5?Fs,3w.tM-i,r "..4- ta ' 'link ta PC 4- taff - & p ksfe jiV W jar,. ?& !.:, a. Ki.s"i ? ?iV H,r a 9 m-. T s .K fe Vk ' u 'ssaj a i: k .&? &P: FABOKaTHE JBWS. 3 i M rf , -r, I i i " neiwti nmci mm mi ftiwti um a num. -Viity Mm la CM-tala Town, ,X" Mrf Ar Deprived of tbe night te Own ,& op Kn In Any jprolfclen. ::. -ibeMMrr, Jely 30. The Time tymie IhMMMi government naa oraerou meap- Mkwtlea of tM edits or 1SBJ against Jews. i ?' Tfcas edlcta hve hitherto been held In 'MU'rAM.M vrSr'AeeefdlnK te these. Jews tnuit hence- ktt':Jertfc reside In certain towns only. Nene '. : rSiVlll be permitted te own land or hlre it for yj iwiiuia ruijvv. Aunviuvi iuviuuda V-Lr:' within tta scope town nd hundreds of k7 YlllagM that have urge Jewish pupuu- E",v trciM. jne jew wm be miewea te neiu w .t ahamalnnr wnrlr mtnM. Tti law llmtt- a- tec reetdenee of Jews te 1H provinces will d)e enforced. Ne Hebrew will be allowed KlraS.'lb enter the army, te practice medicine or P & nw, te be an engineer or te enter any .f"i!mBw iruiessiuii uvj win mu ue no ne t ?."? tmrrad IVem heldlnir neriU under the miv- , 1 - -- - M " rametit. The enromement or tiie edicts will result In the expulsion of ever 1,000,. 000 Jews from the country. SraE scHepi. beard zibets. Repert of the Property Committee Sub stitute Teachers Net Favored. , Celvmma, July Hn. The regular monthly meeting of the school beard was held last evening in the council chamber. .Members present Messra. Allisen, Clark, KasJg, May, North, Slade, Tayler, Welfe. Absent Mr. Urban. The finance committee ropertrd as fol fel fol eows: Balance at last report...... ....,.... .....X.WI 01 tyd,coHecter. IfisS...................... ,........, . all 'ja 1Bjyl,collccter,18o........... 1,071 74 16574 07 Oerden paia. ................ 211 is Balance en hand - ........W.ttU 01 Balance In (Inking funJ. .. (H 60 The property cetnmlttee rocemmondod that proposals for coal be asked for ; that n competent porseu boemployod toexnmlue the furnacei of the buildings and the library j that Ave rooms in the Cherry street building be mipplled with Hlate blackboards ; that the hydrant at l'eplar street school be repaired ; and commlttce appointed te confer with the old Columbia Public Ground company In relation te new closets for the Institute building. The rec ommendations were ndopted. A motion of Mr. May that two gradu ates be elected ns substitute toachers, at $5 per mouth, was lest by the following vote : .Ayes Messrs. May, North, Blade and Toy Tey Toy lerj nays Messrs. Allisen, Clark, Faslg, wone. It was decided te open the schools en the third Monday In Soptember. The socre secre Ury was instru led te have printed 200 registers of the school district officers, teachers and committees. Bills were paid, amquntlng te $280.02 and coupons cancellcd te the amount of 1103.50. Adjourned. The fnnerul of James Mullseu will be held en Thllrwliiv iiflnrimiin. nt A .'..lr.,.lr ' 1freui the rosldenco of II. K. Itruner. The lunerai Bervices anu interment will be private. A special meeting of council will be held tils evening te consider street Improve ment. ,M!ss Clara Benner onlertatned a number of her friends lust evening in honor of her raUtu birthday. s. Sixty-one pcople went en the Atlantic vrviCUjr excursion this morning. it isaJ The Readinir railroad will run u uiulnl vtrtinen Thursday nlxbt fortheaccommo- rM4tln;. Tbejraln will loave Columbia jWKInrahd will Icave Lnndlsvllleat -ii:e p. m. j?U "l1 Rmmn Schrowler and Carrie "BtlMr have gene te Cape May. jgir t?yi R. Crulg has aicepted a position en U tke enirlneerinii' ceriM nf ih N'nrrnilr .1- t'm Western rallrmirt. ik Ilirrv T.lllcnnM nnn-in m. n.t ftm 1A...II.. -.;J...-rllrea(l. was struck with n wrenrh vnulnr. IfM diy whlle waking repnlrs te his oinriue. A bone In his lea hand wus broken. 8. 8. Detwellcr drove te his farm near town yexterday ufteruenn. He lea the tauni sthitdlng iileng the plke while he went ontbefarm. The herse startwl and cnuie In the plke without u drlver. Mr.Detwller caught the herse nt Third end Chestnut streeUi and no dumnge was done. Oroce Y. Shortzer, daughler of Jeseph Shertzer, died this morning Hern typhoid fever, oged five yours. The funeral will be held en Friday aaomeon at 2 o'clock from St. Jehn's Lutherau church. Jacob Baker and wife were boferoyqulro Kvan-i this morning for disorderly con duct. They paid costs and wero dis charged. Harmen Reller, student at Gettysburg college, has roturned home ofter a visit te bis brother, Rev. II. Keller. 1). K. Illnkle, wife am? duughter went en a visit te Alluntlc City tots morning. Name of AlKeuqiilu Club MemlierH. Following is the Hut of the members of the Algonquin club, who .till spend u week, beginning' next Monday, at Yerk Furnace, ene of the prettiest places in Yeik county for cumpiug : , 0 A. F. BenttiP. W. H. Buller, H. K. , Baumgar; "iJife. B. Brenner, Chas. K. lBeuiurt.tffeV. U. A. Brickcrstein, I.ltltz : peuiueiwv. U. A. Brickcrstel P. U Binder, Philadelphia; Ui it. l,ry, Jus. H. Garvin, II. r"l(ev. C. K. Hau)t, W. A. uev. cuas. W. Gib- lli.inifttii tfn. F. HelnltBh. UnueC. Hark. Jacob A. Ifjllnger, A. A. Htibley. Dr. Ira lllestnml, Iietiiiu, rt. iiun. 11'iiN, DUMI. iioero, :j. r, .MCJ.mioyie, l'lillnUelplim. II. vers, Unnard ltehrer. Philadelphia, ivuituuui, i.ur. j. n. niuoie, I'llllu- , Jes. U. tinyder. Win, D. Weaver, reuug, Harry v. jMoere, president; Max Hark, vice president; Kdw. Iff, tiersurer: J no. Black, necre- B. Cassel. chief executive. Tim 1 will return en Saturday. A Ills; lhlladelihla J'lrin 1'iills. J. E. Tygcrt it Ce., manufacturers of fertillrers, with hcadim irters at 1! Chestnut street, Philadelphia, hate failed. An approximate estimate places the asbets uf the nrm at 8318,000, and liabilities at $317, 000. The suspension was caused, it is said, by the refusal of creditors te renew notes of the Peninsula Bone Fertilizing company of Smyrna, Del., upon which J. J:. Tygert &Ce. were heavy tndemers. Nearly all the paper is held by bank, the firm's name being involved te the oxtent of about SX, 000. ' The Aim of J. K. Tygert A Ce. Is com- (ea or J. ;. and 11. 8. Tygert and bus en ill exUtence for about nlL'htpnn v. iru t.l' iu formerly did a buslnessiif betwoen S100.- ? bf vw iiu iww,vw u jear. 1110 iirtn waa 11)0 princlital owner of the Peninsula Bene fertilizer company. A Valuable lloek. Freight Agent C. B. Bruner has faverel the iNTELUOE.vcKn with a ceny of the ,ji elUcial freight shippers' directory of the Si Fennsvlvanla railroad and Its connection. lih Tu "kt of nances Isalphabetically arranged dr-ft; and consists of stations en lines owned, gvc- leaseaana operatea iy the company. It ? also contains a ueneral man of the P. It. It. ?, aud of the principal cities and ether infer- tif luiMiuu 01 (j real uueresi te snippers, tA .. ; . j v, an-v- vi Mvn luurvunvil. tsT iKrnstTlioedoro, a prominent tea imper ter inrni nun Jtnv, wmna, urnveu in Cm- ."-NT'. ultvrpA Mr fllin.lrra euT.t iirrl.. - . h . ",""!Ke et tne hllv' bill has raised the j?nilni9p. of tea len jier ceut. We make all Ud tb3lJI "ver out mere, little geld r Ills v'5n'LWwe draught is equivalent te taking out of the ?Mu)pable. Eastern markets lmve felt this ',H Vienee, and allver Jn Ijoudea has raised Wi iirice. The tea crop in China Is heuw M yaar. and of prime quulity." ltf .'.; -.--. cv. ,T RAiLl Ktt.X.KD OX TttB LltOAU. IHuilel McKrey , a Fermer Lncastrlan' Struck by an .Engine. Daniel McKvey, a fermer resident of this city, died en Tuesday, from Injuries received at Kvanavllle, Indiana. He was a machinist by trade and Vrprkcd In the foundry and machine department of the car works, at Harrlsburg. Iat week lie was sent te Kvanavllle te put up an online In the Insane asylum In that place. Whlle crossing the railroad, near the asylum, he waa struck by an engine and badly injured, lie lingered until yester day, when death ensued. Deceased was 37 years old, and raised In the city. He was mnrrled te n daughtoref Jacob IKIelil, a boss" carpenter In the em ploy of the Pennsylvania railroad. Khe and three small children survive hlin. Ills remains are ex pectod;te reach this city tills. evening. He will be buried In St. Mary's cemetery. m They Were Photographed. A dispatch dated Norfolk, July 'A te the Baltimore Sun, says : The Baltlmore side-wheel steamer Tock Teck Tock wegh arrived In pert te-day having en beard the Chesapeake Yachting club, of Lancaster, Te., numltering forty-live men, in handsome dark blue uniform, with a very line band of twenty five pieces. Mayer Frank Merris In a neal speech welcomed the club te the city, and waa fittingly replied te by a prominent meuiber of the club. Aner wards the club, band and city efllclals were photographed at the front of the city hall. At the rooms of the fluslness Men's asso ciation this evenlng the hospitalities or the association were tendered. A Sllntht Klre. Ail alarm of tire at 1 o'clock, this after noon, Irem box 3(1, at LeitTen and Duke streets, brought out the flre dopnrtment. The flre was In a chicken coop and shed, en the premises of Charles F. Itongler, en East Lemen street. The building was de stroyed ; less trifilnay Mr. Ilengler and family are out el town. The Are Is sup posed te have been the doings of an Incendiary. Appointed Censul. C. HerburlObrolter has been appointed consul for Lancaster city of the League of Amerlcan Whoelmon. The national organ ization will meet at Nlagura Falls, en Au gust 25, and thore will be a rnce meet en August 211 und no. Arrangements have been miide for Kpeclul rates for wheelmen, A Held Trump, An unknown tramp onlered theyaid of Henry StuulTur,en JumesHlroel this morn ing, and climbed Inte an apple tree te help himself te roiiie fruit. A girl ordered him oil", when he threw his beet at her and badly frightened her. Officers were sum moned te arrest him, but when they ar rived the tramp had disapiioared. Iltnlne IlnltM Aincrlcuu Cutters. Itenerts from the sealing lleet received In Victeria, B. C. en Monday show that the beats have laken 15,747 skins. Ne no of the KchoeuerM were molested or tiven Hightetl by any of the Amerlcan ctitters. They haagoed hunting weather, and, judg ing by their half-Hoaseu'M catch, the full Hoasen'a cutch will bu a very successful oue. TlieU. H. Hnvlnir, I.enn nod IliilldluirCe. The law cnucled by Hie lAglnluture of the Htntcef HllniiOBiitu fur tlieaiiirrlKlnn and con trol by tlieHtnte of llullillne Amwlnllem mid Companies delnif u iiiitlennl bunlne.in In of a very thorough ami stringent churucter, nnd li well calculated telimpliu Inrrrnncd cenfldciue In such Institutions. The syntem oftlie UnlU'd HUiten' HnMns, Leiin and IltillillUB Company embriueit all the vnlunbln elements or lliu erdlunry luilldlngiis luilldlngiis luilldlngiis soclntlens, te which nre ndiled ethcru or great Importance. An Important advantage lev scH!,eit by Oils Company In Hint us It Ih nntleuul In U field of operatloiib, It can easily nnd alwayHKclccttbe bent localities In I he nation fir ftiifeund pnilltableliielmciils. Tlia Com Cem imuy has ut tbe pirsent tluie flrtt-cn hundred stockholders In sovcntj-llve lenna In lVnu syhanlu mid New Jcritpy, liuUIIng about elgb. teen theiisund abnrex of Meck. Attention Is called te the ltrpert of this Company which ap p:nr In our columns tiwlay. J. Uust .oek, or this city, who Inijiilrcd Inte the werklniji of tlila ort'imlnitlen, enderM'S the cempnhy Inn letlerptitilUlied In the Intki.li ukniikk en Tiifiilay c:ciiliiff. ' THIS HOYS WllUWOItr.THK HI.UK." O. A. It. ut Ilosteii. KeudliiK Hiillrend'H Spri'lul Lew ltnteH te the National i:iuiiiiipinenl. The National Kncumpuient of the (Iriind Army or the llepuhlla will meet at lloxlen, Mass., AUKUKl lOUt te Kith. Owing te the locu tion checn nnd the exceptional finllltlcsfer reaching It, 11 Is e.tpected that this occasion will witness the greatest gatherlni; of demos evertccn since the memouible review In Wash. Ingtetiat tliue!oe el (lie ltchelllen. Willi Its uceustomed tnlerprliu; nnd liberality, the Phila delphia A ItiedlnK railroad has urranctd te sell special round trip tickets te Husten by Mirleus routes at such low rules us will place n trip te the "Hub" wllhlu the reach of oerybedy. These tickets will be geed gelm; August 8th te 12th Inclusive, and for tin., return trip until und lueludlni; Ai:;'ist'J)th. Te nccommednto nuy who tuny wish te leinalu longer the tickets may be extended, wllhuut additional ihar(;c, until Beptcmbcr :0th, by (empbliii; with cci tutu feraiulttles hleh tlcl.el ugentt. will ox ex plain te purchasers. The lteadini: rullraid etllTS n reat vurlety of routes te llosten, pnr tlculurs of which, us well us rnlesund till uccc sary Inroriuutlen, will bu fully und tourleeunly rurulshcd nt uny ticket agency en the KeadluK system. JyOO-'td J. Oust Zoelc'H Oiilnlen of the United StateHSavliiKM, Lean nnd lliitldliiir Ce., or M. Puul, Mtdil. - Lancamhi, Pa., July 10, 1MK). 71) the MtKUieldera itf Hit United Nattthntngi, ten unit llulUlintj tt. : As udeleKnte representing Lancaster aud l clnlty, I visited tit. Paul, Allun.,ou June 12, 11U0. On my way theru, 1 met elghtevu ether dele pile from dltlerent stctlens or this tute and New Jersey. Upen our arrival lit Ht. Paul, the delegates met In the parlors of " Hetel ltan " uud organized by the selection of Oce. V. linn linn ceck, efPlilladcliilita, as chairman, uud M. K Watklim, of ill. Cnnnel, us secrrtiiry. lu order te make a thoieiigh examination of the company, we formed eiu selves Inte four eommlttvcs,usrelloirH; One en treasurer's ac count; one en securities; one en books lu home elllee, aud one en the personnel ofelllcets mid directors, Idcslre te shite heie that the delegates from the East were geed business men and fully nble te make a strict examination of the ullulrs of the company. Each committee having performed their duty, we wet hy arrangement in Philadelphia en July 10, 1SW, and mnde u general report, which si III lie forwarded te you from the Phlla Phlla dclphlaetlke. As te the character nnd standing of the oill eill cers, I made Inquiry of my frlind. Judge Jehn P. Ilea, of Minneapolis, and 1 lake lilen.suie In stating that he spoke lu the highest terms of the men connected with the company, and of its president, Hen. Hubbard, with whom hels well acquainted ; he said for honesty and lu tegrlty of purpose, no ene stands higher lu the stute of .Minnesota. In conclusion I would say thill feel suit. fled, Iftlie ulllcerc of the company cenlliiueln the mme wlte uud ecoiieiiiKnl course, thut the returns will be as large as the Association rep resents. Yours Itespectfully, J.OUhl'ZOOK. The Talk of the Town is that "(Jreat llosten Flre Bule of Clothing.' Ne. 21 Centre bipiare, new going en, wheie the largest business ever done lu this city Is new being done. Everybody would go there If they only knew what " Geed Clothing" ran be hud fersuch u small uiiieunt or rush. Thosterols full of buvcrsull day long. The llke f It has never leu seen In Ijincaster before, und fin fin Ihcrmeie.lt will uevrrncciu again, us Iho In; surauce companies have given strict enleis that every dollar's worth of clothing shull be turned Inte rash money te settle Insurance imllcles, no matter hew great the suerlilce. 'J be stock consists or the nnesl Tailor-made lelhlng for ilen, Youth aud Children. The blgsuccctti of this Ureal Kile Isdoe tollie fact that ull goods urc sold us iiCtvertlsed; se here's asllght Idea of what we nre doing don't miss your last and only chance us ecnu lmjs men's geed working pants, worth flja, lc. buj s better ones, lOstyles, worth J2. H.OS for tine all wool casilmere punts, nebby ttj lex, worth tiM. Just think of It ; tiM talcts choice at plaids or strips men'i tuilt, all sires, worth very much mere iSMi buys splendid men's suits, all sizes, and (all te match), twenty-flv e styles, worth $13, 1 8.1t buj s wide wale black worsted or diagonal suits, cutuwuys or sucks, worth 10. If.20 for extru Que dress suits, dark or light colors, cost te manufacture eipilu as much. S.Wscclul Mk& quality satin laeei, b)a'&IaMAnitrt'4reM niu ana ne eiaci'WiM waieenevietauits, worth IIS. Jurt think of It, " Here you'll m vn splendid 'children's talU,allatea,Me,and KOO children's plaited school aulta .will go for ll.se, bat are really worth Hl-fiO, with (00 boys' (Iedi pants) mlta for H.9S, and 1400 pairs knee pant at He per pair, (while they last). (Be washable seersucker coals anfl vest, worth. II se. AH ether joeds will be sold in the same proportion as the above mentioned articles, rIMPOIlTANT-Cr fares are bclnc ld te all out-of-town buyers. Bear It In mind. Inek for the hi situs and number, "Urea Bosten Fire Bale of Clothing," 21 Centre Hquare Lancaster, l'. Jr28-tfd tttarrtarje. HllitOAn Ukvak. On Tuesday evenlnir. July 2M, 1H90, at the parsonage of Ornee 15t. I.utliemu Cliitrrh, by the llev. U. Klvlu Haupt, Mr. Chris tian H. Hlirnnd, of the city or lancnster. aud Miss Mary llryan, of Toms HI ver, N. J. ltd gcath. HAiinv. in this city, en the 29th Inst, Helen Cernelia, daughter e-; Edward and KIlMbeth Hardy, aged 0 months nnd 3 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re-. spcctruliy invited te attend the runcrai, rrenv her parents' residence, Ne. 037 High street, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'rleek. interment at Zlen's cemetery. HAMim:eiiT.-July2!), iwe.in this el ty, teah, wlfnefHamuel Hamhrlght, In her (find year. The relatives and friends of the family ate respectfully Invited le attend Iho runcrai, from her husband' residence, Ne. 721 East Orange street, en Friday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock. Inter. nlcntln Lancastcr'oeraclery. II Aim. On the 2slh lust,, at the residence el her brother-in-law, M. A.Ilaldwln. Miss Knnnle Harr. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her brother-in-law, M. A. Ilald win, en Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. In termeiilat the Reformed church) ard, Miller vllle. McEver. At Evansvllle, Ind., en July 20, 1890, Daniel McEvey, In the U7th jrarnrhls age. Netice of funeral hereafter. lcw 3btcrttrmcntg "lAHHIAUEH, A. OKO. H. NOftBKCK'S Doersom Carriage Works, Cerner of Duke and Vine Hlreeta. All the Latest Htih-s of FINE VKHICI.KH new en hand. Great HargalnslnNewandHcc-end-lland Werk. Fer aula nt a very low prlce i A second-hand Mrt'Jill Wagen; u second-hand Phieten; n second-hand I.lulit Tretting lJuggy;u second-hand .liiuii4seatCnrrlager two second-hand .Market Wagons three second-hand Tep HiiekUs ; ene Ceuiie lleeknway. Call and get bargains at Oeo. H. Niirbeik's liocrsem Carriage Works, corner of Duke and VlnnHtrecls. dV-lydAwIt CIIEAP-PIHIK RYE WHlKlvlia, lll.ACK btrry, (lltiKerand Kuuimel llrundlcs. ROHRER'H IdUUOR HTORE, Ne. 22 Centre Hquare, "liriM) (!AT GI-KN IH ALWAYH OPEN TV for visitors. F Ker nartlcul.irs. uddrei-s jy'JSOirdeed ROUT. CARI(OM,Murletta. i ,1 nA MEDIA (PA.) MILITARY 4t:v .. Academy ; no boys. llroekn Hall ; Jy30-2md girls. Circulars free. PRIVATE HALV.-WILL HAVE ON Fill dav unit Haturday, August 1st and 2nd, at my Hale und Exchange Htnbles en West Orange street, an extra geed carload of Illinois Horses, consisting or heavy feeders and general purpose horses, Jy!wA.11 HENRY WEILL A COMFORT FOR HOT WEATHEll" Leng's West End Cologne, Delicate, Permanent, Dtllchtrul Ibcse Hultry Hummer Days. It will cool und rerresh you, JOHN C. I,ON(l, Druggist und Chemist, Chestnut nnd Mary Hts. Try Leng's Fragrant Teeth Wash, a delicious Toilet Adjunct. ltd fTUIE COLORED CAMPMEETINO 10 1IK1IIC1.II IN JOSEPH DETWEILER'S WOODS, NeiirMeunt Jey, beslnsen August 2d, te con cen con tlnue ten dajs. Excursion lutes will be. Riven from sail points en ull railroads. The fare from lhlsclly57 cents. Fine slnsers and eloquent preachers si III belli ilttemlance. J Haul BUI LDERH' ATTENTION I One llrlck und one Leg Wentherbearded II en se ut the corner of Maner and Wt raw berry streets, the property of Christ Ki angelical Lutheran Church, will be sold at public sale, ut the I 'oepcr Heuse, Aiigiut 6th, ut K o'clock p. In. Hald beuses te be rured te the ground uud the material te he removed en or before. August 1.', 1KM. lly order or the inni.ni.Nu cemmittke. .lOKI. L. HAINICH, AllCU jy;.e,iuJ,w I7-E ARK GRADUALLY WOIHCINU order out of chaos. We nre sold out of soma lets of Reels nnd Heds, but no have unearthed u let or heds nnd Itiilx thut vure lest sight of In the hurry and bustle or making nlti rations. These we eiler ntsiieilal bargain prices, Hrmrmbcr we lire lleailiiuar ters for Fishing Tackle. FRAILEY'H EAHT END PHARMACY, (UiipeMie i;asltrc .Market), i Hath HiKMiges nnd Hue Cha- Choice Turkish melsiit llargalii Prices. M.W.FAw ESrATi: OF WILLIAM JUDITH, LATE of l.uneitcrcltv, deceased, letters testn mcutarv en said ('statu huv lug been grunted te the undersigned, nil crsens indebted thereto are requested tomakulmtutdlale pajmeiit.and these having claims or demands against thu same, wllliurscut them without delay for set tlement te the tinilei signed. FREDERICK JUDITH, GEORGE JUDITH, JvjSMltdW Exeniters. lUIreN FARHEIW CLUII AND FULTON V ORANGE ASSEM11LY FOR IsflOlTopo IsflOlTepo IsflOlTope sit Ions te be submitted te thuromiiillteeror the occlusive privilege or suppljlug IihmI und re Ireshlng (noif-iilcehollc) drinks, lee cream, rakex, fruits, nuts nnd eonteetlens during the two dajs" Assembly nt llliick llarren Hprlngk, Fulton township. In theearly imrtef HepU'iu her, 1SU0, will be n-iclvcd and Inlorinatleu given en or belore August tth, luoxlrne. JAMES lll.ACK, 32.1 North DukeHt., Unit aster. Pu. July 2K, lysj. j j vwtd XMPORTANT I If seu will take the trouble te call en us, we thine Wucm Interest you In our line of Heets mid mines. Our stock Is complete and we exercise, great rare in tbe selection or our geed. Ail of us being 1'nictliHl lu some brunch -of the Shoe lluslness, we reel uble te give you points en shoes thut w III be or value te you. Established In IMS, and the business cnutlu tied from that time te this, should give us that experience net possessed by seme ethers in the business. Our sleck embraces ull deslrable grades Mi u's Fine Dress Khees, rangln. in price from llnul,vf7a,nnd Uulles' fre'u (1 10 tort 00, Can uud j ou will net be decelv cd, wm. hTgast, Wd F NO. IS! NORTH QUEEN HT. w AR11N 11R03. Te Deuble-Quick the Sales. Big Reductions -IN- -OF- CUSTOM TAILORING -AND- MEN'S FUMISHINGS -AT- MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA, SUMMER CLOTHING, - .jjAK."..tk. m: ?'. i 1 i. E VERt DAYACHBAPDAV AT RElKdLDB. "tirilAT IS TWKNTY-KIVB CKNTH TO create a Beaetiml lwn or Renew an Old One. -KSORHAKLBtiUiN rRUIT. -S 'VrJRE JAMAtCARPlKlTH, K'KINO. II. E. HLAYMAKKR, Agt. u O YOU WANT WOHKt OO TOl,ANCAH TKIt KMPI1YMKNT BUREAU. Ne. 01 erin ijem street. ...... 1 1 j , . ; ! . , ,' . . i i SCIIOOI TAX, IWO-THE HUPLIOATK 18 new In the hands of Uie Treasurer. Three per rent, oft ir paid before August 1. Offles hours from V a. in. till 4 p.m. W. O. MAIWII Afdi, Treasurer. JeStauldR Ne. 12 Centre Hquare. f-pilOUT 4 HHANK FLAMEL SHiaTS. al-lvd psRIMIAN'8. B , NEVV WINDSOR TIES, , FOR IIOYB AND MEN, ' NO.slWr-UTKINOBT. FIRE HRICKH, KIKE CLAY. AT LOW figures, go te JOHN I1IXT, 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd -CS.RDiMAN'a NEW DRESS SCARFS. i . . mumt ..sw .P,F0RPEN1 i , i. i : PENRYN I EXCURSION AND PICNIC, ' BY THE Yeung Hen's Democratic Society. penryn"park, thursday, july 31. DANCING AND OPEN-AIR CONCERTS ALL. DAY. TAYI-OR'8 OnCnESTRA. YOUNG Mi:N'H DEMOCRATIC BOCIETY ORCHESTRA. MANIIEIM BAND. nrOamn of Hase Ball Lebanon vs. Yerk. Reuting, Turget Practice, Etc., Etc. FAHE-ADUXTS, - - - - BO Cetlte. CHILDREN, .10 Cente. aHicclal Train Leaves Outer Depot nt 8 o'clock a. m. Keanlar Trains, U.W, S-10, 5-M p. in. Returning nt 7.30 and V p. m. M KN'SAKD HOYS' FURNI8HINGH. Hager & Brether. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Striking Reductions -IN- Geed Quality Flannel Hhlrt, 7"c; reduced from 11.00. English Hlaniwl Hhlrt nt 51.00; reduced from fl.'A. Enjllsh Flannel Hhlrts at JI.'jO ; reduced from J.'.CO. Best Hcetch Flannel and Pine Cashmere Shirts, Si 0J; reduced from I2JQ. All 8111c, Hlllt Weft und Hllk Mtrtjie Shirt re duced te cost. Bargains In Demet nnd Cheviot Shirts at 2.'. Extra Value Chovlet Shirts, Neckband and Yeke, at 50c. Men's Fine Percale Shirts, three cellars aud ene pnlr or cutis, fresh deslrable goods, 75e s reduced from tl.'i'i. Speclul Bargain In Geed Quality Jean Drawers, SAc. Values In Gaiue aud llalbrlggan Underwear, 2.r)C und r.7Kc. Choice Styles lu Summer Neckwear, 37Jc j reduced from CiOc. Bcautlf il Styles lu Fine Neckwcnr, 75c ; re duced from J1.U0. Special Value In l'aucy Pique 4-lu-Huuds. WuMiuble, I forCOe j easily worth double. Bargr.lns In i Hose at 8e, lOe nnd ll!Jc a pair. Bargains In Belts nt Ce ; worth 10c. 25, 27, 29, 3i West King St., I.ANOAHTEH. PA. T B. MARTIN, A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. NEW GOODS FOR FALL. Special prices new lower than if you wait ! Will keep them till wanted. New Patent Folded Carpet Lining, the best in the country, 7c per yard. Special line of new extra quality, best made, 10 Wire Tapestry, 200 pieces, 75c ; else where S5 and 90c. Every one new, Extra low prices for taking up, cleaning and laying carpets. At this season Churches and Halls are much improved, and Carpets will last longer if cleaned and moth destroyed. Window Shades and Fixtures put up promptly. Everything shown en Second fleer ; easy stairs. Our prices will repay you te go up a few steps. Call and convince your self. J. I). Martin & Ce., Cor. Prince & W. King Sis,, JANOASTKK, PA. '.tVilrHmgni.. Het Weather Comforts. luGBUtmrniB. Carpet Department ! isVfefcwv' --e-.;-jtf.v BMJtett&iriftajfe'CS'' trti-i -?it -va- ' I " i1 Repert of Eastern JDl?&tj , , Who, Attended Annual Meeting of UNITED STATES SAVINGS, LOAN AND BUILDING AT 8T. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS . !f Ihil.hec?.n4f "'(PIS? delewtes, represenUngitBe Kaetera ateckheldera of the lng, held In St. Paul; Minn., June 12th, 181W, respectfully report : That ,' nrrlvml at. Ktt. t'aiil nn 4ha tmli .! nf t..n luVi . .-.. InUie afraCTthem1 an6 w Tv-e.im.In r m. ynd "Bte? the K.Vatklii8,ef Mt. Carniel, Pa., Secretary. make a mere tuoreUKh Investigation, bv Treasurer; i accounts, one en Heme OJlfcc, 1 ii eevuriui-wmiu jmebus 01 uie company we leunu neiiesiiea witn ine Minaeseta Lean and Trust Cemtianv of Mil. fTrUklMef tlm f ,ntnnntlv. n.wl nil Hin lan. ,.e.l n . ,e.l. ,l .ll. JrKV, i,.L",'.VrInP?nJ OI rtlL. aJr..IAI - -.. .-;.!. fnAiZrSJ.Z(LrAruZ'LVZTl-' ill. -V .1 JlTii B7. c;"""':" ," ---".--.- .. .w.av ., me .uuiuuni A tboreUKll Investigation wnn mnrtn of r' linvintr report as Of Mav' 31st. 18!HI. ffn Aiml If " ' v iiV l"'10 ePulat,0l, et tMe Officers the cheerfully and D. 801 chosen and elected as Kastern Directors v e round that a large portion of the stock of the Company was held In Pennsylvania aud New Jersey and ask ......i 1 . . ii ' . . . i Ti i.... . . v ." -"--" m;;iA,ie, niuuil risui. iiuuura, y. jiancecK, rresuieni 01 tne ciiiwns' Trust, Tax inucmnily anil Surety Ce., of P iuuis jiinic.Y. ticssurerui cue hcsl jfrwv 'lit s nnn idiiurnnrv i:nrnitnnv. nt 1 'ntnrien rc 1 M,nMA We therefore unanimously report that we believe the United Stales Havings, Lean and Building Company of Hi worthy of the confidence of Its stockholders and the public generally ; and that the money and the Interests of Id "" v vnii-iunj nun itiuiiuiuiy ijuuuieii. All of which is respectfully submitted. - IPresldentCltltcns' Tmsl, Tax Indemnity A Surety Company. Director Commonwealth Tllll . f Insurance and Trust Company, nnd Director of several Building Assoclatlens.1 I M. K. WATKINS, Jit. Cnrmel, P.. Hecretarj-. On Committee, en Heme Olllce. Cashier First National Hank, MU Carmel. Secretary ItENHT S. MUHFlT.Doylcsteirn.PH. Atterncy-iiH.aw. Director Ilulldlne Association. .t. OUST ZOOK, Lancaster, Pa. Ixiaf fslA An Tl -vnrr. ii.ii t.i.i.i. I i (Atlemey-at-Law, Director Commonwealth Title A. J. JOHN J. COIISON. Norrlstewn. Pn Heal V D. O. McCULLOUGH, Alloenn, Tn. Merchant. .JOHN H. 8CUUDP.lt, Trenten, N. J. (Of Bcuddcr A Dunham, Merchants. DlrccteriPlrst Nntinnal Bank. II. BOMEns RISLET, Camden, N. J. Insurance and Ilea! .KsUite. Treasurer West Jersey Title nnd Guaranty Company. Camden National Bank. Secretary nnd Dlrecler several Building Associations. It. B. TAYLOR, Chester, Pa. Hardware Merchant. Director Building Association. DAVID KEISER, Heading, Pn. Carpet Dealer. Director National Bank. A. P. BEDFORD, Scranton, Ex CIIRISTOPnER WREN, W. HOLT APU Alt, Trenten. V. II. KULP, Tamequa, Pn. Merchant. WM. KELLER, Kasten, Pn. Wholesale Merchant. .1. .T. 1IIIUWGR, Bloeinsbiirg. Pn. Hctlred Merchant. LOCAL OUST ZOOK, ProHldent, U. R. BRKNEMAN, Seci-nlnrv. S. CLAY MILLER, Par Value of Stock In United Stales Savings, Lean and Huidling Ce. is $100, payables vur vAin-nuiiiai iin piureu iiini luia huic'k will mature Illustration Cost and Profit for Membership Fee Monthly Instalments, l months at ffl per month.. Matured uliip, Ten Bhnres Frent A greater or less number of shares in proportion. The report " as of May 31, 18U0," referred te in Delegates Hcpert as well as tien concerning the Company, cuu be had ou application te the Lecal Beard or LEE jitcw glbucrttecmcnte. 2JIOKAMEHICANHIQHTFEED CYLINDER J Lubricators, Qiaes Oil Cups for Bcnrlngs. von can get them at JOHN i3r3& et im rjs r uuen street. m7-tfd ITE HAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TT Pipes nnd Cigar Helders. French Ilrlnr Pipes In Cases, 60c. t-jicli. All Uie flne Brands of Smoking Tobaccos. DEMUTH'B CIOAR STOKE. alS-tfdll 111 East King street. ANOTHEH LOTOF(UEEN8WAKE FROM Auction, AT RE1NHOLDH. ALTIMORE MUTUAL All) SOCIETY. Hcjulres sevrrnl competent and trust worthy men of gentlemanly appearance te net us collectors. Alse two men us nsst. stipts. W.J. BARN KIT, JcO-tfd 146 East King Ht., LnncnsUr, l'n. "VirANTED HORSES TO PASTURE. TT Address. nprSI-tra SV. W. ailOSH, Neflsvllle, Pa. ARIETTA PRESKRVINO KETTLES, AT REINUOLD'S. IN FIVE.TEN, TWENTY-FIVE AND FIFTY Pound Packages. LANCAHTEH CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENR1CHEH. Sold everywhere. DO YOU WANT HELP? GOTO LANCAH TEH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Ne. Ill North Duke street. 1JWK RENT-ONE OFFICE ROOM, SECOND 3 lloer. Ne. aiCentrn Square. Apply nt M. HABERBUSH'S HAKNKsSSlORE. JJ-Clt-tid iT OUR OFFICE YOU CAN -ET ANY L amount or LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENR1CHER. M UK1C CATAIOGUE WITH NEW EDI- lien nnd price list sent upon application, AP IILMVtlnltl'u Opposite P. H. R. DcM)t. BEAuYlFUlT" LAVN. HOWVlHt small It may be, Is a crenl luxury, LAN CASTEit CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN EMHCHEIt. TENHIONS. PENSIONS Tiie New Pension Bill Just passed entitles nil Soldier, Widows, Miner Children uud Depen dent Parents te n pension. I will attend te all applications placed In my hands promptly. I hne hud four years' experience In the pension mice nt Washington, 1). (J. SILAS W. SHIRK, JcSS-inidH 18 North Duke BU, Lancaster, Fa. TI I AJNNEHCHOUSUMMEHTHEATHil Week Cemmcncme MONDAY', JULY2K. Millikru a Certrss Optra Te., In the Fnverlle Opera, " Chimes of Normandy," With Miss Nettle Dccoureyn"Bcrpelelte." 49Admissien, 10 cents. CHRIS BUHOEK, Proprietor undMnnacer. Week Commencing Monday, August 4, ' hit MINIE." mi'JMiiiil phNSIONS. BOUNTY. INCREASE. PENSIONS Fer nil Soldiers und Soldier' Widow s by up up plIiiRte M. V. Kilburu, AUTHORIZED ATIORNEY, Ne. WIS N. Water ht. References Gem. II, A. Hamurieiit, Hen D. W. PATTril-ON, Wounded at Perry vllle, Ky., Octobers, lxB. NEW DISCHARGES. REMOVALS OF DESERTION. JjZJ-ludH -i , ; . fit m &Umnt; PAUL, MINN., JUNE I2TH, wniel and offered every facility for K"4! wh,c! . W. Hancock, of Phlla., was chosen Chairman, i It was the decision of the meeting that we could expedite our busli rlivldlncr nuwh-m lutn fniirrrmmiiie. and one en the personnel of the Offlcc'ra. . a t. m . 1. .a -, 1'issw.b " y "" iuuue uyiuu vvuipany muce 11a lllceriKJI ..,,ai,, etui, iwuuu fcv uuiu: .TlII tilt; Iiuuil3lim4 IVIlurt. tlu linnkn of thn Cnmnnnv's Hiime Oflliw nnd r.xnwl ., ui. . nhIiI rrnnrl. hv werila " Hnnlhil IiivpmIwI ' ' nnd Directors managing the Company, for of the f'nmiuinv. Tobacco Dealer. Director Lancaster Trust Company. Director Building Association. LUBUltG, Hhcnandnah, Ia. (Uardwure Merchant. Director First National Bank. -tate- 1lr:ter Montgomery National Bank, Director Alteena Bank, Director Building Association. Pn. - United States Revenue Collector. , wllkesbarre, l'a, . Prothenotary Luzerne Comity ; Sccretnry Beard of Wllkesbarre, Pa um.n.j. a Atterncy-nt-lJiw. Dlrecler Building Association. N. J, Director First National Bank. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, LANCASTER, PA W. D. STAUFFER, WILLIAM AVOHLSEN, MARTIN KUF.lnF.lt, & CO., General Agents, itCIU 3MUCVtt0CtltCHt0. 1ST EW GOODS, LOW PRICKS AND A COOL clore Roem makes snennlni? plensunt, snepplni? plensunt, ATREINHOLDS. THE ONLY CIGAR STORE WHERE YOU can purclinse linperU-d nnd Key West Ulnars, ami U. F. Ornveley'sHiiperler Cm enillsli. DEMUTH'S CIGAR Sl'OKE, 1U East King Street. Telephone. alH-tfdlt -IHISMAN'M. BLACK SUSPENDERS. rnilC SEAMLI-SS COOKING WARE IS X strong, duiable nnd cheap, AT RKINHOLD S. ACAKD-WE MAKE "THE NATIONAL Surety Kinh Wheel In three sizes (Cox a Andersen's Patent.) Forsherl turning, strength nnd durability nre matchless, 'Ihey also make 11 neat finish. Try tlicm, Krry uliecl Ihunar Ihunar nuteed. NATIONAL MANUFACI'UINO CO., Jyli-'Jwd '.It te ;w Shcrmnn St., Lancaster, Pu. riilN TOP JELLY GLASSES 'AT S5e PER Dezen, ATREINHOLD'h. SUR CIGARS, GOLDEN LION AND MIA Qucrldn, are clear Havana filler 5 rent rs, huud-mnile, in boxes of 2.3, CO mid 101. DEMUTH'S CIGAR STORK, Established PHO. Ill East King StreeL BUM fdlt THE NEW SEAMLESS STEEL COOKING Wnre is better than granite und sells for half the price, AT REINUOLD'S. "ITIRISMAN'S. " OXFORDASHES. FORBOILERTUHE BRUSHES, STILLSON Pipe Wrenches, Pipe nnd Menkey Wrenches combined. Files. Oil Cans, etc, go te JOHN BEsr, 3J3 East Fulton street. m7-lfd PUM1W, BOILERS, MINING, CENTRIFU mil nnd Slenm Piiuinx, el nuy enpneity, nt JOHN BESTS. SE1 East Fulton street. nvMrd BADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OR HE , sign, run be furnished itlrcuseunhlcrlgurcs, by JOHN lUSVl'. SU UtstFulten street, in7-tW -TTIOH CASTINGS, IRON Oil BRASS, LIGHT L" or heavy, at short notice, go le JOHN BEST. !SU East Fulton strccU m7-tfd T F YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS PORTABLE Engine and Helier, en wneeis, cueup, us tne following prices shew: hers-power, 5175 ; 8 horse-new er, fii'i ; 10 horse-power, J575; 15 hori-e-power, S75; ID horse-power, J1,175, call ut JOHN BEST'S, 3.U Eust Fulton street. m7-tfd PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO IIVItUU'"l - X Misicl Mnklng, Patl Blue Prints, ut prices n HKHT'H, .ta East Fulton st tterns, Drnwlngs and rr.iseiu.blc, at JOHN iri-ei. inz-tiu TTJACKINGS.A8 FOLLOWS: OIRIGO.FOK I Steam nnd 11 ilnuillc Piielcing.AsbestReiie, Woven nnd Wick Parking, Hemp Parking, As bestos Mill Heard. Asbestos Cement, Aslx-stes Ul.nn.l.l.... ..... I1..LI... I,... til .,.. !.-., .-mi.,,.,,,, ik, muii, a .i (..iik,iuiii i,iiu;n ier t titer Gauges, Plumbago Parking, Reed's Patent As lieMns, Lliieil Sectleu.U PIikj Cever, ut JOHN lllXlPd -tit I.-... I-. .,.... .t. v i .r.i W..1.'UW.HV IllllJIi HlllTl. 1117-tfil riTIIEbTEAMEK "LADY GAY" Will lcne the whnrf for Recky Springs Park i'ery day exiept Sunday, ut 10, lOMOiWuter Ifurlii), 11:10 n. in., 12.au, HIO (Waterworks.) ilO.JI'JO, KO (Water Works) 5.00, .1: 10, 7W, 7:10, s.-.M und 0.-W) p. m. (Water Works.) Sunday e cr forty minute nfter 1 p. m. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, Ule, Including ucccus te Park, nnd .Springs. At tractions nt Park. Dancing I'avllien, swings, Hniiimecl.s, Sheeting Gnlhry, Beating, Hull I III? etc p'lrlle run secure dnlts by tailing nt It. II, Andersen's Confectioner . I-t King Ml eel, or ou the proiirleler, J.B. Ptepli-s, JI est King stieeL Jj2s-lmd . J( - fr, tfy - . . ..t -- ,'1 1 . IS90. Philadelphia, Pa., July leth, 18 above - named Company, at Itn annul .1 .-, , ,, 1 .. .. the purpose of making all examii i.im. . .i.. . ... .. a ..!.,.. A thorough and senrchliiglnvest "1C vames or me real Thebe " I. i.en -.7tn1 l .. , , e " wiuuu lumiHi 1; honesty and Integrity of purp' ivaxu hiladi unanlil Building Association. rf 1 ,, , - V.....M, a,. ,, ncic Insurance nnd Trust Company. and of Jlontgemcry Insurance, Trust J Direct! , ,r Trade, Plymouth, Pa. t'i! .' i. II. W. IfARTJIAN. .1. II. WIDMVEH, .merris zoe: in monthly instalments of GO cenM in seven 7J years. Ten Shares. $ je no 501 00 flM 00 j -18(100 Clrculurs, lly-Luwsand any ether inl 605 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELP Stciu SVbtierlincmrntJ ii'ji.i.iv.iie, iiur. i.uiLr, UIAT,I cock Inspiraters und Electors, Ell ui:i rccuer, i-eniieriiiy inspector, An Injectors, nil In Mwlt, nt JOHN BES'l uinii'ua'iuftirL'tL. n; "TTeuTiir. in:si' nrvr aih viiu 13 the market, re te JOHN BEST, W ......... u,Ti. n lAltRY IN srunivmT mrAP V HnmmereU 1! ir Iren, Deublf I tell lie J Burdens Kiwi Inn ItKiij. II. n unci Heller Iren, SUhI. Mnet Iren 3-1 U te Ne JOHN BEST.s. sLl Eust Fulton street. rr A lL'WnV L'lI, , a . ., u. r& y u,,..wx ru'v LauuAllAll re V.VS J.. incut te luketliepliu-oef Red Len ""'iv 11 iiiuiiet me iiuifj tut) qiiuniliy iiru., unit 11, iitrniiir-iitir in iiiuKiug sieam packing man und bund hole plates en I Ac,, Ac, I'rlee an cents per pound, at . HKKTM.XMEiiHlKiilleiiMrert. M y( n(f icin- of pipe, fi OVjJvF Inch te li Inch dlnmct sine inn low URiire, nun tun only house 1 city with u plu euttlnc lua bine, cutting II liifli illntiintur a( IMlTV IlLVTh , M L-l Will I.L1 111. m OAWMIL1X, HABK MILI1, COB M l In(ll()l Ifcvllnrw Til 11 lunlriirE I vIi.Ia Powers, Milling un'd Mining iliwlilncJ jintn ui.ti n,,i.t.i rjisi Miiieti sin-eu TT10R BOLTS. Ua SCREWS. SEPSCR I Stunrennd Hexagon Nuts, tliesoge Bbei-K, uv juiin uci'9, i&w insi v uuen m rpANKS FOR WATER.OILS, ACID Old X nfnnvshnpe or capacity, nt fiilrprlq wjuii.i nr,-ii. j.ii i.wi r uuen Mnel. l F IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON X Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, IV tan fork. Lc,M-r Cocks, hwlng Joints, call ai them, or send jour order by in ill. te J IIESI', 3J3 East Fulton street. m7 TRIOR I'ltATI' A CAUY AhllEHTOH 13 VnlNes, Ji iikliis Vulri llniss (Hobe Vi llrac. (lii,,. riiKnu Ir-.ni ll.wlv- ll.ilu. V. Ierhufety VulM', Pep Safely Vnl" Vnles, Riulliiter Vnlws, I'rattV Swli Check S'ulxes, llniss Check Vnlves.l'oel Vi .ngie uieR, cuu ui juiiis ijtvii n, u Fulton Street. m7 7tOR PULLEYS. SHAFTING, COLLI B Ilnngers, Clnmii llexes, Couplings, ell e JOHN BEST. AM East Fulton street. Ill 17IOR STEAM HAUOIN, HIGH OR J Prfssure, Water Gauges, Gauge C Wtsnl Wheels or Welirhted. GlniM Ti Whistles, Swihoiisrer steam Gauges, Cyll Oilers Plulii, Vutt r (j.uige Celumu, Ceck; nieiimuaugcs, rail ou JOHN tl KM, ail Fulleustre.it. m7- TT v-un L.ini iiiui rirr. riiii.un. ihi J nl.iln und rctluclmr. nn ttib-iiu li diam Malle.ible Mttlngs, Fliinges, Fbmae Ulif Mnuirelilt, Amrrleiiil Unions, TiiIhs Supp ltmiL-ers, FliHiruiid Celling Plulus, go te J (J 1IM1 M.iSM 1 JIM I- llllllll sin-ei. " WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED1 the pound, 10c: lu lets of lOpeuut eer, tie. All goods delivered te nii part of, city Free. Call en JOHN BUS!', . ZS.1 l Fulton street. m7 (lOLD BRONZE. LIQUIDS AND SIZI1 X for steam nerlt.nt JOHN HKni'S,SLU 1 riilteu street in"-t. STEAM vEATlbTHECOMINO II EAT dwellings, cbunhes, sthuel houses, i tlieugn suci-esnully used one hundred 1140. Wbenjoucentfinplntctt ihange eallll JOHN BCbl', wli-iwlllgUe jeu n MttlsraeC J0I1, ut 11 fair price. m" A GREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD i New Uiwiu by using LANCAK'IKR CHI 1CALCOMPA.NY LAWN KNRKHEH. lTIOIt l'll LEUS, H01tliCONTAL.TAIUIL, 1 Vc-rlirnl, Portable, C) Under, Marine I uuy slie or power, of the best material il xurKuinnxuip, e tejun. IJKjl, Kti East H i.iu .invi. m7-u 3.VARY H rr, und Vi-i I7.0R HORIZON TAL SrATlO.V I." glut ", from S te n) horse-iKin er. und enl Engine- from 3 te te liorse-isiwi r, ou vii lludlheiu ut JOHN UEbld, U) Lu.t ull kUtvU 1 iSW.4fi