;-,p stst"""!" - 'r"f ' -TcSKi5'' X , nl' - UV't-'vi; - , " '. j. -1 "& if. .1 ?-xvi ,vVt& $( J r? "SaWWlTel T, -' " '" ' ' ' ' , y VOliUltfE XXVI-N07281. LANCASTER, jA., MONDAY, JULY 28, 1890. PBICE TWO C -tti-'sv !,!.,. ,.. ,-,. rv" t-,n'W.v; ,aaf H If a tmimmxtitt - x-m m aaaa gga wav .egaaa m if A BIG CROWD AT CAMP. M1M TM6UNI KIMM BATIK IN Til ' ' SMTE IT UIMTIUI. Imm Xteaneat MmeM Preached en Saaday-Tae Yeaag Peeale'e Tempi Dedicate ea Saturday Afternoon - IiAXDUYiLtK, July 28, Sunday morn ing dawned with Mint heavy clouds hang ing overhead, but the day proved a beauti ful one. It la estimated that about 7,000 people were en the campground yesterday. A mere orderly crowd could net have I, some. f i The oenaecraUon service was held as usual at 6.30 a. m. A number of strangers were en the ground at this early hour. The annual love-feast waa held at 9 a. m. Many were la the auditorium. Rev. Crouch took charge or this meeting. Many. vtoek part In the service. The experiences were brief and full of life. Mere would liked lehave testified, but the lime for preaching service had already arrived and the preacher waa ready for the service. Rev. Herace Cleveland was the preacher of the morning. After the reading of the 23d Psalm and prayer by Rev. Smyth, Rev Chas. Reads read the lessen of the inernlug, Cor. II, also Cor. v. The hymn waa then sung and Rev. Herace Clovetand, one of thu finest orators of the Methodist church, dellvored at serlnen based upon 2 Cor. v., 2 : "In this we give an earnest by desiring te be clethed upon with our house, which Is from heaven. " Better English was never heard from the stand. He preached one hour and thlrty-eight minutes. Rev. Crouch gave a brief exhortation. After the bone diction the vast congregation dispersed for dinner and social intercourse. SUNDAY AKTKIIKOON. At 1:30 p. m. the children's meeting was held in the auditorium, which was packed and the meeting was very enjoyable. The subject was " The Vine." The grown peo ple are as much Interested In these meet ings as the children. At the same hour the young people's meeting was held in their temple. It was in charge of Mr. Thompson, and was a very geed meeting. He called en a goodly number, asking them at what age they vwre converted, and nlinest all testified te their conversion while young. He then called en Mr. Ogle te tell the people about hew It steed as regards the conversion of the young, and he showed the follew'ng statistics : Of 1,000 about 518 are converted "Under 20, 337 between 20 and 30, 00 between 30and 40, 15 between 40 and 50, 3 between CO and 00 and only 1 botweeu CO and 70 After reading this he gave a very touching appeal te the young people present te at tend te this important matter at once. Mr. Ogle Is a great werker among the young people, and many are attracted by his earnest and Interested spirit. At 3 o'clock Rev. S. H. C. Smith preached from Remans xill., 10: " Leve werketh no ill te his neighbor, therefore love is the ful filling of the law." .At 0:30 o'clock Rev. Reads had a temper ance meeting in the temple for the children and the singing was especially attractive. At the same hour Mrs. Whoeler had the meeting u tlie hill. It was, as usual, a aurce of great power. The eveulngsorvice was at the stand under the control of Rev. S. W. Kurtz, of Phila delphia. Though a very ditferent sermen from the tnernintr,yet it was a grand expo sition of the following text: "ile that bo be lleveth en the Sen of Ged, hath the witness within himself." Quite a uumber were at the altar. Among seme of the arrivals are Misses Lizzie and Sadie Deltrlcb, Dr.J.L.Wltbrew and wlfe, Miss Mellie Shaub, Miss Anna Wiltdey, Miss Bertha Clcmens, Miss W. O. Hean, Mr. Israel ,Mayer, Mr, C. Mayer, Mrs. McGlinn, Misses Jennie and Katie McCemsey, Mrs. Ltcliells, Mr. Harvey Spencer, Mrs. Ruttur, Mrs MuQurgie, Miss Llrie Willis, Mrs. Carpunter, Mrs. Faick, Mr. and Mrs. Slough, Mr. HeUlngcr, Mr. Lewis Haldy, Mr. Will Haldy and wife, Mr. David llitner, Mr. Lutz and wife, Mr. S. Ciarko and wife, Mr. Rudy and wife, Lancaster; Misses Alice and Fannie Hostetter, Mr. Elmer Frantz, Miliersville ; Mr. Fisher, Moitntville. Among the min isters Rev. S. Smyth, Rev. Themas Ogle, Rev. Near. HATOnilAY AFTEUNOON. At 1:30 p. m. the children gathered in the auditorium, and from the number that were there we could easily sea bow de lighted they were te have the sun shiuipg again. The subject of the lessen for the hour waa "The Arth." At the same time a meeting was held In the young people's temple, it was led by Mrs. Heilner, of Philadelphia. Sbe is a very earnest werker among the young peeple and is greatly beloved. At 3 o'clock the bell rang for the service of dedication of thotemple. It was beautifully decorated witli orauge and white, the colors of the association. Presi dent Reads prcsented the tomple te Rev. J. II, llargis for dedication. After the dedi cation the further serviccs were conducted at the stand. The young people formed into line and inarched down singing all the way. The pregramme was as follews: An address by Rev. Win. Shoesmith. His subject w.is "The opportunities for work ameug the young peeple en the camp ground." Kssay, Miss L'lta Bender, subject, "The Rpwerth League"; address, Rev. Chas. ltheads, subject, "The value and grewtli of the Christian Endeavor"; recitatien, Miss Llllie Wolfe rsborger, sub ject, "Evermore." The programme was iutorspersed with music by the choir. The choir 1ms been Increased and the music was exceptionally fine. A financial repert was gUeu by the financial secretary of the association. The outlook for the paymontef the debt Is very satisfactory. The young people certainly need te cengratulate thouiselvos en the progress they ha e inaile. At 0 p. in. thu holiness meeting was held in the tent en the top of the bill by Mr. Thompson, of Philadelphia. This uian Is an inspiration te any meeting. AU7 p. m. Tbo'eoniiig meeting was led by ltev. J. Dungan, of Marietta. His text was found in Jehn x., 10: "I am ceme that they might have llfe; and that they might have it inore abundaaly." After the sermon Mr. Thompson again spoke and witli much feeling. Every ene vt as touched with the talk and seme found their way te the altar of prajer. Yeung people's day was indeed u grand day en the camp ground. Seme little oxcitement was caused by the straying away of two little boys, but ere night they were heard from and were safe at home. MONDAY MOHNI.S'O. The day Is again beautiful. The squirrels were busy this morning gathering up the fragments ion lying around from yester day's fete. The bell rang out as usual at 5:30 a. in., but the inhabitants nf the grete were a little slower rising.as ttiey were tired from the great crowd yesterday. Family worship was held in the taberna cle at 0:30 a. in., for these net living en the grounds, The 0 a. in. prayer service in the audi torium was in cliarge of Rev. Thes. Ogle. He is a revivalist, aud uue who is ther- eaghly in the work. He led the meeting ' by reading from the 14th art 19th chapters erst Jehn. A brief experience aweting followed during which Mm several went te the altar seeking heart parity. Rev. Jehn Thompson is fall of this experience, and is working en that 11m In every meeting. There was de intermission, as the o'clock ser vice Just merged Inte the preaching ser vice. Rer. Elliett, of Lebeaea,' preached from a Cor. lx., 15: Thanks be te Oed for this unspeakable gift." It was a grand meeting for Monday morning. Among the arrivals we have the follow ing names i Miss Heyl, Philadelphia; Miss Amanda Leaden, Miss Kite Hell.MIss Ada Huber, Lancaster; Rev. Henry Wheeler. TWO MOHK DEATIta. Typhoid Fever Ends the LtvesefMlesea Mary Luts and Minnie E. Brown. Twe mere deaths from typhoid fever oc curred sliiceSaturday.aadbethvlutlms were empleyes of Rese Bres. A Hartman, making Ave from that disease since Wednesday. Mlas Mary Lute died en Saturday evening at the residence of her grandmother, 340 West James street, with whom she made her home. She was 10 years old and was net ill long. She waa a member of St. Jehn's Episcopal church. Her funeral will take place te-morrow afternoon. Miss Minnie I. Brown, daughter of Geerge W. Brown, died at her mother's residence, corner of Water and Chestnut streets, en Sundsy morning. She also bad typhoid fever and was getting along se nicely that en Friday her recovery was, looked for. She took a turn for the worse en Saturday and sank rapidly until death ensued. She was 25 years old and was one of the typewriters In the office of the firm. She was a member of St. Jehn's Episcopal church and active In Sunday school work, being secretary of that department. Her funeral will take place en Wednesday. Hosts el friends In this city mourn the deaths or these young ladlec They were favorites In the clrcles In which they moved. It can scarcely be realized that these, who were In the prime of their young lives se short time age, should be called sway In the midst of their Usefulness, when their future appeared se bright. THE WATER 18 IMPUttK. That Is the Itesult Reached By Dr. Leftman. the Chemist. Dr. S. T. Davis, local member of the state beard or health, sent te the secretary of the beard a pint sample or the water taken from the well used by the empleyes or Rese Bres, it Hartman. The water was analyzed by Dr. Henry Leffman, of Phila delphia, the chemist of the beard, and the following given as the result of his analy sis: " The quantity of the sample ene pint was tee little te permit of the application of all the usual tests, but suQlclent could be ascertained te show the polluted charac ter or the water. All figures are in grains te the U. S. gallon : Chlorine- .2.90 Nitrogen as nitrites 0031 Nitrogen as nitrates. 0.W0 Nitrogen as organic matter 0.01 "The solids were approximately estimated en a small amount or the Bample, and showed about forty grains te the gallon. The above figures show a water decidedly polluted and unfit for drinking purposes. The tlgure for the nitrites, especially, Indi cates that active micro-organisms are present in abundance, or that the water has been recently polluted with foul water. The figures for the organle matter and ni trates wero also high." SUED IH3 PAItTNEIt. A Note SIgned With the Firm's Nnrae lbr 9.1UO tbe Cause. Sigmund J. Martin has been prosecuted befere Alderman Halbach by his partner, Jehn Stell, for n violation of tbe act or as sembly of June 3, 1885. The allegation Is that Martlu drew up a nete for $300, signed the firm's name of Stell & Martin, weed benders te it, and had It discounted. The proceeds of tbe note, it is cbarged, Martin appropriated te the payment of bis indi vidual debts. Stell did net learn of Mar tin having signed the firm's name until a few days age, when he promptly eutered suit. The act or assembly roferred te make It a serious offense for any one te fraudu lently use the name of his partner .without his knowledge and consent. When Stell brought Martin te account for the transaction there was a war of words which resulted in blows and threats. Martin went before Alderman Deen and entered suits for assault and aurety of the peace against Stell. All tbe cases will be beard this week. Ephrata Metes. Tbe celebration of the Trinity Lutheran Sunday school, which was te be held en Saturday, was, en account of the inclement weather, postponed indefinitely. The base ball game between the Epbrata club and the Paradise club en Saturday resulted as follews: Knbrata - J 0 0 0 10 10 0-.1 Paradise 0 1 0 a 1 3 0 0 0--7 I'uridl no battery, Lcfe re and Hulter.Epli rata, Ilutzrr and Welney. Htruclt out by lluucr 11 ; I'aradlse 10. Umpire li. Wive. Before the Mnyer. Jehn Fritz, a young man employed in ene of the stone quarries near Lancaster, came te town en Saturday and wound up en Middle street. He was drunk and abusi ve and wanted te trim out the Russian colony en Middle street. Before he get fairly te work Officer King arrested him. He paid tbe costs. Oee. Wise, a stranger, was arrested at tbe Klug street station late en Saturday night for disturbing the poace, by Ofllcer Eliler. As it was his first offenso he was discharged upon payment of costs. Death or Mr. Susan Stelncr. Mrs. Susan Steiuer died suddenly at the residence of Da Id Ely, her son-in-law, in Heading, yesterday, aged 70 years. Her maiden name was Uetz and she remexed te Reading from this city 29 years age. Slie was a lifelong member of tbe Lutheran church at Muddy Cioek. Mrs. Steiner was tbe mother of IK eh 1 Id r en, six of whom survive. Eighteen grandchildren and nine great graudibildreu also survive. Her husband, Isaae Steiner, died 20 years age. Whipped His Wlfe. At 12.30 o'clock nSunday night a cry of murder was beard by Ofllcers Winewcr and Brown. They ran iu the direction of the noise, and when tbey roached tbe botise of Elmer Ellswerth Wllliard Mrs. Willard told thorn that her husband had n hipped her aud then ran away, mid she wanted him arrested, Tbey searched for Wllliard, but weie unable te find him. It was learned le-day that he has left town. Territory Kularwed. C, E. Tapping, general superintendent of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey di vision of the United States Express com pany, will en August 1 have his territory enlarged. The division will be known as the Atlantic, and in addition te the above be will have the B. &.O. division east of Ohie, Annapolis and Baltimere Miert line and Richmond and Allegheny railroads. He will have charge of 1,000 offices. ' . Kicked lly n Herse. Benjamin weaver, employed by Kirk Jehnsen iV Ce., was kicked by a horse this morning as he was eulerlug the stall. Ills Injuries are slight. COMING TO THE CITY. Til WM 111 MOM M Til Mil If 'UMURtllMllliV. He Carries Clab and Stene and Falls te Xotlee These Pesetas Hlm-Tkfe People of theBast Alarmed. The aaked man, noted by the Intelm Intelm ekncsk en Satuiday, 'as perambulating through the eastern end or the county, Is stilt about and acts bolder than ever. He was last seen en Saturday morning en the read leading te Intercourse. He turned up en the Strasburg turnpike later In the day, and when he psssed through the toll tell gate he had his clothes en. Later he passed throtigh;the'ame gate in nude con dition. On Saturday morning he passed through 'the sams gate, walking en the read te Strasburg, and he then had his clothes en. Later in tbe day he returned anr was then unclad. He could easily have been caught ou Sun day, but groups of men who saw him were afraid of him, and as he approached they ran into houses, belted the doers, and when he was out of sight, they came from tbe houses. Mr. WlUism McGlinn, or Wldmyer's rarnlstitug establishment, was driving en this pike en Sunday evening. He was told by three young men that the wild man was ahead .of him en the turnpike, lie drove leisurely and seen catne up te him. Mr. McGlinn describes him as a tall, well built man, back vary much sunburned. In one hand he carried a lieavy club and In the ethor a large stone. He walks slowly along, looking neither te tbe right nor te the lelt. He does net notice any ene driving en the read. The man was en tbe read walking towards Lancaster and is likely te turn up en the streets of the city befere the day Is out. The police or the city will be en the look out for him, and if he puts In an appear ance he wjll be arrested. In going through the tollgate en Sundsy he was asked why he ran around tbe coun try without clothes. The only answer he could glve is that he bad none te wear. The people living In the country in which he has been wandering are greatly alarmed and many are afraid te leave their houses for fear or encountering tbe crazy man. THE mONSIDES WIN. The Club Play an Excellent Game and Down Their Opponents. A geed-sized crowd witnessed the game .of base ball en Saturday afternoon, bo be twee n the Ironsides of this city and tbe Selar Tips or Philadelphia. The Ironsides put up a linegame,and defeated their Phila delphia opponents with ease. With a con tinuation or the playing or Saturday the Ironsides deserve a liberal patronage. Fol lowing was the score : lBOnSIDES. I 80LAK TIP. R.n.O. A.E.I It. II.O. A. K. Hegarui, p i a l 7 Pentr, c a a 0 Ielblcy, i,! J 1 ( Kesh. 1. ... 1 1 10 0 Witch, 2.... .13 14 FltzcerM, 4 4 0 1 HeK'th.m.r 1110 UlMuriran, 2.0 1 1 v teniz, ni .. m 0 It.K.Hmrii.ll 1 Hevrlcr,l..l 11 Frest, r.......O 0 Reamer, p . 0 1 Oemucr g, 0 0 Ursn, 3 2 0 1 1 0 OU 0 1 2 11 1 2 2 1 8 0 HUtrk, i. ... 2 2 3 0 f AlhPnawt m O A w...wr.a t-m v., 1 I 0,11. Hmltli, c.l Total 19 22 27 17 3 Total -...5 6 27 18 5 Irenddes ....0 0 2 17 111 6-10 0 0 0 2 1 1 S Helar Tip .....,0 1 0 Earned runs Ironsides ll,MeiarTlp2. Three base lilts -Wllcli. KlUef raid. Lelbfrled, Hturk. Heme runs Fitzgerald, Btark. Bases en balls Ironsides 3. Helar Tin 4. Htruck out Iren, sides 4, Helar Tip 5. Irfften baws Irormldes 7, Helar Tin 9. Deuble plajs-Heicnrlh, 1'entz, Lelblcy, Morgan and Iieerter. Wild pitches KeamerS, Hogarth 2. Time of game lis. Um pire Pentz. On Saturday next the Ironsides will play tbe B, O. P. club, or Uarrlsburg, and en August 0 tbey will cress bats with tbe Full Weights, a strong amateur clab or the Quaker City. The Base Hull (James. The championship games en Sunday re sulted as follews: American Association Teledo 5, Ath Ath Ath lotle 4 ; Columbus 0, Brooklyn 0 (forfeited.) The championship games played en Saturday resulted: National League Philadelphia 5, Cleve land 2; Cincinnati 5, New Yerk 1; Pitts burg 4, Bosten 3 ; Brooklyn 10, Chicago 4. Players' League Chicago 12, Philadel phia 1 ; Cleveland 6, New Yerk 1 ; Clove Cleve land 7, New Yerk 1 ; Brooklyn 13, Buffalo 0; Bosten 4, Pittsburg 3. American Association Athletic 7, Louis ville 1 ; Rochestor D, Teledo 2; Syrucuse 3, Columbus 0 ; Brooklyn vs. St Leuis (post poned, rain). Atlantic Association Wilmington 1, Harrisburg 0. State Clubs Lebanon 0, Yerk 2; Yerk 5, Lebanon 1. Kast End Fiahlutf Club. The East End Fishing club went te Welse's Island this morning for a week's outing. Theso who went this mernlug or will join the club later in tbe week are: Jacob Beachler, Frank S. Everts, Win. S. Deen, Thes. A. Dean, James R. Dennelly, Harry Yackley, Jehn Touillusen, Christian Bender, Jacob Welfer, Aaren Frey, Henry Gress, Alvln Duclimuu, Henry J. Frecb, Samuel F. Erisman, Michael Brccbt,' Harry M. Hnrr, Riebaid Myers bud Samuel Flick. By Ministers Frem Dlstanoe. Presiding Elder J. 11. Hargis occupied the pulpits of the Methodist churches en Sunday. He preached in the morning ut tbe Duke street church, in the afternoon at the Western and in tbe evcniiig at SL Paul's, Rev. Wilsen R. Slearly, of Cieveland, Ohie, occupied the pulpit of the Second Reformed church yesterday, both morning andoening. In the morning Ills text was taken from Luke viii,, 21, and iu the even ing from Isaiah xli., 0-7. Full Frem n Ladder. Ifsiae Munderf,an empleye of the Electric Light company, met with a slight accident en Sunday, but It might have been worse. He was putting a carbon en the light at Connelly's hotel and while en the ladder, it turned and be fell. His ankle was slightly sprained aud a bunch of carbons broken. iteslstcd Au Officer. Jehn Deiiuuel, tuieiigh family trouble, drank mero than was geed for him, and foil Inte the clutches of Constable Nehr, of the Ninth ward. The charges ugainst him are resisting an officer and disorderly conduct. They will probably be withdrawn uiien payment of costs. Kept tli Stock. Deputy Sheriff Leau nerved the writs of replevln en Saturday afternoon, issued by Henry Iliukley against E. II, Kauffman aud Jonas L. Mlunich, ferte mules and a mare. These parties kept the stock and gave beud. Awarded a Diploma. In the window of liens' hat store Is ex hibited tbe diploma awarded totheljiucas tetheljiucas ter Turner Verelu. It was wen by thorn at tbe touruumeiit Iu June at Atlantic City for skill In gyrauastlcs. Sunday Ti-alux tulCuiiipuioettiiic. The PenusyUanU railroad carried 304 oxcurslenlsts te campmecting from this city en Sunday and the Reading railroad 747. m m f) I veil Pensions. Pensions hae Imjeii Issued te Jes. II. Furiosi, Lancaster; Benjamin Bunker, New Helland ; Isaae N. McLaughlin, Gap. FELL DOWN STAIRS. Willlai Kraaafcen Meets With Fatal Accident at Mis Hene. William KraHkkep, aged eS years, living at 407 W. Walnut street, Sunday evening met with an accident,, which caused his death. The old genUemaa retired, ac cording te his aeual custom, at about six o'clock. After he was In bed, the house keeper, Mlas Ricka Krlck, went te charcb, leaving htm alone In the house. When she returned at half past eight she found him lying en the landing, at the feet of the back stairs, conscious but aaabte te tell hew he had gotten there. Dr. 8. M. Craw ford waa summoned and found Mr. Krautkep suffering from a deep cnt en the side of his bead, back or the right ear and several bruiser. It Is supposed that Mr. Krauskop, confused with sleep, arose seen after the housekeeper had left him, dressed himself and In attempting te go down stairs slipped and fell. When found he was exhausted from less of bleed show ing that be had been lying at tbe feet or the steps for seme time. Mr. Krauskop died this morning about hair-past nine from his Injuries, lie was born In Prussia, January 20, 1809, and came te this country In 1844. Fer two years he resided In Baltimore, removing te Lan caster county In 1810. He followed the trade or wheelwright for many years, re tiring after the death of his son, Henry Krauskop, about thirteen years age. Dur ing his llfe He was a member of tbe Ger man Evangelical church. He waa the rather or soven children, or whom four survive hlui. They are Louisa, wlfe of Jacob Schwartz, or this city ; Kate, wlfe of Prof. Aaren Gobble.et'New Berlin, Pa. : Frey W., In the employ of Dlller's wheel factory, and Frank I, the well known cigar box manufacturer. SUMMEIt LEISURE. Herbert C. Alleman is spendlng a few days at Cape May. Mrs. Mary Wldrayer, Miss Emily Wld myer and Mrs. Murrlet Breslus are at Epbrata'. E. T, Hager left this morning for Phila delphia for a short vlsiu. Goe. W. Whlteferd and wlfe, for some time guests or Matthew Bush, or North Queen street, left for their home In Brook lyn yesterday. The Sunday schools or Potersburg are holding a union plcule at Penryn te-day. About 250 went up In the early train. Dr. S. H. Metzger Jolned tbe Bay club at Fortress Menree en Sunday. Frederick Engle will catch up te the club te-day at Old Point Comfert. The Chosapcake club reached Richmond last night, with all well; se at neon the club left for Norfolk, Virginia. Lawrence Shilling and brlde, or Clear field, are spending their honeymoon in this elly, the guest or Jacob H. Norbeck, Mr. Shilling's uncle. William Martin, or the theological semi nary at Emmlttsburg, spent part or bis vacation in this city with relatives. Rev. P. J. McCulIagb, rector or St. Mary's Catholic church, will spend his vacation at Bedford. ' Edward Rellly went te Atlantic City to day, for a vacation of ten days. Miss Millie Haas returned en Saturday nlgbt from a week'a pleasant sojourn among friends at Harrisburg. Miss Bertie Sprenger left en Saturday for a few days vacation nt Willow Street. Dr. L. A. Warren left for the sea shore at neon te-day, for a brief respite from his professional dutles. Mrs. Jacob Shaub and daughter, Annlr, leave te-night for Nowcastle, Ohie, te visit friends, and en their returu will go te At At lantie City. hlmer Q. Werth, of Pittsburg, Is visiting County Commissioner Werth. The Rlbert-Osliera Difficulty. Jes. M. Rlbert, charged by Harry E. Osbern, with felonious assault and bat tery aud surety of the iioace, tbe particu lars of which have been published, will have his case tried at the August session of the criminal court. He entered bail this meruing befere Alderman Deen for bis apjicarauce at that time for trial. A Child Iu Pawn. Although advised that her actions are unlawful, Mrs. Julia Williams, or Newark, N. J., Is holding a 0-year-old child as a bend ler a debt of $20, which she claims Is owed her by tbe child's mother. The latter went te Canada a year age, leaving the child with Mrs. Williams, who was te re ceive f.1 a week for Its care. Saturday night thochltd'suiiclelntended te start for Canada with her and paid tbe beard bill te date. Theu Mrs. Williams produced a bill overo year old and refused te surrender the girl tiuless that tee was settleJ. The uncle refused te pay and ap pealed te tbe police, but tbey could de nothing, although they told Mrs. Williams she was violating the law. Tbe uncle will apply te the chancery court for tbe child. Five Membera el Out Family Klllixl. A frightful railroad accident occurred at Grafton, W. Va., en Sunday morning, re sulting In the death of five people, mem bers of ene family. Just about tbe time the west-bound accommodation train was due William Gelden, bis wife and three children started te cress the main line of- the Baltimore A Ohie railroad near the Railroad hotel, but seeing a yard engine coming up thu read, they stepited te let it pass. Mr. Gelden was holding bis two-year-old boy In bis arms, and bis wife held a throo-menths-old baby. When watching the engine the passenger Mam struck the fam ily, instantly killing the husband, wlfe and two children, aud fatally Injuring the boy who was In his father's arms, the little fellow dying iu an hour. The englneer nf tbe train signalled, but the noise of the yard ouglne prevented the approach of the train belt'g beard. People's Iliilldlritf Association, At tbe meeting of the stockholders of the Peeples' Building aud Lean association, en Saturday evening, the following ofllcer wero elected : President, H. R. Breucman vlco-presidcnt, Martlu Krolder; soerelary, A. S. Vllloe; troasurer, Dr. A. J. Herr; directors, Win. Wohlsen, H. G. McCarter, Win. N. Appel, S. S. Martin, Geergo hhul hhul myer, J. W. Jenes, P. C. Snyder, Christian Gittlich, Dubois Reh rer ;soIiciter, Majer A. C. Roiniehl. The thirtieth seml-annual report shows the association te be In a nourishing condi tion. The assets of the association are $14.1,- 108.2U. m 1'uld thu Costs. A firanger, giving the name of Miehael Denley, was arrested at an early hour en Sunday morning, by Constable Crawford, fordriiiikeiiucss and disorderly cendiicl,nn East King street. He paid the costs to day, said it was his first offenso ami be would loae the town at oueo, IteslBuutlnii ufn Policeman. Frank KauUtundered his resignation to day te thu mayor, as a member of the tlty police fore, te take effect en August 1. Mr. Kautz Vi.is accepted a rci-pouslhle position with Hetel-keeper M. 'I Cenneny. He was an efllclenl offi cer, neter shirked Ids duty and tbe major parts with him with regret. e lionelltted lly Ills Trip. J!i:uUN, July 2y. Emperor William ar rival at Wllhelinshareii te-day en his ro re tiirn from his trip In Norwegian waters. He is looking exceedingly well and then Is no doubt that the tilp has greatly Im proved hi health. BLOOD SHED IN A CHURCH. AIIMUNS TMI Til MTIUIGI IN A MlOTsNTlMrtB MTHHAL. Treeaa Called te SaMue she Kleters Are Wesleted Fewr Soldiers and Three Sef the Meb Are Killed. CoNSTANTiNerue, July as. A large crowd of Armenians gathered In the Ar menian cathedral in this city yesterday for the purpose of remonstrating with the pa triarch of the church for his weak action toward the perte regarding eutrages perpetrated by Turks in Armenla, and te demand his resignation. One of the crowd mounted a chair in the cathedral and demanded that the patriarch explain the events Wfat had occurred at Erzereum and tbe position of affairs In Armenia. The patriarch pro tested against the action or ths mob and declared that the sacred edifice was no place for such a demonstration. This an swer te their demand exasperated the mob and they rushed upon the patriarch, dragged htm from the pulpit and otherwise maltreated him. After being very roughly handled the patriarch finally succeeded in breaking loose frem his assailants and made his escape from the cathndial. Mil itary assistance was asked for te quell the disturbance. A body of Turkish troops was sent te restore order, but when they entered the cathedral and tried te clear the building they met with desperate resistance. The mob was armed with revelvers and splked shovels and a'bloedy conflict ensued between them and the troops. Four of the seldlsrs and three of ths rioters were killed and ethers were In jured before the mob was driven from the building. The cathedral Is new closed. It Is reported that the Armenians were acting under secret instigation. TnE WnECK AT LAWRENCE. Eleven Dead and Five Fatally Injured la the Count New. The examination or the ruins at Seuth Lawrence went en all day Sunday, under military supervision, without Interrup tion, and late at nlgbt waa fin ished without discovering any further fatalities. The list or dead fellows i Michael Higglns, aged,. 35; Jseeinlah O'Connell and his wlfe and 14-year-old daughter; Mrs. Elizabeth Cellins, aged 30, and her 4-year-old child; Mary Lyens, aged 18; Julia Beatty, aged 10; Martin McLaughlin, aged 40 1 Helen Cutler, aged 11 ; Mrs. Themas Sullivan. Alt were found In the ruins excepting Miss Cutler, who was caught en the Salem street bridge by the storm and carried ever two houses, then dashed te the ground. She struck en her bead and died or the concussion. This makes a total or 11. Be sides this the following are expected te die, as their injuries are set down by the hospital people as ratal. The ethers Injured number 55 : Mary Qulnn, aged 11 ; Mrs. Sarah Leinman, aged 80 ; Andrew Hart, aged 80 ; little Susie Mandas, aged 4 ; Peter Dillen, aged 42. This will swell the list or fstalllles te 10, snd possibly mero may be added In course of a few days. Of tbe 12 missing enes all have been aceunted for but 3, and there Is a suspicion that these have heen blown away. The scenes among the ruins Is ene of pathetle desolation. Lawiiknck, July 28. Everything about the scene of the cyclone remalned quiet during the night. Battery "O" relieved the Infantry this morning. A large num ber of moil are at work and the ruins are being rapidly cleared. Hannah Beattle, eue of the victims, was burled yesterday. This morning the funerals or Michael Hig glns, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Connell and little daughter Mamie and Mrs. E. Cellins and little Annie Cellins took place. Helen Cutler will be buried te-morrow. Seme f 1,000 has already beeu subscribed for tbe relief fund, and it Is expected that ut to night's ma si meeting 5,000 mere will be raised. Tbe Injured are all doing well. Accused of Murder. Si. Leuis, July 23. Jehn H. Douglas treasurer of the Kmtpp-SUiut Lumber company, one or tbolargest concern or its kind In this country, was arrested last nlgbt en tbe chsrge or killing Chas. Dest, one or the company's empleyes. Thostery gees that Dest, who Is a laborer, went te his home en July 7, complaining or pain in the head. A physician was called In who found Dest In a semi delirious condition and treated him for Inflammation of the bowels. Dest continued te get werse and yesterday morning dled. It then became known ter the first time that Dest bad told his wife that he had been struck en the bead at the lumber yard with a pluce of plank by Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas emphatically denial he struck Dest or any body else, and says that he never saw or heard or such a man. The attending physician and another doctor, ene or tbe most eminent In the city, who was called In consultation, say that tbey carefully examined the man and failed te find any e vldonce that he had been struck en tbe bead. An hicmest will be held this afternoon. Meantime Mr. Douglas has been released en bend. Dest did net tell his wlfe that it was Mr. Douglas who struck hlui, and hew the story get out In volving that gentleman is a great mystery. m Fired Twe Bullets Inte Ills Head. Nuw Yeuk, July 28. Frederick Betzel, aged 40, a German glass stalner, shot 10-year-old Katie Murphy In the feet this morning, whether intentionally or other wise Is net known. The child's screams attracted her mether and (tilts a crowd of neighbors, and excitement ran high. Tbe mether threatened Betrel with dire ven geance and the man retired te the yard aud shot himself twice, ene bullet lodging in bis right eye, the ethor in the forehead. Ile was removed te the hospital Ity a police man. It is thought his wounds are fatal. Frederick Betrel died at 11:15 o'clock. The man was doubtless insane. Wants a Canadian Atcent Hore. ToneNTo, July 28. Enistus Wimau, In a letter published iu te-day's Qlelic, argues strongly in favor of ibe appolntmeut of a Canadian agent, te co-ejorato with tbe British ininistei at Washington. Mr. Wi mau says the necessity for a high commis sioner in Londen te represent Canada Is net one tithe as urgent at that which de mands a similar official ut Washington, and that the closer relations between the countries become mere important will this appear. Itepulil leans te Confer. Wasiii.note.v, July 28. A caucus or Re publican senaters has been called for to night te consider the election bill, and the question of changing the rules of the Senate se ustoexpodlto transaction of business. A Colored Muu Murdered. Bai.ti.mehk, July 28. Jehn Wesley Myers, colored, hostler, was found mur mur dered this morning in a piece of weeds near his stables at Highlandtown, Ne ar rests have been inade. ItariiMMl a Nuw Trial. Atlanta, Oa., July 28. The supreme court this morning refused a new trial for Tem Weel folk, who murdered nlne per sons in Bibb county. New Curbs. Workman te day began laying cuiln en Duke street, between Grant and Orange, preparatory te the blocking of the same with asphalt. A CRISIS IX GUATEMALA. Her Soldiers Revelt end San Salvader Continues Hostilities. It la a generally admitted fact that Gua temala accepts the war provoked by San Salvader, -and 'will continue It until the latter country elect a legitimate president In place of Exote. Beth Guatemala and San Salvader are trying te mass troops with the Utmost haste, but Guatemala finds difficulty In the dissatisfaction of her sol diers. It Is claimed that tbe Guatemalan forces se greatly outnumber the Salva Salva derlans that In tbe present week the tables will be turned. . The revolt ameug the soldiers threatens te assume serious proKirtlens, and It is feared that the entire army will seen make common cause with the rovelutlonlsts.who are gaining mero power every moment. In fact, the cabinet Ofllcers have counselod the president te suspend hostilities with Hal va va der and turn his attontlen te the situation In Guatemala. President Barillas held a council of war en Saturday, and troops are being dally conscripted te carry ou the war with Salva Salva eor. President Barillas wanted te assuine the leadership of his troops against Salva Salva eor, but owing te the unsettled condition or affairs he lias abandoned the idea or leaving the capital. A proclamation has been Issued warning all natives of Salvader te leave tbe territnry or Guatemala within 48 hours. Presldeut Barillas has Issued a decree declaring the whole republic Iu a state of soire and sus pending the constitutional guarantees. Thore Is considerable excitement In the capital, at It Is said tlmtthoSalvader troops are within sixty miles of Guatemala city and are constantly being reinforced. 11 Is understood that Honduras will re main neutral for the present, but may loin with Guatemala if events ropttre her. Guatemala has 40,000 men unner arms and Honduras 05,000, whlle San Salvader has only about 10,000. Hew te Filter Water. The following description of ncheap and simple litter for the purification or drink ing water Is taken from au able essay upon the subject, published In yesterday's Pitts burg binpatch ; Aftei boiling ten minutes the water should be poured Inte a woedon or stene Jar, oevered with a cloth and left an hour te cool, when it may be put into the fllter. Fer a filter, a clean flower net of uuglased clay, filled monthly, or rather changed for ene freshly charged, Is hotter than most of the patents tn the market. First cut a disk or cotton flannel te fit the bottom or the pet Inside, put en this a layer or clean white aand an Inch thick, then three Inches of charcoal In very coarse powder,three Inches of sand above this, and clean, washed gravel ever all, and you have as geed a filter for a dollar as you can buy for teu, as far as working gees. The water must run through this 12 hours before the charcoal dust washes out se that the fluid runs clear. The pet should fit into the top el a long stene jar with fkucet attached, and th Ice be bung In it, tied In a ploce or cotton flannel for n prlmltlve inode of keeping the Iceweruis out and making the ice last longer. The only treuble with water se prepared Is that 11 tastes fist from wuut of air, which Dr. Currier proposes te supply by a clean bellows kept for the purpose, but It is mere conveniently done by pouring water from ene pitcher te another several times as foaming drinks are mixed, Or one or the patent egg and cake beaters could le usmt in the) water for a few minutes, and the most discriminating palale could hardly tail te appreve waier no reiiuta. Some In te reslliiB Relics, Edward M. Luden, of ltesdlng.'U the possessor of seme curious relics. Among thorn Is a pair of drum sticks that were picked up en the battle-field of Trenten, In the Revolutionary war, belenging te a British drummer. Anether is a band organ constructed In 1705, by ene Jehn MUsser, at ICpliiata. The hand e.-gan Is iu excellent state or preservation and glibly reels oft airs popu lar these days. Anethor Interesting rellc Is a large German Bible printed In 1020, Tn perfect condition. Still another is a heavy cane inade of twisted willow twigs that were planted at Belfast, Me., with a bamlle made from the horn or a buck killed iu North Carolina, and a for fer fer rule which was the nezzla nf n pair of bel lows brought ever from England lit the May flew or lu BUO and presented te the ewner by a lineal descendant of Jehn Alden, the lever and husband or Prlscilla, the Puritan maiden. Marrlutre Iu n Circus Ring. An Anbury Park dlsiiatcb. te the New Yerk Sun says: "At the conclusion el a circus performance en Saturday Justlce of the Peace Borden stepped te the centre of tbe ring followed by Leuis A, Ferd, of New Yerk, and Miss Mary Monehun, of the same city. Tbey were seen mude hus band and wlfe. The brlde Is a pretty bru nette of IH. She wero n wblte gown elab orately trimmed with luce aud ribbons. Miss Susle (sergeant, of Lancaster, Pa., acted as bridesmaid and Pre). B. B, L. Eavens. or Union City, Tenn., as best man. When the newly made husband turned te kiss the brlde the spectators gave him a round ofcheers." Killed !y a Lunatlu. At Wolcettvlllo, N. Y., a lunatic, named Ysge, beat Poerumster Schultze se soveroly with u shovel and an axe en Saturday, that Schultze died In the etenlug. Ysge had been In an asylum two or threo years, but was recently tiermlttcd te return home apiuirently restered te reason. He seen, however, became be violent that Pnormas Pnermas Pnormas ter Schult7e, aeconiianled by a constable, went te Yago's bouse te take him back te the asylum. He attacked Schultze with a shevel aud au axe and seen beat him Inte inseiislbillty. He thou find te the weeds and has net been captuied. List of Let tern. List of letters advertised nt the iKistofllce at Lancaster, Pa., July 28, IKK). Freo do de do llvery : LniUcs' Mil. Mrs. Mary lladlield, Mrs. Laura Hair, Miss Grace Bleem, Clara A. Burns. Snplii.i Schislhe, Mrs, C. J. Stouii Steuii Stouii seu. Miss Caddie West. Oent'a IAal.UA'. Bare. Jno. Gultheuie, Jacob J, Meer, Jehn B. Wcaier. St, Leuis Pretests. Washinote.v, July 28. .Senater Vest to day presented te the Senate the rciuou rciueu rciuou stmnceof alare uumber of persona of St. Leuis protesting against the passjge of the foderal cloclleii bill. The Ftremnu Crushed te Deutli, IOUlsvil.l.K, July 28, As freight train Ne, 3(1, en the Louisville it Nashville, at at at proached u lieavy down grade at bridge Ne, 5, near Sulphur, Ky,, the ongineor, detected a horse caught botweeu tbe tlei en the Jirldge and seeing that be could net step his ouglne in time he put ou steam, endeavoring te threw the hersu from the track. The en ginewas doralled, jumping ever the ties until the bridge had been pissed, when both euginoer and flremin juiuped. The engine foil upon the latter, Geergo Barker, killing him instantly, thu engineer escap ing, with both leg biekeu. The eiiglne aud twelve earn wero dlti hed. One brake man was also sorleiisly hurt. Passenger trains wero delayed forseteral hours. Ne Klfilit-lleur Day Fer FostefBco Men. Wasihnuten, July 28. The bill te pin the 8-hour day in operation in postefllcos of the first and second i lasses, and te glve clerks 15 days annual leav lias been roferred te Senater ' Ian. It Is understood tin1 report te the next meeting ' posteillcos and iest r' n0 v.111 tlens.a bill pre-' jfcouttnHtueon uus" ,,- ,iur abandon" "l . ... , g-lieur provbleu 4 be REBELS VERY STJjtrOI ... . f r1!0 A BELIEF TIAT TIIT Will bvemiiu ir iiraim A Battle In Which a Thwassiadi Fees Fell-ike Navy Jetaala Revelt Against the 1 Buf.kes Ayres, July 27, Kvtmtfl revolutionary movement spread. The fighting between i troops and the revolutionists been desperate. The geveramiat ; were defeated and 1,000 of them or wounded. The nary has JetH revolutionary movement. IH artillery bombarded the governs and barracks te-day. A 34 hears t been arranged between the opposing I Tite triumpn or the reromuenisw a te be assure 1. vsS Lohdex, July 28, The British fa at Buones Ay i es sent a came dTas Kirxigu uince ion nujn Mninav revolution was nreeeeaiag. m beonheavy firing. The dlseateh; says that an armistice had beea until te-morrow and that the temporarily quiet. tj Kenise te convey Meesai Buknes Avkbs, July 27. Via The authorities or the Argentlaei have notified all telegraph wiiinw iiiies cuiiuecv wiui ixmrnmn I II. . . I... !." country mat teiegrapnie coma will be susiiended until further I Minister Pitkin Repert.. Wasiiinotex, July 28. A I nmiivuii v luu nuuuir ieciiHrT.1 front Minister Pitkin at Buenes; i Argentine Republic, stating : i A I lien of arms is In progress. The i divided and a siege is declared." " r.m-etH or the iteveiatleaa. , Lonhe.v, June 28, 2p. m, Av: depression prevails en theSteek J AJ-geuune snu Uruguayan h tlcally unsaleable, isna-hava four te nine per cent. A 1IEIIELMON IH BUXNOsr '.iW- Fighting Begun ea Satarasvr JMMM ueden Sunday, wlta II ceases The llevolutle Xa Bukxes aykes, July 27. A mnrnlnir. a revolution wee'ceassnal the Union Civics, assisted bytvri leus of the jfcrrlsen. Presides has declared the whole republMl or siege. The National uuara j called te arms. "" Later reports are that Ave mera 1 of the insrtne arsenal and Rati artillery have declared In myetj revolutionists, lue postal aaa eiiices are surreunuea uy son revolutionists are reported, te .k pletely triumphed. The governor Ayres is seriously weunaen. yj Celeman has lust embarked 'I Catallnas Mele, taking refuge: eft ! a foreign ship. The governor or Dretner or me preeiaeni, ass i Tbe revolutionary party m manifesto signed by Atejaadi A. Del Valle. M. De' Merle.' Juan Jese Romere and-Law The revolutionists have 11 Manuel J. Camnes. who Waa as a conspirator, and whe'Jtae nimseit at we neau or law; vny ,.... ft.2. uuhihi, jiuj if-n. BUCfeOff neon says that flighting1 and thst.Vtei wersymsgy weunded oiPbetb sldas.Tfe have larirn retearces at .tessr are ably commanded. , " The" dispatch says, have many ers ameug voe e Buknes Aykkm, JulyS deb snd Arredentls. com! siinrents. have seized theai andl'Isza Lavelle. Theirs live military and two citizen the cadet corns. The sreveri mends seven battalions and exi forcemsnta from Karate. l"7he ilicts en Saturday were adverse ernment. The fosses en both. heavy. Many buildings were Thensvv remains neutral. icgrini, me vice pres'aenc, thn nreiildnnev. 1:30 r. . Anether battalien: f with arms and baggage, baa surgents. Tbe populace eapJKMft lutleu, which has extended te-1 lne.es. The authorities are with llin lnfiiticMinl Loxnex, July 28.-A dlseatah Times from Buenes Ayres, seyat en Saturday tbe artillery, Jetaei M civilians, toen tue nrst steps tow tbe government, ThetroepsanoJ parieycu. firing waa epenea a and seen extended te the Flaam 1 The Infantry aira-aiUHery.wKit i Houses kept up a heavy firing in tg lug. Tbe police flred at aadVsnai crowd u round the government, he ine peopie Kepi nnng irem w A determined irroueof forty! nluckll v ut their arms In front of ' uriliuuiil uuuiw, nulla wiv fwwr.W'tm tlllery and the roll of the masstetm . ... i .....it. .... ..j r. i nearer nun nearer. a'-:1 in tlie afternoon tne revcuuu ernment Issued its first de nnlnreil thn mobilization of the Guard and appointed Nlohelas'-l chef or notice. At 5 o'clock ea afternoon two attacks wets made governinout troops en citizen I tiie troops were repuisen dei I'ullcuineu and artillerymen art I in beans. The chief of notice. C Villa, Is wounded. The minister renerted killed. - Sham Urine continues around : I .., i. rt, .. kl. 1 iniery uarracK. iiurv me vautw ' te the Times abruptly closes. '-; A Mining Town Destroyed. Speka.nk Fai.w, July28. Newst hore last night Unit the town of Idaho, the great mining camp el. i d'Alone mining district, was almost; nlotely destroyed by lire last evenla fire started In the Central hotel, and I north and east ever the entire nart or the town. One report says will reach hair a million dollars. j'J dred aud Alteen persons are The town of Wallace la 100 miles I of Snokaue Falls, aud Is probably I flourishing mining town In tbe NeetM All Treuble Kndad. " Jf New Yeuk, July 28. The baUtneetij locked out cieaKtuakera reiurnea m ; te-dav under tlienew plan oil and the troubles between emple moil are ended. t sv WKATIIEU FOKCABT: I 1 Washington, D. 0., Juljr : I I Fair nrocedod near tbe I ' showers j soutberly winds; wa fair en Tuesday. K JlciaUl Weal her forecasts Tee i wosteiuo.t clenic storm, and its j well market "net wave," will advance te-day te tbe upper" Ifulaiiauu inu .Mississippi vsiiey.i felt nociueiiy in tne central eta morrow, and be severest In this' fiem Wednesday till Friday. Te tura rose in tbe United States ye except in Ibe Lake region and be ward; tneciiiei minima report . degrees ai raiuer reiw, t-" l....tr nit fin u,.l ft 1,,' J Yarmouth and Pfln- ee at muTliiii. rfnnrlAil AlbSftt Sully, W doe-- wer0 103 degfljl''; inat'k. I T- unroll. M"TUt i "7T dAVU U'"" ' ML'-' .eswi ; ".. m' .Ciii4 spi.--T, -"".- farmer. m-"r?' rfSWSSBSfflK ls?SKar3 ZSlh .cMU variable fantUe autume" SS?.!ilte s'" .w.Auwesletn tusiniu - ,.... .. .. line et ' ,,"Tii of H "" I tQWMd Nw , i"4'"v T&Ui&mZ&r&ieaSi ajsiaj6afaig , -rf