E 25, 1800. -' tv'm. 9h0c. tog 0O0&. P. i - ; fWl sif ws? it y? 0jtfUs.r. iitm liuta'! hi 'nwiai' tate Kurtrele te tlie can Catherine: iU$8lcal nud meutnt wsy.riig. There Is a great . grant hent; consequently xvu uriiiermerc, uieru is no itr t ItArt f llin nrA1iil iitlfl tli ufil f- jlepcct for the ether part. Hew n man vR-a of ordinary sensibilities can exist in n 'ST "Estate of happiness in n crowd In the hent ffl.Tl when he Is without the minnrirL of linne? W w ., -------------.-, x t- or maceration. eiBcu-cawcm, we ue net understand. It must be cenfwscd, however, thut the ordinary .man is net very obedient te the commands f philosophy, und he will de whnt bccui te be the nest extraordinary things, hut which nre proven te be ordinary and natural 1)3 the persistence nud unanimity with which men de thorn. Te gather together f.iu n crowd is net a thing which wlfidem will generally commend, n crowd net being often a comfort. Hut crowd wlil sat her upon the slightest pretext. Our country folk lifted te ceme te Lan caster en Whitsuntide, In great crowds, when the girls would stand sweltering In rows, three or four deep, In the hotel walling rooms all day long ; and go home weary In the uvctilng and think perhnps that they had Ikmmi h tippy J though of Inte years the lads and lasses neem te have concluded that the giune did net pay and the grcnt crowds of Vhltsuntlde are no mere. There is net tv'blt mere souse among the crowds of men that gather at politi cal conventions in the hottest day of the year, without having any business there. Thtwe who go te boom their can didates may be said te have some busi ness ; but hew cnu any one have busi ness of that kind ut the Ilarrlsburg convention, whereeverylMMly knows uud says that Quay's man will be chosen? Wc have had brass bands and houdsge out of our town te boom brother Martini ami en the ether side te burst his boom ; the sense of which Is net cousplcuetis under the conditions that will govern the scleclieu of the lieutenant govorner e well ns governor. We are pleased, however, that brother Martin litis a chance te get out his brass bunds and banners once at least. It may be his only chance ;iiud surely It would be a sere pity that u boom he has liun-wl se long should net have a brais baud and n parade in it at least once. And there ought te be particular comfort te a a man who runs for lieutenant governor and excrts himself te get a pecend place. It is net every man who regards the political prizes of llfe as se lovely that he is inclined te labor and te long for a second place. Ills bad enough te go through the exasperation and heat of a battle for a nomination for gover nor ; and n man who has spent much labor in this pumult cnu hardly Hatter himself that he gets n big ruward when he wins it; butn struggle for n llcut ennut governorship certainly does net efTer a great reward te a man of brother Martin's talents, and when te get it he must be credited with having bowed the knee te Una!, It is better that he should be without it. We cannot wish him suc cess. The Law autl Trusts. The New Yerk court of appeals has declared Hint the North River Rcllnlug company lest its charter by becoming a member of the Sugar Trust. The court says that It lias t-e failed In the perform ance of Its corporate duty as te require a judgment of dissolution ; uud that "there can be no partnerships of separate and independent corporations, whether di rectly or indirectly, through the medium of a trust) ue subtnutltil consolidations which avoid and disregard the statutory previsions and restraints ; but that manufacturing corporations must be and remain several as they were created.'" This law heauxt te be e indisputable as te cause wonder that it should ever have becu doubted. Corporations created for special purposes have un dertaken te combine together, us though they were individuals, te peel their buslntsi and divlde their profits. They tire net individuals, but creatures of statute, created with special privileges and powers that are given te them for the public geed. Without these powers they can not live ; and when they exceed their privileges they are paralyzed. When they abuse their powers and privileges with intent te injure the public that they were chartered te lciiellt, they jtihtly forfeit their charters. These sugar refineries undertook te unite In a trust, te which each separate corporation gave n power te act for it and te peHsess Its property. The ac knowledged purpose was te lestrlct production and increase prices. Such a combination of corporations i un lawful en the face of it. The nets which Individuals, who hnve but their natural powers, cannot de, muy net be done by corporations which have uu- natural and special powers given them for special purposes of public benefit. Hurrah for the Fifth or Jul)-. The Fourth of July comes en Friday this year, and there is a movement en the pnrt of the empleyes of riillndclplitn business houses te secure a three days holiday by having stores closed nnd business suspended en fiatuiday ns well as en the Fourth. This teems te be a very brllliaut idea, for Philadelphia, where retail bust ne3 drops te a very low mark'during the het weather and every one who can (lie from the city doe se, while thefce who cnu net, fiisteu up their front shut ters and try te Imagine themselves at the seashore or mountains. It would even de for Lancaster, although the suspension could net be fe com plete because our city is the heart of au agricultural ceuuty, uud the holiday comes at a time when farmers cau uet well spare a day from , their Held labor. Their activity makes it neasary for the town te keep awake, ''-: b.rtH&Z V J ait'- bv'J TJ1&& Ha .glut AJ t.j1.i TS.ccti'wWalR. the chance of ,nvn,li'nf J-"' .nor Is a ram event in was '.WrVtf clerk. nnd Imagination WJtityflfer? 'HO effort te grar.p the vnst $&1MC?jir , of pleasure that may be .mimed Inte three days by hard work ancijuuicieimiiiHtiiiig. employers tuny also consider that by granting a day they may give their -men a three days sleck of cheerfulness which will Incuas the value of their services. These considera tions variously applied muy make the day after the Fourth unequally glorious day for many, but cacli business man must act according te his Judgment and the demands of his trade. The cotton mills and Iren works will net run en Sat urday, btcnuse It will net pay te get up steam for a single day's run. l)li. Hiiow.n-Mkqiaiie, of ellxlr of life fame, hobs upeg.iln sorenely with a ropeit te the French Academy of Ulolegy In which he claims by n new trcntmeiit with the elixir te Imve cured cases of chronic Intermittent fover, roetod neurnlgln, rheu matism, Insomnia, and even leprosy. A New Yerk llentUl dispatch says that he referred particularly te a euro otilaiued by a leading physician in the case of a goutlo geutlo goutle ninti well known te a fallow member, M. d'Arseiival, who corroborated Dr. Ho He qnard's statement. "The new system finds no morn favor with his scientific associates than did his llrst. A large uinjerlty speak pityingly of the grand lntellectiinl capacity which Is losing. If It has net already lout, Its Just biitniice, but seme warmly praise the old professor, who, at the ulesu of a long career, when olher men are resting en their InureU, porsevorna In labor which he bJliiVJs te bu that of science, careless of Miioeror sarcasm." A niNi'Aicii from Itle Janeiro announces the promulgation of the new constitution en Monday. This Is something of u sur prise as llrazillnu advices have Intimated thut It would be delayed until Novembor, but the constitution lUulf Is a greater sur prise, for In splte of the gloomy predictions of many It turns out te he u very llberal and well devlsed Instrument. It Is mod eled upon our own system ofgevornmoiit, the president and cabinet being responsi ble only te the peeple, for although the Arsi president Is te be clouted by Congress, the constitution provldes that thereafter the prosldeut shall he elected by means of doctors. The pcHipte select doctors In pro portion te their delegation In Congress. Knell stnte tins n scpnrate meeting of its electors en the wune day and at the sumo hour. If no citizen shull obtain an abso lute majority of the electoral college, then Congress shull elect, elioeHing fiem the three persens who may have the largest number of vetes. Alter this, in case no one is yet elected, Cengress shull again veto, dropping the third naiue and voting for the two who have the lnrgest unmoor of vote?, se that the prosldeut-elout shull have tin absolule majority of the votes cast. The president shall be elected for six years, and shall bu Ineligible for the next ten years succeeding Ids term of ofllce. The prosldeut of the Senate is vice picHldcut, and alter him vacancies In the pnwlileuey are le be filled by the speaker of the Heuse, ami, lastly by the president of the stipremn court. There am llnee sounteis for ouch state and two bundled deputies aj lowed acceidlng te population. This constitu tion is expected te heroine the law of the laud without any tinkering from the as Hembly te whom it must be siibmlttel. Ilnizllluu prospects should new brlghteu, for with a fair prospect of substantial gov ernment ami recognition from the United states and 1'iance the nation Is gettlng llrinly en Its fect. Tin: Sugar Tiust men nre exceedingly calm in spite of the blew their organization has rocelved from the New Yerk court of appeals In the annulment of the charter of the North Itlver Sugar Helleery ceniuny. .Mr.IIavomeyerls tpieted assaying thut the trust will net disband, but will be chiinged te bring it within the scope and spirit of the law, as there is nothing In the decision agulust the consolidation ol'ictlneiies. The crushing of trusts by law is very much like chasing uiosipiltees with a club. The pon derous swing of the weapon gl os them plenty of tlme te get out of the way. Per Imps, by and by, persistent Democratic hostility te tni'its may lead te the produc tion of morn hamly legal weapons, and then they may be gloriously smashed. CATTl.i: AMI MF..VT INSPECTION. Ttia l'liddeek Substitute- Fin- thu Vest Hill. The Semite committee en ngricultuia and forestry en Tuesday instructed Chair man l'uddeck te report favorably (with nniouduieuts) the substitute proposed by him two or three weeks age for Senater Vest's bill te provide for the Inspection of eatlle and beef products Intended for expert. The changes mnde by the committee were for the purpose of car rying out the views of the Senate, us ex pressed In the debate upon the original bill. As reported the substitute provides for mi inspection at thopliwe of killing of cattle and hogs, the carcasses of whleli are the subjects of inter-stute couunercc, previous te their slaughter, in all cases when the socretnry of agriculture deems it necessary or expedient. A poxt-uiertom examination of carcasses inteuded te be I'm tber in epared ter consumption at canning establishments or clsewhere, may also be ordered by the soeretury of agriculture In case oi'the dis covery of uny diseased animal or carcass, It shall be dostieycd ; also any product of such carcass found te be unlit ler human consumption, l'cunltles are provided for soiling condemned animals, carcasses or prod nets thereof, ortrausjiertiug them from ene state te another, or any uninspected animal or carcass. The bill Is te take clfeet In 00 ilays after passatre. The tltle Is amended te read as folleivsj: " A bill te provide ler the Inspection of live stock about te be slaughtered at slaugh ter houses, canning, suiting, packing and rendering establishments, mid Ihecnieasscs and products of the Nene which me in tended for human consumption In any state or territory ether than v here slaughtcied, or ler exportation te foreign countries and ter ether purposes." Van HeuteVh Knrthet.' Cocea " Hest and Oees lllgcst Your Feed If you niit lobe hcullhy. Hew can you If jeurU'cth refuse te de tlictr work T Get them put In order by skilled dcutUtx, nnd use sOZO IIONT te Keep them right. H07.0IIONT is the best prepnrnilen for the teeth. Threw Away ?:ir0, " Troubled with nstlmui for eight ytnrs. Net quite two bottles of lhumut' J-.Tretrtc Oil cured me completely, lifter spending MX) without thu slightest bencllt." This In whnt August Trub. ner, of Tyrene, III., suj . Held lu lincuster by W.T. Much, 137 und til North liiiecn Mreel. m Weiiiiiu'm Werk. There Is no end te the tntkk which dully con fronts the geed heuncwlfe. Te be a geed boute beute kcepcr he llrst requisite is goeit lieallli. Hew can a woman contend Qtulnst the trluls nnd worries of heusekc-eiilnc: If she Is sutferlui: from UiOMj dlnlicitlng Irregulnrltlas, nilments uud weaKnesws peculiar ki ntr sex 7 Dr. Fierce' r these ills- Favorite Prescription Is n kpeclllc for these (lis eruere. iiie euiy remedy, sold by druggists, uuderuiioaltlveguuraiiUe Irem the muiiufac- runm. bHtlbCHctieu uuuntulccil In ecryvHe or money refunded. bev printed guarantee un W.Thiw ueiue HrpK.r, S,Ps6 PNflteMill T" ?'Mfl -v IM'WSM' ,r -f AZ had iHtes'under 'i summer of . and my sle- essly disordered. inc. I leek chronic e time inv life wnsdft- 'family. The Iradtn nhysl- ion n try wrre consulted, und the imstcrca nymem never mu wiy Reed, and I lingered lielween nre . thr Inter bclnir preferable te the ..inlra I Wfu nriiiHl,ir. In Mntr. 1HSS. I le- mnie dlsgnstftl with physician nnd their medicine. 1 dropped them nil, nnd depended solely en Swift's Specific (S.H. H.n few bottles of whleli innda me permanently well well from then until new." MADE HIS LIFE A BURDEN, t have had scrofula until It made my lire a burden. I was liiepre.lbly miserable, lax. weak, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring that the short time which seemed te have been Hetted te me en this earth would hasten te an end. 1 tried doctors' Ircnlniciitnnd medicine, nnd travel, but nn,i of thosedldnny geed, for thelscreriiln gradually grew worst. Oncphysi; clnn, who I Traveled fiir te see, and te whom 1 mid SIM, gave np the canons hopeless. I then imve nip all ether mcdlulnes, mid took only Swifts Hpecinc (H. 8. H.) Four hollies of that medicine cured me, nud for the past four years I linve nan as excellent ncaiin nnuiam nsjree from dlicasc an anybody living" ' fc.NKl.aeN, Fremont, Neb. Trent I c en mood and Skin Diseases mulled ff(T) BW1IT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, (la. B' ETTICR THAN TKA AND COFFEE FOR THE NERVES. Van Heuten's Cocea "LARGEST HALE IN THE WORLD" Ask your Grocer for II, take no ether. (B &tticcUrtuceurt OltCAHT IHON ril'K K-ITTINUH. HO I'll nlnln nnd riilucliiK. up Ui (Unch dlnineter. Mall ilnllentiln l'lttlinrs. Mhih-'ck. f'lnnitn UuIeiih. Mauireldn, American Union. Tube HupierU, Ilnngerii, Kloeruud Oiling l'laU'8, go te JOHN IIKHT'H, X Knst Millien street. In7-tfd 1701l I10I.TH, I.AO HCltKWH, HKT BCllKWH, Kfiuimnnd HexnKen Nutii, tliunegeiKls In siecli, auuiin ne")i , OTEnut Fulton t reel. m7-tr(i 17I0H AM KHIL'ANHlailTFKEDUYUNIIKK " IjiibrlcaUirs, UlauOII Cup ferllcnrlngH, vim ran get them nt JOHN IIUHT'H, ilH Kat Fulteii utri'ct. ni7-tfd TTIOHIIOILBinUIJKlHlUHHKH, BTH.mON 12 I 'IHi wrenelics.i,liiennuniiiKty combined, Kllci. Oil C'iiiih, etc , go IIIXr,:t luwt Kulton HtrceU te JOHN 1117-tfd TJAHTlCUIiAK ATTKNTION TAII) TO 1 MihIcI Making, l'nttcrns, llrnwlngi and lliue 1'rletK, at prices rciiKeuublc, at JOHN lll';H'r,M..1U bimtFulteiiHtiecU H17-IM STKAMHEATIHTIIKCOMINtlllKATFOIl dwclllnes. churcheH. rchoel house, etc. IneitKli siicccMiriilly UKud ene hundred all' nip). Wnen you conlempiiilea change, cnu en JOHN HKHT, who will kIve you ix tuitlftftictery Jeb, (Unfair price. ni-ii(i JUMrtJ, IIOILKItH. MININO.OKNTIUFU Knl nnd Steam I'nmps, et any capacity, nt )HN lllTH. 3.H liist Fulton street. m7-lfd T FVOU WANT A FIKHT-CI.AHH TOIITAIILE Knglne nnd Heller, en wheels, cheap, us tlie follewliiK prices shew: 0 horse-power, $175 J S liorse-powur, (.' ; 10 horse-pownr, (575; 15 liorne lierne liorne pewer, $875; 1 horse-power, $1,175, cull at JOHN M'JiTH, :( Ivnst Fulton street. In7-tfd -I HAY'HHI'KCIFIOMKDICINK. GRAYS BPEOIPlb MEDICINE. TlIK UltlEAT KNOI.1S1I ItKMKllV. An unmil unmil Inifcure for Seminal Weakness, Hpcrimihirrliiti, Iiiipetency nnd nil lllenes that fellow ns n se quence, of Hfilf-AbiiHe ; as Less of Memery, Unl vimkiiI LnsNlluile, I'ntii 111 tlie Hack, Iilmuess of Vision, lrcinntui Old Age, und ninny ether dlxenscs thut lend te Iimuulty or Consumption ami a rrenuuure uravc, - Fer imrltculars 111 our pamphlet, which ve clcnlre te send frce by mult te every one. e The Hpecltle Medicine Is sold by all drug- gists nt fl n.r pnckngaerslx pnckngcsferK). or will On sent fie by mull en receipt of the money, by addressing: Till: OKAY MEUICINK CO., Iluflnle, N. Y. Onnoceuutof counterfeits, we huve adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine Held In I Jineaster, Pa., by W.T, llecil. murSdyd "IIITEH'H MTTLK MVKK I'JI ,I,H. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick IlendDCheaud relieve all the tumbles Inci dent te it bilious state of thu system, such as Ul.lncs", Nuiueii. IlrewKlucsH, Distress after Kiting, I'ulu In the Hide, .te. While their most enuirkalile success bus been shown lu curing sick: Headnrhe, yet OAUTKIl'H MTTM: I.IVKU I'll, IX am cqunlly valuulile In Cousllpiilteii, curing und pruveutlug this uuneylUK com plaint, nlille they also correct nil dlsurdcrsef lliosteiiinch, stlmulutu thu liver and regulate the bends. Ken If they only c 11 led Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler from Ibis distressing cemplaint: but ferluiintcly their goodness docs net end here, and lliose who eucu try them will find uiuM) nine puis vuiuaeiit 111 se inuny ways null they will net bu willing 10 uu WllUOlll me em. inn alter all sick iieiui ACHE Is the bane of se inuny liven that Here is where tt mnke our great beast. Our pills euro It while ethers de mil.! UAHTKH'H IjHTI.K I.IVKU l'IM nre very siiinlt and very easy le lake. One or two pills mnkundwe. They are strictly vegetable and douetgrlpo or purge, but b their gvulle ac tion please all who use them. 1.1 vials ul ' cU ; five ler II. Held every w here or sent by uiutl. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price uugl2-lydeed V" INCO CHEWING TO.VCC(). VINC O (XxriiA -vavv) CHEWING TOBACCO. This Standard llmud of l'lug Tobacco 1b ac knowledged le be the bet chew nnd the largest piece for the money In tlie market, I Wace (in tag en farh tumji. Its cilcnstvu sale for many yenrs hnsestnbllshed Its imputation. There Is iiethtug licttei. Try II. Fer mle by lUnlers and greceis. 1890. nprll-satcod-eeniA13tw leuv. EV AN'61-l.OUlt. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept tip te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and Handsome Biscuit. rir - ' nedy, June 25, 10. yZswnmcr Fair. V bad weatner can cnecK ie dcuncnint? interest inspired by the present conditions here. The store is attractive. The pretty rustic booths, the colos sal fans, the decorations, includ ing the Studie Cerner and the Japanese fan seller, all are in teresting. Yeu expect such things here. In fact you ex pect mere here than elsewhere mere te amuse and divert, mere te buy and cheaper, mere service and better, often disappointed, Arc you There's no better way te tell what big Muslin Underwear values a Tittle money will buy than te held a few things up in the papers. Gowns : Ooed Muslin. 28 nlnlbi en l yoke, neck, yoke KlicsTibrle ruffle, nnd nleeves trimmed wli fiSc. Ooed Mu!ln, V-Mineed yoke, 78 fine plnlUt en yoke, yoke, neck nnd sleeve trimmed with nent Hamburg edge and beading, Ilc. Skirts : Ooed Muslin, wide ruffle of blind embroid ery, I jilnlts above, tV Heavy fine Meulin, wide, hem and 5pln!l, , yoke band, 50c. OimkI Muslin, ruffle of pretty embroidery, two clusters of plnlts above ruffle, 11.35. Corset Cevers : Fine Cambric, high square neck, trimmed with 2 rows of Insertion, edge, beading and 41 fine plnlts, 55c. Drawers : Btretig Muslin, with edge of choice patterns of Torchon luce nnd It) plaits above, 75c, rine Muslin, ruffle of nent embroidery with 10 plaits above, 60c. Chemise : Fine Pcrcnle, French hnnd-cmbreldcrcd In pretty ilenlgns en front nnd shoulders nnd round neck nud sleeves, 65a. Second fleer, Jiinlpcrstrccl side. It's a matter of some mo ment in these days of dear ice whether the Refrigerator is a big- ice-cater or net. These who have made careful tests say the Puritan Refrigerator does its Averk with less ice than any ether. There's no doubt as te hezv it does its work. The most perfect Refrigerator. Sim ple, sure, and easy te keep clean. Uprights, $12.75 te $6e. bidebeards, $12 te $40. Ice Chests, $4.50 te $20. Iliisement, northwest of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. Q3treccvtC0. AT CLARKE'S Geed News and Lew Prices AT CLARKE'S. Shredded Outs, ene or the. most delicious brcnkrnstilMies in existence, lOeupacknge or lUe per pound. HiiunroCelleo Cukes roduced teCcylb. Extra Family Cruckers, Ocyib, Extra Seda Cnickcrs, 5!ic v lb. Asserteil Cruckers, semewlint broken, 60 fi Iti. Arbuekle's Arlusn CerTee, a,c. l.j en llraiid of CefTie, Skj. (leldeu Mnmciilbe Ceflce, Willi silver-plated ware, :!0c. OzuiiibeoCer7ee,wllh Masen Jur free, .'We. We hnve tlie best 'ic and itfe, Collee tn the city. Fair drinking Cenees, I2J, 15, 18 and 'JO cents per pound. Tile liesi Ulc llroem you ever saw. Iuikci'h or Hire's Reet llcer, Hea bottle. Cemu und see the Mammoth Ueun of th w erld. Samuel Clarke, Agt., Teu.Cottee and Grocery Stere, 12 A II Seuth Queen HI., Near Ccntre Square, Ijincustur, l'a. TOR TUB tm OF JULY, 1S80. " FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! WHOLESALE ANDHETAIU Exhibitions furnished, comprising a variety of new nud beautiful designs for Public nnd Private Displays of the must brilliant und lust ing colors. Willi 1111 experlence el 25 years in the busl- nesH, we cau get you up a pregramme giving a varied and most pleas! Ml g display. Colored Works. Our works nre colored Jlrcs and net surpuK.ed by nny. If 1011 want a publle exhibition or private display for yourself, give iik n cull or write us. ID. S. Bursk, NO. 17 L'AST KINO STM-XT, LANCASTER. PA. A T HEISTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Grand Display of FIREWORKS! Heaviest Stock In the City. Anether Half Carload 011 the Wny. Send for our Decrlptlve Price List. Ne old stock le work eir, but New, Altmctlve and Handsome Designs. The llle Wnreroemsnnd Ple Hlg Windows Check hill. SKASONAHLi: (IOODS. I 'ream Cheese, 10c, 12tc and lie. Elnest Seltzcraud Lliiiburger. A drlel Twele cans (Klre Goods) Illurkber rlc. for Zic New Mackerel, llrst In the city, Large, 12e w tt. GRAND SMOKED -MEAT DEPOT. Summer llolegnn, De V " Boneless Hum, extremely line, und delicious, 12Uc Y ft. Plcule llnmi. finest wc ever Imd, 10c ft. Sklu-Duck Hams, nil fill removed, very hand some, IDKc. Finest Breakfast Uncoil, lean, 12!iic V m. Extra Dried Reef, 10c V. Finest Knuckle Dried llecf, 15c ft. Whiter llolegiiu: This Is a llolegnn mndc I10.I winter, new nlce nnd dry, well seasoned, nnd think It the finest we ever liad. Try It. MIXED SPICES. A mixture of nrtccn dlMercnt kinds of Whole Spires. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Crocks, Fruit Jars, Gum Rings for Jars, Stenewnre. Milk Crocks, Cream Crocks, llulter Crocks, Milk Pans, Mene Jugs, etc. Picnic Plates, bummer Drinks, Insect Powder, Slug Shet, Reet llcer, Krult.Sj run, (all tlnxeis), and a hundred new things. UOTTLED GOODS. Tlie biggest avsertment of Olhes nnd Table OIU In tlicclly. Tliclluest iisserlmcnt of Rettlcd Goods In the city. HLOOKEK'S DUTCH COCOA Leads the world. Aiitl-dyspcpUc, eiully pre pared, and gees far. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRI.VCESTS. Directly Ops)Rlte J. II. .Martin A Ce.'s Dry floods Stere, und Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. as-I,oek for the Big Sign ucress the pave ment. CARRY IN STOCK-REST CHARCOAL, Hammered Kir Iren, Deuble Refined Iren, llurdrn's Rhet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller lien, steel, Shirt Iren 3-16 toNe. lU.ut JOHN HErtT'B.MJ East 1'ulteuitu-et. iu7-tfd fiLOTHma. rtUi L. Gaijcanih & Bre; nmt The GrrtrC., JndHfff nh Errr Wftrtd -m MEN'S, BOV AND CUIf.DRENH Children's Hulls, former price tl nnd ft 25; new selling at 75e. . Children's Hulls, former prices, II JO and 12; new selling at 11.10. . Children's Hulls, former price 12.60; new selling nltl.50. Ileyn' HnlU, former price H.50; new selling at 12.25 Heys' Stilt, former prices te ; new selling at Reys' Suits, former price 17.50 ; new selling nt Men's Hultj.fermcr price t80: new sslllngat 3.25. Men's Hulls, former pries 110; new wiling at 9725. Children's l"nnU, 2Cc. 25c, Sec, 50r, 75c. Hummer Ceat nud Vests at Reduced Prices. Men's Hummer Coats at 20c, 23c. 83c, 40c. Men's Hummer Cents nnd Vesta nt 75c, 90c, II S1.25, 11.75, 12.1.!, 11, 5. Men's Working 1'anU reduced te t5c. NOW 18 THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 anil X0ETR QUIBIf IT., I.W. CORNER OP ORANOB, LANCASTER, PA. s-Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. 49 De cautious nnd make no mistake se that yen get te Uie rlirht plnce. -TYERH AKATHFON. AN ATTRACTIVE LINE OF SUMMER CLOTHING AT REASONABLE TRICES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Hen's Thin Goats and Yests FROM II 25 TO $7 5a nnndsome In Stylennd Celer and Substantially Mndc. Just such ns you'll want for Met Weather. In Our Custom Department We Arc Showing an Unusually Handsome Line of Summer Suiting, in Serges. Prlcex, SIR, 120 te 2S. Celers, Blue and Black. Such goods at these prices nre rare. Myers & Rathven, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. H IRSH BROTHER. Bey's Knee-Pant Suits. !l 00, f 1 0, 12 00, tt 2.1, 12 CO and upwards. Knee Pnnts, Separate 20c, 2Sc, 30c, 35c, 40c, tOc, 75c, fl 00. Light-Weight Underwear. Large Shlits and Drawers, 17c, 25c, 35c: liulbriggan French und Demestic 25c, SSc, Jcai Drawers, 25c, 35c, 60c Extra Sizes and Slim Sizes. Flannel Shirts. Demets at 35c and 50c Fenwlcks at 75c and tl 00, Madras and French Flannelsnt (1 25,tl.50,8l Everything In Fine Qualities. Percale and Calice Shirts. 50e, TV, 85c, It 00. White, Working and Chev iot Shirts. 25c, 3Sc, &(V, 75c, 00. Men's Suits. Knock-About Geed Qunllttes-f. 00, W00, S7 00, IS 00. I00. ALL-WOOL DRESS SUITS-Sacks and Cuta n uys, 5S, (9, f 10, f It, lit, 15 and upwsrds. Bey's Suits New Styles. Geed ami Streng, tl 50, W 00, S3 50, II CO, fl 50. Dressy nnd Fine, K,0, V, ti, V. 110, 112. Pants for Men und Beys, 05c, 75c, Wc, tl 00. Drcus Pants, f 1 50, 12 00, f J 50, 3 00 up te 15 00. d CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. H. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER PA. IkJOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND HUN IX NERS.?-A1I persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Jernwall ad Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster ueunues, wnelber Inclesed or unlnclONed, either for the purpose of sheeting or tubing, as the law win be rigidly enforced against till tn-s- nasslnir c owing ou sal uiauas ei me ueaersigneaane this notice WM. OOl.KM A N FHEE.M AN R.I'KIU' AI.PKN. EDW.O. FREEMAN, Attorneys for U. W. Celrman'i Heir. ra y 1 11 ! HIRSH BROTHER UMMERHHOBBt NOTHING ADDSMORETO YOUriCOMFOKT ' Nn NOTHINO avvh mere te YOUR APPEARANCE. THAN The Right Sert of Summer Shoes. AND STACKHOUSE'S, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KOTO STREET' IS THE PLACE TO GETTHEM. Everyone Who Ha. Paid the Uwst Attention te lb. Subject Knows This. Call, Examine Styles and Oct Prices. STACK HOUSE NOS. 2 A 30 EAST KINO ST. t j T HK FINEST AND VERY FASHIONABLE Men's Hand Sewed Shoes, Made by celebrated American makers. Fine grades of Kangaroo leather are used In their maiiuracture which sug- ?estsa repetition of the story et Its vlr ues for excellence, of wear Its superi ority ever all ether fine leathers that enter Inte the making of strictly line dress shoes. Kangaroo leather Is very light and thin nnd Is specially adapted ier Hummer mne wear, ii mis llie strongest fibre of nny known leather of eminl weight. Calfskin i and thin In ue respect bears comparison with It. Moreover, knmrnroe lenlher docs net stretch nnd lese lu shnnn ns de nil sort leathers. It resembles lustreless kid: hns a glove like nulsh and Is eay te hlncken when soiled. The makes of Kangaroo Shoes here are recommended for durability and for neatness and attractiveness of shape. Are produced with special regard te the requirements of olllce and professional men. They also serve admirably as se ciety shoes for all fine dress occasions. The mere they're worn the stronger grows thelrlking. Great cam has been given te the selec tion of lasts ever which these shoes have been shaped; the most popular of which nre the Glebe und Paris tees. They are fashioned upon sclenttlle principles that are In strict nccerd with the ana tomical structure of the foet.ntting com fortably every pert of It and giving free dom of action te the muscles and Joints. The seilness nnd pliability of thelcath ers used combined with the special care taken In the making nnd shaping of these shoes Insure ease nnd comfort lu wear, nnd Uiey often prove a curative of the Ills with which many feet are afflict cd. Wc have Kangaroo Shoes Indifferent grades the finest mnde ns well as the commonest worthy of ami meriting con fidence. All the widths and lengths necessary te ensure pcrrect rilling quali ties slim, medium or wide. Prices range from Jl te 18. Examination sellc- agi a. iie SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. tt arge3t assortment ! MEN'S RUSSET SHOES -AND- OXFORDS. 1 have ene of the Largest Assortments of Men's Russet and Seal Shoes and Oxfords In the city. RUSSETSHOES at Jl 50, 12, J2 60, $3 and KJ. RUSSET OXFORDS ut tl 23, $1 50, S2 nnd W. The t3 Shoes I have In Twe Styles. One being nil Russet Genuine Cnlf Skin with Square Tips, nnd the ether Light Ooze Calf Hkln with a neat Russet Calf 8kln Trimming. The Genuine Hand-Made Line at 10 Is from one of the Rest Factories In the country. I hnve a line of these lu Six Different Styles and Tecs.i Don't Miss Seeing Our Dis play in East Window. The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, N 03.13 & 6 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA, ystere Closed Every Evening ut 6 o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. gev alc et- i'lcttt. FOR RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM en 2d fleer, Ne. 12 West King street; finest location In the city for etllce or light business. Inquire of . W. AMOS, m2tMfd Allcr's Gallery, JOR RENT THAT LARUE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. 2ti EAST KING STREET. Inquire within. nill-tfil -niOE SALE CIIEAP- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 20 by 2s feet, with two-story brick back build- lug 12' by 2(1 feet." 20 by 213 feet. linn ami seven rooms. ixi JOHN II. METZLEK, vu lis. DnkeSU s ECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, FOU SALE ON TIIK MOST LIUKUAI, TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut und Lemen streets. Twe-story brick duelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets in feet deep, en North Pine, uelutcu Chestnut nnd Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards. Iren fences, lets l.'sl feet deep, ou West Walnut, between .Mary nnd l'lne sends. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 115 feet deep, en West ICineu street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling henses.lbts ISO feet deep, with all tbe modern Improvements, front yard, an Wesl Chestnut street, between Pine nnd Nevlu streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime North Mary, between Walnut nnd Lemen, und Lemen, between Mary aud Pine streets. All tlie above houses Hre In geed order, newly paiierttl, gns 11 x I ores In all the rooms, water In the kltchen.nnd the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and ee for yourself, no trouble te show you, JNO. F. OHIEUlj, . , rs JACOllGRIKL, fr-eu,,ers' prt-lj d.M.W.B. 320 North Mary Street. s mnC PEOFLE-H UAHM HTOKF, -IN- SummerGoei FAST BLACK FRENCH 8 ATINFJSlI Celers ana Neat Figures, which are veri blc, 25c per yard. Thebatnnceofiteckof FIGURED Bit te go at 10c per yard. Sema of these go at 18c and 20c. i Genuine Imported ZEPHYR GINGl reduced trem Me and 57a te 25c. Demestic ZEPHYR GINGHAMS in ex styles at 10c nnd I2c. Seme of these goedl the Imported In style Geed STYLE CHALLIES at 0fc, aa pJ aetign and coloring as expcnsl ve goods. White Dress Goe Piques In Cords and Checks. Llnen de I Victorias, Nainsoeks, Plaids, Stripes, Acl Full Lines of EMBROIDERIES in go lty, from the very narrow le tbe widest 1 25 East King Street LANCASTER. PA. marae-lydtt H ACER & BROTHER. Hager & Brethi Het Weather Suggestions -IN- MEN'S& BO5 SPECIAL OFFERING in Washable, 1 Pique, 4 lu Hands, lle nplece or 1 feri New and easily worth double. New Madras and Cheviot 4 in Hands, ble, at lCc ; worth 20c. Fine French Linen and Crepe 4 In washable, nt 40c. Beautiful Lines of Pongees, Grenadine rigurcd Crepes, In 4 In Hands and Tecks, i Large Lines of Summer Silk Effects, In ing End Tccks, at 25c Club-Heuse Ties, Windsors and String In Silk and Washable Effects all nnulltM Values In Gauze and Balbrlggan Undeij at 25c and 37c. . Special Bargain In Well-Made Jean Dri nt2ec. Special Value In Fancy Hese at worth lbc. Excellent Suspender Values at 12c, and 60c. The Stanley Bnsh. The Latest for Ol Wear. $2. Belts of all kinds, styles and qualities,! 7ec. - Bargains In Demct anu Cheviot Shirts, I Excellent-Quality Cheviot Shirts, Neck- and Yeke, Unshrinkable, al&ec. Imported Cheviot Shirts, very popular unshrinkable, at tl and 11.2.1. Purttculur Values In Imported Flannel f nt87J;e.Jl.23nnd!1.50. NOTE-We run our sizes In Outing Si from ny, te i Neck, Hager & Brethi 25, 27, 29, 31 West King Stl LANCASTER. PA. K EEP COOL ! WATT & SHANI Can Supply Yeu With Every Requisite AT PRICES WHICH HAVE NEVER Bl LOWER. India Linens and Victeria Law! At 10, 12'4, 15, 20 te 33 Cents per yard. HEMSTITCHED INDIA LINENS, 45 Ind Wide, 25, 37i, 60 und tajs cents. FIGURED AND DOTTED SWISS In Ml 81 les lit 22, 25, 33, Si, 42 and 50 Cents. GREAT BARGAINS IN 4S-INCH Embroidered FleuncingE At 25c, 33c, 37JC, 45c, fine te II 50 a yl MIBSEV EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGr 25c, 33c, 37c le f 1 25 a yard. An Elegant Line of New PLAID Al STRIPED LAWNS at Vl, 15, 20 nnd 25 BLACK PLAID INDIA LINENS, Fast Cell 17 te 25 Cent a Yard. FAST BLACK INDIA LINENS, 15 and 20 Cd U IUI Ms NAINSOOKS, BORDERED LAWNS, TUCKING White, Pink and Blue India Dimltl AT LOWEST CITY PRICES. 0. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. WrtvvtniiCB. S' TANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEYJ CARRIAGE BDILDER, 40.42,4345 MARKET HTIiEET.lRear of roslemce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest styles In Buggies, Fumlly CA BlnAa tl. (n,n Ui.wm.a i .. I , I l nf lHlfPlfin I injP , MILIUII,, nUIIVJ,. VHU.tutv .... g Backboards, Tretting Wagons-Statlen Wagiiil Aturaei vi ageus, etc, new reeay ier ureni'ni iruae. , A flnn lltiA nf Hw-nnri.1f and Werk. New U Die tlme te order for Spring. Strletl flret-lfltt,. rnrl unil nil work fllllV ITUnraUtetl My prlcen are the lowest In the county for til sameeunuiv or wers. uiveiuoeui uu. v amine my work. ife,miiTi(r uii.i 11,-iiMlrlntr iireiuntly ln.ln.1 l,i ntnl .l.uin In it Umt-cTAkH lllrtllUCr. Oil set of workmen specially emplejed for thil purpose -"If People's Cash St FURN IIS WhiteDressGoeds NEW YORK STOR