Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 21, 1890, Image 1

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Lars Number of Lert- ad Baada
la tha ProceasleB-Addrease by J.
R. Keaney aart .1. B. Nichelson.
The beautiful village of Terre Hill was
all astir en Saturday, anil the Odd Fellows
aad fall possession of the place. Aa early
a nine o'clock people could be seen wend
ing their way along all the reads leading
te the village. They came In omnibuses
and smaller vehicles of every description,
fta horseback and en Teet, and by two
o'clock In the afternoon the village was
filled with peeple representing the differ
ent towns and villages for twenty mites
around. The village was gaily deceiated
with flags and bunting, and at many places
emblems of the order were tastefully ar
ranged. At the public beuse "of Geerge
Amnion and the Slateri house, large Ainer-
" lean flags were suspended in the middle of
the street. The stores were opened, but
business was practically suspended, and
everybody seemed te be given ever te the
pleasure and festivities of theday.
The parade was arranged and held
under the auspices of Terre Hill ledge,
Ne. 454.
The parade formed at the eastern end of
the vitilige and meved at about three
e'clxk in the following order : Grand
marshal, Wess Warner, assisted by Harry
Sheaffer and O. C. Kllllan, aids mounted ;
double spanned carriage, driven by R. L.
Kllllan, containing E. J. Erisman, Lan
caster; Past Grand Sire James B. Nichol Nichel
son, Philadelphia; ox-Mayer James H.
Kenney, Reading; New Helland band ;
Etrl Ledge, Ne. 413, 40 men, Wllllmn
Grlmley marshal l Carnarvon band ;
Caernarvon ledge, Ne. 557, of Morgautewn,
23 men ; Secial Friends ledge, Ne. 401,25
men, William Lewis marshal ; carriage
containing spoakers ; Ephrata band ;
Ephrata ledge, Ne. 406, 35 men, Davis
Winters marshal ; Fairvllte band ; Terre
Hill ledge, Ne. 454, 50 men, Wess Warner
marshal, aids, Henry Shneffur and 1). C.
Kllllan; Clay ledge, Ne. 015,25 men, J.
Z. Enck marshal. They marched te the
west end of the vlllage and then counter
marched te W. B. Snader's grove, where
the meeting was called te order by
Jehn Amnion, chairman. The exercises
were epened with prayer by the Rev. A.
B. Sayler, of the U. B. church of Terre
Ulll. The nest speaker introduced was
lien James U. Kennoy, ex-mayor of
Reading; next came Past Grand Sire
James B. Nichelson, or Philadelphia. The
speakers wero received with hearty ap
plause by the large audience, and were
listened te with the closest attention.
This brought the festivities te a close,
and will be pleasantly romembered by all
these who were fertunate enough te be
present The only persons present from
Lancaster wero District Deputy Grand
Master E. J. Erlsinan, Neble Grand Levi
B. Smith, and rast Grand Jeseph M.
Krelder, all of Monterey Ledge, Ne. 242.
Tbecommltteeof arrangements that had
charge of the affair, and deserve great
credit for the manner in which it was con
ducted, consisted of Jno. L. Amnion,
chairman; Jno.J.Kershner, Solemon Loss Less
ley, Harry Shaefler, Wess Warner, Harvey
Miller, J. L. W. Weller.
Romanes Gnble looses Ills LI Te Whlle
Hatlilug In "Warwick Township.
On Saturday afternoon Romaues Gable,
a boy named Kelb and unuther young
iiihu went bathing In a small dam
which was used for freez'ng ice. It
Is en the property of Charles Rudy, near
Owl Hill, Warwick township, and en a
small stream which is a branch of the
Lititz creek. The three boys went into the
dam about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and
although Gable was a geed swimmer he
was taken with cramps. The ether boys
tried te biwe blm,but they were unsuccess
ful. One of them was almost drowned
also and be surely would have lest his llfe
If it had net been for bis companion. After
wards the dam was dragged and the
body of the boy was found where it went
down In about five feet of water. The
dam is much deeper than these at soine
ether points, and it has been but u year
since a man named Steinmetz drowned in
it. Gable wuh sixteen years of age, and a
seu of Jacob Gable.
After the body had been- rccovered
Deputy Cerenor Reldenbach, who had
been summoned, empanelled a jury te
held an inquest, which was composed of
'Michael Witinan, Isaac W. Rudy, Samuel
Frederick, Benjamin Rltter, Franklin G.
Duch and Jacob Rltter. Their verdict was
accidental drowning. This aftornoen thn
funeral took place, nnd the interment was
made at Rethsvllle church.
Drewned lu the West.
The body of Edna Rutt, an eight-year-old
daughter of Christian Rutt, formerly of
this county, but new of Minneapolis,
where he moved two years uge, was
brought te Lancaster. It was taken at
once te the residence of C. S. Herr, who is
a brother of child's mether. Mr. Herr
daas net knew the particulars of the
drowning, but thinks that the child lest
her llfe In the great accident en the lake
near Minneapolis en Sunday of last week. father of the child will arrive here
this evening. The funeral will take place
te-morrow. There will be services at Mr.
Herr's resldonce ut 2 o'clock, and at :i
o'clock the interment will be made at the
Mennouite church at Mlllersville.
Alley's, Full.
A little son of Adam Fcrrich crawled up
en acherry liee, in Love Lane, Saturday
evening, te unloosen the tail of kite,
which he and seme ether boys wero Hying.
He made a mistcp and fell te the ground,
a considerable distance. He was first be
lieved te be very seriously hurt und the
city ambulance was sent for. The boy was
taken in his grandmother's home, Ne.
524 West Kiug street. Nene of his bones
were broken, but he was slightly injured
Fenryn Picnic.
Penryn rk will be a busy place this
week, as the following picnics ere te take
place: Tuesday, Church of Ged, St. Jehn's
Lutheran and Gotwald mission Sunday
schools; Wednesday, Presbyteriau Memo Meme
rial Sunday school; Thursday, St. Jehn's
Episcopal Sunday school of Latieaster, und
St. Paul's, of Columbia; Friday, Peters
burg Sunday school ; Saturday, Cornwall
Mud Des Killed.
On Saturday afternoon a deg, supposed te
be med, created great excitement around
the Black Herse, in Pa null se township.
Tlie deg was finally klllei by a man named
Altheuse before he had bitten anything.
The Opera Company.
There was a very large audience at Ma'it Ma'it
nercher garden en Saturday eveuiug te
hear the popular opera company there
sing "La MascetU" This evening they
open with "Olivette."
Snir.7 Siles at St. Mnry's.
Julius Cluzette, the tenor of, the company
at the Mieuuoicher theatrc, h nig two selec
tions In St. Mary's i;hurch yesterday.
All the Soldier New la Camp Ten Thou Theu
aaad Persen Witness the Dress
v Parade ea Sunday.
Camp Jehn Fv Hart ran ft was formally
opened at Mt. Gretna en Saturday morning
with a ceremony aa unusual as It was
Impressive, All of the general officers
and officers of the stttT department were
assembled at headquarters, as were alto 60
men of the First Brigade, commanded by
Captain Ewlng, of the First Regiment, the
band of the Second Brigade and Battery C.
Bugler Williams steed alongside the
sixty feet flag pole In front of the com
manding general's tent, and, for the first
time in ibis camp, sounded an official call,
the " Assembly' The thirty-six feet flag
had been balled in naval style and run up
te the top of the pole by Celer Sergeant
Green, upon a signal from Assistant Adju
tant North. As the ball of bunting was
being hauled up Sergeant Williams again
raised his bugle, and the notes
of "Te the Celer" rang out
across the parade ground. Battery Cs
oannenlers sprang te attention alongside
the leaded guns. Captain Ewlng's guards
presented arms, andjustaa Sergeant Grcen
Jerked the down haul halyard, allowing
the "flag te first drop in streaks of red snil
white and the flew out straight in the stiff
breeee that was blowing down from the
hills, Generals Hastings, Snowden and
Wiley, together with the officers of their
staff's, uncovered, and the guns of the bat
tery began the firing of a national salute of
44 guns. Frem the tlme of raising thn Hag
matters began te assume mere of a mili
tary aspect.
Officers who had been lounging around
In citizens' clothing suddenly appeared in
uniform. Guard details were seen march
ing across the fields and sentinels began
pacing their pests. Discipline had been
formally established, and from a camp of
construction the fleld of Mount Gretna
Park had bocemo a fleld of Instruction.
Then began the in pouring of troops. Regi
ment after regiment rolled lu en the cars,
disembarked and were inarched te their re
spective quarters.
Ne drills were held in Sunday, guard
mount and the posting and relieving of
sontlnels being the only duty required of
the men in the morning. The late arrivals
of the several commands, aud the conse
quent requirement of time In which te
properly arrange their quarters, put a step
upon religious services" generally, but
Chaplain Milllgan, of the Eighteenth, and
Chaplain Gerhart. of the Twelfth regiment,
conducted devotional exercises for their
respective organizations.
Ofcourse the usual Sunday morning in
spection of quarters took place, but only in
a perfunctory way, se many of the men
being required for general work that but
few had tlme in which te arrauge their
tents for the critical view of the Inspecting
officers. Consequently but little attention
was paid te what at ether times is consid
ered an Important function. General
Hastings rode through the several camps
and took a cursory vlew.ef things in gen
oral, and expressed bnnself us greatly
pleased with the way in which matters
were being conducted. He said he was
entirely satisfied nt the manner in which
the troops and supplies has been handled
en the railroad. He characterized the
movement us a masterly one, as but few
occasions had occurred since the war
in which se much bad te be dene
within such a limited time. A decided
novelty in a camp of the National
Guard of any slate was the arrival en Sat
urday of Captain T. F. Ferbes, Fifth In
fantry, U. S. A., who, In obedience te or
ders from the war dopurtmertt, has estab
lished in this camp a recruiting effice for
the regular army. He has with him large
pesters, containing illustrations of soldiers
of the regular service in full dress uniform,
and also has a large number of circulars
explaining te the militiamen the uature
und conditions of the United States service,
putting forth the inducement for young
men te Jein, and especially dwelling upon
the point that men with a military train
ing stand a chance after enlistment of win
ning u cemmissi! n. This move of the war
department is looked upon among the
guardsmen as anether evidence of the com
manding (tositlen which Pennsylvania sol
diers occupy.
Adjutant General Hastings received a
lotter from Majer General Schefleld, com
manding the army, saying that he, Sebo Sebe
field, would cenler with President Harri
son and Socretary of AVar Procter upon
the time of their leaving, giving the im
pression that they would visit the camp.
Arrungemeiits were ut ence made te bring
them there, and Lieutenant Cels. Kru tub
hour aud North will lcave en Wednesday
afternoon in n special car for Washington.
It is oxpectod that they will reach camp en
Thursday lu time for the grand roview en
the afternoon of that day.
Fully ten thousand peeple assembled en
the parade ground late Sunday afternoon
te view the dress parades. The artillery
battalion, composed of the Philadelphia,
Pittsburg and Phcenixville battorles, were
first en the ground, and at thocleso of their
ceremony General Gebln's Third Brigade
occupied the fleld, and after being drilled
by the commanding officer, wero reviewed
by Adjutant General Hastings, who wus
accompanied by Brigadier General Snow
den and their respective staffs.
Befere all of the blue Keystone Brigade
had cleared the revlewing stand the band
of the First brigade wus heard, and the
l'liiiaaeipuia oeys came marciimg ever ine
hills. Colonel Dechcrt was ridim: ahead,
and as the long line of seldiers came fully
Inte vlew the great crowd fringing tbe
parade ground breke into choers, whlle
the battalions moved into close columns of
divisions in almost a faultless matiner.
The formation was then in line of masses,
nnd the soveral movements of officers in
cidental te the ceremony wero tactically
carried out. The various changosef arms
ns Colonel Dechcrt put them through tbe
manual were splendidly executed.
The brigade was afterwurds reviewed by
the adjutant, general. Further en te tbe
west, nearly opposite division head
quarters, the Second brigade, General
Wiley commanding, was in. line aud like
wise holding evening parade. Beth
Geueruls Hastings and Snowden, after
leaving the First brigade, halted ut Wiley's
command and took part lu the review
which follewod. The inspection will com
mence at 0 u. in., and flve reglmeuts will
be inspected each day by the adjutant
general until all have been looked ever.
Twe Large I'unernlw.
The funeral or Frank Jaguew, from his
rcsldence, corner of Green and Christian
streets, mi Sunday aftornoen, was largely
attended. Rev. G. B. Selbel, of SU Jehn's
German Reformed church, conducted the
services. Michael Horzeg, Nicholas Her Her
.eg, Christian Wise, Albert Rulhart,
Charles Ernst and Thnddcus StlUcl, his
late associates in the consistory of the
church, acted as pall-bearers. Interment
was made in woedward Hill.
The funeral of William Judith took place
this morning from his rcsldence, Ne. 73 1
High street. It was attended by St.
Jeseph's and St. Peter's socletlos. The ro re
malus were taken te St. Jeseph's Catholic
church, where a requiem mass was cole
hraled by Father Schmidt. Interment was
made lu the new St. Jeseph's cemetery,
this being the first body buried thore .
A Ceuslu or I' resident Iluelwiuan.
Jehn P. Buchanan, the Democratic nominee-
for governor lu Tennessee, was born
in Williamson county, Teiiu,, Octeber I,
1817. He joined the Confederate army at
the uge of Id, fought for two years and sur
rendered with the urmy en May 17, lbtVi.
He is a robust farmer und is noted for bis
energy nnd activity. He educated himself
by study at home.
In IM-! he was elected te the Legislature,
from Rutherford county, and becaiue the
leader In that body of the agricultural and
laboring Interests. He was re-electcd te
the Legislature.
He is of Scotch-Irish descent, and Ih
firBt cousin of President Buchanan. Whlle
Ills family naiiie has been connected with
history, it has of late years been somewhat
obscure from politics and business.
Pensions lucreust-d.
Tlie pensions or Jehn Vegan, Lancaster,
David Bewman, New Helland, and David
J. Duukle, Mechanics Giove, huve been
Twe Anulverearlpn Celebrated By It On
Sunday Fine 8ermenn, Songs and
Deee rations.
The celebration or the sixteenth anniver
sary of tbe organization of SU Stephen's
Lutheran church and the fifteenth
anniversary of the laying of the
corner-stone was held en Sunday. The
church was decerated for the occasion
by a committee, under the direction or
Jehn Benash. In the arch above the pul
pit were the words" Ills Hlchcr Der Hirr
GeholTen," " Till new (he t-erd hath helped
us." On the one side of the arch were the
figures 1874 and en the ether 1&0. Above
the pulpit was a floral bell, made by Miss
Lizzie Stamm, Ith the figures 10 in the
centra of It. Around the galtery were a
number of silk bannerf, each with a letter
en and when put tognther the reading was
"Gett 1st die llebe," Ged Is Love, the sub
ject of the pastor's evening sermon, and
around the altar were bequels of flowers
tastefully arranged.
The morning exercises opened with a
prelude en the organ, presided ever by F.
W. Haas, who had charge or the miiste at
both servlces. The Gleria, from Mozart's
twelfth mass, followed, sung by a selected
chorus. Next was the liturgical service
and reading of Scriptures, and this was
followed by the Blnglng of " Jesus, Lever
of My Seul," by Jehn J. Smallng.
Tbe sermon was preached Rev. E. Mais
ter, from Acts 2, 42d te 47th verses. He
referrcd te the formation or this congrega
tion sixteen jcars age, with a membership
of 10, in Teuiporance hall. Te-day the
membership is ever 400, with a flourishing
Sunday school. The present church build
ing was e reeled at a cost of ever (21,000,
and although SU Stephen's is the youngest
Lutheran congregation In the city, IV, is
one of the most flourishing.
After the sermon, Rev. Dauiel Kurtz, of
McConnellsburg, son of the secretary of
St. Stephen's church, proached in English
en " Christ, the Head ei the Church." In
his sermon he referred te the fact that lie
had proached his first sermon, after ordi
nation, in St. Stepbcn's church, und con
gratulated the members en the great prog
ress made In additional membership.
In the evening there was a special sor ser sor
vlcefor children and also a special musical
pregramme. The exercises began with
singing "Te Thee, O Country," by the
selected chorus. Addresses were dell vered
by Rev. J. V. Eckert, Rev. Danlel Kurtz
and Rev. Emll Meisten The subject of
Rev. Meister's discourse was " Ged Is
Leve." The special musical features wero
a duct, " In the Cress of Christ I Glory,"
by Miss Leila Baer and Mr. Geerge Hum
bright, and selections by Miss Lizzie lloch llech
rlnger. The Yeung Men's Democratic So
ciety orchestra nnd Prof. Haas, organist,
played the accompaniment.
The 8ecial chorus was made up of the
following singers : Lella Baer, Mrs. Simen
Shissler, Miniile Kieflbr, Esther Spludler
Adallue Splndler, Julia Poters, Enimit
Adams, Lena Benner, Resa Keller, Llzzie
Heefel, Millie Kautz, Llllie Beehrluger,
Mary Keith, Halite Gressman, Goe. M.
Hauibright. J. F. Zimmerman, Al.
Albright, Jes. Albright, Jehn J. Smallng,
Paul Dougherty, Frank Sauber, James
Prongley, II. L. Snyder, J. A. Leller, J.
Anne und.Davhl Gundaker.
Rev. Melster will finish the tenth year of
his pas te ra te en August 15, aud en the
Sunday following he will preach a sermon
revlewing the work dene during his
Quay Must Itecoiciilze Them or Surfer
tliu Consequeuoos.
The Mystic PIcketGuard, a secret society
of veteran soldiers organized for iellticul
purposes, held a meeting in Pittsburg en
Saturday night te formulate a netice te
Senater Quay and Congressman Dalzell
that they are entitled te seme recognition
from the present administration. It is
charged by members of this organization,
which ropresonts 2,800 votes in Allegheny
county, that tbe old soldiers have been
treated unfairly by Mr. Quay and Mr.
It is asserted that the fermer appears te
have no use for the men of the lata war
ethor than te get their votes, while Mr.
Dalzell, they say, has been in Congress two
terms and is new seeking a third, and yet
he has never raised a hand te assist the
veto runs.
Sonater Quay rocently wrete te Josenh
Eicbbaiim that the Pittsburg posteflice
must be Repuullcaiilzeil from euu te enu.
He did net tefer te efficiency nf service at
all. This lotter wus in reply te ene from
Mr Eichbauin, who asked that Cel. T. J.
Hudsen, the assistant postmaster, who is
a voteran, might be retained. It appears
new that Mr. Quay's instructions will
be carried out te the letter, und that no
matter hew proficient Democrats may be,
they will net be allowed te remain in the
service of the government during the
Quay regime.
Postmaster McKcnn is weeding them
out nt a lively rate. It is his custom tu
glve them formal netice und a railway pass
te seme pleasure resort. Iust wcek he
dismissed Miss O'NpII, who was special
delivery clerk. She is the sole support of
of an old und crippled soldier. This he did
after premising in writing te retain her.
It is en account of Mich removals that the
Mystic Picket Guard is new taking uctien.
Unless the veterans are caied for, they say
they will cut the state ticket. The organi
zation will endeavor te secure the aid nf
the 7,000 veterans living lu the county.
Already the society has indorsed Capt. W.
11. Barclay, Democratic nominee for
secretary et Internal ntfalrs.
Prolific Timethy.
A remarkable cluster of timothy stalks
wus this morning scut te the Intku.kik.v
cub effice by James M. Walker, of Gap,
this county. The stalks, numbering 103,
which are3J feet long and well headed, wero
apparently grown from ene grain of seed.
The cluster was taken from the farm of
Mary L. Wulker Roberts, of Dremend,
Tex., at uup.
Mr. Walker reports that en the brew of
Gap Ridge there Is ene lotceiitalnliigabnut
one acre of ground well set with tall timo
thy en which limtMiy seed never was
known te have been sewn.
BoutTe Thulr Old Heme.
This afternoon Mayer Clark shipped
Geerge Scherer and his wife te Chambers-
burg. The woman Is utlllctcd with an in
curable disease, and she wished te go te
her home te die. They have been Inmates
of St. Jeseph's hospital for three and u-half
mouths past. The county commissioners
refused te glve anything towards having
the ceuple sent away, mid the mayor did it
A Yerk Ilepuhllcuii'H Intoiitleu.
A dispatch from Bcdfeid Springs te the
Philadelphia Time says: Albert Slnyscr,
u life-lnng Republican and president of the
Western National bank, of Yerk, Pa., Is
stepping at the springs. Speaking or the
campaign en Saturday, he said : " 1 intend
voting ler ox-Geernor PaUlsen and will
use what influence I liau In his behalf.
I cannot swallow Quay und Iliilamater."
Mr. Sinyser was chairman of the Republi
can county committee In Yerk for ten
Went te See tlie Soldiers.
About ISO peeple went te Mount Gretna,
en the special train which left Laucaer
al nju hunuay morning. All speak very
highly of the encampment, where there
was a large crowd en Saturday night and
liellverlinr the Iren.
Te-day tlie street railway began delivor deliver
liii.' the iron along Seuth Queen stroet for
their liatks, which are te be laid shortly
between Vine street uud Centre Square,
Haydn White, an East Denegal Farmer
Opposed te Quay's Candidate The
Administration Extravagant.
Mamktta, Jnly ;2I.Haydn White,
anether East Denegal farmer, has deserted
the Republican ranks. This makes the
fifth man from that section te loave the
party in a month's tlme.
When asked by an iNTKi.t.inr.NCKii
reporter te state his reasons he gave them
as follews:
" I am opposed te one-man power In
state legislation ; consequently 1 cannot
support G. W. Dclamater when the Demo
cratic party has a candidate nominated by
the people. I am opposed te the reckless
pension extrayagancewhlch theRepubllcau
party has been guilty of the past year and
which lias almost bankrupted the national
treasury. I am opposed te the infamous
Ledge ferce bill, which If passed will be au
everlasting dlsgrace te the Republican
party and deprlve the peeple of the South
ern states the rights and privileges which
nr "i-mitcd them by the Anierlcan consti
tution.", 'looms Stay man, ene or the eldost Inhab
itants of this town, died en Saturday morn
ing, at the age of 82. The deceased was
formerly employed at the P. IU R. station,
but had been living retired of late years.
He has ene son, who lives In Baltimore.
The United Order of American Mechan
ics held Its annual picnic at Duffy's park
en Saturday. It was very largely at
tended. THE O. U. A. M. PICNIC.
A Liirjre and Well Mniiiiiced l'lcnle ut
Tell's Hull! en Saturday.
The picnic of Tlioddeus Slevens council,
Order of United American Mechanics, at
Tell's Haln en Saturday, was attended by
hundreds or friends or the order. The day
was a delightful ene for an outing and all
en tbe grounds enjoyed thcmsolves. The
commltteo in charge of the picnic made
every arrangoment for the comfort of visi
tors, und there has nover been at these
grounds as large a picnic hotter managed.
The principal attraction of the afternoon
was the sheeting contest for a handsome
geld medal. The intention was te have a
contest for it botweeu the North and Eust
End clubs, but all the mombers of the&e
organizations could net be. thore, and it
was decided te award the medal te the best
marksman of the day. The match was at
clay pigeons, 18 yards rise. Each contest
ant shot ut 25 pigeons. Hurlburt Andersen
was the winner. Following was tbe scere:
Ua unman....
110 0 0 0 10 0 u
l inei ioeiooooioo
110 0 1110 e u
l e l n i i e it i 1:1
oiiieeooi oeoooii
l e e e l i 1 e e IU
0 1001010 1 12
01 101001101101 II
I 0 0 1 0 0 1 O 1 ...ll
011010 0 000100001
1 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 - N
0000000000001 0 00
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 10 0 0 ... H
0 00 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 1 I 1 00
S. CIayMlllcr....
Frank Clark .,.
Park Cttiiiiulngs.
II. Andersen
T. Andersen
Bayler ...,....
1 1 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 12
matches follewod at the
Twe mero
same distance.
They wero for money
nrizes. The result of the first was :
Clark 0 1110 0 0 11 0-5
Bayler .0 0 10 10 110 1 J
Martin 0 10 0 0 0 0 11 O-a
Urewn 0 0 II 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Uultmiltll .0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 I 1-0
Miller 0 0 1110 0 0 0 1-1
T. Ainlerseii 0 0 110 10 1-1 0-5
II. Andfrseu.w! 10 0 1110 0 11-0
The second resulted as fellows :
Clark e 0 0 0 I 0-1
Bnydcr 1 1 1 0 0 I I
Martin .0 10 0 0 0-1
Urewn; 0 0 10 0 0-1
lialbraltli -1 118 1 -
T. AndciBen 0 0 110 1-3
11. Andersen 1 1 110 0-1
A sort that created lets of fun wus the
climbing of the slippery pole. Dancing
was indulged lu by many and from early
evening until the closing hour the dancing
pavilion was thronged. Stoey's erchestra
furnished the music. The grounds wero
Illuminated with hundreds of Chinese lan
terns, whlle along the creek were dezens of
The Orliiln of the Typhoid.
In liis report te the beaid of health,
Commissioner Soigler says that the cause
or the prevailing typhoid in Rose Bres, it
Hartmau's factory was the Introduction of
the typhoid poison by ene of the empleyes.
He names Sullle J. Trout as the lirst ene te
be taken sick, and though indisposed from
the tlme of a brother's illness, kept en
working Ter a whlle.
A ropertor of the lNTr:M.iei:Nci;n en
Saturday called at the rcsldence of Miss
Trout and found that she is in a very rrill
cal condition and her family de net feel
ul all pleased witli the report of the lytn lytn lytn
mlssioner. Dr. Overfleld in conversation with sev
eral nowspuper men that morning said that
the case referred te lu the Trout family be-
fore that of Miss Sallie was her brother
Benjamin. The doctor attended him but
It has been uver u year siuce he recovered.
The doctor says that anether girl who wus
employed In the umbrella factory was
takeu with typhoid t'over before MissTreut,
and the lailer visited her befere she wus
taken with It herself.
Tlie liny Cl lib.
The Bay club, of this city, held a moot meet
ing at Lewis S. Hartmau's effice en Satur
day evening, when it wus agreed t- lcave
Lancaster en their annual trip en Thurs
day next. The incniberK will lcave for
Baltimore en Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, but a committee will go ahead ut
n-M in the morning of the same day te put
everything in readiness for the ethers.
When the second section reaches Baltimore
they will go en beard the beat at once and
start en the trip. Their first stepping
place will be at West Point en the Yerk
A Censialilu Kueil.
Last week Constable Elcheltz sold the
personal property of Charles W. Hecltel,
carjienter. The goods wero claimed by
Edward Ebcriuati, but no attention wus
paid te the claim made. Te-day Mr.
Eberiuan, through his counsel, Wm. Aug.
Alice, entered suit in the court of common
picas against Constable I'icliellz and
the sureties en his bend, Klwoed driest
and Dr. R. M. Boleuius, for tlie value of
the goods sold. The censtable or Ids
bondsman can leso nothing, us they were
Flreut Christiana.
Late Saturday night the building ever
the brick kiln of J. D. C.Pewnall, at Chris
tiana, was destroyed by fire. The alarm
brought out the lire company uud the fire
men worked hard until Sunday forenoon.
Thern was a (Hittcry In the building and
a lare number of crocks and ether pieces
wen damaged by the water.
Hud uMroke.
X,i. harlah Williams, an old and respected
citizen, of Salisbury, whose home Is near
(lap, was taken Ith a stroke of apoplexy,
en Saturday, and Is new lying critically 111.
An Old ltulldlim.
A. J. Cogley left this morning te put a
tin reef en u boiiseof Ames Krelder, near
Petersburg. The building Is said te be
112 years of fge.
The Next Suasion Will Boen August 10,
Which Wilt He Opinion Day.
Court met at 10 o'clock this morning for
the transaction of current bustnear.
The brewers' license of Gotleib Yeung,
Columbia, was transferred te Loder A
The tavern license of Wm. M. Walb, do de
ceased, at Brlckcrvllle, was transferred te
Wm. F. Palm.
Jehn Keen, Bart, was granted a soldier's
license te peddle In the county of Lancas
ter. Jacob A Helllnger was appointed police
man for the IaihUsvIUe campmeetlng
grounds, te act as from July 22 te Augnst
Josse Martin, Columbia, was appointed
guardian of the miner children of Jehn
Edmunds, deceased, late of Columbia,
A. II. Frltchey, city, was appointed
guardian of the miner child or Daniel Zeek,
deceased, late or West Earl.
An Issue was framed te ascertaln the
amount due en Judgments given by J. A.
Brilton te Gately k Brltten, Herb it
GreenaufT and Geerge M. Brltten. The
contesting creditor Is Frank P. Latter.
He was made dofendant and the patties
above named plaintiffs.
An Issue was framed te dotermlne if a
Judgment In favor nf Lydla M. Doersom,
signed by her husband, Philip Doersom,
was given without consideration. Michael
Haberbush was made plaintiff and Dr.
Jehn M. Bentz, trustee, defendant.
F. S. Greff und'llcnry Massey filed peti
tions for appointments te the effice of col
lector or school taxes In Salisbury town
ship. GretT asks fur the position bocuuse
he Is the collector of the remaining town
ship taxes, which will make it convenlont
for the taxpayers. Massey'a petition is
signed by flve of the six school directors.
The court this aftornoen appointed Wm.
The court granted a charter te tbe Metho
dist Episcopal church or Flerin. The trus
tees of the church are Harry Stell, Andrew
Stell, Ames B. Winters, Christian Schatz
and Jehn Stell.
The court this afternoon made an erder
changing the venue In the case nf 11. R,
Fulton against the county of Lancaster.
The case will new botrledlu Berks county.
Court adjourned until Saturday, August
It), when opinions will be delivered In
cases argu oil at the June term.
The Algonquin Club's Outing.
The Algonquin are the last of the regu
larly organlzed camping clubs te take their
outing this season. Since organization,
five years age, their camp has been held
the first week in August, and it Is the same
this year, leaving here Monday morning,
August 4th, returning Saturday, the Oth.
As a rule the weather lias been mero pleas
ant ut that time, the fishing at Its best,
wlille the opportunities for procuring first
class table supplies from the furmorsef tbe
neighborhood are better than at an carller
The outings of the Algonquin's have
always been most enjoyablei affairs, and
this year's premises te be ene of their besU
The popular " ladles day " Is put down for
Wednesday. Club day Is oil Friday, when
adlnner wilt be given lu honor of their
host, Jehn Balr, and ethor friends of the
club. The balance of the week is provided
for with an oxcellont pregramme It is ex ex ox
eoctod that almost overy ineinber of the
club will be In attendance during the week;
but the places of any members who are un
able te attend will be rllled by the olection
el annual members.
The camp will be held at Yerk Furnuce,
for which place the club starts by special
car ut 0:30 a. m. Monday, August 4.
A (Sunday Runaway.
Lust evening two young moil who had
hired a team of Benjamin Hlrsh, livery
man, left tbe herse standing In front of tlie
hotel at Rosevillo. The horse slipped the
brldle and get away. He ran te town,
coming lu the Llttlz turnpike and dashing
down Duke street. Atthocernomroruiigo
street severul young goiitlemon were stand
ing mid they ondeuvered te catch the
animal. That caused him te wheel and he
quickly turned down Oiange street and
run te North Queen. Hore anether crowd
nttempted te step him and he turned up
North Qiieeu strceU Al the City hotel he
made a very sudden turn te run lu the
archway te his stuble. In doing he he
ulinest tumbled down the steps of the base
ment leading te Win Weaver's billiard
rooms. The buggy struck against the
building am iron pests near by and It was
very badly wrocked.
A Disgraceful Square.
Twe years age a sewer was laid en North
Queeu street, en the east side of tlie cur
track from ContreSquroUi Orauge street.
It wan the duly of the contractor te put the
belglan blocks back in the same condition
that he hud found them. A number of
botches, who knew no mero about laying
this Kind of blocks than they did about
preaching, were put te work te fix the
stenes properly. They mude soveral
attempU te de the work, but failed. Tbe
result Is that there are new gutters and
gulleys along tlie whole line of the sewer.
In many places the blocks are sunk from
six Inches te a loot and the condition of
the stroet Is net only dangerous but It Is a
disgrace te the city. The mombers of the
street committee pass and repass along this
square overy day and several of them
knew very well of the condition of the
stroet, as their attention has been called te
It frequently, but they pay no heed te It.
IMhs A Deorr Answer.
Iteccutly, A. Mayer began suit lu the
Philadelphia common pleas, against Kiss
it Deorr, of this city, successors te Jeseph
Porluendo it Ce., cigar manufacturers, te
recover salary us a traveling salesman.
He claimed that he had been empleyed by
the old firm for a year ut a certain stipu
lated rute, and that the defendants had con
tinued him in their employment at tlie
same rule und under the same agreement,
but had, without cuuee, discharged him be
fore that agreemenl legally expired. Fits
it Deorr, en Saturday, Died uti air Javlt of
defence, denying that they assumed thn
contract for sorvice made with Mayer by
Porluendo .t Ce., and setting out that tiny
discharged him bocuuse he refused te obey
Instructions; that he had confessed his In
ability te render thoervcos he had under
taken te perferin, und, lu addition, they
say that 1)0 is indebted te them lu certain
sums which they claim us an offset te any
liability en their part.
Quarterly Meeting. .
The quarterly meeting ut tlie Strawberry
street A. M. E. church was largely et-
tended. It was lu charge of Presiding
Klder J. M. Palmer. Itevu. W. It. Nerrif,
of Marietta, A. M. Buckley, of Columbia,
uud II. A. Creuiartle, of the Strawberry
street church, took mrt In the exercises.
Suit Agutust u "linrdluii,
W. D. Weaver, attorney or Jehn Welty,
brought suit In the court e 'common pleas,
te-day against David Metzler, Jacob Bru
bakeraud Adam Doiinlsen. Mctzler was
the guarejlau of Welty, and. lie refused te
pay te him when he bocaiue of age $000 he
held as guaidlau. llriibakjir and Dcniil Dcniil
seu are the bail of Motzler. jH tlie parties
reside in Cotiey tewiishlp.
A New Camp P. O. S. of A.
On Saturday evening a new camp of thn
P. O. S. or A. was Instituted at Church
town, this comity. The Red and While do de
grees wero conferred en 10 applicants.
Thirty-fhe signed the application ler the
new camp, but many wero detained from
being Initiated. The following officers
conferred the degroes :
P. Pres. Stale President James R. Kon Ken
ney, of CampliM; Pres. State Soe'y. Wm.
Weand, er77; Vice Pres. T. II. Hlldebrand,
or 40; M. or F. and C, Dls'U Pres. Everett
S. Gelst, er274 1 Conductor K. L. Sutten, of
40; Rec. Sec'y. E. S. Ranck, of 40; Fin.
Sec'y. Jno. E. Koller, of 417 ; Chaplain Gee.
II., of 40; Trens. D. R. Kurtz, of 40;
Right Sentinel Daniel E. Overly, of 40;
Left Sentlnel Harry Kllllan of 271; Inner
Guard Jno. B. Themas, or 40; Outer Guard
E. G. Farrer, or 27 1.
Previous te institution a street parade
headed by the Chiirclitewn band, took
place, after which an address was made by
State- President J. P. Kennoy.
The ofllcers or the new camp are as fol fel
lows : 'Past President, W. W. De Haveti ;
president, Arthur Huwn j vlce prosldeut,
II. K. Smith ; M. of F. A C, Rebert Simp Simp
eon ; roc. sec'y, 8. Kern ; flu. sec'y. Tlice.
Hart ; treasurer, Jehn S. Badgers ;
conductor, E. C. Warfel ; inner
guard, Martin Kulr. ; outer guard,
Jno. Scgner; chaplain, Edw. A. Russell
right sentlnel, Martin Lambert; loll senti
nel, Jno Hoftner.
State Secretary Wound Installed the offi
cers assisted by D. P. E. S. Geist. Messrs.
Kenney and Weand made very appropriate
addresses. Camps Nns. 1,1, of Adaiustewu,
40 of New Helland, 274 of Terre Hill, 103 of
Reading, and 227 of Ephrata wero repro-sentep.
The WeKleru Union Again Doing Busi
ness With All Points.
Nkw Yeltlt, July 21. A large niimber
of operators wero sendlug and receiving
dispatches te and from all parts of the
country in the Wostern Union building
this morning. Superintendent Dealy
Issued the following bulletin t
"II a. m. Working from 10.1 and 415
Broadway te all tielnts. Delay new Is
principally with way stations In New Yerkt
New Jersoy and Eastern states."
The ferces at depot offices In Jersoy City
will be called In te 0.1 Broadway and gen
oral business will be dene en geed tlme
from new en. The newspaper tube sorvlce
will be rosumed te-nlghU The wlres doing
the business of excliauges are being
eperated from 10 Bread Btreet and 195
Broadway, A swarm or werkmen are on en on
gaged in repairing the damaged building.
It lias net yet been doclded whether It will
be necessary te rebuild the reef of the
structure, which would be an immoiiseand
costly Jeb.
i . .
The I'nolne Coast Needs Forts.
Washinoten, July 21, Mr. Hear,
chairman of the Senate comuiltteo en rela
tions of cominerco and busliiess with
Canada, presonted te the Sonate te-day tbe
testimony which has been taken by the
commltteo. The first wltness examined
by the commltteo was General Nelsen A.
Miles, in command of the Pacific coast,
Geuerul Miles' testimony was of an exceed
ingly discouraging character as te the do de
fences or the Pad lie coast against attack by
a 11 cot of war vossels. Beth north and
south of San Francisce thore is net a gun
or fortification that could resist attack, ami
cities and railway systems are at the mercy
of the enemy.
The report or the commltteo is very
voluminous and treats ut length of ull
pending quostlens between the United
Stutcs and Canada. The testimony Is im
portant contribution te many subjects con
nected with the turiff debate.
A Cotten Mill Destroyed.
Wu.MiNrrer,July 21 The Stauten cotton
mill, r tnltes from Wilmington, ewned by
Edwin J. Cranston, took fireln the carding
room at, 10.30 a. in. and was totally de.
In the absence of ewner the less cannot
be ascertained, but the buildings wero for
merly insti red nt 1100,000 exclusive of, alu alu
able machinery they confined. All policles
formerly theWllmlngleii ugoncles
have been allowed te lapse within the past
year, und the Insuiunce has been trans
ferred te Philadelphia. The less is net
likely te be leas than $20,000 and may be
much heavier.
Tlie Twe Coldest .Inly Hays.
Washington, July 21. The signal effice
furnishes the following special bulletin te
tlie press t The weather reports show that
In the Middle Atlantic states, from Wash
ington north te Rochester aud Albany uud
in Kirtiens of the New England states,
Sunday and Monday mornings were
the coldest en record fur the month
of July. Following are seme minimum
teiuperutures with their relations te thn
lowest temperature reported .during tlie
second and third decades of July 20th, viz :
20th, Washington, 62 degrees, I belew;
Harrlsburg, 52 degrces, 2 below ; Atlantic
City, 62 degroes, 3 below; 21st, Baltimore,
60 degrees, 3 below ; Erle, 60 degree, .1
below; Rochester, 10 degrees, 3 below.
GiuiteiimlH Net In Warfare.
Paiiis, July 21. The Guatemalan minis
ter here, referring te the reports from
Mexico that war has broken out between
Guatemala und San Salvader, aays that tbe
tolegrams from Mexice are lnexucU War
has net beau declared, he says, and no
Guatemalan troops huve crossed the fron fren fron
tleror Han Salvader. It Is the minister's
opinion that the fighting referred te in the
dispatches must bavn occurred in Iho In
terior of San Salvader betwoeu factions In
that country.
Death of Congressman Wnlkrr.
Wahiiinhie.v, July 21. Immediately
after the I leuse assembled te-day, Deckery
(Me.) announced the death of Representa
tive Walker, of Missouri, who died en
Resolutions oxpresslve or tlie sorrow
with which the Heuse heard Oi Mr.
Walker's death were adopted, a comiulttce
te attend the funeral was appointed and the
IIouseusu further mark of respect te the
memory ofdecoasod adjourned.
" .
Kent te the llerinudus.
Iemmi.v, July 21. The Soceud battalion
of Grenadier Guards, seme or the members
of which rocently showed signs el Insub
ordination, will shirt fur Beriiiuda to
morrow. The battalion wus Inspected to
day by tlie Duke of Cambridge, commander-in-chief
of the British urmy. The
duke also addressed the troops and ex
pressed the hope that they would bchuve
better abroad than they hud behaved in
Te MwlliL for 91,000.
Bosten, July 21. Jehnsen, the veteran
swimmer, or Urat Britain, nnd holder or
the swimming Jiampieiiship of the British
Isles, who recently arrived hore, has suc
ceeded In getting en a nutcli with Pref1.
Doualdse'j te swim tun inlles for 81,000 a
hide, evr an oceau ceurse. A course off
Ceney Island, N. Y will probably be se-
lBCiCl1- J , T ..esall
St. Antheny'B I'lj.-.-j'teail
Te-day St. Antheny's, chemptly. I
ii picnic ui
l'ells lliun" --
atlcndancii is very laruW.KHHUv.
carried la rge munb
uujviuivr, ,
Little Wlille Keniey Severely BlttM j
n Deg In Yerk County Wm. Der
Is sued Pep Three Assaults. "I'l
Cei.UMniA, July 21. A painful
liapjicned en Sunday evening te G
vvagner, a slx-yoar-eld son of Fr
Wagner, living en alley I. He fell fn
fence, lauding en tils head and ren
unconscious for soveral hours. He''
given medical attention and Is much
proven mis morning. f.
Wlille Koaley, a 3-year-old son of
Kealey, residing en Barber street',
visiting with his parents In Yerk
yesterday when he was attacked ty
vicious deg and badly bitten above ,
belew Iho eyes. Dr. C F.
tended the child's Injuries.
Jehn Blank, living en Sixth street, I
rum u iree en naiuruay evening
breke tlie socket ball of his left shook
making a very severe injury. Dr. Hlfl
rendered the necessary medical atteaM
William Dersoy, colored, was OBX
warpath en Saturday night, and has
sued by threo persens for assault and '
tery. Ben. Duck was the first one struck 1
Dersoy, and then Jim Russell, colored, I
the weight of Dnisey's flsU Mary
wanted te step the light and she receive
blew which knocked hordewn. Dersey t
sued bofero Squire Lvans, and W
lu the lockup by Officer Wlttlck. Tk t
will be settled by uylng the costs. "i&''
A picnic will be held at Mount Or
en Tuesday by the u. n. Sunday
Trains wilt loave the Reading rallr
station at 7:45 a. m. ;i
A number or town peeple went te
rlshtirg en Saturday night te see the Fa
pellitn exhibition. Tlie returning
was delayed very much, and the
arrived home at .1 o'clock en SttS
morulner. '.''
Walter Geed, who was badly bar
few days nire at tbe rolling mill, la I
be about. Ills hands are shoektl
burned, and he wilt net be able te't
for soine time.
Soveral persons went te Mount Of
en Iho P. R. R. en Sunday, and
sM3iidlng a pleasant day. Several
men dreve te the camp and bad
A handseme badge was chanced
Columbia Ledge, Ne. 117, B. of It'
Traliimen. and was drawn by James 1
Clure. "?
A gunie of base ball was played en I
unlav afternoon between the Ironside I
Columbia clubs. The guuie was full;
errers and was very uninteresting. It 1
u continual growl botween the en
nlaversard with tbe umpire. Thai
was wen by the Ironsides by the I
10 te 12. Six Innings were played la i
und ,..,A.I,a1f linlirM. 3tL
Company C, under command of
F. A. Bennett, left an Saturday avi
for the encnmpiiient at Mount Gretaai:,-"
Airu.neiiry icnnisn sueu um
before Squire Selly for malnUnaaea.U9
hear nir leek place en wauiruay arms
and Yeanlsh was held In $200 for court
A festival was held errHsAMMStM
Sil Yal .-A- e..4 LaIL. 1 ! tlhla
m. l'OMl"S uuiuuiiu wiiuiuu, nuim in
success III every particular. - 3&
P. S. BrOsAnnd family returned.
mernlmr freniT trin te Mechanlesbar
Miss i:meLesb, of Reading, It Tfc
Miss Aunle Det..
Twe cars Jumped the track ln.thaP.1
IU east vards en Saturday evening
wero seen replaced by the wreck oreWtOjl
Miss Annie Eckmun nas returned i
u trip te Spring Lake, N. J. &
He In Kutllled ut Damages. ViA
Lkuanen. Ind., July 21, Marlen M
dull, a married man who lived at
vllle, this county, four years sge,i
who was charged with asaaulUngf
young girl, was takeu out l
Whlle Cups ene night, UMV-
a pest uud beutau Inte InselislB
He bocame paralyzed from the eflectsji
brought suit for 110,000 damages
flve of his assailants, who were sui
citizens of this county. Judgment
elven for S5.000. The defendants
the case te the supreme court, but tha,
clsle:i handed down from that body.
tvnnk illllrlim the iudfflllent Of tllO
"- -.---.-- .,.
court. vs:
Killed Ills Daughter's I.eTr.r$v ;
AneKNTiNK. Ks.. July 21. Jehn
yesterday shot and killed Frank, Mall
Mullen was a boumer at rneDers i
und wus very attentive te 8tebrs
ter. Stoher ordered him from tne pr
but he refused te go, aud the angry I
shutbliii through the abdomen.
was arrestetl. W
Traitors In Brazil.
Dukne Ayw:h, July 21. Netwlthi
hie the denlals of semi-official news;
that a plot against tlie government ;
been discovered, several army officers ha;
been arrested for complicity in tna
spirucy te overthrew the present ruler
the republic. Asa moasureoi precau
against tbe plotters guards have been
Honed about ull the government bulldi:
A Family Struck by a Train.
Hviiacusk. N. Y.. July 21. The ML J
Exnresi en the New Yerk Central
a wuffen centalnliu; Wlnslew Harmen I
his wire and nvo-ycar-eiu uuugiusvt,
WuedsnortCressluKUt 10 o'decK Baiur
niiiL Mr. Harmen was Instantly kllk
Mrs. Harmen sustained Injuries whlehv(a
u tiiiuiL-bt. will result In her iieaiti ana t
rirl wuh seriously but net fatally lnjud.'
. 45
Wounded In a Duel. -Iffr'JI
imius. Julv 21. A duel with swa
wusfeuicht vosteidey between M. Ma
and Gerges Huge, son of Victer Huge.f
whMi Mr. lluue was BllKUtiy weus
The trouble arose rrem a private quarreJf
n. t..l.llal,..M fllvft nftnUt. .3
limn' Jul v 21. Tha nroDrleters of
1IIILD l..w..w.w w... u...--.-T
tmwHiiaimrs published en the Ifland-
Malta have been oxcemniuulcated ,l
printing articles abusing the pepe
bishop of Malta.
lt.uiiii nt' llhr Man.
'1'u.scei.a, HI.. July 2l.-Jehu Hani '11
largest man in Illinois, men naiumuy sua
ut his Heme near nuru. hu no
... of utre. und his welght formally y
"past lias been botweeu 000 and 70') neua
Washington, D. (""
uir, northeasterly v
.hanges in loinperatun
Jfcrulil Weather Forecast
wave" ceveuug um '" a I I
will prebiuiy inove
day. becoming sovere
liy weuiiesuny.
United Slates yiening our Hirtn
reported luWQuecnuwure and will
YarmoUlKe mipply our customers
liuiuiu very best graue or ware at
Queb'Prlcca. lleuuutlres receive
jjMUal uttcutloe.
15 East King Street.
j'X'Lf.;fAl'lt'it'MaMrf3.aitAt'h. -)L. . ,.lWsairil!UJSIVetjii..Ji . .j,.JtaJ-b.';.JJ.ij"i