Itttltt Jtrtelltgeucf r fmiW j.BTKlNMAX, CBASUBIRTBIKMAnrOt.TZ, MltOM. V WBKT CliARK p ' DAILY ISTEIXiaRNCKK-rnbUtbta ;rrjr in the year, but Sunday, Served ' kf nmen in this city ana surrounding m at ten cent a wmi. uy man nve aei- a rtar In advances 60 cenua month. f- . LY INTELUOENCER-One dollar and M any cents a year, in advance. HICK TO BUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by check t ,$fit V&feUta order, and where neither of - tuuaa can e prerurca mni in iikc 1 at the Pcwlefflce, an mcend claM mail Amium, TBI nCTEM.tOEHCE, Lancaster, fa. -ULKOAiTEK, PA.. July 18, 1890. Wealth la Politics. ' 'Ab the expense of party management PM u cost of political campaigns in- fttscg, the power of wealthy men In MpMUlcs Is naturally augmented, even n money wcrecxpcnacu ioni.emuii..u And the amounts expended f the conduct of campaigns have grown leusly. It is estimated, for ex- ple, that the tells en telegraphic ages or a political nature in me t presidential campaign nmettnted jrfftOe te mere than the eutlre cost of the - tMWUietuiai cnnipaiKii ei leuu ; wmie , m bills for postage ami printing, for 4lwvelllug expenses nud public speakcre ; leached n sum se prodigious that it t reuld hnve staggered the most liberal ',arty manager of half a century age. ;he best Informed " practical pelitl- r'4buB " say that the pre-election expenses SK- the present day are twenty time Weater, nt the lowest estimate, than ': tney were twenty-live years age. Here &jn iucrease many times greater than .that of wealth and population combined. w. . it -i t i H..1I f -ifta.1. UlUHli UC ivuivinuvivu, lUU, lUUbliirgU Mtas were often expeuded twenty- i'Ste and even thirty years nge. !wOen. Win. Bprngue, and his opponent, ;"'. tn IRfif). enndldulns fur rm-nrnnr nf thi VlUtle state of Rhede Island, exi)cuded in L. single campaign ever two hundred ! -rWieusaau dollars, wuiie their combined tkr taaaVai vU mi ta nHltv I mntit it. Ill tuA 4 1 an.1 imi inl j. rww nus umj in viiij-iiiii; iiiuu-jmiu. JBat in these (lava tlie Inrce and. of rttAilraA nnrriint rtvripiifllf tiriu ivnrn nrim " ....i' i.. ill..... . .1 . .1-.. jptirmivva CAUi:Hiiiuiii , iiiuj- mu iu-w..y . be rule, I he prodigious power which this condition of allalre gives te men of "treat wealth is only tee clear. ffiClty Chamberlain Ivlus, of New I -iYerk, says that In that city alone ever ft P'mlllien dollars are expended Ju every EFMlIi.liltHitlnl rtnmnnlnli Unt' n..M nuiwmviHiui .,,i,ii'..ifii. uvtvim juun go, In au address lie fore the Ilatlent , Democratic club, he said : ; ,, Out or every ene hunilred veters twenty re unuer pay ai every election, the Tcg Tcg Tcg .iatrrttloe luws nut an end te serious hIhihen 5 iwkcreby Tweed and ethors mitiilpulateil SP 4A rfttll.til: nm IliA. lilanaml . l... a.ll. rfw a.u.a.e i.e. iwwvj .uncvi4 , uuv aa.iui , jdiiuw iiuvu sprung iii iiiuiur new cuiiiu ""tint!.. an limvlwfmi at'i.ti ..titila. fif fltn , 'printing and distribution of tickets. TIiche vinust Ikj tuld fur. and enlv laiire ertrunla- & jr-Uetis can stand the e.xponse. The erganl- I.SMliJUBHItJttlin rtllU IIIUUU lll Ul IllUli .Villi Txnakeu business of politics, and thev In- X- vjVert money In It as any merchant would j, no in his misiticHi. iiwy oevoio u p.iri ei ,Stheir Ineome te the p.irty in order te held ttintr iilfi(4N. l-,,MThe noceftsily of distrlbiitlug lialleU r aoggesveu te tneui a perifei means et evuit rJair llin brllmrv Iuhn Iiv IiIHiiA mini tn ,' 'Werk at tlie polls at dltrIbuter. J'erly- : '.;,v6 men ure tuns i net at every poll in tlie -;eiiy, ana yet no olio e.ur Haw atiyinuig imenial nuintierat weiK tliere. Tlielorlv Tlielerlv . Jtveiloue work. It Is only a cover for nrect brlbery. Everybody knows it nnd "The inonev te ikiv them geiiich fmni ! wsessinents en the candldutcs. Tlie rusult , M tuat It Is Impossible for n man te get a nnt.itiul(.ltk milnu. Ian ..u.i dI.i.jI .... nuu..Bd- - .wm... .... i.i. ivai a.u mil n..lll. tail -l"U'.-., "- BWlatl.l tiaA ...ult.iH ...l.i.l ..I. III. .......I...ll r'awawaa., a.v niutKii 1 t.uv tiuiiikj, IIUJHIIHI HJf , 1 Vnerve, energy, and pntilotlsmlieumy hae. .'He is at all times exehid wl uuless Ins nor- 'Saenal neDillaritv and lnllucm urn me irrnnt -; tbnt he euu breik llie nmchiiie. He may S5Naix))cen. as eoed us l'aul. and vet hu cm lAUDBihrrpiLBv c.i!nr. nn linn u ismiuia hm VSnever bu ileilllllatcxl for ni;inr iimIiire hn aaDUtS till from f nil tlmllk.ltul In livntilv ftt thousand dollars. Tlie whole atmesnheru ,of election is fllleil with the dollar. It Is j money every where and in everything. " SC 'ri.liacl.ila. .,f ll.1..m,.,v!l.. I., ..II.. y aiiioevMivin uiuinuAniiaiiii;ii;ij un.) w ana town lu the latui, and while it con- ftiiuies te exist it Is childishly futile te $ "Curt.e tlinReldthiitsllds tlie strnUciicil foru feru jgcC. lieadortliefeiil," S.rer wiiut ismeie natural than that tlie KAoel should use his geld te gratify his : ambition y is or are all ueulth.v nun. RSFner even u majority of them, lifted w 1th less ubllity than their fellewH j neither ""nnj im-y as n ruie less iieucsi and iatri- vOllc. it Is the system which Is at fault, '"'f(irll,rmi,li.1.;ll, II, I. -II,,... I .1.. ,a.a i.vvi.ujim uwi ll.W lUIUUI II llll HIU h bribed and makes It possible for the ragjgnerant and corrupt plutocrat te defeat pfjLv an nines wisuem aim Honesty, if ?sftliuketl with ne.urtv. It ihw morn rir EHii i this condition which is responsible irSta"- the creation of men like Quay, the V l.-l- ......!.. .. ... . g wueienecrei 01 whose power lies ill ineir akU In obtaining and expending te tlie iOest advantage large corruption funds. r This is one of the chief reasons of the urgent necessity for ballet reform. With "It adoption Othelle Quay's occupation &i would be gene. Men like Vice President Morten aud Postmaster General Waua-S-tnaker would no longer occupy high C TalflPlaa In tlin irni.nriiiii'Mil "Mr. ...I. .1.1 rsthen hoiieeuce mere for n benatc lilkd f with men like Henton, Webster, Clay t-L.tUllL Calhoun, instead of ii.illlmmiriw llike Brown, of Georgia ; Camden, of Mg West Virginia ; Ciuneren, of I'eunsyl , vania ; inir and Jenes, of evadr. : Q Palmer, of Michigan ; Payne, of Ohie ; SJVMWyer, el Wisconsin ; and Hearst nnd i&jBtnnfeid, of California. P Tllii aXrril Ollll till. 1'na.aia. Illll kt3" 'I'll Veilii'n .rnurnnl In imlillailiawl I.. v - f-,v vu... ,,v.. . .iaii3iivl III Kg Jacksonville, Flerida,., by colored men, -nd circulates widely among their race. a n a recent euiieuai this paper bitterly K?.dlllOtlllOPH tllll fpflliffil .llia..Hri.i I..... ... a.n C..V .-- .. M..Hii.ilviiiii4iiiti (in mi tlaaa.!- l...n.1 .11. 41.. l.a a. P"JS J iiguiiisi tue negie. 11 argues that It would tend te areut-e an )-a(r M. I aam ,h VU . t I al Dnl ! I. .. Hi I . a et?i w,v" " ceuuiern jieiuics en me part KVaaif lliAiinit..UUj .. .1 i i. JfE"" "" "61""' "iiiwn imj- ure uei i,uie K.Ariii. allltiiirirl "Till. f.u. !!.. it... K?' ".viiug laviwii'ii me IgStwe races Seuth does net jiermit of it Wig with nuy hope of safety te either. It jpC.wwUd cm the lives of ever 5,000 negrees M. Uitn a,irrv 1'n tifllllllaar-tl la.a.lil.ll ia.. . EJi-' -..rf ...v. U.....V... VlUUUI.illlllUU.'S, tV'aftlTAIl vhrra Hint ftra. Iti II... ...!. I... JKT And we don't think the negrews of the ij. -Deuui sneum uc wining te pay such an l enormous nriee te nut a f(,wnpirma In n fee aeft Jeb, such as spittoon washers aud t 1- llinlllMU at. tail 4 1 am ...l.t Tt ..III I iij 4""""i "' me uiiiiu j.uiHiuiuwins in 3 efflee.'' iW' C! ...1 , a. . dtniic who renn mis may no greatly ..impressed with the evldenm It i'lvii. nf the gravity of the race question in the Peutb, but no one can fuil te realize hew uuch mere des-rate the situation , wuuiu ee aner legislation deliberately calculated topreoke the blocks te a con. fllct for the establishment of a tupre- PV'!'ir...n.. .. I.I..1. II al . ifci"""j iTinvii nivy uieiiiH'tes new . lunllli.uilnill li. lu, ,1 1 1 ..... 8K4: """'" '" w "" iiiiiurui ngui 01 g.& the intelligent educated whites. Every Ha iBir-miiiucu aeriiicrn white man will gagree mat ii ne uere living In a com- inuulty where the blacks outnumbered ta, wiines no weum consider that the wel- wiare aud safety of all demanded that the KjBiu.miieum rtuijn control, intelligent i MeUttkcm Ul-uruea fully unnrL-i-iHle llil. ':! "STOSsffl and leek with dlsfaver.lf net with gfave aiarm.upen the measures of the KcMbss pelltlclniis who are trying te sin Northern political capital, wit of ffoutli ffeutli ern troubles. The People's Journal In continuing its discussion of this matter, observes that President Harrison quickly dis charged all the negre help when he went Inte the White Heuse. It reviews the nppeiutment nnd confirmation of Judge Swayne, aud charges that white Republicans headed the mobs who mas sacred negre witnesses. 11 blames white Republicans for putting every negre out of elllcc In Jacksonville, and concludes with the assertion that these Republi cans are trying te persuade negrees all ever the Seuth " te let them get each of them a Winchester." Then It asks where these white Republicans will be when n race riot Is up, aud answers, "If there Is a mean, low, dangerous and bad man among us, It Is a deceitful, deceiv ing whlle Republican." All this sounds very flery away up here In peaceful Pennsylvania, hut It is net a bit tee grave in tone for the region where It was written by n colored editor eager te de his patriotic duty in warning ills people of tlie threatening peril from federal interference by the force bill, which he calls in a head line "the biggest danger of the Seuth." There Is an Interesting lcsseti for Northern negrees in nil this. They should question hew It is Hint the Re publican leaders make se much nolse ever negre rights In the Seuth while in the North they hnve no offices of conse quence te spare for hltu. Without the negre vote of the North President Ilnrri Ilnrri seu could net have been elected, yet he has net rewarded it with any elllcc of Importance. Republican 'charity te the colored voter should begin at home. Samuki. J. RAMMt.r., tlie wnteh deg of the treasury, Is sadly uilssed from the fleer of this extravngnnt Congress. Sunateii KnvK replies te Illalne's open letter en the McKlnley bill In a tene which shows fenr that he mny be thought te iigrce ith the riutned Knight in disagree ing with the putty bosses. He se Irani os his reply, however, that Mr, Illalne may be tempted te a rejolnder, nnd thore is a prospect that he will Imtter away at the bill until soinelhlng breaks. JuiKiuJmtKMiAiiH. Hi.ack, In his speech befere the electoral cominisslen, en the Seuth Carolina caso.enumerated In his own inimitable manner the premises made by the Itepublicnn leaders If Hayes were al lowed te lake his scut in the presiden tial chair, " We are premised," lie said "and I liope the promlse will bokept that we shall luive a geed go. eminent, fraudu lent though It be, that the rights of tlie states shall be respected and Individual liberty be protected. We are piemlscd tlie saine roferinatlon which the Turkish gov ernment Is new proposing te Its people. The snllnn premises that If he Is sustained in his present contesl he will establish nnd act upon certain plillclples. First, the work of deccutrnllratien shall commence liumedlHlely, and the autonomy el the provinces shall be carefully looked after. Houeudl., the people shall be goverued by their nut tit nl Judges; they will net solid Mehammedans nor Christian reuegades from CoiiHtautiiieplo down en them, but they shall be governed by people of their en u faith. Thirdly, no suberd inula oltlcer, when he commits mi Illegal act, shall be permitted te In Justification the erdeis of his supoiler. Hew much we need ex actly that kind of reform in this country, and heV4',lt 'J KS olfTgeV-" ernmeiit is going te be as geed herealter ns the Turks" And yet, after foil rt con years of lefermed government In the .Seuth, the fruits of which hive been pellllcrtl ieace nnd In dustrial prosperity In short, n nuw, happy and prosereus section thore are demagogues in Congress who are striving te pluce the country back Inte a political condition worse than that of a Turkish province. This, aud the further depletion of a treasury which Is said even new te be en the vorge of bankruptcy, will proe, practically, the only pos sible reiults eT the operation of such a measure as the Ledge lorce bill, should It become a law. a cnuiAi.v Mr. Yatnmn has been making a gi cat deal of noise at Ocean Orove ever the sinfulness of dancing, smoking, novel leading and theatre going. .Mr. Vatmaii should be embalmed. He can net other wise hepe te in old sinfulness. AiTr.uthreoyears of agitation, discus sion and temporary failure New Yerk has et last, according te the CWifitrj Magazmr, " tlie most thoroughly reformed electoral system of any state In the Unluu." The acts both of New Yerk and .Massachusetts, as well as theso contemplated by ether states, are based upon (he Australian sys tem, the main fcatuie of w htch Is the abso abse abso Inte secrecy of the ballet. This abolishes brlbery al the polls, Ter no ene knows bel ter than the "practical politician" nothing could ple.isen voter capable of ac cepting a bribe better than te deceive the rascal who bribed him. Meney will net be paid for votes unless the bribed eters can be taken te the polls In " blocks of IHe" uiuler the .vatchful eye of a ward " boss." The New Yerk law consists of two acts, the second supplementing the llrst. Thuse are the Saxton ballet act and Sax ten's cor rupt practice act, the latter being the llrst American law framed after the l.ugllhh measure el the same name. They diller fiem similar acts only in methods of opeia epeia opeia tieu. Under thorn the state prints the names of all tlie candidates upon ene large ballet, which dees net contain the iiaine of any political pirty or any Indication of the politics or the se oral candidates. Te each ballet a coupon Is attached, upon which the ballet clerk must sign his Initials be be be eoeo handing it te the oter. The lalter thou outers ene of the booths, where in strict piivacy he prep ires his ticket, or tickets. He can, if he w ishes, write an en tirely new ticket, or p.ible any name, or nnmes, eer theso printed upon the ballet. He must then fold his ballet he as te con cen con the names of the candidates and ex pose only the initials or the clerk. He then leaes the booth aud proieuts his bal bal eot te the clerk In charge of the b illet box, who Identities him by the iiumbei upon the coupon and the tally-sheet upon which It Is rcceided ; he then tears oil' the coupon and deposits the ticket lu the ballet box. In addition te securing a secret ballet, these acts contain carefully framed and inlnute previsions, with severe penalties for their violation, against the briber and the porseu bribed, and also for compelling a sw ern publication by overy candidate of his campaign expcndttuics. 1 he law seems te be tlie best that could possibly be framed by legislative inge nulty,and w HI certainly enforce lienusf elec tions 11 it is In the Kiwer of IcgMatl. e enactments se te de. Tin; tioeps arriving at Mount Gretna te-day may tlud that tlie storm has damp ened their cam as homes, hut little things like that are net ei th sneering ul. l-JallSONAIa. (irM.UAi, Jehn C. Fci.mem dolixerod a eulogy at the grave en the day el the builal of General Jehn a. Sutter ut I. Hit, and the liener Jet that town reculls the fact In noting the death of the famous "pathllnder." Miss May IUxiuks, of Dubuque, Iowa, is tlie author of a Waerly dictionary, in whivh the l.'JOO or IHOlll i hiil.u.liiru in Mtr Walter Scott's uevels are described, with Illustratlve extracts from the text. The book is said te bn n complete key te Hcett'a works, v , First Likutexant Jobs If. Rhoaees, of the revnnue marine service, died at At- f;lcrs, LfOiilsians. Mr. Rhodes had been n the service ler seventeen years, and he rccelvcd the thanks of Congress, nnd was advanced by the prosldent 21 numbers for IMiilrulnrly g.illnnt conduct at the wreck of the stcnnier City of Columbus, efT Gay Head, Musi., In IhSl. Tins Cemtk m: Paiih, It Is said, will sail for this country In Heptember with his son, the new famous Ihike or Orlenns. nnd two friends. They nre te make an extended tour of this country, and the aspirant Ter the French Ihroae will nodeubtbo warmly retch (xl by the olllcers with whom he served when en the stuff of (Icncnil Mc Mc Clellrtii during the war. He has revisited America soveral Union in preparing his elaborate, but rather tiresome history of tlie war. HAD TOO .MUCH WAlril A Drummer tlcts Inte Trouble Ter Try ing te Chanife New Mil". I am a drummer a Bosten drummer. Twe months age, while en a Western trip, I get a bank draft for $100 cashed in a Kansas City bank. The cashier gave me twenty brand new 5 bills. They had net even been folded, and as I slipped them in my pocket I thought that new as they were tliey would net wear me any belter than second-hand ones. That night, Saturday, I get te Omaha ami went straight te the hotel and bed, says the drummer, In the Dotrelt Free J'reu. Next morning I put en my best Sunday clethes, brushed up my beaver and had a shine. Then with a cigar and the gold geld gold headod enne the firm presented me with as a me men te of tlie Johnstown Heed which disaster nearly closed my trip. I walked out. I felt that my goneral mike-up was ust tee much for the Omaha dildine, and expected te be observed encn or tw lee. In Omaha, nnd many ethor Western cities, seme of the stores keep open Sundays. 1 notice a pair of sllppers marked $2, In the window of a shoe store, and ns they took my fancy 1 walked In and told the pro prietor that if they fit me I would wke them. I tried thein en and they wero a geed lit, se had them Hed up and tendered one.ofmy new llves lu payment. The iironrletor took the bill, looked it ever back ami front, slral me up from head te feet, net missing the geld-headed ratio In ene hand mid roll of new bills lu the ether. Then he handed back the bill with n freezing sinlle and said : " Yeung man, you ean't play that en me." "What's the tnntter?" "I am tee old a bird te be caught by a slick chap like you. De you think I luive Just started lu business ?A " I don't knew hew long you liave been in business, but I would like te knew what you are driving at." " Yeung man, that bill Is counterfeit, and you are leaded with them." He then told me that I was a bad and dangereus man! that he would advise me te get out of his shop before he tailed the police, and that there had been a geed many complaints about me lalety. 1 trledte show him that the bill and 1 wero both all right, but failed, se lea him in disgust. As I passed out I saw til tit go back and jmt en his coat and hat. hut thought nothing of It. Alter a snort walk I returned te the hotel and had Just put my feet en the llrst step when a policeman put his hand en my arm and remarked that he wanted ine. In reply te my questien he suld he Imd reliable ovi evi ovi denio that 1 was a "bad ene," and was leaded with couulerlelt money, lly this time n crowd had gathoied, and up the street came the patrol with Its gong clang ing and additions te the already large crowd. Just as 1 was being hustled into the wagon the landlord stepped out and told the pollcemaii thai I was all right and he was making a big mistake. Hut the pollcemaii said he had geed ovl evl ovl tlctice from respectable p.utles and he guosNed there was no mistake Then a re re peiler stepped up ami asked if he could de anything ter me, saying that he wiisn io ie io tierlor and w mild see I had fair play, as the landlord had assured lilni I was all right. I asked him te take a, ride with me, and we all get in and dio.e te police head (manors. When w e ieL there, the elllcer in churge told me lvwasi;harged-J.JJib.fR" fPUfC w'iu nuis.- i ncnieii me cuarge aud produced my money and banded a bill te iilui and ene te each of the policemen pres pres old, asking them if it was geed or bud. Well, they didn't knew. The roerter said he didn't knew much about inonev, espe cially new money, hill hn would like te have a lew thousand like the sample. At lust I get the elllcer lu charge te send four of the men out te show tlie bills te city bankers and thus declde the c.ise at once. In less than twenty minutes the four men returned and of course each reported that they had shown their hill te u banker and liiiil lieeii assured that it was porfeitly geed. That was what I nxpectcd. Theu the olllcer was in a great stew. He wanted te knew w hat he could de te uiake It right, etc. 1 told him lie could de nothing thou, but might Intel. 1 laid one efthe bills en the desk and told him te tieat all hands, te show that I had no hard lteling,lhaiiUcd the repot ter and left the station. 1 made a quick trip te the shoe store. The proprietor saw me coming and dodged behind tlie counter. As I appre tolled he begged my pardon, saying he h.ulnover Heen se much money, and new money nt that, in otie man's possession and that he was sorry. He said lets I de net leiiieuiber, but I made a dash behind the counter and hi no time had him licked ten standstill. One of the nleiks i an ler the police, ami in a veiy short time 1 was back at the stutlen again, They w alted n little u bile, but the shoe mail made no charge, se they let ine Be. I did net sue anyone. The pipers treated me handsomely, and en .Monday I did mi enormous trade. Hut the muallesl pur chase lu Omaha was paid for withanew lie, se that 1 loll them nil tliere mid went away leaded with change. a itoii.ixe i.. via:. Olie or Neviuhi'H C'uVleiiH Natural l'lie- iioiiienii Dt'xei-lbud. Frem tlie Virginia (Ne.) Kntirpiic. Recently an Item has been going the rounds in legurd te a boiling lake near Lassen's l'eak, Calllernia. It is net gone geno rally known, but we hae in Neindaa similar boiling lake. It Is situated at the cittern ,se of the llrst large mountain range cast of the Sink of (hu Carsen. It lies en the edge of nil immense de-ort-n desert se large ami scorching that in sum mer the Indians never attempt tociessit excepl at night, and even thou they always go pre. Ided w 1th a huge supply of w ater. On three sides of the lake are nicks two or thren hundred feet high, which me poi pei fectly bare nnd are burned te a deep bride red. The area of the lake Is about two acres. Tliuugh steam is constantly rising fiem the water the whole surface et the lake dues net boil. The agitntlou-beillug Is ceuliued te the great spiings which burst up nthoeral points. These springs ferce columns of w ater from a feet te two or three feet indinmoter te a helght of eer ') inches aboethe general silt lace of the lake, causing a loud, rippling sound mid commotion. The water of the wliole lake is doubtless boiling het, though net seen te bell, for a brook Mow Mew ing liem it down into the sands of the desert sends up a cloud of steain foradis feradis foradis tanceof several bundled yards. About a mile from the lake Is a great deposit of sulphur, running through which are streaks of pure alum from two te six Inches wide. Till!'S llODY FOCX1). Kvlitoneo flint He WiisMurdtii-ed and it Vunllct lloiidered Accordingly The remains of Mutlilas llorger, the 75. year-old Ulue mountain hermit, were dis covered In n terribly decomposed condi tion at a jieliit north of Hamburg, llerks county, en a lonely mountain path, ene nille east or ills lind sheltered the eccentric diameter ler two-score jeais. His shoes had been rotne.od and the coat, est and shirt had been tern into fragments and laid near the dead man, who presented a most horrible picture, as he was discovered by Harry Meld, one efthe various searchers w he had been scouting the mountain ler the just fertiilght. His rclatUesIu t.crinany will be netllled of his aw fill end, as he had no rolatUes In this country. He attended mass at Read ing four times iiiiiiiinllv, and Father lierneiiMii, or the St. Faul's Catholic chinch, had vainly ondeaerod te dissuade him irem the solitary life of a hermit. His Illble was an Inseparable companion and the life of a religious rccluse appeared te give him special enjoyment ami con cen con tentment. He Imd alieiit 81,0.00. but this amount was safely iiuonted by Hiram Uaiihenheld, or Pert Clinten, who acted as tiustee for thoheruilt. It is genei-allv suimes.wl lie I...I beeii murdeted, audilie fuqiicDt by Ueputy L- CorettW1 Dr. Jehn K. Wagner, or Ham burg, rendered a verdict that the defeased canto te his death by violence at the hands of unknown parties. The disordered con dition of llie hut, end the removal of the clothing from the body are strongly cor roborative of this verdict. The county au thorities will new niske an active effort te sociire evidence that may lend te the arrest and conviction el the cotdbleoded mur derer or murderers of a peer, defenseless old man. A MA1J MOTItJalt'S CltUF.t.Tr. Mho laOCkH Iler Child V for Hlx Loes: Yearn. lCllz.i Steckler, GO years old, was arrested in Newburg, N. Y., en Thursday en the complaint of the local Society for the Pre volition of Cruelty te Children, which charged her with Imprisoning her daugh ter, Anna, for the pest six years In nor home at Ne. 4 Chambcre street. Anna Is 0 years old, aud an only daughter, and the mother declared that she had locked her up as a means of preserving her from witches. Mrs. Steckler seven years age lest a son, JeHOph, who was struck en the head with a stone by seme of his companions whlle en his way te school, Soen afterward her husband died, whlle another son had a portion of Ills hand removed by an acci dent. jiui iiiiuiiiun uiriiuu uie nuiurin n uwu, and she finally Imagined her daughter and herself te be under evil Influences. Te save the llttle ene from the fatal power she conceived the Idea of keening her shut up within doers. Occasionally she allowed the girl te romp lu the back yard, hut she was rigidly kept from speaking te anether child. Anna's health was injured by this so se elusion, and when brought borero the court by Darwin W. Usnieud, the soclety's coun ceun sel, she was almost as much an Imbeclle liorself as the mother. She could net tell her age or her name, had nover had a play mate lu her young life, and did net even knew what a store was. When a dressed dell was given Anna she was wild with de light eer It, and willingly accompanied the olllcers when they told her they would take her te play with ether chil dren. Alter remaining at the Children's Heme for a lime she asked te see "the old woman. " She did net knew what was meant by the word "mother." In addi tion te being a lunatic Mrs. Sleekier presents a pitiful sight. Her limbs are coNercd with ulcers, occasioned by vorl verl vorl eeso veins; her insanity has lalely been oxtremely boistereus: her screams could be heard day and night, until siie se an an an noved her liota-hlierH that lliev demanded tier arrest. Alter incstlgatlnu the case the mother was sent te the almshouse asylum, whlle the child was placed In a unliable home. All this occurred In a house net 100 feet from a thoroughfare dally travoled by thousands. Notwithstanding this, the child was never permitted te see anything of the busy life surrounding her, as her prison was Hltuated in a rear kitchen. Her window blinds wero kept closely fastened. NOVJIL ItACI. ATUAFIS.MAV, Twe Men Drawn Alenpr the Sm-face of the "Water lly lluue Kites. Quite a noel and exciting race was given nt ('alie May en Thursday belwoen Chariet R. Dayton, a Stocuten guest, and lallwoed Carter, a Columbia Avenue cot cet cot tuger. The race was brought about by both looking at several boys Hying kites en the beach. The Idea occurred te Dayton that he could luive a very large kite con structed, raise it high in the air aud, when It had gotten up n suDlclent distance, enler the Hilt r, lay en his back nnd luive the klte pull him along en the surface of the water. Tlie novelty el such an oxperlenco delighted Carter also, and a wager was at ence made as te which could cover a distauce of half a mile straightway along the outer line of tee sun in me soonest lime. Tlie bet was made nnd taken nearly a week age, and the kites, hlch were te be their only means of propulsion, were at once made. Since Saturday the pair luive been waiting for a wind favnrable te the enterprise, and il was net until Thursday inlull. ill..' luuii niiiivi iiuiu inniiiuia, jwstw:tr-Si''ex rionrmen were en the beach witli their klte ineusteis, which were fully eight loot long and nearly six wide. With the assistance of half a do.en men each, they managed te raise them, using 000 feet of clothes line te each kite. Dayton and Carter, as w ell as thelr assis tants, wero in bathing costume, and they all entered the water just nbo.e the Stock ton hotel, the two principals with the ropes attached te thelr respective kites tied well up under thelr nuns. Deth had double cords te the main rope, se that they could net be di.iwn under water by the impetus the kites would surely give, l'ach was pi e Ided with a sharp knlle, in case they should beceme eutiinged in the ropes. When deep water was reuched the sluck was ii ild out carelully and the two stiii tea oil en ene of the most remarkable races en record, l.y the lime all arrange ments had been inude fully a thousand people had gathered en the beach te witness thu unusual spectacle. The two slutted oil' nearly side by side and the strong breoze carried them along the surface of the water as though drawn by a rapidly moving beat. Just oil the end et the pler, when the ex citement efthe onlookers was at its helRht, one of thu guide ropes en Cartel's kite bieke, turning him completely around, carrying him sideways and se ercly strain ing his right arm. Carter at ence t cached for his knife, cut the remaining rope and swam te the steps at tlie end of the pier. Dayton continued en, hew ever, without any mishap and reached the Hiilsh Just below the Windser lu seven minutes. Diyteu was congratulated en his victory, but Carter was dissatisfied ami the race w 111 be repeated en Saturday II the wind is tavorahle. A HoyTrlesto Murder Ills I'nrenU. Monday night, when o.eiy ene was asleep, a man supposed te be a burglar, broke into tlie house of a fariuet named Merris Sullivan, at (lorevlllo. 111. On being spoken te he llrcd n pistol at the bed lu which Sullivan and his wlfe were sleep ing. The ball stiuckSullliau in the breast, indicting fatal Injuries. Mrs. .Sullivan Jumped out of bed and threw herself upon the murderer, but the pistol was ills chiuged again, and she fell, wounded in the lull b i east. Her liijurles me pro nounced tatal. lly this time the alarm had been glven, and' the ueighbeis came lu. On .securing the niuiderer he was found te heSulIiwtn's 10-3 car-old bon. He is new in jail. A few months nge the boy ioisened seme water w hlch he gave te Ids pai cuts, but this at tempt at murder tailed. He ghesus his reason for committing the crliiie that he was Hied of waiting for theeld folks' prop prep prop ei ty. An Air .ship's Istifcefcstul Trip. I'ref. Campbell, of Brooklyn, demon strated en Wednesday ntteriioeu that he cm successfully uavigate the clouds with his air ship. Tlie lest was made Irem the l'arude house grounds, Ilullale, only u low spectators being present. At 1:10 he stepped into the ship, the reves wero let go, and the balloon went straight up until it reached au altitude of about .1,000 feet, w lien it iiiemhI hi a southerly direction, After sailing for a short time ft moved te the southeast, and, turning nreiind, went northeast. M 0 o'clock Professer Campbell lauded several miles Irem the starting point. He pronounced it a successful trip. The propellers worked nicely. He had perfect control et the ship, and wasuntiiely satlstled, Auuther ascen sion w ill be made en Satuidav. Tlie ( (invention Hay. The Pennsylvania Prohibition guberna torial convention will beheld al Harris burg en August .11. a Van lleurfc.s's Cocea. Large! Sale In the World. There Is no comfort, ntf-lil or day, When tts.lh ma nitlerhij from decay. Ami eh 1 the pain that webhall feci, When littler hours at last reveal, 'lli-it all our wmi eaine urliu and gaunt Frem our ik gleet of bOOHON!. t.V") ItMwmteMi-n.l by lie proprietors of Dr. Milne's Catarrh Itemed)- for uu liicnralile iiim. Wit. nU. FjAw Frem (.'lev tiluiid, Ohie, Conns u lctttr Ikiich1 J". W'nlker, Mijliii;. "About s meutlm .ige rntuiiumctl taking ltunletk Jllaeil Jlillm for I'reti.utisl cum.' of liilnliaKe mill iremnil ittlitllli, nnd new am pleuMsl te Mate Im.e recovered m ni)clle unit wonted ktrcimth, Firl better alie., eilicr. Meld In IjuiCiMer t) W.T. Hue!., 1.17 and 1311 North Queen street. Vet u Ciise, aSotacaseefrhcuiiiitUm, net a ciise of nen nen relgla, unlit iiimi of imIii or upmtii net nuc has fulled tnueuliui attacked Iiv 7Aiiii.' tlce trie Oil, bold In Uincister by W. T., 51 imd im 'erth (uun street. rjnijTj cgynsr KIAfVtILtaA. H OOP'S HAMA A i fp"1 aj tk HOOD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF- SARSAPARILLA The Importance of purifying the bleed can not be overestimated, for without pure bleed you cannot enjoy geed health. At this season nearly every one needs a geed medicine te purify, vitalize, and enrich the bleed, and Heed's Harsniuirllla Is worthy your confidence. It Is peculiar In that It strength ens and builds up the system, creates an apc tlte, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. Olvelta trial. Heed's Harsapniille Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I, tloed A Ce., Lewsll, Mass. 100 Deses One Dellar (1) XTAN HOUTEN'H COUOA. THK STANDARD COCOA OF UUROPK TUB COMING ONR OP AMERICA. Vun lleulen'H luw fifty ier cent, mere of the Ilcsh-fermlng elements of cocen than is obtained by the beat processes- of ether manufacturers. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." Doctors aud analysts of the highest standing nil ever the world, certify te this Immense saving, and by Van Ifou Ifeu tkn'b special process only can this be nttulncd. Van Heutkn's Cocea (" ence tried, al wa h used ") peMcsses the great advantage of leaving no Injurious elTectn en the norxxKnyn nerxxKnyn tern. Ne wonder, therefore, that In all parta or the world, this hit (nfer' Cocea In recommended by medical men, Instead of tea end coffee or ether cocoas or chocolates, for dally me by children or adult, haleand nick, rich end peer. Auk for VanHeutkn's and take no ether. marZ-lydH,Tu,H (11) V INCO CHKWXNO TOHACCe- VINC O (EXTRA FIXE) CHEWING TOBACCO. Thin Htandurd Brand of Plug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the best chew nnd the largest piece for the money In the market. Vince tin tag en each lump. Its extemUe Bale, formally cars has Oaitnbllslied Ita reputation. Tin. re U netlilng better. Try It. Fer sale by dealer aud grocers. 1890. aprlt-TOteod-eemAiatw t;u (Soebo. G1 ATIaY HI'UUCED PH1CE3. HAGER & BROTHER OPPEItENTJIlE IlAliANCKOP JACKETS, BLAZERS, BLOUSES AND JERSEYS, ATQItEATIaV HEDUCED PR1C1-S. EMOROIDEIlrU) CASHMERE -WIIAVH Price, J17, 115, I0, 5 and JltW-Iteduced tells, til, 7, (.land 12. PLAIN AND STRirED CLOTH 1ILA7.ERR I'rlcc, Jil end fTi Reduced te l nnd f.1. CI.OTHCAPE'3-Prlce.5.S$160 nnd Jtt-Ri. duced te (3, 2W audit 50. IIEADEH B1I.K CAPES -Price, 11260, 17 60, (0 M, and Jl-Ucdiu-cd te U, 15, SI M mid t- 60. CONNEMARAH-I duced te 7 nnd $5. 'rice, 110 nnd HfiO-ltc- MaOUSEH, HII.K-1-rln-, H.'O-Reduced toil. FLANNEL-Price, 2.-, II 50 and 50c-Reduced te 1150, tlnndtlTc. JERSEYS ALL REDUCED. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St., LANCASTER. PA. Seoul Het. cee. STATlTeF CATHARINE "TFiNeTlATE of iJinca.ter city, Unualer itaved. 'lbc uudendf-ned auditor, npiiniuUd te dlntrlbute lliebaluiuereinalnlng In (lie hands of t-ioleinon Klugand Gee. P. King, im ecu ter of the will of mid diivuvcd, toniidiinieugtlHMe legally entitled te the name, will nit for that purpiwe en Wcdnekdiiy, Auiust IS. ISO, at II) o'clock 11. 111., hi the Library Uoein ofthe Court lliiun', lu the city of Ijineanter, where nil per. sons luterened lu nild distribution may attend. jylMtdP CHAS. It, KLINE, Auditor. BA'LTIMORi: .MUTUAL AID SOCIirrY. Requires seieral eeuiKteut and trust, weithy nun of geuth manly nppcuniiue te uet lis I'dllnler. Alse two men as nsst. supls. W J. BAllNKIT, Jti-UU 114 East King tjt., Laucustr, I'u. Light-Weight Wraps HAGER&BROTHER, -IWIS'-Up' r r 9tfantttkcr'. i, i.i m. ., rHiLAOEl.fjtiJKrrldar. July II, 1M0. , Closed at i P. M. Saturday. 1 . Geed Lawns 3c. Neat Challis 6c. iec Chambrays at 7c. That's the way Cotten Dress Goods prices are all leaning. These Striped Ginghams at 6c started the season at 10 ; these strong, wear-till-you-are-weary Seersuckers, brown and white, arc just down from 12 te iec Here are choice Scotch Ging hams at 18c from 25c Outing stuffs, tee ; a wen derful range of handsome, flan nelly patterns at 8 and 10c Northeast of centre. De you want a Plaited Suit for the 4 te 1 2-year-old Bey ? Here are a hundred with $3 or $3.50 te save en each. Prices $5 and $5.75 new. Odds and ends of Men's Thin Coats and Vests go te half prices today, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 from $3, $4, $5, $6. Plenty of Coats at $1, but the perfect Ceat for the het weather is the genuine Pongee at $4.50. Nuir Thirteenth and Market strcrta corner. Jehn Wanamaker. ittrtchiurru. JlUlV llUIllaaVim.VlJ EllAllUllAHl fi' ' clues, from 2 te 80 lioree-uower. and Verti cal Engines from 2 te 40 hornc-pewer; jeu will find them at JOHN UEHTH, 331 Etut Fulton (tree I. 1" TIOIl BOLTS, faAO 8CREWH, HEr SCREWS, J Square nnd Hexngen Nuttt, these goods In Bteck.ulJOUN RESTS. Sii East Fulton MreeL m"-tfd fTjORAaMERICANHIOHT FEED CYLINDER JTJ Lubrlejiters, Glass Oil Cups for Unarlngs, j mi can get tbem at JOHN UEST'S, 3TCI Eiih Fulton slrecU , lnT-tfd I7IOR 1101 LER 1 V BE 11 RUSHES, 8TI LL80N J Pipe WreuchcM'lPonndMeukey Wrenches combined. Piles, nil Cans, etc , go te JOHN BEST, 333 Enst Fulton street, m7-tfd kARTICULAK ATTENTION PAID TO I. Medel Making. Patterns. DrawlncH nnd Blue Print, nt prices reasonable, at JOHN a.tiici a.iiiia, i.b I'lii'n lainim BESTS. Xt3 Eist Fulton street. aITKT"U 'tri V.bI .'nllfin tfraa, m7. m7-tfd STEaVM nEAT 1STHECO.MINO HEAT FOR dwclllngR, churches, school .houses, etc., though successfully used one hundred years age. Wbenyeii contemplate a change, call en JOHN BEST, who will give J oil a katlsfactery Jeb, ut a fair price. m7-tfd XJUMI-B, BOILERS. MININO.CENTRIFU JL gal nnd Slenm Pumps, el any capacity, at JOHN BEST'S. 3At East Fulton streeL m7-lfd AW MIL1.B, BARK MILfaS, COB MILLS, Pet jacniner iienen, tan rncKers, lripie iierse a. ...ran, ... i.iiu, ..iiv. ....ii.iiK .uw;iiim J , JOHN BEST'S, 3.1.) East Fulton streeL m. ewers. Milling nnd Mining Machinery, nt uu TJADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OR DE XV sign, can be rurnlshcdatrensenablcflgure'', by JOHN BUST. 33.1 Iiwt Fulton street. (m7-tfd FOR CAST1NOS, IRON OR BRASS, LIGHT or heavy, at short notice, go te JOHN BEST. fCU East Fulton street. m7-tfd TANKS FOR WATER, OILS, ACID OR OA8 iifnny Khnpoerctipiiclty, at fair prices, go U)JOIINBEST.3.13EulFiilten stnet. Im7-tfd 3rF IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON STOP L Cocks, Atvbcstm Packed Cocks, Pet and Ijllj ecks, I.cver9kain them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEST, 333 Enst Fulton street, m7-tfd F OR PR.VTT CaVDY ASBESTOS DISC Vnlcs. J.nklns Viiles.nrasH ninlm VaIiek Brass (into Vnles, Iren Bedy Olobe VnUcs. Icr Safety Vnle. Pep Safety Valics, Air Valves, Radiator VaUes, Pratt's Swinging Check Vulcs, Brass Check Vnles,Koet Vafe( Angle Valves, call ut JOHN BEST'S, 333 Ens Fulton Street. m7-tfd IJIOR PULLEYS, SHAFTING, COLLARS, J Hangers, Clamp Bexes, Couplings, etc., go te JOHN BEST. 3.U East Fulton street. in7-tld fDACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: OIRIGO, FOR JL Stdinnnd HjilraiilicPneklng.A&beiitRope, Ween nnd Wick l'acklng. Hemp l'ucklng, As bestos Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Sheathing, Gum Paetiiig.Oum Rings for Water Gauges, Plumbago Packing, Reed's Patent As-bi-stes. Lined Sectional Pliie Cetvr. at JOHN BESTS, 33.1 East Fulton streeL m7-tfd Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cocks for Steam Gauges, call en JOHN BIST, 3.13 East Fultenstreet, tu7-tfd A GENCY FOR CALLAHAN COS CIS J. meat te take the placoer Red Lead. In bulk It makes tte times the quantity of red lead nnd Is far superior In making steam Joints, packing man and hand hole plates en boilers, Ac, Ac, Prlce IS) cents per pound, nt JOHN BLSrs. 333 East Fulton street. m7-tfd i uuwtni ijivii jjid rililliun, l)LlJa J lilalnund reducliiir. un teO-lnrh dintiipter. ! a-, a tT- itinat ...rat. i.imiii.fiM .m-nr. Mill Inllenble Flttlniri. FlanLfes. Klannn ITnlnns. Manifolds, Ainerkuin Unions, Tube Supports, a.iiiiKcie, riiMjr uuil tillllli; I'laws, go WJU1I11 -BEST'S. 3.11 East Fulton Urcet. m7-tfd IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS PORTABLE Eiiglnenud Heller, en wheels, cheap, ns the following prhes shew: 0 horse-power, 1173; 8 horse-power, I5J5 ; 10 horso-pew r, 375: 15 horse-, IS75; 'JU liorsp-peu cr, 11,173, call nt JOHN ESTS. SU East Fulton street. m7-tfd w HITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY the pound. 10c: In lets of lOnoimdser our, Oc. All goods delUereil te unv part or the city Free. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne, 333 East Fulton street. m7-Ul (10Li) BRONZE, LKiUIDS AND SIZING X for steam weik, at JOHN BEST'S, SU K-ist r niten street. m7-tfd SNJEerORS, RUE iairi'LE U1AAT, I1AN I1AN ceck Inspiraters nud Electors, Ebcrman iller Feeder, Peiiberthy Insiiecter, Ainerlcnn Injectors, nil III stock, at JOHN BEST'S, 333 East Fultenstreet. m7-tld I710R BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TABULAR, Vertical, Portable. Cylinder, .Marine, of an) size or power, of llie best material nud workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 3J.1 East Ful ton stritt. m"-tfd J tri( PELT Ol- PIPE, FROM i J)JJJ Inch te ti Inch diameter, for saleat a low figure, and the only house In the city with a pipe cutting machine, cutting up te tl Inch diameter, nl JOHN BEs-,TS,3.SJEast Ful ton street. m7-tfd Y THlll THE Bl.!r nor aiu furn.ce in the market, eel te JOHN llKsr. 'xa Pjii r iiiimii BiiL-i-i. mi-mi CARRY IN STOCK-BEST CHARCOAL, Hainmcreil Rir Iren, Doubts Retlned Iren, Ilurden's lllxel Iren, ItUets, Het nnd Celd Belter Iren, Steel, SIutI Iren 3-ltl te Ne. 10, nt JOHN BEsrs..ci3 Mist Fultenstreet. iu7-tfd gev nli; ev glcut. TOR RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM eiltitl tloer. Ne. 12 West Ktnirfitrtet: llnesL HK-aiieiuu inecuy ler omce or ngni nusiuess. Inquire of W. W. .VMOS, inl'ia-tld Alkr's Gallery. -rpiOR RENT "" THAT LARGE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. VW E.VST KING hTUEITT. Inquire within. mll-tfd . .. T .. ... - . :- .".-;-' : - TTIORBALhCHEAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuso, 'JJ bv IS feet, with tn-ster brick back build ing 12', b ai feet. Hull and bcieu riMinis. Ixit iW by "Jli feet. JOHN II. METZLCR. N'n lis. UukeSL SVttornt'ue. IITHEK 8. KAUFFMAN, i ATTORNEY.AT.L W. He wild Fleer Eshleiunn Iji Verlb lliitsiri utldlng, N. .3 1l H(1' rrENiii: wen, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East King street. ha Int. it full line et Furniture ofeery description al the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly ut tcudcit te. Call nud viiunliie our goods. aA-tfiUt il. WOLF, ltttl East KlUB Street. -f?01l STEAM GaVUGES, HIGH OR LOW JU Pressure, Water Gauges, Giuge Pecks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tubes, iiinLii.f. c iiiiiiiiN uir niL'iiiii i.iiiitri'M. i iniiMr 9r . QPEK KVKRY KVKNIMQ. Fer Bargains, P.C.SNYDER&BRO., Ne. 14 West King St. ETerythiogSeld At udBelowGest, ASWEAKE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OKBUWNBS8. myS-3u.l ixih: E FKOHLE'R UAHH 8TORE, A RARE OPPORTUNITY! We offer te-day a large let of i ti i m m AT 19 Cents Per Yard. These goods have sold at 33c te 3714c, and ar positively i- renen, many or me se-caiiea f rencn Hnllnes sold liere and elsewhere nretiieflner grades of domestic goods, but In order te meet inis low price we win ener uenuine rrcucn uoeai atiivc, as aoevequoica. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS Will be offered Without Regard te Cost. Parasols worth from 3.50 te 17, will be sold at I from te ia,'.su. file Reduction In the prices of Embroidered Flouncing", Colored Embroideries, Genuine I imported nceicn nna rrcqcn uingnams, etc. As It Is our desire te cut the Hummer stock ns low ns possible this season, we will offer I many tilings pertaining inereie nt unusually 1 low prices. People's Cash Stere, 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. maratMydU V-KW YORK STOKE. Interesting Bargains -AT THE- benume tm e NEW IRK STORE JO PIECES TYROLESE DRESS LAWNS M Reduced from 10c te 5c a yard. FINEST FRENCH HAT1NEB. Elegant Designs en Blnck, Brown, Blue, Green (lliu nullllU glUUUUB, Reduced from 37Je te 19c a j ard. WOOL-PACE PfaAID DRESS GOODS Closing out at 8c a yard ; former price, 15c. PINE AMERICAN SATINE8, Reduced from 12e te 8c a yard. 50 PIECES DREta ClIALLIEb, Medium and Dark Grounds, reduced te 5 cents . a yara. NEW DRE-JS GINGHAMS. Plaids nndStrlpes.Oenyard; former prlce, 10c. i TENNIS FLANNELETTES At 8c, 10c and 12c a yard. 60 IPleces Cream Ground POINTED DRESS UllAlalalaVS, Reduced from 5e te 2e a yard. Our Entire Sleck of FANCY PARASOLS going ! iiL-uiie-iitiii usual rriwi, WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. Vnvoeolo. R OSE BROS. A HARTMAN. SPECIAL SALE OF PARASOLS: On Saturday, July 5, 1800, Te Continue for One Week, ending en Saturday, liny i, inw. LOT NO. 1 I.OT NO.l... LOT NO. 3 .... LOT NO. 4 .... LllT NO. 5. ... LOT NO. b . . LOT NO. 7 .., f .W 65 75 1.00 1.2S 1 50 2.00 AT THE MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. iiprl2Siiid' -Qate. r ENUINE BARGAINS 1 Trunks and Trawling Bags At VERY LOW PRICES During the Vacation hcaen. J9-A1I STRA W AND SUMM ER HATS at two thirds the original price. Stauffer & Ce., Ne. 11 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. A TIIOSl'ER'S CORNER SAI.OON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will l) nt-,. -.1 every morning from Wteli.'Xl. Ruiiit'aCeUbiulbiI UivrUranu ireiu the keg, aprtttW 1 :i Mtg,-V - msf''vritixrr-t ..aviSl-. ,J&. ' A : vi-0 . A. J,' .,i it mcWA,aJf'Ji'W '&&&&, fazA-&&iM &&& JCkaUlaVJ