ri wip . iV" "flvy (Coebo. $lt0. frlrt,rC"0.. Cletlttttg. 7I:n KVI.UY i:vi:NtNa. KenSNOETJ, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1890. s LIPPEIIU. -O LOTUIKO. at M m tn jU ,f& Jv, l?Si iiw- fl-6 fldd fte'rti benefit .4n be had wlth KTbe bill which pre- ;ihe hdultcratlen of beer bifid. It Is n mistake te sup '. Its beneflt will euly be te the niwmnisF liliiianlf fnr In Ifiltlnrr V, VUUau.a.v ... - - - a Iway the minim ciieci 01 mitiueraieu beer upon Its consumer, u win neueut the whole country lliat new sulTers Sjfteni the 111 conduct that the pobeucd keer causes. r:hV..ItU hardly te be denied that pure Kbeer Is a wheleseine beverage j and It Is Kktl known fact that In Kurem'.Wliere ftlH tmverumeut eeetelt that it Is nurely 5ai.e Tin timl ftflWta realllr. flfilll lis. free m""""- . : . : r . ; . . j;sttie. Intoxication In'.tlic.te ler tiriiiK- j":ng countries Is unknown, and where- 'Sirirctilsiiiusirationei me iiceu ei gev- Llr'ficturer hns net heretofore secured it we '$t de net understand, for we have In our Si Internal revenue RVfctem all the inachlu- 35j try needed for ebtulning a pure niniiti- 'pf-Taclurc or liquors. All lb uisuiicries . are closely watched te see that they de & 3t evade the piymcnt'ef tax; and It fr'Weuld pecm te have called for n very pjgjliave also rciiuired these watchers te hoe feA'ttaat no deleterious stuli'uas ued in the fe3f making of the liquor. ?llyt iuw ""l nnw introduced into i eriRrecs Jig requires that nothing but mult, lieis ;i,'anu water stiuu ie lined in ieer niauinir. ,& f iviifHu I III. tn a tint, ni-n Ir tnlr lii, Tlml fi- djlnrr that Ix-er en n nut wi liimli! from Kt'iese Ingredients nlone ; and this net- L&wivusiaiiuunj mi; mi'i mill, ilia uuu -laaja fkver lienti fminil wlm tl tel tint ileetnm pSb his customers that there was nothing "ibttt malt and bops in liulteer. (ion- ;Vtirally they lied ; ami ultthclrcustemcr ni Knew it. Tiicy Knew it iy their kiiewi- &go of Its cireet upon them. They Sk6evr it been u se tliev knew that I lie $Sj4rewer would net be likely te avoid the pmlrture and benefit his pocket. They ...f-jinew iiiui me iimm in mu Keg wui :eued by soda and Its sweetness by ' rluentm. nml tlint IU vlrtiieu viri lint W-W33 1jA et ynnk nfitl linu ..l.ttfi rPlirtt. m? miay be pure beer made in the country ; Sfebat It Is very pafe te say that It lit very IWrarely made. fcr. - Atlrl llift nnlllilrv linj.ila iilrn unr nu PJ -ji.i-" ... "vv.,.. VII IKC1 Ull ll!J.y UIU lUUl 11H H.UI1U usununlng ( w' llret consideration of "jvaHUMbcaiiii ,Ui(l pure ioeu mine iirsi aTjwccsslty for It. t Why then should net xSm&n'a treverument nroteet the feed and .eeeteltthnt it is nure? Wuv should ;it'fiet the venders of adulterated feed of '11 kinds be iHinishcd : nnd whv. when S.the government has Its watchers at A avprv lintinr vat. Rlinnlil tliev nnl lu r. .' i'qulred te see that its contents are pure ? b There is nothing that will secure the &st aim of the advocates of temperance he (j readily us the manufacture of whelc- aeme liquors ; for it Is n fact that the evils of 1 utempcrauce and the wrongs It W?perpctrate8 come chlctly from the per ?M'finently lllellects utwu the body of iYl ?! .... .. tm .i-aauitcrateii imuer. jm esi)eciaiiy h this the fact with malt lliiuer,whlch has 2jjj- b cij sii(juiijr riiiiiuiauug uueei, ami jS,;c which Is se widely used and always will ee be useu. 4i our temperance inuniis , will turn their attention te securing pure liquors instead of prohibiting them, they will make their vulu work, very ueeful. "' The Census (Jue'ii. And new the rows commence ever the census enumeration. Ambitious cities And the figures fall short of their exikv- & tatleus, and they want te try it ever S again. The West Is esjeclally the acene of these ccdhu.s rows, for there is ! iuc great rivalry 01 new uern cities. tk? J)euhtless the census Is very liti- Lfc- town Is no meie correct than ..another, and nrebablv all towns . get about as much if net mere than they are entitled te. The enumerators mis Hjj 'nany names and gather in many twice. ggf, ircepie wiiu uivcrs uauiiuiieus are apt te be ceuuted mere tnuii once. 'I lie census enumeration amounts only te u rough guess, aud the towns must be content te take their num bers as they get them, if their ..counters have net been us nglle as the counters iu ether pluces it is their bad luck. Lancaster does net seem te have had very nimble counters If she is only given 32,000 population, which would be but little ever u ratio of four te one of her vote. lu Cerea. Away oil" where the fur ISast comes nearest te the fur West, in the " hermit , kingdom" of Cerea, there Is a little cloud of war. Net a war of any bcrleus coiibe ceiibe r quence en this side of the world, but 1 one that may have au iuipertaut inllu-;.-enceupen Kurejiean ullairs. lllsmarck :f recently observed that Russia shows uu f Jncreasiug tendeney te retire from her i . 'menaeluL' uttltiult imviinli l'urr,.,- ...,,i ikVM.-te develen aud advancn In Aui., ...,,i SS" one evidence of this is theactlvltv of Russians en the A moor rher at the northern border of Clilua, and iu curi ous sleepy old Cerea. J fen their cuter prise Is Jealously watched by Knglatid. China and Japan. The Japs de net .relish the Idea of se strong aud danger ous a neighbor ub Russia, heldlug the resferu shore or the sea of Jupau. China is thrown Inte a spasm of alarm ' '" at ever" rumor of a-jgreislen from the ftj fiunu, uuu r-iigmiiii is uiurt utld anxious un gveerni priueipies, cenceivillg ll te be her jiartlcular business te thwart Russia w hercver possible. A steamer, Jutllu from Teklo, brlngt the positive tateineut that all the Itritlth men.nf. ; s W8T U (,ttt jmrixjr wneu Bno Mt (t verQ lying Willi steam up under orders te go te Cerea ut a moment's notice, lieeauku of some mysterious rumor of a Rtn-ijian & plot te obtain control theie. Kugland'a Intermits there are hatdly stioui!cueuL'h ; te lea 1 her te actual litjlllitles, but she LlvV e"C')urage l lilua and Japan te the wiP .mini .i.i.l II... i.nnn. n It eni i"""'! "U l" i.-ate ui jvurepe dkliA, time efstireu uy Keeping fw;im tue Japan sea. This OttOli raffeeuut for the FM the long-. Fhtr- ff eiler lil Hltflfi.UIT'M AH n. rmMuR,.?:u"L: iu"'. ihint-; M"yy."T, tttr Xfi" mtvunv timing iu hrtnieand soei of them are br trivin hara had formal meetlnira e wnii .,.,. The eterkiblDa are mere tOrK'.... .mjI tA ettrjin t VAHIta nnn r.ncuinh " " " j"."b who are relative- of the sensters or who re useful te them In political and ether matte ra." The bill also provides fornlne members of a beard of pension appeals at salaries of two thousand dollars each, and eighteen additional medical examiners at eighteen hundred dollars each. If all the little Itetni connected with jienslen oxtravngsnee should be counted, It Is probnble that the highest Cfcllmsles of its cost would be passed. ' ' ' Tuk United States wooden man-of-war Iroquois, with ber seven smooth bore guns, has niade anether attempt te go te ea. This tlme she tried te get te Hono lulu, but was obliged te return for repairs afters few days at sea. Hetter hurry up thnt new navy. Pilli.ADi'.MMtlA Is going te pave Spring Garden street with sheet asphalt, from II read street te the park, and the electric wires are new being placed under ground. Tbey hate learned in VhlladelphUthat the burial of wires should be the first step w bee undertaking te innke a (Irst-cluRS stroet. STeniRs of cholera come from Spain, and cnreful quarantining will be Html te keep It from spreading. Kivk of llulTale DII.'h Hleux Indians, who have been whooping and dancing ever Kuropewlth his " Wild West" show, have returned te New Yerk, and ene of them Is dying of consumption. They nre nil flno flne flno leoklng young men under twenty, and will find the real Wild West rather Inm after their 1 European oxperlenco. Upen vlijnreiiH health anil a rucKfil cm Ktltullun will ilcpcnil largil y tin- fulure liupii -nrn hhiI kiicewk In llfe of l rlill'l ; tlie I'hultu or n fowl In, therefer?, of th hlKlient linxirt ntic;. Mvllln KimkI In rich In bloeil ferinlni;, l . I -i.a.i u. nml In. ami. fn.lillllil milHIuiilliilu Hint In recmniiH'iiiled by the hlijlieil iikmIIeu! aulliurlty. Van tii'il. llei'TKN's t'oiMA-Once Irlpil, nhvi.yn t.lnl, nmlitt'ii, theuKh yeu'm keen of wll, And llmiigli of muny rlinrmt pekxi-kkciI, You'll uever, nover,mnke n hit UiilciK lth lienrly lMlh you're IiIpkI. Union upon yutir toilet atHiir, YeurHU.OUONT ' kept clene te hauil. A Had Hrentti Ik limiftVriibte. V tlen.t like II. A pcrtun Mltli a ilrnuit brnilh nnit net innke hlline-lf try familiar with en. An Impure brriuh In e.iuned'l.y uu luiheHllhy nleiunrli. Jiurtlvek llloed lUUert will eorrect tills evIJ. 'Kiev nre the Iwst Dtuiiiarh riipdlrlmw liimwn. Held In IjinautiT by W. T, llech, 137 und 1JU North Quran Mrrcu Don't Yeu Kuuw Thnt you eniinet nITeril te ni'clwt tliut ni turrhf Don't ynu knew Hint It may loud te ronmuiiptlen. te liiinnlty, te ilrulh f Don't jnu knew that It mn iKicnully cnredT Don't yen knewtluit while the theuuuid mid ene huh tniintymi have trled lutte utterly rullnl Unit Dr. iSiiKO'H Catarrh ltumedy Ih nc rtiilu cureT It lnumloeU the tet nf earn, mid IhcreHrehiiu. itrO'lMef ihuinnindHorgraleriil men anil women In nil purl nfihn country who run tmtlfy tell elllraey. All (lrufcMn. M.Tuiw AVhutOnoDeKO Did. H. H. tlraxrt, of Akren, N. Y had Aathina of the vierht kind. Toek one doe of Themat' Vw-let-trie Oil and wni rulloveit In five mlmitea. He mlJn: " Would walk leu miles for this lurdl. clneuud pnyfiii bell te for It. II mred my who of rlieuiiiutUm like mimic." Held lu l.auenlr by W.T. Iloeli. IJTaml 1.111 North Quefii atroet. fAN IIUUl'KN'H COCOA. Heller than 'lea nnd Coltee for the Ncrw-x. Van Heuten's Cocea, "0NCKTII1KDAIAVAY8 USi:i." AhW your Oroeor for It, tuke no ether. (UI) tt.ltO. TTAWNKW AND l'UETITY. StaufFer & Ce., Lancaster's Leading Hattern, Exhibit Ihu lJiri;et and lle.t bvlecleU hteek of Straw and Summer Hats AT Til K VKUY LOWEsT I'O WlllLElMtK V.H Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. ClIIMhtKN'H at Any I'rlce ou Xnmc. FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, In all the Summer Shades, at 91.23 te S. UW'S TKNI8 CAPS AND JI ATS, All Celere. TItUNKS AND TUAVEUNQ HAOS Fer the VaitlonHcnaen,ut Very Lew 1'rlrcs STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, t.ANV.AHTKK.f'A. gev SmiIc ev icnt. JTIOIt KKNT 1IANDSOMK KltONT lt(K)M en 2d fleer, Ne. 12 Wwt Klnealitsl; llneat lucaiienin ineciiy loremoo or lUUl imliH's. Inquire of W. w. AUUS. Aller'a Uellery. iYM-im OECUItE A HOME KOU YOUU KAMII.Y. Secnre a Heme for Your Family, von SAMS ON TUK MOST UllEUAL TKKMS. Twotery brick dwelling Imiwi, Inta 110 fitdeep, en ltncuater uvt-uui'. bviutvu Wul nut and Ix-ineu atretic. Two-atery brick dwelling heuwa with man aard nxr. perchna In n-ent, lela Ui feet deep, en North l'lue, bvlwevu Chestnut aud Walnut atrveta. Two-aterv brlr-k dwelling ImncH uiii. w.nt yarda, Iren fmicea. Ieta lie feel drop, ea Weal Wuluut, between .Mary aud l'lue avreeta. Twtery brlek dwelling houaea, lnu 1 feet deep, en W eat U-men alreet, between Churlelte and Mary alrceta. Throeterv brick dwpiiinirimtiK. in.D irjw... deep, with all the niiMern linpnnriVenta'fnmi arda,en Weal Chealnui atrevl, beiwtt.ii l'lue aud Nevle alrecta. " AiV,.!leu,e.,?n EMt Walnut, North Ume North Mary, betwetu Walnut und Lemen, and Lemen, belweeu Mary and l'lue atrreu. All the above heuaca are lu geed order, newly papered, gaa fix tuna In ull tliu roeina, water In the kitchen, and the cellnra warranted te be dry. Call aud see for yeuraelf, no trouble te aliew you. JNO. F. OHIKL.I ., apr20-lyd.M. W.S. tUJ NerUi Mary BtreeU TACKlNa8,AH KOLUIWH : IMKIUO, KOK I HU-uinand Hydraulic rurklng.Aabeailleiie, ecu and Wick 1'uckliiK, Hemp I'ucklng, Aa Aa Aa bekloaMlllUeard, Aabeatea Cement, Aabt-atea Bheatblinr, Gum Packlng.Uum Nlnga for Water Uaugea, Plumbago tiukTng, Keed'a Patent Aa lSiJ?l,JIjJ.u,';J Sectional I'Tne Cever, at JOHN UEtjl-S. ll Eaal Fulton atreet. w7-tfd "WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY ' the pound, loe; In leta of lopeundaor eer,0c All goeda delivered te any part of the cltyKree. Calleu JOHN UEST, NeTaaj Eaat Fultea atreet. ' mT-td jm 'Tntr fKKJ"V"ii iaaW Kl '" f- re PK;raira rcaav fenrVmrr tlie I In. WZT vxf ntlllAnC CfHt-f iEanytIiJng that gees for bur or lime. The Ribbons, gew-gaws, and filigree te put with tlieni arc close by. Children's Hats. A hundred or mere conceits. Net easy te trig out the little ones te mamma's fancy, but you can de it here whether your wants are for dressy occasions or for out ing and knockabout. Just as much novelty in the Children's Millinery corner as where the choicest shapes for big folks are gathered. The tide of Summer Millinery flews strong and full. We were never better prepared than new with warm weather headwear. Shetland, Cashmere and Fancy Shawls, slightly soiled or faded, reduced te half land less 50c te $2.50, were $1 te $6.50. Second fleer, Uheatnut atrwl. Six styles of women's fine Hemstitched I landkcrchicfs, printed borders and embroid ered corners, at I2jc each. Pure linen, of course. We've been getting 25c for them. A dozen ether 1 Iandkerchief prices arc nodding like that. 1 lerc arc three : (loed quality ahrcr Mneu IlnuilkeiihliN, uuw uhi border, !. Men'a fine Ilnnd-lli'iiialllrlieil ItnnilUer- chlefx, hitTeale. Vn thuiiiiht them kimmI value at V n duten ; new SI n iluren, ttiree for JI. Six nrwalilea flne Ifomalllrlied Iliuiill.ir- 1 libra, bloueliod mid fancy druuu-uerk bnrilera, 2'iC eurh. Hiulhneat of eontre. Geed judges say the Wana makcr Special Rackets are the equal of any made costing a third mere. Jmenlle, tl Yeulh'a, lUirt riilriiieunl.).' 1lrluinnt.S-l.rJ) WlKxiihh'keii,! VI (li-rniniiteMii. Sl..rll Ardniere, tiM (lerieuiit'n H clul, M If you prefer another make any ether it's here. Forty seven styles in all. lliscmcnt, niirtliiTut of eenlre. Jehn Wanamaker. jittvutturc. ITBNItlf W01.1-, FURNITURE STORE, haa removed le ITS Enat Klue atreet, linNltiKii ftill line of Furniture of every oenerlplleii nt ilia IOHlprleea. Alae UndertukliiK promptly nl. tended te. Call nnd einmluoeiir kk1. avt-lfdlt H. WOI.K. I3H litat KlngHtrfOt. 11 EINI'l-HII'S I'UltNlTL HE tlKI'OI WIDE AWAKE llUMTH ill kIi lntr n eninlilnnllen of UUhest mil 1 1 v of the .Miiniif leturir'a Art hriillthii nit taunt lleilgm nnd the l.euesl Prleei lu Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be awake te their nun Intcre'l nnd enll upon in when their want Mill be rullvsnti piled. " ' u ener te-day a splendid iiMnrtuicnl of 1'iu lerHullx lnTeitrl('.iiinil PUikhei nlapci hilly Lew Pi Ici .' HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street, "veils .Cuiiiiw. SPECIAL OFFERING reu JUNE! Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Miule, At Urenlly Iteituceil Prices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturer and Healer, (Id.M A 4th Fleer.) Ne. 31 HOUT1I QUEEN lllEf.-l'. XyiUM i-"e1im COKNEKi The Big Mark-Down Widmyer's Cerner HT1I.L CONT1NU6S, Efry Uradoef FURNITURE GOING RAPIDLY, Te liiake re)in for Building Improvements. We must haveelbew room for the workmen Mho Mill put lu the new front nml iiuiUe ether ImprexriiientK. IIikiiii Is of uieru ieustiiieuu Jlixt lien- tinlll (,'oe.t prleea. CuU iuhi MViirelhe Imiieilna uhlle they lust. OpiHirtuultlca llku Ihla rurtly invur. WIDMYER, COHNr.U OK KAST KINiJ AND I)L Kll STHl'.iri'S. TNaLEl'IlEEaiOCli PAItM. STORM KING (2161.) KECOItl) 2.10. Hired by Happy Medium, aire erjil iierfermeifi frein 2:115 le '2.J0. Dam Tepy Ta1er b AK . auder'aNoiniuii,lruer l.ulu.'J.lll.,, Ac. ,te. Terma for Hnrlni: kvaaeu of lsie, JVlfuritfe.il. Fer tabulated iiedJtfi-ee und ether liiforiuatleu. addrei DANIEL (J. KNOI.E, aprU-imd&vr ilaritttu, Pa, Fer Bargains, -00 TO- P.&SNYDERABRO.. Ne. 14 West King St. Every thing Sold At and Belew Cost, AH WE AUK POSITIVELY fiOINO OUT Ol' IlUrilNESM. miijMiii'l TTAUEItAllUOTItEU. Hager & Brether, .c roleriu;s ,cw rrintinr?, IN India Pongees I The JlnU I'epnlnr Cotten fabric. MHxlnlHlylcaluarnyaiinit Old Itre. Weel Ciiallis, SHVlllM. r)8perl.il Htyle, Tiench Coterlnt. PERSIAN MULL! I'lnk nnil nine Hrli, Ptnlc nnd Tnn Hlrlpc. rerincriirltr, Me ; aelllns lit 12'Cc FRENCH BATISTE, KlIVI'TIAN rO'lTOX, 15 Ceiita. riutiiheil like Mull ('iilerhipa und IickIku L'iijiIi d from I'reui h Ortfuuilli. OUTINGS SUITINGS, TKNNIH CLOTHS, Se, 10e, I2Jc. lnKtlenf Rlrlpe nml PI 1I1U nml ('umhlnn ('umhlnn tlen of (VilerlniiH like the I'ltKNCII nnd Hl'OlCII WAMII l-'l.ANNEI.S. HPECIAI. Ql'AMTY lit U'r. WASH FLANNELS 2JV, He. We hPECIAIjHTYI.ES I'dII mtl-HHEt, HPEflAI.SrYI.lJSrOKSIIIUTs, wii.i.NernmtiNK en PAitr. Black Goods for Summer! I1LACK WOOr.dUr.N.VIUNIN, IlliAOIC WOOIj 1IATIHTE, DI.ACK HI1.1C WAUPOI-OUIOSA, 11I.ACIC M01IA1KTAMISE, ltliACKSILK NETS, llt.ACK8M.lv I.ACE ri.0U.NCIN(14. 11 Mitl.VINS IN UEAI, INDIA HII.IC,73e,l.0O. iiuiiamn 20, 27,29,31 West King St,, I.ANt KTEIt. PA. UOIN-l I1UKIAI.NS! MIDSUMMER BARGAINS AT Till NEW YORK STORE. We I!ue ltecil rortiiuute hi eeiirlng Tin I'lcics Vl-luih rifiUliKI) CHINA S1I.KS, 111 Old Uikk. Mnlioue, (tnrm I, Nny, Knt;i', IU.uU nnd Ihewn Urulindi, '1 hey iut7Je jnrjl te Impert, They w. II go f.m nt Ihe new price, S7J je. Xl'AV OMIlltl Wdel, CIIAI.MUS, IX) Iiielidt Wide, Jleaiitlful CiilnrhiK, iie n jd. Our Linen Department Una liinur iittrnelleu for elnae liuera hut woelfor te tin) ii Sinehil l'inchUM' of 50 pluen 1'i'isi: l.ixnxTAiiiii: damasks, One futirlh under liaual prliea hec Mlint emit hursnlnx uenjlii nt ISie, m , iv,lc, i)e, 7Je, S7'te,SI WulidSl '-. l'lfty Doten (W All l.hien l!l.i:.( Hill) KA.MASK NAPKINS, At JI (Uu dozen ; nexcraeld ferleis th.in Jl.Je. i.Aitiii: ni.r.Acnui) nrcu iuvi:i., At 12'iclUeh. One lluiiilietl Uezin Knotted Prince l'lNlST CJKKMAX DAMASK TOWT.I.S, At 25e Apiece. WATT & SHAND, C. 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. yiiu-hiucru. CiutUY in Bret'K iiest riivmeAi,, j lliiiiimercd ILir Jren, Henlilt Itoihied lien, Hill-din's ItlM't Iren, llUet, Het mid I'eM Heller Iren, Met I, Shut Iren .rll) le .Ne. If., at JOHN llll'.s,.li.l 1-ji.i Pulton atreet. luT-IM IJl'MPS, IIOIl.EU', .MIMNO.fENTlIIFl'. tul Mint Mi alii I'll iii i, el nn eupiielt),Ht JOHN MXi"K,,l.i:iKiiMKiillonMreet. liiT.ifd OTP.AM HEATISTlir.COMlNHIIl'.ATPOU O iluelllnca, iliurehea, hIiihiI 1ieini, elc, theiiKli MieiiMfully ued ene hiinihul jtura nun. lien) en eoniemp'iiion (liani;e enll en JOHN lll.'il, uhevitl t!le Jim u kallifiifter) Jeb, lit u lair prhe. i ii7-l Id 1 Altlli t'l ll AI'll.Mlit.N PAID 'HI .mimi'i .Aiaiiinv, raiiiin-. Draw Hi's nml llllie Prliita. ut prkia riuMtnahle, ill JOHN HhhTb. :UJ t-'jit h ulten slnet. iiiT-U.l IOIt AMntll'ANKilirPEEIll',YI.INl)Elt 1 I.llbrlra!er. (lliiksl)ll Ciiih for Hi'arliDjfc, j en can get thorn ut JOHN IIUSl'r, :i I'mi Kulteti atreet. in7-tfd -ei.i nite.syr, i.iqi'iiw ami sizinu V I reralniui neiK.m JOHN IHisf'tVi:! Iiht rulleualrix't. in7-tftl T7OltHT IIIO.N PIPE HITIMII, 110 I'll pi jiu nnd leiliniinr. up lei-liKh diameter, Malleable Klttllis, I hillm , KI,iu;e Unions, .Miinlteldi, Amerle-.in I'nlena, Tubu hupiMirls llnmiera, Heer and (Vlllni; Pl.iti-), go te JOHN JIESf M. SO 1 jut I'ulten alrtvt. luMfd "?10lthTEM (lt'(IES, 111011 Oil LOW I' Prmaim', Water UniiKea, (Iiiirb fecka, end Whei'U or Welirlilid, tibiwi Tube, Whlalhw, bj plioiuiferhU'.ini IJiuiKe, Cylinder Ollera Pluln, Wuter (iiiuke rebinnm. C'e-'l.s ler Steam (laugva, cull en JOHN UEVr, VM Eat Fulton ttreel. Iii7tfd TAKE A LOOK ATTIrV Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers -AT- STACKHOUSE'S, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STREET. TUB FINEST r.vmi HKKX IX IANCASTEH, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. -Hlore time every evenliif at 8 o'clock, oxeept en Sleiulay and Saturday, until Baptem Baptem ber I. D OWN TO Til E THE IIOTTOM IN PHICE I SHOE! THE NEWEST I THE PKETTIE8TI TUE JllVHTWEARKKI Till: CimAl'ICHT (1001) HIIOKHOI.DIN LAN- UASl'EU KOU I.ADIKS' WEAK I Iii nil our hiijlne exiwrlcnce we've aeen rwKHIiei aillwrler te "THE Mo Me ll 1 NT V." Placed aide by aide with any tl uraile sold In Lnncnatcr, there are few I .a 1 lei who would net aelect " THE He ll INTY " na the beat nnd pretllcat. THE MrUlNTY SHOE la thoroughly ell niadothreuirhout. The upperaare out from line Drlght Dongola Leather, sleek, clean and attractive looking. Miiieil ever fuahlonable laaU, flttluc MiiiKlynnd comfortably. Have leather Inner nnd outer aelca, medium In weight, i hleh i lcld readily te the action of the feet, (loed MiliHtantlal aele leather enuutera te protect the heel ahape net opt te turn ever nnd pull the frenta away. THE McO IN r Y HIIOE cornea lu two ldtha-I) and J: ; Opera Teca, with pretty ahnped low heels te enaure eeuit. ferlnble treud. I Jul I es eh en Id net mlaa examining THE MlUINTY HUOE. It Mill please both old and young. The atyle, the male Ine, the Mulsh, the fitting qualities, and last, but net least, the price will make Til E Sic OINTY the popular ahee of the town, ltemomber the figures, tl AX SHAUB& BURNS, 14 Neunt Queen Street, LjAneas- TKK. i'A. AllQ EST ASSORTMENT I MEN'S RUSSET SHOES -AND- OXFORDS. t lne ene of tlie Largest Assortments of Men's Kiisset aud Seal Bheci and Oxford In the city. IUJ.SHETHI10E.S nl 1 SO, 2, U 50, l and M. RUMIET OXKORUS at It 25, IIM, J2 and . The tl. Shoes I huulnTweHt)les. One being nil IluN0t Oenulne Calf Hkln with Hijunre Tlp, and the ether Light OoieCiilrSkln with a ueut ltussct Calfskin Trimming. 'J he Genuine Hand-Made Line at 10 Is from ene of the Heat Factories in Ihe country. I h.uea line efthete lu Blx DlUerent St lea and TlKS Don't Miss Seeing Our Dis play in East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te PREY A ECKERT) the Leader of I.ew Prices tu BOOTS AND SHOES, N0.H.J A 5 EAST KINO STREET, 1.ANCAHTEE. PA. BSterc Closed Every Evening nt fi o'clock Ext ept Monday und Hulurduy. Hctviocvrttm-e. IX ltl)WARE,4C. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO. Continental Lawn Heweri, New Quaker City Lawn Mowers. Hydrant Hese and Garden Hei. R E F R IGER ATORS ! J TWE'IT'S han the hliihcstrepututlnii, Hie mero MitNf.iillen Mlth lot-aeenauiupltonof lee, 1 li.iu jiii nthu llefrigtniter in the niurkct. Jewott's Water Coelers and Filters, Oem Water Filters, i Hammocks, Wire Window Screens and Wire Screen Deers, Hardware and Uoaseferolshlng Goods. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO, '.'(I A. 'ill WEST KING STREET, mj l7-SiiulM,W,S Lanimstfk, Pa, TUMRERANDCXJAlT" J lOIIACCOMIIOOKSANDCASES. WEST. EliN HAltl) WOOUS. Wholesale and Retail, by,, ,,, II. II. MARTIN A CO., nl-l d iil Water Street. Iaucaster. Pa. -AUMGARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Okpici-Ne. I'ja North 0.ueen Stret, and Ne. il North 1'rliH'eatrtfU YAUtsNerih 1'rluee Street, near Reading UeiKiL aullfd LA.NOAJJTSH. PA. vr-iixi AKHOMt ran an. CONTINUATION OF OUR t- Seoend Speeial Sale or One hundred and fifty plea of New and Special Patterns added te the already large aa aa sertinent. 20c Olnghams marked lSe. lie (llngliama marked lJJic, 12,Se Ulngbsma marked Me. One whole case used as a Special Drive, 8c per yard. This Is a decided bargain that prudent buyers Will net paaa. LADIES' AND MISSES' Plain Silk and Silk Taffeta Gloves, In Ulack and Colen, 2'iC, 3So,'Me, 73c, tl. Ladles' Bilk Mitts, In Cream, Black and Tan, 12e. 25c and SOe. Ladle' and Misses' Dress Kid a loves, In Black and Delers, Sic. 60c, 73c, f 1, 11.25, IU50. Suede Meaquetalres, In Black and Colera, 11.25 and fl.UH. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. back of Notion, en the llrat fleer, where ladles will find a large assortment of Faahlenable and Stylish TRAVELING COArs, READY-MADE DRESSES, LAWN TENNIS SUITS, BLOUSE WAISTS and GINGHAM SKIRTS. Calice Wrappers, In Dark and Light Celers, tl te 11.25. Ladies' Flannel Bathing Suits. t2 te 5. LITTLE BOYS' KNEE PANTS, KV.GOc.T.V.tl. Calice and Percale Shirt Walata, 20e, 25c, 60c ana .or. The Favorite Cambridge Tunic Suit for little beya, In Knee Pants, all aires, In light and dark colors, tl 75 te 17.50, The Popular Material for Geufa Summer Suits; ENGLISH SERGE, In Light nnd Dark Stene Celer, Navy Bine and Brown, Skeleton Ceat and Vest, Complete suit, China 811k Pongee Coats and Vests, f7. Kaney Alpaca und Drap d' Etc Ceuta and Vest, ti and t7. French Flannel Coats and Vest, 12, t2.re and .Demet Flannel nnd Seersucker Coats nnd Vent. tl. tl.W, tl 60 und tl.75. Beys' Bummer Coats and Vest, tl te $150. GENT'S SUMMER TROUSERS, All-Weel, Light and Dark Clie lets und Cucal anerea, KM, $.1, $3.50 und tl. Second Fleer, Clothing Depurlraent,rer Men's Working Pants that are reliable and warranted net te rip regular Tailor-Cut Uurment, 75c, DOc, tl, 81.25 audtl.Sft. GENTS LIGHT FELT Summer Derby Hats Reduced te fSOe. Oent's LIglitrColered Seft Feil Pocket Hats reduced te 38c. Twe cases of this season's goods In Men's Straw Hats, All going at 25c. Children's Sailor Hats, In While and Mlcd Straw, I5e. Gent's Fine While Straw Hats, 29c. Beys' Dreas Straw Hale, 23c. LADIES' PARASOLS At Greatly Reduced Prices. Ceet and Pleasant Summer Underwear India Unuze and Huperf1tie Merine, IS cents te Madras Cleth Shirts, Fer Gents aud Beys, tl JO te 52.50. French Flannel Teuriit Shirk, for Gents, tl tet2.50. Fine Silk Outing Shirts, for Gouts, ti50te 17.50. Demet and Cheviot Beating Shirts, for Gents, 25c, 50c, 75c, The Very I-utest Idea lu NECKWEAR Fer Fashionable- Oenta Is the KING TECK, 50c. SUMMER ROCKERS, Fer the Perch, Veranda or Sitting Roem. The Ladles' Fnverlte Summer Chair, mnde of hard flnlahed natural maple, with Mirnlshed slut back, natural Weed splint aeat, strong, cool aud comfortable, price, 51. A full assortment of sires In WIRE SCREEN DOORS -AND Self-Adjusting Window Screens. Gent's Lawn Tennis Oxfords, Pedestrian Cut, Seal llrmrn Canvas Uppers, Hard Rubber Sele, all sliea. Prh e, f 1. Gent's Chocolate Celer Balmoral Drcsa Shet, Stjllsh Londen 'I eCHthta) that Is sure lobe, come popular aa a hummer Drcsa Shee price, Ladles' Lace Oxfords, In all the popular t lea, 75c teUb. d Wash Ginghams ! I Fester 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., Asr NU UU MARJtET 8T HARRI8BURQ, PA, L Gahsman & BreJ Tbe Crratnt ladgrtratiila Eur Mm4 in MEN'S, ItOVa AND CHILDREN'S Children's Sulla, former prices tlandfK newaelllnirat 7V. ChlldrenTs Suits, former prices, ItJJO and 3 nw e.ung ai II, iu. Children's Suits, former price tZW; non selllnvatlli r Berv BuIU, former price HSOj new selllnd Beys-buiu, former prices ti; new selling a itnva' SuIIa. rnrm.pnrtM 9n i . ... Al.n l JUu'sHulU.fermer price WJ10 new selling aj Men's Butts, former price ttO; new selling al Children's Pants, arc. 250. 35c Me. 75c Hummer Coats and Yeats at Reduced Prlc Untl'tt UnmntSM. nattai ait ItfLa OSj ILa saaV Men's Hummer Coats and Vests at 7ie, 0c, l Men's Working Pants reduced te 43c. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. L. Gansman & Bre. Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's ant luuurcm tieming iczciuaive.) ut es xeara Quinr it.. .W.OOsUfEKOFOEAKai. LAKOABTIS.ril 4V Net connected with any ether Cletliln J xieuse in tne ctur. . AtaBe cautious and make no mistake te thai you kei te me rmnipiuce. MVE ElUS .HATHEON. KEEP COOL Therw'sNoTrenbleloKopp Ceet If Yeu Avail leurseu or tne uoanre unereu Here te Buy Summer Clothing. We Have Every Cancellable Klud nnd Celer ll COATS AND VESTS FOR MEN'S WEAR. EVERYTHING LIGH1 COOL AND AIRY. Prices Run from 11.25 te 17.50. Men's Summer Trousers AND WHITE VESTS, In Great Variety and Style. HANDSOME STILES IN FLANNEL SHIRT, AND SUMMER NECKWEAR. Aakto.SeeOnr BLUE AND BLACK SERG1 SUITS for Men Just the Thing for Het Wealher-91.1.00. Myers & Rathven LEADING CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. H 1RSH A BROTHER. Net Making As Much Neise As Thunder, BUT SELLING LIKE LIGHTNING SUCH ISTUE TALE OF OUR ClethingDepartmenl IN A TEW WORDS. Words, like the Clethlnir, which mean mucll uui. aay nine. ree inr yenrseir among eui many lines ei aieira una ue n uumu. We Inauguarate This Week a DEEP CUT PRICE SAL! OK Children's Knee-Pants Soils, About 321 In Number. Broken Sl?es and Leta. Norfolk, Pleated Sacks and Cord liaised. Caatlmeres, Cheviots and Worsteds. Prices One-halfand Twe-thirds of these muiked en .May lat. Can Yeu Afford te Miss This Great Opportunity? MEANWHILE OUR Ready-Made and Hade-te Ordei SUITS Ker MEN and 110 YS continue te pleaae over ever over eue with their Kit, Muke nnd Lew Prices. HO NOT FAILTO SEE THEM. EVERYTHING IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. HUSH & CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. R. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER, PA. avTOTICK TO TKKSPAHHERH AND GUN ,131 NEIta All persons are hereby forbidden le tresnaas en anv of the lands of the 3ern wall nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster bounties, whether Inclesed or unlndeaed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all tree. passing en saja tanas ei we uuueraigueu iw this notlee WW. COLEM AN FREEMAN K. PERCY ALDEN. KDW. OL rHKJUf AN. BROTHER y . iJ .. -'. V iC t .Tl''