V"-it 1 v ! fttfri'itvr ' PTk fftgf LANCASTER DAILY iNTELLIGBNOEB. NDAV, JULY 7, 18. WWW "WWls!. r uiw iw7; w 5fi ii -PV.T- i IT ". 18' 88 if' RWl ri kz&.h. v -;.f . ' (' SSf. fciw T3 JA' B ; IK s'p. ?. "t. J P H4 Cyw U Jntllt0ettr -V viiMir4inuwi"i OBAN') BIBUlllAn iuuiu, uuHin SOMKT CLARK PubUalM. A U DAILY IMTKUJQENCKH Publlihed .' awry day In ths year, but Sunday. BcrrM by carrier In this city and (arrenndlnc town at ten cent a wfc Br mall Ave del- j tarsaycarinadTiuiee; &occnuaraenm. WSKKIiT TRTKLUOKNCKB-One dollar and fir cents a rear. In advance. fflmCK TO StjnSCHIBEIlS-lteraH br check m paateAe order, and whsre neither of thtnaui be procured send In a registered at the Feswfnce, as second class mail ASOl THB 1HTEI.U01KCBB, Lancaster, Pa, LAlfOABTEK, PA., Jnly 7, 1890. Cfela' Threat. . China threaten te retaliate. Minister Tuttl may revise and modify the language efhU Interview and hla talk may veer and chaige after the fashion of diplo mat", but the threat he haa made will remain a prominent factor In the Chinese problems of the future. He makes the very sharp and Btreng pclnt that Americans nrc taking money home from China just esChlnamen take money from the United States. He does net deny that American enterprises In the celestial empire nrc worth all that China pays for them, and he Is tee liberal and intelligent a man te begrudge the wealth that is being gathered by foreigners who are awakening and develop ing his wonderful country. He only reminds Americans that Chinese cheap labor has net lccn an un compensated evil, for it has stimu lated the development of the Pad He lope by making possible enterprises that would have been impoaslble or long delayed without It. He says, in effect, " ir you will net let us work for you we wljl notlefyeu develop our country." rem his point of view this will be very lad for us and will hurt them little, at English, French and Gcrmaus nre only t eager te de the developing. In fact, this very eagerness of ether nations, and fear of their hablta of conquest and an nexation, have given Americans the ad ad Tantage in China, and will make the Chinese much less ready te banish our capital and enterprise than they diplo matically pretend te be. We can afford te receive the Chinese threat calmly If net with complacency, because our capital in China, or te be invested there, can be very well applied iu the develop ment of our own great country, and we have fully determined te get along with out Chinese labor after due consideration of all the arguments that the minister martial in its favor. The severing of all commercial relations with China would undoubtedly be a heavy blew, but hardly mere uuplcasunt for us thnn for China. In 18S0 our Imports from that empire were valued nt 515,701,717 and oursxperts te China in the same year were only $3,251,031. AVc seem te furnish the Chinese with very little betides money and brains and wc hnve nse for both at home. As for the break ing of the treaty, that seems te be what treaties are made for. They nic inflexi ble and awkward device which give way before changed conditions and can net be expected te hut for all time any better than ether things of human man ufacture. As solemn covenants they beuld net lie violated without due notice that wc can no longer ngree te objectionable previsions, but China eecms te have had liberal warning of ' that kind. Her wrath is a llttle surprising be cause it has been m slew In developing, and because the first Chinese advices, after the passage of the exclusion net Intimated that the government was pleased te be assisted in its efforts te keep Chinamen at home. She is proverbially elew, but stubborn In diplomacy, and there Is little danger of any sudden act of retaliation, se that we may have plenty of time te get out of the way of the blew, if the Chinese government de cides te retaliate. The Eastern Mar Cloud. The grumblings of war In the East grew leuder and mere worthy of aorleua attention. Fer some time there have been disputed but persistent ru mors of disturbances iu Armenia, but as that Asiatic end of Turkey is bard te reach for nnwtt except by way of Russia, very little atten tion has been paid te the trouble. New there is fiimilar news from the Kurepeau side and the whele state of Turkey is sure te receive the prompt and exhaustive attention of the hungry foreign corresieudcnt who likes nothing better than wars and rumors of war. Bulgaria as usual is in n ferment and a prime minister with a Russian name threatens te revlgu. A Servian consul in Turkey has been mur dered, and although the crime is shown t have no political inspiration, Berviu arrogantly demands that Turkey pay a pension te the consul's widow uud form ally apologize. Plenty of Americans have been openly murdered In Mexico, but the Unlted States does net trouble itself te demand pensions. This observation has nothing te de with the case, but is Introduced iw suggesting reflections upon the brilliant nggrcsslve foreign policy of the United fitutes under Secretary Ulninc. Te icturn te Turkey, the most interesting rumor is te the effect that Montenegrins have crossed the frontier in large numbers, and have been victorious in sevcral ktrmlsbes with the Turks. They threaten the town or Iek, which is clwe te the eastern extremity of the little principality of Montcuegre. Thore Is little te ffnr from the Montenegrins alone, but their bold adve uce may be taken as a Blgn of the drift of events in the Balkan peninsula. Ruuia may have a hand iu most of the trouble, for although the czar has grown lazy uud , careless of foreign nin Russlnu minis ters and high eniclals ure given se much liberty of action en the freutlcrH tlmt their ambitious bchemea often produce the gravest consequences. The prime reason for the disturbance is doubtless in Constantinople, where the reigning sultan Is energetically striving te coun teract dangerous plots for hla over over theow, lie reigns only by right of pe. session, for he came te the throne by a rather doubtful decree of insanity against bis predecessor, who might at any time be declared sane. The sultan la a very energetic wide-awake ruler, and has been a little tee quick for on en on plraters under the lead of the Sheik Ul Islam, se that by numerous arrests he holds hit shaky thrent. Naturally enough the disturbance at the capital was the signal for outbreaks all along the freutW. The lowers that arc wait V3, tot Turkey's collapse are quick te note every sign of It. Ik-fore the sum er Is ever u great deal could happen te that part of the map of Europe, preaent indications are net se verv wnr. like as correspondent would like te wake them. Hall, the Beard of Health! Mayer Clark has succeeded In giving Lancaster a beard of health in finite of the two adverse vote in select coun cils, and the prompt action of the Judge relieves citizens of nny anxiety as te the timely estab lishment of seme kind of organized supervision of the city's health. It new remains for the beard appointed by the court te prove their usefulness by ener getic attention te the duties se honor ably laid upon them. They serve with out compensation and will receive due credit for exertions for the public geed. In this het weather cleanliness aud while wash ero badly needed In many houses, and there may be deadly peril te innocent and careful people through the neglect of ethers In the disposal of offal or by carelessness of the laws of health. The work Is undoubtedly needed te be done, and new that a beard has been organized te de It, police aud citizens can aid in pushing it, Whoever knows of ft nuisance needing attention should promptly notify the beard of health, and careless people will speedily learn that they must reform. Gov. OoltiieN, of Cleeruln, Is widely known as a iimnly and patriotic louder of the new .Seuth, anxious te have the bitter feeling of the wnr forgotten and the whele energy of the nation turned te the nurvey ofabrigliter futnre, tmtfrankry admitting a natural prldn In tlie .Sontliern nidi el the history of the wnr. On the Fourth of July nl Chattanooga, Governer Gorden mnde a speech retnnrkable for Us leld avowal In the presence of thousands of ex-Confetloratos and their children thut the Seuth was wrong. Sttanger mill, this admission was rccelved with cheers. He put It as follews: "We of the Heutli fought for the constitu tion of our fathers as founded by the su preeo court; thoSeuth was a loyal country, but v e were wrong en the ulavery question. Tlie North wits right when It fought us en thnt score. Tlicre is net a son or daughter of the Seuth te-day who would hnve slavery restored. Applause. While for four yeara we were deadly onemlos, we ate forevormoro brothers and follew-cltlons, and proud iu the Seuth et the glory of the American states, nnd we would fight as loyally for the (lag of our country as any man who fought with Grant and Sher man." Tun Philadelphia Tunes and I'ltthburg 7i'.iy)'i(ri soein dotennlned net te wnste thelr old patent uiodlclue advertising cuts of poeplo who have been mlrncueusly cured of deadly diseases. Their portraits of ielltlunl lcnderH are niore curious than accurate. HOT PIGTAIL TALK. China ThrcnteiiH l Rotnllnte UiiIi'mm til Exolunleil linv Ih Hupciiletl. Chinese Mlnlster Tsui, who Is accredited te Spain, I!ni7ll and the United States, reached New Yerk en the steamer I .it Ilro Ilre Ilro tague en Sunday and talked freely with a rcjKirter through an Interpreter, llewild: "IJnlesi the Unlted Stules goveruinent repeals the law which new excludes my countrymen from this country we Khali treat A met leans te a dese el their own mndlclne. I mean ivu shall exclude citi zens of the United States from the CIiIiiche empire." "Have yen rocehod Information te this effect officially from the home ofllce7 " " We hepe we shall net be pushed te any measures of retaliation. The Clilnuse for eign olllce has ieut several ileiimiiils te Mr. Hlalne te lepeul the exclusion law. We have rccelved no reply from htm. Of course, congress alone can sol riKht me present oulmge, nut tlie stiue ilopurliueul is the proper channel of negotiation. Our trout I eh with the United Stutss have been recorded as bacred trusts, and we have lived up te the very letter of iheiu. New, without the slightest warning orexeuse, the Unlted States cruelly breaks Its hol hel emu HBreoment and builds up a barrier against our clilrcn. After this exclusion law whs piiftHed in dofluuee of all tionties Secretary llayaid aud the former minister from China (.onlmred, ami the result was a proposed new tieaty with China which contained the exclusion law. " When this treaty was submitted tu the omperor aud his council it was Instantly repudiated. The indignation against the minister was such that his heuse was burned nnd all his property w Ithlu reach was destroyed. The Chlnose governmont ntouce demanded thnt the exclusion law be at onie repealed and the terms of the pruHent treaty complied with. "Tlie council of state, which guides the omperor, Is simply waiting te hear from the United States fetclgn olllce. Your reputation for fair dealing and honesty with foreliru nations has been such In the past that we cannot belluve that you Intend te break a treaty without reason or excuse. That you have done se thore can be no doubt, aud If we llnd that the United Status menus te persist in exclud ing the Chiuese from Its shores we hhall proceed te the same tactics. The Chluose government will feibld the lauding of American citizens in the empire. " Hew about the American citizens new residents of China and the American capi tal !ncsted thore?" " All theso will be matters details el which the council of state will arrange. I am awaie that there are a great muuy mil lions of American capital Invented lu'Chiua. American Interests in China are, of ceurse, vastly mera Important nnnuclally than our In vested Interests I nt lie i'nlted States. Any rupture between the two nations will, of course. Inline the American liivestiueuts." " What Is bolievod in China as the reason for our exclusion lawn!" " It Is generally supposed te be the work of the politicians. 1 knew, of ceurse, your argument of eheap labor and destruction of fair wages. Yeu say that Chiuese coma te America, save all the money they can and thou return te China with It that they don't become citizens. Well, Isn't that exactly what overy Ameileau in China is delllKT" "Hew about the cheap labor ohaiceT " " Why the Chinese have built your great Wo&tein rallieads, and their cheap labor has made possible and has carried through te successful completion ast works and enterprises which would have been im possible with ether labor. The Chiuese nre satlslled with small w aires and de net Ktilkc. When they are drixen out the capitalists win be at the inerey el ethor feielgu laboiers who will net weik se cheap, and who will combine and stiike and jcopautUe capital. Chinc-.e cheap labor has bceu tiled in various p.uU el the world, mid has nlwnjs been a success. Loek at the Immeubu Chiuese colonies at Singapore, theStraits settlement, and ether places." Anether ltepubllenii Ter l'uttlheii. S. 1. lleyei, a prominent resident of Titusville, Crawford county, the home of Chairman Andrew h and Candidate Iola Iela mnter, writes te thn I'lttsbuig Times "1 hate uluays been u Kepubllcau and was cradled Iu the old Whl ;art,, hurrahed for Henry Clay and Krellngliuyseu and voted the Wintleld Scott ticket in IMS, but thelnst act of IIehh ()ttuy In lercinK uu ob jectionable candidate upon the party Is tee much for my Republicanism, llein an American eitieu, with a eueratleii ler free speech, tree thought and Irre uctlen In all political matters, 1 cannot take thetpres eni done prescribed ler me. 1 am ler Jteberth. l'attiseu Ter governor of Penn sylvania." List or Letters. List of letters advortUed at the isistolllce at Lancaster, l'a., July 7, lwe. Cmi do de livery: Luditi' tut Miss Klla Heuedlct. Honrictte Gasaway, MIss.M. Huber, Miss Trlxle Leslie, Miss. lossle Macllride. Ml Lily It. Schuebly. Miss lllanch Talari. dent' List Jehn II. Baxter, il. u Bender, Philip Clint, Gleamer Mfg Ce.! Jenes it Cegsw ell, H. Marr, L'llett Miller J. S. Pfeuu. Frank llontz.UeergoShubcrt, (for.), Gee. Sleriner, S. M. Stokes, Mr. Yorddene, Charles Whltmeie. The dietary eran Invalid dlflers mate rially from Uiut efn h.tseii In retniht health. He ncedi Ililn. uutrltleun feed. ami It Is etsen tlnl thut l,tUe feeliit nutritious It kliall l.e cay of dlk'i-itlen. .Melllu'ii Feed U very nour neur lbluicand UaMliullated assoen as taktn lute thekUauach, Va: HeiTTl.N's Cecxia l'ure, Beluble, ICce. nenilcal, (t) An AromatlnFraerranee ! Imparted te the mouth by the use of BOZO DON r, II li beyond doubt the cleanent, purent nnd bent wanh ever elTcrwl te the public. BOiO BOiO BOiO DONTandromfertnre synonyms. It cleanses the cavities In Ihe enamel of Ilia teeth. Depend Upen It. , Mether Hhlrten's preplienles nnd IxnilMnna elections are very uu rermln things, but 7'hmnat' lrctrl( l)U inn be ilrpeudcd ukiii always. It rureM achts and pains et every dcwrlpllen. Held In lrfinctrr by W. T. Hech, 117 and ISO North Uiieen strrel. A II ream of 1'nlr Women. Tennyson In his cx'ialslle ikjeiii, dreams of long proccSBlen of lovely wnuieu of hkih rmt. This In all cry well, hut thn laureate would have dniie the world a crentcr strvlce If he hail only leld the women or the prcM-nt l.ewthpy muld Improve their heallli and enhni en thelr clinrnii. This he might (ally hiive done by recommending the nw of Ir. l'lcrce's Kavorlte I'reicrlptlen. Health Is the bent friend of beauty, and the Innumerable Ills te which women are peculiarly subject. Its wernt ene mies. Leng experience lias proven that the health of wemauhlnd mid the "Kavorlte 1're 1're scrlntlen " walk hand Iu hand, and are Insepa rable. Jt Is the only medicine for women, old by druggists, under a pmltUe guarantee from the manufacturers, thnt It will she satisfaction In every case, or money will be refnndrd. This guarantee ha Ixx-u printed en the bottle-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. . M.TuAw Jle Net Meve Illlndly. De carefully In purchasln( medicine. Many adxertised remedies ran work great Inlury-nre wersa than none. IlurdecK lllnvit JllllaM are purely a vrgetahle prnnnratlen ; the umallet rhllilcan lake tlini, 1 hey kill dlscascandeure the patient Inn snfn nnd kindly wnr. Held In IjincaMrr by W. T. Hech, 17 and ISO North Clueen street. iETTi:it thantj:t-ani i TlIKNEUVIiS. Van Heuten's Cocea Arrtn-iziiJO-KAaUtY diejistud. Ask your Grocer for II, take no ether. (Cfl) e vi VTHYEGirie co. Scrofula in Children. "In the early part of IW screfnln npic.ireit nn the head or my llttle grandchild, then only 18 months old. Hhertly ntlur hrenklni; out 11 spriad rapidly all exer her body. Thn scabs en the sores would hii1 olf'en the sltghUwl touch, nnd I he tsler that would arise would inakn the atmosphere of the room sickening nnd unbearable. TIioiIInpiueiicxI nttackedthe eyes nnd we Icarcd she would leso her sight. I. uiliicnl physicians of the country were con suited, but could de nothing te relieve the llttle Innocent, and gave It its (heir opinion,' thnt the rjisn was hepclcs aud linpoinlhle tesaNu thn child's eyesight.' It was thin that wiide elded te try Hwlfl'a Hpccllle (S. H. H.) Tint med icine at ence made a speedy and complete cure. Ker moie than n year p.ist sbn has been as healthy ns nny child In the land." Mas. Hutu Hkiiki.kv, Hclmn, Kiiiisiik. Cancer of the Nene. in 1675 a sero appeared en my note, and grew rapidly. As my rather had cancer, aud my hus band died of It, I hecamenlariued and consulted my phslcluu. His treatment did no geed, and the re grew larger and wursn In cury way, until I was persuaded te take H. H.H.. nnd a row bottles cured me. This was afler all the doc tors and ettier medicines had failed. I have had n return of the cancer. Mas. M.T. MAnRN, Woodbury, Hall County, Texas. '1 rcallse mi Cnneer mailed free. MWH'THI'IXIKIO CO., Atlanta, On. elS-lyd (1) rilKKTlUNU HYllUI'. TO MOTHERS. Every balm should have a bettle of Hit, KAHKNKY'H TUITrillNG HYUU1'. lVrfcctlV sjifn. Ne Opium or MerphlamtxlurCK. Wlllre- llcve Celic, (Irlptng I Lelle. ilrlplng In the lleuvls and l'remnte DimciiHTeethliiK. Prepatcd byliltH.D.KAHIl- NKVAHON, HiiKerMenii, Alii. 1'rugglsts hell It; 25 con U. Trial bettle scut by mall ID rents. liini-lvdeedAw V dNUEVKI.Ol'r.1) I'AltTM Of the Human llndy Kularged, Ueveleiwd, Htrcngtheiicd, etc, Is nil lntercstlnn ndvcrilse menl long run In our paper, lu reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no ovlilence of hiunbug about this. On , the contrary, the ad erllMTsnrn very highly Indorsed. Inteis-sted Hrmm may get sealed clrculnis giving nil par ticulars, by writing te the KltlK MKIIIUAI, CO., 6 8wan Ht., ltutlale, N. Y.Inll)i 7leile Her. fll-lyd.tcw JpUAY'HHPKCIKIOMKiTlCINKi GRAY'S BPEOIPlb MEDICINE. TlIK (lllKAT KM1I.IHII llKMEIIY. All Ullfllll. Ingcurc for nominal Vcaknes,Hpernialerrhen, tmpeleney nnd nil Dlhcnses thnt fellow as a he he ilHcnce of Helf-Aliuse ; us I.eks of .Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, 1'iiln In tlie llatk, Illiniiesn of Vision, rrcmaturn Old Age, aud mini) ether illsenhes' thnt lend te Infinity or Consiuuptlen and a riematiire ()rae. - Fer imrlleulnrs lu our painphlcl, which wn ilcslre te H'lid frts) by mall te every one. The Hjiecllle Mcdlclne Is sold by nil drug girts nt 11 icr packiiKUerbls packages for K, or will he tent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing TIIKUHAY MKIUCINHCO., Ilullale, N. Y. On account of counterfeit, no havoadepted 11H) 1 rauw l rnpH'i : iiui iiiiiv Kt Ilillllt' Held lu UxucasUT, I'n., by w. T. II lloei. marlyd G urr.H'H i.ittm: livlii fii.ix. .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Hick llcadacha and relieve nil the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of tlie s) stem, such as DlKilnivi, Nausea, Dnmslucss, Dlslriss alter Killing, l'aln In the Hide, .tc While their most euuirkuble success has been shown In curing sick: Heartache, jet I'AllTKIl'S LIT'l'LH 1.1VHII l'l 1.1.4 nre cually valunble lu Coiihtlpallen, curing ami prevention this nuunilng com cem plulut, while they nse correct all illseulcninr Ihosteinnch, stlmulate the liver and iitfiilale the bow els. Lenlf they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness docs net mil here, anil tlioe who ouce try tin in wilt find these little pills valuable In no many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. Hut after all sick head JLCHE iHthobanaer se pinny lives thnt Here Is where we miike our great beast. Our pills tme It hlle outers no nei.' CAHTint'H LITTLK J.IVKK 1'll.LS are very small and very easy te take. One or two pills malum dose. They are fctiictly vegetable and donetgrlpo or tmrge, but by thcircvntle no tion plonse all who use them. J.i v lals ul 'St ct ; llv e for II. Held ev cryw here or tent by mall. C.HTKH.Mr.l)lClNHCO.,:Ji:W YOlllv. Small Pill. Small Dose. augl2-lydest Small Priw yiN co ciir.wi.Mi jen.vct'ij. YINCO t L'XTh'A FIXn CHEWING TOBACCO. This Htandard Uiand of Plug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the best chew aud the lurgcit phre for the money In the market, nncedii lag en tacJi litni)). Its cilciikhe tale formally juirs has i Unwished Us upulatlen. There Is nethlne betttr. Try It. for uite by druli rs aud grocers, 1890. nprll-3;iteod-eemA.13tw DllL!.NKi:.NNl-,s. I.IQ.UOK 1IA11IT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. 1)11. HAINUS' GOLDU.V Sl'JICIKlC. It ran Jip given In a cup of eolteeer tea, or lu articles of feed, without the knowledgeof the J.!i i'ili,fl!fcers"r' '- ll u absolutely harmless ?., .Ym.wnct u. Permanent nnd speedy cure, whether the imllent Is n model ate drinker or nu ulcohello wreck. IT NKVKU KAILH. It fffilhS i?.,qV, ey n0 wltu such win nt" thai the patient undergoesTie Inconvenience, nnd ere hr Is awaie, llseomplute reformation Is etlccted. -is iweb 1,,'m!, of lartlema frw? . CIIAH. A..Ujt'IIKlt. Druirclsl UPttnamakcv'c. I t'jMLAmt.rniA, Monday, July 7, 1W0. " I "- d J J v 1 m 1J Si 1 m I iircu ; iry a i iciiiiuiui.k. , A geed one is as breezy and . " easy a rest-giver as you'll find Mtxlcan Grass. tl.T.j. Macrame Cord. II.7A. 12. 2J. KnolUdCerd.n.in. Ilsby Hammocks, fiOc nascnii nl, northeast of ecnlrs. Women's 25c Handkerchiefs at I2c, hemstitched, and with printed and embroidered border. Men's Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, colored border, I2jc. Beth pure Linen, of course, and they stand for twenty ether sorts just as desirable. Heuthwett of centre. After all, did you forget the Fan ? Well there's het weather enough ahead and the Fan Crep hasn't all been harvested. I'alm Leaf Fans, fie, JOe, lV. NankU'oeKans,15c. Felding Tans, lOnndl.V Klal Parchment Fans, 10 and IV, Pocket Kans, 16 te MX'. Telescope Kans, Wand 30c. Northwest of centre ..Woven Grass Garden Seats, 20C. Northwest of centre. The light Cottens arc in airy troops, and many of them 25 per cent, under regular prices, Jehn Wanamaker. Itlnchfncru. ITteTt wmfz7)NTAi7 htatTenauyen glues, from a te MO horse-power, and Verti cal 1'nglncs from 2 te 40 horse-power, you will nnd them at JOHN lSKHl'H, 3.0 Kasl Kullen street. IJtOlt IlOl.TH, LAO HCHEWH, HK1' HUIIKWH, J Hqnarennd llnxagen Nut, these gmsLs In stock, at JOHN HEHT'H, XU Ceal I'lllten street. in7-tfd IOIl AM KIUCANHIUIITI'JCKllCYI.INnmi Lulirlcaters, UlassOII Cups for llenrlngs, vouennget them nt JOHN llLST'H, iWl Pjw Fulton street. uiT-tM InOH IlOILKIt 1 Ulli: llltUHIIUS, STILLKON ! Pipe Wrenchcs.Plticnnd .Menkey Wrenches cnniniiMU, i ilea, uu inns, tic, go 10 juiiis lll-ue 'ill ,'...,, ! I ..... . -., ...-r.l UCHI'.iUI lJisl Fulton strict mT-tfd I3AKTICULAU A'lTKNTION I'AIII TO L Mislcl Making, Patterns, Drawings nnd lllue Prints, nl prices rtnsennhlc, at JOHN IIEHT'H.SU Uakt Fulton stieet. m7-tfd STKAM rti:ATI.STHKeOMIN01li:VTFOIl ilwelllugs, churches, school houses, etc., lueugn successfully usea one lillliiliea years nge. When youceiilemplatoa ihaiigc call en JOHN J1IXT, who vrlllghe you a satisfactory. Jeb, nt n fair price. mT-tld IBlPH, IIOII.KIIH, MINING, UKNTHlKU gnl nnd Steam Pumps, el any capacity, al JOHN HiaTB.aWKastKultenKlncU lii7-lfd TJAUIATOltf eF ANY MAKHOlt"i)i: JLV sign, can be fiirnlfcheilntreusennbletlgurex, bj-JOHNllLKT.lKllliist Fulton Micct. Im7-tfil TTtOll OAHTINOH, IKON OH 1IKAMH, LIOI1T A.' tl liei.Va 1. 1 Rlllllb JIUUie, KO IU UUIliS llliir. ,1X1 liist Fulton street. m7-tfd rpANKS FOR WATUIt.OHJ, A('Il) OR OAb JL erany shnpe or capacity, rt fair prices, go te JOHNmT.iUl F-asl Fulton street. m7-tld TTIOR Sl'lIAM OAUOUS, HIOH OH LOW. Ij Pressure, Water Oauges, Onuge fecks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Ulass Tubes, Whistles, Hyphens for Hlcani Uaugis, Uj Under Oilers Plain, Water Onugn Columns. Cocks for HtenmrJaugCH.utlleu JOHN UIUT, XU list Fultenslreet. m7-tlil -VrllITK COTTON WAHTK, COPPKI) 1IY TV Iho pound, llie ; lu lets of lu pounds or ever.Uc. All goods delivered te any part of the ri iv i ice. uiiii en juua ui.-3j, xse, ;U Fast Fulton stiect. iu7-td IF IN WANT OF IIIIAKS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet nod lllb locks, 1-vcr Cocks, Hn lug Joints, call ami gel them, or Mmd jour order by mall, teJOHN 1IICS 1 , tut Kiwi Fulton stiet t. m7-tM (101.1) llRONZi;, LUil'IDS AND HIZINO T for slenni work, at JOHN HKST"S,!tW liist i ulten sllett. m7-tfd INJi:(Teiw,"7tTnT,.i mnTH.uTrnAN mnTH.uTrnAN ceck Inspiraters and Klceterx, Kbcrmau Heller Feeder, Penberthy InsiK-cler, American Injectors, nil In stock, at JOHN IlLSTH, :.( Dist 1'iilleiihtrcct. inT-tlil SAW -MILLS, 1IAHIC MILLS, COli MIU.S, leather Rellers, Tan Packers, Triple Herso Powers, Milling and Mlului; Machinery, al IOII.N UKHVH.3.M Wist Fulleu ktrei-t. In7-tfd T7IOR PRATT & CAIIY AHURHTOH DISO Valves, Jenkins Valves, Ilrass (Unbe Valves, llrassdate Valves. Iren llwly (Hobe Valves. Ijver harety Valves, Pep Salcty Valves, Air Valves, Radiator Valves, Pratt's Swinging Valves, Radiator Valves, Pratt's s Check Valves, llrass Cluck Valves.Foet Angle Valves, call at JOHN HF-ST'S, ; oei valves '. XII liis Fulton Street. m7-tfd TF YOU WAN T A FIRST-CLASH PORTAHLK Lnglue nnd Heller, en wheels, cheap, as the following prices shew: (I horse-power, JI75; 8 horwi-pew er, ISSi ; 10 horso-pewer, S.)7S; 11 horsi" hersi" horsi" pewer, J7S: Ul horse-power, Jl,175, call at JOHN HIXT'.s. :lU Knst Fulton street. m7-tfd 1710R HOILKRH, HORIZONTAL, TAHULAR, Vertical, Portable, Cj Under, Marine, or any sle or power, of the host material and workmanship, go te JOHN IlC-ir, :u.l 1'ast Ful ton street. m7-lfd y? frC 'LL-f OV PIPF.7 from" OUjU-UVJ Inch te Inch dlamcler, for sale at alew figure, and the only houselu the city wltli a plie cutting machine, cut tint; up te tl luch diameter, at J Oil. N lllir ,:iij li,st Ful ton street. m7-tfd ACKINtis, AS FOLLOWS: DIHIGeTfOU Steam and Hydniullc I'm ktug.Asbcst Hepe, Woven and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Sheathing, Oum PacU'iig.duin Rings for Water (lunges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As- nesins, i.ineu iseeiienni l'le cover, at .IU1IM llliird, a.11 Last Fulton street. iii7-tfd Slllll"!), "J-KW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Ca.ll and See FINE if LAMPS MRT COODS ON HLCONU FLOOR Jehn I. Arneld's Building, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dft-tfd I JLUMHINO, (JAH FITTINO, Ac. Jehn. P. Schaum & Sen. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFING, 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUASI'KIt PA. Wertl. T" UMIIRIt ANDCOAI. ,.,J.T)HAw;OHIIOOIWANI,CA8EH. W1T. LltN HARD WOODS. Wholesale nnd Retail, " , , , , H. H.MARTIN A CO., ut-lyd 2I Water Hlreet. Uuicaster. Pa. Y AUMUARDNKIW COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OiFirrssNe. 13) North Queen Street, and Ne. Ml North Prluce streeU YAUUrt North Prince Htreet, near Heading UeKiU augli-Ua LANOAHTKll, PA. SVt f$00e. MARTIN A CO. tt r l JJL V J. B. MARTIN & CO. V IGHT BARGAINS I -IN- Men's FIRST HAftaAIN-Flfty deienrenlarmad Ualbrlggan Hese, 12c n pair, worth 20c. SKCONI) I1AHOA1N A lel of 'Fancy Hest, In Stripes aud Solid Celers, at 19c a pair. THIRD I1AROAIN-A let of Hlue Flannel Shirts with the prices cut In two. FOURTH nAliaAIN Fifty deien Oauie Hhlrls, IlHlbrlggun, Leng and Short Sleeves, 31c each ; would be cheap at 50c. FIFTH HAnOAlN-Flannel Shirts, Light StrliH'S nnd New-Shades. The Shirt jeu wnnt fet Summer, 42c rnch ; City prices, 60c. SIXTH DAROAIN-A 49-eenl White Dress Shirt mnde or Kxtra Heavy Mutlln, Linen l!o.-em, all sizes, 12 te 18 Inches. HEVKNTJI UAHOAIN-A let or Pcrrnle Hhlrta, Geed Pntterns, eme are slightly soiled. They vvcre J1.U3 te V 50. The price new Is 75c. KIOHTII BAROAIN-Celluleld Cellars, lc. ZylonlteCollnts, luciach. Cor, Prince & W. King Sts,, LANCASTEK. PA. T HE PEOPLE'S OAMU STOKE, -IN- Summer Goods. rAl' HLACIC FHLNCHSATINES in Solid Celers nnu Ncnt Figures, which are very dura ble, 25e per ynul. ThobalameefBtockof FIGURED UATISTE te go al 10e per yard. Seme of these goods sold al ISc ami 20c. Oennlne Imported ZEPHYH GINGHAMS reduced I rem 31e and 370 te 25c. Demestic ZEPHYR GINGHAMS In excellent si j les nt lOcund 12c. Seme of these goods equal the Imported In style. Geed STYLE CII ALLIES nt OJJc, as pretty In design nnd coloring as expensive goods. White Dress Goods. Piques lii Cords and Checks, Llnen de Indcs, Victorias, Nalutoeks, Plaids, Strlc, Ac. Full Lines of EM1IHOIDERIES lu geed qual ity, from the very narrow te the widest widths. 25 East King Street, LANCASTEK. PA. unir'Jhlydlt ev nle ev itcttt. FOR RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM en 2d Meer, Ne. 12 West King street; fliust location In the city for olllce or light business. Inquire of W. W. AMOS, m2tMfd Aller's Gallery. T7I0R RENT THAT LARGE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. 20 EAST ICING STREET. Inquire within. mll-tfd TTIORSALL CHEAP A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 20 bv 2s feel, with two-story brick back liulld liig UU bv 20 feet. Hall and seven rooms. Let 20 by 215 feet. JOHN II. METZLER, la IIS. Duke St. s ECURE A HOME FOB YOUH FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Yenr Family. FOK SALE ON THE .MOST LIBURAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lanutster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard loef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, betvueu Chtstuul and Walnut bluets. Two-Mery brick dwelling houses with f-ent aids. Iren fences, lets 150 feet deen. en West iv aiimi, ueiwien -unry nnu fine sciceis, T o-Mery brick dwelling houses, lets 145 feet d(ei, en (st Lemen stieet, between Charlette, and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets lWfcet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front j ants en West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nev In streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lima North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary aud Pine streets. All the above houses ure lu geed order, newly papered, gas tlxturcs In all the rooms, water In (he kitchen, aud the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and stc forjeurself, no trouble te show 50U" JNO. F. OHIKL, .,.-, .IACOH ORIEL, J K"r-apr2e-lj d.M.W.S. 11 North Marv Street, finte. I EADING HATS. BIG REDUCTIONS -ON ALL Straw and Summer Hats, STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 ami 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. FDRN1SHING GOODS. J. B. Martin s Ce., Peeples Cash Stere, INGLITritEH STOCK FARM. STORM KING (21610 RECORD 2:.T0. Sired by Happy Medium, sire efSO performers from 2:1 1 te thlsi. Dam Topsy Tayler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire of Lulu, fll',, tc.. Ac. Terms for spring siaseu of lhue.ViJ lern foal. Fer tabulated pcdierce and ether Information, address DANIEL Q. ENGLE. aprlZ-UndAw Warlelta, l'a. tu Geebm, e PEX EVEY EVENING. Fer Bargains, TO- P.CSNYDER&BRO.. Ne. 14 West King St. Everything Sold At and Belew Cost, AH WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OFHUHINESS. majMnid w ASH GINGHAMS 1 WashGinghams -AT- A BARGAIN. WATT & SHAND, Offer one of Greatest Harcnlus ever seen In STRIPED AND PLAID DRESS GINGHAMS. Three Thousand Yards Fresh Uright Colorings nt tMc u yard : former price, ICe. ONE MORE CASE 36-Inch Printed Dress Challies, Choice Styles and Colorings, Uc a yard. a A few mere pieces left of these DARK GROUND DRhSS CHAL.LIES. in Hrewn, Blue. Green and Slate Grounds, 6c a yard ; only hnlf Its true value. ONE HUNDRED DOSEN I. X. L. Unlaundried Shirts. V.vrwls nvttrvtHli, nvit. .Iinnrn In fills ltttn made or the llcst Heavy Muslin, Linen Hosom and Culls, lined and relnforced.nud the price enly87c; nssoedasnny sold nt 50c. PjO Dezen Dark nnd Medium Gray Ladies' Summer Hese At 5c a pair ; worth 8c. The Brigand Sash. Four jnrds lone, innde of Surah Silk, Sewing Slik Fringe. In Ulack, Cream, llluc, White, Car dinal and Old Rese. 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. H AGER A BROTHER. July Prices. Summer Reductions -IN- 4TU (GINGHAMS, Fermer Price. 12kc. Al WO.J(.HA,(UHiFerI,crPrlceiU,(, f OINGHAMS, Fermer Price, llie. AT 1-JKiM L'HALLIS, Fermer Price, Kie. OUTING CLOTHS.FermerPrlce.lOc New Styles in Wash Flannels AT LOW PRICES. Special Styles in French Sateens AT JlXnUCr.!) PltlCLS. NEWEST COLORINGS IN WOOL CHALL18, 60 CENTS. LATE EFFECTS IN INDIA PONGEE. NEW STYLES IN EGYPTIAN COTTON. !)0STYLEdCHALLIS,Sc. PER YARD. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St., LANCASTER. PA. Jtcfi-fecvaUu'B. H ARDWARL, c. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO, Continental Lawn Mowers, Mew Quaker City Lawn Meweru, Hydrant Hepo and Garden He3e. R E F R IGER ATORS ! JEWiriT'S have the hlKhe,t:repulatlen,ijlve mere tatlractlen with less consumption of Ice, than any ether Refrigerator In the market. Jewctt's Water Coelers and Filters, Oem Water Filters, i Hammocks, Wire Window Sereens and Wire Screen Deers. Hardware and lleusefurnlshing Goods. NEW YORK STORE. DRESS MATERIALS. MGEMMII, GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO, -M A JO WEST KING STREET, m17-3md.M,W,S LAMA9TLR, I'A. fTratieUr' Ouibf. "PlHf!Srli"A'f A- UAILROADSCUEB -" "ccurein nor, 10, isa. -5I!.n.,ry,! LsweASTan aud leave su ""ruiiaaeipniaaa fellows t . IWKHTWARD. Hsveltlc Expressf..... News Ksprcasf...... Philadelphia. . -", lAnca j .tfi p. m. t-Xl a. m. ttfO a. m. 7.-00 a. in. l.'JS I flaSi si Mil u m i MalitralnviaMuieyt iu -a man aihiuIm. Nlairarn Ksprciis., Hanover Accem..., Fast Llnet....-...., Frederick Accem., I.nucater Accem.. Ijtnrju,tj.F Alwrtm via telum'uu. 8.50 a. m. ' via Uelnmbla ll, m . in lln-.w i nn J.-0OIJ1 via Columbia Kivi 2lf : ii:n a. in, via Mt. Jey. aae i-l HarrlsburK Accem.J f Vilitvrihla A w - ctt p. m 4:14 p. m 5:2i p. m :J0 p. m i rl Harrlsburs ExprcsJC Western Lxprcssf...-. 7!l 1 . !siS 1 til uauutsier cce. ? 1 eH lariy m Leave Lancanter, 2.20 a. m. 4:11 a. m. 6.20 a. m 8:10 a. m. S:M a. iu. i. m. 11:13 a. m. 12.SH p. m. 8 M p. in. ZXO v. m. 4:43 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 12.31 ii. u. Arrtv ,, 1 KAHrWAKD. Phlla. Expref...... KastLlncl Lancaster Acce..... llarrltburg Eipresn. Incatcr Accem Columbia Accjie... Atlantic Kxprestt-. HAnKlt.lB IP.nM.a ?t I SS'll ?K"mi ln.qn VUM'h ii:e i r2 !l.i JJ5 I u :j t 5.45 J : e:40 1 V Philadelphia Accem. rMannajr Mai !... .., Ha!T,bar Accem.. . ei 10:86 lU ...m, ,iniuT.IMH.M Frederick Accem..M ITha nnltf &) . .. .a On Bunday the Mall train wt runs by W t J. R, WOOD, Oenerm FMnencer Ad v4iw. j. uuui vwuuai aiMuttKur T EBANON A LANCASTER JOINT fl 1 JL4 KAIMIOAU. 1)1 Arrangements of Passenger Trains en ana bunday, May ll, lew. NORTHWARD, lave a.m. p.m. King Street, Lauc 7.-00 12:e Lnncantcr.. ...... ....... 7.-07 12:60 Columbia .. 12.SS Mnnhelm ...... 1:Xt 1.-20 Cornwall 7:59 1:18 A rrlln nl I Hun P. M.A. X. 65' 8KB 6:.B 8:13 8-03 8:45 :17 9:32 3:1)1 0-01 6:23, Lebanon - 8:11 1:68 0.40 SOUTHWARD. I .cave a. M. r. M, Lebnneu .7:12 12:30 Cornwall 7:27 12:11 Maabelm! 7:58 1:10 Lancaster Sin I:tS Arrlve at King Street, Lane. 8:15 1.5.1 Columbia 0:22 22 A. M. WI1 JJON, Snpt. R. 4 C, 8. S. NEFK. Hunt. C. R. IL P. M. A. K, 7:15 7:55 7:20 8:10 7:53' 8:40 8:18 B:U s.-ai o.2e IV:20 Railroad. THIEADELP1IA A HEADING RAILH isl READING A COl.UMlilA DIVISION On and after Hnuday, May II, 1889, t lenve l.uncfMtcr (King street), nu rollewa: Fer HcailliiL' nnd lutermeulnte nelnts. days, 7:10 a. in., 12: 10, 3:44 p.m.; Sunday, fc in., 8.G3 li. in. ber Philadelphia, week days, 7:40 a. in., I &:vs p. ni.; niinan)-K, " p. m. Ker New Yerk via Phllndelphla, week 7:40 a. in.. 12.3.1. 3:18 n. ill. Fer Nevr Yerk via AllenUiwu. week IP 12:40 p. m. Fer Allentown, week days, 7:10 a. ni., - ux.j nunuay, a:i p. m. i Fer Petuvllle, week days, 7:40a. m., 3:4 f. Sundav. 3:55 ti. m. Fer Lebanon, week days, 7:00 a. m., 12.3a p. ni. ; nuuuny, nau a. m, d:: p. in. Fer HiirrlKbiirg, week days, 7:00 a. in., J, p. .. , QUUU., K.W U, III. Fer Quarry vllle, week days, 0-20 a. in., 7.55, 8.00 p. m. ; Sunday, 5:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANCASTEIL Leave Heading, week days, 7:20, 11:55 a o.de p. in. : eunnny. tyjj n. m.; a:iu p. m. Leave Phi ad'lphla, week dayc, 4:10, 10 m.. 4.00 n. iu. LeaveNew Ye'fc via Philadelphia, weck( 7:15 n. in.. l::t . e. n. 12:15 iilnht. Lcave New Teft via Allentown, week c , 1."l tll,.,l.v'l. nil Leave Allfiuewi, week days, 5:17 a. m. p.m. . lioave Pettsv He, week days, 6:50 a. m, p.m. Iave Lebanon, wrek days, 7:12 h. m., 7:15 p. in.: Sunday, 7:55 n. in., 3:13 p. iu. Iieave Hnrrlsburg, week days, 6.-25 a. m.j dnv. 6.50 a. in. lieave Qunrryvllle, week days, 0.60, 11:50 a! 3:00 : Sundav. 7:10 a. m. IE ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. !a J.HKD I !lllllUllIIIUt, ,imillUI KU1WI W, anil deihii sireci wnan. for Atlanue city, wees Hays, exp 0.00 n. m. nnd 4:00 n. in.: AccenniKKln' 7:30 n. in. nnd 4:30 p. in.; Sunday, Exp v.uu n. m., ivccuiuiuuuuiiuu, e iu a. in., u. m. Returning leave Atlantic City, depot eei Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Week dt, i-.sprtss i;.u n. m. nua i p. m. acc mihlutleii.S.-Oin. in. and 4:10 p. m. Sunda Express, 4 p. in. Accommodation, 7:30 K hiiu ,.!' p. iu. Detailed time tables can be obtained at tl etttcea. A. A.McLEOD. C. O.lfANCOCK Vice Prcs. .t Oen'l M'gr. Oen'l Pass'r A QSvoccvtce. TltEISl-b. REIST'S STORE ABLA2 -WITH- FIREWORKS) Plugs, I.iutcrni. Balloons and Animal loons. Everything von want te see In the 1 vrerlts Line. Whole front of the store thru into a Retail Department. II will pay je mnloeur Firework helectlen with us. ' can de it under the cooling breeze of four mcuse electric fau. Ne hoi weather with ti: DOWN COMES SUGAR. A Pure Whlte Sugar nt 6J4c We told yeul ijeivi euy mnre man you reany ncca. we cctr. vvorde urcilc. OtritSITMMKIl IIIIINKH. Orance Cider. Risnberrv Nectarine c' French lllnckbcrry Juice, te the retnll trade J going neu. I'uiup iu mt gauen aegs no cua. for l;i'L'. KDlcetsiiiul clashes. Orders have j dupllcatcil right along Contains nonlceho! strictly tcinpcrauce auu rcrrcsiung uruiK. NEW MACKEREL. Large New Ne. 2 Mackerel, weighing 1 te Pis each, 12Wc nit). Li rge New N e. 1 Macke Tl Exlru Put, TICK Uolegnn, lie. llenelcs Hi H I2'c. Plcnle Ham, 10c. Dried liter, 10c. Ex Dried Hccf. 12V.'e. Knuckles. 15c lb. Steneaarc-Milk Clocks, P.ins, Jars, Hill Iets. Cream Crocks. Jutrs. Jt llv Crocks. .Ii tlllhes, Masen Fruit Jars, l'lnts, (Juartsu Half (iallens : Pint mid (Juart Hum Rings lars, mixed Hplccs, Insect Powder, Slug Hh Fly Paper, Fruit Sjrups, Hire's and Hast HeuL llccr. etc. Sce our Immense stock. Agents ler Chase .t Siiuhnrii's Fnmousllesli J Collees, put up In 50-tb Alr-tlght can. V,1 can't be without them. Give them a tilvl Roast and quality always unllenn. - J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND 1'HIFCK 81 Directly Opposite J. li. Martin A Ce.'s Dry (loud Stere, and Nest DoertoSorrel Herso Hetel. -Loek for the Hie Sign across the pats nicni. iMenv. EVANefJ.OUU. LEVAN'S FLOUR In the manufacture of th?' Fleur great care is exercised i the selection of the wheat, am by geed milling it is kept up t the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sarv te make the Best lireac and Handsome Biscuit. IS IriUU 1'LH.lil. I r- "ll. . ll .vi, IUI.IU t llaugers, I'lauip Hove. I'eupl'iigs, etc le'JOHN HbT. H East 1 ulten nr't. in7 ... ..,. . I.V.! uir i pnvf; r.rt t . g' i -STsnttTllE HINT HOT AIR I I ll.NAi'i: li the mnrltcl, go te JOHN II EST, 3:11 1 -as Fulton street. ni7-t T HOxfEU'S CORNER hALOON. UU A NI0K nOT LUN0II ; will be served ever morning from 9teI2.J)' HiiPlwrt c Ct lebrated liter drawn from Ihe keg uprXMfd H ENUi" WOL, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 13d East King street, having a full llnoef Furniture of every description at the lowest price. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended le. Call and examine our goods. HS-UdR II. WOLF. 131 East King lit! eel, X '-.