Tr,7h--f f- SJJTw3Vri HtmP Z:K-rr 111 LANCASTER DAlfcY tNTBLLIOBKOBR, FBIPA, JtTLV. 2j 1800. ..AW' ' ' p.. f .".?f. ffiJT 3? a ty iv. $Un f wteUtgetwe 4HimEW J.aTEINMAN, M..ii'niIUllimiTI VAItnra. MOBKRT CLARK Publisher. TM DAILY INTKLI.IOENCKH.-Published S- , . ... .. -.. A .. wJlMg yi ey auneni in mis cuy nu uni"- Hj towns at ten cent a week. By moll nve del -. lar yearln advance; ueentaataenin. SffVSKVt INTELLIOENCKR-One dollar Mid jf Hflycentsayear.lnaavnnce. .J ec podtefllee order, and where neither of laraecnii uw jtwuivu i.B..-.- Utr .t.mmj mt it. tvttftlf a. iiM fevnir1 rlju. mull '& matter. !'.'. AttORM, THE INTELMOEN0EK, -5f Lancaster, Pa. . LANCASTER, PA., July 25, 1890. ,tL Blaine's lllpieinnrr. nf Kenmlnrv Itlninn from linvlllir bccOHIO jklmesta forgotten iiuiuler In the pelltl- Keai nciu umei iniesuccceueu m numi- . . .1 . ....i f nltAn. ,.viDg ine chici niimniii. i imunu ..m.u- Wi. n&uem IIIs appearance in me tanii uis- fecussien Lin been a tirliuaiH one ; nni Kg this enn hnrdly be said of hi tlgure &;Y the seal negotiation, lu the former In lu tlic former he Ssfetoekn very dcflnltu position, nud it Is r .... i .... ...i.mha Iia .11111111 ttiiii teiinr tin tnran ' but. en tiiercnl fishery question f$'l rlnnn imt inkn h firm at ami auvwhere. fif and where he will finally land is very Uncertain. Doubtless he does net knew S$'1iliiui1f : find is Riililcct te iuBtrUctleliS ??l rnin tlin eniircn nf nvpnfn mid nf lltlllllc it opinion. The diplomatic correspond- Beg, encc en tills question is a goeu aaiupiu afk of the regulation kind, vrhee chief aim ffiSl la te multiply words and play hide and , seek tinder their cover. The correspondence transmitted te Congress is se voluminous Hint the most cendeiwed thorough summnrica of it fill several column. The point of vital Importance at this moment 1h that Mr. Blaine Insists upon thu right of the United States te protect the seal llsheries while negotiations urc pending, nud thnt Lord Salisbury denies this and is evi dently dispened te go te violent extremi ties in protecting Canadian senior from United States revenue vessels, which he holds liave no mere right te seize ressels lu Behriug bcu lliun they & r would lmve en tue ureail 1'aeillc. Mr. Blaine makes several strong points . KRiust the Uritish iliplemats, and dis plays his famous brilliancy, but after all 4V ft, lanvfti U flnellif fill u'lipther lir lfliriiVA FLVA... .t..l.l. I.. lLnl.rliw.'u U.... ZSS" " IIK" " """S ..-v..., i knowing dare maintain thorn." That W& body of waler is, or is net n closed sea. SP If it is Mr. lilainc should say se, pgjtir-'glvlug his reasons, nnd firmly ordering "jnji JII1USII llliu llllllillltlia uii lliu iii;iiiin;i. or juggling with smooth phrases, for If it is our sea wc mean te take cnie of II in spite of grumbling Cuundinus or 'brew-beating Britishers. If It is net a closed sen our revenue cut turn have no ; business te seize foreign vessels beyond . the thrce mile limit unless uixm the ground that it is our peal fishery, Just as pTfcertalu K'.irl llsheries far away from i;'5f'land belong te Kuglaud unci as fishing giiffi banks are held by ether nntleiiH. In $50' stfad of boldly maintaining positive iq rights like these, Mr. Blnlue, although ibgihe nlludcs te them ; seems te base his nnuKi inwuiuu uu iiiu piuprieiy 01 jirir JKservlngjisjcleirefM;nl for the benefit BC lef lnhnklnil. He (Hnpiissph mi Infer. national ucreemeul for (he nrofecllon nf "as' flsberj' which we have leased as f heugh K& It were our own, and jiending this dis- SAV.4Ml(Mlnll lift U'nlltM 111 lln llin iirn(nrMiur i' Lalier-Stuhnr Maelilncrr. When Geerge Stephenson, in spite of Sjgy every obstacle, demonstrated te an nd- fr verae jmniaiueni me iiinnciiM! auvau- tBLts or the locomotive and the rullwuv a ... . . ... .. " !Wi ever urn stage ceacii nnii tne turupluc ; rjf- nud wIigii thi iinililln.u'lifelM nf nnrnu'ii JTi-Ti -..-.-- w. ..... .... sgif Fulton's " Clernieut," smete te shamed ?, " silence the jeering lips of his ignorant J.'V detractors, tucunwu or modern mnterial civilization bi-gau. But ucllhcref them) men, However grcai ins iniagiiiallen, could see the full " vision of the future and the wonders that would Iks," They never dreamed that their inventions would cnuse the vast changes, in se mKuydircctlens, which have since taken place ; or, that they would He at the foundation of an era of centralisatien. Yet our improved methods of transpor tation, the result of their inventions, have made pebsible the utilization of the infinite variety of labor-saving machin ery, the infinite divisions and sub-dlvl-sionsef lnber, and the concentration of ludubtry in the large cities. This, in its turn, has caused the concentration of population in the cities, and of wealth in fewer bauds ; it lias caused the In- nnnuA In IIia iiii.i1.h .P Ii....... J.. a....- .....1 FirC w..wv .u ...I, uuuiisv! uj iiiiu 11111111 mm site the Jccreafce inthemiiiilM'rnf umullminu && ud even lies at the foundation of the ra&? concentration of political pever in the fcjlv hands of the central government at the K3?t.exPeu8 f tll reserved rights of the p states, and of the concentration of many fk elates under one government. g, Under tlieeiu system of transportation, iu wuguns ever uuti roans, me modern factory would of coun-e linve been im possible. Its products must be dis tributed among many thousands and even millions of consumers, and this under the old system would have been se costly that it would overcome many times the advantage gained by expen sive labor-saving machinery, by thesub- p"3H division of labor and by the production stSS. of creat quantities Inouefueterv. Tims '$& it was ehcaiier for each community te St. . . nt tiiir.i nlti... ....a.. I.. .!........ t. Crf """'"'""""iniiuui uiuiiiuii pnmiuve EB" manner, its own goods us each did only i'IF4 half a century nste. AVliat an linineiw &S& judut-trial revolution, therefore, have :.A the luvenlleus of Stephenson and I'ulleu feSbreught about ! ?&- Hen. Albert B. Uellea. chief nf n., ureau of itatlstlcs, prcbeutb tin with a teyr striking examples of the advan Cw'.tagc3 derived by modern secletv fiem jlaber-eaviiij; niaehlncry. "One per. en in a cotton nun," lie says, " w uj uuuuiiy spin auu weave cotton eletb eueugh for two hundred nud fifty icr- I sous, and in a woolen mill for fifty mere. .ift ue person witn a hand-loom could ,!-jje weave from forty-two te ferty-eitrht ""yards daily : with six newer looms lii rr- virmlllet tci liwin.'irkil l. nftnn, l......l...i " J'- --- . .hvivhtv,! it. uiii-uii iiiiiiiui:!!. t m, une nersen in a man's hoot factory will M auuualiy make sixteen liundred nairs of gg beets or shoes, and In a woman's slioe y, -.. ,,.,.....-.-n.wwrmun ji.iue. ulieillUU .'JIUikitU iv cotton gin can de the woikef ulue hundred aud ninety-nine men by fe removing Md from cotteu. fuu uiuu iii xiiiKeiu can anniiuiiv nre- 5?du lllty-fivc liuudredbuBheisef wheat l? anH rl!iltilnf nne tlieuutwl 1.n.l...l.. .... & w.d, the remainder, by labor equivalent &te that of one muu for one year, can be wmauuraetuwl into flour and put iute barrels. Tlie forty-live liundred bushels ,ill make n thousand barrels, which can .' fce transported te New Yerk by rail by i.tweraeu during the same perletl. Mere- . 9r, uje lour tuus cugaged would have . : tlmelcfttekcep the machinery of the farm, the mill nnd the railroad in repair. Three mere lu a year could bake this quantity Inte bread; nnd us the annual ration for a person is a barrel of flour, the farm hand, the miller, the two car riers and the three bakers could supply a thousand persona with bread." The old notion thnt these and similar wonderful labor-saving Inventions thruw laborers out of employment, because this was their first effect, lias long since l)ecn exploded. On the ether hand, it Is seen by the lalwrers themselves that they make jwsslblc the production of untold wcnltli which would net other wise hnve been produced, and lu the end employ countless skilled laborers who would net otherwise lmve been employed, save lu the crudest primary services. The best exnmple of tills truth Is found In the history of the greafest of all Inventions, when in Uu Ged said ence mere and with a deeper meaning, "Let there lie light," and Jehn Gutenberg Invented movable tyiies, "and there was light." Fer ere tills great event mnde possible, our modern civilization, books were few nud readers feuer j they wcre costly, for it required a lifetime of hard lnber te copy the Bible, nnd purchasers worn rare, for only kings, great nobles and the highest dignitaries in the church could aflerd te own them. By the Invention of printing, the few monkish copyists, who supplied the very limited medieval demand, wcre of course thrown out of employment ; but le 1 in their place arose thousands upon thousands of printers, in addition te the myriads of periodicals published In every clvilicd laud, mere than a million works, many of them running through many large editions, have liecn printed since tlie days of Gutenberg, and ever twenty-five thousand are new published every year. Before this great Invention, the man who could read and wiilewas looked upon as a marvel of learning. Te-day, the man who Is net familiar with these rudimentary arts Is n vara avlt, pitied by nil his fellows. Such are the results of n slngle labor saving Invention. It In numslng te tlie philosophical reader of thu leading Itepiihllcm Journals te ob- sorve the manner lu wlilcli their several editors obey the pewer bnhlud the lliione, wlille oinleaverliig te conceal its existence. They liave rcduced their obedience te a flne arl, nutl the man who takes but no paper would nevar siiKiect that the very edlteilal which Rounds mett lilee the Inde pendent dcllvoruuce of an Independent thinker was dictated from political head- qmirlers by tlie " boss." Ills eyes would be opened, however, if he would read for a few day soine half 11 dozen ether ergnns, where he would llnd the h.uiui "Indepen dent utteriince" hi the samu loyal style. Just at prONPiil the ceninmnd has lieen Is sued te the organs that the Tolled Slide Semte must be Inshcd Inte the adoption of a gag law for the suppression of deb.ite upon either the MclClnley or tlie I.odge bill. Opeu discussion of these measures, they greatly fear, will prove fatal te their passage, and fiee speech must therofero be prohibited lu Ihocliiefdoliburallvo body of the f i cost nation en the glebe. Submis sive as these organs are, this was for many of them very hard pill te swallow, bid they are, one alter tlie ether, falling into line; nnd tlie press which claims Unit Its party struck the shackles from thu African slave is new endeavoring te place these Ntinoshnckles upon the lips of tin) Ameri can senator. .SriiAMii: urn tlie changes in public opinion the rovengos wrought by the whirligig nf I line! One of the original points of attack of inilnstilal rofunuers and uspecially of nil labor organizations was tlie combination of great capitalists known ns trusts. These powerful syndicates of Immensely wealthy moil soeiuod net long nge, te all who think horleusly upon eco nomic (piustlens, te be nu uniuitlg.iteil evil. Their obvious purpose hueuiciI te be te crush out competition, which wns n blesstng, nuddospetic.dlycontioltho prices of commodities, which would preven pub pub llacurtte. Tills was every where the argil argil inent of labor rofermors. Hut a cliane has conie ever the wplrlt of their dream. Coinpetitiou wears ue lohger te lovely a face, nil the concentration of production in a few 'laiuld possessus no longer a fright ful mien. Tlie Journal of the Kntahtaet Laber, ene of the iiblet of the periodicals dovetcd le tlie iutnrcsts of erganied work werk work luguien, doclnies lu a recent issue, that as trusts aru in linn with tlie tendency of tlie nge, it IsiiMelnsi toepposo tliein. Tills Is mi era of contrallr.atien, of the concentra tion of population, wealth nud power, nnd In l'rauUliu's net very elegaut but fercible plirnse, "he who spits against the wind spits In his own faoe." "It Is an intlnltely simpler matter" says the Jeiirmil, "te deal with ten iuounK iueunK lists than with ten thousand people having small and seatteicd interestN. Moreover, every ene of the class of small business men nnd capitalists who is crushed out by Inability te compete with the large nud highly organized concerns, from being an opponent, becomes a friend te thoc.iuse of social lenrgaulatleii. The fewer that nre interested in maintaining the capitalistic) system and the lnoie whose obvlouswel ebvlouswel obvleuswel faiollcs inlViiciiigu leailjustuienlef con ditions, tlie inore easily can a chauge be accomplished." All this sounds very vvell, and seeins nun sonsilile. The only dllllculty Hes in tlie fa,ct that economic conditions se large as these of our time unit country nre net "forced te a readjustment." They nre, llke constitutions, tlie result of slew growth, and no in.ui, net even thu ablest labor editer, can tortell their issue. Tlie present era may be ene et" transition from the competitive te kouie ether nud belter system, but it Is iiuposible te predict what that system will be, for thu simple reason that we cannot knew even its l.ieteis and controlling forces. A single invention ns great as was that of the locomotive in Its day, would be milllcient te chauge nil the economic tendencies of the age. lllectiical scionce for maniple, is in Its infancy. Who can tell what it may yet bring forth ? THAIS HOIMIP.ItY DICOUNTEU. lnorillniite (i reei I Alwuyn Ita Own Piiii- Ishuieut. Prem the Chleni;e 'lilbune. Clad in ills liiillut-proefcott of mall, the trusty guaid or tlie lee-wagen sat lu the ireii-pl.iUsI turret en tlie hurricane deck of the veil hie, Willi his Wlnehcster liilu in Ills hand, u collectlou or hand-grenades within easy ic.icli, mid his belt full of navy revolverw of the largest slze. On a little slielt in front of him was a pair of sabres iu.iuv leruisiani use m nu emergeiiey re quiring hand-te-hand lighting, and a iiow iiew iiow erful lleid-gl.iss for detecting un enemy nt long range swung en a pivot In such away as te command a view erthu landscape In every diiKctluu. Thndilver oftlie wagon, us heavily nrmed as tlie naluroef his duties would ierinit, aat In a bomb-proof in in in clostireund guided tlie horses by mums of Hues passing through portholes fr(, wlille the athlete vhe occupied the respon sible nud dangerous position nt the rear of the wagon and dclivered the Ice te cus tomer was equipped with bettlesnf vitriol for defensive use, aud wero under bin outer garments a suit of chain armor that had bolengod ence te a base ball umpire. Under tlie watchful protection of the guard en tlie toef the wagon had stepped ut Its regular places, the man in the rear had lmule soveral deliveries of ice te cus tomers lu perfect safety, and as the drlver turned down a wide btrect lu a thickly settled iortlen of thetnwn, with few per sona in night except children at plav, the vigilance of the trio In cliarge of the Ice wagon relaxed and a sen se of security slole ever them. Suddenly as they passed an alley a troop of horsemen dashed out of It with a wild jell, lasseec flew through t air, snd liorero they could recover from thelr confusion the guard en-Jhe reef and tha man en the rear step of the wsgen wcre disgged from tliclr pests, thrown te Iho greu nd and boil nd w 1th rojies. Th Is done, a part of the gang orened fire with revolv ers en the bombproof casemate where the drlver sat and succeeded in eciiipying his attention while the ethors with crowbars nni slcdge hammers forced open the iron doers in the rear. . . ... The plans of the daring robbera had been laid with grest euro, and In less tiinethau It takes te tell of It they had succeeded lu their desporste undertaking, and were en their way out of the town with their booty, n chunk of ice weighing at least 10 eiinds, earr-fuUy wrapped In a blanket. The knowledge that the uews of the rob bery would be flashed through the place ana tolegraphed far snd wide, accompanied by offers of large rewards for thelr capture, dead or alive, lout wings te the fleeing vil lains. Thev had held unniaiiv a train en the plains efTexas and in the rocky fast nesses of Missouri, but had never engaged beforeln a scliemoefpluiidor en se gigantic a scale, and limy rede from the senne of thelr exploit with the wild haste of men fleeing for their lives. In a little clearing in the heart of a dense weed, miles and miles from the town they had invaded, these men halted at last. Turning thelr Jaded animals loose, they gathered eagerly about thelr prize. Unroll ing it with the utmost care, they feasted their eyes en Its gllltering outlines, and with hands trembling with nxeitement, they propared le dlvldeV. "Xe cheating," thundered Broken Nosed rote, as a gaunt villain with a saw drew It across the block a llltlote the left of tlie line he bad drawn across it wilh n dagger. ilare-I.lpped Mose sprang te his feet with a torrlble oath, knives Hashed lu the air, dorritigers were drawn, and the sound ing aisles of the dim weeds rang with the voices of moil In angry strife. High rosetho din of conflict. The nlly ing sun loekod down en Ooggled-Kyed Hawk and Orlzzly Jake, the Terrer of Ilioedy Oulch, engnged lu a llorce reinbat, while Comiiianche Dick and Wild Mlke relled ever and overon the ground, lilting and gouging one another lu frantic rage. Dare Devll .Sam and One-Kyod Jacksen emptied their pistols at each ether and then Iniight at close quarters with brass kmicklnsnuO slungshets. In this way the battle had raged for some time, without any dccislve result, when n frightful, bleed-curdling yell lrem ene of the com batants caused a suspension of hostilities. He had stepped lighting and was standing in wild dismay ever the spot where the cant u red Measure had lain. It had vanished. Wlille they had been lighting evor Its possession the sun had melted away a for fer for tiiuel 'A?f IIiiUtkn's Cocea DellcloiHmnde In ntiiiilly. lliihny odors from Hplce Islumli, Wuttcd hy the trople breeze ; faOZODONT tn henllhlul rrusranvH Cnnnnt lie Niirpimul hy these. Tei'tli It whitens, purifies; Yeu will uie It If jou're wle. Thunclec It Deivn the Abom, Thnt fur lii'neiiert(ir rheiuiintlKin, for ncheii, for piilnn, mill fernirnlii8, Dr. Themat' Kelnctrlc Oil Is n poiltlNe nnd reliable remedy. Dr. Thnmnt' Ji-lcetrlc Oil ran hi) niirchauHl efniiy ilniKKlit. Held In Ijinciisler by W. T, llech, 137 mill 1JU North liuccn fclrcct. WonileiTuI Piipulnrlty. The fuel Hint Iho Rnle et Dr. Pierre's ririismit Purirutlve Pellcla cx(i1h that of any ether pill lu the innrket, be II great or miuill, Uonne muni orihefuct tluil tlieyure tiny, little, Miitur le.iteit iiriinuleii, mill Unit 111 melt chkeh one lit teo" Pellet " Mhultlelenl for n time; that they are purely vegetnhla nnd perfectly liarinleHs; anil for eeimll put Ien, lillletKiieaR, Kick lieiulru lie nml all illneiises iirlxlntr from dnrant;einent of tha liver, stenmcli or lxmclsi, they lire iibso iibse lulely a hecllle. A gentle luxatlvu ornetlve cathartic, necerdlng te ilze of ilose. P,BAv Can't Sny EiieiikIi. " I ciHiiiet imii1c tee hlKhly of tlurdeck llteml ttitltrt ; they have been u creat hleMlng te nni. Cureil me of biliousness nnd d apepsln, from which 1 liinl mirered ler year." Mr. J, Marsh, Hunk uf Torento.Ont. Beld lu IjuieuHter by V. T. Hech, 1J7 unit VU Nerlh (Jueen fclrcet. Cnethhttf M AHTIN liUOa. This Is money-saving time, Thesa suits, Mmill lets of a kluil.SlOimilSII values, thnt we nre lcltliu; ke nt ti arc btcpphij; down and out ut a lively suit, ihluk of buy Ins u Mill nt 910, worth S10, anil getting a two dollar bill handed baek te jeu. Thnt IsJuM what we lire doing en theke suits by selling them nt 18. Ven can get n chance at these only If jeu come seen. 'Ihc phenomenal sulc of our JIO, Sill nnd ill scige suits Is explained when J mi see the coeils for the price. A let ofbejs' long pants suits go down to day te Je j worth 10.60, Hmullekl sizes of same, II.WI. home hnudsome ta) cutaway suits going Irnliiy nt JKL Sevcuil kinds, only it few- or u kind, but nil sizes. Hpeclal values lu little boys' pants ut TiOe mid SI. Kpciinl allies In bejs' welst nt ffic mid Wc. A large let of boys' knotk-iibeut long pants going rapidly nt IV, 75e nnd SI. Hllk tick scarfe, liVe unit 13.' each. Yeu would JudgoSjen fair price for such neckwear. The wuy the II unit 2 llaiiuel shirts nre going (mil values, 11.W and Sift)) shows hew geed values nud geed shirts nre known. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. luica. r.MPi OUTA.NT I irjeu will take the trouble le call en us, w, tbliik weemi lulenst jeu Ineur line of Heets miilHhrs's. Our steek Is complete mid we eerclsngrnt care lu the selection of our kimkIs. AH or us In lug PmclU'iil lu soiue branch or the Miea I luslness, we feel uble te give j en points en shiH's that will be of value te jeu. KsliihlMicd in isil, anil Iho business contin ued from that time te Hits, should glve us thnt i'Xeiliuca net possessed by soiuuetheis In the business. Our stock cmbraets nil desirable grade ., 'VJ!? U'U'i,)r"!. "'"'"'i rmiKlng In prlee from SI CO te 7 00, mill Uiilles' fro-n II 10 te Se 01). Call nnd you w 111 net Imi decclv cd, wm. hTgast, WAP NU.123NOUT1I QUKENHT. G 1 HKATIIAHOAINB. IIHHAT ll.VHOAINS l.N Russet Shoes KOH HOYS. lob Let of ubeut 1.0UI pairs Hey's Helld Leather Kiisscl blieet at U0c a uilr i w erth .' IV. MUesll leO. 110) s' Tnu Celer L'ativ us Shoes, ftv ier pair. Men's mid Hey'. Heavy llubls'r holeOxfei SOepcr putr. 3 Oxford, Uulles' Doiifela Tip Oxrord.tiOe. Ladles' Heutu Hllpinri, 5e. j..Ji.'!J lMt"1 Hiuvy Hulur Tip Hhx.s,slrcsyte Missis Hcnv) Untten Hhees, 7.V. Lets of ether geuiUnt Iteduced Prkt. Jehn Hiemenz, NO. 67 HOVSU QUKP.N hi. ' rtbis-trap STEPPING DOWN AND OUT. QWiFTBrEctrie co. Bcrefala in Children. "In Iho wirly part of 1887 scrofula appeared en the hrnd of my little trnndchlld. then only IS months old. Hhertly after breaking out It aprend rapidly nil ever her body. The scuba en the mm wvuld prut elT en the allKhtrat touch, and the odor Hint would nrl would make the atmosphere of the room Hckenlnu anil unbearable. The dlneeae next attacked the (yen nnd we feared she would Iemi hcralKht. Eminent phyatclntis of the country were con sulted, butreuld donethlmr te relieve I he little innocent, nnu Knve una tneiruniniuu,- iiihi ihe num wim lirineles and lmnesMlile tn anve tlinrhllil'ievnilirlit.' It wax then thnt wedc- cldwl te try Swift's Hperllle (8. H. H.) That med- Irlnnnt nnranuutnn anerdvinul romnlete cure, Fer rnore than a year past she has been ns healthy M any child in the land." .Mrs. HUTU IlEiiKi.Kr, Hclma, Kansas. Cancer of the Nese. tn 1875 a sons appeared en my nose, and Brew rapldlv. A my rather had cancer, and my hu Imiiil died of It, I tieoimealarniednndceniiulted my phj-lclnu. Ill treatment did no Reed, and the aere grew larger and werae In every way, until I was persuaded telakeH.H.H..ii(f n few bottle cured me. ThU was after all thodeo tera and ether medicines had failed. I hee hed no return of the cancer. Mas. M.T. MASK!, Woodbury. Hall County, Texas. Treatise en Cancer mailed free. BWIFTHl'EUtriO UJ., Atlanta, On. e2s-lyd ,) XTANllOUTKN'H COCOA. TIIK POPULAR COCOA OP EUIIOPE. THE COMING ONU OP AMERICA iiitfrfeiM, Srrenethcntnff te the .Vrm. Tea and ceflee cheer but de uet nour ish. They even leave nil injurious cfl'ect upon tile nervous system. Indeed, there Is no beverage llke Van Heuten's Cocea ii Best and Gees Farthest. It timulate8 and iww'hhc as none ether, leaves no bad cfl'ectn and is n flesli former of the most approved type. WVAN HOUTENH COCOA ("ence tried always utctl.") The htreiiK niny tnlieltwllh plenmire nnd tha weak with Impunity. The cxcltlni; effects of ten nud cofTee are ob lalcd hy ll steady use, nnd nervous disorders nre re lieved and prevented. Delicious te the tnste, "l-arccst cnle In the world." ASIC POH VAN HOUTENH AND TAKE NO OTIIEIt. (41) V INCO CI1EWXNO TOllACCe VINC O (EXTRA i-'AVC) CHEWING TOBACGO. This Htaudnrd ISrund of Plug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te he the best rhcwmid I he lmgest piece for Iho money In the market. 17fice(fn tag en ttich litnijt. Its cxtcnslve sale for many years has established Its reputation. Thcre Is nothing better. Try It. l'er sale by dealers and grocers. 1890. nprll-KHcod-eeiiwlKUw -UtTEH'B LITTLE LIVEU PILLS. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache nnd relieve nil the troubles Inci dent te a bilious stute or the system, such us Dlziluess, Nausea, llrewslncss, Distress nrter Kiting, Pain In the Hlde, J.c. While their most emnrkable success has been shown lu curing Headache, yet CAHTKIl'8 LITTLH LIVEU PILLS nre equally valuable lu Constipation, curing mid preventing this miuuvlng com plaint, while they also correct nil illsorderser the stomach, stlmulate the liver nud regulate the bowels. Kvcn If they only cured Ache they would be uhnest priceless te these who suller from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and tho-e who once try them will llnd these llttls pills valuable luse many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. Hut after all sick head Is the bane of se many lives that here is where ul beast. Oiirplllscurelt while womnkeeurgreul emers no net-; CAHTKU'S LITTLE LI VLK PILLS nre very small unit very easy te take. One or two pills make it dose. They nre strictly vegetable unit donetgrlpo or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please nil who use them. Li vhilsatUTicts ; Uve ler f 1. Held everywhere or sent by mall. UAUTLTl MEUICINK CO., NEW YOItlC. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price uuglZ-Iydeed ilnte. "ltOIl YOUH INTEltlMr. A Fine Light Fur Stiff Hat Per 11.00. Periner price. 11.50. Ne old sleck, but New floods. Greatest Bargains 111 bTKAW dOODH ever ettered. TUl'NICH iindTUAVELlNU llAOs Vci) Lew. Stauffer & Ce., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANUAHTKK. PA. i'l'llrtl Jluticce. J7I8TATK OP CATIIAltlNE'lClNG lIviT: U of Ijiut-iikter city, Ijincustir ceuntj, de erased. '1 he undersigned auditor, appointed le dlstrlbiile the bulatucrcmalnhiK lu the hands of Solemon Klugnud Gee. P. King, evecuters of thu will or said deceased, touudHiunngthese legally cutltlcit te the fame, will sit ler thnt purpose en Wednesday, August 13, 1SW, at 10 e'dnek a. in., lu Iho Library Roem of the Court' Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where nil iwr iwr seus Interested In said distribution may attend. J ll-3tdP CHAS. R. KLINE, Auditor. A GREAT IliI'ROVEMEN A NewLawnsbyuslniiLANr ICAL COMPANY LAWN ENR NT TO OLD OR I'ASTKKCllKM ttll'HKK. AT HOSIER'S CORNER SAUION. A NI0E HOT LUNCH will 1k served every morning fiem Dteli 0. Huiiperl's Celebrated Beer dmwu from thekig, uprJU-tfJ T71 RISM aTTs. "" NEW WINDSOR TIES, FOR BOYS AND MEN, NO. li WP-ST KING ST. J-ANTED- " Ail energetle jming muu U wanted te tukechurge of n Grocery store In this lily. A geed hiihhiesi maud ul a desirable location Is open te a nspenuUile parly. A small amount of capital Is reeulrcd. Fer fnriher particulars roll at PENN'A EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, Ne. 13 Seuth Duke Hrect. &anmnahtvfm. riiiLAPELi'RiA, Friday, July 23, I8TC. Closed Saturdays at I P. M. The new Cellar for Ne. 40, turned points. Men, Len- den made, all Linen. One of the most comfortable Cellars that has yet been brought out. Beth ends of the Stere, men's furnlthlnca. 150 Artetypes in 3-inch Oak Frames with silver beading in side, go te $2.50 from $3 and $4. 20X24-inch glass. Utuwinent, Market utrcetalde. Odd pieces of Decorated Carlsbad China from broken Dinner Sets, go at half and third. mrat platters salnd lienla spoon holders cups nnd saucers butter dishes bowls pitchers soup plates Anether let of the same rich ware shall go at half and third regular prices seconds Uiey say, you won't. T5c Teapots at 25c. tl Snlad Howls at 50c. 11 a dozen Cannelle Prnlt Plntea nt SI. 50. II a dozen Festoon Fruit Plates at SI. t0. Twenty places in the China store where half the usual money is enough. Second fleer, Juniper street aide. Jehn Wanamaker. SJtttBccUanceuB. TNJECTOI18, HUE i.ll'1'J.K OIAnT, JIAN I cock inspirater and Electer, Kbcrman Injectors, nil lu stock, at JOHN BEMT'H, Xa I11SUVI riVUl'l, I ITIlirilll llinitlUM. llllVI, American njiv:iFin. uu lit bv Kjist Kullenstri'eL IT'B, s m7-tia 171UKTHU I1LST HOT AIll KUItNACE IN V the market, go te JOHN 11EST, iU.1 East tulten street. m7-Ud OAKKY IN HTOOK lltisT C1IAIICOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deubln ltellned Iren. Ilurden's Illvct Iren, Klvets. Het nnd Cela Heller Iren, Hleel, Sheet Iren .1-10 te Ne. 10. at JOHN UEST'H. SM East Fulton strceL m7-tfd OENCY POH CALLAHAN A COS CK ment te unto me piace or lieu Lead. In It makes live times the euantltv of red ijiilklt lend and is far superior lu making steam Joints, packing man anil hand hole plates en boilers, &e., ,e, Prlee i cents per pound, at JOHN HEST'S, XU liist Pillion street. n7-trd Qr (ff KEET OP PIPE, FROM t &J)JJJ Inch te U Inch dlnmeter, for snlent a low figure, nnd the only house In the city with a pipe cutting machine, cutting tin te (I Inch diameter, at JOHN I1EMT'8,33J East Ful ton street. m7-tfd AW MILLS, I1AHK MILLS. COH MILLS, Lenther Itellers, Tan Packers, Triple Herse Powers, Milling and Mining Machinery, at JOHN JlEsrs. XU East Fulton BtrecL m7-trd IJtOR BOLTS, LAG HCHEWS, SKI' SCUEWS, ; Square nnd Hexagon Nuts, these goods In stock, at JOHN BEST'S, Xa East Fulton street. m7-tfd TANKS FOIl WATElt.OILS, ACID OH UAS nfunv shape or c.iixiclty, ul fair prices, go te JOHN HEST.&B EastFulleii street. m7-lfd IF IN WANT OK BKAKS OH IKON 8TOI' Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Bib Cocks, Lever Cocks, SwIiik Joints, call nnd get them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEST, &H East Fulton street. inT-tfd XJIOIt PKATT A CAI)Y ASBESTOS 1)180 3 Valves, Jenkins Vnlves.Tintss Globe Valves, Brass Gate Valves, Iren Bedy Globe Valves, lverSnrety Valves, Pep Surety Valves, Air Valves. Iladluter Valves, Pratt's Swinging Check Valves, Brass Check Vnlves Feet Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN BESTS, SSI Ens Fulton Street, IU7-UU F. OH PULLEYS, SHAFITNO, COLLAHS. llaimers. clamp Bexes. Ceunllncs. etc.. no te JOHN BEST. XV East Fulton street, m7-tld PACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: OIHIGO.FOB Stcnm nnd Iljdniulle Packlng.Asbestltepe, Woven and Wick Pucklng, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Aslicstes Hhentlilng, Gum Pncii.'ng.Oum Hings for Wnter Ganges, Plumbago Paeklne, Heed's Patent As bestos, Lined Sectional Pipe Cever, at JOHN BUST'S, 51.1 East Fulton streeL ra7-trd 171011 STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OH IXJW ' Pressure, Water Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tillies, Whistles, Syphens for Steam Ganges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Guuke Columns Cocks for Steam Gauges, cull en JOHN BEST, XU East Fulton street. mT-tfJ FOR CAST IKON PIPE FITTINGS, BOTH plain mid reducing, up te iMnch diameter, Malleable Fltt'ngs, Flanges, Flange Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, Tube Supports, llninrers, Fleer mid Celling Plates, go te JOHN BEST'S. X East Pultun street. m7-tiu WHITE COTTON theneund. 10c WASTE, COPPED BY In lets of It) pounds or L'AVO.l t 11IIV- tmrf ..T 11,11 ever. Vc. All goods delivered te miv- part of the eltyFree. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne, 3X1 East Fulton street. 1117-111 -TOLi) BIIONZE. LIOUIDS AND SIZING VT for steam JOHN BESTS, iJJ.1 lutst mi I'JIS iu7-tfd STEAM itKAT IS THECO.M1NG HEAT FOH ilwellliiL's, churches school boosts, elcrr thetigh successfully used ene hundred vcars oee. When yen contemplate a change call en JOHN BEST, who will give jeu u satisfactory Jeb, at u fair price. m7-ltd IJ10H BOILEH-S, HOItl.ONTAL,TAHULAll, 3 Vertical, Portable, C Under, Marine, of any sle or power, of the best material and workmanship, go te JOHN HEsr, Ul East Ful ton street. m7-tfd ITvOH HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN 3 glues, lrem 'J te 80 horse-power, and Verti cal Engines from i!te40 horse-power, yen villi Mud them at JOHN BEST'S, W East Fulton street. EOR A MEHICANS?GHT FEED CYLINDER Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Bearings, you can get them ut JOHN BliST'S, 3.H Ens Fulteu streeL in7-tfd ITlOlt HOI LEIt TUBE BHUHHES, WTILLSON 3 Pipe Wrenchcs.PlponndMenkey Wrenches combined. Files, Oil Cans, etc, go te JOHN BEST, K.M IJlst Fulton street. inT-tfd PUMPS, BOILERS, MINING, CENTR1FU uul and SU'am Pumps, et any capacity, at JOHN ItUsru, X FjisI Pulton street. in7-lfil ADIATORS, OP ANY MAKireitE i sign, eau be fiirnlshetluliciisonable figures, by JOHN BEST. XU Dist Putten street. m7-iril 1710K CASTINGS, I RON OR BRASS, LIGHT ' or heavy, ut short notice, go le JOHN BEST. XU East Fulton street. m7-ird I7IR1SMANH. " ""new dressscarfs. 1 TlNULETUKi: STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2:e0. Hired by Happy Medium, sire erW performers from '2:Ui te i.M. Dam Topsy Tuj ler by A lex- miners .iiniiun, sireei i.iiiu, -:ii;j, .vc.. xe. terins rer spring season of ISM, fAU for a foal. Fer tubulatud pculgreeana ether urormutlen adihess DANIEL G.ENGLE, Murlettu, Pa. aprlS-lnidAw T THE HIM.ETT CARRIAGE CO.'S J WORKS, HELAIR.MD. WANTED Between August 1 mid Septem ber 1, twenty pi) Carriage Makers, consisting of 1Uk1 makers, Currhigesmlllis and Finishers, Painters and Trimmers; none but these who huve families nud want steady work need apply. Geed houses can he obtained at low rents ; convenient te ruetery. An exeelleut op portunity will be eii npprenttccs te learn trades lu Hie dltlercnt dipurtmcnts. Girls can get imnleimcnt lu trlmiiilng dcimrtment. Ciuuiclty of w erks, D.OU) vehlclcs per ir. IVi7-2wd IENHIONS. PENSIONS. The New Pension Bllljust passed entitles nil Soldiers, Widows, Miner Children and Depin. dent Parents ten icnsen. I will iittind tenll applications placed In my bands promptly. I huve had four 5 ears' eccrlcucc lu the pension ollke nt Wukhlugleu, D. f SILASW.SHIRIC, JeK-.mul IV North Duke bt., Lauraster, Pa. Jicntietvu; NATHORsr. DENTIST. 'il CENTRE SOUARE. Tlllli llllnc Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New Sets made, brekeu ones mended nud remodeled. Ti-eth Inserted vrltheut plalrs and plveusl, etc. Yes, everything iwrtnlulnic te iieuiikiry wni receive prompt uiieuiien.Hi very .Mislerate Terms. Remember that Dr. Natherstls the ONLY Dentist In this county who is n gradtiHle of Medlclne ns well as of Dcu llstr . nu advantage that U obvious, tuurj-lydivw n . O l'EM BVEBY EVEMINO. Fer Bargains. -CO TfJ P.CSNIDER&BRO., Ne. 14 Wett King St. EferytbiDgSeld At andBelowGest, AS WEAKE IOSITIVELY OOINOOUT OK BUSINESS. mnySOmd milE PEOPLE'S CASH BTOKfC, A RARE OPPORTUNITY! We erfer te-day a targe let of -AT- 19 Cents Per Yard. These goods huve sold at 8.10 te Sllic, and are esege Ivcly positively French, Many of the se-called French Satlnes sold here and elsewhere nre the liner grades of domestic goods, but In order te meet this low price we will efTer Gcnulne French Goods atlt)c, as above quoted. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS Will be offered Without Regard te Cost. Parasols worth from I3.S0 te 7, will be sold at fromfl.S0terJ.IJ0. nig Reduction In the prices of Embroidered Flouncing", Colored Embroideries, Genuine Imported Scotch and French Ginghams, etc. As It Is our desire te cut the Rummer stock ns low as possible this season, we will offer many things pertaining therole ut unusually low prices. s 26 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. mni-JMydK N J-EW YORK STOKE. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS -AT THE BLACK SILK DRAPERY NET, 4$ Inches Wide, Larse Pelkn Spot Reduced te KKi a yard. BLACK SILK DRAPERY NET, Russian Mesh, IS Inches Wide, Excellent Qual Ity, Reduced te 75c a yard. FINEST SILK DRAPERY NETS Reduced fiem M le S2 50. from I2.V) teli from ti te SI 50, fiem $1 75 te SI 25. Twenty Pieces, 45 Inch. EMHHOIDEHED ELOUNCINOS Reduced te 25c a yard; former price, 37Jc. A TINE FRENCH SATINE Makes u handsome and most useful dress. We nre ile-lug out ur whele stock oLHie latest designs nt 10c a yard ; former price, :5c mid 37Jc. NEW OUTING CLOTHS Reduced from 12Jc. te 10c and 8c a yard. Best Value lobe bud 111 MEN'S STRIPED OUTING SHIRTS ut 25c, 37cund 60c each. M EN'S JERSEY SHIRTS, Seft, Elastic aud Durable. Reduced from 75c te 50c each. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. IJleitv. -r EVAN'S r LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. CErtvpcte, qinE'LAN0AsTEiTcOTa'ETire"0HE: S. St M. One Price, Best Goods, Ne Stairs te Climb. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 '& 22 East Orange. Street. autfiMyd Genuine French Safe People IllSll Stere NEW YORK STOKE CUihtttB. m'ECIAL.NOTICK. The Greatest Rcdictiei f IN- Fine Tailoring, -AT- H. Gerlia.rt's. LIGHT WEIOHT HUITINQS MACE UP 1 OltDElt AT COST. A very large assortment of the Latest Styl Treusering 17. Andai reduced n-nm II and 110 tots ad .u ugnt-welKDt goods reuueea sit same rale. -Thls Extra Dig Itednrtlen will centlni auring ma meiilln of JULY and AUGUST. H. Gerharl DIHECT IMPORTING TAILOR, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dir-tMl -tLOTIUNQ. L. Gansman & Br SPECIAL SALK OF Men's, Bey's and Children's MANUFACTURERS' QUOTATIONS: ..Men's Sulfa nt 12 03, S275, , SI, 15, 10, tl Werth Deuble the Meney. I Men's All-Weel Casslmere Belts nt$5, M.ll worm jjuulmu iiieitieuey. Men's All-Weel Cheviot Bulls, K 60, W,t7, Werth Deuble the Meney. Bey's Suits nt SI 75, t2, 12 50. Werth Deubl tne Meney. Bev's Suits nt S2 75, S3,S050. Werth Deubl the Meney. Bey's hulls at SI, S5, Ifl. Werth Deuble 1 Meney. Children's Suits at U5c, 75c, Si. Werth DeJ ele the Meney. Children's Suits nt SI 25, $175, 12. Werth DeJ bio the Meney. , Children's Hulls at $2 W, S3, 13 50. Werth Dell me tne Meney. Men's Seersucker Coats nnd Vests 05c. Bey's Secrsuckrr Coats and Vests at 60. Men's Pants, ut -He, 65e, 65c, 75c, HOC. Men'a Woolen Pants, SI 23, SI .13, Si 75, 12. Thin Coats ut 25c. Melmlr Ce.its at Ujc, SI 10, 51 23. Onandxuntaxe le early buyers our lareei sertmenU By buyim; of the manuracruren you have the assuranee or geed muring Cleth I lug or money rciiinueu. L Gansman & Bre.j Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's anl lunaren uieiuing (ticiusive.) 66 and 68 M0BTH QUEEN ST., B. W. CORNER OF ORANOE, LANCASTER. Pi - Net connected with any ether Clethlnl xieuse lu me eiw r. VBe cautious nnd make no mistake se tha von cei le i ne rurnu are. 3-Cleed every evening at 6 o'clock, Meil any ana ,-sjiuraay exceriieu. M YERS A RATH PON. Summer Reductions ! REDUCTION In All Our Lines of CLOTHING. All Suits Reduced in Price. Qualities as Geed n Ever. Workmanship!, net Aiiecien ny me rrire. In Our Custom Department Yeu Can Find Mnny NOVELTIES FOU SUMMER WEAR. The Prices Are KlghL Myers & Rathven,! RELIABLE CLOTIUERH, NO. 12 EAST KINO STUEET. grUlltlltl'X itCOOVtO. Tharles, S" T. ATLANTIC CITY. N, I. Ocean End Delen ere A ve. New Open. juncIO-Siiiil JONAH WOeiTON.Jn. TTOTEL BIUJNSWH'K, l"l ATLANI'It! OIl'Y. N.J. New. Modern. Plrst-Class. CemnlPte. Paclfle I avenue, between Nnir Yerk uml Tenucsse ' avenues. Accommodate 1100 uiifJI-ilind JOSEPH S. DAVIS. ritHE OSBORNE Cor. Arkansas mid Puelllu Avcs., ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. New Heuse. Modern ImprevetiK nts. EloveJ ter, Electric Bells. Ti rms lundeiu'C. Juiiel'-'Jmd .MRS, H. ..4BORNE. rplIEM.VNSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Enlarged I - Remodeled 1 - Refurnished I llrenhy's Orcheslia from June te October. Finely appointed Cnreund Billiard Roem. Ceaehes le and from depots and te beach dur ln.i bulhlns hours. Openall the Yiar. Jiiiiell-'.'ind CHARLES MiULADE. A TLANTIC CITY. HOTEL CHiTWOODE Paclde Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New und Plrst-Class. Steam Heal ; Cull bells. Twe minutes wnllt from beach. LL50 nnd SJ.0U Ji''ll- "I'miw-ANNI. aRUHB. rplIECHALKONTft, THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITV, NEW JE1USKV. SITUATED ON TIIK BEACH, NORTH CARO LINA A YEN UK my3-8md lCROBEinSASONS. gev rtlc or 'uut. -r-snil IIRNT HANDSOME PHl.NT ROOM 15 en 2d fleer. Ne. 12 West Kills; -'reet ; finest i location in luaruy luruunsi or iivm misiuess. Inquire of vv. vv. .l.'lUS, 1I1.I-11U Allt. jUullery. -rpORSALE CHEAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 'JO b 2S reel, with two-story brick back build- Intr Vii by Sd feet 20ly 215 fiet. Hull uud seven rooms. Let JOHN H. METZLER, s.e " DukuBL -CALIFORNIA. Vj Seclal Parlies. Semi-monthly. Tourist sleeplnc cars. Cheap rates. Southern Puctlle Ce. Aduiess, E. HAWLEY, Assistant .Oencral Trnllle Manairer, 'Hi Brendwiiy, New Yerk : 11. J. SMITH, AkcuI, wa.SdHt..Phlla. Janlt-Jd2Uw iJ y 'i 9 I !l K1 t si X 1"