'. -h. V ... 7 rL w I ' I -. .. ... "... "I" 3 IB . .- i - ,.1 .. . il... -(MIH. IrT-Uf T.ITTf , j.- r-V lW l.)L. l,Fi Jl X . .r., ... miS iTW WW V ! J 'jTI. J i ft J 'I5i' rtfr 'V, wfWIWwti -us,--j--v-'"rtfT' "' '"" ---.' -v , '"-j- xi-- VTi".'',.;i4.. "T - ' ?'-, , ' " W ,. -VIZ . - THE LANOABTIB DAILY mTKLLmENOra. MONDAY pJiTL? 28. 1890. jr - ..v? -, - .... i "-. t '.. " '- - - . "-v i . v l,r A&- i". - ki.' j. , '! ' ' e?--";'-' i?1 .- ' 7, '. A $ WW &p fv fc t r Lis. w fvt m &i && 'jri 1 t.- &&t t& $8. MP 1 $ I )r life pitltf JfeJeUtgttrar j V., CSAMJR BTEIKMAN FOLTX, Milan. a ' ssuunn vuniuk rniiiunMr. ..-. T nrLY timcLi.inKNRKR. Published ttt, '- rj'yin thyr,bniaundy. Served J ? carrier! la tali city and narrennainf $ew at ten cents week, Bj-ml in v del lar a rar la advance l te cent a rnenw. TlWKLT INTKLLiaKNCKR-One delUr and r 'My rants rr, In advance. OTICC TO SUBSCRIBERS Remit by check at iMrtefflce order, and where neither of keatcaa be procured tend In a regtitered totter at the Postefflo, a second ctaa mall itter. abbrmn. tii rjmu.iaiitcnt, Lancaster, Pa. LAH0A1TE1.FA.. July28, 1890. A Rrpabllfan Uriah tlrcp. Let no Ilcpubllcan of Schuylkill county dare te aneer at oriental Btib Mrvienry. True, the Bubjccls of the king of Slam when Uiey wish te ap proach him, no matter hew high their rank, fall down and crawl upon their hands and knees te the feet of the throne. This 19 sufficiently de basing, but net se much ae, when properly considered, m the recent act of one of Schuylkill's prominent Republicans. Sam Leach, wishing te run for the congressional nomination in thai district, instead of placing his nnme before the voters of his party in the Democratic way, pesU efT te Washing ton te ask permission te be a candidate. He knows very well that tha voters of his district have nothing te de with ,the matter ; that the " bevs of his party has everything te de with It; and that It would be absolute in sanity for anyone te aspire te a Republi can nomination liil'eunsylvauia without the cetient of Matthew Stanley Quny. Se Mr. Lesch gees te Washington. Hut the object of his search, the profound, philosophic! and scholarly Quay, Is ab sent from the capital, lie has probably retired te some remote solitude te weep ever the growing corruption of politic ; or peredventure, te shape "some au gust decree, breniWmscd upon the peo ple's wlllaiririiiakc 'the bounds of free free demyfderyct." .."Pfierefere Mr. Lesch will humbly Walt the great man's return. Humbly yen, even in repentant sackcloth and ashes for he has been utility of the greatest of nil political sins. lie has spoken disrespectfully of the "boss." But "mercy becomes the powerful," aud he hopes te l forgiven, for he means te iisk the senator, In the lan guage of a ribald humorist, te walk ever him just te show hew hew grateful his prostrate body will feel te the great man's feet. Se he scats himself in the senator's committee room patiently te await his coming, and here he Is found by the senator's son, Illchard, who Is naturally astonished lit such out rageous impudence such unheard of temerity. What ! A man who bad ac tually dared te dispute the absolute rule of his father, haviug the gall te sit down quietly in a public committee room without se much as asking per mission cither from the monarch or the Kfgfe , crown prince I Se Itichard shouts with K4 angry voice aud dictatorial mien, !lw " What are you doing here ? Leave this LatrONOf 1 &!waut no renegades m (Tflrltepubllcun party here 1" And & Mr. Samuel Lesch, of Schuylkill county wnicn ue wisnes te represent In Con gress, meekly arce aud obeyed the order. Se, at least, the dispatches say. Let our Republican friends heed well this noteworthy delivcruuce of the younger Quay, for " children and feels speak the truth." Let them mark the royal " We," and the fact t lint nil who are net the humble and obedient ser vants of his majesty, are classed us "renegades from the Republican party." But the lucldent lias a wider moral. Is It net a strlkiug example of the ten dency of Republican party politics that an aspirant for the Republican nomina tion as a candidate for Congress Is com pelled te go te Washington and sue for permission at the feet of a ruler mere absolute than cither Victeria or Wil liam ? Fer neither llrlteu nor German asks the pernilasieif of his monarch te become a candidate for Parliament or for the Reichstag. , Aud Lesch? Peer man! If he has any self-respect left, he must feel that, it weiilA be-rrgreut relief If he could go oil' te jserac lone spot and swallow hluiMilf. j Deadly In inks. fchlrley Dare, Inyesterduy's Pittsburg ijhpatcfi, publishes au exhaustive essay lipeu drlukiug water und the methods ,, or purifying and cooling it. Few jce- ule dream of the live animal organisms . which they take into their system every uay in me water iney unnk. Were our eyes microscopes, life would be a con tinual nightmare. Water whieli In nil Qrdiuary appearance Is clear mid pure, ' nueu t'xuminea miner me lenx or microscope, is often found te be nlive with horrible forms literally swarming with bacteria, and ether deadly species of animalcului. The Importance of pure water Is greater this summer en account of lust year's floods, and tlieepen winter which followed them, than it has bceu for many years. The breaking out of typhoid fever 1. ut Cumberland, ou the l'oteuuiLyuidclkC- rX where, as vH tiMdiirnwii enil uvtisirli.Mi in the death of live persons and the sick ness of many mere, has been attri buted te the foulness of the water, and has turned public attention everywhere te the means of purifying it. Rolling alone will net sutllee, although meit of the bacteria lu ordinary hydrant water are killed by ten minute's boiling. There is, however, a tough species which lives even after an hour's boiling ; and jil, though the lives of these multitudinous organisms be destrpyed their dead bodies remain in the water, and if it stand for any length of time, are sufficient te make it foul. It Is nafer te drink water which has been boiled than that which has uet, but te muku It perfectly pure it should be Altered after boiling. The ordinary (liters which are placed upon the market must be renewed every mouth, or they become worse than use less. T, F. Frankltind recently reports te the Royal Society of England his ex periments en the publication of water. In his paper en flltratlen he says: " Green and, coke, animal charcoal and spongy lreu were at llrst successful in removing all organisms from the water passlug through them, but after ena mouth's continuous action this ,w. power was m every case lest. Theini m arevement still efl'eftiwl iinu..v- i... ; F. 6. Aleugy iron aud coke was very great in- urcu, wmie me green suuu auU brick dust were much lens efficient, aud the number of organisms in tin. u.iu. .Altered through charcoal was greater inaa in xue unaltered water," becau&e U, wtuticu out the germ left by pre. YkMM luld. AU thU, of course, requires time and trouble, but "an ounce of prevention la worth a pound of cure" In tab as ia all thing. It is easier te, bell and Alter your drinking water than te uunea a typhoid patient, even if the questlem were resolved only Inte one of trouble, lu another column nu inexpensive Alter la described, which any housewife can contrive for herself, and which Is said te be much belter than any of (he expen sive purifiers new en the market. Let us have piire water, and with our pure air mid healthful situation we shall con tinue te maintain as low n death rate as any city in the land. "Ne peace in li.Ji.st.ee" says Uie l'hlla dclplila JVvt. "Unsettled questions have no mercy for Uie peace of nations." They certainly have net. Thus, when the ques tion of local self governino.it was kept unsettled in tlie Southern slates by the Re publican party thore was neither peace nor prosperity. Hut hs seen as the troops and cariet-baKRers were withdrawn, jkiace and prosperity began, nor was it that of France under the second empire, lu whirl, the French Republicans felt rentlnually Uie Iren hand under the. kid gleve of the third Napeleon. It was simply the natural result of allowing American citizens te rule them selves ; the natural consequonco of newly Inspired hope and of I he energy which was born with it; the i.ocessary outcome of the Southerner's Arm belief In the resources niul cplemlUl fulure of his motherland. Slnce the settle ment of this question the growth of South ern citlns in wcaltji and population Is one of the most wonderful records of this wonderful century. The races have dwelt i-cacefully together ; the whites hare taxed tlicmselves te support negre schools, which contain te-day a million black chil dren; the negrees as well as the whites have prospered inarvoletisly, and nre. said te own te-dny millions of dollars worth of property. Yet llie J'raa, and the party which it supports, right or wrong, would onferco upon the Southern poeplo a men sum which would bring thuin back te the old days of carpel-bag Iraud and vlelencei Can a greater iujimticv, can a greater out eut eut rage upon peace be imi-giiicd llinii this? Truly thore Is "nopcace In injustice," and thore will be no penco he long as any such measure ns the outrageously unjust force bill shall be carried out. Conduits has appropriated $-0,Oee te make n national park of Ilia bultlo-field of Clilckantauga. This lmttln Is memorable as the bloodiest of Uie civil war, the porcont percont porcent njro of the killed and wounded in proor preor proer tiou te the number of troops engaged being larger than Hint of any ether In modern times. It Is also of especial Interest te tbe K)ople of Lancaster county, as our TOlh regiment occupied n plnce in the Union front and : list of killed and wounded is a doathless monument te Its valor. The proposed park Is te be national In fact as well as lu name. The K)sltiens of every regiment. Kedernl and Confederate, uru te be marked, aud tlmgoveruliig beard consists of four Northern and four Southern gouerals. Thus far It is the only Held which both parlies te Uie great struggle have Joined te commemorate. Last year Cel, Ilambrlglit end Mr. 1. S. Geed man succeeded In locat ing the position occupied by the TOlh; and the latter, who Is new a cltircu of Chatta nooga and the managing editer of the JVcsa of that city, says that the Lancas trians of Chattanooga have already ruUed $100 towards erecting a monument upon the spot. KeepliiK Coel lu Uie Orient. Frem the t'lilladrlrililu I'rcMt Washington letter. I visited the National museum te-day te soe the appliances which the poeplo of the tieples have te keep themselves cool. The Coreuu Kentlemau has a wickerwerk shirt which keeps his clothes away from the hotly, and acts us a sort of ventilator lying between his abdomen und his gown. He has wicker culls which run from his wrist te liia elbow, and which are made of the II n 03 1 of still' straw. These keep the sloeves uwuy from the person and the Coram embassy at Washington Is the conlestof all legations. It Is from theso wicker bustles worn eer the belly that the Coreaus get their reputation of being such a fat race. The fun collection of the museum repre sents all the countries of the Kust. l'.very Japanese inau and woman carries a fan und the fans which we get from Japan are of the cheapest variety. lu Japan the gen gen gen tlomen usually use IeUIIiik fans and tliey carry them lu their besoms, under their cellars, or stuck in their girdle. It is the ladles who use the Hat fans, and It would be contrary te etiquette ter a man te up car en the street with a fan that w euld net fold up. Japan bus its fan etlquetle and thore Is us much a lauguage of the fan as a laiiKUaKO of Mowers. Au liiiHrtiiul eoelliiK recipe of the far l-ist Is the bath, and thu het Inith is taken by the Japanese several tlmesaday. The hulhliiK lstleib in the public bath rooms or In the private tub anil no soap is used. Along the Ounces In India it Is a sacred duty of the Hindoes te bathe once every day, uud they can wash away their sins while they are washing thelr bodies. I have seen 10,000 bathing at the samotime at the hoi' bath steps of lSeuares. Tlieie Is, however, no fun about thu Hindoe bath. It Is all religion and tbe bather prays dur lut; the whole time. 1 saw at Delhi, lr one of tlie pilaces of Shah Jeluin, the man lie made the Pea cock Throne which cost J.10,0ei),0tHl, a bath room which costs a fortune, it had room after ioeiii of marble, aud there were het pipes and cold fountains, uud It is said that one of this man's successors, when he sus pected ene of hi, wives te be unl.iithlul, was went t j leek her up lu bis bath, turn en the het water, aud forget all about her. The result was that shoaweko in Heaven. Tlie Turks or I'gvpt and of Turkey spent a Breat part of their time In tlie bath, and the Turkish bulli Is tee well-known lu the United States te need description. The tajiihsef India have get the art of keeping cool down te a science. One of the finest cities of the far Kast Is that or Jey Jey imre. Ills the capital of a liatlve state. All efits buildings are rose-colored, ami they wereall built after ene style or architecture. The pulaee of the rajali is lu vast gardens, through which rivers of water Hew In mar bio beds, uud lu which tlie luxuriant How Hew ersaud trees of the tropics bloom. The harem of the rajali or Jevpoie leeks out uK)ii this garden, and its lair ladles are kept cool by fanning mills turned by baud. It takes u scere or men te turn the cranks te kuep these maidens cool, and muii-pewer has much te de with the rofriKeiaters of the Kast. There urn tlinusauitsef foreigners, Ameri cans, Lnulhili, Herman and French, new at work lu Asia, and each or tlies.0 does his bookkeeping under the breeze or tbe piinkuli.Tlie punkah is u lone;, fan-like strip of cloth fastened te u beam, which is Iiuiik by ropes from Uie celling ever the man's bead. Te the uilddle or this beaui a roie Is faMcned, and this repe is put through a pulley and se arranged that a man sitting out of doers bud puliiugut it w til make the run go backward and rerth ever the book keeper's head. The native pulls aw avail day long, and most rerelgners have such a ringing put up ever their beds and keep the breezes blowing in this wav all night. The houses or the far Kast uie better adapted te the weather than ours. The Japanese house is formed of sliding walls et paper, se made that he can tuke them out, threw his whole house Inte ene room or make his hoiuie consist or a reef and a fleer. Ills Hears are usually aoine distance above the ground, uud there Is a draught of air under them. They are ceveicd w ith matting and are net cluttered up with fur niture. The question of koenlng cool U largely a matter efdress. Mr. Ileckhlll, the Ameri can who pushed his wuy into Thibet last year, were a Chlnese costume during the journey, aud he tells me it Is far cooler than the Amerlcan. All tbe nations of the Kast dress much better lu tills respect than we de. The Japauese, during the summer, has practically nothing but a cotton gown te cover bin person, uud his legs are bare. " Ills nosh Is net kelt and flabby, but hard; he li.a solid little iellew and liU rapid lini-revi-iiiPiit u a great surjirUe te our frimd. 1 cmnmtnwsl te uw ilellln' Feed w lieu lie u two dy old," write u mother. If your child ymefSa?. 'jKJS1." J" aicwy ir HORItS HACrXQ FOR THE CHURCH. raraen Arney'a Own Idea About Spert and Religion. The horse race arranged by Parson Arney. Uie eccentric Methodist preacher, leek place at Karanae, Mich., en Saturday. They made a holiday In the town. It was bedecked in honor of tbe great event, even the saloons closing their front doers as au evidence of their retrard for the occasion and the eccentric preacher. Great crowds llocked In, and the only thome of conversation was the "trials of speed, "as Parson Arney pleasantly put lu The races were te be conducted en purely religious principles, and fakirs were counted out. Parson Arney arose early and conducted family pravcrs as usual. He returned thanks for the auspicious weather, ex pressed the hope thai Heaven might vouch safe geed results from the day's work, and then repaired te his stables te soe that he have done everything that he could te earn aueceas. There waa a great gathering at the driv ing park, and when the parson drove In with his noted mare he wss greeted with applause. All the booths sold things for the benefit of tbe church. The pastor ad dressed the poeplo, saying the meeting was called In the Interests of purer races, better stock and the upbuilding of the spiritual community, and he hoped that everybody present would be compelled te say truly it was geed te be tbere. Then tbe trotting and running events came off amid the enthusiastic plaudits of the throng, and Parson Arney was a here. Providence favored him, and two of his horses wen, Vah Hectsn's elublr. Cocea The original, most A Toilet Luxury. BOZODONT Is a luxury as well as a ncrrs slty. I'Uced where It should always be upon the tellet.lt adorns It, and gratifies the taste nudstaitci. Hsendneut a delicious erfiime, and gives pleasure and health te Its uiers. Detect Ives nnl Private Officers tTnunllv wenr their bndecs of authority eon- renlcd under their cloth biff, but Dr. Thmntu' Oil wears Its badge In tlie form of printed label ica le encu una every ueuin, no install may knew Us mission. 11 l Riven full und complete authority tenrrest allaclies and pains nod loe Its duty every time. Held In ljiucas lerby W. T. llech 137 and 139 North Queen street. Invested it Dellar nnd Ilenllzed aMIIIIeu. Drewn and his friend Perkins were talking about Investments. " Once I Invested 11.000 In real estate." said I'crkln, '"nnd doubled It In slxmenthv That was the best Investment I ever made. Pretty cowl, wasn't It?" " 1 n dene b better than that." said nrewn. "Twe years sen I was told bvnll niv friends that 1 was going Inte consumption, and I thought tliey were right about IL 1 hud a dry, hacking cough, no apiietltc, my lep came l fltsnnd ntart, and seemed te de ine nogeoil, and often there was u dull, heavy pain nu my chest. 1 knpt growing weaker nd anil weaker and at lut night sweats set In. I thought it was nil up with me then. I had consulted two doctors and had taken quarts of their medicine nnil received no benefit from U One iluv I Imp pel lied te rend something about Pr. Plerces Uelden Medical Discovery. nod 1 mailn un mi- mind tivglve It u trial, bull didn't exiwct It would help me. 1 Invested a dollar Inn bottle eflt.nndlt helped me from the llrst dose. 11 helped and It eared me, and when 1 compare my present geed health with the miserable health of two ears aie I think I nm safe In saj lug Unit my Investment was a much better one than yours. Yeu can't reckon health by nnymeasuru of dollars mid cents; If you could I should sny that I had reallred at least a mil lion from my II.KJ Investment." The "Uelden Medical Discovery " Is guaranteed te bene ML or euro nil diseases for which Ills recommended or money paid for It will be refunded. M.TuA w Causes Astonishment. "Completely prostrated Ter days with Indi gestion and billens rover. The eflcets or two bottles of lltmlnrk llUwil Jlittera astonished met visible Improvement right err." Mr. Neah old lu Lancaster by W. Hales. Klmlrn.N. Y. Hei T. llech, i:(7aud 130 North Queen street. H 1H KINOEIl NA1KS CAMKOFt. Fer a year I was mulcted with n hnrrlhln case of tdoed poison, and upwards of tlve mouths of that time I whs unable te de work of any kind. My linger nails came en anil my lialr (Implied out, lenvlng my heiul us clean and smooth us If It had been shaved. 1 con sulted the best local physicians, nnd spent hun dreds nrdellnrH Ter iiiciIIcIikm of dlllerent kinds, but without receiving the slightest benclll. I was advised Iliially te visit Het Hiirtngs. This 1 did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, commenced taking HvvlfVs Hocllle (H. H. H ) The cfleel that 8. H. H. had en me wits truly wonderful. I commenced torcceveruOer taking the llrst bottle, and by the time J hud taken twelve bottles 1 was en tirely cuicd-curcd by Hwirt's Hpeeltle (H. H. H.) when Uie world-rchewned Het Hprlngs bail failed. VM. H. I.OOMIM, Hhrevrpert, La." FOUlt YKAIIH ON CHUTCIIISM. Ferflfteen years 1 was ullllcted with rhcuinn tlsm, four years of which I was compelled toge en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express thnsullerlngs I endured during that time. Dur ing these fifteen years et existence (It was net living), 1 tried every known remedy without receiving any benetlf. I finally began en Hwlft's BpeclftevH.H.H.), wlilcli from the llrst gave me relief, and te-day I am enjoying the best of health, and am it well man. 1 candidly be lieve that H.H.H. Is the best bleed purifier en thu murket te-day. J. I). TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Treatise, en Dloed and Hlln Diseases mailed free. HW'I IT Hl'lX'I F1C CO., (S) Vtlanta 'la. TTAN JIOUTEN'H COCOA. THKOKEAT COCOA OF KUItOI'K, THKCOMINO ONK OF AMICUICA. J1ADU 11Y HrKCIAlirHOCLSS-TIIKUhl'. Cocea Is of biiprcmc importaiice as an urtlcluef diet. Van lleuteu's litis Jiffy per cent, mere flesh forming properties than exist in the best of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." The tissue of the cocoa beau is mi soft ened as te lender It easy of digestion, and, nl the stiiiic time, the ntenm Is highly developed. O-VAN HOUTUN'8 COCOA (' once tried, always used") Is thu Original. Fare, .Soluble Cece I, Invented, patented und madu lu Hol Hel land, and Is te-day better uud mere mlublt than any of the mere numerous Imitations. In fact, a comparative test will easily prove that i efirr Cocea equals this nrcHer'j lu solubil ity, ugreeable taste uud nutritive qualities. ' Lnrcust sale lu the world." Ask for VAN HOUTKN'S and tnke nu ether. (l) V1 NCO CIIi:VlNU TOIIACCe- YINC O EXTRA FINL) CHEWING TOBACCO. This Htaudard llmnd of I'lug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te lie the best chew and Hie largest piece for the money lu the market. Vincedn tag nu mch lump. Its extensive kale formally years has (ktubllthed IU reputation. There Is nethlug better. Try II. Fer wtle by dealer and grocers. 1890. airll-39teod-ceiuAUtw WANTKD ., . .An enyrgette jeung muu Is wanted te Ukec harp or u Grocery btore lu this city. A geed busTneiui stand at it deslruble location U T5i?A7?iSTuk,,SS.,,artsr- A "UHU a,neul Fer furlher lutrtleulars call ut l'KNN'A KMI'Un M KNT nUHEAU. , Ne, 12 beutu Duke street. 9anmker'. s t 1'itlLAbSi.ratA, Menday, July 28. im. Closed Saturdays at I P. M. If you shave a Star Safety Razor should be in the outing kit. Safe, sure, simple. I te 4 blades, $1.25 te $5.50. Neat traveling case brush, comb, soap, $5. Fountain Pens $1 te $6. Leng counters leaded ether thincs " worth with with their weight in geld," when you're in the wilds.,p The dashingest cloth Yacht ing Cap for women is 75c ; jaunty Outing Caps of various cuts, 50 and 75c. Women's Reefers, perfect fitting and natty as need be, $5 and $6. The Cheviot Shirts that fit in se nicely with a woman's romp rig are $1.25. Or, if you please, the laundered Percale Shirts, just as easy, just as sightly, and also $1.25. Women's Blazers, $2.75 te $6. Women's Yachting Shoes, rubber soles, $2 te $3.50. Men's and boys', of course. And all the ether tramp and travel Shoes. Jehn Wanamaker. ItttarcUaucoMe. UltTHK BEST HOT AIH FUKNACK IN tlie market, ni LnJflMN I1KHT xa Kut Ftili niten street. m7-tfd OAltKY IN HTOCK-liKST CIIAItCOAL, Hammered liar iron, Deuble Helloed Iren, lurdcn'R Klvct Iren, ItlvetK, Het and Celd Heller Iren, Hteel, Hheet Iren a-l toNe. 10, at JOHN 1IEMTH. all Kant Fulteu mreet. tn7-tfd A OENCY FOIl CALLAHAN A COS CK ,V tneut te take the place or Hed lad. In bulk It makes tlve times the quantity of red lead aud In far superior In making uteain Joint, pecking man and hand hole plates en boilers, Ae,, Ac, 1'rlee IM eenU per iieund, at JOHN llKSrH.asi Eat Fulton htreet. m7-tfd if Cnr FKKT OF 1'II'K, FHOM M ttJfJJJ Inch te G Inch diameter, for Hale at a low figure, and the only heiisnln the city with a pipe cutting machine, cutting unto Inch diameter, at JOHN 11 EOT H,3J3Kat Ful Ful ten iitri-et. in"-trd SAW M1LLH, 11A11K MILLS, COH MILLS, leather Hellem, Tun Packers, Triple Herse I'ewers. Milling and Mining .Machinery, at JOHN HrT'H,& East Fulton wtreeU m7-lfd EOH IIOLTH, LAO 8CIIKWH, HETHCHEWH, Kfiuamand Hexagon Nut, these goods In Hteck, ut JOHN BEHTS. xa Kant Fulton street. ni7-trd rilANKHFOIl WATEU.OILS, ACID OH UA8 X. of any shape or capacity, at fair prices, go iTTmitu iH-uit'(i -:. ..,';rj.:.."". :"-'. ... iiuu.i uuii.ah jyibif uiieu streci, Im7-lfd IF IN WANT OF IIKAK8 OR IKON STOP Cocks, AMicstes Packed Cocks, l'ct and lllb Cocks, Ixiver Cocks, Swing Joints, call and gel them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEbT, It'CI East Fulton street. m7-tfd T7IOH PIIATP 4 CADY AHHESTOH 1)180 1J Valves, Jenkins Valves.Hruss Oiebe Valves, Brass Uate Valves, Iren Bedy Glebe Valves, Iicvcrwafety Valves, l'ep Hafety Valves, Air Valves, ltudiater Valves, l'ratt's Hwlnglng Check Valves, llntss Check Vulvcs.Foet Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN BEMT'H, 333 Eas Fulteu Street. m7-tfd -THOU l'ULLEYH, HHAFTINQ, COLLAItS, JJ.Hahgers. Clemp Bexes, Couplings, etc., go le JOHN BEST. SCI East Fulton street utfdfd -1710H MTKAM OAUOIiS, IIKJII OH IA1W A) Pressure, Water (lunges, (lange Cooks, vjed Wheels or Weighted, tlluss Tubes, Whittles, Nyphens for Htciim Uiiuget, Cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cocks for Ktenni Gauges, cull en JOHN BEST, 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd OH CAST IKON 1'11'E FITTINGS, BOTH iilalu und rcduclnc. un tn rblnpii iiininiAp Mali ilalleablu Fltttlltrs. Khintrea. Plnlinn llnlnti.' Hl....,r..l.l.. A. 1, (,..!?..... m..i ? ii . ' Hangers, Fleer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BENT'S, 3X1 East Fulteu street. m7-lfd luiuiuiu., 4iiiciicii uiiiuus. auue mippfiris, iriHTK COTTON WAHTK, COPl'ED BY V thepeuud, lOe: In let of lOiioundser ever. He. All goods delivered tenuv liart of the otlyFrce. Cull en JOHN BEST, Ne. 3:1.1 East r niten street. in"-td i20l,0 BHON.E, LiqiHDS AND MIXING VJC fur steam work, at JOHN BEST'S, ZU jyui r ulten street. in7-tfd TEAM xifiAT IS THECO.mTnTi HEATFOH dwellings, churches, hchoel houses, etc., though successfully umxI ene hundred years age. When you contemplate a change call en JOHN BEST, who will glve you it satUfaclery Jeb, at u fill r price. m7-tld FOIt UOILEItH, 1101UZONTAL, TAHULAn, Vertical, Portable. Cylinder, Marine, of utiy kite or power, of the best material und workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 333 East Ful ton street. m7-tfd ITIOIt HOIHZONTAL STATIONAKY EN- gihes, froiniitebUUorko-power, und Verti cal Engluesrrem 21et0 heie-pnvv er. you will tludtliein at JOHN IIEMTS, 4.13 Kul Fulteu htrecl. I710flAMElUCANHKiHTFEI'.l0Yl.INl)EU 3 Lubricators, Gluu.eil Cups for Bearings, eiicaugct them at JOHN BUST'S, 3-tt I-is Fulteu street. m7-tfd E OltBOlLEU'IlJBEBItlWHIX, .STILI.SON Fine Wrenches. l'liHiiinil Mimkev Wmm.)! tt...wi.-... L-,.-.. v.i ...:.: .-: : ...:-..' ..fiiiuiutii, riici., ji V.1IIIH, eic BEST, ::l East Fulteu utreet. go te JOHN 1117-tfd PUMIW, 110ILE1US, MINING, CKNTHIFU gal and Steam Pumps, el any capacity, at JOHN IHOT-M. 33;i East Fulton strceU m7-lfd 15 A 1)1 ATOItS," OFAN"V MAlii-i Ult ltJ It sign, can lie luriilMicdulrcusuhahlungurcs. by JOHN BEST. Si.1 East Fulton street. in7-tf J FOIt CASTINGS, IltON Olt IIUAbS, LIGHT or heavy, nt short notice, go le JOHN 11IOT.XH East Fulton street. m7-tfd he F YOU WANT A FIHST-CLAMS 1-OHTABLE l.uglue and Belter, m wheels, cheap, its the .iu,i,i pitnnuiin, u 1IUI IH. ,'l,H IT, PI,J, O horse-pevvyr, Mia ; 10 horse-iew er, J575; 15 horse- power, WJ; a) horse-power, J1.175, call at JOHN nr.m n, a.u jasv Hilten meet. i 1117-tfd PAKTICULAU ATTENTION l'AII) 'H) Mcslel Making, Patterns, Drawings and Blue Prints, at prices reasonable, lit JOHN HIRSTS. SB East Fulton street. iu7-tfd -.l.'L"1 CHEAT IMPHOVEMKNT TO OLD Oil . NevvlJIWiisbyuslligLANCAKrEltCIlEM. ICALCOMfANY LAWN ENItlCHElt. TltlSMAN'S. NEW WINDSOR TIES, FOB BOYS AND MEN, NO. WEST KING ST. I TUBE BUICKS, FIltE CLA, AT lW ! Ilgurcn, go te JOHN BEST, 333 utst Fulton street. inT-lfd pUISMAN'S. NEW DRESS SCARFS. "OKNHIONH. PENSION " The New Pension Bill Just lusscil entitles all Soldiers, Widows, Miner Chlldieii and Depen dent Parents leu pension. 1 will attend te all applications placed In my liuuda preuiplly. I have had reiir'ytun' eiH'rlence In the pension entice ut Wakhlnglen, D. C ,u .... . SILAS W.SHIHK. JCiKJind 19 North Duke St., Lanciihter, Pa. A T Till: BlILETf CAllItlAGE CO.'S . ..:vlmu,, "EL AIH, Mil. WANTED Between August 1 undUepteiu ber I, twenty I'JJl Carriage Makers, reutining of Bedymukers. Carrtagekinlths uud Fliitthers, I'alntersnnd Trimmers; none but these who have famine and want steady work need apply. Geed houses can be obtained at low rents ; convenient te factory. An excellent op portunity will be given apprentices te learn trades lu the dlllerent depnrlmenU. Girls can get employment In trimming department. Capacity of works, 3,tMJ vehicles per year. IVJ7-2va 9he0 B OOTBANDBMOHIl . MUST BE SOLD MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOGI, 600 PAIRS Slippers md Oxford Ties, -AT- STACKHOUSE'S, AND 30 EAST KINO HTIIF.ET, -AT- Less Than Half Price. STACKH0USE, NOS. 2S AND 30 EAST KING HTItEET. B AHOAINS IN SHOES 1 CUT PRICKS I Ladies' Shoes. Men's Shoes. Children's Shoes. Ladles' K Shoes reduced te $3.50. Ladle' U Shee reduced te ri50. Lad leu' S3 Hheca reduced te 12. Ladles' r: Shee reduced te ILSO. Children' K.00 Bheen reduced te 110. Cblldrcu'a ti.7."Mliec reduced te f 1.25. Children's ll.'e Shoes reduced te 11.00. Children's f 1.00 Shoes reduced te 75c, Beys' 11.75 Shoes reduced te 11.25. Beys' 13.00 Shoes reduced te 12.00. Men's $8.00 Shoes reduced te 15.00. Men's 15.00 Shoes reduced te 11.00. MIbsch' f 1.00 aud K.flO Shoes reduced te (3.00. Misses' 13.00 and 12.50 Shoes reduced te 12.00. You're familiar with our repute for selling excellent makes of Shee. The shoes put In this Cut-Price Sale arc net an exception te the rule. They are net the usual rag, tag and bob tail grade, that are gotten together for a big advertising hurrah, but geed kinds every one an unuKuel bargain at Its price. Ask te see them. First ceme will be best served. Shoes te til nil kinds of feet If net of one kind, we'll find another. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Quekn Street, Lancas ter. Pa. s UMHEB SHOES 1 TENNIS OXFORDS! I have one of the Largest Lines of Men's, La dle', Mtsies', Beys' and YeulhV Tennis Ox fords lu the city. Men's Brown Checkered Tennis Oxfords, 10c. Bey's " " " ' 4le. Ladles' " " " " lie. Mls.es" " " " " :wc. Youths' " " " ' 39c. .Men's Scceud Grade Light Tenuis Oxford?, 00c. Bey's " " " " 55c. ladies' " " " " 65c. Misses' " " " " 50c Youths' " " " " tee. Men's Best Grade Latest Light StrlHi Ox., Jl 00 Bey's ' " " " !5e. Ladles' " " " " i5e, Men's BestGradeTennls Bills. In Light Check and Solid Brown, Jl 60. I have also a Large Line of Men's, Bey's, La dles' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfords, with Rubber Seles, having Leather Seles between the Rubber Seles und Inseles, at l 00, f 1 25, f 1 50 nnd $2 00. See Large Display in East Window." The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY 4 ECKE1VT) the Leader el Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 & 5 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, 1'A. 43-Stere Closed Every Evening at 0 o'clock UxccutMetiduy and Saturday. Date. lOR YOUR INTEREST. A Fine LighTFur Stiff Hat Fer J1.00. Fermer price, UM. but New Goods. Ne old stock, Greatest Bargains In STRAW GOODS ever offered. TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS Very Lew. Stauffer & Ce., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCAbTElt. HA. &ttevtuij. T UTHER H. KAUFKMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-L W. Second Fleer Eshleman North DukeHinwt. ulldlng, Ne, 41 ituSUydaw cutt0tvii; It. NATHORST, 'DENTIST. J) CENTRE SUUARE. in Illlni Teeth and lalnless Extraction Sno- claltles. New Sets made, broken ones minded and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates. and pivoted, etc. ves, everytuing ieriaiuing te Deutlktry will recclve prompt attention, nt very Moderate Terms. Remember that l)r. Nalherstls the ONLY Dentist In Ibis county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well us of Den tistry, uu advantage that Is obvious. marlt-lydAw (enl. T- UMBER AND COAU J TOBACCO SHOOKS AND CASKS. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by B. B. MARTIN A CO., nS-Iyd 124 Water Street. Lancaster, l's. -OAUMOAKDNEUS UOMFANY. COAL DEALERS. OFricis Ne. 129 North QueeuStrvet, aud Ne. 561 North Prince street. Yabw North Prluee Street, near Reading Depot. ftUgtt-WO LANCASTER, PA. 9m . nruxiAMMOM rencM. t Net a Meck Auction, SHODDY SACRIFICE, Birr a GENUINE Mid-Summer Cut Pric i rAIHIOMABLB AHD BXUABLX OO0DI. MENS CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES. 112.00 Men's Hutu cut te 110.00. f 11.00 Men's Hulls cut te I1Z0O. 116.00 Men's Suits cut te 1U.O). 4M Beys' MulU cut te t 3-60. t 5.00 Beys' HulU cut le t 4.00. aoe Beys' Halts cut te f 5.00. 7 JO Beys' HulU cut te f 8.50. Men's Rummer Coats, 50c, 65c, 75c and tl. Men's Hummer CenU and VesU,ti,'fl.25, II JO. 11.75 and ti Men's Flannel nnd Mohair Coats and VesU, 12.75, t3, 13.50, H and $5. Ijiwn Tennis I'anls. 12-W. Clerical Coats, In Alpaca and Drap de Ete. Walter Jackets In Alpaca and White Duck. Children's Clothing AT REDUCED PRICES. S 5.G0 Dark HulU cut te M.50. 0.00 Dark HulU cut te H.0O. 110.00 Dark HulU cut te te.00. 8.00 Dark HalU cut te 15.00. f 0.00 Dark HulU cut te 16.00. 15.00 K lit SulU cut te H.50. 16.00 KIR HulU cut te UM. 13.50 Kilt SulU cut te 12.60. 1.1.09 KlltSults CUtteCiOO. M.00 KlltSults cut tn U.W. K.60 Kilt SulU cut te f 1.75. Ladies' Wraps and Jackets AT REDUCED PRICES. I14.ne Embroidered Wrap cut te 112. til Black Worsted Jackets cut te 112, (13 Black Worsted Jackets cut le SI I. 0.00 Light Cleth .luckets cut te f5. 10.50 Light Cleth Jackets cut te S5. t U.OO Light Cleth Jacket cut te te. I 8.50 Light Cleth Jackets cut te 15. 110 Embroidered Silk Capes cut le $8. Ill Silk Lace Mantles cut te f 11. NOTIONS AT REDUCED PRICES. 75c. Black Net, 48 Inches wide, cut te 50c. 11.25 Black Net, 4S Inches wide, cut le J 1. 00. II.'jO Black Net, 4S Inches wide, cut te tl.25. 13 00 Black Nct,48 Inches wide, cut te 11.75. 12.50 Black Net. 48 Inches wide, cut te 12.25. 11.00 Embroidered Cups cut te 60c. tl.25 Embroidered Caps cut te 11.00. I1.3S Embroidered Caps cut te S1.00. 00e Mull Hats and BenneU cut te 60c. 11.00 Mull Hats and BenneU cut te 75c. 11.25 Mull HaU and BenneU cut te $1.00. 11.75 Mall Hats and BenneU cut te tl.25. 12.00 Mall Hats and BonneU cut te 11.25. FURNISHING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 12.00 Flannel Shirts cut te $1.50. 83.25 Flannel Shirts cut te $2.00. S3 00 Flannel HhlrU cut le $.'.(. 81.00 Flannel Shirts cut te SAM. tl.CO Flannel shirts cut totl.ue. tlStlkShlrtscut te $3.60. SI Whlte Pongee Shirts cut te $3.50. $(l White 1'ongee Shirts cut te $5.50. 17 Black Pongee Shirts cut te $5.60. 60c Silk Neckwear cut te 25c 25c German Linen Cellars cut te 13c. Silk Neckwear, 10c. Flue Silk Finished Suspenders, 25c. Dry Goods AT REDUCED PRICESr Special Remnant Sale will commence en Fri day next and continue several dny.i. Among the Remnants en will dud Dress Ulnghams, Outing Cleths, Challles and India Pongees. They will be found all en ene counter, where our patrons can make their selections. The C rices arc In plain llgurcsand are about HALF OST. Garden Hese AT REDUCED PRICES. Three-quarter Inch three-ply, fully guaran teed, at the fellow lug prices per foet: lOelliu-ecut leSc.l 12c Wire Wound Hese, 10c. lie Wire Wound Hese, lie. Ibc Wire Wound lles,c, 15c. Gent's Straw Hats AT REDUCED 1UICH8. $3.00 Light StUT Huts cut te $2.50. KM Light Stlir Hats cut te $2.00. Straw lints curried ever at 10a and 15eeach. A Special DUceunt of 10 er cent, allowed en all Straw Huts, regardless or former reductions uud low prices. Trunks and Traveling Bags. The Best Qualities ut the Lewest Prices. Fifty per cent, less than cast Is the murk en u limited quantity of Odd Sizes lu Traveling Bags. BOOTS AND SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. tl50 Optra Tee Turned cut te $.1.00. $1.8) Hanaro Toe Welts cut te 13.60. $5.0 Dongola Waukenphust Tipped cut te $4. $1.80 Opera Tee Turned, 1 and lS.eutteJJ.50. $i.890pcra Tee Turned cut te $3. UM Richmond Toe Tinned cut te$3. $3 Dongola tv Mia re Teecut te $2.60. t.' 5i) Opera Toe Tip cut te $2. $2.50 Mlisc' Spring Heel cut te $1.50. $1.8!) Patent leather Vamps cut te f 1 V5. $1.75 Child's Spring 1 1 eel cut let 1X0. II Mlw' KldOju'ra Slipa.'rs eutle7.V, $1.21 Ladles' Dongola Sllpers cut te 75c. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASrER, PA., -ANO- ale Williamson d Fester, NO. 813 MARKET ST., UAURISUUKU, PA i. - gnmtltu pfWIs- WOC, FURNITURE 8TO B'raoTsate its firtat Klac qtujUmd a of PunUur. arevcr) TcSJEaJi 1 mmrTsf vii kiiu rxHniw ear nei ftMMR H WniiP.IXHKiuii Kill TTNDERTAKEU9. WAT80N HERE, General Fareisliig Under NO. 20 SOUTH QUEEN 8TRE1 LANCASTER, PA. ..Resldence-JNO. J. WATSON, Na $1 viOTSirefKHeiitbern Market.) RccMeBee-M. K. HERB, Ne. 430 Beeth t mwc mnuca 1mee.) jy -CHBAaiRBS. WHY PAY MORE ELSE! I -FOR NEW 8TYLE OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST FOR Rl RLE UOODS. 49-Let us prove It te you.-M Ochs & Gibl Manufacturers and Dealers, (2d, 3d A 4th Fleer.) Ne. 31 SOUTH Ql . niiir.ci'. H EWHSH'H FURNITURE DEPOT. AT COST. We have a line of Settees, Chairs and Re that will stand the rain and sun, nnd we in ciose inein euu neuees, vi m; were Rockers nnd Chairs, $1 50 ; were $2 25 nnc A lew l'ercn ueckcrs at ll 00. TJNDERTAraa. We also give pergenal attention te Undl lng. Day or Night Calle. The Best and Approved Methods Used. Charges Medeq HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEP( 27 & 29 Sonth Queen Street T HE OLD CORNER. "Mere Light Kxclalmed the Immortal Grethe; and Just what we are having -AT- WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF East Kingand Duke S With the new French Plate Olass Frent want te let in all the llht possible e EUMITTJRE, PRIC AND Methods of Business. Wl DMYE EAST KINTI AND UUKK8TS. gtuttttucr i'tcoevta. DT, CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. Ocean End Dclavv are A ve. New Open. I JuneI0-2md JONAH WOOTTON.I XTOTEL BRUNSWICK, rl ATI. A N 1'IC CITY. N.J. New. Modern. First-Class. Complete. Pj avenue, between New Yerk and Tennl avenues. AecuiuiueduteSOO I aprSl-lind JOSEPH S. DAVl rpKE 03110RM Cor. Arkansas and Pacific A ves., ATLAS CITY. N.J. 1 New Heuse. Modern improvements. El ter. Electric Bells. Terms moderate. 1 Junc2-2iud -M its, 11. OSBOItt riIHE MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Enlarged I Remodeled ! - RefurnUl Brophy's Orchestra from June le OctJ Flnel v unnelnted Cafn and Billiard Roem. I Coaches te and trem depots nnd te beach I Inn. hiithlni. hfiliPM. flnctiull tlinYi:ir. I Junell-2md CHARLES McULAll A TLANTIC CITY. HOTEL CHETWOOI Pacific Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic CI I Newaiid FlrsUClnkK. Steam Heat: Call U Twe minutes wnlk from beach. $2.50 and I iwrdny. NOW OPEN. . I lulO-imd MBS. ANNIE QRUI1 milE CHALFONTf., THE CHALFONT1 ATI.ANTIU CITV.Nf.WJkILSKY-, SITUATED ON TII K BEACH, NORTH C l.iriA AVEAUB, mytMmd K. ROBERTS A 80 llcatci-e. T.1E BOSTON HEATE The Best Wrought lreu In the Market. WITH 1IRIC1C LINED FIRECIIAMBE Ovenenies the acknowledged objection te exposed cast pet lurnuce, luiiniuin; as inn ter docs threuifh Hie pores of the metal moHtdancereusL'Hses. This statement Isnm substantiated by the highest French. Gen and English Kcleutlsts, and continued by Derby, l'nif. J, It. Nichols. Dr. Frank, i ether aiitherltie-4 In our own country. It n , t... .?.!... ,(. ........ ....i.c..il lli... I. UUt4IUIifl iiiv(iiiii, ti.it-w Bi.vi, ma, it beenproved by exhaustive experiments t until ler service. The best quullty-rf plate I only shall lie used, and II Is of Hits mate Unit the radiator el the HoMen lliutcr Is ( slructed. The unparalleled success ofthe Bosten Hci has supplied us with a most liberal nunibe n-sinneninis.iinu lera lull aescrlptleu we nappy i iiiriusii uu application, FOB bAt.B 11 V J. P. SCHKU7V NO. 21 SOUTH QUEEN ST. "KINGLETREKrTOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161. RECORD 30. Sired by Hanny Medium, sire ef50 perform I from 2:14J te 2: A Dam Topsy Tayler by A1J nulls' m vii iiiiimi mnv ui uui u, axaazt vi-i v-a n Terms for Hprinc season of 1SW, $V) for n fcl Eer tabulated iieaigiee anil ether Inrennalli - Perch and Lawn Ge address DANIEL U. tftlLK. uprl2-4jcd4w Marietta, 1 .. -.-?. -mtAr ii9f-Jfl, w -AiVbh i...:v ... .. .-:.v.. .ifeto4ftitwMVyiS1ee: