A Sis Eft s P3 wUs.-JVV-"'' AT THIt NOl-X f.-, Inttllt0cnccr 'J.BTK1NMAN. OBAmUBBTKtKMANTOL'ra, SeUten. OBERT CLARK Publlahaf. DAILY lIITEU.iaKNCKR,-Piiblliti(d , y mimrr aay in Hie year, cms aunaay. en j,, y earned in tnii city ana raireunuiun '"' sawn at ten cents a week. BymallflTede.. v lew year In advance: 60 cenU month. A - - nttKLt.iaKjrCER-One Hellar ana Nvmtit year, In advance. te BOBacRiBinw-nemU by check lee ardor, and where neirner 01 be procured lend In a registered at the Fotteffloe, m second clan mall & TBI IKTSLUOBNCn, 4 Lancaster. Pa. :fr as . t ivniiers PA., July 3, 1890. !,' CWflVAVXW. J, TkA IAMVAuflAa Wni-lr "wThe Bcrnnten convention did Ha work Iwwlth great speed and harmony and it te IP'S be greatly applauded therefer, when ILw;&.Aa1iM4u. tMM smi.1..b.V !.. Willi in fin It rz?."? rr. " 7"?: . ?.,:,:. v; : ; , wen ler mem 10 ue n ijuitmj. . - &liet for the w nnem. beet for uieie8cni FfJand beat for the narty altogether. The MBeranten delegates evidently knew who KLthcy weuted te nominate for governor ef&'andene ballet told the tale. They wanted FJvPatt.sen, becauwj Fattisen ouce was 5fv7i &tAMlu) anJ Alflni lt IliA ipnVmnr p$ tblp has been of late years no rare an achievement, ler a Dcmecrnt in l'eun- -ylvanla thnt It wni natural for tne ocrniuen cieiegaics 10 ceuuuh.u that the man who hed dene Sw it nnce was the best man te trv it strain. fi$P We accent their decision ex necessitate H" ret, and trust that the result will ehew tnat tucir luuguieni was ngni auu our s Sa,X 'wrong. The L.nncnsier ueieguics nan no part in naming tue nucccssiiu nominee, and will have neither responsibility nor credit for the event. It is net necessary te, and we de net, cbange our opinion as te the etrcuL'th of (he nomination ; our Bte -only duty Is te lend our best ncrvlcc te Wt"j il. ...,.... ...l.lnl. ,,-., .l.nll .InnnnlUllil ! and earnestly. It is n geed ticket, tills old ticket of ours, whether It wins or loses, and does net leso any strength by its having been filled out with the name of Black. Albeit we nre surprised thnt this motion had his h km: lit. It is a ticket te be nreud of. Nothing kif cnu be charged against the integrity or ,L txt IttifttllrrrvMfri rf t 111. t .Mttlttir-ntl rPlmV "jv' are unucuinuiy iiuucet mm cnpuuiu nun -.... .1.1.- 1 t I l.tA...l fes.1. ticket, which is net receumicuded by 6?W twrseunl .nte.rr.iv and which is. mere- J, ever, known te lie the bedv nnd snlrlt of Quay. The question of the election of tbe P'Demec ratio ticket deiic nds entirely upon 3V.. that as te the innnlier of Itcpublluaus ?? who will lw deterred from voting for Igk. Quay's ticket. The nomination of Put- Et. lisen ever Wallace uenensiraicu mat the convention bad no laltn in tne abil ity of the Dcmocratie party te elect its candidate, whatever its enthusiasm ami " whatever the Republican lukcwarm ness, without a considerable accession of ' Republican votes. And that we consider te be the outlook new of the battle. The convention did a. very geed thing '(ln selecting Mr. Harrity as the conductor of the fight. He led the successful con- t;st of the caudidntc, and is very conipo cenipo conipe ! tent iudecd te lead the state battle. Whatever strength tlicre is in ills side l he will develop, we feel nuite sure. W$ e couve,l'en u,9 ,lii vcry we 'u PP which aromnde cleariy,brleflyand witli- feJ'Teut hackneyed expression. They de- p4 relare principles nnd pelicieswhich should W0 win popular support, if such may be supposed te be given te sound doctrine. Unfortunately the public temper at election tlme is rather te leek at the color of the ticket than its quality ; black gathering te blnck nnd white te white. We will lie nlile te tell, when we get further along lu the canvass, what disposition there may be in the blacks te vole white. The I'eurtli. Here is the eve of the glorious Fourth of July, and the indications are thnt it (Will be no less glorious, het, noisy nnd "TlirppyUian the many ether fourths that havd'gene before it. Things were net always thus. An extract from the files of this paper for 1705 was published ou Weduesday,shevliig that at that date the celebration of the day was chiefly by means of formal stately banquets where patriotic, gallaut and philanthropic toasts were drunk by the men who hud taken part in the actuul struggle for freedom and knew all its costs, while they hardly measured its probable re sults. It is easy te see hew the celobra celebra celobra tien grew from thews banquets ; hew the replies te the toasts grew year by year mere wordy nnd oratorical until the limit of time allowed but few speakers and the famous but new obsolete Fourth of July spread eagle speeches were the feature of the day. Then Chinese crackers came Inte use, and the great American small boy took active charge of the celebration, and has firmly held control ever since. The Fourth is his day, and will remain mi, for the grown-up citizens who take active part in thu demonstration of patriotism by explosions and fireworks are practically boys again for the occa sion, and no doubt it does them geed. The only thing te be re gretted is that the celebration is net managed with mera consideration for the geed citizens who de net enjoy savage manifestations of Jey by noise. Ne oiie likes te be charged witli discour aging the patiietlMu of young America, and meht people arc willing te submit temitery nud risk of contliigrutlen for a few hours and euce a year; but the line should be sharply drawn te check the barbarous abuse of this complacency by the men who try te be boys again but don't knew hew. The average boy is tired out and icady for sleep ubeut midnight of the Fourth, and moreover. he does net usually rlseup at two o'clock en the morning of the day te murder sleep with a deuble-barrelled shotgun, or package of common crackers. The Idiotic and Inconsiderate past midnight explosions arc the work of putilets of matuie years and rcliucd brass, who aie often heavily leaded, but hopelessly lack capacity te make any neise in the world except by gunpowder. At piesjcnt the outrage must be borne, but It is hoped that in the near future a steadily advancing public sentiment will cenfiue the noisy fireworks celebra tion within sane and telerable limits. The fireworks that depend upon brllliaut colors und scenic effects ale pleasing te all aud worthy of hearty enceuragemeut, hut the explosive article has u limited number of admirers, and its tortures should have a time-limit. The Cilr Health. The sclccl council fulled te approve the erdlnauc creating a Heard 'of Health. We are net advised of the reason Inducing thu action of Messrs. McCemyy and long, whose two votes sufficed te keep the ordinance lu scleet council from receiving a comtltaUenal majority, after commea cdwncB' hriO unanimously approved the 'ordinance. We presume that it Is Deme matter of detail in the bill that they objected te1 as they certainly favor the keeping of a careful watch ever the health of the city. We are net ourselves satisfied that all the previsions of the defeated ordinance were necessary. We de net see, for in stance, that it Is necessary, In the gene ral state of the city, te employ any special agents te discover mid abate nuisances. It it the duty of the police force new te report e very I h jug of this nature ; and the mayor lias certainly authority te direct lis removal. In case of pestilential disease, however, it is necessary te have the help of physi cians; and in such times there should be prevision for their speedy employ ment Certainly councllssheuld have a health committee, as this bill provided ; cer tainly the police should be its agents, as it also provided ; and certainly there should be power te call In medical as sistance In time of need. With such pro pre visions, the city health would probably be sufficiently protected What we need ordinarily Is tbe discovery nnd re pression of disease breeding nuisances ; and this is police duty. Or nil tlie uulsniiccH that Inconsiderate men nre allowed te Impese upon a tnoek and long suffering community, the past midnight brass baud Is the worst. TnxT llttle revolutionary row among the geiiemls down in Salvader threntens le be the cause of mero sovero fighting. It is new said that the late president. General Mcncndcz, did net dle of heart disease, us roiertod, but was poisoned at a banquet given by him te his new cabluet. He was accused of schooling with I'rosldent Uaril les, of Ouateniula, who is suspected of n conspiracy with Honduras te gobble up peer llttle Salvader. General l'abre Mernn lias been living for sovernl years In exlle In San Kmnclxoe, but the death of Monen Menen dez encourages him te liope thnt tlicre Is room for another general In Salvader, and he has announced that he is going ttiere te be prosldent. Till: Kngllsli postal Julillee was culu liraled lu striking if unpleaHanl fashion by the four hundred pental ttilcgraph operalorH of the Londen central edlce. When cnllml upon by the efllelals for threw cheers for the queen they premply and unnuluieiisly roplled with lined onlhusl enlhusl nstlc groans, and ndtled a "llger" groan for the pestmaBter goueral. The operators had miide repwitcd demands for icllef from thelr sovure duties, and did net fcel dis posed te cheer for her Hrlltanlu iniijesty ac cording te custom and regulations. A I'lin.Aiiui.PiiIA woman was carrying 11 chair down stairs when who slipped and foil and was desperately wounded by a broken round. When you fall down stairs don't take a chulr with you. Tin; Fourth of. Inly usually has soine accompanying uxultemnnt. In fermer years thu Uettyuburg celebration furnished nn Interesting side Issue, and this year we have had the party conventions and the local demonstration of the (lerniau Hinging societies. Thieves Sent- te Sliitf Slue, llobert I.. Wallace and Icuatltls It. Ijowllzjwero en (Wednesday soul te .Sing Slug for eight years nnd olevon months by Juuge Marline, of New Yerk. The crlme le which they pleaded guilty was the stealing of8.V-.Oeo from Mr. llobert Wallace, the editor of H'ufrVtrr's Menthlu. In the tliefl young Wnllace was merely llie calspuw of his frtend hewltr. I te wan n young man of gunoteus instincts, whlle Lew It, never compromised himself by a vulgar action und was never guilty of a manly one. He introduced Wallace te worthless people, taught him te gamble and finally persuaded ill it t te steal from his uncle and houel'actor. "Ileth prisoners turned pain when they heard the sentence and something vcry like u tear coursed tlew n young Wallace's cheek as tliey were iimrclind hide by fide out of com t between two deputy sherllls. Of the 812,000 stelen only ?20,(KK) has been roeevored. The balance was squandered en women nnd wlne and lawyers. When detectives searched I.ewit. ou his way home from Cuba two $1,000 bills were leund stewod aw ay in the cerner of a llttle match box which he carried lu his veit ecket. The ,MitIeunl Kleotlen Hill J'assed. In the Heuse the loderal election hill was passed en Weduesday finally nfter a long struggle, by a vote of 155 te HI). Twe Republicans, Celeman, of Leulslmm, and Lehlbuch, of New Jersey, veted with the Democrats against the bill, Kwarl, of North Carolina, who was oppesotl te thu bill, was paired against it. Auk ether. for Van Heutkn's Cocea- tnke no (I) Yeuug niulilcii If eu'cl boeat tbOHO charms That win a letr te oiie'n emit., And that may nccr let hliu ke, Twill be through S07.0DUNT whose peuers (llNcntothebrcnthtliobnlin r Honors, And H'ftU-s tlietcclh an vhlteuk miew. A I'ellcmiiuu llruueil Ul. 1). V. (,'elllns, member of police, Mcwiillt wurd, lteiullng, I'll., inlks llita ny : "Sullereil keerely from rliciuniitlbin ; nothing ilht me any geed till I tried liamui' Kcltvliic Oil. It.ls a pleasure te recnuiiueiiil It." bold lu Uini-aMer by W.T. Hecli, 137 and lJti North QutuuMrreU t'aiiuius Women. 11 IsKklgnlrinuit Tiict that liieht of the w omen who hae urhleNcd fiiine In nrt.llUniture, or " niralrii," lunv enjejed vlBorein henllh. TIiIh hc)H8 tluit the m I lid In ucr caimbleef the KOereaiiil rentliiucd uiipllcatlen n'esnry te ireatlxe work, luilesi the body la nl It het. The Meiiinn wlieutnlrm te till nn exalted place niiieug her associate, must lie free rromurr rremurr mii Ucblllty unit lemalu uiuIiucuih, Dr. I'lereu's Kueritc I'rccrlptlen will bunli.li these and It Is warranted te restore these huictleual hanueiilea which me liullspcnsable te health. As u sis'cllle for nil tluse chronic weaknesses ami allinenu peculiar te women It la unce iiiitrd, W,'lliAw " My .Metlier llus beta using your llurtltwk llluwl lUtlru im ii llir rcineilj ami Hints tliem cry vlllracleu " CI ikh. U Alnsuertti, II Vance Illeck, Iiutluiiuiv. ells. 1ml. Sela in l.iucaster liy W. T. Hecli, 37 aud 13V North Queen Mn-el. 05recevtcu. A T C1A KICK'S Si: Bargains. (M'KCIAU) One for hach Day of the Week, CLARKE'S. haturdiiy, June '&, III sell Mtib'nelU Hiignr Cured limns Ht 13c. Meiiduy, J ime ;, lll sell (Jimrl .Musen Jars ul 7m pel iluzen. Tuesday, .Inly 1, Mill si.ll 11 pounds of Acnu ter'S. Wednckday, J uls 2, n Hi tell best IMum Cheese fir7ec. Thursduy, Jul) 3, ill nil Trench Olelue Seap m i ,v ,1'rlday fielne tin Ith, no will sell Kilday's lUrmiln en huttuitaj, which U two pounds Lliinameu mul tue puiiiuls Pepper for Sic. Hc inemlrr jeu ytt 11 pound efeuih fei SUc. Samuel Clarke, Agt., Tta.Cellwj und Greciry Btem, 12 A II Seuth Quecu HL, Near Ci ntre Hnuare. 1-iiu-aMcr. l'iu 3-Telt'phone nnd l'r PelUery. Slcutietvu. Tu. NATiieitsT, ih:ntiht. XJ 'JUCUNTlti: 8QUAUE. Filling Ticlli anil l'ulnles Kxtractlen Kix claltles. New Kets made, broken ones mended und remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes, 0 cry thing pcrtulnlug te Dentistry will recelve prompt attention, at ery Moderate Terms, llemembcr that Dr. Nalherstlt the ONLY Dentist In Ibis county w he is a graduate of Medicine as well n of Den Ustry. an adxautage that Is obvious. tuarS-lyd&w OHTHKUEST HOT Allt KUItNACK IN the market, ee te JOHN llirsr. :.Ll V'jml Full ulten street. m7.tfd ' j'tvi-r. ' - 'If, T- - VXlLY IiAlTOABTJ H OOD'H HAItHAPAIUIAA. Be Sure If yen have made up your mind le bny Heed's Harnaparllli. de net no Induced te take any elhf r. A Bosten lady, whose example l worthy Imitation, tells her experience belew: lu one tore where lwcntlebny Heeds KarMpnrllln the clerk Ulrrt te Induce tne bay their own In-trad of Heed's! he told tnetbelr's would hut longer that I might take II en len Te Get day' dial i thnt If I did net like It I need net Py anything, te. But he could net prevail en tne le chnuge. I told him I hnd taken Iluede Hnritapnrlllu, knew whnl It was, was iuitlOedwlthlt,anddld net want any ether. When 1 began taking Heed's Hannparllla I was feeling real miserable with dypcpln, and se weak that at times I could hardly stand. Heed's I looked like a person In consumption. Heed's Hnrsaparllladldtnesemuch geed that I won der at myself sometimes, and my friends fre quently -peak of It." Mas. EU.A A. Qaerr, 61 Terrace Htrcet, Iloiten. Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggets. II; six for 15. rrepared only byC. 1. 1IOOJU A CO., Apothecaries, Iiwell, Mau. 100 UOSES ONK DOLtiAJt. (I) BE W KINGRH NAIfV) CAMKOKr. or a year I was afflicted with n horrlble cese of bleed poison, and upwards of llve months of thnt tlme 1 wosunnbletorto work or any kind. My flnBtr nails enme en" nnd my hair dropped out, Icavlmf my head as clean and smooth n If It hnd been shaved. I con sulted the best local physicians, and spent hun dreds of dollars for medicines of illflerent kinds, but without receiving the slightest benefit. I was ml vised nunlly te visit Het Hprlnes. Tills I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, ceinnitncud tukltiR M wlft's Hiecine (H. H. S ) Tlie cfTecl that H. H. M. hail en me was truly wonderful. I commenced loreceverartcr taking the llrst bottle, nnd by tlie tlme I had taken twelve bottles Iwnsiu-tlrelycured-euredhy Hwlft's Hiieclflp (H. H. H.) when the world-renowned Het Hprlngs had fulled. WM.H. LOOM 1ft. Hhrnvppert, La." YOVll YKAIW ON CHUTCllfcH. Fer flfUs'ii cars I unsulTllclcd with rlicumn llsin, four jears of which I was compelled Inte un crutches. Wonlsare liindeiinatc teexprtis tlie suMurlnK's I cndiircsl during that. time. Ilur tnu ttiesetlfteenyiars of oxlslciiceflt was net living),! tried every known remedy without receding any benefit. 1 nnnlly begnn oil Hwirt's Hiiecinc(H.H..), which from the first Kaeiii relief, and te-day I am enjoying the lest or health, nnd am it well man. 1 candidly be be llee tluilH. 8. H. Is the best bleed purlllcr en the market te-duy. J. D.TAYI.OII, Cuba. Me. Trentlse en Weed nnd Hkln Illsenses mailed free. BWIW Hl'KCIKIO tX5., (81 - tln11l.1 On. V' AN HOUTUN'H COCOA. Til i: I'OI'OLAH COCOA OP KUHOrK. TIIC COMING ONE OF AUKRICA MOST AI'IETIZINO-i:AHII.Y D1C1EHTEO. The Van lfeuTRN's process renders their cocoa easy of digestion and do de do vcleps In the highest degree Its delicious nrema. It Is an excellent Ilesli-feriner, !(; ptr cent, greater than the best of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." a-VAN IIOUTKN'H COCOA ("once Irlcd, alnn)X usid") Is the erlulnnl, pure, soluble Cocea, Invented, miide aud patented In Hol Hel land, and Is te-day better nnd mere soluble than nny of the numerous Imitations. In fact It Is generally admitted all eicr Kurope and a comparatUe test will easily pree that we ether Cocea equals this Inventor's In solubility, linrcenbletiutc and nutritive quail tics. "Ijirgcst t,nle In the world." Ask for Van HeurrN's AMITAKKMOOTIII.lt. 1.1 -T7-INCO CIIEWINO TODACCe VINC O (LW'TJIA 'A70 GHEWING TOBACCO. This standard llraiid of Plug Tobacco Isac Isac knewlcdged te be the best chew and the larcest piece for tbe mnuey lu the market. Vlncetin lag un eneh lump. Its uxtonsle sale formally jears has established Its reputation. There Is nothing better. Try It. Ter snle by dealers and grocers. 1890. aprll-3t)teod-eeui.VUtw lettr. T KVAN'h t IMVH, LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. "ITtOK PULLEYS. SHArTINd, COLLAHH, J!?."r-'l:t?i Clamp Ilexes. Couplings, t te., go te JOHN UEST.3U East Pillion street. ' nrftfd N JEW Neckties and Pins. AT EIUSMA.N'H. A THOl'EU'M CORN EH SA1JO.N. A NICE nOT LUNCH will be served ery morning from Uteiaa). Huiert's C'elibrated Iker drawn from Uiu krir. npiJO-tfd " IINULETREKHlOCIC KARM. STORM KIING (2161) RECORD 2.30. Hired by Happy Medium, sire of te pcrfuriners from 2:llj te 2:VJ. Dam Topsy T ler by Alex- n lull..'. S. ...... a I .... . ..I.. ( .lit M- - a ..IKfl 9 -.WI1I1UII, biiv Ul l.uill, .11!4, d.e AC. lcrms for bprlmt season of 1NW. M for a foul. l'er tabuli-tcd cdi-eillgretniid ether liimrmittleii. address DANIEL U. ENOLE. uprlv-lmdAw MurletlH. Pa. TILSIlf WOLr, FURNITURE STORE, ba removed te 1M East Klni juu iiue ui r uranure or every descrlplleu at the Jewl?i Prleeji. Alse Undertaklni; promptly at tended te. Call and examine our Koeds. aS-tfdR H. WOLK.lMEiultKiBtxeet, -c-lW ' mrmjAQmscEn. thiersday, july lefftnhtkee' PHlLAbELrntA, Thursday, July 3, 1M0. The Stere will be Closed all day Friday, July 4th, Open all day Saturday, July 5th. The Saturday early closing will begin en the 12th inst. The most important event in Torchon Laces that has ever oc curred in this store. Concern ing it the statements are ac curate. Yeu need te note that laces and embroideries form the subjects of mere reckless advertising than any ether sorts of dry goods. There are 1 1 2 styles includ ing all widths. Yeu must add 40 per cent, te the prices te reach yesterday's low value. Netice these inches wide at 6 cents from 9 ; cents from 14 ; x cents from 4 inches, at 10 4j inches, at 18 ; s inches, very elaborate, at 42 cents from 65. These are only samples from the large and varied line. This is the largest let of Tor chon Laces ever brought te our counters at one time. Centre entrance, Chestnut street. Ladies' Blazers. Blue Bla zers ? Yes, and all ether cel ors ler the season. Handy te threw off or en. Mew did the world exist se long minus Bla zers ? They are here, bright, bcautilul, in wlute and navy bine, of striped Tennis and Yachting Cleth and Bradford Stripes. Seme with contrasts in cuffs and cellars, ethers alike throughout, some single and ethers double - breasted, some at $2.50, some at $10, and many at all prices between. This is Blazer day. Hocend fleer, Chest nut st reef. Jehn Wanamaker. - M YE118 A RATHKON. AN ATTRACTIVE LINE OK- SUMMER CLOTHING KKASONAULK l'HIOES FOR YOUIl INSPECTION. Men's Thin Goats and Yests FROM II S3 TO (7 Sa Ilnndsome lu Hlyleniul Celer and Hubs tunllnlly .Made. Just such ns jou'llwnntfer Het Weather. In Our Custom Department We Are Showing nn Unusually Ilnndsome Line of Summer Suiting, in Serges. Price, 118, JJO te 525. Celers, Dlue nud Black. Hnch ijoeds nt these prlceR lire rnre. Myers & Rathven, LEADINO LANOABTKR CL0TUIER8, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. M ART1N ltltOa. As clothiers no would bay Besides Dress Suits. If you would iiuike the I'eurtli of July iidny of com tort our Clothing Mtere Is prepared te supply the com-fert-gtvliiK clothing for men uihIIjejs. Thin coats, coats nnd vests, blazers, penh suits, lltlit color flannel, enssimere aud blue, black nud gray scrife suits, f 1 fur coat nud vest, te til for handsome sorge suits. This line Ins Brent toiufert-slvlne SJ.50 perch coats, if jeu pew er. would Sce our make the Fourth of July u dn of fun mid sport the nvIioIe tour mid route of outing garments, porting, tennis, camping nml blcj cling outfits ns suits, shirts, belts, hoe, gleies, etc., are here lu Mirlety, nnd a a cry slim pockctbeok only Is necessary te de you Justlce and get what jeu want. Here are special nlues In underwear, flannel shirts, liiiudkciclilcfx and hosiery you should sec. Linen handkerchiefs, 5 for tl , worth 'iV ciu'ti. M til's half hose, 3 pairs SI , worth lie n pair. Men's gaiire underwear, two full sets, II. riuunrl shirts, n lmudiome Hue, 31; regu lar nlue, ll.'iS uud SI JO. bce our boys' waists, blouse, undcrmnr and hosiery. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. gev gjnlc ev gtcttt. 171011 KCM'-HANlKsOMK FRONT ROOM 1 ou ad fleer. Ne. VI West King street ; tluest locution In the city foreltleo or light biisluets. Iiumlre of V. V. AMOS, ni20-lfd Allcr's Oullery. T710R RK.NT- - - - THAT LARUK CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. SI KAST KING .STREUT. Itiiulre within. nill-tfd T710RBALK CI1KAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, ? b.v.,?! rc! wltu two-story brick beck build. "',!,"? '"' nail nnd i ilalluud seen rooms. Let . uy JOHN II. MET7.LKR, Ne.UH. UukeBt, Of. s UMMERSflOESI THE MAN WHO INTFUVDCCED THE rOCK EEEE 6 In the Mattel of Shoes, vrfa D. P 8TA0KH0U8K, NOS. 28 AMD 30 EAST KINO 8T1XXT AND UK IB NOW INTRODUCING THE FOUR XLS, A8UE- XLS In Htvles ItylM, XM In quality, XLMIu Variety, and XUI 111 Lew Prics. Cnlland He Will Prove It te Yeu. STACKHOUSE NOS. 28 A 80 EAST KINO HT. SIIOF. HIIAPIM THAT SUGGEST COOU NEW. OPERA SLIPPERSANDOXFORDS, Lew-cut Hhecs In many different styles find ready sale these wmm days. All the leading pretty shapes for Ladies' and Children s wear are here In both blnck and russet leathers. Pretty shaped Hllppcrs for Ladles' wenratOOc. Kid leather uppers, heels of moderate height, with nenland tasty round tees. Htltchednnd made strongly, rarely ever rip. Much better than the usual grades sold elsewhere at like cost. At 75c the grade Is better. The stock In them slightly bettered; mere pains taken In the making. A cheap and pretty slipper ladles should sec. Atil better kinds still, made en pretty shaped lasts, slightly arched. The stitching Is strong, nre mnde nnd fin ished nently, liave geed, strong coun ters nnd fit snugly. Common Nense Opern Bllnpcrs for middle aged ladles at SI. '25. Comforta ble from the first time worn. Fer this reason they grew stronger favorites every day. They wear long nnd strong. Full Dress Opera Hllppers for Fashion able Yeung Ladles nt tl.sn und K. The newest nnd prettiest styles. Hpeclally ndapUd for weddings, soirees and like social events. Misses' Opera Slippers from 40c ft pair up le the finest and handsomest made. Ag(d Lndlcs' luckless, noiseless and comfortable buskins, tl te 12. Ha e low heels, bread soles, nre wide at lbs tees nnd hand-sewed ; light, soft and easy en the feet. Ladles' Oxfords Neat, attractive, sty lish kind. The best lines or Oxfords for perfect fitting qualities sold In Lan caster. De net gap at sides, fit closely. This I as true of the cheapest as well a the finest we have. We hnve them nt CO, 75c, II, J1.25 and up. We've many line grades of Hllppers and Oxfords In vatleus fine leathers, In Opera Square Tee nnd Common Hcuse Htylcs. lland sewed, nud faultless In fit, make and finish. All of thorn marked at reason able prices. Net a few kinds, but plenty of them thnt rrmkes cheesing easy. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. 1UMMEU8UOES! TENNIS OXFORDS! I have 0110 of the Largest Line of Men's, Iji dlss'. Misses'. Bej-s' nnd Yeulhs' Tennis Ox fords In the city. Men's Hrewn Checkered Tenuis Oxfords, ll)c. Hey's " " " He. Ladles' " " " " 4lc. Misses' " " " " ;ec. Youths' " " " sac. Men's Second Grade Light Tennis Oxfords, 60c. Hev's " ' " " 6Gc. iJidlcs' ' " " " Vic. MIsm.8' " " " ' 50c. Youths' " " " " 60c. Men's Best Grade Latest Light Btrlpe Ox., $100 Hey's ' " " u5c. Ladles' " " " " li5e, ilen's Rest GrndeTcnuls Rals.lu Light Check nnd Solid Hrewu. Jl W. I have also a i-nrue Line of Men's, Rev's, La dles' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfords, with Rubber Heles, having Leather Beles between the Rubber Heles and Insoles, nt SI 00, 1 1 IB, 11 50 nnd I.! 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Priee Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Price In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH. A 5 EAHT KING STREET, LANCASTER. Fa. Aivbtere Closed Every Evening at 6 o'clock ExccptMeudny and baturdny. avDets. "1ARPET8! CARPETH CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Are second te none hi l'ennsylMinln for finish el work of all kinds, heathers Dj ed All Shades. Orders will recelu prompt attention, PHILIP SCHUlT SON & CO,, NO. UObOUTH WATER BTREKT, LAMJAsriut. 1'a. feblS-3md T 1IIE LANCASTER CARPET HOUHK. S. St aZ. China Mattings. Bright and New at Very Lowrrlces;ew, Pat-net a Rnarlaa ..''. t Doer en VUlfUVU, Mm.UVUtlIIH r'loer. Curtains and Awnings vtSJUS? FAIR DkALING I LOWEST PRICKS I NO DKCEITION ' ONE PRICK TO ALL 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange StreuL auraMyd 3, isoe. Clothing. -n.INE TAILORIHO. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 FJne Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment or SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce the purchase of a Jeb Let or English Suiting- aud Treusering nt a great acrlflee, which we will sell at Astonishingly Lew Prim. aT-Call early te secure a bargain In these goods, H. Gerhart. ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TA1LOK1NTHEC1TY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dzr-tfd -ILOTIUNO. L Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS Net Fer Sale Elsewhere ! Loek At These Get Prices t Men's Suits were I 4 N) . Men's Hulls went 560... Men's Bull were S 7 25., Men's Hulls were S 0 75... ...New Rolling at! 2 75 ...New Seiling at f 3 2i ...New Selling at S 4 10 nnw neinngaii aii Men's Suits were 111 EO......New Seiling nt S 8 15 Neil's Suits were J13 00 New Helling at 760 Men's Suits were III 60 New Selling at t H 35 Men's Hulls woretlffOO.. .New Hclllngatt 040 Men's Bulls were 118 60 New Belling at J10 75 600 Talr Men's l'nnts selling new nt 40, SO, 65 and 75 cents. Rey's Suits new selling at 12, 12 25, JS, J3 60, SI and 15. Priccsalmest Cut In Hnlf. 050 Fair Children's rants at 18, 20 nnd 25 cents ctiUdren's Bulls red uced te flee, 75c, (1 00. 81 25. Ureal Reductions lu our Custom Order De partment. Prices that will make you buy whether you need the goods or net, TOR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S ROY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, CALL AT L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, Hey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) ee and 68 north quebn bt CORNER OF 0RANQE. LANCASTER, PA. 8.W. Iff Net connected with any ether Clothing Ueuseln theilti'. vllf cautious and make no mistake se that yen get te the right place. H 1RSH A BROTHER. Well Werth Your Seeing! LIGHT COATS AND VESTS. In Alpaca, Drep d'Etc, Seersucker, Flan nel, Mohair, Fancy Strlcs and Lluen. PniCE-CoatnndVcets,lte3; Couts, 50c upwards ; Vests, 26c upwards ; rants, 76e upwards. COOL AND DRESSY SUITS. In Rerge, Cheviot aud Casslmeres. Sacks nnd Cutaways, 16, 18, J10, J12. Fer Knock; abeuts, (4 60, tS, tti. Fer Fine Dress, f 10, Jl'-', 111, 816. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. Rey's Leng-Pant Suits. Sizes 10 te 0, In mnny handsume Cheviots nnd Casslmeres. at ?-' 60, S3, U, Se, 16, 57, til te $12. Children's Kuee-Pant Suits, Sizes 4 te 14, Prices, Jl, (1 60, 2, J2 60, W upwards. FLANNEL AND OTHER SHIRTS. Flannel, Madras, Cheviot, Cashmere, Demct and Silk Shirts, from 35c te M 00. White and Fercale Shirt, 60c, 75c, SI 00 Laundered nnd Unlaundered. LIGHT AND SUMMERY NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, COLLARS AND CUFrs, Etc. (I CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. If. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER. PA. w ASn GINGHAMS ! WashGinghams AT- A BARGAIN, WATT & SHAND, Offer uue of OreatiM Hiirgnlns ecr seen In STRIPED AND PLAID DRESS GINGHAMS. Three Thousand Yurds Fresh Bright Colorings ut l)e a yard ; former price, lCc. ONE MORE CASE 36-Inch Printed Dress Cballies, Choice St les nud Colei Ings, 12c a j ard. 3-A few mere pieces left of thoseDARK GROUND DRESS CHALLIES. In llrewn, Rliic. Green und Slate Grounds, 6c a yard; only half Its true value. ONE HUNDRED DOSEN I. X. L. Unlaundried Shirts. Excels evcrythliig ever shown In this lino line lino madeof the Rest uetny Muslin, Linen Bosem nnd Cutis, lined and reinforced, nud the price IU) Dezen D.irk and Medium flrny Ladies' Summer Hese At 5c e pair, worth 8c The Brigand Sash. Four jards long, madoef Surah Silk, Hewing Milk Fringe. In lllack, Cream, lllue. While, Car dinal aud Old Rese. NEW YORK STORE. 0. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. gUtemcu0 -T UTHER 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LJ W. Hoceud Fleer Eshleman La North DuireL ulldlug, Ne. 43 e-prg-lydAw HIRSH BROTHER U !. VytLLIAMaON FOSTER. Encyclopedia Brittnnict, 25 VOLUMES, ONLY $fc36.6 An exact reDrorlnctlen of the IaImi mi burgh Edition. Geed print, geed paper ai geed Dinaing. inis set contains itnprevl maps. We will soil the first volume at fOe, aW sample, without contract te take the remalnh volumes. Fersens desiring te take the remaf Ing volumescandosoatll.Wper volume, te I delivered one or mere up te fourperment vaca voiume te ee paia ler upon ucuvery. an cripiienn rrceivea uy man or at inc store. MIDSUMMER Underwear for Gents and M Balbrlggan, India Gauxe and Lisle Thread. The assortment In this class of geed Is tarsi this season than we have ever carried, and tl prices are very low. We are selling Gent's Leng or Short 81 India Gauze Undershirt, av i..rjk Gent's Balbrlggan Undershirt. Leng or 8h Sleeves, and Drawers te Hatch, Sftc te tl I Llsle Thread Shirts and Drawers, SI each. Gent's and Reys' l'eperal Jean and Fealh Welitbt Drnn crs. ac le 7S The R. V. D. Patent ElasUc Ankle Drawe Ne Inconvenient strings or buttons. PerM nuiug anu comrennoie. rrice, eec per pair. Colored Ralbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, tra nuallty. S3C ner carment. or t&a ner suit. An India GniucSliIrt, Leng or Short Hlee MIC. FULL DRESS SHIRTS. COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS And HANDKERCHIEFS. GENT'S SUMMER SACK SUIT A large assortment of carefullv selected tern In Casslmeres and Chovlels.nt J.1, t). tl A Superior Dress Suck Suit. 120. Streng, Durable Suits, for rough every dl uk, 9iw. j, 9a.?i, tn. si, Cutaway Ceat Bnlts, for Dress and ButlnJ near, iu, tit, in ana 113. VACATION SUITS Fer Beys, Vcry Lew in Trice. Men's and Reys' Thin Coats and Vcsts.tl te I Large let el Odd Ceals Very Chen p. 1 nney raiiern vests, in Krench Flannel al Duck. Single or Deuble-HrenHteil. 1 Alpaca and Dniu d' Ete riprlml Hut. Pivit. I Dusters and Lluen Trousers at lowest prlcl Littie Beys' Summer Gletbin Knce-Puut Tuulc Suits, In Light and Da Cheviots nud Casslmeres, S1.7S, ti, J2.25, riW, Flue Drct-K Suits, Light and Dark Celers, JI.50, 5, (S SO. 10, te SO, 7. French Percnle Hhlrt Waists. BOc nnd 7Se. Sailor Blouse Waists in Fancy btripidFren r j.iuiiei. Ladles' Sailor Uleusc Waists, 50c. 75c, tl, II. and 11.50. Glnghum and Alpaca Skirts, 75c, tl, 11.25 a It.tu. Traveling Coats AND LADIES' BATHING SUITS Calice Morning Wrappers, Light andDaJ LUIUI O, SI, 1.-J ItllU 9l.OO, Anether Opportunity Fer the Ladles TO BUY CHALLIE! At Less than Regular Prices. We have a limited quantity of 50-Inch Cbl lies, the regular priie of which was 15c pi yard. We hae cut the prlce down te lOe pi yarn, te ciese inc iei out. it is a uargain. We hn ethls day comnienced. Our Summer Reductions en Hat, Ladles' Bailer Hats, In Brown and White, i dneed rrem sl.' te SI. Children's Sailor Hats, In White nnd Mlxd Straw, reuueeu rrem 75e te Wjc. Children's Sailor Hats, reduced from 25 te IS Men's lllack still Felt Hats reduced from 13 1 te 8J.5Q. -sizes ureken. I Men's lllack Stiff Felt Hats reduced from i te re.50. Keguiar sizes. Flannel Lawn Tenuis Caps, 15c. ALL OUR BABY CARRIAGES Reduced le Cost Frlc. Ladies' Parasol; AT COST PRICES. Ribbon Bargains. All Silk Gres-gruln, Bntln Edge-Ne. 5, I Jn 7. R.i Nn. II. Uc. : Ne. 111. 12'Zc. Two-Tene Klbbens -Ne. 0, 12e ; Nes. 18 nnd 5 12Kc. All Silk Striped Ribbons Ne. 12, 12ic Ores-grulii Hatln Edge", in lllack Ne. 12, lOel Ne. IB. 13c: re. . itsc: re. au. ax. xutr ! All hllk and all II Ig ilargnlns. Easy, Desirable and Cheap. Ladies' Oxford Ties Our assortment "f Oxford Tics for Ladlel cemprlees nil me icauiug iyien ui int.u.. are considered by competent Judges te be ei ... . . ..... ..n ii.liiul t.lrnlr tnptl ever and form nn opinion. We merely quote t IlWOI Ulll'irauinij I'liixa. Ill.lj Ijidieb' Dongole Oxford Ties, Tips and Plaid Ladles' Dongola Oxfords. Better Grade. TIpJ nnd I 'lain iee, ,iiui" uimiku lerti lie. lij'a unu -win v vj.. Williamson & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, L..NC.VSTER, PA., NO. 813 MARKET ST., HARIUSUURO, PAJ l