Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 31, 1890, Image 1

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Clerks or Allou tV. Mentscr Find the
Meck Confused and That: Watches,
' Jewelry Uen, Etc, Are Missing.
A bold burglary was cetntnlHcd Rt the
Kftnend stere of At Ien W. Mentzer. In Enh-
Iijrat,-at an'early hour this morning. The
thieves succeeded In geitlng away with
plunder oflbe value of 200. An entrance
was effected by forcing open a shutter en
the State Btreet side of the building.
The robbery occurred between 12 and 1
o'clock this morning. At that hour Mr. II
Ij. Miller, of the Mt. Vernen house, saw a
party of three men hurriedly come, from
the direction of the Mentzer bullilleg, and
thiy are u6 doubt the men who robbed the
Btdre.- It Was a beautiful moonlight night
and It was a bold undertaking te rob the
building located en the inalu street ar.d
which poeplo pass at all hours of the night.
The then was net discovered until tills
morning wheathe clerks opened for butt butt
new. Everything was in confusion and a
thorough examination could net be made
I te ascertain all the goods that was taken.
me following are missing: rive surer
watches, watch chains, watch charms, geld
cuff buttons, sliver knives ajid forks, six
pairs of shoes, several pairs of treusers
and $1 In change fiem thomenoy drawer.
Mr. Mentzerls en u tilp te the West, but
the store In his absence is managed by liLs
Mr. Montzer will leso nothing by the
theft, as ha is Insured in thoKeysteno Pro
tective association of Lebanon. The man
ner in which the rebbery was cominitted
would Indicate that It was done by persons
familiar with that kind of work. Ofllcers
of the township are working en the theft,
but IherO Is very llltle clue te start en.
The police of Lancaster and neighbor
ing cities have been netiflcd of the robbery
and furnished with u description of the
stolen goods, and tiiey are en the lookout
for the thioves.
Farmer Fretlerlck 8heatler's Torrlble
Experlence en Wednesday Afternoon.
Froderlck Sheaffer, fariuer, who lives in
the Seventh ward en the opimslte nide of
'the Conestoga creek, at Reigart's Landing,
had a terrible experience en Wodnesday at
neon en his farm. While looking at his
cattle grazing a young bull rushed at him,
and befere he could get out of the read he
was gered by the bull, knocked down and
trampled upon. As seen us he could get
away from the bull, which was only after
the cows diverted the attention of the en
raged animal, Mr. Shealler rolled down
the hill into the creek. 'J he bull follewod
him into the water.
Mr. Shealfer's porlleus situation was no
ticed by Othe McCann, Wm. Snyder. Wal
ter Fisher and ollier boys who weie eti
the oppesilo nile of tiie crock, and tiiey
cried loudly for help. Mr. Shoaffer's sons,
Ernst and William, were working in a Held
near by and tiiey heard the cries of the
boys. Thinking seme olio was drowning,
they ran hurriedly te the creek and siw
that it was their father that was in danger.
They attompted te drlve the bull away,
but be still pursued their fatlier, who re-
trcated until he was in water up te his
neck. Thov tlien procured pitch-forks,
and It was only alter beating the bull until
he was almost insensible that he gave up
the attack and allowed Mr. Shealler te be
removed. IIe was taken te his home and
Dr. Goe. P. King summoned. The doctor
found a cut en the right side of the face,
and his body covered with bruises. Mr.
Sheaffer Is a man advanced In years, and
his Injuries may result seriously. The lull
; extent of thorn and their clfect cannot be
determined for a few days.
The bull is" net yvt tliree years old, but
has showed his vicious disposition soveral
times bcfoie. Twe months age he attacked
. Mr. Sheaffer, but he escaped without any
i serious injury. A month later a daughter
of Mr. Shealler tvas also attaeked by the
' bull, aid suo,toe, escaped with a few slight
The attack of yesteulay batisfled Mr,
Sheatl'er that it was net safe te keep him
any lenger nnd he was sold te a butciier
and will be served te his custemers by
Jehn Elsley en Saturday's market.
Death of Jehn Tweed.
Jehn Tweed, a well known resident of
, Provldence township, died en Wednesday
at neon, in ills GUth year. IIe was sick for
only a week with pneumonia. IIe kept
hetel iu New Piovldeucefora number of
'.years, and retired from that business a few
years age te his farm near the village. In
politics iie was a Democrat and was active
at all times iu advancing the party's Inter
ests. Four childien survive him. The
funeral will take pluce en Saturday morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Services will be held at
the New Provldence Mcnnonite chinch
and iuterincnt made In the cemetery ad ad
jeiniug. THE P. It. Il.'S ltELIKF SYSTEM.
Accumulation a Lnre Fund Avallnble
for Pensions.
Reperts read at the meeting of the Penn
sylvania Ilallread Hellef association at
Leng Branch en Tuesday showed an in
crease In the membership of the association
of about i:,300 sitice January 1, making the
total number of members 21,000, or about
as per eent of the eligible empleyes of the
Pennsylvania sybtem. All applicants must
undergo a medical examination, and
Assistant Controller rtiebenack said yestor yester
d.iy that no inoie than half the empleyes
could pass this.
Frem January 1 te July 1 the number of
deaths in the association was 101, as against
151 lit thoanie time last year. The num
ber en the disabled lint rese from 5,000 dur
ing the last half of J8S!) te 10,000 in the first
six mouths of the prcsent year.
Concerning theietlriug of empleyes en a
pension, of which there has been much
talk, Mr. Beibenack bald: "We have been
discussing that oversinco the association
was erganised In February, 1S8G, and nt
the October meeting this will be thoesno.
cial subject for consideration. It may he
that wltlilii a uiu system ei retiring
and pensioning empleyes will go into
elfeet. Of ceurse, this only refers te mom mem mom
bers of the association. Every ear the
..... . ...I..I l.. Lutu .lulila tti iitmunil mmtnv f,f
the pension fund. We new,000,l
that was centnbnteii iturliig tne nnt tliree
years. The second tliree will net ni.ike
such a geinl showing, for the claims te be
paid are iniuli giealer."
l'hlladelplila'H raiintlorey.
The nicturesdiiQ small boy he was
found wunderlng Iu Leg.iuSuire, l'hila-1
dclphia, en June 7th, has at last been partly
lilentilled. It will be remembered lliathe,
waskuntMias " l.lttle Enid Fauntleroy"
because of a landed icseinblaiice te Mrs.
lhiruett's llltle here, and the Philadelphia
pa-icinga-ie lunch space te his cute sayings
nnd the mystery mrieundlng him. It
turns nut that the child was brought te this
country as ene of tlicir own tamlly by an
English couple u he had been engaged ie
take care of liim by inrtles se far unkneu n.
The woman who lull lilm in Legan Sii.ire
has been found by clever detoctlve work
and cluiiiii that the necessities et her own
l.pnilv forced her te abandon him although
he called her mother and she was very
much nttachntl te him. Ne remittances
had been rocelved from his parents and hIiii
JuihmI Iio would buadoptel by miiiie rich
'jter-i'iii. Shu was brought bofero a magis
trate and commltted te jail iu default of
paymeutofuflueofJOO and costs for de-
tefcE afejfa4JWWftA..,iiV. . :.. V
aerting the child. Fauntleroy remains In'
tbe charge of the Soclety for, the Prevention
ei urueity ie lunuren,
'" 1 1 , i i i
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Makes the Last Payment.
The Philadelphia Inquirer says the
Pennsylvania Ilallread company will to
day pay oirtiie last instalment en account
of the purchase of the main line from the
state. A cheek has ben filled out for
633,G54.0J, which will be taken te Uarrls
burg te-day by special mosseugor and
banded te tbe state treasurer. Ills re
ceipt, which will be a receipt in full for all
claims' of the state against the Pennsyl
vania Railroad company en account bf the
purchase of the public works, will vest the
complete title te the property in the stock
holders. Few people who rush from Philadelphia
te Pittsburg In tbe "Chicago Limited" in
nine hours ever think what a wenderful
piece of patchwork the Pennsylvania Tail Tail
read Is. It was originally projected te run
only from I Iarrlsbu rg te llellldaysbu rg and
from Johnstown te Pittsburg te supplement
the then existing state works. Early in the
thirties the demand of the people livingwest
of tho'Alleghanloa for some way of prompt
communication with Philadelphia becamn
se pronounced that the state government
felt called upon te de something. Tbe
best engineering skill of the lime was
called in, and an elaborate system of public
works was planned, It was proposed te
build a railroad from tbe Delaware river,
nt the feet of Market street, out Market te
Bread, up Bread te Pennsylvania avenue.
and out tlieavonue across the Schuylkill
en what became known as tbe Columbia
bridge, and thonee run via Lancaster te
Columbia, A canal was te run from
Columbia te Ilellidaysburg, en the eastern
slope of the Allegheny mountains ; thonee
came another railroad across the mountains
te Johnstown, and thou another canal from
Johnstown te Pittsburg.
Theso works wcre declded upon and
wero pushed through te completion, the
formal opening being made in 1830. Thore
were IIS miles of railroad and 277 miles of
canal, a total of 395 miles, and the con
struction cost the state 915,021,711. The
completion of this system of transporta
tion was hailed with delight by the busi
ness men of the time, and David
Stephenson, who made the trip te
Pittsburg seen after the canals were
built, congratulated himself en having
covered the 305 miles in the surprisingly
fast time of nluoty-eno hours and at the
moderate cost of 915, a sum then roprosont reprosont ropresont
lugdoublo what it dues te-day. A large
business was at once attracted te the new
route. Complaint was made at first of the
necessity for breaking bulk at canal and
railroad junction points, but this was seen
remedied by an ingenious device analageus
te tiiat still in vegue of changing trucks
wliore a narrow gauge and a standard
gauge read connect.
As the possibilities of steam transporta
tion devolepod complaints arose about the
delays en the canal portions of tbe line, and
there was general demand for the construc
tion et railieads te parallel the canals. It
was iu response te this demand that the
Pennsylvania railroad was Incorporated in
1810. Engineers were at once put at work.
One oftbe survey ing parties was in charge of
a young man named Jehn Edgar Thomsen,
an engineer of considerable roputallen.and
associated with him was a lad named
CScorge Roberts, who had an ambition te
beceme a civil ongineer, and who carried a
red in one'of the parties. It was, net until
1852 that the read, was finished, nnd the
time from Philadelphia te Pittsburg was at
ence greatly reduced. In a low years the
advantages of private inanngoment ever
state managemeut bncaine manifest in the
superior service alferdcd by tbe railroad
company, und a sentiment gradually arese
in favor of soiling the entlre railroad and
canal of the state of tbe Pennsylvania rail
road. The whele plant was put up at auction,
but thore wero no bidders. In 1S57, how
ever, the Pennsylvania railroad purchased
nearly all of the plant, a small portion
from West Falls te this city ever the Co
lumbia bridge being .purchased by the
Reading railroad, which still owns It.
The Pennsylvania paid 57,500,000 for the
rest, and agreed te make payment at the
rate of $100,000 per annum. Interest en
the amount due was first tube deducted
from the payment, and wbsirover was lelt
was te be applied ou account of the prin
cipal. The whele sum was te be paid net
later than August 1, 1890. Every payment
lias been made without default, and the
balance of 9035,000 will be in the blate
treasury this evening.
The state will undoubtedly miss the reg
ular payments of 9160,000 which came In se
promptly. Tim Pennsylvania railroad
stockholders will be pleased at being re
Moved of a charge that is equivalent te
almost one-haifof one per cent. per annum
in dividends. Since the sale was made
many millions have been expended upon
the proportion and iu thelr present condi
tion they have little somulance te the
rather primitive works of 3.J years age.
The Baumgarduer family and many in
vited guests are plcnieklngte-day at Recky
The picnic of St. Stephen's Lutheran
church, at Tell's Hain is being largely
Mrs. Wm. O. Marshall und seu Charles,
of the Examiner, will go te Ocean Greve
Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, Miss Kate
Leng and the Misses Resenmlllcr loll to
day for Luray and ethor Virginia resorts.
Miss Katie K. Slrine is visiting frlends
In Columbia and Marietta.
Miss Auuie Dougherty and Miss Nan
Herrhave geno te Hollefento.
Mrs. Uriah Uitzer and sons are at Ocean
Mrs. Dr. Underwood, Miss Sue Dewney
and Miss Mary Palmer are at Atlautiu
O. Ress Eshleman, esq., left this morn
ing for Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Oerhart have re
turned from a visit te Uollcfeijto.
Dr.DT. Nathersl is at Atlantic City.
Peter Wcikel will start en Saturday en a
tour te California.
Irving N. Sclnnall, formerly clerk in tbe
employ of II. N. Snyder, druggist, has ac
cepted a position as drug clerk at 12th and
Vine streets, 1'hlladelphia.
Miss Ilessie Gibsen, of this city, is the
guest of Mrs. llrunner, Mt. Jey.
Alderman Doeu spent yesterday at
Wcise's Island, the guest of the East End
Fishing club. ' He reperts nil well and
having a geed time. They return next
Saturday evening.
The Reformed Sunday school will held
their annual picnic at Recky Springs to
morrow. The Mnulielui Lutherans.
The Manheiiii Lutheran church trouble
lias been sottledTiy aJoliTC.meotliig of rep
resentatives of the Hill, Maiiliului and
Petersburg churches, wheti a special coin cein coin
inlttee, ceusfstiiig or Rev. B. F. Allemau
and Mr. Letnn, of Lincistqr, and Rev. Dr.
David M. Gilbert, of Harrisburg. was
present, having bceu Beut" by Rev.
W. II, Dunbar, president or the synod.
Mr. Fetor's resignation was again pre
sented and accepted, The Hill and Peters Petors Poters
burg poeplo were unanimously in favor
of retaining the pastor, and also it majority
efthe council at Manheiiii, but he insisted
upon resigning.
It is net known what the different con
gregations will de for a pastor, but it leeks
very much as if they will be divided. Rev.
I'oter has received a call.
The Yeuiur Democrats' 1'luulu.
A liner day could net have been had for
tbe picnic of the Yeung Men's Demociatie
society at Pcnryn. The morning trains
wero run in two sections and seventeen
cars Were crowded with members and
friends. About 1,'JOO went out en theso
trains. Soveral hundred ueut ou the neon
trains and mero will go out ou the evening
tiuin. Numerous sports have been arrauged
for the pleasure oftbe excursionist,).
EL?ti AttENfrM
nm mil it the hktmubist camp
' ; ieitiw AT;mnriLLt
The Closing Exercises This Evening.
Sacrament te Be Admlulsterd The
Last Sermon liy Rev. Mniree.
Landibtiixe, July 31. The sermon at
tbe Motbedist cAmpmeetlng yesterday
morning was delivered by Itev. A. 8.
Urban, of Philadelphia. Ue Is an earnest,
forcible speaker, and was listened te by a
large congregatlou. . Ills 'ext was Jehn 11,
17: "And the 'world passeth away, and
the lust thereof ; but be that deeth the will
of Ged abldeth ferever."
Rev. Dungnii, of Marietta, conducted the
prayer meeting at 0 o'clock. This service1
attracted many people
The young people's meeting was held
at 1:30 o'clock yesterday and the temple
was welt filled, and a great many had their
campstools outside. Rev. Creeks loci the
meeting. IIe spoke at seme length con
cerning the lifewerk of the Christian of
the necessity of overy Christian Ce ask the
question. "Lord what will thou have me
tb de?" The children's meeting was'verv
interesting. The singing by tbe children
was especially geed, for they have new
learned the music and (hey sing with
spirit. Their leader had them stand and
inarch te tbe music, and it was a very
pretty sight. The subject was The Geed
At 3 o'elock the missionary anniversary
of the Landlsviile Auxiliary was held.
The short devotional meeting was led by
Rev. J. T. Satchell after which Mrs.
Vernen, prosidenl of the Auxiliary, made
a few remarks explanatory of the work
ings of the society. Miss Anna llartmau
then gave a report of the year's work.
The ad dress of the afternoon was delivered
by Rev. Cerrel, a leturned missionary
from Japan. New members wero solicited
and quite a number gave thelr names.
At 0:30 the holiness meeting was held in
the tout en the bill. Many tostllled te
their consecration te Ged, and many inore
were found at the altar as well as sinners,
seme of the latter being converted. Thore
was a song service at the auditorium at the
same time.
The 7:15 sorvice was very well attended.
The preacher of the evening was Rev.
Jenkins, a natl ve of Wales. It was a most
powerful soruien and there soenied te be a
bush en the poeplo tbe whele time be was
speaking. The prayer sorvice afterward
was most successful, many liudtng
Christ,, 'and some returned' te their
touts where their praying was continued
until a late hour in the night. The text of
the ovening was found iu Gen. xxviii, E!:
"And he dreamed, and beheld a ladder set
upon the earth, and the top of it reached
te heaven; and boheid, the angels of Ged
ascending and descending en it."
Among the late visitors are Mrs. Dr.
Bringhurst, Mrs. Jehn Kendig, Mr. Earl
Kendig, Miss Eva Hutten, Miss Emma
Rlttenhouse, Mrs. Metzger and daughter,
Mrs. Wllldey, Lancaster; Mrs. Themas,
Philadelphia: Mrs. Hatz and daughter,
Mrs. llarr, Dr. Kendig, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs.
Lein, Mrs. Eaby, Mrs. 'Molzger, Mrs. Dr.
Davis, Miss Annle Miller, Mrs. Kuliiip,
Miss Margaret Samson, Mrs. Uucbmlller,
Lancaster; Miss Maria Crawford, Miss
Virgie Helm, New Provldence; Miss Ella
Gregg, 1'hlladelphia.
Rev. J. T. Satchell dellvored the sermon
this morning.
Sacrament of the Lord's supper was ad
ministered this atlorneoii.
This ovening the last bormeu will be
preached by Rev. Magee.
The services have been well attended,
and the canipmeating association are grati
fied overtho success attending their efforts.
Accused ofEmhezzlemont.
S. II. Henry, of this city, ou Tuesday
brought suit bofero AlJermau Hersliey
against Otte Stark, son ofJes.Stark, of Neith
Queen street, for embezzlement. Henry
Is iu tbe inlallment business In this city,
and Stark was his ageut iu Yerk. Tbe
two had an agrei ment that Stark should
seli goods in Yeik and make full return of
sales overy wcek te Henry, receiving one
half tbe profits. Stark, it is alleged, has
made no returns since the first of May,
end bis employer has thoicfero brought
suit for 9-iO.
Officer Jtoerich went te Yerk and ar
rested Stark, who gave ball te the amount
of 9300 for a hearing en Saturday.
Taken te the llespltnl.
James Ryan is the nauie given by Ibe
tramp who was accidentally shot in the leg
by a companion at New Helland en Tues
day, He reached this city last, night, and
at once went te the station liouse. Dr. Mc
Cormick, the station liouse physician, was
sent for and probed for the ball, but did
net succeed In recovering it, The mayor
sent Ryan te the county hospital for treat
ment. Ryan says his home is In Philadel
phia, and he w ill go thore as seen as he
gets out of the hospital. Iio does net knew
the name of the man who shot him, having
met him but a short time before the occur
rence. He says it was an accident.
Could Net Attend.
Ex-Govorner Pattison did net attend the
picnic of the Yeung Men's Democratic so se so
ceoty, at Peuryn, te-day. He passed
through ibis city en the Atlantic Express,
at 11:35 tills morning, en route for 1'hlla 1'hlla
eolphia. Mayer Clark get upon the train
and found the ox-gevornor. After cordial
greetings Mr. Pnttlben said Iio was very
tired, inning passed a day with the Demo
crats of Pittsburg. When asked whether
it would l)e posslbie te ntlend the Yeung
Men' "Democratic; society, picnic lie re re ro
plied that lie was seiry a pressing engago engage
uicutat Philadelphia proveutcd him.
i a f
Hpeclnl Ageut button's Werlc.
W. L. Sutten, appointed special agent el
the census dopartiiieut te gather the statis
tics of the manufacturing industries of the
city, lias received bis commission and
blanks. He will begin his canvass Iu a few
days. The blanks contain many questions
te be an s if e red and manufacturers will te
furnished with them te assist the special
agent in tiie preparation of tills important
part of the census. v
Bebort S. Ceukliu lias been appointed
the agent te gather the manufacturing sta
tistics of Columbia borough.
Te Meet Iu September.
Rev. Dr. T. G. Apple, acting chairman of
thu'jeint commission en the union of the
two Reformed churches of this country,
announces that the comiiiittce will assoin assein assoin
semble at the Mountain beiisu, Catskill, N.
Y en Tuesday, September !2d.
The members el the commission from
the Reformed church In Uiu United States
are Rev. Drs. Thus. O. Apple.l J. H. A.
Bemberger. James I. Geed. J. S. Klcffer,
E. R. Eschbach, O. W: Wllllard, L. II.
IJefauver, U. F. Busche, II. J. Ruetenlk,
Revs. C. Cert, I). U. Lad v. D. S. Feuse, C.
Schaaf, and Eldsrs C. M. Ileush, eeii., it.
Kuhns, and M. O. Ehrleii.
i ... '
Italseil ii ICew.
James Hodgeen, a young man living In
the Eighth wurdweut home en Wednes
day under the iiifiuonce of liquor and get
Inte e row with his stepbrother. The re
sult was ills arrest. IIe was bofero the
mayor this iiieriiing and it being bis first
ofleuso he was dlscharged witli a ropri repri
maud, ,.!&'.& i. . . hvA.w w,?jAw-.isr,-
LANCASTER, PA., Tlltf IteftAY,
Chinese Maidens Suicide
Otte Frem Marriage.
The Shlh Pae contains the following
slery, translated front the Chinese Timrs;
"There Is a prevailing custom In a district
called Bhong-leh, In Canten province,
among fouiale society te form different
kinds of sisterhoods, such as All Pure'
sisterhoods, 'Nover-le-be-Marrled' sister
hoods. ,te Each sisterhood consists of
about ten young maidens, who swear
vows te .Heaven never te get married,
as they regard marriage as some
thing horrid, believing that thelr mar
ried Uvea would be miserable and
unholy, and thelr parent fall te
prevail upon 'them te yield. A sad
case has just happened A band of
Veu limn aldens ended their existence In
this world by drowning In' tbe Dragen
rlver because ene or them was forced by
her parents te be married. She was en
gaged In her childhood blbre she Joined
this sisterhood. When her parents had
made all the necessary arrangements for
ber marriage sbe ropertod tbe alrair te the
ethor members of her sisterhood, who at
oiieo agreed te die for her causa IT she re
mained constant te her sworn vows te be
single and virtuous. Should she violate
the laws of thosisterhood and yield te her
parents her Ufa was te be made most un
pleasant by the ether mombers, and sbe be
taunted as a worthless being. She con
sulted with thorn the best modeofoscaplng
this marrlage, aud they all agreed te die
with her if she could plan te run away
fiem her nareiits onthe nluhtef the mar-
,rhgc-j as, .there wero many friends
te watcu nor mevements it was
almost Impossible for her te os os
cape, se sbe attempted her llfe by
swallowing a geld ring, but any serious
consequences that might have resulted was
proveutcd by the admiiiisttatlen let a
powei fill emetic. She was finally forced
and made evor te the male side, te nor great
grlef. According te the usual custom, bIie
was allewed te return te her parents. Dur
ing nil this time she was planning a way te
oscape te her slsters. By brlbliig the
fomale sorvantsslie was taken one night
te her slsters under tbe cever of darkness.
Tbe sisters at ence joined with her te
torniluate their lives by lumping into the
Dragen rlver, with Its a wilt currents, which
rapidly carried them off. This kind of
tragedy Is net uncommon in this part of
Ibe land. The officials have from time te
time endeavored te check the formation of
such sisterhoods, but nil their efforts are in
Vain, They) must; have reasons of their
own- for establishing such societies.
Married life must have been proved by
many In that region te have been net al
together tee sweet. Hewever, such whole whelo whole
salo suiclde must be prevented by law If
the parents have no control eyer thelr
The Democratic Candidate Finds En
couragement In Pittsburg , y
Ex-Governer Pattison, the Domeoratio
'candidate for governor, had an entbuslastle
inception In Pittsburg' en Wednesday. He
(Mine as the guest of the Randall club, and
was the centre of Interest in the afternoon
with the 10,000 poeplo who attended the or
ganization's annual fote tiiampetre at Sli
ver Lake Grove.
The day was spent by the ex-governor
entirely In a social way. After breakfast,
at the Sevcnth Aouue hotel, thore was a
public roceptlon at the rooms of the Ran
dall club, where soveral thousand Demo
crats and Republicans leek the distin
guished Philadelphia!! by the band. Cap
tain W. U. Barclay, tbe candidate for boc bec
retary of internal affairs, was with
Mr. I'attlseu during the reception, and ox ex
Lieutonant Governer Black would have
hoc:. Uiore, tee, had net an important busi
ness engagement proveutcd his coining.
Thore was a stir when "Glorious Old
Tem ' Marshall, the Independent Repub
lican leader of eight years age, outerod the
room and warmly grasped the ex-governor's
hand. Mr. Marshall loll no doubt of
bis position iu tills campaign. Said he,
while still grasping Mr. Paulsen's band :
" I bad seven Republican clients in my
e 111 co this morning, and I made it my
buslness te ask thorn hew they In
tended te vete. Te a man they told
me they would stick te you. I have
net found mero than twenty-ll ve or thirty
Republicans Iu this county out of all I have
talked te but Hay they will be with you en
election day. The fact is, wp never had
sack a feeling iu Allegheny county as ex
ists at present, nnd If Mr. Quay (loes net
get iu soineof bis well known line work
you will be the next govorner of Pennsyl
vania." - - .
Mr. Marshall subsequently leek a sent
In the cx-governor'H carriage, when the
start f 47 Silver Lake Grove was made, and
this spcctacle pi eveked applause all along
the line. At the greve thore was mero
baud-shaking, but no speeches wero made.
Among the Republicans who called upon
Mr. Pattison was Levi Bird Duff, who was
prominent in the Independent movement
Citizens or au Ohie Vlllnue Flre It Flve
Times A Detect I ve Almest Hanged.
A most extraordinary condition of ullalrs
prevails at Bairdstown, an oil village en
the Baltimore A Ohie railroad, about
twenty miles south or Teloda. It has had
five incendiary fires within a week, and
overy business beuse has been dostreyod,
The alleged can se is this:
Seme time age the authorities passed an
ordinance forbidding the sinking of any
gas or oil wells within the town llmltt.
Men who were holding town lets at big
prices, heiiiug te sell them te oil men. thus
found their aspirations checked. Romanes
were made that " what Is below the ground
is mero valuable man what is above ll."
The idea that a section of a community
would set dollberatoly te work and burn
up a town with a view of converting the
site into oil-producing territory is some
thing se singular that ene can scarcely bo be bo
lievo it te be posslbie, and yet this state
ment is publicly made by citizens of tbe
destroyed village.
A Cincinnati dolectlvo .named Burkctt,
went thore a few days age and seen de
clared that the citizens were engaged in a
conspiracy te burn the town. An indig
nation meeting was held und the excite
ment bocame se lntonse that a schome was
start ed te lynch him. Therefore, Monday
night he was tsknn from the c.ilahoeso and
taken te the weeds, where u repe was
placed around his neck. It is claimed the
object was simply te frighten the fellow,
but "May or Nusbaiim reached tbe scenoef
the lynching uoue tee seen, as the young
fellow was evon thou being " lifted." Half
dead with fright Iio begged pltceusly ter
mercy anil premised te leave tne town.
, Ne Full Fair lu Chester County,
There will bone fall fair held this year
by the Chester County Agricultural society,
the beard of managers having se decided
ou Wednesday. The society has u mort mert mort
gagedrbt of $l'.!,0n0nnd a flouting debt or
about 8l,ren, the result of a series of losses
brought about by lack of patrenage, wet
weather and ether failures te lead te money
returns. The grounds of the society are
lai go and line ones, and are estimated as be
ing worth at least $18,000, and litis new
believed that they will early be placed ou
the market ler buJWIIng let ptiresus.
The fair fast spring was a less of ever $.100,
and for the past year or tw e the society has
failed te pay Its premised premiums, and
this has leu te a withdrawal of interest en
the part orexhlbltors.
Why the liihiirgeutH Fulled,
The Louden Times correspondent at
Buenes Ay res bays: Every liouse was
converted into a citadel ou Wednesday
evening, me peopie in;iue Buuiirbs organ ergan
ised Ibelieuii armed poliee te deal with
The Union (ivlca state that they found
the boxes of ammunition In the govern
ment stores empty Instead of full, as the
htoie books Indicated, ihls deception and
the error in net cutting the rails and sei.-
lui. tne war minister wtien opportunity
off icd at the onset caused the iullure of
tin popular cause.
The exasperation against Column Is in
describable. Unless lie resigns It. is feared
that attempts will be made upon his llfe.
The beurse Is closed, and settlement Is
jos:penod until August 11. Exchange shops
quote geld at 40,
If Celmaii lias tiie slightest patriotism
Iio will resign, but (hit cnpliants around
him have assumed a bullying tene and as as
eort that he will never resign.
-, '-,-
JULY 31, 1890.
ixpiiiiim mmm by ceuiMiuMs
The Petter' Field I u ter teres With the
Open I rigor Cherry Street and Rocks
In the Track et the Ninth.
Columbia, July 31.-r-A special meeting
of council was held last evening for the
purpose of making a personal view and
Inspection of some of the recent Improve
ments made by the borough. Mombers
present; Messrs. Charles, Ferry, Greve,
Jacksen, Kinn, Mlnnlck and Fleming.
They were accompanied by Regulator
Goerko and Solicitor Kauffinan. Tbe
work of operlug Cherry street te Eighth
Was first examined and found te be well
advanced. Further progress has been
stepped en account of Petter's field, which
cresses the line of Cherry street a short
distance from Eighth. The disposition
or the bodles in Petter's field Is a knotty
problem, unless sufllclent ground can
be secured for the re-lnterment of the
bodies. There are many uninarked graves.
The solicitor suggested that the proper
way te proceed would be te secure addi
tional ground for the burial of the bodies.
The improvements at Ninth street wero
next visited, and the work is well ad
vanced. Thern Is nonstderablo rock dil
uting te be dune en the Lancaster pike en
trances, and at tbe tracks of the Chestnut
III1I Iren Ore company huge piles or lime
stone block further opening of tbe street.
The new slreet cresses about 76 loot of the
furnace properly, and a Jury will be sum
moned te assess the datnages,
Clarence Kauffelt, a resident of Maner
street, was at the saw mill yesterday after aftor aftor
noen gathering weed, and en his way
home found a train standing iu the cast
yards. The old man attempted te crawl
undorneath, wheu the train started aud his
right feet was caught. The feel was
broken,' and was given attentien by Dr.
Mrs. Jacob Hlne, of Wrlgbtsville, was
returning from a visit te Prospect yester
day, wheu the horee took fright In the
runaway Mrs. Iline was thrown out and
severely bruised,
A stoer belonging te Fred Herman was
en tbe rampage, yesterday afternoon, and
made a tour through the town. The
animal ontered soveral yards, knocking
down fences and creating quite an excite
ment among the poeplo.
Three tramps wero in Wilsen's hard
ware stere yesterday and made seme tri
fling purchases, 'and thelr actions aroused
suspicion. Onlcers Schill nnd Wittlck
weie en the lookout for thorn last night
and found thorn near tbe round house.
The tramps were followed te Chestnut
stroet, whero they saw that they were
being tracked and took te their heels; the
efllcers gave chase, but the, men escaped te
Tbe clock lu the opera heuse tewer took
a notion te step last night at 12 o'clock.
About sixty Democrats went te Pnnryn
te-day te attend the picnic el the Demo Deme Demo
emtie club of Lancaster
A large nuinber of poeplo will go te
Landlsviile te-night te attend the closing
scenes of cainpinoetlng.
Eloveu dogs wero killed at the deg pound
fast night, tbe ewners falling te rodeem
The Shawnoe Flre company will held a
special meeting te-morrow night te com cem com
plete arrangomentsfer thelr trip te Chester.
Hew Fast u Locomotive Can Travel.
Frem the Electrical Review,
In regard te the much discussed question
as te the rapidity with which a locemotivo
can run, seme iiitorestlng efllclal figures
have been given by Mr. btrotten, an emi
nent English engineer, showing briefly
thai the, highest sieed evor accurately
taken was with a Bristel A Exoter
bread guage engine, having nine feet
wheels, and which was, as long age as 1853,
.officially timed at a speed of Just evor 80
miles cvn hour for a short distance, this
occurring in the .se of a falling
gradient aud with a light liml. He also
Istinctly asserts that this snood Is me
maximum that can possibly no obtained
with locomotives of the prosent type,
tiie cause of this being, he declare, that at
such a speed as that thn resistance of the
air, the back pressure iu the cylinders, aud
Ibe friction nltogethor have become se great
that tlmv absorb the whele newer of the en
gine, while tbe pressure en the wrong sldM
or IIIO piston uocemos gruuuy nicrunsuu iiy
the fact that tboexbaust steam cannot be
get out of the cylinders fast enough.
JlrlllAh Ships Arrive ut Newport.
NKWrenr, R. I., July 31. The British
squadron, under Vlce Admiral Watsen,
arrived bore this morning. As tbe three
war ships, JHelorephon, Partridge and
Canada, which make up the Heet,
cast anchor in the euter harbor,
they were greeted with salutes
from Fert Adams and the navy training
station. The vossela will remain until
August 6 and Admiral Watsen and efficers
will receive many attentions from the
society poeplo.
Chlcaire linkers te Wtrlke.
Cuicaoe, July 31. Unless Bakers Al
drlch and Ureinncr, whose large establish establish
inents are part of the American Biscuit
company, accode te the demands of their
striking jourueymou bakers it has been
doclded by the Bakers' Union te declare a
shut-down en overy bakery, Including
theso who have accoded te the strikers'
terins. Messrs. Aid rich and Bromner have
decidedly refused te accede te tbe strikers'
Died (suddenly.
Ni'.w Londen, Conn., July 2!i. Ooergo
L. Schuyler, of New Verk,u guest or" Com Com
eodore Gerry en the flagship Electra, efthe
New Yerk yacht squadron, off the I'oqtiel
liouse, New Londen, was round dead in his
cabin this morning. The remains will be
conveyod te Newport.
An Errwtive Nuvy.
Buknes Avniis, July HI. During the in
surrection here the ironclad lieet which had
Joined the revolutionary movement bom
barded tbe city Ter two days. Serious
damage was done te; many buildings,
esjieclally theso iu the vicinity or the i'la.i
Victeria. One thousand persons wero
killed and live thousand wounded.
HendliiK Celd Hern te Europe.
WAbiiiwiru.v, July 31. The director of
the mint te-day autherised the payment at
New Yerk or fl.OOO.OOO In geld bars, in ex
change for geld coin, for shipment te
North Dakota Nominations.
fiiiAMi FenitM, N. I)., July 31, At a late
hour last night the Republican state con cen con
entiou Humiliated Captain Burke for gov
ernor; KogurAllen for lieutenant gover gevor govor
eor, andM. K. Jehnsen for Congress.
Cholera IIiihu Firm Footing.
Mkcca.JuIj' 31. The cholera epidemic
here shows no sign of abatoineut. Deaths
from Die dlsease iivorage eighty dally,
,.. .
Settled the Strlke.
Pinsiiiine, July 31. The strtkeat the
National tube works, McKeespert, Pa,
was soitieit this afternoon.
1,(MM) In Htaniis Molen.
Niivvi'eur, It. I., July 31. A big robbery
or $1,000 worth of stamps fii lie pos( pes( pos(
eilico waa Uiwoverod le-day
1,1 - ' --af - '
A Bosten r re rosse r Predicts Dire Uls-
uster Hen? nnd In Europe.
Frem the Raltlmere Bun.
A "cataclysm" is a deluge. Frem time
immemorial cataclysms of some sort have
been prophesied, but thore is only ene well
authenticated instance en record in which
the prophet hit the nail ou tiie head. There
have been cataclysms innumorabie since
the world liegnn. but nobody predicted
them, and se far tiie record of old Neah re
mains unbroken. Prof. Jet. Redcs Buch
anan, of Bosten, however, lsgelng te break
it or " bust." He has an article in the
August number of lha.d rout, entitled "The
Coming Cataclysm or Amertca and
Europe," In which he predicts all sorts of
dlre disasters te this country and Europe
In the ceurse of a very few years. I'rer.
Buchanan bases his prophesies partly en
the science or porlediclty, and recalls the
fact that he predicted the civil war, whlth.
by the way, was olse predicted by some mil
lions of overy day prophets, und that he
foretold a nuinber of important ovent In
recent European history. After thus Im
pressing us with his prophetic powers he
proceeds te unfold a tale which would liar
row up the soul and froeze the bleed ir we
bolleve It, Sluce thore is no possible
oscape from the dreadful tilings he has In
store for us, It Is gratifying te our prlde iu
be Informed that what we are going te see
ami suffer will be the biggest calamity the
world has evor witnessed, or te use the
professor's own words, the " coming cata
clysm in Its magnitude and horror tvill sur
pass anything of which autlieiitla history
has proservod a record." Prof. Buclmuan's
cataclysm Is divided Inte two parts politi
cal and natural. " The twentieth century
will be ushored In with increasing agita
tion and discontent," says tbe Bosten seer.
" Hew high the agitation will rise lu the
next eighteen years It would net be safe te
firedlct, but during that time it will be
ncreased by a war iu Europe which
will coine en near the beginning of
the twoutleth century, and lu the
destruction of monarchy. Nlnetcen
years hence war or quasi-war will ap
pear In this country, and the convulsion
will net be arrested until about 1010. The
six years prier te that dale will be by far
the most calamitous that America has evor
known." The professor kindly refuses te
"give a lurid description of the horrible
scene that rises bofero him," but he an
nounces that the conflict " will be a labor
and a capital war, intermingled witli a reli
gious element of dltoerd, und .villi a mix
ture of the race question from the prosence
of n powerful negre olemont commuting
the Caucasian ncgre-phubla. It will be rt
dreary triumph of the destructive olemonls
compelling a new depaiture for the fu
ture and a mere thorough democracy.
The church as a power will be thoroughly
shattered, for the power In this revolution
has outgrown the old Bible. The fetters of
the past will be shaken off, the marrlage
relation approximated te freedom, ler the
drift of the future Is that way and beyond.
Hlblleal Christianity Is Hearing Its end. The
twentieth century will witness lis expiring
struggles and the existence efa religion In
which all that was geed in tbe past will
survive" As If all this were net enough,
nature, also, Is meditating all sorts of evii
things against us, according te Prof. Buch
anan. Tne present summer is te be marked
by destructive eyrlones, and by a great In
crease of mortality from sick nesn, "mainly
by prostrating udemlnal diseases, with
seme toudeucy te paralysis." Some
twolve or fourteen yeais bence, how hew how
evor, "cold seasons" are te "crush agri
culture" "and greatly odd te our social
calamities," aud Jn the midst of all theso
t-orrers of war and distress "a terrible cli
max will be reached lu a geological convul
sion" which will shake Europe and Amer-'
lea alike. A great earthquake, follewod by
an lmiuonse tidal wave which Is te sweep
the Atlantic coast, are the natural agencies
by which this climax is te be reached. It
will probably relieve "Ibe great inassofeur
oenl Incut, and especially its northern or or
Hen," te learn that they me comparatively
safe, but we regret te say that the professor
couslders that "the Atlantic coast Is
deemed." In the great lldal wave "Gal
veston will be overwhelmed; New Orleans
may be destroyed ; Mobile mero than half
blotted out; Southern Flerida submerged;
Pcnsacela only a little less damaged than
Mobile; Charleston, S. C, half sub
merged ; Norfolk will suder about as
much as Pensacela; Petersburg and
Richmond will sillier, but net dis
astrously; Washington will sulfer In Its
lewer grounds, Baltimore and Annapolis
much mero soverely, and Philadelphia
soveroly. But along tiie New Jersoy enast
the damage will be great. Atlantic City
and Cape May may be dostreyod. Jersey
City will bn tiie most unfortiinuteof large
cities, everything belnw its heights being
overwhelmed. New Yerk, below the post pest post
nlce and Trinity church, will be Heeded.''
Alter having inmie nil theso predictions,
tbe professor coolly dds that, "belug in
the fourth quarieref Ins ten! iiry, he can
not expect te live te see mero tiic, thq
approach of the grand calamities he for.
sees." He, however, urges overy body who
has faith lu his judgment net te remain
mero than fifteen years ou the lowlands of
tbe Atlantic coast, south of New England,
which Would suggest that the profchiier Is
Interested iu real estate lu thai quarter;
jiud Is trying te turn the tide of immigra
tion tGKWds his section. Thore is said te
be u geed 'ileal Of vacant land lying around
loesojust new lu that" part f tne world.
IIe Whip iv iteurcitiit llrldegroeiii, und
the LiitturThuii Marries the Girl.
"Se that is your game," cried the Itev.
Mr. Hartley, the athletic chaplain of ene of
Montreal's ciack military corps, and pastor
of a swell West End congregation. As lie
speke the iiarseu doffed his black coat and
ministerial will te Ue and the next Instant
he was giving a scientlllc thrashing te ene
of Montreal's best known und richest
The slery that led te this result lu as fol fel fol
eows: Some few weeks age the youth lu
question was engaged te wed ene of the
fairest daughters of Montreal's Hunt ten.
The lady in question happened te be a
member of Parson Hartley's chinch, and
also a particular friend of the minister. In
consequence he was called upon te perform
the marriage coremouv. anil en tbe ap
pointed day was en bund at the residence
of the Intended bride, as was n large party
of frlends te assist at the w cddltig. Te the
consternation of the lair beauty and the
surprise of her Iricndsihe groom failed M
put iu an appearance. The wedding was
declared oil, but the clergyman, it is under
stood, ex pressed himself In Indistinct way
about what he called the rascally conduct
oftbe gilded youth lu quostieii,
A row ovenlugs age the clergyman wan
Invited te call en the young man, and
thinking be was lu gut an explanation or
his strange conduct lie made the visit. He
Just entered the deer when his first salute
was a stinging left-hauder lu tiie face. It
was thou that he divested himself of his
garments ami the youth was taught a
lessen he richly doserved. Se badly was
lioileno up by the reverend pugilist that
he spent a week iu a private. hospital te
recuperate from the effects or the thrash
ing. As the brother and fathoreflho a 111 a need
lady premised similar proceedings the
fining man thought discretion the hotter
part of valor, and te oscape further beat
lugs married the girl, and ou Wednesday
morning Mr. Hartley performed the lung
postponed ceremony.
The afljlr only leaked eul Wednesday
evening and created it sensation of which
the pugillstle parson Is the here.
l'eusteUH Increased.
lucreased pensions have been granted te
the follewing: Charles I,. Yeung, 1-aueas-ter,
Henry Brenner, Marietta, and Jehn
Ml I ler, Manheiiii.
Arrested I'm De&ortlen.
Ocorge Laivrcuce, well known iu this
city through lilk participation in walking
matches, Is again In trouble. IIe and his
wife have had iiutuoreiis quarrels and
separations. Thelr troubles woie patched
up after each quarrel, but peace was short
lived. Mrs. Lawrence went bofero Alder
man SpurrJer and made a cempUlut
against her husband for ilosertion n0
was arrested by Ceustablq Merrlgur mld
lmked up. After an Iiicarcei-aljOU 0f tt row
hours he was released en bay, for H hairing
to-nieirow ovening. Uiv(rc vjums that
ids w ilu deserted him,
t i j,
the cexTRAmie rmin.'
- Lt J -, .
If J
Al 1 the Members of the Imperial 1
Witness the Ceremony Engag
of Anether Titled Pair AnneBMOM.
Virnna, July 31. The marriage oft.
Arcnuuciicu iuana Valeria,
daughter and youngest child of th'
perer and Empress, and Archduke Fn
Sal valor took place te-day. Th
meny was ioifermcd In the pariah. e
attach!. All the mombers el the Imp
family were present. The archdueheMI
cently renounced her rights of su
te tbe Imperial threne In order that
might be froe te tnarrv the archduke.
was ber own choice for a husband. " At ,
i no ceremony at tue enurcu was aim
wheu the party lea the church It wan l
cccded by 130 little girls dressed in the I
portal Austrian colors and they stre
flowers iu the path efthe bride. VI
lsein was extensively decorated for, t
occasion, un Monday last me mayor 1
sonteu the archduchess In the name of 1
elty, with a beautifully carved and ink
ebeny shrine. She thanked tbe dener if
a low werus. .
The gifts that have already been recelv
are many aud cosily, the most magnlfl
ueiuga uiainenu miisnnn necKiace
the emperor, te which the groom!
added u suitable bracelet, and the erar
eouipletos the outfit with a gorgeous set 4
diamonds which was presented te her:l
the imperial family en the occasion of' I
bll.'ft, Wfwtflltif ,1-'v.Jm9
""'".. "-"""V . . . .. , ii
At the wedding breakfast after the
ding the emperor announced tbe betr
of Arehduke Ferdinand, third Bea-?.
Archduke Karl Ludvvlg, heir premmi
te the threne of Austria. Huniary,
Princess Elizabeth, oidest daughter !
Prluce Leepold, of Batavla. Sf .1
- ..: -vass
.... im
Seven bodies of persona whe.f
drewned by the collision between!
steamboats Leulsn and Virginia, -M0
..!..!. .. I.V.. i'n..1t 1A nam.
ered from the water en Wednnday..')C
ei uiunu wuu wuru nuriuu uvnni tue mm
died from inturles. Add te these the I
three porseus who died en tbe Louise Me
dav niaht. and these of tbe excursle
who are missing, and tbe total efdeatfcil
leuneen. r? '
Bodies found Wednesday were thetj
nirs. Bopme fauer, Airs, lizzie ur
Lillian OrlggH, aged 13 years: Annie 1
acred 11 vcarsi Grace M. Alllsen-1
n god Vi years f Harry Kepp, aged 0' ye
William Iloleel. aired 11 vearat
Tuesday was taken from tkew
Mrs. Margaret Oestrleu; UMjfi
IUdlgan, aged 11 years. These wbei
killed en Ithe Loulse were Mrs, C
M. Kaiser, Daniel Kepp, aged 111
Charles uronzer. aired 5 years.1.1
are nibslmr are: Maggie Eller.i
years, Washington, 1)7 C. WlllbMn"!
aged 7 years. MBF
IlAi,TiMeiiK, July 31, The tMatH
Wlllle Haas and Maggie ,EIM,twl t
.lihiiUHiul I.. II... ml 1 1..I..V. nr ,ka' .
uiimiiwi njr ,u vMinnwu u, phw
lienise aim Virginia en nieuaayjw
reenvered te-day. All the
been accounted for with .the.'exe
Laura Weeden. The number of
known te have resulted from thee
fourteen. $ft$8P
latp.k. J .aura wooden reiurnaa;!
te-day till right. The police were at
Informed and 'the work of dredgfaMf
her body was stepped. All the " uumTm
have been accounted for. Tbe total, n
ber of fatalities Is fourteen. 'fSSf "i
"-" J&
Net Yeiik, July 31, A also
celved in New Yerk from Buenes v
te-day, via Oalvcsten, sayss "Tele
communication with Buenes AyreeJ-i
Qalvesten, 1m reopened. The eJBelM
the Mexican Telegraph company lii i
city say the fact that this me
evor the Tratisandlue line is an indfc
that neace reigns throughout the Ar
Kenubbc." -J2
ever u xueusaiiu werKiuea acrwsA
Nisw Yeiik, July 31. A general
" ordered this morning en all
schools , - being rnalred. There,
only tin oe contractors ebjMiaM)
the beard of wanting aeiegaiee, ew,
ironeral movement Is ordered te
the beard of education te get rid of;
Alwut l.tfX) men are out of werk.and,
lu wrlntm dntiht about the nrlilicM
being able te open eh September 0. i g
. -vi
..... . V Ul'lll. fi
uuvu .tiiuuMiuiii r c wiuumt
7 mde.v. July 31. in me anion i
here arfsifig "i U tramwctleni efji
..miner rlmr.' JuscfcnBay has held OL
guaranlee of CompteTru0ywPti.f
nei ue aniorceu ami na givunv-'-a '
favor of UieSovieto desMetauf n?U1
for breach of contract amounting; "JJ,'
nan &J
1 wafer ft
Dled of Heart Dlsea
WtuiiiMriTiiv. .Iiilv I.mTv
.. . ... ;. "i .i.. eeoters. Vs
piriliiuuv is iinuiiuuu w iH, Twi
Boyd, U. 8. N,, ou .funrBtw k3
Yerk city, as prosident efty 1T&
spocters of merchant vr fifeyi
night of heart failure "8 TO HAVBrt
row Unit Cranks In IMttflbtitV. jJ
Pinsnuite, July 31. Tbe next aerlMi
games scheduled at Pittsburg between I
Pittsburg National League club ana
Brooklyn, Cincinnati and Chicago Natia
Loaaue clubs have been transferred te 1
latter cltles. Boer patrenage isglveeVlj
the cause.
Mitpplnu Cield te Europe.
Ni:w Yeiik, July 31. Heldelback, W
hoimer & Ce. and Morten, Bliss A Ce., Vi
Hetfiuan & Ce.. and Itrevvn Uretbera
have each ougaged half a million geld;!
slilpnient te Jurope, muKitig thus Mr!
Wasiiinciten, D. C, JulyJ
armor, fair, southwesterly wl
lferuhl Weather Forecasts The M
wave." new oxtendliig Irem the Ml
slnnl Vallev cistw an! te the Atlantic.
tn-iiiMibiv i-ontlniie its easterly advai
w Ithsoine aggravation of heat and ubaeli
humhlity. liutrrcsii strong iireezes
alleid seme relief. A large aud sev
nvclnne new central near Lake Huren
nrebablv uinve quite rapidly eastwi
u tth hicrli southerly winds In its seutl
(Uiadrauts. followed by dangerous I
sleriiis iioarthe lakes and tben
New Euglaiiil coasts. A "cool wi.
move In rear ei the ster'" will
i,, .., ,v,i, . -t
lu this sections and 1
Satuidav and Sunday. fJ
en the United States yesleraivV excH,J
the far Northwest ; tue oilier miuinjuw
perted was iu degrees ai rerc assiuiuei
Ment, j the chief maxima were Wat Ptel
tlellilila, i5 at Hesien, Aiuiiy. u.
nnniu. Nt. liiul. Louisville. Naahv!
Sprlucfield. 111., and St. r,euis: w fl
........-,, ". "-----i -- . ,.. - . .
nnhiiriue. Ties MeillOS. KOOkUK,
Kansas City : 08 at Dedgo City, Kan..
100 at emana; iu ae ii
narnmr rdr u oather and fresh te
aniltln.rU- tn S'lllttlV. Cj.CrlV Wind
prevail, with greater abwilnte kuml
tollewiHl by lower tempcpitnte ami'
inv.r the akes; ami lu Nv Eng
warmer. fair, mero mil try we-dher,
fresii te brisk southerly, winds el lucre
force followed by ruli lu the. w