Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 19, 1890, Image 1

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    BVPZ&gri''. yr. iv
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-Jf I
f fMUlfifflR. sfsBBBBBsBfe--?
fiVEK 9,000 .VILITI1 J.D 400 REGULARS Till?
ro&sL&sieN or it. (jrem.
Thursday's Storm Levels a Number or
Tents and Causes ConfUsleu an.
If estitis Hurled While ntDluuer.
The Intklmekncer eh Friday referred
brlelly te Thursday's storm at llm soldlers'
nncampincnt nt Mount Gretna. The storm
begun about 7 p. in., mid for nearly au hour
whooped things up In very lively style,
ranvns, tent pole-, tent ptns, clothing and
bedding being whlrleil up Inte the air and
Mattered by the wind In many directions.
It wan just after the bugles of the regular
bud sounded " retreat" at the clese of dress
jiarade that the llrst pattering or the rain
begun, and although the heavy atmosphere
and loweriug clouds had for nu hour pre
vious threatened a storm, pe ene thought
that the camp was te be given a second
touring out, as it was beheved that the
storm en Tuesday night had done all the
damage possible.
This was rudely shattered when the
storm of wind and hall descended from the
great hills en the west. A superb oloelri eloelri oleelri
cal display preceded the actual breaking of
the storm, in which the dark masses of
clouds were riven by the lrightrul flashes
of lightning that seemed te split the
heavens In two. Stupendous crashes of
thunder follewod each Hash and then the
rain began falling gently at first, but rap
Idly increasing In density until it resem
bled 11 fog. The wind Increased with the
sin, and from a gontle brocze it dovelepod
rapidly Inte n cyclone Unit hewled among
the troes, stripping tlicm of leaves and
breaking oil" llmts.
The full ferce of the storm scorned te
coucentrate en hoadquarler?, the tent In
tended for Governer Beaver being lifted up
and Bent whirling Inte the quadrangle in
the rear. Adjutant Gcneral Hastings,
General Stiowden and Lieutenant Warren
had just sea ted themselves in the mess tout
for a lata dinner, wJien the gust, which hid
been skirmishing around, charged the big
canvas In force und carried away all the
supports, causing a collapse that burled
tin twoeflleors under It, aud mixed tiium
lip in the debrls of tables, chairs and
The rldge pole In filling struck Goneral
Hustings en the back of the head, raising
nu egg-like lump, and anether plcee of
timber grazed his face, making a long
scratch down his cheek. Ofllcere and
servants ran" quickly te the wreck and,
afler considerable work, suecoeded In
liberating theso held down by the flattened
canvas. The fall of the mess tent was
follewod by that of the commissary depart
ment, a huge circus all'.ilr ene hundred feet
long, supported by tliree poles. Assistant
Ceunnisary General Spinglerand Division
Commissary Patten wero boneath it at the
tline of its cellapse, issuing rations te about
80 men who wero also under Its sholter.
The wind laid held, and, after a few pre.
llmlnary flaps, as ir te test its power or
resistance, gave the tent a wreneh that
smashed the peles, lere the guy ropes and
pins from the ground and ilnttened the
canvas upon the Inside, but fortunately
without injuring env ene. All or
men were dug out of the wreck, and then
came an alarm from the staff stables, a
large canvas fly. which the wind promptly
levellcd upon thoheads of Iho frightcned
horses. Men crawled in under the canvas
and the stud9 wero quieted until their clese
ceveiing could be removed.
In the camps or the .Second and Third
Brigades the tents wero mewed down in
tiers and the details had a hard time of it
during the night, owing te all their cloth
ing being thoreughlv soaked. The HrM.
lirlgade was luckier, as but very few or
their tents went down, while the regulars,
being in a hollow, were sheltered and lest
no tents. The storm lasted ever an hour,
and when it finally ceased headquarters
E resented a sorry sight. Where there had
con a muss of tents pitched in a hollow
square, the quadrangle showed gaps whure
the tents hail geno down.
Friday morning, as if te make amends
for Thursday night, breke bright and clear.
A cool broezo blowing across the field
niiule the work or repairing the damage.
Homewhat lighter. All hands were tunicd
te after reveille and rows upon rows of
tents rapidly sprung up all ever the park.
Everybody worked with 11 will, and but
for the gullies cut in the ground by the
rushing waters the truces et the storm
were seen obliterated.
With the sounding of the breakfast call
enme the music of the Eighteenth reglm nt,
"Duquesne Grays," and the Pittsburg
boys, te the number of mere, than 000,
marched in and speedily maile themselves
at home. The only military duties re
mi I red or the Eighteenth regimeiit en Fri
day were dress parade at six o'clock and
the furnishing of a provost guard, which
was sent Inte Lebanon te drive out the
soldiers who were in tliore for a "geed
time. " The evetit of the day was a review
of the regular troops by Colonel Gibsen.
The combination of threo arms of the
sorvice in the army at ene place Is araie
ene, and Friday's evcniiig's ceremony was
a gallant ene. The icgiilar brigade was
paraded in full dress uniforms, a nevelty
111 the camp of Pennsylvania's: soldiers.
The infantry wero tlieir'hclmets, with glit
tering f-pikes atop. The cavalrymen's
yellow plumes nodded as tlieir "horses
pranced, and the large red tails of the ar ar
tillery headgear steed out straight as the
caissons and limhers were whirled, at a
galep, into position. The brigade was
marched te the eastern end of the parade
ground and formed line, with the infantry
nu the right, cavalry en the left, artillery in
the cent! e.
The snap and vim with which the infan
trymen handled their iitlos,the frce swing
ing step with whlch'they inurchod.tegcthor
with the quickness of the canneniers and
the gallant bearing or the troopers with
their superb herses, excited woiuleramoug
the National Guardsmen who clustercd in
the shade te vlew the pageant. The loview
was at llrst conducted In lines. Colonel
Gibsen, accompanied by GoueralsSnowdon
and Hustings, riding from the right te the
left, along the trout and back te a position
in front of the center, via the rear.
Then the Infantry breke te the right in
platoons of i!l tiles," batteries and cavalry
men also whceliug Inte platoons, and tiie
111.1n.l1 past began with all the buglers
sounding a stirring match. Alter saluting
the reviewing officers thn regulars marche I
te their camp and wero dismissed.
The ten days oncainptnenl begiiu te-day.
There are '.',000 state troops und 400 United
States icgulars at Mt. Gretna. The United
States regulars are troop II, of the Feiulh,
and hoop II, of the Sixth cavalry, from
Fert Shyer, Vu., under command et Majer
Lewis II. Carpenter, or the Fifth cavalry;
Light Ilattery K, First artillery, e( Feil
Hamilton, X. Y., Captain Dilicubuck, and
two companies of the Elevcnth infantry
from Madisen Barracks. Majer William
Sinclair, Secend artillery, is lit command
of the light artillery battalions,und Lieuten
ant Colonel E.G. Iiiish, Eleventh Infantry,
is in command or the In Ian try. Colonel
II. G. Gibsen, Third artillery, is in com
mand of nil regular troops
General Sueuden Is In command of the
Fenusylyanla National Guard. The next
ten da vh will be taken up with all branches
of military tactics by both the regular and
militia. Artillery targets are en a moun
tain slde a mile or inore from camp.
IHsmarck's Appeoriiuee.
The correspondent of llie Londen I)riil;
Telrtiranh who lias been visiting Prince
lllsmarck writes : "Let me try te describe
the outward seeming of my illustrious host
as he strede firmly along through the leafy
paths and umbrageous winding ways et
Friedriel.sruh park, manifestly as sound
In wind and limb, as the toughest of his
forestors or the hardiest of Ills keepers. He
wero a soft, bread-brimmed hat, a thick
white neckerchief, knotted in front, a long,
dark, loeso coat buttoned up te the threat,
gray trousers and strong double-soled
beets. In his right band, ungleved, Im
can led a black stick with a slightly curved
bundle, upon which he rately leaned whila
walking 011 level ground. His mnst.iche
no longer everhuncs hi whole mouth, as
of yore, but has been trimmed compara
tively short, se as te show the under lip.
He bears himself In his old martial fashion,
with 1 1 Kid orect nivl shoulders well thrown
I i'l , the lut-lpleut corpulenrn w hlch n.ud 1
him appear suiuewhat over-bnlky ubeut
ten years age has outirely vanished."
iJL'-if tJ "am 'rKJfejftt vt: urjjj&ttati
Seaman, theHllk Tester Seller, Brought
Here te Auswer Charges.
Berne time age the Intklliukkceh ex
posed the operations or Wlllla.ii II. Sea
man, an old fellow who seems te be a beat
orthe first water. He came te Lancaster
two months age and sold a silk tester, of
his own manufacture, te the different
tailors of the city, who pronounced It a
very geed article He spent money quite
freely, dressed well and seemed te be an
old sport. After time his funds began te
run tow and he set te work te beat people
in different ways. He borrowed $3 from
the Behn Brethers, and gave them a draft
en a Bosten party, which was returned
proteMed, as there was no money te meet
it. In the Kirao way he get $10 from
Geerge M. Askew, $d from Rebert II.
Plcrce and a small sum from Henry Ger
hart. None of the drafts given wero
geed. Several weeks age he slipped away
from town leaving an unpaid beard bill or
$40at the City hotel. He wrete afterwards
that he would be back at a certain lime,
probably In order te threw the hetel pro
prietors off the track, but he did net show
The Behn Brethers made complaint
against hint at Atderman Halbach's. charg
ing him with obtaining goods by false pro pre pro
tenfe, and there is another complaint at
Aldermau Spurrier's, made by the City
Hetel proprietors, charging him with do de
fraudtng a hetel. Chlof of Police Bergor
took charge or the case, and he located Sea
man In Camden, N. J. He did net want te
get a requisition for the man, but informed
the Philadelphia officers te be en the look
out for him. Thechief woutte Philadelphia
yesterday, and upon arriving there round
that the officers had made little or no pro
gress In the case. With Detectlve Peter
Miller the chief went eyer te Catnden and
found that Seaman was stepping at the
West Jersey hotel, but at the time they
called he was ever in Philadelphia. They
returned te Philadelphia and stationed
themselves at the Market street ferry in
hope of catching their man en Pennsylva
nia soil as he was about te take the beat.
They were net disappointed, for he seen
appoared and was at once taken into cus
tody. He was brought te Lancaster in the
ovenlng and locked up by the chlef.
When arrestcd Seaman pretended te be
greatly surprised. He refused te talk
much about his transactions hore, and the
chief did net euro te ask him any ques
tions. He said he owed very little meney
hore. This morning he was very anxious
te have the Behn Brethers withdraw the
suit, but he cannot pay the amount, as he
has but 20 cents. The prosecutors in that
case de net care he much for the amount or
money but or which they were beaten as
they de te touch the eflbuder a lessen, as
they are certain that he Isa beat and makes
a bustness or It. Seaman is a well dressed,
geed-looking old fellow, and fend of a geed
time even If he must beat semr ene te get it.
Anil Gets Ten Days In .In.Il Fer Train
Charles Williams, a colored man, was
sent te jail for ten days Ter train riding by
Alderman Deen this morning. Williams
was found between twobaggage or express
cars en the train culled Mail and Express,
which arrives here about midnight, by
Baggugetnaster Steinhauser, who turned
him ever te Officer Hey. Bcfore sentence
was pronounced Williams was asked what
he had te say and he told a very plain,
straight story which seemed te be truthful.
He said that he was connected with some
trotting herses that wero owned in Iowa
and had becu at Point Brceze yesterday,
having coine thore Ireiu Poughkeepsio.
Last evening the horses wero shipped weat
from KM street, Philadelphia. Williams
purchased a ticket at Bread stroet sta
tion te ride te 52d Street te catch
the train en which his horses were for the
purpose or riding in the car witli them.
When he reached G2d street he round that
the train had geno. He tried te make the
uoxteno going west in hope of catching up
te the horses and bearded mail and ox ex
press with the above result. The man ox ex ox
hibitedtho ticket that he hud from Bread
and 52d street.
The alderman said he could net let the
man oil, se he sent him out, saying that if
he had heeu killed the railroad company
would liave been liable for damage. By
being cemmitted the man gets separated
from his horses and loses his Jeb, the
county of Lancaster is put te the oxpense
or feed lug him for ten days, and the great
Pennsylvania railroad company has the
satisfaction of knowing that he is in jail.
Sheriff Uurklieldcr Taken Jehn Itinly te
the Eastern Penitentiary.
Jehn Hudy, the convicted murdorer of
his father, te-day took his last leek at
Lancaster, for unless the pardon beard
again interferes in his behnlf he will spend
tlie remaining days or bis life inside the
grim walls of the Eastern penitentiary. The
prisoner was taken te Philadelphia at 8:10
this morning by Sherllf Uurkhelder and
Deputy Levau. The sherilV with the pris
oner rcached the P. It. It. station about 8
o'clock te Hud that the train wtis a few
minutes late. He steed en the sidewall:
with Hudy until the train came in, and
gave the usual crowd a chance te gape at
him. The prisoner looked remarkably
well and much stouter than when be was
first put away. He says his health is of
the best, and apparently he was cheerful.
A great change may have ceme ever hlui
after leaving the city ler the last time
Bofero bearding; the train Hudy shook an
lNTKL.MOi:NCi:n ropertor warmly by the
hand, and urged him le call and see him if
ever he hud occasion te call nt the peniten
tiary. He gave goed-byo te a large num
ber or ethers who gathered te see him off.
A 011nc Swede Wulk lu Frent el
Hnrrlshuw? Express.
Carl Nyquest, a Swede, was killed by
the curs a mile cast of MJddletewn last
night shortly bofero eight o'clock. He was
employed in the shop of the Amerlcan
Tube ami Iren company and was walking
en the truck when Hanlsburg Express,
which left Lancaster at 7:!15, came along.
The man seemed te walk right Inte the
oegluo which struck and killed him
instantly. The body was turned ever te
the undertaker at Middletewu.
The dead man as between 'Jl mid --
years ofage and his parents resldoatQulii resldeatQulii resldoatQulii
slgiuieud, Massachusetts. Werd of his
death was sent te them and until nu answer
is received the body will be KeptutMIddlo KeptutMIddle KeptutMIddlo
tew n.
New liisti'iiiiieutH Jtecelved.
This morning the Iroquois band lecehcd
a base drum, two tenor drums, and a pair
of cymbals All of the Instruments aie
new mid came light from the store. The
large drum is exactly the odor of the coats
worn by tiie baud ; the tenor drums ure
much larger than the old ones. The money
te purchase these things was collected
among the citizens.
C liurcti Anniversary.
The sixteenth anniversary of thr organi
zation of St.Stephcn's Lutheran church and
the fifteenth anniversary or the laying or
the corner-stone, will be celobrated to
morrow A special piograiuuie of iiiusie
liaj been arranged for the service? lu (he
tiierulugand uvctilug.
., .4 AtMtuimti
4U? tPmjuTltt'"
The Lnncuter Fcuclblcs Apply for Ad
mission te the National Guards They
Intend VIMtliiK Mount Grctnn.
The roll orthe Lancaster Kenclbles was
closed at the meeting or the company en
Friday evening and the list or member
was taken by W, J. Ferdney te Harris
burg te-day and filed with Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings. This is the preliminary
step taken te gel into the National Guard.
It is an opportune time te bring the claim
of this new organization te the attention
of the state authorities. Alter each auuual
encampment thore are companies dis
banded and mustered out or the state's
sorvice for fulltire te ceme up te the re
quirements lu drill or numbers.
The application for the reception of the
Feuciblcs into the National Guard is
strongly endetsed by Influences that will
bring about a favorable consideration.
There Is no city or the size of Lancaster
without a military company and the neces
sity for rucIi an organization Is ndmltted.
Lancaster lias bofero been ropresenled in
the National Guard and the companies
wero disbanded for lack of interest. Such
does net appear te be the case new. They
are anxious for the organization te be
recognized by the state and when it is
recognized they will soe that the company
Is a credit te the Guard as well as te the
city in which It was recruited.
Following Is the roll of members.
W.J. Ferdney,
Jeseph L.Hnckett,
Edwin M. Gilbert,
W. H. Itlckcr,
Geerge Ailnms,
Goe. H.CuMcr,
W. . Klrkpatrlck.
Hurry J. Koiimfert,Jr.,
Oliver li. Dally,
Herbert J. (iiiM,
Slierineu E. Hlccle,
Walter w". Oriel,
Krunlt UefTiiinn.
Ijeuis w. uippic,
W. A. Frankfort,
Klincr E. Miles,
Win. L.Jaeeiiy,
Wni. J. Keener,
Frank Mummn.
Albert Hinitli,
i Kcese Kaliy,
Jehn II. Winnies,
Harry A. Lene,
Win. A. Mccftlnn,
Jehn C. Wrirerly,
Edwin J.Iauuty,;
W. H. KautTmau,
Luther Vlllee,
Jehn A. Ktllluu,
Harry Plekel,
Charles C. lielUel,
A. J. llclRcr,
8.8. llumtirlKht,
Kdu-iiril Kreclcel.
I Dr. D. Sherman Smith,
.Charles L. Miicklnten,
IW T V.....ilrll.
. Htuiirt Urimth,
'James 11. Dennelly,
iChnrles W. Flairs,
,C. N. limR,
Levl Kclleubcruer,
Onirics hliciik.
t'etcr .1. McUoueniy,
Jehn llnlciiuqiinll,
'Charles Tucker,
Maurice E. Weaver,
.Milten (I. Klclil,
'Charles J. White,
(Wash A. PetLs,
JlllKh McFallH.
Kaniuel M. liarr,
rA. E. MrCinn.
l'atil Helten,
Oeercn llcliiierisnydcr. J. Oceriie Sflbcllst
A. M. CHldwcll, Elmer K. llnrnlsh.
U. G. Erlsuinu,
A faverable answer Is expected seen after
the oncampment. Te show the adjutant
gcneral and the officers who will decide
whother the company shall be received,
the moinbers will visit the oncampment at
Mt. Gretna in a body 011 Thursday of next
week. They will make se favorable an
iinprossieu en tlicse officials that nn caily
admission is confidently looked for. While
at Mt. Gretnn they will get uu Idea of the
life of 11 soldier during encampment.
IiANl.'AKTi:n'H MILITARY oiiuanijsaiiems.
Lancaster in its time has had sumo of the
best drilled military organizations in the
country. The history of the old Jacksen
Hilles, commanded by the father of Gen.
II. A. Hambright, Is familiar te our old
citizens. This organization was the pride
olthe town. Of Captain Findley's Lancas
ter Fenclbles thore are btlll a few survi
vors; among thorn ure Chilsllau Wldmyer,
Or. J. Aug. Ehler, Christian Gust and
Geerge Buckius. Cel. Jehn II. Duchman
succeeded Captain Find Icy, und after the
company disbanded Cel. Duchman reor
ganized it and became Its captain. He was
succeeded by Cel. Einleti Franklin, who
took the company le the war In ISiil.
The Jacksen Rifles, the rival organiza
tion of Cel. Dueliman's Fcncibles, bofero
the war was commanded by II. A. Hum
bright, wdin also took his command te the
army at the llrst call for troops Later en
he had the Light Guards and the Itey nebis
Bitles, but the military spirit In these latter
organizations was net great and from lack
of Interest these companies decreased lu
membership ami wero finally mustored
out of the state service.
The members or the present Lancaster
Fenclbles are as enthusiustlu a set of men
en the soldier business as could be gotten
together in this city. All they ask fieui
the slate officers is a trial. By the time
the next encampment comes they will
show what an efficient organization it is.
William Murr Picks Up u Stranger Who
Stoats Ills Meney.
William 11. Murr, late candidate. Ter
prison keeper, Is new driving ubcer wagon
for Froderlck Eugle, bottler, of this city.
He travels ever the county dclivciflfc; beer
and gathering up empty bottles. Yester
day he was driving near Heme and over
took William Smith, who asked te ride
witli him te LUitz. Murr allowed him te
get Inte the wagon, and took him te Lllitz.
After the two men had soparuted Murr
found that u pockclheok with $H in meney,
which he had placed between two of the
beer cases in the wagon, was missing. He
at ouce suspected Smith and hunted him
up. He found him ut the Warwick hotel
wheiu he had spent $1 and was already
pretty tlrtiuk. Murr searched him and
found the remaining $7 in ene of his stock
ings. Censtuble Hniues arrested .Smith
andSqulre J. W. Hershey committed him
te prison In default of bail.
Smith is a German, who has been living
about Lltltz for soveral years. He works
at hostleringnnd uouictiines peddles. His
reputation fur honesty Is net of the best, as
he has been suspected or stealing before
A Proposed New ltllle Club.
A meeting was held at Kuapp's Villa 011
Friday afternoon with a view te ergaulr.Iug
a rifle club. Among these present wero
Henry Brelter, M. V. Kllburn, Jeseph
Haetruer, Pcter Demmell, J. A. Klllian,
Jehn Fritch, L. W. Kiiappnud the Messrs.
Wonzel. A preliminary organization was
effoeted by the eloctleu of Peter Demmoll
as president. Anethor meeting will be
held the latter part or next week, when 11
lrmauent organization will be etfected.
The club conteinplutu leasing Tell's naln
as their sheeting ground.
Sudden DuutU from Apeplexy,
Mrs. Eager, wife of Jeseph Eager, u well
known citizen or Strasburg borough, died
very suddenly Friday night. During the
ovenlng she was about the same as usual,
and spoilt seme time out making u call
upon a neighbor. While uay she was
taken with an attack e! vertigo and was
removed te her home. Apoplexy followed
about midnight, and she died lu a few
minutes. Beside u husband the leaves
several grown children.
Discharge. I'ni- Found.
Private Watchman Mcsscukep found the
discharge paper or Philip Dunn, who
enlisted ut Steubcnvillu, Ohie, August Je,
1S0I. They will no doubt be nrgreat vhIiie
te the owner und Mr. Me-senkep has them
at his residence, Ne. 15 Mlddle street.
Sued Fer Lirceiiy,
Louisa Stelgfr has pni-utcd Harry
King and Annle .ell, bofero Alderman
Barr, for Jnrcpuy. She claims that they
stele a geld ring rieui her last May and she
only discovered at this late day ihat they
were the parties that took it.
f.' -
PA., SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1890.
Coerso Stclnmeta, the Colored German,
Una a Lea Dreken.
The colored man who waa Injured at
IUicems station, en Friday, turned out te be
GoersoStclntuetz, the colored German, as
the I.ntklliukncku stated. The man was
brought te this city en the 3:55 train and
taken te the county hospital In the Ambu
lance. Stolnmetz, who Is unable te speak any
English, came te this country from Ger
many several months age, and for a month
or inore he has been hanging about Lan
caster. Love for drink la Ills great weak
ness, and he has served soveral Jail terms
for drunken and disorderly conduct. At
last hr concluded te shake the dust of Lan
caster from his feet. On Thursday evening
he was around the P. 11. It. station fur sev sev sov
oral hours, and as he was very drunk he
was refused drinks at several hetels. He
said that he Intended going te Beading,
but it soems that he did net knew where
Bending is He bearded a bsgguge car en
Western Express leaving hore at 11:10, and
rode us far as the Colobreok read crossing,
a hairmlle east oritheoms station, between
Flerin and Elizabotbtewn. At that point
thore isa sharp curve in the railroad, and
In rounding It Stolnmetz was thrown off.
When he landed he struck heavily against
a fence of pilings, badly breaking lu He
did net remain thore long, as he reared that
ofllceis might catch hi in, but he crawled
away a considerable dlstance and hid In
seme bushes.
Track Foreman Jehn Stell passed the
ieInt about half-past soveu o'clock yester
day morning and then noticed that the
fonce was broken, but saw no one. He
returned at half-past ill no o'clock and In
the tncuutlme Stolnmetz had been found a
considerable dlstance away from the track.
Stell leaded the man en n hand cur and
took hi 111 te ML Joy,whero he was attended
by Dr. J. P. Zolgler. He was brought te
Luucaster, as nbove stated, and Dr. Zolgler
came with him. With Dr. Kline he at
tended the darkey's Injuries. They found
that the right leg was broken below the
knoe and he was otherwise badly bruised.
Stelnmelz was born lu Conge, Africa,
and hels as black as Ink. Ha was taken
te Germany when n inore child and re
ceived a fair education. He werked as a
servantand wuiter for a number of years,
but from his uctleus hore It is supposed
that drink i'et the best of him. He never
lets an opportunity te get a drink go by,
and if he had been a sober man he would
have been able te seen re a geed situation he was 11 faverite fera time. He w as
drunk when brought hore yesterday, and
he kicked about coining te Lancaster, say
ing that he did net want te ceme back here.
Alere IlriiKOH Wunted.
Emieits lNTKLi.inr.NCGu: Any ene who
has seen cable and electric cars ascending
and descending steep grades cannot but
nete that the Laucaster electric cars are
Insufficiently supplied with brakes. Cars
moved by cible or olectrlclty evor steep
grades have, besides the breke nn the
wheels, a "track brake" that is lowerod en
the rails with a lever or .inch xwer that it
is almost sufficient te lift the car from the
track. In wet woather, en very steep
grades, this Is even apt te sllde. Te guard
against this in casus of emergency, at each
enrner or the car is a heavy iron pin j
by touching 11 spilug the conductor can
Instantly diep the four plus en the road read
bod and efibctually step the cur. That the
brakes 011 the electrle cais when leaded
ure net capable or holding thorn en the hill
at Potts' is evident from them going down
the grade lu two Instances. Even if they
were, theie Is the possibility or the brake
chain or some ether part of the brake,
when suddenly and violently applied,
breaking; and with only a slngle brake,
what thou?
As the cars ure ut prosentequlpped every
0110 riding up or down that hill takes his
bones mid life In ene hand und his fare and
chances In the ether, for the conductors
collect I hear while en the hill instead
of having their hands 011 the brake lever
until the danger point is passed, as they
ure made te de nt ether places.
I. S.
A Luree Suake.
Lancaster county bids fair te rival Berks
in big suake yarns. The Inquirer has a
wouderliil taleef a big roptlle which was
sent it freui Churchtewu : On Tuesday
morning Samuel Gorden, residlng south
of the Welsh mountains, while descending
the northern slope of the mountain lu a
carriage, saw n large dark object stretched
out along the read. He discovered It te be
11 big snake, thirteen feet long. He stepped
the herse und secured a large stone. I to te
turning te the carriage he drove ateng
until opposite the suake, when he hurled
the stene at the reptile and struck it en the
head. The snake jumped Inte the air some
tlve feet, gave soveral wrlggles and then
fell ever. Mr. Gordeu struck It with an
ethor stone, which killed it. The leptlle
was us thick us an ordinary man's leg.
Several persons' residing 011 the suuiiiiiiu
slepe of the mountain lest evor ene hun
dred young chlckens during May last, and
seme think this suake doveurcd them.
The Beat Is Itiiiinluc and Mnklne Itcau
lur Trip Larue Patronage.
When Jehn I!. Peeples placed his stoamer
Lady Gay upon the Conesleca creek many
poeplo shook their hauls in doubt, and
nine out of overy ten, who ventured an
opinion 011 the subject, said that a beat
could net be made te run upon the stream.
In this all woie mistaken, for the beat Is
new running and making regular trips in
excellent time between Wltmer's bridge
and Itecky Springs. The beat runs overy
day, commencing at neon, betwecu theso
peluts, ami It makes trips until 10 o'clock
and after. During this week It has hauled
a great number or poeplo, Including sev sev sov
oral picnics, and passed through its first
storm with success. Every ovenlng there
isa rush for lliobeat, and It is patronized
by the best pcople of Iancanter. The two
decks 1110 tilled with very comfertablo
chairs, and overybody that takes passage
en the beat speaks in the highest terms of
t. Mr. Peeples certainly deserves the
patrnuage of the public, and he is bound te
get it.
Cauda sIxty-rourTurtles.
Geerge Hoever, of this city, Is well
known as a flsheriuan, and he has made
several trips this utminer In which he has
been very successful. He and Jehn Brown
went down te the lower cud of the county
011 Wcdncvlay of last week, and returned
yesterday. They fished in u uuiuber or
well-known dams, bringing with them 01
line turtles.
Tiie Pliimliui-h,
'Iho Plumbers' Union had 11 meeting last
evening at width the saiiltury urrangc
incut of Itese Brether A Hurtunn's um
brelia factory was discussed. The union
decided te elfcr the services or their sanl
tar committee le the health commissioner
te 1 ake Inspection threo days or each w eek.
Je u P. Kennedy, Antheny F. Blhl and
Je 1 II. McCord, who coiupeso that com cem
uu re, were Instructed te confer with the
health commissioner.
An Inereuse or Pension.
Augustus Klliiehouse.Bithesda, through
J. K. Harr'n pension agency has been
granted an increase pf pension' from ft te
f 10 lxir mouth,
Service Held By the Teunic Poeplo'
Association ami a Secial Itcutiten.
Hew UioTvmpIe I Arranged.
IiAwntsviLLK, July 10. The annual re
union or the Yeung Poeplo's association of
the Methedltt church was held te-day in
the building rocently constructed by It,
The grove was made te ring with glad
songs en this festal occasion, and at 10:30
when the signal was given from the tabor taber tabor
nacle belt theso en the grounds nssombled
In the new temple, of which the young
poeplo may well feel proud.
W. Q. Hean presided at the reunion with
Mr. Elionbergor at the organ. "Awake
my Seul" was sung, Hev. C. Gaul odered
prayer, and tills was followed by singing
"Iad me, Saviour." Paul McMichael
recited "Vacation," Miss Sadle Jehnsen
sang a sole and Miss Etta M. Crawford
recited "The Ferest Hymn." A selection
by a quartette made up of Misses Ella
Bender, Edith Kehrer and Messrs. Elion Elien Elion
eorgor and Pleatn was much onjeyod. Miss
Amanda Landes reclted "The Methodist
Itinerant" and Hev. C. C. Clark follewod
with the annual address, which was ontcr entcr
talnlngand Instructive.
Thotemplels a neat struclure, 'A) by 21
root, beautifully painted and upon en all
sides. It Is se built that additions at any
time can be made te It without spoiling lis
architectural dimensions. Around the
aides are canvas curtains te be used only In
incloment woather. The streamer from
the flag stafT is made of the colors or the
association, oninge and white. The only
furnlture in the tomple Is an organ, table,
chairs. The tcmple will be a place or Inter
est te the young poeplo during caiupmoot caiupmeot caiupmoet
Ing and will be a power for geed lu bring
ing them together for earnest and oll'ectlve
A social reunion was held this afternoon,
wiiicn was attended by many young peo peo poe
plo from Laucaster, Columbia, Keadlng
and Harrison rg.
The campmeeting will begin en Tuesday
next, with the first. services at 0:30 o'clock.
The campmectlng wilt clese en Friday,
August I.
Switchmen Strike.
Chicago, July Id. The switchmen em
ployed by the Chicago, Beck Island A,
Pacific railroad, between Hth stroet and
Seuth Chicnge.struck this forenoon, and us
a consequence all business en the line Is at
a standstill.
The cause of the treuble Is the unpopu
larity of a man in authority. Last night
Switchman Michael Fex was discharged
by Yardmaster Cary for Inaltontlen te duty.
Subsequently Fex saw Assistant Yardmas
ter Welms and wan told by that official
te repert for duty this morning. He did
se, but Carey refused te allow him
te work. Men along the line had been
made acquainted with the difficulty, and
Carey's exercise or authority was the
signal te thorn te quit work, which they
promptly did.
At neon a meeting was held and a com
mittee was appointed te wait upon Mana
ger St. Jehn and demand the discharge or
Carey. The strikers number from ISO te
l'roeps Kill n Bad ludlau.
Piicknix-, Arizona, July 10. Newa
received from Wilcox, Arizona, stnte that
Limit. Mackay und his scouts while In a
battle yesterday afternoon with the Kid
gang in Slerra Auchas mountains killed
Walt Luti Tub, the ethors 1 Heaping Inte the
meuntalus. The unicorn and scouts are
following close und It Is thought they will
seen capture thorn. Wall Lau Tali's head
was sent Inte the noarest pest for Idnntlft Idnntlft
citlen. He isoneof tlioludlans.whe killed
Sherllf Koynelds last rail and It Is supposed
that he, with the Kid gang, inurdercd Dr.
Uarrle, or Les Angeles, n abort time age lu
Bucket's canyon,
High Geld Premiums.
P. ms, July 10. A dispatch received hore
te-day from Montevideo sayH that the
financial situation In boceuitug worse. The
governniont of Uruguay, the dispatch
further says, will ucgotlate n lean in
Londen. At the clsse of the Montevlden
bourse yesterday geld was queted at 2.1 1
per cent, premium.
Biiknes Aviti:s, July 1U. In the clese of
the market yesterday, the premium en
geld was queted at 100) per cent.
One Murdur Unjustifiable
Savannah, Ga., July 10. In the Norten.
Bird tragedy at Guyten, the coroner's Jury
yesterday brought in a verdict that the
killing or Win. Bird was Justilluble homi
cide, but that the killing of Jehn Bird was
wilful murder. Yeung Norten is still at
.large, but a reward has been offered for
Ids capture. The citizens held an Indigna
tion meeting yesterday afternoon and
should Norten Tall Inte the hands of friends
orthe Birds lynching is probable
. ..........
American Itlflfmuii Kutartnlned.
Bkiilin, July 10. The Amerlcan rifle
men arrlved at Neusuult, id Palatlnate, te
day and wero enthusiastically wolcemod.
The burgomaster, surrounued by local
rlllomeu and municipal authorities, deliv
ered an address of welceme. The Ameri
cans wero heartily cheered. Herman
Wober made an address in reply te the
burgemaster's speech. A grand banquet
will be given te the visitors te-night.
A lievelvur Gnve Him Liberty.
Ecei:nk, Oregon, July 10. U. E. Arthur,
who was arrested near hore en Sunday 011
the charge of forgery committed In Har
rison county, oscaped fiem Jail Thursday
night. He secured a revolver by seme
means und compelled the guard te drlve
him soveral miles into Iho country, where
he took te brush.
l'lrliig Upen Austrian.
Pi'.stii, July 10. In addition te the cus
toms guards nt Kublu, who was II red upon
by some unknown persens from the Ser
vian banks of the Danube, shots woie fired
at seme pesimeu.
New They Ilnvii 11 seu.
Atjikns, July 10. The Duchess of
Sparta, wlfe of Crown l'rlnce or Greece,
and sister of Kmperer William, has given
birth te a son.
A sliull Wounds Artllluryinuu,
llnni.iN, July 10. During artillery prac prac
ticeut Jiietorbegk te-day a large shell ex
ploded and many artillerymen wero
Dentil or nu Astronomer.
Utica, N. V July lO.-Ur. Christian
Henry F. Peters, the astronomer, was
found dead In his bed ut Clinten this
CtlbbluA Strike.
Edimiuiuui, July 10. The cabmen of
Alnirdoen have geno en strike. Net a
single cabin the city is running.
Anether Charge Auatnst Him.
There are threo complaints pending be be bo
eoro Alderman Barr, against 'William
Qiilini, which will' be Jieard en Monday.
Te-day his wlfe pioferred an additional "
against hlui-doseilloii. Olllcera are look
ing for hlui aud oxpeclj (e get hlui tilay.
Th Poisons lUlloved te Be the Cause
or Typhoid Fover and Cholera In
luntutn An Antiseptic.
The following editorial will appear In the
Medical Summary for August:
" The medical profession Is Indebted te
Professer Vaughan, of Ann Arber, Michi
gan, for the discovery or tyrotexlcon, an
extremely active poison sometimes found
in milk during the siimmer season,
Through the newspapers we learn that he
has made another dlscovery, which, if
true, In evon or greater importance, as it Is
stated that he has new isolated the poisons
bellocdte be the cause el typhoid favor
and chelera Infantum. These poisons are
said te be lu the nature of albumineid sub
stances, and when Injected Inte the peri
toneal cavity preduce the lesions charao charae charao
terlstlo orthe dlsoases mentioned.
"Thore is a demand at preseld Ter a
romedy or ncombluatlenorromodlos which
may safely be introduced Inte the system,
that will certainly render theso poisons
Inuocueus; but no romedy will be consid
ered efficient which alms te destrey but a
slngle poison. The remedy, te be success
ful, must possess antidotal power against
all forms or poisons, piithogenetlc and inci
dental. It remains te be seen what suc
cess will attend Dr. Vaughan's attempt te
discover an agent which will, when taken
Inte the economy, act as uu antidote te
theso recently dlscovercd poisons.
" Dr. William F. Waugli has met with
excellent results from the use of compara
tively small doses of sulidio-ciirbelato or
r.lne In various Intestluul disorders. Frem
one-lialfto two grains or this salt are given
at Intervals or two or threo hours, and
while no claim Is made that It shortens at
tacks or typhoid fever, thore nre geed roa rea roa
sens for bollevlng that it losseustho severity
or Iho disease.
" Fer quite 11 number of years the blchlo blchle blchlo
rlde of mercury was highly regarded 11s an
intestinal antiseptic, but the temptation
was such that deses outirely tee large wero
used, and thus, the bad ell'ecta far out
weighed the benefits expected.
" Dr. A. II. Beyor, or Philadelphia, has
been a clese observer in using this drug In
suitable Intestinal alloctleun, and claims
that the host results fellow the use or small
doses, say oitu-theunandth of a grain overy
hour or two.
" The latest and apparently the most
efficient anliseptlc from 11 clinical stand
point, howevor, Isarsoniteof cop per, used
in deses ranging from ene throetfiousandlh
te one fivo-tlieusanth of a grain, til Inter
vals efnn hour or less, as recommended
by Dr. Jehn Aulde. Some or the most ag
gravating cases or chelera merbus are
promptly relieved by the administration or
a few deses, while most cases or cholera In
fantum yield te its mugie Influences with
in a few hours. In typhoid fever the most
forbidding symptoms uroallayed, and the
whele aspect of the case chauged for the
better. A nete should be made hore te the
effect that Dr. Aulde's investigations hae
doclded him upon n moJIllcalleii or the
original rermulu, which will rouder it still
mero efficlent."
Auelucr Bex With Human Itntnalns lu
the St. Leuis Union Depot.
A box containing the chopped-up ploces
of 11 part of n woman's body wan found in
the baggago-roem or the Union depet lu
St. Ijeuis 011 Friday morning.
The box has been In tiie pile i( un
claimed baggnge for llve mouths, and was
without address. Pait of the body was
wrapped lu a Nt. Leuis paper dated Febru
ary 10.
The condition of the body, which was
woithtess te a medical student, points te a
pruhable butchery. The head was missing,
and the condition of the body showed thai
It hud net been chemically trealed for the
purpese ofdlssectlou. 'ihe Identity of the
man who left the box Is unknown, but the
pollce aie working en the case.
A week or two age It u as found nocesRary
te romevo the box, and they dotected a
slight odor. William II. Stcole, the general
baggage agent at the depot, rciunrked the
fact, but concluded somebody hud packed
a lunch In it, and told the men te set It te
ene sldn again and let It remain n while
longer. They did se, but It was found
iircusMry te again meve It. Charley Cress,
ene of the baggage men who handled It,
noticed that the odor appealed mere pro
nounced than bcfore aid notified Mr.
Stcole of Iho fact, asking permission te
have It removed.
Mr. Steele told him he could de he, but
te open it llrst nud sen wind It contained.
The men wero convinced that it contiiiued
decayed meat, but when they opened the
box, Instead of n lunch they Found human
bones packed Inside. Thern was thetrtiuk
of 11 human being, from the top of the neck
almost le the waist, and with the flesh
hourly ull gene from the ribs and neck and
back bone. Thore was also the bone of the
right upper arm mid the shoulder blude, u
shin bone, the huge bone of the lewer leg,
the bone of the upper leg, two lower arm
bones and the colhir-beno. The lull hand
and right feet wero also in the box, us was
the end of the spinal column. The rest of
the body wus mlsslnij.
Meney nud Costly Geiiih Stelen Prem
Vlce PrOHldwnt Morten.
A sensational robbery was cemmitted In
Saratoga, N. Y,, en Thursday. It took
Iilace at the spacious and elegant villa of
tanker Geerge Bliss, of New Yerk, Iho
business partner of Vice President Levi P.
A large part or the goods stolen, IT net
all, are the preperly of the Vice President
and Mrs. Morten, who have been guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bliss this week. Chief of
Police Bledgctt has seme hopeful clues,
but this bus net prevented hint from offer
ing 11 reward ufsl.OeO for the return of the
property. In addition te two well filled
poeketbeoltH the thieves, who are sup
posed le be sneuks rather than cracksmen,
secured a large amount of valuable Jew
elry, the wiiole supposed te be worth
The missing Jewelry Includes a diamond
cress containing six stones, a diamond
crescent with pendants, two pairs or sol sel
latin diamond earrings, an omeruld breech
surrounded with diamonds, two emerald
lace pins studded with diamonds, 1111
einerald ring with two diamonds, a sap
phire ring with two diamonds, a pear
shaped diamond Jewol, n cluster ring, a
ruby ring with two diamonds, a pearl ring
und a silver watch with u chutolalue chain.
A rortuue-Tellor's Victim.
Miss Jonnle McDonald, uged 10 yeara,
of Pittsburg, nloce of Captain Wllllaiu
McDenuld, suporlntendcut of the Dttquosne
steel works, committed sulclde seme time
Thursday night by Jumping Inte the
Monenguholu river,
She did net ceme down te breakfast
Friday morning, and when her room was
entered It was found that It had net been
occupied. Men wero sent out te search for
the girl, but they had net been goue long
before two of her friends came with lotters
they had Just received from Miss Mc
Donald. The icttera said the writer In
tended te drown herself. She wrote that
she had been te see 11 fortune-tcllor, and
that that person had told licr that she
would surely die en theSlh of August.
"Thn words of the fortuue toller have
haunted 1110 day aud night," wrete Miss
McDonald, "and I cannot wait for the end.
Se I will drown myself and have peace."
On the river bank the Jack et and hat of the
girl were found, but her body has net been
recoverod. She was engaged te be married
next mouth, and wus cultured aud rarely
bountiful. The fortttne toller will be prose
cuted. Clgurniukera Strike !ur-More Pay.
Ledge Ne. 100, or the Clgarmakers In
ternational Union, have ordered 11 general
strike, and as w.en as the genera ledgo
sanctions thoiraetien work will be steeped
In ull the cigar factories In Philadelphia
employing union laoer. ue wurumuu in
the non-union fuctoriea will be urged te go
out with the union men. The strike Is for
hlgher wages and the lncreuie asked for Is
from 811 te 315 per 1,000 cigars, according
te the quality.
A Piirmur Named By Donieorutx.
Hen. Jehn V, Buchanan, president of
the State Faimem'AUIaiice.was iientluutisl
for governor by the Tenucssee Demen utle
coiiwiulleii, uu Friduy, by ucchiuu.tiun.
Buchanan is 11 lanuer but has been 11
member, vf b Leglidature ler thife mruia.
- .. - "j.
niriilK. nnrunt.-. .,.,..,'':
1 11 uiii) uQi.wr.a a uaaiiwn, :
It Boluses te liar Saleen-Keepers
Membership In the Order Stt;
Granted the Peunder's Chlldr
MM.WAI7KKK, July 10. The 8i
Ledge Knights or Pythias conela
leth biennial session hore yestcrdaj
fore adjournment the long talked of i
question was settled. A long and')
dobate was colored Inte botweon the
I. 111., .. ..V
uiuiueii rupicseiiuuives ana tee .
option men The latter Anally
supreme ledge deciding that various!
ledges were te Judge whether
kocpers should be admitted te
ship lu ledges subordinate te lhem."'
UI10 two chlldreu or Founder
of the order, who were left deatlti
te rcrclve $150 every three mentl
the Siiprome Ledge while they renn
married, ,i
Workmen llimy nt ihe Wcaterrit
Hultdliiir-SlKhtHcers Sen LltMO ;
.iNKw Yenic, July 10. Pedestrian
IHisseil the great structure at Bread wa
Dey stroets at an early hour tc-dj
looked up where the lira mged be
111 1110 same time yesterday saw a
workmen nt work en the caftbldl
the sixth story. The scaffolding
around the top stories. Groups of
wero at work all through the floors t
hv thn fliimn. SUfrlitMr rmMl
both the North and East rivers were 1
ful. They hud come te see for tbtn
the effect of the II re en the big str
They were dlsuppeluted, as the eff
up skyward and mostly insld
building., Outslde the building;,!
natural as 1110 until me ova
thn sixth sterv. Then It rests 1
windows without glass and se
grimed and scerched saslies. The 1
tee, shows the oflect of the fire, Mt :
111a Biin'i umy very paniai way i-j
morning the main entrance te the I
was guarded by empleyes of lhs
who refused admission le overy
directly connected with the building!
representatives of the press get
shoulder. .',
Western Union officials say busin
be handled bofero the day la ever, i
tliore had been no tire at all, Team
hoadquarterM of the company at Caesl I
and Broadway nre being put In 1
rapidly as iiossible. Already nlargsi
ber of oporaters ure thereat work. -;J i
Nevor bofere has the Westernvl)
company been confronted by uehS)J
ditieu. net oue or 1,'uu wires, rm
Inte Iho building could be used.'?;!
experience with the blizzard wasu
enough, but nothing te compare syiU
lenliiy. Then it wan simpiy a eh
of repairing the outside lines. TM
lmeruiut points of the systam-
beard, instruuienu and power ;Sjs
Bllecled, Tim iirusimpiy wiped 1
existence. BoferulliolirowusoutUisl
of the cornerHlloii-boiran te
Offices were" established aUirtj
The great system worked without i
point. What measures were taken J
day te rolievo the situation at that I
already known. Bat with the going
the sun theso ellerts did net oOeVJ
through tlienlghtaforeoor meuwsnl
cleaning water aud debris fresa
building und stretching miles .efi
When morning dawned fifty wlr1
been run Inte 415 Broadway. As.1
oporaters uau tlieir lingers en:
mid messages were clicking off-Is)
usual wtiv. Unt te neon te-day thls.1
had been going en unceasingly acre
officer lu charge said there would 1
let up until everything was repslrei ;
the company wus utile te handle I J
neHs that came le It. " "4
rrlm IntarlAf. nf thn fctnlfnM i
en the appearance of a beehive.- '1
wero soveral hundred operators
the office in thu basement whs
ceme te be assigned te different
rary stutlens throughout the city.
neighboring points w here a large
of telegraphic huslnes is being
The Associated Press Is still li
Jersey City, und will probably
there until soiuellmo next week.
of workmen are busy ut 415 Bread'
preparing a tomperory home for thai
elation which 11 w 1 eccuy unui we
- Trz. if
... .i'...r- mlf A1VUW J
J.J.U.1V1 nw ..!.,
Tliev Iteut ltobbers. But the
Cause thu Death of the Kuslns
Van Wmir. Ohie, July 10. A bekM
tempt at train robbery was made lata
ululil en tiie Cincinnati, Jacksen &
gait railway. Three men bearded tba '
glnoef Iho northbound passenger trsJ
j'.niorpnse, vwu, i" imtvu
Vandoveder and his ilreuian
hninmnrs and ceunllnir pins, kne
thorn senseless. They did net succoed.'
htennlnit the train, owing preuaDiy mi
nluckv IIKlit lliaue uy me iruiiiuicit;!
" . . . . a t.. . - jf-X.
Jumped oil' before 1 caching Van Wertvj
The engineer iiuti uremaii were-ri
lying senseless lu the cab of the locos
and the train, which should have at
at Vuu Wert station, rushed through at
rata of "5 miles an hour. Here It eell
with u switch ciiuineund Engineer Va
veder was round dead In the wreck. W
The fireman Is still unconscious aa
cannot be leariiwl whether the ens
was killed by the robbers or In thai
lisien. None or
sorleusly Injured.
the paMengers
l'utiil Kxiitosleu.
Bosten, July 10. By the oxplesioa
kcroseno stevO at Tiiroe jiivcrs ye
aftornoen Mrs. Win. Pralrie was
injured und Mrs. Henry Itlvers wm.
burned ma ueau ami
bec.une Insane.
Netcil Forclcneri Die. j;
Iniiex, July 10. Lydii Becker,
of tlie Woiiieii'm sutfruge movement, I
te-dav at Goneva from diphtheria. gj
Sir Alfred Slade, chlofef thu Inland I
enue deiuttincnt, died te-day.
oily win
Wasiukoten, D. C, July
tliiued cool, fair woather: no
nds. vfm
ir..l.l Weather Forecasts. 'Iho
,...." iinw nwrlvln1' the lake region I
thu A'lliinlle stati a mirth of the Varelii
..111 i.ivn u iv hut sleulv. and its lnthlft
In keeping the air dry In this section ,
De tell le-uay nun pan ",sj
ileeresi Ien accompanies 1110 "uev sn
in thn southwest, and u btreug depre
lu the Nnrthwesi will co ojrate with
causing high temperatures in uie w
nt 11, ,1. i.uiitrv In morrow and in the
.lin tluiittr Uutns 011 Muuduv and'
.h.v. 'leinnerature fell III lha V
States veMerdav. with minima of at
ilnurees Filhr. Ill tllO Ul'IIOr Lake rS
and maxima of IM degrees In. the
...e. 1.. i. Mlildtn ktales and New
land fair weather will tueval). w 1th Ufa
thermal changes and light voriswe s
mostly westeriy unu nenuuriy, mv
1... .. mIL.Iii rUn of tcniDCratlire. Wt
conditions ure geueiully lue diy taf
..r.nvliii' emus. KureiKiuu blcimers M
wiling liem Yerk will hue uieMly',1
weather und light westerly n! tef
winds U Mie banks,