isramaicweEH, (Tuesday; jult 22, 191. fc' ' h'-A K3'5 r- St 37, Wt: if! m'S &i?r- i? ' nf fl .K-r U-' 1 Ui ):- :.V fe m 'J? n StatlH JtittUtgettcwr if. , CRARLB9 STKINM AN reLTZ, Editor. I ROBERT CLARK Publisher. $ , t DAILY 1NTELUUKNCE11.-Published f rery d lu the year, butHunday. Served " (i Dnunni 1U HUB city nuu huiiwuuuiub ,'j.j,, lawns Mien cents ft week, nymaiinveaoi nymaiinveaei S tan )-mrliiAdrance:SOcfntnmanth. Sr H'MRLYINTELUCIENCER-OnedellBr Mid W,rfi Wly cents n year, In advance. Bfi-,e'" 1IWI.. It. tir.lwnMIMtfnU -Hamll 1,1. ftfvlr V or postefflco order, nnd where neither of X , '.IkWtan be procured Bend In it registered Jtf letter. wnnerea mr me losieince, us sccuim triivts ihii , Hatter. Abdbww, THB IrTTELLIOEKOER, LnucAster. Fn. -& . LANCASTER, FA., July 22, 1800. 1jw Hcferni. Sluce the days of old Herodotus but tvib two B""1 ylci"9 of Jurisprudence liuve I C amwn in iiintnrltv' for lefrnl RVftfnnm m - ?:.::" .i:r"i:..r': "" . ,i. jj line umiuuiu censuiuuuiin niu nuv niv fS creations of n dnv. but the slew irrewlh jbjp.ef centuries. These systems nre In active i,-S-otxTatien in all the leading civinzca M'wnllenB. The first, the civil law of R Reme, with vnrleu local modlflcntlens -& and Additions, lies nt the fomidntleu of ;i. the legal system of the Germanic and Latin nations of Continental hurepc. Thesecend, the common law of Eng- ; ., laud, with .inillnr local varlntleni and P-2lr- l-l.- 1 i i. rtn...i jtt3kltlllt.llt:ill3, 11 UIV 1IHV (II II1U UllllUU gift States as well as that of Grcnl llrltnln 5 nnd Ireland, Austrulln, llrlttsh India, p Canada, and of all the ether lands, In. ? deed, ever which Victeria, iim queen and f etnpresi, reigns. I The common law, whlcli Km admirers f nre went te call " the perfection of " human wisdom," is simply immemorial ! custom crystallized in the decisions of a many generations efjudges, and found i. In England in the yearly records the decisions of the court of queen's licncli ; and in this country, In our supreme court reports. In Euglnnd It is medllled by local custom and supplemented by nets of Parliament; In the United StHtes, j It Is both modified and supplemented by ft statute tht nets of our ecveral state ItUluturca. t The law, above all (IiIuks elte, should jL- be clear and certain. Yet all of our elder Mates have already Issued many J mere than ene hundred volumes of mi- preme court reports, and as we have te- day ferty-three states, each issuing an f uually a large volume, the multitude of S- decisions and of eenlllcllng authorities f Is sufllelently bewildering te drive even ir the eldest lawyer te the verge of insanity. fe- It would be dlftlciiltte frame a legal $ preposition, net en its face idiotic, for which an Industrious advocate cannot tinu a score or authorities. " The law," said Aaren .Burr, nearly a century age and the bitterness of the sarcasm lies S iu its truth" the law is whatever is f Imlillv nurlpfl mill iiliuinlM.. ....,!.. RJA " " " ,-ituniuij iiidlll lr talued." Yet, in these days, It was ruuimcii.v ummi eempnrcii co us condi tion te-day even in New Yerk and iu uplteef the cede. That which should be as clear us crystal and as certain as fate is as obscure as tliou tlieu tliou eundsef conflicting precedents eijn make It and as uncertain as (be tenure? of lin- SJi'i man life. eencernliiL' which no ihmh WJ, knows what u day may bring fertli. WiQ 1U memoiisei enforcing rights and ifSp reurLs'"K wrongs siieuki be exiedllieus IMH auu cueaivvei uie law's Uelays " unit rt-ne "cxiit'use of litigation " have bu- winie me people's most ramlllar iire- AfcyrTT'"t7 't,'1 ii'3 i- u" uu'iir ns ii 3rnt.....n. ,.:. .. vr. vnrnu hi. it i.k. iln ..., ,.i IIUUUIV5S milium.-! any and a wrong as glaring us its mid-day sun, and yet ' years may elapse before It is possible te euiorce tue one erreilrcs the etlier. ?,The most just claim may Impoverish 3 the claimant before he can hecure Its payment by due course of law. Jn the law courts, Justiee iu continually sacri ficed te form and the clearest rights held in abeyance by neme ancient precedent established In uuethcr age and as wholly uiibiiited te modern civilisatien ns a coat of mail te modern warfare. Turtles te suits are compelled te await for weary yearn the argument and de cision of quivtieiib of practice which they de net understand and iu which they have net the slightest interest. He, tee, our criminal cede und prac tice, especially In Pennsylvania, Is fulrly honeycombed with absurdities, anachronisms, obstructions te Justice und loopholes for the ccapa of wealthy , offenders. "The facility" says (.'. (J. Bouncy, !i., the piesldcut of the Illi nois Stale liar association, "with which mere unfortunates are converted into hopeless criminals, Is equaled only by the ease with whlcli desperate offenders bailie efforts te subject them te punishment, while they burden the community with enormous exijenses of prolonged and lepeatcd criminal trluK" These evils make Justice a bv-werd aud bring our courts year after vc'uriiite mere general contempt. Yet they should cemmund, of all our institutions, the highest ceulldcnce aud the most exalted respect. Hew hall this consummation se "devoutly te be wlbhed " be made, instead of a forlorn hope, a living reality V Certain reforms ate absolutely necessary. The Judicial force should be increased se that all causes may be fullv heard Instead of half heard. The prin ciples, pleadings and practice of equity (heuld le cMeuded te all civil eaves. Aud iu tlie leferm of our criminal cede the Hint step should be the abolition in all our cities of aldermeu's courts and the fee system, and iu their plaee a single recorder's court, presided ever by n salaried elllcer who must In; an educated gentleman learned in the law. This tingle reform would tuke from our overcrowded quarter fusions one-half of the petty cases whlcli are at precent returned, besides saving the taxpavers thousands of dollars every year. These, however, me eniv a few of many lerernis which, if brought about, would make our courts iu very truth pluces " wherein jimtice I Judicially aJmlnietered." W'ev In ( America. The war iu Ceutial America will claim mere Interest Iu the civilized world than the wars iu that region have Usually icccived, because telegraphic communication by way of Mexico has deve!eied of recent yeius, and we can learn the Interesting details of the strug gle. Then it happens that news is dull, that public attention iu this country has been drawn te our Southern neighbors by the Puu American congress and "Sir. Blaine's reciprocity (-cheine, and thut the war Jut U-gmi may end iu thounien of five turbulent little military republics n us te form ou roeetablo nation. It generally observed by thofe famil iar with Central America that it Is f rely utllieted with fever, iwlitics und gvrteraU. At pre.ient the ttenerula are virulent, atul there seems te Ik a fair pixteipect of a war Involving ull live re publics. Little Falvnder K net se weak m It may beein, fur although small iu territory, It Is strong in population, wealth and Intelligence, and Menu te be well assured of the support of. the two southernmost states, Nicaragua and Cesta Itlca. These three have always been opposed te the schemes for a Central American union agitated by Guatemala, becaiim they feared that In any such union that state would practically held the power. The relative sire of the re publics may be understood from the fol lowing i Giintenmlit, rii. mlln lft,sm, imputation I,'i'i2,'l00 Hun .Satvnder 7,'WD, " rl,0n llnndnnn, " tn;m, nreM) .Nlrannifii, " W.ime, " MM,(m Ctwln Illr " l9,tM0, " 1&,K0 The nlllaiiL-c lietwccn (Guatemala and Honduras seems te make a union strong enough te overpower the ethers, but If Salvader has gained the first victory, as reported, the final result Is very doubt fill. Drain Patching. .V mud crusher deprived an Iowa lad of au ounce of his brains last week, but the doctors say he will get Along very well with what he has left. This Inci dent opens n wonderful vista through which the Imagination may harmlessly wander cutrauccd with the prospect of a future when surgery applied te chil dren may tap the brains of the preco cious and equalize the intellectual ca pacity of mankind. Then mortals will be rated by the census takers according toeuncesof brain and each cllicnmay be sternly required te get as much work as possible out of his weight of intellect. Great men can be cultivated artificially by the nddltleu of spare ounces of brain from these who might apcar top heavy. Think of (he mngulflcent specimen of nmukind which might be produced by the addition of n few ounces of brain te u'yeuthful Jehn Sullivan I Con template the adjustment of capaci ties te circumstances which might be aflected by the donation of bevcral ounces of lnentul capacity te Baby Me- Kfel At present that Infautcan hardly hope te live up te his fame as it glows witli him, but with the aid of a mud crusher aud a few surgeons he may, perhaps, be helped along. Tun rioting or tlie militia ut Mount Un.'hm docs net sceiu te have been of soil seil soil eus coliscqtinnce, but tendencies of tlie kind cannot be tee severely discounted. If tlie troops should iirouse tlm slightest f.ur tlmy could forget they nre clll clll zens wlille training as selillcis a strong oppeilllon te llielr sutiimer camps as a body would seem Juslllled. Tun thousand armed men, filled with respect for the laws, inukeu iiinKiiltlcmit spnctnele, and thore Is no doubt tluil our uillltliimeu nre of (lint type, but tney must give no oxciise for dis trust. A sketch of the llfe of Abraham Hnr lny C'nsscl Iu tlie Philadelphia 7'him, Is net only Interesting en account of the remarkable character of the !eluttd (lerninu Htudcu t and collector el iiire books, hut ehlully licciiuse of tlm feed for rorlens rcllnctlen which It iilluriN ami of tlie moral which adorns tee lale. Mr. Cnssel was born in Montgomery county, Ph., Hoptcni Heptcni Hoptcni ber'Jlxl, lt!0. Ile early dovehipcd an in in H.itlable thlril for kuowledge, whlcli neither tlie prohibition of his patents who like uiiivt of the Meuiioulte sect, especially In theso days, lield odiiculieu te be an Invention of tlie duvll -nor his unfavoiable surreiiudlugs, ceuM subdue nor turn nnlde. The peer boy wus sickly, but instead of hendliig hliu te school, nnd thore woie no free schools in these days, he was made te work in the Holds. He became, therefore, his own teacher, and the story of his indefatigable pursuit of knowledge uuder almost In In In Huporubledlfilciilties Is pathetic In tlie ex treme. "Ile learned te wille with u pen which he hud made from u chicken feather by the aid of u butcher-knife. He worked long days In the weeds and iituirrles Iu oider te earn a (uw cents for books and tuition. He studied at nlfjlit by the light of the lli', and when his father saw that his seu was determined te learn, he forbade him this privilege." When he went te his cold bed-room te htudy, his parents depilved hlni of uiatehus" aud candles, but he mtmtged te puichase a box of matches for tweuty-five cents, and a store-keopor kindly piesentcd him with a pack of tallow candles mid thus pro vided, he .studied iu (he long winter nljjhls in secrecy. He afterwards be came a liimeiis school teacher; nod although living many miles from a rail way, he collected a library of eer fitly thousand volumes. Ue lias pievuuteit tlieusauds el these te the Pennsylvania Historical society, and te Mt. Merris col lege, n Diiuknid institution at Mt. Meri is, III. His library contains sixty rnre Hiblcs und many old books of great value. He has made himself In every vensn of the phrase. He is a line linguist, a master or sonie of the bcioiices, and an authority upon tlie history and iinthpiitles or lilsuatie Htate. Wliut un exHinple Air the emulation of ambitious boys doe such a cuieccr af ford! Tin. debasing eu'ecl of a pension system Is faiily lllustnitcd by the histeiy et the Mexican war pension bill, Congress rejected this measure. At lavt, howevor, the elalm agents und lobbyists proved by the tables or mortality that the soldlers of the Mexican war wero neatly all de.ul ; the war was small, the number or survivors row, and the Koveinmont ought te recogiiUe thelr services. -This ple.t pievailed, and In IKS", forty years afier tlie cloe of that ceullict, the bill passed. What was the icsult? Uorero the 1st or March. 15St, Sl.'JJO alleged Mildleis of Mex ico and 7,7 1'J uideus, making in all ty.ius, had filed their claims for pensions. New us it cleve computation shows that net tnore' than twenty thousand Ainerlctn soldiers el el ol the Mexicau war wete ullvu at its elose In 1817-B, and that net mere than two thousand f tlifMi could possibly be alive iu 1687, it Is as ceitain us it mathematical demonstration can make It that the great majority or theve claims are fraudulent. Prosecution against these elalmuuts for perjury and tlie attempt te obtain money nuder f.ilse pieleiiKes inlglit have a salu tary effect in cheeking many of the weuld-bu lobliers Of llui treasuiy. Ir Is iiunereil iu New Yeik that Jehn Wenanmkcr Is negotiating for llie purchase of Madisen Sipiare (iardeu and will turn It iiitnahuge tetail hIoie iiiedeled after his Philadelphia establishment. Ifthls Is true wotenluie the suggestion that the New Yerk btoie might be made even mere com cem com prehenslve than the Quaker City houe by the addition el" a llve stock department. At Jehn Wumunaker's you can new buy everything, from a niu te a grand piano, but theie Is ue room fiir live nnliiiulx, although the pioprietor Is known te detl Indirectly In Ueaters by blocks of flve. In Mudlsen Square Garden he might establish a chlcken department in ch.irge of Mr. Hayes. The Harrisons might per. haps be Induced te open a subiubun jcal esUile olllce as a branch of tlie establish establish metit. Tiik babies of Asbury had a p.trnde two miles long en the lieanl walk along the beach en Monday. Their carriages were decked with flowers aud a brass baud and bill! pup headed the precession, but many of the Infant howled louder than the music or the booming breakers. ItUWCOKIt OUT OK Si5,0t. Hew u WIiiuIiil" Yeiuiu .Man Klueetwl a Itetlicil Vew oil; or. Alanseu Hee. an agel New Yerkor w he lias spout set erul summers ns a cottager at Asbury Park, was en Monday night bun. .eed out of $5,000 by two unknown men. Mr. fcce rtllred botue years Ince with it small fortune earned In tlie business of atreat sprinkling In New Yerk. 1-sM week he met a young mn of attract! ve nnd pleasant address en the fishing pier who seen succeeded, III a very rlover and Informal way, In engaging the old man In conversation. Tlie young acquaintance was of short tattire and stocky build and a sandy com ploxlen. He Introduced himself as a son of the senior member of the firm el Park tt Tilferd. He was well dressed and a geed talker, and seen he and Mr. Hee were cm tertus of intimacy. The clever swindler imrratcd w lint he claimed te ban portion of his history, in which he se lutorestod his aged listener thai the old man gave him a short account of himself. This Intimacy continued for soma days, until Inst Saturday Mr. See was Induced te f;e te a hotise en ene of the avenues, when ie was introduced te a second swindler, nnd Induced te take part In a game which be describes as .semewhat similar te fare. He became very much liitctested In the gatne, and was Informed after he had taken a hand that he had wen forty dollars. This se elated him that he dctermlncd te play niore heavily, Monday morning, in company with ills pseude-ncqunlntuni'O of the pier, the old man went te New Yerk te precure inoney for further play. He parted with his com panion In tlie metropolis, the iatter pre tending te go te sce nome wealthy relatives in erder te precure money for himself. Mr. Hee drew (5,000 from his account nt the Irving National bank, ufter which he met his companion and returned with him te Asbury Park. Ha was again taken te the house, the whorenbeuts of which he Is unable te place, whero play was resumed nnd whoreho speedily drepped his ontlre sum ef(5,0U0. He made n vigorous kick for the return of his money, but was cast adrift by the sharpers. Tlie particulars of the outrage wero tele graphed te Inspector Uyrnes, of New Yerk, micl te the chief of pollce of Philadelphia, by the local authorities, In whose hands the matUr has been placed. pension ifivtTeiiY. A Sermon On An Indignity te Our het-illei-s. The Philadelphia iVcon.eftho 10th lust., published a tabulated statement of the ex ex pundltiiies or the government for jtou jteu jtou slens from 1801 te I8S0 Inclusive, tnlcnn from the roert of the commissioner of lons!etis for 188!), and also enrtain peril, unit conclusions based upon this. statement takeu from a pamphlet copy of a sorineii, entitled ' An Indignity Ie Our C'itlen Soldlers," preached iu the First I'ar- isu cnurcn, utiiuirKlge, .Mussaeliusetls, June 1, 1800, by ICdward It. Hull. The figures of the statement show that our pension list Is llke u snow ball gather ing In volume as It rolls. The amount distributed dlroctlvle Ihn soldleis constitutes only u fraction, nover estimated at ever 72 percent., of the enllre apfuoprlatlens. As the cxpensts or the pension buinau Increase enormously with llie Increasing outlay, and us pensions already granted are tliomselvcs subject te constant Increase and re-rating (In 18S8 18S'.), 2.5H pensions were re-ratcdj,lt Is evi dent that our prcsent annual appropriation is but a tlthe, even though no new pension bill Is ever enacted, or what the country will by and by be called upon te pay With these figures beloie us It Is quite possible- te bollevo the up palling statement of an eminent member of Congress, Hen. .1. U. Tarsnev, or Missouri, who said In a speech delivered In the Heuse or Representatives, April 21, Ib'M: "The annual expenditure rer pen sions has net yet readied byany reasonable approximation one-third or the maximum which it will reach uuder existing laws; aud, although thore should net be an addi tional pension law passed, or au amend ment te existing laws enacted, under the law us It exists und us Ills administered the annual cost te the government llve yeais hence en account or pensions will almost as au abselute certainty exceed SJou,etKl,000. This he considers " a very conservative estimate. Slnce these calcu lations were made the dependent pension bill has been signed by the president, adding at least $IO,000,oeo te the annual outlay." '" ' Oritutml by tlie ItetfWter. The fellow leg letters were granted by the register el" wills, for the week ending Tuesday, July 22: Aiiminis i ration Ciitlioriue Aliment, deceased, lale of Washington borough ; Jehn A. finish, Maner, administrator. Ames I.elsev, deceased, Inte of Kast Co Ce Co cillce township; Abraham I.elvev, Coe.illce, iidmiulstruler. James MeFulM, deceased, Inte or Martin township; Jehn Huber, Pcqiicu, adminis trator. Henry H. Jtuelil, deceased, late of Upper Le.iceck township ; Henry Htiehl, L'pper I.cuceck, ad ml nisi rotor. Jeseph I). Oonder, deceased, lale of Strnabtirg borough; Amelia M. Oeuder, Slrasburg, administrator. 'Jehn llammer, dectased, late of Penn township; Jeseph Hull, l'eiiti, adiuiuls t tutor. I.ydla A. Musser, deceased, l.ite of Utst Lampeter township; II. I Musvur, Kamjieter, uduiiulstiater. Kmm.i 12. Koluer, deceased, latoef Para Para dlve township; Martin II. Kehrer, Para dise, adiuinisti-ater. Ttsi'Aii:.N r.nv. 12. lluikhelder. de ceased, late of West K.trl township; V.. II. lliirkheldur, West Karl, oxecuter. Isaac Hiininens, deceased, late of .Stias burg township; Autes himuieus, cllv, executer. Henry Urayblll, deceavnd, Inte el Hast Diuiuore; haiuuel J. Ankilui, lOist Dru Dru Dru tiiote, executer. Henry Sh.iuli, deceased, late of l.'.ist Druiiiore; Mary Miauli, Cist Uiumore. executrix. Huse Hall OnincM. The igiimesef base b.illyosteiday icsulted ustolleus: National I.oague-Plilludclphla 20, Pitts 2l,rK7' ,c,1'kMge7, New Yerk 2; Cincinnati 20, Itroeklyn 11; Husten 12, Cluveland 0. Players' i.oague Phlladelphl.t 5, Pitts burgll; New Yerk 7, llullale ft; Chlfage I, Ilosten 1 ; llroeklyn 6, Cleveland i. American Association St. I.euls 8, Ath- !', 5 "echestcr 10, Columbus 0; Louis Leuis Louis vlllell, llroeklyn I; .t racusu U, Teledo I. Interstate League-Ilarrlsbtirg 12, Yerk D; Lebanon 8, Alloenu 0. IIKAION WHY. ftlie was smalt ami khe was pretty, und her lilvia lliuusht licr w ltt.v. and she the llslit ranUistlc llke a ray. Shu could read both l'lcnch una Lntln.uud was sweet Iu print ersntln, nud 'tweuld umke ) our besom heave te hear her play. Hut In sIiikIe lire kIiu tairlcd.and shunctcr never married, and khe'U deubtleiu, beu inutdcii tllUhedtc. Fersliu bvlen proud deflaiicote the culinary science, and the netcr knew the mystery of pies. -'ieiii tht Jtuilmijtun i"ite t'rnt. Van IIeiti.n's IMceA-Dcllcluui-iuaiU In stnntl). llaliny odors Irem Splce IslamU, WaUcd by the tropic breeze; HOZODOXr In heallhtul frairraiu-e Oininit be surpassed b thee. Teeth It whitens, purities; Yeu will ue It If en're it le. Tliumlei-It Down tlieAgen, lhalferlii'iicness, ter rlieiunattsni, for aches r lnliik,audriiri.pruliiii, Dr. Ihemat' IMtrtrie ',.' U '.' I'IUte and reliable remedy. J), yiem,ii .tlertrle Oil call he lmichnsed of any rt"'BKli Mild in Uiiicastcr iiy r, Hecli. U7 uiul iyj North (ueeii Mrcet. ' Jack Jt.NKhwusu lrtliuuf liter cempliilni, "'row n rlila '" exm,u",ea. "'Is pulse had lie hud ulcer and tiuner nud all sorts or hu And the llli, thut he nurered would weary a Felks .iM thut Jack Jeiiku would neicrbe Hut Jack said he would thut they might be A,.e.ri2'''.1!; M" ni't,0' wretiKht bis recutt-ry. Alter nil the pwr fellow e long hud endured. 1 ','.1? ',"."",u'i? "I crl011. dUiresninpniid lend n.l,m i'nT flC." AI'W'B f,n"' W .rJ1.'. ,)r'1"l'Tcc,s tJelden .Medical I)l t et cry creates a lunllhy action of this imnurt imnurt imnurt niitorKuu.ttiiilllie IIU tlmt hate lllelr if i , lliereciiiilHiciiruil by its prompt nnd falthm use. All UnieuUu. .M.TuAw Can't -ay Kueueli. ,''.11"!'il"I,,k "Wily or liunieek Mooil ,w. fi'.' ,1'9.1.'!0 b'c" H ureat l)leslii) te inc. Cured nie or bllleusiie4 and dvii-iiisiu fmiii winch 1 1 Had for je!uV" ' Mr.'j Mar" ' r a M "i b""",'?"1!. heM ' Liiucajtef by V, r. HiKh, 1J7 nud la North tjueen street. izt ixuwjrmuyxrrYiiQii nai"v"T uZ 0Am ii litf, a iiAb-r kine BTHKrrr. city 11.-1:. BLAYMAlCtlt'Ai AliL ewirra BPBciric. MERCURIAL RHEUMATISM. Mr. J. C. Jenes, city marshal of Kulton, Ar kan.i, wrIKvii "About len years age icon Irncted n Mivcre cami of bleed polnen. The lend Inn .ti.vlclaui of the city were railed In. ni.d llicy prescribed medicine nftcrinedlclnc, which I leek without BtTerdlnu me any relief. I nle tried mercurial nnd potash rcmedlen, with the same unnticreMtil remill, but whlcli breuelit en nn nttnek of mcrctirlnl rhenmetum that mnde my lira one or untold nxeny. After n r fnrinc four men'ln, I Raveup hII former reme dies nnd commenced Uildng Hwlfl'Hpcclflc(S. H. H.) After Uiklinr fcvcral bottles, I was en tirely cured nnd nlile te resume work. 1 con. liter Hwlffs Hpeclflc (8. H. 8.) the greatest in ed ict n for bleed polDenlng te-day ea tlie mar- INHERITED SCROFULA. Hwlft'sHpecltlelS. K. H.Jeured my little boy e hereditary scrnmln, which broke out all ever his face. Fer a jenr ha had uircred, and I had f ;lvcn up nil hopes of Ids recovery, when nt eiiElb t was Induced te tic H. H. H. Alter using etfew bottles he was entirely cured. Net n symptom new remains or the dleakc. This was three cars nije. MIIH.T. 1.. MATHF.ItM, Matlicrvllle, Mlu, Trentl'e en Illepd mid 8kln Diseases mailed fris1. (21 HW1FT HrKCIFIQ CO.. Atlanta, Oa. VAN HOUTUN'S COCOA iii,ti (t uuivs ritiiii-ii. Tlie parent, most soluble -the original cocoa. Invented, patented nnd mnde In Helland. Delicate, stimulating, nutritious, much better for the nerves than tea nnd coffee. Ask for VAN HOUTKN'H, take no ether. (01) mrSLlydM.W.F ttince tohacce- VINCO (EXTRA FIXE) CHEWING TOBACCO. This Standard Uruud of Plug Tobacco Is nc nc nc hnowlcili?eltebc tbebMt clictrund llie largest pttcu for the money In tlm market. Vincntin tug en encji lump. Its exleinlvc sale fur many j ears has established Its reputation. There Is nethlns: better. Try It. 1'er sale by dealers and grocers. 1890. nprll-.'H)tcod-ceiiiA13tw iiUaccUrtiicoue. rjUtIS.MAN'3. NEW WINDSOR TIES, KOH HOYS AND MEN, NO. 12 WT.ST KINO .ST. CAI.IFOHN1A. Special Parties. Sciiit-meiilhly. Tourist Bl-'CphiK cars. Cheap rates, Beutliern 1 'art lie Ce. Addiess. K. IIAWLKV, Assistant Oeneral Trnllln Manager, 3IJ Ilreuduny, New Yerk; It. J. HMITH.Auflit, Wa.Kd HU. Plilln. anl(l-lyd2tnw IIIUSMANU U BLACK SUSPENDERS. ONTItKI.I.&COCIIItANK'rt DUHMN AND j Hclliist Oliicer Ale. Tlie very best Dinger Ale hiHiuited te the IT. St. iW UAST KINO HritKKT, CITY, 11. K. AkI. " . A1 Anile UAIII) WB MAKK "TIIIJ NATIONAL SnMf Y ft i Wliee in three sires u;ex . i. llK,i.ill r, ...iviii., ..r, nii.i,iiiiiiii,niii'ii.iii nnd diiiablllty areiuatchlesH. Thcyaun mnku Iahut..'u ft........ l-V... !..i.-, ...v.tlm. slrAniilli ii iicnt uuisii. iryiiiein, r.very wnis-i is miur nnlced. NATIUNAIi SIANUFACTUINCI UJ.. Jyl3-2wd 2-1 te ill) hlierninn Ht., l.ancater, Pa. IV.VIiTIMllKlfsiTmJAIiATirHOt'lBTY. J ltciulrcs eternl ceiniwlcnt nnd trust worthy men of centleinanly uppearnnre te act ns collectors. AIt.e two men ns nsst. supl. W.J. HAKNhTT, JcO-lfd 1 1(1 ICast KliiK HU, Huncnstcr, l'a. A r (nnT()KeTtu;eu"T:AN uir any amount or HANCASTUIt CUKMICAIi COMPANY I.AWN-KNHICIIK1I. TnOlt" lIOUIIlNTAirHrATIONAIlY KN 1 kIiifii, IVitiirJtnhUliorvc-peticr.uud Verti cal Kuclncs trein 'Jtett liorsc-pew er, you will tliidlhem at JOHN HEMT'S, 5.H Iist Fulton utrcet. TTIOIt A M F.llIOANHIGHT KKKD CYI.IN DKIl " I.ulirlealers, Ulns(lll Cups fur llciirlniss, en etui et tliem at JOHN UlisT'S, Ml Fas Fulton street. m7-tfd IOItllOIIiKIflUHUHItllSIIES, STI1.I.SON 1" IMim' Wrenches. PlneiiiiilMeiiltev Wieucbe.s ceinblueil. Flics, Oil Cans, e llt:.vir, .'IU nut Fulton street. tc, (ie te JOHN m7-tfd 1KTICUliAK A'lTlINTlON PAID TO Medel Makluir, i'.itteniB, lirawlui,'" ami liluc t'rliil-s, at prices reaseualile, at JOHN HSTH. ;n Kail Fulton street. niT-trd STKAM nlOAT IKTIir.i'OMINd HEAT FOIl itclllin.'H, cliurctiCH, school houses, etc., though Hiicccsafulty used euu hundred years nije. When you contemplate it change call en JOHN Hl-Sl1, who will (,'lve ou a satisfactory fob, nt u fair price. in7-tld PUMPS, HOlIiKltS. MINING, CKNTIHFU Kill nud Steam Pumps, ul any capacity, at JOHN HEM rS. -JXi East Fulteu strict. iu7-tfd 11 l)IATOItvi, OF ANY MAKE Oil 1)E JL( slirn, can iHifurutslieitntieaseiinliluIlKUres, by JOUNHlXr.S.!.t East Fulton stlccU lii7-tlil FOK CASTINGS, IltON Olt HltAhS, HIGH or heavy, nt short notice, te te JOIli HlilT.IKIIiist Fulton street. in7-tfd rilANKH POK, OILS, Al'II) UK UAK A. of any sliape or capacity, at fair prices, co te JOHN K1XT. ,1 liist Fulton strwt. m7-tfd 1 F IN WANT OF HltASS Olt IIMINSTOP I Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Hlli CtK-ks, Lever Cocks, Swing Joints, call and tel them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN Illfivr, ICCI East Fulton street. ni7-tfd ITtOK FIIATT A CADY ASHES-nwllilsO 1 altes, Jenkins Viitvn.Hmss Glnbe Valves. ll..UlI ill!,.. t'.lt. -J (n... If...... S....1... .. .. . ' ..,, -. .., ...i.v-, .i.fii iiiniy iiiimiu vanes, i.evt'r.'v.iiciy saivcs, iriOK PL'l.I.EYH. MIAITING, COl.I.AHS. -.l,""K,'r,,v'll,ll,l,IltlXCS.L'OUpllllKS,CtC..KO te JOHN HEvr.M East Fulton sticct. n'ttd OACKINGH.AS FOLLOWS! DlltltiO, FOK .1. ateaiuund Hldraullc P.ickliiu-.AsbistlteiH. HI Gauges, Piumluge P.tcklinr. Heed's P.iivnt As. l,.ui , "'."'i?! Plsi Ceier, atJOHN HEVr.S.Iitlliist Fulton street. in7-lfd 171011 HTEAM .,.,.. .......... U.IUUI.S, lllllll u I.UIV Kri'Mnrr. Wnli-r flntn.. .!...... ....... t -i it,.f.L. ....... .... - Wtxsl Wlicels -------, -- -...M. .....kj . n:i.i.. ur tteiKiiicii, tilass Tubes, Whistles, syphens ferHtcam Gauges. Cylinder Ollera Plain, Water Gauge. Columns, Cocks rer Steam Gauges.c.iH en JOHN HIMT, SCI Dist Fultenstrtvt. I F YOU WA.N 1' A FIHST-CLASS POItTAHI.K i l.nglue nud Heller, en ivheeH, rluiip, ns the following prices slieiv: tl horse-power. I7j ; H here-isiwcr, VCi ; lv) hersis power, 75; 1.1 llorse llerse l?..V,& Plii . boise-pewir, 31,170, call at JOHN lIUSTri, itlliast Fulteu street. in7-tfd Air-iiii'K corie.s- WASTE, COPPEI) IIY 1 theiHuiiut, lite : In lets of 10 pounds or out, Pe. All goods dells ens! inanv n.iiter the city Free. Call en JOHN HE,T. Ne. ail lit"? I ultenstrwt. in-td "I 01.0 HHONZE. LI(MMnTT.M)"hlzrNG XT for JOHN lll-ars.iisi tiut 1 niten street. m'-trd -INJECTOKS ItUF. HIT1.K GlAnT. IIA.N. 4 .S'K1 Insplmleni aud Electors, Eberman Heller leler, Peiibcrthy Insiiecter, American liijeetnrs, all in stock, nt JOHN K1,STH, SO East I'liltenstreet. ni7.tld lruill , I'll i: llKM' HOT Alll IL KNACK IN JL' the market, go te JOHN UlSsr, sUUwt hul ten street. in7.tfd C1AKKY IN Kf()Ci;iuTIIArrcOALi i lluiiniH-rtil liar Iren, lkuible Itelliitd lien, Hurdcii's Kltct Iren, Klttits, Het nnd Celd Heller Iren, steel, sheet Iren 3-1(1 toNe. 1(1. at JOHN HEsrs. tctl test Fultenstreet. m7-tld AGENCY FOIl CALLAHAN A" CO CE mint te taki) tlie plaee of lied Lead. In til makes live Uiuim Hie quantity or red lead nnd Is far suiH'rler In making stuim Joints, packing limn nud hand hole plates en boilers' e., Ac, Price SO cent vtr (Kjuud, at JOHN UEstT'S, 833 Eust Fulteu street. iu7-Uu , re e is.ueiy valt es. Air Vatves, Kiidlnter Valies, Pratt's ISit liiulntr l heck ViHies, Hniss Uheek Valies.Foet Valies Angle Vitlt cs, call nt JOHN HllVr'.S, XU IJis Pulton (Street. iu7-tid iii7-trti 1JI)HC'AIT IltON PUT. FI1TINGS, HOIII V plain and rtslucliig, up teii-tnch dliiucter. Malleable Fittings, Manges, Flnnse Unions! Manifolds, Ainerican Unions, Tube Supports, llanuei-s, Fleer and Cellini; Plates, (;e te JOHN HhSirS, ill Ijlst Kill I en sin-el. in7-tfit 9iAttimfc(rv'. rntLADBtratA, TuevUy, July at, UW. Closed Saturdays at t P. M, 83 styles of 6c Challis be sides the Black and White Checks that se many are want ing. Desirable patterns every one, and desirable stuffs. Five steps away you'd take them for finest French Challis. Northeast of centre. Ceylon Wash Flannels. Net a limp in the line. Neat pat terns 20 and 37jc ; wider, better, 50 and 60c ; bread, handsome stripes for ladies' skirts and tennis, 75c ; Silk Cheviots, 75c. Choicest French Printed Flannels, 60c. There's been a lull, but mere and mere are asking for them new. Northwest of centre. A biggish let of Japanese Fans just in at third and half the early season prices. Feldlnir, 5, 10, 15, nnd up te 10c. Kttiilen,10atid ISc. Flnt Parchment, 10c. Best Fan values of the year. Near Juulier nnd Market streets corner. Jehn Wanamaker. f itnittittrc. TTENllf WOL1-, FURNITURE STORE, hn removed te 139 East King street, having ft full line of Furniture of every description nt the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking; promptly at tended te. Call and examlne our goods, et-tfdlt II. WfiLK. I.KilCastKlnKHtrmt. TTNDEKTAKEKSJ. WATSON & HERR, General Furnishing Undertakers, NO. -M SOUTH QUKKN STIIKET, LANCA8TEK, l'A. Itesldenec-.TNO. J. WATSON, Ne. 1 West Vine street (Southern Market.) ltesldence-M. 11. IIEHII, Ne. ) Seuth Queen street (Hranch Office.) JyfMrnd e CHSAOlllliS. WHY PAY MORE ELSEWHERE FOK NEW STYLE P'-urnit'ure ? OUH PKICES AKE LOWEST FOIl HEL1A ULE U00D8. O-Lct us prove It te Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers nnd Dealers, (Jd,3tl A 1th Fleer,) Ne. 31 BOUTH QUEEN SlREET. TTEINITSIPS FURNITURE DEIW. AT COST. We have a line of Bctlecs, Chairs and Kockers that will stand the rain and sun, and we desire, te close them out. Helices, SI Se; were ft! 75. Kockers and Chairs, $1 fid; were Mil aniIKW. A few Perch Kockers at tl 00. TTBDERTAKDra. WealtORlve personal attention te Undertiik Ins. Day or NlKlit Calls. Tue Hest nnd Most Approved Methods Used. Charges Moderate. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street rrmEOLDCOKNEK. A Large Window Pane Broken. AT WIDMYER'S, COKNEK OF East Kingand Duke Sts., Net by the seltlins of the wall, but by an ac cident. The Break in Glass, However, can't compare with The Break in Prices THE OLD CORNER, KAST KING AM) DUKK STHKUTS. (!lual. TU.MHKKANDCOAl. J 'IIIHACCOKHOOKHANIIUAHEH. WEHT. EHN HAKU WOO DM. Wholesale uud KeUH, by II. H.MAKTIN.VCO.. n'Uyil l.'l Water Street, 1 .alienator, pa. "T AUMaAKDNERU COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Owns Ne. 12) North Queen Street, and Ne. 681 North Prince street, OTakde Nerlli l'rluce Htreet, near lleadlug USll5-lfrt I.ANOAKTKK. HA D-KU N K EN N ts. HiJUOK 1IAHIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. Bit. HAINES" GOLDICN Sl'KCIKlC. It can be ptven Iu n cup of colteeer tea, or In a r Heles of reed, without the kuoirlidi,'eet the patient, If necessarj ; It Is absolute!) haimle'-s and will eltect a permanent nnd sjieedy cure, whether tlie patient is it medi rate drinker or an alcoholic ttrtek. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly and with surli ccrtnluty that the patient nuderirecs ui liitiinvtuleuce, and ern he Is aware, blseeiiipletM rttormatleu Is ctreetisl 14 inire book of luirtlciilnm free. C1IAS. A. 1.0C1IEH. Drtnsijlst, Ne. W East Kliie KU, ljllui.-lr. Pa. eci2versl TT114S 17IOK HOLTS. LAU bt'HIAVH, hEl SUIIKWS, ? Stqunreand Hexnxen Nuts, these eoeds In stock, ut JOHN UEsT'sj, 333 East Fulteu street. mi-tfd Perch and Lawn Goods ffr f$00. e PKN KVEKY EVENINO. Fer Bargains, ea te P.CSNYDERdBM, Ne. 14 West King Bt. ETerjtbingSeId At andBclei Cost, AH WE AKK POSITIVELY GOINO OUT OK BUSINESS. mayMrad rrw. E PEOPliK'H UAHU HTOKE, A RARE OPPORTUNITY We enr te-day a large let of me -AT- 19 Cents Per Yard. These goods have sold at. "Be te 37kc, nnd nre pesltltely French, Mnnyefthe se-called French Cannes sold here nnd elsewhere, nre the liner crudes of domestic goods, but Hi order te meet this low price we will offer Genuine French tloeds atjlllc, as above quoted. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS Will be offered Without Regard te cost. Parasols worth from $3.50 te 57, will be sold at fromll.G0tet2.20. Rig Reduction In the prices or Embroidered Flouncing", Colored Embroideries, Genuine Imported Scotch and French Ginghams, etc. As It Is our desire te cut the Bummer stock as low ns possible this fen son, we will eiler many things pertaining thereto nt unusually low prices. s 26 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. marJVlydU N EW YORK STORE. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS -AT THE BLACK SILK BUAPKUY NET, 48 Inches Wide, Large Pelkn Spot Reduced te 6Uu a yard. BLACK SILK BRAl'EUY NET, Russian Mesh, 48 1 nehes Wide, Excellent Qual Ity, Reduced te 75c n yard. VINEST SILK DRAPERY NETS Reduced fiem ?! te S250,frem L'KOle J2, fiein 11 te 81 50, rrem 51 75 te SI S5. Twenty PU.ces,43Inch. EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS Reduced te 23c a yard ; former price, 37c. A FINE FRENCH SATINE Makes n handsome and most useful dress. We are closing out our whole stock or the latest designs at I He a nnl ; former price, 33c and 37JJC. NEW OUTING CLOTHS Reduced from l'la te 10c and 8c n yard. Best Vnlue te be had III MEN'S STRIPED OUTING SHIRTSnt 25c, 37JJeand50c each. MEN'S JERSEY SHIRTS, Seft, Elastic and Durable, Reduced from 75c te 60c each. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. ,lour. EVAN'BfLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. A'ev rtle ev gU'ttt. EOll RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM en id Meer, Ne. 12 WcstKIncstreet; finest itlenln tlieelty forefllce or light business, Inqulrt of W. W. AMOS, m'.'tJ-tfd A ller's Gallery. jj-jlOR RENT THAT LARGE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO.SU EAST KING STREET. Inquire within. mll-tfd 171011 SALE CHEAP - A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, A bv IM reel, with two-story brick buck build Hit' L!l. bv ai feet Halt aud se en rooms', l-el Wly Sis . MBralM. Vll llf. DllltDSt. T'OK ROILEIW, HtlltlZONI A ,1.. TA .HU LA It. Vertical. Portable. C Under. Marine. ' B.iiv size or newer. of the best material and wekmanUl!., e te JOHN REST. SSI East Fill- m7.Ud tuu sirteu Genu French Satine People Cash Stere NEW YORK STORE Cl0thltt0. CPBClALNllTtCB. Tbe Greatest Redaction of A -IN Fine Tailoring, AT H. Gerliart'sJ LIQIIT WEIOHT SU1T1NOH MADE UP ' ORDER AT COST. A verr hmrn assortment of theLatMtRt TreuserlnsT reduced from 10 nnd 110 tetAn n. And nil Ughl-welght goods reduced at i sams rate. -Tills Extra Hie ltcdtictlen wllleentlt! aunng tbe mouths of JULY nnd AUUUHT. H. GerhaH DintCT IMPORTING TAIIXJIl, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. 437-1 ptLOTUlNU. L. Gansman & BrJ Rushing Things AT RUSHING PRICES VALUE NOT CONSIDERED. Men's, Beys' Milta'sCletiii ALL TO BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST PKICE9 EVER KNOWN Beys' Seersucker Coats and Vests nt ttc. Men's Seersucker Coats and Vests nt 75c. Men's nnd Heys' Coats nt 23c. Mohair Coats In ull Its colors nt 05c, $ll .), 51.,.i,Ji.1.U. Men's Pants nt 48c, GOc, 75c, POc, tl, tl.23. Children's Punts nl lie, sec, 35c, Sac, 60c Children's Hulls, Vic, Jl. Beys' Suits selllnir'new nt t2.2S, K2.75. Men's Suits nt 32.75, S 1.25, SI, JI.G0, 15. Hetter ones In nronertlon. Uartralns upon bargains In our Custom Or inparimeni. Prices almost cut In two. See our Suits te order at tlO, 112. (14, 116. wonder of many of our customers. L. Gansman & Brel! Tailors nnd Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B.W. CORNER OF ORANOB. LANCASTER.! JUT- Net connected with any ether Clethrl Heuse In the city. Ill r-Be cautious aud make no mistake se tljl you Ket ut me riKiiiinaee. M' AKT1N BKOa. If you bought u Suit of MAKING $5.00 BILLS. for 533 nnd we handed 4 back a $5 bill you wej count that a clever act il fS made. New we are sell t33Sullsen Just this gcij 011s bals. Belli); almost entirely sold out of our first! lected Huttings te Order nt SIS u suit, our bu In the market several dajs nge selected fr nn Importer, Suitings and Treuserings, regu worth S'ii for Suits and 87 CO for Trousers, wb we are making te order at the uniform pried. SIS for Suits nnd SO for Trousers. If you we make a crisp Se bill or SI 50 en an extra pat Trousers, see these monster values. Seme Is the loser by these prices. Weare net and j are net. We guurantec trimming equal ten S21 Suits anywhere, nud lit nnd finish lu finest tailoring art. Monday and Tuesday At Geed Days te Order Suits TO BE FINISHED BY SATURDAY. a-We would cull your attention also te qc 1 Choice Line of Underwear, Flannel Shirts, 1 slcry and Neckwear. MARTIN BROS 26 and 28 N. Queen St. M YERS ARATIIFON. REDUCTION In All Our Lines of CLOTHING. All Suit Reduced in Price. Qualities as Geed as Ever. Workmanship uet Aflected by the Prlce. In Our Custom Department Yeu Cnn Find Many NOVELTIES FOfc, HUMMER WEAK, me rrices re mgni. Myers & Rathven RELIABLE CLOTIUERK, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. I 4'ctfiU lloticce. li JlsTATL OF JOHN 11. SHELLY. LATE Ol JJ Mount Jet lioreiiEli, deceased. The nn! derslgntd auditor, appointed te ill-tribute tlii-I h'llaiice remaining Iu the bauds of Ijeorge AiC nneiiy, aumiiiistrater. te auu nmeng iiiemi legally entitled te the same, will sit for llmV lairoee en Tuesdav. Auim.t 12. ,co. at Pn o'clock a. iu In the Llbrur) Ilismi I the t'eiirle! Houec. In the fill eflJineaster. where all peril Summer Reiluctiens ! sous lutere.tetl lu said distribution ma) at(el ICUU. .-. 1 IlAlH.!.'. JjWtdTu Auditor. m; H, . ! v"3t-JM,lfclV."cW w. .a- Siwi. ."i n ... ?a- " "t "-