rfV, 5iM''w,',i." '., -.ri O-' 4 11 .?- ..". -.W .....-, j-w J- '5tF(-7 'Si. .M . e ' ' 'HE LANOABTEK DAILY) INTBIiLIGEKCEB, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 10O. V t ' . MMKW i.wrmmK ' . OKAMKBrHlfMAN WX3L.T, MUWB. X, BOBEBT CLAMt FaMtahtr. . fc DAILY WTKLLKJKNCm.-Pabllsfca t, amy j la the year, bat Sunday. Berred isfcf tarrler In till city ul snmrandlnt '' tows at ten ecat a -week. By mail Are del- law aym la a4Yaee:BenUi month. r urrELLiaEMCER-oe dollar ul . My emu a year, In advance. KM'llM e RCBBfTJUHKHM-IUmlt br check V gXteBes order, ud where neither of ;V mmmi be procerea tenet in a reginerea at the Postefflee, m ecead elae mall m UT1LM6HCU, Lancaster, Pa. LAXOAITXK.PA., JmlyH, 18M. r' TkeLeOn Force BUI. -' lMtf Tr.lt. VImItm . T1mimiv1 mllffn ,ne of the clearest and most profound f HvIbk thinkers, says, in his Ainerl- K M Feltttcal Ideas (Harper & Brethers, lt UCII.I.J I It.. - ...I.M. kfiew eunvu umuuij' w ob ttv uijuiiv ftemewbat or the force or a universal jwopealtlon, the principle of federalism IM f tbia : tbat tbe people or a Mate ftbmll have full and entire control of their fl 'wn domestic affaire, which directly concern them only, and which they will .-'naturally manage with mere lntelli- ' fence and mere zeal thau any distant governing body could possibly exercise ; ' but that as reirarda matters of common V eoneern between a group of states, a de- ltaien shall In every case be reached, K,-,et by brutal warfare erbyweBrydl- ;,,tpIemacy, but by the systematic leglala- itten or a central government wliich f represents both the states and the people, 4 and whose decisions can always be en- forced If necessary by the combined "physical power of nil the states. This principle hi various p rue t leal uppllca- -'jt&tlAna la-fit fnmtllflt in AtvlArlftnnct tt-sl... rthat we seldom pause te admire it, any h mere than Kve Btep te ndmire the air we i -:., wswutr, -wuu a.... ..., iw .ui. .,(ue r-llv J- breathqtythe sun wliich gives us light hndMe7 Yet I believe that if no ether 3'"'bJcIUI.1 .... 11 .!... il.l.. ...... 1.1 i .1 I sjfuumuii ii;3uiu iiiuii nun ueuiu lu-uuy uc r Minted out ns cemlriir from tins celnnl. Pjsatlen of America by Englishmen, we i ideuiu buii uu juauiicu in regarding &- that event as one of the most important bitle the history of mankind. Fer ob- yleusly the prlnuiple of fericrallen, as VVhl..i himi1ltf el.it. ul n.i.it .. l..a ...III.!.. Wfe ...V.....J ii lUIKUllia nillliu s'<eelf the seeds of permanent peace lx- A '.;twecn nations ; and te this glorious end LI believe it will come In the fulness of L t tin.. If Er'lte thlsglorleus end, te jwrpcluate this r principle, te preserve tbe just eiuillb- , nuw iitvttui siniu aim national govern- iserit8 resisting the aggreHsleim of 'f sectionalism en thcoue hand and ccn- traluatleu en the ether this has been. ff?$H Is and ever will be the mission of the .VTIamnnrnHr nuptv 1iViwlilfn ....!. .!.. Ling the just rights of the states it has :.', Aver resisted tliplr flnhnu Inunvnn.lmiiiK ' $2nd while fully admitting all the pew ers -Kranieu ey me constitution te tbe !eneral government, It has ever with- ,Vttoeu tne demagogues who would HvvuBmem incse powers out or sectional jMUeusy, or te gain a transient partisan triumph. "Vl-The ltepublican nartv. mi lm enn. L try, was born of sectional anlmesitv. m med even at this late dav ninuv of iin 1U.J. " . " , i (BeKreni necm 10 possess nn jnstjnrnttn tjaartliat ahannv. unileilni inwnerm ifttlen wlilelHs-wcuTy of "past strlfe cau sae Jeng continue te endure its existence, Biuess n can once mere revive the deail ed buried bitterness of the reconstnic recenstnic reconstnic tttlen era, in order te hide from the tee h: 5lose scrutiny of the people It nuinber- tem sins or emission ami or commission. $ The Democracy is therefore culled siipen once nnre te resist a measure Awhlch has been carefully framed osten esten gs,;Mbly te secure heuest elections (Oed ".jaave the mark !), but in reality te laise h.fuji mid ijuuh ui iiiicrin'ciue sirile, uy r .creating in the interests of the Itcuubll- j Ban party a henle of useless government ;emclaIs armed with extraordinary fpewers nud given with devilish luire- , faulty exactly these peculiar privileges .eiwhlch will preve most callimr te the KPP,e meng whom they will be sent. r A" bis weuiu no true even wcre the chief s.-,aurervlsernud his deputies mnn efillKum. ration, tact and geed breeding, but when litre consider the class of ltepublican ydrWhe. for the most nurt. will nxU-.i i fethese appointments, nud further, that Sfjifenly the Southern section of the llepub- uku pany win oe insiruetcu te petition wur menu buj-i visurs, we see at once the .--.i AA,.AAnnl.ln,n, 1... II... f i"" wMiiuiiiw.-u uy inu irumerft or Siiithls Infamous bill. Nene better knows aae cousequence ei turning loose upon a preua ana seusuive people host of t SSjDffenslve and ill-mannered partisans farmed with the most irritating jMiwers. '.MOnce mere the bloody shirt will U) v'Swaved, once mere all the bitterness of Lthe past will be conjured from th !rave. V&: Fer fourteen j ears the Seuth has en- "SrJeyed peace, plenty mid nrosnerllv. Tim SJtwe races and the two political parties S3have dwelt together In liarmeuv. The fe political eutrages of the old cart bag jdt'.days have ceased. The pregnss made 5lfe y me &cw heutn attracts Immlgra- PHMennnu capuai even irem Kew Kng- 7;Jand, while it challenges the admlra- SPf. ueu or tne wneie country. Khali all this w be checked and perhaps Indefinitely re wffiUarded at the beck and will of tielitlcal r5 demagogues ? Let all honest cltljim nt Hm i.imi.i,r t lioeil Rllllllll Wtfll tlm nunl P t...lt.. fcBant condemnation the political parly -. ki,whlcl tolerates ameuglU trusted lendeni HJeu who are endeavoring again te Jill Khe land with the burled animosities Pgpf the past. , TX m w l-' Our Dark Territory. -? s mgu iime that Uncle Sam should febe-aharply called te account for neglect hH? far-away but wonderful Alaskn. a MNekj elsewhere published. cei.iiiI1..h firem a government report, shows a state f,f miugs among the Eskimos almost a bad as in Mm ' dm-k nr.n)ii,...,i!i r 'Africa. There is no regular slave trade. jjer canulbalism, l"!t the lack efthcM) 'ataniaa IPI.h T.-.-l.f. ,11 n v ? dlani. am U'HriU nf Dm nntlnn nnA II I. Snowceiierallvreeefnlfd llmt unr,ll.i.. Xaheuld mean something mere thau the liability te have lauds seUed, or ratieus .-kwucu uy me KOerumeut. TiemU. f,aienarles of the Moravian church, nml ', lately of ether denominations, have been -ieiugvcry goeu work in that Held, but ,inleM strongly supplemented bv the l tfeverumcut, mUsleuary ellbrt is -Jiwt likely te make rapid progress among , rTUllw BO "ruiai aim vicious. The Eskimos, as well as the Indians, -taoeuia ne speedily brought under the 'Jaws and te conditions of life as similar a posaibie te tliose of clvlllzetl men. .'W cau net hope te civilize savages la one generation, or even in v. rti but a long stride towards . goal will be made bv the establltih. iNt of schoeU, the ilrm adniluistra- tlonef the laws, and tbe outstretching of the nation's arm for tbe iretetUn of ,mcn, women and children la tlw meat remote village or rar away Alaska. The railway fa the great ivill.lng force of these days, but la tbe Ice beand Country of the Eskimo It cannot be' hoped for, and whalers or fur traders seem te bave be far given them only the weapons and vices of civilization. With the example of clvlllstcd and Christian Greenland befere us there is every reason te hope that the natives of Alaska may make worthy citizens In spite of all. i aw Runaway Car Kefledlem. The electric car runaway en Wednes day evening makes a flue text for a dis course en the wisdom of keeping cool even in a crowded car en a het night when eight tens or mere of screaming, struggling humanity is being hurled down a hill. Jt must be admitted that It is hard te be wisely cool In any sense of the went under such circumstances. The man who took occasion te remark te his wife that they would all be killed was net conversing te any useful pur pose, but his observation was cpille natural and excusable under the circum stances. The people who act with cool ness In emergencies are of very phleg matic or heroic mould, and by no means plentiful. The point In the Incident where the passengers and crew of the car deserved criticism was at the bottom of the hill befere the car started, when tbe over crowding of It should have been pre vented. These first In the car should have asserted their right te comfort nud safety ; theso lest in should have been discouraged by Instincts of self-preservation and n knowledge of clectrlc car tricks; the crew had the prompt prempt ings of duty, experience mid per sonal safety. -There seems te be no valid oxcue for the evci leading of this car. Dy the way, that delightful plan of hitching n summer platform car te each meter car, en bur.y days, seems te have been one. of the company's romances. The accident should encour age the use of mere cars when needed, nud discourage the rushes of passengers te till them. It may also be noted that the uncomfortable perspiring people In that runaway car discovered ery sud denly that although it Is terrible te he in a crowd en a night like that, it is very much worse te be dead. Aci'ohiune U thu quarterly report of forelgn commerce, JiiNt Issued from the governmont printing olllee, our experts of doincstle niorchnmiise hi the first Ihroe months of this year wcre uluixl at flV.i, 31(1,114, which is sixteen millions less than for the sniue Krled a year age. The im ports in the same three, months wero worth flM,83i,M6, about threo millions inore than for the same period of ISM. Of the Imports about fifteen millions w ere sugar, Hoveiiteon millions wool, cloven millions slllc, ten millions iron und steel, and four millions tobacco ; f07,79.1,Slt of the SmiMjirts were free of duty. Of the e ports twonly twenly twonly nlne millions were breadstuff grain anil flour; Boveuty-ll ve millions cotton, twenty nine millions nie.it and dairy products, twolve millions oils, five millions tobacco and seven millions weed. Tun ltepublican organs In their grotesque and desperate attempts te show that the oxtmvagnuce of their party leadors has net yet bank nipted the treasury, reuilud us of liie-4iox.Jh.e borrowed the :cKle. "lt-wns liroke when I get it, aud whole when 1 bieught It back, and 1 never had your blamed old kottle anyway." Dut the question Is really a sorleus one. The Domecratlo party turned ever te the Harri son sdminlstratieu an overflow lug treasury and a sys'eui of taxation which yiolded f 133,000,003 annually In excess of the uoeds of the goermuout which It had adminis tered economically but net with parsimony, generously hut net with extravagance. It must be romembered also that (he Cleve land administration hud done noble work in replacing the nay which llohesou aud politicians of that ilk had destroyed, w hlle at the same tlnie it curtailed in a thousand ways the annual oxpendltutcs. It left pewer, demanding a reduction of taxation in erder that no moie money be taken from the pockets of the people than Is neceBsary te defray the national expeiiMes. The Re publican party net only resisted tlds re duction, but upon leming into pewer, do de do termiued te destroy the standing and nn. answ eratile plea for It the growing sur plus in the treasury. Kutering therofero upon a carcer of wild aud reckless o.traa e.traa o.traa ganee, they net only speud w It li a la lull hand the millions saved by Dciuoeiatlo economy, but wipe out also the whole of our vast reveuuuiiud new find thomsele, In consequence, face te face with a bank rupt treasury, and it poeplo, leng-sullur-ing indeed, but net altogether blind te the actions of their representatives. Senater Allisen knew s the fouling of the West upon this subject, but we four that his ery of alarm has been raised all tee late te sa e either the treasury or the party which has caused its baukruptey. Tiuly, whom thu gods would destroy they first nmke mail. Tim Philadelphia J.cilger has draw n the country's attention te the profligacy of the Harrison administration. A few urty organs are attempting te make It appear tiiat a false alarm has been sounded, Quay's cliief booster, the Philadelphia Jmjuetr, even claiming that the Lalger Is an indo inde indo H!iidenl Democratic papei, Kxeutually these dofendois of the most extravagant administration in the history of the gov ernment will wish they had seconded the note of warning te the Lcilyer'i party. The Philadelphia Ledger is generally correct In its diagnosis of Kilitlcal as w all as alt ethor Hubjecls. llore lstinother rock discovered in the ceurse of the O. O. P., hut Pilots lleed, Quay, McKinley, Ai, will net heed the danger signals held up by the Ledger "Senators and representatives and leading Klitieians who are urging the pass.ije el the " elections " bill through Congress may lixotesooit overthrew their pirtv,jiiht as the "sedition" laws in the latter p.ut of the last centuiy destieyed the federal Ut party of Adams and Hamilton." C'lIlL'UI.AIts of Infermatlfiii n 1 e .i 3, published by the bureau of education, imvu jusv oeoii issiien irem me govern gevorn govern mont printing olllee. A volume of KOine thrn limulrnil iiml arty pages is duvoted te the history of muuiai unu huiie aiu 10 mgner ouucatleu In the United bt ites. bv Frank W lllnnL,.r a fellow hi history aud elltics ill Jehns jiupmua uuiversuy. in nils olumetlio statosme taken up oue after another, aud tkelr educational institutions troatctlseas te show the state and national aid roweUcsl by each. Frem a fBhle in the appendix It appears that-the state most liberal In tip tip tip proprlatlens for higher education Is Smith Carolina. Her total appropriations for this purposein l&CTwere f2,8JU,i9, w hlle the teUl or l'emuylvaula in the s-ime year for the sime purpose was JI.OSS.OIT. The valuation of preperty of Btate colleges is highest In ew Yerk and Pennsylvania, where It Is represonteil by the following precessions of figures: Xew Yerk$3,ai . US2,?11. I'cnnsylvanlaW.liW.OlO.'JlB: Pro Pro feseor JJlackmar has interesting review s of higher duration In tills country and Europe. Circular Xe. Jdovetes 0 pages te the history of educatleu in Alabama, by Willis O. Clark. Jt is elaberately lllustrated and eems te handle the subject w itli thorough ness. Xet H C'UMO. NotacaseefrlieumatUin, net a cM) of neu neu ralgta.iietuciiM) or pain or upraln-iioteno iu failed I te en win n ulUitkwl by Theiimt' Kcle. ,riVSt.be,il,n l-ancttiiter by W". T. llw.li. J7 OUfl BBKIMO. ,AlemarknblB Acoeaat of tbe Xntlett'- nnnn in aiiwkii. The bureau of education baa just issued a pamphlet et KSgllsh Eskimo and Eskimo Knglisli voeabularlea, compiled by Ensign Keger Wells, of the Mvy, and Interpreter Jehn W. Keller, and preceded by memo randa en tbe Eskimo In Alaska and (Si beria. This volume is one of the fruits of the Point Harrow expedition of the Thetis, when a roll of station for whalers Was es tablished en the Alaska shore of tbe Arctic Ocean. The memoranda by Interneter Kelley, odlted by Educational Agent Jack eon, are extremely interesting. The legends aud traditions or the Eskimo, and the cus toms and life of each tribe, are de scribed with a vivid attention te de tail and analyses of character that prove the Interpreter a man of intolligence, thoroughly rainlliar with his subjeet. There are many different trlbes of this singular people, speaking different Ian uuaaes. but all claimlmr te have inhabited that country slnce the beginning of tbe world. They say that they wero thore before tbe northern portion of Alaska rose from the sea. They have a strange tradi tion of land te the north. " Way back In the dim past seme of them wero carried away en tbe ice and managed te live en seals and ethor animals until they reached an inhabited land, a long distance north of Point narrow," the northern extremlty of Alaska. They remained until winter, when tbey returned te the main land. Several of the trlbes are very quarrelseme 'and dangerous, frequently attacking whalers. A year age Owtono Owteno Owtone wrok, chief of the Tlgaras, was killed. He had become chief by defeating the old chlef in a rough and tumble right, and be ruled by shotgun. " Fer trivial causes, such as losing somethlng, or failure te Ijo prompt in paying trlhute, he would sally forth en a shotgun expedition and either held the victim whlle someonoolso did the shoot sheet ing, or sheet whlle some oue held the man." He Inspired such lorrer that the region was almost depopulated. It Beems that women take an actlve part In battle among the Eskimo by hold ing en te an enemy or obstructing bin re treat. Oil and furs are traded for children. " A child costs originally about oue seal skin bag of oil, or a suit of old clothes. If net resold, they are brought up In the family purchasing them te Ue menlal work as seen as able. As they grew up tiiey are made te bolievo that their parents were bad people, and that Uiey would have died If they had net been Ink en by their present owners. When gtewu they are frce. but net knowing any ethor language or home lliev stay with the tribe. Thore are three tvnes of Eskimo, a tall cadaverous race of flshermcn, a race of niountiiliieors of n splendid physlque that would be remarkable In any part of the world, and the familiar short, stumpy, type, which Is probably that of the old Eskimo without Indian bleed. They all have strong teeth and use them In drawing belts, holding drills, shaping beet solesnud tanning leatlier. When the teeth bocemo unevcii they are levchsl en" with a flle ur whetstone. They are Intelligent and have geed natural abilities, but If tlds account is correct are the most depraved aud im moral poeplo en the face of the earth. They are proverbially honest and truth ful In their dealings, but knew no ethor motlve than that eT selflshncss. "Aside from fori'lhle appropriations they rarely steal anything." They are pelygamies and tlie vvoinen are se brutally treated that they often commit suicide. "The girls have no protection by fathers or brothers. The kuovvledge they have gleaned from tlie white poeplo has been from n coiumor ceiumor coiumer clarstamloiut. Meral Ideas have uotyet reached tlieni." People who de net promptly die when thought le be fatally ill request te be killed nud aiu stabbed by the seer or medicine man. These medlcine meii treat rheumatism by carving out tlie u tree ted part with a dull knife. " Dancing, feet races and wrestllng matches are indulged In. Ileth soxes join In games of pole, feet ball and tug. In Hummer girls toss sandstone balls with their hands, two balls with one hand or thrse balls with both hands. In winter they toss an iceball with their feet, koop keop koep lng It fioijUeuchlug the ground for hours at h tilite'i bomcllmes they toss It from one te another. Hometlmos thoexerclso makes their reel se sero that they tle u reindeer sklti pad across the ten of the feet. In ToccmheroflS91 a little JCevallnye Eskimo girl, vvheii every arrangement had been made for her taking a husband, begged one day mere of freedom. Taking her ice ball she tossed it throughout the short gloomy day till it was tee dark te see, unmindful of the cutting wind and drilling snow." The Alaska Eskimo are thoroughly familiar with the host of modern llieann's which they use hi taking reindeer and whales, 'there Is scareely a inalu Eskimo evor twolve years of nge who does net m ii oue or inore repeating rllles. Three Eskimo lev e songs woie translated by Mi. Kelley. Twoefthom hardly rise nbev e this billy sentiment : " Mlne en iiru for moo or wuil, New my w ire. I'm bunce as a gull, Oir wltli our rout unit xklu llialncal." The third, ho.vevor, Is fanciful enough. OKAMlOO (i irri.h WOMAN). Oil! Okanltoet '1 Mis I'll de lenln jour uelile heart; lu remmnmt efa magic wand 1 II iltinc tlie mumitiilin apart. There, below the siirfara of mew, 11 the denial hunting creund, A hut I'll tiullit or run xt kuIM, Wluie leicui.iy evernbeuud. On M Ingx I'll rite le the leailen Okies, Anil ilrui; the Aurera Uen n, 1U trembling bars with KlMcnliu; Mart, Te iiiake tlicea weilillng gown, The rainbow, tee, of varied but, l'er a bonny belt I'll brill.;. The new moon trap, thevmls I'll lap. And weld thceii Ilncir ling. I'll hunt the bare, I'll Unlit the bear, Aim nullum ine woivesiercmxl; WhnlvHnnd ilccr, unit seals I'll upe I Hpear, we ii naver wain ler loeu. ben this Is done, I'll moor tlie Mill, And turn the hllrrard km ay; '1 he winter's h!it forever nakt. We II llve In endless day. The Eskimos' hniip limiting ground Is below the itreiind, out of thcreld. Van Heuti.Vs Couia Ceuia Couia Werld. LnrRisl Sale In the There In no comfort, night or ua , When teeth areMirterlng from dtcuj. And eh I thepnln that we hull flit, When bitter hours at last rerul, That all our wee ranie prlin and suuut Frem our nrleet of KO!OUONT. . Nnvr'N tlioTliue. Never put etrtlll te-morrow Thalwhbh hirsts doing- te-day, Jf miii ile 51111 iim (1 ml toveurMirrow, Toe late, that im've trlllisl uvvar thet;iildciionenunttvor a llletlme. If nv.e wlioeoniplubior weakncKH nud dvhlllly, have liarklneieiiKh unit pain In lh side erilni-t, peer appetite, broken steep and ether n)iiu n)iiu teins or a Ki'iicnil dieaj of vltatltj, would luiinplly inecure Dr. 1'lcrres (lebleii .MrilUul lllkievrrj whleli threatens Hum, iiml iehmi re call! n holden the health they arc Mirely les. lug. Coiiuuiitleii miiy be averted, If lireuiiit iiimiMin h are iiikrn, hi the iike of this ktiiudiint riiniHly, lA!t tliiMi wliohavertui-en te feel that llulr genemt vllallty Is rumiltn; low be w be niiddeMiniethluiE for theniMlvus ul eiue, for ilclaj s are ilaiiKcren. Oeldeu Medlral Dls. cevery ' Is wurrauleit te humiu or cuie in all raws of dlkiaM) for bleb It U rfvenuneiidid. or iiiuiip) paid for It rcfiuiiled. W.TIiJtw Vrein Clev eland, Ohie, Come a letter slirned T. Walker, saying: "About klx months age commenced taklnit JbirrtecA Jllml Kitten for pretmcted cse of lumbnKO and geucral debility, nnd newfiim ploukerlte unite havereceverru my apnrtlte nnd wonted strcnatli. Keel butter nlleKetlier. bold 111 Kinrasterh) W. T. llech, 1J7 and 13U North Queen street, QwJKrHHPIXTKIU. MERCURIALRHEUMATISM. Mr.J.O. Jenex.iltv murt,hal of Fulton, Ar kauris, w rites; "About tin jears age Iron Iren Irueted it mv ere eaMi of bleed poUeu. 1 he lead lUBPhjiilclaiis of the elty u re railed 111, iu:d tbey prescribed medicine uncriiicdh-lne, vv lilcli 1 took without aflerdbiK me any relief. 1 nUe tried mercurial and ietasli rcuicdli-, with the kume uusucemsful rult, but whleb brought en an uttack of mercurial rlieiimatimi ihiit made my lltti (me of untold iiKeny. Alter sur fi ring four iiieni lis, t Rave up all rermer reine. dlesund cemmeiieid taking; Huln's HiHcidetS. H. H.) AHer takliie kcvcrul bottles, 1 viusin t rely cured aud ublote rcsume work. I con sider tswlft's Hpeclfle (S. . M.) the greatest mid mid Je'ue rer bleed potbenlng te-day en the mur- INHERTTED SCROFULA. ..itwiri'n Upctncri4. B. H.Jcured my little boy e beredltne wrerulu, which broke out all ever i.'u?.cV:..b.Virf r";liait suttered, and I had Klvei up all iieim of hU recovery, when at le nslh I vi ak Induced te ure H. . h. Arter u"liiir u Hew bottle, be was intlrely cured Net S njmpteiu new rcuialus of the dUcuse. Thl was three ) ar ae. v ..i. iu M1W.T.UMATIIKIW, ... Mallwrvllle, MIm. Triatlboenllloodmal Hkln 1)Im,is mulled Ul' HWJKT BPKC1W0 CO.. Atlanta, Ua, &anmmmkti0. riut.AriRi.rHiA,TinrMU7, July U, IK Closed at i P. M. Saturday. About 500 Women's Wrap pers that are beginning te slew up, drop te-day te jumping prices. This season's styles and some of them net a week in the house. J00 Olngham Wrapprri with plain front, cel I or and culT, all stzei, down from I2.7S te 11.75. 81 KlRtired and Rtrlped t7illl Wrapper, plain CaMimtre frenUi, cellar and cuffs, siren 34, W and , down from M te K. . Figured Weel Challlii Wrappers with plain Humh Hllk front and shirring at neck, flnwn ft-nm SIA In Itn Klsiired Weel Challls Wrappers with plain shirred front of same, and Wattsaa back, down from lis ami lis te 110. 3 Figured China Hllk Wrapper with plain Huren Hllk front nnd shirring at neck, down from tss te lis. Cailitnere Wrapper In plain colors, down rromtiiterr. .. . While l-awn Wrappers down from UXOnad .tel3i. Becend fleer, Thirteenth and Chestnut street corner. Take elevator. 30 or 40 per cent, off prices of just the Hamburgs you want. a te 15 Inch Cambric Embroidery, 6 te 85c. Children' Hemstitched and Scalloped Flouncing, 22 te 27 Inchc. 60 te 80c. 45-Inch Hrimitltf htd and Hcallepcd Flounc ing, 60c le 11.35. He uthwet of centre. Paris-made Corsets, broken size, $1 each, originally $1.50, 51.75. $2. Becend fleer, first gallery. Think of a Sad Iren that stays hissing het all day long. Think of the steps and back aches saved, and the better work done. It's Mrs.f Waterman's. $3.25 for family size. n.iKctneut, near centre. Jehn Wanamaker. B irrmt than tea and coffkkfeu I he Nerves. VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA. THE 0R10INAL-M0BT SOLUBLE. Ahk jourQreccr for It. take noether. 103 QSvecevtcs. AT CI.AHKGH Sugars Lewer. Compare a few Itanileni l'llcei with these of jour lioinei; reeer. OATMEAL. HhreddedOalH, the most delicious brrakfavt dish lu existence; 2 Bs. for Scent. BOAF; BOAf! French Olilne Heap, per cake. 4; bell 4 Ce. llullaloBeap, 4c; Henrietta Heap, 4c; UcUikeii Heup, 4c ; I leptleld A Ce. Heap, 3!e ; Queen Toi let Heup, 10c site, only lie ; Washing Powder, 3c ; IjuiI7' Acme. 4e; .1 cake Debbins' Ktectrlc Heap fer'Jje; Try Oeld Dust Washing l'ewdcr, I ler 25e. , Mackerel In 10-th llncket. II ; Bait Herri ne In lOO-lb hbt.U 50; (lir.NH.ilt Herring for 25c ; Best Hmekid llcrrliiK, kt dozen, 10c. Samuel Clarke, Agt, Tea.Cotrce and Grocery Stere, 12 A II Seuth Queen Hb, Near Centre Square, Lancaster, Fa. Arf-TiU phene and Free Dcllxery. T IlllllSK'B. HAMS! HAMS! Mnenella, Hulft, and the Davis Diamond rtraiul. JiM-ry Ham giiaranted. Alse, the Callfeiula Ham. or short cut shoulder at 10 cenUn pound these are small Dried Ueef and llolexna by the piece and chlpied. Picnic Plates and Picnic Goods. Viz. BardlncM. 1'lckled und Fresh Oistcrs, Petted Ham, Tongue, Chicken, Heueless Chicken and Turkey, I'b kles, Jnms, Bauces In Bniall lle tiles, Fictile Blze Ketchup nnd Har dluis. no. 17 i:ast kine stri:i:t. i-ANCABTEIl. FA. A'J T ItlJISTM. Bee A'ie I'm, JUnmlner aud Muining Xtut for AiHertUemeut of Specialties and Picnic Goods. Make enr purchases under the cooling breezes of four Ininicrihe Electric Fans. Ne het Miatlur. Ne files with u. l'iinie Hams, from 5 te 8 Ds, a I 10c. Bummer ltolegna, De. Ueueless Ham, MKe. Dried Ileef nt 10, J!J and 15c V th. Finest llreaklast Ilacen, UVie. Uirge New and White Fat Mackerel, ic Large New Spanish Mackerel, 15c V lb. CHASE & BANB0URNS COFFEES. We are ngenU for their Cenees. Yeu can't go wrong lu using them. They reach us In 50 IKiund air tight cans put In whlle het fe ax te retain all tlie aroma. Their Java and Mecha tar surpasses any ie have )et sold; necrhad a single complaint. Their rnastlm: isalwajs uniform. Their IVa Ucrry IUoCetreeiitX.'cli as geed as any Mecha sold at Che. TEA. We bac'i half chests 50c ltlark Tea, which we will put en the market as a drive or IciuUr aturie)ilb. It toslsemo one mera than this, but lilslis la jour gain. Don't come often, Ills sold. FRUIT JUICES Fer flavoring Cream, Custurd, Cake, Sauce, Jtlllis, Kte. These Juices aie se ceuccntriitcd that they must be rxluccd at least ten times befere they will show llulr truoUaver. Yeu can't be Ithuut them. Try one bottle. ORATED C0C0ANUT. One barrel of Finest Orated Cocennut at ISe f lb. Itoei Itccr, 15c, Fruit Bjrups. ISe v IhHIIc. Illoeker'M Dutih Cocea you can't de without It. Whvatlet, Itelled Oats. Oatmeal and Wheat (lerins. Ilibien linked lleans and Hucklns' Soups. Orange Cider, six giitlen kens, te the retailers enlv. I'linle 1'laHs, Uest My Taper and Insect l'euder. Iilmtiurgsr, Burltzer, l'Main and Nige Cheese. 4 tbs Frisli Tta Crack. erf.-K-. 3ItsNlcnac,ije. 3RsaingerSnnps,U5c. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL UROCElt, COHNEK WEST KINU AND FItlFCESTS. Directly Opjxslte J. It. Martin A Ce.' Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. airlAjek for the lllg Sign across the pave ment. nvvtrnc OTANDAltD CAHKIAUE WOKK. EDArr. EiTgERLEY, OAKRIAQE BDiLUER, 40.42.4JA45 MAKKKT HTHKKT. (Itear of the rostefflce), LANUABTEU, FA, All the latest styles lu Uucgles, Family Car. riagiw, Fliicteus, Surrevs, Cabriolet. Pha-tens, lltu kbe.irds, 'I retting Wagous.statlen Wugeus, Market Wageus, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A flne line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the ttme te order for Spring. Strictly first-class work and all work fully yuaranleed My prices are the lowest lu the county for tha same quullly of work. Hive me a call and ex amine my vrerk. ltcpatutlng and Repairing promptly ab tended te aud done In a rtrst-class manner. One set or workmen e;eclally employed for that purpusa E NUI.ETllEUaiOCIC FAUM. if . STORM KING (2161.) HECOltD 2.30. Sired by Happy Medium, slre of 50 performers from S.14U te 30. Dam Topsy Ta ler by Alex ander' Nerman, sire or Lulu, IMI1;, Ac. Ac. Ttrui for Spring season or INU), til for a fe.il. Fer tubuluUxl iKMllgree und etlitr Information, wldres DANIEL O.KNULE, aprbMiudiw UarUtU, Fa. 9hMr B oeTBAHOsuoaat f HAVING GONE t TUCQUAN CAMP THIS WEEK THE "BOYS "IN THE STORE AT Nes. 28-30 East King St. CAN Knock Prices As They Please, BUT THIS " PICNIC" WILL LAST ONLY ONE WEEK. STACKH0USE, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STItEET. E VEHYBODYSAYHSO: THAT IS THE CUEAFEST MIESS SHOE FOU EADII' WEAK SOLD IN LANCASTER. A $2.00 SHOE FOR $1.60 1 1 fit the average root snugly. 11 Is well made and nicely finished. It Is easy nd comfortable In wear. It's outline Is admirable. It' stylish and attractive. It surpasses alt f 1,75 Shoes. It equals most 13 grade. It Is pretty for flne dress. It wears long without fault. M-ComeandseoTHEMcQINTYSHOE, It won't disappoint ou. Yeung Ladle admire It fur It's si le. Matrons laud It ter the comfort It gives. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 Nekth Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. eummer shoes ! TENNIS OXFORDS! I have one or the Largest Lines or Men', La dles', Misses'. Beys' and Youth' Tennis Ox fords In the city. Men's Drewn Checkered Tennis Oxfords, 49e. Hev's " " 4ic. Ladles' " " " " 4(C. Misses' " " " " :51c. Youths' " ' " " :tttc. Men's Second Orade Light Tennis Oxfords, )e. Hev's " " " " 55c. Ijiulles' ' " fkv. Misses' ' M jkv,. Youths' ii ii tee. Men's Hcst Orade Latest Light Strlpe Ox., 51 00 llej's ' " inc. Ladles' " ' " ii (15c, Men's HestOradeTennls Bals. in Light Check and solid Drewn, II 50. I hav c also a I Jirge Line of Men's, Itei 's, Iji dies' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxlerils. viltli ltubbcr Seles, having Leather Seles between tbe Kuhbcr Sele ana Insoles, at f 1 00, tl ,, SI 50 nnd U 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Gash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FHEY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Fried In BOOTS' AND SHOES, NOS. H & 5 EAST KINU STREET, LANCASTER, FA. BtoreCloed Every Evening at 6 o'clock KxccptMenday aud Saturday. gev alc or Stcttt. F OR RENT HANDSOME FRONT ROOM mi e,l flnj-ii- Vi, 19 WmiI L-lni.clnt.lt finite. liH-atlenln theclty rer ofllce or light business. Inquire r W. W. AMOS, m2tt-ifd Aller's Uallcry. piOR UKNX THAT LARUE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. 20 EAST KING bTREET. Inquire within. nill-lfd "CIOR SALE CHEAF- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 30 by 28 feet, with two-story brick back build ing 1JV5 by 26 feet. Hall and seven rooms. Let 20 by -M feet. JOHN H. METZLER, Me US. Duke St. glenv. EVAN'S LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. IF IN WANT OF 11RAKS OR IKON STOl Cocks, Asliestei Fucked Cocks, IV I and Itlb isks, Ivvcrl'etks, Swing Jeluls, call and get them, or send jour order by mall, te JOHN UEST, 333 Last Fulton trtt, iu7-tfd 'ftttmftitv. TTaHRi WOLf, ISMRNIJURE STORE, tHMrecaerxlte IK Cart Klnc street, fcavtaf a fan Ha af rareltara or every description at ffca lewwtprlee. Alse Undertaking prenpUyaU iMMja Call adxnita ear tee. MMR TL WOLF. lSltt King Btrwd. TTNUERTAKERe. WATiOKHlRR, (rcecnl Fireiskiig Uiterttkers, NO. 20 SOUTU QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Resldence-JNO. J. WATSON, Ne. 4 West Vina street (Southern Market.) Residence M. K. H ERR, Ne. 430 Seuth Queen tract (Branch Office.) Jyg-amd rpHINOSAREOETTINO BETTER. The New Frent Will seen be cempleUd at WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF East King and Duke Sts., But meanwhile the LOW PRICES CONTINUE. We are doing business under difficulties, but our patron are reaping the benefit or the tear-up. WIDMYER, CORNER OP EAST KING AND DUKE STREETS. e CUS A GIBBS. TOO MUCH FURNITURE I YOU CAN HAVE IT Way Down Priees! ALL NEW STYLES FOR THE Parler, Bed-Roem, Dining-Roem, Library. RELIABLE. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, (2d, 3d A ith Fleer,) Ne. 31 SOUTH QUEEN H1REET. H ElNlTKH'8 FURNITURE DEFOT. WIDE AWAKE Buyers desiring a combination of Highest 8 utility of the Manufacturer' Art In alt the ewest nnd Latest Designs and the Lewest Prices in Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be awake te tiiclr own Interests and call upon us when their wants will be fully sup plied. W elfer te-day n splendid assortment of Far ler Suits In Tapestries and Flushes at specially Lew Prices.; HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street Siciuelcre, WA ATCIIKS, CLOCKS, ETC. CLOCKS, HPECTACLER, ETC., SOLD AND REPAIRED. Ne. 15'JJ4 North Queen St. WEBER'S. a-Watches furefully Selected for Farmer and Railroaders. ap21-l)d XEWELER AND ORADUATK OITICIAN. ' GILL ! Jeweler and Graduate Optician. LARGEST STOCK OF WATCHES. WATCHES OF ALL GRADES. CALENDARS, CHRONOGRAPHS, ETC. Examination of Eyes Free I Ne Dreps Used 1 OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. TTEimTjEWELElT HERR, Jeweler. IF YOU WANT A PAIR OF Geed Glasses, Properly Fitted, call en ns. All special work done by a Graduate Optician. REMEMBER, . That rer FINE WATCH AND CLOCK WORK.anil all kinds of JEWELRY REPAIR ING, we can promUe )ou the best results. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St,, COR. OF ORANGE. 2vttevucu TT UTHEH B. k:auffman, ATTORNKY-AT-I W. Boceud Fleer Esbleuiau La ulldlng. Ne. u North DueL pr-Ija4w t; t : m r QPBN KVERY KVCHtMS, v. Fer Bargains, Ne. 14 West King St. ErajtliiMSoIdAtudfieliffGed AS WE ABB POSITIVELY GOIHGOUT M OF BUSINESS. mayt-Smd rriHK FBerura cash store, A RARE OPPORTUNITY! We offer te-day a lane let of n l m i AT 19 Cents Per Yard. These eoeds hsca sold nl XU In CTL'a .nil i txisltlvetv French. Mnnvofthpse-calMFrwnr 3 Sn tines sold here and elsewhere are the flni ai trades or uemesuc goods, nut in order te me l this low price we will offer Genuine Frenc uoeaa atjiuc, as noev equeica. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASOlil Will Ira eirered Without Regard te Cost. Parasols worth from I3.S) te 7, Will be old I irem viie te tuu. Ble Reduction In Iho prices or EmbreldercM Fleunclncs. Colored Embroideries, flamilr Imported Scotch and Frotich Gingham, etc. f A It Is our desire le cut the Bummer slot as low ns possible this season, we will efli many tilings pertaining thereto at unusuall low prices. s 26 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. marW-lydli ISTE .TEW ORK SPORE. Interesting Bargains -AT THE- 20 PIECES TYR0LE3E DRESS LAWNB Reduced Irem 10c te 5c a jnrd. FINEST FRENCH SATINES. Elegant Dcalens en ISlack, Drewn, Blue, GreeJ l(ll(( OOJIINIIIU (lUdlKlH, Reduced from 370 te lllcajard. WOOL-FACE PLAID DRESS GOODS Closing out at 8c a jard ; rermer price, 15c. FINE AMERICAN SATINES, Reduced from 12e te 8c a yard. 60 PIECES DREPS CHALLIES, Medium and Dark Grounds, reduced te 5 cent n i ard. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS. Plaids andStrlpcs,6cayard; former price, 10c TENNIS FLANNELETTES At K, lOe and 12e a yard. 50 .Piece Craim Ground POINTED DRESS UllA.LiL,12-3, Reduced from 5c te 2Je a yard. Our Entire Stock of FANCY PARASOLS gelnJ ui uuc-uuii ubuui a rice. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. ynvrtoela. K OSE I1ROS. A HARTMAN. SPECIAL SALE OF PARASOLS On Saturday, July 6, 1M0, Te Contluue for One Week.endlng en Saturday, Jul) I.', low. P.CSNYDER&BROJJ denuine rieiirli Nitie People Cash Stere NEW YORK STORE LOT NO. 1 I .80 LOT NO. 2. 63 LO r NO. 3 . .75 J. OT NO. 4 l.(ie LOT NO. 5. 1.25 LOT NO. fl 1 60 LOT NO. 7 2.00 AT THE MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. nprlS.liml' )rtt. GENUINE JIAKQAINH I Trunks and Traveling Bags At VERY LOW PRICES During Hie Vacation bea-eu. WAU STRAW AND SUMMER HATS at two thirds the original price. StaufFer & Ce., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. FA. J A' THOSTEH'H CORNER SALOON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will be scrted uery meruliiK from VUeliJO. Rum rt's Celebrated Uetr Urawu from tbe keg, pr30-trd M J, ifK ?J?v?' . Srt'.-.-iiS'! y&. i,Jx, 3 jL jss. -u - i