shall u halt Imi called upon this 9-iS j niAlPef leduclngeur farmers te (cn- aud day laborers, of mortgaging r.rnCtWe,n t'reat eatutes and j... . i.i'itf.iii .if fmuii.il if...i. ih '" -i " "iill li- -v """ " "b" "'" SP? lerdUmV Is it net tline that our funiurs should awake te the study of thfsouts thfseuts thfsouts tlen? y , The Tariff Quettleu. if. FA AUBlwpuUIIUlU lUllilCJBUl XUUt'UStCr I tceuuty imvuUfcii went te listen with ,rHect te the teaculnus or Jtrniw (J. , vinalne. Toey liave hhewu by their ryvetee in times past that they have ,ewtt upon hliii tis the leader ei Jctuleni, their favorite chler of chiefs. Will they listen te-dny with (lie same respect te ids words or warning? They are doubt less all aware that Mr. Jllaltie has writ ten certain letters te Senater Frye, of Maine, upon the subject of the tarlir. Iu one of these letters he snys that the McKlnlcy bill, which lias been pnsed by the Houieef rteprcvciitntivcs and Is new under discussion in the Benato, will net give the American farmer a market for a single additional bushel or wheat or barrel or perk. He also calls the at tention or the American fanner te the fuct that his foreign markets arc gradu ally nnrrewing, and that uet only must new markets lie sought but carefully cultivated if he ls te obtain anything ilk ralr prices for his products in the markets or the world. And de our Pinners understand Just what this implies? The McKlnlcy bill Increases the tariff In the Interest or nil classes except the tanner ; eml, there rbre, compels the latter te pay still higher prices for all lie buys. It docs net widen his market, which ls at present growing mere narrow, aud this will compel him te take still lower prices Ter all he sells. This is the tarlfl'questien, se tar as the runner is concerned in u nutshell, nud many Republican papers In this state declare that this imostlen ls the chler Imiip In Mm nrpuniil. rimmnltrn. Tf n. hew will our tanners vole ? l.VhPlTKef tliotendoncy brought shout by the Introduction of railways, te tlie concentration or population In cltles, Amerlcn hits hitherto been able te accept w llh ease the vast tlde or foreign Immigra tion, which lias for many years been Hood Hoed Heed ing her shores. The explanation is found In the iininonse unsettled public deninln, which, until recent years, wns open with out money Ttnd without price te settlers from all parts of llie world. Our govern ment lands were practically lwundless, mid we therefore welcomed nn Immigra tien which would liave overwhelmed any ether nation en the glebo. IfourstatoH IfeurstatoH IfourstateH men of former days looked with occahIeuiiI disquietude upon tlie army of furnlgtiers who Iniuled yearly at our jmrts, n glnnue at our enoriiieiiH public dniiiuhi, "reserved for the actual hetllcr," was amply muIII muIII elcnt te check their alarm. Indeed, our ability te icculve anil lutslmllate theie uumborleHs lininlgrHnts from the Old World was a matter or national pride, ami we boasted of our I'ree Amerlcii as "nn asylum for the oppressed of all nations." Hut, where, te-dny, Is our exhaustiens public domain, whlc'i our ruthers " re served ler tlie actual settler T" Of the nine hundred millions of acres originally avail able, but two hundred millions remain. What has bocemn or It ? Oranlixl by Con Cen grcss te railroad corpnratleiis. UiulorDoiu UiulerDoiu UiulorDeiu ocratlc rule only twelva millions or acres wcie disposed or In this manner, during Its long lease or nearly eighty yours or al most interrupted pewer. Contrast this with the fact that in the first four yours of Republican rule mere than one hundred millions of uei'OM, Iwlce the oxlentofall the New I'uglaiitl states, wero granted by Congre- te tlie corperulloiiH. This liu liu liu moiise territory was granteil directly te the railways, whereas, under Democratic, iid iid tullilstrutieiiH, all the lauds given te aid the building of rallwayH had been hostewod by tlie males, thus, wlille carrying en a dos des dos purate war te retain eleven lohellleus states, the political party hi pewer gave awny enough territory te form twelve new ones I Hut uet only has the publlu domain been squandered with it lavish hand upon rail ways, but luimoiiNe portions of It Imve been obtained by Individual landlords aud by great land companies, both native and lor ler elgn. 1'eielgn landlord and land specu lating companies have already gained pos session efU0,in7,KK) acres. Ilesldcs these are our native laud owners and speculators, among whom nre Individual capitalists who own millions of acres. Thiee rall rall leads, tlie Texas l'.icille, .Northern I'aelllu and Atlantic .V I'aelllu eivu together 107, OJO.000 acres. These facts preve Unit tlie United States has a laud (piostieu, and one of proportions se gigantic that It makes that of lieland dwindle into insignificance In comparison. A.N l new It turns eutthat brilliant lllaiue is a peer and petty plagiarist, Instead of the splendld "original thinker" which the party organs se proudly worshipped. It is even claimed that he is a very leccut con cen con vert te the roulpieclty doctrine, and that Senater Aldricli, of Ithode Inland, Is Its real Intellectual parent. Indeed, It Is well known that Mr. lilalne's4iisJnbahR.WB4 ' until a very locenlftato, ii'custems union botwcenjdl JJirvjrli1 m,d .south Amerl- 1''1",?'2.l'is. ami u iiiiliin.loe. which did nut ., " . ---. - -- mliirln Nimlii nlifl luir NlltmriM iiivliii- In ......u , -- ..--. 0... .....n ... lauds. Hut heroic making It public, Sena Sena eor AUlrich Indiscreetly explained fully his reciprocity schema te the wily secre tary, who Is said "te liave listened In tently." Se doubt he did, and no doubt, tee, that the Ithode Island senator is ty-duy a "sadder and a wiser man," iUit Hlaine's Impudonee In wliy ' imprepriating tlie schema ns.hVs own is only tee cliaracteils- -ih,'fliidte Deuiecrutlc loekors-ou, Is eiy auiumrg. surely tliu rlgut nana or the crafty secretary has net yet lest lis cun ning. I Sai.vapeii L'lnliiiNlo!inodo!eatcilCiiinto L'lnliiiNle!inodo!eatcilCiiinto L'lnliiiNlo!inedo!eatcilCiiinto main In olevuu liattlCN. Whlle furnlshliif,' thin neus Ihey might an well liave iiiadu It a reu nil iloen, but the Ukuiu i-'ln en Klvtm a suggestion of accuracy mill hcrujulmii veracity. T hey euKI net tell n lle for ene b.ittle. It la sttUl that nil this lighting does lint ioiuevo tlie possibility that the con. cen. con. tenilat(xl union of the Cent nil Ainerlcan kUtes In ene nation will be ollectod. Hy thu tienty uiuile last full n president Ter the union was te be chesen by let en the 'JOth of AugtiHt from anions ,,le rekletita of the rtve je)ubllcs thou in jxiwer. The lighting new h ever the treaty light of Ezctu, who lias selml the presiilunuy of Salvader, ami ovitleutly liitoiiiltnileiiiuuil a chance In Iho let. The llrst irosiilent chebcu by let It te Hcre two year and then ene nf tlie ether republics ik te furulHli a president ler a lllie term, nud he en until all have i-orved, ly nhich tline they liope for a constitution uud lirtn popular goveriimcnt us tliey understand it. The treaty lias net been ratltlud Kutisfuo Kutisfue Kutisfuo terily by u majority of the utules nnd com pletion of the plan of union in August is highly lniprobuble, nut wlionevor they gel through lighting the party en top in ouch Htate u ill no doubt be eager for tlie grand presidential lottery te begin ut ouce. After It there may be mete lighting; by dlsap- polnted aspirants for the union presHlency, Taking one eeusideratinn n ith uuethur we areglad we de net live In Central Aineric.i. Tun Souute ban bldutracked the turill bill by agreelnu te tukn up the river nud harbor bill for eoiiHliiemtlen en l'rldaj, Augiut 6th, but it is alleged that thin is only a rtue te M'cure the prchonce in Wakhing Wakhing teu of ken.iteri who nre inter inter eted in the river uud harbor bill, but lukewarm en the tariff measure. Meanwhile there in no Indica tion uf uuy deposition en the part of tlie administration or the leaden, of the ptrty te pay the least uttontien te (Secretary Hlalne's criticism of tlie tariff bill. Tli Biipporters of that monstrosity tire evi dently determined te ignore the muii from Maine, and Quuy'n Philadelphia inquirer ls even tiying te get up a tarlll' excitcmeiit for the state campaign. Goen bye July, 1 wonder why The poets de net rue about you : Fer I defy. Old Time te try The imtklug of u year without you. I They Wilt Talk te ths Oraacers. Colonel It. It. Thairun, manager or the National O rangers' fair, which opens at Williams' Grove en Monday, August 25, and closes Saturday August 30, lias an nounced the following distinguished list of npeakcrsl Leenard Ilhone, Oerant C. llrewn. master and lecturer of His Penn arlvnnis State Orstige. who will speak en Tuesday afternoon, wheti the exhibition will 1)0 formally opened. Ill the uveulng Colonel William I'enn Lloyd. Democratic candidate for state senator In the Adams and Cumberland district, nnd II. M. Cut slisll. of Crawford county, will address the multitude. Wednesday will be Democratic, day, when addresses will be delivered by Can didates Pattlseu, Hlack, Barclay sua H. M. Wherry Senater Faulkner, of West Vir ginia ex -Congressman Itollzbeovor, Mor timer Whitehead and H. It. Downing. Thursday will be Republican day, when Candidates Dolamater, Watres, Stewart, Secretary Itusk, X. X. Cbartlers, master or the Virginia state grange; Oeneral Hastings, Congressman Ilresius. V. K. Tlolletsud II. I Taggart will dollver ad dresses. On Friday. A. J. Warren will discuss the sllver question, followed by J. II. firing ham, master of tlie Ohie State Orange; V. IX Piellet and Mortimer Whitehead en manors or Interest te grangers aud fariners In goneral. Tlie oxecutlvo commltlse or the National Orange and or Pennsylvania and Virginia Htate Granges liave been called te meet st the greve during the term of the exhibi tion, and the call is expected te be goneral from all the state granges. Van Hoetks's CeOA The original, melt felllWf. A Toilet Luxury. 80ZODONT In a luxury in well as a ncce (.1 1 jr. Placed where It should Hlwnys be uhiii Ilia toilet, It adorns It, and gralUles the Uule slid senw. ltxendiieiil a dcllcleim jirrriimc, niuliclves plco-iure and health te IU intern. Causes Aktnnlkliinnnt. " Cemplelely prostrated for days with Indl Indl Kcntlen nnd lilllens fevrr. The rlUs-U of two bettlei of Jlurtleek Meed llllttri nUmtA me; visible Imprevempnt rlKtit etr." Mr. Neah llatcii.Kliiilnt.N. Y. Held In ijincjuttcr by W. T. llech, 137 snd IX) North tjiucii street. Don't hawk, hawk, Mew, nplt nnd illi-gmt everybody with jour oflenMve breath, but turn urtrmgeHuuiurriiiniiifuyfiiiucuu iu inirriiu hydrusgUUi. W,TU&w DoteetlvKK nnd 1'iivnte OfTtoern Usually wear their bailees of niitherlty cen-ri-iilrd miller their clethlntc. but Dr. Tltemat' Oil 1 urs Its badges In the form of printed labels iittnched te nidi and nviry bottle, se thntnll may knew Its mission. It Is given full nnd complete authority tenrrest all athcs nnd pain and does Its duly every time. Held In Luiicns tcrby W. T. llech 137 nud 1L North Queen street. CWIKTHHPIX'IKIO. MERCURIALllrlEUMATISM. Mr. J. C. Jenes, elty marshal or Kulton, kaiisns. writes: "About ten years nce I Fl), .SI A 1 ren- traded n severe enn of bleed nelsen. Tlie lend. Ini; pliyslclans of the city were railed In, ai.it they prescribed medicine uftermedlrlne, which 1 took without nirordliiKine any relief. I nlwi tried mercurial nud pninhh remedies, with the mime iiiiHiieeessrul result, but whleb breimht en mi nltnek nf mercurial rheumatism that made my life ene of untold agony. After suf rerliiK four menllis, 1 ku up all former reme dies nnd eeinmi need taklliK Hwirt's HnecltlclH. H. H.) After taklliK KeMrnl beltlts, I Mas en tirely cored and able, te resume work. I con sider Hwirt's Hpeelllc (H. H. H.) tlie Rrentest med icine. or bleed poisoning te-dny en the mar ket." INHERITED SCROFULA. Hwla's SpceltlCiH. H. H.Jeurcil my little boy e hereditary scrofula, which brnke out nil ecr his fare. Tern ear he had sintered, and I had f liven up nil heies of bis recovery, when at einttli 1 wns Induced te use M. H. H. After uslim nlftvr bottles he Has entirety cured, Net n symptom new remains of tlie disease. This was tlirce jenrs hit". .MIW.T. 1.. MATHKItH. .Mathervllle, Miss. Treatise en IIUhhI unit Hklu Diseases mailed "Ii' HWIPf HI'KCIKIO CO., Atlanta, On. J TEA AND COITEi: IOR Iho Nines. VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA. TUE ORIGINAL-MOST SOLUBLE. Akk your (Iroecr for It, lake no e! her. 105 rINCO CHEWING TOHACC'e. VINC O L'XTJIA FIXE) GHEWING This Standard Brnud of l'lui; Tobacco In ac knowledged te be the best hew uud the largest piece for the money In the market. Vuicetln tug en each lump. Its extensive sale formally years lull etubUnhed, lis reputation. There Is nothing Iveitei. Try It. Fer saleby deuleuand greeern. 1890. nprH-Sllcod-cemAlStw Pru Q5tub, T HE PEOPLE'S CASH STORK, REDUCTIONS IN PRICES TO CLOSE OUT !2Ji llutlstlfcth n-diHH'd te Sc. French Salines Jlteduced te lt'c. American Sutlncs rrdiirrd te 8c. KK" Flench Chiillis reduced le :".se. f l.( Colen d Silks i educed tefiOV. 75oCelored Silks reduced to25e. One !et While Dress ReIm-h rrdiieed from t2M teJl.U). PARASOLS At less thuu One-third their Viilue. BlK Let of Fine Colored Embrelderlas at len I linn one-half Die reuulur price. rf-Ve hae hunted out lteiuiiunU lu nil de partments and hae murltvd them at Barualu rrlcen. s 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. murSt-lydlt rANTED- An encrgetle yeuiiK man ls wn.itcd te tikatlmrce of a grocery Stere In this elty. A geed business stand ut u desirable locution Is open te a responsible party. A small amount of capital Is required. Fer further particulars call at PENN'A EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Ne. 12 Seuth Duke Street IRlSMAN'8. "NEW WINDSOR TIES, FORBOYBANDMEN, NO.WEBTKW0HT, MK People Cash Stere, lPantttker'. rillUADKlMlA.ThnrndAy.JnlySLIsaa Closed Saturdays at i P. M. If you've tried an Oil or a Gas Steve you'll never care te again stand the summer mar tyrdem et a range. Gas Steves, 90c te $24. Oil Steves, 85c te $16. The Jewel, $2.75 (2 burners), and the Baltimore Gem, $6 (3 burners), are gas favorites. 85c "Ironclad" is the campers' oil pet. Cavernous, moth proof, Ce dar Chests, $17 and $20. Trunks for every use. Ne. 7 1 is the one that makes bag- gage $10. togas lines. smashers weary, $6 te Steamer Trunks, Sara- and se en in complete If prices weren't right we'd hear of it. We don't. A biggish let of full size, well made Blacking Cases shall go at $i' $ 1.50 yesterday. At the Basket Counter the Japanese Traveling Bags, 85c te $1.75. A novelty you'll de light in. Fist-ful or arm-ful all's one te the J. T. B. a neat, snug bundle all the time. Jehn Wanamaker. &l0tlliU0 M EN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Hager & Brether. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Striking Reductions -IN- (loud Uimllty Kluuncl Bhlrt, 75c, icdueeil fruiu (1.00. KnulWi Flannel Shirt at Jl.dO ; rcduved from v;z. KukIIiiIi Kluuncl Shirts at 11.50 ; reduced from $.'.00. Best Scotch I'luniul nnd l-'lne Canluucre Shirts, $2 (K); reduced from VIM. All Silk, Silk Weft and Silk Btrlpe Shirt re duced te coil. lUiualnnlu Ueinet nnd Cheviot ShlrU at"'. Extra Vnltie Cheviot Shirt, Neckband nnd Yeke, nt le. Men'n Fine 1'ircnlu ShliU, three rellarHnnd ene linlr of ciUIk, fresh dehlruhle kckxIk, 75c ; rediteeil from (I.Si. Sneclal Ilnr-ulii In Geed Quality Jean Drawn, Sic. Values In Gauze and BnlhrlKEan Underwear, 25e nnd 37c. Chiilee Styles In Summer 'Neckwear, 3e; reduced from Oec Beautiful .Styles In Fine Neckwear, "Se t re lluceil from tl.W. Special Vnltie In Fnncy I'lqua 4-ln-Hniid. Wnthuble, I ferWc; euNlly worth double. Barcalus In :, Hesant 8e, 10c uud lilca pair. BarKnlnsIn IlelUnttic; north Ilk'. 25," 27, 29, 31 West King St., LANCASTER M AHT1N BROS. Te Deuble-Quick the Sales, Big Reductions -IN- -OF- CUSTOM TAILORING -AND- MEN'S EflMISHIMrS -AT- MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, l'A. gcutifttru. NATIIOIWT. DENTIST. I)'.': aiUBNlllK bttUAUK. Fllllm: Twill nnd PnlnleMi Extraction Sie- elnltles. New Sets iiiude, brekeu ones mended and remodeled. Teeth lui-crted without plntes and idveled, etc Yes, ecrythlni: pertaining te Denllktry will receive prompt uttentlen.nt erv Moderute Terms. Remember that Dr. Niil'lienl Is the ONLY Dentist In thin county he Is a KNuluute of Medicine us well us of Don Den lUlry. uiiudwmtnKe Hint Is obvious. iuar.Ulyd.Vw -v-iiiitTlli: HI-NT HOT AIR FURNACE IN 11 ha market, te te JOHN BEST, itt-l East FulU stn-t't. m7-tfd A T ROSTER'S CORNER SAU)ON. A NICE nOT LUNCH will be M-rveil eerv nu'riilnK from Ute 12:30. Ruppfrt'sJCjlebraled Beer drawn from the keg. aprJe-tfu TTKNIlf WOLJ, FURNITURE STORE, tias removed te 13a East Kins; street, having a full line of Furniture of every description at the levvckt prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended (e. Cull uud exumlue our yoedt. aS-Udlt U. WOLF. I8tl East King Street He feather Comforts wmwm SUMMER CLOTHING, t: B OOTHANDBHOBHt A rBW MORI OF THOSE Five Hundred Pairs OK SUPPERS AND OXFORD TIES, wmen STACK HOUSE OF AND 30 EAST KINO BTHKET, 18 Selling at Less Than Half Price! -CAU. HA.rtLY.-M STACKH0USE, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KING STHEET. s FECIAL MAKEH! VERY COMFOUTA- II LE SHOES -FOR- ILgedi Ia.ciies. Comfortable Shee for trouuleieme feet. Special 8hae te relieve the trouble. We've plenty kinds In all crudes. Mere of them than anywhere else. One kind te mention upecUUy te-day. Have Seft, 1' I Initie Leather Uppers. Have Adjustable Bottems, Very Flexible. Have Ne.it, Medium Round Tees. Moderately Lew Heels for eaey tread. Are Seil and Comfortable nt nil tlmci. Dressy and Most Tidy In appearance. Made as Custom Grades nre made. Mads thoroughly Iu every way. Specialty adapted for continuous walking. Remember the price 1ZM a pair. That's cheap for grade se geed. Shoes In Felt and Cleth are here, tee. Bread Shapes roomy within. 1'rlccs for them : Jl te 12. And the Cheaper Leather Makes. Come and see hew we can suit you. Kinds that sell at 11.25 and f 1.10. Here it's easy te find whnt you want. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. Suvttituvc TTNDERTAKERS. WATSON & HERB, General Furnishing Undertaken, NO. 20 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, 1A. Hesldenee-JNO. J. WATSON, Ne. i West Vine street (Southern Market.) Residence M. It. IIERR, Ne. 430 Seuth Queen street (Branch Olllce.) ,lyS-.!iml e CHSAU1BBS. WHY PAY MORE ELSEWHERE -FOR- .MEitf STYLE - F'urxiitu.re OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST FOR RELIA BLE GOODS. 49-Lct us prove It te yeu.-fc Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, (2d, 3d A th Fleer.) Ne. 31 BOOTH QUEEN STREET. H EINIIUH'S FURNITURE DEfOT. AT COST. We hne n line of Settees, Chairs and Rockers that will stand the rain nnd sun. aud we desire te cloe thorn out. Settees, 11 A: were $2 75. Rockers and Chairs, fl M : were 2 25 and 82 60. A few Perch Rockers nt II 00. OTDERTAKIUd. We nlseglvn persona! Httentlen tollndertnk tellndertnk lug. Day or NlRht CjiIIs. The Best and Most Approved Methods Used. Charges Moderate. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street rjnil E OLD CORNER. "Mere Light I" Exclaimed the Immortal Qmthe; nnd that's Just what we are having AT WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF East Kingand Duke Sts., With the new French Plate Qlais Frent. We want te let In all lha light possible en EUMIT1JKE, PRICES, AND Methods of Business. W I DMYER, KAST K1NQ AND DUKKSTS. 9H Perch and Lawn Goods ffm . O PEN EVEBY EVENIWO Fer Bargains, P.CSNYDER&BRO., Ne. 14 Weit King Bt. ETeryttiingSeld At andBelowGest, AM WE ARE rOHITIVELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. mayWmd ST EW YORK STORE. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS -AT THE BLACK SILK DRAPERY NET, 48 Inches Wide, Large I'elka Spot Reduced te 50c ayurd. BLACK SILK DRAPERY NET, Russian Mesh, 18 Inches Wide, Excellent Qual lty, Reduced te 75c a j ard. FINEST SILK DRAPERY NETS Reduced from 13 te K 60, from 12 SO te J2. from 12 te 1 50, from tl 75 tell 25. Twenty Pieces, 45 Inch. EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINOS Reduced te 25c a yard ; former price, 37Ke- A FINE FRENCH SATINE Makes a handsome nnd most useful dress. We are cleslne out our whole stock of the latest designs at 10c a yard : former price, .15c nnd .77) c. NEW OUTING CLOTHS Reduced from 12J4c te 10c nnd 8c a yard. Best Vnlue te be had In MEN'S STRIPED OUTING HHIRTSut 2ec,87Jc nnd 50c each. MEN'S JERSEY SHIRTS, Seft, Elastic nnd Durable, Reduced from 75c te 50c each. WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. B OSTON STORE. Charles Stamm, BOSTON STORE. DRY GOODS -AND- Notions Were Never Sold Se Cheap As They Are New Being Sold AT 35-37 Bosten Stere. .tterneu. -r UTHER 8. KAUFFMAN, -1 ATrORNKY.AT-LAW. Heeend Fleer Ehlema La North Duitwt. ulldlnc. Ne. a prt-lydAw NEW YORK STORE 35-37 -urn1 ' ? Nertli pen Stet u pn Stat 9w 00h. yyiLLIAMHON ArOtrtEH. PRACTICE -AND GUARANTE -THERE IS- Nothing Mean and Ratty -ABOUT- THE GOODS OFF IN OUR Mid-Summer THEY ARE ALL PERFECT, Stylish and Reliable BARGALNS IN MEN'S SUITS! f t-TlSultsrut toW.en, J ROU Suits cut tett.OO. S tun suits cut to.ne. 8 8.00 Suits cut te 16 50. tlO.UO Suits cut lets JO. JIM Heys' Suits cuttell.00. SI'Vi Heys' Suits cutlellM. JiUtl Heys' Hulls cut te fR.00. I7JX) Beys' Suits cut te S6.W. Nithlng mean or rutty, but Geed, Durab HUU .T Cll-llllllie V.10II1HIC. $3.00 Men's Pants. All Weel, cut te SO. I3.&0 Men's I'untB, All Weel, cut teUOO. lien. Ml. te M.0D. net te rll Men's While VeHls.SBe.SOe. T.V.tl. Mnnv ii. a i ii. ci.dL them eiie-lhlrd nil resulnr price. Rubber Coits, tl.75, ti, I2.G0. fl, ti, UM. Rubber 1 crkIiis, Blankets nnd till Clnnris. English Mackintosh CeaU that nre positive! wnier-proei. BARGAINS IN CUILDKEN'S CLOTH ING AND LADIES WUAPS AND JACKETS 1 t.1.00 Kilt Suits cut te tUJO. i.KI KlltSultscut tel). f-IM Kilt Suits cut te FA50. $.U1 Kilt Suits cut te r.'.oe. 11.00 Kilt Suits cut til UM. iZM Kilt Suits cut te tl.75. f AM Dark Suit cut te UM. f X.UI Durlc SultH cut te (0.00. till (1(1 Dark Suits cut te S4I.MI. $ hOO Dark Suits cut te 5.U. t (I.U1 Park HuttN cut te 15.00. 111.10 Embroidered Wrups cut te 112. Ill Black Worsted .Tneketfl cut te 1 ll Hlack Worsted Jnckets cut let! I. t U.UO LtKht Cleth Jackets cut loje. J10.50 l.lirlit cloth Jnckcts cut te 5. f tijyj LlL'ht Cleth Jackets cut te t- I SJiOLlKlit Cleth Jackets cut te e. tlO Embroidered Silk Capes cut te S8. U Silk Ijice .Mantles cut te ill. BARGAINS IN NOTIONS, UNDSI WEAK AND DRY GOODS ! 25c IJndcmeur cut te 17c. Jlje Underwenr cut te 25c. 75e Silk Vests cut te&Ou. lie und lCc Cnlld's Ribbed Vest cut te 10c. LudlcV Underwenr, 10c, or tluee for 25c, Children's Clauze Vests, Small Sizes, 10c. 25c Ladles' Hese, Beet Pattern, cut le 17c. 25c ladles' Black lloie cut te 20c. 18c Ladles' Llsle'I bread (!evi-s cut te 12c. 25c iJidles" Lisle Thread CJIeves cut te 17c. 50c Silk Tuilcm aievcs cut te 59c. 12 V Salines cut te Se. l'JKe Dress uiiiKhains cut te 10c. 20c Weel Challls ditto 15c. 25c Weel Cballis. Clinches. cm te 15c. 3J Strlre Meus De ljilne, tfJ lnchvs wide, ci IO ..IK-. 2-"0 I'laldCbsWuiKfiuniHCUtteRc. he (llnnliauis eul te 7C. 7e(iliiulinms euttettjic Wu-h Belecs, 1c. Law ns, 2c. BARGAINS IN HATS. CAPS ANI BABY CARRIAGES. Everything In Straw Hats Included In th r'lit. lriers. If you be niililc and leek sharp, there ar linrculns for Everybody. We make 11 inn resiinaj ey uisiiig icn w cent, off the murked price of nil Btruw Geed and 1'nrasels. iiaiiv rjirriiFi-H nt Coit 1'rlccs. und some les than cost. Heme exceptional bargains at 18 anc A lew (Kid sles InTravclIng Bugs at less thai hnlr Ihplr rirlifllml lirlees. Luii spread. Fly Nats nnd Oirrlage Harncn ul very low i igiites. BARGAINS IN FURNISHING GOODSl flSIlK Shirts cut te 1.1.50. U Whlte I'ougee Shirts cut teJ.X50. til Wlilte Pongee Hhlrts cut te5.60. 7 Black I'ongte Shirts cut le $5 50. K.00 Flannel MlilrU cut tejl.50. t.i.25 Flannel HlilrU cut te.'.00. J.HHI I'liiuuel hhlrls cut lei0-i. ll.lWFlannil Shirts cut leU.50. I1.S0 Flannel rdilru cut tell.U). OOeSIlk Neckwear cut te 25c. 23c Ocrmnn Linen Cellars cut le 13c. Silk Neckwear, 10c. Fine bilk Finished buspenders, 2ec. BARGAINS IN BOOTS ANI) SHOES, . Ml niwrn Tim Turned cut le .1.00. Jl.SIMiuare Toe Welts cut te U.M. KM Dongola WauUcnphast Tli'l-ed cut te .! ll.bU Opera Tee Tin lieu, I nun i, ctn ui iaiw, fl.KI Opera Toe Turned cut teW. $!Ji0 Rlclimend Toe Turned cut Inn. JJ Donget.iSoitiireToecut IO82.50. 12 50 Ocre Toe TI ps cu t te F2. t2fl Misses' Spring Heel cut le Jl.M. Sl.W Potent Leather Vnmpii cut tell 25. fl.75 Child's hprlng lliel cutteJL'iO. ti Misses' Kid Opera Slippers cut te 75c 1.25 Luetics' Dongola Sllpiicn cut te 75c. BARGAINS IN GARDEN HOSE. (MS W Three-iuarter Inch three-ply, fully Buaran-fl Iced, nt the following prices jer roet: 10c Hese cut te 8c. 12c Wire Wound Hee eul te 10c ie Wire Wound He-ecut te lie le Wire Wound Hese cut te luc. A Stere Fall of Reliable Bargains. 32-38 East King Street. LANCASTER, PA., -an: NO. 318 MARKET BT., HABIUSBUtta, PAJ Williamson d Fester, H- j - -i .tJ.'.'i, ' " .