SPmTUBDAt JULY rM tei - s- (59 l ws Sk & &. ' - Vftfttl $ntUtgetu:cr. f ASMUHT J. BTKUttt Alt, U CSAMJSBSTKISMAN JTO1.TZ, Editor. K B0BK8T CLARK Publish-. YS, DAILY IWTELUGENCER-I'ubllshesl mrrdVln the year, but Sunday. Served by carrier In this city and surrounding towns at ten cent is week. By mall five dol lars year In advance; SO cents a month. U? tmUCLY INTELMOKNOKIt One dollar and l fly cent a year, I n advance. , Mfyrtrwn Rr.nanninrna nmit hv ehpck or pwtefflce order, and where neither of ' (Mm cam be procured send In a reglitered "t totter. JVattred at the Postefflce, n tecend class mall i natter. f iH- Annum TWB nrTGLT.taSNtmS. i V Lancaster. Pa, LAHOABTEB. PA., July 5, 1890. The 5cw States. KJ. 4UUI.-UUUUy.IinB IIUUIIIUI lUll',lUllvni. ; ii w nei raticu ei n suite, urn cueugu w '-&, witlsfy the object of it creation, which eems slrunlv te lirive been an increase EA-ln the number of Rcnubllcan United tt BUtes senators. Some half dozen state, W mam np Iaam ItiivA Intuit ltfn niiitiiifiic- iXltarcd for this iiurixre, and yet Senater l.&jBdmuuus la reported te iiave aiitHicu ?i thanllipr ilnv In the, Semite "te Oil r &J diminishing numbers,1' when speaking fa? of the Eenubllcau band. This nlnn of V making Republican senators Is se very Spit easily accomplished when the legislHtuie yp mnu presiucni are Heiniuncniis, him n has been quite tee much of a temptation for the Itepiibllcau leaders te with stand. In fact they never feel the least disposition te resist it. It nevcr occurs te them te hesitate when a party advantage is te be gained. Utah would be a state if Utah was reliably Republi can. It has an elder and largur com munity than! the fledgeling thathave Just been admitted te statehood without any population te sjicnk of, and se peer a? te be unable te pay tue expenses of their new dignity. They would net, in truth, want te be elected Inte states but for the advertise ment it is te them and the elation of feeling that they are as big in the Senate as jSew Yerk; and net even with such in ducement would they rush Inte state hood if it was net for the fellows who waut te be senator and ofllccheldcrs and who hurry the tiling along. It is a great Inducement te aspiring yjsi youth te seek the territories that they Rg offer such glittering political prize. When a population less tliun that of sV Lancaster eeuniy, spread ever a barren waste thinner than ever melneses was spread upon the bread of the motherless tfal child, Is assigned n pairef United States senators and a representative, bcslde a $ktttl complement of state efliccrs, It is j WWJT HVU 1111? tUIMJIltlllUll UUCICM lF (111- A.snslcyrnMnn. mill tsnefa1lv svnnn rai-flll. SCnl? -..Pm- -""-. ...... ......I........ ,. a...... .-... if cates of character are net required from &. iu luta'.i.i-t. juuiu is uiiiiuu Dims;?. jHSjte Senater Sanders, of Mentuuu. who lied VjL te Mentana from an Ohie Biiuriir'a w&r- etjf rant for forgery, and renchcu his present IgA nigh estate without a murmur of ebjec- 1 tien. Te be sure he get It by cheating the Democrats, but that is net te his discredit among his present associates in the leadership of the Republican party. ErwJf t ui' svuiu many niuiu wriiuiries EH5 remaining te be transformed into- I'e- publlcautates there inlt;!.t be a Sentite jMjvexcccuing iiicnetrce m meniucrs, seeing (t'W niat two senators and nut ene rcprcsen rcprcsen Jrltatlve is the allotment of these baby tesstatcs. Fortunately for the senatorial fei dlgulty, there are but ene or two tcrrl E&tHirics left. The present Congress pre- w'pases te clcau ui) all the avallable Re- fe publican territorial material. Utah, 'V ' jSftW Afiartn mill A .l.niin ma .nn ! 'wii 'iVAiui m 4kit.iiu uiu mil im moral and Dcmecratlu te be worthy of stateship in the Federal Union. But he who laughs last laughs best ; and It Is a matter for serious retlectieu for our hasty Itepubllcau legisla ture whether thrsc great territories that they are erecting into states with sparse populations may net speedily grew into Democratic states. That is the present outlook ; and the undertak ing te nil up the United States Senate with Republican stud from newly made states premises te llzzle out with the first installment of senators ; leav ing that aged and acrid Republican, Sen ior Edmunds, with yearly cause te mourn the diminishing number of He publican senators, uijtil they wither away te a thinness that may rival that Of Senater Evarts' political fame and physical corporation. The silver bill seems te sound a Re publican knell In the new states with Which the tariff bill chimes. Theio Is net n Republican idea that has u geed tlaver iu a Recky meuutalu state, ami when the immigrant becomes acclimated te thcineuntalu political atmosphere he will have a cold baud for Republican politics. AVhile the politicians of that party are se busy scheming te maintain its supremacy with stolen anchors, it behooves them te pay mere heed te the anchorage ground. After the Fourth. The glorious Fourth of July of Ib'JO Is martlaled with the days gene by. Once mere the toy eaunen, tlie firecracker and the two-dollar revolver have accom plished their grand aunual carnage, and the great Amerlcau small boy nurses his wounds and powder burns with bland smiles of imaginary but subllme delight. The lively alchemy of youth ful day dreams has made of him a here from gory battlefields, and the patriotic fire that burns within him forms a por per fect counter-irritant te lc-scu tlie pain from tlie burns of the fire works. Truly, there are many fine little heroes who have thus developed patriotic instincts that w ill grew with them te manhood. After the Fourth of July the memories of people get te work aud glorify the day aud its pleasures far bayeud the actual experience. The un pleasant features or every holiday make haste te bury themselves in pleasing ob livion, and it Is a blessing that it is se. Otherwise we could net take our holi days cheerfully aud get se much geed out of tbem. The pleasures of memory and Imagination are a very large share of tbe pleasures of life, aud there If. sub- stantlal reality In their effects. In contemplating the by-geue Iude pendence Day the most striking fact le many is the chuuge in the character of it celebration. It used te be the great day for precessions, herse races and spread cagle speeches, but new It has become a day for flight te the country. By necks and singly people go plc nlcklug or a-llshiug, calmly accepting the fact that we are a great "and lucky nation, and net earintc at all te Kim vidence of delirious joy or patriotic fervor, as did their grandfather or fathers. In ether days the helldav hnd mar. , (iifiJiam air. j- lugs lleated from man v ;ft jprlvatellbuKs, patriotic songs were suug . -j. In family circles, and the "SturSpaugled m. Banner" or "Yankee Deedle" vlmi y ... .,.... .. - t wjui -nan veiumuia, nappy J,and !" New the bauds play the battle song of SIM civil war, and the little hinging Is mera peacefully musical than patriotic. Fife, drum and bugle have been silenced for the shy notes of the guitar, and the tennis racket and base ball bat have replaced the bayonet and sword. There Is no cause for regret in this, but It should be remembered that the' fruits of the blessings of ncacc arc net the most stimulating national diet. War give a healthy stlrrliigup te the strongest and noblest sentiments. We have grown very rich and strong as a nation, and are inclined te show that we feci our eats In a way that makes the old world nation exceedingly careful net te get within kicking distance. We are high spirited and belligerent as ever we were In our younger days, and it Is only the geed luck of situation and circumstances that give us hoie of many years of peace. That hojie may be suddenly blasted any day, and It Is worth consid ering whether It is net a mistake te per mit a complete decay of martial spirit, and almwt total neglect of nillltary training. Iu the wars of the future the training of the individual soldier will count for mere than in the past, and in Europe every man gees through the school of the soldier. We have no need for the least effort toward rivalry of that gigantic system, which almost equals in annual cost the pension appropriations of our government. What wc may need is a few hundred theusaud young men witli souie little practical training In the work that may Iks required of them In war, and a nation with the firm, stern, death or duty spirit that was festered by the defeats and trials of war days, and should net be seen forgotten. State and nation should train the militia, and the fathers and mothers should use the Fourth of July te teach lessens of pa triots duty and unninchiug zeal. Tur. Nlagiira whirlfoel was duly en hand en the Fourth of July. Jehn I.. Smiles, a MIclilRnmler, entered tlie rnpUIH abeve the cantllevur bridge, and, nfler two wonderful escnpes from beiug daslied te pieces en lnrge rock, he was dually swept Inte an eddy and pulled out by nome men en sliurc. He bad a big hole Iu bis knee, mid did net care te complete tlm experi ment. Next. Tun Newfoundland, petition asking for redress of their grievance aud having fifteen thousand signatures, has been pro pre sauted Iu l'urlinuieut. Xew If Jehn Dull dees net quickly show nil Intorest and grant relief tliuie will bn ovldeuco of dogged Newfoundland determination. A ntf.l. 1 bofero Cnngnm appropriating fifty thousand dollars te be apportioned among the states which have nutliorlzed tlie ostablisluuenl of i naval nillltia. This seems a very small sum for a large under taking, but New Yerk secius te be the only state with a naval nillltlii te claim It. Mini. sit: n 1'iii:m'h made a Fourth of July speech In Ileilln at a banquet given te the American illlcmen. llu said that America's greatest danger arose from her luimonse material prosperity, n statement calculated te stliuulate oinlgratlen te Ameriun, for no one gels frightened at the dangers of ptesperity. Wmili: Americans leek askance nt Hungarian Immigration and talk of pro hibiting it the Hungarian government and peeple of the wealthier class nie even inore disturbed. 1 'ill Ice measures le pi event the emigration of tlie peasantry of Upper Hungary have proved of no avail and the yvificr Ze,r laments tlie less of se many stalwart laborers. Soiue return with their Havings after a few yeaia In America, but few remain in Hungary after tlieir teliirn. " They hive become estranged from tbelr homes, feel oppressed by the mUery that they find, and In a shot I time, taking their families w ilh thorn, they desert their father laud feuncr." This is sad for Imth coun tries. A WAMC-OVUH. Frem the I'lilludclphla l'rnss, June i-t. f)i:r.MtATi:ii Is the Itepublluan Salvatnr of Pennsylvania polities. Who will he the DnniociutleTonny V The news from Leng Hmnch en Friday was that S.dvater was withdrawn en uu uu uu coimtefu heavy track and Tenny wen by a walk-evor. Perhaps the iVcM Is a prophet, I'i'eimst IIiiunnan, who was Injured in a Chicago prize light with Frank (lerrard ou Thursday, has died aud the latter may have occasion te knew the (inference be tween spoil ami biiitality. Tin: using of a marriage ceremony as a fair attraction proves se successful finan cially that pioper criticism has no dis couraging ellect upon it. At Lewell, Massachusscts, en Friday, Clias. Q.ijtowell aud Ml us Lettio K, Andersen were married in a balloon. Ten thousand peeple at the fair grounds witnessed thu event. Itev. W. II. Downs, of ltosteu, perfermed tlie eoro eero eore moiiy. The balloon, iu charge of Prof. J. 1C. Alten, sailed away and tlie four have net since, been heard from. If they should all eome te grlef that particular style of fair marriage may become unpopular. This year, as en former Fourths, the toy ciiineu has been proved te be ene of the most dangerous of playthings. At Canten, Ohie, a little girl of eight was killed and a boy lest his hand by the bursting of a small toy cannon, and by the bursting of another In tlie same city a boy bud an eye blown out. The ddiuage by fireworks does net scorn very large wben ene con siders the large quantity used. The eyes usually sutler the most uu the Fourth of July. Over in Yeik two men let their sight by an oxpleslon of llrowerks and In Washington a boy of fifteen had both eyes blown out by u prumutute oxpleslon of powiier. ItAPIlHTY OF THOUGHT. SlraiiRoKxperloiieoor a Yeuuir Lawyer Ilui'luK Uucoiiscleubiir. A Teledo iJre man was sitting In un of fice en Adams stiect iceeutlj, chatting with the occupant, a well known voting lawyer, when the couxersatieu turned te dreams and the rapidity with which the brain worked during sleep. "Yes," re marked the legul gentleman, "the brain is a marvelous contrivance, lt'thiitfact ever skipped my memory it was brought forci bly le my mind u oral days since. I will tell you new it happened. 1 was sufteriug with a thumping toothache, ami resolved te have the ell'cuder out. Accerdlnglv, I made for the nearest dentist's whllemy determination was strong, and dropping into a dental chair, answered te his "will you take gas?" iu the alllriuative. It was my Initial experience with thai tluid, but I inhaled it without experiencing auv peculiar sensation at first. "I noticed pi csently, hewever, that the oillce clock ticked abnormally loud; iu fact, it seen was pounding away like ene of nrupps giant hammers. Finally I drilled nway into another state and found myself .i. .. en..nH., .uy. nuverm iiieuius passeu, and niimeieiiH trivial tilings hnimoued which 1 1 eincniber vividly, even the mlnut- C1 lit tails. Hellinhim' nr itlln.r I ...,i I., wit i a fast eiewd or young men, aud ene night during a quarrel exer a catue of poker I shot and fatally wounded ene of lljy CUIIlIHlIllOUH. I was arrested and, after the usual pto pte llmlnary preccwllngs, my cas0 e.iuie up for trial iuihu court of couuneii pleas. The trial was a Iciigthv ene. I reniL-mtinr ..n the district attorney's summing up and the siruugueieiice my uuuruey mautj In my eeuau, inn wiuieui avail, lur the court sentenced me le be esecutetl by electricity, a strange and learfal deaih. My lawyer get a stay of the execution of tlie sentence, and the ease was carried te the circuit court. Anether lengthy trial ensued, con cluding by the Judire confirming the de cision of the lower court, aud I again be came reconciled te the thought of being ex-e.-uied. My lawyer was untiring, and finally madeanether attempt te save my life, carrying the caee te the supreme court. I think something like a year mid a hstrolnpted Were tbe case eanie te trial for the third tltne. , ' However, tts conclusion bore no fruit te my liking, for 1 was again sentenced te an electrical execution. X spent many weary days In prison, and It was a rellcf when tlie day set apart for mj denth came around. I nwoke early, bathed, nte a hearty meal, aud at 10 o'clock, when tlie turnkey bockenod me te fellow ti In le the death-room. I was wholly nreitarrd te de- jnrt this llfe. I seated myself In tlie souie-. wuiu ciumny rimir, iiim iiijr mini ii n-" were stropped tightly down. A dampened spiinge was pliieed en my head, and, although I didn't leek up, knew well that tlie connection was made that would twin make ine a human conductor. I closed my eyes, but ocued Iheiii, lust in lliue te soe tlie Jailer drop a white handkerchief. At the Mine Instant tlie current was turned en. A dreadful wrenching, burning pain shot through my system, and then and thou I cnine te. I was under the Inlluence ergaslust 30 seconds. Yes, the human brain is a rapid worker. Auk ether. for Va.v Heutf.n's CoceA- lake no M) Yeung mnldcn If you'd beast these charms That win a lever te ene's nrmn, Aud that may never let hlin Re, Twill be through ROZ01JONT whete powers (lives te the breath the Imlm of flewcru, And leaves the teeth an white as snow. A l'olleonmn llrnersl Up. I). K. Oelllnn, membar of ellce, Haventh ward, Heading, 1'a., talks this way i "Huirerad saveruly from rhctunattsm ; netliliiK did me any itwsl till I tried Tiama' Eclrrtrlc Oil. It Is n iitcasnre le recnnimcnd It." Held Iu LanciMter by W.T. Hech, I37nndl; North linccn KtrccU The Common 1et. Thern I a plum no love ran revch, There Is n lime no voice can tench, 'I here In a chuln no power can break, '1 here l a sleep no sound can wake. Hoener or later that time will arrive, that place will wait for your eetiilnir. that rhnln must bind you Iu helpleM death, that strep mum full un your scnitcs. Hut thousands every year re untimely te their fate, mid thnnx.'inda every year pe untimely le their fain, and tliira sands mere IniRilien nut their days by heedful, timely rare. Fer the falling slri-nulli, the weak ening organs, the wastlm; bleed, Dr. l'lrce's Ueldeii .Medical l)lcetry Is n wonderful re re re s'onitlveaiul proleuger of strength arid life. It purines IhoblersI and lnlKerates the system, turreity leriirying it against diseases, in tiriifi- gists. F.H&w ilcUnhme. KEI.iaiOUb HLHVICI3H WILL III HKL1) lu the following churches en Holiday, In Ilia morning at 10.30, In tboetcnhigut 7:U. Hun day school at IMS p. iii. When the hour Is dif ferent His especially noted ! Nru' f Ulirni'if .-.Hrvlrpii nml HiimiIuv kflirwil to-mnrrew morning nt the usual hour, in Loek's building, Ne. 10 North Queen street, Divimu service en Hundiiy ifinrulng In the Hecldntid street school building at JOJi o'clock, Hutiduy schtsU nt2 p.m. Lvanekmcai. tirst Church. Hev. V. V. U'lir, pastor, (luriimn In the lueriiliig, Hundiiy school ntO a. tu. Hr, HrKriiKN'n I.iitiikiian Cerner of Dulce and Church streets, Hev. H. Mclster, pastor. ItEHiitUKU Wt. Lukk' MnrlcttA avenue, rtev. Win. K. Llchlltcr, pastor. Hunday school lit (I a. in. Ol.lVKT nAlTlST Ciluncii Last Vine near lluke street, Hev. M. Krayne, pastor. Hunday school ut U a. in. Ceininuulun at thccloseof Uiu morning service. Cuuncit op Den Cerner of Prince and Or nunc Hev. .1. II. Lsterllne, pastor, Hunday school at IMS a. in. Imcutsciie HureRH Hr. JnttAMNr.s Kiitcntrt Cerner of llrange and Mulberry streets. Her vive In tlieucrnian laugtiaKe rrem H.;) le Uhljii, in. and rrem 0 te 7:1.1 1. in. Uuuduy school from U. te 1:15 p. m. Mc.NNONlTn. Cerner of Hest Chestnut and Khcnuan streets. Services at 2 p. in. l'rruclitug In both laiiRitnucs. Pllusr llEreiiMKU. Hev. J. M. Tlliel, I). TI., pastor. Hcrvlces te-morrow morning and ccn Inc. Hunday school ntOa. in. Hiiiawuickiiv HrnKnT A. M. 1C Citnncit. Pieachlni; at 10,'fO n. m. and S p. m. Hunday school nl 2 p. in. Hev. II. A. Cremnrtle, pastor. Hr. Jehn's Luru khan Hev, II. F. Allenuiii, D. 1)., pastor, Hcrvlces at 11a. m, Iu (jcrniau Hcferined church, corner of Orange and Mill berry street. Hunday school atHt. Jehn's nt HM'in, in., and at (lelwald Memerial Mission ul2 p. in. ftoevcnlug scixp'c. I'KKsnrruitiAN MhMeuiAi. Ciiimicii Houth tj.ui'cn street, Themas Thompson, I). I)., pastor. Holiday school ut 0 m. m. Hucrauienl of Uiu Lord's supper 111 thecNeuhig. U.NirKi) Hunrriiui'.N in Ciiiiist, Covenant. Wusl ilrangeiinil Concord streets. Hev. r. W. Hiilslvr, p.ister, Hunday school at II a. Iu. Praise s-rvlce at 7:1. p. in. Meiiavian. Hev. J. Max Hark, D.D., pastor. Lltuuy and sermon; U a. m. Hunday school. In the evening jeung people's meeting Iu the lecture room. FliiST M. II Cltuncil Hev. H. M. Vernen, 1). D., iiaster. Hunday school at U am. Hncrament both morning ami evening. Chits nicetines at U:p. m. Hr. Paul's M. K. Ciitrncii Hev. L.C Yerkcs, pastor, II n. m. class. Hunday school at ti a. in. I'mycr service nl 0.00 p. m. Lvenlug ser vice nt IKIO p. in. (Ikaci; Lutiikban. Hev. C.E. Mauiit, pastor. Herlcesuinrnlug nnd evening. Hiinuny school uiu n, in. r.vpiuuK service iu d:.ri p. in. IvVANOKMOA OP EMMANUK1, i.urn KUAN HITN1IAY HCIIOOl. North Pine near Wutmil uiu a. m. WkhtbrnM. E. Ctitriscit. Itev. C. C. Clark, pastor, Cless incetliig nt i;30 u. in. Hunday school at lM'i p. in. EVANUIil.U'AI. ClinilCH. Itev. H.I). Albnght, Iiaster. Hunday school at U;I.'i n. in. Cintisr l.urnur.AX. Hev. E. L. Heed, pastor, Hunday school at tin. in, Piiksiivtkiiian. Hev. J. Y. Mitchell, 1). 1). pastor. NeceuliiR seivlre. Thiniiv LtrriiKiiAN, Huv. C. L. Fry, pastor. Hjstematle beiielleeuee day. National senium In t lie morning by the pastor. K cuing sermon by Hev, Frank I.. Fry. Hunday schoelul tin. in. Ht. Paul's Hiuoiimuh-Hev. J. W.Meiulngvr, pastor. Sunday school at On. in. hr. jAMbs' Citi'licil E. llranne and North llulcu street. 1 0..W a. in. Illuuy, sermon and Hely Communion , (1:15 p. in. ccusengj Wu. m. Hunday school. IN llOUTEN'H COCOA. THE UKE.YT COCOA OF KUHOPE, Till. COMINO ONE OF AMEIUO A Deticletu, SlrrngUmning te the VriM, Tea and cofi'ee cheer but de net nour ish. They even leave an injurious c fleet upon the nervous system. Indeed, there is no beverage like Van Heuten's Cocea (i Best and Gees Farthest." It ttnnulatcx aud mturithc as none ether, leave no bad ellects and is a llesh former of the most approved tys. -VAN HOUTEN 8 COCOA l" ence tried nhiajs usctl.") The strong may lake it with ple.uure and the weak with Impunity. The exciting t fleets of tea and collte ure obviated by Its steady use, and nervous disorders are rc rc lleed nnd presented, Delicious te the taste, " Larccst tale lu the world." ASIC FOK VAN HOtnCNH ANDTAKKNO OTHEH. (II) y INCO CIIEW1NH TOllACCt). VINCO (ILXTJU J-VXJ CHEWING TOBACCO. This Htieidard lirand of Plug Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the lest chew and the largest piece for the money In the market. Hiiro fm tag en rA lump. Its extensive sale fermauy curs has established Its reputation. There I nothing better. Try lu Fer sale by dealers nud grocers. 189Q iiprll-Wtoed-voiuMatw -"-' - TTOOnS 8AtWAFABtI.LA. SCROFULA, Is that Impurity of the bleed which produce unxlshtly lumps or swellings In the neck ; which causes runnlnr leres en the arms,leg, or feet i which develops ulcers In the ees, ears, or new, often canting blmdncM or deaf ness j which l the erlglri of pimple, cancerous growths, or" humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, cause consumption nnd death. It U the most nnrlcnt of diseases and very few jier jier eruarc entirely free from It. HOW CAN CURED Ily taking Heed's Harsapnrllt, which, by the remarkable euro It ba accomplished, has proven Itself te be a potent and peculiar medl. cine for this disease. If you sulfur from scrof ula try Heed's Barsaparllta, " Kvcry spring my wlfe and children b&ve been troubted with scrofula, my little boy three years old, being a terrlble sufferer. Lest spring he w one mass of sere from head te feet. We all took Heeds Harsapnrlllu, and all have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy Is entirely free from teres, and ail four of my children leek bright and healthy." W.M. II. Atiikrten, Passaic, N. J. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggists. l;tlxfer(.V I'repnred only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. 100 DOSFS ONE DOIiTjAR. (fi) ,iiiccllmtceu0. D O YOU WANT A OIHL THAT CAN UK recommend l'KNN'A K receminended ? Apply te :jii'lvmi:.nt iiuiieau, 12 Houth Dtike atns;U rilllH Nl'.W HLAMLKHS HTKLLCOOKINO JL Ware is better than granite and sells for half the price, AT itKINHOLW'H. IN nVK.TKN.TWKNTV.FIVEANDFIITY Pound Paekaifes. LANCAHTLIt OIIKMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENHICHEH. Held everywhere. rnin: hlamlkhs-ciiokine wake ih JL strong, diiialilc and cheap, AT HEINHOLDH. V A NTED-OIHLS KOIt OENKKAL V Housework ; geed situations furnUhcd free of cluirife. A pply PLNN'A EMPLOYMENT I1UHFAU, 12 Houth Duke Street. A T OUH OKK1CI YOU CAN (JET ANY J.X- a mount of LANCAHTKH CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENHICHEH. r ANTEI) HOUHKH TO PAHrUHE. T T A'lim-iS, uprSI-trd W. W. (1HOHH, Neirsvllle, Pa. A,' 1UA L C (llll5Alr IMPIKIVEMENT TO 1)1. II OH NewljiwnsliyuslngLANCAHTEUCUEM- u.mi'ain i.AWis Kiiii;nr;ii. rillN TOP JELLY ULAHSF.S AT 2.')C PEK Dezen, AT HEINHOLDH. BALTLMOHEMU1UALAIDBOC1ETY. ltCTUlres sesernl competent nnd trust worthy men of gentlemanly appearance te ect as collectors. Alse two men ns nsst. Mints. W.J. UAH MOT, JeC-tfil 116 nist King Ht., 1 juirnstcr, Pa. 7t VEK DA Y A CHEAP DAY li vT KEINIIOLD'3. "IIHIW WANTED FOlt HOUHEUOIUC T Hltiiatlens free. LANCAHl'Elt EMPLOYMENT nilRI AO, Ne. 01 North Dukustrcet. OIIKItltY HHANDY-HLAYMAICElfH HU HU perler Cherry llruiidy fei Dlarrlia-a mid Hummer Complaint. 2) EAST ICINfl ST., II. E. HLAYMAICEK, AgL rrUIHY CAN ALL COPY HOT NONECAN k. Iiial Hilly Waltz's lluvniia Filler Clirar nl NOH. 6 te Ittl NOHTH QuEEN HT. decMindM.Til.Th.H C "10NnuTLt.it cecjikank'sITuiTlin AND j HellastOliiRcrAle. The very best Ginger Ale Imperteil te the II. H. 2S EAST KINO HTHEET, CITY, II. K. HLAYMAICEK. Ag. "VTKW (10ODS, LOW PHICF.S AND A COOL i. ntore iiuem makes snenpinK pirnsaiit. AT 1 Ul.lJN .'HOI. U.S. 1T1IAT IH TWENTY-FIVE CENTS iO tt create u IlcuutlfulLawnerKcnewunOld One. lOK HAULEaUIN FKU1T. PUKE JAMAICA HPIK1TH. 20 L. KING. II. E. HLAYMAICEK, Agl. -OEOEIVED I JLv ley Wine c ibil Clarcl, Gut: DIHECT FHOM NAPA VAI- Ce , California, superior Zlnf.in itadel nml rinnthrnsu Wines. The hist named Wlne Is very dellcnte and n do de do llcleus Ladles' Wine. 2U EAST KINO 8TKKKT, CITY. II. E. HLAYMAICEK, Agt. 1" UDGEH HAVE LONG "SINCE DECIDED tli.it Hilly Waltz'sClgar Is the Most Iu the State. Fer sale at NOS.fi 101 NOHTH QUEEN ST. decW.mdM.Tu.Th.H AY rini'H ATEHIHMAN'H, Ne. i West KlueSt.. Opposite Cooper Heuse. P1 NHIONB. PENSIONS- The New Pension llllljuvt passed entitles nil Heldlers, Widows, Miner Clilldirn nnd Dcpen. dent Parents te n jienslen. 1 will attend te nit applications placed In my hands promptly. I have had four years' experlonce In the pension oillce nl Washington, D. C SII ASW.SUIKIC. Je23-"Jind ID North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. T APAKKIHIENNE Negligee Shirt, AT KKISMAN'S. qKOCTAHItANK. ELAraETSHIRTS. nl-lvd CALIFOKN1A. Hvclul Parlies. Bcinl-mnnthlv. Tourist spelling ears. Cheap rotes. Houlliern'PacltleCo. Addicss, E. HAWLEY, Assistant Generul Trallle Malinger, 811 llnsiduay, timv Yerk: It, J. HMIlil.Ageiil, IDS. Bd HL. Ph Uiu anl0-lyd2taw C"1 OTO HUAlKiUAKTEUH I X We nre Headquarters for Fishing Tackle. 1'elltlicd lirnss Heel". 15c. Three-Jointed HchN, Willi brass ferrules, 12. Llnis, Hisilcs, Sinker. Leaders, Mountings, Ve. FKAILEY'H EAST END PHAKMACY, (Oppesltu Ijisteru Market). fiirFriilley's Hnrsai.irllla Coinpeuud will prevent Prickly Heal, Pimples mid Hella by pu rllMiu; tlie bleed. Price, COe and 81. M.W.FAw DHUNKENNESS LIQUOKHAIIIT. lu All the World there Is but One Cure. 1)11. II A INKS' OOLDKN SPECIFIC. It can te given In n cup of colleeer tea, or In articles of feed, wUheut the knouledgeortho lntteut, If necesnry : It Is abseluielv lianuless and will elfect n )erniauent and seelv cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or mi alcoholic wreck. IT NEVF.lt FAILS. It operates se uulelly and with such certainty that the paltenl undergoes no Inconvenience, ami em he Is aware, Ms complete reformation Is ctlccted, IS nairu book of particulars free. CIIAH. A. LOCHEK, Druggist. Ne. U Vm.. King HU, LaucuHtcr, Pa. OCI2S eed-IT'liAS rpe PENHIONEHS. TO PENSIONERS, JacebK. Barr, ALDERMAN, NO. HI SOUTH DCKE STUKKT. A soldier for cars, and a successful and o e perleuced Pension Claim Agent for 5 years Abks his com miles and their widows te apply te his agency for Pensions under the net ap proved bj the Picsldcnt, June 27, IW. Ne fee unless successful. Jy2-3td TMPOUTANTI ii .seu will lake llie trouble te call en us, we think we can Interest you In our line of Heets and Shoes. Our stock Is complete nnd we exercise great care In the selection of our geed". Alt or us being PractlcMl iu sumo branch of the shoe ljiislness, we feci able toglse youpctntseu shoes Hint will be of value te you. Established In ISM, and the business contin ued from that time te this, should gl tin that experience net possessed by some etlma lu tlie business. Our stock embraces nil delreble erodes Men's Fine Dress Shoes, ruuglne lu price from SI W te IT CM, and Ladles' from II 10 te U DO. Call aud you will net be deceived, wm. hTgast, WH NO. 12J NOHTH Q UEEN 1JT. 9VaistmHc'. PHlLADKLI'lltA, Haturday, Jaly 5, 110. De you realize, hew far quality has getjahead of price in the Cotten Dress Goods ? Take the 5 centLawns. Geed, substantial cloth without a par ticle of dressing. Pure cotton, clean, even thread," -without humps or hmips. White grounds with Small and medium figures in bleek pink brown blue. Only think of a full dress pattern of such stuff for 60 cents or se ! The 6 -cent Challis are just as unusual. 8 cents would be a very fair price for them. Fine even cream cloth hand somely printed, and ever)' one a this-year design. Acress the room you ceuldn t tell tnem from the finest French Challis. The whole romp and rout of Cotten Outing Stufis is caper ing te the same money saving jingle 10a Flannelsttes at 8c. UUt: 1 eurlsta' Cleth at 10c. 12Jc Outing Cleth at 10c Se are the Wash Flannels, these handsome, unshrinkable, delightful Ceylens and Llamas : 2.V! Wah Flannels. 20c Mc Llama Flannels, :r?!c. ,'Oc Ceylon Flannels, 37Hc Of all the modest priced Trunks, Ne. 71 has the mer riest smile for baggage smash ers. Streng frame, well cov ered, combination lock, extra heavy catches, wooden cleats, steel clamps, and three strap hinges. A sightly trunk, tee, and only 6 te $10 for 28 te 36 inch sizes. Of course The atrical Trunks ($10 te $14) are stronger, se are Sele Leather Trunks. They are all here and a room full mere, including : Haratega. 11.60 te $17. Bteamer Trunks up te 110. llasket Trunks, 2l,2r, 125. Basket Steamer Trunks, ill.25up. Jehn Wanamaker. UU J5oeb. J. II. MAKTIN & CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. EIGHT BARGAINS -IN- Men's TI KST I1AKQAIN' Fifty dozen rcsiilar made Uulbrlgguti Hese, 12j-e a pair, worth 20c HECON1) UAHCAIN-A let of Fancy Hese, In Htrlpcs and Helld Celers, nt 19c a pair. TI1IKD HAROAIN-A let of Utile Flannel Hhlrts with the prices cut In two. FOUKTH HAKOAIN-Flfty deren Uaure Shirts, UalbriKumi, Leng and Hherl Hleevcs, 31c eacli ; would be cheap nt 50c. FIFTH HAKOAIN-Flannel Hhlrts, Light Htrlpcs ami New Hhudes. 'IhcHhlrt you want fei Hummer, 42c ench ; City prices, 60c. HIXTH UA AGAIN A 19-cent Whlte Dress fihlrt made of Kxtra Heavy Muslin, Linen Ilesimi, all sizes, 12 te IS Inches. HP.VF.NTK KAKOAIN-A let or Percale Bhlrls, Oeisl Patterns, sonic are slightly soiled. They were J1.23 te SI 50. The price new Is 75c. KlOllTH HAHOAIN-Cclluleld Cellars, 19c Zvlenllc Cellins, 15c each. J. B. Martin d Ce., Cor. Prince & W. King Sts,, LANCASTER, PA. 1UE PEOPLE'S CAHI1 HTOHK, -IN- Summer Goods. FAST BLACK FKKNCU HATIMIS tu Helld Celers una Neat Figures, which are very dura ble, 2jc per yard. The balance of stock of FIOUKEI) 11AT1HTE te coat KVpcr jiiril. Heme of these goods sold nt ISc mul 20c. Oenulne Imported ZEPHYK OINQHAMri reduced Irem 31c and 37J Jc te 25c Demestic ZEFII VK GINGHAMS In excellent stylesat leciind 12c Heme of these coeils cfjual the Imported In style. Geed HTYLK CHALLIE3 at 64c, as pietty In design nnd colerlus as cxpeiuls e goods. White Dress Goods. PlipMes In Cords and Check. I.lnen de Hides, Victorias, Nainsoeks. Plaids, Htrlpcs, Ac. Full Lines of CMIIIIOIDEIUKH In geed iimil. It y, from the very narrow te the widest widths. People's Cash Stere, 25 East King Street, LANCAHrUlt, PAi FORNISHING GOODS. ffrecerte. T CLAKKF8 (HI'ECIAL.) One rer Lach Way or the Week, AT Saturday, June 28, will sell Magnelia Sugar Cured Hams nt is-. Monday. June 00, will ll Quart Masen Jars atTScpcrdezcn. Tuesday, July 1, will sell 11 pounds of Avcna for 2ec. Wednesday, July 2, will sell best Edam Cheese rer7Se, Thursday, July 3, will tell French Oldne OlNIl ItL 0K, rriuny eeing uie sin, we win sell Friday's Bargain en Saturday, which Is two pounds Cinnamon and two pounds Pcener for 3c. lle- member you get a pound of each for 30c Samuel Clarke, Agt., Tea, Coffee and Grocery Stere, 12 A II Houth Queen HL, Near Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. -Telephone and Free Delivery. "7K)K TII K 4TH OF JULY, 1800. BURSK'S! HEADQUARTERS FOK FIREWORKS! WHOLESALE ANDUETAIL. WOncn This Evening and All Day To-Mer-row. Make Your Selection Early. NO. 17 KAST KINO STRKKT, LANCASTER. PA. T HEISTS. REIST'S STORE ABLAZE -WITH- FIREWORKS. Flags, Lanterns, Balloons nnd Animal Dal loons. EserylhliiK you want te see In the Fire works Line. Whole front of the store thrown Intealtctall Department. It will pay you te makoyeur Firework Selection Willi us. Yeu can de It under tbe cooling breeze of four Im Im mense electric fans. Ne hoi weather with us. DOWN COMES SUGAR. A Pure White Sugar nt-CJc We told you se. Don't buy mere than yen really need. We ex pect n worse break. OUK SUMMER DKINKS. Orange cider, Raspberry Nectarine and French Hlackbcrry Juice, te the retail trade are KOltijrfast. Put up In six gallon kegs no charge IO (or keirs. snltreta nnd classes. Orders have been duplicated right along, Contains no alcohol, a strictly temperance and refreshing drink. NEW MAC1CEHEL. Large New Ne. e New Ne. 2 Mackerel, welghlnp 1 telj h, 12KcaR). LnrgeNew Ne. 1 Mackerel, Fat, He ,. Unlegnn, Oc lleneless Ham, ms eacn. r.xira rai. lie fi Ky,r. Picnic Ham, 10c Dried lleef, 10c. Extra Dried Heer. 12Kc Knuckles, 15c lb. btenewnre Jlllk Crocks, Pans, Jars, Hetter Pets. Cream Crocks. Jobs, Jelly Crocks, Jelly Glasses, Masen Fruit Jhts, Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens: Pint and Quart Gum Kings for lars, mixed Hplccs, Insect Powder, HlugHhet, Fly Paper, Fruit Syrups, Hire's and laser's Reet Beer, etc. Hee our Immense stock. Agents for Chasa Jt Sanborn's FomeusBoston Coffees, put up In 50-lb Alr-tlght cans. Yeu can't be without tbem. Give them a trial. Roast and quality always tinlfeim. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PHIf'CK STH. Directly Oppesl te J. I). Martin & Ce.'s Dry GoedsBtore, and Next Doer te Serrel Herso Hetel. 3Loek for the Big Sign across the pave ment. lethlnn. M YERS A RATHFON. AN ATTRACTIVE LINE OF SUMMER CLOTHING AT REASONABLE PRICES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. s Thin Goats and Yests FROM Jl 25 TO 17 SO. Uandsome In St le and Celer nnd Substantially Made. Just such as you'll want for Het Weather. In Our Custom Department We Are Showing an Unusually Handsome Line of Summer Suiting, in Serges. Prices. 118, IX te S2.-. Celers, Illue and Black. Such ijoeds at these prices ere rare. Myers & Rathven, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. i'lata. LADING HATS. BIG REDUCTIONS -ON ALL Straw and Summer Hats, STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. 710KTIIE HKsr HOT AIR Fl'KNACH IN the market, en te JOHN BUST. SU East Fulton street. niT-tld A T ROSTER'S CORNER SAU)ON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will 13 ered every morning from 0 te lC-"0. RuniKTt's Cclibraieil llcerdmwn from the keg. npr.-tfd TFVOU wantaTTrst-classpektaiii.e I Engine nnd Heller, ou "heels, chc.ip, ns .the following prices shew: ti horse-pewr, 11.5 ; 8 horse-power. Mii ; 10 horse-power, Se75; 15 hon.c hen.c hon.c pewer, is75: 'J) lioi-sc-pewer. l,l"3, call nt JOHN BESTS, atlEiist Fnllen stieeu in. tfd 30,000 FHOM fc Inch te U Inch dinmciei , for i - knif.ni u low neure. aim uT . 'mj ..u..- ... ...v . m . ...i I1..1 Anil rmitv.. in tiin ..i,.. irin, nniittciiltlni: limcliliie, culling en te e Inch illawi li-r, at JOHN Ul J M,ui-asi j in- 17IOH BOILERS, HORIZONTAL. TABULA It. b Willful. Portable. C Under. Mailne, of Hiiv sire or power, of tlie bei.t material and werkmui wlilpg.. te JOHN Br-sr. SSI East Fill, ten trc't in.-tM teu tlrtet. 17 tld $her. S' UMMERSHOKHt THEMANWHO INTRODCCED TUEFOtl E.EEE In the Matter Of Shee! WAS D. P STA0KH0U8K, N0S. 28 AND 30 EAST KIHO STKEll ANDHEISNOVv INTRODUCING THEl FOUIl ' XLS, AS HE XLS In Styles, Xln In quality, XIX In Vartetv. and Xl.-slnLewPrlc! Call and He Will Prove It te Yeu. STACK HOUS NOS.23 Jt CO EAST KING ST. SHOE SHAPES NESS. THAT SUGGEST COi OPERA SLIPPERSANDOXFORI Lewut Shoes In many different I siyies una rcuuy saie incse warm aays. All the leading pretty shapes for Ladles' nnd Children wear are nere In both black and russet learners. Frcttv shaped Slippers for Ladles' wenrniGOc. Kid lentlier miners, heels of moderate height, with neat nnd tasty round tees. Slltchedand madostrenxly. rarely escr rip. Much belter than the I usual srades sold elsewhere at llke cost. At"5ethe grade Is better. The stock In them slightly bcttcccd; mera pains IAKCU in me mnicing. a cucap ana nrctlv sllnner Indies should see. Atil better kinds still, made en pretty shaped lasts, slightly arched. The stltchlnir Is Strem.', nre mnde and fin ished neatly, have geed, strong ceun ters ana ru snugiy. Common Seuse Opera Slippers for middle-need ladles nt 11.25. Comferta- bio from the tlrst time worn. Fer this reason they grew stronger favorites cxeryday. Tbey weer long nnd strong. Full Dress OncraSllniHTs for Fashion- nbte Yeung Ladles at $1.50 nnd $2. The newest nnd prettiest styles. Specially adapted for weddings, soil cee and like seelal events. Misses' 0iern Slippers from 40c a pair up te the finest and handsomest made. Axed Ladles' tnckless, nelselers and comferUible buskins, $1 te 12. Have low heels, bread soles, are wlde nt the tes and hand-sewed ; light, soft und easy en the feet. Ladles' Oxfords Neat, attractive, sty, ltsh kinds. The best lines of Oxfords for perfect flttlnceualltles sold In Lan caster. De net gup nt sides, fit closely. This Is ns true of the cheapest as well as the finest we have. We have them at 60, 75c, II, I1.2j and up. Wc ve many line grades of Slippers nnd Oxfords in various flne leathers, In Opera Houare Tee and Common Sense Styles. Haud sewed. nnd faultless In fit. make and finish. All of them marked at reason able prices. Net n fen kinds, but plenty of them thnt makes cheesing easy. SHAUB & BURN! 14 North Queen Street, Jjaneas-I tek. Pa. s UMMER SHOES! TENNIS OXFORDS I hnsc one of the Largest Lines of Men's, il eies, musses', ueys' ami leiuus j minis i fords in the city. Men's Brown Checkered Tennli Oxfords, 41 Bey's " " " " it Ladles' " " " i Misses' " " " " Youths' " " "31 Men's Second Grade Light Tennis Oxrerds, 1 Hey's " " " " hi Iidlcs' " " " " &1 Misses' " " " " UM Youths' " " " " .Men's Best Grade Latest Light Stripe Ox.. II I Bey's ' " " " U.1 Ladles' " " " " Men's BestGrndeTennls Bals.ln Light ChcJ und helld lirewn.Sl 60. I has e also a LarceLlne of Men's. Bev's. 1 dies' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfords, wll Rubber Seles, having Leather Soles betwctl the Rubber Seles and I nselcs, at II UU, !1 23, $1 1 nnu t. uu. See Lame Display in Ea: Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOEJ N03.3 & 6 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. yHtoieCleed Every Evining at 6 o'clecl Exceptiienuny una i-iuurney. -S.AKPET8 I CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEINCl WORKS I Are second te none in Pennsylvania for flnlshl ei worn ei an Kiuus. r earners ijycu ah Hiiaaes i urucrs win rcccise prompt uiittiiueu. PHILIP NO. PiO SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa. feblMmd TTSOIl I'IM.I.rVH. HIIAKTING. COLLARS M LJ . KniiKers, Clamp Bexes. Ceuptlruis, etc., git ip llexes, L'eupnriKs, en-., kiisj te JOHN HIr.;i.tl lUst Fulton street. m7-tfdl Neckties and Pins, AT ERISMAN'B. 171NGI.KTREE al'OCKl'AllM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2:30. Hired by Happy Medium, sire efM performers! Irem i:ti;i ie. v. uain lensy inyier ey .ivx- .urn' r .-sniiniiu, Mre ei r.uiu, -:n".. AC dc. Trims ler i Fer tubulated ndilrcss prlnirieasen of 16W. 150 for a foal. IV L..I.U. ....'.. .Uti uv. ivuigreennn einer iniorniatien, DANIEL. H. ENGI.E. nprl'ilind.tw Marietta. Pa. TTENRr'WOLl', FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East Kinc street. Iiarlne a I A.ll 11 1 1. ......... .l.....ltln. !. ilfscrlntlen at tbe. i .-' "". ---- --------- . ,, ....i,,-- ii,n irti.inr.ub lowest prices. Alse Uudcrtaklug promptly at tended 10. Leu aim examine our koeus. 18-tfdR H. WOLF. IS3 KiuR Ktug StrMt, ij-'tt s