Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 24, 1890, Image 1

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    MP"" i r w v-JtrSTjiTOnpswiBB
i v n
-Ty .T
A Native of 8prlmrvlRnd Well Known
lu the Northern End or the County.
Three Children Survive.
ErmiATA, July 21. The many friends of
Jehn K. Landis wero allecked te learn of
his sudden death, which' occurred at Short Shert
dan, Lobauen county, yosterday.
On Saturday Mr. Land Is left F.phrata te
visit relative! at Richland, Lebanon
county, and yesterday he went from that
place te Sberidau. Last evening about 6
o'clock he bought a ticket at the latter
place te come home, mid while he was sit
ting In the watting room at the depot he
fell ever dead.
The deceased was born in Sprlhgvllte,
about three miles north of tills place,
aoventy-feur years age. He was engaged
lu farming nearly all his life. He was also
engaged for a time extensively in the
lumber business In Clearfield county. His
'wife died ten years age, and. since then he
has been living here with his daughter,
Mrs. Adam Bltzer. Besides Mrs. Bltzer
lie leaves two sons, Edwin K., of Minnesota,
and Aaren R., of this place. He was a
brother-in-law of County Treasurer
Stephen Grlsslnger.
Mr. Landis iviw a momber of the Gor Ger
man Baptist church, mid was attcutlvote
all Christian duties. He was well-known
throughout this section of the county, and
because of his exemplary traits of character
there Is widespread sorrow evor his death.
The funeral will take place en Sunday
A Supposed Burglar Dlscovercd In u
Yard, But Flees.
Last evening there was a great deal of a
scare ever what was said te have been un
attempt at burglary. Mrs. Leammi, wife
of one of the proprietors of the Globe hotel,
at Chestnut and North Quecn streets,
looked out of ene of the back windows
about !) o'clock and saw n man In the yard,
which Is next te n warehouse She did net
knew what te make of his presence, but
paid little attention te him until n llltle
deg, which is kept in the yard, began te
bark very loudly. Mrs. L;aman then In
formed her husband, who was in the bar
room, of what bhe had scen. He sent u
telephone message te the station house for
police and then took a position at the gate,
which leads from the Chestnut street side,
Inte the yard. Chief of Police Bergor and
Sergeant liroemo arrived us seen as they
possibly could, and they made aoleso ex
amination of the entlre premises, but could
find no one. It Is believed that the man
entered the yard by crawling ever the gate
and escaped the mine way when the deg
began barking. What he iutended doing
lu the yard is unknown, but it was a rather
public place and an early hour for a btug
lar te operate.
Death of Mi's. Cnrollue Miller.
Mrs. Careline Miller, wife of David
Miller, a foreman In Xe. 1 cotton mill, died
at eight o'clock this morning at Imr home,
312 Church street. The cutise of her death
was typhoid pneumonia, and she had bcen
sick about ten days. The maiden name of
tho-Atceased was Bete, and she was born
near the Old Factory. Her age was 52 years
and she was the mother of a large family.
These who survive besides her husband,
are as fellows : David II. Miller, plumber,
Charles 15., grocer, nt Church and Duke
streets, Samuel, who is reading medicine
with Dr. M. L. Herr, Sadie, wife or Paul
Heptiug, Mary, wife of Hany A. Yeung,
and Kiln, Margie, Kinina and Jehn, who
are at home. Mrs. Miller was a momber of
the New Monnetilto church. The funeral
will take place at 10 a. m. en Sunday, with
interment at Woodward Hill.
A 1Mb Plciite ler iv Wet Day. '
This morning an excursion under the
auspices of the Sunday school of St. Jehn's
Episcopal churchwas ruute Fonryn.whero
the annual ptunie Is being held. This
school have a reputation for getting up suc
cessful picnics that re secend te none, and
they are net afraid of rain. Although it
was raining hard for sumo time before the
special train lelt the upper Heading station
the people w ere net deteried from going.
A large crowd gathored about the station
and the train which took them away con
sisted of thirteen cars. Nearly all of thorn
were very comfortably filled. The people
of St. James church as well us theso of the
Episcopal church at Mauhelm also took
part. Columbia was also te have been en
hand, but the rain frightened tliein. Quite
a number of Lancaster poeplo went out ut
He Ik Incorrigible
Benjamin Stelnmct. was bolero Alder
man Barr this morning en a charge of
being incorrigible. He is 13 years old, and
since the deatu of his father, his mother,
Mrs. Sarah J. Stelnmetz, has been unable
te control him. He has been placed with
soveral larmers, but neglected his work
and behaved se badly that they bout him
home. The case was returned te the
judges, who will decide whether he Is a
preper subject for the Heuso of Refuge.
The court this ultorneou committed the
boy te the Heuso of Refuge, and Constable
Price took him te Philadelphia.
llurlal of Walker l'hllltps.
The remains of Walker l'hllllps wero
taken te Yerk from Harrlsburg, after thn
inquest yesterday, and taken te the
chapel, at Prospect Hill cemotery, where
the Intetmcnt was made. Services wcre
held by Hev. Geergo L. Smith, pastor of
Calvary Presbyterian church. The de
ceased's relatives of tills city, ottended the
Dentil erMt-K. I.tndley Swltt.
Sallle Swift, wife or Llndley Swltt, was
buried at Llttle Britain l'resbyterlau church
en July 22.
Mrs. Swift was in her 17th year and was
a well-known and uselul woman in her
section, and ene who will be very much
missed both in social life and in her
She was a daughter or the late Jeseph
Phillips, who for years was the upular
landlord of Wakolleld.
Will IVeStenm.
The Manhelm school beard have doclded
te put In steam heat in their building. The
bids for the beating nppirntus wcre: Hur
rlsburg Beiler and Manufacturing com
pany, $9S2; t Monitor Steam Ginorater
company, of Lancaslei, $1,111; Jehn Ilest,
(1)50. The contract will be awarded en
next Monday eenin?.
Musical ltuuuleu.
The seventh annual reunion of the Lan
caster and Lebanon Cheral societies will be
held at Mount Gretna, en Thursday, Au
gust 2lst. The committee having In charge
the arrangoments consists of Dr. J. H.
Staling, Prof. Smiuul Rleel, I. F. Landis
and Prof. W. D. Keany.
A Ienur Suntlower Stalk.
Jehn I'alnter 1 10 gateman at the Penn
sylvania railroad ttatlen, has a sunflower
stalk which Is ID Icet 1 luclie high, and is
net done growing;
.fc iMOsmM A i-& i m.
Harrison Will Net Hack His Scheme
With a Message Fearing Ohie,
President Harrison told Senater Ills
cock, el Iho flnance committee, en Wed
nesday that there was tie truth In the story
that he had prepared or would prepare a
tncssage te Congress indorsing Blaine's re
ciprocity dcheine. He did net say, how hew how
ever, that he would net send In a message
indorsing his own reciprocity resolution,
presented In the Senate by Pierce, of North
Dakota. The president thinks he can get
both the Republican senators anil the Re
publican representatives te accept this. He
confines It te free sugar. Blaine brings in
free wool among ether possibilities which
seem dreadful te the high piotectlen tnlud.
The presldent appreciates the fact that his
own unpopularity among senators gives
Blalne's schome an advantage there, but he
also knows that the Heuso, under Reed's
rule, would kill it If It ever reached the
Heuso. Blalne might have gotten his
scheme adopted When he first proposed it
te the ways and means Republicans If he
had talked mero about stigarand less about
wool, hut he said nothing of Cuba and
l'orte Rice, and said a great deal of the
Argentine Republic, aud be Incurred the
opposition of Harrison, Reed aud McKIn
ley, who feared for Ohie in 1S1C2. Reed de
liberately sacrificed the interests of New
England te his presidential aspirations.
"The logic of reciprocity with the Span-lsh-American
states as te sugar Is reci
procity as te wool," said a prominent Re
publican ropresontatlvo te-day. " What
Mr. Blalne wants Is te get u free market In
the Southern republics for the cotton
manufacturers of New England In ex
change for the free admission of thelr wool
Inte this country. New England would
iret the honetlt of both sides of this trade.
The froe admission or wool would glve a
free raw material te New England manu
facturers as well as open the Spanlsh Spanlsh
Amerlcan markets te the cotton manufac
turers. It Is this mero than sugar that
interests Mr. Blalne."
An objection made te the Blalne pro pre
gramme in its entirety Is that it designs
admitting Australian wool froe into this
ceuutry. That, the wool men in Ohie and
clsowhero doclare, would completely do de do
strey the wool industry ill this country,
and wool, uulike sugar, has many friends
in states nocessary te Republican success.
The president, therofero, halts at wool.
He reels, it is said, that the less of Ohie in
me coming campaign weuia ue a mew
from which his party would have difficulty
in recovering lu time for the national cam
paign In 1802, aud that any policy even
squinting nt free wool would se result te
the parly there he has assurances from
many sources.
In (act, the explanation new given of
McKlnley's opposition te the Blaiue pro pre pro
gramme is that he saw that it embodied
Iree wool a pregramme upon which he,
as an Ohie representative, could net afibrd
te stand.
Objects of the Meeting te be Held en
the College Campus.
T. G. ,A., of Lancaster, writes te the
Hefet tned Church Mascngt'r:
Theso who have attended the previous
conferences, osecially the ene last year, en
the campus at Lancaster, need net te be
urged te be present at the meeting this
year. The pregramme premises a rich
trout. Last year lrem fitly te sixty
niiulsters wcre present, aud the num
ber this year will probably be Increased,
ir any one wishes te knew wh'al the
theology or our church is, te knew the
latest aud best thoughts of our scholarly
ministers who are studying the latest
phases of religious thought, te spend u week
In one of the coolest aud loveliest spots In
the state, te rovlve old and pleasant associ
ations, te enjoy a real retreat from the
labors and cares of lire, and be benefitted
physically, socially, and religiously, let
him net rail te come. Arrangements are
made te beard some thirty or l'erty together
en the campus at a low rate, and pleasant
accommodations near at hand can be found
ler all ethers. The shady campus is as
iilcasant as an)' place in the mountains or
ty the sea-shore, and the associations and
oxercisesaio.Miperlor te what can be round
anywhere olse. The chapel is open for the
mero public services, and one of the so
ciety halls affords a cool and royal accom
modation for the reading of the essay and
debates from day te day. Outside, under
tbedonse shadoef the trees the interven
ing restrul hours will aireid time ler con
versation, amusement, and whatever may
be desired in the way of enjoyment.
The conference is in no sonse a party af
fair. The pregramme abundantly shows
that. One or its objects, indeed, is le bring
together brethren or different views and
tendencies, and te show that we no longer
rocegnlzo party lines among brethren.
Such a meeting is sufilclcnt le build one
up Ter the year's work. It Is better than a
synod for such purHjse, because entirely
froe from business routine It Is mi 111 111
eieiitly intellectual te revive the powers
of the mind. It Is devotional for the pew-1
ors or the spirit. It is l est fill also for the
physical powers. Fer this last purpese
there are croquet and lawn tennis grounds
and even base and feet ball for any who
may w ish te try that sort of exercise. But
the ether games named will most likely be
preferred at certain hours of the day.
Beeks! Yes. they are bore in abundance.
and magazines, mid daily papers and even
walks te the creek, or by the electi le cars,
aud beat rowing for any who may cheese
that of a moonlight evening.
summer j.i:ii!iii:.
Capt. W. D. Slaufi'er and Charles Rengler
are spending a few days in 1'lilladelphia.
Miss Kate Genbemor,erCoatesvillo,ls the
guest el Miss KoseSlmbrooks, this city.
AVIllIain AVeaver, or this city, is spending
u few days in Philadelphia.
W. II. Welchans, of the Farmers' bank,
left te-day en a trip te Watkius Glen, Ni
agara Falls mid ether places.
Joe Kautz and his party of turtle hunters
arrived home this morning after beiug
away for soveral weeks. They caught
about COO pounds of snappers altogether.
Misses Flera and Mabel Dreher are visit
ing their slster, Mrs. Wallln, in Willlaiusg
Mrs. Themas, of Philadelphia, Is visiting
Jehn S. kemllg, of West Lemen street.
Miss May F.icgley went te Bedford at 2
o'clock this aftoriieou.
Miss Minnie Fasnacht has geno te Har
rlsburg te spend sometlmo with horfiieud,
Miss Ncir.
V. N. Appe), esq., went te Bosten en I
business connected with the state peer
beard commission, of which hels u mem mem mom
eor, He will go thence te Nantucket.
There was an excursion le Niagara Falls
this morning, and when the train rcacbed
Lancaster it had 220 persons en beard.
Martin Kreider, wife and his daughter,
W. H. Welchaus, Cal. Wosthucfler and
Rebert Ailes went from this city.
II. C. Brubaker left Lancaster te-day,
for Beach Haven. He will be giine several
.Ien Lutheran Sunday school was te
hae ptcuicked at Recky Springs today,
but the rain Intoiferod. The allalr will be
ostpenod te August 7th.
St. Stephen's church picnic, booked for
Tell's Haln te-day, was posteiicd en ac
count of the rain. t
Walter Bailsman left town te-day en his
annual trip. He will hetrd iisteimur at
Baltimore for Bosten, ami will visit vari
ous plaues in New Kngland, the While
Mountains mid Iho Jursey coast, returning
about September 1.
Execution Against u lriiltli
J. C. Yest .t Ce., new te the use or J. H.
Brown, Issued un execution te-day against
Andrew Kane, au ex-tavern koeper or
Washington borough, rer g'JM.U.!. Kane
was Indicted for violating the liquor law,
and since then has been u fugltive from
l'ultl the Costs.
Mrs. Sarah Qtilun and Jehn Eichmau,
prosecuted bofero Alderm m Hershey rer
drunkenness mid disorderly conduct,
htttksl the cjses last night by laying the
- tjJ. &&& JV&iiM.S&&ms AJw,ii. ?AK JUttU-J-
The l'Hrtj-'a Wnrm Roeeptlen-A Bril
liant Military Spnctnole en Wednes
day, When Gov. Denver was Present
Washimiten, July 21. The president,
accompanied by Soercary Proelor, At
torney Ooneral Miller, PoslinasterGoncrul
Wanamakcr, Ooneral Schelleld, Cel. Ernst
and Captain Tayler, of the army, led
here this morning at 8 o'clock en a
special tndu le visit the encampment of
the Pennsylvania National Guard at Mount
Gretna. They will go from Baltlmore eh
the Nerthern Central read via narrlsburg.
The party will return at midnight.
Mt. Ghktna, July 21. The president
and party wcre given an enthusiastic re
ception w hen they arrived here this after
The Stnte Troeprt at Mt. Gretna Ad
mired By Many People.
AVcdnesday was Governer's Day In Camp
Hartranft. It having been desired te
parade the division In heavy marching
ortler, knapsacks, haversacks and can
teens, there was a general eveihaullng of
equipments, rolling or overcoats enil fold
ing or blankets. In a uiajeilty or the com
mands thore was net much exacted from
the men, as the ntllcers knew the after
noon's work would consume sevend hours
and be fallgueliig In the extreme. The
exception te the relaxation from drill was
In the Third brigade General Gebln had
the vveaiers of thoblue Keystoue out for
drill and hustled them around rer nearly
two hours.
GovernnrBcavor, accompanied by state
Senater Pentese, dreve mound in au In
formal way te view the Inspections or the
Third reglment and the cavalry and artil
lery battalion, which woreliMng conducted
by Adiutant General Hasting".
Dining all the morning visitors weie ar
riving at headquarters, adding te the num
ber e? theso already there. and by neon all
butone.ortho members or the stute admin
istration wero present. The Republican
slate ticket was also fully represented by
Senater Dclamater mid Lieutenant Colonel
Wat res.
Half-past four was the hour for Iho re re ro
view, but for sotne time preceding it the
music of the different organizations had
been filling the air as regiments and bat
talions of Infantry, batteries mid aitllleries
and troops of cavidry had been marching
out lrem their respective camps te assem assem
ble rer the ceremony. The place selected
fiir the formation was near the lower end
of the camp, and the troops wero formed in
four lines, the regular brigade in front.
All the battalions were in line or masses,
the regular contingent having the Infantry,
cavalry and artlllery combined, while the
mounted troops or the National Guard, or
ganized In two battalions, occupied ground
te the left and front at a right angle te the
heavier Hues, and the iuraiitry weie
massed In rear or the regular 'contingent.
Brigadier General Snowden and the divi
sion stair sat upon their heit-esln (rout of
the regulars.
Governer Deaver, mounted upon a serrel
herse, and wearing a suit of black and a
whlte hat, rede upon the Held followed by
a large stall' of colonels and lieutenant
colonels. As he appeared mid took up a
position facing the troops with his stall'
formed, Gcneral Snowden ralscd.his hat in
saltite. The governor then rede around
the brigades from right te left, his stall'
stringing out like a huge snake, describ
ing a serpentine course The sight at this
time was an exceedingly pretty one.
The rigidity with which the moil steed,
the dark bluoef thelr uniforms beiug ie ie ie
lloved by the brightness of the colors desig
nating the several arms of the service and
the gei goons plumes of the i artillery
and cavalry. Ah aluckgieund steed, gilin
and green, Seuth Mountain, with Its tower
ing spur, Governer Dick, while the frainu
te the picture was kaleidoscopic w llh the
various colored clothing of the many thou
sands of people who fringed the pai.ule
ground, aud who wero only kept fiem en
croaching upon the soldiers' space by a
st long guard,
The governor, having completed his
round or the troops, moved oil' up the fleld
for mere than a half mile, and took up a
position en the hillside across the grassy
valley from the regulars' camp. General
Snowdeu placed himself at the lie.ul or the
troops. Ills huglorblew "Forward" upon
his trumpet, and the march began. The
brigades moved out in column el dulslen,
took wheeling distance, thou breke into
company fronts, changed direction le the
left, and moved u U,Uie valley towards the
reviewing stand in this order :
Brigade, United States army, Colonel II.
G. Gibben, Thhd artillery, commanding;
infantry battalion, two companies of the
Eleventh regiment, Lieutenant Colonel K.
G. Bush; artillery battalion, Majer Wil
liam Sinclair; light battery K, First artil
lery and light battery C.Thlid artllleiy;
cavalry battalion, Majer Lewls H. Carpen
ter, commanding; troops II, Feuith,aud B,
Sixth cavalry; third luigade. Brigadier
General J.P.S.Gebiu, commanding; Ninth
regiment, Wllkosbarre, Colonel Mellis J.
Keck; Eighth regiment, Wrightsville, Cel.
Frank J. Magee; Twelfth regiment, Allen
town, Colonel S. I). Lclir; Thirteenth
regiment, Ser.inten, Colonel E. H. Ripple;
Twelfth regiment, Willi.imspert, Colonel
.1. B. Coryell. Second brigade, Brigadier
General Jehn A. Wiley, commanding;
Tenth regiment, Washington, Colonel A.
L. Hawklugs; Fifteenth regiment, Greens
ville, Colonel W. A. ICreps; Eighteenth
regiment, Pittsburg, Coleuol Nerman M.
Smith; Fifth regiment, Altenn.i, Colonel
Theodere Burchlleld ; Sixteenth regiment,
OH City, Colonel J. 11. Hillings; four
teenth regiment, Pittsburg, Colonel P. D.
Pcrchmenl. First brigade, Colonel Hubert
P. Dechert. commanding; Sixth rcifiimmt.
Norrlstewn, Colonel Jehn W. Schall; Firl
regiment, Colonel Wendell P. Ilewman ;
Third regiment. Colonel William B. Smith ;
Second regiment, Lleiiteiiaut Coleuol O. C.
Ilesbyshell; State FcneibleV bitallien,
Majer W. Wee. Chew ; separate company,
Gray Invlnclblcs, Captain Charles A. Hail
stock ; Battalion military, Captain M. C.
Stafferd, ISUter.y.A, commanding; Battery
C, Phienlxvlllc, Captain Jehn Denithorue;
Battery A, Philadelphia, Lieutenant Mai
shall; Battery B, Pittsburg, Captain Alfred
E. Hunt; Battalion cavalry, Captain C. S.
W. Jenes, Sheridan Troop, commanding
uovernors iroep, iiarnsnurg, uaptiau 11,
A. Perklns ; .Sberidau Treen, Tyrene,
Lieutenant J. H. Brown ; First troop,
Philadelphia, Captain J. Lapsley Wilsen.
Whlte guidens, bearing the triple key
stone of red, while and blue, marked the
jHiInt at which the marching men wero te
de their prettiest and the officers te salute.
It was but a -ry row minutes after the
Governer hail bulted at the selected spot
bol'ero Gcneral Snowden aud staff appeared
In view at the low er end or the valley. On
they came, and the general's sword was
raised and dropped, tliegocruer'.shat was
ilfted lu response and Pennsylvania's
army had started en tlioreviow In column.
Just back ofGenonil Snowden rede Gen.
Gibsen, heading Ids regular brigade, thou
the trumpets or the Infantry, and Colonel
Rubch's men or the Kleventh swept by,
marching llke seldieis. Following the
Infantry wero thobatlerios of artllery,feiir
guns et peiisunu sicei rcuccung me hiin
light in dazzling rays, and lour guns
bronzed like cturaux, manned by red
crested cam'euiers, iiimbled past with the
miHsi-rcu nnueus dropping 10 ine inuu.
Hack or this came u martial figure wear
ing the yellow cavalry pi v. me, a sabru
flashed up and drepKxl aside, and Majer
Carpenter made his salute. The troopers
wero marched in six platoons, malting a
gallant showing. Then came Brigadier
uenerai ueuiu anu ihe National Guaril,
regiment after regiment marching lu com cem
jiany front, aud, ler half an hour, there
was u bteady tlde or blue uniformed
men, tramping steadily with arms at the
carry. The artillery and cavalry wound
up the pageant, and, by hair past six, the
weary seldicis were in their tents.
The review Is cenxldcred the best ever
held In the guaid. Goierner l!oaer ex
pressed himself as mero than satisfied at
the very eideut Impieemunl shown.
On the 2tU the homeward movement of
U. A. AT !
the troops wilt begin at 2 p. m.
Thn cost of transportation is reported by
Quartermaster General Hill as the lowett
that has yet been obtained an average of
t hree' fourths of a cent iwr mile, or In round
figures, f22,000.
General Gebln's picket duly en Mt. Gov Gov
ereor Dick Wednesday night gave the boys
alastoerreal soldiery, as they wcre kept
tramping ever the mountain slde through
the donse weeds from the rock until mid
night. The line of pickets stretched along
Seuth IMeuntaln for a considerable dis
tance, and te keep the men warm rltle pits
wero dug under the supervision of the
The duty performed all through of the
hardest kind Is considered te be of the ut
most value te the men, aud will be kept
up by detach men ts from the ethor bri
gades until the camp cleses.
Uew tf Anct Rebbr The Phonescope
Likely te Ciiupe Trouble, In Families.
l'rem the Londen Herald.
The eleutria eane Is a really beneficent
Invention. It consists of a cane, lu the
interior of which is stored a larg quantity
of electricity. Until a spring In the hanilfe
is pressed the cane is as harmless as any
ether cane, but If this spring Is pressed aud
uv uiu n;,uit umiiuuiit umuu in tuui-uuii
with the rondo or the cane he receives a
shock that will stint him rer the next
tweuty minutes without doing him any
permanent harm. The same apparatus Is
also placed lu the handles or umbrellas
mid or ladles parasols. With this in
vention a man can protect blmself
net only from assault but from casual
beres. A rebber demands your purse
as you are walking home at night. Yeu
simply touch him, accidentally, an it were,
with Iho end of the cane, and thou proceed
slowly and peacefully en your way, loav leav
Ing him stretched en the pavoment. Or a
bore buttonholes you, ignorant that you
carry an olectrle umbrella. Presently the
bore drops Irisenslble en the pavement,
and you leave him te the curious Inspec
tion of the public, knowing that prosently
a policeman will appear te arrest lilin en a
charge or drunkonness or apeplexy. The
name of the inventor of this Inostltnable
weapon Is net et known, but 1m Is sure le
reap the gratltude of every Intelllgeut man
aud woman lu civlll.ed lands.
The Inventor or the new electrical ma
chine, the phot.nscepo, will be regarded by
many persons as a benefactor of the humim
race, but It Is reasonably certain that lu
time the phonescopo will create a wlde do de
uiniid Ter his bleed. Every ene Is familiar
wllh the result which fellows the accidental
contact of telephone wlres. Yeu under
take te talk with your confidential friend
by means or the tclopheno, but, the wires
being croi-sed, you preently find that you
pre unboi-emlng yourself ten total stranger.
A similar result will undoubtedly fellow
the crossing et the wlres of the phonescope.
Yeu are, let us say, at your office, and
wisli te call up Iho Image or your wire.
Yeu put the phonescope In operation, but
Instead or your wife you beheld unother
man's wife, who llltle dreams that some
ene, miles away. Is watching 'overy ex
pression of her face. Or you are convers
ing, strictly en busluess, with a lady
client and, owing te the crossing or the
phonescopo wires, a dozeu poeplo In dir dir
ferent parts or the city aw staring at you.
The telephone and Iho dutecllve camera
are both bad enough in their way, but the
phonescopo w'lll be Infinitely werse than
both combined. U will put un end forever
te nil certainty of privacy.
The Itnsli I'm- Mount Gretnn.
Although the weather was fearful this
morning, it did net provent pcople rrem
trelng te Mount Gretna. Thore was qulle
a crowd for (he t:2T train, Including mem
bers or the Lancaster Fenclbles. Twe
special trains came uli rrem Philadelphia,
and both wero crowded. On ene or them
was theprivaUMsar " Cornwall " or Rebert
II. Celeman, and It was resjrted when the
train stepped that President Harrison was
en beard, although he did net leove Wash
ington until 8 o'clock. A crowd gathered
around the car, and ene man swoie after
wards that he saw and talked with the
president. Almest 200 tickets hr.d been
sold rteni this city te the camp up te neon
Bids Ter an inter-County Ilrldicu.
County Commissioners 'llies. Morcer,
Samuel D. Whlte and K. D. Jehnsen, of
Cliester county, met with Commissioners
Gingrich, Wertli and Lober tills morning.
Bids wero opened for the construction of
an Intor-ceiinty hrldge evor the Octoraro,
at WiMids' Fording, between Llttle Britain
township, this county, ami West Frothing
bam township, Clioster county. The fol
lowing wero the bills:
Masonry Geerge 1!. Jonas, Oxl'eid, $.1.2.1
jer perch ; F. Weed, Clioster county, ?2.00
per perch; Light tV Patch, Umcaster, $3.20
per perch lime mortar and SI.IJO with
ueiiiriil; W. 11. Rluecr, (tiiarryvllle, 82.21
per perch, Ume mortar or 82. II with cement.
Siiperstrucluie Leamlcr Weed, Chos-ler
county, $2,1-11; Samuel Staufler, Yerk,
Copt. E. MoMelleu, city, piopesod te
build the bridge complelo ler $.l,:t'J7.
Jacob Kault'iiian, city, proposed te build
the superstructure for $2,200, de the
mason ly for SX) or $2.75 per perch.
The commissioners awarded the con
tract te Jacob Kaulfmen, Ills being the
lowest bid.
IleIIail Kiilui-Kumeiit of the Heart.
A very valuable and pretty St. Beruaid
pup, which was ubeul lourteeu months old,
died ut the City liolel. The animal was u
great i'u vei ite with the poeplo around the
house und was treated very kljidly. He
was presented erglnally te Mayer Clark
when he wus qulle young and he was
turned evor te tee pioprletor or the hotel.
A post-mertbm examination of hliy do de do
veIoihmI the fact that he diodereiilargomont
of the heart.
1'i-opeslmr I'roe Silver Coinage.
WASiti.NfireN, July 21. The Senate met
at II a. m. Mr. Morgan Introduced a bill te
fix the limit of -value mid te provide Ter
the rree coinage or silver, and It
was read and roferrod te the com
mittee en flnance. It recites that
the market value or bilver bullion Is rap
Idly approaching the value or geld or
standard relation fixed by laws or the
United States, and that thore Is no provi previ
sion or law Ter the coluage or standard sil
ver dollars or far the purchased! sliver
bullion by the government w hen the value
of silver bullion exceeds ene dollar for
:i71i grains of pure silver. It therofero
provides that the unit of value In Iho
United States shall be a dollar of 112)
giainsef staudaid sllvorer 25 8-10 grains
of geld; that theso coins shall he legal
tender for nil debts, public, and private,
and that any ew tier or sliver or geld bul
lion may deposit It at uuy mint, te lie
formed Inte dollars and bars for his benefit
and without charge.
Wants Corporate Power.
Wasiiimiien-, July '). -Senater Shep
man te-day intrinluced a bill te Incor
porate the Hed Ciess neddy, Willi
Barten, Gee. Kennan, J. II. Hubbell, M.D.,
aud ether, us incorporators. The purjiose
of the Society Is le furnish volunteer aid le
the sick and wounded of iirmiHs lu time of
war, aud In time of peace te mitigate sutler.
lug- cuuseJ by posiiieneo, etc.
Jolinslewn'H 1'ent master.
V tsm.Nore:, July 2J. The president
te-day sent te the Scuate for confirmation
the name of James Earl Ogle, le be post
master at Johnstown,
The Buy Club Off.
A delegation of the Bay club went te
Baltlmore at 0:30 tins morning mid the
ethers lollewed at JuVl k. Old sailors of
their clabi don't fear wit wiutker.
Thousands or Can, Many Containing
PerUhnble Goods, At- 8lc!e-Ti-nckrsl.
Strikers Banks Continue te Grew.
Lkxiwiten, Ky., July 21. Tite railroad
situation In this city,! beginning te as
sumo a serious phase. On Tuesday night
the switchmen In the Cincinnati Southern
yanls In this city joined In with the strik
ers, and no trains are being handled. The
men claim that they presented complaints
te the officials of the read seme time
since and waited for a reply which se
far they have faded te rocelvo. Every
slde track from Semerset, Keutucky, te
Cincinnati, a dlslance of 200 miles, Is
crowded with leaded ears, hundreds being
filled with perishable freight. The Ken
tucky Central read hi even In werse shape,
and lest night net a freight train was lu
motion en elther read. Iho yanls here
contain nearly 1,000 leadod cars. Some
have been here a week. Passenger trains
are moving as usual and will net he dis
turbed. A Striker Arrested.
Nr.w Yeuif, July 21. Thostrlklngcloak Thestrlklngcloak Thostrlklngcleak
makers are becoming turbulent and re
sorting le acts of violence te onferco their
demands. Itul night about twenty of
them entered the aiartmeuls or Mrs Cclla
Bender, at Ne. -I Allen street, and bothered
her badly. She employs about a doen
hands, and these the rieters chased away
and smashed Mrs. Bonder's furniture
Police came and thu strikers fled. Julius
Gethelzanwich, hewever, was captured,
and te-day In court was held for trial.
A Yeium Man Kills Himself While
Dresalmr te JloMerrlod.
Ocala, Flerida, was shocked Wednesday
morning by news from Remee that G. Tale
Carr had shot himself through the temple
and was net oxpectod te live. The surprise
was Increased at he had cene down Tues
day night te be married Wednesday morn
ing te Miss Ruble Weston. The nuptial
coremony was te have taken place several
months ace. hut ewlmr te soma lm-
rtuut phosphate deals in which
was ongaged It was postponed.
On Monday Carr was busy all day
making the final arrangements for his
marriage. The Rev, J. B. Levy was en
gaged te perferm the coremony, and took
the train te Remee, twonty-euo miles dis
tant. Te the family or Dr. Westen he said,
knowing hew busy Carr was, that he did
net doubt he would come out lu a private
conveyance or en u special engine.
He was correct, ler at 3 o'clock Carrar Carrar
rlved en a special cnglue provided through
the kindness ei A.P.Mann, Jr., superin
tendent, who, learning the urgency of the
case, made it voluntary proller el transpor
tation. The marriage was te have taken
place at 0:30 o'clock Wednesday morning,
a breakfast te fellow and then the ceuple
wero te go en an extended Nerthern tour.
Will Weston, a brolher or the bride,
assisted the groom to'dress. Ills toilet
nearly completed. Carr asked Westen te
go Inte another room and get a pair or
suspouders. While absent young Westen
heard a shot, and returning round Carr en
the bed with a pistol hele In his temple.
It was learned that before Carr took the
oiiglne he applied te several paitles for a
pistol, saying It was some distance rrem
the dejKit te Dr. Westen's rosidenco, and he
wauted something le protect hlmself In
case or danger and he get Geerge Battles'
Carr was dealing in phesphate lands, and
the Impression get out that he had made
conslderablo money. He had engaged te
buy a fine rosidenco lu Ocala. He informed
the phosphate company last week that he
had net paid ler Iho rosidenco, and said he
could net pay for the luuds as agreed, owing
te (allure te get luuds. On Tuesday after after
neon he deeded te Geerge R. Battles eighty
acres of laud near Blue Springs, with the
understanding that the latter was te sell
the same or make a lean en It. In a letter
of instruction occurs this ixutsagn:
" Well, Geerge. 1 am lu the vicinity or
two failures, neither of which lam dliectly
responsible for, though I hour the whele
blame, in could have gotten North 1 would
have pulled through, but as I don't soe hew
I can I will glve It up."
Carr was a bright young man, 21 years
old, or geed habits and line character.
Hypnotism With n Crazy Medium.
A strmige cise or hypnotism Is reperted
lu IjouiIeii, Out, The medium Is a woman
10 years of age who has lest her reason,
and It is therofero believed that she is act
ing unconsciously upon her victim, a
young lady of ubeul twenty summers.
The two are nelghbeis, living en
oppesito sides of the same street.
Some two mouths ag.?, when the medium
Was taken ill, the young woman waited
upon her, until ut last she could net stay
away, and was constantly tunning uciess
the read te the heuse. One night this
wiek, unknown te the (icople of the house,
she stayed all night, und when un attempt
was made te areuse her In the morning It
was found impossible. Her body was
pinched, aud even a needle had no effect.
Walking her en the fleer wus also tried,
without success. She was in a state of leth
argy, lrem which all the dibits of the neigh
bors could net awaken her, and a (lector
was called. His skill was ut last successful
after she had slept about twenty-four
hours. It Is said that If the medium was
ma a cruzy person she could have aroused
the lauy lrem lliesiuiMir, or else nuve lot let
lowed up the work with suggestions te her
victim's mind. But she was unconscious
el' anything wrong, apparently. The girl
says that she knows nothing of what gees
en when under this Influence. Khe
experienced no pain of any description
when belng pinched. She bud been several
times put te sleep, but net fur such long
periods us the ene mentioned. The sub
ject or this power Is lu fair health other
wise, and also very Intelligent. At pres
ent she is under the care el" friends con
stantly, aud Is kept pofectly quiet. It Is
expected that she will be able te threw off
the medium thlstlme, but as asoveioshoek
te her nervous system Is almost sure le
cmse a relapse, she will always in future
be mero susceptible te mosmerlc Influence.
Twenty Men (round te Pieces.
A French dispatch from Pembroke,
elghty-slx mlles above Ottawa, en the
Upper Ottawa river, says that two days
age seme miscreants cut the ropes holding
a raft of legs te the bank where twenty
two raftsmen en beard wero stepping ever
The raft, with the men all asleep en beard,
drifted out Inte the river aud then Inte the
rapids a mile below, and eiuthoseou beard
aweke or could collect their senses they
wero tossed about amid the rocks of the
rapids and the legs of the raft, which had
broken up. Or tlie twenty-twe moil aboard
the raft only two survived. Ne traces or
the bodies or the ether twenty have been
found. They must have, been ground te
The authorities are trying te discover the
mail who cut the ropes.
GnrmaiiH te Celebrate.
A number of delegates, representing dif
ferent German societies, met In Baltlmore
en Wednesday te take action with refer
ence te the celebration en October 0 of the
207th anniversary of the founding of the
first colony of Germans lu Iho United
States. The colony consisted of thirteen
families. A commlttee was appointed te
prepare u plan for the celebration.
Curious und llare Beeks.
Judge Fonnyparker, or Philadelphia, has
about 10S volumes or Ephrata Imprints.
Some of theso books are amongst the must
curious and rare Americaiia. hey wero
all issued in editions limited te erliaps30
or 10 copies, which w.ere distributed solely
among the Eplusti leuimuulty.
Theso Who Delivered Sermon nt the
Methodist Cutiipmcctltig.
LANntsviux, July 21. Yostenlay after
noon's services lu the greve here wero
well attonded. The children turned euten
iimsse at 1:30 p. m. A short time was
spent In acquainting them with sotne uew
songs. Thn children wero Boen attuned te
the new intisle and thelr lusty voices wero
In pleasing harmony. After a short prayer
by Rev. Themas, or Alglell, Chester
county, Rev. Chas. Reads, who has charge
e! Ihese meetings, then took charge or the
oxcrclses. The subject or his lessen for
the hour, "The Hand," was explained end
npplled very eflecllvely. His objectlvo
teaching Is very Interesting, and we And
net only children but "children of a larger
growth" in ftill attendance. He will be
aided In his work by Mr. Fijher, of Bryn
Mawr. Thore was preaching at Iho stand at
: p. in. by Rev. E. C. Yerkes, or St. Paul's
M. E. church, Iuncaster. Ills text was
Heb. iv., 10, " Let us Ihorefeiv ceme boldly
te a threne of grace, that we aey obtain
morey, and find gruce te help In'line of
noed." This sonnen was' ml lowed by an
earnest oxhertatlon by Rev. S. W. Themas.
Algleu, Pa.
At 4:30 p. m., a brlef meeting or the
Yeung People's association was held in the
At fi p. in. the poeplo are called from all
parts of the weeds le parluke of that which
wilt be for the geed of the physical nattire.
At 0:30 p. in. Mrs. Wheeler led the moot meet
ing en the hill. It was fairly well attonded.
Rav.C. L. Gaul, Christiana, Pa., preached
a very earnest sermon from 2 Tim., Iv,
7-8-0, " 1 have fought u geed light, I have
finished my ceurse, 1 have kept the faith,"
etc. The stirring was felt all evor
the congregation, A short revival sorvlce
followed. The usual sorvlce of song was
held after the meeting.
A meeting or the let holders was held
yesterday at which the commltleo weie
Instructed le soil Iho lets, as last year.
Anethor meeting will be held en SUurduy
Ter the purpese of perfecting plans for the
We wero awakened (his morning by the
gently falling showers. About soven
o'clock It came down In torrents. The
meetings, en account of the rain, will be
held lu the tabernacle.
At 0:30 a. m. Iho bell Bounded for family
worship. There was almost an unbroken
circle of song and prayer en the ground.
At S a. in. the young poeplo met lu
their totnple for Bible study. It was led
by Rev. Chas. Reads. The lessen for the
morning was found In Luke SI v., 25, 33.
A pleasant hour whs spoilt lu discussion
und study. Quite a number or young peo peo poe
plo wero lu attendance dosplte the incle
ment weather.
AtO a. in. the publle prayer sorvlce was
In charge of Rev. Evans.
At 10:30 a. in. preaching In the taber
nacle. After singing, prayer and a selec
tion by the choir, Rey. Mr. Durell, of
Lebanon, read the lessen from Psalm I,
and part of the sovenlh chapter of Mat
thew. After Hinging " Reck of Ages,"
Mr. Diuell preached from the text found
in Matt, x., M-r2: " And Jesus said unto
him, whut wilt thou that I should de unto
thoeT" etc.
Among the recent arrivals we nete thp
follewing: Rev. J. O. Cook, Wiconlsce t
Rev. iJvans, Lykens; Mr. Elleuberger,
Hurrlsburg; Mrs. S. M. Verneu, Iuucus; Iuucus;
ter; Mr. Jacob Relirer, Mr. Ress Hllijo Hllije
brand and wife, Strasburg.
Dr. Hurlbtirt, or Spring Garden street
church, Philadelphia, will deliver the
sermon te-morrow morning. The eight
o'clock sorvlce will be In charge or Mr.
ltruner, or Columbia.
Itohliei-s Play u Cute Game en n Bunk
A daring bank robbery was H)rpctrulcd
lu Quebec, Out., Wednesday afternoon. A
buggy drove up te the deer of the upper
town branch of the Union bank, en Leuis
street, mid a man entered ami told Mr.
Veasey, the mauuger, that the gentleman
lu Ihe'hiiggy at the deer vrnnted le speak te
him about uiening an account, but wus
lame and unable te leave Iho vehicle. Mr.
Veasev was alone at thu lime, but went lu
the window te speak te the occupant of the
vehicle, und while hi head was liirued the
man who came Inside and who had pre
sented a caul hem lug the iiauie " Rev. Mr.
Smote," disappeared through thofrentdoor
Willi a tin cash box which he had picked
R was soveral minutes before Voasey no
ticed the theft, and though the police wero
at once notified, the shaipers hud tee geed
a start and have nut yet been heard lrem.
They hired their buggy fiem a llvery
Ntuh'ln icsterdav morning, mid that. tee. Is
missing. The box contained only $1,300 In
cash, but was lilted with -valuable bends,
including five debentures of the town or
Levis for it thousand dollars each.
The police say that from descriptions
furnished of thothlevos, one of Ilium Is u
famous swindler of French-Canadian pa
rentage named Pleaii. Shortly before the
bank robbery Pleuu entered Bunow's
brekemge, where he once offered seme
bank notes for sale, but was foiled, while
two men waited at the deer. Barrow bo be bo
lleves he wus alter rovenge as well us
booty. He iccoguized him Iho moment he
entered his office und clapped his hand
upon his revolver. Ple.tu looked nervous
and asked Barrow whut he wus giving for
irieeubacks. The breker replied, 'Gener
ally about half of I per cent, discount off
face value, but from you 1 won't take any
thing." I'leaii mid his companions Im
mediately slunk away.
A Mether Uiiwlttliisly Kills Her Chil
dren mill Then Attempt Hiilclde.
Mrs. Jehn O'Mearu, the wife of u well
known contractor or St. Jeseph, Me., en
Wodnesday morning cmsed the death of
her twin daughters, aged ubeul thrte
months. Mis. O'Mearu, who Is a woman
weighing one hundred und ninety pounds,
arose early, and taking Iho babies rrem
thelr cradle, placed thorn lu bed beslde
herself. After playing with them a whlie,
bhe fell asleep. On awakening she was
horrlfled te find her babies both crushed
and dead.
Tim ei-Ief of the mother wus terrible.
I Her cries attracted her hiisbund, who wps
sloeplng in the next room, mm no leiinu
her pressing the llttle crushed forms te her
besom and walling plteeusly. Mrs.
O'Meara, suddenly throwing the bables le
the fleer, sprang le her dresslug-caseand
grasping un ornamental dagger plunged it
into her besom. She Is uew lu n critical
It seems that Mrs. O'Mearu w hlle usleep
rolled ever en Iho sleeping bables aud
crushed thorn te death.
Whipped Ity u Beauty.
A Kousatleu leaked out lu Bttiltugteu,
Iowa, when Bert Oslrauder, proprietor efa
livery stable In a fashionable quarter of the
city, appeared lu the police court charged
with assault and battery upon Miss Dam
Hattleld, olio or the handsomest young
ladles in that city.
Thn trouble arose through Jealousy. (
trauder has been attentive In the young
lady ler months, and leceutly he Hatis
lerred hlsallectlens te seme oue else, and
Iho young lady seeing him tiding with her
rival attacked the couple with u buggy
.. 1. 1.. '11... i.i.ittnr wus llllbhtsl 1111 lllllil
Tuesday, when Miss Hatfield repaired te
the livery and egain attacked O.strandcr
with ii stone, wiien no kiieckcu nor uune.
Ostrander was found guilty, but has ro re
tulnisl couusel for apeal und Interesting
development ure expected.
Thrown from a Herso.
A young man iianied Benier was riding
a bone bolenglng te Jeseph Brleiitnall up
Prlnce street yosterday. At the corner or
Chesiuut, the animal frightened and threw
him oil', llu had his head cut considerably
und he was bctlUed.
.,,'.., iv iibvu -av t
.- .k
Three Persen Are Killed aart
Jureil, Twe Probably Fatlly-lW,
Used In the Wrecked HntMbpj
Savamnaii, July 21. W. J.
bearding house, a three-story brlclf
inu, Ne. 203 Congress street, wasbH
early this morning, and three of 'II
males wero killed and six Injured, U
whom will probably die. The kUM
Mrs. W. J. Bellard, Lecklyand Geal
The wounded aie; Jehn Reberta. 1
uiikie iraetuml ami concussion erthe I
J. Tate, contusion of the face and"e
Mcldeti llywoed, (colored), shoulder -1
located j Sam King, (colored), badli
hired. Edward S. Ererltt, Mrs.!
Everltl and J. A. Rlmes were
'1 he force of Iho explosion wm m-
great that the entire building felt ia,'1
at once. The can se or the exple
wrapped lu mystery, as no gas waa I
the heuse aud the dlsaster could net!
Leen cuused by escaping gas.
Nehrnska'n Republican Platfl
LINCOLN, Neb., July 21. The pu
adopted by the Republican state
Hen this morning reiterates the prill
emiuclaled in stiocesslvo national
can platforms from IS.VIte 1838.
It endorses Presldent Harrison's add
istratleu, approves national legiili
the silver question j doneuncoa tr
endorses Iho disability pension tV.)
and declares lu favor of a
pension bill. It demands honest' 1
liens and favors the Australian ballet;
means thereto. 11 opposes lamt-
uopely mid recognizes the right of 1
organize; favors control of , rallreadt .
legislation, ueiuamis tun ottnetenem ec i
defining liability of empleye?
Injuries sustained by workmen,
Just taxation of corporate prepertjrj
duetlen of freight and pasaenger rawtl
tubllshment of a syslem or peMal"
graphy. and the enactment of met I
gout usury laws. 1$-, -
Hue Knicaaea Dr. .mcueuuPU.S
i:w Yerk, July 24. Andrew Mi)
nlng, whose name has been went
connection with the death of Auule i
win. the nretty cigarette girl, ww
S2.fi00 bail te appear when wanted.! i
ulng said he had known Annie for tk
six months. He thought her a geed, I
behaved girl. On the merulnR f,
Iho received this nete from, !ieri
Joe. Come te me ut unce. I am vttf i
at 117 East 103th atreet." . &
Funning went, and found the
great agony. Later, at Annie's I
be called en Dr. McOeulgal, and
him tb sce her. - tg'
A Censer of New EmpleywaWj
La Luikktap, July 21. Tle,d
government has established a rigid I
ship of new. Ne Information In J
the existing crista or the trouble I
this country i-iv1 J.IVC W WlJ."- "
be publlsheu ilnlesM It Ml pr.
oxam'iriednnd approved by the ci
Tills censorship Is extended -
dispatches addressed te fereisa'i
The Central A Seuth American I
company cannot accept for tranemli
oilier peims any news no me
approved by the governmont censer.,'
llnnk Robbers Secure 91.000.C
Omaha, Neb., July 21. Unknown;
seized Night Watchman Woodward
Weeping Water at au early hour y
day morning, bound anu gagged '
him te a tree in the suburbs. They; I
returned te town, where they effected
entrance Inte the Commercial bank
drilled Inte the vault, but were un
opeu the timo-Ieck safe. They stekM
81.000. W edward effected hie ,
about 7 o'clock lu the morning. , -
Kurmei-Mibr Cena-raM. f ,
Gukat Hknii, Kan., July 24. I
People's party convention of the
district yosterday nominated Farmer
tiil.ili .SiiiuiHeii. of Barber ceuntr. for
' ' --it
gross. yg
Cm-Miev. Iowa, July 21. The
Alllimce convention of the Eighth dl
yosterday nominated A. R. Anderaon,
Fremont county, for Congress. r.
lO,oeol"oi-Di-. Mary 1
WAHiciNiireN, July 21. Sonater
te-day Introduced a bill dlrectlng Uw;
letsrv of the treasury te pay te
Mary Walker the sum of ten thousand
lara te reimburse nor ler nor service
bufferings as an assistant surgeon Mil
Union army during the war of the
An omce Fer u Laucuatrlae. .
WANiiiNcneN, July 21. Special
of the census bureau for the oellecMo
statistics of manufactures have beea'a
poltited and commissioned as folio wax f?i.
Goe. W. Stone. Jr., McKeaapnt, 7$1
William L. Sutten, Lancaster, Pa.
.. . - " ... S3
nelnyluir me iiirin: uiu. j;;
Washinute.v, July 21. At 2 o'cieoar.
trrllf bill ceme up In the henatei
finished busluess " und was laid aside I
lo.inerrow. 2
. . . " .-!
ttf..u ttiffcf.fl ltv il s.rnl). it-3
u.... .v- .-- -- -
Imsikis. July 21. A dispatcn receive
hore te-ilay from Valparaiso, states tbati
mob attackdl u uumber of stores In I
city of Santiage, the capital of the reptth
lie, und Hacked them, ine miumry w
mttfxl iiihiii te nuell the disturbance, '"
ihr.u tcnmi rnHbtreil order. S4JM
Clilcnge's l'opulatleu. . -,-t-
Ciiicahe, July 21. Supt. Frankland,,
the si'fioel census mi rirau, una ruiuria-;
Dm iwi.ird of odticatleu that Ids enuc
Hen or the population et Chicago
comelotod shows that It contains 1,'J
unllls. "i$ji
. V
Will Accoinmeduto Furmera.
m.,i.,-I.i1 wivh! Secretary Harris, or me I
or rullreail comiuKslenors, eharaeterimj
itureli.ible the report that no clevateral
North Dakota will accept gram ler raw
Ibis vear.
WA81I1N0T0K. D. C., July
IUIii; seutherly winds;
j 'cli
ihange in temporature.
Herald w eatber rerecasts. A strong
press en new north or l.aKe Huren
imbablv move le-day towards the
Lawronce guir, oci-asleulng rresh te
u,.iitiuiU- winds, with raili. lrem VI
iw.ithwurd te the lakes, aud local ralna;
ii... f.uvtuaril near Iho coasts. Teinper
iinderwent iiodccldetlchaugoliitheUnll
utnt.w t f.steidav. The chlet mlulmum
tKirted was lSdegrcosFahrcnbeltatNortl
field, Vt.t thu chief maxima were lJ
u, inula ul hl iiu uihiiu .i
nn'd Salt Lake City. W at Wlcte
Kan., und Fert Smith, Ark.; Wl
Dedgo City, Kan., and 101 at Helena, Me
In the jlluiliiHiatespuriiyc.uuuy, j
and mero suury wuiiuer
nriv wind j wilt prevail, with rain,
i.... e.i i,v fieaiin u:i tswesternt
and In New England (urily cloudy, allgl
warmer ana mere iiuuiui wuw
r.ti. t,i i, risk seiitherlv nil ds. folic
l.v rain. EuretiO.lll steauieib It IW lMVlk
k..v v. el: will have fresli te llltut aniili
erly breer-e te the 11aiV j fog Will Increw
north of the list pantile,
f-U . .r, fej