Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 23, 1890, Image 1

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    TS f jR'7"' re
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3k Dantfa$itf
iVl tt 1 iifiai' tJLLfi
Impure "Water the Cause or the I Hurt
el Manyet the Kmployes of I Rese
Brether A Hartman.
The second death from typhoid fever,
prevnlling te an alarming extent nmeng
he empleyes or Rose Bres. t Hartman,
occurred en Tuesday -aaernoeii shortly
aRer 4 o'clock. The victim was Miss
Sullie A. Trout, of Ne. 209 West Orange
street, daughter of the late Jehn and Sarah
J. Trout. She was the first of the empleyes
te take the disease, mid bad been ill for
aome time. Her death has been looked
for at any tlme the past week. Deceased
wm 21 years old and worked at the factory
for mere than a year. 8he was a member
of the Presbyterlau church and Sunday
school, being connected with Majer How Hew
ell's ltlble class In (he latter department.
Her funerul will tnke place en Saturday
RReruoen, with services at Lougeneckor's
meeting house.
Miss Maggie A. MUler, of Ne. 3411
Seuth Queen street, Is the third victim.
She died en Tuesday evening. De
ceased was the daughter of Jehn and
Anna Miller, and was net quite 20 years
old. She had been ill less than two weeks
with typhoid fever. She also was an em em
peoye et Hartman for a year
or mero.
Anether of the empleyes critically 111
from the same complaint is Miss Minnie
Drewn. She Is employed In the ollleeat
typewriting, and has been sick about ten
In all about 10 of the empleyes have
been ill. Of these three lmve died, Miss
Jlrewn Is dangerously 111, and thirty nre
convalescing. Ten of tliose recovering are
en a fair way te a speedy restoration of
health, if thore are no l ellipses.
A repicsentatlve of the Intklmqknckr
called at the factory of ltose, Brethers A
Hnrtmae te-day. Mr. David Hese, of the
linn, said all the improvements suggested
by the beard of health had been made.
City water was taken Inte the building,
new flush water closets of the latest im
proved make had been put in and the
building thoroughly disinfected.
In all 230 persons were employed and he
expected work te be resumed en Monday
next. He had no theeiy te advance as te
the cause of the sickuess, but did net bo be bo
lleve that the wnter used produced the
Illness of the ompleyos. He had consulted
soveral physlciuns and all had diflurent
vlews us te the cause of the Illness el the
empleyes. The beard of health, he said
have been invited te the factory te make a,
thorough Investigation of the sanitary
arrangements sluce the Improvements
woie made.
The members of the firm drank the same
water aud while feeling uncomfertablo at
times it hud no ether effect en them. One
physician attributed the Illness totheolfcct
of the bad well water en the lining of the
The health commissioner, in his report
published en Inst Friday, says: "The
source of the water supplied te this factory,
bath for luunlug the snuie and for drink
ing pui poses, Is from a well situated in a
cellar of a private heuse in the rear of
the factory en West King street; the
well is euclosed by a circular stene
wall surrounding It completely, remov
ing thoreforo as far as possible all
seurce of external contamination. The
water Is conveyed dlrectly through a large
pipe, which empties into the large tank in
the fourth lloer of the factory ; as befere
mentioned, the well Is net, us could be as
certained, in clese proximity te any water
closets or out-houses, or Indeed te any pol
luting seurce trem contamination, there there thero
fero it may be stated here that the health
commissioner does net consider the water
supply of this factory in any way respon
sible for the many cases of typhoid aud
malarial favors which have occurred
among the empleyes of this factory."
An examination made te-duy of the well
mid its surroundings, fiem which the
water supply was derived up te Satur
day, mey threw bome light en the sub
ject. The well Is en the premises occupied
by Mrs. Kopllnger, and part is en the
alley und patt In her cellar. It was walled
up te pi even t accident. This cellar Is
damp f lem water that Hews into it, but
from vv here cannot be clearly scen.
In order te drain the damp cellar, pipes
were lam mat counccieu wuu mis wen.
These (iliies ran from the location of two
em ill springa and were Joined in a Y u
short UUtance from the well, and tills drain
age of the cellar Is thought te have some
connection with llie prevailing sickness.
Tne trim cause of the slckuess In the
I judgment el" physicians who have loekod
at tills well uuu suireumungs was uie
water used by the empleyes. The water
became contaminated through the sewer in
which all the refuse from the closets passes.
This sew or made of terracetta runs directly
from the factory and passes ever this well.
In addition the sovver from the fucteiy Is
in the same ditch with the pipes that
supplies the water for drinking pin poses,
and here no examination has been made te
ascertain it there Is u loakuge from the
sewer. An o.auilnatien made might show
a serious break in the sewer.
Even If there is no break here the
water weuKl be contaminated by leakage
from the terra cotta sewer plpe at the well,
for"thcre is no tetra cotta pipe made,"
said mi expert plumber, "that will net
leak in the ceutsy or time." Tills roiiise,
in his judgment, eventually get Inte the
water of the well mid was reeonveyed Im
pregnated with disease. This water the
empleyes drank, aud the natural result
wan Illness and death.
Typhoid lu the Milk.
An epidemic of typhoid at Princeton has
been reported te the state beard of health
of New Jersey by .Slate Dairy Commis
siener fleorge Mcuulre. 1 no report slums
that thtiru are nine sui ions cases of typhoid,
and three of tliein recently proved fatal.
ltev. Dr. Burroughs and Pronisser Hart-
well's son were among tne victims. The
beard of health made an Investigation, and
was surprised te find that all the cases
occurred in families which used the milk
if mlalrvman net far from Princeton.
ft liaH been discovered that a widow
named Sneek had sev en cases of typhoid
fever about nlne months age, ene of which
proved fatal. Tne outueuso et tins luuiiiy
overflows Inte the little stream which runs
into Steny Broek, and from w hich the herd
of the dairyman drinks its water. The
supposition Is that the fever microbes have
multiplied in the little peels that irltige
each blde of the streiui,aud worn drank by
the tows, who in turn (xiisnncd Ihu mill;.
Hnvoe Cause I hy u iJevtl duiser "
Jeseph Carrell set oil" a spocles et tire
works called " devil's chaser" at Hed Key,
Indiana, en Monday, and sparks lluiv into
a can containing II pounds or Midur.
The grocery store or Carrell ,v Hern was
demolished aud these persons were hi.
juied; Josepu Carrell, hand tern oil ami
sum a;i uurimi iiu ireui ins waist up;
Daniel Welt, bank clerk, seriously, but
net fatally cut about the threat; Hurry
Maner, editor Hed Key Tiiiiet, wrist
lightly cut; James Hlakely and Si llcrry,
lightly cut. In front of the building were
jeFiii Tayler, "ornellus Watsen, Matthew
Atkinson and Jehn Lake, all slightly in
jured by flying glass.
The Street Committee's Conference
With Mr. Btelnmetc About the
Grant direct Extension,
The street eotnmlttce of councils met J.
L. Steintnetz, esq., en Tuesday afternoon
te confer with hlni lit rcforence te the com
pletion of the opening of Urant street, from
Christian te North Queen. Nothing de
finite was agreed upon aud Indications
point te dinicultles that wilt finally be de
termined In the courts.
The order of court te the street commis
sioner directs him te open that street of a
width of nineteen feet. The Detnuth build
ings were tern down, and en the rear end,
the street Is of the full width of nluetoen
feet. The difficulty begins at the main
buildings of Mr. SlclnnieU. The nlno nlne
Inch wall of the Demuth building Is
against the Stelnraetz building. In order
te get the full nineteen feet, it Is necessary
te take down this nlue-Inch wall. If the
wall is taken down, the wall of the Stoln Steln Stoln
metz building Is weakotied se much that 11
may full, and In ronsequeneo he would
suffer heavy datuage.
There will be great danger te werkmen
In taking the wall down, and that fact will
be oue of the considerations that the com cem com
mlttce will weigh when they meet te dis
cuss the inatter. The committee appear te
be divided at present en their vlews. Heme
favor the taklngjilewn of the wall regard regard
less of consequences ; ethers favor the
adoption of Mr. Steinmetz's views, toglve
him nlne Inches of ground the leugtb of his
main building en which te build a wall,
and still ethers think it would be a geed
ldeu te have the street vacated, soil the
ground, and the city stand the less If any.
Mr. Stoluinetz agrees, If the committee
give him nlne Inches, the width of the
Demuth wall, te build at his own oxpenso,
a prossed brick wall the en tire length of
his main building. This, seme of the
members think, cannot be dene, bucause
these nlne Inches of ground cost the city
about 91,009.
Mr. .Steintnetz served nottce en the mom mem
bers of the cointnltteo that If they removed
the Demuth wall It did se at the city's
risk, and he would held the city responsi
ble for all the damage he Bustained. It is
admitted by the committee that the Stein
metz building will be damaged badly, If it
dees net fall down, IT the Demuth wall Is
Street Commissioner Smeltz says he cau
get moil te remove the wall if the commit
tee directs him te de se. While It will be
dangereus he thinks if the Steiuinctz
building Is securely preppod by heavy tim
bers the wall can be taken down. After
the Demuth wall Is removed then Mr.
Steinmetz's wall will have te be made o e
cure en the inside from his own grounds.
That will entail considerable moreexpuuso
than If built as he proposes te the city, be
cause It will necessitate n re-plastering of
thoentlro south side of his building and
the interruption te business, while this
work is going
The committee will meet en next Tues
day evening te talk evor the matter and
agree upon a report. This report will be
submitted te councils at the August meet
ing, until which tlme nothing fiulher will
be dene.
City Solicitor Henry Carpenter repro repre repro
sentcd the city at Tuesday's conference.
Mr. Stclumctz was present te present his
sideef the case. If any legal proceedings
nre taken, fleerge Nan man, esq., will rep rep rop
resont him.
thj: BAY CLUB.
The Men Who Will Ge en the Annual
Trip of the Organization.
The Hay club, of this city, will start en
their annual trip, down the Chesapeake to
morrow. Fifteen gentlemen are going en
the trip as folllews: Lewis S. Hartman,
Jehn I. Hartman, Dr. S. II. Motzger,
Frederlck l'ngle, Harry K. Carsen, Win
S. Weaver, Cel. Edward MoGevern, F. 1..
Hestetter, Cel. Goe. S. Geyor, W. W.
Franklin, Ilichard McGraun, William
Gorsttey, W. J. Madlgan, W. II. Potts, II.
II. Hensel, of the i.M'i:i.i,Kii;NCKii, and
Thad. Henry, cook.
One-lialf of the club leaves te-morrow
morning at 0:26 for Haiti mero. They go
ahead te lead the beats w 1th previsions and
have everythiug in readiness for the ethers
who will leave hore at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon. All will at nnce go en beaid
the schoenor, and the trip will be com
menced by taking -supper en beard the
A letter was received from the ew ners of
the beat te-day stating that it had been
fitted up lu the host of shape aud is all
ready for thoerule. A letter was received
from Mayer Wilkinson, of West Point,
Viu. te which place the club will first go,
asking the members te step lu his town
ever Sunday and he will solid a man with
them out te the capes te show llieiu the
fishing giuunds en Monday.
"NV n II. it lMiltllps' Donth.
The wiTe of Walker Phillips, who was
killed In Harrlsburg en Monday evening,
went te Harrlsburg Tuesday. She remained
ever until te-day, when an Inquest was
held, and she wilt then likely take the
body te Yerk te-day. When Phillips met
with the accident, which cost the man his
life, he was en his way te Mt. Gretna. He
left Yerk at 2 o'clock en Monday and
wrote a letter from Harrlsburg te his wife,
telling her te m6et him at Mt. Gretna to
day. It is bollevcd that be was trying te
make a train which he supposed was going
te Mt. Gretna w lien the accident happened.
The Huse Hull Games.
The games of base ball yesterday
suited as fellows
lenal league Philadelphia 10, Pitts
!; Chicago It, New erk; Clove-
bin L-8
land 2, Bosten :t; Cincinnati C, Bioeklyn
Players' League- Pittsburg 1, Philadel
phia",; Uullaletl, New Yerk"; Chicago 1,
Husten 2.
American Association Athletic a. St.
Leuis ll; Syracuse 10, Columbus I; Clovo Clevo Clove
lund 11, Ilroeklyn 10.
Interstate League Altoena4, Lobauenft.
Comrade Meet.
After n separation of tvvouty-llve years
Private Jeseph Wolf and Amazlah Fcklea,
Inte inombersef Ce. D. of the gallant 79th
Itegimeiit P. V.,cetnimiidtid by CIcu.H. A.
Hainbrlght, are in this city visiting nil la'e
incinhorsef thelr old regiment. They are
line looking soldiers and their appearanre
shows that they may light again such battles
as Porryvllle and ChUkJinauga, und ure
ready anytime te march te the sea under
the old flag. They are new with troops at
Mt. Gretna and came here en a flying visit.
I'reHbyterlnus at 1'enryn.
The Presbyterlau Memerial church Is
holding a picnic at Penryii park te-day. A
special train left the upper Heading depot
at h e clock ami llicy Had quite a large
crowd of people ou beard. 'I he street car
line was kept busy hauling the picnickers
ftem the low er end of the city. The Pperts
of the day luclude a game of baseball, beat
and ether kind ofraces, Ac.
Theuwuidt of I'lsli l)le of Dlsense.
A dispatch from Huntingdon, Pa., says
that a mysterious disease has seized upon
the black bass ami ethor fish in the Hays
town branch, and en Tuesday the lunks
I were lined with dead fish for miles. Theu
sands of dead bass, welglilng from oue eue
half te five pounds, were floating en the
water's surface or were piled up lu drills
along Its edges. This stream Is fained for
Its splendid fulling advantage, but during
the past two days it has been tcplcled of
neariy oil its nsn.
The Car and the Ceal They Contained
Thrown Upen n Vile Heavy Less
te the Pennsylvania Itallrenit.
The Pennsylvania railroad sulfated from
another very destructive wreck at an early
hour this morning. The accident happened
eue hundred yards west of the Little
Conostega bridge, which Is between Dlllor Dlller
ville and Itohrerstown. It was about
twenty minutes te ene o'clock when a
freight train drawn by engine 1337 was
passing east at this point. A breken-axle
caused ten cars U jump the track. All of
the cars were of the 00,000 class, and wero
leadod with coal. There Is an omllauk emllauk
inentat the place and the iieith track Is
thirty feet nbiiuthu ether ground, while
the south track Is twonty-llve feel higher.
Strange te say, but ene car wns knocked
down the ombankment, and It did net go
te the bottom, but hung evor the edge. The
cars wero all broken te pieces, aud they
were piled evor both tracks and upon each
ether. Thelr contents wero scattered in all
directions. The tracks wero tern up for
soveral hundred yards. Many of the rails
worn broken in pieces as though they had
been cut by machinery, while ethers were
bent and twisted In different shapes.
Immediately alter the accident happened
the wrecking crews of Parkesburg and
Columbia wero summoned. 'I hey were
seen en the grounds and at work under
the supervision of Hoberti:. Williams, of
Columbia, Although the accident hap
pened en the south track most of the
broken cars wero piled upon the north
track. There was a great delay te freight
trains. The Hist passenger trains Trem
Columbia te reach the wreck was the oue
due here at 8 o'clock from Columbia. It
was found necessary te transfer the passou passeu passou
gers by having thein walk around the
wreck. The trackB wero net lu shape for
running trains until a late hour this Tore Tere Tore
neon, mid men are still employed clearing
up the debris.
Notwithstanding the large number of
wrecks that this read has had during the
present season but very low peeple have
beeti Injuied. Thore wero no trainmen en
the cars that went off this morning.
Neighbors Quarrel nud Sue.
Elizabeth Herzeg and Mary Creuse are
neighbors, living ou Beaver street, and bo be bo
tween tlieir yaids lsa pump, both of which
had equal right te use. Warm weather Is
always a harvest for magistrates for suits
growing out of quarrels botween people
situated as theso were, and the city uldor ulder uldor
iiien have already had n ntimber or such
cases. The latest additions te their dockets
are cress suits brought hy the parties ubove
Mary Creuse entcred her complaint be be be
eoeo Alderman Halbach, aud'when she ap
peared at the magistrate's elUce she bere
ovidencos of rough tieatment at the hands
of her antagonist. Hei face was scratched
and her teeth loosened. She says Mrs.
Horzeg made the attack en her without
provocation. The charges she made woie
assault aud battery and malicious mischief.
Mrs. Horzeg says Mrs. Creuse was the
aggressor and the disturbance began by
Mrs. Creuse throwing dirty water and
stones in her yard, and when she rcmou rcmeu rcmou
strated Mrs. Creuse struck her. She pre
ferred charges of malicious mischief and
assault and battery befere Alderman Ilurr.
Avuimed Ills .Mether's Dnutli.
A I7-voar.eld boy, of Cesta Ilici whose
mother had suffered death aud weiseatthe
hands of Hermaiiozllle Chavez, a notorious
Imudlt, has been the means of bringing
Chavez te his eud. Chavez had maltreated,
rebbed and killed the woman. The boy,
when he heard of the manner of his mother's
death, threw Mown the Implements with
which he was working ou a colfce planta
tion, seized his machote aud declared he
would noer de another day's work until
his mother was avenged, anil disappeared.
Ten days afterward he came te police head
quarters, ut San Juan, aud said he had dis
covered the rendezvous of Chavez and his
accomplices en an nbaudeiied ranch n few
miles out from the city. He led the troops
te the place in the dead of night. The ban
dits, (hiding thomselves trapped, surren
dered without a shot. Chaez was tried,
com icted and shot.
An Opportunity for runners.
Frem tlie PhlUulclplilu ltccerd.
The fanners or Pennsylvania, whether
they belong te alliances or grauges or net,
have an interest in preventing the Quay
machine from usurping control of the
commonwealth and perverting Its govern
ment te K)iseual ends. This Is an Issue
in which the farmers have an interest in
common with all ethor cltlzens of Peun
syhanla, no matter what may be their
party associations. Upen the question
whether this great commonwealth shall
become the victim of ene man power In
Its basest form there Is small room ler
diflercuce of political opinion.
Accident tn Workmen.
This morning there was an accident at
the harness hardware manufacturing es
tablishment of Stnuer, Myers ik Ce., en
Cherry street, abeve .lames. The firm
uie putting a second steiy en the build
ing in the rear. Kive carpenters were at
work en the rafters when they gave way
and all fell te the lloer inside of the build
ing. Neuo of them weie Injured but
Geergo Lewis, a man ever sixty years of
age, who had his hack sprained somewhat
and was considerably bruised. He was
takeu te his home ou Seuth Queen strict.
All of Hie men made a narrow escape
'orleiiK Churseh Against Militiamen.
When seme of the Philadelphia troops
passed through Heading? late en Satuulay,
ler Mt. (irctua, it Is asserted that they mis
behaved themselves in the restaurant of
the Heading railiuad at Heading. Jehn
Kern, ene of the proprietors, reports that
they took away some glasses, tore oil the
tewel hook, danced en the counter, and
carried aw ay seme or his silverware. His
empleyes, no says, w ero powerless te pro pre
vent this. He savs he will demand pay
ment from the Philadelphia militiamen for
overyimiig mey ioek .
Fell Inte a Tlii'ehliiir .Miichlne.
About a mile and a half south or New
Freedom, Yerk county, en Tuesday allor aller allor
iieon, Dr. James Gay, aged 70 years, at
tempted tn walk across the feodtable of a
threshing machine that was In molten. He
slipped and lell Inte the machine. Beth
or his legs were se badly mangled, that
they had te be amputated. Prompt assist
ance only pioventcd him from being tern
te pieces. As it is his condition is se criti
cal that death Is looked for.
A lUu Picnic.
Maiuktta, July 23. The Pnshyleiian
Sunday school of this place, and the Luth
eran and Hefurmeil holiday schools, el
Maytevv n, yesterday held Ihcir giand pic
uiu ut Mount Gretna. It was very largely
attended, about 500 persons being en tbe
special train.
CuIIimI for itsoe.
Win. II. Given, attorney for Frederick
Novcgeld, issued oxecutlon en Tuesday
evening against Frank H. Wilsen, mer
chant of Columbia, feriS. Deputy Sheriff
McClaiu made the levy te-d y.
llrekn UN Arm.
Last evening Dr. M. U Davis set the
arm of Jehn Stunt, aged olevon years, son
et Andrew Shutt, of North Mary street,
who full nud broke his arm while ut play
with a number of ethur lmvs.
ISO Steamboat lnsseiiuers Narrowly Ks
cape Going Over.
It was a seemttig miracle that saed the
pleasure stcamer II and lt0 pistengers
from total less In the great waterfall at
Niagara Falls en Monday. The steamer,
which runs from Pert Hay te Huck
Hern Island, was obliged te run aground
en Green Island en account of the
low water in the river. The Island
is only a short distance below the
cataract. Just as the steamer was round
ing the island, lu the swiftest part of the
river at that point, the ongine gnve out.
The anchor was heaved overboard, but It
failed te catch for some distance, dragging
along the rock bottom. When Itdld finally
get held the beat was under such headway
Unit the bulkhead te which the hawser wen
attached was tern from its fastening.
When nearly the w hele chain had been
run out the end bocaine knotted in a hele
In the bulwark, and held the 4jerU The
trouble with the onglue proved te be a do de do
fectixo alve, which was seen ropalred,
aud the beat was again get under headway,
but se great was the ferce of the current
that It took fifteen minutes te get te where
the am her had caught, 100 feet up stream
I tern the beat.
There w ere about lt0 jiassengers en the
steamer and the pleasure barge attached te
it. There was a terrible uccue of confusion.
Women fainted, chlldrin screamed, and
mini lmili nAtU ntlifir irned-hvn. Tlin beat
was only a short dlstauce above the falls
w hen It sterpeit.
Twe Yeung 'Women Kml Thelr I.lves by
Drinking; Poison.
LoysUlle, Perry county. Pa., Is con
vulsed ever the sulfide of Mamle Hostet Hestet Hestet
eor, the ltt-yoar-eld daughter of Frank
Hosteller, the village blacksmith. Mamle
was found dead in bed en Sunday morn
ing, an empty laudanum bottle standing
ou the bureau in her bed chamber, giving
evidence of tbe means employed te take
her life. She also left n note en the bureau
w hlch read as fellows :
"lam tired of life and want te dle. I
cannot stand my troubles any longer.
Ilury me along side of gnuidfatfier lu the
New Hloemfloid eometery."
Mamle had a lever, Geerge Ueyer. At
the cake walks, picnics aud ethor public
frolics they w ero te be seen happy lu each
ethers society. On Saturday evening
Mamle saw Geergo en the village stroets In
the society of another young lady, which
plunged her into a stale of frenry. She
purchased the laudanum, roturned home
and swallowed it, nfter writing a note, and
retired. A yeunger slster slept with her
and being unable te nrouse her lu the
morning sounded an alarm which brought
the members or the household te the bed bed bod
side or the dead girl. Mamle was a goneral
favorlte lu the community In which she
moved. Her last request was com pi I oil
with, her body belng burled In New Hloom Hleom Hloem
floid en Tuesday afternoon.
Jennie, the 20-year-old daughter of Sam
uel Weldoii.efDanborough, Bucks county,
Pa., died en Tuesday from the effects el a
dese or parls green. Fer seme months
past 'she hud leeu living w Ith ihe family of
Squlie W. W. Hall, and formed an attach
ment for Haymond Hauser, who worked
as a farm hand for the squire. Her father
had told Jounle that she must cease receiv
ing the young man's attentions, bufr-net-withstaudlng
that her lever lell the empley
of Hull and went te live with a neighbor
ing farmer, and they clandestinely con
tinued te meet. They loved net wisely,
and the secret could net be hid from the
world much longer.
On Monday Jennie went te her home,
Just across the llelds fiem Squlre Hall,
and told her slster or her troubles and said
that she Intended te commit suicide. She
thou iiturncd te the squlie's and swallowed
the poison. In the evening she islted her
home again and told her mother what she
had dene. 71 physician was soul for who
endeavored te counteiact the poison, but
without success.
A Swindler Who Kuproseuted Illmseir
us u Lancaster County -Auditor.
Hev. Dr. I). 13. Klepp, of the First
Reformed church, Lebanon, had a visitor
en Tuesday who ropresoutod hlmself te be
ene of the auditors of Lancatder county.
The stranger stated that he had the plcasure
of presenting te the doctor a check Ter f lf0,
the money having been bequeathed te the
First llefermcd Sunday school by a lady
who at oue time wau a member of the
church. The "auditor" blandly added
that the charges amounted te (1.S0, which
wero paid. The doctor subsequently dis
covered that the check was bogus.
The rascal also called ukii Hev. Geergo
II. Hesser, of St. Jehn's Reformed church,
and gave the nilnister a check for $250, en
which Iho charges were $2.50. He then
called en theSlsters of Charity erSt. Jeseph
convent, te whom he gave a check for $350,
staling that it hud been vvllled te the church
by u frlend of the Inte Father Kuhluian.
The man asked for $3, but the sisters told
him they had net that amount lu their pos
session, aud he departed without getting
auy money. The fellow Is a small built,
clean-shaved man, and gave lilsnaineiis
Aloxander M. Ilrciiuen.
Families ut Wur.
The family or William Qultiii aud Mrs.
LlUabeth I,ehr are having a let or tieuble.
The latter has sued Qulnii befere Alder
man Hershey, charging him with lalse
pretense Shu nays that she gave him
meney te pay costs lu a uise against parties
bofeio Alderman Barr. He paid part of
the costs aud kepi the remainder of the
money with which he skipped te Heading.
Mrs. Lehr has prosecuted Qulnii aud his
wife for being drunk and disorderly.
Suuilay (school Anniversary.
The twenty-Ien rth annual celebration of
tlie Loxlngten Union .Sunday school will
be held In Kliue's giove, nuat Lexington,
en Saturday, August i. Voial and Instru
mental music by the si huel, and setct tiens
efa hand are en the pregramme of exer
cises. ( might In thulli'llliig.
Mary llarnharl, or Ne. Ill Dervvart
street, had an ai in severely injured while
Htvveik at Ne. I cotton mill en Tuesday
iiftoriieou. Whi e attending te something
at the machinery her arm was caught hy
the belting and badly bruised. She was
lucky te escape without any broken bones.
An Ueenu Steamer Hurtix.
Lonpen, July Si. The Dutch steamer
Sjiaarudaui, Capt. Benjer, passed the Isle
Wight te-day. She signalled that the Na
tional Line steamer I'gypt, dipt. Sumiier,
Irein New Yerk, July 10, for Liverpool,
had been abandoned ou flie at sea, aud
that her crew were en beard, Iho Ilrltish
lank steamer, Manhattan, ('apt. Hobinseu,
from New Yerk, July It, for Hull, ami
would he landed at Dever. The i'gypt did
net carry any first class passengers.
Three el n Family Murdered.
.St. Leets, July SI. A special le the
lirpultlte from Austin, says: A double
murder occuried at a small village In
Williamson county. liikiiuvvu parties
went te the house of a Mexican named
Mltana and shot and killed him his wife
and their llve-j ear-old daughter. A little
boy escaped. It Is thought Hint revenge
was the cause ami that utter killing the
fdtl r Iho murderers killed Iho ether
iik ihersef the family.
( ntcliliic Plenty of Turtles.
1 or several weeks past Joe Kautz,
Charles Reese, Charles Flannery, Jehn
llullnagle mid Jehn Resli have been ou
n turtle fishing expedition through thn
lower end of this county, in Chester and
Cecil county, Maryl in 1 Sixty four snap
Iers, which they stilpjw 1 from Coiievviugo,
have been locelvcd here.
With Secretary Proetor ana ether He
Will Witness the Itevlevr or the
Troepaln the Afternoon.
Meu.Nr GnKTNA, July 23. A dispatch
lias been received at the slate National
Guard encampment stating that Presldent
Harrison will lie In Camp Hartranfl to
morrow with Secretary of War Procter
and ether prominent military men.
The distinguished gnosis will leave
Washington en a special train and will
arrlve in camp about neon.
The rovlevr of all troops will take place
at (1:30 In the aftornoen.
Heady te Pretest.
Nkw Oni.KANs, July ai. The Chamber
or Commerro and Industry of Luusiana,
the largest commercial body In the Seuth,
having been asked for thelr vlews of the
suggestion te held u convention of South
ern men te consider what Is host for the
Seuth te de Ifthe " ferce" bill, new before
Congress, should become law, replied as
" It Is our opinion that the commercial
Seuth should at once meet lu cenv ontleii te
dollberatc and dcclde upon the ceurse It
will adept In the event that our Nerllurn
fellow countrymen should olect te dis
solve the bietherly ties which have
grown up botween us during a quarter
of cenlury or profound poace and te
establish it Poland or an Ireland
ou the Western homlsphero in place of the
prosperous land new extending a' heatty
wclcnme te Northern capital and Northern
muscle. Should any considerable number
of commercial bedies of the Seuth share
our views we shall at ence appoint dele
gates te attend any couveutlon which may
be called le consider the situation,"
Slgued Keiikht ,
Fatally Injured by Melten Metal.
CniuAiie, July 2J. Anten Pronder and
Jeseph Laveiidusky, two laboring men
employed in the converting mill of the
Illinois steel company's works, wero badly
burned by inolteu steel late last night.
Pronder cannot survlve but Lavendusyy
may rocevor. The men woie engaged In
swinging a lingo pet containing eight tens
of the molten steel from Iho furnace te the
meulding bed when accidentally the steel
pin was knocked out of tbe fastening at the
bottom or the vossel und the melted metal
rushed out. It flew in overy direction aud
the men ran for their lives, but the metal
flew nil ever them, burning great holes in
their tlesh whorevor it struck.
Cntliellu Archlilslieps tn Convention.
Hest en, July 23. The archbishops of the
United States assembled for thelr an
nual meeting te-day In St. Jehn's
seminary at Brighten. Among Iho
prelates present are the following ;
Archbishops Hyan, of Philadelphia;
Konreck, of St. Leuis; Fcehan, of Chi
cago; F.lder, or Cincinnati; Ireland, of
St. Paul; Jamisons, of New Orleans;
Kierduti, of San Francisce; Gress, of Om Om
geu ; Williams, or the New Kiigland See,
and Caidlnul Gibbens. The latter will
proslde evor the deliberations. Arch
bishop Cerrlgan, or New Yerk, Is absent,
ew ing te u controversy between the bishop
and Dr. Burtscll.
Milwaukee will net be represented, as the
successor of Archbishop llelss, who died
a short while age, has net yet been chosen.
The meeting of the Souate of the Catholic
University of Washington takes place this
week, probably te-morrow, at St. Jehn's
s'jiuluary. The meetings will be strictly
Fatalities lu Minnesota,
Minneapolis, July 23. A Marshall,
Minn., speclal says; At 5:30 p. in. yester
day a black cloud rcsembllugn great ser
pent reached downward fiem the deuse
black mass or storm clouds that had
formed during the afternoon and mov
ing in a southeasterly direction demolished
the buildings of three farmers living nlne
miles northwest of here. A child or Felix
Dei cau had Us leg broken. Anether had Its
head crushed and died during the night.
Mrs. Doreuu, tee, was seriously brulsed.
Mrs. A, M. Opdahl aud child were blown
by a cyclone en te a wlre fonce and
seriously bruised. Twe of Opdahl's horses
wero carried from the barn te the pasture
near by without Injury.
Ministers Appelutad.
Wasiiinoiex, July 23. The piosidenl
s"nt the following nominations te the Sen
ate te-day ; Te be unveyH extraordinary
and mlnlsters plenipotentiary oftlie United
States, Themas II. A"liilersen, of Ohlo,(new
minister tesldent and consul goneral at La
I'a.), te Belivia ; Clarke I". Carr, or X 111 111
nelf, (new minister resldeul and con
sul general at Copenhagen), te Dumarara
Jehn D. Washburn, of MassacliilscUH,(new
minister resident and consul general at
Berne) te Switzerland ; Jehn L. Stevens,
of .Maine, (new inlnlslur resident at Hono
lulu) te Hawaiian Islands; Geergo Marcy,
or Tennessee, (new mlnlster leslduut at
Montevideo) te 1'aruguay and Uruguay.
An Iiihuiie Muu'h DoecIh.
Whkki.inu, July SJ. This morning at 4
o'clock Mandavllle Ault, deputy recorder
or Belmont county, Ohie, while laboring
under a temporary fit of Insanity caused by
the death of his child and sickness, shot
hluiKcirin the head. The ball passed around
the skull without ilelng serious damage.
He Immediately tilrned and shot his wife,
who was standing near, killing her
Instantly. He then went te his lather's
barn and hung himself from the ra Iters.
Tim sheeting occurred at his home near
Centrevllh', Belmont county.
IVnolies it ml Apples Hoarce.
Bai.timeiu , June Si. Peaches and ap ap
plei nre almost unknown fruits lu the
orchards horcabeuts tins year, and six for
S") cents retailing rates for peaidics In the
markets- will keep them olfefuiost tables.
Thore Is lu Pennsylvania, near the Mary
laud line, an orchard of 2.r,lK) peach trees
lu vigorous growth. List year this orchard
produced 15,000 bushels of line fruit. This
year thorn Is in the w hele orchard but a
single peach.
Fggs and Kiultry aroj'alse scarce and
dear. Baltlmeiu is shipping large quanti
ties of thickens te Pittsburg.
Twe More Ai'i-c-Mcd,
Nhvv Yiinic. July 23, -Cornelius Merritt,
undertaker, who buried the body of Annie
Goodwin, the cigarette girl, was brought
te Harlem polke court this morning and
held In $1,000 bail te appear as a witness
against MrGenlgal and Harris. Wig.
Davidsen, Dr. McGenlgal's driver, who
dro"e elf with the body or the girl from
the lylng-ln ntylum te Merrill's under
taking shop, was arraigned In Harlem
court aud held lu $2,500 ball as an accessery
after the fact.
Admitted te Hall.
Nkw Yeiik, July 2k Jai.ies A. .Sim
mons, who Is under Indictment In the
United Slates courts for bink wrecking,
was admitted te ball te-day in thu suill vf
A Little Philosophy en a Subject ofUnl efUnl
vursnl Interest.
Frem the New Yerk Bun,
Almest every ene tries te be economical
at ene tlme or another, but thers are very
few people who econemizo wisely. Cloth
ing is ene of the easiest things te be fool
ishly economical about. Tills is particu
larly truu about shoes. Shoes are essential
te comfort, though perlmps net te happi
ness. A man who has tight shoes en, or
whose shoes wabble around en his feet,
cannot be really comfortable, ncither can
he be comfertablo If his shoes are crooked
or twisted, or de net leek well. If he has
te wear the same pair of shoes overy day,
they wear at Iho same places en his feel
and detract rrem his comfort. It Is also
bad business policy.
Shoes cost Irem $1.25 up te Sit a iwlr.
Fourteen dollars Is as much as any pair of
ordinary walking shoes cost In New Yerk
city. Seceiid-hiiud shoes can be bought os
low as 25 cents a pair. There Is a wlde
margin between tliose extremes. A man
who wants le be economical usually buys
neither ene kind or shoes nor the ether.
He dees net buy $14 shoes because they
ceit tee much ; he dees net buy second
hand shoes because he dees net llke the
Idea or having second-hand things.
Usually he gets an Imitation el' tlie
best grade of shoes. This Is tbe most costly
thing he cau de. A real $1 1 shoe will out eut out
wartvve$7 imitations of II. It will net
outwear tvve$f pads of shoes that are $7
ialrs of shoes nud de net pretend le be any
thing else. Hut that Is net se much what
the economical mail buys, instead of going
te the choaiier shoe stores ami getting thelr
host shoes he gees lu ene of the costly shoe
stores and gets their cheiiiiest shoes. This
Is oue of the economies which a man thinks
saves him $10 or $15 a year and which docs
Tlie way (e clethe one's feel cheaply Is
te buy several pairs of shoes et a tlme and
never te wear any of them out. Shoes
worn twlce a week will last for years,
while a pair of shoes worn overy dav will
net last mom than a few months. When
a man wears the same pair of shoes overy
day, the strain comes en the same places
In the shoe and tlie same parts of his
feet; the shoes get damp, nud the tension
is net relaxed except at night. When a
man steps In it mud puddle or gets his
shoes rained ou ene day, the leather hy Iho
next day Is net in it condition te be worn,
while if the shoes wero put away nud let
stand for a fuwdnys, they should be all
right again, and might even be better for
having been wet. Then the style dees net
change In shoes as in hats nud clothes, se
thore is no troubleln pionervlng thein In
dellnttely. Twe pairs of patent leather low
shoes will de ler summer wear for flve
years If preperly treated. Thiee pairs of
walking shoes will last for two years with
out heeding half soling. They will always
leek well, only all thn shoes must he
bought at unce and kept for seme tlme
before belng worn. This is u little point In
economy whluh will save any reader of
this paper mera than it cost.
Blcotrfe Light lu Hallway Trains.
Frem tlie New Yerk Blcctrleal World.
In thu United States at least the system
of lighting fiem storage batteries, charged
at each end of the run, dees net appear te
Increase In popularity. The Bosten fc
Albany railroad, after two and a half years
trial, recently abandoned electricity ou the
two trains that were nit lighted botween
New Yerk and Bosten, and substituted the
Pintsch gns syfAmu. It Is stated that the
principal cause of this at Uuu was the
cutting down of the overhoad wires lu
New Yerk, prevciitlng them from charging
the stoiage batteries at that end of the line,
as the cars wero net equipped with oil
lamps which could be used during that
time, but It Is also clalined that considerable
treti bio was experienced fiem the lamps
frequently breaking and that (he oxpenso
of maintenance was loe great.
The Pennsylvania company, howevor,
still continues te light Its puiler cars from
the storage batteries, using a low voltnge
The Intercolenial Hallway of Canada has
adopted the accumulator system alone ou
the trains betvvoeu Halifax and Quebec,
and new have mero than forty cars fitted
up with olectrle lamps, which are of slxtoeit
eandte power, und vary Hern olevon te
tvv euty-tvve te it car. Thu iicciunulateis ure
chaiged ut four different points ou the line,
running about 500 miles with the one
charge, ami the results thus far obtained
are very sallMfacteiy, but te provide for
emergencies oil lamps have been retained
In each cur.
The combination of dynamo and storage
hnttery first adopted by the Pullman com
pany Is gradually being oxtendod in this
country, and Is giving gicat satisfaction lu
the Hast nud West, but, It appears, at n
large expense for maintenance. Tlie Chesa
peake and Ohie vestibule train, " Fast Fly
ing Virginian," running between New
Yerk tls Cincinnati with six cars, Is sup
plied! with 118 lamps, divided up thus:
Twe Pullmans, 30 lamps each ; dining car,
20; day coach, 10; combination car, 13,
and the baggace car. 2, Up te May 1, Ib'JO,
the average cost per lamp, for mainte
nance and renewals was $1.10 per mouth.
Yet where the exhaust steam Is utilized
for heating the tialu the cost can be materi
ally decieasi.'d.
With this object iu view the Chicago,
Milwaukee it St. Paul railway has recently
added te Its equipment two Independent
light and heat tenders, which carry thelr
own boilers for steam heating aud for run
ning a Westlnghotise automatic, engine, at
tached le a Ne. 1 Ldlsun couieiiim wound
dynamo, supplying the current illrett for
lighting all the cars In thu train, thiisdelng
away with the dynamo ou the baggage car
and storage battery combination.
The results huve been very ravorable,
and during inoie than six mouths or con
stant service thore has net been u slugle
failure. This company has four trains,
covering about forty-llve cirs, lighted by
electricity, ami expects te adept this system
OI lllllliunaiieu ou an ei us iiireiigu irunis.
It Is confidently believed that the cost or
lliditlmr trains bvi'lectrlelty In thu United
.Stales can be great I V reduced by adoption
the method se largely used abroad of get
ting power rreiu the axle.
Mr. Houghten, thu telegraph superin
tendent or the Londen, Brighten fc Seuth
Coast railway, ene or the patentees or the
system, advises me that there ure sixteen
trains running ou that read which are se
lighted thirteen et them local trains ami
three express; the speed f Iho oxpress
trains reaches seventy miles an hour,
while that or the locals i uus Irem 20 te l
miles per hour,
The ex pi ess trains are wired fur an aver aver
age of seventy lamps, and thu ethers forty;
thn audio peiver et these lamps varies
from 8 te 10, acceiding te the speed of train.
Tlie dynamo furnishing em rout Ter these
lamps Is placed In the baggigecar, and has
a pulley at each end connected by belts
direct with the axles ofthe car.
Iligersell ou Protection.
Cel. Hobt. G. Ingonsell Is repotted as
having recently ex pi esscd himself as fol fel
lows; I believe In protecting what are called the
infant Industries, but after these " Infants"
get six loot high and w car Ne. 12 beets It Is
about tlme te step rocking thu cradle,
nsMtclally when thu "Infant" lulls you that
It 3 mi slop inciting no win get, out ei me
cradle and kick yem head off.
Fall Frem u Wugen.
The herse of Biitcher Frank became un
ruly ou Rockland street this morning and
began kicking In it vigorous manner. A
child of Mr. Fiank's fell out of thu wagon
while the herse was at ids antics, and the
front wheels passed river him. He was
rescued by Henry Keller, and found te be
but slightly bruised.
Special Train Fer luidlsvllln.
On Sunday'next special trains will run
from this city en both toads, and the round
rarewill he S tents. 'Hie train evor the
Pennsylvania read will leave Lancaster at
6:l5and returning will leave LaudisvIUe
at i:li, The Heading train win ic.tve
Kin,; street ut 8.03 and 10:00 a. in. and 1:15
aud 3:55 und 0:50; returning the-last car
will leave Indisvllle at 0:40.
Tlie Flrt Itutiirnii Frem Pennsylvaulii.
The census returns for the ontlre state of
Penusylvunla have been received at the
census oil lee. This U the Hint state te
send (i lull relui us.
secretary lllnlue fcaya the Sal
Mill Belli Considered by Him
tlie Ilrltish Premier.
WAsniNciTeN,July23 The Am
day soul te the Heuso of Hepresea
an answer te a resolution Intredu
Iteprosentatlve Hill, thn efllclat eer
deiicn between Iho goveriiment,
untied htntev and the gevernn
Greut Britain, touching the seal As
of Hehrliigse.1. $'J
in ins accompanying letter eftran
te Iho presldenl Secretary Blaine,
uate or Bar Harber, July 19, rwrp
delay lu transmission which the! I
dent directed en thu 11th Inst., aJA;
that correspondence Is still iu pr
The cm resiKindonce Includes
separate papers, beginning wltk
letter from Mr. Kdwards, first.
tary of legation asd "barge d'l
after Minister West's call dated Ae
1SSP, and closing with one from
tary Hlnlne te Sir Julian Paunc
Ilrltish minister, dated July 19th, 18W,
Terrible JinVcIs of n Tornado W
swept Over Part of North Dak
llil.t.Mione, July 21, A tornado
ever Trail county at four o'clock ye
aftcinoeu, striking In a farming
nlty a few miles below Galejhurg, 'Ml
liouses wero blown down and it is I
that several nflrflnni wrrri klflnil. V,
Hammend Jensen, n laborer, arrjisjj
here last evenlngand said he saw enei
man and sevcntl injured near the villi
Hunter. He stated tliut seven
wero killed, but he did net learn turn
of any of them. 3jfl2;
it nailed furiously rer aueut twenty I
tiles, ami it is reared thousands en
crops nre dostreyod.
Tried a New Ballet Srstem.
GesrtKN, lud., July 23. Hoeslera-J
terduy had the first political lest of tbei
Australian election law In an election '1
hore upon the question of voting a i
of $52,000 lu aid of the projected Te
Chicago air line railroad. The ald'l
voted by a majority of about four hits
As it campaign of education hadi'l
carried en little trouble was ex peril
by Iho inspectors. There were
booths reserved for the voters tn '
they marked their ballets, after havlagl
tell clerk's signature placed en the:
About twenty ballets have been thr
out ou account of net having the
Initials. t-;
Cloudburst In Colerado. vV,f3
dknvi.h, cel., July 23. Telegrams 1
Central City yesterday reported heavy I
In that section during the past three
In the nftorueoii the storm cultnln
n heavy cloudburst ever Winnebago!
Maryland mountains, doing great
along the line eflYi'STws
read. Mail facilities are also out e4Tl
FeurMlln Giiilch and ethor peiHift'i
cent, Twe women und a child cafBptag)!
Heaver brook were swept away Djrt
ing torrent. A large force of msa arvjjl
work repairing the damage, but I
thotightcnmmunlcatlen will net bet
under three days.
Xuplithn Works Ditmajtnd
Ni:w Yeuic, July 23. At four e'i
i .
this morning a naphtha tank burst la
pump neustr or tne consolidated gas wi
ou Avenue A, near 21st street, and
house caught fire. The whele block
the nvouiie te the river Is filled
gas mid naphtha funks. James DeVee,"-
pump tender en duty, was horribly bui
and at Hollevuo hospital, where he wm
moved. It Is axpocted he Will die.
naphtha in two of Iho tanks burned for
hours, The less te the naphtha werka
InrL-n. W
( A Thousand te Htrlke,
Ni;w Yenic, July 23. The beard of
gales of the building trades will e
te-morrow a geueinl strlke against'
work iu Iho public schools of tbla .
owing le the employment of non-u:
painters by Irrospeuslblo suu-uenti
About 1,000 men in various tradea wiU'bf
called out altogether. There is great n
nation among the union at the practice j
subletting contracts, which breed
work and bad workmen. ?g."
Twe Heys Drewn While Fishing. ?
WATKinewN. n. Y.. July 23. wuu
und Asa Merill, boys from Sandy Creeky
Oswego county, went out tuuiug :
.Huberts' Cerner pond, near Adams, yeatetx
day ultcruoen. in trying te lanuaptem-
eiel the beat capsized and tbew Went
ilrrnvned. ,V
. s;
Twe Killed 111 All KXDlOStOn. 4!
PirrsliUite, July 23.-Tbe flouring m"B- j
of Mead Hros., ut North Jacksen, OHIO, "
wus completely wrecked this morning by 8
mi .ivnies nil or tne ueuur. ueerse iueaa. '
engineer, and Win. Themas, an empleye,
were killed Instantly, und William Mike.
soil Is probably fatally Injured. tKi
. .. . ... -i........ 'jJ
LOIIIiemr ul-uiiii w wum z
t . tn ,1,1.1 l. !. r.T.
BOSTON, Jtliy -, nil" """KJ
Ulall JMCIIIU rumvuy iuiiii maiuiirf
inents made seme time Hgojfer the purcher
.rthe entlie New Brunswick railway,
thereby conuects ocean te ecean by Its ew
Iren. &-
Flre naviiire erwiiy 'town. ' I'M
Londen, July SI. The town of
niprfest, In Norway, has neon aimew ee-
streyeii iy ure. mil iiiuuihwiwie """vsg
rondered homeless and are In a starving V;
condition. Previsions and clothing vej
hien sent te the sulforers.
I',.v,,l laim Vll't I I11S of SUlinllPOX. 'i'
Cahie, July 2J.-Sinallpex is ravaging
ii. ,, villi, -cm between Munseuray aadv
.......!... ,,,,..1 itimi.. nre belntr allueat.V
'S""Si rwr...... - - - ,l
declmated. ;
u... 1.-,hlirfAtt'IS4. "4,!
IVl'.Allli.n . .... - ,.aj-
i 1 Washington. D. C. July 23. S
I'.nr. eathur followed te-nlgllt eftb
I'ri.i.rulnv iiieruiuir bv showers;
souiherly winds j slight change in tempera-J?
mm. Jl
,..-., i.i wv.illier Forecasts The cool'.
niiii.evflime is passing castwar 1 off. tb,
Atlaniie coast, and a "het wave" whlcli
:..... ..... nru il, Xnrl iwest will prebablYi
advance slowly cast and be Incri-aslnKPTV
roll iu this section for soveral days. rem
ra i in ilm iTnltcHl btates vcsier-
lay; the thief minima reported were 38
. ' r..'.,.. i,i..,...iimi. ut Nnrthfle Id. At., and J
"'B . .. ". "":."' ...! lt.,.ter ! IIibXu
en ui i.ikswuii, .-.v., ...... .,, jwj.r ija
chief maxima vvereSS at laiulsvllle, 02 at-jd"
B smart k, N. u. ; in av reii wiwh "'-i
Wat Feil Sill. lud. T., and Fert hully, Bj-J
u.; y3 iu i. ?!"'? .-.Vi.-"v?:,v
).; 100 at uauer t-ity '."'i.'.'wii.'-i
i'. iii,.nM.u r lv. und let afWalla-. -
Walla. Wash. In the Middle aUtes and
Ne iv England wanner, fulr weainer ina.
r;'i.. ... ..,..1. .ntiilinrr winds will prevail. ,
whh mero sultry coudiilensln this sectlee, i
followed by local ruiuiu uiu "rSi""l
F.urepcan Moauiers new s-illlng freni Ner-,
eik will have niestly lhthl. southerly V
bleeps te the Banks and fair weather, lnj
terruptcd ny leg norm ei " "m "W
parallel, i -i' .
'i. , e.-,-
t - ..-