I"1 Bfcf i uc i CTi mtwtini T.Jcrtake rim i ', " " " ,a Jno Pnu Amerl- iy tlinl tlie tnrlir whllc the secretary miking im appropriation - into cllccl tue recoinincuiiutiens Lie conference, fcfciinter Hale asked i what geed would ceme out of the eudlturc; which prompted air. atne te declare-that there would net &! much, If the flugar of these countries te be admitted free, without getting tfetm te admit our feed products In ex- Saege. Undeclared thut It would lt b most inexcusable piece of felly the Bfcpubllcan party was ever guilty of and that the leaders In Congress would reul- P-iie It before many L'Whlln, and that If vae was in me rctiaic no weuiu iigiit u le the best of his ability. He niMike lirltli the greatest earntstness and paid he Li would give two year or ins we inr sure en the 'fleer of the f-Vitiate twhen the tmgar HCliedule was under con- VfIUVlUllllU rjft. Be eye wltnwwes report, and thai ins sfetUtcment was made without heat hut Ewlth much firmness. There Is no pos- Prll.llllv nrmiMllntiliiirMr ltlnl nn's linsl I- &SlUy te the treatment of sugar and wool I Sit- II.. T ..1.11 .. l-.lll' I. Ill 111., nrn- HfcVlB IUC llUIHIUHUilll (Ullll Will. Alii fltr giJeet for creating reciprocity of trade be- Sjlwecn the Seuth Ainvrlcan republics and Mr own leruuis me niea mat no can &jftiTer n high tariireu wool or that he is if tiWllling 10 laKe en inc tuny en sugar, without bariruuliiL' with the beuth r "Atntirlcaii countries for a like relief from .jty of 8ome of our products. g.Mr. Blalue's position in this matter eems te be sound, and we de net unuer- ttid why he Is net able te impress his imny wuu it. me eniy object in inn- tlg the duty oil sugar Is te re uce the revenue and te cut it in a place where no hurt expected te Jtepubllcan states. :8ugar being a product of Southern states Meffered an cnay read te the levciiue teieduclien which wax supposed te i.Kbe neceessarv when Cenuruss was Inflected; but which does net seein ygwe de neectHsary or veil poaMOie nev. (t'Tfae fturptua bun tone ami the imnrenrl- EV Vmflnna vwf1 1 1 in nut limit ml lmrmin. L iTTnfim l nun rt cniliiiut n lirtsiti I lin itt irnxiu 'fcftti nfTVttl it lttil.'n linLifM ulitntlt til illu. sax -""""." """" """ " . t peesuig witn tlie sugar lcveuuc ; and rmnUke time te sec whether it ciiuuet ttT. .b'flM. BAinilli1tlrr 111 fiYi'litmirn frnm lllfi Vfcgar growing countries. Under the fc-'p'cKinley hill a bounty is te be paid te i ;? we borne producer, wliicli will ceme out K?4f the taxes Imposed upon ether till nun c'Sihan suirar : while uetlilnir is obtained Srlfrem the foreign statci in exchange for ikVeur takiuir this tax elf their Hiniar. ffiurt AVhether the president agrees with the 55.Becrci.ary ei me siaie in disapproving lithe wool and sugar schedules of the SKftWeuse bill lb doubtful. He has net Sjrft 'shown any great inclination te ride S?,bchind ills secretary or even te let k.d&BUIne tin en any of his horses. S&VTIiIti time the hceretnry bus secured a jpstccd'ef his own and we de net suppose rj-Hhut the president proiKnes te help him (g te ride It. It is a geed horse, though, SK " IIIHIIIK Ollgllk lO gCl SOIIIO Illlllllllg fejnnt nf lilm. re lie. 1 1 us iniv of tils imcliMil S.cuiinlng left, lie may he expected teniake "ywhlch he has been some time retired ; 8,.ll.l. .....in.,.. (.. .. r,.... i. i. ,.i.i &' XIwel,Jj ' ii"i iu vb ti iivLt num. &. m n , snccc. Plhf college grnuuaies anil orators an ever .the laud have brcu making sage ober- Ewvatiens upon the vatieus reads te suc- .cbs in inc, and a lew liave ventured te fe thoughtfully consider Just what success hm-f renuy is. ji a young man sueuki picu A out a score or se of the men of anr com- immunity, whose career has bven gcucr. and should S&then carefully inqulre into the methods gvjfby which they prokpered, he would llud i,Tery iitua encouragement te u lilgu 'standard of life. The men that the jVWerld calls bucccsuful often ewo their gjpresperity te blind chance. They hap- F,7'l JlfcWVM w uii ll Hnrlj tllHl.ll UUIUULTII -s?tr In value or nrellted bv 'lrcuml:ini'i.ii fk beyond their coutrel, Jusl as ethers suf- if fered from the same or slmllnr clrcuiu- 13-stances. Often prosperity may be found l-2r i.. iii.. i i i &; tu uv vuuiui' uih;u iijhiu miuic irailn W .action that will net bear the test of L honor or Integrity, and the whole career fee" of a man of wraith or eminence mav E& show the trail of the serneut in MllNh. B narrow, knrrllil lnnllvrs fnlirhirr nltl. Iei8 avarice aud unscrupulous ambition. 4J1 cincuce were a mero irusieu teacher than conscience, aud if tlie H(.tjlfCIF (IV if I'.illlll .11.1 fli. I li.a Jfcf-''" J v. v.. jw..t(l MlM IIUl -Hl asiareugu me dazzle and glamer ei lthat wretched variety of success, society tafweuld very seen become demeralised. vdThe truth is that the men who ikw miuI SKare pointed out at the successful men sjare vcryeiten tlie most miserable fail- "-1 .v .'rj llliu llillU 1ICT.'U 1U111IY V'.. - . . ... .. . 9?,; uccei!iiii may lie muy be Hvlim nuictlv. but -ihapplly, without wealtli or honors, but Eywlth the invaluable consciousness of i'dw -MvliiB made geed use of life. Wealth EJj.et honors often accompany success, but are 1101. ui 1111 necessary 10 it, and tlie niaii wlin iiinlfpu Mifin liU tr.ln tl... I.. gllfe cheeses a very low mark aud det-erves te llllsB It. j. -.-1 S,f Tlielr l'lL-iireu. r TllP btnltnf Inlnne .f tli. .rnlur.i..A1..1 g,i, Z . . .... w.t Jt wit 5lllA:iUHl'lllUI struggle nave iicen spendim,' fc'undav 011 gf - their figures, uud UmIhv we have calcu- Ki latlens from the bureaus of all the ns- k1. nlrfiula ilintvlii.ni..iM .,..i i.. ... 5ft - i" ""S i"i vtiiaiu M'lL'cimil. KtffBut fiKUrcs en ngj, occasions aic deceit- lS.tlve as they sometimes lie. Tin. u .... y.at M lAil frkS ftmtii I... t ..a .... lif l .,"""" lu iiisiruci an lnteili- -t"M J"uK'e"i upon me gubcrua gubcrua terlal situation, where Delamattr mx the Republican tide H Hure te toue sciecieu, 11 uic lws does net :' weaken whlle .,n d.,. i .. & ii ' ,V. r "vmecrauc ,jf side the field Is inru hut Wallmw .m. f "ths ohanei eitcu te the friends of I'mtl- ifuu lonjuuuaie Ilie cheicr of Laneim. r. Yerk or LUlgh cencent rate nete that counties if their vole Mr. Jfurrlty, tVy can We nifc. ' .. Unit V- sellout the "SSci .- Rtinulil re of fey straightway -,-two million del- rt'fi, prlejKril.hr. r""e American suie ei lilr.W W'Wcllnnd canal cost CaiiBda -VUW1, ' ...llll.. !-.. --I, !..!. ...II... I.. -fijfi .ll'U lllllimin. viuunn.ci iuB uiu im VV t.n ..t nf ilinan ntilnrtirlimai II itilrrliL lin ,llltlMrjtw,l,Jtlscr te wait a few years and ierlinps Camilla will be ready te beg for admission te thu Union, caunls and all. Their vnlue might innkothe matter of annexation wor thy of consideration en this side of the line. Itlsacuriousfealuroof theCaiindlnn jiellticid situation that our Northern neigh bors really think Unit the kmiiIe or tlie United State are wildly noxious tn gob ble, up their dcselntn dominion. Till! HI. l.eiiiH Ileimlilic publlsliKl a feily pitge paper or June HI te celebrate Itself and St. I.011K Tlie llfjmliUe was utarted as the Mimmnri dinette In lHl-J-mJcl Its early history Is nillerilirilllngliK'ldcnts of stlrlng bonier llfe nhen the luways, Kiekupoes nud J'6tnwatemics constituted the nobility and gentry of that section, for the only neble In Ainorlean zoology is the neble red man. The following Item from the Uutctle el 1811 shows the stirring character of St. Leuis locals In these days : "J .ast Monday appeared te be a day orjubllce among tlm Indians parad ing tlie streets with bottles of whisky, which are openly sold thorn by almost overy retailer, In dellance of tlie laws. Dur ing their orgies nu Iiidlnn of the name or Siiitueal ntt.ickcd an Ottawa woman In the most populous part of (lie town, nud nt mid day, and put her te death by thrusting nn arrow Inte lier neck and down into hnr body Much mischief Is apprehended If soine of our whisky merchants me net matin ex amples of." It would tin Interesting te learn Jusl what the roerter of Unit Jour nal considered mischief. However this number of the Itcjiiitilic shows that tlie city Is new safe enough for white men who de net venture te usk If it Is hut enough or te question thu nutritious qualities of (SI. ieuls water. Nuinoreus Illustrations show business strnets lined with mnsslve build 'ings which would de credit te New Yerk. ' ' l'KUSONAIi. 0. I. nmi'icr.ii will go te New ITaven, Conn., te-morrow, te attend the abimul meeting of the Yalnlaw school. WertTii OicKiinseM, Democrat, was en Saturday elected lepreseutntlve In Con Cen grnss fiem tlie Sixth Kentucky district, te succeed Jehn (). Cm lisle. Hkv. tl. W. Matiiikwn, iListoref Sum Sum Sum milstioetlTulted llietliirn ebuix'h, Dayton, )., who was eleeleil president of Ijcbaneu Valley college, Auuvlllu, l'a., has deellnetl the position. He gives 111 health as the reason. CiiAiti.KH J. IIaiiuaii, Jii , vlce president el the MidvnloSleel ceiupany, iiml a mem ber of (he Manufacturers' club. Philadel phia, bus resinned I rem the club, because of thu stnud taken by it en the McKlnley bill. He I'aveis free raw mnteilals. Hiiiam IiI:i;i:nh, one of the couipesiton of tlie Doylestewu Jiitfttinencn; en Satur day colebrated bis nfty-elKhth year al thu same case. (In June 'il, 1H.TJ, he eutnred the JntelHficncci; then a small weekly, was nn nppreutlee, and ever since that timu has been a faithful empleye of the cstabllMi ment. The old man reeeguliHl the ilnv by availing himself of a holiday Uenlilin, and took a trip te his mother's home hi Norrislew 11. Olie of (he MH'i'ntHiif lire censlHls lii It now new bn; Mini! te 1I0 iiml In ileliic It ni tlie t litlit limn; 1111 einnrliinlty 0111-e 1 1 t imiv Dever ceiiiGiiKiilii, TliN Inentieclally Inte et tin-cme wi'KlMieur little eiips. If tliej nu Millerlnt; from limiilllclent nutrllleii, we rnuiiut i-iiHtt lliein le lie M111111; ni they iimw up. Milllu'n Keint Ispcrfi-cliy mlaplcil te tlielr wauln anil tlit'.v kkIe at euic tlien fill upon It. Van lIenrr.N's Chioa Chiea KurllK'Nt." 1 Ik-fct 11ml (iecs ItlteMi " 0111 l'oeil If j oil waul te Im licalthy. Hew can J oil lr your teeth refuse le tin their uirl: ? (let tlieiu put In eriler by xkllleil tleutlitx, anil uu SO.o SO.e DONT te keep llirut ilidil. HOZOUONT Is the next pieiara(leu for the teeth. Threw Away .SI.'O. " Troubled with iistlim.ifer elKhtyrnrs. Net ipillotwe Imttlesef Thulium' Mrelnc (Jileurrtl liineeiiiletely, uller keuillin; tlVJ wltliuut tint .IlKlitPHtheiivlll." 'Jills Is ulmt AiiKUNt Triib ner. iir'I'jreiir, l'a., says. Helil In IjiiumkIit In W.T llech, 1.1" ami W Net Hi llueen slieeU " - A General Tle-l'p (Hull tlie iiiciiu.sef mi IjIU' come) .nice Inn lari;n I'lly, even for a few hours, ilurliiir 11 Ktrllie of tlie rinplnjCM, iiiciins a general iiaralvrliii'er Initie Hint Industry 'or tlie time belinr. iiml Imit. undisl Willi nn rnnruiiiiis iiEKifKiilii Ill's tetlin eeiiiiiiiinlty. Hew luueb iiitire (.tTleiiK te tlie I11tlivldu.1l Is the sent nil tlu-up of liU hjnUiii, kliimn useoiiKtlimtleo, iinililue te the strike el tin) most liii'inrtiiul eiK'ins ler mere iniulenl trealiuenl unit betttr eire. If ten loin; u Klretisl, a torpid or sltiKKlhli ller will pitHluee KeriiiusferiUNOfkldue. uud 1 1 r tlUeasen, 11111 lurlal treuble and il)niH.'iKla. Dr. I'lirtt's l'leasiint l'lircatlxe Pellets are a irot.iilteiintl euro of tliesetlltnrilerti. Thev me preuiit, mini and elleethe, pleawmt te (alie and e.ttlw luirinless. .M.Tiiiiw S01110 Doubt the lllblv Anil tlie tnothes of lin aulherii, but iiuiia who bne in-ed tlifiu tleubl I he elllcaey of Jlurtlwk llU-ntl Hitters. Thlk splendid blend tunic Is wltlieut 11 peer. Held In lJinrasler bv V. T. llech, 137 and Uii iVirtli Queeu street.' TK KinilINO HMIU1'. TO MOTHERS. Kery bubo tdieuld have r. bottle of 1)11, KAHKNKY'H TKI-n'lIIMI KVUUP. Perfeelly wife. Ne Opium or Mnrnhlamlxturrs. Wlllre Wlllre Wlllre llove Celle, Uriplng In the llimels und Promote ninicuUTwtliliig. l'reiuued by Dlt-S.lt. l-'AIUU NKVAHON, llnterhtuwn, Mil. PruKKlnlu sell lt;25oeuu. Trial bottle sent by mull 10 eeutn. btul-lvdiMsUtw V iJndkvki.epkii PAitm rEAK, Of the Human llixly hularKist, HlreiiBtlieniHl.ele., Is all luleiestli llOXt'llllMMl. iileiestlui; ntUerilnv meiu long run 111 our iui'r. 111 reply 1 qtilrlCH e will say that iheru Is no evlilei te ICO of ry. In vertlsera are wry lilxllly lndeied. Interested persons may uet scahsl clreulars clvlm; all iur ilciilars. by iirltlm? le Ilia KUIK MKIHCAb CO., 5 Hwnn HI., II11MHI0, N. WlhUlu 'lUctte tiff. 11-lydAw V INC'O CH KWJNH 11HACC(). YINC O (EXTJtA 7.V.') CHEWING TOBACCO. Tills htiilidHrtl llrniltl of I'Jug Tobacco Is ar ar ar knowledyetlle be Iho Ix-sl chewand Iho lurgett piece for the money hi Iho inurlcel, Vnicettn tag en tarh lump. IU exlennlve sale ferumny years has established Its reputation. There Is nothing better. Try It. Ter sale by dealeri and ETOeen. prlllteed tsjuiAUtw i'- r-T ''.rfit wit .. tl Tl- Unit CllZ,t fl fF 1 1 f. cm TlVrnmr MMtllVi r- rU)nvHiwinM(K. tlflUlCS, I iulli Tituine work. I con. ,. r u.'ns,, n. n.) me grcnicv mm 'e.VT,.JjlenlHK te-tlny tin the mar- .ViflBERITED SCROFULA. Ife'' I rtl'nHpcclflr(H.H.B.)rurelinyJIHIi'lHiyn . ' -eirdllnry scrofula, which linike out nil iivr ","lils fnce. Fer a year he hail mineral, mid 1 In 1 elvin up nil lin or liln recovery. whrtl ill ICI rnilhl wrmliiiliiciilteUMiH.H.H. After iimlUK nirtw lietllrn he wan entirely cnnil. M;jl nyniiiteiii new reinnlns of lh iIIkciim". J hi' W",l"r"!,'"'r",l,,i,lUS.T.t..MAT.I.:.lM. .Mnlliervlllc, Ml. Treutlkc en Illoed iinrt Hkln lllwaws mulled ffff (21 HWJFT HPKCIKIO VO.t Atlnuln, On. V AN HOUTKN'H COCOA 11IMTAG0KS KAIITIII'-ST." The. purest, inest soluble-tho erlulwil eoeea. lliNcated, imtenlcd and inade In Helland. Delicate, ntliuill.it Ins, nutritious, tnurli heller for llm nerM's than ten nml colTce. Ask fi;r VANHOirrlJN'H, Inkn no ether. (HI) iiifJI-ljdM.W.I'' -1 llAVHHPKC'H'lOMKDlUlNn. QEAYS SPEOIFib MEDI01NK. TlIK OlIF.AT KNOI.ISIl llKMRIlV. All llllfilll. Initeure rtirrieinliial Weakness.HrsTiateruien, Iliiieteney nml all Diseases IIih ,'illew nn h h h rpieiieoefHelf.Abus; usl-vsef .Memery, IJnl ersnl Imsilturtr, I'.'.n In ine Hack, Iilinnessef VJslen, Premature Old Ace, and many oilier tllsenseH Hint lend telnsnnlly or L'ousiiiiitlen niitlnPretniitiireOrnve. i-Kerpnrlleular In our pamphlet, whltli wotleslretoseml free by mall te every one. -TlinHperlllcMtslleliie Is mill by all driiK driiK cIMeatfl t paekniierslx packnifes for fe, or will be Mint free by mall en receipter the money, by addressing TIIKUHAY MKDIt'lNKCO., II11II11I0, N. V. Oniieceiuil of reiuiterfelts, we linve adopted the Vellow WriiplH-r: the only L'eiinliie. H0I1I In Ijuieasler, l'a., by W.T. Ilecil. uiitra-ljd jpitTKIt:Hi.iriI.EI.IVKIll'lU. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hlek llenilgrlieiind relloveall Ilie troubles luel lent te 11 bilious stale of tlie system, surli its l)r;lness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress nUer liillm:, Pain In Iho Hltle, .te. Whlle tlielr most euiarkiible success has been shown In curing sick: Headache, let CAKTKIt'H I.ITTI.K I.IVKlt I'll. IX are etpially vnluable In Constipation, eurliiK niitl preseiitlni; this nnnevltiK com plaint, whlle tney also eerreei nu nisoruerser lliostemneh, stlinulnlfl the liver and regulate Kvcn If they euly curetl Aehe they would be almost priceless le these who sutler from Ibis distressing cemplaint: but fortunately (heir goodness dis's net end lieic, nml tbose who unce try them will Mini Ibesellttki pills viiliiulilf le he many uays that they will net be willing te de without llieiu. Hut nftur nil slek head ACHE Is thotmneef se many lives Hint here is where we linike our great lieisl. Our pills euro It while ethers de mil., UAKTi:il'M l.nTI.i: l.lVKltl'ILI.Sarevery small ami ciy tasy te take. Onoer two pills in.ikoatlese. They inn strictly vegclnblenud donetgrlpo or puige, but by Ihelr gentle ac tion please all who use tlieiu. l.i vlulsal iT ets ; live ler tl. Held everywhere or soul by mall. CAIITKH MIUMOINHCO., NKW YOUK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price iiiigt'J-lydiiHl Vtvesevtva, AT CI.AUICK'iS Geed News and Lew Prices CLARKE'S. Hhretldetl Outs, one of the most delicious luealcf.ist tllslies luexltlence, lOuu package or 'J-l'.'n iKT pound. Miimire Cellee Cultes Ktluced te l tl lb, l.tra I'auilly Crackt rs.de ylt,, Kitm Setla ( 'nickers, TiVe 'r ll. Asserted Crackt r, snmeu I1.1L broken, Ce 'p B, Arlmekle's Arlesa rotlee, Jic. l.seii llriuul ofl'eltee, Su (leldeu .Maiacalbe Celli e, with slhei.pluled ware, KOV. Oinuihtc Celli e, with .Miimiii Jur Int', !li'. We have the best lite nud 'iV Celli e In the city. Kalr tlrlnklng Cellees, 1', 15, is ami OT cents per pound. The best Kin llieiim jiiii eei wiw. It.isei'ser Hire's Ittsit lbs r, lie 11 bellle. Come and see the Muutuielh llcan of Hi world. Samuel Clarke, Agt., Tea, Cellee and Oreeery Ktere, 11! A II Seuth (lurcn HI., Near Cenlie Kipuilc, Ijuii'usIi r, l'a. IIOUTIIK Int Ol'" JUlAr, lsHK FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! WIIOLKHAIdC ANll UUTAII,. i:lillilllens furnished, cemiulslug 11 nrlel, or new and beautiful designs ler Public and I'rlvule Illsplii) s or the most brilliant anil last ing colors. Willi nn eH'rlence et 'i" jrars In Hie busi ness, wecau get jiiii up n pregninnue glvlngn Mirlid nml most pleasing dltiilay. Colored Works. Our weiks mocnleicil tires and net surpassed by any. II jen want 11 public exhibition or private display for . 0111 self, give ut. a call or wille us. D. S. Bursk, NO. 17 HAST ICINH S'lTtHKT, l.A.NCASTi:it, PA. A T IIHIHTB. VH0Li:S3Al.K AM) K1.TA1I., Grand Display of FIREWORKS ! Heaviest Sleck In the City. Anether Half Carload en the Way, Send ler our lVscrlptlve Pilro l.lst, Noeld stock te work oil, hut New, Atlim-llve und Hautlseiue Heslgns. Twe Illir Waieroemsiiud I-'lve Illg Windows Check full. SKASONAHU: (iOODS. Cream riirvse, 1(V-, llPc uud lie. 1 Incst Sweltierand l.iiuburger. A drivel Twelve onus (1'lre Uoeils) lllaekber rles for Sic .New Mackerel, ilrst In tlie city Vlb. , iJU-ge, I2ie DKI'OT. (iHANIlSMOKHlt.Mi: IAT Kiiiuiner Ilolegna.lie V lb. lieueless Hum, extremely rlne and delicious, 12', e fUD l'lculc Hams, lluest wcevtr had, 10e lb. sklu-Itack Hams, all fal remevttl, ver hand some, HJie. Klucst flreukfast ll.icen. lean, like V lb. Hxtra Drletl llet-r, lUe'V lb. rlnest Knuckle Drlitl llcef, l.V lb. Winter lloleifiia. This Is 11 llolegna made last winter, mm nice nml dry, well seasoned, and think It Hie finest we ever had. Try It. M IXi:il SPKIX A mixture or fifteen dlllerent kinds of Whole Spices. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Crocks. 1'rult Jars, Uuni ltlngii for Jars, Steuew ill e, .Milk Crocks, Cream Crocks, Uutter Clocks, Milk Pans, Mone Jugs, etc. Picnic Plates, Milliliter ltriuUs, Insect Powder, Slug Shut, lltMitlleer, Krultsj rup (alt llnvursi, nud a hundred new things. HOTTLIU) (JOODS. The biggest tivsertmtnt of Olives uud Table Oils In theclt) lliellncst assertineiit of Ilutlletl UishIs In the city. hi.oeki:us DUTCH COCOA I Amis the world. Antl-dpoplle, easily pre- pared, iiutt gees far J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND KKTAI1, UUOUKH, UOHNKH WEST KINO AND PlU.-t'KHTS. Illrectly Opposite J. 11. Martin A Ce.' Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. S-I.oek for the lllg Hlgu iicres the pave-nuut. .ti"- -?. .'j.H t.. m isrn is merry with life Mvtlv. 'As you come in at Chestnut street you will Unci some very pretty rustic booths with cur rent Bargains in Fans. In the angle of the stairway te the right of the rustic booths is a bit of decoration that will interest you. It is taken from a picture, The Sludie Cerner. The powerful Luminals pic ture is en the second fleer, ever the Chestnut street en trance. A Parasol Fair. A side show te the Fan Fair. The counter ends are full and the parasol counter is full. Ample room, no crowding unless you all come at once. The pull is all en a single price $2. We wtrc quietly selling at them Saturday. This morning mere variety. All the plain colors, a large va riety of two tone embre effects and fancy stripes. Customers are pleased, would-be rivals are bothered at the extraordinary values. Yeu get $4 for 2. Nothing te beat or meet it. Chestnut sliect Hide, west of Main Aisle. Misses' Dresses. The event of the season. We took in a bunch, all the maker had, new, seasonable, stylish. We shall pass them en te you at less than half tuhaf the average retail price would be. Three lets el the White Lawns a random one from each as a sample. 14 and 16 year sizes. At U : Spencer waist neatly trimmed with em broidery, two-lleunte skirt ilih with Hamburg. At $6.50 : Yeke wnlsl or nil-ever embroidery, with lull sleeves, ribbon belt and bow, with bevvnt ucvlc mid sleeves. Plalled skirt with panels of nil-ever embroidery. A legnlarSlS dress. At $8.50 : Yeke waist of llnoiill-evcr embroidery und Vand) Ice points, plaited ribbon bell, bows ut shoulder and sleeves. Full skirt or nil-ever embroidery and points. Werth SJOus themarknt gees. Gingham Wash Dresses, guimpe and Gretchen shapes, 4 te 12 years, at $1.35 for all sizes, many of them worth three times that. Fine French Gingham Dresses, embroidered jacket waists, 4 te 12 years, at $2.75 for any size. Many of them worth 85 -in the small sizes. Second lletir, Chestnut street. A baker's dozen of styles in Women's Oxfords at $3. Three or four of the lines are worth a dollar mere even at Wana maker prices. Sizes 1 te S, widths AA te I. Market strtel side, west of Main Aisle. Jehn Wanamaker. leitv. L :VANrtrl.OlJlt. LEVAN'S FLOUR ! In the manufacture of this Fleur great care is exercised in the selection of the wheat, and by geed milling it is kept up te the highest standard and pos sesses all the qualities neces sary te make the Best Bread and 1 Iandseme Biscuit. i:or ginle ev i'U'iit. V 710U ltHNT- llANHSOMi: I'ltONT HOOM en I'd Heur. .Ne. 12 W est Klnuslieet : 1 nest locution In the city forelllce or light business, liiipilraiif W. W. AMOS, ln'AJ-lfil Aller's Gallery. U 710HSAI,l.CHr.AP A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 20 bv "s feet, with two-story brick back build ing USb.v "tlfctt. Hall ami seven looms. IaiI !W b ill feel. t JOHN II. MET.lji:it, Ne 'J H. DukeSU ITtOlt ltlUNT- THAT I.AIUiP. CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. i.11 1LHT KINO STUl'.l.T. ln)ulre w-itlilu. mU-tfil s1 NHCUIti: A HO.MK FOR YOUH FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, I'OH SAI.K ON TlIK .MOST MUKltAli TKHMH. Twtvslery brick dwelling houses, lets I'JO fitld-'cp, en Idiuciister iivenuc, bctweeu Wal nut nud l-emeii streets, Twivtery brick dvrelllug houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 113 feel deep, nu North Pine, between Chestnut und Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fences, lets ljt) feet deep, en West Walnut, between .Mary aud Pine m reels. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 111 feet deep, en West l.emeu street, betw wn Charlette nud Mnry streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets lWfeet deep.wllh nil the imslern Improvements, front )tirtls. en West t'hestnut stnx't, between Pine and Nevln streets. Alse houses en Fast Wulniil, North Mine North Mnry, between Walnut unit l'inen, und 1,0111011, between Mary and Pine streets. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water hi (he kitchen, uud Iho cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show you. J.NO. F. KIKI,, . J ACOH (J1UF.I,. ' f Esecuter. npfJi-lvtl M.W.S. 3JU North Marv Street. ITU UK llltlt'KH, FIUF. CI.AV, AT LOW 1 tlsures, te te JOHN HtijT, 33.1 Knst Fulton 'slreet. mtM -iirniri: cotton wastk, copped nv V the pound, loe ; lit louef 10 pounds or ever. lie. All goods delivered te any part of the i.ll v l-ri I. Fulton stiuet, lull en JUll.N nun, ie, iuua nti-ld Clothing. flLOTIUNU. L Gansman & Bre. The Grratrit lidHfBfiiln Eur Olkml Tl ilN I MEN'S, no rtn AND CHIMIHRN'H Clilldren'ii Bults, former prices II and fl 23; ntiur tilting nt TTtt . ewseiuncni tec. ('lillilrrn's Suits. ilill1i Unit tnrtnr nrlff. tt.i(l anil f '2 t new selling at 81.10. r-,.,i.ln.,f Ul.lfu VIIIIUILII PIJIIIl"l'""'- (...-,-, -. .- T Children s Hutu, former price 12.50; new selling at 11.50. llevs bull, former prlce I3J0; new selling ntl2.-r. Heys' Suit, former prices 15 ; new kelllng nt S.1.50 ile'yg' Hultii, former price 17.50 ; new selling t 11.75. Men's Hults.fermer prlce 18.50 ; new selling nt $3.25. Meii'uHuIbi, former price 110; new soiling nt J7 25. Children's PniiU, 2Cc, 25e, n5c, SOe, 75c. Hummer CeaU and Vesld at Heduced Prices. Men's Hummer Coats nt We, 25e. .IV, 40c. Men's Summer Ceal nnd Vest t75c,U0e, fl fl.l,l.7A.f.'.f-l,ll.. Men's- Working 1'aiiM rediiceu te 4.c. NOW ISTJIKTIMK KOH BAHOA1N8. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Maniifuclureni of Men', lley'ii and cuutircu'i cieiniiig (exclusive.) 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., I. W. CORNER OF 0RAN0E, LANCASTER, PA. - Net connected with any etber Clothing Heuse In therlty. -lle cautious nnd mnke no mlBtnke te that you get te the right place. "Vf YEI18 it. HATHKON. AN ATTRACTIVE LINE OK SUMMER CLOTHING AT REASONAUL13 1'IUCKS lOH YOUH INSPECTION. Men's Thin Coats and Vests KHOMflSSTOf7 60l Hnndsome In Htyleand Celer and SubsUintlnlly Made. Just such ns you'll want for Het Weather. In Our Custom Department We Are Showing no Unusually Handseme I.lne of Summer Suiting, in Serges. Prices, $18, $3) te til. Celers, Illue and Illnck, Huc.li goods ut these prices are rare. Myers & Rathven, I.KADINO LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. H llialf ii illlOTHEll. A GREAT DEMAND -FOK- LIGHT-WEIGHT CLOTHING, Has Found Us Fully Prepared for Suiting Your Comfert nnd Taste at a Very Lew Price. COATS AND VESTS Of Mohair, Alpaca, Drap 'Etc, Set go. Seer sucker and Flannel, lauglng lrem SI te til FANCY VliSTS In Plain and Figured Duck, Alpaca, Linen und Marseilles. LIGHT PANTO In LI iieu. Frem 30 te 50 Inches waist niensure. DUSTEHS In Meli a I r and Linen, from tl te tl each. VASIICOATS Frem 50c upwards. LIGHT-WEIGHT SUITS FOltMEN AND YOUTHS. In Fancy nnd Plnln Cnsslincrc nnd Cheviots, front f.-, S, 7, !. pi, 10 iip te !I6. In Heys' Sizes, 10 le 13, from SI upwards. HAVE YOU VISITEI1THAT Great Clearing Sale -OF- Children's Clothing. Prices one-halfnndeno-Hilrd Lcssthait the Heal Value. This Is n Hiiro Chiinee. Everything in Furnishings, fc CLOTHIEHU, MERCHANT TAILORS AND OKNTS' FURNISHERS. N. Queen St., Centre Square, Markt St., I.ANCASTEH. PA. kv-ret'lUK TO TRESPASSERS AND OUN 3l N KHS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall nd SiMed well estates lu Lebanon or Lnnciider leuntles, whether Inclesed or uulnclesjN, either for the purpose of ihoeUng or fishing, an the law will be rigidly enforced against all tret ruuulng en said lauds or the uuderslgued arte this notice WM . CO L EM A N r RF.EM A N It. PERCY A I. HEN. E1IW.O. FREEMAN. Attorney for It, W. Celeman's lulls. HSU BROTHER ltec ClUrTKIW. e 1 TAKE A LOOK ATTIIF. Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers AT STACKHOUSE'S, N0S. 28 AND 30 EAST KING STREET. THE FINEST EVEH SEEN IN IiANCASTEH, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. SHtore cloves every evening nt 0 o'clock, except en Mtmdny nnd Bnturday, until Septem ber 1. "I -0VS TO THE IIOITOM IN PRICK I The McGinty Shee ! 8TR0NQ POINTS THAT WILL NOT FAIL TO RECOMMEND IT TO THE LADIES OF LANCASTER. The McOlnty Shoe Is cheap. It sells ut 91.50. Ne make of Shoes sold In Lan caster at tl.75 te equal It. Few even de nt t- The grntle of Itcoinblned with Its economic cost must mnke ita trade win ner. The McOlnty Shee fltt. The nvernge feet it (Its reasonably close and comfor cemfor comfer tnbly, without pinch here, pinch there te crente limp and halt 111 gait. flic McOlnty Shoe Is stylish. Is mnde ' ever fushlennble lasts nnd Is much nd nilred. Nothing stirr or clumsy look ing about It. The McOlnty shoe Is really handsome ler dress. The McOlnty Slum Is strongly inade; higher priced gin ids efU'ii show mere Imperfections In this resjiect than does It. Excellent fur service, tee. . The McOlnty Shoe is made of geml mntcrlnl line Deugela Kid Leather Upiwrs. Rtllehed. fitted and trimmed In a suiierler miinner. The McOlnty Shoe has strong button pieces, reinforced with buckskin. 'J he button holes are neatly nnd strongly stitched with silk. Out or WW pairs sold since AprlM, net a single, pair has been returned te us with Hie holes tern through. The McOlnty Shee has nil leather counters these ure esseutinl te the preservation of heel nnd front shape will net readily turn ever and become lll-loeklnE. Have nent heels of medium height, with Fc.xlbte Inner nnd outer soles. The latter means ease nud com fort In wenr. Cheap shoes are rarely mnde Hint way. The McOlnty Shee will become a strong favorite. It's dressy enough for young ladies, and net se much he as te innke It ohlectlennblo le these elderly nml reserved. We have It In two styles opera tee In C, I) nnd E widths; com mon sense shape In I) width. CenienntUee the McGinty Shee. You'll like It. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 Nerhi Queen Street, Lancas ter. 1'a. ARO EST ASSORTMENT ! MEN'S RUSSET SHOES -AND- OXFORDS. 1 lime one of the Largest Assortments of Men's Russet and Seal Shoes nnd Oxfords In the city. RUSSET SHOES nt SI 50, f2, S2 50, SJ nnd 0. RUSSET OXFORDS ut 51 25, $150, 52 nnd fti. The t-1 Shoes I hnve In Twe Styles. One being all Itiiset Genuine Calf Skin wllh Square Tips, and the ether Light OozeCnlfSkln with a neat Russet CalfSklu Trimming. The Geuulue Hautl-Mnde Line nt $0 Is from ene of Hie Hest Fiicterlcs In Iho country. I hnve n line of Hicm) In Six Dlllerent Styles nud Tees. Don't Miss Seeing Our Dis play in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader e Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.13 A 5 EAST ICING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. 8-Store Closed Eery Evening nt 0 o'clock Except Mendnv und Saturday, ynviTOiile. i iuii, HEADQUARTERS FOR UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. GREAT HARGA1NSIN PARASOIJ. UMHHEI.LAS IN GREAT VARIETUR. GENTS' HUN U-MHRELLAS. WAGON U-MHRELLAS. COACH PARASOLS. LACE COVERS FOR COACH PARASOLS. L'-MHRELLAS AND PARASOLS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO NET PARASOI. REPAIRINO & KECOVERINO NEATLY DONE. AT THE. MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. nprI2 3ind OTrtvrirtnfe STANDARD CAHRIAGE WORK, "edw. edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 10,12, 13 15 MARKET STREEl'. (Rear of the l'ttoteltlce), IiANCASTEH, PA. All the latest t Us lu lluggles. Family Car riages, liiietens. Surreys, Cabriolet, Phn-tniis, ltuckbeanU, Trolling Wiigoiu.hlntlen iigens, Mui ket Wagons, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A Hue line of Secend-lland Werk. New Is the time le order for Spring. Strict! t1rt-elns work and nil work fully guaranteed My prices ure the lowest In the county for tha same quality of weik. Give me a call and ex- ""ite'twliitliig' aiid Repairing promptly nt te detl te and done In a llrstlnss ; manner. One ct of workmen ewelally employed for Hint purpes ARRYINHTOCK-HEST CHARCOAL, Ilninmcretl Kir Iren, Deuble Reniied Iren, llurden's Hlet Iren, Rivets, Het and told eUer Iren. "t I. Sheet lien 3-lfl te Ne. It), nt JOHN llEsra. Sil KaH Kulleu Ureet. W7.HU fir &oebm. yyiLLIAMMON AreSlKR. LADIES It don't pay te make when YOU CAN PURCHASE A l'EltFECT-FlTTINH Calice Wrapper Of Fnst-Coler Cochcce, Madder Print for One Dellar. Indigo lllne Print Wrappers, 11.25. Illnck rrint Mourning Wrnpivrs, 11.25. Tbe Princess Metternich Skirt In Gingham, Mehnlr, Sntlne and Alpaca. Ttcl 11,(1.25, ILK) and tl.7& I Ladies' Blouse Waists, In Demet Flnnncl nnd Satlnc, 60c, 75e, (I, tli nrtn tl ?il Ladies' Cleth Jackets CHPES, AND TRAVELINGCOATS BOYS' HOLIDAY SUITS, (1.75, (2, (2.25, $2.50, W. Children's Kilt Skirt Suit, S2, (2.50, (J, (.1.50. Reys' Shirt Wnlsts, 15c, 50e, 75c, (I. IMPORTANT TO LADIES Hpcclul Vulucs In Wlilte Embroidered Kleuncl hik, nniuejica una jiuiuuicucu, 4j incnea Hetter Quallltca, GOc, (12c, 75c, 87Mc nnd (I. ner vnrd. Hlnck Silk Net, 75c, 87Jic (1 nitd $2 per ynrd. LANSDOWNE. That exquisite fabrldfer Ladles' Dresaei. It Is the Favorite, because It combine strength with beauty, all Pure Silk nnd Weel! in ten iveurnna iscnutirui Minutes and in lialrl Hlnck, 40 nud 41 Inches wide. Frlcc, (1.25 pel nrii. We will continue te sell Dress Gingham: At the Marked-Down Price until they are cnl tlrely closed out. Don't fall te sccure a bargalnl Special Vnlues for Gentlemen In HOT WEATHER UNDERWEAR. Plain and Colored Halhrlggan Shirt and Draw ers, 2"c, Sic, .'18c, 50c, 75c, A ill..-, ll.in nt ll-.i-n kJl.lMn I,- AOIIUM IIUQUI UIIIUC nilll., 11, Jean nnd heather-Weight Drnvrers, 25c, 38eJ 60c. 75c. 1 Gent's nnd Beys' Demet Shirts, 25c, 38c, 50c 75 v 1 Gent's French Flannel. Cheviot and Mndrns Cleth Shirts, f 1, Sl.25. Il.-W, f I.7.), Vl.bO. Gent's Fine Silk Shirts, (2.50. Aa Exceptional Value for WorklegmeoJ Riue nnd SloderDuck Overalls, 60c, Crent's fli.r.wnni. qiimmrr quits nuu VUU UU1I11IIUU UU11U At 810 and (12 Casslmcres, Cheviots nnd Worsteds. New Designs In Plain Celers nnd Neat Mlxturei.1 SEE OUR EAST WINDOW. Illtrltpr flrnrle Mnturlnle nurl Wrr flAlrf Pnf J terus ler Gent's Drchsriults, $U,4l5. 816. 18 tel 3'l. I'll and WurkinanUilp equal te custeml inline. GENT'S SUMMER DRESS TROUSERSl At (.1, I3.5H, Si and S5 ure Decided Bargains. Beys' Suits. A new invoice for the Summer Ilnlldnyi 5 l.V), te, til and (7. Uuys' Hough-uud-Tumble Pants, 75c te (1. Het Weather Coats and YestsJ Fer Gents, (1 te je. Workingmen's Pants, That lire strong, 75c te (1.25. iLlCl Three Cnies Men's Dress Straw Hats, InThiee Piopertlons. They would liechuipatCOc. Wcselllhcmnt3!c. A Siieclal Hargaln Cuse of Drcs Straw Ilats Mnii'u Mrns. ''.Vt each. A full case of neys" Mixed Dress Straw Hats, I very cheap, Lje eacn. He) s' Strliw Flannel Tennis Caps, loe each. Traveling Bags and Trunks At Very low Prices. Trunks for We, Hags for Wc. A Combination Step-Ladder and Chair, A useful and nu elegant aitlcle for house or store. Miule of haul weed nnd Mirnhhcd. I rice, uiuj. Cm Tl... .... ,1.... l....-n 1.... ...Ill ..r.. I..nli-I..,l 1 no 111 1' mui emei e u,iv m ,,i utik inv,., .... L'UIi of llellcleus Ice Tea, mnde from CARL IONS INDIA AMI CHINA HLENDEDIEA, rji. -C ,mi,IIIi,iH. C. n.itilnu frtu ft nil t'Illlf1a. Ladies' Lace Oxfords, In all the Popular Styles, 75c te ('.. Gent's Chocolate Celer llalineral DressShees, Stylish 1-oiitlen 'lis--pepular as a Suuinter ''(lent V "jiwIiTcnnis o'vferds, Can vns Uppers and Hard RubberShiHH-prlce.il. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA AND Willian Fester NO. 318 MARKET sJT., HAIUUHBURO, FA) tl 1 cyji.-