SPWTT TvVr- ' "rf . i-V','W'Ai"'-"!'v v " ttt LAKCA8TEK DAILY INTBXLKHKNOEB. TUESDAY; SVIjJ 29t 1890. K& St ft. & m B9L EV-5-- 3ft J All 1,tl4ll I iltfHt (. nrw" j---- --- jnjkKW J. BTKINMAK, t ' f , ROBERT CLAflK PubUah. ?T DAILY IICrELLtaENCER.-Publl.iel rery ay in uieyear, Dutmmay. Bervea by amen In thin city and nurrenndlnt f.v :--'" iewpj St ten cent it wk. airmail nvedel- ;A l,Yarlnlratice. JOcenUamenth. .I.'4'IHKIjY INTELLIGENCER-On dollar ii4 t'ft,0TICT0 8CBSCniUEfl3-Ptnltb.r check ,;., , erpottefflcc enier, aim nuetr ncnncr ni Vhmim be procured cnd lu rtflatcrcd - tatter. ffitMMd at te Pwtefflce, m second clan malt taj.i matuir. m- Addum, TSB IMTELLIOEHCBK, Lancaster. I'M. rt LAKO ASTER, PA., July 29, 1890. ijti. fv ' The number or American tetirteta In Sf.&-Eurepe Increase! every .year. It Is nre- Pmdlcted that the liegira will lie greater , t-Vtila vnnt 4liin ntvp IwfYim. Thn rnlnS Jfvjtfer a cabin passage are lower, mid ilhe trans-Atlantic steamers will be k3) This familiar nnrngranh apiiears In M-ttaeuewnniincraevi'rv snrlns. It would "Sfbe strange, of course, If the number of ifr " Innocents abroad " should net keep J'4.i pace from year te year with the eouu eeuu J,? try's extraordinary growth In wealth -.nu population. But the rage for jgfEnrepcau travel wins greatly te exceed this growth, and the excess is often fribased upon nothing better than nneu- rtfi t-.... nM.- ............. ..-.-.. 1 l. 11- .1-r... isVf ucry. ihccauuws iiij; 111 iia iicicurc &J frwitin.ltr ftiw)n In ff-ilitttaf mil. nf MT Masens, but of very lame niioiegicn. Sggk They arc intended te conceal the true gAjnetlves, just as Talleyrand's lauguagu BrrjSfwiis intended te conceal his Ideas. In it S."-jet strancc. fercxamnle. that nresum- fcft ahlv Rnnn Americans should Rnend their 0L tumniftr vnpiiilnna In T.entlnn. Darin. SmL Vienna and Heme, when even the worst gwp of our own capitals are nenrly, If net ys altogether as net, misty anil unuoiniori unueiniori unuoinieri fcX. able ? If. like Mark Tnpley. they areln ?. &nflvlt nf mtcint. ttini tttlirltt lit full It accemmcKlated nt home. Js it net pass- pjr " ng Htrange, tee, that many of these pre .ple go te Switzerland te climb the B- Alps, wncn ineir own country contains, A a Mr. Jfyir observes, se many "dealr- C able and praiseworthy mountains " ? m AneTtheu gravely te tell us that they jct In this way in the hope or iniprov iniprev feinc their health 1 BF' Of course the Wile 11 Is derived from ifjeven the briefest sojourn in tlie Old ?Xyerld can scarcely Iks loe highly eatl k'inated. Every year a larger number of 'A&tne grauuulcs or our schools ami colleges '-fkcress the ocean toeontiuuo tliclrstudies. Om.la Itf .iltn..tt1iA n.l.llfnl.ln tf.i.ictl .I..M UlOiS UHVj,.VUVI IllllllllUifli. VUllCIIIVIf Tie ioe, ine over-werueu uusincss man, '?$ weighed down with sordid cares; (he !t'-V country editor, who reels hut vaguely, If sWkt ull, tlie existence of any real world vjbutslde the political one of hlsjeengi'cs- :4cian, each immersed tee deeply lu his jspracUcc te think of might else; the vj country clergyman aye, and his city ifgbrether, tee whose Intellect is in aangorei necemingas pctrincu as ins ftcreed : nud the teacher, profesver and iUterary man, each falling gradually S'lkbtit surely into his particular groove, from which he will seen be unable te vlift himself. JJJiat a l)!essing a run -toreugn Jturepe is re-eacii or tucse ilwliat a been te his friends, te all ever Htfyjrhem .he pesses1 Inlluence, and -jfyeven te me cemiriuniiy in which KWl.- 11 All 1 I.. 1 .. ..I. ic iivis i jvu uiu iiieugiu. imuK '?J&1? If lltT lllill'tf. rffllll .1 filr.il- ftdlug, machlnt-liku existence te Ittrge, highpulsiiig human life, aud Sd ..ll,.. ...111. .. ..I. .1.1 IV... .!....... ..r . ppj,nd spirit, like that of early youth, that vg".. luuy uiv, insL ui un, iiicii, ami nei R, merely editors, lawyers, doctors aud .J-the tieusurcs of art aud sclencu lu many gp an uucleut gallery ami museum, hew jj. tiv niuiii iiuniie iiiiuuucv:iuiiniY iiit' .jBwcct waters of the Pierian spring! Jy, Hew many Impressions of Iwnuly are jvj!v flxed lu tlie iiiiuil never afterward te lx; ftrfwhelly ellaced ! But even the cultuw '.).V 4hllfl frillnwl. llllVPVlr frlf.nl. iljj nltcrilllln ET value, becomes of llttle relative import impert import &ij$&ave wuun compared te tlie sapping of Kft("'l;u' provincial spirit, tue wuiuuiugei ine pMjSjUupathics, nud the brendmilng of thu 5"lntellect, which are almost invariably PS among the results of foreign travel. Kjrt jjesiaes mis, an wive a wcaK-nuuueu few iret I jreturn home letter patriots than when aail(r i uitir iuvu i uuiiie- Itcvusiuuiiens is deeper, broader nud .UunJ'hguUmed. gregal m Pl A Common Sense Outing. kmgOuldbe inteivstlug te learn hew , has t'lu nvcrage American tourist lu ' past. knows of his own country. Of who are icrM)iially acquainted some of Its wonders, it would lably lie safe te say that themaieritv E J was, visited the Yesemite Valley mid (5Srinc- iciiuwmuiie iwirK, or me natural v Bridge and the Mamuielh Cave, or i:, , Niagara runs aim rierum, nir each or ir these is set down In I lie l-iildc Im1.-u wn preiicr Mecca for the tourist And in this, as in everything else, most men nru like sheep; where one leads the ether fellow. Of course, If the well-beaten track must be followed, it is lictter that it should be in our own country. Hut Is it net strange that, even In our hours of rest and recreation, we should consent te be the mere servile Imitators of ethers V &., Jt seems wholly unaccountable, when jyr re iit'iii uj I'lica miui'ies our pe cr. &r, Wl tlie wliulc buuiullc'i coiitlnent Ik ours." w with Its wonderful variety of will, oil eil oil Li''t"mnte mill imtimil si-hiiitv nml M-i,n.. Surp;epIe are in se many ether respectd Ahuvuhiku ill I-111V1II1MJ IIUU 1U in- .dependence of character. Who ran. &&net see, if hu would l'Ive ilm inatter a moment's thought, that with 'A tltlie tiieexpense of following the 'k crowd, an ceuiiistuit out every censeu iJfJBJ- - ,.-..- " iuui, i-iijuj it R?s; vcruauiB vo.vageoi discovery with ull of Ife-tthat keen zest which arises from lis fgg dally uncertainties, its hourly surprises jgaud Its occasleiiul dilllcullles and fcjS .dangers? Compared te such an expo fa., dltieu. hew " wenrv. stale. Hat and im. &t prentablc" Is tlie tour set forth in the .7 t711llli IWinua I 111 L'linti nil ..I.....1 11 . v. .- ...w.., . .... ...aw.. .... ituuill il jp iieiercnanu ; and, nt great expense, and i ir in 11 nerviIi.U4. iw.rfiitirlnpv. tiiniirw. .... " . lm lirf.llr.il llm ui...ir-i .vnr.Ktn...... 1I...1 vlA &" ....w.... ...v numu i:An.- 1UIIIJU IJllH jw thousands have gene through bcfeie. ? Would VOU. With 11 true ImvUli i.hMmi. , lusm, thoroughly enjoy your hummer's ; outing'.' Tlien threw guide hooks te thu ! 'j1HpU tiilftfn ili.urii n.,11-. ....... I fi, isi " juur map uuu lllarit I174 nufin. Innr nf vmir f.wii lr,t u 1.......1.1 rby rallwuy, steumer nor stauc conch. '$& The last Is the It-at objectionable j but fcfw"''ya u'"" tl,(s rt'al llnl?i nd net the I ) .hyiwcrltieiil make-belleve, resign coach- . i.- 1I1LT llirllO. Id tllll klinlis U'hn lnii.r.i-l...l .V-I." .... '.."".I"""" .i.iueiu. wnai you want is te take a 'Walklug, bicycle, horse-baek, or beating . tour. Or you can vary the interest ami nS pleaitiiru of your vacation by taking Umu an. tirtl, choeso a suitable 8iet for your camp, pitch 'your i tent"', en smooth, gently-sloping grounds, and then radiate frem: It. Thus, you can walk bue day, take your wheel the next, go In the saddle en the third, and In' n skllTen the fourth. By adopting this plan, which is excellent for parties of mere than three persons, nud of dlvcme tnMcs, you can hunt, fish, ride, sketch and gather specimens plants, Insects, minerals and thoroughly enjoy your self in a thousand ways. Or, let two friends two's a couple, three's n mob cheese ene of our great rivers and launching their skill at Its headwaters, lleat along with the current, encamping at night upon Its banks. They can indulge in all the fishing, rowing, and sheeting they please, im well as lu all the collecting nud sketch ing, and when thn wind is fair take many n pleasant sail. Their environ ment will be n continually changing panernmn. And if managed fairly well the attending expense will prove ridic ulously small and the Voyage a most delightful success. The vast amount of curious knowledge picked up by the way, together with the ninny curious adventures and humorous mishaps sure te occur, will furnish feed for thought nud laughter for many n day locemo. And who can calculate Its value In health revived and new !eni vigor both of liedy and of mind '. Contrast It with existence en a railway train, or a river or ocean steamer, or with the Insipid hotel life of the eidluary summer resort cither at the seaside or in the moun tains. Tin: genial oillter of the Morning News thinks " it Is safe te say that tliroe-nnhs of the abandoned wells In Lancaster iire new used In plnce of sowers te ruolve the elTal of the houses with which they nre con cen con uertod. " Inte tliciu," hit says, " directly empty the dovnsreiitN, the contents of thn kitchen and waler closets, and they are rolled upon te carry elf by thn natural subterranean courses and fissures the accumulation of this lllth. And tliey de it." And I10 calls upon thu heard of health tonbellsh thmu. If It he Indeed true that theso wells nre hu many " chimneys from the nother world vomiting day and night their malarlu and poison Inte our homes, Inte our hed rooms and Inte our crowded factories," this suhjecl should certainly ro re ro eelve, and nt once, Iho he.iid's sorleus roil reil roil slderntloti. Hut Is the statement line? The editor says that theso wills are relied upon te carry oil' the accumulated lllth which Is dopesltod lu lliem anil that tliey deit. If se, hew is It piiHsihle that they can at the same tline vomit forth day and night ieIsnu aud malaria? This would of course be the case If they did nut carry oil' thelr dopeslts by " nntural subtorraiiemi ceurses and fissiires." lint as tliey ' de etrry them elf, tliey senm te be dangereus only te the wells which are still used for drinking wster and with souie of which tliey doiibllets liave subterranean commo tion. I tut- se also de many closets aud out houses. Would It net thorufero be wiser te provide that all thoe old wells should be lightly envoi ed at Iho stirfttce, and (hat tlie me of well water for drinking and cook ing be prohibited within the city IIiiiIIh? Ker 110110 of our city wells are safe. We knew of one which Is sllualed iipen high ground, which had been in constant mho for ninny years, and the water of which was as clear as crystal and te eye nud p ditto scoiiied as pure as that of a moun tain HirlnK. but which under analysis was found te be the very osiuiice of pollution. Doubtless thore are ethur wells In thn city In dally ue, the waler of which Is equally Impure. Yet these wells, If closely scaled at the siirface, could be utilized Instead of .sewms without damage te the health of the community, and at the same time save thelr ewnurs much trouble aud oxpause. 11 is 11 quoHtlen well worthy the most careful consideration of the heard of health, but recent sad events should net frighten the beard Inte rash measures of deuhlfiil benefit, NoviirtheliiAS tlie public health Is of the llrsl liiiiLani'e, no matter what the cost may be te Individuals. HcNATeu (Juav Is ropeitoil te have said a low days age that tlie farmers of this statu had no mason te complain of heavy or unjust taxation, bcoause tliey wuie net as badly elf lu this nmpect as thelr brethren lu ome ethor Mutes. We foul very sure that If thn senator had studied this ques tion as thoroughly as hu bus the art of "practical politics," he would net have been guilty of any such ulteriiiice. Ner would he had been guilty, were he compelled te cam his living by hard work upon a farm In stead of gaining It by taxing his Inge nuity in political intrigue. The fai mers of Lancaster county, who ought te be thn most prospuieus It the land, will he much mero likely te agroe with W. 1 Ileyur, esq., of the Lancaster bar, than with thelr Junier senator. Mr. Iloyer, who is a Ho He publican who thinks for lilmself, points out at least 0110 most unfair tax discrimina tion against the farmer. The assesMisl valu ation of the horses and cattle of Lancaster county reaches nearly two and a hall mil lions of dollars, and these aie the only Items of pui'Henal property that pay a county tax. 1'hey amount, tee, te about I luce-feurths of the value el the ontlre per sonal preperty en our farms. After point ing out the fact that the farmer's inceme Is new cry tncageraiid that the census r lurnss show a doercase In the population of the country dlstilets, which tells Its own tale, Mr. lteycr peitlnently asks : "Is It fair that tliey should be thus subjectcd te taxation aud ethor Items of persenalty be exempted? The manufacturer," he add", " may have thousands of dollars in stock and machinery and wholly escape the tax collector, who Is uovcitheless Instiueted te KOek out the peer mini's only cow." This is 11 geed illustration or the InjuMiee of this tax, for tlie horses and catlle or a farm are in 0110 sense its machinery, and no sane Matesman, or pelltlr.il oceuomlM, would evor think fera moment of placing tax upon machinery. Hut hew finv statesmen and economists we h.ue in public lll'e, and hew many Quays! A Sterj of Freiueul. Frem llicSan Krancl-ru l.tuiiliicr, Ca-itain.Swaseylsuii enthusiastic admlrer or l'tcuieut's career en the coast and declares that he Is desei vlng of every wetd of praise which has been given him aud mero tee. The veteran is about te ex pi ess his vlews en the much mooted suhjeet of (icueral I'luineut'scarcur in an historical and blugiaphleal work, lu lulorence te the chuigcs of oxccsslxe soveritv aud of brutal lieatinunt te the nrlsouersVlio foil Inte his hands, Captain Swasey relates the lollewiug dramatic Incident : Just borero the capture or San Luis Obise, the men under Ficment had hoeu subjected te great ex posure and te priva tion aiid haulshipsef all kinds, and thelr hatred of the Mexicans had reached its height. In fact, it wus pretty clearly under stood that iruny efiliu oneiny was unlortu unlertu unlortu iialeouougli te fall into their hands thev would spend but llttle time or senliineiit in disposing cr him. On Deccinbnr 17, twodaybaftertho taking or the town, the plckolsiaptureil Den Jose de Jesus Pice, who was railed Tutel. lle was tried by eeurt-iiiartl.il en thu cliurge or breaking his parole, was found guilty and was sentenced te he shot. The r.iet that 1'lcewasa leader loiidered him still mero an ebject of hatred and dlstiusl, uud en every side were heard murmurs of ap ap previtl when It was decided that he should bay the penally of his treachery with his lite. The execution wus ordereil for 10;3U o'clock In thomeinliig, and at 10 o'clock the whele battalion was orderod te parade en the plaza, where the oxeciilloii was te take place, The prisoner was cenllned lu a room In the mission. Fremont with tw e or three of hlselllcen was present await ing the coming or the prisoner's ramily te take their lust lurewell or the beloved hus band aud father. The prisoner, with bowed Head, was boated ou oue ulde and opposite steed Fremont with ftdded arms and face unmoved from its usual stern demeanor. The efflcemjn grim silence were grouped about when thn wife with her eight or nine young children entered, dressed In the deepest mourning. The wife, was a beautf ful woman of stately bearing and the chil dren of delicate and refined appearance. Ne word was littered te lirnnk Urn silence which had grown oppress! ve. Then the children foil upon their knees and with tearful oyes and outstretched Imnds mutely liegged for thn llfe se dear te them. Among the officers present was that stern seliller. Captain Itichanl Owens, who bail never feared n living fee, but whose eye were then dimmed with tears at the i thctln sight borero hhn. (Suddenly, for he could no longer control himself, he uttered the one word : " Colonel I" Fremont's face relaxed Its determined expression, and he exclaimed: "Ye, Dick, I knew we had rather meet a thousand orthem lu thn held te-morrow than take this one llfe." Then, turning te the prisoner, he said i " Yeu are pardoned ; you are free." The prisoner fell upon Ids knees at Fre mont's feet and pre-nod the hem of his cloak te his lips, exclalmlng brekenly In (Spanish : " My lire was forfeit. Yeu gave It hack, and henceforth It shall bodevolod te you." Instantly lice erdered that his horse be saddled, and from that day en there was no mera dovetod follower of Fremont through danger of every kind than the man whose lire he had given back te him. Van IIectrn'm Cocea The original, most soliiMe. A Totlet Luxury. HO.ODUNT In a luxury as well an a ntci-s. ult.V. Placed where It should always be upon thn toilet, It adorns It, and cratUles the butn and sense. It sends out a delicious perfume, nmliilvcii pleasure and health lolls users. I)eti-ctlviind J'rlvate unicorn Usually wear their bailees of authority con cm led under their clethlnn, but Dr. Tliemnt' OU wears lu badges In till) form of printed label attached te each nnrt every bottle, se thatall nay knew Its mission. It is Rlven full and complete authority tenrresLullHrheaand pains and dues Its duty every time. Held In Lim cos ces ter by W. T. llech m and 13U North Queen street. Invfsstrnl nDollerrmd jtcullzed n Millien. Ilrewn and his friend Perkins were talklm; nhent ItiNestments. 'Once I Invested 1 1, 01) In real estate," knld Perkins, "mid doubled It In six months. That was the best Investment 1 ever made. I'retly Kixsl, wasn't It ?' " I've done better than that," said Drewn. "Twe years age I was told by all my friends that I was truing Inte consumption, and I tliniiKhttbey were rightabeut It. Iliad a dry, hanking ceiikIi, no apjrclltc, my sleep emtie by flu and starts, mid seemed te de me no geed, and often there was it dull, heavy pain en my chest. 1 kepi grewlui; weaker and and weaker and at last night sweats set In. I thought it was all up with me then. 1 had consulted two doctor and had taken ipiails of tlie.Jr medlrlnn iilidrecched no benefit Irem lu One day I hsp pened te read something about Dr. 1'lerces Gelden Medical Discovery, and I made up my mind te glve It a t!hil,litl didn't t-sectlt would help me. t invested a dollar In a bottle of It, audit heled me Ireni tbe llrsl dose. It helped mid It cured me, mid when I com pare my present ituud heal Hi with the miserable Ileal i h or two j ear are 1 think 1 am siire In saying thai my Investment was a much better oue than yours. Yeu can't reckon health by any meiisurunfilellmsand cents ; If you could I should say that 1 had realized at least a mil lion from my Sl.00 Investment." T!n!"Uldcii Medical Discovery" is guaranteed tobenelKer euro all diseases for w Inch Ills recommended or money paid for It will be refunded. M,Tint Causes Astonishment. , "CeinphlHly prostrated for days with hull, ccstlen mid bilious fever. The eirecls of two hollies of Jlitnleck Jlltxxl Jllllera asteiilshed me ; visible Imnruiemeiit rlgtit off." Mr, Neah Hales, Klmlni.N. Y. Held In Uincnster by W. T. llech, 1.17 and IM) North Ciiieen street. 8 2 WI FT Hl'lX'l 1'IC! CO. Lingered Between Life and Death. Mrs. (lee. 1. Hinente, a highly cultivated and estimable lady of I'reseett, Ark,, writes under date of April 2.1, lKsa: " During ihe summer of IM7 my eye bceame Inlliiuied, and my stiv niiicli anil liver almost hopelessly dlserdereil. Nothing Inte agreed with me. I took chronic dlarrlin-ii, mid for some time my lire was de dialled of by my family. The lending physi cians of the country were consulted, and the medicines administered by them never did any permanent geed, and I lingered between lite and death, the Inter being preferable te the agonies 1 was enduring, In .May, 1SSS, I be rmne disgusted with plivslclans nud their medicines. I dropped them all, and deisuded solely en bwirt's hScCllln (H. H. H.), n Tew bqli s of which made me permanently well well from then until new." MADK II1H 1,1KB A 1IUIIDKN. I have had scrofula until It made my llfe a burden. I was Inexpressibly miserable, sick, wenk, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring thai Iho short time which seemed te have been Allotted te me nu this earth would hasten te an end. 1 tried doctors' treatment nnd medicine, and travel, but noun of these did any geed, for lhescrefiilagradiinlly grew worse. Onephysij elan, who 1 traveled far te see, anil te whom f pnldJlW, gave up the ease as hopeless. I then gave 'ilii all ether medicines, and took only (swifts Hpccine (8. S. H.) Four bottles of that medicine cured me, nml for the past four years I have had a excellent health and I am as free fiem disease us anybody living " Z. Ni.i.sen, Fremont, Neb. Treatise en Uloed and Hkln Diseases mailed free. (I) HW1KT Hl'KC'IKIO CO., Atlanta, On. T-AN HUUTKN'H COCOA. Duller than Tea and Celt's) for thu Nerves. Van Heuten's Cocea, " ONCKTKIUD AbWAYH UHIZD." Ask your Grocer for It, take no ether. (ill) "1TINC0 CI1LW1NU TOIIACCe. VINCO (RXTltA FIXE) CHEWING TOBAGGO. This Htandaid llrand of l'lug Tobacco Is ae knnwlcdgcd lu be the la't chew nud the largest plecn for the money lu the lnarl.et. Vtncetiti fny en tiirhlumjt. Us exteuslve sale for many j ems has established Its reputation. There is nothing butler. Try II. Fer sale by dealers nnd greci rs. nprlKKitcod-fetn.tUUw 1890. Si'liul Jtoticce. IJIbTATi; OK JOHN II. HHKld.Y, l.AI'K OF li Mount Je.v borough, dcivnsed. The un derhlgned auditor, appointed In distribute the balance remaining lu Iho hands of (ieerue A. Hhelly, iidiululbtraler, te and among these legally entitled le the same, villi sit ler that purpose en Tuesday, August li, 'st0, al 10' o'clock a. in.,ii the Library Deem or the Court Heuse, in the city efljincaster, where all per sons Interested lu said distribution may at tend. N FUANKLIN UAI.I,. Jys-ltilTu Auditor. s.l!AllTKUN V,- Netice In i will be made le I NOTICK. lereby given that an application thei!mirt of I'liiimifiii 1'lr.nfi nf ijinensier Leuuiy, en Mituribiy, August Id, iwe, lit IDoVleek a. m., under the Act of Assembly iipptevtsl April i!i, ls7l, aud the suppleinenl's theiete by Ueorge Frllcli, Ulias.Ot borer, Wll-Itaui-ir'iiMler, William Weber, Henry eager, Aaren Krev ami William l'liuUen, for the char ter of an Intended corporation le be called "The laiiicasler Mertal, Literary and Athletic Club," Iho character mid ebjKi of which ure the maintenance of n club forseclalenjoymeul, literary cultuieaiulathletli! siierts nt Uiueat ler.l'tt. lllJClll It. FULTON, Hollcller. Jl'LVSI, l0. J'-3ldTu B AHS ALi:. WIUTK LAlILi: AND C1UIN- pu.ssaaa hi our. JU UAbT KINO hTHKirr. lT"ANl'Ki)-" An energetic young man Is wanted te tiikochiirgenrnilroccryKtoiclu this city. A geed business stand ut a desirable liK-atlen Is open te n renHiiklble piirty. A small amount el capital Is required. Fer furlber particulars call at I'LNN'A KMI'LO.Mi:.ST IIUUKAU, Se, 1" Meuth Duke (street. a t Tin: Ht'Lirrr cakkiaei: CO.'H -T . ... "H,UvS" ui;i AIH,.MI. hap families and want steady work need "I'Ply. Heed heukes can be obtained at low reuU j con enleiu te factory. An excellent op. pertunlty will be given apprentice! te learn trades lu Iho ilim-reul deisirlmeiiu. Ulrls ran KettuiPleynieiil In triiuiiilug departiianl. Capacity ut werkk, 3,0Uu vihlclis per year. Iyl7-2vvd m .i u.e-iin with August, i anil cptein- ,r.,,'.t,vt'1!,' l'; carrlugu Makers, ceiisUtiinr or IliKlyuuiltcrs, e.irrtngeiniltlu ami Flnlslieie, lalnteisand TrlimiK.rs itnm. in,, n.r.&n .. i..; 9Vttitmktr,. 1'iiii.AtiKLrHta, Taesday, JulyZ), lam. Closed Saturdays at i P. M. About 1,500 yards printed India Silks, dark shades, go to day te 50c They're net rem nants full dress patterns. ' Have, you seen the 32-inch Wash Surah at 75c ? A lady customer says she paid $1.50 last week for precisely the same goods in, another city. About half regular prices, Plenty mere like them in the Silverware stock. Best quadruple plats Iccl1leheni,t4.7S. CakeIlaktU,2J. Butler Dlshes,$l.ra. linking Dishes, tA',. Casters, 4 bottles, 11.75. ItlscultJnrs.lliO. I'lckleJars.ll. 'Herry Dishes, i. llet triple plnle- Knl vei, 2M a dozen. Ferks, fJ.75 a dozen. Second fleer, second gallery. Twe Linen hints from a store full : .Vjc Irish Cream Damask at Ssca jard, 00 te il.' Inehes wide. Ill-Inch German Cream Napkins, 00c n dozen. A few washlu( nnd they will 'pinl 11.21 goods, Houthwestef centre. Jehn Wanamaker. Sir (JBoeba. T HE PlCOi'LHTM CAHH HTOItE, REDUCTIONS IN PRICES iocixiskeut 12J DatlstlstK reduced le Sc. Krench Hattnes JHeduccd te 19c. American Battues reduced te fc. DOe French Chnlll reduced te S7Jc ll.ne Colored Bilks reduced te&Oc.. 7.V:CoIered 8llks reduced le35 One liOt While Dress Kebe reduced from J2.50 te f l.oe. PARASOLS At less than One-third their Value. Hlg Let of Klne Colored Kmbreklcrle at less lhaueiic-lialf Iho rpsular price. WW'e have hunted out Hemnantsln allde tiartmenls and have marked them at Hargnln Drltes. 26 East King Street, LANUABTKU, PA. mnr-JMydlt iU'fflncntteva. A THI'IIECIIKIIH. Lew Prices ON JIAX1) AXl) MA CMXE-Sti WED We Guarantee te Have Yeu t-'.OO te JlO.UOen Kach Set. ea-Aise ceidjAns, ki.y neth, Willi's, DA 1.1 hlttf. AHKTOHKEOUU "DAISY" ROAD WAGON AND ROAD CARTS. AT SPRECHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KINO HT. aprl7-irdTu,Th,ia (!5.cuvBinue. -yACATlON KXCUllSIONH. RAYMONDS - VACATION EXCURSIONS. AUTiavelhiB Exisjuses Included. A parly will leave Philadelphia Thursday, Sept. 11, for a Grand Tour of id Dajs through the Yellowstone National Park and ACROSS THE CONTINENT. The trip Includes, besides a Week's Tour IhreiiRh the Ureal American Wonderland, n tourney ever the Kntlre lrlne of the Northern Vacllle Kail lead, I'uKct sound, Iho Columbia liver, the Mannlllccnt Mount ShasUi lteute, Central and Southern California, and a return threiiKh Arizona, New Mexico, etc., by the Hinla Ke lleutc. lleturn tickets geed for kl.x months. Thursday. September II. Klflh nnd IjisI Ex Ex curslen te the Yellowstone National Park and lteturn. Monday, Oclebcr 13. Excursion direct le Southern California (via KrusasClty mid the Simla l'c Ileute): also Tour Through thePacltle Northwest and California. September. A inniiiilrlcent list of Autumn Trips thieugh New England, Canada, aud the Middle Htuics. eS-Hend ferdescrlptlveelrculars, designating the particular trip desired. UAYMOND A WlUTCOJIll, 111 Peuth Ninth St. (under Continental Hetel), Philadelphia, l'a. J.v'JvOtd (JCttrx-irtncB. QTANDAHD CAIUUAaE WOUK. EDWT. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUiLDER, 10, 12, 13 .t 15 MAUKKTHritKKT. (lUmr of the rostelllce;, tiANCAHTEU, l'A. All the latest styles in IIuekIcs, Kmnlly Car riages, I'hieteus, Surreys, Cabriolet, I'liu'lens, liiieklMiiirdl.TrottlnuWaKens, Station Whkeiib, Market vVngeus, etc., new ready ler tlie Spring Trade. A line line of SecetuMIund Werk. New U Iho time te order for .Spring. Strictly first-class work nnd all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lewckt lu the county fur tha same quality of work, (live me it call uiul ex amine niy vierk. Heixtlullng aud llepalrlui; reinplly at tended tn nud done In a first-class manner. One set of workmen cs)eclally employed for that purpose A THOSTEH'S COKNEU B.MOON. A NICE HOT LUNCH villi lte served uvery morning from U te 12:39. Ituppert'k Celebrated Beer drawn from the keg. aprSO-tfd in Peeples Cash Stere, 9h$: S' UMMER SHOES t TENNIS OXFORDS! I have one of the f-anrest Lines of Men's, Ladles-, Misses', lleys' and Youths" TcnnU Ox fords In the city. Men's Drewn Checkered Tennli Oxfords, 49c Iley'n " " " " c ladles' " " " " 440. Mlsseii' " " " " 3Bc Youth' " " " " 3C Men' Second Grade Light Tennli Oxfords, 60c. Iley'a ' " " Me. Indies' " ' " " tfx. Mlsseii' " " " " Sflc Youths' " " " " fOn. Men' HcstUrade latest Light Stripe Ox., 1100 Hey ' " " PSc. Ijidles " " " " H5c, Men' Best OrndeTennls Bals.ln Light Cheek and Solid Ilrewn, 1160. I have also a Large Line of Men', no', In dies' and Misses' Canvas TennisOxferds, with Kubbcr Bele, having Leather Hele between the Ituhbcr Heles and Insoles, at II 00, tl 25, II 50 and U 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FHEY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prlcea In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. 8 A S EAST KINO 8THEJET, LANCASTER. PA. -BloreClewd Every Evening at o'clock ExccptMenday nnd Saturday, ifliBCCllmtCOU0. INJECTORS, HUE x.lTfLE UIArtT. J1AN J1AN ceck Inspirater and Electer, Kberman Heller Feeder, lenberlhy Inspector. American Injector, all lu stock, at JOHN BEST'S, 333 EastKultenstreeU tn7-tld "I710HTHE HE9T HOT AIIl KUHNACE IN V the market, go te JOHN UEST, 833 East r'ulten street. m7-tfd CAIIUY IN STOCK BEST CHAnCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren, Hurden's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Reller Iren, Steel, Sheet Iren 8-16 te Ne. 16. at JOHN UEST'S. W East Fulton street. m7-tfd A OENCY FOR CALLAHAN A CO'U CE J tnent te take the place of Red Lead. In bulk It makes five times the quantity of red lend and la far superior In making gleam Joints, packing man and hand hole plate en boilers, Ac., Ac, l'rlce 20 cent per pound, nt JOHN REST 'H.SWEast Fulton street. m7-tfd yf (rf FEET OF 1'II'E. FROM M rcci jv nix. rnuiti y Inch te 6 Inch diameter, for VVVVV sale at a low Ami re. nud the only house In the city with a plpe cutting machine, cutting up te Blnch diameter, at JOHN BEST'S.S.i;) East Ful ton street. m"-tfd CJAW MllLH, MARK MILLS, COK MILLS, KJ Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Triple Hene rowers. Milling and Milling Machinery, at JOHN REST'S, 3.13 East Fulton street, m7-tfd I710R ROLTH, LAO SCREWS, SET SCREWS, i Squnre nnd Hexagon Nuts, these goods In stock, at JOHN BEST'S. 333 East Fulton street. m7-tfd rilANKSFOH WATER.OILB, ACID OR UA8 X or any shaeercaimclty, at fair price, go te JOHN BEST. 333 East Fulton street. (m7-tfd 3F IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON HTOI' L Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet aud Bib ecks, lcver Cocks, Swing Joints, call and get them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEST, SJ3 East Fulton streeL m7-tfd FOR PRATT CADY ASBESTOS DISO Valves, Jenkins Valves.Braks Ulebe Valve, Brass Onte Valve, Iren Bedy Ulebe Valves, Fulton Street, 1117-tfd I710R PULLEYS, SHAFTING, COLLARS, 3 Jluimers, Clamp Bexes, Couplings, etc., go te JOHN BEST. 3. East Fulton street. m7-tfd TTIOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OH LOW Ij Pressure, Water Gauges, Gaure Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tubes, Whistles, Syphens for Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, water Gniige Columns. Cocks for Steam Gauge, call ou JOHN BEST, 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd 17011 CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, ROTH I; plain and reducing, up te 6-Inch diameter, Malleable Mtttngs, Manges, Flange Unions, Manifolds. American Unions, Tube Supports, Hangers, Elixir and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BEST'S, 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY the pound, lOe; In lets of 10 pounds or ever, 9c. All goods delivered te any part of the city Free. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne. 333 East Fulton street. m7-td 10Li) BRONZE, LKJUIDS AND SIZING T rer steam work, at JOHN BEST'S, 23:1 J-iist h niten street. m7-tfd OTEAM rtEATISTHECOMINGHEATFOR O dwellings, churches, school houses, etc., tbeugTl successfully used oue hundred year nge. When you contemplate a change call ou JOHN BEST, who will give you a satlsractery Jeb, at a rah price. iu7-Ud A GREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OR New Kiwnsby using LANCASTER CHEM ICAL COMPANY LAWN ENR1CHER. ITvOR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TABULAR, J Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Murine, of any slze or power, of ihe best material nnd workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 333 East Fill Fill leu street. m7-tfd 1710R HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN ' glues, from 2 tehU horse-power, nnd erll c.il Engines from 2 te 40 horse-power, you will llndlhein nt JOHN BESTS, 3J3 East Fulton Ireet. FOR AMERICANSIGHTFEED CYLINDER Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups ferBeiirlngs, veu can get them at JOHN BESl'S, 3-0 Ens t'lil'nt. Llru, 1,l7.iril . III! 1.41! kC 1 Fulton street. ITIOR BOILER 'IUI1E BRUSHES, STILI.SON ' PiK) Wrenches I'liieiind Menkey Wrenches cemblntsl. Files. Oil Cans, etc , go te JOHN BEST, 3.U East Fulton street. m7-tfd 1 TUMI'S, BOILERS, MINING, CENTRIFU gul ami Steam Pumps, et any capacity, at JOHN BESTS, 333 East Fulton street. iu7-tfd RA I) I ATORS)FXNV MAKK uil DM , sign, can be furnlslied at reasonable llgures. by JOHN BEST. 333 East Fulton street. liuT-tfd 1JI0H CASTINGS, IRON OR HRASS, LIGHT ' or heavy, at short notice, go te JOHN BEST. U K.MI Fulton street. m7-tfd TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS lMRTABLE JL Engine nud Heller, en wheels, cheap, as the lollewlng prices shew: 6 horse-power, H75; 8 here-pewer, S.VX ; 10 horso-pewer, K75; 15 horse- I evver, se: jj iiuine-uwer, i,tu, vaii uvuiiaS lESTS. 31 East Fulton slreeU m7-tfd PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel Milking, Patterns, Drawings and Blue Prints, at prices reasonable, at JOHN BEST'S. 333 East Fulton street. m7-tfd gicutietvjj; DR.NATH0R8T, DENTIST. 211 CENTRE SliUARE. Filling Teeth and Palnlcwi Extraction B;o B;e claltles. New ScU made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plate aud pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining leDcutlktry will receive prompt attention, at erv MiMlerate Terms. Remember that Dr. Nai'herstls the ONLY Dentist In this comity who Is u graduate of Medicine a w ell as of Den tistry, mi advantage that li obvious. iiuir3-lydw Ceal, T UMBER AND COAU J TOBAIVOSHOOKSANDCASES. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Relall, by II. R. MARTIN A CO., n3-1yd 421 Water Street. Lancaster, Pa, Tr AUMGARDNEltH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Ornciw Ne. 129 North QueenStreet, aud Ne, NH North Prince street, Ya una North, Prluee Street, near Readlug Depot. auglS-Ud LANUAHTER, PA. UQ' PEN CVEHY KVENIWU Fer ns, -GOTO Ne. 14 Weit King St. ETerytbingSeld At tndBelowGest, a AS WE AKE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF BU8INESS. may5-3md N; EW YORK STORE. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS -AT THE BLACK SILK DRAPERY NET, 4& Inches Wide, Large Pelkn Spot Reduced te 60e a yard. BLACK SlCK DRAl'EUY NET, Ruman Mesh, it Inches Wide, Excellent Qual Ity, Reduced te 75c a yard. FINEST SILK DRAPERY NETS Reduced from f.1 te $250. from $2. W te 12. from Hlo II SO, from II 76 tell 2S. Twenty Piece, 45 Inch. EMBROIDERED FLOTJNCINGS Bednced te25cayard ; former price, 37Jc A FINE FRENCH SATINE Makes a handsome and most useful dress. We are closing out our whole stock of the latest designs at 19c a yard ; former price, 3f3cand37c. NEW OUTING CLOTHS Reduced from 12c te 10c nnd 8c a yard. Best Value te be had In MEN'S STRIPED OUTING BHIRTS at 25c, S7$c and 500 each. MEN'S JERSEY SHIRTS, Seft, Elastic nnd Durable. Reduced from 75c te 60c each. WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. B' OSTON 8TORE. Charles Stamm, 35-3T BOSTON STORE. DRY GOODS -AND- Notions Were Never Sold Se Cheap As They Are New Being Sold AT 35-37 Bosten Stere. SUtevmu. -- UTIIEH H. KAUKFMAN, ATTOBNKV-AT-IJ W. Hecend Kleer Kihleeum 1 uUdlng, Ne. t North Dnkauifeet. pr-lyd4w P.CSNYDER&BRO., NEW IRK STORE Hi ten Street M in Street Mntntuv lrjENRrwee, FURNITURE 8TORE, 6M removed te 186 East Kin treet,he,TlH tall He of Furniture tf mrvry&mrrtpiS Ml rliit, - u cxnniineourgeoajBv n-vin n. ljr, t fffJIfff Klnaj TTNDEHTAKER8. WAT80M HERB. General Furnishing Undertake! NO. 26 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Realflenee JNO. J. WATSON, Ne. 4 W Vine trwt (Southern Market.) ReatdenecM.lt. HERB, Ne. 4.10 Seuth Qaed street (Branch Office.) Jy.VSmdl e .CHHAQIBBS. WHY PAY MORE ELSEWf . FOB NEW STYLE OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST FOR BLE GOODS. WLet u prove It te yeti.-S Ochs & Gibbs! Manufacturers and Dealer, (2d, 8d A th Fleer.) Ne. 31 BOUTlt Qt SlHSEl, H EINITBH'B FURNITURE DEPOT. AT COST. We have a line nf Settee, Chairs and Beckerl iuei win nuiiia ine rain anu nun, aim weaeair te cioe iiiein out. ncttees, il te; were 137 Rocker and Chair, II 50; were 12 25 and 12 1 A. lew reren ltecKcr nt f l uu. TODERTAKIUG. We also Elvc nemenal attention te Undertak ing. Day or Night Call. The Rest and Meil Approved Aicineai usen. cnargc Meacrate. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street T HE OLD COJUNER. "Mere Lightl" Exclaimed the Immortal Gcethc; and that' Just what we are having -AT- WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF East King and Duke Sts., With the new French Plate Ghu Frent. We want te let lu all Iho light pesslbla en EUMITTJRE, PRICES, AM) Methods of Business. W I D M Y E R, KASTKINU AND DUKE STS. gwmmev itcoert. OT. CHARLES, . ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. Ocean End Deliuvnre Ave. New ( )een. JuncKKmd JONAH WOOTrON.JB. TTOTEL URUNHWICK, M ATI.ANI'IIKIITV.N.J. New, Modern, Flrt-Clai, Complete. Pacific I avenue, betwvt'ii New Yerk and Tenncsneel avenue. AccoiniiiedaUi'JOO, nprSNImd JOSEPH S. DAVIS. q-HE OSllORNh. Cor. Arkansas and Pacific Aves., ATLANTIC I 1-1TY. N.J. i New Heio-e. Modern Imprincments. Elevajl ter, Kicctnc uein.. titiiik nuaieraie. JuncS-Snid M Its. II. OSBORNE. rpHE MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, NT J. Enlarged I Remodeled I - Refurnished 1 1 Ilrnphy'H Orchestra from June te October. Finely appointed I'afe nnd Milliard Roem. Coache te and from ilepeU and te beach dur Ilia Ijallilng heunt. Open all thu Year. Juncll-2md CHARLES Ml U LADE. "a TLANTIO CITY. HOTELCHETWOODE Pacific Aenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New and Klrtt-Clats. Kleam Heal : Call bell. TwenilnuteH walk from hcarti. 12.50 and 13.00 per day. NOW OPEN. niKKJind MIW. ANNIKGBUBH. rriHE CHALFONTl'., THE CHALFONTE, ATI.AKTIO Citv, New Jkhsev. HITUATED ON THE IIEACII, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. my2-3md K, RODERTH 4 SONS. IFcrttcca. rpiiE BOSTON HEATER The Rent Wrought Iren In the Market, WITH 11R1CK LINED FIRE CHAMUEB, Oveicemes the acknewIedKed objection leth enpeNeilcimt pet lurnace, nilmlltliujn th lat ter decn threiiKh the pore or Iho metal the lUostihiiiKereimKHKcs. 1 hi fctalciiieut In amply Kiiltautlateil hy Iho hlt,'het French, German and EiiKllth n'lcutliilK, and ceullrmed by Dr. Derby, Prof. J, II. NlcheU. Dr. trunk, und ether nutherltlei In our en n country. It must hemlder thoalleniptte iihe ktiel, that It hai licenpret'il hy exhaustle experiment te be unlit for fcervlce. The best quality of plate Iren only hhall be uwd, and li l of HiIk malerial that thu radiator el the Renten Heater 1 ten- The unparalleled succes.ef the Renten Heater liaHMipplhil u with a nn.t lllar.il number of lehtlmeulalK, nud furu hill description we are happy te furnUh en application. KOlt SALK it v J. P. SCHHUM, NO. 21 SOUTH QUEEN bT. lNGLCTRKKfTOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161.) RECORD 2:30. Hired by Happy Medium, lre efM performer from 2:1 Q te iM. Dam Tepty Tas ler by Alex ander' Nerman, sire or Lulu, 2:1 1 U, Ac.. Ac Term for Sprlmt wai.eu or 1SW, ' for a foal. Fer tabulatcsl nilline and ether loferinatlou uddrew DANIEL O.ENOLE. uprli-ttuiUw Uarletu, Pa. Perch and Lawn Geed iJ& , '" , Ji? IV '