WU&yf-zZJWR, aMu tf laiifiWUl j l 38) Jkmfcagttf fnMlxgmM r VOJiUME XXVI-NO. 270. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1890. PRICE TWO CE A STARTLING OUTLOOK. RECKLESS mill) I (i HI TV IN CONBRBSS MIV l.NQ A BAXKBOPT TRKASl'BY. Probable Deficiency of Orcr One llnn- ilretl Millions llcimbllcen Measure of Ment Extravagant Character. Washington Dispatch te Philadelphia Ledger. Senater Allisen, in explaining tlie status or tlie sev oral general appropriation bill, stated en Monday in tlie Sonate that tlie agiiregate or tlie appropriations, as em bodied in tlie bills already (Missed anil tlione still pending, would uggrcgate 359,000,000 the current fiscal year. Tills is a larger nggrcgate than was appropriated for tlie ordinary excuses of tlie government for any year since 1800, tlie year following tlie clese of the wnr, and for which year tlie ordinary expenditure of the government were nearly .180,000,000. Fer tlie year 18(58 the ordinary ex pondllmesworo 9230,000,000, and for no year since have these expendi tures been ever fiOS.OOO.OOO down te 18S7, when they retched 220,000,000. In 1SSS and in 1880 the oxpendlturos were 215,000,000 autl 2 1 1,000,000 respectively. The aggre gate of 350,000,000 for the current year ro re ro IMirted by Mr. Allisen iloes net include in terest en tlie nubile debt and ether expen ditures provided for by law, known as "permanent appropriations," and which amount te about 3100,000,000 .annually. Nolther de Mr. Allisen's figures include tlie sum Involved in the dependent (tension act, passed bv the present Congress, and which is vnrieusly .estimated at from $10, 000,000 te 7(l,(KH),eiM), Last year thore was no appiupriatlnii for livers and harlHirs, but the appropriations for the current year provlde ler an expenditure of about $.10, 000,000 en this account. The secretary of the treasury estimated the expenditures for the current year at 202,000,000, se that the aggregate of the ap propriations uiade and te be made exceed the secretary's estimate by about 07,000,000. The estimated rovenues for the ve.ir are $J!S3,O00,O00. It will thus be seen that the appropriations are within $20,000,000 of the anticipated revenues for the year, oxclnsive of lntoieston the public, debts, prevision for the sinking fund, the collection of cus toms and ether Items provided for in the pormaueut appropriations. Some time age attention was called te the fact in the.se dispatches, that a deficit was threatened for the current year by the prodigal appropria tions that wero being made by Congress. The figures furnished by Mr. Allisen te day remeve all doubt en this subject and niake it certaln thatthe expenditures will largely exceed the receipts this year. Leaving out of consideration ontirely the millions that will be required for the dependeut pension act and the reduction that will lollew the passage of the pending tariff bill, Mr. Allisen's figures, tuken in con nection with the estimates of the secre tary of the treasury, show a difference of 71,000,000 between the anticipated re ceipts and the expenditures. The passage of the tarlir bill will rcduce the receipts at least $50,000,000, and if te this bd added 820,000,000 for the depeudent pen sion act we bave a defluteucy for the year of $141,000,000. Tliese are start ling tlgures and cannot fall te oxclle the greatest surprise In the public mind, and perhaps call feith n popular pretost in such form and volume as will be hoedoil by these who will constitute the Fllty-socend Congress. Mr. Allisen's figures of expenditures may be cut down thirty millions by the failure In Congress of tlie river and harbor bill, or by its veto should it bu passed ; but, en the ether hand, we hnve the subsidy bills and the Federal election bill which, if enacted will swallow at least one-half of the sum proposed for rivers and harbors. That the full forceof the situation may be better understood, the figures are arranged in celumns: Expenditures HVI.000,000 Dcjxmueiit pensions a),(iOU,000 Teut srry.uM.oeo .Receipts .E15,0O0,0u0 Deficit !IH,000,0U0 The reduction in revenue which, it is es timated, will fellow the passage of the tar 111' bill, is taken from the receipts esti mated bv the secretary of the treasury. Kven if tlie tarlir bill could be abandoned and the estimate e! the socretary be real ized the end of the current fiscal year inav be expected te show a dellclt of f'J 1,000,000. SF.HIOUS HUXAWAY ACCIDKNT. Tims. (Millions Thrown Frem it lliiuiiy nuil Druuifed Over Fifty-Feet. Thes. Olbbens, of Ne. 331 North Limn sheet, had a narrow escape from being killed in a runaway accident en Monday evening. As it is he was badly injured He has been in the employ of Miss Agues Kelly for many years, and shortly afler 0 o'clock was driving a spirited herse be longing te lier. The brccchband broke at Oraugeaud Sliippcn streets. The vehicle struck the hew), scared and caused him te run at a rapid gait down Sliippcn sliccl. Mr. Gibbens held en te the lines and expected te be uble te check him. He crossed the Sliippcn street blidge wifely, but in turning into the New Helland pike, at llachlui's vemer, the buggy struck tlie telephone pole. Mr. Olbbens was thrown out of the buggy against the pole, and from this point he wasdr.igged en tlie pikn a dlstance of fully fifty feet. When the vehicle struck the pole the shafts snapped elT. The horse, alter running along the plke te Stewart's stock yards, was caught. Jehn Keller was driving en tlie New Helland plke and he found Mr. Olb Olb eons covered with dust and bleeding from many wounds. He took him te his home, en Llme street, and summoned Dr. Wclchans. That physician made an ex amination of tlie injured man and found a gash ever the left eye an Inch and a half leug, cut te the bone ; he was full of bruises from head te feet, the bkiit was rubbed oil" both checks, nesa and back of hands, the result of being dragged. Tlie doctor ex pected te llnd some broken bones, but n careful examination made dovelepcd that he had miraculously escaped in that direc tion Mr. Olbbens feels very sero te-day, and hisphyblcian says that was te be expected from the shaking up he received. Thore is no danger from the injuries,!!! the judg ment or tbe physician, but they ure severe and will keep him confined te the heuse Ter soveral days te come. The accident was wltnossed by a number of poeplo who expected te sce Mr. Olbbens killed, when they saw him dragged In the manner he was ever the rough pike. K. of P. onirers. Mahikita, July 15. At a recent meeting of Denegal Ledge, Ne. 103, K. of P , the following efllccrs wero elected: Past chancellor, Oeorge Nlel ; chancellor eom eem eom uiaiider, Henry Sharp; vice chancellor, (1. Thompson master-at-arms, William .1. Duller ; master of finance, II. J. -Nlcl; mister of exchequer, Jehn W. Kelly; keeper of roceuls and seal, S. 1.. Kiuswiler; representative, II, J. Nlel j outer guaid, O. L. Kepp; Iniier guard, Jehn W. Kspcu shted. Last night thieves biek into the lesi lesi deuce of Charles llrittaiu, and stele a milli bar of hams and ether previsions. There is uoclue te the then. Tim "Werk Almest FlutsheJ. The workmen who have been digging the trenches for laying the city water pipe down fieni the end of SeiitliQueeu utrcit te F.ngle's hotel luive almost finished iheir work, and the plpes will be laid at cuce. In the near future the read will ugaln be passable. Struck und Wero Discharged. Thost'ibleiiieu at theeir stables, of the City Steeet railway, struck this morning for higher wage. They were discharged, and ether uieu employed In their pluces. TRADE IN TOI1ACCO. 81x Hundred Case Disposed eflly local Dealer the Past Week. The tales of seed leaf the part week In this vicinity were about 000 eases. Skllcs A l-'rey sold 110 cases of Havana and seed of all kinds; 'Julius Lederman sold US boxes or 18S0 seed te It. II. jUrtibaker ; Sellr.t Freellch, of Meunlvlllr, sold 12u cases te Delian A Tate, of Philadelphia ; KllSlicrtzorseld 55 cases and bought 41; Walter Kcndlg bought 40 and sold 76 cases. The growing tobacco leek well, but rain would be of great beneflt te IU New Yerk Market. Frem (he U. 8. Tobacco Journal. The rest given te the tarlfT bill In Wash ington is rospeusiblo for a very quiet week lu our market. The rumors spread about in regard te the differences existing among the Republican members or the Senate en some important party measures have re vived the hopes or theso who considered it all along us Imposslble that Congress could pass such un outrageous tariff restric tion as the $2 duty. Hence the abate ment of the rush or Sumatra buyers. The voluine or transactions was thirofero only an ordinary one, amounting te about 700 bales. Hut the sudden step In the Sumatra boom has net benefited in any way tbe market In domestic leaf. Thlstype remains neglected as it has been for the past few months. In ene of the largest leaf houses the remark was made te the writer yoster yester that thore Is occasionally a demand for a few cases of binders and fillers, and that the sale of a hundred case let was already fast the memory of tlie house. The Iavana market has also been suffer ing te sotne extent under the Increased deuiand for theSumatra. Fer all the cash and credlt of every factory in tlie country has been strained te lay in a two years' supply of the Sumatra leaf. The poeplo most anxious new for tlie passage of the $2 duty are tbe Importers ; for if it should net pass new, the consequences te thorn would be awful te contemplate Frem the Tobacco Leaf. Tlie market for Havana has nwakoned from its lethargy, and in spite of the het weather goods are moving elftilcely. Since our last report nearlv 000 bales wero sold at 07c. te $1.10. This is a very geed showing when it is considered that the week consisted et only four days, owing te busluess being suBpended en the 4th and 5th lusts. Thore is no better property te held than line old Havana Sumatra net excepted and prices for theso goods will go several points higher than they are to day. Thern seems te be no let up in the sales of Sumatra. The transactions since our last Issue amount te 1,280 bales, at from $1.25 te $2.15. J. 8. Cans' Sen's ltepert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J. S. Guns' son, tobacco broker, Ne. 131 Water street. New Yerk, for the week end ing July 14. 1800: 100 cases 1889 Pennsylvania seed leaf, p.t. ; 100 cases lfeSO Ohie p. t.; 300 cases 1888 Wisconsin Havana, 11 te 13 : '210 cases 1887 88, Pennsylvania seed lear, 8 te 13 ; 100 cases 1888 state Havana, It te 10 ; 75 enses 1888 Pennsylvania Havana, 14 te 15; 150 cases sundries, 5 te 35. Total, 1,005 cases. The Philadelphia. Murket. Frem the Tobacco Leal. Handlers of leaf tobacco sultable for cigars acknowledge a decided Increase in demand the past week, especially for bind ers and llllers, while new and thou do mestic wrappers find willing purchasers. A better feeling is neticeable for new lear, especially a deslrn te examine packers' samples. Prices are low but very firm. Sumatra still holds the feit and moves elT the market very quickly, notwithstand ing the advanced tlgures demanded. Havana always will soil if it has the flavor needed. Keceiptsfer the week 09 cases Connec ticut, 389 cases Pennsylvania, 43 cases Ohie. 71 cases Little Dutch, 301 cases Wis consin, 108 cases Yerk state, 310 bales Su matra. '205 bales Havana and 109 hhds Vir ginia and Western leaf tobacco. Sales show 17 cases Connecticut, 398 cases Pennsylvania, 20 cases Ohie. 48 cases Little Dutch, 201 cases Wisconsin, 155 cases Yerk state, 378 bales Sumatra. 205 bales Havana. TIIK ItOAltD OF HF.ALTH. An Organization KrTuettd nuil New Henily Fer AVerk. The beard et health, appeinted at the last session of court, met for organization en Monday evening at the ofilce of Dr. II. M. lielcnlus. The beard consists of Dr. It. M. Dolenius, Win. A. Morten, Dr. I). It. McCeriuick, Michael F. Stolgerwalt and Samuel II. Zahm. An organization wits effected by the olectimi of Win. A. Morien as president, Alderman Hal bach as secre tary and Dr. Frank Slcgini as health com missioner. The city ordinance governing the beard or health flxes the salary or the secretary at $50, and the health commissioner at $200. Dr. llolenius, Mr. Stolgerwalt and sec retary wcre appointed a Hub-eummUtee te revise the rules and ascertalu what blanks are neceesary for the proper operations or the beard. The attentien of the beard was call oil te the sickness prevailing among tlie em em peoyes at ltose Bres, .t Hurtinau's umbrella factory and the health commissioner was directed te Investigate the causes and re re re eoeo it, if possible The beard fixed the first Monday of each mouth ler the meetings at the otllce or Alderman Halbach. Thore Is plenty or work Ter this beard te de, and for a time the health commissioner will be the busiest man In town if he at tends te half the complaints that will be made of existing nuisances. A New Telegraph Line. Tlie Postal Tolegraph ceiiqiany new lias n line which outersthis county below Gap, and runs through it en te New Providence, thence te the Susquehanna i Iver and Balti mere. Tlie company is new putting up a new line which will connect witli the old oue at Gap and run directly west te Harris burg and Pittsburg. Men began marking out the line yesterday and tlie contract has been awarded te Themas 0. Yeung, of Paikcshurg, te construct the line. Tlie poles will be run through Strasburg, I.an easter and Mount Jey. Men are already engaged cutting peles in the eastern part of the county, and Mr. Yeung will have a large force of moil and teams at work lu the ceurse of a few days. Will fie Te IfarrisburK. Kxcursleu tickets are new being sold by the Pennsylvania railroad te parties who dcs,lre te attend the " Destruction of Pompeii," new en exhibition lu Harrls burg. This evening a party of about fllty Ianc.istrlans ill go te Hni risburg nt 5:30. They will return In a special train, leaving Harrlsburg at 10:15. Trains will be run after the performance, te I-iiieasler, en the evenings of July ltuli, 22d, Mill, 29th, Au gust 2d und Mil. Quiloanumburofl.au Quileanumburofl.au Quiloanumburefl.au castor pcople will go up en different even ings. Tbe Corener's Verdict. The Jury liiipanolled by the coroner In' the case of James D. Ward, the young man who hut his life en the railroad or. Monday, went te the almshouse Monday afternoon and an inquest was held, They wero Jehn Dernmyer, 11. S. McC'iain, Luiauuel Seaker, Jehn Ilreiiemnu, C. D. Tripple and II. Paulsen. The verdict was death from Injuries received by falling from a train. The body of Ward was taken charge of by Sergeant llroeuie,who had It taken liem the almshouse te the undertaking establish ment, of C. S, Herr, where It was placed In a casket. The funeral will take place to morrow and the interment w HI be nuide at Liucaster cemetery. The sergeant has written notifying the Miss Tompkins, the doteascd'u man's lever, et his death uud he bu ulse slilpped all lepers te her. A TOWN IN MOURNING. REB WI.MJ UlRVI.Nu' THE VICTIMS OF SIN BAT'S STORM M LIKE PEPIN. The Words Written en a Leaf era Testa ment Dyuamlte Used te Heoever Bodies-Crowd ut the Lake. llKD WlN(i, July 15. This place is te-day a city of mourning, the outtre town partici pating in the grief of theso who lest their their loved ones. One or the pathetic inci dents or the disaster was the Unding en tlie shore by ene or the searchers a worn llttte Testament with the words "May I be prepared te go" written en the fly leaf. Sixty-six bodies that were brought here yesterday were laid out In an empty store room, and as fast as they were identified they were removed te llielr Inte homes. Te-day most of the vlultns of Sunday's disaster wero burled. A CIU1WIIAT1 JIK I.AKESMB. Laki: City, July 15. Dynamlte is being exploded this morning evor the lake in hopes of bringing bodies te thesurface. The shores are crowded with spectators, who have driven bore from all parts of the surrounding country, but they are kept back by llie military guard. The coroner or Hcd Wing, who leek charge oflhe recovered bodies, will begin an lnqhesl te-day. SCOIIKS may in: IN Tin: I.AKK. Lake Citv, July 15. Up te neon dyna dyna inte had brought no morn bedies te the surface and it Is thought that no mere will be found for two or three days. It is heped here thai net ever a dozeu tuoie bodlesarelutholako. Hut allied Wing the number has been placed at two or t'jree times that number. Capt. Wethern, who bus, net been seen here slncoyesterday, told a citirmi uflted Wing that the number en beard at the time et the disaster, did net exceed 170. lied Wing hotly denied tills statement mid said that the captain's state ment was at least thirty below the truth and accused both the captain and crew or being drunk and unlit te de their duty. Thore is no proof of the statement that tbe captain and crew wero drunk. TIIK LAKB IM'PIN III.3ASTKH. MauyoftheSen WIiib'h PassoncerH Ites- eued By Soldiers Tilty-Slx Undies llecovered On Monday. The storm which resulted lu such great less of llfeln Iike Pepin wus a straight wind blowing at a terrible rate of spced, and It completely overpowered the excur sion stoamer Sea Wing. Lake Pepin is an expansion or tlie Mississippi, about 30 miles long, and extends east and west. The steamer was returning from the camp of the Minnesota National Guards with a party of Hed Wing poeplo and was fighting into the teeth of the wind. Captain Weth Weth orn tried te 8.1 ve the lives or Ids passengers by running the beat aground en the Wis consin shore, but as seen s the vessel turned around a little te tlie ferce of the wind, it was seized by a strong grip and it was imposslble for the engines te right it. The beat was turned evor and quickly scores el oepln were stiiiggllng in the waves, from which many of thorn may never be recovered. The list of dead already numbers 05 and may oxeced 100. Many wero saved, however, and the heroism or a Tew cannot be slightly praised. Corporal II. L. Perry, or St. Paul, com pelled the spoliators (e assist him, and saved the lives of 18 of these who wero still clinging te the wreck. He went out en the iuke when the storm was at Its height, and soeiued te knew no fear. Others there wero like him, and ever 00 wote rescued from what scorned certain death. Small beats crulsed around for soveral hours, and picked out some thiee score of struggling but still living victims of the storm. As seen as the word readied the camp volunteers wero called for, and overy ene volunteered te assist in rescuing the living orHearchinir fertlm dead. Adlutaut Geu- erul Mullen luimedUtely toekebsrgoof the regiment, mid the search was begun and carried en. lledy alter body of men, wen and children, in sonie cases almost of whele families, was taken from the water, seme of thorn alive, ethers uncon scious, but net dead, and yet ethors from which the breath or lifu had forevor fled. An Invaluable sorvlce lu the work, both of rosusciatatien and of laying out the dead, was reudered by the oxcelloiil amliii lance corns, w hich hud been but recently organized. The Associated Press man had just so se curod the names of the latest discovered victims when a stranger, whose anxiety was apparent in overy movement, stepped up mid asked: "Is my daughter beard from yet?" "What Is the name?" "Rertha Winters," was tlie roNpeuso.nnd nil Inclination of the head mid a motion te. ward tlie written list told tbe bereaved father of his alllietlnn. and he turned away te go afler tlie lifeless clay of his child. " Anil my boy is net among theui " was the sadly hair consolatory remark or Cen tractor Carlsen, who had worked feverishly all night and all day witheuUliidiiigii trace OIIIISHOU. Jim rf il uiiviill. riiHtniinj bodies were taken from the water they woie identified by mourning friends and relatives and pl.iced in cefllus for transpor tation te their homes. lly '2 o'clock Monday morning 50 bedies had been recovered, Identified and sent te Hed Wing. Hy 8 o'clock eight mere had taken the same mournful Journey, and ut 9 o'clock seven ethers were added te the gruesome number that had been carrled by beat te Hed Wing. Petersen's body was found about a mile up the bliore, but the ethers wcre all taken out et orcleso around the wreck. Majer Fitzgerald, surgeon or the regiment, who had charge of the hospital corns and also of the arrangements for the handling of the bodies, savs that death was very riulek In overy case, and that thore was scarcely any ovfdeuco of thore having been any struggle en the part of the dying. Neither had any or the bodies bruises or etlr marks or inlury en them. Death was quick ami painless. The fact that tlie militia wero within easy call undoubtedly resulted lu the saving of many lives, but tlie willingness of the citi zen soldiery te work, their excellent or er or ganiatien and the geed management of (ieneral Mullen and Surgeons Fitgerald, Clark nud Kalne were uotable and com mendable. When morning cainethn weary all-night werkers wero replaced by relief from their comrades and tlie work went nil successfully and smoothly. The bargeiay quietly en the water Just abuve town ana, toppled ever en the pert side, had drifted against her tow and together they lay, the shatlcreu rouunuerH ei me storm s power and man's woakuess. With axes, holes w ere chopped In the decks uud reis Listened te the bodies under tbe water ami then drawn te the surface, carried nshore and turned evor te the ambulance corps. Tlie bodies or these wlie went down wun ine steamer wero taken out of tlie cable through a hole cut ill the pilot iiouse and t;.-eugli tlie cabin doers, llelleviug that siill some bodies wero te be found ill the half-illsin. lu lled wreck General Mullen ordered the tearing away nr the upper works or the vessel and the pushing of the wreck farther toward the shore, where she was righted. This work wasiluiut by the I. nulla and tbe lit hoi Heward, and as seen as the beat could be get at in its new 'Kisilieu Gen Mullen and his military belers went all through the Sea Wing, iccmering tbne mere bodies, bunging the total up te 05, and convincing theimelves that no niore bodies were te be found there. The shat tered old hulk was then left te drift at will, and her broken and battered frame work was in sad contrast with tlie bright skies and smooth waters. During the inerulinr a systematic ml ret of the water ever which the hull hid drifted after being first struck by the gain had been kept up by the citizens of Lake City. After the last bodies had been taken from the wreck, General Mullen pressed into sorvlce nil the row beats within reach, and, with four soldiers in eui:h beat, lH-g.ui IhIe Monday afternoon a thoieugh dragging of the lake all about the scene of the disaster. There weie u geed many who made use nflh'ellfe preservers, but probably nana had as geed and as much use of lliein as had Itebert Adams, the 17-year-old son or Dr. Adams, or I jikn Cltv, and nno'.lier boy whose home Is In Red Wing. They secure I three lire preservers, and wero in tbe water for six hours before being rescued. Yeung Adams could swim, but his com panion could net. They had the geed sen se te float quietly and net attempt te light ngalust the waves te the shore. During the six hours they were in the water, from U te 3, they were buffeted by the billows and blown hither and you by the gale. They first drl (ted about a mile down past the town and then a change In tlie wind carried Ihem up the rlver te Frentenac, seven miles from Lake City, whero they wero rescue! by Dr. Knln and party, still alive and wet I, but considerably the worse for their hard experience. BOOTY UKCOVKKRU. Creager, Pickering' Partner, Tells Where ft Herse and Other Hteleu Property Could He Found. Vt'c..l Chester Dlu tch te Philadelphia ltccerd. Dolectivo Jclferls, who has been work ing un the case i gainst Frank J. Pickering and Frank Croager, the leaders el a gang of horse thieves who have lieen operating in this and neighboring counties for the last six months, arrived here Sunday night with a herse that was stelen from Jehn W. Moero, of Upper Uwchlau, in March last. The facts developed lu (he search for the herse are Interesting. Pick ering was ledged in the Choster county Jail last week, nud en the same day Croager attempted te cscape from the county lull at Westminster, Md., but roll, broke his ankle, dislocated Ids hip and Injured his sptne se that he will die. Soveral days age Jelferls had a long con versation witli Croager, as he lav en his bed in tlie Westminster prison, the result of w l.ich wiia that Croager made a clean breast of the oerallotis of the gang lu do de tall. With the Information thus securml Jcf Jcf ferls went ever te Deer Creek, a Utile stream that winds its way through Mary land, and, hidden among the rocks which Hue its banks, found a read cart, two sets of Miluable harness, two robes and several blankets. They worn round Just where Cre.iger said they would be. Frem here Jelleris went te Yerk county, mid found a-farmer near Fount working Mr. Moere's herse In a hay Held. The herse was traded te the farmer for the horse captured lierdMu tlie possession or Adams, the third member of the gang. The farmer was finally persuiided te glve the herse up, and it was brought te west Chester. Picketing did net cenn no himself te herse steallng. He had an agent In Phila delphia who handled all the poultry, grain, harness, etc., that he could send him, and it is said that hundreds of dollars' worth of stelen preperly was thus sold. The thioves never kept u stelen hoise in their possession lenger than threo or Tour days. They would sell or trade it, gener ally the latter, and then take the herse secured lu the exchange te a town lu another county and soil It. It was while operating in tills way that tlie West Chester elllcers wero put en the track of the thieves. The herse acquired lu the trade with the Yerk county farmer was placed in the hands of Adams, who was much less sklll ful in his crookedness than his partuers. He came te West Choster lute at night, riding the herse without a saddle He could glve no satisfactory explanation of his presence, and he was put in jail. A week later he was released for lack or evi dence (e held him. Pickering was known sometimes as Jehn Thompson, while Croager had u number or aliases, being Jehn Webstnr, Albert Dar mau, Charles O. Heme, or Jehn Hartmau, according te ills fancy. lu West Chester, en Monday, before 'Squire Htipeit, Frank Pickering was f;iven a hearing en threo charges for steal ng horses, wagons and harness and was committed fur trial en each oue In the sum of fSOO bail. Arrested Iter Class efChliluineu. Nearly all the Mongolians of Lewell, Mass., have been deveut, members of the fold of the First llaptlst church for quite a time. They have been baptised in tbe church, and a whole Sunday school class of plgtulled lauudrymeii have been uuder the charge of Miss Hiittie Merris, who had about convinced the ether church members that she bad the whole crew converted. The Chinamen gave tom-tem concerts before the chinch people and told hew much better thev felt for being Christians and hew sorry they wero for thelr fellow fellew fellow Celestilils who played fau-tau and smoked opium. On the way te and from church thev moved lu a body and advertised thelr Christianity for nil it was worth. Fer quite awhile Miss Merris lias been sus picious of het yellow birds. She noticed that they were surely corrupting tlie rest of the Sunday school. In her quiet wuy slin did a littie detective work, and the re sult was that en Sunday night she put the (lollce en te her llllile class, the members of which weie playing u nice quiet game or rau-taii and smoking opium. Oue Chinaman Jumped under a bunk and yelled : "Me no Hinokeo opium; me no sen game ; me hkee Mellcan man." lle was pulled in with the ethors, and In court last evening the llible class was beavlly fined, while Miss Merris steed by uud aided the prosecution. Oue unrepentant pigtail said te aiiHS .Morns us no was leaving ceurt: "O, damn going te church anyway." The lady nearly faluted at this ending te her religious hopes. (.'runted by tbe Iteulster. The following letters wero granted by the register of wills for the wcek ending Tuesday, July 15: TiisTAMKNTAitY Joremluh Achev, de ceased, late of I.itltz borough ; Kinniii Petersen, Lebanon, Milten Achey, Phila delphia, and Hobecca Achey, Lllltz, oxocu exocu oxecu tors. Henry Hurst, deceased, late or Ceney township j D.inlel S. Will, West Denegal, executer. Henry Lliulenberg, dccoaed,latoor Lan caster city; Cathoilne Llndenberg, city, exisMilrix. Benjamin Chauipneys, deceised, Inte or Lancaster city; Annie Chauipneys, city, executrix. Jehn Kevor, deceased, late or Hupl e township; Jehn 1C. and Clayten J. Kevor, ltaphe, executers. Itcnjaiiiiti Schaubel, ihs'oased. late or Lincasler city ; A. J. liberty, city, oxocu exocu oxecu tor. AllMINISlHA'l ion Jehn II. Itlch, do de ceased, lulu or Columbia borough : Samuel W. Hich, Columbia, administrator. I.eiilsa Trlssler, deceased, late or lancas lancas eor city; II irry II. Trissler, Alteena, ad ministrator. Itenilliig Curs te Use F.loetrlolty. At the meeting or Hcadiugceuucils Mon day night, an ordinance was introduced giving tlie Heading City Passenger Hallwuy cemiianv the piivileun of planting imles along Its entire route, for the purrwise or running its street cars with the overhead uloctrie si stem. The company controls 1!) miles nf street railway, uud proposes build ing alalia two miles mere, ull of which it is intended te gradually change rrem Inrse ear into uu electric system. A committee of tlie company recently In vestlgatisl the modern modes of running sliccl cars, and came te tbe conclusion that elcetilclty was the best. The ordl erdl ordl uaneo giving the company tlie privilege will beaded iikiii at the next meeting (if councils. At present the company uses ever SOU horses. t'lmrjicrt I'lil'eunded. A committee of tlie stale commission having charge or tbe soldiers' orphan wlioelsiiri'eunsylvaiila, en. Monday visited CliesterSpring. and Investigated the charge of assault and battery preferred against oueof the teicheis liy a Phujiilxvlllu pest erthiO, A. H. The case grew out of the nun diinontefa boy named Meyors. They ' ... . . - . ... , T... .i. r . 7 . loin I tuu Charges unwarranted ey inu lacis and will etiised te iiuvu anything further te de llie mailer. A Very Ijtrge Funeral. Tlie funeral of V.tTu llurkhelder at Farm ers! llie, this morning, .was 0110 or the largest rier scen lu that section. The remains were taken te (Iroll'sdule cliiiicli, wlicie services were held in F.iig lisli uud Oeriuaii. Interment was uiade iu (Irotl'sdale ceuictvry. SIXTY DAYSWITHOUT FOOD. A MIS WHO RECEIVES NO NOURISHMENT RXCEPT WATER. lie Hecomea Paralyzed Last 'May and 8lnce Han lleen Unable te Kat, Death nelleven Him On Monday. Gaixna, Ills., July 15. Jehn ltelb died jesterdny at (lie county asylum, having passed his sixtieth day of total absliuonce from feed or any kind or nourishment ex cept a slight quantity of water which was ferced lute his stomach tuechanlcatly overy SI hours. llecently Heth worked at Scales Mound, near this city, until attacked with pro gressive paralysis, two months age, which Incapacitated him Ter work and seen made it Imposslble for him te eat. After a week or fasting he was brought te the county asylum en the 23d of May and there llngercd Ter 53 days without feed. A MOUNINa VIltK. The Stock Iiouse at Peacock At ThemnV Furimce Hurued. This morning the sleck heuse of the furnace of Peacock A Themas, In the ox ex ox treino southern part or the city, was totally destroyed by fire. The building was en tirely of frame and of geed slr.e. H was situated at the top or the furnace and cov ered the cupola, whrre the ere and ether material is fed the furnace. It Is also tised for tbe storing of materials of dlllerent kinds. The building took flre from a tlue deer, which blew epen. The empleyes at the furnace endeavored te extinguish the flames, but were tiuable in de no, as their ltiieoriieso was tee short. An alarm was struck about (1 o'clock from box 01, at Andrew and Seuth Queen streets. The companies seen responded and arrived promptly with their apparatus. The tire had gained se much headway that the stock heuse entirely was destroyed. Fortu nately the flre did net spread te the onglne Iiouse, which was net far away. The less will be conslderabto and the seales, which wero Inslde, were cither badly damaged or utterly. ruined. The flre will net neces sitate the going out of blast of the furnace, which would cause a great less. Mr. Pea cock put a large ferce of men te work as seen as the flre had been extinguished, clearlng up tlie dirt and ashes. The re pairs will be made at once. Mr. Peacock oitlmates his less at about $2,500, as thore wus a let of stock for repairing furnaces In the left or the building. They are Insured for $8,000 in compaules of II. S. Clara. Death of u Yeung Man. The funeral of Jehn Haurahau, a young mail who died at the rosldencoof his uucle, Michael Hanrahan, at Kinzers Station, en Sunday, took place this morning from the resldence of his uncle. The body was brought te Lancaster et 0:35 and taken te St. Mary's church, whero the funeral sorvlces wero held. The Interment was made lu St. Mary'H cemetery. The deceased was born in Metlnwn Mllbay, County Clare, Ireland, atid was but twenty-two years of age. Ilocnme te America seme years age, his parents having dled In the old country. He was a clerk in New Yerk and had net been lu the host of health for some time. Hn went te his uncle's en a visit and his death occurred thore. Htruck n Milk Curt. This morning tlie hese cart of Ne. 1 flre company wus returning from the Are at Peacock's furnace, and ut tlie corner or West King and Strawberry streets It run into a milk wagon, which was standing en the cerner or two streets. The milk w agen was upset uud badly broken und lunch milk wus lest. It lu said that the dilver or the hese cart had ptonty'ef room te get around the wagon irhn had tried te de se. Alvlu Heist Itetiirued te Court. Alvln Heist was heard by Alderman Halbach this morning en a charge or fabe protence, preferred by Albert Hcrsheck. The complainant proved that he purchased the laundry business en North Markit street from Alvln Heist en his representa tion that tlie property wus his. After he paid for it he learned that It was the preperly or J. Frank Heist. Tim case was returned te the August term el the quaitnr sessions court and Heist gave ball In the sum or $100 fur his appearance. The ClgurmiikerH. At a meeting of the Cigarmiikers' Union, held last ovenlng, It was resolved te turn out en Laber Day, Sopteiuber 1st, In us strong number as possible, and wear a uni form, Including brown hats, badge with a blue label iieii Hand carry bamboo canes. Ktmer 1C. (Jroenawall presented Charles Heuse! and Hurry Wistler, inombersof the Cur'icniers' Union, who had kindly placed two sholves in for the Clgarmakers, badges of the American Foderutlon of Ijiber. nutter Ijitn Tliiin Never. The secretary nf the navy lias revoked an order for the transportation of tlie re mains of Jehn Ericssen, toSwedoti, in the Kssex, a small wooden ship, and will as sign the Philadelphia or ISaltlmore for that sorvlce, probably the latter. The remains of the great Inventor will be rocelvod;iu his native land with great ceremony, and it was reared that the Swedes would be much nlfcudcd by the sendlng or the I'ssex en sucu a mission. Quarterly Meeting nt A. M. T.. Church. Quarterly meeting will be held en uext Sunday lu the Strawberry street A. M. K. church. Sermons will be preached by Hev. W. II. Nerrls, or Marietta; Hev. A. M. Huckley, or Columbia; Hev. II, A. Cremartle, pastor or tlie church, and Pre siding Klder J. M. Palmer. Seven HrloklnyerH lu a Family. Frem the Went Chester llcpulillcaii. Jeseph L. Foulk and family of Strasburg, Lancaster county, stepped lu West Choster evor Sunday with his son-in-law, A. II. Heal. Mr. Foulk and his six sons ure all brlcklayers by trade, and are en thelr way te Media te work en the new Williamson school, whero a long Jeb Is lu readiness for them. In the Coruwr-Sleue. In addition te the articles already men tioned, the by-laws of lancaster Ieilgiiand Washington Kiicampmeiit, I. O. O. F., and Admiral Heynelds Pest, or the (1. A. It., wcre placed in tin) box In the coruer-ttouo or the new M. K. church. Held Fer Ijuveuy. Daniel Legan bus made complaint against the herse thief arrested by him, liofero Al deriuan Deen, charging him with the lar ceny of the saddlu found In his possession. He was commuted for a hearing. Paid eir. This morning the pay car of the Penn sylvania railroad passed through this city uud the empleyes' received their checks Ter the month. A .Vew Policeman. Jehn Oil), or this clty,lms been appointed u 8ecIal imllce elflcer ut Penryn te take the place of ex-Pollceuiaii Nehr, who has been thore all summer. Wants it, Divorce. V.Wia Kvsuh, city, filed hur application te-day for u divuice fieni her liusbiiid, Isaac M. F.vuiim, 011 the ground ofdesutleu uud a HUbpeiiu was issued. OltlOl.VAL PACICAOKS IIAHIUU). Tar and Feathers Mere Petent Than Tlie Court Decisions. Nothing within the history of the village or LeUnd, lows, has ever created such In dignation as was aroused en Saturday last, when It became known that turtles Irem a neighboring town wcre about In establish at 1cland an "original package'' saloon. Hy tlie people or Leland and vicinity this was viewed as a glaring menace te the peace and quiet which has reigned supreme In their midst. On Monday evening the peo peo poe plo assembled te express their Indignation and te demand an abandonment or the attempt. Stirring speeches wero made hy prominent citizens, such as J. D, Delnnil, W. P Helmes, F, II. Iiewman, S. J. Helland, .1. M. Ileal) and many ethers. Itevilutlens were adopted reciting that Leland Is net an lncersirated town, and therefore without lawful police pewers te control or prohibit the trallle in intoxicat ing liquors, or protect the citizens from the insults of intoxicated persons, and, us tlie federal and stale courts have failed In thelr decisions te oxteud that protection, the citizens In muss meeting assembled thoro thero thore f jre passed the following ordinance. Section 1. lle It ordained by the poeplo or Iceland and vicinity that It shall be un lawful te sell Intoxicating liquors of any kind In the city or Leland or Its vicinity. Sec. 2. Any porseu or persens violating tlie previsions of section 1 of this ordinance shall be tarred nud feathered and eowhlde I out of (tin vlllage arid vicinity. JtMelvtil, That we, aa the citizens of Inland and vicinity, pledge nurselves by our sucred honor te see that the above ordluance be enforced, and that the penally be strictly enrorced. Jtenelvrd, Further. Hint we pledge our patronage te these towns which prohibit the sale of Intoxicating liquors, and te theso parlies who assist lu the noble work of eradicating the evil. The meeting seems te have accomplished its purpose, fur the parties contemplating the opening or an " original-package ' house have abandoned their object. Lancastrians On a Coaching Trip. Frem the Went Chester Un-al New. A. Illtuer, wile and two children, G. M. Askew, win) and two children, J. Frank Heist and wifeaud Miss Kate Hard well, or Jjincasler, comprising a coaching party, worent the Green Tree hotel en Sunday. The party nre en n coaching trip or nix weeks' duration, during which time they will visit all the points or lutoret en the New Jersoy coast. Their route will be through Leng Branch, Klberen, Deallleacli, Ashury Park, Ocean Greve, Key Kast, llclmar, Come, Spring Luke, Sea Girt, Point Pleasant, Teiii'h Itlver and Ileach Haven. The party Is traveling behind a pair el horses lu a coach erqieclally do de signed for such outings. It is an extra wide conveyance, adorned lit old geld and earmlne and seats four persons en each seat, lly un Ingenious arrangement tlie suala can be se changed as te make an or dinary transfer wagon with seats along the sides. A seat fur a groom Is at the rear and this can be se changed as te niake a net or slops when the seals are changed. A light top similar te that of a phaeton covera the coach arid spring curtains adorn, the sides. NOT' l.N IT. A Lancaster Hull Club Iteoelven a TliriwIiliiK at Heading. The team of ball lessors which LukoIod LukeIod LukoIed ermaii mauages, which is called the Iron sides here uud the Lancaster abroad, went te Heading yesterday und played the Hill side It was the first time that the aggre gation had tackled a club that was of any account uud they were trounced te the queen's taste. The visitors were never in the gume at all, nud although thelr pitcher strflck nine of the home team out they battodeut enough lilts te win tlie game several tlmes. Hurry Pyle umpired the game and the score was; Illt.l.MinK.S. I (.ANCASTEII. U.llI.CO.A.K.I II. 111.1(1. A. K .Jehnsen, u 'J 1 OH U.HeL'urtli. n 0 1 (I 1.1 I I 0 i n a e ii n t 0 Ol'eutr, 0...0 ; n'lVlhlcy, ., e 0 0,Klehl. I II 3 liiVrpen'ra,! " 4 '.Mlull. .... I KlllM',2 ,.., 1 KiiriK, l. a llelliii't.r.s 1 llrevtll,.!.... 2 llwycr, r.. '1 Fen lev. in. I 1 tlllllg. C,,., .1 11 U If I 111117, U., ... M It U V 1 0 1 I) I H i 0 II lien'th,iii,r 0 (i,l.ellirricil,.r II U -2 0 (I Oraiif. I 1 :t a u e.wiich. i, e e a Tetuls....-ri T 27 IS "a' Tebiln....i "it 27 18 10 Hillside 2 2 I .1 0 0 .1 I n-15 JjinciiMrr 0 i 0 U 0 0 U u 0 1 fjiriiert runs IIIIIkIcIc fi. Twe-bam lilts Jlruwn, IJtirli; '2. liases Meleii Hillsides 6, Litll cimterli. UiiM-sen halls lllllKldes I, lineiirter 3. Htruck out IIIIIMiIca II), I.iuicnMer 0, 1 rt (ill tiuuen II IIIrIiIch U, IjiiiciwIit 8. Dropped lly halt .1. Hogarth, Passed liallK-lllllhhlcs 2, tiHiieaster I, Time of name two hours. Um pire I'jlc. The Huse Hull (Iuiiieh. The games or ball played yesterday re sulted as fellows. National liCague. Ilroeklyn 10. Chicago 3;New Yerk I, Cincinnati 0; Philadelphia 17, Pittsburg 1 ; Husten 17, Clevelainl H. Players' l-eague. ' Philadelphia 12, Chicago 7; New Yerk S, Cleveland 10; Ilroeklyn it, Pittsburg '2; llosten 13, Hullale '2. Interstate League. Alteena 7, Yerk 0; HurrlsbiirgO, Lebanon I. . ' '" SUMMKU lhisuhi;. Trlnlly Lutheran Sunday school will picnic at ML (Iretna te-morrow. The train will leave the Pennsylvania ralliead station at 7:30 in the morning. St. Paul's and Western M. H. Sunday schools nre picnicking; te-day nt I'enryn, with a geed day uud large altoudauce. St. Jehn's Lutheran uud Oetwnld mis sion Sunday schools will plenle at Hecky Springs next Tuesday, taking the electric cars at I'enn Square and down tlie river en the steamer Lady (lay. Miss Blanche Nevln Is occupying her cottage nt Sea Olrt. Mr. Lolghten Franklin and Dr. Charles Franklin went te Point Pleasant te drive from thereto long Hrnucli. Miss Kate eilers, Mm. Dean, Mlns Annie and Leniso Deerr and Miss LI7..I0 lleckler will spend a few weeks lu tlie mountains nnd Niagara Fulls. Mrs. Dr. Underwood went te Atlantic City for a few days. Miss Httllle Scarlght, or Austin, Texas, who has been spending seme time with Mrs. T. C. Wiley, led for home at 2 o'clock te-day. II. Weed Fliun, II. Frank Trout and MUses Fllnrt and Smith te-day went te Safe Harber te try their luck for bass and I salmon. .Vetes Frem Kphnitn. Cl'liiiATA, July IS. Josse Drybrcad. living en Oeo. Hlbsliiu.iii'H faun ut the Trout Creek, shot a white crane. It was 47 Inches leug uud '51 Inches uciess the wings. The Trinity Lutheran Sunday school of this place will held thelr annual celebra tion nt Diirlach 011 Saturday, July 20. A child of Win. Lucas died ycsteiday or cholera Infinitum, nged nearly 1 mouths. It will be bulled en Thursday when sorvlces will be huld at tlie heuse at 8 u. 111. by Hev. Jeseph Stump. The body will thou be Ukeu tn Hest's church, Heiks county, for Interment. lle Found the Cunts. Frederick luenlg, 11 Chutcli street tailor, reported at the btutleu heuse last eveulng that the imiterlul of flve coats had been stolen from his heuse. He subsequently found the coats where hu had mislaid them. At the Miciiuerclinr Theatre. Last evening at the Mieiincrcher thcatie La Mascott " was sung by thoepora coni ceni pauy which was se successful last woek in the "Mikade." MUs C.irrlu Tuteln had the pait or ;wuiui and all did well. The audience waj very lorge, us 11 should be le as geed a perfunuunce "' '" '"' 10 money, SUNDAY BALL PLA1 MARYL43D JUDGE uEllftES VIOLATION OP LAW. Thollttltlmero Club's Appeal feri Corpus Answered Net te the I Hener Manager Itarnle arjd'i FnKPKnti'K, Md., July 1ft. Jn Sherry te-day filed his opinion that base ball playing en Sunday t who are tumor contract ter me slated salaries, no one being adri witness the game except theaiij lay, can be construed i else than work and therefer within the iwrvleil of prohibitory The petition for a habeas cerpu, part of Manager Ilarnle, of the club and Mr. Tate, a member of Is dismissed and they nie remanded i custody or the aherlfr of Anne county, whn Is authorized te adraHj te bail. Mr. Itarnle left tbe city with his club. Judge MrCI lire's Allegatla Washington, July 15. The He mlttee en elections te-day heard byJudge Jehn II. McClure, of At Clayten's representative en the ridge, Ark., election case. In tb 'i ment Judge McClure charged that 1 ridge baa sought te incite his parth treat him (McClure) an they had 1 Clayten, but he warned thorn that Ifl assassinated his fi lends would greater measure of atonement thai permllted by the Mosale law. . Judge McClure concluded hla a by attacking and ridiculing the theory or the killing or Clayten, that an admission or Its validity', Imply connlvunce by Mr. Hrecklnr his counsel. ij'j Mr. Hreekiurldce will renly Umi with a brler prepared by cx-AUer oral flarluud. 00 Irun-Werkera Strike.') Trn-.NieN. July 16. Flve bundrw winkers at the New Jersey Steffi Iren company' works here te ire te work thin nicmlng,' is the mill principally owned byii H. Hewttt, or New YerfrK la traveling in Kttrope. Tbe strike result of a refusal te sign thee the Anialcamated Association "eti and Steel Workers which he nuletly organizing the worker for seme time past. SuperlntendeM navs that lu :Mr. Hetvltt'a absence fl lias authority te sign the scale. Thi met In Ilartmaun's halt this mernw agreed net te go te work until I was signed. OIHO'M MANY PJSNliKW Oter Fllty Thousand There 1 Millien lu the United HUtefttl Wahiiimiien. July IS. In 1 resolution el Inquiry aa te the. M ponsleiiors paid at each agency, ti uilssloner of pensions 10-usy 1 Senate a lotler In which 111. Columbus, Ohie, ngency leads 1 tionlenorson the rolls. Indians next with 9,Vi pensioners. 'C ranks third with 4 1,157, and Ban 1 Is last with 8,301 pensioners. number or Mjnsioners at all May 30 last was 632,471). - ' , The Ninth Victim at Lakeder Minni'ai'emk, July 10. Anether,'? of tlie Lake nervals cyclone died day. It was Mrs. Jehn Clark, wbeetl nt Little Canada wes wrecked, arm was turn elf nnd her lung She dled In great ngeny. A sliver I her husband Just abeve the heart, though lie hovers botween life andj It is thought he has a chance te The house of Kebort DauMgartaeM bv. was ulse completely wrecked, family escued by going te tbe cellar. 4 1 ' m 1 Murdered Twe of Her Chit Hun.ANi). Vt.. July 15. Mrs, Wi who last wcek killed her two ah.) made a stateinent yesterday in said she cut Hie children's threats razor and then set flre te tbe house.- said she wauted te loin her husi was killed n few wcekH age, and want te leave her children. She intended te cut tbe threat of the boy' but did net dure, as he was stronger., . . .pi A Coutrector'ti Fate. j?V; PiTTsnunu. July ir. wnue exe for n new building en Smltbfield 10 o'clock this morning an oral caved In. burying threo men. them. Alexander Murphy and As Carbeny, were rescued with much tr but the third. Michael r.agan, me ter, wus burled under six root oraaneyj It wus 15 minutes noiero no was uutea)-i 11. ..... .1111 ll.l.i,. I, n( mill dla.!1! J1U , rtT r.. .B, uu ..... - 4w ethers will recover. Jgca A llentl-uctlve ITIr. Vf-J Constantineit.1'. June 15. Fire day in the Stamboul (piarter destroy thousand heuses ami ruineu no tnerchants. It is rearod that maDy J wero lest. lather anu mini jviiieu. cuinvne. July 15. Huge jiunasee.1 60, und his two sous, Huge, aged s.X,M Max, uged 12 years, wcre struck Dy 1 at a street crossing lest nigui, ana 1 Injured. The sudden closing or 1 gales peiined the uiirortuiiatetrlohel en the tracks lu iron. 01 a coming ir A ,"JJ 'I'limnnfll Ylicllt'd CreW OrO 1'iinrtiMiiurii. N. II., July 15. The. .Marien, 01 auiuii iusvuu, ....... ..j.(. . ,...!. 1fn. 1... r.,in llwaVl te P neon Cove. strucK a rocs. and was sunk. Tlie crew or four get . tbe tonder. which was swamped times, und threo or them were drewM r.ngluccr uud Flremun Kllledi nemiKsTKii. Julv 15. Walker w. or HulTule, and Win. Capoy, or Hla N. Y.. engineer and fireman of a ( Shnrn rrnlihl tralll. WCrO klllCtl In , ituimi imiwenii their train nnd a We .. i 1 lMtfiibilili!tt trttlafl Oenesee Valley Junction. nil " WEATIIKlt FOlUCCAU't'H. m WAsniNnTON, D. U., July.. BB Warmer, fair weather and touts " winds te-day, wluds shlftiurl .,.rii,un,ii,rK-nnd cooler weather by" nesilay night ; rulr Thursday. M Herald w oather forecasts. A "het 1 efiiicat iuleiiHity has formed in the i..,l MU.lii.lsnl Valley. It will broil be tempered uimeuhul te-day by cool ( rCIIIS llelll IIIO uuuunuai mm i.iiMiiiln nmirrcss today te the easts Temperature rose In the United States) terd.iv. The chief minimum reported 1 11 degrees at Fert Asslnlbelne, Ment y i... .1.,. .! IMtUhiirur: 01 at IudlSBe nml Snrinutleld. Me.; W ut DaveBi 1....... . w,.ri.'..rt Smith. Ark.. 100 at. eu'i 1 n . siiiriuiffield. ill., and Ka r-it J- - lOJat Dedire City, Kau., and M .v.i. i.-iiiii 'i-eviin. in the Middle .. .L r'r weutber will prevail. fresh tu'lluht southerly winds, fellow 1 ..i.....n..wu fin mill near the lakes, an v.,.v i-ii, d.iiid falrtnisirtlvcl'i'idy.sllg ..erMi,.r'.illiArandfiesh southerly wi The weather conditions are 8,"fy dry for the growing com niu . 1 -is ..siA- yZUJ- '-'?; y jsi-fc-w