f' U- rS? TflJfi LANOASTBB DAILY INTJBIAICrEtfCEK, TUESDAY JULY 15, 1890. w- v V KFSt VJatltt f ntclliflcuccr U ,.,t ' 4MUCW J.8TKINMAN, , V-' CWARLHBSTKIHMAN FWra, KIWI. ; f .'' BOBKRT CfcARK Pttbllrtwr. TO DA11.T lWTKLUOENCKH.-rnbll.lied , vnr in uie year, mil nunaay. eervcu . hIa . jiw n1 anrmnnilltlff ( v . .v. ui" ".j - -- --- Pi Wwialtn cents a week. ymnnTeaoi ymnnTeaei L lyrliidTnce;H)ntmmlh. WKHKLY INTELLIGENCER-On aellM nQ tftjr cents year. In advance. KOTICB TO SUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by cheek $ r fotteace order, una wnrre neuner ei . s ikMMii be procured nd In a registered, 'at lb Fostefnce, m second claw mall BattW Asmms. TBI IKTELMOSHCXK, Lancaster, l'a. l?V w LAH0A8TER.PA., July 16, 1890. V ITL. P.MM. rrliAn E 'J Th Mr.Klnlrv hill, which lise liearfllv KfcT-4 .1 1... 41.-. T...l.ltAA. efnin .list. tnaereuu iu iiie jwimumjm eimu ,r....- fenn. violates every ou or tne lour nlYcraally receguiml ennens of taxa tien. These canons are classical, mey ,' firt laid down one huuilred anil fourteen vcarsmre by Adam Smith, the (V?fatber of the sclence of political econ ecen lOremv.lii the epoch-making Wealth of Xw HVtianM. Thev are fully developed by Jehn FBluartMin In hhTrinriptts of Political vlxonenvf. book v., ennp. L'. mey nave 35 been adopted by every economist, and ramcknewledgcd by every thinker and fStatwman ler mere man a century, u sTerni the one true delmltlen of a icr- fcctly just and equitable tax that tux PClwiDg best which most nearly een- jr,Merrns te them, and worst In precr eatien te its departure from Ilium. They . arc : j. nrsi, imiievvry um uiiuuiu in.- imu ; Unit Is, that nil eltl.ens. ;ffjp should contribute te the mtpportef the jti? KUi;iUIIIVIIV in J1WII1J i v.r-i.v, ... V .t l . t. ,.t II. .. t.llt. I Y proportion 10 uieir rcqiccuvu iiiiiuiivi. a: uiuervrice u i" iiii'iiiiiiuy. $ Second, Thai every tux should le laid ?CtdeflnItely : that Is. thutthe nmeunt or the tax, and the tluw niul manner of Sfe narlnrr I lir,ll1tl lw mllllctml with Mp. M1'"J'""I'",U",""V -.v..-.v... ...... fKtalnty. Otherwise the tax Btliurcis fe'-'beoemeboth insolent and corrupt. $JN Third, That every tax (should Iks cel- lecteu whu me icasi incouvenience 10 VA'iU .,..,. . 1.l I.. ll.nl It u1...lll.l 1. '"U I ' l""V "I """""" ""J -Collected in u inuiiiiri nun hl ii iiiiiu ituu 'place easiest and most ceuvenlcut for ffithe persons paying it. Otherwise 11 Is .r fertile source of vexation uuu utiru- "i'shlp te the citizen. . J VmrtU 'Tliaf itfArV nv iillr.li irt Iu. lr.li i..V.., '"V.l.J ... ......., IV. - ...... .';lald and collected with economy ; that clsAliat it should be se contrived astotuke ,?iii. from Hie rlMen n Itllln iih . I - rabks ever and above what is necessary for ?&ittae support of the irevcrnmcnt, cconem- Si'i'leally administered ; and furthermore, that the cxiicuses of its collection should 'be as little as possible. Otherwise it imposes useless mirucus. The McKlnley bill violates everyone of these rules. It violates the first, that r every tax should be laid equitably, for $.ndorthe tariff which Itt-celM te perpcl- luate, each citizen does net puy In pre- faSPOTiieu ie ins iiuiiuy ; um en 1110 con- .vrtnury, In cXBct proportion te his Inabll- b ty. Fer the smaller the citlen's Income . -f the larger Is the percentage of it, which fchels compelled toex)cud for tarlll'taxcd J. l.l . .1.. 1.. f. f .. .. yunxssiiics , vue larger u is me smaller 4te the iwrceutagc of It thus expended ; s.wnnns eniy iiie very wcaiuiy wne ex- pend but a very small proportion of ,, ,-',' their Inceme In this way. in addition 2tfn IhiK.lt. tuxes tlm iiixtehIHp of llfe ftL-s. b(cttiftf mill tta lliviirli. Imvnal fesp ,It violates the second, that every tax ' XJ should be laid dellnltcly : for under this tariff it Is amoral impossibility for the kt&cltlzeu te knew thotlmeof payment or p lire wuimub i.u J'na uiiiiui ui ill ill lliu ktate or of trlbute te the trust. It fulfills perfectly every requirement of the abso abse "h lute menarcliNt's definition of a perfect ij tax, being the best system ever devised SSr ta "nluplr tlin n-(Misf"('im('nllfrl ilcunrlKea ".t' HMlnn.1 nl.li.ln ll.i. nie.hitni.i ,.f C ... 1 1 . ..... n JF ' "" uu"" V..V) tlt.Vltl.lllll .11 ll.tltlv.11 iif-' with the minimum of siiualliug." ilence W It Is a system admired by Btatesmeu like ferPriuce lilsmarck who are at the head of A erongcentrallzed governments, with ex- 4 P6118''0 re'm families and immense -j standing, armies te support, and who ?$? cate but little ter the real InterestHef the i.M great ixniy 01 the iieeplc. tAf It violates the third, that everv tax mz should lie collected with the least incen- &jwyeutence te the taxpayer, for the secre. taryefthe treasury stated a lew years W age that there were ever two thousand j&Sgthrce hundred tarlll cases jiendlng In the Heumcrn district erew Yerk alone. in AMI. Aud it violates the fourth and last KjjWA !& canon, that every tax ought te be both S&r.latil mill nillnf...il will, niwuimti.. r.. 1 pftakes away aud keeps away from the 5fiCiiien Kw,uUvi,uuu every year ever and ' 'rtfabeve what is necessary for the support 'J&'of the trevernmcut. It is. in mlillilnn. the costliest of all methods of tax cellec- Atlen. There are mero than llftv custom 9Llinllu In tlin ITtiitr.il St.ilnu ..I .. I.1..1. .1.,, ;"a's annual receipts are lcs than tlieniinii.il & V iTvnwxi. HMiiiv nrr. flttn ................. TVt I ' -... .... -.J ...V. ....VI fcV. ft 11111C1U 2$? buildings, some of them costing ever K $100,000, and all of them inaiutaiued for y, the lieiiellt of a number of high-salaried Pffl1' nii.,i i..,i,.. ,i .1111...1 t ,.. ( vtiiiititi uiuii.uuunu iuiiiiriii UIIUKS regs and, practically, for no ether purpose USstf' under heaven. ", Such Is the measure, which Mm lf. publican convention has unanimously "&& appnueii, uuu wiiicn tne peopie of tills '.fr. .nn.... ......... .ill. ......1.. i.. . .. vviiiuivie. vuim uiiiii m Mtiuip, at i lie ! Aninll.f.lluilln.. ...1.1. J1.A . t -. It ( CPjy. vvmnifc vivviiv.il, eitii me uvui ei incur & unqualliled condemnation. KiTI" llvlllii.rnleli IMr, I r.t.e --.... ......j ..(.., .i.iuic !:-&. In 'he Senate en Monday, iu lenlv te hjLm request of Mr. Edmunds, Mr. AllKen S1K 11 tails n lir.nlc..nf.ttw.n( ,.f ll.... ill fvtht3 various reiriilnr unDienrltitimi lliu In Wfailh he Kntll Witt Mil nmrriii(n l.ku, y.S hundred and flfty-nlne niillien dollars, tKt Iriduding the iieimauent appreiiria-a.i-.i- iri.n f.iii ... .. ...!. .... 7r. "" "" '"" "'"; in ins siaie .43 went is shown Iu a letter te the I'lillu. j-;fi'aelpbiaZj.r, which we publish, but It . must ue rcmcmeexeu mat wiuie the w lid Edjetfravagniice thus displayed nmv Hur. ffjsprise aud alarm niany readers It is net pllu the least astenlshliic te the members ;&efSvuateaud lIeu-e. Thev have becn '. going ahead with their eyes wide open vj ana Blaring nara at tne Jinn high wall f'efdeflcleucy built by their lavish ap- r-4 prupriuiieiis ever me surplus llltcll. iM The ditch thic.itened the ruin of the party of high taxes, and Its leaders have ejlherately chosen a policy of extrava- as tlie desperate alternate e. Jf Thexnjestlenwas what shall be done '("with the-, money raised bv taxation ..which is net needed, and their answer f was "epeud it" ; but It mluhthave been pected that theyweuld at least inaugu- mat iKiucy with caution ; spend- slag la such a way that taxpayers might .a iiersuadtd tliat their inenev was ; wisely luAested. Uut the average con- frewiinaii simply fellows leaders who rive wltli mere or lebs skill te frame a Hey that will control votes or favor I pereenal umbltleu. aud these leaders i their eagcrucM te capture the " bel- vow." auu te puioe the people's t- - - money where it will de the most geed te the party, talk blandly of mil lions by the hundred and permit great .ums te lie frittered away In pre lit less and trifling legislation. The Just French spoliation claim and border raid claims are forgotten, while such schemes flint favor as the one for the alisurd re vival of the rank of lieutenant general for, our little twenty thousand strong army, aud special pension bills go through by the seore with no watchful Cleveland te kill them by veto. Even If a halt should new be called, and fur thcr legislation ruled by strict economy, the party In power lis gene far enough le convince the people of its unworthl unwerthl ness te rule. A Street Freight Yard. A modern lllustralloiierthenrroganco of earls and barons In the days when might made right may be found en Charlette street In this city of Lancaster. Seme years age the Pennsylvania rail road was given permission by councils te lay a siding for a specified distance en Charlette street for the accom modation of the tobacco dealers occupying warehouses along that thoroughfare. They promptly put down the track and of course laid it beyond the limit after their geed old fcishlen of taking all they think they c.in held. There was a llttle struggle ever their extra length of track, but the railroad company remained In posses sion by physical strength aud the com placency of the city authorities. Hlnce then they have apparently grown te believe that the street Is the preiierty of the company, and it would net be surprising If they covered it with tracks. They new use the tobacco warehouse siding as n kind of general delivery track for coal, lumlicrand ether freight which Is regu larly shifted there and unleaded by wagons, which nre often nllewed te stand ever night, obstructing the high way. If this private siding, built for the occasional shipping of a car of to bacco, Is te lie used by the company, as an annex te their freight yald, it should lie formally deeded te them and clearly understood that It Is their property, and that ever that particular portion of the streets the cltlcus have no rights or in terests. 1'eirit Italian laborers were drowned neur Uuu-aMer Inst night. It whs Lancaster, New Hiunpslilre, however, and Hie only lix'.il lessen is le lioed the postmuster's ad ad vlce about naming tlie stntnulieu direct ing letters te tills Krentext of l.iiiicaslers. Tin: iniiuiiur in which the McKlnley tiulir bill will work into tlie bunds of the trusts ami combines, which new lionoy lienoy lioney comb the laud, niny be gnllinreil from the lntlcr of a Chicago manufacturer, pub lished in tlie VWfciiiir of that city, lie (le ctures tlmt he Is a ItupubHcaii, and (but he hopes te remain iu the Ilepubllunu party. He says he Is a manufacturer using only a moderutu diversity of material. "Yet no less limn soven dlllorenl kinds of his raw uiuterluls uru controlled by trusts and com binations. Nene of lliose combinations 1ms been mentioned, that I am nware of, In any public print. Tliore are hundreds known only te parties who buy of tliemaml pay tlicm tribute. It is evident thnt none of these institutions should be fur ther protected in thus robbing tlie public. Yet nearly all of thorn wero ropresoulud before the congressional committees aud asking for higher turllfs en their produc tions. Kvery one of thorn can ralse tlie prlcoef its waies te a point Unit will per mit foreign goods le come in. These Im portations tlie direct result of their own groed nre thou used as a levor te gel further advances in tlie tariff. If we give theui furtlier protection all they have te de Is te rope.it this process ury out ngiilust foreign cheap labor aud gel a fiuther advance. When Is this process te slepT Whero de the people ceme InT " The X. Y. 7'iiiea rofers this Inquiring Hepiibliv'iiu te Senater Khermaii, ltoproHOu lteproHOu ltopreHOu tntlvo Julius C Harrews, and ether lead ing slntesiuen of his party, who have re peatedly declared In Congress aud out of It that shenover protected miiiiufacturers coinblne "topreventu reduction of pilee by competition in 'tlie home mnrket," tlie t.iriil duties that protect theui should be cut down ami " foreign competition should be invited," .mil who "have, at the sumo time, lest no opportunity le vote in favor of retaining and Increasing these saine diities. When merchants and manufacturers like this Chicago inquirer learn by s.ul ex pel 1 1 1 ence hew much they are inade te puy for their whistle, they i ill no louger be Re publicans and will leek buck with womler ujieu tlie blindness which ence led them te hope that they would always "remain In the Republican parly." I vv te myself, turnover 1 think of this f(uay-l)olatnater-Watros convention, that Iu the Republican polities of I'eunsylvaula: " It neeiiisii ter from the world of hplrlls Wliriiuiiyeuj elitiiliis Unit w 1 1 1 e I luiiiu'rllH, Or tiny merits that t litrli lie obtains." And yet I must net only swallow the ticket, but take the Mump and light for II. Quay says se, and that settles it. TalK about crew confound 11 all I u. k. m-iin. A l'iti:M n.MAN llnsl a ioveler In the air, en Memlny, hlle President Carnet lias passing, unit tlmn cdinly eilained that tint weapon was leaded with blank cartridges, mid he euly wauled te call at tention te his needy circumstances. Ilejf Klng by blank cartridges is a peeuliaily I'reuchidea. Out West tbey aie far mere practical, and the collections taken up by highwaymen aud train rebbers in needy circumstances would surprise Pari sin a beggar. I rln Ileaxorceunly and down in Dela wure county Republicans hate a rebellious element lu thelr bleed. Their temperature jut new Is about a liundred in (he shade. Congressiuaii Tewuseiid wan beaten for loueiuiiiiitiou by Alex. Mellow ell; defeated, it is ullegcsl, iy Um boldest Mirlety of bribery. Aflldavlts have been inade by citl70iis of Hoax or that hundieds of ilellars were ustsl te cei nipt votei s. The prescct for the puiiibliineut of tlie briliers Is net worth considering, liewevur, for the lnllu lnllu cuce behind cither side of Hits factional quarrel Is great enough te shield the scoundrels. In Deluwaie county two bribery suits are tlie outcome of the recent congressional contest. Dr. Hendersen llayuurd and Jes. H. Iluddell, pieiiilueiit )ellticlans, were arresttil en Monday for using nioiiey iu the Interest of tlie candi dacy of Jehn H. Robinson. l'eiuisylvniilulawa cannot be construed te bind llttle rogues and permit tlie big kind te escape, llepubllcau IHiliticians hceni te harbor the iilea that in elections the purse is tlie iHilent foree that can ex H)tul witlieut renrorihe law'siutorferonco. If Fremont hud been killed In battle ut the opening of tbe war, what a grand figure he would liae made iu eui history. As It Is bis llfe is a wenderfully stirring record of a limn with brilliant abilities, heroic traits, and faults enough te encourage ethers te as plucky clfert te muke mere or their faulty selves. Tin: lMj-:i.Liui;.M.'i-:n cheerfully pub lishes worthy communications en topics of Interest or imiortauce when supplied with tlie name ofthe writer as a guarantee of geed faith, hut all anonymous common I. catiens must be refused publication. I'er- un lurtuniiiiiK arucics anu net wltlilngte sign them can rebt absured that their names will be kuev, u only te the editors. Tin: news from n lake In far off Minne sota strikes tlie hearts of all readers te-day with a cold thrill of horror. A hundred light-hearted, pleasure-seeklng excur sionists suddenly find themselves strug gling aluly for life In tlie chill waters of the lakoevor whose calm besom a moment bofero lliey were gaily sailing. Men, women and children gray headed grand parents, strong fathers, proud nod loving mothers, children full of Jey and Itlsty life aud helpless infants all went down together. Tlielr struggle, their heart rending agony was seen ever burled beneath the cold waters of the lake, but many a weary day will pass ero tlie pain shall be healed In the loving hearts of their friends, and relatlves, the real victims, after all, of this awful disaster. Can noth ing be loarned from accidents such as this? Can net a llfe proservor be contrived se slmple that even a child can den It in a second and se offectivo that uuder all ordinary circumstances the wearer cannot drown? An inventor could net better earn the gratitude of his fellow men than by contriving a life proservor which could be worn without discomfort by every pas pas pas souger upon beats crowded with summer oxcursleulsts. Then let the law step iu and couiel all such beats te carry them and every passenger le wear ene. Surely such an invention and such a law would have saved many a life at lake Peplu. Tlie Fruit Crep of Tills Year. Frem tlin Noir Yerk Mcrciintlleund Exchange Advocate As the season advances mero complcle reperts from various sections Indicate that the goneral fruit crop of 18'JO will be the smallest for many years, which is te be regretted, from the fact also of a perieral feeling of depression in agricultural inter ests throughout the country. One f.ivora f.ivera f.ivora bie feature, however, that theso having partial crops will find thelr net results at the end of the year about equal te the seasons of full crops. This has been tlie result ei iiie proseni irucK crops in iiie Seuth, which were Ilkowlse seriously damaged by llie early frosts, but very ro re ro nemoratlvo prices have prevailed, ami the expenses of harvesting and shipping have been malerlally lessened. This will he truoef the frull crops, and mero attention can be given te the gathering and packing, aud by thus improving the quality of the shipments their value may be onhanced, The less most seriously felt by dealers and consumers generally will be that of llie pcacu crop, wmcu is almost a total fullure in all sections of the country, (ex cept California), aud it will be considered a luxury the present season. Its most natural subslllute tlie pear is also a gen eral failure. Tlie same severe frost which destroyed the peach crops also blasted the pear buds, and the late reports from many ofthe large apple sections in the Hudsen Itiver counties and Wonteni New Yerk state thnt a great deal of tlie young Iruit Is dropping from the trees, and" in dications are of a short product from this principal seurce of sup ply. Tlie early crops of fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, currants, thus far have been unusually short, and seem te have been fruited very lightly, which is also accounted for by the upon winter, and ineti oeing loiiewcu iy tee sovero Hest during the tluie of the early doyelopment of the plants. Thu reperts from the West are yet Incomplete, and llie fruit-growers of these states (providing they hae geed crops), may ngiiln profit by the Kastcrn failure, us they did last season lu the mar keting of their apples here. The a'.tontleii nrm glcu te quicker means of tumsporlatleu and improved packnges for carrying porlshuble fruits, enables distant grew ors le plaee tlielr pro ducts en our market in geed time and In prime condition, and the proseni and pros pective favorable prlces are certain te prove remunniutlve le all theso who can solid their fruits te this murket, even Ireni the mere remote points en the lMcllie coast, and they lme already begun aud will contluue te ship largely throughout tlie season. Van llnt'TKN's Cm oa ea oa Werhl. LurKCKt Sain In tlie There Is no comfort, nl(,'liter ilay, When tcctli are Miflcrlin, from itcciiy. A nil oil I tlm (mill tluit Mefttiullficl, When bitter heurx at Init reenl, That all our uoccameKrlm nn1 Kiiiint Frem our iicrIccI of HUODONT. Net n Cueu. NotaciiHeof rlieiiiimtlmn, net u nise of noil neil nilglit. netu chte of pnlii or spritlii net nun liim fiiilcil Ingewlieiiuttackrd liy Themim' IXlee trie Oil. Helil In Luiicasler by V. T. llwli, 1J7 uiul t.rj Nertli (vueen Htrtet. "Tlie.llliulllic ei tliu (111111011 IlelH llie Hurt Unit Hener 1'deIh." Hut there nre ilccner hiirtn tlmn Ihesnthnt honor fecN. 'HiekpciIi of illM.ivauinMiniulliUvi ilevnly iiikii, the Hyuti'iii l K'cretly unit surely KlNiiiKaiwiy tOMime ilee-seiili'il inutility, Ks lieeliilly iimeiii-riMuiili Rurn uiiiiiy eillen ra from fiillummntlon.iileeriitleuK, prelapsiiH.iiiul oilier displacement : weak haek, xlcli henihu he, ner ner veusnesM 11111I klilney itlenhe"i. I'er all ihexe iillietleiii iierullur te Memei no Mirer remedy than Dr. rlerie's Kawirlte Prescription, pro pre luncU for tin Ir special bcucllt.ciiu he found. It Is the only inidlclue for women, sold hyilrin; Klut. miller n positive iriianuileu rrem llie iinimif.ictiuerti, ihat 11 "111 give Kitl-mollen IneM-ry case, ormeuny 11III be reruiided. 'this i;uar,uilee has been prlutrd 011 tlm heltk-ur.ii-sr and rnlthfully earrleil eul for man j e.irs. M,'luJLw from Clevi'lanil, Ohie, Cernea a loiter slumd T, Walker, s.ijIiik, "About klv innntliH ni;i eeininuiieed takliiK JlurtlucK llleml Htttcri Ter protracted ases ei liimh.iKO unit Keueral deblllt), and imu lam pleased te Klate liaoiteeei-isi my apix tlte um viniueu Hiieuuiii, reel eeiier aueKeii wentinl HtieiiL-Ui l-'eel better altenellier. Held la iJiilcaster (iaeu strivl In Ijincaster by w 1. neon, 1 17 and l.r.i North a Hiirnmeii vnoi.use.MKUi:vi:itA(U, uni:quai.i:u iehtiik nerves, kine ei' coco ah- " reyai, cocoa ractery." Kings are but men, but all men arc net kings. Therefore, when the King of Helland says, as he did by deed of August 12, 1S89, that he is greatly pleased with Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." and, entirely unsolicited, grants the manufacturers the sole right of styling their works the Royal Cocea Factory, a significance attaches te the act which would net were he net " every inch a king." Avoid the eill meet of tea and coder, and use cemtantty Van Heuti.n a Coiea. (i.s DRUNKENNESS. LUJUOIl HAIIIT. In All the World thcre Is hut One Cure. nit. liAiNiis t5ei.ni:N spixmi'ic. It ran lip given Inn cup of cotleeor lea, or In articles of feed, wltliinilthe knoiiledueof Iho patient, lfiieccsary ; It is nbselulely harmless anil villi eilect a periuancnt iiudsiHxsly cun-. vihcther llie putlcut Is a mislerate drinker or uu alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly mid with such certainty thnt the patient underyees no lnconveiileuce. iiiidere he Is iiwnre.hUcetiiplete reformation Is ellrcted. U nui tsnik or imrllcutnrs free. CHAB. A. LOCHER. Druggist, .ajlMeeaJn-.?1 KIB" .-"-". l AT.ffi,l,.r.,'ltls veu e'eTATfv LANCAHTEIH.JIIMFANY T Al'ARRIHIENNK Negligee Shirt, AT KRIHMAN'8. VTEW GOODS. LOW MUCIJS ANDAOOOL JJ htoreltoom luukts sheiipiui; piiumiit AT llEINUuLDi. &Pattamahc'. I'liii.Anr.i.riliA.TiieiKtay.Juljr is, two. A fresh let of Clav Serges just received in the Merchant Tailoring stock. Suits te or der, $27.50. Thirteenth end Market ttrreU. The Hat Stere is brim full of choice things in Men's Head- wear for the season. Thirteenth and Markettrsl. The 6-cent Challis arc just as cheap accordingly as are the 3-ccnt Lawns. Marvels both of them, and a dozen ether stuffs up te the most aristocratic Ginghams. NertlieiiKl and nerthwpnt of rentre. Rugs and Grips and a hun dred ether things, big and lit tle, that help te make the tour ist's let a hannv one. Comfert hints at a dozen counters. Toilet Sets and Field Glasses. All around the cthtre. A breath of fresh air for baby. Carriages of maybe fifty sorts ready, or we'll get one up en short notice exactly te your mind. Of course priccs.arc as low as the market or lower. Basement, nerllicant of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. ItlrtCltlttCVU. TTOM IIOIIIZO.NTAI. HTATIONAIIY i:N- glncx, from 'i te hi) liorse-powi r, and Verti cil) Knxlnesfreiii ate40 liorHMieiver, jeii will Mnilthuiii nt JUIIN lllXr'H, Ml Kiwi Fulton street. 1? 71011 IiOl.TH, I.AO HCIICWH, HKTHUIIKWH, Hiiuaniiind llexaiteu Nuts, these cowls In kieck,qvjuiiis 111.119, isw rjt, v uiieii nireei. r . . . .... .......n.n .h. .. '. ......:. . . m7-lfd IJiOltAMERICANHIOIITIfKKI) CYLINDER J Lubricator. (llnssOII Cups for llearliiiti, D0 rim net theui ut JOHN llUSTH, H-CI Kwt Fulton htrcet, m7-tfil -YTIORROILKItlUlinilRUHIIES, HTILLSON U npe wrcncnc,i'iieiu I'iihj Wrcnclics.I'lneiind .Menkey Wrcnehes i-emblnei, Kllc. Oil Cull", etc , fe te JOHN UKST, ail Knsl Kiiltiln street. m7-tfd ARTICULAlT ATTENTION 1'AID TO MiHtel Maklmr, l'attcnis, Drawings mid lllun I'rlnlA, at prices reasonable, at JOHN llhHT'H. SW taist Kulteii slrcct. inT-lfd STEAM 11EAT IHTHECOMINO HEAT FOR ilwelllnuM, churches-, Kchoel houses, etc, though s-uceessfully used ene humlred stars nije. When youeoutemplatoa eliaui;e call en JOHN HIXT, who will k.ve jeu a satisfactory Jeb, at a fair price. iu7-tld 1" TUMI'S, 1IOILEKS, MINING. CKNTIUFIN cat niul Steam l'uinps, et any cnpiulty, nt JOHN IIIKT'H.K.;.) East Fullen strict. mT-ifd SANVSIILUS, llAllK"jflLl.s7 CeiTlTlJt, leather Hellers, Tan Packers. Triple Hurse l'eucrs, MIIIIiik and Minim; Machinery, at JOHN IlliST'H. :l liisl Fallen street. Iii7-tfd tMvDIATOIiH, OF ANY MAKE OR HE k . u4rfl. tfintm Itn IIIB! if I n I n t kl erkii.i.kln 4trli aa mW niKi'i vmii mi 1111 iii-'iiLMiibi viimiiiiiiiiviiiKUKn. by JOHN MIXT. Sit list rulten street. (iu7-trd 17,011 CASTINGS, IRON OR I1RASS, LIOHT ' or heavy, ut short notice, go te JOHN lll'.sr. :f.( East Fulton street. niT-tfd rpANKH FOR WATER.OII.S, ACID OR OA8 l or any kIhieii or capacity, at fair prices, ire te JOHN 11 EST. Kit East Fulton street. Iin7-tfit ITtOR PRATT A OADY AH1IESTOK DISO l; Valves, Jenkins Vatves.llrnss (ilobe Valves. llrassOate Valves, Iren Ueily (llobe Valves, IverHnfi'ty Valves, Pep Safity Valves, Air Valves, Radiator Valves Pratt's HivIiikIiik Valves, Radiator Valves, Pratt's Hwln Check Valves, llrass Cheek Valves Feet Va Aimle Valves, call at JOHN JIIWT'H, 3X1 Fulton Street. m7- valves Las m7-tfd ITtOR 1'UI.LEYH, HIIAKTINO, COLLARS, Hangers, Clamp llexes, CeupltiiKs, etc., re te JOHN IlESIMltJ East Fulton street. m7-trd 1jav.ihisu.-i, yie i'ui.i.uvvn: iiiiiiuu, run Htuiiu and Hjdniullc l'aekltiK.Asbostlteiie, Woven and Wlek FaekluK, Hemp 1'acklni;, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Shea thine, Uuin l'nc!i!iiir,(liim Rings for Watar (laiiKes, Plumb.ice I'aekliu;, Reed's Patent An An liestes, Lined sectional Plpn Cever, ut JOHN HESrs.lCll Dist Fulton strit'L m7-tfd "PC. 7.. till HTF.AM (lAUHIX HIGH OR LOW Piessure. Water (iauires. Gauiru Cocks. WimhI Wluels or Weighted, Glass Tillies, Whistles. Svnheus for Steam Gaucus. Cv Under Ollii-s Plain, Water (fiiuge Columns, Cocks for Sleam Gauges, call en JOHN REST, SU F.nst Fiilteustreet. in7-tfil A OCNCY FOR CALLAHAN & COS J. incut te take the place of Rcdlad. Fin He II makes live times the nuautltvtif CK In red lead and Is fur superior In making steam Joints, packing mail anil hand hele plates 011 boilers, Ac, Ac, Prien ai cents ier pound, at JOHN llljl"S. atl Fust Fulton street. in7-tfd TJ'ORCAST IRON PIPE FITTING'S. DOTH " plain and rtduclng, up te U-lneh diameter, Miille.ible Mttlugs, I'lauges, I'lange Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, Tube Supports, lliim.'1-rs, Hoerimd Cclllm; Plutts, go te JOHN lllr.S.:ui liist F11II011 street. m7-trd TF YOU WAN I' A FI ItVT-CLAHS PORTABLE Engine and Heller, en wheels, iheup, as the following prices shew: H horse-pem r, fl75; H liiirMviHiucr, 5.'i' 1 10 liorse.HHcr, J575; 15 horse herse horse pett er, S7."i; 'Ji horse-power, 91,173. cull nt JOHN llliSl'S.ICiHUiht Fulton sticet. Iii7-tfd ir-HITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED 1IY the pound, 11K-: lu lets of lu pounds or ever.l'c. All gmxls delivered teany parlor the oily Free. Call en JOHN lllMP, Ne. Sit East Fulton strct.1. iu7-lil TF IJ I Ce. (ecks. IN WANT OF 1IRAKS OR IKON Sl'OP Cih'ks, Asbestos Pucked Cocks, Pel niul Illli ks.I,evcr Cocks. H11 Inir Joints, call nml rel ng Ji rder Tit1 1. lu m. or send veur order bvuiall. In JOII N RES!', :ut U-ist Fiillen stnt't. 1117-tfil 10l.ll imeN.i LIQUIDS AM) SIZING X fersleam uerk.at JOHNIU-srw,': l h.ut I uttoustit-et. in7.tfd a TN.IECTOUS, RUK 1, 1 PILE GlV.-sP, HAN cts'k lusplniters and Electors, Ebcrimin Heller Ficder, Penbertliy Inspector, Amerkaii Injiclers, nil lu stock, nt JOHN RUSTS, :3 1 jist Fill ten street. m7-tld "I710R IIDILERS, HORIZONTAL, TAHULAR. JU Vertical, Perlable, C Under, Marine, of any sle or peiiei, of the best malerlal and workmanship, go te JOHN llKrtl'.MI liist Fill, ten strict. 1117-tfd -lt fVin1' OF I'IPK, FROM "ji OU.vUv luili te 6 Inch diameter, for sale nl a low figure, nnd the only heuse lu llie city viiin 11 pipe cutting maeinuc, cutting up te tl Inch dtuuieler, at JO iu.- 111.11-,sm itst I 111- 1011 sint'i. 1117-tfd FOR THE REST HOP AIR FURNACE IN llie market, go te JOHN REST, tKt liist Fulton st 1 eel. m7.l(l riARR IN SIOCK-RlJsr CHARCOAL, K.J IliunineriHllliir Iren, Deuble Ruined Iren, llurdcu's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Hei and Celd Heller Iren, Stci 1, Mieet Iren .-I-Hi te Ne. Ill, at JOHN 1IIXI"S.:1 hUst Fullen strci't, ni7-tld Airtte. riENUINEHARGAINSI v.r Trunks ' and Traveling Bags AtVER. LOW I'RICES DurliiB the Vacation Season. 3-. SIRA W AND BUMMER HATS ut tuo tue thlrd the original price. StaufFer & Ce., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. 1 PENSIONS. PENSIONS. The New Pension Rill Just passed i ntltlcs all Soldiers, Widows, Miner Children and Depen dent lluvnu te u pension. 1 villi attend te nil nppllcutleiik placed lu my hands promptly. 1 havehlid four jeurs' eHTlence In the pension efllcc at Wnshlugteu, D. C SILAS W.SHIRU, Ji?Wiml PJ Nertli Duku St., I Jim-inter, l'a. VTOTICK TO TRESPASSERS AND GUN .L NEHS. All itrsoiuure hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the ."ernwall ndSiHssdw ell estates in Ibaueu or Lancaster ueunties, whether luclused or unlnclesed, either for the purjMise of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced again t all tre. passing en said lands of the undersigned arte tills notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERUY AI.DEN. EDW. U. FREEMAN, Atterncyi for U. W. Oettuuui'i Udrs. Palact ef gMen, SAIjACK Or FAMHIOH. THE GREAT THIRTY DATS CLEARING SALE -AT- ASTRICH'S 116 & 117 N. Queen St., l.AJ.CABTEK.M. FURTHER REDUCTIONS A'D BARGAINS GREATER THAN EVER. Fer Tuesday, July 15 We Offer the Following BARGAINS. SPECIAL we offer en This Day. Ne. 0, Deulile-fiiceil heavy Pure Silk, two-teneil Satin Rlblwiis, nt 10a a yard. Ne. 10, nt lflcrt yard. Ne. 10. Deuble-faced Satin Ribbon.), in grey, golden brown nnd Rlirlnip, at 10c a yard. LACES. Pure Silk Clinntilly and Spanish Guipure Lace, 4-inch wide, at 10c a yard. Pure Silk Chautilly Laces, G-ln. wide, nt 12jc a yard. HOSIERY. One let of Children's fine qunllty lllnck Ribbed Hese, full regular made, reduced te 10c a pair. One let of Gent's Slate and Tan Col ored fine ltalbriggan Hese, all at llie a pair. One let of Ladies' Slate and Tau line llalbriggnn Hese, all at 10c a pair. Children's Gauze Undershirts, Inrge sizes, high neck and long sleeves, 28 te ;hc, at n:jc apiece. Ladles' Fancy Satin Parasols, fancy sticks, paragon frames your choice for stM.il). GLOVES. Ladies' Silk audTaffetta Gloves at 10c u pair. Ladles' Lisle Gloves at Oc a pair. Ladies' Talletta Silk Gloves at lle a pair. Ladies' Black Silk Lace Mitts at 10c a pair. One let of Ladies' Fine Fancy Em broidered Lawn Aprons, nil at 48c apiece. One let of Gloves at lc a pair ; only 0110 pair te a customer. One let of Writing Paper and En velopes, In fancy boxes, at 3c a box. NOTICE. Given away en Tuesday 1,000 Japanese Felding Fans, ene te every child making any kind of a pur chase. Mec. CJUMMER SHOES! TENNIS OXFORDS! I have ene of the Largest Lines of Men's, Iji dles', Misses', Kejs' and Youths' Tenuis Ox fords lu the city. Men's llrewn Checkered Tennis Oxfords, tlie. Hey's " " " " 41c. lJidles' " " ' " -He. Misses' " " " " .S)c, Youths' " " " " 3lc. Men's Second Grade Light Tenuis Oxfords, Wv. Hev's " " " " 55c. Ladles' " " " " Vs.1. Misses' " " " " Wc. Youths' ' " " " 60u. Men's Rest Grade Latest Light Stripe Ox., JI (A Hey's " " " " t'.V. Ladles' " " " " V-'c, Men's RestGrndeTennls Bnls.ln Light Check nnd Solid RrewD.Jl 50. I have also a Ijirge Line of Men's, Rey's, Iji dlcs' nnd Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfords, with Rubber Heles, having Leather Seles between the Rubber Seles nnd Insoles, nttlUO, tl 25, 1M niul 2 W. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY 4 ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.8 A 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. O-Store Closed Every Evening at 6 o'clock KxceptMenday mid Saturday. lour. TT EVAN'S LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and 1 Iandseme Biscuit. AT ROSTERS CORNER SAIjDON. A NICE HOT LUN0H will Le served every morning from tttol'ilie. Riipis rt's Ccltbraleu Deer drawn from the keg. uprtO-Ud. Palace of Mm. furniture. TTBNK WOL, 1 FURNITURE STORE, baa rraieTMl te IM Cast Klnc stiret, bavin full Una of Knrnllarc of every description at th lewnt prices. Alse Undertaking promptly aU tended te. Oall and examine our coedn. aa-UMH H. WOljr. 1HS Kant King H treat XTNDEUTAKEKtJ. WATSON k HIEB, General Famishing Undertakers, NO. SM SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Kc-Mrtencc-JNO. J. WATWON, Ne. 4 Wet Vlnentrfet(8eiithern Market.) Itinldenre-M. H. HEKIt, Ne. 430 Seuth queen fttreet (llranch Office.) J jr8-Jnid T MUNUH ARE OETTINa BETTER. The New Frent Will seen be cempleUd. at WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF East King and Duke Sts., Rut meanwhile the LOW PRICES' CONTINUE. We are doing business under dimcultlw, but our patrons are reaping the benefit of the tear-up. WIDMYER, COIiNEH OF EAST RINO AND DUKE STREETS. -CIISAGIUUS. TOO MUCH FURNITURE! YOU CAN HAVE IT Way Down Prices! ALL NEW STYLES FOR THE Parler, Bed-Roem, Dining-Roem, Library. ltELIARLE. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, fid, 3d & 4th Fleer,) Ne. 31 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. H EINITSH'H FURNITURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE Iluycrs dcslrlne a combination or Hlehcst Quality or the Munufiiclurcr's Art In all the Newest and Latest Designs and the Lewest Prices lu Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should he awake te their own interests aud call upon us when their wants will be fully sup plied. We offer te-day a splendid assortment of Par Par eor hulls In Tupestrles und Flushes at specially Lew Prices.; HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street eweleva. -lirATCIIES, CLOCKS, ElO. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES. ETC.. SOLD AND REPAIRED. Ne. 1K15 North Queen St. WEBER'S. Viitches Carefully nnd Railroaders. Selected for Farmers ap'J4-lyd. TEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! Jeweler and Graduate Optician. LARGEST STOCK OF WATCHES. WATCHES OF ALL GRADES. CALENDARS. CHRONOGRAPHS, ETC. Examination of Eyes Free 1 Ne Dreps Used 1 CHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STUEET, LANCASTER. I'A. H ERR, JEWELER. HERR, Jeweler. IF YOU WANT A FAIR OF Geed Glasses, Freierly Filled, call un us. done by a Graduate Optlclun. All sjieclul work REMEMBER, That for TINE WATCH AND CLOCK WORK. ami nil kinds of JEWELRY REPAIR ING, wc can premise jeu the best results. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., COR. OF ORANGE. SVttuvncu' -T UTHER a KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEV-AT-L W. Heceud Fleer Fslileuiau HoiUiDuwet. ulldtiiK, Ne. v) pr-lydi.w 9rg &ehm e PEN EVERY EVENtMO. Fer Bargains, GO TO P.CSNYDER&BRO. Ne. 14 West King St. ETerytfaiDgSeld At tndBelowGes AS WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OK BUSINESS. my54md mHE PEOPLES CASH STORE, A RARE'OPPORTUNITY ! We offer te-day a large let of AT 19 Cents Per Yard. These goods have sold at ."We te 37Uc, nnd ai positively French, Slimy of thoselIcdFrenq 8n tines sold here and elsewhere are the One grades of domestic goods, but In order te nits this low price, we will offer Genuine Frcnc uoeus ni;ivc, as noevequoicu. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASOL Will be eflercd Without Regard te Cost. Parasols worth from S3.S0 te 17, will tie sold I (romfi.&uier-:.au. Rig Reduction In the prices of Embrelderel a tM.iiK"t v.uuic ......iv...v..v. vvi.u.ii Imported Scotch and French Ginghams, etc. As It Is our desire, te cut the Summer stecl as low as posslble this season, we will effrl many things pertaining thereto at uuusualll low prices. 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, FA. marSO-LydH N: EW YORK STORE. Interesting Bargains -AT THE- 10 F1ECE8 TYR0LE3E DRESS LAWNS Reduced from 10c te 6c a yard. FINEST FRENCH SAT1NES. Elegant Designs en Rlack, Rrewn. Rluc, Green uuu rcuppiuru greuutis. Reduced from 37c te 19c a yard. WOOL-FACE PLAID DRESS GOODS Closing out at 8c a yard ; former price, 15c. FINE AMERICAN SATINES, Reduced from 12,J-jC teHcajard. 5i) PIECES DRESS CUALLIES, Medium and Dark Grounds, reduced te 5 ceiittl n yarn, i NEW DRESS GINGHAMS. Plaids andStripcs.Ccaynrd; former prlcc.tOe. I TENNIS FLANNELETTES At 8c, 10c and !2Jc a yard. 60 rietes Cream Ground POINTED DRESSl CHALLIES, Jteduced from 6c te 2Jc a yard. Our Entlre Sleck of FANCY PARASOLS going I in une-naii usuui irn-e. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. Vai"rt0ele. R OSE BROS. A iiAHTMAN. SPECIAL SALE OF PARASOLS On Saturday, July 6, ISM), Te Contluue ter One Week, ending en Saturday, July 12, lhW. LOT NO. 1 f .M LOT NO. 2. U)T NO. S 75 LOT NO. I I.OO LOT NO. 5.. 1.25 LOT NO. ., 1 M LOT NO. 7 2.00 AT THE MAKERS. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. arr!2 Sind gev itlc ev ffent. w-mtt RENT HANDSOME FRONT ROOM V iui2d'fliK)r, Ne. 12 Wist KlngN.rcet; llliest location In the city for eliuv or iikiii iiusiiiess. Inquire of W. W.A.MO.S. iii.'iHfd Allcr's Gallery. Ec IOR RENT- THAT LARGE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. 2i E.VS1" KINO STREET. Inquire within. 111IMM -J710RSALEC1IKAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Hense, CO bv 2i fee', with two-story brick hack IjuIIJ Ing l.'Ub.v Jhreet. Hall and seven rooms. Ixit 20 by 2V) feci. JOHN II. METZI.KR, e uf HukeHt, j rNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, FOR HOT WEATHER, At EHIHMAN'B. Genuine French n People s Cash Stere NEW YORK STORE K tfer -J. wmmams