reiifftneM "- r judgment was going as HBU go new tlint tne selection of the catitll. eruer is mainly as te ins a candidate. Our nelghber- inty of Yerk lias made a like lire- lUUenxf Mr. Black, and Xerthamp- has named Mr. Wright; se that I counties of the East beside Pliila- iphla will have candidates before the irentlen. TTnisweum seem ie de uosuie te Air. "Vtttteen's candidacy, but Is net in fnct I a.ilnce the ruling sentiment in all three IJWenties calls for the supKrt of Mr. Wallace, after that of the county's enn- "stLAWtA Tl. InAlnniji lifitrevnr. f 1 1 In Pirsrr" v ?."".,.'.. """::'.." ,.. IpMUly 01 Air. I'iilliseil te eciire uiu unaiien, anu luviica me vuuvuuiin I of his supporters ultimately upon of the ether candidates, If they "prefer anyene of them te Mr. Wallace, at probably the most of thmu will. It Is said that Mr. Black will lie will- A uilu la faAM if fn tTnllliAl jr'ftDd no doubt, because of their personal .friendship, cither of theso geulluincu 1U be ready te clve way te tne ether, Ifceugh same feeling may net rule their egaics ; ana ai nuy rate jivrruimi jnu . Ukctleti Is net the thing upon which Evtbe vet of the delegate te the state con Invention should be cast. He is delegated r te use his best judgment te sulect the R, Wrengest candidate that he can 11 ml for l-(te party ; and friendship's eyes arc peer BH wiiu wiucu ui impartially nurvuj .the field. If we could permit ourselves b be se guided, Yerk and Lancaster K wepld make a streug pull together. We mast ueia our party uciore our inenu hinsin these days, when we need our htatfoel foremost te win. W The Ited of Heed. 1(3? ,8peaker Becd had his party welt in '.'bind when hekent the Democrats from I'Aearrylng offthe silver bill wltii n hurrah. feOnly two Democrats kept out of the line, jSdq mose two were wongrcssmeu vnux jand Mutchler, who evidently de net bc- F.);llevc in trifling with serious thiugs, nnd -fjrhe certainly de net believe in', fice ail- i xytt coinage; thereby showing themselves "tb be very sensible men. If Ilenreseuta- K-iUve Vaux continues te makose geed h V 'record te catch the support of seuslble w;nOTiU VI m rctiiive, IIU IIIUJ JUL UfUIJ;Ci .tiste nominate him for governor. JcWe de net understand thut all lb ether Democratic niembem fuveitd jjsifree silver coinage or that all the Repub ' ,Jicans oppose It. It Is well known that :h.H is btherwisc ; but the Democrats could T.yaet resist the temntatlen te torment the (Republicans ; and the hitter had all they wuiuuuw neiu legeiueruuui luey euuiu gct a ch'ance te go for llvcr in a Itepub- f U!can caucus. rm, iiut it is said that bpenuer ttccti is net H CtMftlncr ti ln( tlin rrt nnlnu n rtfiiiniia Tin tsb approves a caucus only when it helps - Ji .. . . - - .. .- i'j' mm tertile, and has no use for it when ;R threatens te unhorse him. He has set ;v pace ier nin party in tne liouse in siwhich they have fully supported him '';'hd which lins innlili(l lilm In iln nt I in pleased with legislation. It has been f&yery lovely te his party friends se long sgrM tne .Democrats were getting all Ills brlan-cleuts ; and new that they thciu elves are coming iu for an experience vSef them, they may net like it, but can- Det help it. Thcie never iKJfore was se absolutely arbitrary a man clothed with the power &f the speaker's chair ; and something J; te bound te crack l)efore begets through r'with it. It may be Rccd ; and is sine X te be his party. The country may be gamused for a while by such antics, and leel little sympathy for awhile with a minority party that is being beaten by IU opponents' strategy and unscrupu- aleusuess; but tlie sober sense of the people will after a while rebel against -ysueu gross abuse of the iiewcrs of govern- fein'ment as Speaker Reed does net hesitate jaw practice. f This silver qiicslieir will put him iu V the pillory. It is one upon which the & parties nre divided, but there will tie unity in the sentiment that the sneaker p of the Heuse must net suppress the faction of the it geed or bad. V-z- II tne representatives wish te make $5 llverceluagefrcc, It Is their power and pff Drlvlleire te be vote, nml linwni-nr luwMIn fcVy' Vll alVI 111 lll .1.vnblfnn .. ... ..... fc'j, " IU IIIUI'U'SILlUll, UlllO $Vl K& mers llfMtlllt tn ilm unniirniDlnn tf tli . -- - .-" ; -i-i..--." w. "v people s representatives in the ilLscliarge of their functions. Heligeland (I'crinaiir. The ngreenient between Eugland and Germany furnishes a liwlv tnnin for ,119. EiyCUSSien for the most hlllnr nnivinniiln ,t fKthe SalUbury government, but Mr. fcfe;Merlcy Is reported te have declared the & settlement eijultable and worthy of the bvaunnert of "Ihn front lx.nMi ,,rl,. .,. EiV UOSitiell." The rillllrill Mnnn r.f t .... .iUen fiercely attack the ministry for Us &?" shameful conceuieus" te Germany, - auu niniuaie mat tins headlong gts. career of capitulation may end in E&thn siirmnder of Mnlin n- nn,..ii,. feSallsbury's suncuder is duclnrcd with fe' bitter sarcasm te have been admirably ;, dramatic, for " he anneuueed his Sedau en the anuiversary of the battle of Wa- ,,ienoe." ine surrender of Hellcelaud Rjt'te Cicrmany seems te be the meit Irrlta t tatiug feature of the agreement, and tlie Bffau ames Gazette hopes that I'arlia- V"-.' nten 4 11l mil .,11... rut i I ? anuinsv. ... ..!. . , -iisjh i.-t,cjij ay wiiai tney can te ?tf uc,r Iaau jenu uuii into a rury In the Rfehope of making auether enemy for Gcr- mauy. Uhe I'arls Temp pretends te rwmsiusi nicie iiiuhi de secret winces winces ,flens which would explain Lord Sails, '..bury 'a generosity. J Meauwhile iu Germany the atrrecnieni ifcas been well received, and although u few mild growls are heard from tb ? boldest of the opposition imuers. It u .evident that the Germans de net m.rn- m.hi.i. .- .!.. .. ,;,. ' .j.. .v., f,kj iinta uim nre willing te wvpniie assurance of tne Xertlt Oer- i Gazette that the negotiations were -wale battle In wb eh nil tin. IJLfX. were victors aud no !icr SV,' bread -liing in the Khlr Kiat Ttrtiif "when." Itninv ) vHfctfiUcllKeland will surely -MyfkSwIien Mm Nnrlh Ken has & 1 1 .1 aa.r.sal jvT navitif ! A tetjc .--j """ ,.::;, , , ."SruUsnnit years age tins iiuie isinnu close te the German coast and the mouth of the river Wcser was a hundred and twenty miles wide, but new it measures less than n mlle and is crumbling away se fast into the sea that it may be noth ing mere than a dangerous reef in the course of a century. The Island Is a pop ular English watering place, but It Is evident that Germany wanted It for use as a naval station, or in order that It might net be se used by the ilrltlsh. It is tee close te Fatherland for the Ger mans te be satisfied with Us iwwesslen by the foreigners who captured it In 1807, and have held It without Angliciz ing Its two thousand German speaking inhabitants. Americans would never agree te let a foreign iewer held Nan tucket, and that island is only a few miles closer te our coast than Heligeland is te Germany ; hut the map of Kurepu is full of these lrrilatlng relics of old wars, and nations are net disposed te re linquish the advantages they held In case of renewed conflicts. A Tlrcil I'rrslilenl. rrcsldcut Harrison is tired. This sil ver discussion and legislation disgusts him with the While Heuse. Senater Walcott wants te knew if the admin istration lias any friends ; and the Sonate voles for free silver with a rush. We wonder net that the picsldcut N tired of ills stale and proposes loge back te his law elllce at Indianapolis. He Is likely te go whether lie will or no ; but it is well te be willing. It Is the most sonslble expression we have had from Mr. Harrison slnce he has been presi dent ; and we are encouraged te hejie that new that lie hits made, up his mind te he content witli one term of the picsl deucy, he will act and thluk only for the country's geed and his own fame. This ha says is his picscnt animation; and we trust that It will hear fruit right along for the remainder of his term ; se far the trce hits been barren. Tin: Iilmleii Hall seiuhmry at I. UU. is a vonernblo Institution, of whobe record llie Moravian church limy well hu proud, nnd te-tlny It shows iu eonnnencoiucnt exor exer cises tlie energy of perennliil youth. We sce that Dr. Yo.igley apologizes for cutting with his whips boy wheclhnhid en the back of his vehicle and rehmed te get off when he told hi in te (hi he. Tin: doctor does net noed te apologize. He tl til what he hnd a light te de and what It was right for him te de. It ihici net miUter nt all hew badly the hey was hurt or wlmther he foil oil' and hrekn hit neck. Heys who climb en vehlclat, need te be Hogged till" thorn ; and the seiH.ithm Is hnuellclnl te their future uudurstuiidlng, if they sur vive. Tun movement for a vollege gymnnsluiu went ahead with a regular feet hall inwli en Wodnesilny afternoon and the erection or the building may new he coulldeully ro lled upon. The btmlunts must de thelr het in growing and muscular develop develop meet through tlie holidays se that limy may inakothe most of new advantages and turn out a whizilui; foetlmll team In the fall. It Is suggested that the games of cre(iiet that have been played of Inte upon thu collcge campus are net calculated te sthmilale manly vigor or miiHCular ilovnl ilevnl ilovnl epincnt, and li.ihe Imll, tenuis or ether sports would be iiioie collego-UUo nnd croilitable. pevni:iti,YL'irAt,M:Nai:sn(ii :in. Be WuiitH tlin Itlvul Laber l.oniler te Meet lilm On tlie l'latlbrm. T. V. l'ewderlv, goneral in.istur work werk innu of the Knights of Udier, has chal lenged Samuel (iiuupurs, pinslduut of the Amuricaii l-Vtlvratieu of Laber, te meet him In duliate. In regard te llie meetlug of thu Knights of Laber, which Is te tnlce plaee Friday uvuuhiK at Cooper Union, Xew Yerk, when lr. Pewdurly and ethers will reply te the charges of the American Induratien of Laber thai the Knights tried te kill the eight hour movement. President Goin Gein pers. of the American Feiluralien, ro re ro uiarked en Wislursd.iy thalhuliud nothing te say, as It would 'be unfair for him te crltlcisu speeches boferu tliey wure du ll vered. If the Knights attacked llie Fed eration he would reply. Mr. I'owderly apparently seeks Heme criticisms from Mr. Uenipcrs, and Wednes day he Issued this chiilhmge : Xi:w Yeiik, June IS, IS'.tO. Mu. Samiiki, rieMi'iiiis, picxldent Ameri can l'edomtieii of Laber, New Yerk : Di:aii Sin It is the Intention of the general elllcurs of thu Knlghw of Laber te tevlew and reply le the uuuioreiis charges and accusations which have been ni.idu and circiilalud by the olllcernof the Amuri caii Fedurationef 1 Jtlier against tlie ICniglils of Uilier. The meeting will be held en l'rldiv, Tuiie'JO, in Conper Institute. That you may net hae le depend en bcamiv or Kiirbled reports of the meeting 1 deem it but an act of courtesy te you te lnite von te lm piCMMil and occupy a Mat en the plat form en that eci anion. It will alleul me pleasure te sham the platform with you, should you do.slre te reply le UII'UIIIIK IU .. II1CII YOU 111,1V IllKO eeep- lien during the deliberations. I have the honor le he ery 1 1 til v yours, T. X. rewmuiLt, . M. W.,'K. of U This elialleiiL-e Is the sensation of llie ilav among (hu rival org.iiiizilteus el woiUiii weiUiii woiUiii inen. Should Mr. (iompers couchide le accept llie debate u ill he a most Interesting one. Thu gcncinl o.xeentho heard el tlie Knights of Laber vxore hard al work all of Wednesday at their rooms in the Aster house. rired Sjoiiplnle IIioVeiihk Alan. purlbriiuiuoe hi Illoemlicld, Iowa, Monday night, several young men were caught peeping Inte tlie dressing room of thu leading lady actress. Se hlcciifecd was she that she leaded a prep- " i'isiui nun beiiji uimii uiaiiKcarirnigu, and whun thueiing mun again inude their appearauce she lellly uteiiu oftliem named loelc, tilling tils clothing and llesh with Map, and ciuslin; him te run awny liowl liewl Ing 1th pain. The young man caused the aiiresh ariest and she was brought bofure Justice Hern. L'peu learning the partlcu bus the jURtlcedlhiulhsrsl the suit, with a savere lecture te the young man, aud In tlmatingthat he may well feel satisfied mat mum was neinin; seaji '" the pistol. inore helld than Th Wcildhig Didn't ConieOtr. A large crowd assembled at tlie Flrt.t l!aitltt ehiiieh In IV-lerHhurg, Va., en WcUncvlay nftorneoii te wltnew. the inar inar inar riaoef Mr. Khophenl, of Hiiksex county, and MKi Kaiiuie Jackuin, a young lady of Petewhurg. The marriage hewuver.cilil net take place, and the crewil w aaillsapjwlnlcil. T.'ietrouhlewaHinKoltlngthellcuiito.Whun Mr.Slieplicnl callwl en the clerk of the court for a lleense te marry MUs Jacksen, the age of the young woman uns usktnl. As Klie watt miner the clerk naiil he oeiilil net lwue the license, an nhe eeuIJ net uciiulre a rcsldence there, the home of her parentH heing her home. The parentis of Miss MlAKjr AT of wit, .jliiowssed, AC R lilt wnlli ,.,,,' Iklml r 7?wirlollet static. SeDONT 'i kept close te hnnd. wf IVIifit Onfl Dnsn Did. td U rimn. i.t A brim K. Y.. Iinri Asthma, f)f the worst kind. Toek one dose of Tliemat' 5t IteMe Oil and was relieved In nve minutes, lie adds : " Would walk ln mile for this medi, cine andpriy 13 n bottle for It. It cured my wife efrheumatlsm like, Magic." Beld In Lancaster by W. T. llech, 1.17 and UW North uccn street Cnn ft Man Swnllew n Cannen Itn.ll f Well, " that depends." He caii If his threat In large enough mid the rannen Imll net tee large. The question rrnlly seems werlhr of some, consideration In view of tlionlfeof neme or the plll that prescribed for ullerlii hu; manlly. Why net threw them "te II e Jekj," andtalteDr.Plrrce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lels? Hinnll. sugar-coated, purely vegetable, pr&vtly harmless, In glow, snd Blways fresh. W.ThAw Allnil llrenth In Insufferable. We den.t like It. A .person with n utrenif breath muil net make lilniaeir very famlllnr with us. An Impure breath In enuiHKtrbv an unhealthy stomach. Ilunleck Meed Jlttirrt will correct this evil. They am the best stemneh medicines known. Meld In liiimaU-r by W. T. llecli, 137 nnd 139 North Quten street, -fTAN HOUTKN'8 COCOA. TIIKOUEAT COCOA OK EUllOrE, Tilh COMING ONK OV AMKIIICA MADK 11V HPCCIAI, PltOCKSS-TIIKUKST. Cocea Is of hu picnic liniortance as an article of diet. Van Hetitcn's has fljly per cent, mere flesh fornilng"prepertlcs tlinn exist In the best of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." The tissue of tlie cocoa bean Is se soft ened as te render It easy of digestion, nnd, at the same time, the aroma Is highly developed. r-VAN HOUTKN'H COCOA (" once tried, always used ") In llie Original, Tare, Boluble Cocea, Invented, patented nnd made In Hol Hel land, nnd Is te-day belter and mere mlnllr than any of the ninre numerous Imitations. In fact, a cemparatle test will easily prevs that nn ellitr Cocea equals Mils ?urneiJ In solubil ity, ncrefable loste and imlrlthe iiualltlrs, UimtJit snle In the world." Ask for VAN HOUTKN'H and take no ether. (Ij) (Ertfccvtca. "I T llUltHKB Geed Old Potatoes WIIOUMALIIANI) Ui:rAH.. Fresh Strawberries DailY 5.1) cans of Cern al Cc a can. I'INi: Old) UltliAM ciii:i-k. Canned lllnclcberrlcs, te cloe out stock, at f put up "Itli Kuear. Alse, Itakpberricsauil Wherllelicrrle. Dried Apples. IVnelies, Cher rks, elc, theiip te cluse out sleck, BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST., LANCASTER, I'A. A T CLAUKB'S I HOMimilNO NKVRH HLAHDOF 1IKFORK. WHAT? A Maseiint.Jnr, leinptcle, kIxcii ftivuy with a pound of Cellee. In order te lia OUK OZA.MIIIZK llnindef Colbs. ineru fully lutreducul, we me nlln u Hint iilass t, .Ma seu Jar frce will) ene pound I'llctsileciHr pound anil lliejar flee. This 1 1 it ml of L'elliss Is warranted te be the best Cellie In thu weililal thu price. Orent ll.irKiilns In Halting Powders. Hllver ware cUeii Willi each 4 R. can of Ferest City llalilui; Powder. ThoerlKlnnl Webster's UimbrldRcd Diction ary for Jl 75 cash, ami as seen as J en Iiiimi beiiKhtSJ) worth or (Irecerles jeu are entitled ten Dictionary ferll7S. lleineintiei, we are headquarters Uf ricnlc (loud. MshlDKClubi, let me luake) oil a bid. 1 can sun e j mi money. lliirKiilus In Tens, Cetlees, SiiKiirs, Hplce", Mnr Ill's SujH'rler Cakes and Cmclters, llrled and Kwiperalcd 1'rulls, Cauiad and llettled thhsls.! We sell the bestOIUu Oil In the ireild. Samuel Clarke, Agt, Tea, Coins) and Grocery Stere, ISA II Heutli Queen Ht., Near Centre Square, Lancaster, l'a. a-relephene. a t inusra. Firewerksl Fireworks! Fireworks! TOTllL HLTAILKIU ONK IWItl.OAl) HTKICTLY ftL'W 11111;- WOllK.S AT LOWINT HOriOM PlUCia I See Display In l'eur Window i- Went Hide. Summer Drink ! UL'NUINK CALIKOUNIA OltANQi; CIDL'lt, ltAHPllKUKYNLVTAULNi: And KKLWCll llLACKIIIUtKY JUICK. Tliey positively contain mi alcohol, nor de they contain iiuj tlilntr Injurious. Put up In hU-pilleu kepi. Ne ilinrte for keK. faucet niidi;l.iM. We me koIe Audits for Umculer count). J nut Iho thin,: for Hotels. e-tati- ratlin, Conlectlenern, and any ene wWiIme te tell a fctrlelly Temperance Drink. Bleeker's Dutch Cocea, made, from thot'helci stand Illpcst Cocea lliiins. All I lie ludliicstltilc, Intty and ether uttauces hau liecu uirelully M'paratcd fiem llie Cocea. entity prepared Cocea en the market. INHTUUCTIO.NH FOll VaK Put a kpnenful of Krauiilatcd Hinjiir Inte our eiiiaud add n;4erJ; teavpoenfiilorrtK'o.i; mix them well, dry, then pouren IieIIIuk wnter or milk, ttlr well, and jeu lmea cup el tliNnn. muled cocoa. I he :ie can will make .1 cups of cocoa. i nu mv can win muueTt) cupi of cocoa. HUAS0NAI1LU (iOOl)S. A full llue of Ktenullutter Jam, frem'i Kid up le !'. CiilUnm. A lull line Of Mone Clean cks and Milk Crocks and Pans. Mone Juk Kill- Ien Ill Cnn' from ' L'iillen un te 5 nullum. i: Jelly Creckt at 1a An R.i ...i.l it.. ....mI. I..,,.. .-,.. ...I... . " . 1 .V "S1 . " " ul,,J iiiikcm wiiu rettn. and JillyTiui'.tiUri, Pint, (Junrt and Hiilf cnl Inn Mateu Krult Jar and ItlnuK. Hint Micky l'ly Paper In the world. MIxcdHplccjiiud llctt PlckllUK VliiiBiir. Ikef. Picnic Hum, Iloleuim, Ilenelew Mains, Hummer Ilelp.'tia mid a linn' dnd lilt; Uargalus. J. FRANK REIST, W110L1ALE AND 11CTAIL UllOCKU, COItNEll WJiiT KINO AND PltlJCKHlU Ulrcclly Opjxitlte J. 11. Martin A. Ce.'m Ilry Ooedii Htere, and Next Doer toUerrcl Horte Hetel. A-Umk for the Hlg Hhjii acret the pue menL 4:y "l or glrut. T 71011 lUNT-HANPSeTlKillwF llOOM i.L.i'".1 :M t"er N". '- WeitKlnuttreet; linett local en lii thu city for omen or lieht business. InM-IfJ .Aiicrx imuery. en rnr rnirr ok I'll'B, KHOM M lich rnr tjyjfVJKJKJ Inch te 8 inch N.,.leul.?.lc"T!Ieure,n.nd "" ,m'y house In the city wlthapliNJCutllne luarhlnp.rutllnB up te U Inch diameter, al JOHN UHsT-A.asj KttU'aX. ten tlrtxt. m7.,M EjOf puTiay t te' '. Thumdsy, Jans 18, tSB. it of Ceylon Flannel. d hardly suspect the cot ten warp if you didn t Knew. The soft wool of the filling al most completely hides it. Yeu get the mellowness and warmth of the wool, the strength and unshrinkingness of the cotton. Ceylon Flannel is "wash" Flannel as well as wear Flan nel. Handsome patterns and lets of them at 25c ; mere and prettier at 37c ; ethers at 50, 60, and 75c. With the 37c Ceylon is a line of Satin Stripes reduced from 50c. Very choice and de sirable colorings. Of the rich, luxriant French Printed Flannels mere than 1,000 pieces in every dreamed of style and color. 60c. 10 and i2jc Outing and Yachtintr Cleths warranted cotton, but with the leek of sure enough Flannels. Mere than a hundred styles of them cluster stripes, graduated stripes, mixed stripes, plain stripes, and in just the restful colors that you'd cheese. Nertluant of centre Lumpy cotton could never be made into such a smooth, even, perfect stuff as Branden burg. Ft ne long fibre, spun, woven, dyed with the care that an artist would put en a pic ture. The marvel is that 20c a yard can buy such a cotton. North went of centre. The 1 2c Dress Cheviot is as tough a stuff at the price as we have. Fast colors, neat patterns, and 30 inches wide. Northwest of centre. Regular 20c Linen Lawns at ic. And the het months all ahead ! A few such days as yesterday and the Lawns will be a memory here. Neat pat terns, pure linen, our own bringing ever. Hen thu cut of centre, with Linens. Here's a Skirt we sell at 50c. The bare materials would cost you like this : 3$f yards Muslin ntSc c 21, yards Insertion at 7c . 15c Cotten and Tape Se Mc What about the making ? And there's 13 yards of tucking en each Skirt. Hecend lloer, Juniper Ktrcct side. Jehn Wanamaker. iuvttitnvc. TXKNllir WOLr, FURNITURE STORE, him removed te 136 Kant Klne street, havlnirs full llue of Furniture of every description at the lewcHt prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. eS-tfdK 11. WOLK. 130 East King HtreeL II KlNllliU'B FUHN1TURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE llinerH dcslrhiE a combination Mini Quality of tlin Manufiiclurer'n Art In till llm Newest and Ijitest DeslyiiM and tlie Leirtst l'rlccf In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Shbuld beawake te tiiclr own Interests mid call upon ui when their wants will Ihi fully mi piled. i We offer te-dny a splendid assortment of Par Par eor Hulls In Tiiiiestrles and I'liuOies at specially Lew Prices.; HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street "VCHSAaillliS. SPECIAL OFFERING -FOIt- JXUNTET Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Ureatly Iteduced Price. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, fid, ltd A till Fleer,) Ne. 31 B0UT1I QUEEN HlUEKT. 1TIDM I'Ell'S COltNEK. The Big Mark-Down -AT- Widmyer's Cerner STILI, CONTlNUeS. Eiery Urndcef FURNITURE GOING RAPIDLY, Te make room for Building Improvements. Wenuut linveelbowreoiu for the workmen who will put lu the new front mid make ether Improvements. ItiHiin Uef mera coiikenuciice Jul new tlinn BOfl price. Call anu ef lire the harcalus while they lakt. Oppertuultleii like this rarely tK-cur. W1DMYER, CORNKIl OF EAST KINQ AND DUKE STUKETS, WefeW m ISTSZ e9H e PEN KVKBV MVKNINO. Fer Bargains. OO TO P.C.SNIDERIB1, Ne. 14 West King St. EverythingSeld At andBelowCest, AS WE AHE POSITIVELY OOrNO OUT OF HU8INK8H. mayMmd T MK PEOPLE H CASH HTOHK, IN Summer Goods. FAST 1JLACK FltENCH 8ATINES In Helld Colen and Neat Flgurm, w hlch are very dura, ble, 25c per yard. Thobalaneeofiitoekof FIOOItED IJATIHTE te ke nt lOe per yard. Heme of thee goods mid at ISc and '-lie. Genuine Imported ZEPHYR UINOIIAMS reduced Irem 31c and 37c te Vxi, DemcBtlc ZEPI1YK GINQH AM8 In excellent styles at 10c and 12c. Heme of these goods equal the Imported In style. Ooed HTYLE CIIALLIKS at Oytc, as pretty In design and colerlns an cxpcinlve gecxK White Dress Goods. Piques In Cords and Checks, Ltnen de Indcn, Victorias, Nnlnsoekn, Plaids, Stripe', ,tc. Full Lines of EMI1K0IDEIUK3 tn geed quill lty, from the cry narrow te the wldeit widths. s 25 East King Street, LANCABTEK. fA. martO-lydlt O03T0N BTOUE. GREAT THREE DAYS SALE ! JUNE 16, 17, 18. Silk Plushes, 29c Black Henriettas, 46 inches wide 75c ; worth $1. Colored Satins for fancy work, 25c a yard. 75c and $1 DresS Goods at 50c and 75c a yard. 50c and 75c Dress Goods at 271AC a"d 50c a yard. Best Grey Gos aniers, 75c. Light Challies, 3-)c a yard. All-Silk Meire, 75c ; worth Black Drapery Nett, 27ic ' worth 75c. Best 5-4 Table Oilcloth, 1 7c a yard ; worth 25c Dress Shields, 4c and 5c a pair. Best Pins, 14 rows for ic. Skirt Braid, 3c apiece. Linen Thread, 4c a spool. THESE PRICES -FOK- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 17, 18. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCABTEll. I'A. BOSTON STORE. WMlTlCUliAK ATTENTION I'.MII TO L Medel Mnklntr iTi,,.. ti.i..u ...1 1'aUeriu. Urawinca and price reasonable, at JOHN UK8TH.s VUist Fulton itreet. lui'im TNJECTOH, Itl'E L,iri'LK UIArtT. ilAN. I cock Insplniter-i and Electors, hnennnn 1U tiler Feeder, Penlierthj" .ii.iL.,.1. .tiiin 1..E.V...A American lnJecter, all in sleck, at JOHN ULSTS. SKI ST s. x in7-tld Eait Fulton ktivet. C AW MILLS. IIAHK MILIJ. COll MILLH O Ix-alhcr llellcrif, Tan PaikcmIrlple 11 or se rimers. Milling nnd Mlnlug MuNil J01LN EH Fulton Urcet. Ht mMfd People Cash Stere (talcs Stains, ..' PV rcL,PM,,r lsoe hM.' F- gltec CLIPPEItx. V TAKE A LOOK AT THE Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers -AT- STACKHOUSE'S, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KLNO STREET. THE FINEST EVEll 8E13X IN LANCASTEU, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. B-aterc clones cery ecnlng at 0 o'clock. except en Monday andHaturday, until Scptcni-S bcr 1. TpvOWN TO THE llOTTOM IN PUICL ! The McGinty Shee ! BTHONU POINTS THAT WILL NOT FAIL TO tlECOMMEND IT TO THE LADIES OF LANCASTEIt. The McOlnty Bhoe Is cheap. It neils atllJjO. Ne niake of Bhecs sold In Lan caster at J1.73 te equal It. Few even de at tl. The Krade of Itcomlitneft with IU economic cost must make It a trade win. tier. Tlin-McOinty Bhoe fill. The average feet It flUrceMiniilily close and comfor cemfor comfer tably, wlllieut pinch here, pinch there te create limp and halt In Riilt. Die McOlnty Bhoe Ik stylMi. In mada evir fuflileniihle lnts nnd Is much ad mired. Nothing ntlff or clumpy look ing nheut 1L The McUlnly Bhec Is really handtemc ter dren. The McOlnty Hhoe Is Dtreiigly made; higher priced goods eHrn slunv mere Imperfections In this respect than dots It. Excellent for Kc:lce, tee. The McOlnty Hhoe Is made of geed material line Dongola Kid Leather. Upiiers, Htltched. fitted nnd trimmed in a superior inanner. The McOlnty Hhoe has strong button Iileccs, relnferceil Willi buckskin, 'ihe Hilten holes are neatly and strongly stitched with Mlk. Out of 000 pairs told slnce April 1, net a slngle pair has been returned te us with the holes tern through. The McOlnty Bhoe has all leather counters these nre essential te the preservation of heel and front shape will net readily turn ever and become Ill-looking. IIae neat heels of medium height, with Fexlble Inner and outer soles. The latter means ease and com fort In wear. Cheap shoes are rarely made that way. The .McOlnty Bhoe will become a stieng favorite. It's dressy enough for young ladles, aud net se much se as te miilcu It oblcctlenablo te thee elderly and reserved. We have It In two styles opera lecln C, Dand E widths; com mon sense shape In I) width. Come and sce tlie McOlnty Bhoe. You'll lkc It. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 NOKTU QUEEN BTKEET, LANOAB TEH. Pa. AUGUBl' AfeBOKTMENT I MEN'S RUSSET SHOES -AND- OXFORDS. 1 have ene of the Largest Assortments of Men's HuibCt and Seal Shoes nnd Oxfords In the city. RUSSET BnOEd al $1 50, 2, S2 50, $3 and !6. 11UKSET OXFORDS at Jl 2.", 51 50, S2 and SO. The $.1 Shoes I have In Twe Styles. One being nil Russet Genuine CaHSkln with Square Tips, and the ether Light Ooze Calf Skin with a neat Ilusict Calf Skin Trimming. The Oeuulne Hand-Made Line at SO Is liem ene of the Rest Factories In the country. I liaNeallneer thcseiuBlx Dlirtrcnt Styles and Tees.i Don't Miss Seeing Our Dis play in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. A 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. BStore Closed E cry Evening at 0 o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. Itlitchim-fij. I F IN WANT OF I1RAS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed i 'whs, Pet and 111b Cocks, Lccr Cocks, Swing Joints, call and get them, or send jour order by mall, te JOHN I1ES1', SVI East Fulton street. ni7-tfd PACKINGS, AS IOLLOWhTdIhIGOFOR Steam and lljdraullc Packlng.Asbest Repe, W'men and Wick P.icUlng, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill IliKi.-d, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Sheathing, Gum P.icktng.Gum Rings for Water Gauges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As As ImkIes, Lined Sfctlenal P10 Cever, at JOHN RESTS, ill East Fulton street. in7-tfd T710R 1IOR Xj glues, fro cat Engines fir HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN- minis tnMilinrse-pimir antl viru- r-ti tn ill hnn.M.tumir Villi will find them at JOHN RESTS. 3.B Easi Fulton street. IJIOlt PRATT OADY ASHUSTOS DISC i Valves, Jenkins Valves.llniss Glebe Valves, HrassGiite Valves, Inm Hely Globe alves. Iecrhafcty Valves. Pep SiiMy ales, Air Valves. Radiator Valves, Pratt's Swinging Check Valves, Urns Check Valvi s.Foet Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN RESTS, 33.1 Ens Fulton Street. iu7-trd A GENCYFOIt CALLAHAN ,V COS CE J nieiit le take the placoer Reil lad. In bulk It makes live times the quuntlt of red ladaud I-. r.irsini.rler In inaklugsteiiui Joints, imcklng iiiiin and hand hole pi. lies nubelltrs. Ac, Ac, Price 'JO cents ur pound, nt JOHN HI-S' liist Fulton stris-'t. m7-lfn IOR HOLTS. LAG SCREWS, SET SCREWS, " Siimreiuid Hexagon Nuts, tliesegixsN In sltK'k, al JOHN llUVl's., SSI East Fulton street, m7-tfd I TIORAMERICANBKillT FEED CYLINDER Lubricators, Glass oil Cups for Hearings, jeu call get Ihciil at JOHN llhSTB, S-tl Ka Fulton slreeL iu7-lfd TTlORUOlLEIfirilE I11H'SH13, STILLSON " Pine Wrenchcs.Pineniid Menkey Wrenches combined. I'llc .... ....,'.. i. . - .. ..-.... uu cans, tic, go hi juii.i IIESI'.SM liit Fulton street ill, Mill 1 ,-s.OK CASTINGS, IRON OR I1RASS, LIGHT 1 or heavy, at short notice, go le JOHN HEsr..1ti KjisI Fulton strift. '"'iQ' I OLD BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZINO It for steam work, at JOHN 11E.VTS, "iS ti Fulton street, ra.-tfd E OR CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS ROTH plain and reducing, up te e-Jnch diameter, lleable Fillings, Flanges. Ilanje Unions, Manifolds, Ainvircnn L'uleiis, IMbe .Supports Hangers, Fleur and Celling Plutts, go te JOHN REIT'S, va liist Fulton strctt. Iii7-tfd PTwlv-ly Vlethlua c LOTH1NO. L. Gansman & Bre. The Crrntcst IndnctmrBts EurMkrfi in men'h, bev'm and ciiildrbm'b Children's Bulls, former prices II and tl 2 new selllnr nt TWe Children's Halts, former prices, 11.50 and 121 new selling al si. m. Children's units, former price 12.50; no selling atmn. Heys' Bulls, former price 13.50; new selllni Heys' Bulls, former prices Je ; new selling v Heys' Bulls, former price 17.50 ; new selling S4.7J. Mu'8ulU,fermer price IS.K); new telling a Men's Bulls, former price tlO ; new selling a f l list tii' fi t a tWj f"Ma 1ft In. w.uu(vii n m uiiui, mv,-, OK, iw, IOC. Bummer Ceiits antl VeAts At IlvtinrmA PvIjmI Mcn'sBummcrCeatsnt'J0slSc.SDc,40c. I Men's Hummer Coats and Vests at 75c, 0e. Ill tic. si ?R ai ai t ' '"I Men's Working Pants reduced te 45c. NOW IB THE TIME FOR. BARGAINS. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's aniS uaiurcn s iwieiuing (exclusive.) 66 and SB NORTH QUEEN ft., B.W.CORNEBOFORAHOB. LINO ASTER, Ml -Net connected with any ether Clethln iieuse in me city. -l!e cautious and .make no mistake se thai yen get te me right place. MYEM ERS AIRATHFON. KEEP GOOL There's Ne Trouble te Keep Coel If Yeu Avail leurscii ei tee umince uuerca Here te liny Summer. Clothing. We Have Every Conceivable Kind and Celer In COATS AND VESTS FOR MEN'S WEAR. EVERYTHING LIOHTl COOL AND AIRY. Prices Rim from 11.25 te 7.50. Men's Summer Trouser AND WHITE VESTS, In Oieat Variety and Style. HANDSOME STYLES IN FLANNEL SHIRTS AND 1SUMMER NgOKWEAR. Asktoee Our HLUE AND DLACK 8ERQE SUITS Ter Men Just the Thing for Het Wcather-Sia.OO. Myers & Rathven, LEADINO CLOTHIERS, .NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. TT1KSH BROTHER. FOR Gletliing That Is Popular, Clothing That Is Weil-Made, Clothing That Is Perfect-Fitting, Clothing That Js Lew in Price, YISIX TJS T That we can suit the most particular Is well knew n. We nave uu tne euvaniages inai serva te please u customer. If jeu have never dealt wiiu us, can nun ioek itireugu our line aim hi are satisfied that we can suit you. MEN'S LIGI1TANDDARKHU8INES3 3UIT8 at $5, S, 57, 17 SO, 8$, t9. MEN'S SACK AND CUTAWAY DRESS SUIT nt $8, SO, S10, JI2, 813 te IIS. LIGHT-WEIGHT COATS, VESTS, PANTS,! from 82je te 8, In Alpaca, Linen, Drap d'Ete, Fancy DuckJ .Meutiir, ftccrsucKer, riauuci nun iii.iuy mucyi fiuulltie!. New Neckwear, New Underwear, New Hosiery, New Shirts. MEANWHILE DO NOP FORGET THAT I WONDERFUL SALE OF CHILDREN'S SUITS -AND- KNEE PANTS. il CLOTHIERS, -MERCHANT TAIL0R8 AND GENTS FURNISHERS. N. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER, I'A. THl N G LETREE STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161.) RECORD IJO. Sired by Happy Medium, sire of CO performers from '.'tltii te Ail. Dam Topsy Tn ler by Alex ander's Nomina, gire of Lulu, 2:li'L Ac. ac. Terms for Spring season or lsW), WO for a Fer tabulate I peillgree and ether luroriuatleu, uddriss DANIEL G.ENGLE, uprl2-Uud,Vw .Marietta, Pa, FISH BROTHER T,-V"' - - ..1"V T??i.'9iiti'SL sytjw'tfew -iajtfizgjt 'tr-.'s(