S" 57- "Tj -i "-say TK ' 1 ' rr "-7- l'It--,iJJLl. ... nj' jR. FBlDXtVVITNB U 1890. v. itnahtv'm. cn ?: fcheci. Prg meehm. tr.t.rniA, Friday. June , 1M. -PKN EVERT KVK!f IMO. H AOER A BROTHER. ines en in Gingham that ' ill make you wish the ceun wfttaaaeilC ay the i the He- tm rfnu nnrnin nr ekeUtdttiB even BIbIde, aeruttrlcd nluce he entered i h a.rtnient and seems te have abgether off the driver' seat. He i along new with hit preposition let In the Seuth American trade ,'Me. and wants the tnrlir amended ecerdlnely. It in net n new BggtIen from him, hut it does net 'Mem te have made nn impression en -the tariff makers of his party. It is , Mttalnly very strange te see hew Blnlne I been supplanted in party leadership 1 irhlle nominally occupying the leading Mace beside the president Iu the admin 1 Miratien. The secretaryship of ulate Is . (apposed te lie the second plnce In the F government, and one would suppose B1. IU tliu uvifUjnui-j vi rw aa.v.j Mnnn nn Hlnlne lias been in tinny fmauageuieut, Its occupant would lc of tefflc political accetiul. k5feBut he Is net. It Is true tiinn me president uimscir is net leaning ins EJKBIH IHlllnll .iJ..11.1 fl 1ink lHlltl Itlfn SCr limi" a it i.liul PltUH IV aM.lu 1.U...M ...... pjMJthe possession for the present of one MgHeed, spcakcroitne iiouse. mere may f A.08 au outside icaacr or two, who im sun SCln fairly lively condition In his partlcu- kf Jar dung hill, but there does net seem te ?j?fc ... 11.- ..! 1 I 1.. $jrBB one in tuc unueuui uuiiuutn nu &i.4ees net wear draggled feathers. It Is .'jireaHy latncutable te see the pitiable feweakneBs of the Republican roosters In :ithe Heuse; and though their stnte In the iim a- i i..ji. ... rt...l ........ !.. .1.1 I 5blrd Edmunds wearing Just n6w a black .aye rrem lit usage uy ms party iu me 'Mlver business. fflSr And there is Qtinv. who has for Heme JIIma luuiti a.nlti 41, A iiimI lilr.1iti. ml. KrVWIm vwu iuiiu t.av mu.v ...aaa.j vw.- 'iered Republican bird iu the whole ; country, but who U net new n-crewlng. I t,The Senate gave him u heavy slap when ' .'"'It refused te make his man nercrftlit-ut- gvarms, though he had made the vacancy e rer diniuy panning twnnter anemim r,-lmn tee uncomfortable iu the eMcu &?i!)nep it. WltJi Cnnailuy out, Quny ri rernimuy raaKing (senator Htiennairs te did I'-fnet net in. but old man fihcrmun staid I'&atfllen deck and gave him a valentine. Since thou Quny has clearly demon demen fatrated his littleness and real stupidity f,by asking the Senate, which had Just JKabewn its indisposition te de anything , te oblige him, te rebuke its sergeaut-aU ,arms because he had dismissed a Quay ;boy fremn pageship, the boy having atiMMrn 4 ltn innu Wliiu.tnt Iaau tint 'atWDect, after this, that Quay's vigor ha 'me. Is llkclv te huve sufTlrlmit evl- Si" Amn nf Ikn tnni luiTum f lA nnlii..nn. ? ;;teriai canvass is ever. h,V He has been dciueustratiuir his ae- ?,?Jllty right straight along by pretending fi d7Kl t. falrillf. nn lintwt III Ilia nnnliut 1.11. ..the nomination, which everyone knows It-tebe false: and bv takitnr unDclama loiter, a man with no Inherent strength at S4''i'au and a character and record that Is a Pf K JbA -- 4n Vta instil in Iriril'n ftttitt irminti- fcjiawHJUV iu Mia nvui, iu aiiuivu iiuiiKuiv.- iiVer : enlv beeuUHO he wanted lust once te .Sweet a man who should b stamped as jrMv.t Quay's man. The consequence is that pifclu the last days of the battle even his MTbead is made te bee' that maybe his man jpf may net win and that the result may be fe'thut the whole concern will be blown WjSkeut altogether ; and no one will be lea "fcT'liH ..nnn .UU, IUIIUIUCIDi j&j And Speaker Reed, even, is having Lft'ereaideucy he sucks ; and if he ever gets gk'iby the way, there will lw a very Inter- -jh inujj muu iui iuc uuuuiijr, wc limy uu i.'eure. liut the sneaker is net new keen- fe.Ing his usual gait toward his goal ; he Kr,aaems ratner te be steering lu among "Sii'the rocks. His narticular virtue him 'S han In IiIh print ml ever lilu nnrtv in tlir. feJifc Vhh a ..IaI. i.a t.m. ..l.a..l..A.l l... ai... "J,"(f'"",'""Cl """iu UC 111U UUIIIIUUU UJ IUC g.jDOia ana unscrupulous use or ins power as speaker, 'that power cn- Hables him te make or unmake u eengreesman ami keeps the mom mem jglbers In subjection te his wishes. & hard in seeking te held the free coinage BgS advocates from their silver calf. He set Rp himself in vain across their pathway acand they broke bv lilm like fcavuL-e g beasts. Mr. Reed may be able te repair kr uamages aua again hiiew nis party in eWrttltnal nml liti.lui. tile 41kii.til. . l.nt r.. l.n ..i. Mtava aavai.a aaae aiattlu , UUk U1 111U &Apreseut helslaideu the bread of his fl back and the Heck has hcattered from f We de net lielleve it will loner dhv (lin m politician in this country and iu this 'A, age te seek his ends by wrongful means. P? Jt will work for a while, but net for . long. The intelligent oplnieu of tills Rftp ceuutry cendemus the means by which mg, arrisen was elected, and the undertone nf luanHmeiii' nrdfttifl li Iia .if.Hwwlu rt Iff I Ti a ' '"'".'" VgMtiuijr niu nuiei nil iuc ucuiozruue mm. Quays plans, or national and f, atate craft, work only for a limited time. R-Jand in the end will wreck his craft en SSthe rocks. Be Speaker Reed's powers, while aeemlnelv bold, brilliant Hint imp,.r.r,,i reuotef the long lived kind. It is il 18.- harp mid torieisn rnnn 4 1 ... 1 l,,. i,.. 'tarted with the Democracy, and when MM winding ways are ever he will net f be ahead. rushing The College Ahead. The Franklin aud Marshall com- inpnmmniit iiunn Ii.u .I........ .. .w...,t.i an.v.i .i r ....... Iriuuie uegnti ei spirit in tne college, MAIld It frlf'iwla tniiv linna (V.r.' ,.,,,..1 ' T- " .."j mvi;w ii.tiv KVUM 'bull .-til l. 1 ... rii mii. .1 . .. Ej,"v "" -"" ujiiiu ei ii. jue cuici sum Wc Ulant te the celleire dnrinrr llw n.,.t h 5'r nas certainly been given te it by r hjb vor.ei jir. irvineinueveleplng the kV athletic aud musical talents and tnstoef b wkj Dtuuuu.B. jiu jeunu capacity there "rjMid cultivated it te an exhibition Hint 'atlfled the pride of the friends of H.. elege, and that advertised te the pub pub Vlte that all was net dead within its "i uw mai, u green tree was growing ',ther from which us fair fruit might be rplucked as was te be had lu any college , aciesure. Acting President Stahr also i ueen successful iu areunlug Mwtt In the cellesre and se. subscriptions for its en- riiere Is ample work for an Wiling abead the material e,uud as Mr, Stnhr br- 41 brc.l us Tngvliat they uc our failure ".'Wctef fbf our factories l?;2ifHcV.Cm that quarter Is aMrt.1 wIiaic fact that the ship that ijcaitiur' grain te Eure no find it ,fJiavr te ceme back by wey of cloweuth America. Having made this familiar point with all the dash of a logician advancing a novel argument, Mr. Blalue proceeds te consider hew we may upset this triangular and top heavy commercial nrrangement. After hinting the need of Btcamship lines and banking facilities, with nil their possi bilities for plunder, he calmly proposes te establish free trade with the Seuth American nations, Ingeniously argu ing that although we have few conces sions te give them in turn for what we ask they will, crhap.s, consider as n part of the bargain the tariff concessions already granted. This part of Mr. lilalne's argument Is simply astounding in its held affectation of guileless simplicity. He says that nearly all the articles we send them are heavily taxed by them, while mere than eighty-seven per cent, of our Im. ports from Latin America are admitted free, leaving but twelve per cent, upon which duties may still be removed, but, mindful of the fact that wu have- from time te time removed duties en their products, our government may eonll eenll dently ask the concessions suggested. In making a bargain men de net usually consider advantages already gained, nelther de nations. Secretary lilalue very well knows that for each con cession our turbulent and impevt-r-lulied Southern friends will demand an equivalent. They arc largely mili tary republics, whose Interests may be subordinated te the sellWi ambitious of the udvcnlurciH who rule them, and ex perience with Mr. Illalne docs net for bid some distrust of the methods by which he hopes te secure something for nothing. That grand but very misty project for tin International railway of North and Seuth America, the steam ship subsidy schemes, and the hint of banking projects, all suggest possible menus of compensating the Innocent Seuth Americans for their tariff conces sions. When Mr. lilaiue piles the lum ber It Is natural te leek for a concealed Ethiopian. When thongreeiuont wllliCernmiiy wns first uinde publle lu J.oiulen a great deal of sympathy was ex pressed for the two thou sand Krlusluiid flHlioriiien who inhabit lit tle Heligeland, for It was thought thai limy would at once be made subject te eeuscrip. tlen for the (ienium army or nav.v. TIiIh objecttou has been promptly answered by Lord Salisbury by the btatemeiit that the treaty with Germany provided thut the lsluuduis should net bosubjeut te censcrlp tlen, and this ovldence of theuglitruliicss must have no little little etfeet lu changing the present current or popular Indignation te a final approval of the agreement. Mr. Stanley has unexpectedly, though characteristically, nulled te the dofenso of Lord Salisbury, whom he was lately attack ing most (lereely for apathy lu African affairs. Ills knowledge of the African territery gained enables lilm te view the bargain moie Intelligently than any ether lling man, and he rather tukes the wind out of the sails or Salisbury's eilties by declaring that " if Germany Inid nequiied sumo territery which Kngluud wend have liked te retain, I'.nglaud was amply com cem com pensatcd elsewhere, and the granting of rroe transit In the German regions was as geed for the Kngllsh as the possession or the territery. Further, it would new be te Geriimiiy's Intoiest te Jein England hi dem.mdhiK the freedom or the Zambesi, aud thus the Portuguese difficulty would be roiuevod." He said that by thiiiigice thiiiigice ment between the two countries half a million Mjnnre miles of territery were added te the llritlsh pot.essslons In Africa, and an American was naturally quite unable te appreciate the ICugllsh valuation of Heligeland. Stanley flattered the prlde of the Uritlsh lu their Arm con vletlen or the benollcenee or KnulNli rule by saying that when the news spread a grand feast would be held through out thu Interior of ah lea ami tliat ifall the chiefs or the regleiiH i-euld be mustered they would agree that the date erilin agree ment would be a red letter day In the AM can calendar. It must be iidmltted that English possession considerably brightens the prospects or the dark continent, for as Secretary Alten, of the anti-sluvery society, remarked, It will new he Knglaud's fault If slavery continues In tliat section of Africa. Tin: Salisbury ministry made a ery cloie shave In a division in the Heuso of Commens en Thurbdny, carrying a elatise or the lleensiug bill by only pjur majority, ulthengh seen alter divisions showed majorities of tifty-thrce nud futty-three. It was e case or Niirprise that might have been sorleus. A visi'atcii te the New Yerk llevutil rrem HolUe describes a panic In the colony or llrltUh Honduras ever the ravages or a deadly epidemic- resembling yellow rover. Kvery oue wlie can de &e was said te be leaving Honduras cither far l.nj;laud or the state, but the alarm was Inareakcd hy the occiirreneo of a imie en beard a steam ship by which many had hoped te le.ne. The peer little colony bcems te be in a bad way, for the report continues that iu the interior the natives are dying like sheep and nobody really knows what the diseases is. The Kurepcau doctors call It yellow lever, but the Ameri can phyelciuus dider from them. "The only thing positively known is that lu the coume of llve or six days It kills everybody whom it attacks, and the survivors are simply askint; themselves; Whose turn next 7' " This seems qulte suflicleiu te excuse the panic, and it would be well Ter American ports te leek te their quarantine arrange ments. Six l'cusIonsVer one Man. It has been ascertained tliat Oeorce Watsen, of llosteii, a veteran or the Mexi can war, and Ge jears of age, bus been drawing pensions in Ids own 11111110 aud in the names of Jeseph Smith, Henry ltogers, Fred Uupgett, and Charles Audiews, all veterans of the Mexlcau war. Several of these moil have widow h and relatives living who are entitled te the money. He picsented papers and applied rer the pension or James Jehnsen, but It was found that Jehnsen was already draw ing a pension in New Yerk eltv. An In In In yofetljratlen followed, and Watsen was identified as the man who had applied for Jehnsen's pension money. Watsen scented danger, and left the Sailor's Heme InQuIncyen May 21. JIe was traced from town te town, and was arrested at taut Milten en Tuesday. Hit plead. d guilty te fraud In tiding Jeseph Smith's uatne, aud was held lu fJ.OyO bend!', iM t ConesteeH. ', .-v. , a..a v. ubiiwi , l-'nlrvlllf!. Cliristlsn Hlilrkn: .Vile. K. I. AVntts: l'nlrvllle see- ar rif Miss lalllle Kresdy i I'Blrvllle prl-P-JS-i Annle K. Richmond. Twe Men l'arliolteil !y Het llver. Donth in a frllitml form overlook Chris llau lUnclier aud Henry Ratcllire, em em peoyes at JtcU'a brewcry, Philadelphia, en Thursday. A tub of scalding innsli, ncxr which lieth were at work, expleded, scattering its fiery contents ever lliein. The report or the explosion attracted ether workmen, who discovered the two inen In a literally parboiled stnte, proslmle wbore they had fallen hi their eirerts te escape. The.v dled shortly aner thelr removal te the Pennsylvania hospital. (letnpern Acerptx. President Haniuel Oeni)ers, of the Amerlcnn I'edornllen of Ialier. has sent te Ocnernl .Master Workman T. V. Pewderly en ncroptnnce of the hitter's invitation te attend the labor mass meeting at Coepor Union, New Yerk, this evening. He will, however, only consent te a disputation upon certain conditions, which he siicclllcs. Colonel Itlukettfi it Mllltonnlre. Colonel it. IJrnce Rirkcitls, of Wilkes bnrrn, lust diiHfd or hlsluitnonse trarls of woodland te an Knglish syndicate Forty tlieiisaud acres lu all were transferreu. The prlce paid was $2.1 an aero. The eolo eelo eole ml is thcrefore a mlllieimlre. When lllukrtts rnturiKKl from the war he pur chased the land Ter fitly cents itu ucre. He says he will net hoacnudldste for gin er er ner hoferotho Scniuten conVentlon. Would Net Convict 1'rltcli. The trial or the case against Rev. M. L. Frllch for stealing kulves was concluded In Reading en Thursday. Judge Kndllcli dollvcred a very able charge en the law or Insanity and kleptomania. The Jury romalned out nearly all day and wero unable toagreo. Ten wero rer conviction and two steed Ter acquittal. The Jury was discharged and the case euded. ' Hay Will Ile Cheap. Frem the l.llltz ftccerd. Hay will be se plenty that It Is predicted that it can be bought for $8 per bin. Van IIeutk.n'm Coeoa Oiice tried, always imvd. I.lst, innlden, though you're keen of wit, And though of many charm peMMited, You'll never, never, make 11 lilt Unless with pearly tceth you're bleat. Unlet upon 3 our toilet Btiinc, Your HOZODONT 's kept clone te hand. What Olie loe Did. H. H. Graven, of AUren.N. Y, hnd Astlunanf tlin worst kind. Toek one devi of Thenutt' Kc Irrtrta Oil mid wns relieved In five, minutes. He adds: " Would walk ten miles for this medi cine 111 ul pny (5 a bottle for It. It etired my wife, errlieiiniatlfini Kite, magic." Held In Lancaster by W.T. llec.li, IKTitntl 1311 North liieen street m Can n .Mini Swallow 11 Cntineii Unit f Well," that depends." lie can If his threat Is large enough and the cannon hull net tee Iiukc. The iiicstlen rtally seems wertliv of sonic consideration In view or theslrenf seme of the pllln that prcKcrlbcd for NtirTerlns Iui iiinnlty. Why net threw them " te thodegs," and take Dr. l'lorce's Pleasant I'nrcatlui Pel lets? Hinall, sugar-ceiiled, purely vegetiihle, perfectly harmless, III glass, unil nhvns fresh. W.ThAw A Had llrentli Is lusiiirerabla. Wu den.t like It. A person with astmiiR brcnth must net malm hlnwir very familiar with 111. An Impure, bre.itli Is eaiistsl hy an iiuhcaltliy stomach. Ilimlpck lllimil Jlittm will correct this u II. 'J'hey are thy heil sleiiuieli medicines known. Held In Ijincnsler by V. T. llech, 137 mid ISO North Hueen stieeU TJCTTEU THAN TBA. AND COKKKi: FOH TIIKMKIIYEH. Van Heuten's Cocea Al'l'laTIZINn-KASUaY UI(1ITI!I). Ask i our Grocer for It, lake no oilier. (Ml) liUaccUtiiu'oue T 7.0H TIIK HINT HOT AIK FUIINACK IN the market, ke teJOHaV llfisT, S.U ICast Fulton street. ni7-tfd B ADIATOItS, OK ANY MAICI'. OR DM 1 ttlirll. rilll lift fll ftl 1 dtiiil ii t til Li-id ililuflnn n.aj hy JOUNIIIiST.au KastKiilten htrt. tni7-tri( WlIITi: C'OITON WA8TK. COPl'Kl) I1Y the pound, lOfl ; In bits of te pounds or eer,Oc. All Koedsdcllwrcd tiimir part or the city Free. Call en JOHN 1IUST, iVe. Ml list Killten slnsit, ln7-ld 171011 l'UM.KYH, NIIAITINII, CObbAuS', IbuiL'eis, ClHiiiji llexes. Couplings, etc., go te JOHN Ili:sT. 3.11 foist Killten street. in7-tid OAltllY IN STOCK -WMT CHAHCOAIa, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble ltcllued Iren, Unrden's HUct Iren, Hlxets, Het 11 ml Celd Heller Iren, Hie. I, Micet Iren 3-1(1 te Ne. 1(1, at JOHN 11Kb 1",S. ;t ICast Killten street. niT-tfil STKAM HKAT ISTIIKCO.MINO HKATKOlt diielllngs, churches, school houses, etc, though successfully usml 0110 liuudrcil years age. When you ceulcmphitun eliauge call en JOHN 1I1XT. who will gire you a satisfactory Jeb, ut u fair 1'ilce. ui7-tld 17011 HT1.AM UAU(irj4. limit lilt r.fiv 1; l'ressure, Water (Piuges, (liiuge Cocks. Weed Wheels or l'lw...t, ..H 11'..!..,. ...., .t fit... Weighted, Glass Tubes, Whistles, 'hlstles, Syphens for Hleam linages, Cj Under Hers Plain, Water (liuiuu Cebiiiins'ueks for eiim (lunges, call en JOHN Illv-ST, .ill Kiist line SI Killten si nsl. Ui7-trd OU.MPS, HOII.KIIH. MININU.CKNTItlKU- I. cal and Steam 1'iunps, et any ai parity, at JOHN IIICSTH, ICt.1 East Kulton street. m7-tflt iTUIuFimiCKHr VUIK CI. AY, AT LOW J' llgures, gote JOHN lUST,3.1.llst Fulton sUOJl. m7-tfd riSANKHKOIl WATCH, OILS, ACID Oil UAH JI or nny shape or capacity, ut fair prlivs, go te JOHN 1)12,1'. .13? KjisI Killten Htrtt-t. iu7'tril c AblFOItNlA. Hpeclat Parties. Heinl-meulhly. Tourist hli cnlne cars. Cheap rates. Keutbern'l'aellli) Ce. Addiess, 15. HAwlaKY, Assistant Oencriil Trallle .Malinger, 3M Ilreadway, New Yerk : It. J. SMITH, Agent, lUa.W HU. 1'lilla. .htnlb-ljiU'tan- "V7"iNce en i:vi.va tuiiacce. VINCO KXTJtA FJXW CHEWING TOBACCO. This Standard llrand nf Plug Tobacco l nc nc nc knowledgctltebo the best chewunil the largest piece rer the money In the market. I'lucemi tag en encli Itwiji. Its cxteuslve sale feruuiuy jiars has established Its reputation. There Is nothing bcltci. Try It. Ker sale by dealers and grocer. 1890. uprll-SSteod-eenutlStw gev gale ev itcut. 17S.0H HKNT-IIANDSOMK. KllONT HOO-M en 2.1 II nor, Ne. Ii! West Kluestrts't: llnest l(K-atlnulii theelty toreinci or light business. Inquire of W. W. AMOS. itiiUMra Allcr'sUallcry, TTOUHAU.CUKAl'- A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, ? ,',;ir,fctOv'htwistery brick back build. iS?,2y.,,i."alfl!'' Hall and sen rooms. Let .w wy e leel. JOHN H. MPHY.I.UIt. se, S. DukeSt, -J710H iu:nt- THAT IaAIlOK CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, no", ai KAST KINO KTJtKirr. Jii'julrewitble, iuH-tfa ters were longer. And yet the Summer Cottens already have twice ever the space here that any ether store in town gives them. Twelve colorings of 75-cent 42-inch Bordered Scotch Ging hams added te the se-cent line te-day. 30-inch Scotch Damask Ging hams in 36 styles and colorings at 374 cents. Never before sold under 50 cents. 30 - inch Scotch Jacquard Ginghams in all colorings, 37 cent quality for 25 cents. 32-inch Iilac-and-white plaid and stripedGinghams, 25 cents. 1 2 4c Ginghams are in hun dreds of beautiful styles. Acress a street, or across a car even, you'd hardly knew them from the kinds at two or three times I2C Northeast of centra Six styles of women's fine Hems titched Handkerchiefs, printed borders and embroid ered corners, at I2jc each. Pare men, of course. We've been getting 25c for them. A dozen ether Handker chief prices are. nodding like that. Here are three : Geed quality sheer Mnen Handkerchief, new tape, borders, I'JJc. Men's line Uund-licinstllchcd Handker chiefs, large slre. We thought them geed Milue at Id 11 dozen ; new flu dozen, turee for II. Six new styles fine Hemstitched Handkor Handker ehlfs, bleached and fancy ilrvn-werk borders, &Sc each. Heulhwest of centre. We wouldn't keep the Puri tan Refrigerator at the top if we knew el a better. It s still in the lead every time, no mat ter what the test. And a child can keep it clean net a corner that is hard te get at. Upright, $12 te 60. Sideboard, $12 te $40. Ilasement, northwest of ccntr. Geed judges say the Wana maker Special Rackets are the equal of any made costing a third mere. Juvenlle, JI Youth's, $1.00 Kiilrineuut. JJ ltclinent, 3.M Wlssahlcken.fJ.ftO Oerniontewn. SJ.BO Arilmere, U.M Ocrinaut'u Special, M If you prefer another make any ether it's here. Forty seven styles in all. Jehn Wanaraaker. ijnvitituvc. TTKNUl WOUi, FURNITURE STORE, liaa removed te I3fl Kiwt King street, having a full line of Kuriilture efevcry description nt the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call nud oxaiulne ear Koeds. tfdK II. WOI.K.lHHKatKliiBHtreeL H TKINITSH'H KUItNlTUltr. DKl'Ol". WIDE AWAKE lluyers desiring n combination or Highest Quality of the .Maniifacturer'd Art In all the Newest and Latest Designs and the Lewest l'rlccs In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should he awake te tlielr own Interests and call upon us wheu their wants will be fully sup plied. We Oder te-day 11 splendid assortment of Iir InrMtiitHluTapcstrlusiiiid flushes ut specially Dew l'rlccs.; HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 20 Seuth Queen Street. SVClIHaillU9. SPECIAL OFFERING FOK J-UaTCaET Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Ureatly Heduced Trices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, pd.&l A lib Fleer,) Ne. 31 80UT1I QU1.I.N SlUEl-aT. w IDMl'KIlHCOHNEH. The Big Mark-Down AT Widmyer.'s Cerner Sflla CONTlNUeS, Kcry Grade of FURNITURE GOING RAPIDLY, Te make room for Building Improvements. We must have elbow loom for the workmen who will put lu the new fient and make ether Improvements. Itoem Is el mere cuntemience just new than Reed prices. Call aim secure the bargains whlle they last. OpiMjrtunltlcs like this rurely occur. WIDMYER, CCiHNUt OK KAST KING AND DUKK STKL'CTS. ja ritnrii rECT v vive. Fuesi a OUjUUU luch te 0 Inch diameter, for sale at a low fleurc, nud the only house lu the city with u ptc cuttlmr machine, cuttliiK up te 6 Inch illameur, at JOIIN U1WT 8,333 Kast Tul. temticet, ' paT-tM Fer Bargains, -00 TO- P.CSNYDERIBRO., Ne. 14 West" King St. EverythingSeld At andBelowGest, A.HWT.AI1E 1'OSJTIVEI.Y UOINOOUT OF BUBINEH3. mayK-Siud 1I1K PKOI'taK'M CAHH BTOKE, -IN- SummerGeqds. TaMST 11DAUK rnENCHHATINKS In Solid Celers ana Neat Figures, which nre very dura ble, 25c pr yard. Thcbalancoefstockof FIOUKED BATISTE torent lOepcr yard. Heme or these Koeds sold at 18c ami 'ik Genuine Imported ZEl'HVH OINUHAMH reduced from 31c and 37e te 2jC. Demestic 7.EPHYK UINOIIAMS In excellent styles at 10c and 12c. Heme of these ifoeds equal the Imported In style. Geed STTLE CHALLIES ut Ke, bji pretty In design and coloring as expensive goods. White Dress Goods. Piques In Cords and Checks. I.lnen de Indcs, Victorias, Nainsoeks, Plaids, Stripes, 4c. Feil Lines of EMBHOIDEUIES In geed qual ity, from the very narrow te the widest widths. s 25 East King Street, LANCABTKll, PA. mai-20-lydK B OBTON STORE. GREAT THREE DAYS SALE! JUNE 16, 17, 18. Silk Plushes, 29c Black Henriettas, 46 inches wide 75c ; worth $1. Colored Satins for fancy work, 25c a" yard. 75c and $1 Dress Goods at 50c and 75c n yard. 50c and 75c Dress Goods at Z7liC andsec a yard. Best Grey Gos amers, 75c Light Challies, 3c a yard. All-Silk Meire, 75c ; worth $. Black Drapery Nett, 37c ; worth 75c Best 5-4 Table Oilcloth, 1 7c a yard ; worth 25c Dress Shields, 4c and 5c a pair. Best Pins, 14 rows for ic - Skirt Braid, 3c apiece. Linen Thread, 4c a spool. THESE PRICES FOH MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 17,18. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. -DAltTICL'I.AR ATTK.vne.V I'Alll TO L Medel JlaklUK, Patterns, Prawlngs and !!L';,e.1'rlii.,,"i.nt .I'1, '"" ri-usenable, tit JOHN llt-XTS. :tt) fcast Fulton street. luT-trd INJECTORS, jtl'E l.irriiK GIANT, HAN cock Inspiraters and Electors, Eberman Heller 1 eeder, IVnbcrthy Inswcter. aMnerlcan Injectors, all iu stock, nt JOHN IlhsriS, SB Last Fulton street. tuT-Ud SAW Jtll.lX, HARK .MILLS, COI1 .MILLS, Leather Hellers, Tan Puckers. Triple UersK Powers. Mllllne and Minim; Machinery, at JOiJN IjJfijTi, J ' rulten itrect, m7-U4 People Cash Stere Cliw Stall's, aLipjuiiw. " i i l TAKEAX.OOK attiii: Ladles' Lew Oxfords and Slippers AT STACKHOUSE'S, N08. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STREET. THE FINEST EVER SEEN IN LANCASTER, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. aHtere clones ccry evening at 0 o'clock, except en Monday and Baturdny, until Septem ber!. J-JOWN TO THE UOTTOM IN PRlCfa I The McGinty Shee ! STHONQ POINTS THAT WILL NOT FAIL TO 11ECOMMEND IT TO THE LADIES OF LANCABTEH. The MeOlnty 8bee Is cbcep. It sells attl.60. Ne make of Shoes sold In Lan caster at 11.75 te equal It. Few even de at J.'. The gradoef ltcemblned with Its economic ceU must make Ita trade win ner. ThnMcQInty Hhoe flt. The nvcrKe feet It tits reasonably ckwe and comfor tably, without pinch here, pinch there te create limp and halt lu milt. The MeGlnty Shoe Is stylMi. Is made err raslilonable lasts and Is much ad. mired. ISethlUfr stllT or eltimsv look leek Ins about It. The MeOlnty bhee Is really handsome ler dress. The MeOlnty Shee Is strencly made; higher priced goods often show mero Imperfections In this respect than does It. Excellent fur service, tee. The MeOlnty Hhee Is made of ceml material fine DotiRehi Kid Leather Uppers, stitched. Jilted and trimmed In a superior manner. The MeOlnty Hhee has streni; button pieces, rclnrerccd with buckskin. 'Hie button holes are neatly and strencly stitched wltli silk. Out of 000 pairs bold since April 1, net a single pair has been returned te us with the holes tern through. The MeOlnty Shoe has all leather counters these are essential te the preservation of heel and fient shape will net readily turn ever and beceme Ill-looking. Have neat heels of medium height, with Fexlble inner and outer soles. The latter means case and com fort in weer. Cheap shoes are rarely made that way. The MeOlnty Shoe will bocemo a strong favorite. It's dressy enough for young ladles, and net se much se as te make It objectionable te theso elderly and reserved. We have it In two styles opera tee In C, I) and K widths : com mon sensa shapa In 1J width. Come.iud sce the MeOlnty Shee. You'll like It. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 Neuni Queen Btiieet, Lancas ter. j?a. -T AUG EST ASSORTMENT! MEN'S RUSSET SHOES -AND- OXFORDS. 1 have ene of the Largest Assortments of Men's Ilutscl and Seal Shoes and Oxfords In the city. HUSSET HIIOEd at 51 CO. 82, J2 50, SJ and 86. IIUHUET OXFORDS ut il 23, 31 60, 2 and SO. The 83 Shoes I hae In Twe Styles. One belng all Russet Oenulue CnlfSkln with Square Tips, and the ether Light Ooze CalfSkln with a neat Russet CalfSkln Trimming. The Genuine Hand-Made Line ut 80 Is from ene of the Rest Factories lu the country. I have a line of thote In Six Different Styles unit Tees. Don't Miss Seeing Our Dis play in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREV AECKEKT) the Leader el Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOSJ A 5 EAST KINO STREET', ItANCASTKIt, PA. -Stere Closed K ery Evening at 0 o'eleck Except Monday and Saturday. ItlrtcJi.iU'Vjj. IF INVANT OF MtAS:- eTlTltON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed i eclts, Pet and Illli Cocks, Iajmt Cooks, Swing Joints, call and gel them, or send jour order by mall, te JOHN REST, 3.U East Fulton street. mT-tfd 13ACKIN0S, AS FOLLOWS: DIRKiO, FOR Steam and IljdniullcPacktng,A.bctHere, 'een ami Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As As bcMen Mill Heard, Atibehtes Cement, aslKstes Sheathing, tluin Paeklng.Oum Hlngs for Water Onuges, Plumbago Packing, Rced'ti Patent Ar Ar bestes. Lined M.-otIeuuI Pliw Cever, tit JOHN MIST'S, &U liut Fulton streeL mT-tfil 17'OH HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN X? glues, freinS tefk) horhe-peucr, aud Verti cal Engines from 2 te te hcirse-peuer, you will Had them ut JOHN REST'S, !a East Fulton street. FOR PRATT A CADY ASHESTOS DISC Valves, Jenkins Viilves.Ilniss (Hobe Valves, Hrui-sUate Vulves, Iren lfedy Ulobe Vulxcs, Fulton Street niT-ttd AGENCY FOR CALLAHAN & COS CE ment te lake the place or Red lujd. In bulk It makes (He times the quantity of led lead and Is tar sap-rler lu making slciin Joints, packing man ami bund hole plates en boilers iV- 1rIt;0 'M l''"1" lr pound, at JOHN HEM".-,, Mtl Uit Fulton street. mT-tfd "T710U ROLTS, LAG SCREWS, SE.'SCHr.WB, L Seuartfaiid llexniren Neli. ihesiLFfunl In sleck, nt JOIIN DESTs. IUI East Fulton Mreeu m-tfd JT10R AMERICAN SIOHTFEED CYLINDER Lubricators, (ilakiOII Cups fur Hearings, you can get them ut JOHN Ill-STS, SM Has Fulton struet. mT-tfd 1710R 1101 LERT CUE HRL'MIES, SriLUSON U Pic Wrenchei.,Pli)caudMeiikey wu uches cembliusl. Files. Oil Cans, etc , go te JOHN REST. S3J East Fulton stieet. inT-tfil 1710H CASTI.NdS, IRON OR 1JRAHS, LIOHT 1 fir liHty. at short notice, go te JOHN RES!'. :t East Fulton slrei't. m7-tfd f OLi) BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZING IT for steam work, nt JOHN REIT'S, East Fulton street. m7-tfd TOR CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS ROTH plalu mid reducing, up teWncli diameter, Mulli'.ible Fittings, FIuhkis, Klange Uuleus, Munifelds, AincrTraii Unions. Tube Supports, Hangers, Fleer nud Celling Plates, go te JOHN JlKSf'S, 83:1 Jrkitt Killten tirett. inT-tfd iut ftiueiy vaics, i-op riniety vuives.Air Valves, Radiator VuHcs, Pratt's Hulnglng Cheek Vulies, llrass Check Valie-i.Foet Valves Angle Valses. call at JOHN HLVfS. Kll Ens Hager & Brether Het weather Fixings FOR 7VSEN St BOYS A Bargain In Deinet and Cheviot Shirts I S0C. Excellent Cheviot Bblrtt, neckband and yek (unsnnuKneis;, ai oec. Special Values In Flannel ShlrUnt 87c ; etilll worm vi. English Cheviot Shirts, very popular and i urinanDie, ai it nnn si.a). Fine Imported Madras Shirts, beautlfutfabrd ana unsnrinnable, at 11.73. Excellent Qualities In English Flannel Hhlrtj aui.),i.oeanai. Finest Scotch Flannel, Cashmere, Ceylel Fiannet, ana sine striped Shirts, at 82.50 anl Sivre. Fine Silk Shtrls nt tl.M nud 84.SO. Values in Qauzs and Balbrlggan Underwe at 25a and 37c. A Bargain In Jean Drawers at 25c: betb quality with or without Steckinette Bottems at 60c. Special In Balbrlggau and FanoyJHesei U)ic, i5c ana 20c. . Usual Offering In Men's Fancy Night Reb at 60c. Neckwear T All the Newest and Choicest Effects an Leading Shapes, In all Qualities. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St, LANCASTER. PA. QClethittfl. F INE TAILORING. 1890 -SPRING.--1 8g Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assertmcnl SPRING NOVELTIE! New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce the purchase of I Jeb Let or English Suiting and Treusering at I great sacrifice, which we will bell ut Astonishingly Lew Prices. atafCall early te secure a bargain In the KOUUB. H. Gerhart, ONLY- DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THE CITi At vnuwiT nrrenvT eitd-lii? -atl) lUVlU HU EaCUS OaUVCaEjX. -ILOTIIINO. L. Gansman-& Bre.l The Greatest InilureineiitsEier Offered IN MEN'S, HOY'S .VND CHILDREN'S Children's Suits, former prices JI and II 25; new kclllng nt 75e. Children's SulU, former prices, JI.50 and 12; new selling at SI. 10. Children's Suits, former price J2.50; new belling at 31.50. Heys' Suits, former prlce 83.50; new selling nt2.23. Heys Sutt, former prices $3; new selling at &3.50. Heys' SulU, former price f7.50 ; new selling nt St. 75. Men's Suits, former price 80; new selling at Men's SulU, former price 810 J new selling at Children's Pants, SCc, 25c, S5c. x 75c. Mimmer Coats ami Vests at Reduced Prices. Men's Summc r Coats ut V0c, Sic. S5c. 40c. Men's Summer Ceals and Vests ut 75c. 00c, 11 81.25, 81.75, r-Jl, SI. 85. .Men's Working Pants reduced te 45c. NOW ISTHETIME FOR BARGAINS. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, Bey's and flillHraii'c fln,liftitv .-vliibl.rA 60 Olid 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B. W. CORNER OF ORANGE, LANCASTER, FA. Mir Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. 3"Ue cautious and make no mistake se that you gel 10 1110 rient, place. M YERS AIRATHFON. KEEP COOL ! Theie'h Ne Trouble te Keep Coel If Yeu Avail Yourself of the Chance Ottered Here te Buy Summer Clothing. We Have Every Conceivable Kind and Celer In COATS AND VESTS FOR MEN'S WEAR. EVERYTHING LIGHT, COOL AND .VIRY. Prices Run from 81.25 te 17.50. Men's Summer Trousers AND WHITEVESTS, In Gnat Variety and Style. HANDSOME STYLES IN FLANNEL SHIRTS AND SUMMER NECKWEAR. k te See Our BLUE AND BLACK SERGE hi ITS for Men Just the Thing for Het Wcather-$ia.OO. Myers & Rathven, LEADING CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. Bin