,v XUXa .aw,. cS 1ME SKIN. There's a skin without and a akin within, A covering skin and a lining tkln; Bat the skin within It the skin without. Doubled Inwurd and carried completely thioujheut. The palate, the nostrils, the wlndp'pe and threat, Are nil of tlicin lined with the Inner coat; Which through every part In mil le te extend Lengs, Unci and bowels from end te end. The outside akin I n marvelleus plan Fer excreting the dregs of men, While the Inner extracts from the feed and the nlr, What Is needed tin waste of the fleh te repair. Toe mnch brandy, 'whisky or gin Is apt te disorder the skin within, While dirty or dry, the skin without Refuses te let the sweat coma out. Geed people alt have a care of your akin Beth that without and that within ', Te the first iIt plenty or water and soap; ,Te the lust little etq but water, we hope. But always be very peculiar where Yeu Ret your water, your feed nnd your air, Fer If these be tainted or rendered Impure It will have It effect en the bleed, be sure. The feed which will ever for you be the best Is that you like most nnd soonest digest ; All unripe fruit and decaying flesh Beware of, nnd rlsh that Is net very fresh. Y6dr water, transparent nnd pnre,&s you think, Had better be filtered nod boiled croyeu drink, Unless you knew surely that nothing unsound Can hnve get te It ever or under the ground. ' But of all things the roost I would have you beware In breathing the polien of once breathed atr ; W'hun In bed, whether at home or out you may be, Always open the wludews and let It go free. And you.Jwhe thus kindly take care of your kin, And attend te Its wants, both without and within. Need never of cholera feel any rears. And your skin may last you a hundred year. i Jeseph J'euer. Jj ii ( . J ,At Cepe Mny. Frem the New Yerk Hun. Ilarrlsen Is n man who would rather be right than be president. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. And yet lie sold his birthright Ter a mess of cottage ' An Iden or Immortality. Frem the Bosten Courier. Little Girl Your papa has only get one leg. hasn't he? Veteran's Llttle Girl Ye Ij. G. Wliore Is his ether one T V. L. O. Hush, dear, it's in heaven. A Mutter of Interest te Travelers. Tourists, emigrants and mariners And that Hosteller's Stomach Bltfrs Is n medicinal sufc gimrd against unhcalthful Influences, upon which they ran Implicitly rely, since It pre vents the effects that an unhealthy climate, vitiated atmosphere, unaccustomed en un wholesome diet, bad water, or ether conditions unfavorable te' health, would otherwise pre Jduce. On long voyages, or journeys by land In latitudes adjacent te the equator. It Is especially use'ut as a prcenttve of the febrile com plaints and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, which are apt te attack natives of the temper ate zone sojourning or traveling In such re gions, and Is an excellent protection ngalnst the Influence of extreme, cold, sudden changes of temperature, exposure te damp or extreme fatigue. It net only pre cnls Intermittent nnd remittent fever, and otherdlcajesefa malarial type, but eradicates them, a fact which has been notorious for years past In North and Benth America, Mexico, the West Indies, Aus tralia and ether countries. Jc2lteJyl One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the ubove amount If I fall te prove that Floraplexten Is the best medicine In existence for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Bilious ness. It Is a certain cure, nnd affords immedi ate relief, Incases of Kidney nnd Liver Com plaint, Nervous Debility and Consumption. Floraplexlen builds up the weak system and cures where ether remedies fall. Ask your Irugglst for it nnd get well. Valuable book "Things Werth Knewing," also, sample book ent free ; nil charges prepaid. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, 88 Warren street,N. Y. Fer sale fcy Gee. W, Hull, Lancaster P. aprl'-lydAw Ask Your Frlanda About It. Your distressing cough can be cured. We knew it because Kemp's Balsam within the past few years has cured se many coughs and colds In this community. Its remarkable sale has been wen entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some, friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam, There Is no medi cine se pure, none se effective. Large bottles 00c nnd SI nt all druggists. (2) OfptKial eticca. Uuukleu'H Arnica Salve. Tub BKHTBAiAiin the world for Cute, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, end all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te give per feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. Hecli, Drug gist, New. 137 and I'M North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. luneZMyd Vreved n Bid Buueilt.l " Has magical paln-k!lllng and healing prop erties. Half n nrty cent bettle cured me of rheumatism and a cold I hat had settled In my back. Kcclaswcllas wellas I cm r did tn inj ure. Otte J. Deesbury, prep'r Helland Clfv iS'euJ, Helland, Mich., speaking of Dr. Thema' JCclectrie Oil. Sold In Lancaster by W. T. llech, 1J7 and 139 North Queen street. Is Consumplea luteurnblef Read the following : Mr. C. H.Merris, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess or Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an incurable Consumptive. Begun taking Dr. King's New Disco ery for Consumption, nm new en my fifth bottle, and nhle le oversee the work en my farm. It Is-lhe finest medicine ever mude." , Jesse Mlddlcten, Decatur, Ohie, sajs: "Had it net been Ter Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died or Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best of health." Try II. Saniple bottles free nt W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 nnd 1JN, Queen St., Lancaster, l'a, (5) Hew About the Deses. Many teeple before purch.ii.lng a madlclne naturally Inquire the slze of the d.e and the strength or It.-In us.nc Murdoch Jiloed Hitlert a teasoeonful for the llttle ones and two tea spoonfuls for grown folks are nil that 18 neces sary at one time. This magnificent medicine Is net only economical, but ery pleasant te thn taste, fold In Lancaster by W. T. llech, 137 and 13V North Queen street. Mothers ! Mothers ! t Methers I I I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wlth the excruciating pain et cutting teethT ir e, goat once nnd get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S BOOTHINU HYHUP. It will relleve the peer little sulierer Immediately depend upon It ; there is ue mistake about 1U There Is neta mother en earth who has cer used It, who will net tell j ou nt euce that It will regu late the bowels, aud give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly wife te use in all cases and nleasaut te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of eue of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld eery where, li cents a belt le. Iune25lyd4w Satisfaction Unlvtti-bnl. " In the past three nientliH I hne sold ene hundred nnd six bottles or Themas' Ulecti ic Oil Ne rr saw n medicine in my llfe that gn c such universal satisfaction. Cured an ulcerated threat rer me in tweutj-feur hours. neer rulled te rellee my children or croup." C. It. Hall, druggist, OrayIUe, III. Sold In Lancas ter by W. T. llech, 137 and 1 North Quceu street. Electric liltterx. This remedy is becoming se well known and se popular as le need no special mention. All who liave used Klectrlc Bitten, sing the same song or praise. A purer medlclne docs notex netex 1st and It Is guaranteed te de nil that Is claimed, Electric Hitters will rare ull diseases e( the Liver and Kidneys, will remnv e Pimples, Hells, Halt llheum and ether ntlectleus caused by im pure bleed. Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent us well as cure ull Malarial fevers, Fer euro of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Klectrlc Hitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Rice 50c and 11.00 per bottle nt W T. Hech's Drug Htere, 137 and 130 N. Queen t Ijvucaster. Fa. ") Served Him HlttUt. " I have used Jlunleck Weed Jlittcn, nnd nm happy te s.iv they hue done me mere geed thin anything yet. bend a furtherqimiitltv ut enie." This man was h siillerer from dysper sln for twenty ears, ills name Is Alexander Leugh.nnd he fives nt Alprun. Mich, held u Lancaster by W, T Hech, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. 71011 PRATT A CADV ASBIBTOH DISC 13 Vulves, Jenkins Vnlvos,nnis(lebe Valvis, rasj'lute Valves, Iren Bedy Glebe ali-s. Valves, Itadluter Valves, I'mtt's Swinging Check Valves, Ilraaj Check Valviii.l'oet Valves Angle Vulves, call at JOHN BUSTS, 33:1 IJs Fulton Street. in7-tld ImpurevJloed A Pennsylvania RallreatMan Ttllt Remarkable) Cure) of Scrofulous Humer- Raad lt of Mr. Baby, wh makes the following state meat, is a well known railroad man, run nlng en the Pennsylvania Railroad between Columbia, Penn., ud rhlladelphUt UI teel thtt I wish te tell what baa been done ter us and our little boy by Heed's Bar aaparilla. Me Is new six years of ate, and, until a. abort time age, haa erer since birth beta a terrible sufferer from scrofulous humor. Beres would appear en htm and spread until they were as large as n dollar, and then discharge, only te be followed by ethers, se that the larger part et his body was one mats et sores all the time. The scrofula was especially severe en his legs and back of his ears and en his bead. ,nis hair was se matted that combing was sometimes Impossible. His ears became se thin that we could see through then, and were actually AnUID THET WOULD DROP OFT. His legs were se bad that somctlmesbe could net alt down, and It was Impossible fbt him te run about and play like ether children. Fre quently when he tried te walk, his leg would crack open and the bleed start from different places. The humor bad a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, se that at night we had te tie his hands In mittens or stockings te prevent bis scratching and tearing himself. We cannot tell new that peer nor setfeked ter nearly Ave years, nor hew his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could te relieve him. Twoer three physicians agreed In calling It scrofulous humor, but did net effect a cure. We tried salves and ointments and ether things but without benefit. At last I decided te give hint Heed's Sarsaparilla, as my DnuaatsRECOKXxinsED rr. In about two weeks the flarsaparllla began te have effect The sores commenced te heal np the flesh began te leek mere natural and healthy. Then j .scales carae oil and all ever Ids body n .Ad healthy flesh and skin formed. When-ne had taken two bottles he waa entirely free from sores, having only the sears te show where they had been. These arc gradually disappearing. The little fellow was STCIX Of ORATtTCDR te Heed's Sarsaparilla when he tennd It was curing him, and he would call for 'My medi cine' when the time came for him te take It. We are unable te express our thanks for the geed Heed's Sarsaparilla has dene our llttle boy." HAHBTK.KcnT.BoxaM.Celumbli.ra. A latter letter Frem Mr. Ruby states that his son Is new In perfect health, has no trouble Irem the humeri which Is entirely cured! He has many Inquiries about the recovery of the boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases te try Heed's Sarsaparilla. What Can be Added Te the above statement te make mere em phatic the evidence of the cleansing effect of Heed's Sarsaparilla upon the bleed? It would seem te be the posltlve dutyet all who suffer from any disease or affection caused by Impure bleed, te at least glve Heed's Snrsa parllla a fair trial. 11 many wonderful cures have wen ter It the lltle et "the greatest bleed purifier ever discovered." Every Confidence, "Among the few proprietary articles 1 re commend te customers Heed's Sarsaparilla Is one In which I place every confidence. My patrons seem te have the same confidence, Judging from Its sale, which Is mere than all the ether bleed purifiers together." (1. B. Little, Druggist, tireensburg, l'a. FKOS Pretty Geed i The following Is from Mr. manufacturer et enameled dles. carried en bashiess In Philadelphia aid 9. isse. and whose testimonial In favor Heed's Sarsaparilla Is certainly worthy et consideration. "One year age I waa laid p sick with pneumonia for U weeks. When I get ever that, my feet and legs swelled, were very much Inflamed, and caused me mnch suffer ing. The doctor said t had gout, which I did net believe. I tried a number et cures, of no avail. Then some one asked me te try Heed's Sarsaparilla. I did se. I took It three times aday,betoremeals. Before Iliad taken one bottle I began te Improve. I took In all Ave bottles, which cured me and made me feel well otherwise. 1 have had no return of the affection. Can walk ten miles every day, which Is pretty geed for a man M years old. I feci grateful for thn geed Heed's Sarsapa rilla has done me, and have used my Influence wllh a number of people te try it, and te far with satisfactory results." Jenx Hikes, 40 North setli Street, Philadelphia, renn. Cancerous Sere. "About 7 ycaxsage I had a cancerous sere en my nose, which grew te be very (trouble some and offensive, I concluded te try Heed's Sarsaparilla, 'and after using two bottles the sere disappeared and healed up entirely. It has been cured for two years with no ap ap pcarance et Its returning. I am new In my eightieth )car and enjoying geed health. I feel It my duty te recommend Heed's Sarsapa rilla te all persons Buffering from similar I reubles. Be sure te get Heed's." Jesiah Haiivev, Delmenf, Westmoreland Ce., Penn. Confirmatory Statement. "The abeve certificate Is from Jesiah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman well known throughout Westmoreland county. Ills statement in regard te the sere and cure liorfenncd Is correct." Z. Zuimebman, Druggist, Delmont, renn. N. B. If jeu decide, from what you have heard or read, te take Heed's Sarsaparilla, de net be Induced te buy any ether. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by aU druggist, glialxfergj. Prepared only I Beld br all drnfgUti. 1 tlxferfi. Prepared only I by C. L HOOD CO , Apetneeartsi, Lewtll, Mass, by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Leu ell. Mate. IOO Deses One Dellar IOO Deses One Dellar Sold by all dtuggiiU. 11 1 six f or (J. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD CO , Apotbecarles.'Lowell, Mas. IOO Deses One Dellar furniture. "rrENRtf WOl, FURNITURE STORE, baa removed te 138 East King street, having a full line of Furniture efevery description at (lie lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. a8-tfdB H. WOLF. 136 East Ring Street. CHS A GIBBS. e TOO MUCH FURNITURE! YQU CAN IIAVi: IT AT Way Down Prices! ALL NEW STYLES FOB THE Parler, Bed-Roem, Dlniog-Reom, Library. RELIABLE. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers nnd Dealers, (2d,8d 4 4th Fleer.) Ne. M BOUTU QUEEN TTEINITBH'H FURNITURE DEfOT. WIDE AWAKE Buyer desiring a combination of Highest Sunllty of the Manufacturer's Art in all the ewest and Latest Designs nnd the Lewest Prices In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Rheuld he awake te their own Interests and call upon us when their wants will be fully sup plied. We offer te-day a splendid assortment of Par Par eor Bulls In Tapestries and Plushes nt specially Lew Prices.; HEINITSH'S . FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street T HE REPAIR WORK HAH BEUUN AND Prices Must Ge Still Lewer -AT- WIDMYER'S, CORNER OK East King and Duke Sts. The old front Is out and the new nnd hand hand hand seme one Is coming. Meanwhile we must hae elbow room. New Is the time for BHRGHINS IN Furniture of Every Description. WIDMYER, COIINKK OF KAST KINO AND DUICK STltKETS. fiate. I "YV"EAJu'jflSVELOi,KD 1'ARTB Of the Human Bedy bnlureed. Developed, ' Htrengthened, etc, U un interesting adertlse- ment long run In our paper. In reply te in quiries we will say that there 1 no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad rrlUersrecry highly luderfced. Interested persons may gel hculcd circulars kIvIiii; nil par tlculsrs, by writing te the ERIE MKDIUAL ( O., 5 Hwun Bt., Buffalo, N. '.Dillu Teledo JSt. m-fyd(Sw "I TATS NEW AND PRETTY. Stauffer & Ce., Lancaster's Leading Hatters, Exhibit III Largest and Best (selected Kleck of Straw and-Summer Hats AT THE VERY LOWEHT POSSIBLE PRICES Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. CHILDHEN'H at Any Price ou Name. FIHE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, In all the Bummer Shades, at tl.j tots. LAWN TENNIS CAl-SAND HATS, All Celers. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS r'er the Vacation Season, at Very Lew Prices STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASrER. FA. vS 03i3tbe. NJ EXT DOOR TO THE COUItr HOUSE. NEW TO-DHY. Fifteen Hundred Yards or Egyptian Cleths In Light, Medium nnd Dark Effects, 87 Inches wide and geed colors, 12K yard. Think a hit I 8 yards will make iv dress nnd only cost II. See them In our East Window. New Challles and Lawns at 5c Better Grade Challlcs at 6c and He. Ten cent Ginghams, new Se. Twelve-and-a-half cent Olnghums new 10c Twenty cent Olng" hams new 15c Twenty-live cent Ginghams uewZOa 'On Wednesday , m. we will reccte another let or these Fast Celer Chambrays In I'lnk and Light Blue, at 12c. We have a Big Stock of White Dress Goods In 1'lnld and Rtrlpe Nainsoeks, Stripe Organdies, Hemstitched Flounces, Embroideries, etc., at Sc, 10c, 12ic, 15c, ISc, COc, 25e, S5c, J7ic andv60e. A Bargain, 100 Dezen Ladles' Unbleached Summer Weight Hese ut 5c a pair. FA.HNESTOCKS, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. "Vf ETZGER & HAUGIIMAN. Metzger Sc Haughman. 1WASH DRESS GOODS. OUTING STRIPES AND l'LAIIJS, .DHESS GINGHAMS, PLAIN CUAMIIIIAYS, SKKltSUCKEUS. WHITE DRESS GOODS T INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED I'LOUNCINGS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PHICIX Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) ard Mcelrey. B BjfLRJD & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. BLACK GOODS Extra value In Black All-Weel Henrietta Cashmere, te In. wide, at Mc worth 2e: 4flln.wldent 75c, wrlh87Kc; tn. wldcnt II, worth J1.25. Bargains In Black Hen rlcttu at '.Sound. tfc. Silk Warp Black Henrietta ut II. fl.lii 81.M. Black All-Weel Albatres, eOc color from perspiration or acids, and Is net nflcctcd by washing or exposure te the light. Black Halliie v 1th ncul dot or figure, l'l.iln Bluck I'lald Im) ii. WHITE GOODS-Hpcclul Itarniilnu In India Linen and Victeria Ijiwm nt Sc, 10c, 120 and up. Anether let of Sitttn Bordered WhttuGixidsnt20eiind25c Hemstitched and Embroidered Flounc ing nt lowest prices In the city. Bitrgulns In I'lald and Stripe Will te DreM Goods. GINGHAMS Dress OliKhamsnte;(c, worth 8c; lOcDrc.s Ginghams at he; 12'e quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths nt leennd I2K. WINDOW HIIADEH Cleslin; out Het of shades, 0 feet long, spring fixtures, al23e; Het with fringe, same size, at 3.1c. REMNANTS 1 let of SOe Carpels in remnants at 2ec ikt yard ; 1 let of 79c All-Weel Carpels In remnants, at Sue per j ard, UNDERWEAR Ludlcs', Men's and Children's Underwear, summer weluht, theap. Indies' Ribbed Vest at Se ; elsewhere 10c and up, Men's Balbrlggau from 2Se up. Children's at low 1 r!-s. BIUYCLMJ Agents for the l'lemlcr and Coventry Rlvnl Safety Rlcvcles. bard Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn gUtu'cnmvc. T-T Z. RHOAD8 A BON. NON-MAGNETIC MOVEMENTS an"d AFiill Line of Watches in Geld nnd Silver Cases, AT H. Z. Rhoads &. Sen's, 4 West King St. Bey Your Sterling Silver Before the Rise Cemes-And It Is Coming! FIUM) AND MAUI.Vi: GLASSI-S Hi It TOPIUSTW. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. ttlu CCucrfrtflce. E LINN BRENEMAN. Little Giant Bicycles I We guarantee the Little Giant Blc cle te be the Beat Machine In Iho Murket. Whu.1 costing double the money are no Utter. -KOR- VELOCIPEDES, GIRLS' TRICYCLES, EXPRESS WAGONS -AM)- BHBY CKRRIHGES, MfllH 13 East King St A Great June Sale REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS -IN- TRIMMED HATS AND BONMTS, PRICES CUT IN HALF. Fer the Balance of the Menth We Have Made Sweeping , Reductions in Trimmed Hats, Straw Hats, Leghorn Flats, Chip Flats, Children's Hats, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons AND IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL OOODfl AT HALF USUAL PRICE -THE- BONTON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St., mrZ7-8mdS&P LANCASTER. l'A. Smuiitctr $tc0etrt. S1 CIIARLEH, ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. Ocesn End Delaware Ave-. New Oikii. JuneKWmd JONAH WOOTTON.Jn. XTOTEL BRUNBWICK, XL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. tiew, Medem, KlrstCliws, Complete 1'ncMe avenue, between New Yerk nnd Tennessee avenues. Accommodate SOO. apr31-3md JOSEPH H. UAVIH. rpHE OSBORNE. Cor. Arkansas and Pacific Aves:, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. New Heuse. Modern Improvements. ElevaS ter, Electric Bells. Terms moderate. JuneU-2md MRS. H.OSBORNE. rrUIEMINNEOUA. 1. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Pacific Ave., between Arkansas and Missouri Aves ; central location ; refurnished ; under new management; every thing first-class. Write for circular. mylSWmd C. A. BROWNE. ptAMBRIPqE-ATLANTlO CITY. HAM'L II. LEWIS. Proprietor. WM. E. COCHRAN, Manager, Complete Hetel ; 100 bod-roems ; ocean front : best bathing grounds; bread piazzas'; ehsfanl buffet. my2.2md rplIE MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Enlarged I Remodeled t Refurnished I Brophy's Orchestra from June le October. Finely appointed Cnfe nnd Billiard Roem. Coaches te and from depots and te bench dur Ina bathing hours. Open all the Year. Junclt-ttnd CHARLES MiULADE. A TLANTIOCITY. HOTEL CHETWOODE Pacific Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New and First-Clan. Hlcnm Hcnt; Call hells. Twemluules walk from beach. t2j)and tl.OU per day. NOW OPEN. mUWind MRS. ANNIE OltUHII. fTM E CH A LFONTfc, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic Citv, Nr.w Jriwr.r. SITUATED ON THE BEACH. NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. mytSmd E. ROHERTH A PONS. npHEMT.URETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumer season en MONDAYWVIAY 5th This read extends from the entrance of the Park te the summit of the Seuth Mountain (ioercier Dick), a distance ofabeut four miles. Its miniature trains connect with all the regu lar passenger trains en the Cornwall fc Leba non Itallread arriving nt the Purk. and return ing from the summit of the meunuiln In time te connect with trains leaving the Park. Frem points ou Prnna. It. It. and Philadel phia A Reading It. it., within IOO miles, the trip can lie accomplished in eue day. ItlstheNAItltOWKHTOAUOEInthewerld, It Is thn most PERFECT IN ITS CONSTRUC TION. It has also the MOST COMPLETE EQUIPMENT, Its engines are Perfect little models of the standard englnesef the first-class, and Its cars are especially adapted te aderd an unobstructed view of the magnificent sceniry along the line. Steel Hulls. Hteue Ballast. It Is one of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church nnd Scheel. Military and Clvlcergnul rations, Clubs aud Tourist Vartles can secure the exclusive use or MUUretnn Turk en 11 catien te NED IRISH aUiind Sup'tC. A L. Railroad, Lebanon iccure jnjpll. pii.'Pe. Ccntistvu; FLI3STIT A BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANOASTEft, PA. DR. NATHORHT. DENTIST. 2 CENTRE SQUARE. Filling Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New SeU made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, e cry thing pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, at rry Moderate Terms. Rcinciubir that Dr. Naiherstls tin ONLY Dentist In thlsreunty wholsugraduaUtef Medlclne as well as of Den tlstry. au ad uulage that la obvious, marU-lyd&w i rtC SUA Elf DIAMONDS, JEWELlil Examination of Eyes Fre9 He Dreps Used I OHAS. S. GILL, KO. 10 WEST KING STKEET, LANCASTER. PA. ILLBEHKREAOTHER WEEK. w- Owing te a Number of Engsgemsnta Prof. Little, OPTICIAN, WILL BE HERE FOR ANOTHER WEEK, TILL JUNE 98. All persons having trouble with their Eyes should call aud have them examined. Ne charge except for goods. Walter C. Hcrr, JEWELER, iei North Queen St., COR. OF ORANOE. z AIM'S CORNER. Spectacle Department ! Owing te the number of cases ws have for treatment and adjustment, we have determined te open the ofllce en Fer the accommodation of these who find It difficult and expenstve te leave their work dur ing the day time. OFFICE-BECOND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTRANCE I NO, 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. sTOIDcs Hours from 7 te 10 p. lit Monday and Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE ! Ne Fees Charged I All diseases or the Eye treated and operated en by a UraduaUd Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, and thorough satisfaction Guaranteed A FULL LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, As wellas thn Novelties of the season, at the Lewest Cash Figures, A Specialty made of Intricate Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Ernest Zahm, ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCAHTF.H, l'A. npr&-3md arxJCtB. ETb! CARPETS "1AHP CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A (SPECIALTY Dyeing I Dyeing I Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Are second loiienolnl'cnnsylanla for finish nl work of all kinds. FenthersDyid All Shades. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO., NO. 1M SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCAHTin. l'A. fel154md ilcfvtflcratere. AHDWAHK,AL'. H GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO. Continental Lawn Mowers, New Quaker City Lawn Mowers, Hydrant Hese and Garden Bess. R E F R IGER ATORS ! JEWETT'S hac the hlghcstireptitatlen, give mere satisfaction with less consumption of Ice, than any ether Refrigerator In the market. Jewett's Water Coelers and niters, Oem Water Filters, Hammocks, Wire Window Screens and Wire Screen Deers. Hardware and Heasefarnisblng Goods. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO., SO Jfc SO WEST KINO STREET, mynnidM.WS Lancaster Pa. 3Utevitctj T UT11ER H. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LJ.W. CHAS. E.1 T ERANON A LaU JLA lUimtUAD. Arrangements of Passenger TnS ouneAT, .May II, 1 . NORTHWARD. Leave a. m. p.m. King Street, Incu 7.-00 12:0 Lancaster.. 7.-07 um Columbia... 13M Manhelm ,,,... 7:m 13Q Cornwall. 7:69 1: Arrlve at Lebanon .....-.. .-fcll M 6:10 WUllinAHU, . . Leave a.m. r.M. .t. uteannn ... 7:1J 12ae 7:tB Cptawall 7.27 12: 7A8 Maahelra;.. ........... 7M l:l 7 Lancaster...... tin 1:48 kill Arrive nt King Street, Lane 8:35 IH 835 voiumeia... v.zt xua a5i BSM ""1 Ml MB X A. at. I t:lt tm i A. M. WILHON.HnnLM. AflRsllrMS. (, H. BL NKWV. Unnl. I B U '. PHILADELPHIA A HEADING! RAU ' READINO COLUMBIA Dt VM MUU KIWI OUUUMJ, tflMJT X, ISOVL leave Lancaster (King street), as fellows! a1 rer nenaing ana iiiiermeaiaia neuits. days, 7: te a. m., lite, fc p. ni.; BnaSay, I TT1.. nm ti. in. Fer Philadelphia, week days, 7:M i. hl, CStW a, ill,; 7Il4IIUaj OSU IS 111 Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, ' :iu h. in., m:.k, o;e p. Ul. Fer New Yerk via Allentown, ,ii u. m. Fer Allentown, week days, 7:40 a. sm., Ml m. : Sunday, SAJ p. m. .- Fer Potu vtlle, week days, 7:40a. m., Ml Kl Sunday, S:6S p. m. , rer Lebanon, week days. 760 a.Bs.,lMa. p. m, 1 Sunday, n.-OS a. m, I) U p. m. j rer uarriinurg, wws eays, ifjt a.Bk.1 9,aj p. ni. ( eupuny, eajq m. Fer quarryvllle, week days, MS a. I 1,V, 8.00 p. au. ; Sunday, 5:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANilAHTEB. Iave lteedlng, week days. 7M, U4tsV,l S:&5 p. m. : Sunday. 7.-20 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. ' umvn s-uiiaaeipuus, nsa nays, SUSL m.. 4KTJ n. m. Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, wsHs cnn. 111., 4riV. ii, in. J4;iimgnb leave New Yerk via Allentown, Leave Allentown, week days, 6:47 a.a.i Leave Pettsvllle, week days, SJO a, bf'i p. ns .T-u utura iieoanen, wees: aays, t:u a. sjl. 7:15 p. m.t Sunday, 75 a. m., 8:19p.m. .' jave namseurg, wcca aays, Km a. sm, ; 1 imj, ijjv Ism lata v Leave viuarryvtlle, week days, M, IUH tl 8.-00 1 Bunday, 7:10 a. m. ,x atLantiocitydivihiew. ya Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street ' ana neuui street wnan. Fer Atlantle City, week days. reu su in. sua s.-uu p. 111.: Aocenu K a, ra., Accommodation, mM a.'aSJj Returning leave Atlantle City, dapei Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Week 1 Kxprcas 7::i a. m. ana 4 p. m. J modatlen,8.-05a.m. and 4.80 p. in. 0i express, p. ru. Accomraeaauoa, ; ana 4:80 n. in. Detailed time tables can be ebtalaed Ml omeas. A, A, MeLEOD. C U. HANC vie lit, a ueni M-gr. uen-j 1 Santpm, "fe Ts TTEW LAMPS AND ART QOOD8. S ,S ?'"a 'JriSf rf-t, ' ! Call and S THE FINE NEW LA! wt V3 A' s AND HRT COODSj wUUwwVVMVVn . JotaLAraeld'sBuili NORTH QUEEN STREET. w ffl m -pLUMIilNO.OAB FITTlNO.Ae. Jelm P. Schaum & PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOi 26 8QUTH OUEEN 8T.. S- LANCASTER rAij Ijittaiurttrc. TTIQH A MARTIN. China, Glass -AND QUEENSWARE -AT- W'e are new opening our Spring W Importation or queensware ana will A li iiretmrMl ti sunnlv our customers - with the very best grade of ware al 'il Ixwest Prices. Heusestires receive JiS especial attention. ugs HIGH & martin; 15 East King Street. M piioteavavha. E Beceud Fleer Eshleman La North lus-Hit. Ulldli'g. Ne. 43 iprMyditw XF IN WANT OF 1IRAKS OR IRON srei Cocks, AtbishM Iuckcd Cocks, Pet and 111b .icks,I.eerCecks,Snlng J0I11U, call and gel thrin, or send your order byiual), te JOHN litsr, 333 East Fulteu street, m7-tfd VERY PERSON 13 ANXIOUS TO UA1 THEIR PICTURE. Among the Daisi It the Latest Btyle of PHOTOGRAPHS MADE.y CallanJpfee them, at ROTE'S, 50' N. Queen LAKCAbTER, PA., I au7-enid Next w i-oiee,:. .? 3-i i. iji:i-