jsssm TELE LANOAS'rteR DAILY INTELLIGENOKR. TUESDAY JULY 1, 1890 'yf MdM h 3 s &, t ir ""fl E?VS' fA l AT -. " IJf , kflrv l; LF.at && W 7$rl R E8- t,i V' ' A tiv m Jr. &'! 9ttln intelligencer A r - ? ' :jnKKW J. WEINMAN, '. I ratiytBHTrMUlMnU.T)L Mitm. BOBCBT CLARK Publisher. JL - i r Hit UAiiii IHTELLIGENCER.- Published ert-ry day In the, year, but Bunday. Bervcd by carrier In this city nnd surrounding towns at ten cent a week. By mail livedo. livede. Ian ft jtftf in advance ; SO cent a month. WEEKLY lNTKLLiaENCKB-One dollar and ymwuwuvt annertttuffntL. .nmlt tir check -ASfc erpeewance erner, una wncm mi " l2 a A .... ltl j ; 50 IMMcaa be precurea neua in nii jMtcr tared at, Ihe Postefflee, m second class mull ,Auua, TBI ntTELUOBMCSK, Lancaster. Fa. &y LANCASTER, PA., Julyl, 1B90. The Federal Election Law. f:- The warm pretest of Congressman iHKwart. of North Carolina, against the pMWkg of the federal election bill, StswniCIl me iionueiicau uJ"iv.e LViMt that consummate rascal, Johnny ' 7'Daveupert, te prepare rer mom, Kt&bmnM M refreshingly te tne ceun- ii&trv a rf Hlreasinciv te me uaveu- p "pert conspirators, t lie scueme i iCamlsedly one te secure te federal B 11UU1B- efllclals congressmen. Mhe theerv unen which the Hcnubll- ..yfthe aelocUen of fwleral lx& tw.na in Cemrres rejected a Democratic congressman who had been elected by Aiftea thousand or mera majority in a uis- S?tiut in n.l.leli Mm nerrrnra nrn In a lnrire tSinrlv. U te tie carried out bv federal fcv "-Vriv.- if 4V1.. HHfl nil n.nmn.llhl IgtjJMraJBCll"" UlllWra, "" ' mgiuwu.11111- vncles, as wall as some winte ones, nre te be given Republican reprchcutntlven, whether they will or no. . Mr. Ewart as a Southern Republican docs net llke It. He says the negrees de f' net nil vote the Republican ticket, and S3S! U0 UOCS 1101 IIIIUK milt rcnuiia luiwi uj fal officials arc desirable in a ucni- eratlc country. Mr. Ewart, In otuer words, la neither knave nor feel j which can be said of comparatively few Re publican congressmen. sffii Mr. ieiPiuan, nise a ceimicru nciiuu- 'TsO?" 11.-.. 4.nM,Ma!.vl,t. I ft bf fl 1 llO 1UI1 tlntl . - These men de net waut the Rcjmbllcan -& .. In II.a Chilli, Irt rlnnAllfl nvplll. in. 7. ., .i. . ...,. . ,...,.. r li fa wawiv en inn umcit iiuiiiuuiiuu iui im i&j .material. Theyhejie In the course of f-5tinicte gainer in n resjeciaoie wmie constituency irem tne uiuusiicu pe- &$ lltlcal elements that always scatter etf fiffj-trem a demlnunt party. They bclleve tS&i that such measures ns this federal clcc- jyjtlen bill will but wrve te consolidate iV-P' Hid whltn nnmitnlleii. I Hal, ns n fleck i&'VaUHTs ieircthcr te the shenherd In tMthe fear kViJttr. - 7 .. mi.. v. u ei nn uuviiiy. xne icpue- Oilcan plan of facing a Republican which Thaddeus Stcveus JjIWIlVIl, I Miit. tKKikl anil Hilt IaIi lila successors in KKASEl".-u u wmuu uin iL.Itepubllean leatlershlp In Congress have isJvlH forcing ft while union in tha Seuth Ski" md making It solidly Democratic. I'y Btevcns, after a long life of unsucccHsfuI ," politics, was helped te success at its end l,W by the disturbed state of thoceuutry that &nvi J - r 111 .11.1 .A I.I .l 1 . ,1.. Vt"i encreu a ian.nu iiuiu iu ins viuieub iuiij . rS " ueu ne weui uui lucre wua mi iinuu 5'raftdy for the Republican helm llke te ':if';hU In recklessness, and the country arraduallv calmed down, uud the Seuth -"'Jt . - ..r i i .i 'ii'Jiaa ueceuie uuuui iia must uciivubcu v-f'ttens In the pursuits of peaceful Indus- k&inr. "Rllt. new Tlred. n anrnnd Ktn. nL fViBt-ka-i-a -jakBM In tiuiliiwil lilu nllniiivilii & AHtrn the pniinfrv fnr ihn TlitrtitihllrMti ;ijn y-v --- - j-.- .- I, til f Kv fnpprt Ati (ln nt(ainrt ftttlnl fe"?lf L.tVK .- ..!. M, ...n. ...ill ia r.n ... fnUpvrn nillv In 11a urulcrtfiklnnr. The '.AnkA rt tYi Ailllitrt. la tinf intni. in aii- l dne the control bv federal efllcera of the fey election of the states' representatives In Congress ; neltber boutneruerJNortbem communities will npprove such federal domination The Southern Republican does net want this help that Is ell'ered him; nnd the Xorthern Rcpublicnu,whe has am idea above an oyster, is net likely te be mere enthusiastic evar a propesi tien that state representatives shall be chosen by United Sta'es ngents. Defending the Federal Election 11111. Vltta a sarcastic apology te the editor of the Philadelphia Press the Jitcerd publishes a letter addressed te that gentleman and signed "Pig Iren." It is explained that the communication was intended for the Prat and if the argu ment had been n trifle less frank it is probable that it would have appeared iu thatjeurnal. "Pig Iren" undertakes the defense of Senater Quay and Speaker Beed for their support of the federal elec tion bill nud points out the benefits that are sure te fellow that measure. The threatened disorders will awaken ' the old spirit of fervid patriotism. "A bloody massacre new and then during a 'close campaign wculd be worth thou sands of doubtful votes." This is a trifle tee blunt, but must be recognized m the true logical bails of bloody bhlrt waving and the strongest motive for the Introduction of measures deliberately calculated te provoke disorder. The apologist of Quay nud Reed paufcea te reflect that although the negrees will suffer most in tucli a conflict the bleed of the martyrs Is the seed of the church, and that " after whut the Ro Re publican parly has done for the race a few hundred of them might well be sac rificed In the geed cause." He then passes en te show what a blessing it would be te have plenty of disorder in the Seuth. The army rusting in inglorious peace would have employ ment, and profitable army contracts for Btipplies would be plenty. The dAn dAn gcreus comjictltlen ellcred by the Indus trial development of the Seuth would be checked nud prosperity would again return te Northern industries. This burlesque defense of the Ledgo election bill has a great deal of sober truth In it. Selflsh, sectleuul and nar row as the argument appears wheu thus stated, it is net a bit worfce thau the plrlt of the unscrupulous schemers who are trying te ferce the Ledge election law en the country without the least effort te conceal their hope that it will produce riot and bloodshed, and se re vive the strength of a party that has no ether reason for existence than the long dead Usues of the war. It Makes Is Smile. Jt Is interesting te note the ambition of some Journals le settle the caudidate for governor of both parties. The Phila delphia Timet particularly cugages our smiles, llaving haddled Delanmtcr upon the Republicans It new instructs the" Democratic convention ns te bis fittest opjeueut, It thinks lliat fllA Rentllillf.n.1 .nK.l..ll i- Tpwtlcularly calls out I'attisen ; and it c piays en tnis string along with the Ilec- era, altueugu It Is net quite se eager te misrepresent the situation. The Timet is net a Democratic Journal, as the Pec erd claims te be, but has for its particular function the duty of aettllne thinus for both nnriu " It la certainlv nn nnliinin lnli. n.i.ii. sweeunt for its net always being done -jJJa ft first-class manner. The Intention, -t kewever, is doubtless geed ; se that we ) my amUe mhtr than be angry. iKmbtfwl Akeat Chleag. We arc getting nervous abmttthat world's fair at Chicago. The present heated term that town is experiencing docs net effbr a cheerful suggestion for the fair ; and the trouble that, is found in selecting n site and the charges made of corruption In that selection are an additional dampener upon the hope of a great and successful exposi tion. We lucllne new te suggest te Con gress te take the fair In hand, pay its whole cost nud put It at Washington. Surely the country's money would be hotter expended in this way than in being poured out for the pur poses te which it is being se freely devoted that the whole surplus Is gene and a deficiency Is talked of for the coming year. Surely it Is mere just te the whole country te spend its money In holding a world's fair than te glve It te an army of pension agents, examining doctors, and se-called depen dent soldiers' families and parents, with the chief result of promoting pauperism. It seems that no fund of money can be put anywhere that there will net be rob reb bcry.The world's fair fund has started all the nimble lingers at Chicago te its ap propriation, and we are prompted by the spectacle te wish te sec the fair moved away te Washington, new that the matter of Its cost Is of no account what ever te the people, and It seems that It will be a real beneflt te get an empty treasury te rometo public virtue. Tin: New Yerk I braid suggests that as the war began nearly thirty yenrs age, and its financial necessities remain and incrsuse, It should be known as the "thirty years war' of the nlnoteonth century. TiiKNuporlntendonloftliocoiiNiisgtiosflos that the population of the United Slates will be shown te be about sixty-four and n half millions. This is very interesting as the guess of n man who has the best opportunity of Judging the nvcrage rate of lncrcsHO, and irtlioeludnl figures dlffer a million or se clther way he will be proved a very peer projihet Indeed. AHlNTANT i'OSTMANTKn JAMKt II. MB- shall lias published a very useful jioru jieru jioru phlet list of the pontefncos of Lancaster county with thelr location, hew mippllcd and hours of closing the mulls nt the Lan caster pobtelllca with ether information en postal matters. Tite hook will be a grcnt convenience te many who nse the county ir.nlln. Thk naval appropriation bill, signed by the president, Is chlelly romarkable for the prevision for Ihrre battleships heavily armored, but It also provldes for a cruiser ef7,:S00 tens, which Is te be a very remark remark romark abeo vesxel. alie Is te have threo screws driven by threo nopurnte onglnes, mill is expected le nttnlu a speed of mero than twenty-two knots an hour. The French and Italians have tried thrne screws en a number of small ossels with satisfactory results. It Is wild efthe proposed cruiser that under cany tl raft she Mill be nble te make with threo screws twenty-one knots an hour for a woek If necessary, and could glve the City of Paris twolve hours start from New Yerk and beat hsr toQuoons teQuoons toQueons town. She Is te carry two eight-Inch rlfles, and a battery of rapld-llre suns, und the machinery and magazines will ha protectotl by heavy armor. Thi'.iik 1h enough patiletlsm In the snngerfest crowd te make a week of Fourth or July. Tun census shows Columbia's popula tion te be 10,7Sr, or an lncroiise of twenty twenty flve per cent, ever 1880, and Columbians may feel happy. Lobaueu's opulatlen Is stateri by the comma Nit purvlser te be 14,725, and It Is bollevod that Including the suburbs the total will be about nineteen thousand. Lebanon lias certulnly grown raptdly, for the reuims of I860 shows a population of only 8,77b in the six wards of the town. If Laucuster dees net liustle a llttle and show seme lntiftest In manufac turing anterprUus a score or se of years may And ether rival cities In the county. We anxiously await the census figures of our own town, and only venture te remark that Judging by the growing pains of street paving and water dwpartmrnt oxpensos for ten years we must be a pretty big city. Tin: attention of the chlef of pollce is dlrocted te the proclamation of the mayor of this city concerning the explosion of guns and flrowerkx. Though the mayor has geno te Scrauten we de net uuderstaud that Ihe proclamation has been withdrawn. .Such nn luforcnce Is howevor, Justified by the cannonading that has been going en during the night In nome rmnttarsoftheulty. Let the roclumut!eu of the law be enforced. Twe Frenchmen gntherlng Uroweod In a forest en Alie frontier crossed the boundary line Inte Oerimm territory, and woteflred upon by n sentry te whoe challenge they fulled te glve pieinpt reply. One of the trespassers was wonnded, and there will be plenty of Biiuillng and growling bo be bo tweon French uud Hermans before the In In cldent Is forgefton. The whele of that frontier seenis te be picketed llke u line of battle, and considering this slate of things It Is llttle wonder that Kuglund Is pleased with her chnimel boundary nnd stubbornly refuses te have It tunneled, I'ltornssen It. C. rScuiEUT is about te In augurate the second Kciixen of hln summer school of modem languages, and his in sistent endeavors te make Laiicantcr a cen tre Ter that kind of educational olfert should rocelve hearty enceuragement. There have been added te the stall of the summer school, Madame M. C. CJuoiiiillen, who wltl glte Instruction iu IVcneh, und I'rofessor 1 . AN . Moere who will conduct nn academic department and prepare students for the colleges. The sohilens of the school are held iu the main building of Franklin and MarMiall ceIU-kk. Ocn German mlters have u warm wol wel wol cemofiom the eltbens and the weather. Only the beer Is cool te Mieni, and they will never take ofleiiNo at that. Ask ether. for Van HeutrN's C'oiea tske no Yeung maiden If you'd lieat thc.e rlinruu That wlua ler loeuc'biiruit, And that may nccrM hlineu, Twill he through SOZOUONr whose peneri Olvci te Hie brrulh the b.iliu or llewcrt. And lease the teeth its white us mew. A I'ollcemuu Di'iicnil L'i. ...';. t-0''11"! innnbcr of police, Kctnlh nard, Uadlns, l'.i., ulks this wuy ; " Hultered scstrely from rhcumHtUm ; nelhlni: did me any Reed till 1 tried 1 hemaf' KeHrMe Oil I Is LPffTriiiMffiime.",',,llv: bola "' I-s""utir e) N. l.Uech, 137 uud Uil North Quccnstiect. f.reut Llttle Men. m 1" .v .. .? :. "'""icaiii Biearance. The reader 111 readily recall many insti,ct: Xc.ry,J' e5?."".'1 .a.r. Ur' lrcQ'.Weakantl'uSa. i:iV;VS.'u"l2KWMvethaii , IllltVlUXI'lUSUIUIIVU I'llll which are se dim. cult te swallow end se harsh Intbelracilnn 1 no" l'ellets "sre senile und neer ruuw con. Mlputten. Ker User, stomach and beurl de. runeemeuU they has e no equal. M.Tui w ' My Methor Has keu using your Burdock Bleat llitttrt as a ner remedy und finds them very etncacleiis." Unas LAIuswerth.il Vnnce Dleck, InUlanan InUlanan elU. Ind. held In Lancaster by W, T. Ilech. 137 and 133 North Queen street. 3vtt0rTtci T vrrnEit b. kaukkman, ATTOHNKY-AT-U W. Heeend fleer Kshleman La MorutOekaisUMi. ulldlng. Ne. s prtrlydAw CWirrBPKcirie co. ScreftiU in Children. In the issrlr rrl of Me7 wsreftila appeared mtlie bead of my Utile mMrhlld.thra only Is months old. Hliertly after breaking eutft uprend rapidly nil ever j-bedy. The Mabs en llie sores wenld lx-al OK en the allcbuat touch, nnd tha odor tJiat would aatea would make the aUneanhtra or tha room MrkciiliiR and unbearable The dlwauie next attacked the ryra and we feared the would lese her sight. Kmlnent physician or the country were con cen iillwl. but could de no tli In te rellerethe llttle Innocent, and avp It aahclroplnlen, that the ease was hopeless and Impossible te save iherUlld'aeyetlgBt.' It was then that we de rided le try Hwlll' Bpeclflc (H. 8. H.) That med med Irlne at once made n speedy and complete cure. Fer mera than a year past she baa been as healthy as any eta lid In the land." MRS. Ittmt UcsKLBr.Ue'ma, Kanaas. Cancer of the Hese. In IS75 a sere appeared en my neae, and crew rapidly. As my father had cancer, and rey liu liu banddledef It, J became alarmed and eennulUid my physician. His treatment did no geed, and the Wei grew larrer and worm In every way, until I was persnaded te take B. H. H.. anil a few bottles cured me. This was after all the doe doe tern und ether medicines bad railed. I have bad ne return ef the cancer. Mas. M.T. M Alien, Woedbnry, Hall ceuaty, Texas. TreallNe en Caoeer mailed free. HWIFT Bl'KCIFIO CO., AtianU, Oa. eat-lyd (1) STTAM HODTEN'B COCOA. THE F AMJEO COCOA OF EUROPK, TUB COMING ONE OF iMEIUCA. Hoiweheld Words All Over Europe. New that Its manufacturer! are draw ing the attention of the American pub lic te tkltlrtl and, ever since its inven tion, the bat of all cocoas, it will toen be appreciated here ns veil as elsewhere all ever the world. All that the manu facturers request Is simply one Mai, or, till better, a comparative test with whatever ether cocoa If may be; then Van Heutkn's Cocea itttlf will con vince everyone of Its great superiority. It Is because of this that the English paper Health, says: "Once tried, al ways used." Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." JWfe avoid the evil elTecU of Ten and Coffee, Ute constantly VAN HOUTEN'8 CO. COA, which It a HTItENOTIIENEIl of the NEKVE.H nud a rrfreihlng nnd neurUhlng beverage. (J?) ; us J ...J. SHttJCB. s UMMEHHHOEHI TENNIS OXFORDS! I htunene of the Largest I.tnns of Men', Ln dli's', MIkcs. Heys' and Youths' Tenuis Ox ford In the city. Mun's Drewn Checkered Hey's " " Ladles' " " Mlnsrs' " Tenuis Oxford, 19c. " ' lie. " " lie " " aec. Youths' 3DC. Men's Heoend Grnde Llcht Tennis Oxfords. H)c. Hey's " " " " Mc. Ladles' " " " " 65c, Misses' ' " " " fiOe. Youths' " " " " Me. Men's Uest Qrada Latest Light Htrlne Ox., II (K) llev's " " " Wc. Indies' " " " " Vie, Men's llest arailaTannts BuU.lu Llfbt Check nud Solid Drewn, 81 60. I liae also u ljre Line or McnV, Uey's, Iji dtes'uiid Mlsses' Canvas Tenuis Oxford, with llubber Heles, harlnir Leather Helcn between llie Kubbcr Heles nndlnselut, at il IU, 1 &, tl If) nnd U 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Hucceaser te FltEY & ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH.8 A b KAHT KINO HTHKKT, LAjICASTEH, 1'A. -HtereClit'd Kmt.v Lvenlnt; at 6 o'clock ExceptMeiulny and Huturilay. J." MAIITIN OO. J, B. MARTIN & CO. EIGHT BARGAINS -IN- Men's riltSTHAUOAIN-KlftydoienreKulannsde Ualbrlggau Hest, IzyjcH pair, srerth iioe. HECONDBAHOAIN-Alet of I'uncy Ilese, In Utrlpcs and Hnlld Celers, at l'.K- u pair. Till III) IIAltOAIN A let of Illuc Flannel Hhlrts sn llh the prices cut In two. FOUHTII nAHOAIN-Klfty dozen (iaure Shirts, JJalbrlcpm, Lene and Short Bliews. 3le each , sreuld be cheap ut . riFTIl llAItaAlN-Flaunel bhlrU, Llcht HtrliiesuudIewHhades. 'IheShlrt you siiint fei tjiiuuner, IJe tuch ; City prices, 60c. 8IXTII IiARCAIN'-A 10-cent White Dress Khlrt made of Ljlra Heavy MuUlu, Linen llOMim, nil sites, 12 te 18 Inches, SEVUNTII HAItOAIN-A let of I'ercale Rlilrts, Geed Patterns, some are slightly soiled. '1 hey srere ! 1 .25 te f 10. The price new Is 75c. EIOHTn HAHOAIN-Celluleld Cellars, 19c. .) leulte Cellars, 15c each. J. B. Martin & Ce., .Cor. Prince & W. King Sts., LANCABTEK, PA. FURNISHING GOODS. Iftunktnaktt'm, rnir.ADtLrntA, Tueaday, Jely ), 1M0. Fast color Lawns, 3c. Printed Challis, 4 and 6c. 30c French Sateens, 1 5c. iec Flannelettes, 8c. 1 2 Jc Tourists' Cleth, iec. i2c Outing Cleth, 10c. 25c Wash Flannels, 20c. 50c Llama Flannels, 37c. 50c Ceylon Flannels, 37jc On an average mere than 25 per cent, under low prices our prices. Seasonable stuffs. New. Without a breathing space be tween the spick and span cases and the counters. De you wonder that the fame of such a sale has spread and spread until double the usual selling space is often tee little ? Meantime the regular stock of Ginghams and Cheviots and all the Summer-weight Dress Goods stand as the best and fullest within your reach. The demand for India Silks this season has been very close te the supply. Almest every body has been wanting them. But the unexpected happens in India Silks as well as in ether things. Here comes an im porter with a stock landed a month tee late. Result half prices for choice patterns. 23-inch Indias, 50c. 27-inch Indias, 75c and 1. The goods are of genuine Shanghai weave, printed most ly in expensive block styles, many showing six or eight col orings. $1.50 Satin Striped Rcgence, printed in choice designs; $1. West Transept. Every grade from Axminsters te Ingrains is marked for quick going, and the lets are much larger than usual. Odd stock of all sorts, part pieces of every quality, and any patterns we de net care te continue for the Fall trade, drop into the rush line. We mean te make this July a pleasant memory te Carpet buyers. This is hew ; AymiiiQtnrQ ,4 pttrini (SO pieces) nt fVXniHlSlCrS l. from ti. UerananU of different lengths, 75c tetl.25. MnmirHrc 37 patterns (111 pieces) nt equcucs n.e from ,t w iurt pieces at from 75a te 1,10. Wi'Hnnc 18 patterns (73 pieces) at 81.65 WlUUllb n.i fmn, J25 untl t'i SO. Tart pieces half price. V1irfc 18 patterns (51 ptece), at 11.10 vcivctb from J1.40 and tl.tX). Itcmnents GOe te tl.10. RniQctede 0V4r aw ratten X-irilbbCISj pieces of tJ) yard i UIICII1B, IIUUI 1UI nieces of M vnrds ut SI. (usua price fl. and ll.i!), te short lengths ei incsume graaeai duc. A special eRerlng of 23 patterns (137 pieces) or desirable Hprlng styles Ilrus tels ut SI, have been ll.SO. TnnpcriKc 81 patterns, largely re- i apestnes duccU , prlcei ,,0 lu. grains of nil grades. That's but part. The little prices are all around in the Carpet Stere. In the China Mattings thick as anywhere. tircend fleer, Market stieet side. Jehn Wanamaker. Jrtvaoelsv. IIUIOS. AIIAHTMAN. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Parasols ! Parasols ! Parasols ! l'araselsat Reduced Trices ! Orealest Variety of UMBRELLAS In the City. WAGON UMBUELLAH. ALL KINDS OK UMRRKLLAH AND PAHA HOL MADE TO ORDER. ALSO NET PARASOLS. KEPAlBINa 6 RECOVERINO NEATLY DONE, AT THK MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprlJttind Qnvivt0. lARl'ETS I CAHPET8 CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing 1 Dyeing ! LANCASTKR FANCY STEAM DYEINQ WORKS Are second te none lu Pennsylvania rer ilnlsli el work or all kinds. KeuthersUyed All Shades. Orders will reecho prompt attention. PHILIP SCHlIT SON & CO,, NO. 1W SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCASTEIt. PA. fCblVSllld :n JEW Neckties and Pins, AT ER18MA.VS. TblTwAJ'XT'TirhT-tAssi'eu FaiTle Eniiliie nnd Heller, en wheels, elican. as the fel: Uiwlui: iirlccNsliew: 6 horkepower. 9175 : 8 luirM-ieiTvr. BSi ; It) liorsi-pewer, i7.i; is norse nerse norse new er, JS75 ; ll) herse-iniw cr, 1 1,175, cal I n t J 0 1 1 N HESr's.'ll-llast Milten street. m7-lid 1710U llOlI.r.ltS, ilORUONTAUTAUUUVU. ' Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, of any slzu or lKjwcr, of the best material and workmanship, go te JOHN RUST, 3S1 Eust Kill Kill teu strict. ni7-tfil TTKNUlT WOLV, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 138 Cast King street, having a full Hue of Furniture or every description at the lowest prices. Alse UudertMklns promptly at- tendctt te. Call and examine our eoeds. mciei in, SJt-tMll il. WOI.K. 1S11 KHSt KHlKHlre4U INGLETREE STOCK FARM. STORM MNG (2161) RECORD 2:30. Sired by Happy Medium, slre efffl performers from U.Mjf. te iJtf. Dam Tensy Tayler by Alex ander's Nennau, sire of Lulu, 2:Wi, Ac. Ac. Tcnua for bprlug season of isae. teO for n foal. Fer tabulated pedigree and ether Information, address PANIEi4a.ENOLE. apria-lmd&w Marietta, Pa. vic rw. lALAcc or FAHHtOn. ASTRICH'S 115 & 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. Our Stere Will Be Open in the Evening en THURSDAY, JULY 3, Until 10 P. M. GETTING READY FOR OUR Great Semi-Anonal Clearing Sale, WINCH BEG1NH Saturday, July 5th, AND ENDS Saturday, August 9th, Which will Positively be the On Monday, Jane 30th We Commence te Reduce Prices. And all Goods will be sold at the Reduced Prices as seen as they are Marked Down. Printed Price List will be ready by SATURDAY, and will be sent free en application. Our Very Large Stock must be reduced ; we, therefore, ad vise you te call early, as goods when sold cannot be replaced for the price. BE ON THE LOOKOUT -FOR- GREAT BARGAINS! Cltry 00e20. e IEN EVERY EVENING. Fer Bargains, -GO TO- P.OTDEMB1, Ne. 14 West King St. w EverytbingSeld At andBelowGest, AS WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. may6-3md mHE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, -IN- SummerGoeds. FAST BLACK FRENCH 8ATINES In Solid Celers Him Neat Figures, which arc erydmu. ble, 25c per yard. Thobalanccefstockof FIGURED BATISTE te go at 10c per yard. Heme of these goods sold at ISc and 20c. Genuine Imported ZEPHYR GINGHAMS reduced Irem 31c and 37Ke te 2ie. Demestic ZEPHYR GINGHAMS In excellent styles ut 10c and 12c. Some of these goods equal the Imported In style. Geed STYLE CHALLIES nt 0fc, as pretty In design nnd coloring a expensh c goods. White Dress Goods. Piques In Cords and Checks. Llnen de Indes, Victorias, NnliKoeks, Plaids, Stripes, Ac. Pull Lines of EMBROIDERIES In geed quul lly, fiem the ry narrow te the widest widths. s ill 25 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. martiviydll .piAHRY IN blOCK BEST CHARCOAL, kj itauimerea liar iron, ueudis uenncu iron. ill, a.JUlllle H-i4liV Jtvili Rlxets, Het uud Celd Burden's lttet Iren, Beiler Iren, Steel, Sheet Iren 3-18 te Ne. 16, al JOHN BESTS, 5 East Fulton street. m'7-tfd YJtlrTORS, RUE J.trt'LE GIANT, I eeelc InsDlratnrs and Electors. Kt HAN wnnnn Reller Feeder. Penberthy Inspector, American Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN BEST'S, SB 4iijivt'i n ...I ... a. East Fulton street. m7-tld CiAWMlLlJS, BARK MILLS, COB MILLS. O I-eather Rellers, Tan Packers. Triple liorte Peweis. Mlllluif und Mining ilachlncry, at JOHN BEST'S, 83J East Fulton street. uiMfd Palace A Fashioe, People Cash Stere CtethtsiB. -"lumtiNa. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS Net Fer Sale Elsewhere I Loek At These Cat -Prices I Men's Bulls were I 4 M.... New Helllnrstt 2TS iens nans were e te...., New Kelllnsti 3iS Men' Hults were. I 7Z.....New Belling at I 4 10 Men's. Units were. $0 75 New hellion at $ 5 12 Men's Hnlta were III W..New Belling at (IIS Nen's HulUwerofl300..New Kellln at I 7M Men's Hults were 114 SO ...New Helling at 8 35 Men's Suits were IIS 00 New Belling alt 040 Men's Bulbi were 118 50......New Belling at $10 75 GOO Palf Men's Pants selling new at 40, 60, G5 ami 75 cents. Hey's Hulls new selling at $2, 12 25, $3, ti SO, $1 nnil Se. Price almost Culln Half. 650 Pair Children's Pants at 18, SO and 25 cents a pair. Children's HnlU reduced te 65e, 75c,l 00, ft 25. Ureal Reductions In our Custom Order De partment, Prices that will make you buy whether you need the goods or net. FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN .MEN'S BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, CALL AT L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Manufacturers of Men's, Hey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 68 and 68 NORTH QOEJQJ ST., .W.CORNEfiOFORANOE, LANCASTER. FA. -Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse in the city. MfBe cautious and make no mistake se that you set te the rlnhtelace. VTART1N BROS. OUT,FeTtNG3D0 Y0U PLAY work, TENNIS? DRESS An the nothing belong- OR PLAY. lugs te tnat atldg comfort Flannel Coats and Trousers, Flannel nod Madras Shirts, Sasliej, Belts, Hosiery nnd Neckwear. Wc In vieo your attention te this splendid line. DO YOU RIDE A WHEEL ? Remember, we supply all kinds of athletic goods. Try n pair or our Knee Trousers and Fast Black Leng He-e. All the latest In Belts, Garters, Treuscr-Fnslcncrs, nnd Kulck-Knack Dress Attachments for Bicycling. Are Yeu Getting Ready for a Summer Tour ? We liaye provided a large variety ei suitable suits for Scnshore or Mountain Wear for Beys and .Men. See the Serge Suits at $10.00 nnd $11.00 for Men, uud tue$J.30uud 6.00 bulls for Bey?, Are Yeu Fastened te Your Business or Profession ? If se, we provide clothing for the summer that adds comfort whlle at work, nnd makes the task easier. See our Thin Coats and 'cls, Coel Trousers and Business Dress Specialties. Our Making-te-Order nnd Rcady-Made Depart ment will serve you promptly, exactly and economically. VISIT MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. gsummcv &1coert. ST. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. Ocean End Delaware Ave. New Open. JunelO-Zmd JONAH WOOTrON.Jlt. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. New, Modern, First-Class, Complete. Pacific nvenue, between New Yerk and Tennessee avenues. Accommodate 200. iipr3I-3md JOSEPHS. DAVIS. rplIE OSBORNE. Cor. Arkansas nnd Pacific Aves., ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. New Heuse. Medirn Improvement. ElevnJ ter, Electrle Bells. Terms moderate. JuneJ-'-'md MRS. H.OSBORNE. THEMINNEQUA, Al LANTIC CITY, N. J., Pacific Ave., between Arkansas and Missouri -Aves ; central location ; refurnished-; under new management; everything first-class. Write for circular. myllJ-2md C. A. BROWNE. -CAMBRIDGE HOTEL, .VTLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ocean Frent. $2.50 nnd $3 per day. All mod ern conveniences. Cuisine of the best. M. 11. LEWIS, Proprietor. .W. E. Cei'ltilAN, Manager. m :i-2md rplIE .MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Enlarged 1 - Remodeled ! - Refurnished I Brophy's Orchestra from June te October. FluU appointed Cafe nud Billlurd Roem. Coaches te und from depots and te beach dur- iuu naming uuurs. vpfiiHii uiu inn. Juncll-2md 1:11. IARLL3 MCOLADE. A TLANTIC CITY. HOTEL CHETWOODE Pacific Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New am! P!retClnsi. Steam Heat; Call bells. Twe minutes walk Irem htacli. J2.50 and M.OU jier day. NOW OPliN IiiKKiiml MRS. NNIEGRUBB. rpiIECHALFONTE, THE CHALFONTE, ATL.INT1C ClTV, NEWjEKsr.V. SITU.VTED ON THE BEACH. NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. mj2-3nid E. ROBERTS A SONS. T HE MT. GRETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will he opened for the sinner season en MONDAYjJVIAY 5th This read extends from thoentniiiceor the Park te the summit of the Seuth Mountain (Governer Dick), a distance ornheut four miles. Its miniature trains connect with nil the regu lar passenger trains en the Cornwall J.-1 cba cba nen Railroad nirlvlng at the Park, nud rituru lug from tlioKuminltef the ineuiituln In time te connect w llh trains leaving the Park. Frem points en Penua. R. It. and Philadel phia A- Rciutliiu- R. H.. within 100 miles, the trip con benccempllihed In euntlaj. H U the N4VRROWI4TGAl'(li: In thn world. It Is the inet PERFECT IN I M CONSTRUC TION. It has also the MOST COMPLETE EQUIPMENT Its engines nre perfect little models of thofctandnrdengliiesefthellrst-elnss, and Us cars nre especially udapttxl te nttnrd an unobstructed view ei the magnificent sccnerj along the line. Steel Unlls. Stene Ballast. It Is one of the ft a teres of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest dny resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church anil Scheel, Military aud CI vloorgaul vleorgaul vloergaul rations, Clubs end Tourist Parllw canstcure the exclusive useef Mt.Grctua Park en appli catien te .-sr.u juidij, nl-'Umt Bup't P. . U Railroad. Ixtmnen, Piu lcutlatri. NATHORST. DENTIST. T-'tlii llllng Teeth and Painless Extraction Hpe iiiil veir Keis made, broken ones mended jyur.iir. E5iiu4nvc. and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates fin luseneu wm.wu. jptaic. Yes, everything pertaining celve prompt attention, at and pivoted, etc. es.cvcryiun ".'i'.,.'J .""t;,';; liemember that Dr. NaniersTisthe ONLY Deutlst lu this county who u"Vra "uSte of Medicine as well as orDtu erDtu Ustry. an advantnge that U obvious. tuarS-ljd&w 9v0Cvtt T CLARKE'.- (JPECIAL) One for Lach Day of the Week, AT Saturday, June 2$, will sell Mngoella I Cured Hums at 13c. Monday. June 00, will sell Quart Masen; flt73cterdezen. Tuesday, July 1, will sell 11 pounds et Av for 'JT. Wednesday, July:, will sell best Edam Chd Thursday, July 3, will sell French HennntSiic. Friday being the 1th, wn will sell Krld Bargain en Saturday, which Is two pel Cinnamon and two pounds Pepper for 3fc I member you gel a pound ureacn rer wc Samuel Clarke, Agl Tea, Cence and Grocery Stere, UAH Seuth Queen St., Near Centre Bqu Lancaster, a. i-Telcplione and Kree Delivery. -T710RTHE 4TII OF JULY, 1890. FIREWORKS! FIREWORK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. bxiilblltens furnished, cemnrislns! a va of new nnd beautiful designs for Public Pf I vate Displays el the most brilliant and I Ine colors. With nn experience el 24 years lnthsbl nesa, we can geiyeuunn pregramme givir viirieu nuu musi ineaaiug uispiay. Colored Works. Our works are colored fires nnd net surp bv nnv. ir you ani a nuuuc cxuioiiien erpnv P" elf, display for yourself, give us a cnll or writ ul D. S. Buirs! NO. 17 EAST KINO STHEET, LANC.V8TER. PA. A T HEIST'S. Sugars On a Declii -AT- RE1STS, Wc nre en the Eve of THE GLORIOUS FOURj Whole front of our stere thrown lute FIREWORKS, and three wnrcroems check full. We arc llcl aunrtcrs. Wholesaleund Retail. I Garden and Lawn Exhibition Pieces Sri fur our diserlptlve price list s.i, (10, flour S100 or mere, l'rlvute or mimic dlsnlnvs ceti tm. We usciroed Indcmunt In the selcctlei pieces that will be pleasing and glve unlver satlsfncllen. Sec Morning 'cut ter lilgAdv llsenicnui en i ironerKs, eic. Balloons, Animal Ilalli en, Chlnese nndJa nese Iiuterns. Fless, etc Hciidenarteni Dynamlle Crackers, Pistols. Revolvers, Bla Cartridges, Cannons, and a hundred new lull iu me uronerK uuc. Sugars On a Strik The Gicat Sugar Trust again baiting the ml ket by lowering prices a half cent or mere. J have reduced them a half cent a pound. 11 wnve has struck us nnd wc strike back. Cen make vournurehases under the coelimr bred of four Immense electrle fans. Ne het weatll with us. Once vrc get jeu lu )ou won't 11 UKe going eui se seen. I flcnlc and Camulne Parties sunDlledatl (lured rates. Big stock of Smoked Meats, Bl Tongues, etc. IlrstNcw Mackerel of the son, weigh one pound each, lc a peu: uvcryining inai is scasemiDie we nave. J.FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, I CORNER WEST KING 4VND PRLVCEST Directly Opposite J. B. Martin & Ce.'n Dry Goods Stere, and I Next Doer te Serrel florse Hetel. aa-Lenk for the Big Sign across the pal menu yinchinci'ii. OR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY c'ne. from 2 te 60 horse-newcr. nnd Ve ail Euulnes from 2 te 40 herse-newer. veu v findth(.m at JOHN BESTS. ii nasi ruill street. -ITIORTHE BEST HOT AIR FURNACE ,13 the market, go te JOHN BEST, 38.1 Ei Fulton street. im-itd rmntllt MAliT IllfVSJ linl- I'lTTIMflU OflT Ij plain nnd reducing, up te (Much dtnraeW Malleable Fittings. Flanges. Fiance Union Manifolds, American Unions, Tuba Support nnngrrs, nenr ana coning naies, goieaurc BEST'S, :!. East Fulton street. in7-tfdj T7I0R BOLTS, I,AG SCREWS, SET SCREWS AJ nquarennn iicxngen isuis, uiesogeoasi SlOCK,Ul JUU I11V51S, &u luui r imen siren in7-tfd IJ!0It4MERIC4VNSIGIITFEEDCYLINDli Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Bearing I vnn mil irnt llinm nl .TnlfV lit jT'S, ail En I Fulton street. IU1-UUJ 171011 BOILER TUBE BRUSHES, STILLSO 3 1'ipe Wrcnchc8,Pliennd Menkey Wrench combined. Files, OH Cans, etc, go te JOH IIE.VT, SJJ Eust Fulton street. m7-ttal "OARTICULAIt 4VTTENTI0N PAID a .viecici iniung, l-uiicrns, urawiugs nt. Blue I'rlnts. ut prices reasonable, at JOlq REisT'H.&B EnstFulteustreeL nu-iiei CJTEAM xieATISTHECOMINGHEATKcJ k7 dwellings, churches, school houses, et tlieugu succession)' used ene mi ml red yea age. vvnen you contemplate 11 change call JOHN BEST, who will glve you u sutlsfuctei Jet), at a fair price. m7-tld1 UMPS, BOILERS, MINING, CENTRIFI.I L gnl and Steam Pumps, et any capacity, J OHN BES T's. ill Eest Fulton strceL in7-tf ls, et any capacity, ulten street. in7-tfd lADIATOIH, OF ANY M.VKE OR Dl JLl sii byJOl j sign, can be furnlshcdntrcaseiiablefigun res luii.t Jji-Ji. za ijisi 1 11 lien street. iii7-lj TTtOH CASTINGS, IRON OR BRASS, LtGIM or heavv. nt short notice, l'e te JOlli HLsr. :cu K&hi i-uuen street. nn-nuii e-v rrf FEirr of pipe, from f rtl 1. 1 II II J inch te 0 Inch diameter. K, salent 11 low figure, nud the only houseln till city with 11 pipe cutting machine, cutting tin tl Inch diameter, nt JOHN BEVT S,.1UEnst Frfl teu street. m7-tfd ri-iANKSrOR WATi:it.OII.3.ACID ORGA 1 ofanvshane or capacity, ut fair prices, d te JOHN UFT. SH East Fulton street. Im7-t4 llTtOR PULLEYS, SHAFTING, COLLAR! JJ llanuers, Llamii 110x1s, Ceupltngs, etc., i te JOHN BEST.'.) 1 uaai I Fulton street. m74! OACKING", AS TOLLOWS: DIRIGO.FO! JL steam und IlydraulloPaeklng.Asbestltop Woven mid Wick lMcklug. Ileum l'acktinr. A tn'Stes Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestc Sheathing, Gum Pact'ng.Guin Kings for W'ati GnugcH, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent A hesle. Lined Mctlenal l'li) Cever, nt JOIL IlEH'r.S, ail East Pulteu street. m7-tfd T7IOR PRATT A CA11Y AHBETO1 DIS JL' Valves. Jenkins Vnlves.Bruss Glebe Valve; I Brass Gule Valves, Iren Bedy Olobe Valve.' I lA'ver safety Valves, Pep Saaty Valves, A Valves, Radluter Valves, Priitl'N hwingln Check Vulvcs. Brass Check Valvcs.Poet Vulve Angle Valves, call at JOHN BETti, 3M Knt Fulton Street. m7-tfd, ( mntr .'!' ti . 1 n 1 nniv IITilt iklf mil 1 Pressure, Wnter GaugcJ., Gauge Cocks Meed Wluvls or Weluliletl. GUiss Tubei Whtstltw, r nheus fur stiem Gauges, Cyltudci Oilers Plain, Wattr Gauge Columns Cocks f(J Mlenm Gauges, cull oil JOHN UEsT, SW EaJ Fultenstreet. m7-tfd I l.tlRU BllirKS, FIRE CLAY. .VT LOt I4 rtgurcs, goteJOHNBlr,SjjEast Ftiltef street. m7-lfd AiruiTE corre.N WASTE. COPPED I.D in I uuds e I ter tiirl :n Ens I m7-td ' I V the itieiMtund. 10c; In lets of 10 pounds ever. 8c. .VII erxrU ilcllvrrwt te unv part of t nver pltv cttyrree. caueu juh.n iujsi-, ie s:i um Fulton street. r I TF IN WANT Of BRASS OR IRON hfOlel I t ecks, Asbestos I',u Kfil Cooks, IV t unu Ultrl them, or send jour order by mall, te JOIIA- IIEmI, SK East Fulton stiwt. m7-tfd -S.OLO BRONZE, LHll'lDS AM) SlZIMul X rer steam work, at JOHN jitsi",SH ta' ( i luiuu sirifi. ,...-.,v. t GEMY FOit CALLAHAN COS CF-I incut te take the place of Re J Lead. In bulk it mai.es five me- the quantity or red leiiu and ts rar sn;Tler in iniiKing neain jnuw, lacking iii.mmttl hand liela pluus en iMllen. Ac, Ac, pi, :.! ien'1 xr ieuud, ut JOHN BEST'S, auliisl Fulton street, W7-U4 U t&AitfV hM&Wii ? gfg 'Ifytift