CURIOUS COURTSHIP. ICT1CE AMMQ ANCIENT PE8FIES AM MOBEM SAVAGE TRIBES. Luctteu of Rrlde-s In Unbylen-Jnnuary Wedded te May With mi Indian ltaee InSoatlCVmerico The Speed Test. aali T. Peele in ritUbtire Dispatch. In aimA tvti-i nf thn wnrlel the methods lrelcmnUtnK in.irrlaire vre very peculiar lad IntcrMitlng. Tlie ancteht Babylonians Ibdnlavv-whliii pretlded that when tne rlaldeilH or that cliy arnveei at a niBri-uwv-ble use thev wars te be aucllonecl oil te lie highest bidder. As a matter or course lie most shapely unci ueuuunu -..-Handed the highest pricey and the rich lubvlenlans naturally carried off the most ktrMivj i.Hte Alter these Unci born lisposed of the auclloneor places the ugly WLJL. i. ami n mi Inrnutlva Iin nffiirni Ismail sum of money te anyone willing te taoemo a purchaser, mis tienus was con cen Iributcd by the pretty maldens, and very Ten llieir less iavoreu sisiers were me rc rc iclnlentef Mine dowries. Each buyer prier te taking his purclmse her new home was towilred te irive e- irlty that he would marry her. After the no, should any ei tne panics repent 01 lelr bargain, they were permitted te annul 10 purchase, anil the sums paid were ro re ro ered te thorn. Of course parents had no tolce In the selection of husbands for their tughters. Among tne ui minimus, me uiiinuiianis a city wmcu siechi en iiiesiiooiinuinou iiiesiieoiinuinou iiiesiioeiinuinou n lieuheru. befure the wedding banquet as concluded the bride and all the guests era required te rise from the t.ible, and 10 thou repaired te tne uriuogreoms juse, where she threw ever the reef a rge cake iniide of cearse dough. They Emiy belle ved thai tue nigner it was rewn the happier the uuleu would be d the better housewife she would nrove. s the houses were very low In reality ero huts and the cakes as hard as a stene, lusty bride seldom, lr exer, iiiucu 10 in- irothe lucky omen, uurini; mis cere- eny two male rrleuus 01 tue married 'tiple attended tlie bride, una wiien ulie id coiu'liuleil tne uik presouieu nor wim )v shoes and stockings. She Higuillcd ir accoptance et tlie gut iy giving mom hi nr tfirfn nld liniidkercliiels. The beauty of Circassian women has bo be Iii no oilier nart of the erld Is groater care exercised In bringing ilhe lomule clilitiren. iuey are uumiii. ombreiilorand uiakolhelt own costumes, nililltlmi te which thev must learn te ake men's clothing, in order that when arricd thev may present their husbands illi a weddlng eulllt. een aucr me uirm a irlrl. ii wlde leather belt Is sewed eund her waist and Is net removed until bursts, wheu a second one Is iuljutteu. i the night or ner marriage ine ueh is cue itli a cUuirer bv her husband, and in any Instances with fatal results. ine lainer manes ins uuuKiuur piusuui. i her weddlng day, but tlie major pan or hat he Intends for her Is leservcd until e birth of the first child, when the father ithes her In the dress el a matron, the lef distinction of which consists of a vell .it entirely conceals her liice and llgure. ie habitation of ainartied Circassian con its of two huts, one occupied by the hus- nd and the ether liy ins wne anu umi:y. ie court seiuratlng tlie two buildings Is rrouuded by pausaues, anu it weiiiu ver be silspecteu mat tuey ceiisiiiiueei n establishment. Jnoef the str.ingest matrimonial ceie- mles Is mat practiced ny an muimi inuu ildingeu the banks of tlie Orluoce river Seuth Atncrhu. Tlie old men are mar d te tlie buddint: maidens, and decrepit uiien are mated with youths net yet out their toens. The reasen given for this is ii age may uurruui. uiu jrciumiiv uiuiuu, d that t(5 join porpeus eipial in age and nrnuence in weuiecii is ie piuce ve ils together. One redeeming trait about s custom Is that the m image el the uug men with the old women is merely ion of apprenticeship, as, alter a few nlhs' probation thuy are permitted te id women of their own ime. The Mexican method of courtship, as icilced at ene time, but never seen at ine esent day, was very icmaiKaoie. nen dexican arrived at the se-called years of -airotienii suiuble lile partner was se--ted for him. The natlve priests were nsulted, mid if tliey predicted a hapiy Ien the girl was ueiiiaiHieu ei nor .ue-ius certain women called solicitors, who ;iked ameuvr the most rospei'Lible of tlie uld-be gloom's acquaintance, llicir tits were noces.iry. I'he bride-elcct was then given a lengthy tuie mi the duties ul her new llle, alter lien sue was contiuneu wi nor i.unur u v's house. Tlie bridogroem and his re ives recoUed her at tue uoer ei me use, four ei the lemale nieiiibers of the nily bearing torches. Upen meeting, the ide and bridegioeui otlered inceiise te ,h ether, and being centiucieu inuoeis, iv wn both seated en a curiously ought mat placed In tlie middle of the mi. A nilnst iiew'annrnaclicd and tied rt of the gown of the bride te the maiitle the groom, this constituting the chler rt et the bridal corcmeny. The bride il groom shut thomseles up for four ys, spending tlie tlme In fasting and tyer. ai uiu cnu ui uwi unuu muj uiu lsuieri'U man aim no. riin l.-inLuiilnrsccnsidei it a capital el- ise te wed a maid w llheut the permission her parents or relati os, anu lnvariaeiy ecute these u he have the temerity te at upt such clandostliie m.iriiages. When .apilisceeicu iiisuiuuiu uiuwimuu i invite the fi lends el betti te witness a it race bctw eon hiinself and the one he ends te wed. The maiden is given suth eng start iu this novel nice ler a wife it, unless she is willing, she can soldeni evenaueu. 11 hiihuwiuiiwuvi hii iu i never again ask ler a trial el speed, as s a penal ollunse te icuew the eiler of irriagc. .n the days ei ancient iieinu, ine onue is brought te the lioiise of her husband veiled bv live poisons bearing torches, iiiutinn or lneli was that iiiamaire rsens have need ofllve deities te aid and itcctthem. These woie Jupller, June. nus, Suada and or L.uciua. lien i woman roaciieu me uuei ui nui unuiu me she annelntcd the pests with oil, and in this ceremony was Known iiioreauer miTnr i.inmiltitnri. uliicli. for tlie sake euphony bocauie uxer, whoncelsderlvi'd il'ngllsh term uxoileus. Auolher rule long these peeple was that the biide JUKI UU Uretlglll ie ner nusu.uiu wim ii r i.ilmr fnviulii' ever her head. This- ninnnir Musc.llled nillitlie. Iieill liulje. veil, and was the eilgln of the niodern lird nuptial. HL'HtilCAIi MIRACLES. lie Human llrnlu Opoiied iiml Hearing Itestored te the Dear. jm the New Yerk World. V physician, was thrown from his c.u- ge last lau, sinmnB i. "i"" ' ul. Hn was removed le his home, whero. en examination, no oiteuial ovldenco of icture el the skull was leuuil. tjiter tir.mlvsls of the entlie riuht side el e body w.isdovelopcd and with It a oeiu- jte inauuuyie expres ins meugius; in i course ei tiuie me paralysis 01 me leg uluallv disappc.tied until tlie patient uld move It satisfactorily, but the paraly paraly lef the arm perslhted, us well as the in- illtv te speak. Alter several mourns ami iiln in this liolnless and well-ulgli liope- is condition, the pitlent was brought te is city. The physicians who evamiiied in oencludod that the treuble was due te oisure en tlie utain, especially en inai rteflt which governs me uciiiiy ei eaMi mill that this pressure was preh.t- y caused by a clot of bleed, lemilting ni the rupture of a iloed- e-sol within e skull cavity at the tlme orthe Injury. Aeiinn. iiimn this belief it was doefded te ion the skull, lay bare the surface of the aln and remove the cause el prcssiue ir ..Kiiiln Te iletnrmine from the outside a man's head the precise spot in in alii w hlth go ems any particular facility function is eli ienslv a illlllcult task. ftcrearefully mapping out the bead by e most delicate measuiciiieuis me spin rrospeudlug te the centre of speech Iu it brain was found. Theu the patient. ivlng been rendered unconscious by her, tue surguuu, auer me .ilnu of the scalp, moved bv means of a ephlnea round disk of bone Immediately Or HIO SJKlu iiiuivanj, euMiuitiiab uiuar;- ig with cutting forceps the opining thus iade. Tim nutar del cat e membrauu coveriiiL- ie brain was new brought te view. Bo' Be' eathitlaya large, dark mass of clotted loed, exiencung uuwu iiiuj uiu buusuiwu 'tiiAliraln. The clot was carefully re- loved, when the effect of Its pressure was early porceivou in me iniseriiiwi ,iuii in of the part. The wound was then muurd with uverv prccmtleu. and the atient wait perraittwl te rcce or from the operitlon. The tollewln uhlt. for first time after his Injury, the.ptjeiit u blete "Ym" and "Ne." Th con dition of bin right arm waa aljp ImpreTed, audit Is bel loved that be will eventually recover. . . , . . A a rule mutes are born deaf, but some time severe diseases In Infancy destroy completely the sense of bearing. Under these circumstances even a partial recevery or hearing Is extremely rare. A girl who Is new ID completely lest her hearing when 3 years old through an attack of cerebro spinal meningitis, and In consequeneo was brought up as a deaf mute, attending until recently the school of the IJeaf and Dumb Asylum at l'enlhain. Coming te New Yerk this spring she was placed under treatment with slight hopes of benellt. Her physicians ascertained that the delicate, nervous apparatus of the internal ear was still sound, else the case was still hopeless. Under appropriate treatment, combined with dilatation of the middle ear by Inflation, Improvement was seen noticed. In a month the young woman heard the ticking of a watch held twenty lnches nway and conversation at a distance often feet, and -then she began learnlng hew te talk. A month later she could hear a watch at a distance of live feet and con versation across the room. STUUVTHE ntOO'S 8TVJLE. Seme Senslbln SugRontlens te Swimmers Made Kasy et Understanding. Frem the New Yerk Hun. New that the swimming season has be gun thore Is the usual outburst el expert and labored opinion concerning the art of marine navigation as applied te the person of man. Swimmers read with puzzled faces the extraordinary descriptions of the various styles of swimming, and beginners wade through columns of directions with out having the faintest notion of the mean ing the writer Is attempting te convey. Shallow ponds horeabouts are plenty enough, and se are little brooks and swamp lands. The swimmer, no matter whether he is an expert or a beginner, can not Iniprose upon the advice of his grand father, which Is te go te a brook or swamp and study the manners and methods of the frog. The most expert swimmers iu the world are tyros compared te the laziest of bullfrogs. An ox-ehamplon of the New Yerk Athletic club said the ether day that he had learned mero that w ay than through Instruction or practice "The dilucttlly with all Bivlmmers," he said, "Is that they .spoil the ellett or the stroKenyme recovery. When a frog starts off he draws his legs carefully and slowly up under him until he Is in the position of a man sitting en his haunches. Then he suddenly gives a mighty spring In the water, kicking his legs out, net behind him, but almost dlrectly sidewlse. Alter the kick his legs are slowly drawn tegether, by his motion through the water until they hang out be hind him In a perfectly rigid form. Kvcry tee of his web tect is held out as straight as an arrow and then nothing retards his for ward motion through the water. IIe will lie in this position until every bit of the momentum is lest; that Is, until he has goneasfaras the foice of the kick "will send him through the water. Then again he slowly and carelully draws his legs in and repeats the performance. Yeu will notice that in drauiug the legs up te his body ler a second kick the Ireg rocedos a little. This Is owing te the action of the upper leg en the water, and It corresponds exactly with tlie similar movement en the part of a man. The first tiling a frog doee is te glve his body a geed start through the water, and he holds himself in such a way that he gets the whole value of the stroke. A man starts out with just such a kick, but alter he has gorte two or three feet he will begin te swing his hands for ward or draw up his legs iu such a fashion that thev offset the whele value of his work. He steps his own body hair way bofero the effect of the stroke has spent It self." Sally. Krem Ferest and Htrcaiu. Without doubt the most popular Indi vidual In the Londen zoological gardens is Miss Sally, the bald chimpanzee, known toHcieiiceasanthropoplthecuscalviis. Her intelligence is se remarkable that during her performances ene expects every moment te see a smlle or a lrewn, or the raising of eyebrows, seme visible rospenso in the way of pleasure or anger; but no, the face wears always this same Impor Imper Impor turbable leek, as if, however, Sally were considering in her own mind her present llfe and her future prospects;. More especi ally when spoken te, slie appears te be mentally deciding whether she will be obliging or the contrary. Tohercredit be it said that she usually compiles, but with the same unchanging expression of physiognomy. The question has been frequently dis cussed : "Cm animals count?" Sir Jehn Lubbeck, among ethers, has given much attention te seme appareut examples In the case of Insects, bees and ethers, which, In feeding their young, invariably bring the same number or victims, mero te a lomale than te a male grub. But iu pissing it may be suggested that n knowl edge et quantity rather than number Is the guiding Instinct, tlie female grub being lamer and requiring mero feed. New, thore are tw e animals at present iu our zoological gardetm who are unfailingly ceirect regarding nunibers, and in both cases the comprehension of actual language diiccts them. First, as being by far the mero accomplished scholar, comes Sally. II is no regular routiue that she geos through, nor ene veice only that she ebeys. Net only has she two keopeis, both being iu turn lier tutors, but il a casual visitor asks for a straw, six straws, ten straws, or te shake hands with her, as may be, and Sally is iu an amiable mood, she compiles as if her koeper had spoken the words. Feratiine.and after much patient teaching, three seemed te be the limit of her cal culations. Then she advanced te four, mid thou te llve, and hore she stepped feru year or two, her Keopersaimosi rennquisu lnu bone of any futher advance. But sud -.i . . denly nor intellect seemed te gain stiength, and new she can count 10 correctly. By "counting" we, of course, 'mean that she comprehends clearly hew many stiaws te pick up If told te gle 10 toher keeper, or any ene olse who requests that iiiimber; her compllance toward a stranger being, houevoi, less certain, as Sally resents un warrantable liberties. Her steady and way el going through "borles "berles "borles sens" is an example te any pupil. Dellb Dellb Dellb orately she solectsa straw and holds It in her mouth whlle alie picks up another, passing that te her mouth, and se en, until the required number is collected, she then takes thorn from her lips, folds the buudle In a compact form anil delivers It te her keeper. But her comprehonsion)f laugunge does net end here. " (live me n straw through the bars, " and she does se. "Put ene through tne Key noie, -new in iny pocket, " and se en. Net taxing her pa pa pa llonce tee long, the keoper approvingly says; " Geed girl, new you may nave this piece of apple, " laying several slices en tlie weed work bctween the wires. "This picce is for you te smell; " tills bit you may leek nt, but net touch until I tell you ;" Sally giving her undivided attention, net attempting te eat any mera until tlie keeper siys: "New veu may have this piece or thill." Te "shake hands" with the right or tlie left ene, te put up her right or left loot as bidden, collect straws ler a " but-lou-helo" and placelt there, te take milk Irem a cup with a spoon "llkealady," and many ether small performances nre promptly, though deliberately, executed as tlie words are speken. I have watched her elten, but have nover seen her make it inlsukeln her comprehension of llie io ie quest. I'nuilly Llkenesse. Frem the Medical Press and Circular. Some curious investigations have re cently been undertaken by a photographic soclety iu Ooneva. The purpese was te show that the longer a married ceuple uveti loireuior. vve an nreiieiKi Harmeni eusly, the mero mid mero inarked became the lesemblance which the two persons bore te each ether. Photographs of seventy-eight old con plot wero laken, as well as of an equal number of adult brotlieis and sisters. On careful inspection It was found tlie married couples wero mero like oath ether than the brothers aud sisters of the satue bleed. Ap parently, therefore, there seems te be a stronger lerce uvalljble ler the production of "hunlly llkonesseii" evon than that of hereditary transmission. In accepting the statement ofthe society lu question as true as te tact, and net regarding it as tlie out come of an attempt te make practice: and theory meet, It is net diflluiilt iu a certain measure te account for the phenomenon refonedto. Human beings, for example, h ive qiilte a facultv fur copying each otlier lu their ways, movements und tempera ments. A ltncss the attempts which are commonly made le linltate the mede of iittoraiiceaud tlie "catchy" mauiierivins wlih h hippen te be allotted by this or that public man. Almest every mail u d woman has a "model" iu ordinary iJK WMWLJT' Jirt iflt M -XK ),' y i .,jJ. - " ' TH1 UlKO ASTER DAILY life, from which certain features are taken and adopted. Many of these "copies" are certainly productive et amusement among these who happen te knew the "originals" and can compare the two. In our own profession, for Instance, the personality and demeanor of Sir Wil liam Lawrence were a fertile source of at traction te younger men of his day, and many were the "copies" of which hebe came the Innocent cause. At the present time the game thing obtains, though per haps te a less extent, among theso who ate Imbued with the spirit or here worship. In the case of married persons, tee, doubt less a similar cause Is at play. It Is probably true that the closer a mar ried couple are meulded after each ether with regard te will, tempera ment and Inclination, the closer will they ceme le resemble each ether In out ward appearances and It Is quite possible that the secret or harmony In married life depends upon the faculty pessessed by a married ceuple or acquiring rrem each otber these little details of personality te which reference has been made. It Is sup posed that the Photographic soclety above mentioned would net find much "conjugal likeness" among the applicants nt the di vorce court, and we presume they would lie ready te admit that "solectton" would lie Indispensable te the production of a large serles or their photographs. There might, Ter example, be 31,000 couples In a particular town, but an outsider might net be able rrem their "likeness" te tell that auv or the couples wero married; neither might, pethaps, tlie Photographic society. GETTIN ON. When I wuz somewhat younger, I wui! reckoned party cay I lind'niy flinsat everything In a relllcktn', celllnh way, But times have strangely altered Hlnce sixty years age This age or steam an' things don't seem Like the age I usel te knew. Your modem innovations Don't suit me, I confess, As did the ways of the geed el' d js Uut I'm gettln' en, I guess. I set en the piazza An' hitch round with the sun Kometlmp, mayhap, I take a nnp, Weltln' tilt school Is done. An' then I tell the children , The things 1 done In youth. An' near as I can (as a venerable man) I stick te the lienctt I ruth I But the leeks or them 'at listen Seem sometimes te express The remote Idee that I'm gene you see ? An' I nm gettln' en, I guess. I get up In the merula' An' nethln' else te de. Before the rest are up an' dressed I read the papers through ; I hang round with tlie women All day an' hear 'em talk. An' whlle they sew or knit, I .show l'Ue baby hew te w alk ; An', somehow, I feel sorry. When they pulaway his dress An' cut his curls ('came lliey's like ft girl's) I'm gettln' en, I guess ! (Sometimes, with twilight leund me, 1 see (or seem le see) A distant shore where friends of ere Linger and watch ter me ; Sometimes I've hecrcd 'cm callln' He tendcrllke 'ud low That It almost seemed like a dream I dreamed, Or an echo of long age j An' sometimes en my forehead Theio tails a sort caress, Or tlie touch or a hand you understand I'm gettln' en. t guess. Euyent Field, in Chicago ..Vch s. Ne Lund en Which the'.Sun Shines Possesses greater natural advantages thau our own, but theroare portions or the great grain-bearing-West and rertlle Beuth wtisre atmos pheric Influences prejudicial te health militate a jatnst them, In seme degree, as places or resi dence. Heavy rainfalls and the overflow or Sreat rivers, which upon their substdciue leave auk vegetation exiiecd te the ra s or the sun, tliern beget malarial reer, and there also the Inhabitants are periodically obliged te use some medicinal safeguard against tli.fccenruge. The most popular Is Hosteller's Htein.ich Hitters, a prevents e that has ter e er a third or a century afforded reliable protection te these whom experience iu the futility of ordinary remedies for rever and ague, has taught te sub stitute Ter them. Whether Intermittent or re mittent, miasmatic reern are conquered and averted by ttiesunerb anti-periodic and fortify ing medicine us they are by no ether prepara tion In live. Usell.and abandon impure local hitters. Jy8- Oue Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount ir I rail te prove that Fluraploxlen Is the best medicine In exlbtenee for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Bilious- I mss. it is a certain cure, ana aiierus immeiii immeiii ute roller, Incases or Kidney and Ller Com plaint. Nervous Debility and Consumption, t'loraplexleu builds up the weak system and cures where ether remedies lull. Ask year Irugglst rer It and get well. Valuable book Things Werth Knewing," aUe, sample book cnt Tree ; all charges prepaid. Address, I'rer. Franklin Hart, f 8 Warren street, N. Y. Fer sale 6y Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster l'a. aprl'-lyd&w A Cure for Constipation ami Slck-IIond-neho. Dr.SUas Lane, whlle In the lteclcy Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with t her herbs, makes an easy und certain cure rer constipation. It Is In the rerm or dry roots and leaves, and Is known us L.uie'h Family Medi cine. It will cure slek-headaclie In ene night. Fer the bleed, liver and kidneys, and rorclour rerclour rorcleur Ingup the complexion It docs wonders. Drug gists sell It at 50 cents a package. (3) vccial ilotivce. lluokleu'H ArnlcA Salve. Tun HEsrHAi.VBinthowerld rerCuUi.llrultei Seres, Ulcers, Halt Hheuin, Fever Sorts, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all HkluKrupltens, and positively cun 1'llcs, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglvepcr teglvepcr fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. llech, Drug gist, Nes. 1U7 and 13V North Huetn street, Lau caster. Pa. lune'JVlyd Threw Awuy Ills Crutches, "buffered from rheumatism se badly had te us.e crutches, hut threw them away after ap plying Tliemnt' Ecicclrie Oil te my limbs. I new feel better than I have for jenrs." F. L. Ulbbs, .Iti Kile Sit. . Iliilliiln. N Y. Held hi Lim. caster by W.T. llech, 1.17 and 139 Nerlh tiuten strict. I'poeli. The transition rrem long, lingering and paln ful sickness te robust health marks uu epoch In the lire or the Individual, buch a remarkable event Is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has b(cn air tallied Is gratefully blessed. Heme It Is thut se much Is heard In praise of Kleetile Hitters. He many icvi iiitry u.iu iiivn ivaiuiuuuu i.j .,. uiin, te the use or the Ureal Allcratlv e and Tonic. If NOl! en nre troubled with any dlscasoef Kldnej-s, you trill vurcly tlnd relief by iiMserElcctrln Illi silil ut SOe and 91 ler bettle at W. T. Illll'I 111 ILUllllllll. cr or Hlemiicii, nr long orsneri hmiiuiiic. ii- IIecli'sUrucHUirc. 1J7 uud 1311 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (1 Mothers 1 Mothers 1 ! Mothers J ! I Are you disturbed at nlulit and broken of your rest by a sick child Buttering and cryluc with the excruciating pain ei cuttlni; teeth T If se, gout ouceund t;et a buttle of MRS. WINH LOW' SOarillNU Hymn. It will relieve the ioer Utile nuCVrer Immediately dcjiend upon It; there Is no mistuke about It. There Is net a mother en earth who had ever used It, who will net tell euatnuce Ihat It will rKU late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief aud health te the child, eperatlne like magic It Is perfectly wife te no In all cases and pleasant te I lie tnbtr, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest mid best female physicians and nurfees lu the United Htalets. Held everywhere, 21 cenU it bottle. lune2Urd&w Hew Much vVtll Delt. Hew much of ritemai' Electric Oil Is requited in. urn? Onlv ii erv little. A few drem will cure any Ulint of an ache ; and but u llttliimeru Is uieded for spnilns und lamenesses. Rheuma tism Is net h rtadlly allccted ; an eunce and semcllniet two ounces are required. Nemedl- ,.iHn l.j.i.u.. lit ki unrn In Clirft YV itll I lln k.Kiin I milliner of uppllcalleiis. held In lanc.itcr by W.T. llech, 1J7 and l' Nerlh Quetn street. A snIVi Iiivi-etniPiit. Is ene which W guarantewl le bring nu sat isfactory results, or In c.ine of failure n return of purchase price. On this tafe plan jeu can buy from our advrrtlkcd UrugKisi i bottle of Hr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, It Is guaranteed le bring rdlcf In ewry case, when iim.'(1 for any allcctleu el, Lungs or (.'lieit, such us Consumption, Inrlaiiimatieii of Lungs, llrenchtlls. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., ttc. It Is ple-'iumt and agreeable te taste, perfectly safe, and tan nlas be du pciidci upon. Trial bottles tree at W. T. Heclt's Drug Htere. 137 and lU North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (1) Vlrat-Ilate IZvldciicu. " Often unable te attend business, being sub ject te serious disorder of the kidneys. Altera ti long klege of sicKiiess trhnt Jlurderk JIIwaI Jtlitrri unci was rfllecd by half a bottle " ilr. U. Turner, of lleehester, N. Y take the pains te write. Held lu Ltncaetcr by W.T, Hecii, IS7 und 1JU North Queen street. DupcMul Upen It. Mether Hhlpten's prophesies and leulilana elections nre i ry uncertain things, but Tiumat' y.'iccfWc Oil can be depended iiieuuluas. It curs uch-s and uilni of eirry doniptleu. Held In lincasUr by V T. Hech, UT and 1W North Queu itret. "..,--tvi"ut"i, ri-i-m n-,n Tf-v INTELLIGENCER. SATURDAY, JULY 12, x 9m ISP KXT DOOM TO THE COURT HOUSE. FKHNE STOCK' S ARK SHOWING THEBIOOKST BTOOKOr In the city, consisting of Ginghams, Chambrsys, Zephyrs, Challlts, Egyptian Cleths, Madras Ba ttste, Fast Black Organdies and Sateens, White Heeds or every description, Lawns, Online1 'ln nels, Fayals, Figured Mulls, etc., etc. .' Anether Let et theso Japanese Lawns at lie. Beautiful st 1m, fast color. A fine selection of Fans from 1 cent te 60 cents. Oaaie Underwear, 10 cents tip. Children's Fast Black Hese, 3 pairs, cents. Ladles' and Hisses' Gloves and Mitts. FMHNESTOCKS, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. -VTETZUER A HAUOHMAN. IWASH DRESS GOODSt OUTING STIUPES AND PLAIDS, DKESS GINGHAMS, PLAIN CHAM BRAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS T INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINGS, ALL AT THE tOWEST PRICES. Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38"40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) H. Z. ItUOADS A SON. Yeu Ought te Have a Geed Watch SV7VS7VSER OUTING. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, 4 West King Street, Cau Supply Yeu from a Very Full Stock at Vacation Prices t THREE DOZEN NEW STYLES AFTER-DINNER COFFEE SPOONS, FOR SOUVE NIRS. CALL AND SEE THEM. JJB- l'INE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ?: H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. . 3abu F LINN A BKENEMAN. Cut Prices te BABY CARRIAGES ! Our Lew Triced t 7.00 Carriages , .'. , Reduced tot 8.00 Our Leir l'rlccd S 10.00 Oarrlnccs ..Keduced te I 8 00 Our Lew I'rlcerl (U 00 Carrlatfrn , Hrduccd te 110.00 loe Hexcs, t 7.M...I Kedtiwt tel (1.00 lce IIexcm, 8.60 Reduced let 7.00 Itcfrlt;erater8,3l2 00 . -..Reduced tot 10 00 RoirlReruleni, 91(1.00 Reduced te 11.100 Refrigerators, J18.U0 , Reduced te f 15 00 dAll the nboieure Ureal Iinrgmlns and are only offered te reduce stock and make room. FLIN3ST & BraEITCKiLBJX, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. JCUlclCfB, VirAT (JHES, CLOCKB, ETC. Watches I CLOCKS, SrKCTACLEH, ETC., BOLD AND REPAIRED. Ne. Wi North Queen 8t. WEBER'S. S-Vulclie.i dutifully Belciled for Kannerii anil Rallreaderx. np2l-lyd. TJ ERR, JEWELER. HERR, Jeweler. IF VOU WANT A l'AIIt OK Geed Glasses, Properly Fitted, tall uu us. All special wutk done by a Oraduale Optician. REMEMBER, Thai for KINK WATCH AND CLOCK WORK. and all kinds of JEWELRY REPAIR ING, uecan promlbejoti the best results. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., COR. OK ORANGE. TEWr.LUR ANU GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL! geld watchi-s, silvi:k watch i-s, DIAMONDS, Jr.Wi'.LRY AND CANKi. Examination of Eyes Free ! Ne Dreps Used 1 CHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WKST KINO 8TKEKT, LANCASTER. FA. DRUNKENNESS. LIO.UOHHAIUT. Ii Ml the World there Is but One Cure. Dll HAINES' CJOLDKN SPECIFIC. Ite. i beglwn lu u cup of colIVeor tea, or In artlcl of feed, without the knowledge of the litlf .If necessary; It Is absolutely harmless and will ctfect a permanent and sjH-cdy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aleohella wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patlunt undergoes no Inconvenience, and irn he Is aw are, his complete reformation Is ellecled, Ii mse book of isirllculars free. UIIArl.A.LOCHIiK. Druggist. Ne. V I Ouit King UU, IdnciUr, l'a. oeuoa-rru4Jj Graduation Presents ! iflval 5"J7,W.S5, Otatteiv gtiUtccnmrc. acrlrtflce. Reduce Stock T gev CtlC ev Atcttt. TJIOR RENT-HANDHOMK KRONT ROOM Jj en Zd fleer, Ne. 12 WcxtKIUKstreet; line si location In the city forefllco or IlKht IiusIiiinh. Inquire of W. W. AMOS, ni2rt-tfd Allcr's Gallery. TflOll HKNT THAT LARUE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. M EAST KINO HTREET. Inquire within. mlt-tfd TpUHl HALL CHEAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 20 by M feel, with two-story brick buck build IngftMhy Mfeet. Hall and seven rooms. IjeI SO by 215 feel. JOHN II. METLER, N'e KM. UukeSt, s KCURE A HOME KOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. KOH HALE ON THE MOST LIUERAL TISKMH. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, leU I'M feet dfen, en ljiucasler avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-steiry brick dwelling houses with man sard reef. iKirches In front, lets 113 feet deep, en North Fine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with f'ent yards, Iren fences, let 1W) feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and I'lne scrects. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 115 feet deep, en west Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets lSOfeel deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Fine and Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Llms North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and Fins streets. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no treuble te show you. JACOH ORIEL, ' Kiecuters. aprtft-lyd.M.W.H. Ml North Marv Hlreet. eSlernr. EVAN'h rlvOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. N'OTICK TO TREMPABSEnH ANI1 GUN NERH. All persons are hereby forbidden te trem en any of the lands of the Xirnwall ndHpeedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster ueuntles, whether Inclesed or unlncleeed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all tree. tiaulng en said lauds of the undersigned arte his notice. WM. COLEMAN KREEMAN It. 1'K.HCY AI.1JHN, KI)'.K.HAN. Attorney! for tl. W, Cflemau's Heltt. "'-cjv"j - 1890. 9 hoc. fr IN THE B11ADU" THERE DAYS, BUT Efei This Is Thrown In the Shads ny The Het Weatber Prices in Shoes AT STACKHOUSE'S, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KING STREET. A GREAT STOCK OF OXFORDS AND Other Summer Wear. STACKH0USE, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST K1NU STREET. "Cleu HOT HUMMER DAYH; Ladies' Oxfords ! Misses' Oxfords ! Hen's Lew Shoes! Ladles' Kid Oxfenls.Mc. Ladles' Russet Oxlerds, 730. Indies' Kid Oxfords, 75e ladles' Genuine Kid Oxfords, II 00. I Adlrs' Russet Oxfords, tl.SS. Ladles' Dongola Kid Oxfords, II.2A. lavllra' Hnndturn Oxfurds, l(.M. Misses' Kid Oxfeids, 76c. M Issrs' Russet Oxfords, f I, Misses' Children's Russet Oxfords, 8.V. Children's Oxfords, 73c. Men's lxiw Hhe.s, 1. Men's lluir Lew Bheei, II.2.Y. Men's Calf Lew Hhecs, ll.wi, The Ladles' Oxfords embrace all the leading styles. They're excellent fitting kinds, laying close te the feet whlle In action no gapping at sides. There are few makes that de net have this fault. Men's Lew Hhees come In various shapes anil from geed makers. All site and widths. Hhees te fit the fat man who needs his every moment these het days le pant and perspire. Kinds te fit slim feet, tee. Kasy le slip Inte easy and cool when the feet gels there. RUBSET HII0EH. In iltfTerenl shades for Ladles' and gent's wear. These we have, In brat and medium gradee only, aud at reasonable cost. Our sales Increase every day en these goods. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Btkkkt, Lancas ter. Pa. s UMMERBIIOE-SI TENNIS OXFORDS! I have oue of I he Largest Lines of Men's, La dim', Misses'. Heys' und Youths' Tennis Ox fords lu the city. Men's Drewn Checkered Tennis Oxfords, 19c, Hey's " " " " lie. Indies' " " " " lie. Misses' " " " " ."Hlc. Youths' " " " " aep. Men's Heceud Orade Light Tennis Oxfords, v. Hey's " " " " Mc. Ijidles' " " " " Me, Misses' " " " . " Me. Youths' " " " ROc. Men's Rest tirade Latest Light R tripe Ox., II 00 Rey's ' " " " OV. Ledlcs' " " " " UV, Men's IlestOraduTcnnls Light Check iiudHolldllrewii.flbO. I have nlte u Large Linn of Men's, Rey's, Ln dies' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfords, with Rubber Heles, liming leather Heles between the Rubber Heles and I uteh s, at II Ul, tl 25, II l anil I-' 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (HuccewKir te FREY ft ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Frlces In BOOTS AND SHOES, A 5 EAHT KINU HTREET, I4ANOAHTER, FA. sTT-Htere Closed Every Evening at 0 o'clock ExceptMenday und Haturday. avcte. rpHE LANOAHTER OARl'ET HOUHE. S. & V. Fer One Week Only. RUGS FROM TURKEY & PERSIA RY M. YUZUKJIAN. Mattings, Awnings and Carpels AT LOWEST riUCES. SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street augSMld Jitvitsela. R OSEHROH.A HARTMAN. SPECIAL SALE OF PARASOLS On Baturday.July S, le!), Te Continue for OneWcek.endlng en haturday, July U, IriO. IXJT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2- . LOT NO. 3 LOT SO.!-,.. LOT NO. 5. .... LOT NO. 8 LOl'NO.7 . I JO 63 75 .M LOU ,M Las 1 ai . 2.00 AT THE MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprll Hind 5S.'C . Glethinft t E INE TAILORING. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 1 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most E!-gnt AseertBMt "i SPRING NOVELTIES' New Ready for Yynr Inspection. ; We would also announce the rmrchsjssefer, Jeb fjet of English Hnltlng and Trennira at - great sacrifice, which we will sell at . f rOUl rarly te wcure ft barjiUii In im UUU H. Gerhard Zti ONLY y DIRECT IMPO RT1NO TAILOR IN THECm 43 NORTH QUEEN HTKKT. , M M ART1N llROe. V.i 4K .. -J nicy ere me proper un - HaYe Yeu Seen and suitable for etrMvX v. Our White Flan-! perch, lawn tennli or Ingdresa, IS.60. Our Itattt; nel Shirts ? .. . . - . . M light weight ceaU aadreett 1 cevrrs alt the staples aiMV novelties. A large choice, perfect flttleg '.' handsomely made. 13 for coat and Test CteaeVtjn business coats aud vests, f 1 ; coals, Mc. Stmt I;" . . . .. ..-j. ! men, we are prepared 10 ill you as wen. lm .." J3 think you can't be fit In cool, comfertWi 1 clothing until you sea our Hue. Coats and Ye)ti,, H.7,t:.W,i3JOandf5. Extra large site tW$', underwear hi all the most comfortable ataM" III stock. A third drops rrem the price of bejrtV llll.lli.l MlMll..l..l.l.i la. ..,..1... OAd. . duilq in., .10 incline iiniiiiu iu KU7II, fSeWtW . .,, . . Jm our f.tsi, kw nuu 9j 1111c 01 anee raunaiuisi compiled from Uie slower moving high pfhseij; " ones. Bee our ti, Kl, 17 and IS big beyi' tef T M pant suits. Our range and choice la flMMt V.J shlrlasuttable for every occasion runs like tail t , HA), It, 13.60, 13, 12.75, I2JS0, I2.J5, H, ILM, " .. .. ... ..... ..... L ..--' ii.ii, si, yuc, wic, jw,tc, uugnuitinereeast. .. . ,..... ,f) l.l7 II UIU MlJ'ICIt HIO llglll, HIIU MIV .W W9i 9j till every oneT Bilk shirts and fut WsveeT ,"' shirts of various stuffs are 'popular. We BVr?j tliem In all slies. ni v3. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Quetn St. rHi H 1RHH A BROTHER. OA V , " a , MflU the PricM Down ipiiliy;',,,r It 1 And they make the stacks of Clothing and Fas c ntshlnes melt nwiv with astonish fl ins ranldltr. ., M' FLANNEL and CHEVIOT SHIRTS That were f.1.50 j nowtaje. That were U 00 j newfi.26. That were W.60 newll.7. Thatwcrolieoj newll.W1. That were II M new 11.18, That were; new 11.00. That were 11.00; new TSoandaSe. And se through our entire line et furnlshtefa ah our entire line or rurnlsmnnK, ..A.. ..Ill .l T, . II ..U4 Stl Ull lll II11U inn IIIIIO CAUCIIVUV MMWHSI en win nnu and low prices '-ip IN THIN CLOTHING! rartleulaily Men's Hulls and Faille, we hTe,?, cut prices very deep, nen ine priceein win- t ilowsl,2aiid.lenCeiilroHnuarelde. ' ti miTIUlB in rtiHiiri-iii-unurin UMiinimir -' zkWrf The knife has cut the prices II 'eitS en Fan U--;;, 3 loeningsaniii. ieiu in nuiiingi, ine nt aaa ., II lllllililiKn Mil ul Ilia " 1 Sil. HIRSH (fe BROTHER,! CLOTUIEIW, HERCIIAMT TAILORS AMDi OENTS' FURNIHHEIW. K. Qaeen St., Centre Squire, Market St, IiANCASTKR. PA. c i-eniiNu. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS Net Fer Sale Elsewhere I J Loek At These Cut Prices! Men's Men's .Men's Men's Men's Neil's Men's Men's Men's Hulls were I ltt.. Hulls were ISM., Holts weruf 7 23. Hulls were I 075... Hulls were 111 Ml.., Hulls were IU 00. . Hulls were f 11 50.. Hulls werelIflOO... Hulls were 11860.. ..New ,.New ..New ..New New New ..New ..New ..New Rolling Helling at!275 atfS'Je all 4 10 at I ft U alls IS selling helling Helling Helling at! 769 neiiing Helling Helllug alfsw atiee at 110 74 M) Fair Men's Fanta selling new at 40,60, H "'lie'y'iliiiila new selling at l,ti 16, 13, 13 50, U andfe. FrlcesnlmestCiltin Half. 6V) Fair Children' Fatils at 18, 'JO and 26 cent . " i'mi'dren's Hulls reduced te B3c, 75e-,l 00, II 3S. Ureal Reductions In our Custom Order De partment. . , Frlcew that will make jeu buy whether you need the goods or net. FOR HFECIAL HAROAINS IN MENS BOY'BANl) CHILDREN'S CLOTHINO, CALL AT L. Gansman & Bre.. Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, IleytejAtf )3 Children's doming iBiciusive.) - 16 and 01 NORTH QUUN IT., S.W. 00BMER OP 0RAH0B. LAMCA8TU.P4 mr Net connected with any ether Clothing .ji UUUIV IM MW W.M. . a-Be cautious and make no mistake se that you git te the rliht place. Slcutittru. It. NATHORHT, UENTIHT. Pii vnilie T.ih aud Falnle KxtractlOD Bpe. clalll. New WU made, broken euwrnenae. :ffitWVeVl.ft7faH Vir,eJe,l.V Nallieist U the ONLY Dentist In Ibis county who Is a graduate of Medlclm; aa well ua of IHiu II. try. au advantage that U obvious. inart-lydAw - n .38 l J?H a I'd m m . s?S ."I i7f .2-&z-i .ft'x-ai ifrySi t